1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Henry County, Henry, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Henry County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Henry County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrellGeorge born about 1904
AbrellMargaret born about 1909
AbrellMildred Aborn about 1939
AbrellRonald Geneborn about 1932
AbshireBertha born about 1887
AbshireClifford born about 1923
AbshireFred born about 1918
AckerBeverly Sueborn about 1929
AckerCharles Wborn about 1896
AckerCharles Jr born about 1922
AckerEdna born about 1897
AckerJames born about 1925
AckerMarion born about 1933
AckerPaul born about 1932
AckerVirginia born about 1918
AdkinsWilliam born about 1904
AllenBarbara Jeanborn about 1928
AllenDon born about 1931
AllenEugene Cborn about 1903
AllenGarrett born about 1900
AllenGeneva born about 1905
AllenJames born about 1927
AllenLillian born about 1903
AllenLoughton born about 1925
AllenMaude born about 1875
AllenRichard Joeborn about 1934
AllenSamuel born about 1865
AndersonEthel born about 1879
AyresAlfred born about 1909
AyresCharles born about 1911
AyresFrank born about 1922
AyresLilly born about 1883
AyresLita born about 1934
AyresLucille born about 1911
AyresOscar born about 1916
AyresRufus Mborn about 1908
AyresSandra born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerCharles Eborn about 1938
BakerDelores Annborn about 1937
BakerEdgell born about 1902
BakerEmma born about 1868
BakerJames born about 1922
BakerJames Henryborn about 1939
BakerMargaret born about 1913
BakerWilhelmina born about 1875
BakerWillard Aborn about 1872
BakerWilliam born about 1915
BakerWilliam Mborn about 1935
BalHelen Cborn about 1926
BalHubert Aborn about 1922
BalHulen born about 1900
BalLloyd born about 1932
BalOra born about 1899
BarrettDonald Kborn about 1925
BarrettEloise born about 1917
BarrettErnest Tborn about 1899
BarrettFrances Juneborn about 1927
BarrettJoyce born about 1919
BarrettNella born about 1898
BattHerman born about 1913
BattHoward born about 1928
BattLela born about 1891
BattLewis born about 1884
BeaversDonald Leeborn about 1931
BeaversDoris born about 1909
BeaversJohn Robertborn about 1934
BeaversMillard born about 1908
BeaversMillard Jr born about 1930
BellCharles born about 1876
BellCora born about 1873
BellFred born about 1915
BellIrene born about 1913
BellJames born about 1939
BellMarie born about 1920
BellRaymond born about 1916
BellSallie born about 1874
BellWilliam Lborn about 1875
BellyEthel born about 1923
BellyFlorence born about 1891
BellyGeorge born about 1925
BellyHarold born about 1919
BellyJames Oborn about 1886
BellyRoscoe born about 1917
BemisEmily born about 1913
BemisFrank born about 1908
BenbowAlunda born about 1856
BenbowArminta born about 1890
BenbowBenjamin born about 1889
BenbowWarren Gborn about 1922
BennettMinnie born about 1883
BennettWillard born about 1882
BennittAl born about 1868
BigbyFlora born about 1869
BlackDuane born about 1920
BlackElmer Eborn about 1892
BlackEthel born about 1883
BlackGeorgie Bborn about 1894
BlackLois Rborn about 1927
BlackWalter Mborn about 1880
BlackWanda born about 1915
BlockAlpha born about 1916
BlockDelores born about 1916
BlockEugene born about 1940
BockDalores born about 1903
BockLinn Jborn about 1866
BockLora Sueborn about 1934
BockRalph born about 1899
BokerL Gborn about 1893
BollCecil born about 1894
BollCora Leeborn about 1898
BollJames Eborn about 1922
BorthingArther Mborn about 1883
BorthingEvart born about 1915
BorthingOrpha born about 1885
BorthingPatricia born about 1926
BouslogChessie born about 1891
BouslogGeorge born about 1900
BouslogJoseph born about 1888
BouslogMarion born about 1913
BouslogMollie born about 1855
BouslogRuth born about 1898
BowersAmanda born about 1871
BowersBertha born about 1887
BowersIrene born about 1893
BowersJoyce born about 1928
BowersMary Eborn about 1887
BowersMary Elizabethborn about 1880
BowersMendel born about 1917
BowersMerton born about 1873
BowersOtto born about 1888
BowersRoscoe Lborn about 1884
BowersTheodore born about 1876
BowersWaldo born about 1880
BrennemanEsta born about 1902
BrennemanHoward born about 1899
BrennemanLois Jennetteborn about 1922
BrennemanRobert Leeborn about 1923
BrennemanShirley born about 1935
BrownewellBilly born about 1926
BunnerClay born about 1895
BunnerFlossie born about 1891
BunnerGilbert born about 1931
BunnerPaul born about 1924
BunnerRobert born about 1892
BunnerRuth born about 1899
BurcanHettie born about 1887
BurcanMendel Aborn about 1912
BurcanWilliam Lborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaineHarley born about 1889
CaineMartha Jborn about 1920
CaineMary Aborn about 1893
CaineVerle born about 1917
CaineWally Jborn about 1937
ChapmanArletta Sueborn about 1939
ChapmanBilly Joeborn about 1931
ChapmanDollos born about 1907
ChapmanGranville born about 1874
ChapmanIvan born about 1900
ChapmanJoyce born about 1936
ChapmanLowell born about 1913
ChapmanMary born about 1876
ChapmanNancy born about 1934
ChapmanPearl Eborn about 1883
ChapmanThelma born about 1915
CheeverCleon born about 1929
CheeverDolores born about 1922
CheeverEverett born about 1900
CheeverLucy Caroldborn about 1932
CheeverMaxine born about 1926
CheeverPercil born about 1901
ChowningDolph born about 1904
ChowningEmpo born about 1914
ChowningMarvin born about 1939
ChristmanCora born about 1881
ChristmanGeorge born about 1881
ClarkEmily born about 1856
ClemBosil born about 1899
ClemCora born about 1867
ClemSimon born about 1867
ClementsEmma born about 1862
ClevengerSpencer born about 1879
ClickMinor born about 1890
CloudJoseph Wborn about 1909
CloudMary born about 1919
CochranGrover born about 1885
CochranLouise born about 1889
ColinJennie born about 1866
CompbellJ Wborn about 1881
CompbellLura born about 1882
ConnClifford born about 1902
ConnDella born about 1882
ConnElizabeth born about 1872
ConnJohn born about 1880
ConnWilliam born about 1868
ConnerHomer born about 1865
ConnerInez born about 1868
CookIndia Jborn about 1884
CorbinBosel born about 1896
CorbinGene Aborn about 1936
CorbinJames Eborn about 1930
CorbinJohn Bborn about 1928
CorbinMaude born about 1899
CorfAlma born about 1913
CorfCarol Joyceborn about 1932
CorfEdwin born about 1905
CormichaelBoleigh born about 1932
CormichaelCarl born about 1901
CormichaelEveret born about 1929
CormichaelHelen born about 1901
CormichaelLarry Wayneborn about 1939
CormichaelMary Helenborn about 1927
CormichaelMeriedith born about 1924
CoxElizabeth born about 1911
CoxLowell born about 1907
CoxMargery Eborn about 1929
CrabillSara born about 1864
CraigC R Oborn about 1889
CraigGrace Mborn about 1891
CraybillClyde born about 1875
CraybillLoura born about 1872
CrimCharles born about 1865
CrimEmma born about 1869
CrimHarry born about 1891
CrimMargaret born about 1894
CrossDora born about 1886
CrossHelen born about 1924
CrossHoward born about 1926
CrossJessie born about 1917
CumminsMartha born about 1864

