1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Boone County, Boone, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Boone County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Boone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbneyElizabeth born about 1866
AbneyTalyor born about 1870
AdamsMarjory born about 1930
AilesDora born about 1879
AilesRoy Tborn about 1877
AirhartV Jborn about 1863
AndersonHelen born about 1902
AndersonLarvey born about 1886
AndersonWanda Lborn about 1930
AshleyCora born about 1881
AshleyHelen Margaretborn about 1907
AshleyJewett born about 1879
AshleyMorris Pborn about 1904
AshwellBetty Jeaneborn about 1922
AshwellJames Eborn about 1860
AshwellJames Robertborn about 1924
AshwellOris born about 1892
AshwellPansy born about 1895
AyresEugene Oborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbitCleo born about 1900
BabbitRoy born about 1900
BabbitRussell born about 1923
BaberGeorge born about 1868
BadgleyWayne born about 1924
BaileyArtie born about 1887
BaileyNora born about 1887
BaileyOkie born about 1891
BakerJimmie born about 1939
BamishAlma born about 1875
BamishC Cborn about 1875
BarkerAnna born about 1873
BarrickElnie Lborn about 1864
BartlettBurlene born about 1903
BartlettCarl born about 1894
BartlettCarl Jr born about 1924
BartlettCleo born about 1905
BartlettEliza born about 1865
BartlettLeola born about 1906
BartlettMalcolm Eugeneborn about 1936
BartlettMelvin born about 1928
BartlettNoah born about 1864
BartlettNorman Phillipborn about 1938
BartlettVictor born about 1926
BartlettViolet Geneborn about 1922
BartonAline born about 1917
BartonCharles born about 1920
BartonClara Janeborn about 1939
BartonEdna born about 1922
BartonEvelyn Lucileborn about 1940
BartonFrank born about 1912
BartonHarry Dborn about 1938
BartonHelen Louisaborn about 1939
BartonJohn born about 1915
BartonLa Vern born about 1932
BartonMarilyn Jeanborn about 1939
BartonOpal born about 1915
BartonRichard Fborn about 1936
BattsMarion born about 1936
BattsRichard born about 1912
BattsRuth born about 1913
BaughtonFreddie born about 1925
BaughtonJames born about 1922
BaughtonLeo born about 1901
BaughtonLillian born about 1927
BaughtonMargaret born about 1902
BaumgardnerMarie born about 1917
BaumgardnerMary Eborn about 1883
BeanCharles Hborn about 1879
BeanGrace born about 1882
BeanMary Ethelborn about 1918
BeanRussell born about 1915
BeasleyHattie born about 1894
BeasleyJohn Eborn about 1884
BeckDonna Janeborn about 1933
BeckErnest Jborn about 1891
BeckMabel born about 1896
BeckMart born about 1876
BeckNannie born about 1870
BeckNorma born about 1928
BeckelheimerElsie born about 1898
BeckelheimerJohn born about 1928
BeckelheimerMary born about 1925
BeckleheimerJohn Aborn about 1853
BensonBlanche born about 1914
BensonCalvin born about 1934
BensonThomas born about 1911
BerrierEugene born about 1931
BerrierFred born about 1904
BerrierLucile born about 1912
BerrierMary Francisborn about 1938
BerrierVivian Louiseborn about 1933
BiglerClarence born about 1924
BiglerFrances born about 1929
BiglerJessie born about 1888
BiglerMuriel born about 1921
BiglerVernon born about 1884
BiglerVernon born about 1922
BillingslyEdna born about 1897
BillingslyRobert born about 1894
BillingslyRobert Allenborn about 1916
BillingslyThomas born about 1918
BlankenshipEthel born about 1901
BlankenshipVirgil born about 1902
BlarkwshipCecil born about 1934
BlarkwshipJoan born about 1937
BlunkCharles born about 1878
BlunkFlossie born about 1885
BlunkFrancis born about 1915
BokeBetty Louborn about 1925
BokeJessie born about 1890
BokeRoy Iborn about 1891
BooherPorty Vborn about 1867
BookerDonald Jamesborn about 1919
BookerJohn Williamborn about 1919
BookerLawrance born about 1909
BookerLawrance born about 1910
BookerLucy born about 1887
BookerWalter born about 1878
BoringerEstella born about 1904
BoringerEthel born about 1884
BosherOpal born about 1918
BosherWesly born about 1915
BounellLittie born about 1871
BowenDale born about 1936
BowenJimmie born about 1910
BowenJimmie Oborn about 1939
BowenJuna born about 1934
BowenLaura born about 1913
BowenMabel born about 1918
BowenMartin born about 1912
BowenMiddie born about 1878
BowenOrval born about 1915
BowenOrville born about 1916
BowenRalph born about 1939
BowenWilma Jeanborn about 1938
BowmanCarl Cborn about 1875
BowmanEdmonia born about 1854
BowmanEmma Lborn about 1875
BowmanSylvia Eborn about 1915
BradleyJames Russellborn about 1937
BradleyMildred born about 1908
BradleyRaymond born about 1907
BradleyRaymond born about 1935
BrattonEmma born about 1865
BrattonEugene born about 1920
BrattonHarold born about 1895
BrattonMary born about 1897
BrattonNora Eborn about 1873
BrattonWilma Leeborn about 1925
BrendenburgEva born about 1874
BrindleGeorge Fborn about 1885
BrindleJack born about 1920
BrindleKeith born about 1933
BrindleLivings Kborn about 1909
BrindleMelson born about 1938
BrindlePhyllis Jeanborn about 1937
BrindleThora born about 1909
BrindleZora Nborn about 1891
BrookerAron born about 1927
BrookerHerman born about 1903
BrookerVicy born about 1904
BrosharAmos born about 1888
BrosharOrah born about 1902
BrosherGeorge Zborn about 1873
BrosherMary born about 1877
BrowmanE Fborn about 1889
BrowmanE F Jrborn about 1928
BrowmanMartha Eborn about 1893
BrownAllen Rayborn about 1939
BrownArtie born about 1894
BrownB Eugeneborn about 1937
BrownBetty born about 1925
BrownCharles born about 1865
BrownCharles born about 1879
BrownDella born about 1886
BrownDonald born about 1914
BrownDora Aborn about 1873
BrownEarl born about 1889
BrownErma born about 1884
BrownEthel born about 1890
BrownEugenia born about 1911
BrownGeorge born about 1913
BrownGerald born about 1918
BrownJohn born about 1916
BrownJohn Wesleyborn about 1888
BrownJosephine born about 1892
BrownKarl born about 1883
BrownKeith Arnoldborn about 1939
BrownLa Vern born about 1916
BrownLois born about 1897
BrownLyle Mborn about 1902
BrownMarcia Annborn about 1933
BrownMary born about 1893
BrownMary Francisborn about 1917
BrownMary Louborn about 1928
BrownOpal born about 1918
BrownPaul born about 1927
BrownRalph born about 1900
BrownReva born about 1928
BrownRuth born about 1911
BrownStanley Dborn about 1934
BrownVirginia born about 1925
BrownWesley born about 1923
BrownWilaean born about 1926
BryantBertha born about 1883
BryantCatherine Rborn about 1883
BryantEdward Eborn about 1883
BryantOra born about 1870
BurgonMartha Aborn about 1861
BurkEugene Cborn about 1910
BurkHarry born about 1872
BurkJames Dborn about 1868
BurkLela Mborn about 1911
BurkMary born about 1872
BurkRanall born about 1932
BurrinEffie born about 1881
BurrinEsther born about 1910
BurrinThomas Eborn about 1877
BurrisBruce born about 1877
BurrisDondla Margerborn about 1937
BurrisEthel born about 1915
BurrisEtta born about 1881
BurrisHoward born about 1908
BurrisJames born about 1919
BurrisJames Gborn about 1881
BurrisLowell born about 1916
BurrisNina born about 1889
BurrisOrsie born about 1870
BurrisRayburn born about 1925
BurrisRosie Mborn about 1886
BurrisWayne born about 1905
ButlerAda born about 1887
ButlerD Rborn about 1885

