1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsFred Hborn about 1881
AdamsGracie Mborn about 1889
AlbinFred born about 1888
AlbinLloyd Wborn about 1921
AlisxCharles born about 1883
AlisxMyrtle Eborn about 1913
AltmanDavid Wborn about 1866
AltmanMary Eborn about 1874
AndersonCurtis Aborn about 1873
AndersonEugene Cborn about 1904
AndersonFrederick Lborn about 1928
AndersonJames Wborn about 1930
AndersonLewis born about 1868
AndersonLilly Aborn about 1881
AndersonMinnie Mborn about 1906
AndersonRobert Hborn about 1906
AndersonRobert H Jrborn about 1934

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B Surnames

BalderBarbara born about 1938
BalderBetty born about 1921
BalderPhilip born about 1916
BalesCharles Eborn about 1904
BalesConnie Vborn about 1904
BalesGwendolyn Eborn about 1933
BalesVelma Lborn about 1936
BalesWayne Eborn about 1930
BallRebecca Jborn about 1859
BaughmanEssie Eborn about 1879
BaughmanFranklin born about 1870
BaughmanJames Fborn about 1912
BaughmanMarie Rborn about 1915
BaughmanWilliam born about 1872
BelcherCharles Cborn about 1897
BelcherKatherine Rborn about 1908
BelcherLillian Rborn about 1925
BelcherWillie Jborn about 1926
BellBertha Mborn about 1892
BellBilly Jborn about 1932
BellCatherine Mborn about 1900
BellCharles Wborn about 1929
BellDavid Cborn about 1922
BellHarvey born about 1895
BellHerman Wborn about 1927
BellJohn Rborn about 1925
BellLeon born about 1924
BellLetha Jborn about 1900
BellLillian born about 1900
BellLuther Bborn about 1892
BellMary Jborn about 1936
BellMildred Cborn about 1929
BellNed Fborn about 1934
BellRay born about 1894
BellSadie born about 1890
BellWarren Jborn about 1939
BellWillard Cborn about 1891
BernloherWilmur born about 1903
BiggerslaffLena born about 1923
BiggerslaffRaleigh born about 1915
BillMary Fborn about 1863
BillZona Oborn about 1898
BirdnonLaura Aborn about 1879
BlairAlexander born about 1901
BlairElizabeth born about 1882
BlairGeorge born about 1889
BlairHubert Vborn about 1912
BlairKathrine born about 1885
BlairMary Hborn about 1920
BledsoeEtta Bborn about 1878
BledsoeJoseph Mborn about 1878
BledsoeMarion Cborn about 1907
BledsoeMyrdith Rborn about 1917
BlodsoeElbert Mborn about 1905
BlodsoeRuby Mborn about 1911
BolinClarence Aborn about 1885
BolinClarence Vborn about 1892
BolinEmma born about 1864
BolinGuy Rborn about 1896
BolinJanet Gborn about 1889
BolinMerle Mborn about 1894
BolinNancy Aborn about 1855
BolinSam Jborn about 1880
BolinWalter Rborn about 1892
BolingErsom born about 1869
BolingPaul Eborn about 1915
BolingSynthia born about 1875
BottEarl Wborn about 1894
BottMable Mborn about 1901
BottOren Eborn about 1938
BourettCatherine Bborn about 1909
BourettDorthy Aborn about 1933
BourettMarcella Jborn about 1937
BourettTheresa Bborn about 1932
BourettWalter Pborn about 1900
BoyceAlva Lborn about 1917
BoyceBetty Lborn about 1937
BoyceBetty Mborn about 1931
BoyceDonald Rborn about 1925
BoyceEdith born about 1875
BoyceEdith Mborn about 1900
BoyceEmma Rborn about 1906
BoyceErnestine Rborn about 1919
BoyceFrances Lborn about 1929
BoyceHarlin Aborn about 1912
BoyceHarlin Wborn about 1932
BoyceHelen Iborn about 1923
BoyceHenry Dborn about 1905
BoyceHenry Jborn about 1904
BoyceHomer Vborn about 1924
BoyceImogene Mborn about 1927
BoyceIra Kborn about 1896
BoyceIrene Eborn about 1921
BoyceJohn Eborn about 1866
BoyceKathrine Iborn about 1925
BoyceKathrine Mborn about 1909
BoyceKenneth Lborn about 1922
BoyceLeroy Eborn about 1923
BoyceLillie Mborn about 1898
BoyceLoretta Vborn about 1931
BoyceLucille Fborn about 1924
BoyceMargaretta born about 1904
BoyceMorris Gborn about 1924
BoyceNorman Jborn about 1928
BoyceOpal Yborn about 1931
BoycePearl Kborn about 1907
BoyceRay Hborn about 1929
BoyceRaymond Aborn about 1901
BoyceRichard Mborn about 1918
BoyceRobert Lborn about 1929
BoyceRoy Hborn about 1902
BoyceRuth Eborn about 1915
BoyceWaneta Jborn about 1938
BradshawDolores Cborn about 1930
BradshawIna Lborn about 1905
BradshawJack Aborn about 1932
BradshawJohn Cborn about 1893
BrendleAdam born about 1872
BrendleLouise Eborn about 1880
BrewerRhoda Jborn about 1846
BrewerSamuel born about 1871
BrewerWillie born about 1871
BrownAlice born about 1872
BrownElnora born about 1878
BrownEuguene born about 1875
BrownFred Aborn about 1934
BrownJohn Wborn about 1903
BrownMary Kborn about 1914
BrownMary Rborn about 1938
BrownMary Wborn about 1903
BrownPaul Vborn about 1913
BrownRoy Eborn about 1918
BrownRuth Hborn about 1904
BrunettJohn Fborn about 1909
BrunsHarold Eborn about 1923
BrunsMargarette Aborn about 1925
BrunsMarilyn Lborn about 1936
BrunsNora Eborn about 1898
BrunsThomas Jborn about 1896
BrunsWilliam Gborn about 1921
BryanAnna born about 1893
BuchholzDonald born about 1931
BuchholzEdwin born about 1925
BuchholzElizabeth born about 1901
BuckBarthena born about 1856
BuckJames Nborn about 1927
BuckMary Eborn about 1906
BuckPattie Rborn about 1935
BuckThomas Jborn about 1895
BuckalewAllen Sborn about 1875
BuckalewHerman Fborn about 1903
BuckalewLydia born about 1878
BuckalewMarie Fborn about 1904
BuckallenJohn Fborn about 1876
BuckallenReba Aborn about 1883
BulEthel Mborn about 1907
BulFrederick Jborn about 1903
BulGertrude Aborn about 1923
BulJohn Hborn about 1904
BulJohn Hborn about 1926
BulNettie Iborn about 1902
BulerGeorge born about 1882
BulerMinnie born about 1886
BullerdickArthur Wborn about 1902
BullerdickClara born about 1864
BullerdickHenry born about 1890
BullerdickIda Mborn about 1894
BuraMack born about 1901
BuraThomas born about 1925
BuraToma born about 1907
BurchBerl Kborn about 1938
BurchEsta Iborn about 1894
BurchKaris Aborn about 1919
BurchKenneth Fborn about 1921
BurchLester Oborn about 1930
BurchMary Fborn about 1925
BurchScharlotte Bborn about 1914
BurchStanley Jborn about 1923
BurchTrillis Mborn about 1928
BurchWalter Fborn about 1892
BurkAlta Eborn about 1890
BurkArthur Aborn about 1901
BurkArthur Jr born about 1925
BurkCora Aborn about 1874
BurkHomer Oborn about 1888
BurkIra Eborn about 1908
BurkJacob born about 1870
BurkJohn Dborn about 1931
BurkJohn Eborn about 1892
BurkJoseph Lborn about 1893
BurkMary Bborn about 1905
BurkMaxine Gborn about 1922
BurkMayme Eborn about 1896
BurkSamuel Jborn about 1898
BurkSarah Eborn about 1900
BurkWilbur Wborn about 1931
BurkWilliam Eborn about 1928
BurkeDavid Fborn about 1895
BurkeDorthy Mborn about 1923
BurkeEmma Jborn about 1901
BurkeRobert Fborn about 1929
BurkhartEdward Nborn about 1880
BurkhartMinnie Pborn about 1894
BurkhartSamuel Gborn about 1879
BurkhartViola Dborn about 1876
BussingBernard Bborn about 1935
BussingJoan Pborn about 1929
BussingMargarette Mborn about 1933
BussingMarjorie Kborn about 1907
BussingRaymond Sborn about 1898
BussingRaymond Jr born about 1925
BussingRichard Wborn about 1937
BussingThomas Lborn about 1927
ByersBernice Aborn about 1900
ByersGeorge born about 1882
ByersJohn Hborn about 1896
ByersMary Lborn about 1923

