1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Fayette County, Fayette, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDella born about 1881
AdamsIona born about 1908
AdamsKenneth born about 1906
AdamsLaw born about 1876
AdamsRegina Yvonneborn about 1940
AdamsSylvia born about 1925
AdamsWayne Keithborn about 1938
AdkersonGussie born about 1888
AdkersonLoree born about 1897
AlfredGlenna Poeborn about 1918
AlfredWilliam born about 1913
AllenFrank born about 1891
AllenIrene born about 1919
AllenLena born about 1891
AllenMary Aliceborn about 1929
AllenRoscoe born about 1922
AllenWayne born about 1937
AmrheinElizabeth born about 1903
AmrheinHelen born about 1935
AmrheinLeo born about 1932
AmrheinRaymond born about 1904
AmrheinWalter born about 1928
ApplegetArnold born about 1923
ApplegetBlanche born about 1903
ApplegetCarolyn born about 1929
ApplegetCharlotte born about 1933
ApplegetJanet born about 1932
ApplegetJoyce born about 1930
ApplegetOrville born about 1901
ApplegetRonald born about 1921
ApplegetSharon born about 1940
ApplegetVirginia born about 1922
ApplegetVivian born about 1926
AthertonEffie born about 1881
AthertonEmery Sborn about 1880

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B Surnames

BackonsHazel born about 1887
BackonsHoward born about 1885
BakousEmma Mrsborn about 1875
BeckerAlma born about 1894
BeckerDonald born about 1936
BeckerGeorge Jborn about 1884
BeckerPaul born about 1930
BeckerRuth born about 1933
BenningerAnna born about 1887
BenningerThalia born about 1925
BenningerWilliam Fborn about 1887
BerningerClara born about 1882
BerningerEarl born about 1882
BlackburnCharles Dborn about 1862
BogueJames Earlborn about 1930
BogueKlein born about 1913
BogueLinda Maeborn about 1936
BogueThelma born about 1919
BownanAlma born about 1906
BownanRobert born about 1892
BradburnWilliam born about 1881
BrakeEsther born about 1909
BrakeMichael born about 1901
BrattainBertha born about 1895
BrattainFrank born about 1910
BrattainGeorge born about 1893
BrattainGeorge Albertborn about 1932
BrattainPaul born about 1926
BrattainPauline born about 1915
BrattainPhyllis born about 1936
BrockChole born about 1919
BrockLola Sueborn about 1939
BrockPatricia Dianborn about 1937
BrockWalter born about 1916
BrowningHenry born about 1919
BrumfielBertha born about 1878
BrumfielJohn Hborn about 1878
BrumstrandAnn born about 1888
BrumstrandAxel born about 1894
BrunerLaura Mrsborn about 1865
BrutonEdward born about 1888
ButtCarl Bborn about 1918

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C Surnames

CallahanGeorge Wborn about 1858
CallahanJames born about 1886
CallahanMary born about 1874
CallahanMary Eborn about 1847
CallahanThomas born about 1870
CallahanWillard Lborn about 1873
CharlesAda born about 1908
CharlesBonita Juneborn about 1924
CharlesEllis born about 1907
CharlesGerald born about 1934
CharlesIzona born about 1927
CharlesJuanita born about 1932
CharlesMyrtle Mborn about 1875
CharlesPhyllis born about 1928
CockefairAlma born about 1893
CockefairCarolyn born about 1915
CockefairElisha born about 1893
CockefairFrank born about 1897
CockefairGrace born about 1897
CockefairLafe Jr born about 1909
CockefairLafe Sr born about 1870
CockefairMary Cborn about 1874
CockefairWilma Jeanborn about 1924
CombsAdrian Lavonborn about 1936
CombsElmer born about 1917
CombsJosephine born about 1917
CopperAbbie born about 1890
CopperCoady born about 1892
CopperGeorge born about 1924
CorbinCharles Sborn about 1915
CorbinGrace Mborn about 1887
CorbinJesse Wborn about 1890
CorbinJohn Mborn about 1876
CorbinLester born about 1899
CorbinSarah Jborn about 1879
CorlinHarlie born about 1912
CorlinNellie born about 1908
CorlinRuth Annborn about 1939
CottomHarry born about 1870
CottomIda born about 1868
CrandelSamantha born about 1847
CrawleyBessie born about 1899
CrawleyBetty born about 1936
CrawleyDavid born about 1922
CrawleyDella born about 1927
CrawleyOscar born about 1895

