1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Washington County, Washington, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Washington County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Washington County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AultAlfred Aborn about 1901
AultAlfred Jborn about 1937
AultFrancis Ruthborn about 1935
AultJohn Williamborn about 1931
AultMary Cborn about 1874
AultMcpike Johnborn about 1879
AultOla born about 1910

B Surnames

BakerAnna Mborn about 1933
BakerCarolyn Jborn about 1932
BakerCland Jborn about 1937
BakerEd born about 1868
BakerEdith Jborn about 1912
BakerEdward Jborn about 1924
BakerEffie born about 1891
BakerIris Dborn about 1939
BakerKathryn born about 1927
BakerNolon Gborn about 1909
BakerNornal born about 1922
BakerShirley Lborn about 1935
BaldingBertha born about 1897
BaldingEdith born about 1923
BaldingHagne Kborn about 1924
BaldingHayne born about 1896
BaldingPhillip born about 1922
BaldwinChester born about 1893
BaldwinClyde born about 1924
BaldwinEvell born about 1922
BaldwinFlorence born about 1899
BaldwinRaymond Eborn about 1932
BallBonnie Jborn about 1925
BallFranklin Jborn about 1928
BargerEdward born about 1917
BarrettGladius born about 1898
BarrettRobert Dborn about 1927
BattAmndelene Eborn about 1913
BattArthur Eborn about 1912
BattCharles Mborn about 1915
BattEffie Aborn about 1886
BattEffie Eborn about 1916
BattEnola Mborn about 1885
BattInas Oborn about 1886
BattKathryn Mborn about 1917
BattMaxine Lborn about 1938
BattNancy Jborn about 1936
BattNoma Lborn about 1915
BattSamuel Lborn about 1886
BattWilliam Lborn about 1909
BaynesEdith born about 1872
BaynesOrtis born about 1874
BeckDale Cborn about 1928
BeckHazel Kborn about 1892
BeckRoy Eborn about 1926
BeckWilliam Eborn about 1890
BellAda Vborn about 1889
BellEdith Mborn about 1918
BellHarold Jborn about 1915
BellJames Mborn about 1939
BellRonald Kborn about 1937
BellVonce Wborn about 1890
BengeEliza born about 1895
BengeTheo born about 1885
BengeVictor born about 1923
BennettCora Dborn about 1872
BennettElmer Eborn about 1870
BennettFoster Pborn about 1891
BennettFrancis born about 1861
BennettLou Hborn about 1897
BennettMaurice Lborn about 1920
BennettRoy Hborn about 1894
BishopArch born about 1895
BishopArkie born about 1897
BishopFlossie born about 1929
BishopGeorge born about 1924
BishopRaleigh born about 1917
BishopShade born about 1922
BnohFlonie Aborn about 1904
BnohGadys Aborn about 1929
BnohJe??ew Wborn about 1899
BnohRuby Fborn about 1933
BoggsFrank born about 1872
BoggsSarah born about 1874
BoldingAlvin Jborn about 1923
BoldingBen born about 1911
BoldingBeulah born about 1929
BoldingCarl born about 1885
BoldingCloa born about 1939
BoldingEdna Mborn about 1935
BoldingHarry Cborn about 1926
BoldingLena born about 1937
BoldingOra born about 1916
BoldingRuth born about 1904
BonettBertha Dborn about 1877
BonettFrank born about 1877
BookerElizabeth born about 1910
BookerLonel born about 1913
BookerNewt born about 1872
BookerRoy born about 1899
BookerThurman born about 1878
BottorffAnna Lborn about 1915
BottorffBurl Dborn about 1903
BottorffCarolyn Lborn about 1934
BottorffCorean born about 1902
BottorffDelmont Nborn about 1932
BottorffElvey born about 1872
BottorffEmerson born about 1913
BottorffEvelyn Jborn about 1934
BottorffHarry Eborn about 1909
BottorffHelen Rborn about 1920
BottorffLaura Wborn about 1871
BottorffLonel born about 1905
BottorffLovy Dborn about 1939
BottorffMaggie Mborn about 1882
