1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lewis, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Lewis

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenElwood born about 1932
AllenFlossie Dborn about 1880
AllenFrederick born about 1928
AllenGertrude born about 1927
AllenHelen born about 1920
AllenJuanita born about 1925
AllenKendall born about 1916
AllenMarlyn born about 1937
AllenMary born about 1907
AllenRuth born about 1930
AllenWalter born about 1901
AmbsErmel born about 1912
AmbsFlora Maeborn about 1873
AmbsHenry born about 1866
AmbsJosephine born about 1912
AmbsMildred born about 1918
AnthonyEarl Williamborn about 1914
AnthonyEarl William Jrborn about 1939
AnthonyLa Vetta Jeanborn about 1918
ArburyLena born about 1894
ArburyNorman born about 1924
ArburyRoss born about 1890
ArneyAdam born about 1887
ArneyGeorge Wborn about 1859
AultEssie born about 1856
AustinCurtis born about 1882
AustinEdith born about 1893
AustinZella born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerBlanche born about 1884
BakerCora born about 1885
BakerLola born about 1884
BakerPaul Rborn about 1921
BandsDonald born about 1906
BandsLoretta born about 1930
BandsOpal born about 1909
BareAnna born about 1869
BareClesta born about 1885
BareIra Sborn about 1866
Barley born about 1892
BarleyAlzina born about 1887
BarleyClarence born about 1926
BarleyJess born about 1868
BarleyNancy born about 1872
BarleyWilliam born about 1893
BarrickNora born about 1889
BarrickOliver born about 1887
BasberDella Mborn about 1885
BasberGeorge Sborn about 1886
BeattyBedford born about 1886
BeattyCarl born about 1913
BeattyDonald born about 1935
BeattyDorothy born about 1903
BeattyEdward Leeborn about 1939
BeattyFrank born about 1898
BeattyMargaret born about 1891
BeattyVera born about 1916
BedwellCecil born about 1902
BedwellHarry Leon Cborn about 1918
BedwellIrene born about 1924
BedwellJess born about 1882
BedwellJunor born about 1921
BedwellMarie born about 1907
BedwellMrytle born about 1884
BedwellRobert Daleborn about 1923
BedwellRolland born about 1928
BedwellSylvia born about 1880
BemisAbigail born about 1866
BemisAugusta born about 1907
BemisBernice born about 1921
BemisBuelah born about 1920
BemisByron born about 1928
BemisClarence born about 1904
BemisElizabeth born about 1884
BemisEmery born about 1916
BemisFloyd born about 1892
BemisJames Alvieborn about 1930
BemisJohn Davidborn about 1931
BemisMary Lucilleborn about 1923
BemisMaxine born about 1939
BemisPaul born about 1923
BemisRachael Eborn about 1920
BemisRachael Rborn about 1889
BemisRalph born about 1922
BemisRay born about 1883
BemisRobert born about 1927
BemisRuby Maeborn about 1925
BemisVirginia Daleborn about 1926
BennetDewey born about 1924
BennetFlorence born about 1884
BennetJohn Lborn about 1883
BennetKathleen born about 1922
BennetLeon born about 1930
BennetLewis Aborn about 1889
BennetLloyd born about 1905
BevensLusina born about 1882
BickelCharles born about 1939
BickelDonald born about 1933
BickelEdward born about 1936
BickelEthel born about 1918
BickelFlora Bborn about 1868
BickelGeorge Wborn about 1864
BickelJackie born about 1937
BickelKenneth born about 1938
BickelLayman born about 1909
BickelThelma born about 1909
BickelWalter born about 1904
BickelWilletta born about 1929
BiggerOlive born about 1873
BiggerReva born about 1935
BiggerRobert born about 1937
BiggerRoland born about 1909
BiggerRossa born about 1915
BlackDonald born about 1922
BlackElmer born about 1895
BlackForest Earlborn about 1926
BlackFrank born about 1901
BlackFred born about 1911
BlackJames Rborn about 1922
BlackJohn born about 1874
BlackLarry Deanborn about 1939
BlackLillian born about 1908
BlackMatilda born about 1903
BlackRobert Leanborn about 1932
BlankeshipArchie born about 1904
BlankeshipDale born about 1932
BlankeshipEllen Rborn about 1937
BlankeshipGrace born about 1912
BlantonAlvin born about 1900
BlantonGerald born about 1930
BlantonLeland born about 1934
BlantonLena Bellborn about 1912
BlarkCatherine born about 1929
BlarkNaomi born about 1908