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C Surnames

CaltharpJoseph Wborn about 1869
CamersonHenry Rborn about 1903
CamersonMable Aborn about 1904
CamersonThomas Lborn about 1931
CampbellHenry Mborn about 1862
CampbellMary Jborn about 1868
CarpenterCharles Eborn about 1889
CarpenterEliza Mborn about 1923
CarpenterJane Eborn about 1921
CarpenterLeo Mborn about 1919
CarpenterRuth born about 1893
CarreyAnna Sborn about 1880
CarreySamuel Cborn about 1886
ClarkAlim born about 1891
ClarkAnna Eborn about 1887
ClarkBert Gborn about 1886
ClarkEdison Fborn about 1917
ClarkEmerson Aborn about 1920
ClarkIda Bborn about 1870
ClarkJuanita Mborn about 1929
ClarkLee Rborn about 1866
ClarkSebert Lborn about 1929
ClingermanClifton Jborn about 1883
ClingermanEdith Mborn about 1883
ClingermanJoseph Hborn about 1861
ClingermanLincoln Dborn about 1921
ConnerEmma born about 1888
ConnerThomas born about 1883
CookseyPhoebe Jborn about 1921
CorbinDonald Wborn about 1915
CorbinLoissa Bborn about 1889
CorbinOttemar born about 1879
CorbinWarren Jborn about 1919
CotharpBonnie Jborn about 1927
CotharpEunice Mborn about 1896
CotharpJohn Wborn about 1937
CotharpMary Jborn about 1925
CotharpOtis Eborn about 1896
CraigAnna Vborn about 1914
CraigEdmund Aborn about 1916
CraigJames Fborn about 1920
CraigMyrtle Lborn about 1933
CraigReatha born about 1910
CraigRosemary born about 1929
CraigRoy Lborn about 1931
CraigWilbur Lborn about 1910
CrowCathrine Mborn about 1893
CrowEdgar Wborn about 1925
CrowIda Bborn about 1922
CrowJohn Wborn about 1893
CrowLouis Bborn about 1926

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D Surnames

DanhourDavid Wborn about 1921
DanhourElda Mborn about 1880
DanhourElza Iborn about 1870
DanhourEmery Cborn about 1868
DanhourGilbert Mborn about 1902
DanhourHarvey Rborn about 1897
DanielsJane Jborn about 1929
DanielsMary Eborn about 1896
DanielsMary Jborn about 1926
DanielsRobert born about 1892
DavisGail born about 1898
DavisGwendolyn born about 1904
DavisHenry born about 1902
DavisJames born about 1927
DavisJames Aborn about 1924
DavisJohn born about 1924
DavisLydia Mborn about 1869
DavisMay Mborn about 1926
DavisRobert Rborn about 1910
DavisWilda Aborn about 1865
DavisWilliam born about 1923
DavisWilliam Hborn about 1930
DealBetty Kborn about 1925
DealCharles Eborn about 1931
DealFrancis Rborn about 1935
DealKenneth Lborn about 1938
DealMinnie Lborn about 1903
DealPaul Cborn about 1898
DealPaul Rborn about 1927
DealWilliam Hborn about 1929
DeirdozEthel Sborn about 1889
DeirdozEverett born about 1911
DeirdozHalcie Aborn about 1910
DeirdozIda Nborn about 1886
DeirdozJacob Eborn about 1874
DeirdozJune Lborn about 1933
DeirdozLeo Gborn about 1883
DeirdozMaxine Aborn about 1923
DelmoeWanita born about 1927
DenggRoy Fborn about 1926
DickersonAnna Mborn about 1920
DickersonBarbara Jborn about 1938
DickersonCharlotte Mborn about 1926
DickersonClara born about 1880
DickersonGeorge Pborn about 1939
DickersonGeorge Wborn about 1919
DickersonHelen Lborn about 1923
DickersonJames Kborn about 1920
DickersonOscar Eborn about 1917
DierdorfJohn born about 1878
DierdorfMary Eborn about 1878
DierdozArthur Hborn about 1924
DietzAnna Mborn about 1895
DietzErnest born about 1895
DietzRuth Iborn about 1922
DillmanHelen Gborn about 1929
DillmanLeon Eborn about 1902
DillmanMaggie born about 1901
DillmanMarjorie Kborn about 1923
DillmanSarah Aborn about 1933
DindorfBenjemin Fborn about 1882
DindorfDavid Dborn about 1879
DindorfElizabeth Bborn about 1892
DindorfElmer Eborn about 1911
DindorfFlo Eborn about 1887
DindorfGeorge Pborn about 1888
DindorfJohn Pborn about 1872
DindorfJohn Wborn about 1922
DindorfMabel Fborn about 1926
DindorfMae Cborn about 1881
DindorfMark Lborn about 1935
DindorfMinnie Rborn about 1895
DindorfPaul Lborn about 1922
DindorfRalph Wborn about 1909
DindorfRuth Mborn about 1910
DindorfRuth Mborn about 1916
DindorfVirginia Lborn about 1920
DindorfWayne Gborn about 1919
DixonEugene Vborn about 1902
DixonFrnces Mborn about 1912
DixonGary Dborn about 1939
DixonJanice Mborn about 1937
DonningClarence Lborn about 1907
DonningMadge Fborn about 1908
DowellBetty Jborn about 1931
DowellGlenn Eborn about 1925
DowellJustine Lborn about 1924
DowellKenneth born about 1928
DowellRalph Lborn about 1925
DowellVirginia Rborn about 1929
DureggerDella Sborn about 1893
DureggerGeorge Lborn about 1937
DureggerLeo Cborn about 1889
DureggerWalter Lborn about 1934
DutellAnnise born about 1892
DutellEdna Mborn about 1927
DutellHoward Cborn about 1890
DutellMary Lborn about 1921
DutellMary Sborn about 1869

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E Surnames

EaleyGeorge Rborn about 1862
EaleyRilda Jborn about 1861
EarleyAlva born about 1907
EarleyDenver born about 1931
EarleyEverett born about 1930
EarleyMary born about 1907
EasterMaude born about 1900
EasterRoss Lborn about 1889
EdwardsGeorge Fborn about 1921
EhrlickElmo born about 1897
EhrlickHelen Cborn about 1897
EhrlickNed born about 1930
ElliottAgnes born about 1862
ElliottAnn Dborn about 1878
ElliottAnna Mborn about 1925
ElliottJohn Rborn about 1893
ElliottJohn Wborn about 1927
ElliottLona born about 1894
ElliottMaurice Dborn about 1878
ElliottRaymond Jborn about 1925
ElliottRoss born about 1922
ElliottRoss Wborn about 1895
ElliottSarah Aborn about 1897
ElmoreFrank born about 1890
ElmoreMaggie Eborn about 1884
EmmertAlfred born about 1911
EmmertAnna Cborn about 1921
EmmertAugust Mborn about 1888
EmmertBertha Jborn about 1917
EmmertCarl Aborn about 1905
EmmertCharles Rborn about 1890
EmmertDorthy Aborn about 1905
EmmertElsie Mborn about 1896
EmmertFloy Pborn about 1896
EmmertGertrude born about 1920
EmmertGianetta Fborn about 1939
EmmertGrace born about 1920
EmmertHarriett Lborn about 1929
EmmertHarry Cborn about 1894
EmmertHarry Rborn about 1902
EmmertJohn born about 1890
EmmertJohn Dborn about 1931
EmmertMarjorie Mborn about 1926
EmmertMary born about 1885
EmmertMerl Lborn about 1919
EmmertNetta Dborn about 1899
EmmertNorman Eborn about 1931
EmmertReese Eborn about 1926
EmmertRobert Hborn about 1921
EmmertRuby Eborn about 1930
EmmertRuth Aborn about 1896
EmmertSarah Jborn about 1879
EmmertViolet Lborn about 1921
EmmrtFred Wborn about 1914
EmmrtMarjorie Mborn about 1919
EmmrtSammy Jborn about 1939
EnglehartFrank born about 1877
EnglehartMyrtle born about 1884
EsoreDavid Bborn about 1879
EsoreEsther born about 1877
EsraBetty born about 1934
EsraFrances born about 1930
EsraJames born about 1894
EsraJuanita born about 1900
EuamArthur born about 1896
EuamCarol Rborn about 1926
EuamDonald born about 1919
EuamJack born about 1930
EuamMadge Mborn about 1935
EuamMarion Mborn about 1928
EuamRichard Sborn about 1921
EuamRufina born about 1897
EuamWilliam Bborn about 1924
EvansBilly Bborn about 1930
EvansDorthy Mborn about 1919
EvansGennie Mborn about 1861
EvansHarry Cborn about 1893
EvansLoraine Fborn about 1886
EvansRuth Mborn about 1892
EwansMinnie Mborn about 1872
EwansRobert Gborn about 1864

