1940 U.S. Federal Census of Henry in Fulton County, Fulton, Indiana
Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com
USA > Indiana > Fulton County > 1940 Census of Henry in Fulton County
A Surnames
Adams | Richard L | born about 1933 |
Albitz | Bonnie | born about 1925 |
Albitz | Marvin | born about 1890 |
Albitz | Ula | born about 1888 |
Alspaugh | Edna | born about 1881 |
Alspaugh | Lena R | born about 1886 |
Alspaugh | Rose | born about 1870 |
Alzer | Beatrice | born about 1902 |
Alzer | Durward | born about 1899 |
Anderson | Betty | born about 1931 |
Anderson | Charlotte | born about 1934 |
Anderson | Mable | born about 1911 |
Anderson | Wesley | born about 1908 |
Armstrong | Charles | born about 1933 |
Armstrong | Thelma | born about 1907 |
Arter | Anna | born about 1871 |
Arter | Edward S | born about 1876 |
Arter | Elizabeth | born about 1917 |
Arter | Flora May | born about 1877 |
Arter | Harvey | born about 1892 |
Arter | Helen | born about 1891 |
Arter | John A | born about 1867 |
Arter | Mary | born about 1879 |
Arter | William | born about 1870 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
B Surnames
Baber | Robert | born about 1919 |
Bacon | Arther J | born about 1880 |
Bacon | Cora Myrtle | born about 1882 |
Bacon | Helen N | born about 1909 |
Bacon | Larry J | born about 1937 |
Bacon | Paul Dean | born about 1932 |
Bacon | Phil E | born about 1930 |
Bacon | Russell | born about 1908 |
Bahney | Bobby | born about 1929 |
Bahney | Bonnie | born about 1933 |
Bahney | Charles H | born about 1884 |
Bahney | John | born about 1936 |
Bahney | Leah | born about 1884 |
Bahney | Marvin | born about 1936 |
Bahney | Nellie | born about 1910 |
Bahney | Urban | born about 1904 |
Bahney | Virgil | born about 1939 |
Bair | Dora | born about 1881 |
Bair | Marian | born about 1891 |
Balinger | Allen | born about 1864 |
Ball | Jennie G | born about 1865 |
Ball | Tressie | born about 1884 |
Ball | Willodean | born about 1910 |
Balley | Cleo | born about 1886 |
Balley | George | born about 1885 |
Balley | Irene | born about 1909 |
Balley | Joseph | born about 1908 |
Ballinger | Hubert | born about 1921 |
Ballinger | Marvin | born about 1898 |
Ballinger | Ola | born about 1894 |
Bammerlin | Albert W | born about 1902 |
Bammerlin | Carol Dale | born about 1931 |
Bammerlin | Robert | born about 1908 |
Bammerlin | Robert Dean | born about 1930 |
Bammerlin | Ruth Agnes | born about 1906 |
Bammerlin | Verna | born about 1910 |
Bammerlin | William | born about 1865 |
Bark | Bulak L | born about 1882 |
Barnes | Albert E | born about 1887 |
Barnes | Carol A | born about 1938 |
Barnes | Deloris | born about 1925 |
Barnes | Donald | born about 1930 |
Barnes | Donald Jr | born about 1921 |
Barnes | Edwin | born about 1934 |
Barnes | Effie May | born about 1910 |
Barnes | Elizabeth | born about 1910 |
Barnes | Ethel | born about 1888 |
Barnes | Francis Louis | born about 1933 |
Barnes | Fred | born about 1914 |
Barnes | Harsh Laffegette | born about 1940 |
Barnes | Isaac I | born about 1862 |
Barnes | Jesse May | born about 1931 |
Barnes | Jesse Mcdonald | born about 1897 |
Barnes | Kathryn | born about 1908 |
Barnes | Lenora | born about 1919 |
Barnes | Margaret | born about 1921 |
Barnes | Pauline Lucille | born about 1919 |
Barnes | Roy | born about 1893 |
Barnes | Stanley | born about 1911 |
Barnes | Thomas | born about 1936 |
Barnes | William | born about 1879 |
Barnhart | A Ruth | born about 1903 |
Barnhart | Belva Jean | born about 1938 |
Barnhart | Homer | born about 1906 |
Barnhart | Mamie | born about 1912 |
Barnhart | Ralph | born about 1902 |
Barnhart | William | born about 1885 |
Barnhisel | Margaret | born about 1875 |
Barnhisel | Noah | born about 1864 |
Barr | Bertha | born about 1882 |
Bastian | Byron | born about 1891 |
Bates | Charles Houston | born about 1937 |
Bates | Edgar | born about 1912 |
Bates | Joe D | born about 1936 |
Bates | Pauline | born about 1916 |
Baum | George | born about 1885 |
Baum | Golda | born about 1886 |
Bawers | Harvey | born about 1886 |
Bawers | Hazel | born about 1889 |
Bawers | Herman | born about 1918 |
Beatty | Bobby | born about 1937 |
Beatty | Bonnie | born about 1927 |
Beatty | Glen | born about 1924 |
Beatty | Ives | born about 1886 |
Beatty | Loren | born about 1930 |
Beatty | Louisa | born about 1899 |
Beatty | Phyllis | born about 1934 |
Becker | Donna Lee | born about 1934 |
Becker | Irene | born about 1910 |
Becker | Lee V | born about 1906 |
Bedwell | Joseph W | born about 1898 |
Bedwell | Julia Ann | born about 1929 |
Bedwell | Leon | born about 1926 |
Bedwell | Mary M | born about 1900 |
Beer | Florence E | born about 1904 |
Beer | George W | born about 1906 |
Behner | Martha | born about 1872 |
Beik | Mary | born about 1882 |
Bell | Joseph Robert | born about 1926 |
Bell | Ray | born about 1890 |
Bell | Virginia | born about 1924 |
Bell | Zelda | born about 1904 |
Bemendefer | Gerald | born about 1898 |
Bemendefer | Lavone | born about 1900 |
Bemendefer | Mary | born about 1921 |
Benner | Dorothy | born about 1917 |
Benner | Kenneth | born about 1911 |
Benner | Phillip | born about 1934 |
Benner | Roselie | born about 1939 |
Bennett | Eleanor | born about 1885 |
Bennett | Kenneth | born about 1925 |
Berger | Aaron | born about 1881 |
Berger | Gertrude | born about 1886 |
Berger | Mary Ruth | born about 1922 |
Berger | Robert | born about 1919 |
Berger | William E | born about 1886 |
Berger | Zona | born about 1884 |
Bess | Roland E | born about 1938 |
Billings | Claude | born about 1904 |
Billings | Esther | born about 1909 |
Black | Ethel F | born about 1897 |
Black | Gene A | born about 1931 |
Black | Henry A | born about 1898 |
Boone | Belle | born about 1912 |
Boone | Herbert | born about 1935 |
Boone | Max | born about 1937 |
Boone | Rex | born about 1932 |
Boone | Rosemary | born about 1940 |
Boone | Simpson | born about 1904 |
Boswell | Barbara J | born about 1939 |
Boswell | Januita | born about 1911 |
Boswell | Joseph | born about 1908 |
Bowen | Albert | born about 1919 |
Bowen | Albert R | born about 1867 |
Bowen | Bernice | born about 1902 |
Bowen | Delbert | born about 1917 |
Bowen | Edison | born about 1894 |
Bowen | Emma | born about 1878 |
Bowen | Fern | born about 1900 |
Bowen | Grace | born about 1884 |
Bowen | Jene | born about 1933 |
Bowen | Joseph | born about 1879 |
Bowen | Juanita Pearl | born about 1923 |
Bowen | Kathryn | born about 1920 |
Bowen | Lois | born about 1916 |
Bowen | Lovie | born about 1925 |
Bowen | Milo | born about 1862 |
Bowen | Nelson | born about 1877 |
Bowen | Paul | born about 1914 |
Bowen | Raymond | born about 1908 |
Bowers | Dulen | born about 1879 |
Bowers | Elaine | born about 1938 |
Bowers | Esther | born about 1915 |
Bowers | Esther | born about 1916 |
Bowers | Gilford | born about 1908 |
Bowers | Ilene | born about 1918 |
Bowers | Jerry L | born about 1933 |
Bowers | Larry J | born about 1934 |
Bowers | Peggy C | born about 1937 |
Bowers | Ralph | born about 1920 |
Bowers | Raymond | born about 1911 |
Bowman | Edwin | born about 1865 |
Bowman | Eliza | born about 1864 |
Boyer | Betty | born about 1925 |
Boyer | David | born about 1916 |
Boyer | Pearl | born about 1884 |
Bracey | Barbara | born about 1929 |
Bracey | Florence | born about 1904 |
Bracey | Lynford | born about 1902 |
Bracey | Lynford G | born about 1927 |
Bradway | Charles | born about 1915 |
Bradway | Chester | born about 1895 |
Bradway | Clifford | born about 1888 |
Bradway | Dale | born about 1928 |
Bradway | David | born about 1921 |
Bradway | Florence | born about 1922 |
Bradway | Harry E | born about 1920 |
Bradway | Mary Ellen | born about 1898 |
Bradway | Pauline | born about 1923 |
Bradway | Pearl | born about 1888 |
Bradway | Ray | born about 1925 |
Bradway | Richard | born about 1937 |
Bradway | Robert | born about 1931 |
Bradway | William | born about 1916 |
Bradway | Willis | born about 1918 |
Breen | Clarence | born about 1879 |
Breen | Ollie | born about 1901 |
Brickle | Florence N | born about 1903 |
Brickle | Omer L | born about 1883 |
Bridegroom | Claude L | born about 1882 |
Bridegroom | Isabelle | born about 1886 |
Bright | Betty L | born about 1929 |
Bright | Clifford A | born about 1899 |
Bright | Dora F | born about 1863 |
Bright | Fanchion Marie | born about 1900 |
Bright | Frank | born about 1865 |
Bright | George | born about 1927 |
Bright | Goldie | born about 1896 |
Bright | Junior | born about 1925 |
Bright | Kenneth | born about 1916 |
Bright | Lois | born about 1929 |
Bright | Nellie | born about 1889 |
Bright | Robert | born about 1922 |
Bright | Velma | born about 1923 |
Brooks | Billy George | born about 1930 |
Brooks | Doris May | born about 1926 |
Brooks | Janet Gay | born about 1938 |
Brooks | Jesse Akins | born about 1871 |
Brooks | Jesse Devon Jr | born about 1904 |
Brooks | Katherine Cleo | born about 1906 |
Brooks | Lettie May | born about 1871 |
Brooks | Lillian | born about 1912 |
Brooks | Orvill | born about 1914 |
Brown | Lily A | born about 1879 |
Brown | William | born about 1876 |
Brugh | Neligene M | born about 1919 |
Brundye | Ina W | born about 1865 |
Bryant | David M | born about 1870 |
Bryant | Donald | born about 1907 |
Bryant | Elizabeth | born about 1873 |
Bryant | Ida | born about 1885 |
Bryant | Josephine | born about 1873 |
Bryant | Lloyd F | born about 1885 |
Bryant | Tempy | born about 1885 |
Bryant | Verlin P | born about 1923 |
Bucher | C Edward | born about 1915 |
Bucher | Charles | born about 1938 |
Bucher | E Lucille | born about 1917 |
Bucher | Louise | born about 1915 |
Bucher | Phillip | born about 1939 |
Bucker | Ammon J | born about 1870 |
Bucker | Maradean | born about 1922 |
Bucker | Mary Alvida | born about 1880 |
Bugby | David Paul | born about 1921 |
Burch | Donald C | born about 1883 |
Burch | Eugene | born about 1927 |
Burch | Nina Marie | born about 1925 |
Burch | Nona | born about 1889 |
Burch | Raymond | born about 1929 |
Burch | Samuel | born about 1919 |
Burck | Charles | born about 1920 |
Burck | Merta | born about 1889 |
Burck | Russell M | born about 1889 |
Burdge | Harry | born about 1894 |
Burdge | James E | born about 1875 |
Burdge | Martha J | born about 1917 |
Burdge | Mary Jane | born about 1939 |
Burdge | Sarah M | born about 1881 |
Burdge | Semohhia | born about 1906 |
Burdge | Sue John | born about 1932 |
Burkett | Ann | born about 1910 |
Burkett | David L | born about 1932 |
Burkett | Helen | born about 1911 |
Burkett | Jean | born about 1928 |
Burkett | Marcia S | born about 1934 |
Burkett | Norman | born about 1911 |
Burkett | Orpha R | born about 1892 |
Burkett | Orval | born about 1925 |
Burkett | Patricia J | born about 1935 |
Burkett | Raymond | born about 1909 |
Burkett | Richard | born about 1931 |
Burkett | Roscoe | born about 1890 |
Burkett | Tommy J | born about 1939 |
Burnett | Arthur | born about 1898 |
Burnett | Rebecca | born about 1903 |
Burns | Amanda | born about 1866 |
Burns | Cecil | born about 1888 |
Burns | Clara A | born about 1861 |
Burns | Emerson | born about 1929 |
Burns | Emerson L | born about 1914 |
Burns | Etta Joyce | born about 1940 |
Burns | Georgetta | born about 1917 |
Burns | Goldie B | born about 1894 |
Burns | Grace | born about 1901 |
Burns | Howard | born about 1935 |
Burns | Hubert | born about 1933 |
Burns | Irvin R | born about 1923 |
Burns | Jesse | born about 1899 |
Burns | Lester J | born about 1908 |
Burns | Lester L | born about 1936 |
Burns | Lula | born about 1899 |
Burns | Martha A | born about 1873 |
Burns | Mary E | born about 1862 |
Burns | Max L | born about 1900 |
Burns | Robert G | born about 1866 |
Burns | Robert R | born about 1899 |
Burns | S M | born about 1865 |
Burns | Sarah | born about 1858 |
Burrows | Claude | born about 1889 |
Burrows | Jackson | born about 1924 |
Burrows | Lelah | born about 1891 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