BlarkOscar Jborn about 1903
BlarkOscar Jr born about 1927
BolingerEarl born about 1879
BolingerIke born about 1910
BolingerJerry born about 1936
BolingerJune born about 1934
BolingerThelma born about 1903
BolingerVina Hborn about 1886
BoltAnnabelle born about 1925
BoltMable born about 1903
BoltSanford born about 1896
BonhamLetwie born about 1888
BonhamLewis born about 1922
BonhamLuther born about 1889
BostonBetty born about 1932
BostonGerald born about 1896
BostonJunior born about 1923
BostonLola born about 1898
BostonWendell born about 1920
BostonWinston born about 1914
BradyDorothy born about 1896
BradyStanley born about 1917
BradyStephen born about 1893
BradyStephen Jr born about 1920
BramRalph born about 1929
BranrangEmma born about 1883
BranrangJ Wborn about 1872
BrennanEdward born about 1887
BrennanFlorence born about 1895
BrewerElmer born about 1908
BrewerHanna born about 1921
BridwellBlanche born about 1893
BridwellHannah born about 1860
BrileyPearl born about 1882
BrileyW Wborn about 1878
BrothersCora born about 1871
BrothersDorothy born about 1899
BrothersFreed born about 1896
BrothersTheo born about 1870
BrownAgnes born about 1915
BrownAlbert born about 1876
BrownAlta born about 1890
BrownBetty born about 1939
BrownBetty Jborn about 1932
BrownErnest born about 1916
BrownForest born about 1902
BrownJames born about 1911
BrownJohn Iborn about 1871
BrownMac born about 1913
BrownMary born about 1920
BrownMarynice born about 1891
BrownMaude born about 1881
BrownOpal Maeborn about 1924
BrownRachel born about 1917
BrownRoy Clintonborn about 1888
BrownRoy Jr born about 1926
BrownRufus born about 1886
BrownRuth born about 1909
BruckJulia born about 1872
BrunicAndrew born about 1892
BrunicLaura Roseborn about 1926
BrunicMarceline Mborn about 1919
BrunicMary born about 1891
BrushBlanche born about 1894
BrushCharles Sborn about 1892
BrushKarl born about 1932
BrushMatta born about 1876
BrushMerrl born about 1917
BuckalewJames Dborn about 1852
BuckalewMartha Aborn about 1857
BuckalewReuben born about 1892
BuellClifford born about 1881
BuellGilbert born about 1921
BuellGrace born about 1885
BuellPaul born about 1918
BurckmanEdgar born about 1908
BurckmanIva born about 1918
BurckmanSteve born about 1883
BurgerArthur born about 1889
BurgerCharles born about 1902
BurgerCharles born about 1930
BurgerClarence born about 1934
BurgerClarence Cborn about 1921
BurgerDale born about 1931
BurgerDavid born about 1856
BurgerDolores born about 1931
BurgerDolores born about 1934
BurgerDonald born about 1937
BurgerErnest born about 1909
BurgerFrederick born about 1936
BurgerGene born about 1931
BurgerGeorge born about 1925
BurgerGlenn born about 1913
BurgerHelen born about 1914
BurgerIva born about 1909
BurgerJerry born about 1937
BurgerJoan born about 1932
BurgerJohn born about 1894
BurgerLinda Louborn about 1939
BurgerLora Leeborn about 1930
BurgerMary born about 1912
BurgerNora Leeborn about 1932
BurgerPearl born about 1905
BurgerRly born about 1892
BurgerRonald born about 1935
BurgerShelry Joanborn about 1939
BurgesBilly Joeborn about 1922
BurgesHeston born about 1911
BurgesIda born about 1885
BurgesMary born about 1925
BurgesOrval born about 1917
BurgesPearl born about 1883
BurgesRobert born about 1884
BurnsEvelyn Aborn about 1893
BurnsHoward born about 1923
BurnsJames born about 1892
BurnsJessie Estherborn about 1904
BurnsMark born about 1876
BurnsOna born about 1879
BurnsSarah Eborn about 1924
BurnsSenior born about 1899
BurnsWilliam Jborn about 1932
BurrieBetty born about 1934
BurrieBobby born about 1939
BurrieJoe born about 1912
BurrieMildred born about 1915
BurrisBetty Janeborn about 1928
BurrisCatherine born about 1921
BurrisEvelyn Juneborn about 1934
BurrisGeorge born about 1923
BurrisHarold born about 1916
BurrisHarry born about 1914
BurrisHugh born about 1886
BurrisIra born about 1891
BurrisIra Jr born about 1930
BurrisJim born about 1926
BurrisMaggie born about 1892
BurrisMaxine born about 1924
BurrisPearl born about 1891
ButtoNancy Aborn about 1858
ButtoT Jborn about 1855

