1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lancaster in Jefferson County, Jefferson, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Lancaster in Jefferson County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottBertie born about 1872
AbbottCecil born about 1908
AbbottFrancis born about 1908
AbbottGeorge born about 1863
AdamsDonald born about 1923
AdamsEmery born about 1893
AdamsFlorence born about 1918
AdamsFloyd born about 1932
AdamsGrace born about 1898
AdamsHelen born about 1920
AdamsOpa Lborn about 1935
AdamsRuth born about 1926
AmsdenBenjaman born about 1886
AmsdenBenjaman Vborn about 1940
AmsdenEste born about 1902
AndersaAlbert born about 1894
AndersaCharles born about 1932
AndersaMay born about 1933
AndersonAlbert born about 1861
AndersonDonna Mcborn about 1938
AndersonGerold born about 1916
AndersonKaren Rayborn about 1940
AndersonMary born about 1864
AndersonPhyllis born about 1919
AndresAlma born about 1879
AndresLa Vern born about 1920
AndresLeroy born about 1899
AndresLucille born about 1913
AndresOrville born about 1922
AndresPaul born about 1908
AndresPaul Gborn about 1935
AndresPearl Aborn about 1898
AndresRuth born about 1924
AndresWill born about 1875
AndrewJeanette born about 1913
AndrewRichard born about 1913
ArmstorngJohn born about 1881
ArmstorngVina born about 1877

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B Surnames

BakerMartha born about 1920
BakerShirley Mborn about 1938
BaldwinAlice born about 1912
BaldwinBarbara Sborn about 1933
BaldwinCharles born about 1876
BaldwinJesse Eborn about 1910
BaldwinNorma Estherborn about 1908
BayceFlorence born about 1878
BayceGrover born about 1917
BeachMiriam born about 1938
BearChas Oborn about 1890
BearEarl born about 1935
BearEdna born about 1920
BearGarce Mborn about 1894
BearGerald W Vborn about 1940
BearGrover born about 1915
BearHazel born about 1917
BearHoward Mborn about 1879
BearMary Jborn about 1913
BearMay Lborn about 1883
BearRobert born about 1920
BearTyrns* born about 1913
BlakeJames born about 1928
BlandGeorge Wborn about 1895
BlandKenneth Earlborn about 1935
BlandLois born about 1900
BlandLucy Anneborn about 1930
BlandMarion born about 1898
BlandMary born about 1866
BlandOrville born about 1921
BoadmaAmelia born about 1872
BoardGlenn born about 1870
BoardmanChristine born about 1917
BoardmanGertrude born about 1938
BoardmanHenry born about 1888
BoardmanRalph born about 1912
BoardmanShirly born about 1936
BollardHoward born about 1906
BollardLottie born about 1906
BondurantJames born about 1900
BondurantMarine born about 1912
BoydAlbert Eborn about 1905
BoydCharels born about 1892
BoydLaura Bborn about 1874
BoydRosa born about 1901
BoydWilliam Sborn about 1873
BranbamEthel born about 1917
BranbamGeorge born about 1912
BranhamAlice Mborn about 1939
BranhamBilly born about 1938
BranhamBirtha born about 1937
BranhamKirby born about 1908
BranhamRos Aborn about 1913
BrooksElmo born about 1925
BrooksHelene born about 1932
BrooksIda born about 1898
BrooksRaymond born about 1923
BrooksThomas born about 1897
BrownHattie born about 1913
BrownMary Jborn about 1930
BrownMaurice born about 1909
BrownNila Rborn about 1932
BrowningAnne born about 1904
BrowningD Wborn about 1879
BrowningEmli Jborn about 1881
BrowningEmma born about 1925
BrowningGeorge born about 1898
BrowningKaywood born about 1927
BrowningKenneth born about 1931
BrowningOpal born about 1924
BrowningRay born about 1922
BrowningStella born about 1938
BurdsolEverine born about 1860
ButtonsEliza born about 1932
ButtonsEmma born about 1906
ButtonsEugene Wborn about 1931
ButtonsGerahne* born about 1933
ButtonsIrene Loisborn about 1928
ButtonsJoan born about 1936