BottorffNorma Gborn about 1931
BowersAmos Oborn about 1887
BowersAnna Lborn about 1894
BowersArley Jborn about 1922
BowersAvel born about 1893
BowersDesire Eborn about 1865
BowersDoris Vborn about 1927
BowersDorthey born about 1923
BowersEdith Rborn about 1921
BowersGeorge Lborn about 1939
BowersInez Zborn about 1913
BowersJohn Cborn about 1870
BowersJoseph Lborn about 1939
BowersJunron* Lborn about 1931
BowersLewis Wborn about 1907
BowersLovisa born about 1880
BowersMalvina Mborn about 1932
BowersMaranda Jborn about 1865
BowersMary born about 1911
BowersMary Aborn about 1937
BowersMyrtle Bborn about 1897
BowersNancy Jborn about 1892
BowersNellie born about 1920
BowersNewton Lborn about 1886
BowersOtis Cborn about 1914
BowersRoy Eborn about 1897
BowersStella Mborn about 1921
BowersThomas Jborn about 1908
BowersThurman Wborn about 1918
BowersWayne Cborn about 1917
BoxAlbert Aborn about 1901
BoxLois Aborn about 1929
BoxLorene Mborn about 1923
BoxLula Marieborn about 1906
BranimanBobbie Gborn about 1936
BranimanCalvin born about 1878
BranimanCora Eborn about 1885
BranimanHerve Cborn about 1923
BranimanKenneth born about 1917
BranimanMerle Wborn about 1912
BranimanRuby Hborn about 1918
BremerBernice born about 1932
BremerBertha Bborn about 1931
BremerBoyd born about 1922
BremerDicy Mborn about 1893
BremerEarl born about 1927
BremerEthel born about 1901
BremerEverett born about 1927
BremerHarry Lborn about 1893
BremerJerry Nborn about 1885
BremerMabel Eborn about 1916
BremerMinard Rborn about 1897
BremerNellie Bborn about 1899
BremerRaymond Jborn about 1936
BremerRobert born about 1928
BremerRuby Jborn about 1923
BrewerAlfretta born about 1918
BrewerArly Mborn about 1913
BrewerBessie born about 1890
BrewerBettie Rborn about 1930
BrewerBill Wborn about 1900
BrewerBobby Mborn about 1939
BrewerBula Mayborn about 1934
BrewerDorthy Lborn about 1914
BrewerElizah born about 1870
BrewerElsie born about 1869
BrewerEmma born about 1909
BrewerErnest born about 1927
BrewerGeorge born about 1893
BrewerGerry Lborn about 1936
BrewerGroner* born about 1929
BrewerHarold born about 1923
BrewerHenry Cborn about 1858
BrewerHowell Pborn about 1885
BrewerIda Mborn about 1864
BrewerJunior born about 1938
BrewerLoyd born about 1932
BrewerMabel Mborn about 1907
BrewerMaude born about 1890
BrewerMayne Fborn about 1933
BrewerMelvin born about 1909
BrewerNorma Jborn about 1939
BrewerOwens born about 1908
BrewerPriston born about 1915
BrewerRosetta born about 1938
BrewerThelma born about 1911
BrewerTomey Wborn about 1937
BrewerWanda Lborn about 1935
BrickeyDorthy Mborn about 1926
BrickeyJeston Eborn about 1909
BrickeyWalter Cborn about 1905
BronimanAlice Aborn about 1867
BronimanEsther Mborn about 1895
BronimanFloyd born about 1865
BronimanMary Aborn about 1935
BronimanOral Lborn about 1897
BronimanRobert Lborn about 1926
BrownAlonzo born about 1912
BrownBernard Mborn about 1924
BrownBymun* born about 1931
BrownCrystal Rborn about 1904
BrownEarl born about 1901
BrownKeneth born about 1912
BrownMaude born about 1915
BuckerDonald Wborn about 1935
BuckerDoris Wborn about 1935
BuckerDorthy Mborn about 1927
BuckerJames Lborn about 1936
BuckerJohn Wborn about 1928
BuckerMaud Eborn about 1904
BuckerStanley Rborn about 1930
BuckerWalter Aborn about 1898
BuckerWalter Wborn about 1925
BushAda Francisborn about 1921
BushCeward born about 1897
BushEdward Hborn about 1875
BushJoel Rborn about 1872
BushJohn Mborn about 1865
BushMay Cborn about 1869
BushSamuel Rborn about 1860