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C Surnames

CaldwellBell born about 1860
CaldwellBilly Deanborn about 1931
CaldwellCharles Eborn about 1872
CaldwellClara Aliceborn about 1914
CaldwellDavid born about 1884
CaldwellEtta born about 1875
CaldwellGenevieve born about 1907
CaldwellHarold Jborn about 1901
CaldwellMary Barbaraborn about 1928
CaldwellMary Fborn about 1885
CaldwellNellie born about 1863
CaldwellPhyllis Anneborn about 1934
CaldwellRichard born about 1907
CaldwellSarah Eborn about 1861
CaldwellThomas Fisherborn about 1940
CaldwellW Wborn about 1870
CampbellBertha born about 1868
CampbellClarence born about 1921
CampbellJohn Wborn about 1861
CamplinAldith born about 1920
CamplinEverard born about 1916
CamplinGene Earlborn about 1889
CamplinJennie born about 1907
CamplinJohn born about 1872
CamplinKate born about 1891
CamplinLullie born about 1867
CamplinReid born about 1918
CanadaCharles born about 1884
CanadaCytha born about 1883
CanadaDarrell born about 1933
CanadaDavid Lborn about 1866
CanadaEdith born about 1891
CanadaEdna born about 1894
CanadaEmma Lborn about 1869
CanadaGeorge born about 1895
CanadaGerald born about 1923
CanadaIvan born about 1914
CanadaJohn Jborn about 1864
CanadaNoble born about 1893
CanadaOlive born about 1910
CanadaOpal born about 1900
CanadaPearl born about 1909
CanadaQuince born about 1898
CanadaRussell born about 1909
CanadaRuth born about 1914
CanadaSylvia born about 1893
CanadaWilliam Jborn about 1939
CarptenderWarren born about 1859
CarrCharlotte born about 1927
CarrHolman born about 1905
CarrPauline born about 1907
CarrollDavid Jborn about 1938
CarrollForest Eborn about 1895
CarrollMildred born about 1906
CarterHarry Lborn about 1896
CarterLetha born about 1902
CarterLloyd born about 1921
CarterMarion born about 1926
CartheuserCoils born about 1865
CashawFrank born about 1872
CashawFronie born about 1873
CashawRissie born about 1874
CashawThomas born about 1873
ChamberlainIda Cborn about 1894
ChamberlainRay Dborn about 1892
ChambersCarl Eborn about 1885
ChambersJohn born about 1860
ChambersLillie born about 1885
ChambersLilly born about 1876
ChambersRhoda Bborn about 1863
ChambersRubbin born about 1909
ChambersSamuel Eborn about 1866
ChambersWallace born about 1867
ChestersonD Mborn about 1900
ChestersonLaura Fborn about 1900
ClarkDavid born about 1938
ClarkDavid Mborn about 1867
ClarkEiffel born about 1900
ClarkElizabeth born about 1908
ClarkJohn Dborn about 1931
ClarkJohn Gborn about 1903
ClarkPaul Jamesborn about 1934
ClevelandJeff born about 1897
ClevelandJo Annborn about 1903
ClickHarold born about 1913
ClickMary born about 1909
ClickSallie born about 1884
ClickSusan born about 1939
CliftonGeorge born about 1892
CliftonGeorge Jr born about 1929
CliftonJohn Marionborn about 1920
CliftonMarion born about 1863
CliftonMyrtle born about 1879
CliftonPearl born about 1887
CliftonRosa Leeborn about 1927
CliftonZola born about 1894
CogleEgbert born about 1891
CogleFloyd born about 1919
CogleNora born about 1891
ColdwellLeola born about 1912
ColdwellMerrell born about 1910
ColeJohn born about 1859
ConnerCharles Tborn about 1876
ConnerNellie Fborn about 1880
ConnerWilliam Oborn about 1867
CookLettie born about 1872
CookerlyBurns born about 1914
CookerlyFlorence born about 1914
CookerlySherrill Annborn about 1939
CookerlyTeddy born about 1936
CoombsMae born about 1866
CoonseCarolyn Louborn about 1939
CoonseConnie Sonborn about 1937
CoonseFrances born about 1906
CoonseJohn Hborn about 1898
CornettJunie born about 1883
CornettLoyal born about 1910
CornettMartha born about 1916
CornettRonald born about 1933
CourtneyMinnie born about 1870
CourtneyWilliam Sborn about 1879
CoxHarley Austin Jrborn about 1939
CoxJessie born about 1918
CoxSophia born about 1870
CoxWilliam Hborn about 1868
CramGladys Mintyborn about 1904
CramThomas Sborn about 1906
CrewsFaye Eveleneborn about 1925
CrislerFlora Zborn about 1875
CrislerWalter Lborn about 1875
CrosstreetFlordia born about 1868
CrosstreetJoseph Hborn about 1889
CrosstreetMinnie Eborn about 1892
CumminghamMorris born about 1887
CummingsHarold Eugeneborn about 1921
CummingsIda Bborn about 1894
CummingsThomas Jborn about 1894
CunninghamGeorge Eborn about 1869
CurtsKenneth born about 1919
CurtsThelma born about 1919
CutrellA Hborn about 1864
CutrellMattie born about 1874

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D Surnames

DaleBuell born about 1891
DaleEthel born about 1889
DaleMary Eborn about 1861
DaudeFredrick born about 1865
DaudeMarion born about 1926
DaudeRobert born about 1929
DaudeRosa born about 1872
DavenportAlford born about 1897
DavenportFain born about 1913
DavenportLouise born about 1925
DavenportViola born about 1888
DavidsonAnna Leeborn about 1924
DavidsonEarnest born about 1912
DavidsonFreda born about 1913
DavidsonJohn Lborn about 1928
DavidsonRalph born about 1895
DavidsonSue Anneborn about 1938
DavisAnna born about 1861
DavisDaniel Lborn about 1881
DavisDonald born about 1932
DavisJane born about 1934
DavisMary Aliceborn about 1876
DavisRobert born about 1922
DavisRoy born about 1882
DavisRuth born about 1890
DavisVoris born about 1867
DayJack born about 1928
DayLeaton born about 1903
DayLetha born about 1903
DaySally born about 1860
DaytonGrant born about 1871
DaytonRose born about 1871
DeanOrville Aborn about 1908
DeanSarah Fborn about 1869
DebardAmie born about 1879
DebardBasil born about 1898
DebardEarl born about 1902
DebardGladys Eborn about 1899
DebardJacqueline Annborn about 1939
DebardJames Eborn about 1880
DebardJessie born about 1882
DebardMartha born about 1930
DebardMary Kborn about 1914
DebardMary Louiseborn about 1917
DebardRuby born about 1899
DebardWendel born about 1916
DebardWilliam Eborn about 1872
DelancyClara born about 1886
DelancyJames born about 1881
DemareeBrewer born about 1906
DemareeDoris born about 1910
DemareeHazel born about 1890
DemareeJames born about 1928
DemareeJane born about 1939
DemareeJohn born about 1935
DemareeMarilyn born about 1933
DemareeMary Aborn about 1865
DemareeT Eborn about 1865
DemareeVoris born about 1889
DenneyFrank born about 1883
DenneyFrank Jr born about 1919
DenneyLeon born about 1922
DenneyMildred born about 1913
DeweyAnna Lborn about 1875
DeweyVirginia Ruthborn about 1924
DeweyWesley born about 1915
DickersonIda Janeborn about 1910
DickersonKemp born about 1906
DickersonLinda Pearlborn about 1939
DicksonBillie born about 1927
DicksonFrank born about 1877
DicksonGeorge born about 1921
DicksonJane born about 1887
DillonFern Aborn about 1893
DillonJimmie born about 1924
DillonJulia Maeborn about 1934
DillonMary Roseborn about 1932
DillonVirginia born about 1929
DoleCharles Fborn about 1931
DoleGeorge Aborn about 1892
DoleGeorge Lborn about 1920
DoleJudith Sborn about 1926
DolePearl Jborn about 1896
DolesMary Francesborn about 1912
DolesPaul Eborn about 1909
DuzanJane born about 1911
DuzanWilfie born about 1907
DyeIsoline Iborn about 1860
DyeMary Aborn about 1871
DyeWilliam Iborn about 1863

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E Surnames

EboughCharles Wborn about 1881
EboughFlossie Pborn about 1881
EdinsAlray born about 1908
EdinsDorothy Annborn about 1916
EdinsJames Edwardborn about 1934
EdinsLilly Katherineborn about 1932
EdinsMamie Evelynborn about 1936
EdinsMary Inesborn about 1938
EdinsRobert Rayborn about 1939
EdringtonCarrie Iborn about 1885
EdringtonDorothy born about 1908
EdringtonMarilyn born about 1936
EdringtonWayne born about 1928
EdringtonWillson born about 1905
ElliottJ Hborn about 1880
ElliottJoseph Leightonborn about 1939
ElliottLester born about 1910
ElliottMargaret Ednaborn about 1914
ElliottOtis Brockborn about 1930
ElliottSallie born about 1883
ElliottWillis Drvillaborn about 1933
EmmertAdah born about 1895
EmmertAnita born about 1928
EmmertAustin born about 1891
EmmertBilly born about 1931
EmmertCharles born about 1867
EmmertDonald born about 1908
EmmertGordon born about 1921
EmmertJames Ottisborn about 1922
EmmertLaura Mborn about 1868
EmmertMabel born about 1900
EmmertMaud born about 1887
EmmertNancy Janeborn about 1938
EmmertNina Pearlborn about 1934
EmmertRuth born about 1905
EmmertSamuel born about 1880
EmmertThomas born about 1904
EmmertThomas Earlborn about 1925
EmmertWilliam Francisborn about 1924
EppersonMary Janeborn about 1877
EppersonWilliam Bborn about 1874
EutslerJanet born about 1923
EvansArthur born about 1913
EvansGeorge born about 1876
EvansMary born about 1914
EvansStella born about 1881
EverfortDarrell Jborn about 1926
EverfortEleanor Nadineborn about 1929
EverfortMary Dvidborn about 1895
EverfortRalph Hborn about 1897

