1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jackson in Tippecanoe County, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Jackson in Tippecanoe County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

ActonRobert born about 1911
AndersonClyde Lborn about 1908
AndersonDonald Lborn about 1931
AndersonElden Wborn about 1924
AndersonGeneva Cborn about 1935
AndersonHenry Sborn about 1902
AndersonIva Mborn about 1926
AndersonJewel Lborn about 1929
AndersonJunior Cborn about 1933
AndrewsAgnes Eborn about 1932
AndrewsDonald born about 1939
AndrewsEdward Lborn about 1905
AndrewsEdwin Lborn about 1936
AndrewsLois Mborn about 1913
AndrewsRichard Lborn about 1939
AndrewsVirginia Lborn about 1934

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B Surnames

Bailey??? E Xborn about 1877
BaileyJ Clara Mborn about 1875
BaileyJacob Sborn about 1868
BaileyThomas Mborn about 1900
BaileyViola Cborn about 1879
BeadleFrank Oborn about 1873
BeadleMarrin Cborn about 1894
BerryhillEdward born about 1887
BerryhillSarah Fborn about 1889
BerryhillThomas Mborn about 1855
BeryhillGladys Eborn about 1908
BeryhillWilliam Eborn about 1904
BieberMary Aborn about 1908
BlacketerGrover born about 1892
BlacketerOtta Mborn about 1895
BlackterCharles Eborn about 1913
BlairEthelynn Lborn about 1907
BlairSylvester born about 1891
BorumHelen Mborn about 1888
BrownCharles born about 1894
BrownDeward Wborn about 1921
BrownDoris Eborn about 1925
BrownElizabeth Aborn about 1940
BrownElmer Lborn about 1894
BrownFred Aborn about 1919
BrownGeorge Rborn about 1916
BrownGrace Fborn about 1896
BrownIness Lborn about 1897
BrownRobert born about 1896
BrownRuth Gborn about 1896
BrownSamuel Lborn about 1917
BrownVirginia Mborn about 1918
BuckDonald Hborn about 1926
BuckJames Jborn about 1921
BuckJohn Bborn about 1893
BuckReba Lborn about 1896
Buckles??? Kborn about 1916
BucklesAvera Aborn about 1915
BundGenes Lborn about 1933
BundGertrude Aborn about 1934
BundHerbert Mborn about 1931
BundJerome born about 1902
BundJoseph Pborn about 1929
BundMary Tborn about 1928
BurghardtEthel born about 1887
BurghardtJames Lborn about 1921
Byers??? Wborn about 1884
ByersAnna Lborn about 1871
ByersBertha Vborn about 1891
ByersBuford Hborn about 1918
ByersCharles Eborn about 1919
ByersCharlotte Aborn about 1936
ByersClarence born about 1889
ByersEdward Dborn about 1873
ByersElla born about 1867
ByersEmmitt Dborn about 1920
ByersEsther Mborn about 1892
ByersEverett born about 1901
ByersFloyd Oborn about 1896
ByersIrene Hborn about 1895
ByersIva Mborn about 1892
ByersKenneth Eborn about 1938
ByersLauella born about 1873
ByersLowell Lborn about 1902
ByersMary born about 1923
ByersMildred born about 1912
ByersMildred Lborn about 1917
ByersNotie Mborn about 1893
ByersOtto Wborn about 1887
ByersOtto Jr born about 1922
ByersOwen Jborn about 1891
ByersRebecca Eborn about 1906
ByersRobert Hborn about 1916
ByersRuth Wborn about 1905
ByersZetta Wborn about 1900

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C Surnames

ClevidenceEmma Lborn about 1881
ClevidenceGeorge born about 1865
ClevidenceLorrinna born about 1871
ClevidenceLorrinna born about 1903
ClevidenceVirgil Lborn about 1891
CronkMargaret Eborn about 1886
CronkWilliam Aborn about 1884
CrouseAlma Eborn about 1904
CrouseDavid Rborn about 1936
CrouseJean Eborn about 1930
CrouseMary Jborn about 1853
CrousePartlan* Lborn about 1905
CrouseThomas Lborn about 1938
CrowderElsie born about 1884
CrowderGeorge Lborn about 1890