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C Surnames

CaddellAlbert Mborn about 1940
CaddellClifford Tborn about 1937
CaddellDolores born about 1930
CaddellDonald born about 1933
CaddellEugene born about 1928
CaddellEverett born about 1926
CaddellFrances born about 1907
CaddellFranklin Dborn about 1935
CaddellJune born about 1931
CaddellKess born about 1897
CaddellSterlin born about 1924
CaddellVirginia Aborn about 1938
CampbellFlossie born about 1901
CampbellHurley born about 1896
CampbellJackie born about 1932
CampbellMartha born about 1937
CampbellPaul Rborn about 1934
CampbellRobert born about 1922
CarrClara born about 1921
CarrGertrude born about 1893
CarrJen born about 1888
CarrRobert born about 1929
CarrVerhan born about 1916
CarrVernon born about 1918
CarterHerbey born about 1876
CarterIva Mborn about 1878
CashmanAndrane Bborn about 1902
CashmanJohn born about 1927
CashmanWilma born about 1901
CaskranFred Jr born about 1908
CaskranInez born about 1918
ChambersLouisa Eborn about 1858
CharlesPhegley born about 1873
ChastainGoldie born about 1914
ChastainJonna Maeborn about 1937
ChastainNorma Jeanborn about 1934
ChesterfieldBart born about 1894
ChesterfieldClara born about 1892
ChesterfieldCorrinne born about 1938
ChesterfieldJoyce born about 1934
ChesterfieldMarion born about 1927
ChesterfieldRoy born about 1920
ChesterfieldWayne born about 1930
ChilloJohn born about 1873
ChilloKathleen born about 1883
CimbsCurtis born about 1919
CimbsJuanita born about 1918
CimbsPhyllis Jeanborn about 1939
ClarkBarbara Jeanborn about 1929
ClarkBilly born about 1939
ClarkBlumer born about 1885
ClarkCaptola born about 1925
ClarkDisco Jr born about 1921
ClarkElizabeth born about 1937
ClarkEsther born about 1880
ClarkEva born about 1887
ClarkGrace born about 1893
ClarkJacob born about 1880
ClarkJames Leeborn about 1862
ClarkJesse born about 1908
ClarkJoan born about 1931
ClarkLavell born about 1912
ClarkLola born about 1890
ClarkMary born about 1907
ClarkPaul born about 1924
ClarkWillie Eborn about 1923
CochranCurt born about 1916
CochranFrank born about 1876
CochranFred born about 1872
CochranGrace born about 1892
CochranJone born about 1886
CollinsAddie born about 1888
CollinsCyril born about 1919
CollinsEdward born about 1936
CollinsElva born about 1917
CollinsFred born about 1871
CollinsLeslie born about 1915
CollinsMax born about 1914
CollinsShirley Annborn about 1939
ComerWilliam born about 1899
CoopriderAlfred born about 1896
CoopriderCora Bborn about 1875
CoopriderEdith born about 1899
CoopriderLe Roy born about 1938
CoopriderMary born about 1929
CoopriderWilliam born about 1932
CoopriderWilma born about 1932
CopelandFred born about 1898
CopelandUna born about 1889
CorbinDaisy Eborn about 1908
CorbinJames Mborn about 1875
CorbinRichard Dborn about 1928
CottonGladys born about 1921
CottonIsaac born about 1896
CottonIsaac Jr born about 1926
CottonMadeline born about 1924
CottonMary born about 1897
CoulsonBower born about 1860
CoulsonMariah born about 1863
CraigEthel born about 1880
CraigHenry Aborn about 1871
CrisoHarvey born about 1898
CrissBelly Pborn about 1938
CrissNella born about 1909
CrissPatricia born about 1930
CrissSteelie born about 1905
CristAmanda born about 1867
CristBetty born about 1935
CristBillie born about 1930
CristCharles born about 1928
CristCharles Lborn about 1925
CristEverett born about 1898
CristEzra born about 1900
CristHenry born about 1865
CristJames Rborn about 1908
CristJanice born about 1939
CristJessie born about 1897
CristJoseph Cborn about 1868
CristLaveda born about 1925
CristLillian born about 1927
CristLois Annborn about 1931
CristMaude born about 1877
CristMayne born about 1906
CristPerry born about 1882
CristRalph Rborn about 1919
CristRena born about 1905
CristRobert born about 1929
CristVina born about 1884
CristViola born about 1906
CristVirgiil born about 1928
CristVivian born about 1926
CrithfieldBeecher born about 1907
CrithfieldClara born about 1871
CrithfieldMildred born about 1919
CroftGeorge born about 1900
CroftMabel born about 1900
CrosbyJack born about 1924
CrosbyJane born about 1930
CrosbyLiza born about 1861
CrosbyMayme born about 1899
CrosbyNellie born about 1894
CrosbyOrville born about 1893
CrosbyRoberts born about 1929
CrosbySpencer born about 1890
CrosbyStanley born about 1936
CrosbySusan Jborn about 1872
CrosbyWard Wborn about 1909
CruiseGilbert born about 1913
CullisonBuelah born about 1937
CullisonFrederick born about 1912
CullisonFrederick Jborn about 1933
CullisonMarie born about 1918
CullisonRonald Eborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalganErnest born about 1886
DalganFlossie born about 1896
DalghrenJacob born about 1880
DaveArthabellle born about 1929
DaveEarle born about 1895
DaveJames born about 1868
DaveJulie born about 1932
DaveRobert born about 1921
DavisClaude born about 1886
DavisCornith born about 1926
DavisDorothy born about 1907
DavisMarie born about 1897
DavisRobert born about 1927
DeanCharles born about 1887
DeanLeslie born about 1927
DeanMabel born about 1908
DeanMelvin born about 1925
DeanWeslie born about 1927
DecinsLawrence born about 1940
DecinsMildred born about 1919
DecinsThedora born about 1938
DecinsTheodore born about 1916
DhondtBobby Joborn about 1938
DhondtElvia born about 1920
DhondtJoseph born about 1913
DicusAndrew born about 1934
DicusCharles Anborn about 1921
DicusDale born about 1923
DicusMarvin born about 1927
DicusRay born about 1930
DicusRuby born about 1900
DicusVerlin born about 1896
DicusWayne born about 1925
DolianPaul born about 1920
DolianPeter born about 1883
DolianRose born about 1888
DonnellyGeorge born about 1897
DuncanNaomi born about 1915
DuncanRaymond born about 1910
DuncanRuth born about 1935
DunlapBetty born about 1924
DunlapJames Fborn about 1867
DunlapMary Aborn about 1887

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E Surnames

EaclesBetty Juneborn about 1926
EaclesCharles Fborn about 1931
EaclesDon Eborn about 1924
EaclesJoanna Maeborn about 1919
EaclesJohn Eborn about 1894
EaclesJuanita born about 1899
EaclesWilliam Tborn about 1922
EarlywineJean born about 1921
EarlywineLoris born about 1917
EarlywineNora Eborn about 1887
EarlywineOttie born about 1883
EarlywineSarah born about 1858
EcclesDaniel Lloydborn about 1937
EcclesFlorence Cborn about 1928
EcclesLawrence Leeborn about 1938
EcclesRobert Eugeneborn about 1925
EcclesRobert Mborn about 1892
EcclesThelma Eborn about 1903
EdmondsonGeorge Wborn about 1883
EdmonsonCatherine born about 1858
EdmonsonClaire born about 1888
EdmonsonGeorge Eborn about 1900
EdmonsonJames born about 1926
EdmonsonLois born about 1923
EdmonsonWesley Jborn about 1889
ElligtonHazel born about 1899
ElligtonVictor born about 1891
EllingtonKathleen born about 1925
EllingtonSue born about 1889
EllingtonWade born about 1888
EllisBasil born about 1908
EllisDale Eueneborn about 1938
EllisElmira Dborn about 1877
EllisEnid born about 1906
EllisHerbert born about 1902
EllisHerbert Leonborn about 1928
EllisHoward born about 1912
EllisJacks born about 1934
EllisJune Maxineborn about 1925
EllisLinda Leeborn about 1937
EllisLouisa Jborn about 1901
EllisMarjorie Jeanborn about 1931
EllisMax born about 1929
EllisNorman Davidborn about 1932
EllisRosemarie born about 1934
EllisTilman Grantborn about 1930
EllisWilkie Dborn about 1876