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C Surnames

CaubleDella Mborn about 1879
CaubleFlora Cborn about 1876
CaubleHoward Wborn about 1913
CaubleIreta Rborn about 1902
CaubleIrvin Wborn about 1922
CaubleJuanita Aborn about 1916
CaubleM Aborn about 1861
CaubleM Bborn about 1869
CaubleOmer Bborn about 1888
ChastainEli born about 1884
ChastainIlone born about 1930
ChastainMargaret born about 1908
ChastainNoima Gborn about 1928
ChastainSadie Dborn about 1887
CoffeyDonil?? Mborn about 1938
CoffeyEvelyn Cborn about 1927
CoffeyGlin Mborn about 1904
CoffeyIna Mborn about 1906
CoffeyIrvin Eborn about 1931
CoffeyWilla Deanborn about 1935
CokerLena Bethelborn about 1939

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D Surnames

DarkisAndrew Rborn about 1934
DarkisFloyd Dborn about 1937
DarkisJake born about 1892
DarkisLouise Dborn about 1929
DarkisSarah Dborn about 1913
DarnellEmmie born about 1899
DarnellRoscoe born about 1894
DayleLoyd born about 1894
DorisAlbert Rborn about 1938
DouglasJohn Eborn about 1862
DouglasZella Eborn about 1876
DoyelAda Bborn about 1891
DoyelArthur born about 1923
DoyelCorneilus born about 1890
DoyelDelbert born about 1922
DoyelDorthy born about 1929
DoyelFoster born about 1918
DoyelIvan born about 1928
DoyelJanett born about 1931
DoyelKerman born about 1926
DoyelRichard born about 1934
DoyleAneneal Dborn about 1924
DoyleBarbra Aborn about 1933
DoyleBasel Rborn about 1921
DoyleCleon Rborn about 1916
DoyleErie Eborn about 1897
DoyleHarland Oborn about 1893
DoyleJunior Hborn about 1930
DoyleThelma born about 1928

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E Surnames

EastonHarland born about 1916
ElliottCora born about 1886
ElliottEmerson Rborn about 1881
ElliottLoyd Hborn about 1925
ElliottMary born about 1916
ElliottMaud born about 1882
ElliottWilliam born about 1877
EvansAlvis Kborn about 1887
EvansCecil Rborn about 1925
EvansCharles Hborn about 1920
EvansDon Lborn about 1936
EvansEdna Jborn about 1929
EvansElizabeth Sborn about 1885
EvansEllen Mborn about 1906
EvansEthel Gborn about 1926
EvansGuald Lborn about 1931
EvansHaskel Hborn about 1927
EvansJessie Wborn about 1913
EvansRoy born about 1902
EvansRuby Sborn about 1907
EvansWilliam Hborn about 1877

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F Surnames

FleenorAlthie born about 1921
FleenorClaud born about 1906
FleenorEva born about 1906
FleenorMargia born about 1936
FleenorMarvin born about 1934
FleenorRruce* born about 1917
FleenorVivian born about 1932
FreemanCharles born about 1876
FreemanEugene Cborn about 1938
FreemanGeneva Aborn about 1926
FreemanLuby born about 1907

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G Surnames

GabbertHorace born about 1882
GabbertMabel born about 1896
GabbertMillard born about 1921
GabbertSyd born about 1922
GodfreyBoyd Eborn about 1921
GodfreyDon born about 1930
GodfreyIsa Lborn about 1897
GodfreyPaul Wborn about 1920
GodfreyRalph Hborn about 1896
GordenClara Jborn about 1900
GordenDonilvan* Wborn about 1936
GordenLewis born about 1888
GordenMildred Jborn about 1923
GordenRosemary Cborn about 1938
GordonEvangeline Lborn about 1919
GordonLela Pborn about 1884
GordonTom Hborn about 1878
GordtnerCharles Bborn about 1933
GordtnerEudelaid Dborn about 1930
GordtnerEvelyn Lborn about 1924
GordtnerRobert Gborn about 1922
GowdinMary Lborn about 1919
GowdinRay Eborn about 1916
GowdinRay Edward Jborn about 1938
GowdinVincent Jborn about 1940
GrayhamBill born about 1880
GrayhamDaline born about 1927
GrayhamOline born about 1876
GreshamStella born about 1878

