1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Brown County, Brown, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Brown County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Brown County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbieBonnie born about 1927
AbbieGrace born about 1896
AbbieRaymond born about 1933
AbbieRoxie born about 1939
AbbitAra born about 1929
AbbitArthur born about 1924
AbbitBernice born about 1927
AbbitCarl born about 1919
AbbitCharley born about 1886
AbbitCora born about 1922
AbbitEllie born about 1864
AbbitElsie born about 1921
AbbitGertie born about 1890
AbbitMarvin born about 1917
AbbitWalter Lborn about 1939
AbbitWilma Jborn about 1939
AdamsJessie born about 1885
AdamsWalter born about 1884
AlenderBert born about 1884
AlenderNettie Aborn about 1881
AlenderRichard born about 1922
AllenderAlma born about 1931
AllenderBettie born about 1929
AllenderDan born about 1899
AllenderDanny born about 1936
AllenderDollie born about 1936
AllenderJenieta born about 1925
AllenderPatricia born about 1933
AllenderShirley born about 1938
AllisonCharles born about 1863
AllisonMary born about 1881
AltonDonald born about 1939
AltonJackie born about 1932
AltonJunior born about 1924
AltonLois born about 1929
AltonVova born about 1907
AltonWilliam born about 1905
AndersonAlbert born about 1892
AndersonMay born about 1876
AntrimCharles born about 1875
ArnoldDora born about 1917
ArnoldEdward Aborn about 1936
ArnoldElbert born about 1913
ArnoldPhillip born about 1937
AxomBetty born about 1924
AxomMarie born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaleyCharles born about 1887
BaleyCharming born about 1888
BaleyHoward born about 1929
BaleyJames Fborn about 1861
BaleyJames Mborn about 1924
BaleyJessie born about 1896
BaleyJessie Jr born about 1926
BaleyMary Jborn about 1866
BaleyRosemary born about 1924
BaleySylvia born about 1906
BaleyViolet Lborn about 1932
BarnesBert born about 1887
BarnesCharles born about 1886
BarnesCharles Rborn about 1925
BarnesClarence born about 1910
BarnesDemaree born about 1890
BarnesFred born about 1897
BarnesFredric Cborn about 1939
BarnesGeorge born about 1911
BarnesHarry born about 1924
BarnesHazel born about 1899
BarnesJack born about 1927
BarnesJoan born about 1926
BarnesKathern born about 1852
BarnesLucy born about 1892
BarnesMarie born about 1932
BarnesMarilyn born about 1928
BarnesMary Aborn about 1853
BarnesMary Jborn about 1919
BarnesMaurice born about 1929
BarnesPetricia born about 1934
BarnesRonald born about 1930
BarnesRuth born about 1902
BarnesSilva born about 1912
BarnesSylvester born about 1880
BarnheartAnna born about 1872
BarnheartCharles born about 1872
BarryDavid Mborn about 1931
BarryDelores Mborn about 1933
BarryEmma Pborn about 1913
BarryVirgil Mborn about 1909
BaugerHarry born about 1922
BaughmanBert born about 1882
BaughmanDale born about 1920
BaughmanGose born about 1883
BaughmanLennis born about 1925
BaughmanMaurice born about 1907
BaughmanRay born about 1897
BaumanGeorge born about 1873
BaumanJohn born about 1876
BaumanOrvile born about 1903
BeaverBetty born about 1930
BeaverCharles born about 1921
BeaverErnest born about 1893
BeaverErnest born about 1928
BeaverEugene born about 1917
BeaverMargaet born about 1924
BeaverMarion born about 1926
BeaverRuth born about 1922
BeaverSarah born about 1932
BeeckEthel Lborn about 1888
BeeckJoeph born about 1924
BeeckJosph born about 1889
BegemanErwin born about 1873
BennettAnnie born about 1867
BennettCarayen born about 1927
BennettDaniel born about 1925
BennettFreda born about 1896
BennettJack Sborn about 1922
BennettJohn Rborn about 1894
BennettRobert born about 1919
BlaesEdith born about 1915
BlaesFrances born about 1936
BlaesFrank born about 1907
BlaesPhyllis Aborn about 1934
BochEffie born about 1873
BochWillis born about 1880
BockHoward born about 1917
BockMartin born about 1938
BockMary born about 1920
BockTracey Eborn about 1939
BodisCharles born about 1882
BodisMaud born about 1888
BohamMary born about 1877
BondBetty born about 1927
BondBilly born about 1937
BondDale born about 1923
BondDickey born about 1932
BondEarl born about 1900
BondEmajean born about 1932
BondGrace born about 1896
BondHarry born about 1935
BondIvan born about 1903
BondIvan Jborn about 1929
BondJames born about 1921
BondKaty born about 1904
BondMary born about 1927
BondRuth born about 1939
BondSuseboe born about 1931
BorenBen born about 1908
BorenBessie Lborn about 1930
BorenCal born about 1884
BorenGeorge born about 1914
BorenJulie born about 1853
BorenLala born about 1910
BormesAda born about 1886
BormesDella born about 1894
BormesMary born about 1917
BorrickArthur born about 1896
BorrickClara Aborn about 1931
BorrickIrvin born about 1869
BorrickJessie born about 1907
BorrickMarvin born about 1933
BorrickRaymond born about 1928
BowdenBarbary born about 1935
BowdenBillie born about 1931
BowdenJacky born about 1936
BowdenJames born about 1929
BowdenLena born about 1909
BowdenRoy born about 1907
BowdenSusian born about 1939
BradwayElizabeth born about 1867
BradwayFrances born about 1907
BraggArlene born about 1939
BraggsAlice born about 1937
BraggsDelores born about 1935
BraggsRay born about 1910
BraggsVivian born about 1914
BragyEugene born about 1926
BragyFlorence born about 1924
BragyNora born about 1890
BragyRalph born about 1911
BrannanLaura born about 1875
BranningAnnabell born about 1907
BranningHomer born about 1871
BranningJohn born about 1894
BranningJone born about 1873
BranningMarvin born about 1928
BranningWalanda born about 1924
BrannonAlice born about 1852
BrittehamGeorge born about 1875
BrochElecta born about 1924
BrochHerbert born about 1918
BrochMarjorie born about 1919
BrochShirley Aborn about 1936
BrownCharles born about 1879
BrownEber born about 1891
BrownElbert born about 1935
BrownFletch born about 1896
BrownGuy Dborn about 1925
BrownJessie born about 1895
BrownJohn born about 1858
BrownJohn born about 1920
BrownMargaret Bborn about 1933
BrownMartha born about 1864
BrownMartin born about 1896
BrownMary born about 1882
BrownNola born about 1904
BrownOmar born about 1923
BrownPearl born about 1900
BrownRalph born about 1903
BruceJohn born about 1869
BruceNaomi born about 1869
BrummetAgnes born about 1884
BrummetBasil born about 1925
BrummetBeverly born about 1939
BrummetCharles Aborn about 1916
BrummetClara born about 1921
BrummetCorvil born about 1882
BrummetDonald born about 1923
BrummetEthel born about 1895
BrummetJames born about 1889
BrummetJessie born about 1931
BrummetLoyd born about 1903
BrummetMargret born about 1921
BrummetNeva born about 1927
BrummetWilliam born about 1873
BrummetZoe born about 1908
BrummitCarl born about 1916
BrummitElizabeth born about 1927
BrummitEthal born about 1935
BrummitKathern born about 1922
BucklerJune born about 1890
BucklerOtto born about 1882
BundyRuth born about 1890
BundyWillis born about 1887
BushJames born about 1888
ButterRosa Aborn about 1885
ButterThomas Mborn about 1910
BuzzavidRose born about 1857