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F Surnames

FarleyVancie born about 1880
FarmerEssie Ruthborn about 1902
FarmerHarry Aborn about 1882
FarmerJack born about 1924
FarmerJames born about 1925
FaulkClay born about 1904
FaulkMarjorie born about 1925
FaulkOpal born about 1904
FergusonGeorge born about 1892
FergusonGilberti born about 1897
FergusonHarold born about 1920
FergusonJackie born about 1927
FergusonRuby born about 1923
FieldCaroll born about 1918
FieldCharles Hborn about 1921
FieldEva born about 1887
FieldF Wborn about 1898
FieldFarnett born about 1917
FieldFrank born about 1887
FieldGerta born about 1888
FieldHarold Sborn about 1918
FieldHenry born about 1887
FieldJames Hborn about 1927
FieldJohn Pborn about 1930
FieldMary Eborn about 1926
FieldNancy born about 1842
FieldRobert Jborn about 1923
FieldRoy Ramonborn about 1932
FieldSarah born about 1865
FieldSarah Bostonborn about 1906
FieldVelora Cborn about 1890
FisherCarolyn Jeanborn about 1938
FisherCecelia born about 1895
FisherCharles born about 1881
FisherMary born about 1933
FisherRichard born about 1930
FoganBaston born about 1894
ForemanWilliam born about 1891
FrancisRaymond born about 1910
FryCale born about 1927
FrybergerClete born about 1880
FrybergerNora born about 1882
FunkDuane born about 1935
FunkMargaret born about 1913
FunkVirgil born about 1911
FurnaceFay born about 1898

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G Surnames

GableNellie born about 1884
GableWalter born about 1859
GallagherCecil born about 1923
GallagherMichael born about 1936
GallagherMike born about 1904
GallagherMinnie born about 1899
GallagherPhilip born about 1931
GambleDan born about 1887
GambleDonna Fayeborn about 1936
GambleEugene born about 1927
GambleJerry Deanborn about 1940
GambleJohn Jborn about 1921
GambleNorma Leeborn about 1931
GambleRussel born about 1919
GambleSarah born about 1897
GardnerAaron born about 1885
GardnerEarl Herbertborn about 1927
GardnerJames Royborn about 1940
GardnerJuanita born about 1922
GardnerLorene born about 1907
GardnerMabel born about 1929
GardnerPhelix born about 1925
GardnerRay born about 1920
GardnerRaymond born about 1905
GardnerSally born about 1887
GarlitAndrew Jborn about 1879
GarlitLa Agnes born about 1920
GarlitRebecca Mborn about 1880
GarnerLarry Joeborn about 1940
GarnerLouis Richardborn about 1918
GarnerMary Janeborn about 1921
GastineanHenry born about 1906
GastineanLa Veda born about 1908
GastineanLeonore Eborn about 1931
GastineanLesta Annborn about 1936
GastineanLora Leeborn about 1929
GastineanRonald Hborn about 1934
GeorgePhegley born about 1866
GerbyAlbert Leeborn about 1925
GerbyBernard born about 1892
GerbyCharles Edwardborn about 1939
GerbyGladys born about 1892
GerbyHoward Ceciolborn about 1927
GerbyRoberta born about 1923
GillaspieHarold born about 1899
GobleClaude born about 1921
GobleFrank born about 1883
GobleHarry born about 1898
GobleJames born about 1923
GobleJoel born about 1923
GobleLattie born about 1924
GobleLulle born about 1898
GobleOtto born about 1930
GobleOva born about 1888
GoblePeter Dborn about 1877
GobleWayne born about 1918
GobleZorah born about 1885
GollidayHerbert born about 1902
GollidayOla born about 1908
GoodingEdward born about 1925
GorbeyEmma born about 1881
GorbyAda Lborn about 1884
GorbyBetty born about 1930
GorbyCharles born about 1874
GorbyEmri born about 1861
GorbyEugene born about 1917
GorbyGeorge born about 1922
GorbyJohn born about 1905
GorbyJoy born about 1925
GorbyMary born about 1907
GorbyMay born about 1927
GorbyRuell born about 1910
GordonElizabeth born about 1860
GordonEsther born about 1920
GordonJames Sborn about 1878
GordonLillie Fborn about 1881
GordonLois born about 1926
GoreBeulah born about 1907
GoreEmory born about 1903
GoreIvan born about 1925
GoreJo Annborn about 1935
GoreRonald Royborn about 1939
GoreRose Emmaborn about 1931
GoreStanley born about 1928
GoshornMae born about 1876
GoshornMartin Rborn about 1873
GosnellEdythe born about 1900
GosnellMax born about 1901
GosnellO Dborn about 1871
GosnellPatricia Annborn about 1929
GradyBonnie born about 1935
GradyJames born about 1906
GradyJames born about 1936
GradyMildred born about 1911
GradySherry born about 1938
GreenCecile born about 1893
GreenIra Oborn about 1885
GriffithAugusta Mborn about 1912
GriffithBen born about 1921
GriffithBobby Leonborn about 1925
GriffithCale born about 1883
GriffithCale Jr born about 1923
GriffithClara born about 1918
GriffithConrad Leeborn about 1931
GriffithCourtney born about 1899
GriffithDaisy born about 1881
GriffithDale born about 1925
GriffithDonald Laverneborn about 1931
GriffithElizabeth born about 1886
GriffithElwood born about 1923
GriffithErnest Vborn about 1911
GriffithErvin born about 1866
GriffithEstel born about 1916
GriffithFrances Marionborn about 1865
GriffithFredia born about 1925
GriffithGary Bborn about 1937
GriffithGeorge born about 1924
GriffithGeorge Earlborn about 1889
GriffithHarry born about 1884
GriffithHenry Lborn about 1908
GriffithHerman Lborn about 1938
GriffithIris born about 1927
GriffithJacqueline born about 1923
GriffithJae born about 1919
GriffithJames Hborn about 1925
GriffithJohn born about 1936
GriffithJoyce born about 1928
GriffithJoyce Annborn about 1939
GriffithJudith Bborn about 1938
GriffithKay Francisborn about 1936
GriffithLeona born about 1931
GriffithLillian born about 1900
GriffithMadeline born about 1926
GriffithMarjorie born about 1928
GriffithMartha Janeborn about 1921
GriffithMary Belleborn about 1929
GriffithMary Ellenborn about 1896
GriffithMary Fborn about 1868
GriffithMay born about 1917
GriffithMenga Cborn about 1882
GriffithMyrtle born about 1893
GriffithOrda born about 1889
GriffithPansy born about 1917
GriffithRay born about 1917
GriffithRiley born about 1902
GriffithRoberta Jeanborn about 1928
GriffithThelma born about 1905
GriffithThomas Eborn about 1877
GriffithThomas Jborn about 1920
GriffithVern born about 1918
GriffithWalter born about 1891
GurcheEmma born about 1874
GurcheWilliam Aborn about 1872