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D Surnames

DaleAda born about 1880
DavisArthur born about 1906
DavisBarbara born about 1939
DavisBetty born about 1937
DavisCharles born about 1901
DavisCreed born about 1930
DavisDaisy born about 1912
DavisEchert born about 1914
DavisEula born about 1937
DavisFlora born about 1863
DavisGeorge born about 1903
DavisHelen born about 1910
DavisHelen born about 1939
DavisLeola born about 1927
DavisMerritt Lborn about 1895
DavisMildred Mborn about 1900
DavisOrmsby Aborn about 1874
DavisOwen born about 1935
DavisPhoebe born about 1870
DavisRuth Annborn about 1935
DavisSue born about 1930
DawsonChrystal born about 1914
DawsonEdward born about 1937
DawsonEugene born about 1940
DawsonGeorge born about 1908
DawsonGladys born about 1908
DawsonJanice born about 1939
DawsonJoan born about 1935
DawsonJoyce born about 1936
DawsonMarion born about 1928
DawsonWilbur born about 1903
DeweeseEvelyn born about 1913
DeweeseHarold born about 1914
DezernLaman Cborn about 1927
DezernNaomi born about 1923
DoraEthel born about 1906
DoraHerschel born about 1905
DorrelGaylord born about 1915
DorrelKeith Eborn about 1937
DorrelKirby Dborn about 1939
DorrelMary Eborn about 1915
DurhamRobert born about 1930

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E Surnames

EdwardsClarence born about 1877
EdwardsLillie born about 1875
ElliottJ Quincyborn about 1868
ElliottLourena Belleborn about 1868
ElliottMaize Janeborn about 1896

F Surnames

FieldsHarold born about 1927
FieldsKay born about 1936
FieldsMarie born about 1930
FieldsMildred born about 1909
FieldsRay born about 1928
FieldsVelma born about 1930
FieldsWilbur born about 1897
FlemingIsabel born about 1862
FordDella born about 1892
FordIona Mayborn about 1931
FordJulius born about 1893
FordRay born about 1928
FussnerHarry born about 1907
FussnerJohn born about 1905
FussnerMary born about 1866
FussnerRosa born about 1893

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G Surnames

GansertGeorge born about 1903
GansertGeorge Jr born about 1925
GansertJune born about 1926
GansertPaul born about 1928
GansertViolet born about 1911
GettingerElbert born about 1891
GettingerHelen born about 1918
GettingerJessie born about 1893
GettingerLowell born about 1926
GettingerMerle born about 1916
GettingerRuth born about 1928
GillettLucille Eborn about 1896
GobleAlbert born about 1873
GobleBessie born about 1878
GobleCora born about 1881
GobleEarl born about 1898
GobleEva born about 1897
GobleHenry born about 1875
GobleWayne born about 1911
GreyHerbert Eborn about 1892
GreyVivian born about 1896
GriffithElsie born about 1885
GriffithVirgil born about 1886
GrimesHelen born about 1922
GrimesJohn Amosborn about 1939
GrimesJohn Mborn about 1918
GristHattie born about 1865
GulleyAlba born about 1911
GulleyEilene born about 1929
GulleyEmerson born about 1903
GulleyFrank born about 1898
GulleyFrank Jr born about 1926
GulleyIris born about 1933
GulleyJoy born about 1925
GulleyJune born about 1923
GulleyMarvin born about 1927
GulleyMary born about 1912
GulleyNorman born about 1935
GulleyPatricia born about 1932
GulleyPhyllis born about 1928
GulleyRebecca born about 1933
GulleyRichard born about 1873
GulleyRichard born about 1933
GulleyRobert born about 1938
GulleyShelby born about 1930
GulleyVelma born about 1908
GulleyVivian born about 1909
GulleyWilma born about 1931

