1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Sullivan County, Sullivan, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Sullivan County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Sullivan County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbramElva born about 1898
AbramJerry Leeborn about 1937
AbramJesse born about 1888
AbramMax Wborn about 1919
AdamsNora born about 1891
AdamsNora Francesborn about 1893
AllenJoseph Aborn about 1888
AllenSusie born about 1891
AlsmanBelle born about 1897
AlsmanBynum Bborn about 1892
AlsmanBynum Jr born about 1922
AlsmanChester Oborn about 1859
AlsmanPaul born about 1916
AndersAnn born about 1938
AndersClifford born about 1915
AndersGale born about 1921
AndersHoward born about 1914
AndersIrene born about 1917
AndersKathleen born about 1936
AndersLula born about 1893
AndersRuby born about 1914
AndisGeorgia born about 1911
AndisJake born about 1865
AndisMattie born about 1874
AndisRalph born about 1916
AndisWanda born about 1936
AndisWarren born about 1933
AndisWillard born about 1908
AndreJackie Wayneborn about 1939
AndreMorris born about 1909
AndreOpal born about 1915
AndreRobert born about 1938
AndreRuth born about 1937
ArcherDella born about 1870
ArcherHerman born about 1886
ArnettJoe Bobbyborn about 1927
ArnettLester born about 1937
ArnettLois born about 1930
ArnettMadge born about 1899
ArnettMargaret Annborn about 1939
ArnettMerle born about 1924
ArnettScott born about 1922
ArnettTom born about 1896
ArnettWayne born about 1920
ArnoldBobby born about 1924
ArnoldCorrinne born about 1902
ArnoldJack born about 1899
ArnoldKathleen born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarnardArzella born about 1934
BarnardBarbara born about 1936
BarnardBertha born about 1883
BarnardDonald born about 1932
BarnardErnest born about 1910
BarnardHenry Kborn about 1878
BarnardHerman born about 1938
BarnardLela born about 1912
BatesEmmett Lborn about 1897
BatesFlorence Dborn about 1900
BatesGlen Aborn about 1926
BeasleyHazel born about 1921
BeasleyOthal born about 1920
BechErnest born about 1886
BechLettie Bborn about 1867
BedwellAddie born about 1882
BedwellAlbert born about 1904
BedwellAnna born about 1884
BedwellAshel born about 1867
BedwellBarbara Leeborn about 1935
BedwellBeryl born about 1896
BedwellBetty Lorraineborn about 1937
BedwellBill born about 1887
BedwellBobby born about 1931
BedwellCharles born about 1883
BedwellCharles born about 1920
BedwellCharles born about 1925
BedwellCharlotte born about 1927
BedwellClaris born about 1905
BedwellClaude born about 1881
BedwellConstance born about 1930
BedwellCora Belleborn about 1867
BedwellCorda born about 1903
BedwellDale born about 1922
BedwellDale Stanleyborn about 1931
BedwellDan born about 1880
BedwellDave born about 1916
BedwellDelphin born about 1912
BedwellDock born about 1869
BedwellDonald born about 1933
BedwellDora Hborn about 1868
BedwellDorothy born about 1919
BedwellDorothy born about 1925
BedwellDwight born about 1900
BedwellElsie born about 1913
BedwellElvin born about 1896
BedwellEmmons born about 1901
BedwellEvan born about 1868
BedwellEverett born about 1925
BedwellFannie born about 1877
BedwellFlenn born about 1888
BedwellFloyd born about 1897
BedwellFloyd born about 1925
BedwellFrank born about 1875
BedwellFranklin born about 1933
BedwellIna born about 1934
BedwellIrene born about 1911
BedwellJanet born about 1936
BedwellJesse born about 1886
BedwellJimmy born about 1937
BedwellJoe born about 1939
BedwellJuanita born about 1936
BedwellL Wayneborn about 1926
BedwellLa Verne born about 1902
BedwellLeah born about 1897
BedwellLena Annborn about 1879
BedwellLeon born about 1923
BedwellLois born about 1924
BedwellLois Eborn about 1925
BedwellLola born about 1907
BedwellLoren born about 1928
BedwellLorene born about 1922
BedwellLucy born about 1903
BedwellMadison Rborn about 1888
BedwellMarie born about 1923
BedwellMary born about 1907
BedwellMary born about 1925
BedwellMary Louborn about 1929
BedwellMary Tborn about 1871
BedwellMaxine born about 1918
BedwellMay born about 1890
BedwellNellie born about 1889
BedwellNeta born about 1901
BedwellNolan born about 1897
BedwellOdessa born about 1896
BedwellOllis born about 1921
BedwellOna Mayborn about 1894
BedwellOra Margaretborn about 1931
BedwellOscar born about 1923
BedwellPhyllis born about 1923
BedwellRalph born about 1922
BedwellRonald born about 1935
BedwellRosa born about 1885
BedwellRose born about 1890
BedwellSam born about 1877
BedwellSarah Eborn about 1883
BedwellScott born about 1902
BedwellSquire born about 1908
BedwellThelma born about 1933
BedwellTilton born about 1878
BedwellVes born about 1865
BedwellViola born about 1873
BedwellWesley born about 1938
BeeryAmanda born about 1901
BeeryCarolyn born about 1932
BeeryDwight Rborn about 1900
BeeryJudith born about 1930
BeeryMarianne born about 1927
BegermanErnest born about 1920
BegermanHerbert born about 1918
BegermanImogene born about 1928
BegermanJosh born about 1878
BegermanNaome born about 1889
BegermanVerna Loisborn about 1926
BehemMinnie born about 1873
BehemSherman born about 1871
BeheneLloyd born about 1909
BeheneOpal Eborn about 1911
BeheneShalmis Jborn about 1929
BeheneShirley Annborn about 1933
BenefielBilly Joeborn about 1934
BenefielCharles born about 1911
BenefielDewey born about 1908
BenefielEthel born about 1888
BenefielHomer born about 1887
BenefielJerry Geneborn about 1937
BenefielJimmy born about 1930
BenefielLeon born about 1918
BenefielLizzie born about 1877
BenefielLorene born about 1918
BenefielNancy born about 1915
BenefielPhilip born about 1918
BenefielThelma born about 1908
BenefielWilliam born about 1874
BennettAlma born about 1903
BennettBilly Fborn about 1923
BennettCarl Aborn about 1888
BennettDorothy born about 1920
BennettHubert born about 1915
BennettIrene born about 1915
BennettJames Eborn about 1905
BennettJames Leonborn about 1939
BennettMargaret born about 1924
BennettOscar born about 1882
BennettSadie Aborn about 1890
BennettTommy Leeborn about 1937
BennettZilpha born about 1884
BerryJosie born about 1889
BerryMartha born about 1920
BerryNorma Jeanborn about 1929
BerryRussell born about 1888
BicknellEdith Annborn about 1930
BishopDorothy born about 1928
BishopIrene born about 1939
BishopJames Wborn about 1902
BishopLeo born about 1925
BishopMary Eborn about 1902
BishopNorman born about 1927
BlakeAncil born about 1912
BlakeDerrel born about 1922
BlakeEffie born about 1887
BlakeFrank born about 1885
BlakeGrace born about 1893
BlakeGuy born about 1888
BlakeMaxine born about 1912
BlakeMelba Cborn about 1938
BlakeRhonda Kayborn about 1939
BlakeWayne born about 1927
BogueLydia born about 1892
BookerAlbert born about 1885
BookerArchie born about 1887
BookerArthur born about 1915
BookerBarbara born about 1935
BookerBarbara Joeborn about 1923
BookerBessie born about 1891
BookerBillie born about 1932
BookerBurlin Sborn about 1861
BookerC Jborn about 1903
BookerCarl Lloydborn about 1937
BookerCharles born about 1928
BookerClara Mborn about 1882
BookerClovis born about 1910
BookerDella born about 1880
BookerDelmas born about 1915
BookerEdward Eugeneborn about 1923