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C Surnames

CampbellGene born about 1939
CampbellHarold born about 1893
CampbellMae born about 1899
CampbellMyrtle born about 1922
CampbellVivian born about 1927
CarltonJohn born about 1897
CarnahanAnna born about 1910
CarnahanIva born about 1887
CemmerAnabelle born about 1926
ChildsBlanche born about 1931
ChildsClinton born about 1933
ChildsFrances born about 1865
ChildsLola born about 1897
ChildsMary Fborn about 1922
ChildsRobert born about 1927
ChildsTheodore born about 1929
ChilesClarence born about 1918
ChilesIva Sborn about 1891
ChilesRolland Wborn about 1922
ChilesRuby Bborn about 1924
ChilesWalt born about 1891
ChilesWalter Aborn about 1919
ChitwoodAlbert born about 1918
ChitwoodAlles born about 1927
ChitwoodBatric born about 1880
ChitwoodClarence born about 1902
ChitwoodDon born about 1919
ChitwoodElla born about 1894
ChitwoodGoldie born about 1905
ChitwoodGoldine born about 1925
ChitwoodImozine born about 1926
ChitwoodIra born about 1889
ChitwoodJames born about 1863
ChitwoodLillian born about 1907
ChitwoodLinzey born about 1871
ChitwoodLois born about 1925
ChitwoodLois Jborn about 1926
ChitwoodOra born about 1895
ChitwoodRalph born about 1904
ChitwoodRosabella born about 1922
ChitwoodViolet born about 1895
ChitwoodVirginia born about 1921
ChitwoodWalter born about 1930
ChrismanGeorge Cborn about 1854
ClaynKatie born about 1906
ClaynOlive born about 1933
ClaynRay born about 1889
ClaynRay Jborn about 1931
ClehaneClarence born about 1893
ClehaneFrancis born about 1919
ClephanHoward born about 1898
ClupperHarley born about 1886
ClupperHarold born about 1916
ClupperHugh born about 1888
ClupperRosa born about 1888
ColemanCorenel born about 1920
CollatGeorge born about 1920
CollettClara born about 1895
CollettGeorge born about 1874
CollettJames born about 1924
CollinsHarry born about 1926
CollinsJessie born about 1910
CollinsTillie born about 1885
ConardAustin born about 1912
ConardHelen born about 1915
ConardMinnie born about 1862
ConnardDavid born about 1859
CookDale born about 1939
CookHebert Eborn about 1913
CookNancy born about 1920
CookWillam born about 1939
CorwinBetty Aborn about 1924
CorwinJames born about 1926
CorwinMildred born about 1894
CraftonMary Aborn about 1885
CraftonThomas born about 1885
CraigCaroyln born about 1885
CraigFredric born about 1880
CrewsFrank born about 1884
CrockHarold born about 1935
CrockHarriett born about 1915
CrockRalph born about 1913
CrockRita born about 1939
CrockRonald born about 1937
CulenEmma born about 1877
CulenJames born about 1866
CullumJames born about 1897
CullumJames Jr born about 1923
CullumRosie born about 1903
CummingCarl born about 1923
CummingCarry born about 1890
CummingEdith born about 1889
CummingMildred born about 1926
CummingPaul born about 1925
CummingRuby born about 1929
CurryBarnett born about 1898
CurryLillian born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaggyMary Eborn about 1867
DardingJohn born about 1880
DardingRosetta Jborn about 1889
DavidEva born about 1888
DavidRalph born about 1884
DavidsonJulia born about 1867
DavidsonThomas born about 1863
DavisAddie Eborn about 1861
DavisCarl born about 1925
DavisCena born about 1900
DavisClifford born about 1901
DavisClyde born about 1929
DavisDasie born about 1902
DavisEarl born about 1893
DavisHarry born about 1895
DavisHelen born about 1931
DavisHershel born about 1923
DavisLena born about 1894
DavisMarvin born about 1921
DavisMary Aborn about 1926
DavisMaurice born about 1904
DavisNancy born about 1933
DavisPeggy born about 1930
DavisRay born about 1909
DavisWendel born about 1929
DayMary Rborn about 1851
DebuleyEthel born about 1885
DebuleyJohn born about 1889
DeringerClara born about 1904
DeringerRoy born about 1901
DerringerAra born about 1922
DerringerEdgar Rborn about 1895
DerringerVivian Mborn about 1895
DooleyFrances born about 1917
DooleyMarion born about 1906
DuglasClara born about 1890
DurallBlanche born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonEdward born about 1912
EatonHomer born about 1921
EatonMattie born about 1876
EdwardsonHarold born about 1904
EdwardsonLydia born about 1904
EdwardsonMelvin born about 1928
ElkinsEdgar born about 1913
ElkinsLois born about 1914
ElkinsLubith born about 1940
EllisAlbert born about 1899
EllisCora born about 1900
EllisMarjorie born about 1933
EllisRichard born about 1928
EllisRobert born about 1929
EllisSidney born about 1935
ErtonFred born about 1877
ErtonFula born about 1890
ErtonHenry born about 1887
EstleEarl born about 1929
EstleEdwin born about 1927
EstleMarcia born about 1883
EstleRay Dborn about 1899
EverlingMollie born about 1863

