1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Blackford County, Blackford, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Blackford County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Blackford County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyEmma born about 1891
AdamsEffie Hborn about 1882
AdamsJohn Iborn about 1878
AdkinsArthur born about 1918
AlfreyCharles born about 1876
AlfreyDale born about 1916
AlfreyEarl Eborn about 1907
AlfreyEdith born about 1889
AlfreyEstella born about 1924
AlfreyFrank born about 1885
AlfreyIda born about 1882
AlfreyJames Aborn about 1881
AlfreyRuth born about 1891
AlfreyWayne born about 1918
AndersonArthur born about 1912
AndersonBelle born about 1876
AndersonCora Mborn about 1895
AndersonDonnie Deeborn about 1938
AndersonEugene born about 1923
AndersonFrances born about 1929
AndersonJohn born about 1917
AndersonKarl born about 1931
AndersonKaye born about 1937
AndersonLeatha Kayborn about 1939
AndersonLloyd born about 1930
AndersonMargaret born about 1915
AndersonMeredyth born about 1924
AndersonNelson born about 1913
AndersonOnolee born about 1927
AndersonRobert born about 1939
AndersonSamuel born about 1936
AndersonThomas born about 1891
AndersonVirginia born about 1914
AndersonVirginia born about 1921
AndrewsMinnie Oborn about 1878
ArmstrongAngelina born about 1883
ArmstrongCelia born about 1893
ArmstrongCora born about 1883
ArmstrongDezzie born about 1867
ArmstrongEdward born about 1864
ArmstrongGail born about 1911
ArmstrongHerbert born about 1916
ArmstrongJacqueline born about 1929
ArmstrongJaretta born about 1936
ArmstrongJerry born about 1933
ArmstrongLee born about 1872
ArmstrongMadonna born about 1920
ArmstrongMary born about 1911
ArmstrongMary born about 1916
ArmstrongMaxine born about 1919
ArmstrongRay born about 1887
ArmstrongRichard Leeborn about 1931
ArmstrongSharon Annborn about 1939
ArmstrongThomas Eborn about 1940
ArmstrongThurl born about 1876
ArmstrongWayne born about 1909
AyresWalter born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbittJames Hborn about 1878
BabbittJune born about 1925
BabbittMartha born about 1885
BabbittRosalee born about 1928
BabbittVictor born about 1922
BabbittWavalean born about 1920
BaileyAlbert born about 1923
BaileyGene born about 1932
BaileyJames Mborn about 1891
BaileyMaguerite born about 1901
BaileyRobert born about 1927
BakerAlice born about 1902
BakerAmos J Dborn about 1863
BakerArthur Dborn about 1878
BakerDwight born about 1901
BakerJames Eborn about 1875
BakerRichard born about 1929
BakerRuth Jeanneborn about 1926
BakerZara born about 1875
BalesOllie Mayborn about 1874
BaneMargaret born about 1873
BanePierson born about 1869
BannettDavid born about 1874
BannettGerald born about 1914
BannettMary born about 1874
BannettRoberta born about 1918
BantzBessie Mayborn about 1920
BantzChester born about 1906
BantzDaniel born about 1875
BantzDonald Eborn about 1933
BantzEdith born about 1908
BantzErvin born about 1869
BantzGordon born about 1918
BantzHoward born about 1896
BantzHulda born about 1867
BantzIrene born about 1871
BantzJodell born about 1936
BantzJune born about 1934
BantzLester Earlborn about 1935
BantzMargaret born about 1911
BantzMartha Anneborn about 1936
BantzMary born about 1907
BantzMary Louiseborn about 1932
BantzMurray born about 1903
BantzMyron Mborn about 1940
BantzPatricia Sueborn about 1935
BantzPauline born about 1912
BantzPhyllis born about 1932
BantzRalph born about 1907
BantzTerry born about 1939
BantzWanda born about 1929
BarkerBetty Louborn about 1932
BarkerCharles born about 1902
BarkerEmma Sueborn about 1938
BarkerLarry Geneborn about 1940
BarkerNettie born about 1903
BarkerRobert born about 1928
BarleyJosephine born about 1877
BarleyRuth born about 1915
BarnesDonald born about 1916
BarrBetty Lborn about 1922
BarrFernley born about 1894
BarrFoster born about 1913
BarrHannah born about 1872
BarrIona born about 1891
BarrJean born about 1926
BarrJune born about 1926
BarrKathryn born about 1933
BartletteEmma born about 1865
BartonJackie Leeborn about 1937
BartonMary born about 1913
BartonPaul Wborn about 1915
BartonRonald Ganeborn about 1939
BayesSally born about 1937
BaynarGertrude born about 1886
BaynarHarry born about 1917
BaynarOpal born about 1919
BaynarRoss born about 1880
BealCharles born about 1882
BealGrace born about 1911
BealHarold born about 1920
BealHazel born about 1893
BealJimmie born about 1932
BealLucean born about 1912
BealRex born about 1939
BeetleyBurr born about 1904
BeetleyCharles born about 1882
BeetleyCharles Jr born about 1914
BeetleyEdna born about 1880
BeetleyMary Ellenborn about 1926
BellElnova born about 1923
BellHerschell born about 1925
BellIllene born about 1921
BellOrpha born about 1898
BellWilliam Mborn about 1872
BennettArlan born about 1936
BennettBert born about 1902
BennettEthel born about 1904
BennettJohn Fborn about 1860
BennettKenneth born about 1926
BennettLorraine born about 1929
BennettMarila Jeanborn about 1932
BerryEmma born about 1883
BeymerHarry born about 1877
BeymerPearl born about 1881
BlumanhorstCharles Lborn about
BlumanhorstHarold born about 1919
BlumanhorstHarold Jr born about 1938
BlumanhorstMary born about 1920
BodgeJohn born about 1885
BodgeMary Eborn about 1888
BolnerBonnie Jr born about 1935
BolnerDorothy born about 1913
BolnerElvira born about 1884
BolnerGeorge born about 1892
BolnerJesse Jr born about 1911
BolnerJesse Sr born about 1885
BolnerLeroy born about 1905
BolnerMary born about 1906
BoltzBarbara born about 1933
BoltzGeorge born about 1925
BoltzGlenda born about 1899
BoltzHarold born about 1923
BoltzKatheryn born about 1928
BoltzWilliam Hborn about 1888
BortonFoy Aborn about 1879
BortonFoy Rayborn about 1921
BoyerBonnie born about 1930
BoyerClaude born about 1906
BoyerPauline born about 1907
BoyerThomas born about 1935
BrackinBarbara Annborn about 1936
BrackinFrances born about 1917
BrackinFrank born about 1939
BrackinGeorge born about 1915
BrackinMildred born about 1875
BrackinMildred Iborn about 1927
BradenburgMarcele born about 1919
BrammerNeoma born about 1856
BrandenburgEarl Rborn about 1891
BrandenburgEdna Vborn about 1899
BrandenburgEverett Lborn about 1928
BrandenburgKenneth born about 1922
BrineyLettie born about 1870
BrineyWilliam born about 1872
BrinkmanCharles born about 1882
BrinkmanMamie Eborn about 1884
BrinkmanMary Annborn about 1931
BrockCharles born about 1912
BrockDonald born about 1933
BrockFrank born about 1871
BrockHarold born about 1921
BrockHazel born about 1914
BrockJanice born about 1939
BrockLeroy born about 1869
BrockMae born about 1881
BrockMartha born about 1879
BrownCharles Aborn about 1888
BrownCora Eborn about 1882
BrownDana born about 1918
BrownEdna born about 1917
BrownElde Wborn about 1912
BrownElen Lborn about 1875
BrownGeorge born about 1875
BrownIda Aborn about 1880
BrownJoseph Dborn about 1929
BrownLelia Bborn about 1890
BrownRichard Aborn about 1875
BrownRobert Nborn about 1928
BrownTed born about 1903
BrownW Aborn about 1878
BullockBetty Juneborn about 1939
BullockElizabeth born about 1937
BullockHelen Janeborn about 1933
BullockJ Robertborn about 1919
BullockJames born about 1934
BullockKathryn born about 1921
BullockLucille born about 1927
BullockMarie born about 1918
BullockMary Leeborn about 1923
BullockMyra Lborn about 1899
BullockRobert born about 1897
BullockRollie born about 1916
BurgessNina born about 1913
BurgessPaul born about 1910
BurnsEmma born about 1872
BurnsJohn Tborn about 1872