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H Surnames

HaigJoseph born about 1870
HaigMary born about 1874
HairEamuel Nborn about 1876
HairHoward Cecilborn about 1926
HairSusie born about 1885
HamkinsWalker born about 1886
HardestyAda born about 1891
HardestyCarl born about 1926
HardestyGuy born about 1901
HardestyJames born about 1929
HardestyNell born about 1902
HardestyStanley Lborn about 1887
HarmonMartha born about 1868
HarmonSol born about 1863
HarrisCharles born about 1926
HarrisClem born about 1892
HarrisDavid Jr born about 1907
HarrisGeorge born about 1860
HarrisGeorge born about 1903
HarrisJackie born about 1938
HarrisJoan born about 1931
HarrisJuanita born about 1917
HarrisKathyrn born about 1925
HarrisMaggie born about 1871
HarrisMauda born about 1888
HarrisPearl born about 1883
HarrisPerkus born about 1916
HarrisRuth born about 1909
HarrisWarren born about 1922
HarrisWayne born about 1920
HarrisWill born about 1877
HarrisWilliam Fborn about 1869
HarstineHenry born about 1929
HarstineHoward born about 1878
HarstineJames born about 1907
HarstineKenneth born about 1917
HarstineLou born about 1886
HarstineOpal born about 1911
HarstineWilliam Hborn about 1925
HaslettCharles born about 1890
HaslettLucille born about 1925
HaslettRuth born about 1903
HautLaura Jborn about 1871
HautSimon born about 1867
HavilandClarence born about 1925
HavilandHarold born about 1922
HavilandMerle born about 1920
HeathArbell born about 1876
HeathDella born about 1914
HeathHelen born about 1917
HeathMerrifield born about 1866
HedworthMable born about 1900
HedworthMay born about 1879
HendleyAlta born about 1924
HendleyArthur born about 1897
HendleyElsie born about 1897
HendleyGeorge born about 1927
HendleyJohn born about 1921
HendleyLaren born about 1937
HendleyLula born about 1928
HicksJames Dborn about 1871
HicksRose Cborn about 1876
HillJerry Deanborn about 1936
HillNancy Dianeborn about 1939
HillRoss Leeborn about 1937
HillSam born about 1915
HillWilla born about 1916
HixnEverett Iborn about 1870
HochstetlerClyde born about 1883
HochstetlerDorothy born about 1925
HochstetlerFlosa born about 1900
HochstetlerJerry born about 1935
HochstetlerStanley born about 1922
HockmanElmer born about 1915
HockmanGeraldine born about 1917
HockmanJanet born about 1939
HockmanMary Josephineborn about 1939
HolstonC Pborn about 1887
HolstonElsa Maeborn about 1924
HolstonEva Jborn about 1890
HolstonFloyd born about 1887
HolstonOral born about 1922
HopkinsJames born about 1930
HortonGeorgia born about 1913
HortonIva born about 1926
HortonJ Wesleyborn about 1890
HubbleCarrie born about 1898
HubbleDavid born about 1924
HubbleHarold born about 1926
HubbleRoy born about 1895
HughbanksErnest born about 1916
HughbanksEvertice born about 1921
HughbanksRobert born about 1938
HughbanksRuth born about 1939
HummelGerald born about 1921
HummelHarold born about 1914
HummelLaren born about 1924
HummelLucy born about 1888
HummelLucy born about 1929
HusbandBilly born about 1927
HusbandCaroline born about 1879
HusbandChloe born about 1914
HusbandHazel born about 1895
HusbandJene born about 1928
HusbandLester born about 1900
HusbandLynaana born about 1911
HusbandMarion born about 1876