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F Surnames

FarmerFranklin Eborn about 1939
FarmerKatherine Eborn about 1940
FarmerMazo born about 1910
FarmerOscar Eborn about 1893
FerryArthur born about 1913
FerryHelen born about 1915
FerryOthan born about 1939
FinleyEarl Wborn about 1930
FinleyHarvey Fborn about 1896
FinleyHarvey Rborn about 1938
FinleyHelen born about 1906
FinleyJames Fborn about 1927
FinleyJerry Mborn about 1939
FinleyMable Mborn about 1925
FinleyS Mitchellborn about 1857
FisherCurtis Wborn about 1922
FisherDaniel Wborn about 1871
FisherEffa Aborn about 1885
FisherHamnibal born about 1879
FisherHenry born about 1868
FisherLaurence Eborn about 1868
FisherMyrtie Eborn about 1881
FisherRachel Mborn about 1880
FisherRosemary Eborn about 1919
FogelGeorge Aborn about 1884
FogelLeah Lborn about 1862
FranceEzra Dborn about 1887
FranceJames Dborn about 1917
FranceTrecy Fborn about 1886
FrazierEarl Rborn about 1899
FrazierHarry Eborn about 1921
FrazierLitha born about 1898
FritzEllan Mborn about 1885
FritzLydia Vborn about 1876
FritzRaleigh born about 1883
FritzRaymond born about 1902
FritzRuth Aborn about 1900
FritzRuth Aborn about 1927
FritzWilliam born about 1894
FritzYounger born about 1894
FrohmJohn Eborn about 1889
FrohmLetha born about 1892
FrostClarice Mborn about 1903
FrostIvan Rborn about 1922
FrostLeonard Eborn about 1897
FrostMerel Aborn about 1938
FrostMerel Lborn about 1868
FrumanDennis born about 1900
FrumanEsther Vborn about 1897

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G Surnames

GaineyCharles Wborn about 1890
GaineyFlorence born about 1883
GaineyUrban Fborn about 1893
GallezAdolph Gborn about 1879
GallezAdolph Jborn about 1931
GallezDavid Jborn about 1935
GallezMary Mborn about 1900
GarrisonAnna Mborn about 1935
GarrisonDoris Lborn about 1929
GarrisonFrank Hborn about 1909
GarrisonGenetta Eborn about 1906
GarrisonGenetta Eborn about 1934
GarrisonGladys Lborn about 1909
GarrisonHarold Fborn about 1933
GarrisonJoann born about 1930
GarrisonMary Jborn about 1928
GarrisonPearl Nborn about 1932
GarrisonWilliam Gborn about 1904
GeberDavid born about 1881
GeberMaggie Mborn about 1882
GerberBetty Jborn about 1927
GerberEva Mborn about 1924
GerberGeorge Lborn about 1918
GibbinsLula Kborn about 1893
GibbinsRaper Oborn about 1888
GibbinsVirginia Lborn about 1926
GillaspyRobert Jborn about 1908
GiltzBessie Mborn about 1890
GiltzEdward Gborn about 1890
GiltzWilliam Eborn about 1918
GimmakaElizabeth born about 1882
GimmakaJames Hborn about 1876
GirtonDonald Wborn about 1913
GirtonJuna Jborn about 1939
GirtonNaomi Mborn about 1915
GrackwellEmma Rborn about 1884
GrackwellThomas Cborn about 1889
GreggDale Bborn about 1924
GreggJames Rborn about 1937
GreggJoseph Hborn about 1891
GreggMildred Mborn about 1913
GreggNora Jborn about 1928
GreggRobert Eborn about 1913
GreggRuth Jborn about 1894
GregoryErnest Aborn about 1904
GregoryMillie Rborn about 1910
GrotheFred Oborn about 1876
GrotheMaude Aborn about 1880
GunnLewis Cborn about 1854
GunnMary Lborn about 1858
GunnWilliam born about 1877

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H Surnames

HaddonBilly Lborn about 1935
HaddonGladys Mborn about 1902
HaddonHarrold Wborn about 1925
HaddonJanet Sborn about 1937
HaddonMarion Cborn about 1902
HaddonOlga Mborn about 1904
HaddonRachael Kborn about 1867
HaddonSamuel Mborn about 1939
HaddonShirley Kborn about 1936
HaddonWilliam born about 1904
HadleyBetty Lborn about 1933
HadleyCash Mborn about 1866
HadleyDonald born about 1933
HadleyFlorence born about 1868
HadleyFrank Jr born about 1892
HadleyFred born about 1876
HadleyLydia Jborn about 1889
HadleyRella Mborn about 1908
HadleyRose Lborn about 1880
HadleyStella born about 1904
HadleyVirgil Lborn about 1906
HadleyVirgina born about 1928
HadleyWillard Cborn about 1897
HalleyCoy Jborn about 1897
HalleyEffa born about 1892
HalleyEverett Wborn about 1923
HalleyViola Fborn about 1925
HamiltonFrances Bborn about 1919
HamiltonJoseph Jborn about 1915
HammAnna Mborn about 1878
HammWilliam Fborn about 1878
HarrisMinnie born about 1871
HayesBernice born about 1900
HayesEdward Cborn about 1892
HayesRobert born about 1926
HayesWilliam born about 1927
HaypennyArvuda born about 1901
HaypennyCharles Gborn about 1895
HaypennyCharles Jr born about 1932
HaypennyChester Wborn about 1934
HaypennyJohn Dborn about 1937
HaywardClaude Jborn about 1897
HaywardJimmie born about 1926
HaywardJoann born about 1922
HaywardKathryn born about 1895
HeckDale Fborn about 1915
HeckFred Wborn about 1890
HeckLeo Cborn about 1928
HeckLloyd Wborn about 1930
HeckOscar Jborn about 1926
HeckRaymond Aborn about 1922
HeckThority Aborn about 1904
HeckVaunda Rborn about 1924
HeckWilma Kborn about 1920
HeltonEmma Lborn about 1856
HendrixCory born about 1874
HendrixEmma born about 1892
HendrixJoan born about 1929
HendrixMarshall born about 1927
HendrixV Thelmaborn about 1904
HendrixVern born about 1900
HendrixVivian born about 1932
HendrixWalter born about 1864
HerronErnest Cborn about 1878
HerronHelen Eborn about 1911
HerronIvan Rborn about 1912
HerronStella Aborn about 1884
HerronWayne Bborn about 1921
HessAnna Lborn about 1912
HessJoe Wborn about 1930
HessWalter Cborn about 1909
HiceAlbert Fborn about 1898
HiceBilly Lborn about 1934
HiceMarjorie born about 1900
HiceNorma Dborn about 1925
HiceRobert Lborn about 1927
HodshireAnnus Dborn about 1887
HodshireJames Hborn about 1883
HodshireJames Oborn about 1921
HoenshellFrank born about 1862
HofmanDonald Lborn about 1930
HofmanGaustnius born about 1864
HofmanHarold Cborn about 1932
HofmanHazel Lborn about 1927
HofmanJoy Aborn about 1906
HofmanLeo Juniorborn about 1924
HofmanLeo Oborn about 1904
HofmanMartha Aborn about 1867
HofmanPhoebe Jborn about 1865
HofmannAnna Lborn about 1899
HofmannBenjamin Bborn about 1901
HofmannFred Bborn about 1887
HofmannJohn Dborn about 1887
HofmannJohn Gborn about 1863
HofmannJohn Wborn about 1916
HofmannMargarette Eborn about 1900
HofmannMary Cborn about 1898
HofmannMay Lborn about 1895
HofmannWilliam Hborn about 1893
HofmannWilliam Mborn about 1883
HogueAnna Lborn about 1866
HogueSamuel born about 1889
HollandInez Aborn about 1913
HollandRobert Wborn about 1936
HollandRoy Lborn about 1909
HollandRuth Jborn about 1934
HolleyElizah Eborn about 1865
HouserEdith Mborn about 1900
HowaldAlberta Mborn about 1921
HowaldBernice Mborn about 1896
HowaldCarolyn Jborn about 1940
HowaldCharles born about 1915
HowaldEmma Fborn about 1894
HowaldGeorge Jborn about 1885
HowaldGustine Fborn about 1895
HowaldImogene Mborn about 1921
HowaldJames Hborn about 1924
HowaldJessie Lborn about 1919
HowaldKathryn Aborn about 1926
HowaldLeroy born about 1920
HowaldMary Kborn about 1939
HowaldWayne Fborn about 1926
HowardClarence Jborn about 1876
HowardEarl Gborn about 1876
HowardFlora born about 1886
HowardFrank Lborn about 1868
HowardLester Lborn about 1929
HowardLilly born about 1874
HowardMary Mborn about 1926
HowardPeter Aborn about 1884
HowardRoberta Jborn about 1921