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C Surnames

CainCharles born about 1932
CaldwellCatherine born about 1926
CaldwellGeorge born about 1932
CaldwellHazel born about 1906
CaldwellJohn born about 1903
CaldwellJohn Jr born about 1930
CaldwellKathryn born about 1926
CaldwellPhillip born about 1937
CaldwellRussell born about 1935
CaldwellTheodore born about 1940
CaldwellVirginia born about 1928
CaleEdith Lborn about 1903
CaleHoward born about 1896
CambrinLawerence born about 1917
CambrinRussell born about 1924
CatesCarl born about 1883
CatesHobart Eborn about 1920
CatesRuth Eborn about 1887
CavanaughCarl born about 1927
CavanaughLewis born about 1930
ChapmanCarol born about 1939
ChapmanDorithy born about 1911
ChapmanEdwin born about 1911
ChapmanMerritt born about 1888
ChapmanRalph born about 1928
ChapmanRobert Leeborn about 1940
ChapmanVera born about 1900
CheesmanJean born about 1937
CheesmanKaren born about 1939
CheesmanMarcella born about 1913
CheesmanMarion born about 1910
CheesmanNelda born about 1935
ClammeAlbert born about 1881
ClammeAmelia born about 1933
ClammeAnna Rborn about 1885
ClammeArminda born about 1879
ClammeBeatrice born about 1895
ClammeCharles born about 1878
ClammeClarence born about 1913
ClammeDorothy born about 1907
ClammeElsie born about 1923
ClammeEvalyn born about 1930
ClammeGladys born about 1913
ClammeHarold born about 1905
ClammeHerbert born about 1923
ClammeHoward born about 1917
ClammeJoanne born about 1931
ClammeLawrence born about 1919
ClammeLena Rborn about 1919
ClammeLewis born about 1891
ClammeLloyd born about 1929
ClammeMaggie Lborn about 1885
ClammeNorman born about 1922
ClammePaul born about 1914
ClammeRaymond born about 1911
ClammeRelda born about 1929
ClammeRoy born about 1921
ClarkAlene born about 1921
ClarkIva Fborn about 1898
ClarkJoseph born about 1933
ClarkTheodore born about 1929
ClarkTheodore Aborn about 1873
ClementsJanette born about 1908
ClementsJoseph Aborn about 1906
ClementsJoseph Leeborn about 1930
ClementsMajorie Aborn about 1932
ClementsNancy Louiseborn about 1936
ClementsNorman Kborn about 1931
ClineEsther born about 1906
ClineHelen Ireneborn about 1928
ClineJoyce Annborn about 1938
ClineRoy born about 1905
ConnorClella born about 1888
ConnorJames Rborn about 1882
ConnorMabel Mborn about 1922
ConroyEtta Tborn about 1885
ConroyThomas born about 1882
ConstantMonte Rborn about 1883
ConstantTheodosia born about 1862
CookDessie born about 1917
CookMarsaleet born about 1853
CookSherman born about 1894
CooleyCordelia born about 1926
CooleyHelen Dborn about 1928
CooleyJohn Cborn about 1898
CooleyMartha born about 1923
CooleyNellie born about 1902
CoonsBetty Jeanborn about 1924
CoonsDonald born about 1921
CoonsFrancis born about 1930
CoonsHarry Hborn about 1927
CoonsLena born about 1895
CoonsMarvin born about 1893
CortrightAmos Mborn about 1870
CortrightRena born about 1873
CrainBessie born about 1893
CrainBetty Louborn about 1930
CrainCharles Aborn about 1890
CrainEsther Mborn about 1936
CrainIrene born about 1915
CrainLloyd born about 1916
CrawEdith Oborn about 1889
CrawRoss born about 1886
CrawfordEleanor born about 1939
CrawfordImma born about 1928
CrawfordLoyd born about 1931
CrawfordPaul born about 1926
CrawfordRalph born about 1886
CrawfordRuby born about 1896
CrawfordStanley born about 1935
CrawfordStephan born about 1938
CrawmerBenjamin born about 1896
CrawmerDorothy Mborn about 1904
CrawmerJohn Walterborn about 1938
CrawmerLewis born about 1902
CreekGenevia born about 1892
CreekMargaret Aborn about 1863
CreekMelvin born about 1891
CreekSarah born about 1863
CressLee born about 1923
CrumineCharles Eborn about 1874
CulbersonEsther born about 1902
CulbersonFrederick born about 1897
CulbersonFrederick Jr born about 1923
CumminghamGrace born about 1895
CumminghamJohn Hborn about 1891
CummingsAldine born about 1921
CummingsJacob born about 1872
CummingsJulia born about 1879
CunninghamCharles born about 1897
CunninghamCharles Lborn about 1922
CunninghamEva born about 1899
CunninghamHoward Eborn about 1924
CunningtonCharles born about 1925
CunningtonLola born about 1901
CunningtonRichard born about 1902
CunningtonRichard born about 1932
CunningtonWilma born about 1923
CunningtonWynona Jborn about 1930
CurryMark born about 1886
CurryMary Eborn about 1860
CurryMyrtle born about 1886