C Surnames
Caldwell | Abraham | born about 1901 |
Caldwell | Donald | born about 1931 |
Caldwell | Florence | born about 1904 |
Caldwell | Ruthellyn | born about 1934 |
Carell | Martha | born about 1873 |
Carell | Miller | born about 1865 |
Carpenter | Della Best | born about 1877 |
Carpenter | Elbridge | born about 1867 |
Carpenter | George | born about 1870 |
Carpenter | Regina | born about 1869 |
Carr | Carrie Marie | born about 1923 |
Carr | Donnabel | born about 1931 |
Carr | Dorothy M | born about 1918 |
Carr | Lonzo | born about 1886 |
Carr | Minnie | born about 1891 |
Carr | Omer L | born about 1921 |
Carr | Oscar A | born about 1917 |
Carr | Ralph | born about 1926 |
Carrothers | Rose | born about 1869 |
Carrothers | William | born about 1870 |
Chapman | Dorothy M | born about 1920 |
Chapman | Harold M | born about 1918 |
Chapman | Jeanette M | born about 1939 |
Churchill | Charles | born about 1870 |
Churchill | Dora | born about 1879 |
Churchill | Grace Pearl | born about 1884 |
Clark | Betty Lou | born about 1929 |
Clark | Donna Rose | born about 1939 |
Clark | Elie D | born about 1878 |
Clark | George Edward | born about 1909 |
Clark | Lula M | born about 1880 |
Clark | Mary Ann | born about 1938 |
Clark | Mary E | born about 1849 |
Clark | Melvin Leroy | born about 1899 |
Clark | Mildred R | born about 1901 |
Clark | Opal Mary | born about 1914 |
Clark | Richard Lee | born about 1934 |
Clark | Robert | born about 1934 |
Clayton | Orlando | born about 1868 |
Clemens | Clara M | born about 1918 |
Clemens | Dwight | born about 1922 |
Clemens | Everett | born about 1884 |
Clemens | Hazel | born about 1897 |
Clemens | James | born about 1879 |
Clemens | Jimmy Lee | born about 1931 |
Clemens | Mary | born about 1879 |
Clevenger | Dale Milton | born about 1901 |
Clevenger | Marie | born about 1893 |
Clingingpeel | Emagene | born about 1927 |
Clingingpeel | Marcila | born about 1932 |
Clinker | Alvin | born about 1886 |
Clinker | Herbert | born about 1923 |
Clinker | Ivan | born about 1901 |
Clinker | Jessie | born about 1901 |
Clinker | Martha | born about 1887 |
Clinker | Wallace | born about 1923 |
Coffman | Clifford | born about 1915 |
Comer | Dasia | born about 1899 |
Comer | Frank | born about 1901 |
Cook | Elvie Elmer | born about 1888 |
Cook | Hattie Cecelia | born about 1891 |
Cooper | Kenneth | born about 1922 |
Cooper | Mabel | born about 1903 |
Cooper | Vance | born about 1899 |
Coplen | Flossie May | born about 1896 |
Coplen | James S | born about 1931 |
Coplen | Joanna May | born about 1923 |
Coplen | John Dee | born about 1925 |
Coplen | Ray | born about 1896 |
Cox | Albert J | born about 1895 |
Cox | Aletha May | born about 1908 |
Cox | Bell M | born about 1897 |
Cox | Delbert Earl | born about 1929 |
Cox | Donald | born about 1938 |
Cox | Dorothy | born about 1912 |
Cox | Dorthea Jean | born about 1930 |
Cox | Floyd Eldon | born about 1938 |
Cox | Genevea | born about 1939 |
Cox | Helen Fern | born about 1937 |
Cox | Jesse M | born about 1902 |
Cox | Marietta | born about 1933 |
Cox | Melton Leroy | born about 1931 |
Cox | Mildred | born about 1932 |
Cox | Paul | born about 1904 |
Cox | Red Ressler | born about 1923 |
Cox | Rosey B | born about 1880 |
Cox | Willa Monel | born about 1925 |
Craig | Helen | born about 1901 |
Craig | Odus | born about 1897 |
Crall | Mattie Estella | born about 1876 |
Crall | Simon Henry | born about 1877 |
Crockett | Carl | born about 1896 |
Crockett | Freda | born about 1933 |
Crockett | Maude | born about 1898 |
Cuffel | Mary M | born about 1868 |
Cuffel | William H | born about 1858 |
Cumberland | Eldon | born about 1915 |
Cumberland | Lura Juanita | born about 1915 |
Cumberland | Mariam Naomi | born about 1915 |
Cumberland | Max Lyle | born about 1939 |
Cumberland | Robert Eugene | born about 1937 |
Cumberland | Shirley Ann | born about 1932 |
Cumberland | Vernon Marion | born about 1913 |
Cumberland | Walter Delmer | born about 1935 |
Curlis | Judd | born about 1874 |
Currie | Virginia | born about 1923 |
Curry | Gertrude | born about 1890 |
Curry | John Owen | born about 1886 |
Curtis | Edwin J | born about 1858 |
Curtis | Elizabeth A | born about 1863 |
Curtis | Minnie | born about 1876 |
Cutchall | Martha | born about 1877 |
Cutchall | Milo | born about 1880 |
Cutshaw | Catherine | born about 1917 |
Cutshaw | Jay | born about 1885 |
Cutshaw | Margaret | born about 1922 |
Cutshaw | Paul | born about 1920 |
Cutshaw | William | born about 1917 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
D Surnames
Daine | Cleotis | born about 1917 |
Daine | Jennie | born about 1920 |
Daine | Ruth | born about 1919 |
Dalph | Leona | born about 1873 |
Davis | Clyde | born about 1891 |
Davis | Cora | born about 1882 |
Davis | Faye | born about 1900 |
Davis | Jannita | born about 1926 |
Davis | Marvin | born about 1930 |
Davis | Mildred | born about 1930 |
Davis | Myrtle Glenn | born about 1893 |
Davis | Ralph Laverne | born about 1913 |
Davis | Richard | born about 1924 |
Davis | Ruth C | born about 1889 |
Davis | Voris Irvin | born about 1885 |
Davisson | A C | born about 1872 |
Davisson | Nelly B | born about 1872 |
Dawson | Frank | born about 1893 |
Day | Alwilda M | born about 1877 |
Day | Bevrille | born about 1919 |
Day | Bower | born about 1914 |
Day | Charles E | born about 1877 |
Day | Earl | born about 1911 |
Day | Esta | born about 1886 |
Day | Grace | born about 1909 |
Day | Helen | born about 1910 |
Day | John | born about 1924 |
Day | Joseph | born about 1906 |
Day | Patricia | born about 1933 |
Day | Ralph C | born about 1887 |
Day | Richard | born about 1929 |
Day | Stella | born about 1864 |
Derring | David | born about 1900 |
Derring | David Jr | born about 1923 |
Derring | Esther | born about 1908 |
Derring | Marilyn | born about 1926 |
Derring | Phillip | born about 1934 |
Derring | Vernon | born about 1925 |
Dershem | Betty Sue | born about 1935 |
Dershem | Donnabelle | born about 1914 |
Dershem | Frank | born about 1884 |
Dershem | James Cleon | born about 1912 |
Dershem | Larry Erwin | born about 1934 |
Dershem | Miriam | born about 1916 |
Dershem | Ruth | born about 1890 |
Dick | Carl | born about 1902 |
Dick | Charlene | born about 1935 |
Dick | Mary | born about 1911 |
Dick | Patsy | born about 1931 |
Dickerhoff | Alsiness E | born about 1880 |
Dickerhoff | Edna Marie | born about 1912 |
Dickerhoff | Fred W | born about 1891 |
Dickerhoff | Joseph | born about 1890 |
Dickerhoff | Lawrence W | born about 1928 |
Dickerhoff | May Nora | born about 1890 |
Dickerhoff | Nettie Alice | born about 1882 |
Dickerhoff | Opal | born about 1895 |
Dickey | Alta | born about 1879 |
Dickey | James F | born about 1874 |
Dickey | Robert | born about 1914 |
Dickey | Sadie R | born about 1888 |
Dickey | William E | born about 1875 |
Diele | Estelle | born about 1855 |
Dillman | Franklin | born about 1880 |
Dillman | Howard | born about 1910 |
Dixon | Alma | born about 1915 |
Dixon | Blanche | born about 1891 |
Dixon | Fred | born about 1880 |
Dixon | Irene | born about 1918 |
Dolph | Lela Marie | born about 1915 |
Dolph | Leo | born about 1918 |
Dolph | Thomas Franklin | born about 1934 |
Doub | Harry M | born about 1907 |
Doub | Lottie | born about 1890 |
Doub | Matilda Viola | born about 1908 |
Doub | Otto | born about 1889 |
Doub | Richard L | born about 1933 |
Dowling | Arville | born about 1911 |
Dowling | Jene | born about 1933 |
Dowling | Leame | born about 1916 |
Dowling | Richard | born about 1935 |
Drudge | Ella May | born about 1931 |
Drudge | Louise | born about 1938 |
Drudge | Mayta Hattie | born about 1909 |
Drudge | Phyllis Jean | born about 1935 |
Drudge | Richard | born about 1921 |
Drudge | Robert R | born about 1884 |
Drudge | Wayne | born about 1908 |
Duey | Edith | born about 1884 |
Dust | Wanita | born about 1917 |
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E Surnames
Eber | Helen Maxine | born about 1929 |
Eber | Jacob | born about 1872 |
Eber | Lester Albion | born about 1901 |
Eber | Lester Jr | born about 1927 |
Eber | Ruth Dorthy | born about 1905 |
Eber | Waity Rosela | born about 1874 |
Echelman | Edith | born about 1903 |
Echelman | Ella | born about 1873 |
Echelman | Garland | born about 1927 |
Ellis | Carmen | born about 1924 |
Ellis | Clair | born about 1898 |
Ellis | Donna Belle | born about 1929 |
Ellis | Doris | born about 1907 |
Ellis | Janice | born about 1937 |
Ellis | Marcile | born about 1927 |
Ellis | Orville | born about 1905 |
Ellis | Ruby | born about 1901 |
Emahiser | Jay | born about 1888 |
Emahiser | Mary R | born about 1921 |
Emahiser | Valura | born about 1887 |
Emmons | Fern | born about 1919 |
Engle | Arlene | born about 1933 |
Engle | Beatrice | born about 1914 |
Engle | Bernice | born about 1911 |
Engle | Beula | born about 1922 |
Engle | Claude Leslie | born about 1910 |
Engle | Devon W | born about 1919 |
Engle | Earl | born about 1891 |
Engle | Estel | born about 1918 |
Engle | Gerald | born about 1920 |
Engle | Geraldine | born about 1940 |
Engle | Ina | born about 1895 |
Engle | Katherine T | born about 1896 |
Engle | Louise | born about 1937 |
Engle | Nina Irene | born about 1913 |
Engle | Pauline | born about 1912 |
Engle | Pierce | born about 1910 |
Engle | Wayne Kenneth | born about 1916 |
Erb | Anna | born about 1854 |
Eshelman | Dever | born about 1911 |
Eshelman | Edith | born about 1907 |
Eshelman | Eva | born about 1908 |
Eshelman | Ralph | born about 1900 |
Eshelmen | Alvina | born about 1910 |
Eshelmen | Glen Devere | born about 1907 |
Eshelmen | Glenda Marie | born about 1929 |
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F Surnames
Feece | Charles | born about 1874 |
Feece | Peter | born about 1856 |
Fellers | Aron D | born about 1873 |
Fellers | Mary Ella | born about 1871 |
Fenimore | Jeanette | born about 1917 |
Fenimore | Marilyn | born about 1939 |
Fenimore | Ronald | born about 1912 |
Ferguson | Barbara | born about 1907 |
Ferguson | Charles | born about 1934 |
Ferguson | Inyan | born about 1910 |
Ferree | Alfred | born about 1896 |
Ferree | Emory | born about 1859 |
Ferree | Evelyn | born about 1922 |
Ferree | Glodie | born about 1900 |
Ferry | Elvah | born about 1881 |
Feter | Helen | born about 1913 |
Feter | Howard | born about 1910 |
Feter | Jay Jean | born about 1939 |
Fetrow | Edith J | born about 1918 |
Fields | I L | born about 1872 |
Filson | Lee | born about 1925 |
Fisher | Gladys | born about 1902 |
Fisher | Mary L | born about 1925 |
Fisher | William | born about 1871 |
Fishley | Elizabeth | born about 1853 |
Fites | Emelyn Evelyn | born about 1916 |
Fites | Paul Elmer | born about 1915 |
Flahr | Betty | born about 1926 |
Flahr | Betty | born about 1929 |
Flahr | Bruce | born about 1923 |
Flahr | Charles E | born about 1874 |
Flahr | Delbert | born about 1910 |
Flahr | Dickie | born about 1935 |
Flahr | Edna R | born about 1939 |
Flahr | Emma | born about 1876 |
Flahr | Helen | born about 1931 |
Flahr | Lillian | born about 1901 |
Flahr | Marjorie | born about 1932 |
Flahr | Mary May | born about 1924 |
Flahr | Rosella | born about 1913 |
Fleck | Blanch | born about 1909 |
Fleck | Carol A | born about 1935 |
Fleck | Edward | born about 1904 |
Fletcher | Ellone | born about 1913 |
Fletcher | Ethel | born about 1931 |
Fletcher | Herman | born about 1933 |
Fletcher | Loretta | born about 1929 |
Fletcher | Otto | born about 1907 |
Fletcher | Ruth | born about 1935 |
Flohr | Blanche Marie | born about 1888 |
Flohr | Edythe May | born about 1900 |
Flohr | Gilbert Earl | born about 1918 |
Flohr | Gloria Marie | born about 1922 |
Flohr | Ivan Albert | born about 1896 |
Flohr | Jacob Elmer | born about 1882 |
Flohr | James E | born about 1918 |
Flohr | John Rex | born about 1936 |
Flohr | June Carroll | born about 1932 |
Flohr | Larry Lou | born about 1938 |
Flohr | Peggy Ann | born about 1934 |