BookerEvelyn born about 1916
BookerFern born about 1912
BookerFlora Aborn about 1865
BookerGeorge Wborn about 1890
BookerGrace born about 1907
BookerHelen Mildredborn about 1927
BookerHester Mayborn about 1899
BookerHoward born about 1939
BookerJames Robertborn about 1936
BookerJohn Tborn about 1883
BookerJosie born about 1887
BookerKenneth Wborn about 1934
BookerLaura Aborn about 1880
BookerMaggie born about 1870
BookerMary born about 1887
BookerMerle Gborn about 1938
BookerMinnie born about 1864
BookerMuriel Lborn about 1932
BookerOde Hborn about 1885
BookerPaul born about 1937
BookerRalph born about 1931
BookerRobert born about 1914
BookerSarah Lizborn about 1860
BookerSarelda born about 1856
BookerSilas born about 1896
BookerSparkle born about 1913
BookerVera born about 1919
BookerVerna born about 1890
BookerWillard Wayneborn about 1935
BookerWyvonna born about 1936
BooneBetty born about 1927
BooneCarl born about 1936
BooneCharles Fborn about 1896
BooneDonnas born about 1933
BooneDoris born about 1931
BooneEthel born about 1898
BooneFrank born about 1900
BooneHarold born about 1925
BooneJames born about 1923
BooneJames Allenborn about 1929
BooneJames Hborn about 1866
BooneJona born about 1932
BooneLillie born about 1869
BooneLowell born about 1925
BooneMary born about 1930
BooneNorval born about 1927
BoonePatricia born about 1934
BoonePauline born about 1903
BooneRobert born about 1920
BordersAnna born about 1873
BordersDane born about 1870
BovenschenAlva born about 1914
BovenschenOma born about 1915
BovenschenSarah Eborn about 1939
BrewerAmy born about 1908
BrewerBetty Joanborn about 1937
BrewerCarl Wborn about 1901
BrewerCarol Yvonneborn about 1939
BrewerDoris born about 1931
BrewerEsther born about 1936
BrewerJeneva born about 1919
BrewerLoretta born about 1938
BrewerMarilyn born about 1934
BrewerMerle born about 1928
BrewerMichael born about 1939
BrewerRalph born about 1926
BrewerRichard born about 1921
BrewerShirley born about 1925
BrinkmanJames born about 1928
BrooksFrances born about 1871
BrooksLola Eborn about 1898
BrooksMyrtle born about 1901
BrooksRobert Lborn about 1870
BrowerEliza born about 1883
BrowerElmer born about 1879
BrownCruza born about 1873
BrownDaisy born about 1883
BrownDarlene born about 1934
BrownDearrela Jeanborn about 1939
BrownEarnest born about 1919
BrownGerthel born about 1904
BrownGloria Deanborn about 1937
BrownJesse Jborn about 1899
BrownJesse Tborn about 1872
BrownJohn born about 1871
BrownJulia born about 1916
BrownLena born about 1878
BrownLenore born about 1901
BrownMarjorie born about 1931
BrownMildred born about 1933
BrownNellie born about 1901
BrownPercy born about 1898
BrownPheba Aborn about 1878
BrownTressa born about 1905
BrownVirginia born about 1923
BrowningCarl born about 1927
BrowningDovie born about 1894
BrowningElmer born about 1919
BrowningEsther born about 1923
BrowningGeraldine born about 1932
BrowningLowell born about 1930
BrowningMary Glennborn about 1925
BrowningRalph born about 1890
BrowningRalph Jr born about 1921
BryanEliza born about 1907
BryanThomas Marionborn about 1936
BryanVirgil born about 1904
BryanVirgil Wborn about 1925
BuchananMarie born about 1925
BuchananMolinda born about 1882
BuchananRaymond born about 1923
BuchananWalter born about 1879
BuckBrounte Lowellborn about 1926
BuckDorothy born about 1914
BuckG Eugeneborn about 1921
BuckGarrett born about 1910
BuckJohn Wborn about 1876
BuckJohnny born about 1922
BuckLou Emmaborn about 1882
BuckMarilee born about 1937
BuckNannie Dborn about 1870
BuckPaul Hubertborn about 1923
BurchDelema born about 1925
BurchElmer born about 1897
BurchLeland born about 1927
BurchLula born about 1903
BurressEsta Leeborn about 1927
BurressNelson born about 1905
BurrisAlvin born about 1927
BurrisBonnie born about 1930
BurrisClaude born about 1924
BurrisEmmett born about 1900
BurrisHelen born about 1912
BurrisHubert born about 1905
BurrisMelvin born about 1933
BurrisNina Raeborn about 1939
BurrisRay Eborn about 1887
BurrisVesta born about 1904
ButlerJosephine born about 1850

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarbinAmbrose Bborn about 1861
CarbinArle Bborn about 1912
CarbinBruce born about 1932
CarbinChrista Aborn about 1855
CarbinElizabeth born about 1914
CarrBetty Lonborn about 1933
CarrBilly Joeborn about 1929
CarrBlanche Dborn about 1903
CarrCabeb Rborn about 1884
CarrJessie born about 1890
CarrMathew born about 1908
CarrRobert Bruceborn about 1931
CarrRosemary born about 1927
CarricoEaster born about 1885
CarricoMaxine born about 1915
CarricoOwen born about 1913
CarricoOwen Jr born about 1935
CarricoWilliam Eborn about 1873
CarrithersAletha born about 1914
CarrithersFlora born about 1884
CarrithersJerry born about 1883
CarrithersSylvester born about 1868
CarrithersThomas born about 1911
CassBessie Fborn about 1904
CassClyde Dborn about 1904
CassDonald born about 1928
CassDoris born about 1939
CassGayle born about 1935
CassGlenn born about 1931
CassJoe born about 1927
CassMax born about 1925
ChambersCarl born about 1903
ChambersCarrie born about 1881
ChambersCora born about 1885
ChambersDean born about 1929
ChambersFloyd born about 1911
ChambersFrank born about 1879
ChambersMary born about 1906
ChambersMelvin born about 1929
ChambersOpal Hborn about 1923
ChambersRalph Leonborn about 1937
ChambersRobert born about 1911
ChambersRobert born about 1932
ChambersRonald Maxborn about 1936
ChambersRuby born about 1914
ChambersRussell born about 1909
ChambersRuth born about 1912
ChambersRuth born about 1916
ChambersRuth Hopeborn about 1931
ChanleyEdgar born about 1880
ChanleyEdgar Jr born about 1940
ChanleyMatilda born about 1910
ChanleyWayne born about 1923
CharltonSam born about 1876
CienefielRobert born about 1858
ClarkChloe born about 1906
ClarkDorothy Louborn about 1939
ClarkEugene born about 1931
ClarkEvelyn Maeborn about 1937
ClarkFreeman Bborn about 1894
ClarkGeorge born about 1928
ClarkLouie Gborn about 1897
ClarkWesley born about 1914
ClaytonIrene born about 1900
ClaytonJ Dborn about 1873
ClaytonJames Deanborn about 1936
ClaytonLouetta born about 1884
ClaytonMary Bborn about 1927
ClaytonToka Aborn about 1901
ClaytonWm Haroldborn about 1925
ClaytonWm Jborn about 1881
ClaytonWm Rborn about 1900
ClevelandDorothy born about 1911
ClevelandElland born about 1906
ColeAlexander born about 1922
ColeDora born about 1898
ColeHarold born about 1916
ColeNora born about 1924
ColemanMartha born about 1890
ColemanMurray Eborn about 1890
CollinsCora Bborn about 1870
CollinsJohn Gborn about 1868
CollinsNancy born about 1858
CollinsVirgie born about 1895
ColvinPaul born about 1931
ColvinRobert born about 1928
CookseyDean born about 1925
CookseyElenor born about 1931
CookseyElizabeth born about 1867
CookseyElmer born about 1866
CookseyElroy born about 1929
CookseyHarold Deanborn about 1935
CookseyHester born about 1922
CookseyIrvin born about 1886
CookseyLydia born about 1894
CookseyMary born about 1936
CookseyMedford born about 1911
CookseyMildred born about 1916
CookseyNida Janeborn about 1940
CookseyNorma Jeanborn about 1938
CopelandMartin born about 1866
CorbinGeorge Wborn about 1862
CorbinMelissa Jborn about 1863
CorrierAntony born about 1871