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D Surnames

DailyBertelle born about 1901
DailyCharles Hborn about 1938
DailyCharles Mborn about 1894
DailyEdith born about 1881
DailyJoe Williamborn about 1932
DailyJoseph born about 1886
DailyRichard born about 1924
DailyRobert Aborn about 1927
DaleAlice born about 1865
DaleEvan born about 1884
DaleMyrtle born about 1884
DarlyOlive born about 1883
DeanJames Edwardborn about 1937
DeanRobert born about 1914
DeanRobert Eugeneborn about 1936
DeanVivian born about 1912
DearduffHoward born about 1907
DearduffMary born about 1910
DebattyEdna born about 1889
DebattyKeith born about 1931
DebattyMarion born about 1933
DebattyMary born about 1859
DebattyRuth Annborn about 1927
DenningerValda Maeborn about 1924
DennyGeorge born about 1907
DennyMabel born about 1908
DennyMurray Dborn about 1932
DentonMary born about 1861
DentonRobert born about 1934
DepayAmanda born about 1875
DepayDella born about 1877
DepayJeanne born about 1921
DepayJohn born about 1883
DepayLewis born about 1915
DepayRobert Wborn about 1919
DepaySamuel born about 1876
DevisLewis Lborn about 1877
DevisMarie born about 1920
DevisThomas Eborn about 1916
DicksonH Francisborn about 1925
DicksonLeatha born about 1900
DoddsJulia born about 1931
DoddsMary born about 1900
DoddsRalph born about 1895
DoddsRonald born about 1926
DrakeCloyd born about 1933
DrakeHarry born about 1896
DrakeMabel born about 1908
DrakeRobert born about 1931

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E Surnames

EdwardGladys born about 1924
EdwardRuth born about 1920
EdwardsEarl Jborn about 1913
EdwardsLucille born about 1914
EdwardsRalph born about 1895
EmshwillerAnna born about 1889
EmshwillerHulda born about 1931
EmshwillerJames Aborn about 1922
EmshwillerJohn born about 1928
EmshwillerRuth born about 1926
EmshwillerWalter born about 1885
EmshwillerWarren born about 1924
EmshwillerWilliam born about 1933
EnochsCarolyn Sueborn about 1939
EnochsEvelyn born about 1917
EnochsFrancis born about 1915
EnochsMay born about 1893
EnochsMilo born about 1893
EnochsShirley Juneborn about 1936
EvansAlice born about 1865
EvansAnita Eleenborn about 1918
EvansAnita Marieborn about 1939
EvansBlanche born about 1879
EvansDenzel Nborn about 1901
EvansEva Pborn about 1904
EvansFerol born about 1894
EvansFrank born about 1874
EvansFred born about 1896
EvansHarry born about 1918
EvansLuther Aborn about 1872
EvansRaymond born about 1915

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F Surnames

FarisIsabel born about 1864
FarrellHobart born about 1921
FarrellMary born about 1883
FearBetty Louborn about 1933
FearHelen born about 1923
FearIva born about 1893
FearKenneth born about 1919
FearOrie born about 1889
FisherAlferd born about 1917
FisherArchie born about 1896
FisherArchie Jr born about 1919
FisherBernice born about 1924
FisherCharlene born about 1931
FisherCharles born about 1882
FisherFrancis born about 1921
FisherJames born about 1926
FisherLouise born about 1919
FisherMaggie born about 1897
FisherMarie born about 1921
FisherMarylin born about 1922
FisherWilliam born about 1924
Flatter born about 1920
FlatterAlma born about 1892
FlatterAndrew Jr born about 1919
FlatterAndrew Sr born about 1891
FlatterCleo born about 1890
FlatterEdward born about 1882
FlatterErmel born about 1920
FlatterEthelyn born about 1926
FlatterGeorge Aborn about 1861
FlatterHarold born about 1921
FlatterRuth born about 1922
FordClayton born about 1927
FordDorothy born about 1906
FordFrancis born about 1933
FordIvor born about 1905
FordThana Maeborn about 1925
FosterBenjamin born about 1881
FoyHarley born about 1891
FrazierJohn born about 1866
FrazierRosa Lborn about 1867
FreemanAudra born about 1891
FreemanHiram born about 1886
FreemanRichard born about 1928
FreemanWilliam born about 1916
FullerAlfred born about 1855
FullerDale born about 1934
FullerHattie born about 1863
FullerJames Rborn about 1932
FullerLillian born about 1909
FullerNorman born about 1921
FullerRobert born about 1911
FullerRobert Jr born about 1931
FullerRoberta Janeborn about 1935
FurtrellJesse born about 1894
FurtrellMay born about 1894

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G Surnames

GableAlbert born about 1881
GableEdward born about 1913
GableEdward Wborn about 1939
GableEmma born about 1885
GablePauline born about 1919
GannomRuby born about 1922
GannomWilbur born about 1920
GarnerAlbert born about 1854
GarrForrest born about 1907
GarrJames Wborn about 1877
GarrMinneapolis born about 1881
GarrNell born about 1909
GarrVelma born about 1906
GastAlice born about 1889
GastCharles born about 1885
GauntCharles Aborn about 1884
GauntIva Pearlborn about 1902
GeigerLeroy born about 1927
GesellAnna born about 1895
GesellClemens born about 1894
GibsonCora born about 1894
GibsonDoris born about 1917
GibsonJohn Hborn about 1913
GibsonJohn Rborn about 1939
GibsonMaurice born about 1890
GibsonVesta born about 1910
GoodyearEdith born about 1889
GoodyearRoll born about 1880
GothrupBenjamin born about 1882
GothrupEileen born about 1923
GothrupJennie born about 1856
GothrupO born about 1883
GradyEsther born about 1916
GradyJerome born about 1912
GradyJerome Jr born about 1937
GranesJohn born about 1918
GranesRuth born about 1917
GrinerCamille born about 1882
GrinerDaniel Eborn about 1866
GrinerMargaret born about 1922
GrinerMartha born about 1920
GroverJesse born about 1884
GroverNora born about 1888
GrovesBell born about 1882
GrovesLula born about 1915
GrovesThomas born about 1915