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C Surnames

CainWillis born about 1897
CallicottChester Cborn about 1883
CardimolSusie born about 1871
CardimolWilliam born about 1850
CardinalArion born about 1884
CardinalCarrie born about 1884
CardinalChancy born about 1886
CardinalWilber born about 1918
CarhinBertha born about 1888
CarsonJames born about 1860
CarsonPhebe born about 1867
CaseyDalrlgren born about 1909
CashGeorge born about 1868
CashJosie born about 1872
CassidyBeatrice born about 1933
CassidyBertha born about 1893
CassidyFrank born about 1896
CassidyLoretta born about 1932
CassidyRoscoe born about 1927
ClarkmanAnne born about 1891
ClarkmanWillard born about 1863
ClarkstonDelmar born about 1938
ClarkstonElsie born about 1926
ClarkstonEvelyn born about 1902
ClarkstonGeorge born about 1923
ClarkstonHomer born about 1895
ClashmanIrene born about 1910
ClashmanLawren Cborn about 1906
ClashmanMarjorie born about 1926
CliftonBeatrice born about 1921
CliftonCharles Wmborn about 1939
ClosserHarriett born about 1888
ClosserJake Eborn about 1882
ColberEthel born about 1932
ColberGoldie Mborn about 1928
ColberMargaret born about 1933
ColberMary born about 1905
ColberPatricia Annborn about 1938
ColberRose Maryborn about 1936
ColberWm Edwardborn about 1930
ColberWm Hborn about 1894
ColeLee born about 1861
ConnayLymm born about 1865
ConnayRachel born about 1866
CookBenjaman born about 1892
CookBenjaman Jr born about 1924
CookBetty Jborn about 1932
CookGeorge Dborn about 1888
CookHelen born about 1895
CookHelen born about 1897
CookHershel Aborn about 1928
CookJune born about 1918
CookMarion born about 1921
CookPaul Lborn about 1933
CookSarah Jborn about 1926
CookWilliam Aborn about 1936
CopelandCharles Wborn about 1876
CopelandSena born about 1877
CordinalBetty Jborn about 1930
CordinalCora born about 1879
CordinalO Jborn about 1872
CordinalRoy born about 1909
CordinalSarah born about 1914
CorngaFrances born about 1889
CorngaMaurice born about 1923
CorngaPerry born about 1889
CoryaBecby born about 1932
CoryaCassius Mborn about 1885
CoryaCharles born about 1926
CoryaDonald born about 1936
CoryaEarl born about 1939
CoryaGeorge born about 1877
CoryaGeorge born about 1881
CoryaGeorge Jr born about 1931
CoryaIzella born about 1877
CoryaJames born about 1932
CoryaJohn born about 1889
CoryaLaura Mborn about 1882
CoryaLowell born about 1876
CoryaLula Maryborn about 1924
CoryaMary Aliceborn about 1921
CoryaMay Tborn about 1893
CoryaPaul Lborn about 1914
CoryaRilla born about 1903
CoryaRoy born about 1930
CoryaViola born about 1933
CoryaVirginia born about 1921
CovingtonMarjorie born about 1939
CovingtonMary born about 1938
CovingtonRaymond born about 1907
CovingtonVelma Aborn about 1936
CovingtonVirginia born about 1918
CusterClarence born about 1875
CusterHenry born about 1914
CusterMary born about 1885

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D Surnames

DannerAlice born about 1910
DannerAnne born about 1880
DannerHoward born about 1906
DannerRobert born about 1913
DavisAlbert born about 1875
DavisLaura born about 1875
DebordBurton born about 1928
DemarelMayne born about 1886
DeringtonEdward born about 1927
DeringtonFlorence born about 1896
DeringtonRobert born about 1871
DeringtonRuby born about 1914
DeringtonStanley born about 1890
DinhamArnold Jborn about 1920
DinhamRachel born about 1919
DollyClyde born about 1911
DollyFloene born about 1938
DollyFlorence born about 1888
DollyLottie born about 1877
DollyNorm Jborn about 1936
DollyRoy born about 1910
DollyVerna Mborn about 1940
DollyWilliam born about 1911
DonelsonSarah Aborn about 1876
DonelsonWilliam Gborn about 1875
DrydenJohn born about 1922
DrydenOrlando born about 1878
DrydenWilliam born about 1850
DunhamDorthy born about 1911
DunhamGladys born about 1934
DunhamJesse born about 1897
DyydenEarl born about 1893
DyydenElmer Rborn about 1919
DyydenGale Eborn about 1923
DyydenMary Nborn about 1893
DyydenWalter Eborn about 1921

