1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jennings in Fayette County, Fayette, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Jennings in Fayette County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsAden Eborn about 1897
AdkinsAudrey Jeanborn about 1931
AdkinsCurtis Chesterborn about 1933
AdkinsDonna Raeborn about 1938
AdkinsErma Leeborn about 1928
AdkinsGeneva Arleneborn about 1922
AdkinsLoren Edwardborn about 1935
AdkinsLoyd Eugeneborn about 1920
AdkinsMary Francesborn about 1924
AdkinsNorris born about 1860
AdkinsRobert Lesterborn about 1933
ArnoldDean born about 1931
ArnoldGlen born about 1900
ArnoldNellie born about 1902

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B Surnames

BakerBessie born about 1901
BakerBurnice born about 1923
BakerClarence Hborn about 1920
BakerJavonita born about 1926
BakerMartha Fborn about 1876
BakerMilton born about 1894
BallCharles born about 1888
BallMary Eborn about 1855
BallWilliam born about 1890
BanckRosetta Lborn about 1866
BanckRuth born about 1893
BarnardElla born about 1864
BeckCarroll born about 1902
BeckGerald born about 1927
BeckGlen born about 1923
BeckViolette born about 1908
BertschArville born about 1920
BertschLois born about 1920
BickelCharles born about 1892
BickelJames born about 1920
BickelMildred born about 1897
BickelRuth born about 1918
BieardFabian Sborn about 1861
BinderCora born about 1885
BinderEarl born about 1884
BinderGwendoline born about 1893
BinderLeland Deanborn about 1915
BinderMarjorie born about 1922
BlissFrancis born about 1933
BlissHattie Catherineborn about 1936
BlissIrene born about 1911
BlissWilliam born about 1931
BogerArthur born about 1888
BogerElsie born about 1893
BoothElizabeth born about 1916
BoothEverette born about 1916
BrandenburgCharles born about 1929
BrandenburgEther born about 1908
BrandenburgJoe born about 1903
BransonCarrie Mborn about 1867
BransonEarl Jborn about 1864
BransonHerbert born about 1890
BransonVonna born about 1893
BrinkmanAnn born about 1932
BrinkmanCarl Lborn about 1904
BrinkmanDorthy Eborn about 1904
BrinkmanGeorge born about 1934
BrownCharles Walterborn about 1939
BrownKatherine born about 1907
BrownLawrence Lborn about 1880
BrownLouis Aborn about 1909
BrownMary born about 1882
BrownNellie born about 1882
BrownRobert Eborn about 1910
BrownWalter born about 1879
BrownWilliam Eborn about 1872
BrowningBetty born about 1925
BrowningClayton born about 1939
BrowningFrances born about 1938
BrowningHolda born about 1913
BrowningLucion born about 1911
BrowningMary Louiseborn about 1933
BurtonMalisia born about 1880
BurtonNorvilla Margaretborn about 1921
BurtonRobert Hborn about 1878
ButtonDale born about 1918
ButtonLena born about 1922

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C Surnames

CarterCurtis born about 1916
CarterDora born about 1895
CartielDolores born about 1939
CartielPeggy Louborn about 1940
CartielRuby born about 1919
CartielSteve born about 1917
ChanerGlayds born about 1895
ChanerOzora born about 1890
ChenewethHenry born about 1865
ChowningSherman born about 1866
ConnawayDora Mborn about 1878
ConnawayEdgar Rborn about 1878
ConnawayElizabeth born about 1911
ConnawayJanice born about 1931
ConnawayJoe born about 1907
ConnawayMargaret born about 1908
ConnawayPauline born about 1907
ConnawayWilliam born about 1909
ConwellBradden born about 1926
ConwellDale born about 1869
CooneyBelly born about 1930
CorbinEdith born about 1897
CorbinGail born about 1921
CorbinSteven Aborn about 1896
CrandleCora Pborn about 1876
CregarBarbara Ellenborn about 1935
CregarJerry Leeborn about 1938
CregarKatherine born about 1913
CregarLoretta Marieborn about 1938
CregarLula born about 1919
CregarReuben born about 1913
CristCharles born about 1876
CristFrancis Cborn about 1874
CristHelen born about 1913
CristJoan Cborn about 1935
CullyEva Kborn about 1886
CullyGurnie born about 1882
CullyLena born about 1887
CullyPerry born about 1879
CullyTheron born about 1913

