1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hickory Grove, Benton, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Benton County > 1940 Census of Hickory Grove

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlpheaterCharollette Aborn about 1899
AlpheaterJacob Jborn about 1894
AlpheaterLois Jborn about 1927
AndersonJohn F Jrborn about 1918
AndersonLawrence born about 1879
AndersonMarjorie born about 1922
ArvinFloyd Aborn about 1922
ArvinLaura Bborn about 1902
ArvinMarie Dborn about 1925
ArvinVerma Wborn about 1923
ArvinVeroni born about 1894
AvilsonAlexander Vborn about 1932

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B Surnames

BachmanBetty Jborn about 1924
BachmanGeorge born about 1896
BachmanMatiliga born about 1895
BaconDonald Lborn about 1933
BaconMargie Lborn about 1935
BaconRuby Mborn about 1909
BaconTed born about 1905
BaconVirginia Mborn about 1930
BassettMary born about 1908
BaxterWm Jborn about 1883
BeckerElizabeth Tborn about 1867
BeckerMary Mborn about 1902
BecknerJohn Iborn about 1896
BegleyEva Aborn about 1899
BegleyLeo Rborn about 1888
BegleyMargaret Aborn about 1931
BegleyMary Lborn about 1922
BegleyPatracia Tborn about 1852
BegleyRosalie Cborn about 1926
BellFrank Earlborn about 1917
BerglandNina Bborn about 1876
BerryFloyd born about 1933
BerryPauline born about 1929
BischopJohn Aborn about 1882
BischopMargaret Jborn about 1882
BlakeneyEdith born about 1878
BlakeneyHugh Wborn about 1875
BlakeneyLawrence Hborn about 1918
BlakneyCora Hborn about 1906
BlakneyPaul Fborn about 1902
BowmanThelma Iborn about 1917
BoytsHenry Loyborn about 1894
BoytsMarion born about 1925
BoytsOlive Bborn about 1900
BridgesJulla Cborn about 1932
BrockerCynthia Eborn about 1875
BrockerRobert Rborn about 1868
BrostAlbert born about 1926
BrostBernadine born about 1924
BrostCatherine born about 1886
BrostDeloris born about 1920
BrostHarry born about 1918
BrostJoesph born about 1914
BrostKatis Aborn about 1889
BrostMary born about 1880
BrostNichlos born about 1878
BrostRay born about 1913
BrowellErvin born about 1881
BrowellHarold Wborn about 1919
BrownCarl Rborn about 1934
BrownDale Rborn about 1930
BrownE Leonaborn about 1897
BrownEvelyn Jborn about 1925
BrownJuanita Gborn about 1926
BrownMary Pborn about 1857
BrownRay Aborn about 1893
BrownShennan Gborn about 1895
BrownSylvia Gborn about 1903
BruceErnest Eborn about 1902
BruceStella born about 1869
BuddLotta born about 1884
BuddWm born about 1879
BurnsChas born about 1897
BurtonHomer Wborn about 1927
BurtonLucy Jborn about 1895
BurtonOsacar Jr born about 1930
BurtonOscar born about 1896
BurtronCalvin born about 1888
BurtronFrancis Rborn about 1893
BurtronShitley Jborn about 1930
ByeryAnnie born about 1922
ByeryCatherine born about 1872
ByeryGeorge born about 1906
ByeryJames born about 1872

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C Surnames

CampbellIrene born about 1877
CampbellJohn Lborn about 1879
CartherDella born about 1912
CartherDorth Sborn about 1937
CartherHans Lborn about 1908
CartherJen Fborn about 1935
CartherO Delle Cborn about 1933
CartherWm Jborn about 1939
CaupleElmer Mborn about 1882
CaupleGay Mborn about 1885
CaupleRalph Eborn about 1912
ChaffeeHelen Eborn about 1925
ChaffeeL Thomasborn about 1923
ChaffeeLloyd born about 1901
ChaffeeMarie born about 1900
ChaffeeMary Lborn about 1928
ChaffieAme born about 1875
ChaffieMiner born about 1872
ChanneyCarl Hborn about 1911
ChanneyElma Lborn about 1933
ChanneyMay Fborn about 1915
ChanneyPrestian born about 1938
CliffordJulia born about 1884
CliffordTom born about 1886
CmcgovenJohn born about 1882
CollinsFrancis Hborn about 1912
CollinsHerbert Wborn about 1935
CollinsRoy Gborn about 1929
CollinsVollie Eborn about 1913
CourtneySallie Eborn about 1881
CourtneyWm Aborn about 1882
CropeThomas Eborn about 1918