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D Surnames

DavisBetty Lborn about 1923
DavisClarence Bborn about 1887
DavisClarence Bborn about 1916
DavisEdna Mborn about 1894
DavisElvah Cborn about 1901
DavisFloyd Aborn about 1930
DavisFloyd Oborn about 1894
DavisFreda Jborn about 1927
DavisGeorgia Lborn about 1915
DavisGladys Mborn about 1898
DavisHarriott Eborn about 1920
DavisIreba Pborn about 1924
DavisLouis Lborn about 1937
DavisMarine Rborn about 1925
DavisMary Eborn about 1917
DavisMeryln Jborn about 1932
DavisMinerva Oborn about 1890
DavisR Bintonborn about 1897
DavisRobert Vborn about 1919
DavisShirley Hborn about 1931
DavisThelma Eborn about 1904
DettbennerEdith Aborn about 1871
DevaultElenora Fborn about 1919
DevaultJames Hborn about 1919
DevaultJames Rborn about 1896
DevaultMay born about 1891
DevaultThomas Kborn about 1921
DunkinCharles Lborn about 1883
DunkinLou born about 1883
DunnDonald born about 1914
DunnJane Eborn about 1921

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E Surnames

EberleAlma Rborn about 1925
EberleAnna Mborn about 1882
EberleEmma Lborn about 1922
EberleFrancis Lborn about 1917
EberleMarion Jborn about 1920

F Surnames

FerkinArthur Cborn about 1919
FerkinDonald Lborn about 1938
FerkinJune Eborn about 1914
FerkinLindy Lborn about 1940
FirkinElan born about 1898
FirkinMargaret Aborn about 1932
FirkinMorris Eborn about 1923
FirkinPauline born about 1925
FirkinVelma born about 1899
FirkinVirgil Eborn about 1918
FochellFreeman Mborn about 1907
FoleyAudrey Eborn about 1922
FoleyMaggie Tborn about 1902
FoleyPorter Pborn about 1900
FoleyRussell Cborn about 1931
FowlerWilliam born about 1922
FreedEsther Gborn about 1928
FreedFred Hborn about 1892
FreedHarold Aborn about 1916
FreedLeone Bborn about 1917
FreedRaymond Cborn about 1917
FreedRuth Jborn about 1922
FreedSylvia Eborn about 1894
FreyCharles Eborn about 1938
FreyEthel Lborn about 1914
FreyGorland Eborn about 1940
FreyHarold Eborn about 1912
FreyJohn Wborn about 1915
FreyMamie Eborn about 1914
FreyMartha Aborn about 1935
FreyRuth Lborn about 1934
FrutsMildred Lborn about 1914
FrutsOrville Mborn about 1909
FunkAchsa Rborn about 1900
FunkCarolyn Mborn about 1932
FunkCatherine Mborn about 1928
FunkChristine Mborn about 1934
FunkDora Mborn about 1908
FunkGeorge Lborn about 1906
FunkJesse Mborn about 1899
FunkhouserMarion Dborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GambleAnde Eborn about 1915
GambleEllmer Pborn about 1892
GambleElmer born about 1918
GambleEnnice Mborn about 1895
GambleLawrence born about 1922
GambleMary Lborn about 1939
GambleVivian Lborn about 1920
GeeDonald Jborn about 1911
GeeErma born about 1918
GeeKenneth Oborn about 1910
GeeLouis Jborn about 1916
GeeSamuel Wborn about 1874
GeeSearle Wborn about 1907
GeeVirginia Aborn about 1935
GoodsAlfred Bborn about 1897
GoodsCharles Oborn about 1927
GoodsKathleen Aborn about 1932
GoodsLillian Aborn about 1904
GoodsNadine Wborn about 1923
GrodeLucile Dborn about 1924
GrodeMartha Dborn about 1893
GrodeNorma Gborn about 1926
GrodeThomas Hborn about 1889