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F Surnames

FarrandGeorge born about 1887
FaustFrank born about 1894
FaustGladys born about 1919
FaustLarence born about 1920
FerdricksderfAndrew born about 1873
FetterowAlice born about 1939
FetterowBilly born about 1934
FetterowDolores born about 1911
FetterowJohn born about 1898
FetterowMarjie born about 1933
FetterowMaryln born about 1933
FetterowPhylis born about 1936
FisherDavid born about 1915
FisherEstela born about 1873
FisherHelen born about 1918
FisherLeonard born about 1892
FisherMary born about 1924
FisherNelson born about 1869
FisherOpal born about 1893
FisherRuby born about 1921
FleenerAlice Mborn about 1926
FleenerAnnie Eborn about 1897
FleenerArtie born about 1889
FleenerBessie born about 1922
FleenerBetty born about 1939
FleenerBeula born about 1925
FleenerCarol Aborn about 1932
FleenerChristine born about 1899
FleenerDaniel born about 1919
FleenerElick born about 1856
FleenerFred Aborn about 1885
FleenerFrida born about 1934
FleenerGeorge Rborn about 1894
FleenerGuy born about 1903
FleenerGuy Jr born about 1926
FleenerJames born about 1903
FleenerJanice born about 1931
FleenerJohn born about 1872
FleenerKenneth born about 1931
FleenerLee born about 1896
FleenerLenord born about 1912
FleenerMarjorie Lborn about 1928
FleenerMartha born about 1869
FleenerMartin born about 1917
FleenerMaude born about 1892
FleenerPearl born about 1890
FleenerPearl born about 1928
FleenerRuby Cborn about 1898
FleenerSamuel born about 1877
FleenerShirley born about 1907
FleenerThelma born about 1901
FleenerThelma born about 1929
FleenerVirginia Rborn about 1933
FleenerWilma Mborn about 1930
FleenerrerMary Lborn about 1876
FloydChester born about 1921
FloydEarl born about 1915
FloydJohn born about 1909
FloydJohn Lborn about 1891
FloydLowell born about 1907
FloydLydia born about 1880
FloydThurle born about 1918
FordClaudy born about 1928
FoxAlberta born about 1916
FoxAlice born about 1872
FoxBarbara born about 1934
FoxCarole Cborn about 1939
FoxLouis born about 1912
FreeseErma born about 1911
FreeseWilliam born about 1902
FritchAnnabelle born about 1929
FritchAudrey born about 1908
FritchCharles born about 1904
FritchSamuel born about 1926
FrontbellerBertha born about 1906
FrontbellerJerry Aborn about 1937
FrontbellerLarry Cborn about 1937
FrontbellerRay born about 1901
FrountfelterFlora born about 1890
FrountfelterGeorge born about 1889
FrownfelterDora born about 1874
FutchClay born about 1903
FutchColleen born about 1929
FutchDolly born about 1911

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G Surnames

GathermanKatherine born about 1861
GeorgeAllie born about 1919
GeorgeBen born about 1909
GeorgeEmma born about 1884
GeorgeFarrel born about 1938
GeorgePatricia born about 1935
GillCharles Mborn about 1872
GillKati Nborn about 1874
GliddenHarry born about 1883
GliddenJames born about 1931
GliddenJennie born about 1938
GliddenJulia born about 1911
GliddenRobert Lborn about 1939
GliddenWalter born about 1934
GliddenWillam born about 1937
GradyDorothy born about 1918
GradyEarl born about 1886
GradyRuth born about 1923
GrahamAlien born about 1939
GrahamClaude born about 1902
GrahamJessie born about 1934
GrahamJohn born about 1929
GrahamMable born about 1911
GrahamMarie born about 1930
GrahamRosemary born about 1932
GrahamVivian born about 1937
GregonAnna born about 1867
GregoryBeulah born about 1895
GregoryElzie born about 1887
GregoryHarold born about 1926
GregoryJudith born about 1924
GriffinBessie born about 1896
GriffinCharles born about 1921
GriffinRaymond born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaggardAlvin born about 1925
HaggardGeorge born about 1880
HaggardLester born about 1908
HaggardMorris born about 1919
HaggardVerna born about 1886
HallackDavid Bborn about 1878
HallackIda Mborn about 1887
HamblenAnnie Aborn about 1922
HamblenCecil born about 1913
HamblenCharles Dborn about 1939
HamblenEvelyn born about 1935
HamblenLillian born about 1917
HamblenRicheal born about 1939
HamblenRuby Aborn about 1938
HamblenVara Jborn about 1939
HamblenVirginia born about 1936
HamblenVorn born about 1910
HamblinAda born about 1880
HamblinPlesie born about 1880
HamerEmma born about 1879
HamiltonAgnice born about 1926
HamiltonJames born about 1868
HamiltonRuth born about 1881
HamrickJackuline born about 1938
HamsAnna born about 1884
HamsArthur born about 1883
HamsHershel born about 1912
HanceFrancis born about 1930
HanceLouise born about 1910
HancePaul born about 1937
HanceWilbur born about 1907
HanceWilliam born about 1934
HaqueDonald born about 1934
HaqueDorothy born about 1905
HaqueEdna born about 1931
HaqueMary born about 1925
HaquePatricia born about 1935
HaqueWilliam born about 1903
HardenKaty born about 1868
HardingDewey born about 1928
HardingEugene born about 1930
HardingHarold born about 1894
HardingHope born about 1924
HardingJannie born about 1934
HardingJessie born about 1895
HardingJohn born about 1860
HardingRose born about 1927
HarlessBlanche born about 1895
HarlessLee born about 1890
HarrisArie born about 1873
HarrisJames born about 1880
HarrisonJames Rborn about 1865
HarrisonLillie Cborn about 1870
HartsockAnna born about 1894
HartsockHerbert born about 1895
HawkinsCarl born about 1924
HawkinsCharles Mborn about 1933
HawkinsDan Dborn about 1931
HawkinsJoe born about 1888
HawkinsJoe Mborn about 1925
HawkinsManuel born about 1929
HawkinsPearl born about 1897
HelmansVerna born about 1902
HelmansWilliam born about 1908
HendersonEffie born about 1877
HendersonElihu born about 1875
HiattEthel born about 1879
HiattWillen born about 1874
HollarsBarbara born about 1934
HollarsEmily born about 1939
HollarsHasel born about 1912
HollarsJoseph Aborn about 1936
HollarsLecie born about 1907
HollarsMary born about 1935
HooksClaudia born about 1940
HooksCynthia born about 1939
HooksHarvey born about 1908
HooksMyra born about 1913
HouchinsAllen born about 1885
HouchinsDeloris born about 1915
HouchinsHerman born about 1913
HouchinsMinnie born about 1884
HouchinsRay born about 1914
HouchinsRay born about 1939
HouchinsStella born about 1924
HughesJohn born about 1877
HughesJohn Jr born about 1925
HughesMirtle born about 1886
HughesWilliam born about 1871
HurdleStella born about 1886
HurdleWilliam born about 1874