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I Surnames

IngramBetty born about 1926
IngramIcy born about 1891
IngramJames born about 1933
IngramJohn born about 1890
IngramJohn Jr born about 1928
IngramMary born about 1923
IngramRobert born about 1931
IsomMay born about 1911

J Surnames

JacksonBetty Lborn about 1930
JacksonLevi born about 1882
JacksonLizzie born about 1886
JacksonMelvin born about 1923
JardonClay born about 1890
JardonMary born about 1878
JeffersElizabeth born about 1882
JenkinsDella Mborn about 1894
JenkinsDorothy Ruthborn about 1927
JenkinsEddie born about 1911
JenkinsGoldie born about 1885
JenkinsHarry Cborn about 1918
JenkinsImogene born about 1929
JenkinsJoe born about 1887
JenkinsJohn Wborn about 1892
JenkinsLois born about 1887
JenkinsManuel born about 1882
JenkinsMargaret Rutheborn about 1938
JenkinsNellie born about 1918
JenkinsRalph born about 1919
JenkinsStanley Leeborn about 1925
JenkinsWilliam Cborn about 1921
JohnsonEarl Mborn about 1893
JohnsonEdith born about 1890
JohnsonGladys born about 1923
JohnsonHelen born about 1927
JohnsonJames Rborn about 1937
JohnsonLois born about 1930
JohnsonMabel born about 1903
JohnsonMyralin born about 1934
JohnsonRalph born about 1917
JohnsonRay born about 1905
JohnsonWayne born about 1904
JonesAnna Mayborn about 1938
JonesBlanch born about 1904
JonesCorene born about 1937
JonesFreda born about 1927
JonesGlendora born about 1932
JonesLorene born about 1937
JonesMarjorie born about 1930
JonesPaul born about 1902
JonesRichard born about 1925
JonesVirginia born about 1935
JordonBen born about 1876
JordonBessie Cborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeithanJoseph born about 1893
KeithanRachael born about 1866
KellerAlonzo born about 1915
KellerArthur born about 1929
KellerBasie born about 1934
KellerCharles born about 1939
KellerDavid born about 1891
KellerDemphsey Eborn about 1918
KellerDonald born about 1936
KellerDonmie born about 1940
KellerElva Mborn about 1891
KellerErnest born about 1887
KellerEthel born about 1921
KellerEugene born about 1923
KellerEunice born about 1891
KellerHarry born about 1921
KellerHerschel born about 1925
KellerIrene born about 1898
KellerJames born about 1924
KellerKenneth born about 1924
KellerLeroy born about 1917
KellerLewis born about 1918
KellerLizzie born about 1896
KellerLloyd born about 1940
KellerLois born about 1933
KellerLouise born about 1913
KellerMerle born about 1912
KellerMinda born about 1884
KellerNoble born about 1923
KellerPearl born about 1914
KellerPhyliss born about 1936
KellerRex born about 1928
KellerRoy born about 1884
KellerRuth born about 1915
KellerVirgil born about 1919
KellerVirginia born about 1923
KellerVirginia born about 1930
KellerVirginia born about 1938
KellerW Rborn about 1893
KellerWilliam Lexborn about 1921
KennettDirtle born about 1917
KennettJames Cborn about 1882
KennettLyle Eborn about 1919
KennettNellie born about 1890
KennettNettie Graceborn about 1921
KentAvis born about 1927
KentBula born about 1907
KentChristal born about 1913
KentDonna Roseborn about 1935
KentEdgar born about 1911
KentElmer born about 1898
KentGrace born about 1883
KentIris born about 1938
KentJoseph Eborn about 1870
KentMary Bborn about 1877
KentMerle born about 1912
KentRosa born about 1919
KesterCarmen born about 1911
KesterClair born about 1903
KesterKeith born about 1933
KesterMarilyn born about 1934
KettleLaura born about 1874
KettleLouise born about 1906
KettleMona born about 1934
KettlePhilip born about 1905
KettleRossie born about 1914
KettleRuth born about 1931
KirkwoodBertha born about 1899
KirkwoodRalph Eborn about 1922
KirkwoodWilford born about 1900
KittleMarlane born about 1938
KittleRolland born about 1906
KittleRuby born about 1914
KleinBillie Edwardborn about 1931
KleinChas born about 1875
KleinElnor born about 1916
KleinEmma born about 1881
KleinKenneth Deanborn about 1935
KleinMargureite born about 1911
KleinPeggy Jeanborn about 1935
KleinRoy born about 1924
KleinWm born about 1899
KnightBert born about 1874
KnightSarah born about 1875
KramerA Fborn about 1898
KramerDavid born about 1938
KramerDonald born about 1929
KramerMorris born about 1925
KramerViolet born about 1900
KressElmis born about 1918
KressHelen born about 1922
KressLeslie born about 1895
KressMallie born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambCharlotte born about 1909
LandisTheodore Mborn about 1875
LaudermilkJackie born about 1934
LaudermilkJanet born about 1939
LaudermilkJoan born about 1938
LaudermilkOpal born about 1913
LaudermilkPaul born about 1907
LawsonAndrew born about 1864
LawsonBilly born about 1930
LawsonHarvey born about 1910
LawsonHerschel born about 1912
LawsonMary born about 1886
LawsonOlive born about 1895
LawsonRay born about 1895
LawsonSarah born about 1875
LawsonWallace born about 1876
LeeLeonard born about 1882
LetsingerBen born about 1889
LetsingerBetty born about 1927
LetsingerEva born about 1867
LetsingerGarnett born about 1923
LetsingerMaxine born about 1922
LetsingerVirginia born about 1925