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H Surnames

HahnBessie born about 1890
HahnMartha born about 1869
HaleBarbara born about 1935
HaleDonald born about 1929
HaleElizabeth born about 1895
HaleFrancis born about 1884
HalePauline born about 1920
HamerCharles born about 1878
HamiltonAllan born about 1927
HamiltonAmy born about 1905
HamiltonFlorence born about 1902
HamiltonJames born about 1892
HardenRobert born about 1926
HareprEdwin born about 1938
HareprGlen born about 1914
HareprLois born about 1920
HarnerNettie born about 1891
HarrisEmma Cborn about 1867
HarrisGeorge Aborn about 1865
HartleyEtta born about 1869
HartzellFrank born about 1919
HasetzGrace born about 1878
HatchCary Dborn about 1916
HatchClara born about 1903
HatchDoyle born about 1914
HatchEldon born about 1935
HatchGarnet born about 1923
HatchGerald born about 1928
HatchGeraldine born about 1921
HatchIra born about 1870
HatchJanice Jeanborn about 1939
HatchLeslie born about 1900
HatchNancy born about 1908
HatchNaomi born about 1915
HatchRuth born about 1925
HatchSarah born about 1874
HatchWilliam born about 1892
HayensBessie Mborn about 1888
HayensWilliam Eborn about 1886
HaynesClayton born about 1906
HaynesIra born about 1908
HaynesMarilyn born about 1932
HaynesOpal born about 1912
HaynesRobert born about 1932
HaynesThelma born about 1911
HaynesUla Maeborn about 1928
HendershotGrace born about 1924
HendershotJames born about 1922
HendershotMildred born about 1889
HendershotWilliam born about 1890
HerefordBetty born about 1920
HerefordFrancis Leeborn about 1939
HerefordLeo born about 1915
HerrinIva Oborn about 1881
HerrinJohnie Lborn about 1932
HerrinSanford Eborn about 1885
HerrinViolet Fborn about 1908
HerrinWilbur born about 1910
HerrinWilbur Jr born about 1938
HerronBertha born about 1875
HerronHugh born about 1866
HiattBertha born about 1931
HiattClayton born about 1899
HiattElara born about 1927
HiattIlene born about 1928
HiattMary born about 1902
HicksFlora born about 1884
HicksJohn Fborn about 1881
HidayLandis born about 1903
HidayRex born about 1939
HidayRocella born about 1879
HidayRuby born about 1911
HidayWilliam born about 1935
HilesCharles born about 1863
HilesMelzona born about 1873
HiltzEmery Iborn about 1874
HiltzSarah Aborn about 1874
HimesCharles born about 1912
HimesCharline born about 1937
HimesRandall born about 1939
HimesRoy born about 1935
HimesRuth born about 1917
HobsonRachel Lborn about 1886
HobsonSydney Rborn about 1881
HoffmanEmma born about 1887
HoffmanRaymond born about 1919
HoldcroftAdel born about 1910
HoldcroftBessie born about 1884
HoldcroftBlanche born about 1896
HoldcroftDora born about 1872
HoldcroftEthel born about 1893
HoldcroftJeanette born about 1929
HoldcroftJeanne born about 1924
HoldcroftJoanne born about 1925
HoldcroftLloyd born about 1917
HoldcroftMildred Jeanborn about 1924
HoldcroftOliver born about 1868
HoldcroftRichard born about 1922
HoldcroftRoy born about 1881
HoldcroftRussell born about 1896
HoldcroftWilbur born about 1904
HollowellGuyneth Fborn about 1910
HooverAgnes born about 1930
HooverElizabeth born about 1906
HooverFreda born about 1934
HooverHelen born about 1932
HooverKenneth born about 1903
HooverLois born about 1927
HooverMargaret born about 1926
HooverSamuel born about 1871
HornbakerCharles born about 1913
HornbakerFreda Mborn about 1923
HornbakerFrederick born about 1883
HornbakerFrederick Jr born about 1928
HornbakerHarvey born about 1938
HornbakerHoward born about 1922
HornbakerJeanette born about 1939
HornbakerMary born about 1918
HornbakerMatilda born about 1870
HornbakerRovina born about 1893
HornbakerRuth Annaborn about 1931
HowardElva born about 1885
HowardMiles born about 1881
HubbardHarold born about 1898
HudsonCecil born about 1903
HudsonEthel born about 1903
HugginsAlma Mborn about 1868
HughesCharles born about 1937
HughesM Hazelborn about 1915
HughesR Otisborn about 1911
HummerDottee Lavernaborn about 1939
HummerForrest Lborn about 1917
HummerGeorge born about 1879
HummerGeorge born about 1909
HummerGuy Cborn about 1904
HummerHenry born about 1872
HummerJack born about 1932
HummerJames born about 1934
HummerJerry born about 1937
HummerLawerence born about 1908
HummerMary born about 1885
HummerPeggy born about 1939
HummerPriscilla born about 1907
HummerRebecca born about 1873
HummerWilliam born about 1918
HummerZelma born about 1919
HuntzingerCharlotte born about 1940
HuntzingerLouella born about 1932
HuntzingerLowell born about 1908
HuntzingerMelvin born about 1936
HuntzingerRuth born about 1910

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I Surnames

InmanAda born about 1896
InmanCarol born about 1894
InmanFrank D Cborn about 1876
InmanFreida born about 1885
InmanGaynel born about 1926
InmanHarold born about 1894
InmanJohn born about 1874
InmanLuther born about 1884
InmanMartha born about 1920
InmanMary Eborn about 1870
InmanMurray born about 1922
InmanNeil born about 1920
InmanOscar born about 1881
InmanWilliam Aborn about 1871
IrelanDayton Vborn about 1919
IrelanEllen Marieborn about 1933
IrelanHarry born about 1903
IrelanMose born about 1922
IrelanRobert born about 1916
IrelanSarah born about 1873
IrelanVirginia born about 1920
IrelandPaul born about 1938
IrelandSara Francesborn about 1921
IswaltEsther born about 1912
IswaltGerald born about 1912
IswaltNancy Annborn about 1933

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J Surnames

JackEzra Bborn about 1885
JackSusan born about 1883
JacksonCharles born about 1898
JacksonFrank born about 1921
JacksonIda born about 1863
JacksonMarion Dborn about 1937
JacksonOsa born about 1898
JacksonWayne born about 1926
JamesEdna Eborn about 1889
JamesFrank Lborn about 1884
JeffreisRalph born about 1917
JohnsonRose born about 1866
JohnsonbaughEdna Jeanborn about 1927
JohnsonbaughGlen born about 1894
JohnsonbaughMary born about 1897
JohnsonbaughRobert born about 1924
JohnsonbaughVelma born about 1921

