1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Pulaski County, Pulaski, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Pulaski County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Pulaski County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenClarence born about 1924
AllenGeorge born about 1899
AllenMyrtle Aborn about 1899
AlsonHilda born about 1870
AlsonJohn Pborn about 1871
ArdalyLester born about 1885
ArmentroutVesta born about 1917

B Surnames

BauloghAndy born about 1872
BauloghRose born about 1876
BauloghViolet born about 1923
BeckerCarl born about 1924
BeckerJack born about 1932
BeckerJoan born about 1928
BeckerMary Lborn about 1927
BeckerMatilda born about 1895
BeckerPauline born about 1931
BeckerPeter born about 1894
BeckerRichard born about 1929
BeckerTom born about 1925
BergerRobert born about 1915
BerndtHerman born about 1892
BerndtJohn Aborn about 1940
BerndtOra born about 1906
BerndtShirley Aborn about 1938
BiddleHarvey born about 1919
BiddleMarjorie born about 1923
BradenElimer born about 1920
BradenElmer Mborn about 1903
BradenHerbert born about 1925
BradenSusie born about 1902
BuddLydia born about 1859
BulanderAnna born about 1891
ButtonArthur born about 1911
ButtonBetty Jborn about 1929
ButtonBetty Lborn about 1936
ButtonDorothy Mborn about 1938
ButtonDouglas born about 1924
ButtonEdward born about 1917
ButtonElizabeth born about 1917
ButtonFlora born about 1886
ButtonFlora Mborn about 1922
ButtonGeneva Iborn about 1939
ButtonHarley born about 1884
ButtonRobert Dborn about 1932
ButtonWilliam Jborn about 1913

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C Surnames

ClansonChristiana born about 1860
ClinglerRichard born about 1921
ColgroveEdith born about 1882
ColgroveElizabeth born about 1919
ColgroveGarry born about 1939
ColgroveHenry born about 1916
ConeArline born about 1939
ConeCharlene born about 1933
ConeCharlie Aborn about 1891
ConeGladys Cborn about 1902
ConeIris born about 1936
ConeNighta born about 1934
CongerFaye born about 1929
CongerGrace born about 1892
CongerJames born about 1920
CongerJesie born about 1927
CongerOscar born about 1887
CongerWilber born about 1931
ConnollyJames born about 1931
CotnerAllen born about 1931
CotnerCora Aborn about 1910
CotnerMaurice born about 1933
CotnerRalph born about 1909
CramerEsic born about 1921
CrawfordCharles born about 1870
CrawfordEarnest born about 1905
CrawfordEvert Cborn about 1909
CrawfordForrest born about 1913
CrawfordGeorge born about 1938
CrawfordGladys born about 1913
CrawfordJessie born about 1886
CrawfordJuanita Kborn about 1939
CrawfordMargaret born about 1919
CrawfordMary born about 1874
CrawfordMary Jborn about 1922
CrawfordOry born about 1883
CulpFrances born about 1919
CulpJohn Rborn about 1886
CulpMamie born about 1916
CulpSusie born about 1887
CumminsHelen Eborn about 1912
CumminsMarion born about 1928
CumminsRalph born about 1929
CumminsRosco Mborn about 1904
CumminsRosco Jr born about 1931

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D Surnames

DalneAlice Mborn about 1933
DalneChristian Hborn about 1906
DalneDorothy Mborn about 1910
DalneFrederick Hborn about 1926
DavisHarry born about 1880
DavisOscar born about 1878
DavisPerry born about 1892
DayAndrew born about 1880
DechmanCora born about 1881
DechmanJohn Wborn about 1876
DechmanRalph born about 1918
DechmanRichard born about 1908
DisingerAdah born about 1910
DisingerCharles born about 1928
DisingerDaniel born about 1935
DisingerHarry born about 1906
DisingerJames born about 1930
DisingerShirley born about 1933
DommerDonald born about 1932
DommerHarold born about 1920
DommerHenry born about 1926
DommerMabel born about 1925
DommerMarcella born about 1927
DommerMary born about 1929
DommerMollie born about 1891
DommerOtto Leborn about 1886
DommerRichard born about 1931
DommerRonald born about 1932