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H Surnames

HardiwayFrank Jborn about 1882
HarrimanDon Eborn about 1928
HarrimanGlen Jborn about 1893
HarrimanHazel Fborn about 1896
HarrimanMary Aborn about 1927
HarrimanNancy born about 1930
HarrisonGladys Bborn about 1914
HarrisonLawrence born about 1902
HarseyFlorence Uborn about 1915
HarseyFrancis Eborn about 1917
HarseyLeslie Fborn about 1938
HartleyJessie Mborn about 1906
HartleyJoseph Aborn about 1902
HartleyJuanita Mborn about 1925
HartleyRaoma Rborn about 1929
HartleyRobert born about 1927
HartleyRose Mborn about 1935
HartonCharles born about 1936
HartonDonald born about 1924
HartonElizabeth born about 1922
HartonLaura born about 1889
HartonPhilip born about 1889
HawthorneGrace Wborn about 1889
HawthorneMaxine Wborn about 1913
HaynesMary born about 1879
HayresDana Lborn about 1935
HayresJames Aborn about 1915
HayresJimme Jborn about 1932
HayresNancy Fborn about 1915
HayresSuann born about 1936
HaywoodEdward Fborn about 1905
HaywoodEdward Mborn about 1934
HaywoodElizabeth Sborn about 1872
HaywoodRobert Gborn about 1931
HaywoodRuth Mborn about 1910
HibbsGuy born about 1895
HinesBeverly Lborn about 1940
HinesJohn Fborn about 1919
HinesMartha Bborn about 1914
HinesRichard born about 1935
HornBetty Jborn about 1925
HornCecil Cborn about 1899
HornCecil Rborn about 1923
HornCharlotte Lborn about 1927
HornDonald Eborn about 1932
HornErma Eborn about 1920
HornEva Rborn about 1901
HornLillis Jborn about 1929
HornMaryland Pborn about 1936
HornMaxine Rborn about 1938
HornVelma Jborn about 1936
HoweyGeorge Mborn about 1922
HoweyLena Aborn about 1895
HoweyLoyd Gborn about 1895

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J Surnames

JohnsonBlanche Mborn about 1925
JohnsonRobert born about 1921
JonesMattie Vborn about 1882
JonesOtto Fborn about 1876
JonesRobert Fborn about 1917
JulianDorothy Rborn about 1930
JulianHarry Dborn about 1923
JulianNellie Lborn about 1892

K Surnames

KingBernice Lborn about 1894
KingIsaac Aborn about 1870
KingJesie Eborn about 1875
KingenEarl Wborn about 1904
KingenRuby Lborn about 1908
KirkpatrickLaura born about 1852
KuntzwilerBetty Lborn about 1924
KuntzwilerFred born about 1926
KuntzwilerMayme born about 1902

L Surnames

Linne??? born about 1938
LinneJacqueline born about 1936
LinninghamDoris Eborn about 1932
LinninghamJames Lborn about 1935
LinninghamJohn Lborn about 1909
LinninghamJohn Wborn about 1937
LinninghamMartha Eborn about 1909
LinninghamMary Eborn about 1933
LinninghamPatricia Eborn about 1940
LloydBenjamin born about 1940
LloydGertrude born about 1911
LloydLloyd Hborn about 1887
LongViolet Lborn about 1922
LongeneckerMary born about 1929
LovelandClarence Hborn about 1901
LovelandClarence Hborn about 1931
LovelandDonnie born about 1902
LovelandLois Aborn about 1939
LovelandNorma Gborn about 1929
LynchKendall Aborn about 1862