Flohr | Robert Eugene | born about 1909 |
Flohr | Sylvia Annabelle | born about 1910 |
Floor | Arvan Jr | born about 1930 |
Floor | Bertha May | born about 1915 |
Floor | Bobby Dean | born about 1936 |
Floor | Carl Ralph | born about 1915 |
Floor | Cleo | born about 1926 |
Floor | Deloris Colleen | born about 1938 |
Floor | Earl Deroy | born about 1917 |
Floor | Earnest Lee | born about 1933 |
Floor | Geneva Bell | born about 1914 |
Floor | Gladys | born about 1928 |
Floor | James | born about 1935 |
Floor | Janette | born about 1924 |
Floor | June Arlene | born about 1918 |
Floor | Larry Lee | born about 1937 |
Floor | Leo | born about 1909 |
Floor | Marcella Marie | born about 1939 |
Floor | Marian | born about 1925 |
Floor | Martha | born about 1930 |
Floor | Nila Marie | born about 1938 |
Floor | Norma | born about 1923 |
Floor | Orvan | born about 1896 |
Floor | Patricia Jean | born about 1940 |
Floor | Vera | born about 1897 |
Fluke | Frances | born about 1912 |
Foor | Amos E | born about 1915 |
Foor | Clark W | born about 1889 |
Foor | Grace | born about 1888 |
Foor | Lucia V | born about 1886 |
Foor | W Earl | born about 1886 |
Foreman | Joseph E | born about 1877 |
Foreman | Olive B | born about 1878 |
Franbarker | Doris W | born about 1873 |
Frankle | John | born about 1919 |
Frazee | Elizabeth J | born about 1933 |
Frazee | John | born about 1911 |
Frazee | Marjorie A | born about 1933 |
Frazee | Ruth Marjorie | born about 1912 |
Frymire | Cynthia | born about 1908 |
Frymire | Harry | born about 1897 |
Fulton | Arthur | born about 1930 |
Fulton | Charles | born about 1932 |
Fulton | Leon F | born about 1905 |
Fulton | Rosalind | born about 1908 |
Funk | Ella | born about 1878 |
Funk | John W | born about 1878 |
Funk | Walter | born about 1923 |
Funnel | Harry Eugene | born about 1906 |
Funnel | La Donna | born about 1935 |
Funnel | Miriam Viola | born about 1911 |
Funnel | Wanda | born about 1930 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
G Surnames
Gagnan | Faye | born about 1905 |
Gagnan | Floyd | born about 1903 |
Gagnan | Marian | born about 1928 |
Gagnan | Marvin | born about 1934 |
Gagnon | David Oneal | born about 1939 |
Gagnon | Jesse Edward | born about 1930 |
Gagnon | Mamie M | born about 1909 |
Gagnon | Oneal | born about 1906 |
Gagnon | Rose Louise | born about 1931 |
Gagnon | Virgil Lamoine | born about 1935 |
Galentine | Grace | born about 1916 |
Gant | Charles | born about 1918 |
Gant | Karl | born about 1889 |
Gant | Mabelle | born about 1891 |
Gant | Thomas | born about 1925 |
Gast | Alma Tina | born about 1899 |
Gast | Andrew A | born about 1856 |
Gast | Clara M | born about 1886 |
Gast | Flora E | born about 1864 |
Gast | Karen Lynn | born about 1937 |
Gast | Kenton Andrew | born about 1927 |
Gast | Richard Knollton | born about 1921 |
Gast | Rudolph N | born about 1859 |
Gast | Whitney Kline | born about 1896 |
Gearhart | Adam Earl | born about 1881 |
Gearhart | Billy | born about 1928 |
Gearhart | Charles | born about 1882 |
Gearhart | Dick | born about 1933 |
Gearhart | Dorothy | born about 1927 |
Gearhart | Edna | born about 1893 |
Gearhart | Emma Lavenda | born about 1860 |
Gearhart | Esther Fern | born about 1897 |
Gearhart | Frank | born about 1889 |
Gearhart | Freda | born about 1919 |
Gearhart | Gerald | born about 1918 |
Gearhart | Gertrude | born about 1932 |
Gearhart | Glendora | born about 1925 |
Gearhart | Hazel | born about 1880 |
Gearhart | Joan | born about 1937 |
Gearhart | Larry | born about 1935 |
Gearhart | Lee | born about 1926 |
Gearhart | Leo | born about 1925 |
Gearhart | Max | born about 1930 |
Gearhart | Robert | born about 1928 |
Gearhart | Roger | born about 1938 |
Gearhart | Ruth | born about 1932 |
Gearhart | Sharon | born about 1934 |
Geiger | Pauline E | born about 1916 |
Geiger | Richard I | born about 1916 |
Gerig | Chester | born about 1912 |
Gerig | Chester Jr | born about 1936 |
Gerig | Dean Gordon | born about 1930 |
Gerig | Effie S | born about 1904 |
Gerig | Eli E | born about 1879 |
Gerig | Ethel A | born about 1884 |
Gerig | John | born about 1905 |
Gerig | Marain | born about 1910 |
Gieger | Betty | born about 1921 |
Gieger | Clayce | born about 1905 |
Gieger | Connie | born about 1939 |
Gieger | Edith | born about 1913 |
Gieger | Henry | born about 1914 |
Gieger | Henry | born about 1934 |
Gieger | Joe Allen | born about 1936 |
Gieger | Larry | born about 1936 |
Gieger | Nellie | born about 1880 |
Gieger | Patsy | born about 1928 |
Gieger | Peggy | born about 1930 |
Gill | Aurelia | born about 1889 |
Gill | John | born about 1893 |
Glage | Bruce | born about 1934 |
Glage | Cynthia | born about 1867 |
Glage | Daisy | born about 1900 |
Glage | Gerald | born about 1926 |
Glage | Leo | born about 1898 |
Glage | William | born about 1920 |
Godwin | Ivan | born about 1866 |
Godwin | Lora E | born about 1871 |
Goff | Minnie | born about 1880 |
Good | Alonzo | born about 1867 |
Good | Elizabeth | born about 1912 |
Good | Keith Ray | born about 1932 |
Good | Leon Leroy | born about 1934 |
Good | Mertie L | born about 1879 |
Good | Ray | born about 1909 |
Gragg | Forrest | born about 1906 |
Gragg | Frances | born about 1913 |
Gragg | Malinda J | born about 1939 |
Graham | Fred | born about 1910 |
Graham | Frieda | born about 1911 |
Grassnickle | Dale | born about 1894 |
Gray | Alice | born about 1920 |
Gray | Bonnie | born about 1940 |
Gray | Clifford | born about 1922 |
Gray | Edward | born about 1915 |
Gray | Garland | born about 1923 |
Gray | Geneva | born about 1918 |
Gray | Gertrude | born about 1896 |
Gray | John | born about 1919 |
Gray | Katherine | born about 1921 |
Gray | Lois | born about 1927 |
Gray | Mary Ellen | born about 1923 |
Gray | Richard L | born about 1938 |
Gray | Richard O | born about 1913 |
Gray | Robert | born about 1917 |
Gray | Vivian | born about 1925 |
Gray | Waldo | born about 1917 |
Green | Josephine Viola | born about 1909 |
Green | Paul Stewart | born about 1897 |
Grogg | Alice D | born about 1872 |
Grogg | Ethel | born about 1914 |
Grogg | Mason | born about 1867 |
Groninger | Alice | born about 1923 |
Groninger | Dwight Lee | born about 1931 |
Groninger | Gordon Lenord | born about 1926 |
Groninger | Harold | born about 1915 |
Groninger | Louise | born about 1918 |
Groninger | Mary Ora | born about 1888 |
Groninger | Otto Lowell | born about 1924 |
Groninger | Roy Lynn | born about 1888 |
Groninger | Wayne Lewis | born about 1928 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
H Surnames
Hahn | Carrie | born about 1889 |
Haldeman | Ada | born about 1894 |
Haldeman | Charles | born about 1915 |
Haldeman | Delores Louise | born about 1920 |
Haldeman | Elma E | born about 1875 |
Haldeman | Helen | born about 1919 |
Haldeman | Howard Eugene | born about 1922 |
Haldeman | Lillie | born about 1874 |
Haldeman | Lloyd H | born about 1898 |
Haldeman | M June | born about 1897 |
Haldeman | Polly Charlene | born about 1939 |
Haldeman | Sara Frances | born about 1924 |
Haldeman | Tural | born about 1900 |
Haldeman | Vernon | born about 1882 |
Hammond | | born about 1919 |
Hammond | | born about 1939 |
Hammond | Arlene | born about 1932 |
Hammond | Aura | born about 1874 |
Hammond | Burwell | born about 1875 |
Hammond | Doris A | born about 1913 |
Hammond | Elizabeth | born about 1869 |
Hammond | Fred | born about 1914 |
Hammond | Gladys | born about 1934 |
Hammond | Harold | born about 1909 |
Hammond | James L | born about 1931 |
Hammond | Mary Jane | born about 1871 |
Hammond | Wilbur | born about 1877 |
Hammonds | Billy Owen | born about 1929 |
Hammonds | Donald Boyd | born about 1917 |
Hammonds | Gene Lewis | born about 1925 |
Hammonds | Merl Eugene | born about 1918 |
Hammonds | Nellie | born about 1896 |
Hampton | Ruth E | born about 1885 |
Hand | John | born about 1926 |
Hand | Lamain | born about 1903 |
Hand | Marie | born about 1902 |
Hand | Quentin | born about 1925 |
Hand | Tamara | born about 1939 |
Hant | Amanda A | born about 1874 |
Hant | Noah | born about 1870 |
Hardy | Betty Rose | born about 1924 |
Hardy | Floyd W | born about 1903 |
Hardy | Mildred H | born about 1904 |
Hardy | Phylis J | born about 1929 |
Harman | Cecil | born about 1926 |
Harman | Fern | born about 1891 |
Harman | Frank | born about 1888 |
Harman | Joseph | born about 1917 |
Harman | Katy | born about 1932 |
Harman | Leroy | born about 1913 |
Harman | Lester M | born about 1916 |
Harman | Lewis | born about 1928 |
Harman | Patsy | born about 1934 |
Harman | Robert | born about 1924 |
Harold | Florence E | born about 1867 |
Harold | Milo | born about 1866 |
Harper | Arthur | born about 1931 |
Harper | Edward | born about 1933 |
Harper | Eugene Allen | born about 1939 |
Harper | George | born about 1903 |
Harper | George Jr | born about 1926 |
Harper | Geraldine | born about 1932 |
Harper | Jeane | born about 1928 |
Harper | Merl | born about 1924 |
Harper | Mildred | born about 1905 |
Harper | Paul | born about 1930 |
Harper | Richard Eugene | born about 1917 |
Harper | Shirley Audrey | born about 1917 |
Harriet | Arthur | born about 1877 |
Harriet | Maggie | born about 1882 |
Harris | Gladys | born about 1909 |
Harris | Lyle | born about 1930 |
Harris | Walter | born about 1906 |
Harsh | Florence | born about 1869 |
Harsh | Gail | born about 1887 |
Harsh | Mary | born about 1889 |
Harter | Amanda S | born about 1896 |
Harter | Clara | born about 1877 |
Harter | Clem C | born about 1873 |
Harter | Herbert Andrew | born about 1938 |
Harter | Howard | born about 1882 |
Harter | Leo S | born about 1896 |
Harter | Willa Dale | born about 1898 |
Hartes | Carolyn | born about 1935 |
Hartes | Charles W | born about 1862 |
Hartes | Fern M | born about 1904 |
Hartes | Joseph C | born about 1932 |
Hartes | Lowella | born about 1868 |
Hartes | Suzzanne | born about 1938 |
Hartes | W C | born about 1899 |
Hartman | Christine | born about 1938 |
Hartman | Eva | born about 1916 |
Hartman | Gail | born about 1923 |
Hartman | Henry | born about 1914 |
Hartman | June | born about 1918 |
Hartman | Keller | born about 1916 |
Hartman | Mable | born about 1893 |
Hartman | Phyllis | born about 1921 |
Hatch | Gara E | born about 1920 |
Hatch | Sherwin A | born about 1916 |
Hatch | Stearns S | born about 1917 |
Hatfield | Clara | born about 1877 |
Hatfield | Glen R | born about 1910 |
Hatfield | Ina J | born about 1910 |
Hathaway | Thomas | born about 1857 |
Hattery | George W | born about 1857 |
Hauppert | Thomas | born about 1918 |
Hayden | Betty Ann | born about 1921 |
Hayden | George | born about 1919 |
Hayden | Jack | born about 1924 |
Hayden | June | born about 1926 |
Hayden | Louise | born about 1893 |
Hayden | Norman | born about 1891 |
Hayden | Thomas | born about 1930 |
Hayden | Vincent | born about 1918 |
Heeter | Judith | born about 1939 |
Heeter | Lloyd | born about 1904 |
Heeter | Patricia K | born about 1916 |
Hellers | Betty Jane | born about 1929 |
Hellers | Charles Lee | born about 1926 |
Hellers | Donald Louis | born about 1940 |
Hellers | Dorthy Jean | born about 1933 |
Hellers | Kenneth Verl | born about 1902 |
Hellers | Lena Eva | born about 1907 |
Helney | Claude | born about 1883 |
Helney | Minnie | born about 1888 |
Heltzel | G Maxine | born about 1910 |
Heltzel | Marvin | born about 1909 |
Helvey | Florence | born about 1880 |
Helvey | Frank | born about 1882 |
Helvey | Frank Jr | born about 1921 |
Helvey | Maurice | born about 1915 |
Helvey | Stanley | born about 1939 |
Helvey | Willadean | born about 1918 |
Hendersen | Dessia | born about 1883 |
Henderson | Jessie L | born about 1922 |
Herenden | Bessie May | born about 1883 |
Herenden | Charles | born about 1923 |
Herenden | Charles B | born about 1878 |
Herenden | Harold Eugene | born about 1916 |
Herrick | Charles L | born about 1907 |
Herrick | Dora | born about 1876 |
Hester | Charles | born about 1933 |
Hester | Darwin | born about 1901 |