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D Surnames

DavidsonJames Wborn about 1859
DavidsonNora Jborn about 1868
DavisOpal born about 1929
DavisWilbur born about 1925
DayAnna born about 1876
DayFrancis born about 1930
DayJessie born about 1895
DayJohn Albertborn about 1874
DayRoy born about 1925
DayRoymond born about 1927
DeanEtta born about 1868
DerrowBernice born about 1910
DerrowBilly born about 1931
DerrowEsta born about 1887
DerrowJacqueline born about 1929
DerrowMaryline born about 1933
DerrowSamuel born about 1883
DerrowUrbon born about 1908
DowersIda born about 1877
DowneyDell born about 1878
DudleyEdna born about 1907
DudleyLeland born about 1904
DurachCharles Pborn about 1861
DurachDora born about 1863

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E Surnames

EastonDale born about 1935
EastonDolas born about 1939
EastonGeorge born about 1903
EastonThelma born about 1912
EdwardsLucille born about 1917
EdwardsRobert born about 1914
EllisonGeorgia born about 1892
EllisonWilliam Sborn about 1884
EverettCarl Jeanborn about 1922
EverettMadonna born about 1928
EverettMarjorie born about 1926
EverettRalph born about 1896
EverettRetha born about 1897

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F Surnames

FadelyBarbara Louborn about 1936
FadelyBlanch born about 1898
FadelyKeith born about 1894
FadelyMalcolm Jborn about 1939
FadelyMeridith Kborn about 1939
FadelyRebecca Jborn about 1869
FadleyLuther born about 1873
FadleyPearl born about 1878
FaversBerel born about 1930
FaversBernice born about 1933
FaversBurley born about 1905
FaversClara born about 1913
FaversDale born about 1937
FaversGoy born about 1935
FaversR Cborn about 1939
FavorsCarrie born about 1911
FavorsEdith born about 1932
FavorsHerman born about 1908
FavorsJackie born about 1930
FavorsNorma born about 1933
FlatterDon born about 1916
FlatterDonna Maeborn about 1940
FlatterEdna born about 1939
FlatterLena born about 1914
FletcherCharles born about 1862
FletcherKeneth born about 1914
FletcherLaura born about 1894
FletcherMarietta born about 1872
FletcherSanford born about 1888
FodeleyJacob born about 1864
FoutchDick born about 1925
FoutchMoude born about 1900
FoutchOrin born about 1902
FoxCreston born about 1907
FoxGlendora born about 1873
FoxWilliard Rborn about 1873
FugettArdea* born about 1913
FugettBessie born about 1916
FugettCarolyn born about 1936
FugettDouglas born about 1938