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D Surnames

DaleChas born about 1890
DaleHarreitta born about 1893
DavisArron Fborn about 1876
DavisDon Eborn about 1929
DavisDorothy Pborn about 1922
DavisHomer Pborn about 1895
DavisKate Lborn about 1887
DavisMarion Rborn about 1933
DavisRuth Pborn about 1895
DavisThelma Gborn about 1908
DavisWm Aborn about 1927
DewittJames born about 1859
DewittMaryned Mborn about 1889
DewittMaynard born about 1926
DewittMelsissa Eborn about 1890
DewittMildred Hborn about 1931
DewittPete Rborn about 1919
DewittThelma Lborn about 1934
DewittVivian Aborn about 1923
DewittWilliam Fborn about 1929
DixsRichard born about 1924
DoltonDonnie born about 1923
DrollingerDaisey Lborn about 1909
DrollingerDwingler born about 1929
DrollingerFrancis Bborn about 1910
DrollingerHarold born about 1934
DuncanAtta born about 1871
DwengerArbone Hborn about 1913
DwengerDonald Rborn about 1930
DwengerGeorge Wborn about 1924
DwengerLena born about 1885
DwengerMarcela Cborn about 1919
DwengerMildred born about 1914
DwengerTheodore born about 1875

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E Surnames

EastonErnest born about 1905
ElkinsElla Bborn about 1880
ElkinsFrank born about 1916
ElkinsP Cborn about 1883
ErskineGeorge Wborn about 1857
ErskineOpal Bborn about 1869

F Surnames

FakerMargaret born about 1883
FakerWm Eborn about 1875
FarrellAnna Jborn about 1878
FarrellGerald Tborn about 1910
FarrellJohn Fborn about 1866
FarrellRaymond born about 1915
FawbushChas Mborn about 1880
FawbushDora born about 1882
FieldsAlvin born about 1916
FieldsDelores born about 1930
FieldsLuella born about 1907
FinchBarba Aborn about 1934
FinchClara Lborn about 1912
FinchGrover Cborn about 1904
FinchJanis Kborn about 1939
FixDoris Lborn about 1911
FixJoseph Oborn about 1892
FixMabel Cborn about 1891
FixMaxine Lborn about 1923
FixRonald Jborn about 1918
FlynnEben Rborn about 1867
FlynnHerland born about 1923
FochrohWm Jborn about 1869
FosterAnnabella born about 1916
FosterChas Rborn about 1922
FosterHenry Mborn about 1900
FosterIduna born about 1873
FosterJames Wborn about 1894
FosterJames Wborn about 1930
FosterMyrtle born about 1919
FosterNellie Veriginaborn about 1926
FosterRichard Bborn about 1930
FosterRuby Eborn about 1903
FosterUnice Bborn about 1899
FosterVivian Lborn about 1924
FosterWm born about 1909
FrancisCarl Jborn about 1918
FrancisJohn Hborn about 1869
FrancisJudy Jborn about 1877
FrancisLeucila born about 1917
FrancisRichard Lborn about 1938
FreelandFrank born about 1875
FreelandMary Pborn about 1875
FreelandRobert Aborn about 1922
FrenchGeorge Bborn about 1886
FrenchHerbert Gborn about 1908
FrenchLarry Hborn about 1939
FrenchLucella Mborn about 1914
FrenchPearl born about 1889
FrenchWayne Hborn about 1937