Hester | Darwin Jr | born about 1928 |
Hester | E Joan | born about 1926 |
Hester | Edythe | born about 1895 |
Hester | Lucy | born about 1930 |
Hester | M Jean | born about 1923 |
Hester | O Allen | born about 1936 |
Higgins | Ester | born about 1861 |
Higgins | Forrest D | born about 1900 |
Higgins | Hazel | born about 1897 |
Higgins | Mary Lou | born about 1926 |
Higgins | Willis | born about 1903 |
Higgins | Wilma Cozette | born about 1907 |
Hiland | Elsie | born about 1888 |
Hill | Betty | born about 1930 |
Hill | Billy | born about 1927 |
Hill | Carol J | born about 1933 |
Hill | Dickie | born about 1931 |
Hill | Don | born about 1907 |
Hill | Don Kay | born about 1931 |
Hill | Faudelene | born about 1906 |
Hill | Frank | born about 1932 |
Hill | Geraldine | born about 1912 |
Hill | Geraldine | born about 1925 |
Hill | Guy | born about 1906 |
Hill | Guy Jr | born about 1924 |
Hinely | Billy J | born about 1936 |
Hinely | Francis | born about 1939 |
Hinely | Mary Josephine | born about 1917 |
Hinely | Sherman | born about 1914 |
Hively | Darwin Gene | born about 1924 |
Hively | Faye | born about 1895 |
Hively | Josie | born about 1887 |
Hively | Mary L | born about 1902 |
Hively | Ray W | born about 1900 |
Hively | Roberta Lou | born about 1928 |
Hively | William | born about 1881 |
Hoff | Carrie | born about 1888 |
Hoff | Issac | born about 1880 |
Hoff | John I | born about 1923 |
Hoffman | Alvin | born about 1924 |
Hoffman | Arthur Delbert | born about 1875 |
Hoffman | Carrie N | born about 1877 |
Hoffman | Clyde | born about 1902 |
Hoffman | Dayton L | born about 1882 |
Hoffman | Earl | born about 1921 |
Hoffman | Eather Lavon | born about 1898 |
Hoffman | Edward | born about 1933 |
Hoffman | Emma Jean | born about 1935 |
Hoffman | Emma K | born about 1867 |
Hoffman | Florence | born about 1868 |
Hoffman | Ga Nelle | born about 1921 |
Hoffman | Jessie | born about 1884 |
Hoffman | Larry | born about 1939 |
Hoffman | Leara | born about 1902 |
Hoffman | Lola | born about 1879 |
Hoffman | Mabel E | born about 1887 |
Hoffman | Max | born about 1894 |
Hoffman | Noah | born about 1871 |
Hoffman | Nora Cecelia | born about 1911 |
Hoffman | Rebecca | born about 1859 |
Hoffman | Retta Pearl | born about 1880 |
Hoffman | Robert | born about 1916 |
Hoffman | Samuel | born about 1861 |
Hoffman | Virgie | born about 1938 |
Hoffman | Wayne | born about 1919 |
Hoffman | William Foser | born about 1897 |
Hoover | Bessie | born about 1917 |
Hoover | Denny L | born about 1937 |
Hoover | Glen | born about 1913 |
Hoover | Marilyn K | born about 1938 |
Hoover | Virginia | born about 1865 |
Hosman | Ida | born about 1866 |
Howard | Florence | born about 1904 |
Howard | Harry R | born about 1876 |
Howard | Myrtle | born about 1881 |
Howard | Shirley A | born about 1924 |
Huffman | Grover | born about 1885 |
Huffman | Irene | born about 1922 |
Huffman | Jerry Lee | born about 1935 |
Huffman | Joe | born about 1927 |
Huffman | Max W | born about 1925 |
Huffman | Myrtle | born about 1888 |
Huppert | Chris | born about 1875 |
Huppert | Doris | born about 1921 |
Huppert | Evelyn | born about 1907 |
Huppert | Grace | born about 1881 |
Huppert | Harry | born about 1915 |
Huppert | Helen | born about 1939 |
Huppert | Wayne | born about 1937 |
Huppert | William | born about 1906 |
Hutchinson | Elva | born about 1889 |
Hutchinson | James | born about 1879 |
Hutchinson | Judson | born about 1911 |
Hutchinson | Ned | born about 1920 |
Hutchison | Catus L | born about 1938 |
Hutchison | Cotus C | born about 1915 |
Hutchison | James | born about 1881 |
Hutchison | Jennie A | born about 1887 |
Hutchison | Nellie | born about 1920 |
Hutchison | Patricia | born about 1940 |
Hutchison | Wayne | born about 1921 |
Huter | Clara E | born about 1877 |
Huter | Emma G | born about 1887 |
Huter | Holles H | born about 1882 |
Huter | Mary E | born about 1861 |
Huter | Oscar | born about 1868 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
I Surnames
Igle | Earl | born about 1910 |
Igle | Freddie | born about 1933 |
Igle | Irene | born about 1915 |
Igle | Robert | born about 1937 |
Imhoff | Florence D | born about 1893 |
Imhoff | Geraldine | born about 1920 |
Imhoff | London W | born about 1893 |
Irelan | Charles J | born about 1911 |
Irelan | Helen | born about 1910 |
Irelan | Nancy Anne | born about 1936 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
J Surnames
Jacobs | Carl | born about 1912 |
Jacobs | Gertrude | born about 1914 |
Jacques | Robert Ht | born about 1920 |
Jantz | Jaqueline | born about 1926 |
Jantz | Judy | born about 1934 |
Jantz | Lucille | born about 1902 |
Jantz | Theodore | born about 1902 |
Johnson | Arthur | born about 1870 |
Johnson | Emerson | born about 1910 |
Johnson | Harry E | born about 1878 |
Johnson | Laura | born about 1870 |
Johnson | Lovella | born about 1873 |
Johnson | Orpha | born about 1881 |
Jones | Donald | born about 1933 |
Jones | Edgar Le Roy | born about 1878 |
Jones | Jessie | born about 1890 |
Jones | Lottie | born about 1893 |
Jones | Mary E | born about 1853 |
Jones | Richard | born about 1929 |
Judd | Gus | born about 1924 |
Judd | Kathryn | born about 1902 |
Judd | Thomas | born about 1904 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
K Surnames
Kail | Raymond | born about 1896 |
Kail | Ronald | born about 1932 |
Kail | Ruth L | born about 1903 |
Kamp | Alfretta | born about 1876 |
Kamp | Estel | born about 1896 |
Kamp | Forest | born about 1922 |
Kamp | Irene | born about 1916 |
Kamp | Jackie | born about 1935 |
Kamp | James A | born about 1880 |
Kamp | Reuben | born about 1873 |
Kamp | Russel | born about 1911 |
Kamp | Uinces | born about 1883 |
Kampen | Alfred | born about 1896 |
Kampen | Frieda | born about 1932 |
Kampen | Helen | born about 1937 |
Kampen | Marie | born about 1910 |
Kangs | Burt Dewayne | born about 1916 |
Kangs | Harriet Evalyn | born about 1921 |
Karns | Betty | born about 1920 |
Karns | Joseph | born about 1916 |
Karper | Alma | born about 1882 |
Karper | Larson | born about 1881 |
Keesey | Elmer | born about 1882 |
Keesey | May | born about 1891 |
Keim | Charles F | born about 1881 |
Keim | Myrtle Jane | born about 1883 |
Keiser | Phyllis | born about 1917 |
Keplinger | Frederick H | born about 1916 |
Keplinger | Pearl Faye | born about 1917 |
Kercher | Frank | born about 1861 |
Kern | Jacob W | born about 1861 |
Kern | Kathryn | born about 1876 |
Kern | Patricia Mae | born about 1940 |
Kern | Robert | born about 1920 |
Kern | Ruth | born about 1922 |
Kesler | Mack | born about 1870 |
Kesler | Melinda | born about 1873 |
Kessey | Carolyn Sue | born about 1931 |
Kessey | Fred | born about 1911 |
Kessey | Janet | born about 1935 |
Kessey | Nona | born about 1888 |
Kessey | Odie | born about 1886 |
Kessey | Patricia | born about 1928 |
Kessey | Robert | born about 1925 |
Kessey | Ruby | born about 1921 |
Kestle | Max | born about 1917 |
Kestle | Ruth | born about 1917 |
Kestle | Steven | born about 1939 |
Killion | Charles Lewis | born about 1924 |
Killion | Eva Bernice | born about 1901 |
Killion | Jack | born about 1926 |
Kinder | Arnetta M | born about 1868 |
Kinder | George F | born about 1868 |
Kinder | Jean | born about 1926 |
Kinder | Tressa | born about 1897 |
Kindig | Alan Leon | born about 1939 |
Kindig | Alfretta | born about 1858 |
Kindig | Byron | born about 1909 |
Kindig | Carrie | born about 1884 |
Kindig | Clarice | born about 1916 |
Kindig | Clifford | born about 1936 |
Kindig | Dean | born about 1930 |
Kindig | Delton Leon | born about 1913 |
Kindig | Elizabeth Ann | born about 1935 |
Kindig | Fanny | born about 1895 |
Kindig | Foster Leon | born about 1914 |
Kindig | Gladys | born about 1891 |
Kindig | Helen Louise | born about 1925 |
Kindig | James | born about 1920 |
Kindig | Jo Ann | born about 1925 |
Kindig | Leon | born about 1891 |
Kindig | Margaret Louise | born about 1914 |
Kindig | Marjory Lee | born about 1932 |
Kindig | Mary Etta | born about 1924 |
Kindig | Mildred | born about 1910 |
Kindig | Neva | born about 1899 |
Kindig | Paul | born about 1938 |
Kindig | Raymond | born about 1889 |
Kindig | Robert | born about 1924 |
Kindig | Vern | born about 1897 |
King | Gloria Ann | born about 1924 |
King | Phoebe | born about 1871 |
Kirby | Fred | born about 1879 |
Kirby | John | born about 1915 |
Kirby | Nellie | born about 1884 |
Kirby | Viola | born about 1880 |
Kiser | Homer | born about 1883 |
Kiser | Myron | born about 1918 |
Kiser | Rose | born about 1887 |
Kistler | Harriet | born about 1861 |
Kistler | Margaret | born about 1898 |
Klise | Goldie G | born about 1892 |
Klise | Jesse W | born about 1891 |
Klise | John B | born about 1924 |
Koffel | Cora Bell | born about 1873 |
Kraemer | Dean | born about 1908 |
Kraemer | Edelle | born about 1871 |
Kraemer | John | born about 1868 |
Krich | Ettytha L | born about 1902 |
Krich | George H | born about 1897 |
Krich | Mabel L | born about 1927 |
Krieg | Bessie | born about 1886 |
Krieg | Bessie E | born about 1879 |
Krieg | Betty | born about 1920 |
Krieg | Carol Ann | born about 1934 |
Krieg | Charlene | born about 1937 |
Krieg | Charles | born about 1869 |
Krieg | Dale | born about 1911 |
Krieg | David | born about 1909 |
Krieg | Elva Esther | born about 1887 |
Krieg | Evelyn | born about 1915 |
Krieg | Floyd Eugene | born about 1917 |
Krieg | Francis | born about 1867 |
Krieg | George | born about 1873 |
Krieg | Gerald | born about 1916 |
Krieg | Gladys M | born about 1911 |
Krieg | Harvey M | born about 1881 |
Krieg | Joann | born about 1939 |
Krieg | John Henry | born about 1884 |
Krieg | Judith | born about 1937 |
Krieg | Larry E | born about 1939 |
Krieg | Louise | born about 1860 |
Krieg | Lucy M | born about 1882 |
Krieg | Mary | born about 1914 |
Krieg | Maurine | born about 1911 |
Krieg | Opal | born about 1915 |
Krieg | Pearl | born about 1884 |
Krieg | Philip M | born about 1919 |
Krieg | Raymond | born about 1914 |
Krieg | Ronald Eugene | born about 1934 |
Krieg | Sandra K | born about 1937 |
Krieg | Stephen J | born about 1939 |
Krieg | Trela | born about 1908 |
Kroft | Ella | born about 1889 |
Kroft | Emma | born about 1884 |
Kroft | Helen Ruth | born about 1914 |
Kroft | Joseph A | born about 1910 |
Kroft | Merl Devon | born about 1915 |
Kroft | Ulysses S | born about 1871 |
Kuhn | Arthur H | born about 1893 |
Kuhn | Arthur J | born about 1881 |
Kuhn | Clara | born about 1894 |
Kuhn | Clyde | born about 1883 |
Kuhn | Earl Richard | born about 1914 |
Kuhn | Esther | born about 1915 |
Kuhn | Etta | born about 1899 |
Kuhn | George W | born about 1919 |
Kuhn | Harold | born about 1910 |
Kuhn | Henry A | born about 1869 |
Kuhn | Hildred | born about 1909 |
Kuhn | Ida | born about 1870 |
Kuhn | Lenoard | born about 1938 |
Kuhn | Lorena M | born about 1920 |
Kuhn | Lucretia A | born about 1893 |
Kuhn | Max D | born about 1899 |
Kuhn | Neil | born about 1923 |
Kuhn | Norma Jean | born about 1928 |
Kuhn | Ronald Lee | born about 1939 |
Kuhn | Thelma | born about 1909 |
Kuhn | Vida | born about 1888 |
Kuhn | Wilma | born about 1917 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
L Surnames
Lacky | Carol Dorene | born about 1939 |
Lacky | Lorene | born about 1923 |
Lacky | William | born about 1921 |
Lamara | Paul | born about 1900 |
Landis | Arthur | born about 1916 |
Landis | Charles Georgie | born about 1923 |
Landis | Dessie Winna | born about 1888 |
Landis | Donald Edward | born about 1936 |
Landis | Earl Eugene | born about 1936 |
Landis | Edwin | born about 1856 |
Landis | Eunice Alberta | born about 1897 |
Landis | Eva Ruth | born about 1903 |
Landis | Fay Marguerite | born about 1910 |
Landis | Helen Irene | born about 1926 |
Landis | Herbert Roy | born about 1885 |
Landis | Howard | born about 1913 |
Landis | Irene | born about 1912 |
Landis | Iseral | born about 1860 |
Landis | Lewis Kay | born about 1938 |