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H Surnames

HaleyAnnie born about 1882
HaleyJunior born about 1927
HaleyLevi born about 1878
HaleyTom born about 1921
HamiltonAnna Mborn about 1932
HamiltonCharley Eborn about 1878
HamiltonChristina Mborn about 1933
HamiltonClara Mborn about 1881
HamiltonDale Eborn about 1927
HamiltonDensil Oborn about 1927
HamiltonEdith Nborn about 1913
HamiltonEdna born about 1907
HamiltonFranis* born about 1922
HamiltonFrank born about 1866
HamiltonHazel born about 1899
HamiltonHe??hell born about 1908
HamiltonIrvin Lborn about 1934
HamiltonJames Rborn about 1931
HamiltonJerry Rborn about 1938
HamiltonMarilyn Sborn about 1939
HamiltonMary Cborn about 1875
HamiltonMinnie born about 1912
HamiltonOrvil born about 1900
HamiltonPaul Bborn about 1929
HamiltonRobert Dborn about 1931
HamiltonRuth Eborn about 1938
HamiltonTheodore born about 1909
HamiltonThomas Lborn about 1936
HamiltonThurman born about 1902
HamptonHarrison Wborn about 1924
HamptonIrene born about 1928
HamptonPermelia born about 1891
HolsappleAlma born about 1879
HolsappleGrace born about 1916
HolsappleMary born about 1922
HolsappleMyrtle Mborn about 1906
HolsappleNecey born about 1893
HolsappleOtho born about 1886
HolsoppleIva Mborn about 1885
HolsoppleMildred born about 1916
HolsoppleMinnie born about 1899
HolsoppleNinetta born about 1921
HolsopplePery born about 1889
HolsoppleStanley born about 1920
HolsoppleVirgil Eborn about 1881
HughesAveneal born about 1917
HughesBen born about 1864
HughesDorthy Lborn about 1918
HughesEdith born about 1921
HughesEldis born about 1920
HughesEvon born about 1877
HughesGenevia born about 1892
HughesIvas born about 1934
HughesLester born about 1927
HughesLewis Maxineborn about 1929
HughesOtis born about 1925

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J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1917
JacksonGreen born about 1883
JacksonNellie born about 1891
JacksonRobert born about 1919
JohnsonGeorge Mborn about 1878
JohnsonMary Aborn about 1854
JordonFlorence Dborn about 1904
JordonViolet born about 1906

K Surnames

KinseyCora born about 1895
KinseyDonald born about 1895
KnightAdddie Mborn about 1888
KnightElmer Lborn about 1873
KnightGeannille* born about 1872

L Surnames

LempFred Hborn about 1890
LempManda Eborn about 1906
LippiEunice Jborn about 1905
LippiOliver born about 1908
LippiWayne Cborn about 1930
ListleAlva born about 1906
ListleDonilvan* born about 1927
ListleJerry born about 1933
ListleLowell born about 1930
ListleNorma born about 1934
ListleParzy* born about 1905
LittleCharles Dborn about 1939
LittleMary Jborn about 1936
LittleVirgene born about 1939
LongsworthAlva Dborn about 1906
LongsworthBeatris born about 1929
LongsworthElen born about 1911
LongsworthKarrie Pborn about 1932
LongsworthRobert Dborn about 1939
LongsworthWilliam born about 1884
LuskHarriet Hborn about 1871
LuskJames Wborn about 1888
LuskNellie Bborn about 1873
LyonsBertha born about 1899
LyonsDaniel Sborn about 1896
LyonsFred Jborn about 1919
LyonsHelen Jborn about 1929
LyonsJohn Eborn about 1924
LyonsMary Jborn about 1926
LyonsRonal Gborn about 1935