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E Surnames

EastDellia born about 1892
EbelAndrew born about 1861
EbelSarah Lborn about 1875
EisenhartAlbert born about 1877
EisenhartSilly born about 1878
ElliottAnne Lborn about 1884
ElliottJohn Eborn about 1882
ElliottMarlene Rborn about 1939
ElliottMaurice born about 1921
ElliottRuth Lborn about 1920
ElyFrank born about 1928
ElyFrank born about 1929
ElyHazel born about 1925
ElyMary born about 1893
ElyNancy born about 1855
ElyPaul born about 1923
ElyRalph born about 1921
ElyRaymond born about 1911
ElyRoberta born about 1932
ElyWilliam born about 1883
EsterCharles born about 1916

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F Surnames

FacemireHelen born about 1854
FerrisDaisy born about 1877
FerrisDiana born about 1939
FerrisDoris born about 1919
FerrisJ Donaldborn about 1914
FerrisVern Lborn about 1916
FerrisWilliam born about 1878
FerrisWilliam Bborn about 1939
FewellAlbea born about 1876
FewellDale born about 1927
FewellElsie born about 1898
FewellHoward born about 1921
FewellJames Bborn about 1929
FewellMable Hborn about 1895
FewellRichard born about 1924
FewellRobert Dborn about 1893
FewellVirgil born about 1892
FlintHartley born about 1913
FlintIrwin Gborn about 1937
FlintLoretta Vborn about 1939
FlintReba born about 1915
FoltzGeorge born about 1895
FordFredrick born about 1928
FrebnellAgnes born about 1924
FrebnellErly born about 1879
FrebnellLouis born about 1893
FrenchLouis born about 1898
FrenchLouis Jr born about 1925
FrenchMable born about 1900

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G Surnames

GiddingsFred Wborn about 1881
GiddingsLelah born about 1879
GiddingsWalter born about 1875
GildersleeveDasiy born about 1887
GildersleeveNile born about 1885
GildersleeveNile Jr born about 1924
GoddockAlvis born about 1888
GoddockJannie born about 1882
GoddockRaymond born about 1911
GrahamBernice born about 1909
GrahamDasiy Kborn about 1909
GrahamDonald born about 1938
GrahamFrank born about 1892
GrahamGeorge Bborn about 1905
GrahamGroston born about 1914
GrahamHattie born about 1881
GrahamJames born about 1918
GrahamJames Dborn about 1935
GrahamJo Anneborn about 1939
GrahamJohn born about 1867
GrahamJohn born about 1919
GrahamJohn Wborn about 1905
GrahamLloyd born about 1908
GrahamMarjorie born about 1931
GrahamMinnie born about 1878
GrahamPaul born about 1933
GrahamRobert born about 1922
GrahamStella born about 1921
GrahamV Sborn about 1861
GrahamWalter born about 1928
GraperGeorge born about 1892
GrastonAnne Jborn about 1869
GrastonMaurice born about 1911
GrayAdra Annaborn about 1892
GrayBurkie born about 1884
GrayGeogeanne born about 1930
GrayLois born about 1924
GriffithCharles born about 1929
GriffithClyde born about 1893
GriffithDoris Jborn about 1927
GriffithFlorence born about 1892
GriffithHarry born about 1903
GriffithKenneth born about 1907
GriffithLavern born about 1926
GriffithMarion born about 1937
GriffithNorman Rborn about 1936
GriffithOpal Mborn about 1909
GriffithShirle* born about 1908
GrostonFlorence born about 1898
GrovesBernice Lborn about 1912
GrovesClarence Fborn about 1887