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I Surnames

IovinceEdythe born about 1905
IovinceFred born about 1898
IovinceJane born about 1932
IovinceJessy born about 1934
IsaacsIoleen born about 1938
IsaacsJettie born about 1889
IsoocFritch born about 1865
IsraelEartheae born about 1916

J Surnames

JacobsBonnie born about 1915
JacobsEdith born about 1937
JacobsMinnie born about 1890
JacobsRay born about 1884
JacobsRoy born about 1921
JayBessie born about 1901
JayBetty born about 1928
JayEtta born about 1863
JayJames born about 1931
JayLee born about 1939
JayMargaret born about 1937
JayMaxine born about 1925
JayMillard born about 1901
JayWilma born about 1930
JenkensMaymie born about 1882
JenkensWillam born about 1871
JohnEllen Jborn about 1929
JohnHelen born about 1908
JohnPetrica born about 1924
JohnRobert born about 1939
JohnRun Hborn about 1904
JohnWillam born about 1935
JuddLaura born about 1902
JuddSidney born about 1899

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K Surnames

KaramanFaith born about 1907
KaramanGeorge born about 1871
KaramanJessie born about 1901
KellarRuth born about 1928
KelpDallas born about 1935
KelpDonald born about 1930
KelpIva born about 1908
KelpJames born about 1938
KelpMary born about 1933
KelpMax born about 1905
KelpMaxine born about 1929
KelsoEva born about 1910
KelsoIda born about 1883
KelsoLevis born about 1880
KempAlv born about 1916
KernGladys born about 1901
KernGladys born about 1927
KernLewis Hborn about 1892
KikoDale born about 1931
KikoEarl born about 1906
KikoGeorgia born about 1905
KikoMargaret born about 1936
KikoPaul born about 1933
KnoseHerman born about 1915
KnoseJane born about 1879
KnosePearl born about 1874
KonechnikAnthony born about 1931
KonechnikFrank born about 1886
KonechnikHelen born about 1925
KonechnikLouie born about 1927
KonechnikMargret born about 1929
KonechnikMary born about 1889
KonechnikMary born about 1923
KranolGeorge born about 1879