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G Surnames

GaringDonald Hborn about 1930
GaringHerman Jborn about 1899
GaringMarguett Mborn about 1903
GaringWm Hborn about 1932
GarnerBobby Wborn about 1937
GarnerHerbert Jborn about 1910
GarnerNerbe Mborn about 1910
GarnerRosa Eborn about 1935
GatrellJohn Hborn about 1911
GearyMary Eborn about 1868
GearyMinnie born about 1869
GearyRenna born about 1884
GearySamuel Hborn about 1879
GearyWilson born about 1860
GieseFrancis born about 1879
GieseRosa born about 1887
GlassThelma born about 1907
GoodwineBen Hborn about 1890
GoodwineFreemont born about 1889
GrahamElmo Lborn about 1894
GrahamElsie Rborn about 1909
GrahamIrene Wborn about 1905
GrahamJohn Tborn about 1905
GrahamMary Lborn about 1865
GrahamMelvin Tborn about 1928
GreenbergBessie Lborn about 1926
GreenbergClaude Lborn about 1922
GreenbergFrancis Mborn about 1920
GreenbergIda Mborn about 1878
GreenbergRussell Dborn about 1932
GreenbergS Reedborn about 1895
GreenbergVesta Mborn about 1899
GrossDonald born about 1934
GrossDorthy born about 1924
GrossEdwin born about 1925
GrossIrene born about 1928
GrossRonald born about 1935

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H Surnames

HanawaltLouis Mborn about 1862
HarperRaymond born about 1915
HarperRuby Lborn about 1923
HarperTelda born about 1884
HarperThomas Gborn about 1920
HarrisAlbert Wborn about 1857
HarthGlenn born about 1916
HarthHenry Jborn about 1874
HarthJennett born about 1885
HarthJennett Mborn about 1923
HarthWayne Jborn about 1926
HarttepEtta born about 1868
HaynesHarry Pborn about 1894
HaynesWillima Jborn about 1903
HelmerickHarry born about 1902
HelmerickJohn Hborn about 1900
HelmerickLela Mborn about 1931
HelmerickMargie born about 1914
HerbetAlbert Wborn about 1933
HerbetFreeda Cborn about 1905
HerbetHenyeta Hborn about 1931
HerbetJoe Pborn about 1900
HerbetLawrence Jborn about 1938
HerbetLeona Pborn about 1936
HerbetRoberta Cborn about 1935
HerbetWarnie Kborn about 1939
HeysClara Maeborn about 1906
HeysClara Mayborn about 1868
HeysWm Pborn about 1856
HilderbrantFred Wborn about 1907
HilderbrantInez Mborn about 1931
HilderbrantLillian Iborn about 1906
HillDorthey born about 1935
HillHenry born about 1910
HillMarie born about 1911
HillMarvin born about 1932
HinkleMargrett Eborn about 1872
HintonAuta Rborn about 1914
HintonElizabeth born about 1870
HintonRobert Hborn about 1870
HintonRoland born about 1915
HoleClarence Jborn about 1889
HoleClarence Mborn about 1915
HoleMary Wborn about 1882
HoleRobert Lborn about 1917
HopkinsArvey born about 1927
HopkinsDwana Eborn about 1898
HopkinsGenevie Vborn about 1925
HopkinsP Frimmer Rborn about 1895
HoppBetty born about 1937
HoppDick Lborn about 1938
HoppDonald Jborn about 1935
HoppHelen Cborn about 1910
HoppJames Pborn about 1871
HoppJeny Sborn about 1940
HoppLawrence Tborn about 1901
HoppPhenick Mborn about 1934
HuckleberryLouis born about 1873
HudsonEria born about 1912
HudsonEugene born about 1926
HudsonEva Eborn about 1907
HudsonFreeda Oborn about 1939
HudsonJames Lborn about 1938
HudsonMay born about 1934
HudsonOral Cborn about 1906
HudsonOral Fborn about 1937
HudsonReba born about 1910
HudsonRussell born about 1914
HudsonSarah born about 1938
HudsonWm born about 1909
HuffmanClaude Wborn about 1899

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I Surnames

IkchechtelinAnna Fborn about 1910
InliemSam born about 1872

J Surnames

JacobsonChas Tborn about 1875
JacobsonMaggie Iborn about 1884
JewellGerald Bborn about 1911
JewellOra Mborn about 1891
JonesBat born about 1885