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J Surnames

JamesIsabelle born about 1864
JamesRodger Oborn about 1896
JenkinsEmery born about 1909
JenkinsEvelyn born about 1916
JenkinsNelle born about 1903
JenkinsNevada born about 1873
JobIrene Vborn about 1906
JobJames Hborn about 1900
JobPatricia Aborn about 1931
JobVirginia Lborn about 1935
JohnsonEdward Lborn about 1883
JohnsonEmma Aborn about 1904
JohnsonEthel Lborn about 1908
JohnsonJames Hborn about 1900
JohnsonJessie Mborn about 1914
JohnsonLouise Mborn about 1884
JohnsonLydia Kborn about 1878
JohnsonMable Aborn about 1933
JohnsonMary Jborn about 1899
JohnsonRosie Eborn about 1903
JohnsonSamuel born about 1847
JohnsonSamuel Hborn about 1882
JohnsonVernis born about 1907
JohnstonArthur Cborn about 1907
JohnstonEvlyn Gborn about 1917

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K Surnames

KachlerChris Cborn about 1934
KachlerHerman Cborn about 1887
KachlerHerman Cborn about 1931
KachlerRuth Aborn about 1904
KaelberJohn Jborn about 1877
KaelberOllie Fborn about 1875
KattmanFrederick Lborn about 1887
KattmanJames Jborn about 1924
KattmanJennie Mborn about 1893
KattmanJohn Eborn about 1919
KattmanMargarette Aborn about 1919
KeiderAl born about 1881
KeiderFlo born about 1880
KennedyJohn Mborn about 1898
KennedyMaurice Jborn about 1923
KennedySibyl Mborn about 1898
KidwellEllen Jborn about 1854
KillionAlbert Jborn about 1927
KillionAlbert Rborn about 1889
KillionAlice Jborn about 1924
KillionAlyn Eborn about 1918
KillionCharles born about 1900
KillionChristine Eborn about 1935
KillionFrank Jborn about 1905
KillionHarold Cborn about 1933
KillionLetha Sborn about 1902
KillionMary Jborn about 1926
KillionRoscoe Eborn about 1918
KillionRuth Mborn about 1920
KillionTressie Mborn about 1906
KillionWayne Wborn about 1922
KillionWilliam Cborn about 1868
KillionWilliam Fborn about 1925
KingElizabeth Nborn about 1880
KingWalter Eborn about 1877
KirkKatherine Eborn about 1917
KirkKenenth Eborn about 1882
KirkMargarete Kborn about 1885
KirkhamDonald Fborn about 1937
KirkhamHelen Lborn about 1916
KirkhamWalter Oborn about 1913
KitchEvelyn Mborn about 1918
KitchFlorence Rborn about 1926
KitchFloyd Wborn about 1912
KitchGilbert Lborn about 1913
KitchHarold Wborn about 1940
KitchHerman Cborn about 1919
KitchJoseph Oborn about 1914
KitchLida Mborn about 1912
KitchMelvin Mborn about 1920
KitchViola Mborn about 1889
KlineMary Bborn about 1863
KnightChancy Rborn about 1864
KnightIda Lborn about 1869
KnightMary Eborn about 1895
KnoxBeulah Jborn about 1909
KnoxCarl Wesleyborn about 1923
KnoxDonald Lborn about 1939
KnoxEdward Lborn about 1925
KnoxFlora Aborn about 1888
KnoxHarold Eborn about 1932
KnoxJack Eborn about 1930
KnoxMadison Jborn about 1915
KnoxMartha Iborn about 1908
KnoxMary Hborn about 1885
KnoxMary Kborn about 1928
KnoxMelvin Gborn about 1919
KnoxRichard Bborn about 1911
KnoxRoy Eborn about 1886
KnoxRuth Iborn about 1927
KnoxShirley Aborn about 1940
KnoxStanley Wborn about 1906
KnoxThornton Jborn about 1920
KnoxVerna Lborn about 1930
KnoxWalter Dborn about 1882
KnustAnna Mborn about 1891
KnustFreda Sborn about 1913
KnustSylvester born about 1884
KrampeBertha Eborn about 1894
KrampeFreda Lborn about 1928
KrampeHenry Wborn about 1920
KrampeRobert Jborn about 1925
KrampeRuth Lborn about 1922
KrampeWilliam Pborn about 1893
KuhnAgnes Mborn about 1890
KuhnFrank Rborn about 1896
KumpfBernice born about 1903
KumpfClarence Wborn about 1903
KumpfKatherine Eborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LancetCharlotte Aborn about 1933
LancetEliza Jborn about 1867
LancetJosephine Nborn about 1895
LancetMartha Lborn about 1928
LancetRoss Eborn about 1893
LangdonEverett Jborn about 1873
LangdonFred Rborn about 1915
LangdonLouisa Jborn about 1878
LangdonMary Lborn about 1923
LashbrookIva Mborn about 1915
LashbrookWillis Jborn about 1909
LathamAlbert born about 1913
LathamBilly Rborn about 1936
LathamCarl born about 1900
LathamCarl Jr born about 1927
LathamEdna Mborn about 1908
LathamEsther Mborn about 1899
LathamGindley Jborn about 1915
LathamJackie Dborn about 1929
LathamMarlene Kborn about 1937
LathamMartha Vborn about 1878
LathamMary Aborn about 1933
LathamRalph born about 1898
LathamValena born about 1915
LathamWilbur Jborn about 1924
LaurenceBarbara Jborn about 1938
LaurenceJame Wborn about 1912
LaurenceMargarette born about 1912
LaurenceShirley Aborn about 1936
LawsonBarbara Aborn about 1933
LawsonBetty Jborn about 1925
LawsonEdith Mborn about 1905
LawsonElmer Eborn about 1889
LawsonGlenn Fborn about 1929
LawsonLloyd born about 1899
LawsonLuella born about 1891
LawsonManitta Lborn about 1928
LawsonMary Eborn about 1932
LawsonRuby Kborn about 1928
LemayBilly Eborn about 1925
LemayEvans born about 1893
LemayEvelyn Mborn about 1904
LennoyBessie Mborn about 1917
LennoyLewis Dborn about 1870
LennoyRobert Eborn about 1936
LennoyWarren Oborn about 1913
LestonLoretta Jborn about 1932
LestonMargarette Lborn about 1934
LestonMary Jborn about 1912
LestonMelvin Lborn about 1936
LestonRobert Bborn about 1910
LilleyOliver Eborn about 1875
LilleyOra Eborn about 1868
LillyHattie Eborn about 1875
LillyWilliam Oborn about 1866
LiltzFred Cborn about 1897
LiltzMazo born about 1897
LittlejohnCharles Cborn about 1922
LittlejohnDorthy Janeborn about 1933
LittlejohnHomer born about 1899
LittlejohnHomer Jr born about 1924
LittlejohnMargaret born about 1902
LittlejohnRulla Mborn about 1930
LittlejohnWalter Sborn about 1927
LongCora Aborn about 1886
LongJonas born about 1878
LongshoreAnna Lborn about 1881
LongshoreJoseph Bborn about 1877
LongshoreKathryne Eborn about 1887
LongshoreMartha Jborn about 1920
LongshoreRay Rborn about 1887
LoudermilkBerchie Gborn about 1896
LoudermilkCline born about 1891
LoudermilkMarjorie Aborn about 1928
LoudermilkMildred Gborn about 1922
LoudermilkRoberta Gborn about 1925
LoveArchie Aborn about 1876
LoveGertrude born about 1887
LoveKathrine Rborn about 1924
LoveKenneth Lborn about 1928
LoveLenor Eborn about 1883
LoveLeslie Lborn about 1886
LoveStella Aborn about 1874
LoveWaneta Lborn about 1922
LucasBrantly Aborn about 1872
LucasEdward Lborn about 1917
LucasEdwin Gborn about 1917
LucasEmma Cborn about 1874
LucasJoseph Wborn about 1920
LutherGertrude Mborn about 1910
LutherMary Bborn about 1939
LutherWilliam born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldJohn born about 1917
MacdonaldRoseada born about 1921
MaeyerleinMary born about 1911
MarkEloise Jborn about 1927
MaseAlva Lborn about 1891
MaseRalph Lborn about 1926
MaseRussell Eborn about 1919
MaseWayne Cborn about 1922
MaurerAddison Wborn about 1931
MaurerFlorence Eborn about 1910
MaurerHarrold Lborn about 1935
MaurerLeo Jborn about 1917
MaurerMinta born about 1880
MaurerWendell Vborn about 1909
MaureyBessie Bborn about 1907