CorrierMartha born about 1877
CourterDale born about 1921
CourterHelen born about 1923
CowdenDollie born about 1891
CowdenGarland born about 1929
CowdenJames Rborn about 1884
CoxArchie born about 1914
CoxFuye born about 1898
CoxGertie born about 1904
CoxHinkle born about 1887
CoxImogene born about 1911
CoxJune born about 1937
CoxLean born about 1884
CoxMargie Rythborn about 1932
CoxNoble born about 1902
CoxRalph born about 1930
CoxRobert born about 1934
CoxRussell born about 1930
CoxVincent born about 1904
CoxVirgil born about 1923
CoxVivan born about 1916
CoxWayne born about 1893
CoxWilliam Fborn about 1936
CreagerAllie born about 1874
CreagerArnold born about 1911
CreagerMargaret born about 1920
CullisonDochia born about 1908
CullisonErnest born about 1933
CullisonEvelyn born about 1926
CullisonLois born about 1929
CullisonWm born about 1900
CunninghamBruce born about 1924
CunninghamJas Tborn about 1880
CunninghamSarah born about 1886
CunningtonIrma born about 1937
CunningtonJames born about 1906
CunningtonJames Jr born about 1926
CunningtonJohn born about 1933
CunningtonPansy Leeborn about 1931
CunningtonVinona born about 1914
CurrierJames born about 1859
CurrierRhoda Ellenborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughertyBlanche born about 1903
DaughertyCharles Kborn about 1877
DaughertyLola born about 1882
DavidsonArette born about 1921
DavidsonBertha born about 1889
DavidsonEd born about 1887
DavidsonJuanita born about 1914
DillionHannah born about 1883
DillionWilliam Aborn about 1888
DishmanEffie born about 1896
DishmanElsie Eborn about 1921
DishmanEric born about 1894
DishmanGilbert born about 1924
DishmanJanice born about 1919
DishmanJune born about 1931
DishmanPaul Wayneborn about 1940
DishmanRobert born about 1927
DishmanWilbert born about 1924
DouthittAimee Mborn about 1880
DouthittGeorge Eborn about 1870
DouthittHallie born about 1879
DouthittJ Elliottborn about 1875
DouthittOra born about 1887
DouthittRollie born about 1871
DriverDoris born about 1921
DriverJohn Wborn about 1895
DriverPearl born about 1894
DueMartha born about 1863
DuganClara born about 1890
DuganDonald born about 1934
DuganDonna born about 1939
DuganEugene born about 1912
DuganJessie born about 1913
DuganLaura born about 1928
DuganPauline born about 1931
DuganRalph born about 1890
DuganRalph Jr born about 1923
DuganWanda born about 1935
DunbarAnna Janeborn about 1936
DunbarBarbara Jeanborn about 1930
DunbarDanny born about 1932
DunbarEmma Rborn about 1869
DunbarLeslie born about 1910
DunbarMildred born about 1913
DunfordEldon Leonborn about 1936
DunfordEva Ernestineborn about 1915
DunfordGlenn born about 1913
DunfordJanice Eborn about 1938
DyerRoy born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddsDarlene born about 1939
EddsErnest born about 1922
EddsGuy born about 1924
EddsJames Dborn about 1937
EddsJewell born about 1913
EddsPaul born about 1909
EddsViola born about 1881
EdwardsMarjorie born about 1924
ElkinsJohn born about 1871
ElkinsLou Eborn about 1877
EnochsAlto born about 1905
EnochsBernice Lborn about 1918
EnochsCharles Sborn about 1927
EnochsClarice born about 1904
EnochsClaude born about 1911
EnochsDarlene born about 1937
EnochsDonna Joanborn about 1939
EnochsEarl Jr born about 1934
EnochsErnest Aborn about 1915
EnochsEverett born about 1934
EnochsEvertt Hborn about 1896
EnochsGertie born about 1886
EnochsGrace born about 1870
EnochsGrace Eborn about 1894
EnochsHazel born about 1902
EnochsHerschell Wborn about 1924
EnochsLaura born about 1867
EnochsLaurel Aborn about 1903
EnochsMargie Ruthborn about 1929
EnochsMary born about 1918
EnochsMervin Cborn about 1906
EnochsMildred born about 1923
EnochsOpal Dborn about 1907
EnochsPaul born about 1923
EnochsPauline born about 1913
EnochsRobert born about 1926
EnochsRush born about 1885
EnsorCarl born about 1918
EnsorLarry Paulborn about 1938
EnsorMary born about 1918

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F Surnames

FaucettHelen born about 1918
FaucettSadie born about 1891
FaucettSamuel born about 1890
FaucettWalter born about 1920
FergusonAlice born about 1885
FergusonWm Hborn about 1881
FiggAgnes born about 1912
FiggAnna Lborn about 1868
FiggArmilda born about 1867
FiggBarbara Juneborn about 1935
FiggBenjamin born about 1862
FiggBenny Laurelborn about 1935
FiggBobby born about 1932
FiggCharles born about 1877
FiggCledis born about 1915
FiggDoris born about 1929
FiggEdith born about 1919
FiggElmer born about 1923
FiggGene born about 1877
FiggGertie born about 1885
FiggIrene born about 1909
FiggJeneva born about 1914
FiggLarry Guyborn about 1938
FiggMargaret Leeborn about 1933
FiggMarilyn Ruthborn about 1933
FiggReynold born about 1906
FiggRussell born about 1908
FiggShirley Annborn about 1936
FiggWm Haroldborn about 1906
FitzpatrickNorma Reeborn about 1938
FitzpatrickRay born about 1914
FitzpatrickSparkek born about 1921
FlaughCharles born about 1875
FlaughJean born about 1908
FlaughMerle born about 1907
FordiceAudrie born about 1921
FordiceCora born about 1894
FordiceDennis born about 1880
FordiceGeorge Dborn about 1914
FordiceRuth Jborn about 1919
FosterClaude born about 1906
FosterMary born about 1912
FranklinChas Edgarborn about 1925
FranklinEthel Mayborn about 1922
FranklinJames born about 1897
FranklinMartha Leeborn about 1929
FranklinZona born about 1902
FredrickEarl born about 1892
FredrickImogene born about 1925
FredrickMary born about 1897
FryeFred born about 1906
FryeFred Jr born about 1927
FryeGloria Yvonneborn about 1934
FryeIda Mayborn about 1911
FryeMartha Eborn about 1866
FryePhyllis born about 1926

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G Surnames

GallagherEdward born about 1938
GallagherOpal born about 1911
GallagherPatrick born about 1935
GallagherThomas born about 1911
GarrisonIna born about 1890
GarrisonNoah born about 1898
GentryBilly born about 1935
GentryBobby born about 1932
GentryDonna Jeanborn about 1930
GentryDorothy born about 1929
GentryFlorence born about 1911
GentryGarland born about 1921
GentryGordon born about 1909
GentryJack born about 1937
GentryJames Earlborn about 1935
GentryLillian born about 1924
GentryLowell born about 1923
GentryMarjorie born about 1927
GentryRuth born about 1897
GentryWilliam born about 1897
GentsyAmanthus born about 1871
GentsyJames born about 1861
GentsyMarkus Jr born about 1912
GibbsAlma born about 1903
GibbsDebbie born about 1871
GibbsDorothy Jeanborn about 1924
GibbsHerman born about 1922
GibbsMort born about 1869
GibbsShirley born about 1928
GoodmanAudrey born about 1918
GoodmanBarney born about 1875
GoodmanBetty born about 1931
GoodmanBeulah born about 1903
GoodmanClay born about 1902
GoodmanCleo born about 1912
GoodmanDaisy born about 1895
GoodmanDebbie born about 1862
GoodmanFroman Oborn about 1895
GoodmanGolden Lborn about 1933
GoodmanGoldie born about 1913
GoodmanHelen born about 1916
GoodmanJesse born about 1909
GoodmanJune born about 1924
GoodmanMathaniel born about 1914
GoodmanNellie born about 1934
GoodmanNorman born about 1936
GoodmanOpal born about 1905
GoodmanPatty Jborn about 1939
GoodmanRuth born about 1900
GoodmanShirley Annborn about 1939