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G Surnames

GamblerMillie born about 1892
GarnerB Hborn about 1890
GarnerNoel born about 1925
GarnerOrvin born about 1927
GarrettBula born about 1905
GarrettDon born about 1932
GarrettJames born about 1939
GarrettPliny born about 1902
GarrettThomas born about 1928
GarrettWilliam Joeborn about 1934
GibsonSara born about 1872
GilbertHollie born about 1898
GilbertLester born about 1897
GodwinRebecca born about 1861
GoodAlice born about 1916
GoodArthur born about 1903
GoodEdith born about 1926
GoodGeorge Robertborn about 1932
GoodGilbert born about 1905
GoodHelen born about 1907
GoodJo Ellenborn about 1931
GoodJonice born about 1939
GoodJuanita born about 1918
GoodJudith born about 1925
GoodLois born about 1909
GoodMarion born about 1910
GoodMarion born about 1914
GormonLowell born about 1915
GormonOvilene born about 1915
GravesBetty Louborn about 1928
GravesEthel born about 1910
GravesJack Richardborn about 1932
GravesMarin born about 1935
GravesRobert born about 1909
GravesVivian Marieborn about 1929
GraybillAna Maeborn about 1923
GraybillGoil born about 1917
GraybillJames born about 1918
GraybillJames Edwardborn about 1939
GraybillLulu born about 1891
GraybillMary Eborn about 1927
GraybillSamuel born about 1876
GraybilleToland born about 1915
GraybilleVera born about 1916
GreenleeCa born about 1875
GreenleeGoldio born about 1878
GregoryPaul born about 1928
GreverHoward born about 1899
GreverLousa born about 1900
GriffieAnnabelle born about 1922
GriffieCathryn born about 1926
GriffieFrank born about 1894
GriffieIna born about 1899
GriffieMary Ellenborn about 1931
GrimAgnes born about 1905
GrimNorman born about 1930
GrimRobert born about 1907
GudzelAsbenie born about 1880
GudzelMinnie born about 1875
GuffeyDollos born about 1934
GuffeyElmer born about 1912
GuffeyMarie born about 1917

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H Surnames

HaleByron born about 1917
HaleCatherine born about 1925
HaleDelores born about 1919
HaleEthel born about 1897
HaleFrancis Lborn about 1922
HaleGalen born about 1915
HaleJeanette born about 1869
HaleJessie Eborn about 1897
HaleJessie Jr born about 1924
HaleLarry Denborn about 1939
HalePeggy Annborn about 1940
HalePhoebe born about 1927
HaleRuby born about 1933
HaleThelma born about 1930
HaleVirgil born about 1894
HaleWilma Jeanborn about 1936
HammDorothy born about 1916
HammRobert born about 1908
HarlessEldon born about 1921
HarlessHugh born about 1889
HarlessLulu born about 1919
HarlessPearl Ellenborn about 1930
HarlessRobert born about 1927
HarlessRuth born about 1900
HarrisArdene born about 1934
HarrisRuby born about 1901
HarrisTheodore born about 1901
HartDaisy born about 1883
HartHarold born about 1911
HartJames born about 1878
HartLyman born about 1922
HarterBelle Hborn about 1863
HarterHarold born about 1902
HarterJames Robertborn about 1923
HarterLaura born about 1878
HarterMary born about 1903
HarterOrville born about 1879
HarterVirginia Leeborn about 1928
HarterWilliam born about 1863
HarveyClaude born about 1887
HarveyFlora born about 1917
HarveyGerald born about 1916
HarveyJoyce Elaineborn about 1939
HarveyMark born about 1918
HarveyVernie born about 1887
HedgeCarol Anneborn about 1934
HedgeJames born about 1927
HedgeMaxine born about 1907
HedgeMelvin born about 1907
HedgeMelvin Jr born about 1929
HeeslingIda Maeborn about 1874
HeeslingRuth born about 1921
HendersonDonald born about 1933
HendersonJuanita born about 1904
HendersonJudith born about 1937
HendersonMelvin born about 1903
HendricksCharles Rborn about 1884
HendricksEdna born about 1893
HendricksGertrude born about 1922
HennAlice born about 1920
HennBetty born about 1928
HennEva born about 1904
HennRaymond born about 1899
HennThelma born about 1924
HenningerEdward born about 1890
HewittGeorge Pborn about 1880
HewittRosa Fborn about 1885
HewittThomas Henryborn about 1919
HewittWayne Bborn about 1916
HiattFrank born about 1929
HiattRalph born about 1926
HigbyDonald Eugeneborn about 1928
HinesleyCorl born about 1910
HinesleyDaisy born about 1883
HinesleyGene born about 1923
HinesleyJonice born about 1918
HinesleyLester born about 1917
HinesleyMarjorie born about 1913
HinesleyOrville born about 1880
HinesleyPaul Eborn about 1917
HoleAlferd born about 1933
HoleAugustus born about 1892
HoleGeorge born about 1936
HoleJone born about 1922
HoleMary born about 1926
HoleRuth born about 1898
HoleVirginia born about 1924
HollandAnna Mayborn about 1923
HollandErville born about 1921
HollandGrace born about 1900
HollandHozel Marieborn about 1931
HollandJames born about 1898
HollowayBertha born about 1875
HollowayWilliam born about 1870
HolmesCharles born about 1872
HolmesLollie born about 1867
HolsingerAdrienne born about 1923
HolsingerBilly born about 1922
HolsingerCharles Mborn about 1927
HolsingerJames born about 1928
HolsingerJohn born about 1916
HolsingerMinnie born about 1887
HolsingerRobert born about 1918
HooverAllegra born about 1878
HooverJacob Jborn about 1874
HooverJoe born about 1873
HorakBetty Jeanborn about 1934
HorakDolores Jborn about 1932
HorakElvenia born about 1911
HorakJerry Edwinborn about 1936
HorakJoseph born about 1904
HorakPatricia Sueborn about 1937
HorterBertha born about 1882
HorterBilly born about 1926
HorterCarol Annborn about 1939
HorterMary born about 1901
HorterRamona born about 1929
HorterRaymond born about 1901
HorterWillard born about 1874
HosterDora born about 1874
HosterGeorge born about 1868
HouserDonald born about 1937
HouserHoward born about 1912
HouserJonet born about 1936
HouserLois born about 1916
HudsonCharles born about 1890
HudsonCharles Fborn about 1936
HudsonJohn born about 1932
HudsonMary born about 1925
HuffGeorge Bborn about 1900
HuffKenneth born about 1928
HuffMary Eborn about 1902
HuffMary Ellenborn about 1926
HuffNyron born about 1924
HuffRodney born about 1930
HuffmanAvenel born about 1904
HuffmanDona Leeborn about 1934
HuffmanGlenn born about 1912
HuffmanHarold born about 1907
HuffmanIris born about 1910
HuffmanMarilee born about 1929
HuffmanWilliam born about 1932
HuntHarriet Vborn about 1867
HunterMargaret born about 1919