MaureyKenneth Mborn about 1927
MaureyLenora Lborn about 1928
MaureyRachel Rborn about 1930
MaureyWalter born about 1902
MaureyWalter Jborn about 1926
MayroseAugusta Eborn about 1890
MayroseJoan born about 1924
MayroseMaxine Vborn about 1918
MayroseOscar Rborn about 1890
MazeakyJoseph Fborn about 1894
McCloudBrilla Mborn about 1876
McCloudChester Hborn about 1919
McCloudConrad Rborn about 1872
McCloudKenneth Lborn about 1924
McCloudMargarette Lborn about 1924
McCloudMary Nborn about 1924
McCollisterDon Hborn about 1935
McCollisterIna Oborn about 1895
McCollisterIra born about 1883
McCollisterOra Fborn about 1886
McCollisterVenus born about 1890
McCollisterWilbur Wborn about 1924
McCulloughCarrie Eborn about 1884
McCulloughClaude Rborn about 1936
McCulloughCletis Aborn about 1899
McCulloughClifford Lborn about 1901
McCulloughEva Iborn about 1906
McCulloughFrank Lborn about 1908
McCulloughGlasco born about 1895
McCulloughGlenn Wborn about 1935
McCulloughIduma born about 1885
McCulloughJames Oborn about 1869
McCulloughJohn Hborn about 1922
McCulloughMarjorie Aborn about 1925
McCulloughMary Vborn about 1901
McCulloughNida Mborn about 1910
McCulloughOren Rborn about 1928
McCulloughRhea born about 1899
McCulloughRussell Tborn about 1895
McCulloughRuth Mborn about 1900
McCulloughTerence Lborn about 1937
McCulloughVale Hborn about 1933
McCulloughWanita Mborn about 1924
McCulloughWilliam Aborn about 1876
McCulloughWilliam Hborn about 1879
McCulloughWillis Aborn about 1870
McCulloughWilma Jborn about 1924
McGrahamDonald Rborn about 1939
McGrahamJean Mborn about 1919
McGrahamLaurence born about 1913
McGrahamMary Kborn about 1937
McGrahamShirley Aborn about 1936
McHenryErnest Lborn about 1890
McHenryGlenn Eborn about 1925
McHenryMary Gborn about 1901
McKannaBetty Jborn about 1924
McKannaCora Bborn about 1874
McKannaJames Aborn about 1930
McKeillWilliam born about 1879
McLairArzella born about 1895
McLairChester Wborn about 1894
McLairRuth Qborn about 1932
McLairThelma Iborn about 1923
McMichaelBertha Gborn about 1904
McMichaelDorthy Jborn about 1930
McMichaelEverett Sborn about 1938
McMichaelJames Oborn about 1898
McMichaelMargarette Eborn about 1902
McMichaelMorgan Wborn about 1934
McMichaelPhoebe Mborn about 1874
McMichaelRuth born about 1900
McMichaelThomas born about 1870
MeyerGeorge born about 1859
MeyerNettie born about 1868
MeyersEverett Fborn about 1911
MeyersGeneva Iborn about 1913
MidnerRebecca born about 1890
MilerHazel Eborn about 1932
MilerWanda Jborn about 1935
MillerCharles Cborn about 1880
MillerCharles Eborn about 1923
MillerClara Mborn about 1891
MillerDale Wborn about 1930
MillerElenora born about 1901
MillerElsie Jborn about 1887
MillerEmma born about 1881
MillerEmma Rborn about 1891
MillerFred Aborn about 1906
MillerHelen Fborn about 1923
MillerHerbert Dborn about 1918
MillerLena Mborn about 1908
MillerLilly Qborn about 1913
MillerNina Kborn about 1935
MillerNona Fborn about 1933
MillerOscar born about 1888
MillerPhyllis born about 1935
MillerRuby Nborn about 1931
MillerVirginia born about 1917
MillerWallace Oborn about 1926
MillerWallace Rborn about 1897
MillerWilliam Cborn about 1883
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1890
MillerWilliam Lborn about 1907
MilnerPete Wborn about 1909
MilnerWaneta born about 1911
MishlerAdeline Iborn about 1907
MishlerJames Nborn about 1928
MishlerPaul Wborn about 1926
MishlerRalph Rborn about 1930
MishlerRalph Wborn about 1900
MishlerRebecca born about 1909
MishlerRobert Cborn about 1906
MishlerRobert Kborn about 1932
MishlerShirley Rborn about 1932
MoberleyAndrew Jborn about 1884
MoberleyAretha Aborn about 1925
MoberleyIlene born about 1928
MoberleyJoyce Cborn about 1931
MoberleyMable Mborn about 1923
MoberleySusan Mborn about 1886
ModisattGlenn Wborn about 1934
ModisattIrene Rborn about 1927
ModisattMazo Fborn about 1906
ModisattOrville Jborn about 1897
ModisattRichard Eborn about 1925
ModisattRobert Jborn about 1922
MoonMary Iborn about 1923
MooreAnn Cborn about 1931
MooreDavid Bborn about 1924
MooreDavid Eborn about 1886
MooreFlora Aborn about 1883
MooreGoldie Oborn about 1896
MooreMary Mborn about 1928
MorrisAlonzo born about 1914
MorrisDulilah born about 1872
MorrisJohn Hborn about 1870
MorrisLucille Bborn about 1917
MoyJohn Wborn about 1931
MoyMae Lborn about 1902
MunielLeonard Wborn about 1875
MunielSarah Eborn about 1875
MurphyJanet born about 1935
MurphyLeo born about 1894
MurphyLouise born about 1911
MurphyMary born about 1933
MustardAlice Jborn about 1937
MustardDaniel Eborn about 1935
MustardDolores Jborn about 1939
MustardElla Jborn about 1930
MustardErnest Rborn about 1906
MustardMary Jborn about 1914
MustardRichard Eborn about 1932
MyersJohn Wborn about 1882
MyersLois Mborn about 1909
MyersMelvin Oborn about 1907
MyersMichael Oborn about 1884
MyersMinta born about 1884
MyersRobert Eborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagleLula Pborn about 1893
NagleNorma Jborn about 1924
NagleWanda Mborn about 1925
NelsonBert Lborn about 1879
NelsonClarence Lborn about 1934
NelsonElbert Lborn about 1926
NelsonEva Mborn about 1863
NelsonJames Eborn about 1927
NelsonJohn Sborn about 1933
NelsonLena born about 1892
NelsonNella Oborn about 1923
NelsonRobert Eborn about 1930
NewportAlice Rborn about 1904
NewportBetty Jborn about 1926
NewportDaniel Hborn about 1900
NewportForest Eborn about 1936
NewportHerbert Dborn about 1924
NewportMarjorie Aborn about 1933
NichollsAlfred Gborn about 1927
NichollsCharles Dborn about 1901
NichollsCharles Fborn about 1922
NichollsCleo Aborn about 1929
NichollsGoldie Cborn about 1904
NichollsMary Jborn about 1925
NicosonHenry born about 1901
NicosonJames Wborn about 1875
NicosonMary Mborn about 1875
NilsonArthur Rborn about 1899
NilsonCharles Lborn about 1910
NilsonMinnie born about 1873
NilsonOmer Lborn about 1881
NilsonRobert Lborn about 1934
NogelEva Lborn about 1888
NogelWilliam Hborn about 1859
NolteCarl born about 1915
NolteEdward born about 1885
NolteFlorence born about 1888
NolteMary Cborn about 1915
NorfolkMyrtle born about 1877
NorrisBlanche born about 1877
NorrisBlanche Eborn about 1918
NorrisEdwin born about 1877
NorrisEdwin Jr born about 1913
NusselAlbert born about 1895
NusselDolores Jborn about 1932
NusselElizabeth born about 1904
NusselGladys Wborn about 1922
NusselGlenn Cborn about 1928
NusselMartha Cborn about 1939
NusselPearl Mborn about 1889
NusselWayne Hborn about 1919
NusselWilhelmina born about 1859
NusselWilliam Fborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgbornAlena born about 1884
OgbornClaude Sborn about 1886
OgbornPorter born about 1890
OldhamLouise Fborn about 1874
OldhamWilliam Hborn about 1874
OwenBoyd born about 1893
OwenDale Bborn about 1923
OwenEdna Aborn about 1925
OwenNora Eborn about 1892