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D Surnames

DansonMaxine born about 1918
DavisEmma born about 1868
DavisGeorge Bborn about 1919
DavisGeorge Mborn about 1862
DavisLon Annborn about 1936
DavisRuth born about 1910
DavisW Earlborn about 1902
DavisWilliam Cborn about 1939
DillonBilly born about 1925
DrennenSamuel born about 1925
DunganClain born about 1934
DunganDavid born about 1936
DunganDonald born about 1925
DunganHelen born about 1904
DunganHerbert born about 1900
DunganRussell born about 1927
DunganWilliam born about 1871

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E Surnames

EatonWilma Kborn about 1914
EcherleJohn born about 1872
EcherlyHenry born about 1885
EcherlyMargaret born about 1887
EcherlyRose born about 1919
EcherlyWilliam born about 1923
EckelmanDonald born about 1930
EckelmanEmmett born about 1906
EckelmanHelen born about 1908
EckelmanJohn born about 1880
EckelmanJohn born about 1933
EckelmanSally born about 1885
EnochsBetty Lonborn about 1935
EnochsFrieda Joanneborn about 1933
EnochsLester Bborn about 1912
EnochsMerlin Royborn about 1939
EnochsThelma born about 1903

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F Surnames

FaberClifford born about 1920
FaberElmer born about 1911
FaberElsie born about 1903
FaberElsie Fayborn about 1936
FaberFrances born about 1934
FaberJohn born about 1882
FaberJohn Jr born about 1938
FaberJohnny born about 1933
FaberMargaret Mayborn about 1938
FaberMartha Lerveyborn about 1940
FaberNellie Catherineborn about 1932
FaberWilma born about 1911
FartAlfred born about 1907
FartEdna born about 1913
FarthingClemen born about 1914
FarthingDuane born about 1939
FarthingGrace born about 1914
FergusonCharles Oborn about 1864
FisherEldune born about 1909
FisherEugene born about 1912
FisherMarie Theresaborn about 1937
FisherRebecca Roseborn about 1938
FreemanBilly born about 1923
FreemanFred born about 1902
FreemanGeorge born about 1925
FreemanJames Nealborn about 1930
FreemanJohn Davidborn about 1926
FreemanMarie born about 1897
FreemanRobert Leeborn about 1932
FuldaBernard Devonneborn about 1938
FuldaFrancis born about 1910
FuldaGlayds born about 1916
FuldaJohn Clevelandborn about 1934
FuldaMarion Duaneborn about 1936
FuldaPhyllis Dranneborn about 1939
FunchOpal born about 1902

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G Surnames

GallanJacob born about 1881
GallanKaty born about 1874
GardnerCharles Cborn about 1924
GardnerGilbert Lborn about 1904
GardnerMaridene born about 1931
GardnerPhyllis Jeanborn about 1928
GardnerRuth Annborn about 1923
GardnerVivian Mborn about 1904
GarlandCarl born about 1915
GatlingBetty Jeanborn about 1929
GatlingJoann born about 1934
GatlingSusie born about 1909
GatlingWilliam born about 1904
GaultMarjorie born about 1917
GaultRobert born about 1907
GettingerDavid born about 1939
GettingerDonald born about 1925
GettingerHilda born about 1923
GettingerMargie born about 1927
GettingerMary born about 1900
GettingerPaul Lborn about 1899
GettingerPhilip born about 1926
GettingerRobert born about 1922
GettingerWilliam born about 1929
GibsonDoshia Janeborn about 1930
GibsonJoyce Elanieborn about 1933
GibsonLillian born about 1908
GibsonNancy Jeanborn about 1936
GibsonRonald Laneborn about 1938
GibsonSally Leeborn about 1928
GibsonWilliam Arthurborn about 1932
GibsonWilliam Lborn about 1902
GittingerCharles born about 1895
GittingerDon born about 1933
GittingerDora born about 1865
GittingerGuy born about 1888
GittingerMartha born about 1917
GittingerMary born about 1891
GittingerMary born about 1921
GittingerNorma born about 1924
GittingerTom born about 1936
GordinDavid born about 1939
GordinDorthy born about 1910
GordinStanley born about 1905
GordonCharles Jborn about 1884
GordonEmery born about 1924
GordonHelen Elizabethborn about 1910
GordonHerter Joanborn about 1927
GordonLeticia born about 1881
GordonMartha Jeanborn about 1930
GordonOllie Eborn about 1886
GordonS Eborn about 1871
GriffithAldeen born about 1910
GriffithDonna Joborn about 1932
GriffithGeraldine born about 1939
GriffithJohn Wiliamborn about 1909
GriffithSue Annborn about 1935
GroceHerbert Hborn about 1896
GroceNellie Lborn about 1897
GronningWalter born about 1906