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M Surnames

MaddusGeorgia born about 1896
MaddusLyman Nborn about 1900
MaddusRichard Lborn about 1927
MarksBetty Lborn about 1927
MarksEva Dborn about 1876
MarksJacob Dborn about 1877
MarksLayd Jborn about 1894
MarksLee born about 1876
MarksMayne Eborn about 1898
MarksMayorie Lborn about 1920
MarsonErving Fborn about 1889
MarsonNell Bborn about 1888
MartinEthel Vborn about 1886
MartinFloyd Aborn about 1886
MartinMennie Aborn about 1880
MartinRaymond born about 1923
MarvinIda born about 1857
MasonRobert Eborn about 1925
MathesCalvin born about 1853
McCartyCatherine Mborn about 1928
McCartyDean Hborn about 1927
McCartyFrank born about 1881
McCartyHoward Gborn about 1920
McCartyMary Eborn about 1888
McCawCharles Eborn about 1900
McCawGene born about 1923
McCawJennie born about 1902
McCawJuanita born about 1929
McCawMarvin born about 1931
McCorkleBerma Aborn about 1897
McCorkleBurton born about 1919
McCorkleCharles Fborn about 1866
McCorkleCharles Lborn about 1895
McCorkleEva Eborn about 1900
McCorkleFrances Mborn about 1868
McCorkleFrank born about 1900
McCorkleJohn Cborn about 1934
McCorkleVerna Mborn about 1901
McCorldJohn Rborn about 1893
McCorldJune Wborn about 1891
McCorldPatricia Aborn about 1921
McCormickAnna Pborn about 1886
McCormickDelbert born about 1882
McCormickHarold born about 1923
McCormickHerbert Dborn about 1911
McCormickIra born about 1919
McCormickRalph Cborn about 1914
McCormickRuth Cborn about 1921
McHarryAda Fborn about 1937
McHarryAgnes Dborn about 1874
McHarryDoris born about 1919
McHarryHelen Cborn about 1909
McHarryHugh Sborn about 1910
McHarryIra born about 1874
McHarryLee Cborn about 1915
McHarryPatricia Lborn about 1935
McKnightAnna Mborn about 1875
McKnightJames Fborn about 1875
McKnightMary Eborn about 1914
McMillianDale Kborn about 1932
McMillianElizabeth Sborn about 1901
McMillianHarry born about 1897
McMillianKeith Eborn about 1926
MeharryJohn born about 1875
MersonEdward Jborn about 1928
MersonJohn Jborn about 1892
MersonRuth born about 1899
MilesBarbara Jborn about 1940
MilesDonald Rborn about 1934
MilesGenevieve Lborn about 1904
MilesJames Eborn about 1937
MilesMatie Eborn about 1931
MilesPatricia Aborn about 1938
MilesRaymond born about 1902
MilesRichard Dborn about 1936
MilesTheodore Mborn about 1932
MuggCharles Eborn about 1917
MuggClarence Rborn about 1922
MuggEvelyn Eborn about 1923
MuggFrank Jborn about 1894
MuggMargaret born about 1899
MullerIda born about 1868
MullerLucille Gborn about 1897

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N Surnames

NallBertha Mborn about 1873
NesbettClaude Fborn about 1889
NesbettDavid Eborn about 1924
NesbettGene Bborn about 1920
NesbettNell Bborn about 1891
NesbettRobert Cborn about 1854
NicosonAillen Bborn about 1926
NicosonBetty Lborn about 1927
NicosonDaryl Cborn about 1937
NicosonDelora Bborn about 1901
NicosonDervy Cborn about 1898
NicosonJean Eborn about 1935
NicosonLelia Mborn about 1932
NicosonNina Eborn about 1940
NicosonPatrica Eborn about 1938
NicosonScott Dborn about 1924
NicosonWanda Lborn about 1928

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O Surnames

OliverBeatrice born about 1901
OliverDavid Lborn about 1921
OliverDoris Jborn about 1937
OliverFred Eborn about 1895
OswaltCornelia Vborn about 1918
OswaltEthel Mborn about 1890
OswaltIral Lborn about 1913
OswaltRay Gborn about 1890

P Surnames

PalmoreEva born about 1921
PalmoreJess born about 1897
ParkerCarol born about 1933
ParkerEdna Mborn about 1926
ParkerFrank born about 1922
ParkerHarold born about 1928
ParkerJosephine born about 1931
ParkerMary born about 1925
ParkerRay born about 1902
ParkerThomas Eborn about 1936
ParkerVelma Lborn about 1904
PattersonBetty born about 1886
PattersonDelmar Aborn about 1932
PattersonElmar Dborn about 1932
PattersonEthel Mborn about 1901
PattersonLoretta Lborn about 1937
PattersonLoyd born about 1922
PattersonMartin Wborn about 1895
Pearl??? Dborn about 1933
PearlElmer Lborn about 1899
PearlFloyd born about 1909
PearlJoan Bborn about 1936
PearlLillie Rborn about 1909
PearlMaryarette born about 1899
PeckerAlida born about 1866
PerrigsDoris Lborn about 1927
PerrigsGerald Eborn about 1929
PerrigsJohn Eborn about 1915
PerrigsJohn Wborn about 1881
PerrigsStella born about 1890
PerrigsWilliam Hborn about 1924
PetersonAndrew Lborn about
PetersonCornelia Nborn about
PhilipHenry Wborn about 1928
PlainCarol Hborn about 1889
PlainFronie Mborn about 1894
PlainSusan Mborn about 1926
PlainWilliam Hborn about 1924
PoselGladys Mborn about 1900
PoselMelford Lborn about 1897
PoselMildred Lborn about 1932
PoselMyrtle born about 1928
PoselVelma Mborn about 1924
PratherDonald Wborn about 1927
PratherFanny Mborn about 1896
PratherHoward Rborn about 1920
PratherRichard Fborn about 1902
PrideDella Jborn about 1916
PrideDeloris Eborn about 1918
PrideMary Pborn about 1928
PrideNeal Sborn about 1920
PrideSpencer Aborn about 1894
PullinHarold Lborn about 1928
PullinJuanita Eborn about 1926
PullinLeota Mborn about 1903
PullinLouise Hborn about 1922
PullinOttis born about 1901
PullinOwen Lborn about 1924