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J Surnames

JacksonBurke born about 1885
JacksonJoe born about 1923
JacksonShirley born about 1885
JeffersDoris born about 1919
JeffersGene Hborn about 1918
JeffersJason Hborn about 1898
JeffersKenneth born about 1932
JeffersRalph born about 1934
JeffersWorth born about 1900
JohnsonCharles born about 1889
JohnsonCynthia born about 1894
JohnsonDonald born about 1918
JohnsonFloyd born about 1907
JohnsonJuanita born about 1919
JohnsonLeo born about 1916
JohnsonMary Lovonneborn about 1905
JonesAllen born about 1925
JonesCharles Hborn about 1871
JonesDonald born about 1919
JonesElza Lborn about 1886
JonesJean Annborn about 1933
JonesJerry born about 1931
JonesJo Ellynborn about 1927
JonesJohn Eborn about 1929
JonesLetie born about 1900
JonesLois Wandaborn about 1932
JonesLucille born about 1906
JonesMartha born about 1892
JonesNina Leeborn about 1922
JonesNoble born about 1905
JonesRoy born about 1896
JonesTina born about 1886
JonesWilbur Eborn about 1882
JonesWilliam Thomasborn about 1922

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K Surnames

KammeyerElwin born about 1927
KammeyerLouise born about 1898
KammeyerWilliam born about 1892
KeeslingAlice Oborn about 1911
KeeslingArthur born about 1914
KeeslingWayne born about 1938
KelsleyElwood born about 1894
KelsleyEva born about 1896
KelsleyJeanette born about 1928
KelsleyJimmie born about 1933
KelsleyMartha Jeanborn about 1927
KelsleyVirginia Annborn about 1929
KennedyCharles born about 1888
KennedyDelores born about 1919
KennedyDonald born about 1925
KennedyJames born about 1916
KennedyMary born about 1896
KennedyMary Mborn about 1916
KieolingEverett born about 1909
KirbyBen born about 1869
KirbyMary born about 1872
KirkendallAgnes born about 1908
KirkendallCarl born about 1931
KirkendallEugene born about 1929
KirkendallLouis Dborn about 1932
KirkendallRaymond born about 1905
KirkendallRobert born about 1934
KnightCarrie born about 1886
KnightWalter born about 1901