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H Surnames

HaagClinton born about 1888
HandleyHarold born about 1919
HandleyHelen born about 1884
HandleyRoy born about 1889
HarlanArchie born about 1890
HarveyClarence born about 1880
HarveyIda Mayborn about 1908
HarveyKenneth born about 1919
HarveyPaul born about 1915
HarveyWillard born about 1926
HensleyAda born about 1910
HensleyDorthy born about 1928
HensleyEdith born about 1934
HensleyGilbert born about 1930
HensleyJames born about 1937
HensleyJohnny born about 1932
HensleyNancy born about 1939
HensleyOscar born about 1906
HerbertStella born about 1879
HerbertWalter Aborn about 1879
HiersCatherine born about 1863
HirzerCharles Cborn about 1881
HirzerElizabeth Sborn about 1880
HitchelFrank born about 1911
HoldcraftAgathy born about 1915
HolmerBlanche born about 1863
HornungBertha Mayborn about 1892
HornungDorthy Aliceborn about 1925
HornungRalph born about 1889
HornungWayne born about 1933
HosekEthel born about 1906
HosekJohn born about 1928
HosekJoseph born about 1904
HouseFaye born about 1902
HouseKeith born about 1930
HouseMaynard born about 1922
HouseToby born about 1898
HuberRozzie Mborn about 1874
HudsonBeatrice born about 1902
HudsonDale born about 1920
HudsonHarry born about 1901
HudsonHarry Jr born about 1922
HudsonStanley born about 1923
HuffAndy born about 1890
HuffElla born about 1895
HuffHorace born about 1932
HuffRonald born about 1938
HuffWilliam born about 1928

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J Surnames

JacksonJ Mborn about 1875
JewellDaisy born about 1872
JobeEthel born about 1891
JobeHarry Eborn about 1885
JobeMiriam Evelynborn about 1916
JonesEdgar born about 1923

K Surnames

KeltnerClawson born about 1877
KibbyBenjamin Tborn about 1896
KibbyCharles born about 1921
KibbyJohn Hhborn about 1893
KibbyJosephine born about 1925
KibbyLaura born about 1899
KibbyMary Eborn about 1860
KibbyRoy born about 1919
KibbyRuth born about 1897
KibbyWilliam born about 1922
KiddAlice born about 1897
KiddBernice born about 1927
KiddForest Eborn about 1933
KiddForest Lborn about 1896
KiddGladys born about 1906
KiddHarry born about 1895
KiddMary Myrnaborn about 1927
KiddNorma born about 1929
KiddWillie Noelborn about 1937
KirkhamCharles born about 1918
KirkhamElizabeth born about 1936
KirkhamFrank born about 1896
KirkhamGladys born about 1895
KirkhamJean born about 1928
KirkhamMax born about 1921
KirkhamMiriam born about 1926
KirkhamMyron born about 1930
KloppAnna born about 1894
KloppFrank born about 1894

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L Surnames

LairCharles Rborn about 1921
LairEthel Eborn about 1889
LairJohn Rborn about 1882
LeabBennett born about 1913
LeabMary born about 1915
LeiwigMay born about 1880
LewisAlden born about 1893
LewisEdna born about 1898
LewisFrances born about 1938
LewisLois born about 1940
LewisLowell born about 1928
LewisMabel born about 1920
LewisShirley born about 1936
LoganCarl born about 1909
LoganFrances born about 1905
LoganGerald born about 1937
LoudenbackCatherine born about 1852
LucasBeverly born about 1915
LucasEllen Delorisborn about 1939
LucasHarold born about 1912
LucasLewis Edwardborn about 1936
LyonsCleve born about 1884
LyonsEmmet born about 1873
LyonsJames Eborn about 1868
LyonsMary Aliceborn about 1929
LyonsNergil born about 1897
LyonsNola born about 1894
LyonsThelma born about 1925