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K Surnames

KeepHarve born about 1890
KeepJessie born about 1889
KegerreisBenjamin born about 1889
KegerreisDiane born about 1939
KegerreisEugene born about 1925
KegerreisGary born about 1935
KegerreisGilbert born about 1915
KegerreisIcie born about 1890
KegerreisJanie Iborn about 1871
KegerreisKenneth born about 1934
KegerreisLena born about 1915
KegerreisWayne born about 1913
KeggereisArlie born about 1884
KeggereisEstella born about 1892
KeggereisRobert born about 1882
KeggerriesGerlad born about 1901
KeggerriesMartha born about 1926
KeggerriesMax born about 1922
KellerDonald born about 1931
KellerEugene born about 1929
KellerFloyd born about 1906
KellerFrederick born about 1935
KellerJames born about 1934
KellerLelah born about 1905
KellerPatricia born about 1930
KellerPhillip born about 1937
KellerRichard born about 1933
KellerRobert born about 1925
KelleyGeorge born about 1877
KelleyGlenda Sueborn about 1939
KelleyJerry Eborn about 1936
KelleyRuth Mborn about 1916
KelloggAnn born about 1938
KelloggCledith born about 1915
KelloggHervey Jr born about 1918
KelloggNorma Jborn about 1935
KelloggSamuel born about 1909
KempHarmon Nborn about 1862
KempMartin born about 1884
KempMary Janeborn about 1864
KerbyEllen born about 1866
KerbyJoseph Eborn about 1907
KerbyMartha Mborn about 1915
KerbyWilliam born about 1860
KeslerAdam Rborn about 1894
KeslerDonnie Rayborn about 1935
KeslerGordon born about 1924
KeslerHelen born about 1903
KesserEsta born about 1888
KesserFred Wborn about 1887
KesserMary Janeborn about 1927
KesserRalph born about 1920
KessonCecil born about 1915
KessonCecil Jr born about 1939
KessonEdward born about 1935
KessonJennie born about 1919
KessonThomas born about 1937
KneperCora born about 1875
KneperLouis born about 1863
KnightAnna born about 1878
KnightClarence born about 1901
KnightJames born about 1937
KnightWilliam born about 1872
KrepsEdwin born about 1926
KrepsGary Leeborn about 1938
KrepsHoward born about 1909
KrepsJackie born about 1933
KrepsJimmie born about 1928
KrepsMichael born about 1881
KrepsOpal Mborn about 1901
KrepsPeggy born about 1930
KrepsPhilena born about 1910
KrepsRonald born about 1936
KrepsTommy born about 1933
KrepsWanda Fborn about 1931
KurnkleHettie born about 1877
KurnkleWilliam Hborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandonNanny Eborn about 1874
LandonWilliam Aborn about 1871
LanningAlmeda born about 1860
LanningElsworth born about 1883
LanningJessa born about 1883
LanningJoana Marieborn about 1921
LanningJosephine born about 1863
LanningLloyd born about 1917
LanningMary Lborn about 1884
LauckElizabeth born about 1882
LaudonElisha born about 1870
LaudonGerald born about 1908
LaudonGertrude born about 1893
LeaClarence born about 1933
LeaDavid born about 1908
LeaDavid Allenborn about 1936
LeaDonn born about 1937
LeaJackie born about 1931
LeaLila Janeborn about 1935
LeaMelvie born about 1907
LeechDelores born about 1932
LeechEdna born about 1910
LeechHerbert born about 1906
LeechMarilyn Annborn about 1940
LefeverAlphonse born about 1866
LefeverEstell Zoeborn about 1872
LegrandSarah born about 1850
LeifertCharles Aborn about 1866
LeifertCordelia Eborn about 1867
LennonFrank born about 1898
LennonLois born about 1926
LennonOra born about 1897
LennonRobert born about 1922
LennonVernon Maxborn about 1933
LiestHomer born about 1897
LiestOrville born about 1924
LiestSusie born about 1898
LinnChristina born about 1934
LinnEmma born about 1927
LinnJesse born about 1893
LinnMargaret Twinborn about 1930
LinnMarie born about 1899
LinnMary Ellen Twinborn about 1930
LinnRobert born about 1925
LinnVelma Juneborn about 1936
LinnWinnie born about 1866
LipeBernice born about 1916
LipeJames born about 1913
LockettEdmond Gborn about 1866
LockettJasper born about 1881
LockettMary born about 1872
LoneGale Wborn about 1916
LoneNilah born about 1918
LoveChristene born about 1932
LoveElnora born about 1928
LoveEstel born about 1927
LoveFrancis born about 1922
LoveHarry Jborn about 1892
LoveHubert born about 1924
LoveJ Haroldborn about 1904
LoveJoy Nellborn about 1932
LoveMabel born about 1905
LoveMarion born about 1905
LoveNina born about 1907
LoveOpal born about 1894
LoveRichard born about 1930
LoveRonald born about 1939
LucasAddie born about 1902
LucasClifford Mborn about 1907
LuedeckerC Lewisborn about 1903
LuedeckerCora Eborn about 1874
LuedeckerGeorge born about 1876
LuzadderAella born about 1882
LuzadderCharline born about 1916
LuzadderJames Edwardborn about 1935
LuzadderJohn born about 1911
LuzadderMinnie Aborn about 1883
LuzadderRichard Leeborn about 1933
LuzadderWilliam Aborn about 1884
LynamAnnabelle born about 1881
LynamGeorge Sborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackMary Bellborn about 1880
MackMildred born about 1918
MackTillman Wborn about 1877
MaconBurl born about 1934
MaconEstella born about 1890
MaconFrederick born about 1914
MaconGerald born about 1926
MaconGladys born about 1915
MaconImagene born about 1930
MaconOrville born about 1920
MaconWilliam born about 1887
MahonAda born about 1903
MahonAnna born about 1933
MahonDaniel Iborn about 1903
MahonEarl born about 1930
MahonHerbert born about 1925
MahonOpal born about 1927
MannixCharles born about 1877
MannixEthel born about 1892
MannixFrances born about 1915
MannixJames born about 1881
MannixLeona born about 1920
MannixLois born about 1924
MannixMarjorie born about 1927
MannixMartha born about 1922
MannixMary Eborn about 1882
MannixMaxine born about 1919
MannixNellie born about 1888
MannixOscar born about 1888
MannixTherman born about 1915
MarchalAlta born about 1887
MarchalEugene born about 1885
MarkleWebb born about 1877
MarksCarl born about 1914
MarksElla born about 1916
MarksFrederick born about 1918
MarshallBell born about 1882
MarshallClara born about 1920
MarshallGrant born about 1915
MarshallHarold born about 1878
MarshallLavan born about 1919
MarshallNeil born about 1939
MarshallNila Sueborn about 1939
MarshallPaul born about 1917