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L Surnames

LambBeulah born about 1891
LambRoss born about 1892
LambThomas born about 1918
LammotteClara born about 1892
LammotteGeneva born about 1931
LammotteLloyd born about 1919
LammotteOscar born about 1894
LammotteVernon born about 1924
LammotteVirgil born about 1922
LeeArdie born about 1894
LeeJustine born about 1928
LeeTheophilus born about 1895
LehmanLulu born about 1868
LesterByron born about 1908
LesterFrank born about 1873
LesterJuanita Joborn about 1920
LesterLillie born about 1874
LesterMary born about 1900
LesterRobert born about 1898
LesterRobert Jr born about 1921
LindamoodLeora born about 1884
LindamoodLuther born about 1885
LiveseyAnna Bborn about 1867
LiveseyArch born about 1890
LiveseyChessie born about 1889
LiveseyElinor Annborn about 1935
LiveseyFred born about 1886
LiveseyFredrick Nborn about 1939
LiveseyIsaac born about 1878
LiveseyJessie born about 1880
LiveseyJoan born about 1908
LiveseyRalph born about 1903
LiveseyWard born about 1900
LoweGladys born about 1931
LoweHubert born about 1911
LoweLillie born about 1913
LoweWendell born about 1933
LowerzGerald born about 1939
LowerzMarcella born about 1921
LowerzRobert born about 1919
LyonsCarol born about 1905
LyonsDenzell born about 1938
LyonsFrancis born about 1916
LyonsHelen Marieborn about 1924
LyonsJohn born about 1873
LyonsRoy born about 1909
LyonsWilbert born about 1905

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M Surnames

MaddyFedlia born about 1865
MannBennie born about 1905
MannBetty born about 1923
MannHoward born about 1905
MannJo Annborn about 1927
MansfeeCaroline born about 1920
MansfeeDaniel born about 1918
MansfeeEdith born about 1892
MarinBernice born about 1904
MarinElizabeth born about 1926
MarinSara Janeborn about 1933
MarshalEmogene born about 1909
MarshalGeorge born about 1907
MarshallHarry born about 1874
MartinAlbert born about 1912
MartinAlberta born about 1936
MartinDavid Lborn about 1939
MartinFreda born about 1911
MartinIrene born about 1935
MartinMary born about 1916
MartinRobert born about 1903
MassingChristine born about 1886
MassingJohn born about 1890
McCoyEverett born about 1886
McCoyMarjorie born about 1933
McCoyMartha born about 1909
McCoyPatricia born about 1935
McMullenBertha born about 1880
McMullenHarold born about 1915
McMullenWebster born about 1887
McSheeleyElizabeth born about 1916
McSheeleyHerbert born about 1884
McSheeleyJo Annborn about 1926
McSheeleyJohn Victorborn about 1917
McSheeleySylvia born about 1889
McSheeleyVeune born about 1924
McSherleyAllie born about 1870
McSherleyBuelah born about 1900
McSherleyClay born about 1889
McSherleyDorothy Jborn about 1932
McSherleyRay born about 1887
McSherleyWayne born about 1928
McShirkleyFlora born about 1869
McShirleyJohn born about 1866
McShirleyJudith born about 1924
McShirleyKeith born about 1924
McShirleyScott born about 1901
McShirleyVoleta born about 1903
McWilliamGeorge born about 1890
McWilliamOllie born about 1894
McWilliamsLulu born about 1874
McWilliamsWilliam Hborn about 1863
MelletteMargaret born about 1873
MeyerAda born about 1900
MeyerAlbert born about 1898
MeyerGeorge Hborn about 1871
MidkiffDevone born about 1933
MidkiffHazel born about 1888
MidkiffJeanette born about 1913
MidkiffJohn born about 1886
MillerAdrienne Aborn about 1936
MillerDavid Fborn about 1870
MillerDonald Tborn about 1933
MillerDoris born about 1924
MillerElizabeth born about 1888
MillerElsie born about 1882
MillerForest born about 1921
MillerGeorge Leeborn about 1927
MillerGeorgia born about 1898
MillerHarry Bborn about 1898
MillerHoward born about 1885
MillerJames E Jrborn about 1924
MillerJames E Srborn about 1899
MillerJames Mborn about 1910
MillerJaunita born about 1922
MillerJennie born about 1868
MillerJennie Mborn about 1893
MillerJohn Aborn about 1890
MillerKathleen born about 1909
MillerLeonard born about 1907
MillerLola born about 1907
MillerMarcelene born about 1911
MillerMarcia Annborn about 1935
MillerMargery Haryborn about 1937
MillerMarilyn born about 1931
MillerMarlene Kborn about 1940
MillerMartha born about 1923
MillerNannie born about 1851
MillerOlaf born about 1907
MillerPhyllis born about 1927
MillerRobert Eborn about 1924
MillerRollo born about 1904
MillerTinsley born about 1898
MillerVaughn born about 1920
MillerVera Loiseborn about 1930
MillerVersie born about 1902
MillerVina born about 1867
MillerVivian born about 1912
MillsBessie born about 1901
MillsEdgar born about 1900
MillsGeorge Robertborn about 1925
MinnickRoy born about 1881
MitchellMaxin born about 1916
MitchellRoy born about 1915
MonnEmma born about 1860
MorganDonald born about 1930
MorganGrace born about 1926
MorganHubert born about 1923
MorganIda born about 1900
MorganTilmon born about 1899
MouckAlice born about 1872
MouckBarbara Joanborn about 1931
MouckEdith born about 1898
MouckJoseph born about 1902
MouckJoyce Ellenborn about 1936
MouckMary Aliceborn about 1921
MouckVelma Loiseborn about 1923
MoviesMarvin born about 1907
MoviesOren born about 1931
MoviesRose born about 1912
MundellClaude born about 1900
MundellFanckon born about 1901
MundellRuth born about 1882
MurrayBessie born about 1867
MurrayCharlotte born about 1882
MurrayDorothy born about 1913
MurrayEdith born about 1907
MurrayJames born about 1916
MurrayJoe born about 1863
MurrayMaria Annborn about 1940
MurrayWilliam born about 1923
MuthersboughHenry born about 1872
MuthersboughJacob born about 1859
MuthersboughRose born about 1878
MyersBetty Gborn about 1871
MyersMary Eborn about 1868
MyersSamuel Kborn about 1860