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H Surnames

HamiltonChester Rborn about 1893
HamiltonGertrude born about 1892
HamiltonGrace born about 1880
HamiltonHarley born about 1883
HamiltonJane born about 1924
HansonErb born about 1900
HansonKatherine born about 1905
HarlanElla born about 1867
HarlanGeneva born about 1922
HarlanJames born about 1866
HarlanMarion born about 1916
HarlanMaynard born about 1938
HarlanRose born about 1892
HarlanWalton born about 1913
HarlanWeaver born about 1893
HarperEmery born about 1882
HarperLina born about 1884
HartsawHazel born about 1893
HartsawRobert Gwenborn about 1932
HartsawRoletta Mborn about 1930
HartsawWilliam Aborn about 1892
HartsawWilliam Oborn about 1922
HenryFern born about 1899
HonakerGladys born about 1920
HubbelJo Tborn about 1846
HubbelleClo born about 1857
HudsonCharles born about 1924
HudsonErma born about 1928
HudsonFrank born about 1899
HudsonHarold born about 1926
HudsonLarry born about 1940
HudsonLovena born about 1913
HumphreyEdward born about 1879
HumphreyGerald born about 1936
HumphreyIda born about 1880
HumphreyLowell born about 1934
HumphreyMarguerite born about 1912
HumphreyMary Gborn about 1906
HumphreyMary Louiseborn about 1934
HumphreyNorvin born about 1908
HumphreyNorvin Jr born about 1938
HumphreyOis born about 1905
HumphreyOlene born about 1906
HurleyJames born about 1935
HurleyRegina born about 1917
HurleyWilliam born about 1915

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J Surnames

JackDarryl Duaneborn about 1934
JackGerald born about 1913
JackRuth born about 1915
JemisonCharles Wborn about 1861
JenkinsMary born about 1896
JermanAnna born about 1871
JermanCora born about 1854
JermanCurt Cborn about 1885
JermanEdwin born about 1920
JermanKatherin born about 1888
JermanMarjorie born about 1914
JermanR Henryborn about 1850
JohnsLester born about 1910
JohnsNorman born about 1915
JohnsPhyllis born about 1937
JohnsRichard Allenborn about 1924
JohnsonChloe Bborn about 1889
JohnsonClarice born about 1912
JohnsonClyde born about 1912
JohnsonHerschel born about 1931
JohnsonJed born about 1938
JohnsonLaretta born about 1937
JohnsonLeonard born about 1889
JohnsonLouis born about 1939
JohnsonRalph born about 1906
JohnsonWilliam born about 1935

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K Surnames

KaetonDorothy born about 1919
KaetonShirley born about 1939
KellerRose born about 1874
KellumAudrey born about 1916
KellumGale born about 1915
KellumJohn Rborn about 1939
KellyHelen born about 1917
KellyLaurence born about 1916
KennedyClovie born about 1892
KennedyFred Aborn about 1889
KennedyJames born about 1923
KennedyMartha Francesborn about 1921
KerrJames Rborn about 1879
KerrLake born about 1874
KessterJames born about 1921
KessterMary Louiseborn about 1925
KessterOpal born about 1894
KessterWilliam born about 1900
KetchamElizabeth born about 1871
KiddCaroline born about 1895
KiddLowell Eborn about 1929
KiddLyle Iborn about 1929
KiddPaul born about 1891
KillumAlma born about 1888
KillumJames Aborn about 1888
KiskadenLester born about 1922
KiskadenLouis born about 1931
KlemmeCatherine born about 1896
KlemmeCharles Wborn about 1920
KlemmeDora Louiseborn about 1924
KlemmeJohn Aborn about 1896
KlemmeMabel Mborn about 1927
KlemmeMary Cborn about 1921
KlemmeRuth Annborn about 1930
KlippleBessie born about 1911
KlippleCarrie born about 1874
KoobusAnna born about 1933
KoobusBarbara born about 1936
KoobusJohnny born about 1939
KoobusMargaret born about 1915
KoobusRobert born about 1910
KoobusRobert Jr born about 1931
KrausHelen born about 1921
KrausOmer born about 1918
KrausSandra born about 1939
KuntzVashti born about 1913
KuntzVoyd born about 1911