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F Surnames

FarmerDorothy born about 1929
FarrowDavid born about 1898
FarrowGlene born about 1934
FarrowHelen born about 1920
FarrowJohn born about 1851
FarrowMabel born about 1900
FarrowMary born about 1923
FaucettDale born about 1934
FaucettSeymor born about 1884
FaucettShirley born about 1925
FaucettVelica born about 1895
FaulkinburyH Lborn about 1908
FaulkinburyNorman born about 1931
FaulkinburyThelma born about 1910
FearHarry born about 1890
FearMary born about 1890
FegersonLarry Joeborn about 1938
FegersonMary Janeborn about 1914
FegersonRoy Mborn about 1910
FergersonAmy born about 1883
FergersonC Mborn about 1883
FergusonLogan born about 1886
FergusonMaud born about 1885
FerreeOt born about 1866
FinkIda Lborn about 1867
FinkOpal born about 1894
FisherBessie Maeborn about 1894
FisherEdward born about 1889
FisherGlenn born about 1923
FisherPatrica Annborn about 1939
FisherRalph born about 1925
FisherRobert born about 1911
FisherRucha Dborn about 1915
FisherViva Joanborn about 1930
FivecoatEarl born about 1911
FivecoatRessie born about 1907
FlettwoodMinnie born about 1867
FoncannonPiety born about 1914
FordCyril Fayeborn about 1940
FordEmery born about 1895
FordEmmett born about 1895
FordFrancis born about 1925
FordJennie Eborn about 1930
FordJulius born about 1926
FordMarvin born about 1919
FordMary born about 1909
FordMary Kborn about 1929
FordQuilla Janeborn about 1940
FordRichard born about 1937
FordRobert Meredithborn about 1926
FordSarah born about 1900
FordyceEdward born about 1921
FordyceJack born about 1929
FordyceOpal born about 1897
FordyceRoscoe born about 1923
FordyceWilliam Eborn about 1898
FosterWayne born about 1916
FoxPhube Annborn about 1934
FrameCharles Wborn about 1878
FrameHeneretta born about 1883
FrankGeorge born about 1910
FrazierAdah Cborn about 1885
FrazierBetty Leeborn about 1924
FrazierBilly Kborn about 1927
FrazierIrene born about 1907
FrazierJoseph Sborn about 1876
FrazierKeith Lborn about 1930
FrazierKenneth born about 1905
FrederickBradley born about 1897
FrederickClarence born about 1911
FrederickMae born about 1919
FrederickNancy Janeborn about 1870
FredrickDan born about 1919
FredrickNancy born about 1905
FredrickSenior born about 1885
FuleviderBette Jeanborn about 1929
FuleviderMona born about 1902
FuleviderWillis born about 1899
FulwiderMilford born about 1879
FulwiderSallie born about 1882
FunkhourserEvan born about 1912
FunkhourserJoseph born about 1918
FunkhouserBrewer Eborn about 1884
FunkhouserDane Jborn about 1893
FunkhouserIverson born about 1861
FunkhouserLullie Mborn about 1865

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G Surnames

GardenerSareppa born about 1873
GarmanCharles Oborn about 1878
GarmanHazel Lborn about 1891
GarnerFrancis born about 1912
GarnerFrieda born about 1913
GentryElizabeth born about 1881
GentryHarvey Mborn about 1876
GilesPatty Louiseborn about 1935
GilesPauline born about 1917
GilesThomas Earlborn about 1937
GilesWilbur born about 1916
GillMary Eborn about 1868
GillaspieGrace born about 1880
GochenourAnna born about 1901
GochenourCharles born about 1901
GochenourJames Eborn about 1930
GochenourSusan Maeborn about 1926
GordonAnna Eborn about 1868
GossettCecil Hborn about 1910
GossettDoris born about 1905
GossettEffie born about 1879
GossettElnora born about 1916
GossettOmer born about 1875
GrahamBuford born about 1903
GrahamBuford Eborn about 1924
GrahamChristian born about 1926
GrahamEthel Louiseborn about 1933
GrahamHarvey Franklinborn about 1938
GrahamHattie Mborn about 1895
GrahamJames Jborn about 1890
GrahamJames Richardborn about 1939
GrahamKattie Janeborn about 1929
GrahamLester Rayborn about 1934
GrahamMary Francisborn about 1930
GrahamMary Margaretborn about 1922
GrahamMary Wborn about 1904
GrahamSandra Sueborn about 1940
GrahamThomas born about 1923
GrahamVerta Mayborn about 1936
GranesJoseph Bborn about 1877
GravesArzola born about 1899
GravesBetty Louisaborn about 1927
GravesBeulah born about 1909
GravesEarl born about 1900
GravesErnis born about 1929
GravesJames born about 1928
GravesJohn Iborn about 1907
GravesMarilyn Annborn about 1930
GravesRobert born about 1922
GrayBeverly Annborn about 1936
GrayDuane Eborn about 1936
GrayFrank born about 1902
GrayGloria Maeborn about 1930
GrayHurbert born about 1893
GrayJames Hborn about 1862
GrayJohn born about 1929
GrayJulia born about 1895
GrayLeana Fborn about 1918
GrayTelitha born about 1863
GrayThelma born about 1904
GrayWayne Lborn about 1911
GregoryJ Fborn about 1864
GregoryLawrence born about 1907
GroceEleanor Ruthborn about 1937
GroceLucille born about 1913
GroceMary Louiseborn about 1939
GroceRobert born about 1904
GroceRobert Jborn about 1935
GrooverCarl born about 1888
GrooverFrancis Mborn about 1866
GroverFlorence born about 1897
GroverFrank born about 1893
GroverMarvin Earlborn about 1921
GrovesDonald born about 1921
GrovesGlenn born about 1897
GrovesLucite born about 1901
GrovesMalinda Jborn about 1869