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N Surnames

NealAlbert born about 1936
NealBarbara Annborn about 1935
NealDolores Jeanborn about 1931
NealEmmet born about 1922
NealFreda born about 1927
NealHarriet born about 1938
NealHelen born about 1912
NealHubert born about 1909
NealHubert Jr born about 1926
NealJulie born about 1935
NealOscar born about 1908
NealOva born about 1905
NealRalph born about 1928
NealRhoton born about 1888
NealRichard born about 1933
NealRichard Leeborn about 1933
NicelyHarriet born about 1886
NicelyMary born about 1912
NicelyPatricia Annborn about 1939
NicelyRessie born about 1910
NicelyRuben born about 1881

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O Surnames

OckerGeorge born about 1866
OckerHattie born about 1877
OckerLaura born about 1875
OckerLee born about 1868
OharraJeannie born about 1928
OharraLomonte born about 1889
OharraOpal born about 1888
OlspoughDelores born about 1928
OlspoughHoyt born about 1891
OlspoughMae born about 1898
OlspoughRez born about 1934
OlspoughRoyce born about 1930
OlspoughSamuel born about 1931
OsborneDwight born about 1890
OsborneHoy Francisborn about 1935
OsborneHugh born about 1912
OsborneJack born about 1926
OsborneJo Annborn about 1929
OsborneMossa* born about 1889
OsborneOrdoh born about 1912
OsborneRobert born about 1923

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P Surnames

PainterBarbara born about 1932
PainterCarl born about 1911
PainterErnest born about 1897
PainterFloyd born about 1918
PainterIva born about 1880
PainterJohn born about 1877
PainterJune born about 1914
PainterKieth born about 1918
PainterMary born about 1874
PainterMary Loisborn about 1924
PainterWilliam Aborn about 1873
PechinpoughCyrus born about 1888
PechinpoughMyrtle born about 1886
PeckenpaughRichard born about 1916
PeckinpaughAlbert born about 1892
PeckinpaughGrace born about 1888
PeckinpaughGrace Eborn about 1898
PeckinpaughHomer born about 1888
PeckinpaughHomer Jr born about 1923
PeckinpaughJohn born about 1926
PeckinpoughClara born about 1890
PettersonCharles born about 1886
PettersonCharles Jr born about 1923
PettersonIda Mayborn about 1921
PettersonRose born about 1890
PoffenbargerGeorge born about 1910
PoffenbargerMartin Jborn about 1932
PoffenbargerThelma born about 1911
PoiterHubert born about 1934
PoiterLeonard born about 1904
PoiterMargaret born about 1909
PoiterPhyllis Annborn about 1935
PoiterRoger born about 1929
PostLaura born about 1869
PottersonFloyd born about 1925
PottersonGeneva born about 1923
PottersonGeorge born about 1890
PottersonGlendora born about 1928
PottersonIda Maeborn about 1867
PottersonRobert born about 1917
PottersonViva born about 1895
PowersDelores born about 1900
PowersGerald Fborn about 1936
PowersGlenn Fborn about 1927
PowersJesse born about 1897
PriceAlbert born about 1919
PriceNina Rborn about 1912
ProsserAnna born about 1877
ProsserArch born about 1909
ProsserElnorerose born about 1915
ProsserFhay born about 1879
ProsserJudith born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaderFay born about 1875
RaderRose born about 1878
RainesCharles born about 1910
RainesEdith born about 1939
RainesGladys born about 1937
RainesInez born about 1928
RainesPearl born about 1909
RainesRussell born about 1935
RatcliffHenry born about 1873
RatcliffMamie born about 1882
RayBarbara born about 1934
RayClaud born about 1912
RayEster born about 1915
RayEugene born about 1920
RayPaul born about 1938
ReddingLuther Eborn about 1876
ReddingMearle Mborn about 1885
ReedEdgar Cborn about 1871
ReevesEdith Belleborn about 1919
ReevesJ Cborn about 1875
ReevesJohn C Jrborn about 1920
ReevesLeslie born about 1916
ReevesOksana born about 1882
ReomerAlberta born about 1922
ReomerCharles born about 1919
ReomerIra born about 1886
ReomerLottie born about 1900
RhinehartRebecca born about 1885
RicheyWilliam Hborn about 1856
RinkerFlora born about 1863
RinkerGeorge born about 1858
RitcheyKenneth born about 1920
RitcheyLillian born about 1922
RitchieAddie born about 1893
RitchieBinton born about 1916
RitchieCarrie Eborn about 1898
RitchieClenie born about 1890
RitchieClessie Jr born about 1934
RitchieCletus born about 1894
RitchieCora born about 1885
RitchieDot born about 1899
RitchieFranklin Delanorborn about 1937
RitchieHerman born about 1907
RitchieHomer born about 1888
RitchieHoward born about 1883
RitchieIrene born about 1899
RitchieJanet born about 1931
RitchieJoe born about 1897
RitchieJoe born about 1926
RitchieJohn born about 1884
RitchieJohn Mborn about 1924
RitchieMaggie born about 1884
RitchieMarcella born about 1905
RitchieMargaret Annborn about 1932
RitchieMartha Joneborn about 1926
RitchieMary Eborn about 1917
RitchieMattie Kborn about 1888
RitchieMyron born about 1903
RitchieRoberta born about 1910
RitchieShirley Jborn about 1936
RitchieVirginia Leeborn about 1929
RitchieWalter Sborn about 1885
RitchieWayne born about 1923
RohrbackM Mborn about 1888
RohrbackPearl born about 1877
RondollHomer born about 1904
RondollMary born about 1908
RutherfordDonald born about 1930
RutherfordEliza born about 1894
RutherfordEssie born about 1889
RutherfordPaul born about 1888
RutherfordRichard Dborn about 1924
RutherfordRos born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