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H Surnames

HallEdith born about 1891
HallEmma born about 1871
HallEveritt Cborn about 1863
HallEveritt C Jrborn about 1906
HallLester born about 1893
HallMargaret born about 1923
HalmesMecca born about 1862
HalwagerBirth born about 1921
HalwagerEma Jborn about 1938
HalwagerFred born about 1932
HalwagerGeorge born about 1934
HalwagerJohn born about 1939
HalwagerMary Lborn about 1936
HalwagerRuby born about 1909
HamiltonJ Mborn about 1878
HamiltonJess born about 1888
HamiltonKing born about 1902
HamiltonPaerl born about 1893
HamiltonSaura Bborn about 1881
HammondAudrie born about 1920
HammondCurtis born about 1933
HammondEarl born about 1921
HammondJohn born about 1928
HammondMary born about 1901
HammondPete born about 1885
HammondSarah born about 1872
HammondWilber born about 1925
HandAda born about 1895
HandCharles born about 1923
HandDorthy born about 1927
HandIra born about 1898
HandRussell born about 1925
HardertyJames born about 1880
HardertyMolta born about 1916
HardertyNorman born about 1939
HarpBetty born about 1880
HarpEliza born about 1881
HarpGover* born about 1886
HarrellDaily born about 1887
HarrellEmerson born about 1906
HarrellEmohene born about 1936
HarrellFrancis born about 1936
HarrellJ Sborn about 1879
HarrellJames born about 1910
HarrellLloyd born about 1924
HarrellLois born about 1928
HarrellLucenda born about 1883
HarrellManuel born about 1923
HarrellMargaret born about 1913
HarrellMyrtle Violaborn about 1895
HarrellNora born about 1897
HarrellR Eborn about 1896
HarrellRos Wborn about 1924
HarrellVirginia born about 1919
HarrisPatty Joborn about 1930
HartleyClarence born about 1911
HarvestyHenry born about 1904
HarvestyJane born about 1904
HashJames Hborn about 1873
HashRosa born about 1874
HeathEdna born about 1883
HeathHenry born about 1905
HeathJane born about 1930
HeathMarie born about 1928
HeathMary Aborn about 1867
HeathNorman born about 1890
HeathRuth born about 1893
HeathWilliam born about 1915
HeatonErnest born about 1895
HeatonJohn born about 1937
HeatonMarjorie born about 1928
HeatonMary born about 1933
HeatonThelma born about 1907
HeatonWilliam Sborn about 1870
HenryJames born about 1906
HernHarry Bborn about 1878
HillJean Cborn about 1906
HillWalter Dborn about 1902
HindElbert Jeanborn about 1933
HindHazel born about 1898
HindHoward born about 1896
HindLouise born about 1929
HindWilber born about 1928
HindsAgnes born about 1873
HindsHenry Aborn about 1869
HinnphreyD Lavernborn about 1914
HinnphreyJohn Vborn about 1917
HobbesJoyce born about 1933
HobbesSamara Lborn about 1939
HobbesSanire born about 1906
HobbesShirley Annborn about 1937
HobbesVerna born about 1900
HolmesCarroll born about 1920
HolmesDoris born about 1928
HolmesHattie Eborn about 1888
HolmesIra born about 1887
HumpheryBessie born about 1885
HumpheryEdna born about 1927
HumpheryJohn Sr born about 1891
HyattIrene born about 1905

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J Surnames

JacksonMarthena born about 1916
JacksonRudy born about 1939
JeffaiesNewton born about 1883
JenkinsNeila born about 1880
JenkinsWalter Wborn about 1876
JimesChester Leeborn about 1930
JimesJames Edwardborn about 1932
JimesMaudy born about 1910
JimesOllie Mayborn about 1936
JimesRufus born about 1908
JohnsonAmy born about 1881
JohnsonAnne born about 1898
JohnsonAnne Lborn about 1927
JohnsonGordon born about 1911
JohnsonHarry born about 1881
JohnsonJames born about 1868
JohnsonThomas born about 1876
JolleyAmy born about 1874
JonesAnne Lborn about 1867
JordanClarence born about 1891
JordanMargaret born about 1903
JordonArron born about 1867
JordonCharles Eborn about 1871
JordonClarence born about 1902
JordonEarl born about 1928
JordonFrank born about 1899
JordonFrank born about 1919
JordonMaryed* born about 1913
JordonMildred born about 1923
JordonNevada born about 1938
JsonCleo born about 1928
JsonDove born about 1902
JsonGarett born about 1931
JsonGeorge Dborn about 1936
JsonMarjorie born about 1930
JsonRecie born about 1910
JsonWalter born about 1938