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E Surnames

EarhartClifford born about 1905
EarhartLa Jean born about 1937
EarhartLester born about 1915
EarhartLouis born about 1875
EarhartMarie born about 1902
EarhartMatilda born about 1918
EarhartMildred born about 1900
EarhartMildred born about 1905
EarhartRosalind born about 1938
EarhartVirginia born about 1928
ErgleJohn born about 1919

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F Surnames

FagnerEdwin born about 1912
FagnerEmma born about 1882
FagnerMarguerite born about 1918
FagnerRaymond born about 1913
FagnerRichard born about 1919
FagnerRobert born about 1925
FagnerRussell born about 1910
FagnerThomas born about 1882
FagnerWayne born about 1921
FourtArnold born about 1928
FourtEmma Mborn about 1932
FourtMyrtle born about 1898
FourtRonald born about 1928
FourtViola born about 1925
FritzClifford born about 1928
FritzDella born about 1867
FritzEllis born about 1924
FritzFaye born about 1931
FritzGeorge born about 1861
FritzGodfrey born about 1874
FritzHarold born about 1921
FritzHazel born about 1897
FritzHazel Sborn about 1890
FritzJoe born about 1920
FritzJohn Mborn about 1931
FritzLeslie born about 1895
FritzLewis born about 1922
FritzMack born about 1876
FritzMarshal born about 1916
FritzMary Cborn about 1919
FritzOlive born about 1928
FritzRalph Wborn about 1923
FritzRobert born about 1924
FritzRoy born about 1930
FritzRuth born about 1923
FritzSimonette born about 1921
FritzThelma born about 1932
FritzTina born about 1899

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G Surnames

GardinAntonio born about 1887
GardinCaroline born about 1897
GasiorowskiTeofil born about 1895
GeigerCharles born about 1887
GeigerEthel born about 1915
GeigerIla born about 1936
GeigerPhyllis born about 1934
GeigerRalph born about 1892
GiuldHazel born about 1906
GiuldJames born about 1879
GiuldOra Fborn about 1878
GobleAlvia born about 1931
GobleDonald born about 1925
GobleEvelyn born about 1934
GobleLester born about 1894
GobleLucille born about 1927
GobleRobert born about 1922
GobleRuby born about 1895
GravesCampbell Hborn about 1884
GravesPaul born about 1919
GravesSarah born about 1895
GrayAnthony born about 1921
GrayLoretta born about 1924
GrayWilliam Cborn about 1874
GrisamoreTalma born about 1882
GspeckAlbert born about 1875
GspeckHenry born about 1889
GspeckLouis born about 1891
GspeckOtto born about 1882

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H Surnames

HadleyClayton Mborn about 1868
HadleyHattie born about 1878
HallAurilla born about 1908
HallJames born about 1937
HallJene born about 1939
HarperElmer born about 1919
HarperKathrin born about 1921
HarrisonJane Eborn about 1848
HassellofEward born about 1866
HassellofLottie born about 1864
HeathIda born about 1866
HeohnEsther born about 1902
HeohnFred born about 1858
HeohnFred born about 1900
HeohnJohn born about 1904
HeohnRobert born about 1936
HiltonEva born about 1922
HiltonJoice Mborn about 1939
HiltonPerry Eborn about 1919
HoffmanAlma born about 1876
HoffmanAnna Sborn about 1859
HoffmanBarbara born about 1935
HoffmanDessie born about 1887
HoffmanElma born about 1910
HoffmanHarold born about 1918
HoffmanHerman born about 1885
HoffmanJesse born about 1881
HoffmanLois born about 1932
HoffmanMarilyn born about 1932
HoffmanMary born about 1924
HoffmanPatricia born about 1937
HoffmanRobert born about 1938
HoffmanRussel born about 1909
HoltBarbara Aborn about 1939
HoltCaroline born about 1913
HoltCharles born about 1908
HoltMaitlyn born about 1935
HoltPhyllip born about 1937
HopkaIrene born about 1919
HopkaWilliam Fborn about 1916
HortmanArnold born about
HortmanEmagene born about 1937
HortmanHerbert born about 1916
HortmanLucille born about 1920
HunterHarrison born about 1888
HunterMabel born about 1902
HunterOrilla born about 1868