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H Surnames

HackettMarjory born about 1922
HacklemanJames Fborn about 1878
HallBertha Jborn about 1877
HamiltonCyril born about 1909
HamiltonJohn born about 1936
HamiltonLeona born about 1909
HamiltonMartha born about 1894
HamiltonOliver born about 1890
HancockArchie born about 1897
HancockArlie born about 1899
HancockFrannie born about 1897
HancockKathleen born about 1906
HancockMiriam Annborn about 1925
HanksClarence born about 1924
HanksIda born about 1897
HanksIrene born about 1920
HanksJames born about 1926
HanksLee born about 1895
HanksRosalea born about 1932
HanksSandra Joborn about 1939
HardingElizabeth born about 1907
HardingElizabeth Carrolborn about 1940
HardingJohn Hborn about 1909
HardingWill born about 1884
HarlenDonald born about 1926
HarlenEileen born about 1922
HarlenEthel born about 1898
HarlenForest born about 1896
HarlenGenivie born about 1917
HartleCarl born about 1917
HartleEileen born about 1922
HatfieldJoe Lborn about 1867
HatfieldMarshel Leeborn about 1932
HaukAndrew Kborn about 1915
HaukAndrew Lborn about 1875
HaukMillie born about 1919
HaukPatrickia born about 1938
HaukPearl born about 1880
HeadyAustin born about 1884
HeadyEsther born about 1909
HeadyHelen born about 1908
HeadyRosa born about 1889
HeadyRubbin born about 1886
HeathFrank Bborn about 1892
HeathJames Bborn about 1927
HeathJohn born about 1870
HeathMary Eborn about 1874
HeathMary Oborn about 1883
HeathRobert Sborn about 1923
HeathVerla born about 1900
HeathWilliam born about 1914
HeatonCharles Hborn about 1912
HeatonVirginia born about 1918
HeckathornFrank born about 1883
HeckathornVictoria born about 1885
HedgeAlva born about 1912
HedgeDelbert born about 1930
HedgeDella Mborn about 1912
HedgeDonald born about 1910
HedgeDorval born about 1902
HedgeEda Maeborn about 1884
HedgeEdith born about 1905
HedgeEthel born about 1934
HedgeEverett Wborn about 1883
HedgeGeorge Fborn about 1931
HedgeHattie born about 1878
HedgeHelen born about 1916
HedgeJames Albertborn about 1939
HedgeJudie born about 1936
HedgeLaura born about 1877
HedgeLois born about 1939
HedgeLulie born about 1895
HedgeM Pborn about 1868
HedgeMarion Wborn about 1908
HedgeMarjorie born about 1914
HedgeMarjorie born about 1927
HedgeMary born about 1910
HedgeMary Jborn about 1863
HedgeMattie born about 1879
HedgeMorris born about 1908
HedgeOwen born about 1912
HedgePhyllis Jborn about 1937
HedgeRaymond born about 1932
HedgeSelma born about 1912
HedgeThelma born about 1922
HedgeVenia Louiseborn about 1938
HedgeVernon born about 1892
HenryAlbert born about 1884
HenryBlanche born about 1890
HenryCalvin born about 1892
HenryCarrie born about 1911
HenryDelores born about 1931
HenryElizabeth born about 1930
HenryEthel born about 1898
HenryGeorge born about 1870
HenryHorace born about 1909
HenryIda born about 1885
HenryIvan born about 1896
HenryJames Allenborn about 1932
HenryMaggie Jborn about 1870
HenryMarvin Eugeneborn about 1937
HickmanRuth Jborn about 1892
HicksCharles born about 1928
HicksDelmar born about 1921
HicksDorris born about 1923
HicksElza Bborn about 1893
HicksEva Gborn about 1893
HicksFloyd born about 1917
HicksParis born about 1919
HicksPaul born about 1925
HicksWanda born about 1933
HiestonAnna born about 1905
HiestonBuel born about 1928
HiestonFrancis Kayborn about 1939
HiestonSammie born about 1905
HilanEmmert Oraborn about 1900
HilanRichard Deanborn about 1926
HilanRowan born about 1903
HilanSarah Leeborn about 1930
HilandAlma born about 1901
HilandAnnabelle born about 1873
HilandArlus born about 1911
HilandBertha born about 1914
HilandChalmer born about 1913
HilandCharles born about 1937
HilandDenny born about 1867
HilandEdgar Rborn about 1916
HilandEliza born about 1872
HilandForest born about 1938
HilandFrieda born about 1918
HilandHarold born about 1936
HilandHattie born about 1875
HilandMartha born about 1914
HilandMary born about 1880
HilandPark born about 1874
HilandPhillip born about 1934
HilandRaymond born about 1906
HilandRoy born about 1884
HilandScott born about 1873
HilandSharon born about 1938
HilandVerla born about 1917
HilandVerna Eborn about 1894
HillerElsie born about 1899
HillerFannie born about 1876
HillerHarold Fborn about 1898
HillerImogene born about 1926
HillerMelvin Leeborn about 1928
HinesHobert Mborn about 1896
HinesIvan Cborn about 1923
HinesJohn Kborn about 1927
HinesNellie Avisborn about 1889
HinkleElmer born about 1873
HinkleJeff born about 1907
HinkleMary born about 1920
HinshawEffie Vborn about 1866
HinshawWilliam born about 1863
HobdyBeatrice born about 1933
HobdyLois Jeanborn about 1935
HobdyMary born about 1928
HobdyNodine born about 1931
HobdyPauline born about 1907
HobdyRobert Leeborn about 1938
HobdyThomas born about 1897
HoffmanBetty born about 1929
HoffmanGeorge born about 1906
HoffmanPauline born about 1909
HoffnerCharles born about 1868
HoffnerDonald Leeborn about 1935
HoffnerKate born about 1879
HoffnerKenneth born about 1915
HoffnerMabel born about 1902
HogenElmer born about 1890
HollinworthJosephine born about 1879
HollinworthMaymore born about 1876
HollyDelmar born about 1880
HollyEva born about 1880
HollyMary Francesborn about 1921
HoltegelIva Lborn about 1891
HoltegelRollings Cborn about 1893
HopperDella born about 1921
HopperDora born about 1893
HopperEarl born about 1924
HopperEverett born about 1918
HopperWalter born about 1888
HoskinsBeverly Annborn about 1937
HoskinsBobbie born about 1938
HoskinsByrtle born about 1924
HoskinsCarl born about 1923
HoskinsEllen born about 1881
HoskinsEston born about 1913
HoskinsFronia born about 1897
HoskinsJohn Hborn about 1879
HoskinsLester born about 1924
HoskinsMartha born about 1939
HoskinsMary born about 1939
HoskinsOliver born about 1900
HoskinsOliver Jr born about 1927
HoskinsOpal Leeborn about 1921
HoskinsPaul born about 1931
HoskinsPearl born about 1903
HoskinsSallie born about 1935
HoskinsWaneta born about 1917
HostonEthel born about 1892
HostonJanice born about 1916
HostonRobert born about 1917
HostonSamuel Bborn about 1888
HougenC Oborn about 1893
HougenLowell born about 1922
HougenVerda born about 1893
HovermaleEthel born about 1892
HovermaleHarry born about 1902
HovermaleJohn born about 1933
HovermaleLucille born about 1907
HovermaleOra born about 1877
HovermaleRobert born about 1928
HubbleAlta born about 1899
HubbleDonald born about 1922
HubbleGene born about 1922
HubbleHerman born about 1895
HubbleJessie born about 1883
HubbleJohn Davidborn about 1925
HubbleJunior Wayneborn about 1926
HubbleLela born about 1891
HubbleRuby born about 1924
HubbleRuth born about 1924
HuckstepHarold born about 1918
HudsonDelia born about 1862
HuffBen born about 1892
HuffGail born about 1915
HuffGeneva born about 1918
HuffNellie born about 1903
HuffmanGeraldene born about 1914
HuffmanMarilyn Jeanborn about 1933
HuffmanMarvin born about 1913
HuffmanSilvia Maeborn about 1907
HuffmanWilliam Eborn about 1872
HuffmanWilliam Eborn about 1903
HughesRobert Norwoodborn about 1915
HumesDonald born about 1909
HumesJoan born about 1939
HumesLucile born about 1908
HuntAbbert Mborn about 1877
HuntHarlan born about 1899
HuntMaude born about 1881
HurtDarlene born about 1938
HurtEtta born about 1867
HurtGuy born about 1891
HurtHarold born about 1913
HurtLa Vorne born about 1916
HurtLinnie born about 1895
HurtsBob born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramMartha born about 1919
IngramMinnie born about 1884