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L Surnames

LanderLala born about 1889
LanderSylvester born about 1891
LangGeorge Fborn about 1939
LangLa Dane born about 1937
LangLillie born about 1917
LangLowell born about 1904
LangdonLenn born about 1884
LeapStella born about 1917
LenordCharles born about 1858
LenordEustace born about 1905
LenordGoldie born about 1912
LenordMinnie born about 1869
LenordVirginia born about 1936
LentzFrances Lborn about 1868
LentzGrace Mborn about 1875
LeonardEdith born about 1883
LetteronLaroy born about 1916
LetteronMildred born about 1917
LindseyClifford born about 1916
LindseyHelen born about 1923
LintnerAmos born about 1882
LintnerMary born about 1885
LoetzEdward born about 1883
LoetzErma born about 1902
LogsdonDorthy born about 1913
LogsdonEdward Lborn about 1925
LogsdonIvy born about 1897
LogsdonIvy Jborn about 1932
LogsdonLena Jborn about 1937
LogsdonMable born about 1907
LogsdonMargie born about 1923
LogsdonMarvine born about 1928
LogsdonMaryland born about 1934
LogsdonPaul born about
LogsdonRay born about 1899
LongErma born about 1909
LongFinley born about 1908
LongGlenn born about 1899
LongJames born about 1870
LongJames born about 1925
LongJohn born about 1874
LongLillard born about 1903
LongLillard Jr born about 1937
LongLillian born about 1887
LongMary born about 1873
LongMary born about 1878
LongMary born about 1908
LongMary Aborn about 1934
LongMerette born about 1904
LongOmer born about 1877
LongStanley born about 1938
LongWalter born about 1903
LongWillard born about 1861
LongWilliam Cborn about 1923
LosenHarm born about 1886
LuchLaurine born about 1940
LupanciceAnthony born about 1924
LupanciceFrances born about 1927
LupanciceGregorich born about 1890
LupanciceJohn born about 1886
LupanciceJohn Jborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MaceyCleto born about 1913
MaceyElla Bborn about 1875
MaceyJohn born about 1867
MacintireWilliam born about 1858
MaeAlphonso born about 1885
MaeAlvey born about 1896
MaeJames born about 1866
MaeMable born about 1891
ManFloyd born about 1916
ManHelma born about 1917
ManJohn born about 1872
ManMary Bborn about 1938
ManMary Nborn about 1875
ManVirginia born about 1937
MarlottMilton born about 1881
MarshelMary born about 1867
MasnerJoseph born about 1895
MasnerJoseph Jborn about 1926
MasnerKoren Lborn about 1938
MasnerPhoebe Aborn about 1902
MasnerTillie Mborn about 1929
MathesJohnny born about 1909
McAyRebeca born about 1925
McCayClarice born about 1921
McCayDorothy born about 1930
McCayFloid Aborn about 1935
McCayFsooc born about 1904
McCayGeneva born about 1923
McCayIda born about 1898
McCayJames born about 1867
McCayJohn Lborn about 1933
McCayLaurence born about 1893
McCayLaurence born about 1935
McCayLevis born about 1876
McCayMartha born about 1870
McCayMary Eborn about 1930
McCayMillie born about 1906
McCayOlive Mborn about 1926
McCayRuby born about 1927
McCayWanda born about 1932
McCuleyEdna born about 1910
McDonaldArchie born about 1909
McDonaldBarbara Lborn about 1932
McDonaldCecil born about 1899
McDonaldDon born about 1905
McDonaldEvart born about 1900
McDonaldGladis born about 1912
McDonaldGladys born about 1899
McDonaldJack born about 1931
McDonaldJames born about 1937
McDonaldLeagean born about 1931
McDonaldMeda born about 1902
McDonaldMildred born about 1921
McDonaldNellie born about 1883
McFarlandNorma born about 1895
McGeeJohn born about 1876
McGeeMaybell born about 1885
McGuireDorothy born about 1922
McGuireNorma Rborn about 1924
McGuireRobert Lborn about 1934
McGuireRoy born about 1894
McGuireRuby born about 1894
McGuireTomas born about 1918
McQuffinDavid born about 1871
McQuffinGertride born about 1880
MedowsCharles born about 1925
MedowsMable born about 1904
MedowsWilliam born about 1900
MedowsWilliam Jborn about 1924
MelayHenry Dborn about 1884
MelayNelle born about 1888
MerrimanChester born about 1899
MerrimanClarence born about 1901
MerrimanDenton born about 1928
MerrimanDonald born about 1923
MerrimanDora Bborn about 1928
MerrimanDoris born about 1925
MerrimanDorothy born about 1932
MerrimanDwight born about 1921
MerrimanEsther born about 1930
MerrimanFrankcus born about 1935
MerrimanGeorge born about 1876
MerrimanGeorge Vborn about 1938
MerrimanHarry born about 1894
MerrimanHollie Jborn about 1904
MerrimanJohnny born about 1930
MerrimanLouise born about 1932
MerrimanOthel born about 1899
MerrimanRebecca born about 1879
MerrimanRosey Eborn about 1939
MerrimanWayne born about 1933
MillardJessie born about 1924
MillardLauree born about 1895
MillardMary born about 1898
MillerBirdia born about 1915
MillerCinda born about 1877
MillerDelma born about 1901
MillerMary born about 1862
MillerOrvile born about 1878
MillerRubert born about 1913
MillerVera born about 1935
MillerWilliam born about 1938
MinnemeyerFlorn born about 1911
MinnemeyerHollis born about 1907
MinnemeyerMichal born about 1938
MiresAsher born about 1887
MiresElla born about 1863
MiresHarrie born about 1915
MiresLydie born about 1887
MiresRose born about 1900
MiresSamuel born about 1861
MiresTomas born about 1919
MiresTyner born about 1886
MonroeBoyd born about 1902
MonroeIreta born about 1902
MonroeMaggie born about 1869
MorganDoris Mborn about 1923
MorganEdna born about 1891
MorganEmmett born about 1883
MorganHarry born about 1916
MorganJewell born about 1927
MorganRobert born about 1929
MorrisonJohn born about 1887
MorrisonKathern born about 1909
MorrisonMary born about 1885
MurphyAline born about 1875
MurphyIda born about 1876
MurphyRamey born about 1878
MyersAudrey Mborn about 1939
MyersCecil born about 1908
MyersDallas born about 1912
MyersDavid born about 1877
MyersDavid born about 1934
MyersEdna born about 1916
MyersFlora born about 1869
MyersJames born about 1931
MyersJennie born about 1889
MyersMarietta born about 1936
MyersMarjorie born about 1913
MyresAnnabelle born about 1922
MyresClide born about 1914
MyresElmer born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NayCharles born about 1926
NayEdwin born about 1894
NayElizabeth born about 1927
NayMarie born about 1901
NayMaurice born about 1933
NayRobert Hborn about 1924
NealAlise born about 1881
NealCleo born about 1927
NealHarvey born about 1876
NealMary born about 1905
NewlandArther born about 1865
NidyHenry born about 1862
NightAlberta born about 1922
NoeHaver Hborn about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OwensGenevia born about 1918
OwensJames born about 1916