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M Surnames

MartinAudrey born about 1898
MartinBell born about 1872
MartinJames born about 1900
MartinMartha born about 1883
MattinglyAndrew Wborn about 1925
MattinglyNancy Eborn about 1922
MattinglyNora Jborn about 1892
MattinglyRosebell born about 1932
MattinglyWilliam born about 1880
MattlingIrvin born about 1934
MaudlinAlice Bborn about 1928
MaudlinBettie Gborn about 1930
MaudlinBoxter born about 1900
MaudlinHenry Lborn about 1931
MaudlinIrvin Eborn about 1924
MaudlinSallie Mborn about 1899
McBrideDaniel Wborn about 1867
McBrideEffie Dborn about 1867
McDikeBoby born about 1933
McDikeHarby born about 1923
McDikeImogene born about 1927
McDikeLorence born about 1901
McDikeNina born about 1903
McNeeleyArdella born about 1928
McNeeleyBertha born about 1895
McNeeleyCecil born about 1920
McNeeleyCharley born about 1873
McNeeleyDorthy born about 1925
McNeeleyEva born about 1918
McNeeleyHarley born about 1892
McNeeleyJessie born about 1917
McNeeleyJohn born about 1914
McNeeleyJones born about 1864
McNeeleyLeo born about 1935
McNeeleyLillian born about 1929
McNeeleyMildred born about 1922
McNeeleyRobert born about 1891
McNeeleyTony born about 1930
McNeeleyZella born about 1878
McNeelyCharles Lborn about 1933
McNeelyLoral born about 1898
McNeelyMearline* born about 1910
MedlockBernice Lborn about 1906
MedlockCarol Jborn about 1937
MedlockChester born about 1919
MedlockDorrell Eborn about 1936
MedlockElen Lborn about 1927
MedlockEster Fborn about 1883
MedlockHarry born about 1912
MedlockIna Cborn about 1907
MedlockJames Cborn about 1907
MedlockJames Sborn about 1875
MedlockKathryn born about 1925
MedlockLilly born about 1887
MedlockMartha born about 1921
MedlockOrphens born about 1903
MedlockRuth Eborn about 1930
MedlockTom Kborn about 1888
MedlockWencil* Oborn about 1909
MillerHarry Hborn about 1901
MillerHazel born about 1900
MillerHomer Cborn about 1927
MillerIra Eborn about 1892
MillerIra Juniorborn about 1931
MillerLoyd Gborn about 1924
MillerMaie born about 1901
MillerMary Lborn about 1932
MillerMelvin Gborn about 1929
MillerVernon Jborn about 1925
MorrisAnnia Mborn about 1855
MyersAlice Mborn about 1920
MyersGerald Aborn about 1913
MyersMary Eborn about 1917
MyersMaudie Sborn about 1884
MyersNancy Hborn about 1875
MyersOrland Wborn about 1875
MyersPaul Sborn about 1924

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N Surnames

NeelyAda born about 1887
NeelyThad Cborn about 1886
NeidefferHazel Pborn about 1908
NeidefferJennie Jborn about 1938
NeidefferJoi Gborn about 1930
NeidefferRonald Dborn about 1934
NeidefferRoy Gborn about 1907
NewleyBoe born about 1915
NewleyCharles Cborn about 1938
NewleyIda born about 1918
NichelsonAda born about 1877
NichelsonAnita born about 1923
NichelsonBlanche Mborn about 1902
NichelsonBoyd Wborn about 1927
NichelsonConnie Kborn about 1939
NichelsonDonni Lborn about 1936
NichelsonEdith Lborn about 1917
NichelsonEllen Lborn about 1918
NichelsonFranklin born about 1921
NichelsonJack Hborn about 1913
NichelsonJewell Oborn about 1921
NichelsonJohn Cborn about 1887
NichelsonLillian Bborn about 1890
NichelsonMary Eborn about 1918
NichelsonMyrtle born about 1886
NichelsonNeol Eborn about 1911
NichelsonPeggy Anborn about 1939
NichelsonRue born about 1899
NichelsonRussel Gborn about 1936
NichelsonSmith born about 1909
NichelsonStanley Hborn about 1923
NichelsonThomas Eborn about 1885
NichelsonWilford born about 1875
NolenClara born about 1919
NolenDotti Mayborn about 1934
NolenEverett born about 1928
NolenFayett born about 1911
NolenOrvil Aborn about 1926
NolenRebeca born about 1857
NolenRuby Fborn about 1937
NolenSarah Jborn about 1874
NolenThena born about 1907
NolenTony Wborn about 1897
NolenWilliam Fborn about 1930

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O Surnames

OvershinerAlice born about 1928
OvershinerArmenta* born about 1876
OvershinerArthur born about 1915
OvershinerFloyd born about 1868
OvershinerGeorge Wborn about 1872
OvershinerLouisa born about 1925
OvershinerMaud born about 1893
OvershinerNonld born about 1932
OvershinerOrville born about 1917
OwensBlanche born about 1903
OwensBonnie Mborn about 1926
OwensChester Lborn about 1924
OwensHelen Lborn about 1922
OwensRoy born about 1892