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L Surnames

LaddGeorge born about 1905
LaddMarion born about 1857
LakeAgnes born about 1906
LakeArden born about 1917
LakeBarbara born about 1933
LakeBernice born about 1917
LakeBoyd Jborn about 1902
LakeClaire born about 1883
LakeClara born about 1881
LakeCleo Gristborn about 1889
LakeClifford Mborn about 1879
LakeCoda born about 1870
LakeEarl born about 1913
LakeEllis born about 1928
LakeEmily born about 1914
LakeFred born about 1882
LakeGoldie born about 1909
LakeHarold born about 1907
LakeJean born about 1925
LakeLouise born about 1923
LakeLucile born about 1903
LakeMina born about 1886
LakeMinnie born about 1873
LakeNancy born about 1938
LakeNettie born about 1889
LakePatricia born about 1928
LakePhenis born about 1875
LakeRoland born about 1884
LakeRuth Evalynborn about 1910
LakeWalter born about 1885
LakeWilbur born about 1904
LakeWillis Rborn about 1862
LaysonMolly born about 1875
LaysonZed born about 1871
LeeDalvin Lborn about 1912
LeeDonnie born about 1940
LeeEloise born about 1914
LeeJackie Mborn about 1934
LeviIda born about 1896
LeviThomas born about 1901
LewisHerbert Hborn about 1927
LewisHoward born about 1894
LewisRuth born about 1891
LindsayArdor Eborn about 1901
LindsayDonald born about 1934
LindsayMary born about 1901
LindsayRay born about 1931
LongfellowCharles born about 1897
LongfellowElsie born about 1907
LongfellowRobert born about 1922
LucasHoward born about 1924
LudlowAda Jeanborn about 1930
LudlowCarl Lborn about 1904
LudlowCharles born about 1875
LudlowEdith Mborn about 1878
LudlowMarjorie Jborn about 1912
LudlowPatsy Joanborn about 1931

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M Surnames

MahleAlbert Jborn about 1888
MahleCharles Eborn about 1930
MahleEva born about 1894
MartinKeith born about 1939
MartinNaomi born about 1916
MartinRobert born about 1914
MastersCatherine born about 1910
MastersWayne born about 1906
MatthewsChris Daleborn about 1937
MatthewsFarrell born about 1900
MatthewsGeorge born about 1926
MatthewsLizzie born about 1919
MatthewsPaul born about 1924
McCormickKate born about 1872
McFarlanAndrew born about 1932
McGrathAgatha born about 1930
McGrathAlvin born about 1903
McGrathEvangeline born about 1908
McGrathJames born about 1938
McGrathPatricia born about 1935
McKaounHarold born about 1922
McKaounHattie born about 1895
McKaounMary Margaretborn about 1924
McKaounVerner born about 1890
McPeekMary born about 1854
McWhorterBetty Jborn about 1921
McWhorterJoan born about 1919
McWhorterMary Fborn about 1917
McWhorterMaud born about 1896
McWhorterWilliam Lborn about 1894
MeyerFrank born about 1908
MeyerFreda born about 1914
MeyerJanet born about 1932
MeyerMarilyn born about 1939
MeyersAnna born about 1896
MeyersJohn born about 1925
MeyersJohn Hborn about 1892
MeyersRobert born about 1918
MoistnerJoan born about 1926
MoistnerKenneth born about 1906
MoistnerKenneth Jr born about 1929
MoistnerOlive born about 1906
MooreAnderson born about 1883
MooreMayme born about 1880
MooreWilliam Mborn about 1877
MurrayCandace born about 1905
MurrayNellie born about 1884
MurrayWarrem Bborn about 1888
MyerElisha born about 1877
MyerEthel born about 1879
MyerMabel born about 1882
MyerMary born about 1887
MyerOris born about 1883
MyersGeo Williamborn about 1920

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N Surnames

NealBetty Louborn about 1937
NealClem born about 1906
NealDonald born about 1933
NealEdna born about 1913
NealLarry Duaneborn about 1940
NeffC Lowellborn about 1908
NeffElizabeth Cborn about 1868
NeffJohn Walterborn about 1875
NeffJulia Roseborn about 1938
NeffMary born about 1912
NeffPearl Bborn about 1880
NeffThelma born about 1908
NickolsMary born about 1912
NickolsRobert Tborn about 1932

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O Surnames

OnealEdward born about 1923
OnstottEarl born about 1914
OnstottFreda born about 1915
OnstottRobert born about 1938
OttCharles Eborn about 1926
OttDaisy born about 1898
OttElizabeth born about 1865
OttMary Virigniaborn about 1922
OttRaymond born about 1894