P Surnames

PalingAllan born about 1923
PalingBlanche born about 1901
PalingEva born about 1898
PalingHarriet born about 1928
PalingHellen born about 1935
PalingPaul born about 1894
PalingRobert born about 1931
PalingWilson born about 1898
PalmerBayless Eborn about 1862
PalmerPauline born about 1863
ParleyEdwin born about 1865
ParleyLucy born about 1913
ParleyMary born about 1869
ParsonAlta born about 1895
ParsonGrant born about 1889
PateeEffie Aborn about 1865
PattyNora born about 1868
PawellErnest born about 1900
PawellMary born about 1902
PercifieldDorie born about 1927
PercifieldThurman born about 1884
PercifieldVerna born about 1904
PercifieldWilber Aborn about 1924
PetersJohn Wborn about 1875
PetersSara Fborn about 1877
PhilipsDonald Eborn about 1939
PhilipsPhilip born about 1936
PiggsJack Wborn about 1933
PiggsJames Eborn about 1927
PiggsMargaret born about 1901
PiggsRaymond born about 1882
PitczerCharley born about 1875
PitczerMary Sborn about 1868
PogersOpal born about 1888
PogersOrval born about 1881
PolingCressie Pborn about 1913
PolingEliza born about 1867
PolingElizabeth born about 1869
PolingFrank born about 1885
PolingGeorge born about 1863
PolingGrace born about 1899
PolingHanford born about 1912
PolingHarry born about 1885
PolingHarry Jborn about 1928
PolingJones born about 1860
PolingKoren born about 1939
PolingMelvin born about 1937
PolingMittie born about 1891
PolingSanie born about 1865
PolingWilliam born about 1861
PossenanAlbert born about 1883
PossenanPalmyre born about 1891
ProsserIda Cborn about 1875
ProsserJohn born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamseyEdna born about 1905
RamseyLela born about 1930
RamseyLillian born about 1930
RamseyRalph born about 1905
RaneyFloyd born about 1909
RaneyIrene born about 1931
RaneyMary born about 1933
RaneyNathan born about 1939
RaneyRobert born about 1936
RaneyVelma born about 1911
RardonBelva born about 1927
RardonJames Jborn about 1924
RardonJames Wborn about 1892
RardonJessie born about 1925
RardonMildred born about 1933
RardonRuby born about 1903
RariclenJohn Wborn about 1858
RaridonCharles born about 1927
RaridonCharley born about 1886
RaridonClara Aborn about 1924
RaridonJean born about 1930
RaridonLucille born about 1900
RauseAllen born about 1883
RauseAnna born about 1902
RauseEarle Rborn about 1901
RauseFredric Aborn about 1876
RauseFredrick born about 1925
RauseRichard born about 1928
RawlengsCharles born about 1924
RawlengsGenevieve born about 1898
RawlengsJean born about 1926
RawlengsMary Lborn about 1922
RawlengsRollie born about 1901
ReaderJames born about 1892
ReaderMaurice born about 1912
ReadeySydney born about 1905
RedingtonBeettie born about 1932
RedingtonBessie born about 1936
RedingtonDeloris born about 1938
RedingtonEarl Pborn about 1939
RedingtonEvart born about 1937
RedingtonEvett born about 1904
RedingtonFrances born about 1934
RedingtonSilva born about 1910
ReenBeart born about 1881
ReenEmma born about 1880
ReenJames born about 1920
RehorDavid born about 1935
RehorElizabeth born about 1938
RehorMildred born about 1912
RehorRichard born about 1934
RehorRussell born about 1907
RiceJoseph Sborn about 1863
RiceRochie Cborn about 1870
RichardMauda Bborn about 1875
RichardScot born about 1875
RichardsAlma Jborn about 1938
RichardsCharles born about 1925
RichardsDoris born about 1914
RichardsElmer Bborn about 1936
RichardsEsther Eborn about 1904
RichardsEva Eborn about 1930
RichardsFay Lborn about 1938
RichardsFlossie born about 1912
RichardsGeorge born about 1879
RichardsHenry Bborn about 1925
RichardsHubert born about 1901
RichardsIrvan Wborn about 1933
RichardsIrving born about 1912
RichardsJerry Eborn about 1932
RichardsJoe Alineborn about 1929
RichardsJohn born about 1935
RichardsJuanita Lborn about 1938
RichardsLeo born about 1897
RichardsLillian born about 1926
RichardsMary born about 1931
RichardsMary Aborn about 1882
RichardsMary Lborn about 1935
RichardsMilton born about 1879
RichardsRobert born about 1924
RichardsVelma born about 1901
RichardsWanda born about 1935
RichardsonCordlia born about 1872
RichardsonHarley born about 1922
RichardsonTheodore born about 1868
RiddyDavid born about 1939
RiddyElizabeth born about 1934
RiddyIrene born about 1914
RiddyIrvan born about 1910
RiddyPhillis born about 1935
RitcheyIda Mborn about 1861
RittenhouseCharles born about 1863
RittenhouseEllan born about 1864
RobertsonAlford born about 1900
RobertsonAlice Kborn about 1937
RobertsonBernice born about 1904
RobertsonBessie born about 1907
RobertsonCharles born about 1939
RobertsonCresterfur born about 1861
RobertsonEmma born about 1870
RobertsonFred born about 1903
RobertsonHenrietta born about 1939
RobertsonHenry born about 1897
RobertsonIva Cborn about 1913
RobertsonLee Hborn about 1926
RobertsonMorris born about 1932
RobertsonPaul born about 1913
RobertsonVelma born about 1929
RogersAnne born about 1930
RogersCharles Sborn about 1874
RogersGrant born about 1901
RogersHelen born about 1904
RogersJacob Wborn about 1932
RogersRosa born about 1876
RotnoFlorence born about 1903
RotnoJoe born about 1939
RotnoPhilip born about 1893
RotnoPhilip Jborn about 1933
RotnoTommie born about 1925
RouthAnnie Eborn about 1865
RunBessie born about 1897
RunMelvan born about 1922
RunOra born about 1891
RunVictor born about 1933
RushAnna born about 1920
RushGeorge born about 1876
RushGertrude born about 1939
RushHomer born about 1902
RushTalitha born about 1863
RushWilma born about 1936
RussHarry born about 1923