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P Surnames

PeekAlvin Eborn about 1904
PeekAmanda Pborn about 1901
PeekDonovan Rborn about 1926
PeekIda born about 1902
PeekIna Jborn about 1924
PeekLorel Rborn about 1922
PeekMartha Jborn about 1927
PeekMary Rborn about 1929
PeekRoy born about 1899
PeekVivian born about 1928
PeenlerDuriece* Oborn about 1907
PeenlerJuainita Mborn about 1930
PeenlerLorence born about 1905
PeenlerTroyn* Jborn about 1935
PenningtonBeaulah born about 1907
PenningtonBettie Gborn about 1927
PenningtonCarol Gborn about 1924
PenningtonCharles born about 1902
PenningtonCharles Eborn about 1926
PenningtonFred born about 1895
PenningtonHarry born about 1895
PenningtonHelen Fborn about 1924
PenningtonJ Cborn about 1862
PenningtonMabel born about 1889
PenningtonMargaret born about 1867
PenningtonMargie born about 1923
PenningtonMarie born about 1904
PenningtonRamona Jborn about 1930
PenningtonWanda Mborn about 1933
PenningtonWilliam born about 1891
PhillipsDella Vborn about 1900
PhillipsHarley born about 1899
PhillipsHarry Dborn about 1868
PhillipsMarnin born about 1929
PhillipsNellie born about 1920
PhilpotCaroline born about 1906
PhilpotClarence Rborn about 1924
PhilpotEl?? born about 1902
PhilpotElizia born about 1937
PhilpotFern born about 1932
PhilpotGeorgia Lborn about 1934
PhilpotJessie Cborn about 1926
PhilpotKushel Lborn about 1939
PhilpotLoren Rborn about 1929
PollickArley Hborn about 1904
PollickCatharine born about 1878
PollickGladys Kborn about 1904
PollickGrace Rborn about 1908
PollickLeonard Eborn about 1924
PollickRosella Mborn about
PollickVernie Oborn about 1899
PollickWilliam Fborn about 1867
PollockBetty Lborn about 1934
PollockHester Cborn about 1907
PollockOra Lborn about 1905
PriceMinney born about 1881
PriceWilliam Hborn about 1901
PruetRebecca Jborn about 1922
PruettLushin* born about 1916
PruettMarinda born about 1887
PurleeAnnabell Rborn about 1928
PurleeCles Eborn about 1900
PurleeKnofel Lborn about 1924
PurleeLeona Lborn about 1901

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R Surnames

RadcliffBettie Rborn about 1928
RadcliffGrace born about 1909
RadcliffRobertine Lborn about 1930
RadcliffThelma Gborn about 1932
ReedFloria born about 1892
ReedJim born about 1888
ReynoldsAllen born about 1881
ReynoldsAlva born about 1894
ReynoldsAmanda born about 1930
ReynoldsBilly born about 1915
ReynoldsClifton born about 1909
ReynoldsDaniel Aborn about 1919
ReynoldsDarwin born about 1922
ReynoldsDavid born about 1915
ReynoldsEdgar Rborn about 1927
ReynoldsEdna Lborn about 1912
ReynoldsEdwin Gborn about 1912
ReynoldsFlora Mborn about 1888
ReynoldsGeorge Mborn about 1868
ReynoldsHelen born about 1916
ReynoldsJames born about 1881
ReynoldsJames Jborn about 1924
ReynoldsJewell Mborn about 1920
ReynoldsJohn Rborn about 1924
ReynoldsLillian Nellieborn about 1923
ReynoldsMary Aborn about 1874
ReynoldsMildred Vborn about 1920
ReynoldsMirtle born about 1928
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1868
RobinsonEdwin Lborn about 1938
RobinsonIrvin Eborn about 1936
RobinsonSusie Mborn about 1884
RobinsonWillis born about 1904
RobinsonZerelda Eborn about 1913
RoyEva born about 1915
RoyFay born about 1939
RoyGarald born about 1937
RoyRoy born about 1912
RuffusH born about 1924
RuffusSarah born about 1927
RusingerAnna Aborn about 1882
RusingerLouis Eborn about 1876
RusingerMargaret Lborn about 1924
RusingerRobert Lborn about 1921