LewisClaude Eborn about 1915
LewisEverett Johnborn about 1933
LewisGertha born about 1900
LewisHarschel Lborn about 1931
LewisRaymond born about 1930
LewisWilliam Eborn about 1926
LiffickDoris born about 1896
LiffickErman Lborn about 1916
LiffickErnest born about 1917
LiffickEsla Iborn about 1920
LiffickMax born about 1921
LiffickOrval born about 1895
LightElza born about 1899
LightKenneth Maxborn about 1929
ListonDelores born about 1915
ListonEunice born about 1910
ListonFrances Eborn about 1876
ListonJames born about 1873
ListonJesse born about 1871
ListonJohn born about 1913
ListonJosephine born about 1861
ListonJunior born about 1933
ListonLeland born about 1903
ListonLeon born about 1924
ListonOkie born about 1888
ListonRay Eborn about 1885
ListonRena born about 1879
ListonSharlen Iborn about 1935
ListonShirley born about 1936
LucasGenevieve born about 1918
LucasHarley born about 1913
LucusDolores born about 1939
LucusLeonard born about 1937
LutasHelen born about 1913
LutasLarry born about 1937
LutasRaymond born about 1906
LutherMarinda born about 1852
LyfordDonald Wayneborn about 1934
LyfordIva born about 1913
LytleElizabeth born about 1877
LytleHarry born about 1875
LytleLois born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MalonHarry born about 1902
MalonHelen born about 1930
MalonJames born about 1897
MalonRuth born about 1904
MaloneCharles born about 1927
MaloneCrystal born about 1911
MaloneDarcus born about 1900
MaloneDelbert Leonborn about 1933
MaloneEverett born about 1935
MaloneEzra born about 1905
MaloneHerschel born about 1893
MaloneJewel born about 1934
MaloneLeo born about 1907
MaloneOscar born about 1897
MalonePansy born about 1928
MalonePaul Edwardborn about 1930
MaloneRobert Leeborn about 1932
MaloneZella born about 1897
MarlonEmma born about 1888
MarlonRichard born about 1886
MarlowIrene born about 1910
MarlowLiebert born about 1910
MarlowMarvin born about 1875
MarlowMinnie born about 1878
MarlowStanley Richardborn about 1934
MarlowVirgil born about 1931
MarloweBernice Bborn about 1886
MarloweFernie born about 1917
MarloweJerry born about 1935
MarloweOra Ethelborn about 1894
MarloweRay born about 1915
MarseClarence born about 1897
MarseConsa Aborn about 1904
MarseHarold Ronaldborn about 1922
MarseJustine born about 1921
MarseThomas born about 1924
MarshBarbara Sborn about 1937
MarshDallas Eborn about 1914
MarshLa Donna born about 1917
MarvelEffie born about 1881
MarvelW Mborn about 1877
MathersClora Aborn about 1882
MathersJoseph Bborn about 1879
MathersLeon born about 1906
MathersWilma born about 1923
MatthewsCampbell born about 1863
MattoxBilly born about 1936
MattoxBobby Royborn about 1940
MattoxCharles born about 1937
MattoxClifford born about 1884
MattoxCurt born about 1897
MattoxDavid born about 1934
MattoxEarl born about 1891
MattoxEithel born about 1886
MattoxElsie born about 1920
MattoxEugene born about 1926
MattoxEvelyn born about 1895
MattoxHazel born about 1922
MattoxHelen born about 1891
MattoxJoe born about 1938
MattoxLe Roy born about 1932
MattoxLillian born about 1930
MattoxNina born about 1926
MattoxPearl born about 1900
MattoxRalph born about 1935
MawelHugh born about 1911
MawelLarry born about 1933
MawelMary born about 1911
MawelMilo born about 1937
MayFern born about 1904
MayImogene born about 1924
MayWilbur born about 1926
MayfieldBessie born about 1889
MayfieldEstelle born about 1922
MayfieldGilbert born about 1886
MayfieldGilbert Jr born about 1920
McCannonJean born about 1926
McCrocklinGarry Grantborn about 1939
McCrocklinLester born about 1904
McCrocklinNaomi born about 1909
McCulloughAlvin born about 1899
McCulloughAmile born about 1871
McCulloughBetty born about 1930
McCulloughClarence born about 1915
McCulloughDavid born about 1936
McCulloughDorothy born about 1913
McCulloughEdlon born about 1938
McCulloughGrover born about 1885
McCulloughHenderson born about 1870
McCulloughHerschel born about 1909
McCulloughJean born about 1917
McCulloughJosephine born about 1902
McCulloughMary born about 1891
McCulloughMelvin born about 1914
McCulloughVivian Dborn about 1937
McDanielAudrey born about 1924
McGregorVera born about 1911
McGriffDora Jborn about 1880
McGriffWilbur born about 1869
McKeeHarold born about 1895
McKeeJames born about 1922
McKeeLehman Raeborn about 1924
McKeeMarie born about 1905
McReeCecil born about 1922
McReeDale born about 1937
McReeGenevia born about 1931
McReeHadis born about 1898
McReeJoe born about 1927
McReeLeland born about 1929
McReeLester born about 1928
McReeMary born about 1925
McReeNina born about 1935
McReeRoy born about 1901
McReeWalter born about 1939
McReeWendell born about 1933
McUlloughArnold born about 1912
McUlloughMartha born about 1936
McUlloughMary born about 1910
MeredithCharles born about 1911
MeredithErnestine born about 1916
MeredithMelvin Rexborn about 1939
MeredithNorma Jeanborn about 1932
MeredithPhyllis Anneborn about 1938
MeredithWanda Jeanborn about 1936
MeredithWilma Catherineborn about 1934
MetsalfJosephine born about 1857
MeyerAlbert born about 1922
MeyerClarence born about 1924