GoodmanVernon born about 1911
GoodmanVirgil Fborn about 1934
GoodmanWalker born about 1898
GoodmanWilfred born about 1928
GoodmanWilliam born about 1927
GoodmanWinfred born about 1939
GoodmansCleda born about 1908
GoodmansDrezel born about 1937
GoodmansHarold born about 1916
GoodmansJaynell born about 1915
GoodmansRoy born about 1908
GoodmansYvonne born about 1935
GrabbeFred Hborn about 1890
GrabbeLouise born about 1893
GrangeJemima born about 1879
GrangeWilliam Wborn about 1878
GreeneC Rborn about 1899
GreeneCharles Ralphborn about 1932
GreeneSibyl born about 1905
GreeneWanda Louiseborn about 1936
GreerHenry born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleBasil born about 1911
HaleBertha born about 1884
HaleCleo born about 1907
HaleDarlene born about 1939
HaleDavid born about 1921
HaleDean born about 1915
HaleEdna born about 1886
HaleElsie born about 1897
HaleHarold Wborn about 1926
HaleHugh born about 1919
HaleJackie born about 1934
HaleJames Nborn about 1875
HaleJeneva born about 1915
HaleJoretta Kborn about 1939
HaleJudith Annborn about 1939
HaleLeo born about 1926
HaleLillie born about 1865
HaleMargaret Ruthborn about 1929
HaleRaymond born about 1884
HaleRobert Rborn about 1850
HaleRuth born about 1922
HaleSammie born about 1927
HaleZelma born about 1910
HallLora born about 1893
HamiltonCharles born about 1899
HamiltonLetty born about 1899
HamiltonNorma Jeanborn about 1932
HamiltonWilford born about 1930
HammondBetty born about 1925
HammondFlorence born about 1890
HammondHosea born about 1891
HancockBen born about 1916
HancockDarlene born about 1939
HancockIna born about 1919
HancockLarry born about 1939
HarbenCarl Rexborn about 1926
HarbenCarrie born about 1896
HarbenJoyce Evelynborn about 1930
HarbenRex born about 1896
HarbinBilly Merleborn about 1936
HarbinBobby Geneborn about 1938
HarbinFred born about 1914
HarbinJerry Daleborn about 1939
HarbinLucille born about 1916
HarbinsonFannie born about 1903
HarbinsonWilliam born about 1878
HardestyBessie Mborn about 1887
HardestyCarolyn Sueborn about 1939
HardestyDarrel born about 1917
HardestyDorothy Mayborn about 1919
HardestyGary born about 1938
HardestyJoy born about 1927
HardestyLaurel born about 1917
HardestyLeslie Rayborn about 1939
HardestyMary born about 1910
HardestyMorrison Leeborn about 1936
HardestyRichard born about 1933
HardestyRobert Jborn about 1932
HardestyVertie born about 1910
HardestyVirgil born about 1914
HarlandBetty born about 1930
HartDan born about 1861
HartElla born about 1873
HashJosephine born about 1910
HashMarjorie born about 1932
HashWayne born about 1913
HayBetty Louborn about 1936
HayChess born about 1877
HayDorothy born about 1908
HayElla born about 1887
HayFred born about 1903
HayFred Jr born about 1927
HayJames Arthurborn about 1932
HayMildred Louiseborn about 1929
HazelrodFleetie born about 1885
HazelrodJohn Eborn about 1880
HazelrodMildred born about 1917
HeathGertie born about 1880
HeldAleda born about 1900
HeldBruce born about 1933
HeldCarl born about 1899
HeldHerbert born about 1927
HeldJohn born about 1929
HeldMargaret born about 1924
HeldMary born about 1925
HeldRichard born about 1937
HeldRobert born about 1922
HeldermanGeorge Wborn about 1872
HeldermanRosetta born about 1876
HendersonCarl Rborn about 1895
HendersonRobert Dborn about 1857
HendersonRuth born about 1897
HerndonGlessie Mborn about 1887
HildenbrandAlbert born about 1906
HildenbrandBetty born about 1926
HildenbrandBruce born about 1900
HildenbrandCarol born about 1940
HildenbrandClaude born about 1898
HildenbrandDewey born about 1899
HildenbrandDoris born about 1930
HildenbrandEdgar born about 1930
HildenbrandEdith born about 1908
HildenbrandEffie born about 1934
HildenbrandEssie born about 1901
HildenbrandEsther born about 1932
HildenbrandEsther born about 1936
HildenbrandFroman born about 1925
HildenbrandGeorge born about 1848
HildenbrandGladys born about 1898
HildenbrandHelen born about 1900
HildenbrandIlean born about 1926
HildenbrandImogene born about 1928
HildenbrandIrma born about 1940
HildenbrandKathryn born about 1921
HildenbrandLoren born about 1926
HildenbrandLyman born about 1897
HildenbrandMargaret born about 1933
HildenbrandMartha born about 1910
HildenbrandMildred born about 1922
HildenbrandRachel born about 1923
HildenbrandSharon born about 1937
HildenbrandVirginia born about 1940
HoleArthur born about 1915
HoleClarence born about 1922
HoleEarl born about 1890
HoleGlotiene born about 1916
HoleHalden born about 1935
HoleLois born about 1920
HoleMattie born about 1894
HoleRonald born about 1934
HollingsworthBonnie born about 1933
HollingsworthBurton born about 1939
HollingsworthEthel born about 1908
HollingsworthFloyd born about 1916
HollingsworthHannah born about 1869
HollingsworthHarold Wborn about 1914
HollingsworthHilda born about 1908
HollingsworthIda born about 1882
HollingsworthJerry Deanborn about 1936
HollingsworthJohn born about 1880
HollingsworthLillian born about 1921
HollingsworthLogan born about 1885
HollingsworthPearl born about 1937
HollingsworthRobertine born about 1924
HollingsworthSchuyler born about 1871
HouldsonEliza born about 1884
HouldsonJames born about 1881
HowardAlice born about 1904
HowardDoris Maeborn about 1939
HowardEstella born about 1871
HowardFrank born about 1871
HowardGeorge born about 1938
HowardHerbert born about 1911
HowardJennie born about 1882
HowardJohn Wborn about 1862
HowardLaura born about 1867
HowardRay born about 1888
HowardTaveta born about 1917
HowardWayne born about 1913
HowardWilliam born about 1918
HunnicutCalvin born about 1883
HunnicutVerda born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InglertJohn born about 1877
InglertLenora born about 1877
InmanClifford born about 1906
InmanClifford Jr born about 1927
InmanDella born about 1937
InmanWynona born about 1925
IsabellDennis Daleborn about 1940
IsabellIrene born about 1917
IsabellNelson born about 1913
IsabellRalph Deanborn about 1938
IsbellDaisy born about 1889
IsbellEverett born about 1916
IsbellKenneth born about 1918
IsbellMary born about 1921
IsbellMary born about 1923
IsbellOra born about 1886
IsbellWanda Louiseborn about 1938
IsbellZilly born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlnora born about 1920
JacksonAmanda Fborn about 1888
JacksonAnna Eborn about 1869
JacksonBonnie born about 1932
JacksonBurrell born about 1893
JacksonCarl born about 1937
JacksonCarl Bborn about 1899
JacksonCharles born about 1873
JacksonCharles Rborn about 1921
JacksonChester Eborn about 1929
JacksonCraig born about 1918
JacksonDorothy born about 1928
JacksonElmer born about 1883
JacksonErmine born about 1903
JacksonFrancis born about 1920
JacksonHubert born about 1922
JacksonJames born about 1918
JacksonJames born about 1920
JacksonJohn Hborn about 1867
JacksonLarry born about 1939
JacksonLessa born about 1894
JacksonMary born about 1897
JacksonMary Aborn about 1876
JacksonOrian born about 1897
JacksonPaul born about 1920
JacksonPaul born about 1926
JacksonRalph born about 1923
JacksonRalph born about 1924
JacksonRobert born about 1926
JacksonRose born about 1904
JacksonShirley born about 1930
JacksonVerna born about 1897
JamesCharles Vborn about 1888