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S Surnames

SchilbePaul born about 1892
SheelerMartha born about 1927
ShieldsPatrick born about 1890
ShieldsS Cborn about 1855
ShoultsLeroy Eborn about 1937
ShoultsMurlen Wborn about 1935
ShoultsPaul Hborn about 1912
ShoultsPauline born about 1915
ShouthernParl born about 1923
SimpsonBoyne born about 1918
SimpsonFred born about 1882
SimpsonGrace born about 1889
SimpsonHelen born about 1927
SimpsonMady born about 1922
SpurgenBonnie Mborn about 1929
SpurgenEdna born about 1924
SpurgenHazel Bellborn about 1925
SpurgenIrvin Eborn about 1936
SpurgenJunior Lborn about 1934
SpurgenMargaret Aborn about 1939
SpurgenSamuel Lborn about 1891
SpurgenWilma Jborn about 1924
SpurgenZelma Mborn about 1902
StarrAlbert Mborn about 1858
StarrEarl Eborn about 1887
StarrMable Mborn about 1891
StarrMalcolm Rborn about 1936
StarrMary Cborn about 1856
StarrMay Lborn about 1906
StarrMurrell Oborn about 1898
StarrMyrtle Aborn about 1891
StarrPatricia Lueborn about 1939
StarrRobert Jborn about 1922
StarrValorous born about 1887
StarrVirginia Mborn about 1928
StewardEmil born about 1912
StewardFrancis Aborn about 1935
StewardGreshan born about 1895
StewardIlene born about 1931
StewardJean Lborn about 1930
StewardJunior Gborn about 1936
StewardMary Kborn about 1940
StewardOpel born about 1913
StewardRobert Eborn about 1870
StewardRuby Nborn about 1898
StewardWilliam Lborn about 1924
SuttonCharles born about 1900
SuttonChystal born about 1929
SuttonEugene born about 1932
SuttonEvelyn born about 1937
SuttonHugh Rborn about 1905
SuttonJohn born about 1865
SuttonLouis Lborn about 1921
SuttonMancis* born about 1935
SuttonMargaret Bborn about 1867
SuttonRandal born about 1940
SuttonRuth born about 1911
SweeneyBetty Bellborn about 1930
SweeneyBilly Eborn about 1932
SweeneyDaniel Lborn about 1934
SweeneyEdna Bborn about 1902
SweeneyJohn Lborn about 1902
SweeneyLoren Leeborn about 1928
SweeneyNanie Lueborn about 1938

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T Surnames

TempleBelva Jborn about 1930
TempleCarl Bborn about 1925
TempleClarence Wborn about 1890
TempleFrank Bborn about 1924
TempleHelen Lborn about 1934
TempleLouisa Mborn about 1927
TempleMay Eborn about 1904
TempleViolet Eborn about 1928
TemplesElizia born about 1863
TemplesRoy Eborn about 1895
ThompsonAmanda Mborn about 1900
ThompsonAnita Mborn about 1926
ThompsonBoyd Eborn about 1920
ThompsonEarl born about 1916
ThompsonEdna Cborn about 1907
ThompsonEmin Lborn about 1924
ThompsonEuphny* born about 1863
ThompsonFrancis Eborn about 1922
ThompsonGadys born about 1900
ThompsonHarby born about 1926
ThompsonJohn Hborn about 1861
ThompsonKarry Hborn about 1897
ThompsonKaulie* Eborn about 1868
ThompsonLaur Aborn about 1936
ThompsonMary born about 1890
ThompsonMary Hborn about 1940
ThompsonMatti born about 1922
ThompsonMinola* Hborn about 1861
ThompsonOmer Rborn about 1887
ThompsonRobert Lborn about 1931
ThompsonRoy born about 1895
ThompsonSimon born about 1866
ThompsonTalmage Eborn about 1906
ThompsonWanda Gborn about 1935
TinkleBettie Gborn about 1936
TinkleJack Eborn about 1932
TinkleJean born about 1914
TinkleJoanne born about 1939
TinkleJohn born about 1937
TinkleMary Eborn about 1931
TinklePaul born about 1911
TippinElenor Mborn about 1935
TippinEverett Lborn about 1933
TippinHoward Mborn about 1937
TippinJames Eborn about 1902
TippinMargaret Eborn about 1939
TippinMartha Jborn about 1903
TippinMary Cborn about 1876
TippinMildred Jborn about 1940
TippinNellie Mborn about 1907
TippinPetty Jborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodBessie Mborn about 1932
UnderwoodBetty Rborn about 1930
UnderwoodCharles Eborn about 1928
UnderwoodCharles Gborn about 1871
UnderwoodGeorge Eborn about 1910
UnderwoodMamie Bborn about 1907
UnderwoodOscar Eborn about 1935
UnderwoodRalph Eborn about 1937