Sanders??? born about 1933
SandersCordelia born about 1858
SandersGeorge born about 1887
SandersGlenn Rborn about 1927
SandersGrace born about 1886
SandersJoe born about 1894
SandersJoe Jr born about 1925
SandersLinda born about 1935
SandersLou Aborn about 1880
SandersLouisa born about 1907
SandersOtto born about 1870
SandersRosa born about 1873
SandersSylvia born about 1885
ScottTide born about 1849
SelmanBobby Jeanborn about 1934
SelmanCharles Royborn about 1939
SelmanDorothy born about 1909
SelmanFrancis Jr born about 1928
SelmanFrancis Sr born about 1897
SelmanRosette born about 1933
SelmanWanda Maeborn about 1938
SelmanWesley born about 1930
SextonAnna Louiseborn about 1934
SextonArchie born about 1929
SextonCharles born about 1936
SextonLandle* born about 1926
SextonLelia born about 1939
SextonLester born about 1902
SextonLorene born about 1933
SextonLyda born about 1927
SextonVira born about 1903
ShawBetty born about 1924
ShawLeon born about 1920
SheetsCharles born about 1867
SheetsEmma born about 1872
ShelleyMary Ellenborn about 1902
ShockleyLois born about 1920
ShockleyMarilyn born about 1939
ShockleyWilliam born about 1909
ShortridgeCharles born about 1861
ShortridgeHelen born about 1900
ShortridgeMart Lborn about 1861
ShroutBetty Jeanborn about 1931
ShroutGladys born about 1912
ShroutJohn Thoamsborn about 1937
ShroutSidney born about 1916
SimmonsEthel Leeborn about 1873
SimmonsSadie Sborn about 1868
SingletonBuelah born about 1925
SingletonConstance born about 1903
SingletonJoe born about 1891
SingletonWanda born about 1930
SleadmanHorace born about 1912
SleadmanLena born about 1908
SleadmanSteven born about 1938
SleadmanSue born about 1939
SmithEdward born about 1876
SmithElmer Wborn about 1887
SmithEtha born about 1887
SmithJohn born about 1909
SmithMary Mildredborn about 1911
SmithSheila Annborn about 1933
SmithShirley Sueborn about 1933
SondersBarbara born about 1928
SondersHarriet born about 1907
SondersMarcell born about 1903
SondersMarjorie born about 1926
SoudersBilly Bborn about 1930
SoudersFloyd Nolanborn about 1936
SoudersJames Eborn about 1931
SoudersMonte Joeborn about 1935
SowashClyde born about 1879
StainsCharles born about 1865
StainsCora born about 1874
StanleyBarbar Joborn about 1939
StanleyBilly Royborn about 1923
StanleyCharlene born about 1917
StanleyCharles born about 1926
StanleyElwood born about 1913
StanleyEugene born about 1884
StanleyEugene born about 1914
StanleyJessie born about 1920
StanleyLinda Jeanborn about 1938
StanleyLoren born about 1917
StanleyMarvin born about 1904
StanleyMaude born about 1887
StanleyMeyrle born about 1919
StanleyRoxy born about 1888
StanleyWalter Lborn about 1887
StanleyWalter Jr born about 1920
StanleyWonda Louborn about 1934
SteffingdaleFrank born about 1888
SteffingdaleHoward born about 1919
SteffingdaleRobert born about 1916
SteigerwaltFrank born about 1901
SteigerwaltHarold born about 1932
SteigerwaltMeriam born about 1935
SteigerwaltNancy born about 1901
StevensBetty Ruthborn about 1920
StevensDorothy born about 1912
StevensEssie born about 1881
StevensLee born about 1877
StevensLewis born about 1874
StevensMendel Lborn about 1914
StevensMorlene Koyborn about 1939
StevensThelma born about 1900
StewartGeorge born about 1917
StohlerCladys born about 1903
StohlerMarjorie born about 1923
StohlerVerl born about 1902
StonebrokerEvelyn born about 1914
StonebrokerMa Bborn about 1913
StonebrokerSue Annborn about 1937
StoutColonel born about 1895
StoutJosephine born about 1910
StroughAda born about 1875
StroughClem born about 1870
StroughFlorence born about 1913
StroughHenry born about 1914
StroughJudith Annborn about 1939
StroughMartha born about 1863
StroughNelson born about 1909
StroughRuth Ennaborn about 1919
StroughSamuel born about 1865
SullenderCatherine born about 1918
SwainAlbert born about 1873
SwainLester born about 1894
SwearingerElsie born about 1887
SwearingerMay born about 1917
SwearingerOrville born about 1911
SwearingerReason born about 1884
SwearingersMargaret born about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorCora Ameborn about 1926
TaylorDella born about 1904
TaylorDelmar born about 1931
TaylorDonald born about 1929
TaylorDoris born about 1937
TaylorRoy born about 1901
ThompsonHarry born about 1889
ThompsonHollie born about 1893
ThompsonSarah born about 1863
ThornburgCarolyn born about 1939
ThornburgClara born about 1906
ThornburgMerrilyn born about 1937
ThornburgMerritt born about 1910
ToggartEarl born about 1923
TombEther Louisborn about 1923
TombHelen Marieborn about 1921
TowerHarriet Eborn about 1875
TowerJohn Cborn about 1876
TrimbleCatherine born about 1910
TrimbleClaude born about 1910
TrimbleJaney Sueborn about 1938
TroutFrank born about 1868
TroutLou born about 1868
TroxelBetty Annborn about 1935
TroxelCharles born about 1938
TroxelGrover born about 1914
TroxelLillian born about 1919
TuckerCharles born about 1910
TuckerFern born about 1910
TuckerLoverne born about 1931
TurnerLulu born about 1869
TurnerSol born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpchurchBenjamin born about 1912
UpchurchEarchel born about 1918
UpchurchLois Bernicborn about 1940
UtterbockGlenn born about 1919