P Surnames

PackittBetty Jborn about 1924
PackittCarnioal born about 1904
PackittJack Iborn about 1929
PackittWalter Sborn about 1900
ParksCarl Jborn about 1921
ParksMarshall Eborn about 1939
ParksNaomi Rborn about 1919
PatrickPearl Aborn about 1886
PayneBennett born about 1864
PayneMelroy born about 1895
PayneWilliam Hborn about 1866
PentzBessie born about 1888
PentzWilliam born about 1884
PhillipsFrances born about 1887
PhillipsThomas Mborn about 1887
PhillipsThomas Mborn about 1926
PierceAllen Wborn about 1939
PierceMae Eborn about 1919
PierceThomas Jborn about 1937
PierceThomas Wborn about 1915
PillHerschel Eborn about 1921
PillMary Cborn about 1917
PlumkettAnna Rborn about 1901
PlumkettDonald Jborn about 1931
PlumkettHarold Wborn about 1922
PlumkettLloyd Hborn about 1925
PlumkettLuther Wborn about 1900
PlumkettRobert Rborn about 1940
PlumkettRosalee Pborn about 1928
PolandHerman Aborn about 1883
PolandLilly Pborn about 1927
PollomBalina Lborn about 1937
PollomDolores Sborn about 1910
PollomElizabeth Mborn about 1935
PollomIrvin Cborn about 1900
PollomJohn Dborn about 1939
PollomLadona Yborn about 1930
PollomOren Cborn about 1878
PollomRichard Gborn about 1937
PollomSamuel Jborn about 1877
PollomVictoria Aborn about 1932
PoolHelen Pborn about 1916
PoolMaxwell born about 1912
PorterElla Dborn about 1902
PorterGerald Lborn about 1901
PorterJudith Aborn about 1938
PriceBetty Jborn about 1924
PriceCale born about 1884
PriceFloyd Sborn about 1917
PriceJosephine Mborn about 1916
PriceRachael Aborn about 1888
PriceRuby Pborn about 1921
PughWilliam Aborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaabAda born about 1889
RaabClarence Aborn about 1898
RaabDavid Rborn about 1940
RaabDonald Eborn about 1932
RaabImojene Rborn about 1926
RaabJoanne born about 1937
RaabJohn Mborn about 1939
RaabNellie Eborn about 1905
RaabOlive Pborn about 1916
RaabRalph Wborn about 1913
RaabRay born about 1892
RaabWilma Mborn about 1927
RaderAgnes Hborn about 1937
RaderAlfred Lborn about 1912
RaderArthur Gborn about 1920
RaderBelvia Aborn about 1902
RaderCasper born about 1886
RaderCecil Eborn about 1922
RaderEarl Eborn about 1886
RaderEthel Rborn about 1887
RaderHelen Mborn about 1936
RaderKatherine Sborn about 1882
RaderLucille Fborn about 1916
RaderMartha Mborn about 1926
RaderMary Eborn about 1916
RaderOrille Lborn about 1900
RaderOttis Dborn about 1899
RaderPaul Fborn about 1922
RaderRhoda Aborn about 1867
RaderVerina Mborn about 1899
RaebRebecca Mborn about 1866
RatcliffEtta Eborn about 1881
RatcliffGrace Gborn about 1912
RatcliffJean Hborn about 1909
RatcliffNota Bborn about 1900
RatcliffOwen Tborn about 1920
RatcliffSandra Kborn about 1939
RatcliffWilma Kborn about 1922
ReddisBeulah born about 1898
ReddisCharles Nborn about 1889
ReddisFrank born about 1919
ReddisHelen born about 1921
RedenbargerAnna Mborn about 1881
RedenbargerBetty Lborn about 1932
RedenbargerChristina Cborn about 1874
RedenbargerConrad born about 1879
RedenbargerDonald Rborn about 1924
RedenbargerGeorge born about 1876
RedenbargerHarold Eborn about 1914
RedenbargerHazel born about 1921
RedenbargerJohn Gborn about 1882
RedenbargerLetha born about 1882
RedenbargerMargarette Fborn about 1902
RedenbargerMartha born about 1916
RedenbargerMary Eborn about 1871
RedenbargerNell Mborn about 1882
RedenbargerNetta Eborn about 1905
RedenbargerPaul Mborn about 1926
RedenbargerPhilip born about 1872
RedenbargerRalph Rborn about 1899
RedenbargerVirgil Wborn about 1919
RedenbargerWilliam born about 1869
ReedHelen Mborn about 1920
ReedOttis Jborn about 1922
ReedOttis Pborn about 1898
ReedPaul Aborn about 1924
ReedPearl Mborn about 1900
ReedWanda Lborn about 1935
RennerHarry Lborn about 1878
RiddellGeorge born about 1903
RiddellMaggie born about 1885
RiddellMaggie Lborn about 1905
RiddellRobert Lborn about 1920
RiddellWilliam Dborn about 1881
RidgwayBurnice Nborn about 1914
RidgwayDorthy Lborn about 1933
RidgwayEverett Lborn about 1908
RidgwayJames Eborn about 1935
RidgwayLois born about 1934
RiechartWilliam born about 1889
RikardLillie Mborn about 1885
RikardRuby Wborn about 1925
RikardRuth Jborn about 1925
RingoLois Lborn about 1889
RingoMarijo born about 1922
RingoWilliam Rborn about 1920
RisslerEdna Jborn about 1897
RisslerGuy Eborn about 1896
RobertsEdna born about 1871
RobertsNova Mborn about 1917
RobertsonGlenn born about 1895
RobertsonJane born about 1922
RobertsonMable born about 1895
RoeshclainElbert Eborn about 1913
RoeshclainElsie born about 1885
RoeshclainJohn Gborn about 1885
RollingsBen born about 1894
RollingsCurtis Rborn about 1925
RollingsDavid Lborn about 1927
RollingsMary Fborn about 1930
RollingsMyra born about 1900
RollingsRoy Lborn about 1932
RollingsStanley Wborn about 1929
RoschleinRosa born about 1870
RowingsBell Mborn about 1894
RowingsBenjamin Oborn about 1928
RowingsOttis Eborn about 1894
RoyceBetty Jborn about 1932
RoyceHarold Wborn about 1929
RoyceLona Iborn about 1902
RoyceWillie Dborn about 1903
RumbaughArlo Mborn about 1916
RumbaughClarence Hborn about 1880
RumbaughGeorge Bborn about 1913
RumbaughRuth Mborn about 1880
RumbaughVelma born about 1907
RuseEthel Eborn about 1884
RuseHester Hborn about 1909
RuseJohn Eborn about 1879
RuseLillian Iborn about 1923
RuseWilma Mborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalinAnna Lborn about 1886
SalinFrancis Hborn about 1886
SalinFreda Jborn about 1916
SalinHelen Fborn about 1922
SalladayBertha born about 1898
SalladayClida born about 1892
SalladayDorthy Cborn about 1921
SalladayHarlin Bborn about 1886
SalladayHughene born about 1894
SalladayJay Sborn about 1926
SalladayJoseph Wborn about 1915
SalladayMaymie Dborn about 1888
SandersonFrancis Mborn about 1905
SandersonVelma Lborn about 1910
SchaferAtta born about 1874
SchaferJosephine born about 1874
ScharfCarl Wborn about 1907
ScharfEdna Mborn about 1909
ScharfGale Rborn about 1931
ScharfJane Aborn about 1939
ScharfMarjorie Gborn about 1927
ScharfNora Mborn about 1881
ScharfPauline Eborn about 1916
ScharfRobert Lborn about 1903
ScharfViolet Hborn about 1907
ScharfWilliam Eborn about 1935
SchmansFrances born about 1893
SchmansGeorge Wborn about 1894
SchmansGilbert Eborn about 1921
SchmidtAndrew Wborn about 1887
SchroluckeWilliam Gborn about 1924
SeigmundAndrew Eborn about 1887
SeigmundBeatrice Mborn about 1887
SeigmundLoretta Eborn about 1915
SelfCecila born about 1895
SelfGordon born about 1922
SelfVictor born about 1892
ShafferPaul Aborn about 1921