J Surnames

JacksCora Bborn about 1870
JacksonBetty born about 1879
JacksonCharles born about 1929
JacksonCicero Nborn about 1863
JacksonDe Von born about 1933
JacksonDova Maeborn about 1937
JacksonGene born about 1923
JacksonGeneva born about 1915
JacksonGeorge Vborn about 1904
JacksonGoldie born about 1891
JacksonHelen born about 1925
JacksonJesse Fborn about 1870
JacksonJohn Bborn about 1913
JacksonJoseph Vborn about 1870
JacksonKenneth born about 1908
JacksonLena born about 1905
JacksonLida Eborn about 1879
JacksonMary Maeborn about 1872
JacksonMary Margaretborn about 1904
JacksonMerle born about 1899
JacksonMyrtle born about 1919
JacksonPaul born about 1919
JacksonPauline born about 1912
JacksonRobert born about 1931
JacksonRuth born about 1902
JacksonTalitha born about 1868
JacksonVirginia born about 1927
JacksonW Fborn about 1883
JacksonWalter born about 1900
JamesJames Wborn about 1846
JamesRachel born about 1864
JarrettFlora Doraborn about 1875
JefferiesJames born about 1937
JefferiesJerry born about 1939
JefferiesNoami born about 1897
JefferiesPaul born about 1894
JenkinsCarolyn Janeborn about 1939
JenkinsCarver Rborn about 1916
JenkinsReta Janeborn about 1920
JenningsCorrine born about 1928
JenningsLeonel born about 1901
JenningsMary Jr born about 1932
JenningsThelma born about 1905
JewellLizzie born about 1886
JohnsCharles Oborn about 1924
JohnsHerbert born about 1891
JohnsMay born about 1884
JohnsNewton Jborn about 1919
JohnsRuth born about 1921
JohnsonElsie born about 1900
JohnsonGerald born about 1923
JohnsonIvy born about 1877
JohnsonJoe born about 1939
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1892
JohnsonMartha born about 1917
JohnsonPhillis born about 1931
JohnsonWallace born about 1890
JohnsonWilliam Hborn about 1877
JohnsonWilliam Sborn about 1917
JonesAllie born about 1887
JonesBernice born about 1908
JonesBeverly born about 1933
JonesDonald born about 1939
JonesDora born about 1878
JonesEdna Mborn about 1892
JonesGeneva born about 1909
JonesHerman born about 1911
JonesJo Annborn about 1929
JonesJoe born about 1876
JonesLaurel born about 1905
JonesRalph Eborn about 1888
JonesRobert Eborn about 1915
JonesWilliam Aborn about 1881
JosephArthur born about 1884
JosephLewis Cborn about 1890
JosephOscar born about 1910
JosephRuth born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaplingerD Gborn about 1880
KaplingerEvelyn born about 1908
KaplingerGrace born about 1880
KaplingerVictor born about 1912
KeeslingMary Elizabethborn about 1868
KernodleBert Rborn about 1881
KernodleDoc born about 1890
KernodleGlena born about 1897
KernodleMelva born about 1919
KernodleMyrtle born about 1889
KernodleOral born about 1913
KibbeyEva Maeborn about 1871
KibbeyGeorge born about 1866
KibbeyMollie born about 1880
KibbeyOthie Jborn about 1878
KincaidAlgie born about 1887
KincaidBurford born about 1906
KincaidCharles born about 1865
KincaidCynthia born about 1936
KincaidEdna born about 1879
KincaidElizabeth born about 1918
KincaidGarl born about 1884
KincaidLeatha Janeborn about 1940
KincaidLena Pearlborn about 1924
KincaidSarah born about 1873
KincaidVernon born about 1914
KingLura born about 1869
KingRichard Lborn about 1855
KirkpatrickDorothy born about 1917
KirkpatrickMinnie born about 1877
KirkpatrickWilliam Sborn about 1874
KnockDarrel Geneborn about 1930
KnockHelen born about 1924
KnockMartha born about 1925
KnockMaude born about 1900
KnockOva born about 1897
KnockRobert born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaneCharles born about 1914
LaneFrieda born about 1918
LaneJanet Jeanborn about 1937
LaneJulia born about 1859
LaneLindie born about 1868
LaneMary Fborn about 1872
LaneTimothy born about 1870
LaneWilliam Uborn about 1865
LasleyMary Eborn about 1861
LaughlinJanetta born about 1868
LaughlinJohn born about 1862
LawlerArthur born about 1895
LawlerMerrill born about 1918
LawlerRessie born about 1891
LaytonPearl born about 1899
LeckroneCharles Sborn about 1891
LeckroneDonald Mborn about 1927
LeckroneEunice Zborn about 1893
LeckroneW Robertborn about 1921
LeekeMarvin born about 1919
LeekeMaurice born about 1890
LeekeSallie born about 1895
LemonEverett Wborn about 1891
LemonMother born about 1866
LeringDonald born about 1910
LeringEdna born about 1910
LeringJames Everettborn about 1938
LeringNorma Kayborn about 1937
LewallenAlva born about 1889
LewallenAlva Jr born about 1921
LewallenBernard born about 1925
LewallenGeorge born about 1933
LewallenHurdith born about 1928
LewallenJessie born about 1890
LewisAlice born about 1862
LewisDessie born about 1892
LewisGuy Nborn about 1891
LewisLorenza Clayborn about 1883
LewisMary Eborn about 1878
ListAnnabella born about 1931
ListCharlotte born about 1922
ListEdna Marieborn about 1923
ListHoward born about 1929
ListHubert born about 1921
ListJames born about 1895
ListMarcus born about 1917
ListMinnie born about 1896
ListPaul born about 1919
ListVinnie born about 1926
LockwoodAnna born about 1903
LockwoodGlenn born about 1898
LoganJohn born about 1862
LoganMyrtie Louborn about 1904
LollarAlice Mayborn about 1935
LollarClyde Eborn about 1899
LollarHelen Maurineborn about 1939
LollarHenry Eborn about 1872
LollarMary Aborn about 1880
LollarNancy Louborn about 1937
LollarStella born about 1916
LongDona Maxineborn about 1928
LongDorothy born about 1925
LongFrank born about 1882
LongOttis born about 1885
LongVallie born about 1886
LongWilliam Lborn about 1895
LucasHelen born about 1912
LucasJake born about 1912
LucasJoyce Dborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacnaughtonFrank born about 1880
MaddoxBetty Lborn about 1905
MaddoxCarrie Eborn about 1928
MaddoxCecil Aborn about 1931
MaddoxCecil Vborn about 1899
MaddoxFranklin Oborn about 1924
MaddoxHazel Mborn about 1926
MaddoxJoe Eborn about 1933
MaloneAntica born about 1850
MaloneJohn born about 1852
MaloneJoshua Bborn about 1887
MaloneLilly born about 1861
MandaraWilbert born about 1921
MangusDoris Opalborn about 1932
MangusEster born about 1868
MangusIone Ireneborn about 1911
MangusMargaret Iborn about 1940
MangusRose Marieborn about 1934
MangusW Davidborn about 1936
MangusW Hborn about 1861
MangusWilliam Iborn about 1908
MarshellCatherine Aborn about 1917
MarshellRobert born about 1916
MartinArthur Bborn about 1883
MartinCharolata born about 1859
MartinCora Williamborn about 1900
MartinDarwin born about 1911
MartinEthel born about 1895
MartinGladys born about 1923
MartinHelen Iborn about 1923
MartinJames born about 1897
MartinLeota born about 1913
MartinMinnie Eborn about 1887
MartinNellie born about 1890
MartinRichard Aborn about 1929
MartinVirginia born about 1925
MartinW Fborn about 1878
MaschemsFrank born about 1856
MaschemsMary born about 1865
MayAlfred Eborn about 1910
MayMinnie born about 1913
MaySanda Gayleborn about 1936
MayWalter born about 1883
McCabeEster born about 1911
McCabeG Jborn about 1908
McCabeJimmie born about 1929
McCabeJoe born about 1939
McCabePatsy born about 1936
McClainHarold Rborn about 1899
McClainLetta Mborn about 1889
McClaineCharles born about 1874
McClaineElla born about 1882
McClaineEloise born about 1933
McClaineEmma born about 1876
McClaineHettie Rborn about 1876
McClaineMilton born about 1903
McClaineOscar Eborn about 1915
McClaineVerlin Mborn about 1912
McClainsDon Vborn about 1928
McClainsH Wborn about 1902
McClainsHarry Dborn about 1925
McClainsIrma Gborn about 1903
McClainsJane born about 1924
McClainsNorma Jeanborn about 1921
McCoyBetty Janeborn about 1925
McCoyChloe Rborn about 1892
McCoyErnie Rborn about 1894
McDanielClara Bborn about 1857
McDanielGeorgia Aborn about 1883
McDanielMartha born about 1913
McDanielOra born about 1879
McDanielOwen Ellenborn about 1939
McDanielToby Leeborn about 1936
McDowellOakel born about 1895
McHargueAlice born about 1939
McHargueArnold born about 1913
McHargueDonna born about 1934
McHargueElva born about 1917
McHargueEthel Eborn about 1939
McHargueEtta Pearlborn about 1934
McHargueHerbert born about 1906
McHargueJaunita born about 1937
McHargueLovina born about 1917
McHargueMollie born about 1879
MelsonMaude born about 1888
MelsonRoy born about 1885
MeodeHarry born about 1879
MeodeTressie born about 1889
MetzerClaud born about 1884
MetzerGladys born about 1892
MeyerKarl Hborn about 1871
MillerArch born about 1891
MillerCecil born about 1903
MillerGene born about 1924
MillerHazel born about 1892
MillerMary Vborn about 1900
MillerPatricia born about 1937
MillerRobert born about 1913
MillerStella born about 1885
MillsEmma Isabelborn about 1873
MillsMillie born about 1878
MitchellCharles born about 1938
MitchellGeorge born about 1909
MitchellGeorge born about 1934
MitchellJacob born about 1916
MitchellJimmie born about 1937
MitchellLouise born about 1911
MitchellMarilyn born about 1938
MitchellNola born about 1886
MitchellRuth born about 1911
MitchellThomas Jr born about 1926
MooreLucanna born about 1937
MooreWalter born about 1888
MooreZola born about 1903
MorganBarbara Jeanborn about 1937