JamesLucy Fborn about 1893
JerrelsArthur born about 1920
JerrelsBillie born about 1928
JerrelsDelmas born about 1910
JerrelsMasle born about 1912
JerrelsNettie born about 1883
JerrelsRex born about 1933
JerrelsThomas Rborn about 1884
JerrelsVirginia born about 1931
JohanningsmeierBarbara Nellborn about 1939
JohanningsmeierCharles born about 1936
JohanningsmeierElizabeth born about 1863
JohanningsmeierEmma born about 1904
JohanningsmeierEugene born about 1933
JohanningsmeierJean Annborn about 1934
JohanningsmeierMartha born about 1910
JohanningsmeierNorman born about 1937
JohanningsmeierWalter born about 1903
JohanningsmeierWalter Jr born about 1935
JohanningsmeierWilliam born about 1901
JonesBillie born about 1927
JonesBobby Leeborn about 1931
JonesDicky Dearrelborn about 1933
JonesEliza born about 1870
JonesEthel Aborn about 1895
JonesFrank Lborn about 1861
JonesFrank Leeborn about 1923
JonesGeorge Wborn about 1865
JonesKeith born about 1926
JonesKenneth born about 1924
JonesLawra born about 1920
JonesLeslie born about 1885
JonesLou Evaborn about 1913
JonesMary Loisborn about 1932
JonesMelissa born about 1884
JonesNancy Eborn about 1863
JonesRay born about 1895
JonesRayanna born about 1929
JonesRebecca born about 1922
JonesRichard born about 1924
JonesRuby Marieborn about 1921
JonesSusanna born about 1929
JonesVelma born about 1902
JonesVirgil Hborn about 1911
JonesWilbur born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KardokusAlma born about 1897
KardokusClarence born about 1918
KardokusEarl born about 1917
KardokusElmina born about 1921
KardokusMary Annborn about 1927
KarnsArthur born about 1888
KarnsPearl born about 1880
KeckieJohn born about 1872
KeckieJulia born about 1878
KennedyRobert born about 1926
KettelhutMartha born about 1880
KettelhutTheodore born about 1872
KingMary Fernborn about 1913
KingOwen born about 1911
KinnettBernard born about 1925
KinnettCusta born about 1901
KinnettDuane born about 1936
KinnettLarry born about 1933
KinnettMarvin born about 1898
KinnettReba born about 1924
KinnettWanda born about 1930
KirchoffCleo born about 1938
KirchoffFloyd born about 1911
KirchoffLuella born about 1899
KirchoffNorman born about 1935
KirchoffRichard born about 1940
KixmillerCaroline born about 1872
KixmillerFred born about 1869
KixmillerHilbert born about 1911
KleusnerHugh born about 1896
KleusnerHugh Jr born about 1926
KleusnerJames born about 1934
KleusnerJessie born about 1900
KleusnerMichael born about 1939
KleusnerRose born about 1930
KluteyAlbert born about 1909
KluteyDonna Paulineborn about 1940
KluteyDorothy born about 1915
KluteyHarlen born about 1936
KochCharles Wborn about 1876
KochMeyer born about 1914
KochMinnie born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadsonAbert Royborn about 1932
LadsonAlice born about 1900
LadsonChester born about 1924
LadsonJames born about 1933
LandSusan Eborn about 1856
LeduneEstella Mborn about 1897
LeduneJohn Dborn about 1879
LeduneJohn Eborn about 1919
LeduneJune Evelynborn about 1923
LeduneLela born about 1911
LeduneRichard Cyrusborn about 1929
LesterArla Rborn about 1904
LesterBetty born about 1927
LesterBobby born about 1927
LesterDoris Mborn about 1907
LesterEstella Eborn about 1882
LesterJohn Vborn about 1876
LichteDonald born about 1934
LichteFred born about 1908
LichteJames born about 1936
LichteRichard born about 1939
LichteViola born about 1910
LinnAlma born about 1936
LinnArletha born about 1920
LinnClara born about 1939
LinnDella Vborn about 1911
LinnDixie Dawnborn about 1939
LinnDonald born about 1920
LinnElvina born about 1916
LinnGladys born about 1938
LinnJames born about 1881
LinnOliver born about 1906
LinnSamuel born about 1934
LinnSamuel Aborn about 1876
LinnThelma Rborn about 1924
LinnTressa born about 1903
LinnWilliam born about 1901
LongDora Cborn about 1878
LongEtta Mayborn about 1919
LongFrank born about 1877
LongHerschell born about 1908
LongJessie born about 1879
LongMary Jborn about 1858
LongMelvin Floydborn about 1938
LongNancy Jborn about 1863
LongRex born about 1896
LongRolla born about 1901
LucasCaroline born about 1877
LucasDelbert born about 1939
LucasDoris Lborn about 1917
LucasElmer born about 1872
LucasEmma Mborn about 1872
LucasFloyd born about 1913
LucasGeorge born about 1916
LucasMaranda Eborn about 1865
LucasMary born about 1920
LucasMildred Joanborn about 1939
LucasThelma born about 1918
LucasWillis born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MayfieldBessie Mborn about 1880
MayfieldChas Fborn about 1868
MayfieldElva born about 1917
MayfieldGeorge Mborn about 1873
MayfieldMack born about 1912
McCammonJune born about 1929
McCammonRuby born about 1905
McCommonJames born about 1860
McCommonJoyce Mborn about 1936
McCommonLee born about 1902
McCommonLois Eborn about 1935
McCommonMearl born about 1916
McCommonRosa born about 1874
McKeanAlice born about 1909
McKeanKay born about 1937
McKeanKenneth born about 1940
McKeanPaul born about 1911
McKinleyBessie born about 1901
McKinleyGene Leoborn about 1936
MeeksBertha born about 1906
MeeksBobby Leeborn about 1936
MeeksErnest born about 1926
MeeksJohn born about 1928
MeeksKenneth born about 1927
MeeksRollin born about 1924
MeeksWilliam born about 1904
MeierAmelia born about 1888
MeierDorothy born about 1925
MeierRobert Hborn about 1919
MeierTheodore Lborn about 1888
MemmertJohn born about 1874
MeurerCharles born about 1921
MeurerEileen born about 1919
MeurerEleanor Ruthborn about 1931
MeurerEliza born about 1890
MeurerElizabeth Kborn about 1935
MeurerEunice born about 1910
MeurerHorace born about 1929
MeurerIrene born about 1912
MeurerJames Lborn about 1888
MeurerJames Lucienborn about 1937
MeurerLucian born about 1916
MeurerMary Helenborn about 1934
MeurerRaymond born about 1909
MeurerVirginia Gailborn about 1939
MielbeckMarjorie born about 1921
MilburnCarl born about 1912
MilburnFleming born about 1877
MilburnJuanita born about 1912
MilburnRay born about 1887
MilburnWilliam born about 1858
MillerClara Eborn about 1872
MillerDonna Ruthborn about 1936
MillerHenry born about 1873
MillerMarth Jborn about 1875
MillerRaymond born about 1901
MillerSamuel Oborn about 1873
MillerScott Nelsonborn about 1928
MillerWilma born about 1905
MitchellAlma born about 1872
MitchellAnna Marieborn about 1929
MitchellChloa born about 1909
MitchellDoris born about 1935
MitchellDorothy born about 1937
MitchellEverett born about 1931
MitchellJohnny born about 1939
MitchellLola born about 1907
MitchellLoyd born about 1893
MitchellRay born about 1906
MitchellSophia Janeborn about 1932
MitchellVirginia born about 1928
MitchellW Mborn about 1864
MitchellWilliam born about 1922
MitchellWilliam born about 1933
MolletHubert born about 1917
MolletJames Robertborn about 1930
MolletJohn born about 1890
MolletJohn Leonborn about 1926
MolletMarty born about 1889
MolletNoah Cliffordborn about 1928
MontgomeryBerthel born about 1921
MontgomeryCharles Dborn about 1928
MontgomeryGerthel born about 1921
MontgomeryHomer born about 1884
MontgomeryJoyce born about 1926
MontgomeryPatty born about 1932
MontgomeryPhyllis born about 1929
MontgomeryRobert born about 1925
MontgomerySarah born about 1904