P Surnames

PaytonChester born about 1904
PaytonEmma Cborn about 1880
PaytonJoseph Hborn about 1870
PaytonOpal born about 1914
PaytonRobert born about 1936
PennCarrie Elizabethborn about 1892
PennHarry Fborn about 1893
PfaffBetty born about 1925
PfaffDon born about 1929
PfaffHarold born about 1927
PfaffJohn born about 1918
PfaffMary born about 1892
PfaffThomas born about 1890
PhilpotBeaulah born about 1924
PhilpotBlanche born about 1903
PhilpotBurchel born about 1921
PhilpotClyde born about 1926
PhilpotFrank born about 1897
PhilpotKenneth born about 1925
PikeGlen born about 1885
PikeHarriet born about 1910
PikeHattie born about 1884
PikeMarion Roseborn about 1924
PlattCharles born about 1918
PlattEvelyn born about 1921
PlattJanice born about 1939
PorterAnna Mayborn about 1886
PorterBetty Jeanborn about 1922
PorterCalvin Cborn about 1883
PrechtEdgar born about 1905
PrechtGeneva born about 1938
PrechtPeggy born about 1910
PrifobleElizabeth born about 1909
PrifobleHerbert born about 1904
PrifobleKentlend born about 1936
PumphreyAdeline born about 1883
PumphreyHarold born about 1922
PumphreyJames born about 1913
PumphreyOzro born about 1881
PyerClyde born about 1873
PyerEva born about 1874

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Q Surnames

QuesenberryJohn Jr born about 1933
QuinnFrancis born about 1915
QuinnHelen born about 1921

R Surnames

RanecameAlvin born about 1921
ReesGail born about 1921
RelanderEdward Cborn about 1885
RelanderFlossie Dborn about 1886
RelanderGeraldine born about 1906
RemleyStella born about 1893
RemleyWiley Walterborn about 1890
RipbergerCarrie born about 1873
RipbergerCharles born about 1865
RipbergerElenora born about 1904
RipbergerElizabeth born about 1874
RipbergerLeo born about 1865
RipbergerMatilda born about 1903
RipbergerRichard born about 1903
RisselmanDavid born about 1939
RisselmanFreda born about 1916
RisselmanHoward born about 1913
RobertsCatherine born about 1930
RobertsCharlene born about 1921
RobertsClifford born about 1893
RobertsErnest Lborn about 1867
RobertsJohn born about 1927
RobertsMarion born about 1925
RobertsRosella born about 1898
RobertsRuth born about 1909
RobertsSam Lborn about 1900
RobyHenry born about 1907
RoseAlden born about 1917
RoseAmy born about 1891
RoseBarbara born about 1929
RoseBernice born about 1930
RoseCarson Eborn about 1885
RoseClyde born about 1878
RoseEdwin born about 1920
RoseEnnis born about 1915
RoseGerald born about 1935
RoseGusta Lborn about 1885
RoseHerbert born about 1925
RoseLeslie born about 1937
RoseMartha born about 1925
RoseMartha Fayborn about 1939
RoseMarvin born about 1916
RoseMaud born about 1896
RoseNelson born about 1928
RoseRebert born about 1914
RoseRuby born about 1931
RoseRuth born about 1933
RoseWilliam born about 1891
RoseWilliam born about 1918
RoseWillis born about 1924
RudicalLester born about 1906
RudicalThelma born about 1905
RuffMaverna born about 1929
RunkBelle born about 1871