Landis | Margaret Ann | born about 1938 |
Landis | Norma Jean | born about 1933 |
Landis | Richard | born about 1928 |
Landis | Robert | born about 1930 |
Landis | Theodore R | born about 1901 |
Landis | Tommy Lee | born about 1939 |
Landis | Vera Francis | born about 1923 |
Landis | Willis | born about 1919 |
Lantz | Ernest | born about 1894 |
Lantz | Eva | born about 1896 |
Lantz | Harry F | born about 1924 |
Lantz | John | born about 1900 |
Lantz | Joseph Henry | born about 1866 |
Lantz | Joseph Jr | born about 1913 |
Lantz | Mary | born about 1900 |
Lantz | Mary J | born about 1922 |
Larne | Grace | born about 1884 |
Larne | Milo | born about 1874 |
Larue | Dean | born about 1922 |
Larue | Devur | born about 1901 |
Larue | Ruth Irene | born about 1904 |
Latomer | Archie Leroy | born about 1886 |
Latomer | Vernice Amelia | born about 1894 |
Leader | Charles | born about 1865 |
Leader | Sara | born about 1882 |
Leininger | Anna | born about 1882 |
Leininger | Barbara | born about 1904 |
Leininger | Beryl | born about 1927 |
Leininger | Byron | born about 1928 |
Leininger | Clara | born about 1876 |
Leininger | Cloyd | born about 1899 |
Leininger | Dale | born about 1897 |
Leininger | Donald | born about 1932 |
Leininger | Dora | born about 1877 |
Leininger | Gretchen | born about 1902 |
Leininger | Harold | born about 1911 |
Leininger | Harold L Jr | born about 1936 |
Leininger | Hilda | born about 1903 |
Leininger | Joanna | born about 1916 |
Leininger | John | born about 1921 |
Leininger | John R | born about 1940 |
Leininger | Lewis | born about 1879 |
Leininger | Marget A | born about 1888 |
Leininger | Marian E | born about 1912 |
Leininger | Mary Jane | born about 1882 |
Leininger | Mary M | born about 1912 |
Leininger | Mary P | born about 1919 |
Leininger | Newell D | born about 1929 |
Leininger | Oliver | born about 1872 |
Leininger | Phillip | born about 1929 |
Leininger | Ralph | born about 1901 |
Leininger | Robert | born about 1925 |
Leininger | Roy | born about 1890 |
Leininger | Ruth | born about 1901 |
Leininger | Sarah Ann | born about 1874 |
Leininger | Sidney | born about 1885 |
Leininger | Walter | born about 1904 |
Leininger | William | born about 1875 |
Leininger | Willis | born about 1876 |
Leward | Jessie | born about 1908 |
Leward | Ones | born about 1902 |
Lewis | Betty Lou | born about 1938 |
Lewis | Harold | born about 1931 |
Lewis | Lucille | born about 1913 |
Lewis | Raymond | born about 1903 |
Lieher | Jean | born about 1922 |
Linebrink | Jesse | born about 1880 |
Linebrink | Nora | born about 1881 |
Linebrink | Ray | born about 1913 |
Litton | Betty | born about 1927 |
Litton | Eleanor | born about 1923 |
Litton | Elmer W | born about 1894 |
Litton | Mary | born about 1902 |
Long | Laura | born about 1869 |
Love | Carrie | born about 1874 |
Love | Earl | born about 1929 |
Love | Evadona | born about 1907 |
Love | Richard | born about 1933 |
Love | Royce | born about 1931 |
Love | Russell | born about 1908 |
Lowe | Cara | born about 1880 |
Lowe | Donald Eugene | born about 1930 |
Lowe | Furman | born about 1891 |
Lowe | Golda | born about 1895 |
Lowe | Helen Marie | born about 1908 |
Lowe | James | born about 1920 |
Lowe | Leroy | born about 1929 |
Lowe | Lucile | born about 1914 |
Lowe | Rezall C | born about 1908 |
Lowe | Walter | born about 1914 |
Lowman | Sam D | born about 1868 |
Lowmaster | Anna May | born about 1928 |
Lowmaster | Elnora | born about 1907 |
Lowmaster | Oliver C | born about 1900 |
Luchenbill | Alice | born about 1884 |
Luchenbill | Alonzo | born about 1872 |
Luckens | Jack | born about 1925 |
Luckens | Maude | born about 1892 |
Luckens | Ralph | born about 1893 |
Luckens | Ronald | born about 1919 |
Lukenbill | Gary | born about 1935 |
Lukenbill | Kenneth | born about 1907 |
Lukenbill | Mary | born about 1911 |
Lukenbill | Nancy | born about 1934 |
Lukenbill | Shirley | born about 1938 |
Lukens | Audrey Elizabeth | born about 1923 |
Lukens | Charles Murray | born about 1899 |
Lukens | Donald L | born about 1919 |
Lukens | Doris Delight | born about 1904 |
Lukens | Mabel E | born about 1888 |
Lukens | Mary Esther | born about 1930 |
Lytle | Betty | born about 1935 |
Lytle | Billy | born about 1926 |
Lytle | Jennie | born about 1897 |
Lytle | Vance | born about 1923 |
Lytle | William | born about 1895 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
M Surnames
Maby | Leisy | born about 1883 |
Maby | Selah | born about 1877 |
Maddix | Betty Ann | born about 1939 |
Maddix | Harold | born about 1918 |
Maddix | Marjorie | born about 1917 |
Madeford | Elizabeth Adeline | born about 1908 |
Madeford | Frank | born about 1887 |
Madeford | Glen | born about 1900 |
Madeford | Martha L | born about 1926 |
Madeford | Trude | born about 1890 |
Madiford | Eletha | born about 1914 |
Madiford | Joseph | born about 1915 |
Madish | Frank | born about 1916 |
Marks | Leota | born about 1919 |
Marrett | Mary Lou | born about 1925 |
Marsh | Clarence | born about 1882 |
Marsh | Lee W | born about 1909 |
Marsh | Minnie G | born about 1883 |
Marsh | Opal | born about 1904 |
Martin | Arthur | born about 1915 |
Martin | Charles | born about 1885 |
Martin | Charles D | born about 1939 |
Martin | Howard V | born about 1908 |
Martin | J Fred | born about 1890 |
Martin | Jean | born about 1922 |
Martin | L??amy | born about 1889 |
Martin | Louis | born about 1899 |
Martin | Martha E | born about 1910 |
Martin | Miles | born about 1919 |
Martin | Nellie | born about 1895 |
Martin | Ralph E | born about 1934 |
Martin | Reba | born about 1910 |
Martin | Robert W | born about 1936 |
Martin | Ronald E | born about 1937 |
Martin | Virginia | born about 1908 |
Masteller | Billy Lee | born about 1935 |
Masteller | Clarence | born about 1855 |
Masteller | Claude | born about 1918 |
Masteller | Dora Ann | born about 1937 |
Masteller | Eva | born about 1895 |
Masteller | Harry L | born about 1887 |
Masteller | J Walter | born about 1939 |
Masteller | Justin A | born about 1891 |
Masteller | Kathleen | born about 1922 |
Masteller | Louise | born about 1916 |
Masteller | Mary E | born about 1892 |
Masteller | Robert L | born about 1915 |
Mathiesen | Alfred F | born about 1911 |
Mattix | Orville | born about 1896 |
McBride | Ada | born about 1896 |
McBride | Clifford | born about 1928 |
McBride | Ralph | born about 1889 |
McCain | Hilda | born about 1910 |
McCain | James | born about 1919 |
McCain | Vern J | born about 1908 |
McCallaugh | Rosella | born about 1910 |
McCloughan | Alva | born about 1922 |
McFarland | Janet Lee | born about 1937 |
McFarland | John Robert | born about 1913 |
McFarland | Lois Geraldine | born about 1910 |
McFarland | Sharon Louise | born about 1934 |
McGee | Charles | born about 1887 |
McGee | E Gertrude | born about 1883 |
McGee | Edward | born about 1882 |
McGee | Elsie | born about 1915 |
McGee | Ermal | born about 1923 |
McGee | Eugene | born about 1916 |
McGee | Floyd | born about 1913 |
McGee | Francis M | born about 1880 |
McGee | Harold | born about 1926 |
McGee | Joanna M | born about 1906 |
McGee | Loretta | born about 1917 |
McGee | Marlene L | born about 1935 |
McGee | Maurice P | born about 1934 |
McGee | Pearl | born about 1884 |
McGee | Raymond | born about 1929 |
McHattan | Gerald | born about 1914 |
McHattan | Jean | born about 1918 |
McHatton | Anne | born about 1873 |
McHatton | Elizabeth | born about 1923 |
McHatton | Eva | born about 1893 |
McHatton | Irvin | born about 1892 |
McHatton | William | born about 1921 |
McIntyre | Amanda | born about 1873 |
McIntyre | Clarence | born about 1880 |
McIntyre | Don | born about 1905 |
McIntyre | Edith | born about 1891 |
McIntyre | Harold | born about 1906 |
McIntyre | Joseph | born about 1855 |
McIntyre | Margaret | born about 1860 |
McIntyre | Mary Ann | born about 1903 |
McIntyre | Nora | born about 1880 |
McIntyre | William | born about 1852 |
McIntyre | William G | born about 1868 |
McKee | Carol Sue | born about 1937 |
McKee | George E | born about 1897 |
McKee | John E | born about 1928 |
McKee | Marilyn | born about 1933 |
McKee | Richard | born about 1925 |
McKee | Sarah A | born about 1903 |
Mearle | Clair | born about 1900 |
Mearle | Joselyn | born about 1940 |
Mearle | Louise | born about 1905 |
Mearle | Norman | born about 1929 |
Meinert | Helen | born about 1917 |
Meredith | Charles | born about 1888 |
Meredith | Faye | born about 1891 |
Meredith | Harvey | born about 1878 |
Meredith | Kenneth | born about 1902 |
Meredith | Lonzo | born about 1911 |
Meredith | Lucile | born about 1912 |
Meredith | Ruby | born about 1894 |
Meredith | Russell | born about 1895 |
Merley | Charles William | born about 1927 |
Merley | Daisy | born about 1878 |
Merley | Dewey Solomon | born about 1899 |
Merley | Edith Glen | born about 1897 |
Merley | Gladys Gwendolyn | born about 1899 |
Merley | Johan | born about 1925 |
Merley | Leroy Casper | born about 1910 |
Merley | Lovis F | born about 1877 |
Merley | Martha J | born about 1922 |
Merley | Mary Elizabeth | born about 1926 |
Merley | Nyle | born about 1900 |
Merley | Patricia | born about 1927 |
Merley | Robert D | born about 1921 |
Merley | Sara Emily | born about 1875 |
Merley | Ted | born about 1924 |
Meyer | Dean | born about 1923 |
Meyer | Howard | born about 1925 |
Meyer | Roland | born about 1922 |
Mickel | Eva | born about 1908 |
Mickel | Mazie | born about 1912 |
Middleton | Nellie | born about 1886 |
Middleton | Roy | born about 1877 |
Mikesell | Pearl | born about 1881 |
Miller | Agnes | born about 1875 |
Miller | Betty May | born about 1924 |
Miller | Charles E | born about 1860 |
Miller | Charles E | born about 1940 |
Miller | Clarence | born about 1902 |
Miller | Doris A | born about 1932 |
Miller | Dorothy Rose | born about 1938 |
Miller | Ellen | born about 1892 |
Miller | Elmer Le Roy | born about 1882 |
Miller | Esther May | born about 1895 |
Miller | Ethel | born about 1908 |
Miller | Ethel Willa | born about 1885 |
Miller | Frienda | born about 1900 |
Miller | Geraldine Bernice | born about 1923 |
Miller | Helen | born about 1911 |
Miller | Helen Louise | born about 1936 |
Miller | Hugh W | born about 1876 |
Miller | Irene | born about 1914 |
Miller | Isabel | born about 1926 |
Miller | James L | born about 1893 |
Miller | Kathryn | born about 1904 |
Miller | L Rosella | born about 1924 |
Miller | Leonard Orville | born about 1886 |
Miller | Lily | born about 1862 |
Miller | Mae | born about 1912 |
Miller | Marsha Ann | born about 1936 |
Miller | Mary C | born about 1882 |
Miller | Maxine Jene | born about 1925 |
Miller | Nettie Edna | born about 1902 |
Miller | Orra A | born about 1870 |
Miller | Ralph James | born about 1926 |
Miller | Ralph S | born about 1902 |
Miller | Rube | born about 1884 |
Miller | Tola | born about 1901 |
Miller | Vern R | born about 1886 |
Miller | Versa | born about 1888 |
Miller | Virgie | born about 1910 |
Miller | Wanda Geneva | born about 1928 |
Miller | William | born about 1911 |
Miller | William Jr | born about 1939 |
Millow | Alice | born about 1882 |
Millow | Rufus | born about 1883 |
Mills | Rhoda Alice | born about 1864 |
Miner | Idella | born about 1873 |
Minter | Harry | born about 1882 |
Minter | Sadie | born about 1882 |
Mirtes | Edna V | born about 1905 |
Mirtes | Edward J | born about 1899 |
Mogul | Charles | born about 1861 |
Moonshower | Bertha | born about 1882 |
Moonshower | Esta E | born about 1873 |
Moore | Albert | born about 1868 |
Moore | Alfred K | born about 1910 |
Moore | Buddy L | born about 1928 |
Moore | Carl | born about 1900 |
Moore | Emma | born about 1874 |
Moore | Estil | born about 1906 |
Moore | Fannie Mildred | born about 1894 |
Moore | Flaura | born about 1865 |
Moore | Franklin | born about 1870 |
Moore | Fred | born about 1897 |
Moore | Gene Edward | born about 1933 |
Moore | Genevie | born about 1916 |
Moore | Gordon Earl | born about 1921 |