MontgomerySheldon born about 1904
MontgomeryStella born about 1886
MoodyBetty born about 1933
MoodyBurl born about 1913
MoodyJames Hborn about 1910
MoodySandra Sueborn about 1938
MooneyBarbara born about 1939
MooneyGail born about 1904
MooneyJames born about 1926
MooneyKathryn born about 1932
MooneyLenore born about 1928
MooneyMary born about 1921
MooneyPatrick born about 1900
MooneyPatrick Jr born about 1923
MooneyPhyllis born about 1935
MooreAndrew Jborn about 1876
MooreArchie born about 1890
MooreArchie born about 1925
MooreBernice born about 1927
MooreDelmar born about 1908
MooreDelmar born about 1918
MooreEdith born about 1922
MooreEtta born about 1890
MooreJames Fborn about 1883
MooreManda born about 1888
MooreMary Jr born about 1915
MooreTressa born about 1891
MooreVirginia born about 1926
MooreWilliam born about 1887
MorganDorothy born about 1921
MorganVirgil Lborn about 1899
MorontaCharlotte born about 1938
MorontaEmma born about 1917
MorontaSammy Fred Jrborn about 1939
MorontaSamuel born about 1912
MorrisBernice born about 1908
MorrisKathleen born about 1937
MorrisWillie born about 1901
MougeotteGilbert born about 1932
MougeotteJames born about 1935
MougeotteLeon born about 1904
MougeotteMartha born about 1937
MougeottePansy born about 1913
MougeotteRobert born about 1933
MougeotteSamuel born about 1939
MountsThomas Pborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaleIra born about 1883
NealBessie Oborn about 1892
NealKatheryn Wborn about 1926
NealMyrtle born about 1887
NealNoah Fborn about 1883
NealOris Wborn about 1891
NearAllie born about 1903
NearAndrey born about 1922
NearBernadine born about 1926
NearHubert Leonborn about 1924
NearJames born about 1918
NearLauson born about 1880
NearLydia born about 1900
NearNellie born about 1882
NearPaul born about 1899
NearPhyllis born about 1931
NearRalph born about 1900
NewkirkDavid Rborn about 1859
NewkirkHazel born about 1897
NewkirkJesse Rayborn about 1922
NewkirkRay born about 1893
NicholsAnna born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgleKathleen born about 1920
OgleOrval born about 1919
OhaverBurton born about 1929
OhaverDeanna born about 1940
OhaverJohn born about 1919
OhaverMary born about 1921
OhaverMattie born about 1887
OhaverWillard born about 1926
OvertonEugene born about 1920
OvertonLorena born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettClarence born about 1889
PadgettDorothy born about 1913
PadgettDorothy Fborn about 1939
PadgettFay born about 1892
PadgettFrancis born about 1912
PadgettJames Oborn about 1880
PadgettJimmie Daleborn about 1935
PadgettLois born about 1922
PadgettLola Lacyborn about 1936
PadgettNorma Roseborn about 1931
PadgettPearl born about 1881
PageAndra born about 1909
PageCharlotte born about 1931
PageElizabeth born about 1885
PageEthel born about 1917
PageFrank born about 1875
PageGrace born about 1909
PageHarley Eborn about 1906
PageHarold born about 1938
PageHerschel born about 1911
PageJerry Rayborn about 1940
PageJesse Cborn about 1884
PageJohn Cborn about 1882
PageKenneth born about 1908
PageMildred born about 1919
PageNorman born about 1936
PageRonald Allenborn about 1938
PageSevilla born about 1875
PageSherrel born about 1929
PageSherron born about 1934
PageShirley born about 1939
PageTeresa born about 1887
PageWillard born about 1913
ParcellSheridon born about 1893
PekelniskyJames born about 1887
PekelniskyMary born about 1887
PepmeierAnna Belleborn about 1929
PepmeierFrieda born about 1907
PepmeierJulius born about 1898
PepmeierMary born about 1875
PergalBell born about 1883
PergalBonita Joyceborn about 1927
PergalClarence born about 1901
PergalHenry Jr born about 1909
PergalHenry Sr born about 1878
PergalNorma Leeborn about 1924
PergalOrpha Juneborn about 1923
PergalRebecca born about 1919
PergalZilpha born about 1903
PerkinsArie born about 1881
PerkinsBenjamin born about 1899
PerkinsSarah Ellenborn about 1862
PhangAlbert born about 1898
PhangAlma born about 1900
PhangVera born about 1937
PhegleyEugene born about 1916
PhillippeIris born about 1917
PhillippeMaude Dborn about 1880
PhillippeRollie Cborn about 1875
PhillippeRollie W Jrborn about 1909
PhillipsCarl Eborn about 1914
PhillipsHenry Pborn about 1881
PhillipsIda born about 1889
PhillipsMary Jeanborn about 1927
PirtleArnold born about 1920
PirtleErmel Ruthborn about 1937
PirtleFrank born about 1910
PirtleHosea Eborn about 1908
PirtleJames Dborn about 1886
PirtleOkiel born about 1912
PirtleRosa Eborn about 1886
PirtleWendell Rayborn about 1933
PitcherGene born about 1929
PitcherGeorge born about 1899
PitcherJulia born about 1902
PitcherLucile born about 1922
PittmanElra born about 1889
PittmanElra Jr born about 1927
PittmanHilda born about 1924
PittmanLuetta born about 1889
PlummerEmma born about 1886
PlummerHazel born about 1921
PlummerIda Mborn about 1870
PlummerJames born about 1903
PlummerKenneth born about 1918
PlummerMarjorie Rborn about 1927
PlummerOliver born about 1880
PlummerPauline born about 1907
PlummerPearl born about 1901
PlummerSane born about 1894
PriceAlbert born about 1895
PriceGoldie born about 1898
PurcellCharles born about 1912
PurcellEdith born about 1898
PurcellHorace born about 1882
PurcellNellie Hborn about 1883
PurcellRobert born about 1922
PurcellRobert born about 1924
PurcellThomas Jborn about 1881
PurcellWinnie born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickRussell born about 1898
QuickRuth born about 1901
QuillenFrank born about 1878
QuillenMinnie born about 1878

R Surnames

RagainLoren born about 1914
RagainMargret Annborn about 1939
RagainMary Jborn about 1917
RaganJohn born about 1922
RaganKenneth born about 1925
RaganMamie born about 1887
RahmeierCharles Leonborn about 1932
RahmeierDon born about 1904
RahmeierHelen born about 1907
RahmeierPaul Lorenborn about 1929
RayneDanny Rayborn about 1939
RayneFrieda born about 1921
RayneWilbur Gborn about 1917
ReichmanCharles born about 1875
ReichmanRosella born about 1880
RichardsEverett born about 1897
RichardsHarriet born about 1869
RichardsJack born about 1922
RichardsJames Rayborn about 1934
RichardsJerry born about 1925
RichardsLeila born about 1906
RichardsRobert born about 1867
RichardsRuth Claineborn about 1938
RichardsTheodore born about 1901
RichardsTommie Leeborn about 1901
RisleyJohn born about 1843
RobbinsAlice born about 1932
RobbinsArthur born about 1919
RobbinsBetty Joborn about 1931
RobbinsBetty Loisborn about 1927
RobbinsBilly Leverborn about 1923
RobbinsCharles Edwardborn about 1939
RobbinsClarence Eborn about 1892
RobbinsDavid Leonborn about 1934
RobbinsDelana Ruthborn about 1933
RobbinsDoris born about 1908
RobbinsDoris Rosellenborn about 1933
RobbinsDwight born about 1927
RobbinsEdna born about 1893
RobbinsEffie Louiseborn about 1935
RobbinsFaye born about 1893
RobbinsFred born about 1893
RobbinsHarold born about 1919
RobbinsJustin born about 1922
RobbinsMable Aborn about 1907
RobbinsMarion Daleborn about 1938
RobbinsMarjorie Ruthborn about 1922
RobbinsMary Loisborn about 1929
RobbinsMax born about 1901
RobbinsOlie born about 1899
RobbinsOpal born about 1919
RobbinsOpal born about 1926
RobbinsRobert Leeborn about 1931