ShoferHenry Eborn about 1894
ShoferLucille born about 1921
ShoferMaude Bborn about 1897
ShortEmma born about 1868
ShortHester born about 1893
ShortJames Oborn about 1897
ShortKenneth born about 1886
ShortLetha Mborn about 1925
ShortMartha Eborn about 1927
ShortMary Jborn about 1924
ShortOrville Cborn about 1892
ShortWayne Eborn about 1923
SiegelinArthur Rborn about 1907
SiegelinBobbie Dborn about 1934
SiegelinClydia Kborn about 1915
SiegelinDonald Lborn about 1930
SiegelinFlorence Hborn about 1902
SiegelinJoan born about 1933
SiegelinMargaretta born about 1873
SiegelinRoy Fborn about 1901
SiegelinRuth Mborn about 1907
SiegelinRuth Mborn about 1923
SiegelinWayne Mborn about 1931
SieglenClara Eborn about 1880
SieglenGus Cborn about 1872
SimonsonBlanch Mborn about 1887
SimonsonElla Mborn about 1857
SimonsonFlorence born about 1910
SimonsonFrank Eborn about 1886
SimonsonMorris Jborn about 1910
SimonsonRobert Rborn about 1926
SindersHelen Fborn about 1924
SindersHerman Cborn about 1896
SindersKatherine Eborn about 1891
SindersNaomi Jborn about 1927
SindersRobert Mborn about 1932
SinerBony Jborn about 1922
SinerEdith born about 1882
SinerJohn born about 1880
SkeletonElizabeth Eborn about 1875
SkeletonMary Fborn about 1911
SkeletonMary Kborn about 1939
SkeletonRaymond Wborn about 1906
SkeletonThomas born about 1876
SkeneDorthy Mborn about 1903
SkeneRoy Gborn about 1905
SmithBenton Aborn about 1874
SmithCarl Aborn about 1908
SmithCharlotte Hborn about 1911
SmithJessie Eborn about 1876
SmithJohn Aborn about 1895
SmithRalph Eborn about 1901
SmithRose Lborn about 1863
SmithThelma Jborn about 1931
SmithWilliam Cborn about 1872
SmithWilliam Fborn about 1922
SquiresEthel Cborn about 1928
SquiresJohn Iborn about 1898
SquiresMary Kborn about 1932
SquiresRalph Lborn about 1923
SquiresSarah Eborn about 1902
StautBilly Eborn about 1928
StautJack Hborn about 1922
StautMary Gborn about 1900
StautOrlando Cborn about 1893
StearleyAlice Mborn about 1897
StearleyBarbara born about 1888
StearleyBertha Iborn about 1899
StearleyBessie Rborn about 1898
StearleyCatherine born about 1869
StearleyClara Sborn about 1889
StearleyClyde Sborn about 1933
StearleyEdward born about 1892
StearleyElizabeth Aborn about 1871
StearleyErnest Dborn about 1899
StearleyEsther Lborn about 1898
StearleyGeorge born about 1908
StearleyGerald Kborn about 1929
StearleyGlenn Dborn about 1920
StearleyGlenn Eborn about 1917
StearleyHarrold Rborn about 1904
StearleyHerman Aborn about 1900
StearleyHilda Mborn about 1908
StearleyJames Fborn about 1934
StearleyJames Jborn about 1931
StearleyJennie Mborn about 1924
StearleyJohn Wborn about 1938
StearleyJoseph Aborn about 1900
StearleyMary Aborn about 1893
StearleyMary Cborn about 1900
StearleyMary Kborn about 1923
StearleyMayde born about 1898
StearleyNorma Mborn about 1927
StearleyPhoebe born about 1869
StearleyRaymond Hborn about 1928
StearleyRichard Eborn about 1927
StearleyRobert Jborn about 1917
StearleyRobert Jborn about 1930
StearleyRoy born about 1894
StearleyRuth born about 1902
StearleySylvia Vborn about 1909
StearleyThomas Dborn about 1892
StearleyWayne Mborn about 1928
StearleyWilbur Lborn about 1938
StearleyWilliam Kborn about 1930
SteeleJohn Wborn about 1909
SteeleMaude Iborn about 1886
SteeleWilliam Aborn about 1884
StenleyMarine Rborn about 1922
StephensonDaisy Mborn about 1922
StephensonHomer Jborn about 1900
StephensonJames Wborn about 1924
StephensonLillie Pborn about 1904
StephensonRobert Lborn about 1926
StephensonWilliam Iborn about 1864
SteuerwaldJohn Jborn about 1880
SteuerwaldMahala Jborn about 1885
StevensonDonald Rborn about 1931
StevensonDoris Aborn about 1934
StevensonJames Aborn about 1910
StevensonRobert Jborn about 1939
StevensonRuby Sborn about 1911
StevensonWilliam Dborn about 1939
StevewardEarl Bborn about 1911
StevewardJanet Sborn about 1915
StewartChester Wborn about 1912
StewartEsther born about 1886
StewartFlorence Mborn about 1910
StewartFloyd Hborn about 1909
StewartHoward Wborn about 1913
StewartNorma Jborn about 1928
StewartRobert Oborn about 1880
StiglerEmma Rborn about 1865
StithAmos Eborn about 1877
StithAnna Gborn about 1888
StoughAndrew Jborn about 1886
StoughEverett Wborn about 1927
StoughFrank Aborn about 1923
StoughHannah born about 1879
StoughMandy Cborn about 1854
StoughMinnie Eborn about 1888
StoughWayne Fborn about 1924
StoughWilliam born about 1875
StrosniderLee Pborn about 1931
StrosniderLola Tborn about 1896
StrosniderOren born about 1889
StrosniderRuth born about 1939
StunkardClara Sborn about 1886
StunkardNetta born about 1874
StunkardNora born about 1874
StunkardWarren Wborn about 1878
SwearingtonOrval Rborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeifielDaniel born about 1862
TerrilJames Aborn about 1872
ThomasBertha Mborn about 1886
ThomasWilliam born about 1892
ThompsonDonald born about 1939
ThompsonMargaretta Mborn about 1919
ThompsonMaurice Aborn about 1917
ThompsonMaurice Lborn about 1937
ThompsonWilliam born about 1884
TibbetteBarbara born about 1929
TibbetteCarrie born about 1895
TibbetteEd born about 1894
TibbetteJames born about 1915
TolbertIrene Cborn about 1900
TolbertThomas born about 1894
TolbertThomas Cborn about 1932
ToutJohn Aborn about 1863
ToutMary Nborn about 1868
TravisBarbara born about 1925
TravisElizabeth Eborn about 1878
TravisJohn Oborn about 1877
TravisMarshall born about 1895
TravisMyrtle born about 1894
TriplettBayless born about 1889
TriplettLeah born about 1888
TriplettTrenton born about 1887
TroutCurtis Wborn about 1934
TroutDorthy Dborn about 1935
TroutEdna Mborn about 1940
TroutElmer born about 1932
TroutGeorge Hborn about 1934
TroutGladys Lborn about 1937
TroutGrace Mborn about 1900
TroutJames born about 1936
TroutMary Lborn about 1939
TroutNorma Iborn about 1928
TroutOtis Gborn about 1891
TroutRuby Vborn about 1915
TroutVincent Cborn about 1927
TroutWayne Oborn about 1929
TroutWilliam Lborn about 1910
TurnerNellie Dborn about 1876
TyrellBoyd Wborn about 1893
TyrellJohn Dborn about 1927
TyrellWilliam born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodBilly Rborn about 1931
UnderwoodElihu Eborn about 1877
UnderwoodEugene Lborn about 1927
UnderwoodJames Aborn about 1917
UnderwoodJanie Eborn about 1892
UnderwoodJoe Dborn about 1927
UnderwoodLaurence born about 1917
UnderwoodMark Gborn about 1915
UnderwoodMary born about 1919
UnderwoodMary Fborn about 1889
UnderwoodOpal Qborn about 1922
UnderwoodPeter born about 1883