MarshallPhyllis Janeborn about 1938
MartinForrest born about 1887
MartinOwen born about 1887
MaxwellCharles born about 1876
MaysFrank born about 1874
MaysNancy born about 1878
McClainAlice born about 1872
McClainBetty born about 1939
McClainDuney born about 1899
McClainJames born about 1866
McClainJames Eborn about 1933
McClainLeo born about 1935
McClainMarjorie born about 1913
McCuneBarbara Sueborn about 1938
McVickerCora born about 1878
McVickerGeorge born about 1871
McVickerKenneth born about 1918
MelickCristina born about 1885
MelickGarland born about 1918
MelickPhyllis born about 1910
MelickPhyllis Annborn about 1931
MelickRaymond born about 1903
MershallFlorence born about 1883
MershallHarry born about 1878
MilerCepha born about 1915
MilerGeorge born about 1865
MilerLarry born about 1939
MilerMildred born about 1917
MilesAmy born about 1919
MilesCharles born about 1892
MilesDoris Roseborn about 1930
MilesHarley Jborn about 1917
MilesHilda born about 1894
MillerDoris born about 1939
MillerElzey born about 1906
MillerGene born about 1933
MillerGerald born about 1902
MillerJacob born about 1876
MillerLetha born about 1912
MillerMargaret born about 1931
MillerRetta born about 1864
MillerWalter born about 1893
MitchellWoodrow born about 1919
MockBlendenna born about 1920
MockDanny born about 1933
MockEdith born about 1915
MockFrederick born about 1932
MockGeraldine born about 1908
MockGlenda born about 1937
MockHenry born about 1912
MockHerman born about 1912
MockLavene Mborn about 1939
MockLeo born about 1921
MockOra born about 1928
MockRoy born about 1905
MontgomeryDonald born about 1908
MontgomeryE Marrilleborn about 1909
MontgomeryPatricia Jeanborn about 1928
MoodyRoss born about 1877
MooreAnna Fayeborn about 1936
MooreCarrie born about 1861
MooreCecil Dborn about 1924
MooreCharles born about 1872
MooreFred Jborn about 1899
MooreGeorge born about 1851
MooreGlen born about 1904
MooreJacob Eborn about 1929
MooreJames born about 1887
MooreJohn born about 1913
MooreJohn Dborn about 1940
MooreMildred born about 1896
MooreValma Ruthborn about 1905
MooreWilliam born about 1926
MoorelandJohn born about 1863
MorganArthur born about 1938
MorganCarol born about 1931
MorganGay born about 1888
MorganHarmon born about 1914
MorganJoyce born about 1929
MorganMary born about 1916
MorganRena born about 1895
MorrisAmelia born about 1876
MorrisBetty Jborn about 1938
MorrisDannie Leeborn about 1938
MorrisFrances Gborn about 1904
MorrisJames Aborn about 1874
MorrisJuanita born about 1920
MorrisMerval born about 1928
MorrisNera Jeanborn about 1937
MorrisRalph Jborn about 1905
MorrisRussell born about 1918
MorrisRussell born about 1920
MortzFlorence born about 1915
MortzWilliam born about 1900
MosierJudith Annborn about 1935
MullenEva born about 1889
MullenFred born about 1890
MurphyClara born about 1889
MyersArthur born about 1923
MyersDalbert born about 1915
MyersHattie born about 1876
MyersHoward born about 1911
MyersKenneth born about 1925
MyersLena born about 1914
MyersMary born about 1883
MyersMary Helenborn about 1937
MyersRichard Gailborn about 1939
MyersRobert Leeborn about 1938
MyersRoy Cborn about 1922
MyersWilliam Fborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NarrisVerlin born about 1918
NeedlerAlice born about 1913
NeedlerHenry born about 1908
NeedlerHerschal born about 1938
NeedlerImagene born about 1933
NeedlerRalph born about 1935
NeedlerRaymond Jr born about 1930
NorrisSara Janeborn about 1888
NorthCarey Cborn about 1897
NorthRilla born about 1900
NuckolsBeryl born about 1940
NuckolsIris born about 1914
NuckolsWalter born about 1911
NuckolsWoolard born about 1939
NyeEloise born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OsborneChristana born about 1936
OsborneElmer born about 1893
OsborneElmer Jr born about 1929
OsborneHazel born about 1926
OsborneJohn born about 1923
OsborneLellia born about 1894
OsborneMartha born about 1924
OsborneMarvin born about 1931
OsborneMelvin born about 1931
OsborneRobert born about 1934
OsborneRuby born about 1920
OsborneTreva born about 1918
OswaltDorothy born about 1915
OswaltErnest born about 1888
OswaltShella born about 1895
OvermanEdith born about 1888
OvermanOrley born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerAlmeda born about 1872
ParkerBessie born about 1913
ParkerClara Mborn about 1877
ParkerEdith born about 1899
ParkerEsther born about 1936
ParkerEvelyn born about 1924
ParkerGeorge born about 1906
ParkerGertrude born about 1926
ParkerHarold born about 1938
ParkerInez Mayborn about 1930
ParkerJulia Annborn about 1939
ParkerLe Royborn about 1931
ParkerMelvin Leeborn about 1936
ParkerNellie born about 1912
ParkerPaul born about 1899
ParkerPerry born about 1869
ParkerRobert born about 1929
ParkerRuth Iborn about 1920
ParkerThomas Eborn about 1877
ParkerUrbane born about 1920
ParksIva Pearlborn about 1934
PattersonHarley born about 1889
PeckEdith Maeborn about 1923
PeckNellie Iborn about 1884
PeckWebster Cborn about 1915
PelfreyCharles Jr born about 1922
PelfreyDollie born about 1881
PendrichJackie Leeborn about 1939
PendrichJosephine born about 1917
PendrichPaul born about 1915
PethtelCharles born about 1931
PethtelInzzia born about 1888
PethtelJack born about 1934
PethtelOtt born about 1886
PethtelRobert born about 1910
PethtelRuth born about 1912
PhelabaumBertha born about 1889
PhelabaumOmer born about 1888
PhilebaumEliph born about 1875
PhilebaumGoldie born about 1887
PhilebaumJune born about 1927
PhilebaumMarshal born about 1883
PhilebaumPaul Mborn about 1908
PhilebaumPearl born about 1881
PirmanClaude born about 1893
PirmanElsie born about 1896
PirmanEthel born about 1932
PirmanGlen born about 1923
PirmanHelen born about 1930
PirmanJoe born about 1925
PirmanMary born about 1927
PittsIllena born about 1917
PittsLocha born about 1890
PittsRoy born about 1887
PittsThelma born about 1921
PrewittJohn Jr born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuillanBetty Jborn about 1939
QuillanPaul born about 1914
QuillanRebecca born about 1915