RobbinsRuby Marieborn about 1937
RobbinsSherman born about 1869
RobbinsShirley Annborn about 1936
RobbinsThomas Wayneborn about 1926
RobbinsVerner born about 1899
RobbinsWilliam born about 1899
RobertsF Cborn about 1893
RobertsSusan Mborn about 1867
RobertsWanda born about 1928
RobertsonArthur born about 1925
RobertsonBetty born about 1932
RobertsonBilly born about 1935
RobertsonBlanche born about 1928
RobertsonDeloris Ruthborn about 1929
RobertsonDora born about 1905
RobertsonEdith Jborn about 1906
RobertsonEdna Gborn about 1892
RobertsonEffie Cborn about 1886
RobertsonErnest Eborn about 1890
RobertsonGrace Mborn about 1890
RobertsonHelen born about 1923
RobertsonHerbert born about 1900
RobertsonJames Eborn about 1880
RobertsonJimmie Joeborn about 1931
RobertsonLarry born about 1924
RobertsonLawrence Tborn about 1905
RobertsonLeona born about 1936
RobertsonLillie born about 1911
RobertsonLouise Jborn about 1848
RobertsonLowell Wborn about 1928
RobertsonMary Gertrudeborn about 1931
RobertsonMary Lborn about 1876
RobertsonRalph born about 1909
RobertsonThomas Vborn about 1887
RobinsonCora Eborn about 1867
RobinsonWm Vborn about 1866
RochAmanda born about 1872
RogersHazel born about 1924
RogersJohn born about 1903
RogersLenn Oliverborn about 1931
RogersPearl Ireneborn about 1904
RooksberryH Ellenborn about 1915
RooksberryJane born about 1873
RooksberryKathryn Janeborn about 1938
RooksberryMartha Leeborn about 1936
RooksberryMary Jborn about 1858
RooksberryMildred Lborn about 1935
RooksberryWilliam Rileyborn about 1939
RooksberryWm Leeborn about 1897
RoseBessie born about 1893
RoseBeulah Mayborn about 1927
RoseClarence born about 1875
RoseDonald born about 1932
RoseHannah Margaretborn about 1926
RoseLaurel born about 1917
RoseMary Francisborn about 1923
RummerJoe born about 1920
RummerThelma born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagerEmma born about 1894
SagerGladys born about 1921
SagerRaymond born about 1933
SagerRobert born about 1929
SagerRuth born about 1915
SagerRuth born about 1923
SagerVirgil born about 1911
SagerWilliam born about 1879
SagerWilliam Jr born about 1926
SaucemanEsther born about 1922
SaucermanDoris Terriborn about 1931
SaucermanEthel born about 1894
SaucermanEugene born about 1926
SaucermanGeorge Jborn about 1861
SaucermanGeorge Wborn about 1885
SaucermanGeorge Jr born about 1926
SaucermanJoe Henryborn about 1928
SaucermanMary Eborn about 1882
SaucermanMary Tborn about 1887
SaucermanOrval Eborn about 1890
SaucermanRebecca Eborn about 1866
ShakeAl Cborn about 1880
ShakeBailey born about 1921
ShakeHenry born about 1854
ShakeJosephine born about 1924
ShakeJosie born about 1892
ShakeMary Loisborn about 1923
ShakeMyrtle born about 1931
ShareBilly born about 1922
SheererRebecca born about 1864
SheltonBruce Leeborn about 1933
SheltonRobert born about 1929
ShephaerdGeorge Eborn about 1879
ShepherdAnna born about 1874
ShepherdClarinda born about 1874
ShepherdEdward born about 1864
ShepherdFrancis born about 1865
ShepherdPaul Bborn about 1899
SheplerClara born about 1873
SheplerMildred born about 1913
SheplerRichard born about 1869
ShieldsAnna born about 1869
ShoptawBobby born about 1936
ShoptawEdna born about 1899
ShoptawGeorge born about 1921
ShoptawKeith born about 1906
ShoptawLois born about 1933
ShoptawMartin born about 1861
ShoptawMildred born about 1912
ShoptawOra born about 1895
ShoptawRichard born about 1927
ShoptawRoscoe born about 1918
ShoptawVirginia born about 1925
SkinnerCharles born about 1928
SkinnerGerald born about 1909
SkinnerOhie born about 1912
SligarBessie born about 1905
SligarEffie born about 1886
SligarElic born about 1882
SligarGerald Deanborn about 1934
SligarJames born about 1925
SligarPleas born about 1892
SligarRosemary born about 1926
SligarWilfred Leeborn about 1936
SmedleyChloe born about 1905
SmedleyDale born about 1898
SmedleyFrank born about 1904
SmedleyRobert Daleborn about 1926
SmedleyRose born about 1868
SmedleyWm born about 1867
SmedleyWm Eugeneborn about 1925
SmithBruce born about 1929
SmithCharles born about 1924
SmithClara born about 1907
SmithClaude Rborn about 1893
SmithDaisy born about 1900
SmithEd born about 1904
SmithEliza Eborn about 1868
SmithElvin born about 1933
SmithEthel Mayborn about 1927
SmithFay born about 1922
SmithFern born about 1921
SmithGail born about 1927
SmithGeorge born about 1928
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1862
SmithGlennie born about 1890
SmithGuy born about 1897
SmithHazel born about 1908
SmithHobart born about 1919
SmithHomer born about 1898
SmithIvan born about 1921
SmithJohn born about 1911
SmithJohn Edwardborn about 1929
SmithLacy born about 1887
SmithLaura born about 1889
SmithLawson born about 1877
SmithLeonard born about 1932
SmithLily Aliceborn about 1867
SmithLola Francisborn about 1930
SmithMary Ellenborn about 1935
SmithNellie born about 1897
SmithOrlie born about 1895
SmithPaul born about 1932
SmithPearl born about 1901
SmithRaymond born about 1922
SmithRose born about 1883
SmithRosemary born about 1926
SmithRoy born about 1898
SmithRoy Wendellborn about 1919
SmithRussell Lborn about 1927
SmithTommy Leeborn about 1934
SmithWilliam Irvinborn about 1930
SouthGrace born about 1883
SouthHarland born about 1908
SpencerCalvin born about 1927
SpencerCharles Vborn about 1892
SpencerDelmar born about 1893
SpencerForest born about 1922
SpencerHelen born about 1924
SpencerMable born about 1892
SpencerVerna born about 1895
SpencerWillis born about 1921
SpurlingBennie born about 1924
SpurlingCharles born about 1932
SpurlingLucile born about 1906
SpurlingMillard born about 1891
StanleyWilliam Hborn about 1859
StantonAgnes Juneborn about 1925
StantonAra born about 1903
StantonDale Dborn about 1921
StantonDillard Dborn about 1929
StantonEnnis Deneborn about 1927
StantonEunice Jborn about 1923
StantonGarland Sborn about 1932
StantonGeorgia Marieborn about 1937
StauthCarl born about 1911
StauthDennis born about 1937
StauthFaye born about 1915
StellerFleta Melissaborn about 1916
StellerJames Alexanderborn about 1920
StellerMerle born about 1921
StellerNancy Levinaborn about 1891
StennettEmma born about 1879
StennettFay born about 1881
StinesHarvey born about 1885
StoeltlingLouise born about 1867
StoneCleal born about 1916
StoneJerry Rayborn about 1939
StoneRuth born about 1920
StoryGeneva born about 1900
StoryJeanette born about 1921
StoryJoseph born about 1925
StoryMarjorie born about 1923
StoryMartin born about 1930
StoryPaul Hborn about 1895
StrahleBetty Juneborn about 1935
StrahleClara Gertrudeborn about 1939
StrahleErmal born about 1911
StrahleTheodore born about 1909
StrateDonna born about 1896
StrateHenry Aborn about 1896
StrateJoan born about 1938
StrateLaura born about 1896
StrateLeonard born about 1931
StrateMable born about 1930
StrateMax born about 1928
StrateMelvin born about 1919
StrateMildred born about 1925
StratePearl born about 1923
StrateWilbert born about 1894
StreedCharlene born about 1932
StreedCharles born about 1923
StreedDorothy born about 1926
StreedEdward born about 1895
StreedFaye born about 1897
StreedKatherine born about 1929
StreedLeroy born about 1934
StreedMerle born about 1918