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K Surnames

KahoonHarvey born about 1871
KahoonStella born about 1867
KelleyClyde born about 1916
KelleyDorthy born about 1922
KelleyG Murphieborn about 1924
KelleyGladys born about 1903
KelleyGladys born about 1919
KelleyHelen born about 1927
KelleyIrvin Jborn about 1936
KelleyJohn Hborn about 1890
KelleyLucy Aborn about 1889
KelleyMabel Jborn about 1934
KelleyMelinda born about 1867
KelleyMildred born about 1916
KelleyPatricia Lborn about 1939
KelleyWill born about 1879
KelleyWilliam Hborn about 1925
KigggleGeorge Wborn about 1873
KigggleMary Aborn about 1874
KingFreedia born about 1903
KingIrvin born about 1894
KingMary Rborn about 1934
KingNorma Rborn about 1939
KinnearEarl born about 1915
KinnearEttie born about 1886
KleabHugo Cborn about 1890
KleabNellie born about 1904
KleabRaymond born about 1931
KonkeeBarbara born about 1937
KonkeeEarl born about 1910
KonkeeLena born about 1911
KonkeeMarvin born about 1935
KrawsMinola born about 1876
KyleAnita Joanborn about 1937
KyleBessie born about 1887
KyleFrank Wborn about 1922
KyleJeanette born about 1914
KyleLeonard born about 1912
KyleRobert born about 1886

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L Surnames

LacbridgeClyde born about 1906
LacbridgeEdna born about 1917
LambBessie born about 1909
LambEugene born about 1939
LambGlemmore born about 1931
LambHoward born about 1933
LambJames born about 1927
LambRussell born about 1907
LambShannon born about 1929
LawlerElizabeth born about 1866
LeachAnne Iborn about 1935
LeachEugene born about 1928
LeachHarry born about 1894
LeachHary Jr born about 1922
LeachLilly born about 1902
LeachRay born about 1923
LeachRobert born about 1933
LeachWilford born about 1925
LebentawlVon born about 1895
LeeB Franklinborn about 1888
LeeStella born about 1905
LeonardNell born about 1875
LeonardWalter born about 1880
LewisMary born about 1859
LewisNellie born about 1864
ListonAnne born about 1902
ListonJames Dborn about 1933
ListonRobert born about 1927
LockmanFrank born about 1880
LockmanLottie born about 1884
LockridgeCharles born about 1867
LockridgeTessa born about 1876

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M Surnames

MalottAlice born about 1861
MalottGlen Tborn about 1901
MalottHelen Gborn about 1930
MalottNellie Cborn about 1903
MalottVern Zborn about 1925
ManfordCurtis Eborn about 1903
ManfordEllen born about 1903
ManfordMarjorie Eborn about 1933
ManfordWayne born about 1926
MarshallBirtha born about 1878
MarshallDempsey born about 1875
MarshallEzra born about 1872
MarshallHarold born about 1924
MarshallKenneth born about 1919
MarshallLaura Eborn about 1877
MarshallLeiha Jborn about 1930
MarshallMayne born about 1922
MarshallNellie born about 1913
MarshallPaul born about 1907
MarshallRadney born about 1925
MarshallWayne born about 1928
McCaslinCharles born about 1869
McCaslinMaggie born about 1873
McCrackenBernice born about 1907
McCrackenHarold born about 1902
McCrackenMarilyn born about 1935
McDonaldTom born about 1860
McGeeBaxter born about 1874
McGeeBaxter born about 1916
McGeeLucy born about 1871
McImtireEdna Eborn about 1879
McImtireWilliam born about 1879
McIntireAlice born about 1923
McIntireClarence born about 1899
McIntireEva Tborn about 1907
McIntireMarilyn Eborn about 1939
McIntireOrville Jborn about 1934
McIntireOrville Tborn about 1903
McIntireSairs born about 1904
McIntireVirgil Lborn about 1937
McKeeJames born about 1865
McKeeOlive Rborn about 1864
McKinnieMary born about 1912
McMittAnna born about 1870
McMittIra Wborn about 1865
McNuttGrace born about 1880
McNuttProctar born about 1877
McQuithaMaggie born about 1864
McQuithaMarion Jborn about 1864
MealCaleb born about 1891
MealEdna born about 1890
MeansElla born about 1863
MeenachFrances born about 1906
MeenachStanley born about 1907
MeenachStanley Marciaborn about 1938
MetfordJohn born about 1930
MichcellDenny born about 1930
MichcellGdella born about 1926
MichcellIrene born about 1900
MichcellJennie born about 1936
MichcellJoyce born about 1939
MichcellMay born about 1923
MichcellMelvin born about 1932
MichcellSidney born about 1874
MichcellTom born about 1928
MichcellWalter born about 1925
MikesellDonald Lborn about 1939
MikesellHazel born about 1913
MikesellJay born about 1935
MikesellLilly born about 1936
MikesellLora Aborn about 1933
MikesellPrentiss born about 1914
MillerClarence Rborn about 1882
MillerFrancis Dborn about 1876
MillerMary born about 1892
MillerMayme Wborn about 1877
MommisBessie born about 1900
MommisCarter born about 1888
MonroeMattie born about 1868
MonroeWillis born about 1866
MorgonMary born about 1882
MusterHarley born about 1912
MusterMyrtle born about 1883