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S Surnames

SaxonHerbert born about 1905
SaxonHerbert Pborn about 1939
SaxonLillie born about 1920
ScaggsMarcus born about 1878
ScaggsMonda born about 1926
ScaggsRalph born about 1930
ScaggsVirgie born about 1895
SchlageterRoy born about 1911
SchunkCarl Wmborn about 1939
SchunkLuella born about 1884
SchunkMiles born about 1880
SchunkOtis born about 1917
SchunkRoy born about 1926
SchunkShirley born about 1917
SchvenholtzElizabeth born about 1864
SchvenholtzJacob born about 1866
ScottBessie born about 1895
ScottCharles Hborn about 1908
ScottClara Gborn about 1917
ScottEarl born about 1926
ScottFloyd Mborn about 1916
ScottFred born about 1920
ScottGertrude born about 1868
ScottHarry born about 1925
ScottHelen born about 1918
ScottJames Wborn about 1864
ScottJoseph Charlesborn about 1939
ScottLeonard born about 1901
ScottMartha Aborn about 1868
ScottPearl born about 1897
ScottPerry born about 1893
ScottRuth Annborn about 1924
SearcyMarilyn born about 1931
SheddElva born about 1886
SheddHazel born about 1900
SheddMarcia Ellenborn about 1933
SheplarGrace born about 1898
SheplarGrant born about 1869
SheplerAlfreda born about 1898
SheplerJames born about 1921
SheplerJean born about 1929
SheplerLoren born about 1901
ShubertClaude born about 1916
ShubertEthel born about 1916
SilveyJasper born about 1881
SmallwoodClarence born about 1894
SmallwoodFlorence born about 1896
SmallwoodRobert born about 1920
SmithCarol born about 1934
SmithChester born about 1927
SmithElsie born about 1925
SmithGarry born about 1938
SmithGrace born about 1904
SmithJames born about 1924
SmithJoe born about 1931
SmithPaul born about 1902
SnyderBarbara born about 1928
SnyderCecile born about 1906
SnyderRichard born about 1927
SnyderShirley born about 1940
SnyderSpraug Wborn about 1906
SparksJames born about 1876
SteeleAlpheus Geneborn about 1935
SteeleDoris Roseborn about 1931
SteeleJoseph Wborn about 1929
SteeleProvie born about 1912
SteeleSarah Mayborn about 1938
SteeleWilliam Dborn about 1897
SteinardGrace born about 1893
SteinardNoel Daanborn about 1929
SteinardRay born about 1889
StelleGrover Cborn about 1887
StengerCatherine born about 1939
StengerDorothy born about 1913
StengerJohn born about 1903
StevensEdith born about 1871
StewartAlbert born about 1889
StewartGoldie born about 1891
StoryClarence born about 1918
StoryEmma born about 1881
StoryGeorge born about 1910
StoryGrover Cborn about 1882
SturgeonCleve born about 1885
SturgeonOrville born about 1924
SturgeonRosa born about 1887
SwiftElizabeth born about 1867

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T Surnames

TagueAnnetta born about 1883
TagueClark Wborn about 1883
ThompsonAmos born about 1885
ThompsonAttie born about 1900
ThompsonCharles born about 1869
ThompsonEtta born about 1870
TillettEva born about 1878
TillettGrover Dborn about 1935
TillettHaskell born about 1912
TillettMelanie Annborn about 1940
TillettPollard born about 1872
TillettRonnie Leeborn about 1938
TillettRose born about 1917
TruslerAgnes born about 1868
TruslerJennie born about 1860

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V Surnames

VeatchMargaret born about 1870
VolkEdward born about 1914

W Surnames

WannBruce born about 1904
WannFlorence born about 1906
WannIrene born about 1924
WeddingMary born about 1914
WeddingRichard born about 1913
WestonFloyd born about 1894
WestonHarley Laddborn about 1930
WestonLeonard born about 1926
WestonMarion born about 1935
WestonRachel born about 1902
WhiteCharles Hborn about 1873
WhiteDan born about 1860
WhiteFronia born about 1885
WhiteGeorge born about 1879
WhiteRozzie Mborn about 1875
WhitisElla born about 1913
WhitisRobert born about 1936
WhitisSim Eborn about 1908
WhitisVelma born about 1931
WhitisWilliam born about 1934
WhitmanBertha born about 1900
WhitmanEdward born about 1924
WhitmanGarner born about 1914
WhitmanLewis Hborn about 1874
WhitmanVesta born about 1880
WhitmanWilliam born about 1871
WilliamsCharles Eborn about 1929
WilliamsCharles Tborn about 1870
WilliamsDonald Wborn about 1927
WilliamsLawrence born about 1916
WilliamsLloyd born about 1894
WilliamsLloyd Jr born about 1921
WilliamsMartha born about 1878
WilliamsMollie born about 1874
WilliamsRuth born about 1895
WilliamsWilliam born about 1913
WilliamsWilliam Cborn about 1886
WillisHeber Lborn about 1905
WillisInez born about 1913
WillisThelda C Infantborn about 1940
WilsonKatherine born about 1873
WrightHazel born about 1899
WrightLawrence born about 1903
WrightLeland born about 1899
WrightMartha Louiseborn about 1930
WrightWilma Jeanborn about 1929
WyerEhtel born about 1910
WyerNancy born about 1934
WyerVernon born about 1907
WyerWilliam born about 1939

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Y Surnames

YoungAmbrose born about 1886
YoungBernice born about 1920
YoungElmer born about 1895
YoungErnest born about 1918
YoungFrank born about 1916
YoungHannah born about 1900
YoungHoward born about 1924
YoungJames born about 1926
YoungMabel born about 1920
YoungMary Francesborn about 1922
YoungNellie born about 1887
YoungWm Andrewborn about 1914

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