StremmingHarley born about 1922
StrongEliza born about 1887
StrongSusan born about 1863
StullerAlvin born about 1879
StullerCharles born about 1888
StullerCharles born about 1927
StullerEugene born about 1928
StullerHazel born about 1910
StullerJohn born about 1929
StullerLenora born about 1936
StullerMargaret born about 1903
StullerMarie born about 1931
StullerMoralie born about 1934
StullerPaul Alvinborn about 1938
StutesmanDavid born about 1905
StutesmanFrieda born about 1922
StutesmanMyrtle born about 1883
SwabyCharles Eborn about 1880
SwabyGrace Lborn about 1880
SwabyMarion born about 1914
SwabyMilton born about 1902
SwabyOlevia born about 1886
SwabyWalter born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeagueLois born about 1920
TeagueWilbur born about 1919
TerhuneAsbury born about 1907
TerhuneBonnie La Vonneborn about 1935
TerhuneHarley Wborn about 1929
TerhuneInrola Vborn about 1931
TerhuneMazel born about 1910
TerhuneMinnie Kathleenborn about 1933
ThomasAlbert born about 1896
ThomasBoyd born about 1936
ThomasClara Belleborn about 1933
ThomasLawrence born about 1925
ThomasLouise born about 1924
ThomasMary Ruthborn about 1929
ThomasMinnie born about 1902
ThorltonIzora born about 1871
TimmermanCallie born about 1864
TimmermanDot born about 1896
TimmermanRay born about 1895
TincherEarl born about 1890
TincherRachel born about 1902
TownsleyFloyd born about 1896
TownsleyJoan born about 1926
TownsleyMildred born about 1922
TownsleyRobert born about 1929
TownsleyTonie born about 1896
TrabandtSarah born about 1872
TrentCharles born about 1886
TrentEnid Roseborn about 1931
TrentGilmore Opal Mborn about 1921
TrentMabel born about 1923
TrentMary Ruthborn about 1926
TrentMedford Daleborn about 1917
TrentMerle born about 1893
TrentRalph born about 1926
TrimbleHerschell born about 1916
TrimbleOpal born about 1916
TrimblePatricia Sueborn about 1940
TurpinJames Lyleborn about 1924
TurpinLily born about 1898
TurpinLogan born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodCaron Roseborn about 1938
UnderwoodDavid born about 1925
UnderwoodEugene born about 1924
UnderwoodHarley Eborn about 1890
UnderwoodIsaac born about 1858
UnderwoodJack born about 1921
UnderwoodJohn Mborn about 1895
UnderwoodMyrtle born about 1897
UnderwoodNellie born about 1896
UnderwoodRuby born about 1927
UnderwoodSusalee born about 1933
UnderwoodTerah born about 1923
UrtonJ Rborn about 1920
UtterbackAlta born about 1915
UtterbackCharlotte Lawborn about 1939
UtterbackEdgar born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughtGeorgia born about 1925
VaughtRosalee born about 1926
VaughtRoxye born about 1903
VaughtWillis born about 1904

W Surnames

WalkerDoris born about 1920
WalkerEdwin born about 1917
WalkerFloyd born about 1940
WalkerHester Cborn about 1890
WalkerJames born about 1939
WalkerJames Wmborn about 1884
WalkersCharlotte born about 1917
WalkersJohn born about 1915
WallaceB Kborn about 1864
WallaceBeatrice born about 1911
WallaceEarnest born about 1929
WallaceEugene born about 1927
WallaceHazel born about 1900
WallaceJack Keithborn about 1931
WallaceJoe born about 1898
WallaceJohn born about 1920
WallacePaul born about 1923
WallaceScott born about 1906
WallaceYvonne born about 1936
WaltersCleo born about 1906
WaltersDaisy born about 1884
WaltersDelores Dborn about 1935
WaltersEva Geneborn about 1938
WaltersLewis born about 1882
WaltersLuemma born about 1901
WaltersNathan Paulborn about 1937
WamplerJohn Fborn about 1876
WattEmma born about 1862
WattJames Eborn about 1860
WeaverMargaret born about 1861
WebbBilly born about 1929
WebbElaine born about 1922
WebbJimmy born about 1929
WebbMorie born about 1901
WebbWilliam born about 1896
WellsAmzy Cborn about 1860
WellsBen born about 1886
WellsEliza Aborn about 1859
WellsFlossie born about 1891
WellsMartha Annborn about 1864
WheelerLeonard born about 1919
WhiteDarlene born about 1939
WhiteHerschell born about 1922
WhiteLois born about 1922
WhitlakJames born about 1880
WhitlakMartha born about 1848
WhitlockElisha born about 1876
WhitlockGeorge born about 1906
WhitlockMargaret born about 1880
WildmanCora born about 1879
WildmanFlorence born about 1913
WildmanMax born about 1901
WildmanOscar born about 1875
WildmanPhylis born about 1935
WillisErnest born about 1886
WillisMary born about 1891
WillisMary Eborn about 1855
WilsonAnna born about 1883
WilsonBessie born about 1901
WilsonBetty born about 1929
WilsonDonald Lborn about 1916
WilsonElmer Wborn about 1895
WilsonGeneva born about 1936
WilsonGertha born about 1892
WilsonGlen Gertieborn about 1881
WilsonGrace Mborn about 1884
WilsonHildred born about 1917
WilsonIda born about 1902
WilsonJames born about 1882
WilsonJasper Nborn about 1874
WilsonLaura Agnesborn about 1901
WilsonMervin born about 1913
WilsonMildred born about 1926
WilsonMorton Cborn about 1876
WilsonPaul born about 1880
WilsonPhil Dborn about 1921
WilsonRobert born about 1923
WilsonSam born about 1892
WilsonSylvia Juneborn about 1937
WilsonTheodore born about 1903
WilsonTona born about 1877
WilsonVirgil born about 1906
WilsonWilma Ruthborn about 1939
WisemanAnn Ruthborn about 1935
WisemanCharles Robertborn about 1938
WisemanFrances born about 1913
WisemanKeith born about 1910
WisemanMona born about 1919
WisemanRobert Jborn about 1916
WolfeAlbert Hborn about 1876
WolfeCharles born about 1923
WolfeGladys born about 1901
WolfeHazel born about 1915
WolfeJackie Wayneborn about 1938
WolfeJake born about 1887
WolfeJohn Mborn about 1913
WolfeJohn M Jrborn about 1937
WolfeLouella Graceborn about 1935
WolfeMarshall born about 1866
WolfeMary Mayborn about 1908
WolfeZoah Graceborn about 1872
WoodardArthur born about 1913
WoodardChester born about 1920
WoodardHelen born about 1917
WoodardLois Evelynborn about 1938
WoodardOrlen Leeborn about 1933
WoodardThelma born about 1936
WoodardWilma born about 1922
WoodwardDillon Eugeneborn about 1934
WoodwardDonald born about 1922
WoodwardElla born about 1903
WoodwardFred born about 1910
WoodwardHallie born about 1905
WoodwardJackie Aborn about 1936
WoodwardNettie born about 1910
WoodwardWilliam born about 1873
WoolardAndrew born about 1907
WoolardBernice born about 1909
WoolardCarl Wesleyborn about 1938
WoolardDean born about 1937
WoolardDudley born about 1911
WoolardHosea Geneborn about 1934
WoolardJames Williamborn about 1932
WoolardNellie born about 1916
WoolardOrval Everettborn about 1936
WoollardAgnes born about 1929
WoollardBetty born about 1930
WoollardEarl born about 1934
WoollardJohn born about 1902
WoollardMary born about 1933
WoollardPaul born about 1939
WoollardThelma born about 1937
WoollardViola born about 1911
WoolsAlicia Annborn about 1939
WoolsCarolyn Sueborn about 1938
WoolsCecil born about 1916
WoolsDon born about 1937
WoolsDoris born about 1920
WoolsIrmal born about 1919
WoolsJanice Annborn about 1940
WoolsRaymond born about 1918
WrightClarence born about 1891
WrightDarrel Joeborn about 1940
WrightDora born about 1915
WrightDoyle born about 1924
WrightJohn born about 1921
WrightLena born about 1896
WrightMartha born about 1920
WrightVerena born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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