Moore | Irene Vivien | born about 1912 |
Moore | Laura | born about 1868 |
Moore | Lucius R | born about 1888 |
Moore | Nellie Jane | born about 1937 |
Moore | Norman | born about 1865 |
Moore | Orville Lee | born about 1890 |
Moore | Wilson N | born about 1872 |
Morrett | Marjorie | born about 1924 |
Morrett | Thelma Pauline | born about 1905 |
Morrett | Wilbur | born about 1897 |
Morris | Amanda | born about 1861 |
Morris | Arlene E | born about 1917 |
Morris | Betty | born about 1918 |
Morris | Chester | born about 1881 |
Morris | Delson | born about 1913 |
Morris | Freida | born about 1914 |
Morris | Harvey Leroy | born about 1892 |
Morris | Jackie Dean | born about 1923 |
Morris | Kathleen | born about 1920 |
Morris | Loa Grace | born about 1893 |
Morris | Mamie Fay | born about 1885 |
Morris | Wanda Susan | born about 1927 |
Most | Ernest | born about 1866 |
Most | Eva May | born about 1887 |
Moulin | George | born about 1913 |
Moyer | Charles | born about 1904 |
Moyer | Donald | born about 1936 |
Moyer | M Josephine | born about 1906 |
Murphy | Amanda | born about 1885 |
Murphy | Nada | born about 1924 |
Musselman | Alfretta A | born about 1874 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
N Surnames
Nayer | Donald | born about 1889 |
Necasomus | Betty | born about 1932 |
Necasomus | Cecile | born about 1904 |
Necasomus | Clifford | born about 1939 |
Necasomus | Evelyn | born about 1907 |
Necasomus | Floyd | born about 1929 |
Necasomus | Georgia | born about 1935 |
Necasomus | Shirley | born about 1937 |
Nelson | Clarence | born about 1881 |
Nelson | Emma K | born about 1858 |
Nelson | Gusta Ruben | born about 1853 |
Nichols | Ernest | born about 1910 |
Nichols | Helen | born about 1910 |
Nichols | Jack L | born about 1932 |
Nichols | Janice | born about 1937 |
Nichols | Lary | born about 1874 |
Nicodemus | Carol Ann | born about 1938 |
Nicodemus | Esther | born about 1913 |
Nicodemus | Grace | born about 1920 |
Nicodemus | Louise | born about 1915 |
Nicodemus | Peter | born about 1922 |
Nicodemus | Ralph | born about 1925 |
Nicodemus | Robert | born about 1909 |
Nicodemus | Samuel | born about 1881 |
Nicodemus | Stella | born about 1885 |
Nixon | Martha | born about 1868 |
Noral | Salvatore A | born about 1916 |
Norris | Carrie | born about 1884 |
Nye | Clifford J | born about 1918 |
Nye | Gilbert S | born about 1870 |
Nye | Ida B | born about 1872 |
Nye | Paul | born about 1928 |
Nye | Robert | born about 1923 |
Nye | Ruth | born about 1897 |
Nye | Ruth | born about 1918 |
Nye | Suellen | born about 1939 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
O Surnames
Oden | Marian M | born about 1881 |
Oden | Mary E | born about 1884 |
Oliver | Dora Fay | born about 1937 |
Oliver | Kenneth F | born about 1896 |
Oliver | Lynn J | born about 1898 |
Oliver | Mary | born about 1909 |
Oliver | Maude Ella | born about 1902 |
Olson | Margaret | born about 1872 |
Onstatt | Ursula | born about 1869 |
Orr | John N | born about 1869 |
Overlander | Banvina | born about 1910 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
P Surnames
Pahelman | Alvin J | born about 1878 |
Pahelman | Laura Francis | born about 1880 |
Parker | M Janet | born about 1935 |
Parker | M Ruthanna | born about 1914 |
Parker | Roger | born about 1916 |
Partman | Audra Jacob | born about 1885 |
Partman | David | born about 1916 |
Pearson | Charles | born about 1916 |
Pearson | Cliff G | born about 1880 |
Pearson | Goldie May | born about 1887 |
Perry | Ida Florence | born about 1872 |
Perry | Orien | born about 1868 |
Perry | Senettie | born about 1862 |
Personett | Rosalie | born about 1873 |
Personett | Salema | born about 1874 |
Peters | Franklin James | born about 1890 |
Peters | Verda Blanche | born about 1891 |
Pfeiffer | Charles | born about 1928 |
Pfeiffer | Charlotte | born about 1900 |
Pfeiffer | Julius | born about 1890 |
Piepenbrink | Elmer | born about 1894 |
Pike | Duward | born about 1879 |
Pike | Eva | born about 1880 |
Pike | Virginia | born about 1918 |
Pletcher | Charles | born about 1910 |
Pletcher | Charles Jr | born about 1937 |
Pletcher | Mertie | born about 1910 |
Plotner | Everett | born about 1892 |
Pontious | Barbara | born about 1931 |
Pontious | Frank | born about 1870 |
Pontious | Jerry | born about 1935 |
Pontious | Luall | born about 1881 |
Pontious | Pearl | born about 1910 |
Pontious | Raymond | born about 1908 |
Pontious | Sharon | born about 1933 |
Pontius | Ambrose | born about 1874 |
Pontius | Bernice | born about 1903 |
Pontius | Clyde | born about 1898 |
Pontius | Faye | born about 1918 |
Pontius | Glendon | born about 1922 |
Pontius | Gloria A | born about 1932 |
Pontius | Grace | born about 1921 |
Pontius | John | born about 1929 |
Pontius | Marjorie | born about 1899 |
Pontius | May | born about 1894 |
Pontius | Russell | born about 1899 |
Pontius | William | born about 1888 |
Powell | Benjamin | born about 1890 |
Powell | Boyd B | born about 1919 |
Powell | Glen E | born about 1921 |
Powell | Kitty May | born about 1893 |
Powell | Martha L | born about 1876 |
Powell | Oliver | born about 1939 |
Powell | Ruth N | born about 1920 |
Powers | Paul J | born about 1907 |
Pratt | Beulah | born about 1903 |
Pratt | Ethel D | born about 1903 |
Pratt | Gladys | born about 1924 |
Pratt | Gloria Jean | born about 1925 |
Pratt | Irvin | born about 1931 |
Pratt | Melvin | born about 1927 |
Pratt | Philip | born about 1937 |
Pratt | Ralph | born about 1902 |
Pratt | Roland | born about 1923 |
Pratt | Russell W | born about 1902 |
Presnall | Pearl | born about 1876 |
Pressvall | Pearl | born about 1876 |
Prill | Elizabeth | born about 1920 |
Prill | Ray | born about 1884 |
Priser | Betty L | born about 1923 |
Priser | Crilla | born about 1900 |
Priser | Jesse | born about 1903 |
Pudney | Anna | born about 1913 |
Pudney | Beverly | born about 1939 |
Pudney | Clayton | born about 1910 |
Pudney | James | born about 1932 |
Pudney | Robert | born about 1935 |
Putman | Arvid | born about 1912 |
Putman | Doil | born about 1931 |
Putman | Fallon | born about 1892 |
Putman | Mable | born about 1925 |
Putman | Marie | born about 1895 |
Putman | Mary | born about 1912 |
Putman | Nina | born about 1923 |
Putman | Pauline | born about 1929 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
Q Surnames
Quatman | Earl | born about 1884 |
Quatman | Maude | born about 1884 |
Quatman | Patricia | born about 1924 |
Quick | Pearl | born about 1904 |
R Surnames
Rader | Charles Everett | born about 1883 |
Rader | Cloe | born about 1891 |
Rader | Grace Irene | born about 1908 |
Rader | Ralph V | born about 1907 |
Rader | Richard Colfax | born about 1925 |
Rae | Graydon | born about 1910 |
Rae | Josephine | born about 1913 |
Rager | Jerry Scot | born about 1936 |
Rager | Kendal W | born about 1912 |
Rager | Mary Irene | born about 1920 |
Rager | Verl Wesley | born about 1919 |
Rager | Verla Gene | born about 1939 |
Rager | Willadean | born about 1915 |
Ralston | Cinthia | born about 1865 |
Ramsey | Charles Edward | born about 1936 |
Ramsey | Chloe | born about 1887 |
Ramsey | Eloise Joan | born about 1930 |
Ramsey | Ivan A | born about 1878 |
Ramsey | James Clifford | born about 1933 |
Ramsey | John William | born about 1939 |
Ramsey | Kermit | born about 1913 |
Ramsey | Mabel Ruth | born about 1909 |
Ramsey | Verlin A | born about 1909 |
Raxton | Bonnie | born about 1929 |
Raxton | Earl | born about 1933 |
Raxton | Edward | born about 1928 |
Raxton | James | born about 1923 |
Raxton | Jesse Marie | born about 1898 |
Raxton | Larry | born about 1936 |
Raxton | Russel Marlin | born about 1895 |
Raymer | Charles | born about 1888 |
Reed | Bertha | born about 1881 |
Reed | Clyde | born about 1881 |
Regenas | H Elmer | born about 1863 |
Regenas | Nannie | born about 1862 |
Reitzel | Olive C | born about 1860 |
Rhoades | Bobby | born about 1931 |
Rhoades | Dale | born about 1924 |
Rhoades | Irene | born about 1928 |
Rhoades | John Porter | born about 1886 |
Rhoades | Junior | born about 1920 |
Rhoades | Lorene | born about 1926 |
Rhoades | Luvilla | born about 1894 |
Rhoades | Tommy | born about 1922 |
Rhoads | Colefos | born about 1901 |
Rhoads | Edith M | born about 1908 |
Rhoads | Eugene | born about 1928 |
Rhoads | Russell | born about 1927 |
Rhoads | Schuyler C | born about 1861 |
Rhodes | Cecil | born about 1914 |
Rhodes | Don | born about 1920 |
Rhodes | Emma | born about 1886 |
Rhodes | Rex | born about 1922 |
Rhodes | Robert | born about 1929 |
Rhodes | Ross | born about 1927 |
Rhodes | Winfred C | born about 1881 |
Richardson | Agnes | born about 1892 |
Richardson | Clenten | born about 1897 |
Richardson | John | born about 1865 |
Richardson | Omer | born about 1893 |
Richter | La Vergne | born about 1915 |
Richter | Verne | born about 1908 |
Richter | Virgil L | born about 1938 |
Rickle | Elizabeth | born about 1875 |
Riley | Dora J | born about 1917 |
Riley | Effie | born about 1885 |
Riley | Elmira | born about 1850 |
Riley | Forrest | born about 1915 |
Riley | Lloyd | born about 1883 |
Riley | Lulu | born about 1895 |
Riley | William | born about 1921 |
Riley | William P | born about 1885 |
Ringle | Calvin Earl | born about 1920 |
Rittenhouse | Bennie | born about 1909 |
Rittenhouse | Dixie | born about 1933 |
Rittenhouse | J Ann | born about 1936 |
Rittenhouse | James | born about 1908 |
Rittenhouse | James F Iii | born about 1937 |
Rittenhouse | James F Sr | born about 1866 |
Rittenhouse | Lillian | born about 1872 |
Roberts | A C | born about 1861 |
Robinson | Alzada | born about 1882 |
Robinson | Effie | born about 1864 |
Robinson | Theodore | born about 1904 |
Roderick | Blanche | born about 1886 |
Roderick | Clyde | born about 1892 |
Roderick | Virginia | born about 1927 |
Roe | Bertha Marie | born about 1885 |
Roe | Fred Freeman | born about 1885 |
Roger | Eldon | born about 1909 |
Roger | Mary | born about 1887 |
Roger | Mary Jane | born about 1860 |
Roger | Walter | born about 1885 |
Rogers | Earl Eugene | born about 1926 |
Rogers | Harley L | born about 1892 |
Rogers | Hazel Faun | born about 1892 |
Rotterman | Chester | born about 1935 |
Rotterman | George W | born about 1913 |
Rotterman | Mary Jane | born about 1918 |
Rotterman | Orabelle | born about 1937 |
Rowe | Charlotte | born about 1927 |
Rowe | Chas | born about 1861 |
Rowe | Dora | born about 1866 |
Rowe | Eva | born about 1912 |
Rowe | George | born about 1859 |
Rowe | Mary Jane | born about 1925 |
Rowe | Nancy | born about 1935 |
Royer | Benjamin Frank | born about 1906 |
Royer | Erda | born about 1903 |
Royer | Nerla Allora | born about 1875 |
Royer | Orville | born about 1896 |
Royer | Reuben | born about 1869 |
Royer | Vern | born about 1901 |
Rufe | Jacob | born about 1873 |
Rufe | Mabel | born about 1880 |
Rult | Arretta | born about 1895 |
Runkle | Carrie | born about 1888 |
Runkle | Dean | born about 1935 |
Runkle | Edgar | born about 1893 |
Runkle | Gerald | born about 1929 |
Runkle | Ida | born about 1869 |
Runkle | Mary | born about 1906 |
Runkle | Robert | born about 1932 |
Runkle | William | born about 1888 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
S Surnames
Samson | Clarence Burt | born about 1889 |
Samson | Elsie May | born about 1887 |
Samson | Harold | born about 1920 |
Sandis | Frank | born about 1890 |
Sands | Norah S | born about 1878 |
Saner | Charles D | born about 1939 |
Saner | Ferrel L | born about 1906 |
Saner | Fred K | born about 1938 |
Saner | Homer C | born about 1904 |
Saner | Loyd F | born about 1927 |
Saner | Martha Ellen | born about 1872 |
Saner | Robert E | born about 1929 |
Saner | Roy L | born about 1932 |
Sanns | Mae | born about 1871 |
Sanns | William G | born about 1871 |
Sausaman | Cordia | born about 1893 |
Sausaman | Earl A | born about 1886 |
Sausaman | Fay | born about 1888 |
Sausaman | Oda | born about 1903 |
Sausaman | Ray | born about 1890 |