R Surnames

RacerDonald born about 1915
RacerEmery born about 1888
RacerGertrude born about 1890
RacerJohn born about 1883
RayburnGora born about 1888
RayburnMaxine born about 1917
RayburnRobert Leeborn about 1923
RayburnVelma born about 1892
ReasonerEdna born about 1906
ReasonerMax Lborn about 1907
ReasonerPatricia born about 1930
ReasonerPeggy Leeborn about 1937
ReasonerShirley Annborn about 1939
ReasonerWayne born about 1926
ReedCecil born about 1912
ReedMaraleen born about 1916
ReedingJoseph born about 1911
ReedingMargaret Aborn about 1933
ReedingRuth born about 1915
ReynoldsCarden born about 1875
ReynoldsGeneva born about 1913
ReynoldsGlen born about 1911
ReynoldsGlenna Rborn about 1935
ReynoldsJ Wborn about 1870
ReynoldsMinnie born about 1882
ReynoldsOra born about 1873
RhodesMilton born about 1875
RhodesRebecca born about 1883
RhotonCharles born about 1870
RhotonLydia born about 1870
RhotonMary born about 1910
RidgewayIda born about 1867
RigbyArch born about 1871
RinkerClifford born about 1938
RinkerElonda born about 1930
RinkerGwen born about 1934
RinkerJames born about 1935
RinkerOrville born about 1907
RinkerReda Bellaborn about 1937
RinkerVardella born about 1905
RobbinsAldah born about 1918
RobbinsByron born about 1915
RobbinsDewey born about 1899
RobbinsEsther born about 1906
RobbinsGloria Annborn about 1938
RobbinsLeora born about 1869
RobbinsLinnie born about 1889
RobbinsOtt born about 1876
RobbinsRalph born about 1886
RobertsHerbert born about 1902
RobertsJohanna born about 1908
RobertsRuthalene born about 1933
RookLucretia born about 1901
RookMurray born about 1908
RossBetty born about 1925
RossDonald Dborn about 1930
RossIna Fayeborn about 1936
RossOral born about 1901
RossOral Jr born about 1928
RossVirgie born about 1903
RossVivian born about 1933
RynyonAlex born about 1890
RynyonEmily born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandoeAlva Oreaborn about 1893
SandoeAmos born about 1926
SandoeArthur born about 1905
SandoeCora born about 1912
SandoeEffie born about 1890
SandoeMyrtle born about 1908
SandoePerly born about 1903
SargantClaude born about 1919
SargantHarry Aborn about 1939
SargantJames Hborn about 1873
SargantRay born about 1916
SargantRay Charlesborn about 1918
SargantRose Annborn about 1878
SargantRuth born about 1919
SargentCatherine born about 1923
SargentJames Jborn about 1915
SargentJames Jr born about 1939
SaxmanDarwin born about 1907
SaxmanFrancis born about 1936
SaxmanMartha born about 1938
SaxmanNondis born about 1915
SchellertFred born about 1891
SchellertHenry Gborn about 1870
SchmidtAlvin born about 1920
SchmidtAnna Mborn about 1862
SchmidtDorothy born about 1923
SchmidtEffie born about 1880
SchmidtElla born about 1897
SchmidtJohn Eborn about 1875
SchmidtLeo born about 1923
SchmidtLouise born about 1922
SchmidtLuther born about 1893
SchmidtMargret born about 1925
SchmidtRobert born about 1927
SchwartzkopfBertha born about 1896
SchwartzkopfDorothy born about 1926
SchwartzkopfFrank born about 1892
SchwartzkopfHurless born about 1916
ScottFrancis Eborn about 1915
ScottHarriet Lborn about 1920
ScottVern born about 1892
ShienrAlice born about 1909
ShoresBuddy Jborn about 1933
ShoresDorta Bborn about 1887
ShoresJ Vernonborn about 1908
ShoresRobert Cborn about 1936
ShoresSigna Mborn about 1913
ShoresWilliam born about 1883
ShrackHarriet Lborn about 1868
ShrikNettie born about 1865
ShroyerAnna Mborn about 1889
ShroyerJanice born about 1924
ShroyerLawerence born about 1892
ShroyerLeila Aborn about 1921
ShroyerLewis born about 1862
ShroyerLillie born about 1896
ShroyerRaymond born about 1892
ShroyerRussell born about 1889
ShroyerSarah Mborn about 1859
ShroyerWayne born about 1914
ShumakerAdelma born about 1920
ShumakerJohn Fredborn about 1895
ShumakerLeora born about 1894
ShumakerMarion born about 1929
SilerLinnie born about 1885
SilerOscar born about 1885
SilerRoy born about 1908
SillsAlfred born about 1876
SillsEthel born about 1888
SillsFlora born about 1881
SillsFloyd Hborn about 1901
SillsHugh born about 1911
SillsIvan born about 1905
SillsLucille born about 1904
SillsMarjorie born about 1937
SillsMarvin born about 1932
SillsMary Cborn about 1925
SillsUrish born about 1879
SillsVelma born about 1912
SillsVirgina Roseborn about 1929
SillsWilliam born about 1923
SmelserMeriam born about 1914
SmelserOliver born about 1874
SmelserViolet Mborn about 1888
SmelserWarren born about 1921
SmithIly Annborn about 1889
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1884
SmootArma born about 1913
SmootHarlin born about 1913
SmootRalph Robertborn about 1938
SmootRosemary born about 1933
StaffordEdgar Rborn about 1893
StaffordEdna Aborn about 1894
StaffordElizabeth born about 1922
StaffordGladys Mborn about 1921
StaffordRobert Rborn about 1915
StaffordRobert Rayborn about 1939
StaffordViolet Mborn about 1923
StanleyJoan born about 1937
StanleyMargaret born about 1914
StanleyRobert born about 1909
StarrRuth born about 1900
StarrStephen born about 1896
StatonBetty Lborn about 1930
StatonHobart born about 1910
StatonKenneth born about 1922
StatonMattie born about 1904
StatonMilbern born about 1939
StatonViolet born about 1934
SteigerwaltCharles Rborn about 1935
SteigerwaltDonna Jeanborn about 1939
SteigerwaltFrances born about 1916
SteigerwaltHarold Lborn about 1936
SteigerwaltHarry Aborn about 1914
SteigerwaltHerbert born about 1879
SteigerwaltNeil Hborn about 1937
SteigerwaltRebecca Jborn about 1880
StevensonGeorge born about 1890
StevensonHallie born about 1908
StinemanMarion born about 1920
StollAlbert born about 1882
StollAlberta born about 1909
StollCatherine born about 1880
StrahmMartha Eborn about 1919
StrahmRay Aborn about 1917
StrahmRobert Hborn about 1925
StrahmUlysses Dborn about 1939
StroudCarolyn Sueborn about 1937
StroudDewitt born about 1889
StroudEsther born about 1921
StroudJaems born about 1914
StroudSarah Mborn about 1916
StroudWayne born about 1920
StudebaekrClara Mborn about 1877
StudebaekrJohn Aborn about 1876
StudebaekrLuther Lborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TardJohn Rborn about 1920
TardMary born about 1920
TatmanBetty born about 1927
TatmanLairy born about 1905
TatmanMary born about 1907
TaylorFlorence Hborn about 1901
TaylorJanet Annborn about 1939
TaylorMargaret born about 1925
TaylorRichard born about 1928
TaylorWilliam born about 1899
TaylorWilliam Jr born about 1930
TeegardenCarol Bborn about 1933
TeegardenClyde born about 1903
TeegardenEthel born about 1884
TeegardenGenevieve born about 1923
TeegardenRoy born about 1881
TeegardenRuby born about 1904
TemplinAlbert born about 1863
ThompsonBlanche born about 1879
ThompsonOlive born about 1884
ThornburgEcho born about 1888
ThornburgHomer born about 1888
ThornburgLillie Sueborn about 1922
ThornburyBetty Jborn about 1922
ThornburyGretchen born about 1892
ThornburyJoseph born about 1896
ThorpAlbert Lborn about 1866
ThorpEva born about 1870
TickleJohn Wborn about 1855
TickleRosanna born about 1877
TigheThomas born about 1876
TollBarbara born about 1931
TubbsBobbie born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhrickCharles born about 1939
UhrickHarry born about 1903
UhrickIsbell born about 1938
UhrickOrla born about 1937
UhrickPearl born about 1913