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M Surnames

MahoneyGrace born about 1901
MahoneyHarry born about 1884
MahoneyHelen born about 1929
MahoneyVirgil born about 1926
ManningCharles born about 1902
ManningEdgar born about 1928
ManningNellie born about 1905
ManningNoel born about 1933
ManningNorma born about 1926
MayCharlotte Annborn about 1936
MayKermit born about 1907
MayMildred born about 1910
MazeDonald born about 1932
MazeElsie born about 1911
MazeJesse born about 1886
MazeLawrence born about 1911
MazeLowell born about 1937
MazeMaude born about 1890
MazeRoy born about 1920
McClurgBessie born about 1890
McClurgCalvin born about 1878
McClurgEverett born about 1909
McClurgMaude born about 1911
McClurgPruda born about 1919
McHaltonJessie born about 1916
McHaltonMarilyn born about 1932
McHaltonRobert born about 1926
McHaltonWilliam born about 1902
MongerFread born about 1892
MongerHarry born about 1865
MongerPearl born about 1890
MonteomeryEdmund Cborn about 1904
MooreAndy born about 1864
MooreAnna born about 1867
MooreLara born about 1854
MunsonEldo born about 1905
MunsonJohn born about 1932
MunsonMarie born about 1905
MunsonNaomi born about 1934
MunsonNorman born about 1936
MusserOwen born about 1913
MyersHenry born about 1877
MyersJames born about 1909
MyersMarvin Leeborn about 1932
MyersMina born about 1881
MyersRoy born about 1900
MyersRuby born about 1909
MyersVirgil Hborn about 1908
MyersWilma Louiseborn about 1930

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N Surnames

NewlandDonald born about 1912
NewlandEd born about 1862
NewlandElmer born about 1890
NewlandLois born about 1921
NewlandMark Eddieborn about 1927
NewlandMartha born about 1910
NewlandNeva born about 1890
NickelsBessie born about 1884
NickelsCarrie Condareborn about 1924
NickelsLloyd born about 1885
NickelsOwentin Bborn about 1917
NickelsRuth born about 1919
NultyCarl born about 1926
NultyFloyd born about 1921
NultyFrank born about 1881
NultyJames born about 1919
NultyMarjorie born about 1928
NultyMaxine born about 1925
NultyMyrtle born about 1887

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O Surnames

OldhamEleanor Annborn about 1929
OldhamHeber born about 1899
OldhamLaura Naomiborn about 1927
OldhamLinda Ruthborn about 1939
OldhamMildred born about 1900
OsbornAnna born about 1895
OsbornWilbur born about 1892
OsbornWilbur Jr born about 1930

P Surnames

PatrickBen born about 1890
PatrickBuddy born about 1924
PatrickCaroline born about 1898
PatrickPaul born about 1920
PerkinsJames born about 1884
PetersonElsie Lborn about 1893
PetersonSophia born about 1859
PhalibaumCarl born about 1898
PhalibaumMargaret born about 1927
PhalibaumMary Louiseborn about 1927
PhalibaumMildred born about 1900
PhelpsCharles born about 1916
PhelpsClaude born about 1887
PhelpsGenevia born about 1926
PhelpsJohn Tborn about 1882
PhelpsLoyd born about 1923
PhelpsWilma Loborn about 1922
PiarceEverett born about 1892
PiarceNannie born about 1892
PlugWalter born about 1913
PollardNathan born about 1898
PollardNathan Jr born about 1924
PollardPearl born about 1902
PollittCharles born about 1915
PollittLorrie born about 1918
PollittMelvin Delanborn about 1940
PooleMargaret Janeborn about 1922
PowellEdna born about 1911
PowellFloyd born about 1911
PowellMarcetta born about 1936
PowellMaurice born about 1939
PowellMax born about 1938
PriceAmanda born about 1878
PriceElaine born about 1935
PriceJames Tborn about 1905
PriceOrpha Aborn about 1881
PriceQuincy born about 1880
PriceRobert born about 1930
PriceRot born about 1921
PriceZetta born about 1885

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R Surnames

RanckAlice born about 1924
RanckBenjamin born about 1928
RanckGeorge born about 1890
RanckGeorge Jr born about 1929
RanckInez born about 1891
ReesLloyd born about 1926
ReesMyrtle born about 1901
ReesVern born about 1893
ReidJohn Percyborn about 1877
RetherfordCarrie Aborn about 1882
RetherfordCurt born about 1886
RetherfordFrank born about 1882
RetherfordHoward Lborn about 1897
RetherfordIva Mborn about 1902
RetherfordJoseph Aborn about 1856
RetherfordJosephine born about 1874
RetherfordKatherine born about 1888
RetherfordLorena born about 1887
RetherfordLowell born about 1904
RetherfordWilma born about 1915
RichardsonDonald born about 1917
RichardsonMarlin born about 1939
RichardsonMaxine born about 1921
RiebsomerDaisy born about 1882
RiebsomerIsabelle born about 1920
RiebsomerJoseph born about 1874
RiebsomerLester born about 1903
RiederMariel born about 1937
RiederMelvin born about 1938
RiederRaymond born about 1905
RiederSylvia born about 1911
RobertaDerman Frankborn about 1904
RobertaThelma born about 1900
RobertsHattie born about 1856
RubsomerBeatrice born about 1909
RubsomerGeorge born about 1909
RubsomerLarry born about 1937