MorganJessie born about 1892
MorganMildred born about 1915
MorganRobert Cborn about 1914
MorganRobert Fborn about 1939
MorganRobert Vborn about 1888
MorganRosemary born about 1932
MorganSarah born about 1856
MorrisEmmert born about 1877
MorrisMinnie Aborn about 1881
MurphyAnna born about 1887
MurphyGeorge Tborn about 1883
MurphyJacqulyn born about 1933
MurphyJane born about 1915
MurphyOtta born about 1907
MurryCharles born about 1908
MurryMary born about 1871
MyersBertha born about 1877
MyersCline born about 1909
MyersHenry born about 1863
MyersMary Janeborn about 1940
MyersMary Kathrynborn about 1916
MyersRuffus born about 1857
MyresCarrie born about 1877
MyresJ Mborn about 1875
MyresPaul Hborn about 1901
MyresRichard born about 1914
MyresVirginia born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealClarence born about 1907
NealJimmie born about 1936
NealRuby born about 1914
NeelCharles Edwardborn about 1924
NeelDorothy born about 1928
NeelEarl Rborn about 1893
NeelZella born about 1897
NeffAlta born about 1896
NeffBert born about 1891
NeffBetty Louborn about 1937
NeffDean born about 1925
NeffEarl born about 1900
NeffEthel Dborn about 1913
NeffFern born about 1897
NeffFloyd Wayneborn about 1938
NeffFred born about 1885
NeffFred Wborn about 1926
NeffGeorge born about 1924
NeffGeorge Jborn about 1921
NeffGertrude born about 1905
NeffHenry born about 1905
NeffIrene born about 1926
NeffJames Dborn about 1864
NeffJohn born about 1937
NeffJuanita born about 1931
NeffLois born about 1928
NeffMartha Ellenborn about 1934
NeffMary Eborn about 1870
NeffMaud born about 1897
NeffRobert born about 1932
NeffRosetta born about 1928
NeffVanuel born about 1926
NeherAlbert Eborn about 1916
NeherElsie Mborn about 1882
NeherSamuel Fborn about 1883
NeherVirginia Louborn about 1919
NewbyFred born about 1892
NewbyLola born about 1896
NewtonCarolyn Sueborn about 1938
NewtonDale Aborn about 1937
NewtonFlorence born about 1913
NewtonImogene born about 1918
NewtonKedrick born about 1914
NewtonMas born about 1919
NicelyCharles Hborn about 1935
NicelyClara born about 1877
NicelyDonald Eborn about 1939
NicelyGertrude born about 1905
NicelyHarry born about 1887
NicelyHarry Jr born about 1927
NicelyJames Eborn about 1930
NicelyMary Janeborn about 1938
NicelyMaxine born about 1933
NicelyMinnie born about 1867
NicelyMyrtle born about 1883
NicelyRoy born about 1877
NicelyWalter born about 1900
NicholsonJohn Lborn about 1867
NicholsonLillian Bborn about 1877
NorrisRichard born about 1902
NorrisSavor born about 1903
NorthcuttNonnie born about 1877
NorthcuttRoy born about 1876
NutBertha born about 1899
NutDuane born about 1933
NutMarlene born about 1924
NutPark born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdonnellLawrence born about 1905
OdonnellMary born about 1903
OdonnellMary Carolynborn about 1939
OliphantBlain born about 1885
OliphantEffie born about 1887
OliphantPatricka born about 1933
OliphantRynold born about 1937
OliverElsie born about 1904
OliverHeckel born about 1899
OliverLamar born about 1930
OliverLindel born about 1935
OliverLouise born about 1924
OsbornFlorin born about 1909
OsbornJack born about 1936
OsbornLaura born about 1916
OsbornNancy Annborn about 1939
OsbornRomona born about 1933
OtenburgDaniel Jr born about 1927
OtenburgEmma Kborn about 1920
OtenburgLeone born about 1892
OtenburgOra Lborn about 1887
OtenburgRobert Eborn about 1925
OtenburgRussel Mborn about 1923
OtenburgWalter Jr born about 1938
OttermanBillie born about 1929
OttermanDickie born about 1934
OttermanHarold born about 1908
OttermanRomona born about 1909
OwensAnn born about 1868
OwensCharles born about 1923
OwensGertrude born about 1902
OwensGlenn born about 1910
OwensHoward born about 1916
OwensIrene born about 1912
OwensJanet born about 1934
OwensLa Vern born about 1918
OwensLee born about 1881
OwensLewis born about 1903
OwensLinda Louborn about 1939
OwensMinta born about 1885
OwensPauline born about 1922
OwensRobert born about 1925
OwensSue Carrollborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAnna Cborn about 1860
PalmerIra born about 1874
PalmerLaura Jborn about 1881
ParksDolla born about 1878
ParksJesse Bborn about 1878
ParksLucile born about 1910
PattersonCarolyn Sueborn about 1935
PattersonCecil born about 1892
PattersonMarion born about 1928
PattersonMary born about 1903
PattonSue Aborn about 1885
PaytonCharles born about 1871
PaytonDella Fborn about 1873
PeabodyEleanor born about 1928
PeabodyGazlen born about 1904
PeabodyRonald born about 1930
PeabodyWayne born about 1904
PedmanAimee born about 1925
PedmanEthel born about 1906
PedmanHurbert born about 1901
PedmanJuanita born about 1931
PedmanMary born about 1934
PedmanPaul born about 1924
PedmanRuby born about 1937
PiersolHarry born about 1872
PiersolJames Allenborn about 1923
PiersolMary born about 1891
PiersolOllie born about 1878
PiggsChester born about 1900
PiggsClarence born about 1938
PiggsClaris born about 1938
PiggsEugene born about 1922
PiggsMabel born about 1914
PlikerClyde born about 1905
PlikerGaynell born about 1929
PlikerKenneth born about 1932
PlikerOsma born about 1907
PlikerRichard born about 1928
PlunkettArthur born about 1877
PlunkettBertha Lborn about 1886
PlunkettCarrie born about 1883
PlunkettHazel born about 1899
PlunkettJesse born about 1893
PlunkettLowell born about 1911
PlunkettMalvin born about 1922
PlunkettRussell Fborn about 1909
PlunkettThomas Cborn about 1885
PolandEarl born about 1890
PolandIza born about 1889
PollardBetty Louborn about 1924
PollardRayburn born about 1915
PooleJay born about 1909
PooleKeith born about 1933
PoolePatricia born about 1936
PooleRuby born about 1911
PorterElsie born about 1886
PorterMarvin Mborn about 1886
PorterT Wborn about 1855
PrattBetty Louborn about 1927
PrattDarwin born about 1938
PrattEthel born about 1888
PrattEugene born about 1931
PrattGeorge born about 1898
PrattGertrude born about 1910
PrattHoward born about 1909
PrattIna Aborn about 1885
PrattJames born about 1879
PrattJames born about 1936
PrattJesse born about 1898
PrattMajorie born about 1925
PrattMaud born about 1920
PrattMilford born about 1887
PrattMyrtle born about 1890
PrattRaymond born about 1930
PrattSamuel Aborn about 1885
PrattWilliam born about 1881
PrattWilliam Hborn about 1929
PreiceAnndra Leeborn about 1936
PreiceClarence Aborn about 1911
PreiceEthel born about 1913
PreiceSandra Deeborn about 1936
PritchittEtta Oborn about 1886
ProctorJean born about 1921
ProctorJohn born about 1884
ProctorJoseph born about 1880
ProctorLouise born about 1922
ProctorLwerence born about 1939
ProctorMary Cborn about 1888
ProctorVerna born about 1892
PurdueAudus Eborn about 1897
PurdueRoscoe born about 1926
PurdueSarah Eborn about 1860
PurdyDelmer born about 1896
PurdyDelmer Jr born about 1928
PurdyNaomi born about 1902
PyrorDaisy Kborn about 1868
PyrorDonald born about 1925
PyrorHorace Hborn about 1897
PyrorHorace Richardborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagodaleAletha born about 1922
RagodaleEva born about 1898
RagodaleJoan born about 1929
RagodaleLester Cborn about 1900
RagodaleWilliam born about 1926
RandolphJohn born about 1882
RandolphLettie Maeborn about 1888
RathelRay born about 1912
RayEffie born about 1879
RayOlaf born about 1906
RayWilliam Pborn about 1869
ReedBarter born about 1901
ReedBryan born about 1900
ReedEthel born about 1902
ReedFaye born about 1937
ReedJanet Jeanborn about 1934
ReedJoyce born about 1925
ReedM Cborn about 1878
ReedMabel born about 1903
ReedOliver Francisborn about 1936
ReeseClara born about 1888
ReeseE Aborn about 1885
ReeseEdna born about 1885
ReeseMartha Jeanborn about 1926
RevellColeman born about 1903
RevellDonald Leeborn about 1937
RevellHarold Eugeneborn about 1930
RevellLillian born about 1903
RevellRobert born about 1927
RevellRuth Berniceborn about 1936
ReynoldsFrank born about 1874
RibbeyEarl born about 1923
RibbeyGuy born about 1897
RibbeyMartha born about 1896
RichaMaxine born about 1920
RichardsonCharles born about 1876
RichardsonTillie born about 1877
RileyFrank Hborn about 1878
RileyMarilyn Francisborn about 1934
RileyRuth born about 1894
RinerOkla Eborn about 1898
RinerRine Mborn about 1901
RinerRobert Eborn about 1923
RoahrigA Wborn about 1882
RoahrigE Jborn about 1922
RoahrigEthel born about 1886
RoahrigHenry born about 1856
RoahrigIrene Maeborn about 1924
RobbinsBettie born about 1905
RobbinsBurnard born about 1927
RobbinsCharles born about 1881
RobbinsEdward born about 1879
RobbinsJeanine born about 1937
RobbinsLarry Wrayborn about 1939
RobbinsMertle born about 1886
RobbinsMinnie Pborn about 1880
RobbinsNorma Jeanborn about 1930
RobbinsRoscoe born about 1916
RobbinsRoss born about 1875
RobbinsTwyle born about 1917
RobertsBoshia born about 1863
RobertsDorla born about 1897
RobertsLon born about 1872
RobertsMarion Hborn about 1877
RobertsMary born about 1897
RobertsNettie born about 1876
RobertsOscar Jborn about 1872
RobertsRoada born about 1874