Sausaman | Robert | born about 1918 |
Saygers | Omer | born about 1918 |
Schaeffer | Athony L | born about 1895 |
Schaeffer | Charles George | born about 1932 |
Schaeffer | Clara I | born about 1894 |
Schaeffer | Gerald Anthony | born about 1935 |
Schaeffer | Gertrude Mary | born about 1923 |
Schaeffer | Herman Henry | born about 1931 |
Schaeffer | Janetta Agnes | born about 1926 |
Schaeffer | Martha B | born about 1927 |
Schaeffer | Thresia Clara | born about 1929 |
Schier | James | born about 1917 |
Schipper | Albert E | born about 1895 |
Schipper | Albert Eilt | born about 1930 |
Schipper | Betty Jane | born about 1922 |
Schipper | Hazel | born about 1900 |
Schipper | James Gordon | born about 1936 |
Schipper | Leon Gerald | born about 1927 |
Schipper | Mary Ellen | born about 1929 |
Schipper | Roy Eugene | born about 1924 |
Scott | Albert | born about 1878 |
Scott | Effie | born about 1883 |
Scott | Emory | born about 1872 |
Scott | Eva | born about 1874 |
Sebering | Carl | born about 1932 |
Sebering | James | born about 1884 |
Sebering | Minnie | born about 1890 |
Secor | Alice | born about 1884 |
Secor | Alice L | born about 1864 |
Secor | Daniel | born about 1870 |
Secor | Daniel Dewayne | born about 1914 |
Secor | Dawn | born about 1916 |
Secor | Edward | born about 1922 |
Secor | Harley | born about 1893 |
Secor | Irene | born about 1915 |
Secor | Loie | born about 1894 |
Seininger | Earl | born about 1881 |
Seininger | Nell | born about 1888 |
Seininger | William | born about 1917 |
Severns | Charles R | born about 1924 |
Severns | Emma P | born about 1896 |
Severns | Ralph J | born about 1897 |
Severns | Thelma | born about 1928 |
Shafer | B R | born about 1879 |
Shafer | Bonnie | born about 1931 |
Shafer | Cleo | born about 1901 |
Shafer | Doris | born about 1925 |
Shafer | Florence | born about 1902 |
Shafer | Harry | born about 1900 |
Shafer | Ida | born about 1869 |
Shafer | John | born about 1933 |
Shafer | Josephine | born about 1871 |
Shafer | Marvin | born about 1930 |
Shafer | Myrtle | born about 1877 |
Shafer | Paul | born about 1928 |
Shafer | Ralph | born about 1899 |
Shaffer | Eva | born about 1876 |
Shambaugh | Lewis | born about 1915 |
Shambaugh | Mary | born about 1923 |
Sheets | Dennis | born about 1939 |
Sheets | Emerson | born about 1913 |
Sheets | Hazel | born about 1913 |
Sheetz | Dean | born about 1923 |
Sheetz | Elmer | born about 1892 |
Sheetz | Emma | born about 1895 |
Sheetz | Geraldine | born about 1919 |
Sheetz | Hazel | born about 1907 |
Sheetz | Leon | born about 1906 |
Sheetz | Loren Dean | born about 1934 |
Sheetz | O Dale | born about 1916 |
Sheetz | Richard | born about 1924 |
Shesler | Samantha | born about 1859 |
Shesler | Samuel | born about 1857 |
Shewman | Dora | born about 1916 |
Shewman | Edna May | born about 1917 |
Shewman | Edward | born about 1914 |
Shewman | Elva G | born about 1881 |
Shewman | Harold Deven | born about 1939 |
Shewman | Ralph | born about 1918 |
Shewman | Stanley Lee | born about 1937 |
Shewman | Worthy B | born about 1876 |
Shields | Fannie | born about 1873 |
Shimer | Earl M | born about 1887 |
Shimer | Ella | born about 1867 |
Shimer | Fay H | born about 1888 |
Shimer | Grant | born about 1864 |
Shipley | Anna Mary | born about 1871 |
Shiply | Billy | born about 1922 |
Shiply | Dale | born about 1917 |
Shiply | Russell | born about 1895 |
Shiply | Verna | born about 1896 |
Shireman | Berdella E | born about 1892 |
Shireman | Bonnie Lou | born about 1927 |
Shireman | Nash | born about 1867 |
Shireman | Sarah | born about 1876 |
Shireman | Wilbur A | born about 1886 |
Shireman | William | born about 1866 |
Shively | Arthur W | born about 1920 |
Shively | Betty | born about 1922 |
Shively | Bonnie | born about 1928 |
Shively | Devon | born about 1899 |
Shively | Elmer | born about 1875 |
Shively | Elva E | born about 1907 |
Shively | Ernest | born about 1917 |
Shively | Eva Grace | born about 1892 |
Shively | Francis E | born about 1889 |
Shively | Joseph | born about 1932 |
Shively | Marjory | born about 1926 |
Shively | Viola | born about 1894 |
Shoemaker | Beaulah May | born about 1928 |
Shoemaker | Betty | born about 1932 |
Shoemaker | Cecil | born about 1881 |
Shoemaker | George W | born about 1882 |
Shoemaker | Joe | born about 1855 |
Shoemaker | Kathleen | born about 1933 |
Shoemaker | La Vonne | born about 1914 |
Shoemaker | Louie | born about 1898 |
Shoemaker | Mary E | born about 1883 |
Shoemaker | Miriam | born about 1937 |
Shoemaker | Nancy | born about 1905 |
Shoemaker | Ora | born about 1879 |
Shoemaker | Robert | born about 1931 |
Shoemaker | Russell | born about 1906 |
Shoemaker | Viola | born about 1888 |
Showalter | Betsy | born about 1920 |
Showalter | Billy | born about 1922 |
Showalter | Evelyn | born about 1914 |
Showalter | Everett | born about 1898 |
Showalter | Harry | born about 1890 |
Showalter | Laura | born about 1862 |
Showalter | Phyllis | born about 1891 |
Showalter | Sylvia | born about 1901 |
Shriver | Allen | born about 1875 |
Shriver | Barbara E | born about 1939 |
Shriver | Chester J | born about 1897 |
Shriver | Edith | born about 1902 |
Shriver | Effie | born about 1876 |
Shriver | Esta | born about 1892 |
Shriver | Esther A | born about 1915 |
Shriver | G Ruth | born about 1927 |
Shriver | Garland | born about 1888 |
Shriver | Gene | born about 1926 |
Shriver | Harry Dale | born about 1933 |
Shriver | Jack J | born about 1935 |
Shriver | John | born about 1876 |
Shriver | Louis E | born about 1925 |
Shriver | Melvin | born about 1919 |
Shriver | Milo R | born about 1937 |
Shrout | Irvin Ewell | born about 1918 |
Shrout | Laura Hester | born about 1885 |
Shrout | William Clay | born about 1886 |
Shrout | William Clay Jr | born about 1927 |
Singpiel | Audella | born about 1903 |
Singpiel | Connie J | born about 1934 |
Singpiel | Conrad | born about 1905 |
Singpiel | Francis | born about 1940 |
Singpiel | Mary L | born about 1929 |
Sissel | Lina | born about 1883 |
Sissel | Melvin | born about 1881 |
Slater | Emma | born about 1857 |
Slaybaugh | Carl I | born about 1879 |
Slaybaugh | Daniel | born about 1892 |
Slaybaugh | Edward | born about 1916 |
Slaybaugh | Faith | born about 1894 |
Slaybaugh | Jack | born about 1932 |
Slaybaugh | Joseph | born about 1877 |
Slaybaugh | Julia May | born about 1929 |
Slaybaugh | Lewis E | born about 1902 |
Slaybaugh | Margaret | born about 1904 |
Slaybaugh | Melba June | born about 1924 |
Slaybaugh | Richard | born about 1925 |
Slaybaugh | Sara Lovella | born about 1876 |
Slaybaugh | Stuart | born about 1921 |
Sloffer | Eva | born about 1876 |
Smith | Bernice | born about 1910 |
Smith | Bessie | born about 1919 |
Smith | Betty I | born about 1929 |
Smith | Betty Lou | born about 1929 |
Smith | Carol Ann | born about 1938 |
Smith | Cecil S | born about 1895 |
Smith | Charles A | born about 1911 |
Smith | Charles E | born about 1870 |
Smith | Cleotis Grindell | born about 1894 |
Smith | David | born about 1918 |
Smith | Donald Leroy | born about 1917 |
Smith | Elizabeth G | born about 1933 |
Smith | Ella | born about 1885 |
Smith | Ernest | born about 1911 |
Smith | Esther | born about 1907 |
Smith | Esther | born about 1914 |
Smith | Eva | born about 1906 |
Smith | Fay L | born about 1880 |
Smith | Faye | born about 1896 |
Smith | Frank Pierce | born about 1880 |
Smith | George L | born about 1904 |
Smith | George L Jr | born about 1928 |
Smith | Hazel | born about 1902 |
Smith | Helen B | born about 1913 |
Smith | Henry | born about 1914 |
Smith | Iris | born about 1896 |
Smith | James | born about 1935 |
Smith | Jerry B | born about 1935 |
Smith | John | born about 1939 |
Smith | Lottie M | born about 1881 |
Smith | Luetta | born about 1874 |
Smith | Magaret Ruth | born about 1898 |
Smith | Mary Jane | born about 1858 |
Smith | Mary L | born about 1925 |
Smith | Nancy | born about 1860 |
Smith | Ned | born about 1915 |
Smith | Pauline | born about 1929 |
Smith | Ralph G | born about 1899 |
Smith | Raymond | born about 1938 |
Smith | Richard P | born about 1931 |
Smith | Robert L | born about 1932 |
Smith | Sam C | born about 1906 |
Smith | Violet G | born about 1937 |
Smith | William | born about 1937 |
Smoker | Albert | born about 1879 |
Smoker | Charles | born about 1873 |
Smoker | Charles | born about 1935 |
Smoker | Doyne | born about 1913 |
Smoker | Ernest | born about 1918 |
Smoker | Frank | born about 1863 |
Smoker | Leona Ruth | born about 1892 |
Smoker | Opal | born about 1915 |
Smoker | Rachel | born about 1870 |
Smoker | Tressie | born about 1877 |
Smoker | Violet | born about 1917 |
Smoker | Wayne H | born about 1931 |
Snearly | Ruth | born about 1865 |
Snyder | Betty | born about 1926 |
Snyder | Elvin | born about 1900 |
Snyder | Joyce | born about 1934 |
Snyder | Marie | born about 1883 |
Snyder | Mary Jane | born about 1883 |
Snyder | Oliver Owen | born about 1880 |
Soher | Pearl | born about 1912 |
Soher | Senora May | born about 1931 |
Soher | Thomas A | born about 1901 |
Sowers | Peter | born about 1865 |
Spake | Minnie | born about 1868 |
Spangle | Kenneth | born about 1933 |
Spangle | Margaret | born about 1917 |
Spangle | Owen | born about 1912 |
Spice | Clyde Garrette | born about 1932 |
Spice | Donnelly Dean | born about 1925 |
Spice | Hester Grace | born about 1898 |
Spice | Paul Floyd | born about 1931 |
Spice | Sidney | born about 1891 |
Sriver | Claudie | born about 1911 |
Sriver | Gary Lee | born about 1938 |
Sriver | Grace | born about 1885 |
Sriver | Orville | born about 1909 |
Sriver | Walter | born about 1890 |
Srofe | Ethel | born about 1890 |
Srofe | Scott | born about 1881 |
Stanton | Caroline | born about 1923 |
Stanton | Edgar C | born about 1891 |
Stanton | Edward L | born about 1919 |
Stanton | Fanny A | born about 1894 |
Stark | Gardus | born about 1904 |
Stark | John | born about 1877 |
Stark | Mabel | born about 1884 |
Stark | Marion | born about 1905 |
Stauffer | Clara | born about 1891 |
Stauffer | Harold | born about 1858 |
Steele | Hester | born about 1863 |
Steininger | Elizabeth | born about 1871 |
Stener | Hubbard | born about 1876 |
Stener | Pearl | born about 1882 |
Stephens | Frank | born about 1897 |
Stephens | Frank Jr | born about 1932 |
Stephens | Jane | born about 1930 |
Stephens | Lola | born about 1898 |
Sterling | Fay M | born about 1884 |
Sterling | Harvey R | born about 1882 |
Stinson | A E | born about 1879 |
Stinson | Grace | born about 1884 |
Stout | Adam | born about 1904 |
Stout | Billy E | born about 1922 |
Stout | Boyd | born about 1934 |
Stout | Geraldine | born about 1931 |
Stout | Lavohn | born about 1910 |
Stout | Robert | born about 1933 |
Stout | Theodocia | born about 1879 |
Stout | William | born about 1876 |
Street | Albert B | born about 1887 |
Street | Leah M | born about 1875 |
Strong | Debarah | born about 1866 |
Strong | Norah | born about 1875 |
Stucker | Jack | born about 1924 |
Stucker | Loren | born about 1898 |
Stucker | Nina | born about 1896 |
Studebaker | Norah | born about 1863 |
Sullivan | Grace E | born about 1911 |
Sullivan | Harry | born about 1903 |
Sullivan | Lloyd | born about 1905 |
Sullivan | Martha A | born about 1933 |
Sullivan | Monna L | born about 1931 |
Sunday | Kathryn | born about 1858 |
Sutton | Irvin | born about 1919 |
Suwihart | Garford | born about 1918 |
Suwihart | Lula Bell | born about 1919 |
Suwihart | Mary Lou | born about 1939 |
Swanson | Albert | born about 1920 |
Swanson | Augusta | born about 1874 |
Swanson | Bell | born about 1887 |
Swanson | Lenden | born about 1928 |
Swanson | Romona | born about 1923 |
Swartzlander | Blanche D | born about 1902 |
Swartzlander | F T | born about 1870 |
Swartzlander | R Ruth | born about 1906 |
Swartzlander | Rosita E | born about 1874 |
Swartzlander | Sadie | born about 1880 |
Swick | Arthur | born about 1907 |
Swick | Charles | born about 1908 |
Swick | Herman | born about 1882 |