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N Surnames

NeffAllen born about 1880
NeffLeo born about 1900
NicholasCharels Jborn about 1901
NicholasDorothy Mborn about 1908
NicholasMinnie Lborn about 1867
NicholasMona Faeborn about 1932
NicholsBroo Lborn about 1862
NicholsS Gborn about 1878

O Surnames

OffierJoe born about 1867
OffierMinnie born about 1871
OliverClara born about 1865
OliverHarry Dborn about 1891
OneilHattie born about 1876

P Surnames

PadgettDale born about 1929
PadgettFredrick born about 1922
PadgettGeneva born about 1919
PadgettHorace born about 1891
PadgettOllie Mborn about 1890
PadgettPaul born about 1931
PalmerWilliam Dborn about 1880
ParsonnBessie Aborn about 1927
PatgettRobert born about 1911
PatrickArthur born about 1881
PatrickNonace Mborn about 1911
PatrickSarah born about 1880
PenceDavid born about 1881
PenceMary born about 1882
PerryKenneth Fborn about 1921
PeschFarres Fborn about 1923
PetersBernard Wborn about 1929
PetersFannie born about 1888
PetersGeorge born about 1878
PetersonChirstine born about 1874
PetersonJohn born about 1874
PetersonPeter born about 1886
PhillipEdna born about 1924
PhillipGoldie born about 1896
PhillipJohn Wborn about 1888
PhillipLucile born about 1930
PhillipMorris born about 1927
PhillipOmer born about 1923
PhillipRalph born about 1917
PhillipRobert born about 1919
PhillipsArthur born about 1890
PhillipsCharles born about 1921
PhillipsChester born about 1906
PhillipsClarence born about 1897
PhillipsDelbert born about 1935
PhillipsDora born about 1923
PhillipsElizabeth born about 1883
PhillipsElmer born about 1930
PhillipsEsma Oborn about 1923
PhillipsFloyd born about 1922
PhillipsFreda born about 1920
PhillipsGayll born about 1920
PhillipsIva born about 1901
PhillipsJamie Eborn about 1923
PhillipsJoseph born about 1926
PhillipsLeona born about 1928
PhillipsLorean born about 1938
PhillipsMartha Hborn about 1895
PhillipsMelvin born about 1937
PhillipsNathan born about 1933
PhillipsOtto born about 1877
PhillipsPearl born about 1898
PhillipsRay Bborn about 1922
PhillipsVerna Mborn about 1926
PoindexterBen born about 1861
PoindexterDoris Jborn about 1927
PoindexterFrancis born about 1929
PoindexterJuanita born about 1908
PoindexterLeona born about 1873
PoindexterLeroy born about 1904
PoindexterMildred born about 1931
PooleCecil born about 1919
PooleNoble born about 1923
PooleRichard born about 1917
PorterEugene born about 1934