RussLaura born about 1904
RussOrville born about 1898
RussPeggy born about 1933
RussRichard born about 1922
RussRobert born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabatierCarmaletta born about 1938
SabatierDoris Bborn about 1920
SabatierLeon born about 1916
SabatierMaurice born about 1914
SawgerBetty Aborn about 1930
SawgerBrack born about 1905
SawgerElizabeth Eborn about 1909
SawgerElmer born about 1928
SawyerAlberta born about 1931
SawyerDonald born about 1933
SawyerLo Annborn about 1935
SchaulEdward born about 1878
SchaulLura Aborn about 1876
SchildHenry born about 1912
SchoettleHugo born about 1882
SchraederClaude born about 1934
SchraederFlossie born about 1904
SchraederFrieda born about 1938
SchraederGustav Fborn about 1927
SchraederPaul Bborn about 1899
SchraederWilma born about 1924
SchraughmanFrieda born about 1929
SchraughmanJames born about 1931
SchraughmanMerle born about 1908
SchraughmanNellie born about 1909
SchraughmanPatricia born about 1936
SchraughmanRobert born about 1927
SchraugmanEarnest born about 1919
SchraugmanHenry born about 1868
SchraugmanMargret Jborn about 1890
SchraugmanRuby Lborn about 1924
SchraugmanWanda Mborn about 1923
SchrockAlva born about 1892
SchrockPearl born about 1899
SchrockWalter Rborn about 1929
SchultzAnnie born about 1900
SchultzMildred born about 1928
SchultzNorma born about 1930
SchultzPhilip born about 1897
SchultzThelma born about 1924
ScottBilly Bborn about 1893
ScottElizabeth born about 1870
ScraughmanAllen born about 1935
ScraughmanCarl Fborn about 1928
ScraughmanEarl born about 1930
ScraughmanFern born about 1909
ScraughmanGerold born about 1937
ScraughmanHarold born about 1932
ScraughmanMaurice born about 1902
ScraughmanRichard born about 1939
SearsEd born about 1905
SearsMargie born about 1912
ShawHerman born about 1906
ShawHerman Jborn about 1932
ShawJuanita Wborn about 1929
ShawMary born about 1915
ShawWilma Jborn about 1931
ShepherdElizabeth born about 1878
ShillingfordHershel born about 1911
ShillingfordMayme born about 1892
ShortCharles born about 1861
ShortMary born about 1865
SimmerEarnest born about 1924
SimmonsCarole born about 1935
SimmonsClarence born about 1884
SimmonsJoana born about 1926
SimmonsJosephine born about 1897
SirrasMary born about 1929
SirrasMurriel born about 1906
SirrasOpal born about 1927
SirrasOtis born about 1896
SirrasSamul born about 1866
SissonAlvin born about 1925
SissonCatherine born about 1926
SissonCharles born about 1928
SissonEmma born about 1930
SissonHellen born about 1939
SissonLester born about 1938
SissonLollayd born about 1933
SissonMary born about 1932
SissonNellie born about 1905
SissonPhillis born about 1936
SissonVirgil born about 1902
SissonVirginia born about 1937
SmithClarence born about 1894
SmithClarence born about 1917
SmithDelema born about 1927
SmithDonald born about 1933
SmithDonna born about 1935
SmithEthel born about 1921
SmithJames born about 1884
SmithLeora born about 1868
SmithLuillin born about 1933
SmithLuther born about 1930
SmithMarie born about 1895
SmithMary born about 1923
SmithReaves born about 1864
SmithRichard born about 1934
SmithRobert born about 1927
SmithTomas born about 1931
SniderAltha born about 1902
SniderBertha born about 1877
SniderBessie born about 1890
SniderClarence Iborn about 1911
SniderDennis born about 1904
SniderEdgar born about 1877
SniderEdwin born about 1881
SniderElizabeth born about 1882
SniderElwin born about 1910
SniderErvan born about 1903
SniderEva born about 1922
SniderGeorge born about 1882
SniderHarold born about 1915
SniderHarry Eborn about 1928
SniderJohn Lborn about 1873
SniderKeith born about 1912
SniderLauree born about 1926
SniderMariah born about 1875
SniderMarvin born about 1921
SniderNorman Lborn about 1917
SniderPaul Eborn about 1924
SniderRosco born about 1905
SniderRutheford born about 1878
SniderSarie born about 1877
SniderShocb born about 1872
SniderSusie Hborn about 1921
SniderWarren born about 1919
SooyAlta born about 1883
SooySamuel born about 1875
SpalcheyGeorge Cborn about 1923
SparksGeorge born about 1884
SparksLeona born about 1887
SpillmanAlford Rborn about 1901
SpillmanGusta born about 1916
SpillmanRichard born about 1929
SpillmanRobert born about 1936
StellBeryl born about 1907
StellDaisy born about 1884
StephensJordan Lborn about 1892
StephensThaney born about 1881
StevensJanie born about 1870
StrodeCharles born about 1884
StrodeElla born about 1884
StrodsElmer born about 1912
StrodsHelen Lborn about 1916
StuartClide born about 1918
StuartEdith born about 1923
StuartFlorence born about 1892
StuartJames born about 1887
SuberBetty born about 1935
SuberFred born about 1895
SuberFreddie Jborn about 1939
SuberHazel born about 1930
SuberLucille born about 1928
SuberMaggie born about 1928
SuberMyrtle born about 1905
SuberPeggy born about 1932
SwisherFrank born about 1881
SwisherLaura born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorMarvin born about 1920
TineyHarry born about 1880
TitusDoris born about 1886
TitusEarl born about 1892
TompsonHattie born about 1890
TraceyCharles Eborn about 1870
TraceyEdith born about 1875
TraceyJohn Aborn about 1905
TraceyVera born about 1903
TraceyVera born about 1927
TracyVirgil Austinborn about 1900
TrawbidgeClinton born about 1895
TrawbidgeLucy born about 1873
TrevorrowElmer born about 1894
TrevorrowFern born about 1933
TrevorrowRer born about 1924
TrevorrowRuby born about 1900
TrunerCharley born about 1888
TrunerErshel born about 1893
TrunerVelma born about 1921