V Surnames

VanbuskirkRobert born about 1927
VanderburBeverley born about 1933
VanderburCora born about 1908
VanderburGaylen born about 1930
VanderburHelen born about 1939
VanderburHerbert born about 1906
VanderburJack born about 1935
VanderburNed born about 1927

W Surnames

WagnerNellie born about 1883
WaiteMarietta born about 1886
WaiteMarthadel born about 1926
WaiteTimothy Bborn about 1881
WalkerAbigail born about 1872
WalkerJune born about 1926
WalkerPearl born about 1903
WalkerRalph born about 1894
WaltzAudra born about 1927
WaltzDonna born about 1935
WaltzKathryn born about 1932
WaltzSarah born about 1895
WaltzVirginia born about 1926
WaltzWalter born about 1887
WardBelle born about 1887
WarnerGerald Dean Twinborn about 1885
WarnerHarold Gene Twinborn about 1935
WarnerHenry Cborn about 1889
WarnerJohn Henryborn about 1930
WarnerMary Cborn about 1896
WatersEdward Lborn about 1887
WatersFlorence born about 1890
WatersKeith born about 1918
WaymanEsther born about 1909
WaymanHubert born about 1906
WaymanHubert Jr born about 1935
WelchEarl born about 1930
WelchJesse born about 1910
WelchJohn born about 1887
WelchJohn Wborn about 1925
WelchMargaret born about 1892
WelchMargaret Bborn about 1928
WellsDoris born about 1904
WellsEdward Mborn about 1865
WellsMerle born about 1899
WellsVictor born about 1927
WellsWendell born about 1932
WelshEdward Tborn about 1929
WelshEmma Lborn about 1900
WelshJohn Wborn about 1924
WelshPeter Cborn about 1890
WelshWinifred born about 1926
WentzBeulah Sborn about 1922
WentzHoward Lborn about 1930
WentzInez Mborn about 1901
WentzRobert Aborn about 1937
WentzWalter Wborn about 1920
WentzWayne born about 1899
WestAlyce born about 1914
WestCarolla born about 1939
WestCharles born about 1882
WestErwin born about 1917
WestVernie born about 1880
WheatleyDonald born about 1919
WheatleyFred born about 1889
WheatleyGladys born about 1892
WheatleyHelen born about 1902
WheatleyJoseph Fborn about 1858
WheatleyLillie born about 1864
WheatleyThurl born about 1892
WhetselAlice Eborn about 1920
WhetselGuy born about 1884
WhetselHarry born about 1887
WhetselHazel born about 1898
WhetselKenneth born about 1903
WhetselKenneth born about 1923
WhetselMae born about 1898
WhetselPearl born about 1883
WhetselRosemary born about 1926
WhetselRuth Eborn about 1929
WhetselShaul Bborn about 1888
WhetselSue born about 1902
WhetselWilliam born about 1922
WhitakerGeorge born about 1865
WhitecottonCharles born about 1902
WhitecottonEdna born about 1904
WhitecottonJames born about 1924
WhitecottonMary Aborn about 1869
WilhemsBernice born about 1895
WilhemsGerald born about 1922
WilhemsHenry born about 1925
WilhemsPaul born about 1927
WilliamsAllie Dborn about 1878
WilliamsArlo Lborn about 1891
WilliamsEdwin Tborn about 1872
WilliamsGene born about 1936
WilliamsJanice Annborn about 1934
WilliamsLeroy Oborn about 1915
WilliamsRuth born about 1893
WilliamsVera born about 1916
WillmanBill born about 1904
WillmanCora born about 1883
WillmanG Frankborn about 1872
WillmanPearl born about 1908
WilsonBert Cborn about 1873
WilsonBlanche born about 1909
WilsonCharles Edborn about 1934
WilsonClara Lborn about 1902
WilsonComfort born about 1873
WilsonDavid born about 1869
WilsonEarl Sborn about 1905
WilsonEthel born about 1883
WilsonForrest Kborn about 1875
WilsonFred born about 1918
WilsonJennie born about 1886
WilsonJuanita born about 1933
WilsonLarry Leeborn about 1939
WilsonMamye born about 1886
WilsonMargaret born about 1912
WilsonOrville born about 1872
WilsonRuth born about 1913
WilsonSmith born about 1911
WilsonWilliam Aborn about 1896
WolfHonor born about 1906
WolfRichard born about 1926
WolfWillie Hborn about 1899
WoodsBlanche born about 1885
WoodsMary Aliceborn about 1925
WoodsNina born about 1910
WoodsRoss born about 1890
WorleyMaurice born about 1890
WorleyNellie born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YadonDulcie born about 1894
YadonJohn born about 1895
YadonWayne born about 1924
YountsAlice Lborn about 1929
YountsCarl Dborn about 1924
YountsDorothy born about 1904
YountsJames born about 1931
YountsMary born about 1933
YountsR Geneborn about 1926
YountsRussell born about 1896
YountsShirley Annborn about 1939
YountsSusannah born about 1867
YountsViolet born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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