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Q Surnames

QuinnIrene Eborn about 1912

R Surnames

RatchiffCarrie Jborn about 1900
RatchiffJoseph Wborn about 1895
RatchiffRobert Wborn about 1929
RaubAlbin Rborn about 1895
RaubBrenda Bborn about 1899
RaubDorothy Jborn about 1933
RaubJoseph Lborn about 1929
RayEarvest Gborn about 1913
RayErnest Cborn about 1939
RayMary Cborn about 1936
RayMary Lborn about 1914
ReedEudora born about 1913
ReedFrancis Mborn about 1906
ReedJohn Wborn about 1933
ReedWilliam born about 1922
ReesonCurtis Wborn about 1892
ReesonPauline Mborn about 1921
ReesonPearl Jborn about 1896
ReevesLettie Aborn about 1874
ReevesWarren born about 1871
RiceAnna Mborn about 1870
RiceFrnak born about 1902
RiceMorris born about 1899
RichardsonClyde born about 1919
RichardsonLee born about 1919
RochertAnna Mborn about 1879
RochertIrene Mborn about 1915
RochertJoseph born about 1873
RochertJoseph Rborn about 1922
RoechellBetty Lborn about 1932
RoechellClara Mborn about 1902
RoechellDorothy Mborn about 1925
RoechellHerbert Mborn about 1929
RoechellJane Lborn about 1938
RoechellJoe Dborn about 1935
RoechellMyrtle Jborn about 1927
RoechellRaymond Eborn about 1902
RohrboughLoretta born about 1933
RundMargaret Aborn about 1935
RustEdna born about 1910
RustHarley Wborn about 1902
RustLillian Wborn about 1876