V Surnames

VaughnCharley born about 1913
VaughnHenry born about 1864
VaughnKathryn born about 1876
VaughnMartha born about 1915
VoylesHerb Jborn about 1874

W Surnames

WaldenClaude Sborn about 1923
WaldenDoglas born about 1919
WaldenEdith born about 1925
WaldenElizebth born about 1897
WaldenEmmer Bborn about 1882
WaldenHelen born about 1922
WaldenHenry Mborn about 1877
WaldenHoward born about 1931
WaldenIda Maeborn about 1933
WaldenKershell born about 1936
WaldenMargaret born about 1923
WaldenMaysel born about 1918
WaldenTaylor Rborn about 1912
WaldenWilliam born about 1928
WellsCharley born about 1915
WellsRobert born about 1940
WellsThelma born about 1919
WesnerBethel Lborn about 1923
WesnerCarrie born about 1879
WesnerCharles born about 1883
WesnerClaire Eborn about 1922
WesnerClaude Fborn about 1912
WesnerCleo Hborn about 1890
WesnerCleola* Jborn about 1926
WesnerEllis Eborn about 1924
WesnerElmer Royborn about 1925
WesnerEva Mborn about 1889
WesnerGeraldine Eborn about 1914
WesnerHarry Wborn about 1889
WesnerLarry Jborn about 1938
WesnerLewis Hborn about 1918
WesnerNed Cborn about 1919
WesnerOscar Oborn about 1894
WesnerPenelope born about 1889
WesnerRex born about 1899
WesnerRobert Dborn about 1923
WesnerRuth Eborn about 1924
WesnerShirley Wborn about 1927
WesnerSoia Aborn about 1884
WesnerVarce* Hborn about 1914
WesnerWayne Eborn about 1930
WesnerWilliam Cborn about 1879
WesnerZenolie Mborn about 1895
WheelerBettie born about 1931
WheelerBob Aborn about 1914
WheelerCarolyn born about 1939
WheelerClarence Jborn about 1914
WheelerClifford born about 1859
WheelerDaniel born about 1917
WheelerDonnel born about 1932
WheelerDonnie born about 1930
WheelerDoris born about 1920
WheelerDorthy Mborn about 1938
WheelerEdward Jborn about 1927
WheelerElizabeth Nborn about 1923
WheelerEmma born about 1919
WheelerEvangeline born about 1922
WheelerHelen Wborn about 1923
WheelerHendricks born about 1917
WheelerHerl born about 1910
WheelerIda Rborn about 1916
WheelerIrvin Gborn about 1877
WheelerJack born about 1931
WheelerJemmy born about 1934
WheelerJunior Jborn about 1927
WheelerMabel Lborn about 1923
WheelerMarie born about 1926
WheelerMary Rborn about 1882
WheelerMattie born about 1889
WheelerMinnie born about 1934
WheelerNealy Eborn about 1929
WheelerNellie born about 1911
WheelerOmegea born about 1923
WheelerPaul Lborn about 1922
WheelerRandal born about 1937
WheelerRobert born about 1935
WheelerRuth born about 1929
WheelerSally Anborn about 1922
WheelerShirley born about 1938
WheelerTed born about 1930
WheelerThomas born about 1936
WheelerTom born about 1886
WheelerWanda born about 1932
WheelerWilliam born about 1912
WhittetAnna born about 1880
WhittetCecil born about 1872
WilcoxCarroll Mborn about 1913
WilcoxLillian Fborn about 1918
WilcoxWilliam Hborn about 1938
WilliamsDolph?s born about 1891
WilliamsGladys born about 1900
WisnerRosa Bborn about 1871
WisnerThomas Jborn about 1865
WoodAlice Mborn about 1938
WoodCharles Eborn about 1885
WoodLavinia Lborn about 1900
WynnAlphabell born about 1913
WynnCharles born about 1906
WynnMarvin Jborn about 1932
WynnMary Eborn about 1936
WynnMonica Mborn about 1940
WynnNorma Gborn about 1930
WynnRobert Lborn about 1934
WynnThelma Lborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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