V Surnames

VaughnGedeon Bborn about 1883
VaughnMaude Mborn about 1885
VeraGeneva born about 1935

W Surnames

WalkerMary born about 1914
WalkerRobert Edwardborn about 1939
WalkerRoger born about 1913
WalkerWilliam Leeborn about 1938
WamplerBertha born about 1890
WamplerElma Jeanborn about 1923
WamplerEthel born about 1892
WamplerHerbert born about 1889
WamplerHomer born about 1894
WamplerMartha born about 1903
WamplerShirley born about 1937
WeiserDarlene born about 1935
WeiserDora born about 1908
WeiserGeorge born about 1901
WeiserJack born about 1929
WhiteAnna Cborn about 1894
WhiteDean Dborn about 1939
WhiteDorothy born about 1920
WhiteDorothy born about 1925
WhiteFrances born about 1933
WhiteJohn born about 1917
WhiteMary Annborn about 1929
WhitePaul born about 1923
WhiteRobert Rborn about 1890
WhiteworthHorace born about 1910
WhiteworthMarie born about 1914
WhiteworthPatricia born about 1939
WhiteworthSharon born about 1938
WhiteworthShirley born about 1937
WhiteworthVaneta born about 1934
WhitworthCharles Jborn about 1920
WhitworthCharles Rborn about 1890
WhitworthJoseph Sborn about 1879
WhitworthLottie born about 1881
WhitworthMartha born about 1918
WhitworthNellie born about 1889
WhitworthPhyllis born about 1921
WhitworthVirginia born about 1924
WilhoitCharles born about 1900
WilhoitMarilyn born about 1929
WilhoitRita born about 1902
WilhoitThomas born about 1927
WilsonCarl born about 1899
WilsonDenver born about 1921
WilsonElpha born about 1898
WilsonKatharyn born about 1935
WilsonLyle born about 1926
WilsonMarjorie born about 1923
WilsonWilford born about 1929
WistonCecil born about 1906
WistonOrrol born about 1890
WithanHerbert born about 1914
WithanMary born about 1918
WithanRobert born about 1935
WithanRuby born about 1937
WithanWonda born about 1939
WoniflerMary Eborn about 1914
WoniflerStanley born about 1936
WoodJoseph born about 1885
WoodMildred Eborn about 1896
WrightNewton born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YostAnna Catherineborn about 1922
YostCleo Janeborn about 1919
YostCynthia Rosalieborn about 1940
YostDale born about 1894
YostDale Jr born about 1925
YostEthel born about 1883
YostHarold born about 1909
YostHazel born about 1892

Z Surnames

ZileMaude born about 1879
ZileN Wborn about 1862

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