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V Surnames

VandeunJames Lborn about 1905
VandeunVerna Fborn about 1908
VandwenderJoe born about 1868

W Surnames

WaldropAda Lborn about 1894
WaldropAda Lborn about 1926
WaldropOra born about 1876
WalkerGledon Jborn about 1907
WalkerLoretta Mborn about 1933
WalkerWilma Mborn about 1911
WallaceCora born about 1881
WallaceWilliam born about 1878
WattsJohn born about 1886
WaughJames born about 1896
WaughMargaretta born about 1867
WaughViva Mborn about 1907
WeaverCharles Mborn about 1876
WeberAlbert Lborn about 1882
WeberMary Aborn about 1888
WebsterFanny born about 1865
WebsterJanett Eborn about 1908
WebsterNorma Eborn about 1932
WebsterRonald Kborn about 1938
WebsterVirgil Mborn about 1901
WebsterVirgil M Jrborn about 1931
WegnerBernice Aborn about 1912
WegnerDelores Rborn about 1936
WegnerDonald Pborn about 1933
WegnerEwald born about 1882
WegnerPaul Eborn about 1910
WegnerPhillis Aborn about 1938
WegnerRalph Eborn about 1940
WegnerRichard Aborn about 1913
WegnerRichard Wborn about 1938
WegnerRose Mborn about 1922
WegnerRuby born about 1909
WegnerRuby Eborn about 1930
WegnerStella Vborn about 1882
WegnerWalter Eborn about 1935
WeitEsther Lborn about 1895
WeitRuth Mborn about 1899
WellingsCharles born about 1879
WellingsFayhona born about 1927
WellingsIona born about 1892
WellingsJoseph Sborn about 1921
WellingsSamuel born about 1889
WhittingtonCharline Aborn about 1932
WhittingtonElmer born about 1876
WhittingtonEva Mborn about 1898
WhittingtonHarold Wborn about 1908
WhittingtonJohn Dborn about 1938
WhittingtonJohn Mborn about 1932
WhittingtonJohn Wborn about 1939
WhittingtonLester Nborn about 1902
WhittingtonMartha Jborn about 1933
WhittingtonMayme Mborn about 1908
WhittingtonMinnie Mborn about 1901
WhittingtonMiriam Rborn about 1928
WhittingtonNorman Lborn about 1930
WhittingtonUina Lborn about 1929
WhittingtonVirginia Aborn about 1927
WhittingtonWarren Dborn about 1936
WillanChauncey Aborn about 1874
WillanLouise Aborn about 1891
WillanMary Lborn about 1855
WilliamsAlbert Gborn about 1917
WilliamsAnna Mborn about 1896
WilliamsBetty Jborn about 1933
WilliamsBonnie Lborn about 1939
WilliamsCharles Eborn about 1934
WilliamsEva Mborn about 1881
WilliamsGene born about 1933
WilliamsGeorge Rborn about 1936
WilliamsIda Mborn about 1912
WilliamsImogene Lborn about 1929
WilliamsIris Lborn about 1935
WilliamsJames Eborn about 1939
WilliamsJoe Eborn about 1880
WilliamsJohn Gborn about 1908
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1922
WilliamsNellie Cborn about 1880
WilliamsOtio Gborn about 1888
WilliamsOtis Jborn about 1926
WilliamsTed Rborn about 1906
WilliamsThelma born about 1910
WilliamsWilliam Eborn about 1875
WolfBilly Mborn about 1933
WolfCarl Jborn about 1936
WolfFlorence Mborn about 1908
WolfMelvin Aborn about 1908
WolfangleFrank Wborn about 1885
WolfangleLenard Fborn about 1893
WolfangleSarah born about 1856
WolfordHoward Oborn about 1858
WoodsJames Eborn about 1939
WoodsJohn Lborn about 1937
WoodsMarion Eborn about 1907
WoodsMary Lborn about 1932
WoodsMaxine Aborn about 1914
WooleryHelen Lborn about 1907
WooleryHelen Pborn about 1929
WooleryJoe Pborn about 1905
WooleryKenneth born about 1937
WooleryPaul Wborn about 1928
WoolfKathryn Aborn about 1886
WoolfWalter Jborn about 1878
WoolsAnnus Nborn about 1884
WoolsFrancis Bborn about 1895
WoolsGrover born about 1885
WoolsJames Aborn about 1886
WrightAndrew born about 1886
WrightAndrew Wborn about 1934
WrightBeatrice born about 1885
WrightDonald Cborn about 1921
WrightElizabeth Bborn about 1927
WrightEmery Rborn about 1869
WrightJohn Aborn about 1910
WrightJohn Lborn about 1939
WrightKermit Lborn about 1923
WrightMargaretta Rborn about 1927
WrightMary Lborn about 1931
WrightNancy Vborn about 1871
WrightNaomi Lborn about 1930
WrightNellie Mborn about 1894
WrightPatricia Aborn about 1930
WrightRachael born about 1873
WrightRichard Sborn about 1919
WrightRobert Oborn about 1886
WrightSarah Kborn about 1928
WrightShernian Lborn about 1892
WrightThelma Mborn about 1909
WrightThilma Jborn about 1936
WyndhamIsabell born about 1877
WyndhamRoy Sborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YockeyDale born about 1915
YockeyDonald Wborn about 1929
YockeyDora Gborn about 1921
YockeyHarris Bborn about 1920
YockeyHenry born about 1893
YockeyHenry Gborn about 1922
YockeyJessie Mborn about 1895
YockeyJohn Edwardborn about 1939
YockeyMarion Jborn about 1927
YoungFloyd Fborn about 1913
YoungGeorgia Aborn about 1893
YoungHarley Wborn about 1884
YoungbloodBonnie born about 1931
YoungbloodClarence born about 1893
YoungbloodElmer Eborn about 1903
YoungbloodEvlyn Aborn about 1932
YoungbloodFlorine Lborn about 1908
YoungbloodHelen born about 1918
YoungbloodHenry born about 1878
YoungbloodLois Iborn about 1928
YoungbloodMax Eborn about 1935
YoungbloodRichard Cborn about 1915
YoungbloodRuth Mborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZenorCatherine Mborn about 1936
ZenorIda Dborn about 1868
ZenorJoseph Rborn about 1910
ZenorMarcella born about 1915
ZenorMary Eborn about 1939

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