K Surnames

KailmenFidentin Mborn about 1901
KentzerHortouse Mborn about 1915
KincaidAngie born about 1880
KincaidClifford born about 1904
KirackJohn born about 1871
KirschAnna Mborn about 1924
KirschBetty C Jborn about 1937
KirschClarence Eborn about 1920
KirschEllen born about 1883
KirschEsther Hjborn about 1918
KirschGene Hborn about 1939
KirschGeneive Eborn about 1923
KirschGerald Wborn about 1936
KirschHelen Aborn about 1886
KirschHelen Aborn about 1926
KirschJohn Jborn about 1920
KirschJohn Nborn about 1871
KirschJoseph born about 1881
KirschLeonard born about 1920
KirschMiriam Mborn about 1918
KirschRobert Bborn about 1938
KirschWilfred Bborn about 1916
KirschWm born about 1928
KnightArma Mborn about 1886
KnightClara Fborn about 1918
KnightDorthy Jborn about 1917
KnightJames Mborn about 1931
KnightJames Wborn about 1879
KnightLois Dborn about 1917
KnightWallace Mborn about 1921
KrogerAlta born about 1922
KrogerBommie born about 1904
KrogerNellie born about 1924
KuetEdwin Pborn about 1931
KuetElizabeth Jborn about 1931
KuetLorreta Jborn about 1935
KuetMary Jborn about 1900
KuetPhillip born about 1896
KuetThomas Lborn about 1937

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L Surnames

LambertHoward Cborn about 1893
LambertJunior born about 1931
LambertLawrence Dborn about 1937
LambertVan Cborn about 1924
LambertVera born about 1903
LambertVerdean born about 1925
LambertWandland born about 1929
LannonAlice Lborn about 1923
LannonFrank Jborn about 1902
LannonMary Fborn about 1902
LargeLueelsie born about 1875
LargeWm Hborn about 1876
LattaAnge Bellborn about 1889
LattaJohn Dborn about 1889
LattaLois Vborn about 1924
LaughlinBarbara Eborn about 1929
LaughlinChas Dborn about 1901
LaughlinMuriel Bborn about 1907
LawBarbara Aborn about 1937
LawBeverley Mborn about 1939
LawDotia Mborn about 1915
LawDoune born about 1933
LawJames Hrborn about 1934
LawRobiea born about 1911
LeonardAlice born about 1883
LeonardErnest Lborn about 1877
LesnyBessie born about 1895
LesnyJoe Cborn about 1900
LeuckArthur Jborn about 1912
LeuckBara Gborn about 1908
LeuckBarbara Jborn about 1930
LeuckBertha born about 1876
LeuckBud Eborn about 1920
LeuckCarde Nborn about 1938
LeuckCarl Cborn about 1916
LeuckCarol Eborn about 1932
LeuckClara Mborn about 1915
LeuckDonald Fborn about 1929
LeuckEmma Lborn about 1920
LeuckFlorence born about 1899
LeuckFrancis Hborn about 1909
LeuckGeraldine Mborn about 1922
LeuckGrover Jborn about 1910
LeuckGrover Tborn about 1939
LeuckIrene Mborn about 1932
LeuckJacob born about 1871
LeuckJohn born about 1900
LeuckJosepihne Aborn about 1922
LeuckKathryn Gborn about 1927
LeuckLarry Aborn about 1934
LeuckLawrence Tborn about 1907
LeuckLeo Jborn about 1906
LeuckMajorie Eborn about 1934
LeuckMarilyn Fborn about 1931
LeuckNick born about 1876
LeuckNick Hborn about 1914
LeuckPaul Aborn about 1917
LeuckWanda Nborn about 1926
LindleyGeorgia Mborn about 1892
LindleyNovile Eborn about 1892
LotherohAnnie Mborn about 1888
LotherohCelinda born about 1867
LotherohChas Rborn about 1876
LotherohGeorge Bborn about 1924
LotherohJohn Cborn about 1880
LoweHelen born about 1923
LoweJolly Oborn about 1887
LoweLloyd born about 1919
LoweSara Tborn about 1886
LowerineMady born about 1855