TurnerBessie born about 1921
TurnerCliff born about 1894
TurnerDemaree born about 1905
TurnerEugene born about 1930
TurnerGlen born about 1917
TurnerGrace born about 1910
TurnerHelen born about 1917
TurnerJannie born about 1932
TurnerKenneth born about 1934
TurnerMary born about 1869
TurnerRuth born about 1897
TutterowFred born about 1920
TutterowGoldie born about 1897
TutterowHelen born about 1918
TutterowLolloid born about 1930
TutterowMarvin born about 1926
TutterowOtto born about 1897
TutterowRaymond born about 1927
TutterowRuby born about 1922
TutterowSarah born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValandAra born about 1901
ValandFlorence born about 1903
ValandJohn born about 1862
ValandLouise born about 1901
VealEarle Jborn about 1886
VealElsie born about 1890
VealMargret born about 1923
VoohiesAnnie Aborn about 1869
VoohiesElmer born about 1932
VoohiesEva born about 1933
VoohiesNellie born about 1914
VoohiesWade born about 1908
VoohiesWillam born about 1870
VorhiesAlbert born about 1903
VorhiesDorthy born about 1915
VorhiesEdward born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeDouglass born about 1860
WadeMary born about 1862
WadeSadie born about 1870
WalfodCora born about 1907
WalfodMelvin Mborn about 1934
WalfodRalph born about 1908
WalkerAmor born about 1909
WalkerAustin born about 1894
WalkerBetty born about 1927
WalkerDavid Lborn about 1932
WalkerDean born about 1925
WalkerEvelyn born about 1914
WalkerGladys born about 1896
WalkerMaurice born about 1923
WalkerMelvie born about 1929
WalkerNancy born about 1934
WalkerNancy Lborn about 1937
WalkerRuth Aborn about 1938
WalkerVerlis born about 1892
WaltmanAmbrose born about 1874
WaltmanBetty born about 1925
WaltmanEthel born about 1905
WaltmanJames born about 1926
WaltmanJohn born about 1879
WaltmanLorene born about 1878
WaltmanLowell born about 1898
WaltmanPatty born about 1935
WaltmanRearl born about 1883
WamplerAlbert born about 1892
WamplerDale born about 1918
WamplerDonald born about 1929
WamplerGlen born about 1893
WamplerHelen born about 1921
WamplerMary born about 1898
WamplerRuth born about 1896
WardJames born about 1902
WardJeremiah born about 1865
WardMadynlee born about 1937
WardMary Eborn about 1922
WardPearl born about 1904
WardRussel born about 1930
WarfordCory Fborn about 1887
WarfordMary Jborn about 1886
WashMary Cborn about 1938
WashRussell Cborn about 1903
WashVivian Fborn about 1917
WashWilkie Cborn about 1939
WatermanMary born about 1881
WatsonAlvin born about 1916
WatsonArthur born about 1925
WatsonEllen born about 1916
WatsonHarley born about 1901
WatsonHarry born about 1875
WatsonSarah born about 1871
WatsonSeward born about 1869
WayGladys born about 1911
WayHobert born about 1906
WayHobert born about 1927
WayJackey born about 1935
WayKathern born about 1930
WayRoger born about 1939
WebbBessie Cborn about 1881
WebbSamuel born about 1874
WeddleBertha born about 1881
WeddleClarence born about 1907
WeddleEva born about 1888
WeddleGoldie born about 1912
WeddleIra born about 1884
WeddleRodney born about 1933
WeddleRuth Lborn about 1938
WeddleVirginia born about 1927
WestArthur born about 1895
WestOrval born about 1931
WestOssie born about 1904
WestRay Lborn about 1939
WhiteyHarold born about 1911
WhiteyJesse born about 1885
WhiteyJessie Jborn about 1925
WhiteyJoyce born about 1923
WhiteyNellie born about 1886
WilkersonAneeta born about 1911
WilkersonBenny born about 1940
WilkersonClarence born about 1909
WilkersonLeonard born about 1934
WilkersonRita born about 1938
WilkersonSallie born about 1880
WilkersonTom born about 1875
WilliamsDan born about 1934
WilliamsDan Jborn about 1915
WilliamsDan Wborn about 1890
WilliamsIva Hborn about 1894
WilliamsJohn born about 1868
WilliamsMarian born about 1917
WilliamsMyra born about 1867
WilliamsRosemarie born about 1938
WillisJerome born about 1929
WillisLeslie born about 1900
WillisLois born about 1926
WillisLora born about 1939
WillisMaud born about 1906
WillisNathan born about 1927
WilsonEvart born about 1886
WilsonJewell born about 1903
WintergerstCarolyn born about 1938
WintergerstCharles born about 1896
WintergerstCharles born about 1928
WintergerstEvelyn born about 1931
WintergerstGeorge born about 1897
WintergerstHelen born about 1905
WintergerstJohn born about 1932
WorfordEdgar born about 1884
WorfordFrank born about 1894
WorfordJessie born about 1885
WorfordOla born about 1896
WrightJohn Pborn about 1872
WrightLaura born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoderGlen born about 1910
YoderMarijane born about 1939
YoderMary born about 1913
YoderYvonne born about 1937
YoungEdgar born about 1889
YoungEverett Aborn about 1922
YoungFloyd born about 1890
YoungGail born about 1917
YoungGladys born about 1898
YoungIra born about 1874
YoungIra Kborn about 1924
YoungLeon born about 1928
YoungLola born about 1898
YoungMarvin Nborn about 1928
YoungMary born about 1890
YoungOmer Aborn about 1899
YoungRachel born about 1877
YoungRoger born about 1920
YoungRuby Eborn about 1905
YoungSadie born about 1874
YoungVirginia born about 1924
YoungWalter born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanHelen born about 1871
ZimmermanJessie born about 1862
ZinkJames Rborn about 1938
ZinkJunita born about 1937
ZinkRichard born about 1911
ZinkWilma born about 1917
ZodaAna born about 1885
ZodaClarence born about 1886
ZodyBertha born about 1883
ZodyLeander born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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