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S Surnames

SandefurMennie born about 1927
Sauder??? Eborn about 1937
SauderCharles Eborn about 1914
SauderHelen Eborn about 1916
SauderNorman Eborn about 1938
ScottJesse born about 1923
ShawPaul Gborn about 1930
ShawderJudith Mborn about 1939
ShawderLeth Mborn about 1919
ShawderRalph Hborn about 1918
SheetsLaura Jborn about 1920
SheetsMable Mborn about 1896
SheetsManford Mborn about 1895
ShelbyDavid Hborn about 1928
ShelbyElizabeth Bborn about 1894
ShelbyGeorge Eborn about 1892
ShelbyGeorge Wborn about 1914
ShelbyJohn Bborn about 1919
ShelbyMargaret Eborn about 1923
ShelbyMartha Eborn about 1923
ShelbyPricilla Jborn about 1926
ShelbySarah Lborn about 1924
ShelbyVirginia born about 1915
SheltonBetty Wborn about 1933
SheltonEsther born about 1895
SheltonFrank born about 1889
SheltonLorain Tborn about 1921
SheltonOdell Eborn about 1915
SheltonOrdell Wborn about 1919
ShrockMerrill Rborn about 1917
SkeelSam born about 1927
SmallCora Eborn about 1877
SmallHarry born about 1891
SmallIda Cborn about 1902
SmallRobert Gborn about 1929
SmallRussell born about 1902
SnauwartBarbara Jborn about 1928
SnauwartLinn born about 1902
SnauwartMae born about 1904
SnellingAudrey Lborn about 1913
SnellingCharles Eborn about 1887
SnellingDale born about 1936
SnellingEffie Dborn about 1888
SneltingAlice born about 1860
SnouwaertDoris Aborn about 1934
SnouwaertGeorge born about 1900
SnouwaertHoward born about 1909
SnouwaertLouelle born about 1877
SnouwaertNancy Lborn about 1935
SnouwaertViolet Oborn about 1910
SnouwaertWayne Eborn about 1923
SouthernEileen Lborn about 1920
SouthernHelen Lborn about 1939
SouthernOtes Eborn about 1912
SpenceArthur born about 1903
StaffordBarbara Eborn about 1932
StaffordCharles Eborn about 1929
StaffordEdmund Wborn about 1894
StaffordEllen Eborn about 1895
StaffordMargaret Kborn about 1919
StaffordMary Eborn about 1923
StechelEva born about 1902
StechelJames Jborn about 1903
Stewart??? Gborn about 1893
StewartJohn Gborn about 1892
StoverAlice Hborn about 1900
StoverBernice Fborn about 1913
StoverEllsworth born about 1872
StoverIda Cborn about 1878
SumervilleBessie born about 1879
SumervilleClifford born about 1874
SummersEsther Mborn about 1920
SummersRaymond Fborn about 1909
SunninghamHomer Wborn about 1927
SunninghamRobert Lborn about 1925
SwadleyDavid Wborn about 1876
SwadleyElla Mborn about 1897
SwadleyEllis Cborn about 1891
SwadleyEllis Cborn about 1921
SwadleyJess born about 1886
SwankClifford Dborn about 1927
SwankDean Fborn about 1930
SwankEsther Mborn about 1892
SwankGilbert Rborn about 1895
SwankHarvey Dborn about 1879
SwankIda Eborn about 1921
SwankMargaret Aborn about 1928
SwankMaude born about 1882
SwankPhilis Aborn about 1925
SwankRussell Mborn about 1912
SwankWilliam Rborn about 1919
SynesaelCaroline born about 1897
SynesaelCharles Rborn about 1926
SynesaelJane Kborn about 1933
SynesaelPete born about 1889
SynesaelRuby Mborn about 1922

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T Surnames

TaberHarry Lborn about 1887
TaberKellah Gborn about 1878
TaylorAlmedia Dborn about 1875
TaylorElonzo born about 1870
TaylorJennie Mborn about 1874
TaylorLulu Bborn about 1872
ThomasVivan born about 1910
ToddBernice born about 1907
ToddErnest Dborn about 1935
ToddHoward Eborn about 1906

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V Surnames

VanallenJeanne born about 1930
VanallenJoe Wborn about 1906
VangilderFred born about 1907
VantaLouise Jborn about 1916
VantaLydia born about 1878
VantaThomas Wborn about 1881
Vaughan??? Jborn about 1912
VaughanCharles Fborn about 1937
VaughanDonald Jborn about 1909
VaughanRobert Wborn about 1939
VessFrank Wborn about 1880

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W Surnames

WagnerIke born about 1895
WaklypLottie Lborn about 1888
WaklypWallace Eborn about 1905
WellmanElma Eborn about 1884
WellmanWill Eborn about 1876
WhetmenDon Lborn about 1903
WhetmenGladys Dborn about 1904
WhetmenHarry Dborn about 1930
WhetmenMarrie Lborn about 1928
WhiteheadDorothy Aborn about 1917
WhiteheadNancy Kborn about 1939
WhiteheadRoy Oborn about 1915
WilliamsA Vonne Rborn about 1939
WilliamsBennie Pborn about 1897
WilliamsDonnal born about 1938
WilliamsHarold Dborn about 1911
WilliamsHarold Tborn about 1935
WilliamsKenneth Dborn about 1922
WilliamsLloyd Kborn about 1937
WilliamsLouise Dborn about 1918
WilliamsVirgil Lborn about 1893
WillisMatthew Cborn about 1865
WillisMilvin Rborn about 1883
WillisMyrtle Lborn about 1882
WillisPaul born about 1921
WinslawEugene Wborn about 1904
WinslawJuba Eborn about 1910
Wise??? Eborn about 1922
WiseBlanche Jborn about 1919
WiseDonald Eborn about 1931
WiseLon born about 1893
WiseMay Eborn about 1894
WiseRaymond born about 1917
WithrowAlma Mborn about 1900
WithrowBarbara Jborn about 1927
WithrowCharles Lborn about 1925
WithrowLewis Jborn about 1893
WraysCharles born about 1910
WraysMores born about 1874

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