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M Surnames

MameffeeB Joanneborn about 1925
ManonEnna Mborn about 1906
ManonJae Jborn about 1911
MarkoBarbara Jborn about 1930
MarkoEmma born about 1868
MarkoFloyd Wborn about 1930
MarkoFrank Eborn about 1896
MarkoGeorge Wborn about 1900
MarkoGeorgia Mborn about 1923
MarkoGrover Eborn about 1925
MarkoHarold Eborn about 1924
MarkoJune Eborn about 1922
MarkoLucy Bborn about 1903
MarkoMage Mborn about 1901
MarkoNola born about 1898
MarkoRobert Wborn about 1927
MarkoVivian Lborn about 1920
MarkoWm born about 1863
MarronJohn born about 1870
MarronMary born about 1870
MartinBessie born about 1900
MartinChas Tborn about 1894
MartinDonald Cborn about 1937
MartinHelen Lborn about 1931
MartinMargaret Lborn about 1934
MartinMarvin Dborn about 1929
MatthewsRobert born about 1930
MaweryMaud born about 1905
MaweryRobert Aborn about 1928
MaweryWm Fborn about 1901
MayJohn Sborn about 1893
MayLida Mborn about 1859
McConnickEllen Lborn about 1870
McConnickKernica Mborn about 1894
McCormickBeth born about 1892
McCormickJames born about 1859
McCormickJames Mborn about 1920
McCormickJoseph Aborn about 1899
McCormickWalter Wborn about 1882
McDaleThomas born about 1861
MetzingerAnn Cborn about 1906
MetzingerBetty Louborn about 1930
MetzingerCaroline born about 1872
MetzingerElvenly Rborn about 1927
MetzingerGeorge Pborn about 1888
MetzingerHarold born about 1924
MetzingerJames Bborn about 1926
MetzingerKenneth born about 1921
MetzingerLewis born about 1891
MetzingerMary Rborn about 1927
MetzingerMinnie Aborn about 1891
MetzingerPaul born about 1922
MillerCora Iborn about 1908
MillerGordon Hborn about 1907
MillerJarry Gborn about 1939
MillerJoanne born about 1932
MitchellDale born about 1895
MitchellMargaret Aborn about 1860
MitchellRuth Cborn about 1897
MooreDewain Dborn about 1919
MooreEthel Mborn about 1921
MooreJames Wborn about 1875
MooreJane born about 1880
MooreRalph Jborn about 1916
MorganChas born about 1904
MorganForthey born about 1911
MorganFrancis Rborn about 1907
MorganFrona Aborn about 1882
MorganIsabelle born about 1868
MorganLeona Eborn about 1891
MorganRandoph Rborn about 1887
MorganWm Wborn about 1880
MullerChas Wborn about 1894
MullerHenry born about 1889
MullerMary Mborn about 1905
MullerMary Rborn about 1935
MullerPaul Cborn about 1923
MullerRobert Hborn about 1935
MullerSylvester Bborn about 1916
MullerVeroinica born about 1879
MullerWm born about 1880
MurphyClarence Lborn about 1912
MurphyCora Mborn about 1914
MurphyDonald Jborn about 1932
MurrBertha Cborn about 1898
MurrElizabeth born about 1927
MurrFerdinard Lborn about 1887
MurrJoan born about 1924
MurrayClara Mborn about 1873
MurraySam Wborn about 1870
MusserAlta Sborn about 1893
MusserClyde born about 1933
MusserFranklin born about 1923
MusserGene born about 1928
MusserGlenn Tborn about 1914
MusserHarvey Fborn about 1885
MusserMaxine born about 1924
MusserRuby born about 1926

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N Surnames

NaceIda Mborn about 1879
NernCarl Eborn about 1921
NernCora born about 1888
NernFrank Jr born about 1884
NewminsterDale Eborn about 1925
NewminsterDonald Eborn about 1922
NewminsterGlenn Jborn about 1927
NewminsterHarriett born about 1862
NewminsterJustus born about 1896
NewminsterKatherine Rborn about 1933
NewminsterLloyd Cborn about 1935
NewminsterLouis Iborn about 1930
NewminsterMaude Eborn about 1899
NewminsterRuth Eborn about 1923
NiccumJohn Lborn about 1910
NiccumMarie born about 1914
NicklosAlpha Mborn about 1906
NicklosNancy born about 1935
NicklosWilliam Jborn about 1900