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R Surnames

RalstonMary born about 1853
RamseyAlbert Wborn about 1871
RamseyFlora Eborn about 1874
RanlingsFrancis born about 1864
RanlingsHarold born about 1897
RanlingsMartha born about 1899
ReaEtta born about 1877
ReaMamin* Lborn about 1871
ReadGut Sborn about 1925
ReadKaty born about 1927
ReadLenora born about 1929
ReadMyrtle born about 1903
ReadOnalee born about 1940
ReadRobert Fborn about 1938
ReadWillatd Rborn about 1899
RectarCarroll born about 1917
RectarFlorella born about 1875
RectarHelen born about 1920
RectarOrvil born about 1898
RectorCora Dborn about 1876
RectorGeorge born about 1895
RectorJmaes Wborn about 1875
RectorJohn Wborn about 1911
RectorJohn W Jrborn about 1937
RectorLaura Jborn about 1925
RectorMaris born about 1914
RectorMary Lborn about 1931
RectorMary Lborn about 1935
RectorRosetta born about 1901
ReedAnne Lborn about 1933
ReedAnne Mborn about 1916
ReedBen born about 1908
ReedCharles born about 1925
ReedEdward Rborn about 1930
ReedGeorge Wborn about 1937
ReedJessie Lborn about 1928
ReedLelah born about 1934
ReedRose Maryborn about 1938
ReihmFlora born about 1880
RheaElla born about 1878
RheaMac born about 1876
RheaRobert born about 1917
RickettsBerl born about 1917
RickettsBert born about 1871
RickettsDella Aborn about 1875
RieslJohn Hborn about 1890
RieslJohn Hborn about 1926
RieslSydia born about 1900
RighthanseFaye born about 1905
RighthanseJay born about 1916
RighthanseLee born about 1916
RighthanseWilliam born about 1905
RinglandLottie born about 1905
RobinsAmothy born about 1876
RobinsDaisey born about 1911
RobinsDenny born about 1905
RobinsDenny Jr born about 1928
RobinsElla born about 1884
RobinsMarline born about 1934
RoeBernard born about 1915
RoeJames born about 1925
RoeMary born about 1921
RoeMay born about 1900
RowlettBeaula Kborn about 1939
RowlettEssie born about 1914
RowlettHerald born about 1936
RowlettJames Wborn about 1930
RowlettNellie Mborn about 1933
RowlettSimmons born about 1906

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S Surnames

SackridgeGrace born about 1900
SackridgeKenneth P`born about 1903
ShawBernice born about 1933
ShawEarnest born about 1885
ShawEdna born about 1905
ShawKenneth born about 1929
ShawWilliam born about 1877
ShepherdBarbara Mborn about 1908
ShepherdEarl Wborn about 1899
ShepherdForrest born about 1893
ShepherdHazel born about 1894
ShepherdHugh born about 1902
ShepherdMaynse born about 1879
ShepherdRose born about 1872
ShepherdWayne born about 1922
ShieldsEthel born about 1907
ShieldsHarley Bborn about 1896
ShieldsMargaret born about 1924
SingoMinnie Eborn about 1873
SingoSitas Aborn about 1863
SitesEverett born about 1919
SitesJuanita born about 1922
SkaggsLeonard born about 1873
SmithHenry born about 1896
SmithHenry born about 1919
SmithLoretta born about 1896
SmithMartha Mborn about 1927
SonartLelia born about 1889
SonartWilson born about 1891
SpicerEdgar born about 1864
SpicerIda born about 1872
SpicerMark born about 1878
SpicerMaude born about 1878
SpieerBula born about 1911
SpieerEdmond Lborn about 1901
SpieerGene born about 1931
SpieerJerry Vborn about 1939
SproessingGrace born about 1914
SproessingLowell born about 1915
SproessingMary born about 1938
SproessingNorma Lborn about 1935
SproessingWilliam born about 1936
StackhouseDorthy born about 1932
StackhouseGale born about 1909
StackhouseKatherine born about 1936
StackhouseLeona born about 1934
StackhouseMary Annborn about 1938
StackhousePansy born about 1909
SteadmanEdith born about 1891
StewartHazel born about 1922
StewartRonald Aborn about 1939
StewartVerna born about 1904
StewartWilliam born about 1901
StoutAlfred born about 1887
StoutAnne Bborn about 1858
StoutCharles born about 1873
StoutCharles born about 1901
StoutCharles born about 1928
StoutCharlotte Bborn about 1870
StoutEnna born about 1922
StoutFloyd born about 1929
StoutKirby born about 1888
StoutLanford Eborn about 1881
StoutMable born about 1894
StoutMable Cborn about 1903
StoutMarie born about 1925
StoutMyrl born about 1919
StoutNelly born about 1885
StoutNonle born about 1914
StoutPatty born about 1933
StoutWinifred born about 1928
StrannHarry Jborn about 1900
StrannHarry Mborn about 1930
StrannNora Maryborn about 1898
StrinnessClarence born about 1897
StrinnessClarence born about 1928
StrinnessEnna born about 1873
SullivanHoward born about 1911
SullivanHoward born about 1937
SullivanMary born about 1870
SullivanNola born about 1917
SullivanOrnald born about 1926
SullivanSaura Bborn about 1890
SullivanWilliam born about 1861
SullivanWillis born about 1891
SuttonFlora born about 1910
SuttonJape born about 1900
SuttonRuth born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorCalvin born about 1875
TaylorMattie Fborn about 1877
ThomasEiza born about 1897
ThomasOrentha born about 1858
ThompsonArchie born about 1883
TownsenEdith born about 1926
TownsenEvan born about 1900
TownsenLillian born about 1875
TownsenRuth born about 1929
TownsenSarah born about 1932
TramwellMaude born about 1893
TramwellRoscoe born about 1891
TramwellRoy born about 1917
TrowbridgeCharles born about 1893
TrowbridgeGlenn born about 1916
TrowbridgeGlenn Jr born about 1938
TrowbridgeJewell born about 1923
TrowbridgeMary born about 1917
TrowbridgeShirley Joannborn about 1936
TrowbridgeStella born about 1893
TwilligerBertha born about 1909
TwilligerGeorge born about 1897
TwilligerHarriet born about 1867
TwilligerJohn born about 1858
TwilligerLillie born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderhillDorthy born about 1929
UnderhillEdward born about 1934
UnderhillJames born about 1931
UnderhillKuter born about 1902
UnderhillLorain born about 1927