Swick | Jesse T | born about 1877 |
Swick | Kenneth | born about 1936 |
Swick | Maggie | born about 1867 |
Swick | Marjorie B | born about 1921 |
Swick | Martha | born about 1885 |
Swick | Mary | born about 1883 |
Swick | Mary Racheal | born about 1917 |
Swick | Merl F | born about 1920 |
Swick | Paul Maynard | born about 1937 |
Swick | Pauline | born about 1912 |
Swick | Roy Lee | born about 1940 |
Swick | Willis Maynard | born about 1916 |
Swihart | Carrie | born about 1911 |
Swihart | Charles A | born about 1885 |
Swihart | Donald | born about 1923 |
Swihart | Ethel | born about 1901 |
Swihart | Freddie | born about 1923 |
Swihart | Geraldine | born about 1937 |
Swihart | Harley | born about 1903 |
Swihart | Harry | born about 1927 |
Swihart | Jackie | born about 1932 |
Swihart | Junior | born about 1928 |
Swihart | Leroy | born about 1930 |
Swihart | Margaret | born about 1923 |
Swihart | Mildred | born about 1901 |
Swihart | Norma Lee | born about 1937 |
Swihart | Norman | born about 1900 |
Swihart | Pauline | born about 1929 |
Swihart | Richard | born about 1926 |
Swihart | Russel | born about 1904 |
Swihart | Vesta M | born about 1895 |
Swope | Alice | born about 1911 |
Swope | George | born about 1907 |
Swope | Jack | born about 1931 |
Swope | Kathleen | born about 1939 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
T Surnames
Talbot | S Andrew | born about 1930 |
Taylor | Charles John | born about 1926 |
Taylor | Emmet Edward | born about 1898 |
Taylor | Emmet Jr | born about 1930 |
Taylor | Frank | born about 1888 |
Taylor | Hazel | born about 1901 |
Taylor | Mabel | born about 1899 |
Taylor | Mary | born about 1872 |
Taylor | Norma Lee | born about 1929 |
Teetsel | Albert | born about 1877 |
Teetsel | Katharine | born about 1878 |
Tester | Jacob F | born about 1869 |
Tester | Susie J | born about 1874 |
Thompson | Byron | born about 1914 |
Thompson | Christian | born about 1917 |
Thompson | Clarence | born about 1901 |
Thompson | Earl D | born about 1922 |
Thompson | Edward | born about 1916 |
Thompson | Francis | born about 1922 |
Thompson | Frank | born about 1877 |
Thompson | Janet | born about 1939 |
Thompson | Jesse | born about 1886 |
Thompson | Lloyd | born about 1901 |
Thompson | Louise | born about 1924 |
Thompson | Mabel Marie | born about 1922 |
Thompson | Marie | born about 1905 |
Thompson | Mary J | born about 1918 |
Thompson | Mildred | born about 1911 |
Thompson | Stuart | born about 1939 |
Thompson | Tresa Izoria | born about 1887 |
Tibbals | Sadie E | born about 1886 |
Tiedan | Frances | born about 1934 |
Tiedan | Janis | born about 1939 |
Tiedan | Marguerite | born about 1912 |
Tiedan | Richard | born about 1933 |
Tiedan | Russell | born about 1908 |
Tigler | Alma | born about 1914 |
Tigler | Billy | born about 1934 |
Tigler | George | born about 1909 |
Tilden | Herman | born about 1881 |
Tilden | Tressie | born about 1883 |
Tilden | Zenthan | born about 1912 |
Tombaugh | Hannah | born about 1856 |
Tombaugh | Robert | born about 1915 |
Town | Byron | born about 1939 |
Town | Dolores | born about 1938 |
Town | Harold H | born about 1913 |
Town | Tressie | born about 1911 |
Towne | Clyde Joe | born about 1923 |
Townsend | Fred W | born about 1886 |
Townsend | Kathryn | born about 1887 |
Tracy | Elizabeth | born about 1858 |
Traver | Betty Lou | born about 1930 |
Traver | Chester | born about 1916 |
Traver | George | born about 1926 |
Traver | Richard | born about 1923 |
Traver | Robert | born about 1919 |
Traver | Sylvia Flaville | born about 1897 |
Traver | William Ezra | born about 1890 |
Traver | Wilma | born about 1925 |
Tucker | Deloris | born about 1921 |
Tucker | Ernest | born about 1909 |
Tucker | Ima | born about 1909 |
Tucker | Madonna | born about 1940 |
Tucker | Ralph | born about 1905 |
Tullis | Betty | born about 1923 |
Tullis | Glen | born about 1887 |
Tullis | Mabel | born about 1892 |
Tullis | Milo | born about 1920 |
Turner | Emma | born about 1867 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
U Surnames
Utter | Bernadine | born about 1914 |
Utter | Carol Sue | born about 1937 |
Utter | Cedrie | born about 1923 |
Utter | Chester | born about 1899 |
Utter | Cleotis Dale | born about 1919 |
Utter | David R | born about 1939 |
Utter | Dean Kenneth | born about 1915 |
Utter | Donald P | born about 1918 |
Utter | Gertrude Eldora | born about 1891 |
Utter | Harley R | born about 1889 |
Utter | Jackie | born about 1935 |
Utter | Lavera | born about 1915 |
Utter | Margaret | born about 1924 |
Utter | Maurice | born about 1927 |
Utter | Richard | born about 1934 |
Utter | Robert Rex | born about 1903 |
Utter | Ruth | born about 1898 |
Utter | Stanley Dean | born about 1940 |
Utter | Vina Ellen | born about 1899 |
Utter | Virginia | born about 1919 |
Utter | Wilbert | born about 1910 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
V Surnames
Vandemark | Mary | born about 1875 |
Vandewaters | Floris | born about 1865 |
Vandoren | Byron | born about 1931 |
Vandoren | Harold | born about 1898 |
Vandoren | Iva | born about 1929 |
Vandoren | Mary | born about 1905 |
Vanlee | Alice | born about 1936 |
Vanlee | Arnold | born about 1934 |
Vanlee | Myron | born about 1908 |
Vanlee | Ruth | born about 1907 |
Vanlue | Catherine L | born about 1903 |
Vanlue | Mark | born about 1891 |
Vanlue | Richard | born about 1924 |
Vanlue | Stella | born about 1891 |
Vickery | Jack L | born about 1930 |
Vickery | Lola | born about 1888 |
Vickrey | Frances | born about 1928 |
Vickrey | Laura | born about 1860 |
Vickrey | Wanda | born about 1926 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
W Surnames
Wade | Daisy | born about 1877 |
Wade | Luther | born about 1872 |
Waechter | Anna | born about 1873 |
Waechter | Barbara | born about 1936 |
Waechter | Cornelius | born about 1879 |
Waechter | Eva | born about 1872 |
Waechter | Grace | born about 1908 |
Waechter | Laura L | born about 1923 |
Waechter | Max | born about 1919 |
Waechter | Nina | born about 1906 |
Waechter | Opal | born about 1886 |
Waechter | Ralph | born about 1903 |
Waechter | Ruben | born about 1868 |
Waechter | Walter | born about 1906 |
Wagner | Billy Gene | born about 1928 |
Wagner | Clifford D | born about 1905 |
Wagner | Elma | born about 1909 |
Wagner | Fredrick Reuben | born about 1939 |
Wagner | Merlyn Earl | born about 1933 |
Walgamuth | Arden | born about 1937 |
Walgamuth | Blanche | born about 1903 |
Walgamuth | Fred | born about 1902 |
Walgamuth | Terry | born about 1939 |
Walters | Artie Ellis | born about 1893 |
Walters | Donald Wayne | born about 1923 |
Walters | Donna Jean | born about 1931 |
Walters | Donnabell | born about 1926 |
Walters | Ella May | born about 1898 |
Walters | Elmer William | born about 1920 |
Walters | Mary Katherine | born about 1926 |
Walters | Merle May | born about 1894 |
Walters | Richard Jean | born about 1929 |
Walters | Robert | born about 1922 |
Ward | Helen | born about 1909 |
Ward | Kathryn E | born about 1859 |
Ward | William | born about 1892 |
Ward | William W | born about 1939 |
Ward | Willis H | born about 1858 |
Weah | Reba | born about 1908 |
Wecker | Marie | born about 1888 |
Wecker | Sheldon | born about 1918 |
Wecker | Vallie | born about 1879 |
Wecker | Violet | born about 1922 |
Wells | Charles | born about 1890 |
Wells | Charles Jr | born about 1916 |
Wells | Nell | born about 1890 |
Werner | Emma Louise | born about 1923 |
Werner | Margaret | born about 1929 |
Werner | Marvil E | born about 1916 |
Werner | Nelly | born about 1888 |
Werner | William A | born about 1885 |
Whallon | Evan | born about 1893 |
Whallon | Evan Jr | born about 1924 |
Whallon | Harriet | born about 1937 |
Whallon | Jeanne | born about 1927 |
Whallon | Katherine | born about 1896 |
Whitcomb | Bessie | born about 1874 |
Whitcomb | Delno | born about 1865 |
White | Edison | born about 1923 |
Whitney | Frank | born about 1881 |
Whittenberger | Bernice | born about 1913 |
Whittenberger | Carles | born about 1909 |
Whittenberger | Charlotte | born about 1880 |
Whittenberger | Daisy A | born about 1876 |
Whittenberger | Donald | born about 1920 |
Whittenberger | George H | born about 1867 |
Whittenberger | Helen | born about 1929 |
Whittenberger | Jennie Marie | born about 1901 |
Whittenberger | Joe | born about 1923 |
Whittenberger | Martha | born about 1873 |
Whittenberger | Mary Ann | born about 1927 |
Whittenberger | Orval | born about 1880 |
Whittenberger | Paul | born about 1934 |
Whittenberger | Ralph | born about 1897 |
Whittenberger | Robert | born about 1917 |
Whittenberger | Robert | born about 1932 |
Whittenberger | Samuel R | born about 1874 |
Whittenberger | Treva | born about 1920 |
Wideman | Ardella | born about 1925 |
Wideman | Cleo | born about 1898 |
Wideman | Elmer E | born about 1868 |
Wideman | Harold | born about 1923 |
Wideman | Henry E | born about 1860 |
Wideman | James T | born about 1865 |
Wideman | Joseph C | born about 1862 |
Wideman | Lola M | born about 1881 |
Wideman | Marie | born about 1903 |
Wideman | Sara Evaline | born about 1869 |
Wideman | Willis | born about 1936 |
Widman | Edward | born about 1913 |
Widman | Mary | born about 1868 |
Wildermuth | Edith | born about 1919 |
Wildermuth | Emma | born about 1858 |
Wildermuth | Joseph | born about 1923 |
Wildermuth | Rae | born about 1884 |
Wildermuth | Ray | born about 1885 |
Wilhoit | Albert T | born about 1877 |
Wilhoit | Bessie | born about 1880 |
Wilhoit | Clifford | born about 1879 |
Wilhoit | Etta | born about 1883 |
Wilkins | Nora | born about 1870 |
Wilkins | Oscar | born about 1865 |
William | Charles H | born about 1880 |
William | Grace M | born about 1887 |
Williams | David | born about 1880 |
Williams | Gladys | born about 1925 |
Williams | Olive | born about 1886 |
Wilson | Mary Katherine | born about 1907 |
Wilson | Mary Louise | born about 1932 |
Wilson | Walter Edward | born about 1896 |
Wise | Arthur | born about 1917 |
Wise | Clyde O | born about 1889 |
Wise | Elden | born about 1926 |
Wise | Leola | born about 1919 |
Wise | Lonus | born about 1922 |
Wise | Mary A | born about 1886 |
Wittenberger | Ada | born about 1887 |
Wittenberger | Joanna | born about 1921 |
Wittenberger | Merrill | born about 1885 |
Wolff | Daisey | born about 1876 |
Wood | Edna | born about 1908 |
Wood | Helen | born about 1939 |
Wood | Lester | born about 1907 |
Wood | Mary A | born about 1933 |
Wood | Richard | born about 1939 |
Woodworth | Charles | born about 1882 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
Y Surnames
Yarian | Alta Marie | born about 1902 |
Yarian | Helen Louise | born about 1926 |
Yarian | Lula Adelma | born about 1924 |
Yarian | Oart Olin | born about 1898 |
Yarian | Otis Olin | born about 1932 |
Yarrian | Emma | born about 1875 |
Yarrian | Henry | born about 1872 |
Yeagley | Flossie E | born about 1887 |
Yeagley | William K | born about 1862 |
Young | Catherine | born about 1861 |
Young | Charles | born about 1931 |
Young | Edith Ruth | born about 1902 |
Young | Everett | born about 1929 |
Young | Frances | born about 1927 |
Young | Gordon Daniel | born about 1899 |
Young | Margaret | born about 1923 |
Young | Mary Avaline | born about 1922 |
Young | Opal | born about 1925 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
Z Surnames
Zartman | Kenneth | born about 1923 |
Zimmerman | Clauda | born about 1880 |
Zimmerman | Elmer | born about 1863 |
Zimmerman | Frank J | born about 1876 |
Zimmerman | Walter E | born about 1893 |
Zolman | Dewey L | born about 1896 |
Zolman | Dorothy M | born about 1924 |
Zolman | Elizabeth | born about 1860 |
Zolman | Erma | born about 1919 |
Zolman | Jeanne K | born about 1940 |
Zolman | Mary A | born about 1900 |
Zolman | Maynard | born about 1916 |
Zolman | Richard S | born about 1922 |
To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit
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