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S Surnames

SaundersCleo born about 1919
SaundersRaymond born about 1917
SchollAlbert Fborn about 1917
SchollChester Aborn about 1884
SchollCurtis Aborn about 1889
SchollElizabeth born about 1868
SchollElmer Lborn about 1878
SchollElsie born about 1905
SchollEstella born about 1890
SchollGrace Elizaborn about 1878
SchollGuy Charlesborn about 1923
SchollHoward born about 1939
SchollJ Edgarborn about 1880
SchollJ Newtonborn about 1862
SchollJane born about 1910
SchollJoseph Cborn about 1914
SchollLaurence Albertborn about 1933
SchollLola born about 1893
SchollMartha born about 1916
SchollMary born about 1873
SchollMary Aliceborn about 1878
SchollMaurice Lborn about 1904
SchollMaurice Leoborn about 1938
SchollOlive born about 1921
SchollRose Marieborn about 1931
ScottCharles born about 1932
ScottClyde born about 1938
ScottDonald Leeborn about 1940
ScottEugene born about 1934
ScottHelen born about 1908
ScottMargaret born about 1931
ScottRoy born about 1903
ScottSamuel born about 1936
SheldonJohn born about 1866
SheldonMattie born about 1869
SimpsonDale born about 1928
SimpsonDonald born about 1928
SimpsonEarl Dborn about 1903
SimpsonMartha born about 1905
SimpsonMarvin born about 1900
SimpsonNorma born about 1925
SmithClara born about 1894
SmithInez born about 1902
SmithMarion born about 1886
SmithWilliam born about 1906
SmithWilliam born about 1929
SnoddyIrene born about 1915
SnoddyRaymond born about 1908
SparksDavid born about 1908
SparksFlora born about 1907
SparksGlendon born about 1935
SparksJanice born about 1938
StanleyGrant born about 1869
StanleyJenny Reginaborn about 1869
StanleyMary Eborn about 1899
StanleyRobert Jr born about 1922
StanleyThomas Oscarborn about 1871
StanleyWilliam Bborn about 1926
StelleNellie born about 1883

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T Surnames

TetteringtonBurt born about 1881
TetteringtonIrene born about 1881
ThiebautLester born about 1921
TishErnest Jborn about 1903
TishHelen Marieborn about 1937
TishMary Rosellaborn about 1929
TishNorma Jeanborn about 1927
TishRaymond Eugeneborn about 1931
TishThelma Marieborn about 1907
TisherGeo Lborn about 1875
TisherMary Eborn about 1876
TitteringtonAlice born about 1872
TitteringtonClyde born about 1880
TitteringtonLewis Cliffordborn about 1871
TitteringtonRella born about 1885
TitteringtonWilliam Eborn about 1923

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U Surnames

UtslerRuth Lorettaborn about 1917

W Surnames

WadsworthJohn born about 1861
WalkerAnna Mayborn about 1878
WalkerGeorge Wborn about 1871
WalkerMary born about 1869
WamfoodMary Bborn about 1860
WellsMable Marieborn about 1916
WellsRoy born about 1910
WellsWilma Adeanborn about 1936
WhiteDaisy born about 1879
WhiteEdward Sborn about 1866
WhiteEstella born about 1879
WhiteIrvin Eborn about 1882
WhiteJesse Jborn about 1904
WhiteMary Jborn about 1882
WhiteOmer born about 1876
WhittaherFreda born about 1910
WhittaherHerman born about 1907
WhittaherManda born about 1933
WorsterJames Haroldborn about 1927
WorsterMable born about 1889
WorsterPaul Thomasborn about 1920
WorsterWilliam Pborn about 1888
WrightClifford born about 1896
WrightLois Joanborn about 1929
WrightMildred born about 1904

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Y Surnames

YoungGrace born about 1879
YoungLee born about 1878

Z Surnames

ZimmermanKenneth born about 1925
ZimmermanPerry born about 1897
ZimmermanVirgia born about 1899

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