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J Surnames

JumpBertha born about 1888
JumpEsther born about 1923

K Surnames

KastenEugene Rborn about 1936
KastenFrederick Oborn about 1938
KastenRobert Lborn about 1912
KastenVelma born about 1916
KaylorCarmelita born about 1932
KaylorIrvin born about 1894
KaylorMarcella Lborn about 1937
KaylorRuby born about 1901
KopkaAlbert Fborn about 1892
KopkaCecil Hborn about 1895
KopkaEarnest born about 1932
KopkaEdna born about 1899
KopkaEthel born about 1921
KopkaEvertt Eborn about 1936
KopkaFred born about 1864
KopkaFred Jborn about 1925
KopkaHarry born about 1917
KopkaHenry Hborn about 1919
KopkaKenneth born about 1926
KopkaLaura born about 1895
KopkaLena born about 1868
KopkaMarie Fborn about 1892
KopkaMax Eborn about 1926
KopkaMilo Wborn about 1890
KopkaMilo Jr born about 1930
KopkaOpal born about 1918
KrugerBarbara Jborn about 1931
KrugerCarl born about 1938
KrugerLeland born about 1920
KrugerMelvin born about 1905
KrugerMelvin Dborn about 1927
KrugerSylvia Eborn about 1908

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L Surnames

LanFred born about 1886
LizenbyDonne born about 1925
LizenbyDorothy born about 1923
LizenbyMary Aborn about 1893
LizenbyNellie born about 1922
LizenbyPerry born about 1894
LizenlyHarry born about 1889
LizenlyMary born about 1890
LizenlyRobert born about 1925
LowAnna Bborn about 1939
LowGoldie born about 1909
LowHarry born about 1929
LowLonie born about 1899
LowMary Lborn about 1937
LowreyCarol born about 1929
LowreyCharlotte born about 1930
LowreyJohn born about 1927
LowreyMary born about 1901
LowreyMarylin born about 1937
LowreyOgle born about 1899
LowreyRoberta born about 1926
LugenbealAudrey born about 1907
LugenbealPaul born about 1904
LugenbealWilliam born about 1939

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M Surnames

MaliaAaron born about 1885
MaliaAuthur born about 1880
MaliaCharles born about 1928
MaliaEarl born about 1904
MaliaEmma born about 1908
MaliaJames Pborn about 1884
MaliaJoe born about 1913
MaliaJoseph born about 1934
MaliaLawrence born about 1880
MaliaLoretta Jborn about 1936
MaliaSadia born about 1885
MartinClarence born about 1938
MartinDaisy born about 1907
MartinEugene born about 1926
MartinGenge born about 1932
MartinHarry born about 1928
MartinJuanita born about 1940
MartinLouis born about 1898
MartinMarion born about 1930
MartinMartha born about 1934
MasonEdward born about 1918
MaysHerbert born about 1910
MaysPearl born about 1896
MedvedAnnette born about 1915
MedvedFrank Jborn about 1876
MedvedMary Kborn about 1885
MeyerIlene born about 1920
MeyerPaul born about 1940
MeyerSylvester born about 1913
MitchelRoland born about 1894
MorganBetty born about 1921
MorganEarl born about 1920
MorganIrene born about 1919
MorganJesse born about 1927
MorganJohn born about 1923
MorganLulu Bborn about 1894
MorganMary born about 1899
MorganRufus Iborn about 1898
MorganWallace Eborn about 1895
MrozinskiCecelia born about 1921
MrozinskiFlorence born about 1922
MrozinskiJoseph born about 1885
MrozinskiStella born about 1886
MrozinskiWilliam born about 1917
MurphyCharles born about 1905
MurphyEdward born about 1869
MurphyRachel born about 1868