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O Surnames

OgleElizabeth Jborn about 1874

P Surnames

PayneChester Lborn about 1913
PayneDona Oborn about 1938
PayneEddie Eborn about 1939
PayneFern Cborn about 1935
PayneHelen Lborn about 1923
PayneJesse born about 1899
PayneJesse Jr born about 1925
PayneLee Lborn about 1915
PayneMabel Jborn about 1921
PayneMyrtle Cborn about 1936
PayneNellie Fborn about 1930
PaynePatty Lborn about 1937
PayneRobert born about 1932
PayneRose Eborn about 1902
PayneWayne Cborn about 1934
PayneWilla born about 1934
PayneWm Hborn about 1927
PhoelsOtto born about 1882
PitstickEdward Eborn about 1875
PitstickEdwin Fborn about 1911
PitstickElizabeth Cborn about 1879
PitstickJeneva Aborn about 1921
PitstickLawrece Fborn about 1916
PitstickPetersion Aborn about 1940
PittoLena Mborn about 1884
PittoPeter Pborn about 1889
PittoSophia born about 1857
PittoWm born about 1847
PittsClara Nborn about 1923
PittsIone Rborn about 1921
PittsJoseph Pborn about 1894
PittsMarjor Jborn about 1925
PittsMelvin Jborn about 1938
PittsVeronica Aborn about 1900
PuetzAlfan Vborn about 1926
PuetzCatherine Hborn about 1916
PuetzDonald Jborn about 1923
PuetzEdmund Pborn about 1917
PuetzGeorge Wborn about 1921
PuetzMary born about 1885
PuetzMatt Jborn about 1882
PuetzRichard Wborn about 1920

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R Surnames

RamsonAnna Mborn about 1903
RamsonEd born about 1878
RamsonHarold Rborn about 1903
RamsonLidda Aborn about 1863
ReedAlvin born about 1905
ReillyMichael Oborn about 1874
RexootCrenoitlus Cborn about 1883
RexootOllie born about 1890
RitchieBertha Eborn about 1897
RitchieElvelyn born about 1922
RitchieHarry Lborn about 1926
RitchieLany Eborn about 1895
RobbinsJones Bborn about 1876
RobbinsLuther born about 1892
RobbinsMyrtle born about 1891
RobertMcdella born about 1924