RobisonAlbert born about 1907
RobisonAlleen born about 1925
RobisonBobbie Earlborn about 1937
RobisonDonald Eugeneborn about 1925
RobisonDorothy born about 1913
RobisonFlo born about 1894
RobisonIcy Pearlborn about 1888
RobisonMary Heatherborn about 1939
RobisonRoy Gborn about 1909
RobisonWilliam born about 1887
RohnGertie born about 1874
RohnJohn born about 1873
RosenAtwood born about 1912
RosenGrace Mborn about 1884
RosenWalton born about 1881
RosenWayne born about 1924
RossBertha born about 1926
RossDoris Dborn about 1909
RossEdna born about 1900
RossEunice Helenborn about 1889
RossFrank Sborn about 1897
RossGeorge Eborn about 1884
RossIrene born about 1890
RossJacqueline born about 1934
RossLawrence born about 1909
RossMargaret born about 1915
RossMartha Catharineborn about 1861
RossMary Janeborn about 1917
RossTerry born about 1937
RossWilliam born about 1860
RoultAnna born about 1871
RoultHazel born about 1897
RouthFred born about 1888
RouthHelen born about 1892
RouthRobert Eborn about 1917
RoyerVena born about 1916
RudolphLeba Lurineborn about 1901
RunionBernice born about 1929
RunionCatherine born about 1920
RunionCharles born about 1890
RunionDonald born about 1923
RunionEdna born about 1932
RunionFrank born about 1895
RunionHazel born about 1900
RunionHerman born about 1926
RunionRaymond born about 1924
RunionRitta born about 1897
RunionRoy born about 1918
RunionRuth Ellenborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersEd born about 1883
SandersEmma born about 1884
SandersEula born about 1906
SandersHarold born about 1925
SandersLeon born about 1919
SandyJ Mborn about 1870
SchaafAlvin Dborn about 1902
SchaafAlvin D Jrborn about 1934
SchaafHelen born about 1905
SchaafWilliam Riceborn about 1938
ScheibnerErnest born about 1890
ScheibnerRichard born about 1935
ScheibnerRuth born about 1911
SchoolerDon born about 1934
SchoolerEileen born about 1927
SchoolerHarold born about 1901
SchoolerLouise born about 1931
SchoolerMary born about 1905
ScottArthur born about 1914
ScottCarolyn born about 1936
ScottCarras Oborn about 1895
ScottCatholene born about 1915
ScottCharles born about 1933
ScottCharles Wborn about 1921
ScottDaisy born about 1872
ScottFred born about 1938
ScottH Wborn about 1889
ScottImogene born about 1916
ScottIra Fborn about 1886
ScottIra Jr born about 1935
ScottIstine born about 1888
ScottIvin Fborn about 1912
ScottJewell born about 1910
ScottJohn born about 1871
ScottJohn Fborn about 1939
ScottKeith born about 1917
ScottLorena born about 1894
ScottOd Jr born about 1928
ScottOtis born about 1893
ScottRuth born about 1918
ScottSarah born about 1871
SeringByron born about 1907
SeringElizabeth born about 1909
SeringEstella Bborn about 1886
SeringJames Mborn about 1878
ServiesAima born about 1880
ServiesFrank born about 1876
ShaggsGeneva Roseborn about 1931
ShaggsLarry born about 1926
ShaggsMouta born about 1895
ShaggsZella Maeborn about 1928
ShanahanDennis born about 1866
ShanahanHazel born about 1907
ShanterCharles born about 1917
ShanterJosephine born about 1907
ShautLevi Sborn about 1863
ShautLouamy born about 1873
ShawFrances born about 1911
ShawRobert Vborn about 1906
ShawleyTomparena born about 1871
ShelleyAda Vborn about 1896
ShelleyFannie born about 1863
ShelleyIcy Iborn about 1887
ShelleyMabel born about 1875
ShelleyMorgan born about 1872
ShelleyNoble born about 1903
ShelleyOra Eborn about 1875
ShelleySusan born about 1856
SheraJames Bborn about 1880
SheraJane Annborn about 1919
ShersArthur Mborn about 1884
ShersBeulah born about 1926
ShersJames born about 1923
ShersMarion born about 1919
ShersThomas born about 1927
ShersVerna Eborn about 1890
ShirleyCullese Eborn about 1862
ShirleySarah Iborn about 1868
ShirleyWilbur born about 1894
ShoafKenneth born about 1909
ShoafLaura born about 1912
ShoafRita Janetborn about 1940
ShockleyEarl born about 1890
ShockleyFrances born about 1893
ShockleyNancy Cborn about 1856
ShueBertha born about 1895
ShueEverett born about 1927
ShueJames born about 1935
ShueJohn born about 1884
ShueJohn born about 1923
ShueRobert born about 1929
ShumakHarry born about 1875
ShumakLoden born about 1868
ShumakOscar born about 1890
SinbergDelores born about 1927
SinbergFrank Aborn about 1899
SinbergLois born about 1929
SinbergMary born about 1908
SmileyClarence born about 1879
SmileyOsa born about 1885
SmithAlmus Wborn about 1860
SmithAmbrose born about 1862
SmithCass born about 1867
SmithCharles born about 1919
SmithCora born about 1870
SmithEarnest born about 1884
SmithElla born about 1895
SmithEverett born about 1893
SmithFlorence Mborn about 1876
SmithHarold Jborn about 1889
SmithHarvey born about 1927
SmithHerman born about 1932
SmithIda born about 1869
SmithJames Hborn about 1872
SmithJames Rborn about 1939
SmithKathryn born about 1894
SmithLannie Nborn about 1903
SmithLula Bborn about 1885
SmithMary Kathrynborn about 1923
SmithNina born about 1910
SmithOpal born about 1897
SmithRuby born about 1921
SmithRuston born about 1911
SmithRuth Oliverborn about 1914
SmithSally born about 1868
SmithVirginia Vborn about 1917
SmithWilliam born about 1876
SmithWilliam Fborn about 1923
SnodgrassGerald born about 1924
SnodgrassJean born about 1930
SnyderCharles born about 1894
SnyderCharles Eborn about 1871
SnyderFrank born about 1896
SnyderGladys Marieborn about 1913
SnyderMartha Leeborn about 1924
SnyderMary Cborn about 1869
SnyderRay born about 1915
SnyderVerla born about 1895
SommervilleEdythe born about 1903
SommervilleEsther born about 1913
SommervilleHarry Mborn about 1884
SommervilleHerman born about 1915
SommervilleLulla Eborn about 1883
SommervilleMargerite born about 1909
SparksAdrain born about 1939
SparksAlberta Leeborn about 1931
SparksGeorge born about 1865
SparksGeraldine born about 1909
SparksJack born about 1929
SparksMary Margaretborn about 1934
SparksMollie Cborn about 1868
SparksMorris born about 1933
SparksOkley born about 1903
SparksTeddy Leonborn about 1932
SparksViessie born about 1905
SpeckJohn born about 1907
SpeckWilliam born about 1904
SpelmanJane born about 1855
SperryGeorge born about 1860
SphorDora born about 1876
SphorOdus born about 1875
SpillmanCharles born about 1900
SpillmanIrene born about 1928
SpillmanMarguerite born about 1903
SporeBeacher born about 1884
SporeDavid born about 1939
SporeJohn born about 1911
SporeMary born about 1913
SprongHarry born about 1870
StahlNova Dellborn about 1915
StahlOrville born about 1895
StanleyMelvin born about 1881
StanleyMinnie born about 1882
StatonEddie born about 1882
StatonNellie born about 1883
SteeleCecil born about 1879
SteeleDarrel born about 1907
SteeleLois born about 1909
SteeleNute born about 1895
SteeleSarah Aborn about 1853
StewardBetty Joborn about 1936
StewardJewell Cborn about 1911
StewardOctova born about 1914
StewartC Rborn about 1875
StewartCarolyn born about 1940
StewartErma born about 1924
StewartErnest born about 1918
StewartFrances born about 1919
StewartGrace born about 1888
StewartLonzo born about 1870
StewartMallow born about 1917
StewartOtto Bborn about 1886
StierwaltLillie Mborn about 1862
StombaughAmila Louiseborn about 1935
StombaughEllen born about 1938
StombaughRuth born about 1900
StonerCarolyn Jeanborn about 1936
StonerHarold born about 1912
StonerHarold Wborn about 1936
StonerVelva Mborn about 1914
StonesCharles Eborn about 1923
StonesCurtis Jborn about 1880
StonesVeva born about 1881
StreibichDale Eborn about 1914
StreibichMargaret Eborn about 1913
SullivanLena born about 1865
SummersBeulah born about 1920
SummersDella born about 1886
SummersFrancis born about 1915
SummersMathias born about 1881
SummersMildred born about 1940
SwinlerAmerica born about 1866
SwinlerHenry Hborn about 1887
SwinlerJames Cborn about 1861
SwinlerRoy Cborn about 1889
SwisherAllen born about 1937
SwisherArthur born about 1882
SwisherBertha Eborn about 1885
SwisherGeorge born about 1914
SwisherHenry Dborn about 1880
SwisherMaxine born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TansellDonald Hborn about 1930
TansellDonna Leeborn about 1928
TansellErval born about 1923
TansellHarold born about 1894
TansellJames born about 1932
TansellMerlin Deanborn about 1938
TansellMyrtle born about 1899
TansellNaomi born about 1921
TarrawEdward born about 1928
TarrawGettie Cborn about 1888
TarrawRussell born about 1920
TarrawThomas Wborn about 1887
ThompsonDorothy born about 1914
ThompsonElla born about 1868
ThompsonElsie born about 1903
ThompsonFrank born about 1881
ThompsonMable born about 1888
TirchartCharles Fborn about 1870
TirchartNeva born about 1872
TowellBertha born about 1896
TowellHurl born about 1884
TowellLinda born about 1926
TrothEstal born about 1888
TrothEster born about 1893
TrotterJohn Wborn about 1862
TrotterMary Eborn about 1865
TrotterShelby Aborn about 1866
TrotterSusan born about 1864
TuckerCarl born about 1885
TuckerLee born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtterbackGill born about 1892
UtterbackSylvia born about 1894
UtterbockWilliam born about 1863