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N Surnames

NickelsEarl born about 1888
NickelsHenry born about 1886
NickelsLois born about 1928
NickelsLorraine born about 1926
NickelsMarie born about 1886
NicolasAgnes born about 1914
NicolasFrank born about 1921
NicolasJoseph born about 1911
NicolasJoseph Jr born about 1938
NicolasMary born about 1939
NitzscheDonald born about 1928
NitzscheHarry born about 1897
NitzscheLaura born about 1902
NitzschkiHoward born about 1937
NorrisArlo born about 1924
NorrisAva born about 1930
NorrisBene born about 1934
NorrisHazel born about 1936
NorrisJames Lborn about 1892
NorrisMildred born about 1896
NorrisSterling born about 1928

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O Surnames

OconnorLaura born about 1879
OkeyGertie born about 1922
OkeyMi??by born about 1915
OlsonAlice born about 1897
OlsonAnna born about 1867
OlsonArthur born about 1900
OlsonBeverly born about 1938
OlsonCharlene born about 1929
OlsonDarlene born about 1938
OlsonEaril born about 1905
OlsonEdwin born about 1940
OlsonEdwin Gborn about 1899
OlsonHulda born about 1869
OlsonInez born about 1914
OlsonLarry born about 1940
OlsonLeona born about 1915
OlsonMarvin born about 1937
OlsonOle born about 1862
OlsonReuben born about 1911
OlsonRichard born about 1905
OlsonVirginia born about 1931
OstrowskiJoe born about 1885

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P Surnames

PedersonBerner born about
PedersonJulia born about 1903
PerryNeil born about 1915
PerryOlive born about 1920
PerryWayne born about 1921
PerryWillis born about 1916
PingleArilla born about 1878
PingleEdward born about 1881
PlanchEula born about 1917
PlanchMarion born about 1917
PlanchPhyllis born about 1938
PodellAlice born about 1915
PodellArthur born about 1912
PodellBillie born about 1938
PodellDon born about 1936
PodellKathryn born about 1939
PodellRobert born about 1935
PogneFrancis Mborn about 1925
PogneRussel Jfborn about 1920
PoppCalvin born about 1925
PoppChrist born about 1873
PoppLena born about 1879
PresaleJoe born about 1908
PreussCharles born about 1892
PuckaFrancis born about 1864
PuckaIgnatius born about 1891
PyleAvia Jborn about 1911
PyleRuth born about 1924
PyleTed born about 1904

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R Surnames

RacoArthur Fborn about 1909
RacoArthur F Jrborn about 1939
RacoThelma born about 1915
RansEdgar born about 1927
RansEvert born about 1925
RassmussenHenry born about 1888
RayAnnabelle born about 1938
RayMary Kborn about 1932
RayRussel born about 1910
RayVirginia born about 1916
ReadingCharles born about 1892
ReadingRay born about 1889
ReadingStella born about 1894
ReckerArthur born about 1909
ReckerJessie born about 1909
RetherfordFairy Mborn about 1875
RetherfordJohn born about 1873
RetherfordThelma born about 1921
ReutebuchArthur Aborn about 1915
ReutebuchDorothy born about 1917
ReutebuchPhyllis Jborn about 1939
RhodeAlberta born about 1929
RhodeAlfred Hborn about 1904
RhodeAnanda Aborn about 1906
RhodeGenevieve born about 1928
RhodeVivian born about 1929
RicksBetty born about 1921
RicksBlanche born about 1903
RicksChester born about 1881
RicksEarnest born about 1928
RicksEvelyn born about 1925
RicksKenneth born about 1927
RiggsClarence born about 1886
RiggsJeanetta Pborn about 1922
RiggsPaul born about 1919
RingenAnna born about 1896
RingenClarence born about 1935
RingenDorothy born about 1929
RingenGrover born about 1893
RingenJohnie born about 1927
RingenRichard born about 1937
RoepheyAddie born about 1903
RoepheyAnna born about 1880
RohloffAnna born about 1895
RohloffEarnest born about 1890
RohloffFred Zborn about 1886
RohloffHerman born about 1857
RohloffIsabelle born about 1926
RohloffLeo Fborn about 1919
RohloffRalph Cborn about 1932
RudeWilber born about 1918