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S Surnames

SaumLoie Joneborn about 1933
ScanlonLeonare born about 1893
ScanlonStephen Wborn about 1889
SchillingClara Nborn about 1921
SchillingClarence Wborn about 1912
SchillingClifford born about 1918
SchillingEdith Kborn about 1891
SchillingElizabeth Mborn about 1923
SchillingFrancis Cborn about 1917
SchillingGean Cborn about 1939
SchillingGladys born about 1916
SchillingJackey Cborn about 1939
SchillingWm Jborn about 1888
SchindlerDelmer Fborn about 1903
SchindlerGerold Rborn about 1940
SchindlerJoseph Jborn about 1875
SchindlerLucy born about 1908
SchindlerLula Eborn about 1879
SchoreyJulia Aborn about 1911
SchoreyWagne Kborn about 1906
SchultzMary Lborn about 1935
ScottJuanita Gborn about 1916
ScottPhylis Nborn about 1936
ScottRaymond Wborn about 1939
ScottWm Cborn about 1912
ScottWm Jr born about 1938
SearsEverrett born about 1885
SelbTheodore Mborn about 1867
ShortHilda Jborn about 1907
SimmonsC Jaeborn about 1924
SimmonsMarge Rborn about 1922
SimpsonBarbara Eborn about 1937
SimpsonElmer Rborn about 1940
SimpsonElsie Vborn about 1916
SimpsonEverett born about 1912
SimpsonLouise Oborn about 1936
SmithClarine born about 1918
SmithDelbert Rborn about 1915
SmithEmma Pborn about 1877
SmithGeorge Tborn about 1893
SmithJames Rborn about 1936
SmithLaura Rborn about 1905
SmithLizzie Jborn about 1883
SmithRussell Bborn about 1912
SmithThyra Lborn about 1905
SnyderClella Sborn about 1909
SnyderDonald born about 1908
SondgrothJames Lborn about 1940
SondgrothJoan born about 1924
SondgrothJoseph Hborn about 1886
SondgrothLee Jborn about 1913
SondgrothMargie Jborn about 1934
SondgrothMarie born about 1888
SondgrothMarjorie born about 1916
SondgrothRalph born about 1926
SondgrothRaymond Jborn about 1923
SondgrothRobert Jborn about 1932
SouthworthClifford Aborn about 1908
SouthworthJoseph Eborn about 1934
SouthworthMarie Aborn about 1907
SouthworthRichard Wborn about 1932
SouthworthWeltha born about 1928
SpacyRuth Sborn about 1878
SpacyStarlus Aborn about 1878
SparpKatherine Mborn about 1921
SparpMary Mborn about 1897
SparpWm Mborn about 1889
StarksAugusta Aborn about 1880
StarksIna Eborn about 1897
StarksMargie born about 1922
StarksOmer Rborn about 1913
StevensDonald Cborn about 1927
StevensGoerge born about 1915
StevensVirgil born about 1912
StevensWm Lborn about 1913
SticklingAngelina born about 1882
SticklingFrank Jborn about 1880
SticklingJohn Jborn about 1877
SticklingWm born about 1916
StoneClay Cborn about 1926
StoneDona Iborn about 1931
StoneErvin Gborn about 1890
StoneGarland Jborn about 1921
StoneLewis Dborn about 1929
StoneLilly Rborn about 1898
StrayerChas Lborn about 1871
StrayerChas Wborn about 1909
StrayerGeorge Rborn about 1919
StrayerLoyd Eborn about 1923
StrayerMary Eborn about 1914
SuttleRoy born about 1923

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T Surnames

TarterBernice Mborn about 1931
TarterGrace born about 1909
TarterHoyt born about 1933
TarterLucilla Aborn about 1929
TarterVirl Fborn about 1907
TarterWilber born about 1925
TaylorCarrie born about 1882
TaylorWade Hborn about 1880
TorfeyNanny Mborn about 1887
TroubeLybya born about 1862
TuckerEverett Bborn about 1888
TuckerJohn Rborn about 1922
TuckerPearl Bborn about 1888
TurnerIda born about 1879
TurnerMarvin Jborn about 1864

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U Surnames

UnderwoodBerdean Mborn about 1927
UnderwoodBetta Cborn about 1936
UnderwoodEll Mborn about 1933
UnderwoodFlora Eborn about 1903
UnderwoodJutia Fborn about
UnderwoodRalph born about 1894
UnderwoodRalph Dborn about 1922
UnderwoodVelma Jborn about 1924

W Surnames

WallaceIda Lborn about 1874
WarrenFrank Hborn about 1898
WattlesArthur born about 1904
WattlesPearl Mborn about 1881
WellmanMinnie Mborn about 1876
WilliamsAnn Eborn about 1935
WilliamsFae Fborn about 1931
WilliamsFrank Hborn about 1880
WilliamsIris Aborn about 1933
WilliamsLom Aborn about 1939
WilliamsRiby Mborn about 1909
WilliamsSue Mborn about 1938
WilsonBessie Lborn about 1901
WilsonClifford born about 1898
WilsonDale Lborn about 1921
WilsonNorma Jborn about 1929
WilsonThema Jborn about 1923
WilsonWalter Rborn about 1931
WintersteinAdrian born about 1932
WintersteinBeuch Lborn about 1912
WintersteinDorcks Lborn about 1935
WintersteinNorval Oborn about 1907
WintersteinRobert born about 1930
WittemanAnthony Gborn about 1894
WittemanBertha born about 1906
WittemanBetty Lborn about 1924
WittemanJames Lborn about 1938
WittemanLesta born about 1898
WittemanMartin born about 1896
WittemanNorma Jimborn about 1932
WittemanWm Mborn about 1922
WrightKate born about 1902

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Y Surnames

YeomanJames Fborn about 1873
YeomanLoal Vborn about 1878
YoungDella Fborn about 1899
YoungLuther born about 1884

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