V Surnames

VanantevertMelvin born about 1926
VanwyeBonnie born about 1929
VanwyeCarol born about 1935
VanwyeCharles born about 1932
VanwyeFrank born about 1893
VanwyeHelen born about 1931
VanwyeLeola born about 1898
VanwyeMary Jborn about 1926
VanwyeMaxine born about 1920
VanwyeMyrl born about 1923
VanwyeNorma born about 1928
VanwyeRichard born about 1934
VebeleNannie born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagerDebert born about 1918
WagerLoyd born about 1913
WagerLula born about 1895
WahlmanAlbert born about 1894
WahlmanLucille born about 1898
WahlmanRonald born about 1925
WainscottBell born about 1861
WardNannie born about 1865
WardOpal born about 1908
WardSamual born about 1860
WhannClarence born about 1871
WhannSarah born about 1873
WhismanAlbert Baberborn about 1940
WhismanBelle born about 1896
WhismanC Jborn about 1894
WhismanCharles born about 1935
WhismanHiram born about 1917
WhismanJ Russellborn about 1931
WhismanJean born about 1926
WhismanJohnnie born about 1919
WhismanKenneth born about 1922
WhismanMary Mborn about 1938
WhismanSaura Bborn about 1929
WhismanWendell born about 1924
WildmanCatherine born about 1917
WildmanInez Vborn about 1918
WildmanLester Dborn about 1916
WildmanLloyd born about 1912
WildmanMarjory Lborn about 1923
WildmanOrval Aborn about 1914
WilliamsJ Nborn about 1874
WilliamsLuella born about 1882
WilliamsThomas born about 1899
WillielmGeorge Aborn about 1883
WillielmMargaret Sborn about 1891
WillielmPaul Leeborn about 1926
WilsonAgnes born about 1870
WilsonCerle born about 1884
WilsonJenny born about 1878
WilsonJohn born about 1880
WilsonMammie born about 1887
WilsonMargaret Dborn about 1872
WrenBagie Aborn about 1931
WrenBoby Cborn about 1937
WrenCharles Eborn about 1927
WrenDoris Jborn about 1939
WrenGeorge born about 1921
WrenJames born about 1918
WrenJoe born about 1911
WrenJosephine born about 1933
WrenLaura born about 1928
WrenLettie Mborn about 1914
WrenLottie Bborn about 1937
WrenSarah born about 1900
WrenStella Bborn about 1918
WrenTom born about 1873
WrenWilliam Jr born about 1938
WyneClaude born about 1915
WyneMarion born about 1939
WyneNellie born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBilly born about 1930
YoungBonny Lborn about 1932
YoungDella born about 1938
YoungGrace born about 1912
YoungMargaret born about 1934
YoungWilliam born about 1907

Z Surnames

ZappNellie born about 1920

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