V Surnames

VaughnEdward born about 1921
VaughnEmogene born about 1927
VaughnErnest born about 1897
VaughnKelley born about 1918
VaughnLulla Maeborn about 1923
VaughnNoami born about 1925
VaughnOla born about 1896
VaughnRalph born about 1929
VaughnVerland born about 1932
VengerDorothy Annaborn about 1934
VengerEdith Maeborn about 1932
VengerGeorge Hborn about 1906
VengerMary Louiseborn about 1940
VengerWanilia born about 1908
ViditoEdwin born about 1877
ViditoJewell born about 1920
ViditoLouise born about 1920
ViditoUna born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeCharles born about 1896
WadeRuth born about 1897
WagnorLottie born about 1868
WagnorRichard born about 1879
WagonerFlora born about 1882
WagonerOrba born about 1920
WagonerThomas born about 1906
WainwrightC Cborn about 1890
WainwrightLida Oborn about 1890
WainwrightMargaret born about 1918
WainwrightRuth born about 1923
WainwrightVirginia born about 1920
WainwrightWestly born about 1926
WalkerBilly born about 1927
WalkerCarl born about 1880
WalkerE Lborn about 1878
WalkerEsther born about 1910
WalkerGoldie Marieborn about 1908
WalkerHarold born about 1913
WalkerIndia Rborn about 1901
WalkerLessie born about 1934
WalkerLoren Kennethborn about 1934
WalkerLula born about 1888
WalkerMarilyn Jborn about 1933
WalkerMary born about 1914
WalkerNoole born about 1910
WalkerOakel Lborn about 1906
WalkerR Lborn about 1859
WalkerShirley born about 1938
WalkerVernia born about 1896
WallJack Rborn about 1921
WallNina born about 1891
WallOtis born about 1891
WallPolly born about 1872
WaltersCarolyn born about 1920
WaltersGlenn Hborn about 1886
WaltersHazel Lborn about 1889
WarrenEdna Mayborn about 1924
WarrenHarold Rborn about 1913
WarrenJoseph Earlborn about 1920
WarrenKenneth Eborn about 1923
WarrenLily Mborn about 1891
WarrenWilford born about 1891
WatersFarl born about 1896
WatersFarl Jacobborn about 1924
WatersLetha born about 1900
WatersZula born about 1864
WeaverBetty born about 1930
WeaverCharles born about 1891
WeaverFlorence born about 1898
WeaverFrancis born about 1918
WeaverJames Wborn about 1863
WeldonArtie Lborn about 1886
WeldonIcy Oborn about 1895
WeldonIda Eborn about 1865
WestArthur born about 1938
WestCathryn born about 1939
WestClyde Oborn about 1909
WestDorothy born about 1910
WestMichael born about 1936
WetheraleBetty Joborn about 1936
WetheraleClarence born about 1904
WetheraleEdna Maeborn about 1912
WetheraleInfant born about 1940
WetheraleRobert Eborn about 1933
WethingtonBobbie Leeborn about 1933
WethingtonCarrie born about 1913
WethingtonDennis born about 1913
WethingtonLilburn born about 1934
WethingtonThomas Oneilborn about 1937
WhiteAnna Leeborn about 1920
WhiteBetty born about 1923
WhiteBeula born about 1892
WhiteCarl born about 1886
WhiteCarolyn born about 1923
WhiteD Eborn about 1899
WhiteFlorence born about 1900
WhiteJ Shieldsborn about 1899
WhiteLorrayne born about 1909
WhiteMartha born about 1930
WhiteMary born about 1930
WhitePatty Jeanborn about 1927
WhitePhillis born about 1931
WhitecottonLucy born about 1865
WhitelyAnita Fayeborn about 1930
WhitelyBennie born about 1902
WhitelyEdgar Leeborn about 1939
WhitelyFlora born about 1875
WhitelyFrank Raymondborn about 1932
WhitelyJohn Williamborn about 1936
WhitelyMarlyn Sueborn about 1934
WhitelyMary Irisborn about 1908
WhitelyRay born about 1872
WhitemanBetty Maeborn about 1933
WhitemanByron born about 1901
WhitemanDoris born about 1910
WhitemanGranville born about 1916
WhitemanHazel born about 1898
WhitemanJohn Eborn about 1879
WhitemanLaura born about 1880
WhitemanLloyd Gborn about 1925
WhitemanMarguerite born about 1920
WhitemanMary Virginiaborn about 1921
WhitemanMildred born about 1924
WhitemanR Bruceborn about 1875
WhitemanRushia born about 1893
WhitemanThomas Hborn about 1923
WhitlowAnna born about 1897
WhitlowDavid Fredborn about 1926
WhitlowWilliam born about 1924
WhittinghillEleanor born about 1922
WhittinghillHarry born about 1921
WhittinghillL Dborn about 1905
WhittinghillRalph born about 1916
WhittinghillVirgie born about 1883
WhittinghillWilbur born about 1919
WhorleyMary born about 1886
WhorleyParma born about 1884
WhorleyW Hborn about 1857
WildenBertha Aborn about 1893
WildenGeorge Aborn about 1890
WildenGeorge Eborn about 1921
WilliamsArgel born about 1930
WilliamsFlorence born about 1909
WilliamsGurnie born about 1937
WilliamsKathleen born about 1898
WilliamsLetta Duneborn about 1928
WilliamsMajorie born about 1924
WilliamsMerle born about 1920
WilliamsNaomi born about 1922
WilliamsOscar born about 1900
WilliamsOttis born about 1900
WilliamsPaul born about 1892
WilliamsRichard born about 1934
WilliamsRuth born about 1908
WilliamsSher Louiseborn about 1934
WilliamsThelma born about 1927
WilloughbyR Wborn about 1860
WinesCarl born about 1939
WinesCharlie born about 1932
WinesJackie born about 1935
WinesLeo born about 1933
WinesLoral born about 1910
WinesRobert born about 1937
WinesRosie born about 1913
WiseBaraba Kayborn about 1940
WiseEva born about 1872
WiseFred Hborn about 1887
WiseLeana born about 1891
WiseMerlin born about 1924
WiseWillena born about 1918
WithrowLyda born about 1877
WittBruce born about 1910
WittEarl born about 1919
WoldenbargerBetty born about 1926
WoldenbargerDorothy born about 1930
WolfenbargerFrank born about 1894
WolfenbargerIrene born about 1914
WolfenbargerPorter born about 1909
WolfenbargerWalter born about 1892
WolfenbargerWilfred born about 1936
WoodallBillie born about 1938
WoodallHarlan born about 1875
WoodallLuther born about 1912
WoodallNancy born about 1913
WoodallNora born about 1896
WoodallRichard Lawrenceborn about 1936
WoodardClarence Eborn about 1902
WoodardClifford born about 1901
WoodardClifford Charlesborn about 1939
WoodardDavid Leeborn about 1935
WoodardDevon born about 1927
WoodardDonald born about 1923
WoodardEdgar born about 1929
WoodardEdna born about 1914
WoodardFlorence born about 1902
WoodardLowell born about 1931
WoodardMarlin Rossborn about 1937
WoodardNaomi Ruthborn about 1935
WoodardNorman born about 1938
WoodardPhillis Mayborn about 1933
WoodrumEdward born about 1880
WoodrumHoward born about 1919
WoodrumVoila born about 1883
WrenAnna Eborn about 1858
WrenBernice born about 1890
WrightBertha Oborn about 1876
WrightE Aborn about 1875
WrightGlenn born about 1939
WrightIna born about 1920
WrightJane Louiseborn about 1939
WrightLester born about 1916
WyattBertha born about 1884
WyattJames born about 1920
WyattTom born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungArchie born about 1913
YoungClara Eborn about 1886
YoungKathryn born about 1918
YoungLeona born about 1920
YoungMarvin Oborn about 1916
YoungVerlin Rborn about 1923
YoungWilly Rborn about 1890

Z Surnames

ZimmermanArris Eborn about 1870
ZimmermanBetty Janeborn about 1925
ZimmermanBeulah born about 1929
ZimmermanClyde Eborn about 1905
ZimmermanDoris born about 1933
ZimmermanEaster Aborn about 1897
ZimmermanHarold born about 1926
ZimmermanHenry Eborn about 1893
ZimmermanHoward born about 1899
ZimmermanMarie born about 1906
ZimmermanZora Eborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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