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S Surnames

SchefferArden born about 1926
SchefferAugust Bborn about 1890
SchefferBurl born about 1929
SchefferCecelia born about 1922
SchefferEmmet born about 1932
SchefferFlora born about 1899
SchefferJames born about 1918
SchefferMelvin born about 1927
SchramenDorothy born about 1911
SchramenHenry born about 1909
SchramenRaymond Fborn about 1939
SchramenShirley Aborn about 1936
ShidlerAren born about 1939
ShidlerArnold born about 1925
ShidlerEdward born about 1935
ShidlerGerald born about 1922
ShidlerIna born about 1936
ShidlerJohn born about 1927
ShidlerLarry born about
ShidlerMay born about 1917
ShidlerNelson born about 1929
ShidlerNorman born about 1938
ShidlerOrville born about 1930
ShidlerPaul born about 1932
ShidlerRalph born about 1936
ShidlerRuth born about 1901
ShidlerThomas born about 1899
ShidlerThomas born about 1919
ShidlerWanda born about 1939
ShidlerWayman born about 1939
SkalonFrank Wborn about 1905
SkalonJohn born about 1930
SkalonLeofro?? born about 1928
SkalonLoretta born about 1935
SkalonLouise born about 1902
SkalonRalph born about 1931
SmithCecil Rborn about 1892
SmithJane Aborn about 1931
SmithLois born about 1912
SmithRaymond born about 1936
SommersAnna born about 1924
SommersBarbara born about 1925
SommersDorothy born about 1927
SommersElizabeth born about 1930
SommersEsther born about 1931
SommersMary born about 1900
SommersPaul born about 1907
SommersPaul born about 1928
SouWilie born about 1888
SpackoEdna born about 1916
SpackoHenry born about 1918
SpackoJack born about 1923
SpackoJames Hborn about 1893
SpackoRose Gborn about 1897
SparksCallie born about 1887
SparksHarry born about 1892
SparksOscar Stborn about 1863
SparksRobert born about 1917
StamerAlvina born about 1903
StamerEmagene born about 1930
StamerJohn born about 1898
StamerRosemary born about 1927
SteffenCecelia born about 1922
StellerDorothy born about 1936
StellerFrancis born about 1895
StellerMabel born about 1898
StellerNaomi born about 1926
StevensClotilde born about 1887
StevensLeo Aborn about 1885
StollEdna born about 1921
StollEdward born about 1925
StollEmmett born about 1917
StollHerman born about 1927
StollJames born about 1927
StollJohn born about 1927
StollJohn Aborn about 1888
StotlerDonna Jborn about 1937
StotlerDorothea born about 1917
StotlerRalph born about 1915

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T Surnames

TannerFloyd Lborn about 1914
TannerLarry Sborn about 1939
TannerLillian Sborn about 1916
TimmGerald born about 1919
TimmHelen born about 1921
TimmLor?sior born about 1890
TimmOpal born about 1901
TimmRalph born about 1923
TimmVernadine born about 1925
TimmonsClara Bborn about 1885
TimmonsClifford Dborn about 1919
TimmonsHomer born about 1880

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U Surnames

UrbanFrank born about 1929

W Surnames

WaynireGrace born about 1886
WaynireRalpha born about 1923
WaynireWright born about 1886
WeaverAlbert born about 1883
WeaverPeter born about 1885
WernerEarl born about 1915
WernerLorraine born about 1919
WhileAda Fborn about 1871
WhileFrancis Fborn about 1867
WhileKenneth Dborn about 1902
WhippleEffie born about 1901
WhippleJane Eborn about 1932
WhippleOra born about 1894

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Y Surnames

Yockey born about 1875
YoungAlice born about 1891
YoungWalter born about 1879

Z Surnames

ZiemerEleanor born about 1936
ZiemerHarry born about 1904
ZiemerMorna born about 1932
ZiemerStella born about 1912

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