MeyerEtta born about 1871
MeyerMarcus born about 1897
MeyerRichard born about 1926
MeyerRuby born about 1921
MeyerWayne born about 1919
MillerAnna born about 1913
MillerArnold born about 1920
MillerBarbara born about 1869
MillerBarbara born about 1935
MillerBarbare Annborn about 1934
MillerBarney born about 1908
MillerBilly born about 1928
MillerBobby Bruceborn about 1931
MillerCatherine born about 1927
MillerCharles Hborn about 1879
MillerChas Kborn about 1913
MillerClarence born about 1933
MillerClayton born about 1919
MillerDale born about 1931
MillerDavid Eborn about 1882
MillerDewey born about 1900
MillerDonald born about 1924
MillerDonna Joanborn about 1930
MillerDonna Loreneborn about 1937
MillerDorothy born about 1909
MillerEmil born about 1927
MillerEmma born about 1873
MillerEmmet born about 1896
MillerEsther born about 1920
MillerEvelyn born about 1935
MillerFannie born about 1889
MillerFaye born about 1921
MillerFoster Eborn about 1895
MillerFrancis born about 1938
MillerFred born about 1923
MillerFreeman Eborn about 1923
MillerGayle born about 1927
MillerGretchen born about 1911
MillerGroves Rborn about 1884
MillerHazel born about 1912
MillerHelen born about 1930
MillerJames born about 1873
MillerJames Leonardborn about 1932
MillerJames Rborn about 1930
MillerJemmy Clydeborn about 1938
MillerJerry Franklinborn about 1935
MillerJessie born about 1898
MillerJoan born about 1932
MillerJoan Johannaborn about 1868
MillerJohn Davidborn about 1940
MillerJoseph Eborn about 1926
MillerKenneth born about 1917
MillerLarry Leeborn about 1939
MillerLenna born about 1885
MillerLeona born about 1896
MillerLeonard born about 1906
MillerLloyd born about 1904
MillerLoretta Juneborn about 1929
MillerLowell born about 1922
MillerMarchall Rayborn about 1899
MillerMargaret born about 1915
MillerMargaret Jborn about 1854
MillerMary Cborn about 1886
MillerMary Ruthborn about 1928
MillerMaude born about 1902
MillerMay Mborn about 1892
MillerMiles Keithborn about 1934
MillerMinerva Aborn about 1859
MillerMirian born about 1904
MillerNina Lorraineborn about 1927
MillerNora born about 1877
MillerNora Lborn about 1877
MillerNorma Jeanborn about 1925
MillerNorman born about 1938
MillerNorman Jackborn about 1927
MillerOpal born about 1922
MillerPatsy born about 1939
MillerPauline born about 1922
MillerRita Ileaneborn about 1931
MillerRobert born about 1925
MillerRobert born about 1936
MillerRonda Kayborn about 1938
MillerSamuel Eborn about 1869
MillerSanford Fosterborn about 1871
MillerSusie born about 1878
MillerVealin born about 1932
MillerVelma born about 1903
MillerVerlin born about 1891
MillerViolet Manellaborn about 1925
MillerWalter Gborn about 1898
MillerWarren Lborn about 1912
MishlerMay born about 1898
MishlerRosie born about 1874
MorlowJ Cborn about 1856
MorrisMaggie born about 1879
MullinsAnna Murlborn about 1920
MullinsCarrie born about 1924
MullinsDorothy born about 1926
MullinsLeora born about 1887
MullinsLloyd born about 1917
MullinsNorma Fborn about 1930
MullinsOtis born about 1884
MummaElla Louiseborn about 1924
MummaGoldie born about 1899
MummaLevi Franklinborn about 1935
MummaLucile Marieborn about 1928
MummafranklinLevi born about 1898
MunawGrace born about 1891
MunawOliver born about 1916
MurphyMary Eborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashDarlene born about 1939
NashMilber born about 1916
NashPauline born about 1920
NealAlan Leeborn about 1934
NealCarl born about 1914
NealDoris born about 1931
NealJanet born about 1934
NealJoseph born about 1874
NealMary born about 1912
NealMillie born about 1908
NealRuel born about 1904
NelsonAnabelle born about 1916
NelsonDella Jborn about 1892
NelsonDonald born about 1936
NelsonHarry born about 1889
NelsonJack born about 1933
NelsonMuriel born about 1919
NelsonOpal born about 1909
NelsonRay born about 1907
NelsonVaughn born about 1913
NelsonWilliam born about 1930
NewbeyRosemary born about 1927
NicholsonChas born about 1864
NicholsonJonah born about 1874
NicholsonW Lborn about 1862
NicholsonWebb born about 1885
NickelsonHarry born about 1888
NickelsonLucille born about 1915
NickelsonNora born about 1887
NickelsonWm born about 1907
NicosonCleo born about 1921
NicosonDoris born about 1923
NicosonErnest born about 1889
NicosonEugene born about 1926
NicosonJune born about 1932
NicosonVerval born about 1907
NoahPayne born about 1895
NuckallsAlvin born about 1939
NuckallsBeulah born about 1899
NuckallsDewey born about 1921
NuckallsLewis born about 1899
NuckallsMarshall born about 1938
NuckallsMary born about 1925
NuckallsSeba born about 1894
NuckallsVina born about 1903
NullBertha born about 1910
NullCharles Aborn about 1932
NullJohn Rborn about 1929
NullMary Leeborn about 1938
NullRussel born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OrmanCarl born about 1933
OrmanCharles born about 1937
OrmanDella born about 1935
OrmanDelores born about 1940
OrmanDonald born about 1926
OrmanElsie born about 1935
OrmanHarold born about 1921
OrmanHerbert born about 1918
OrmanHersehel born about 1925
OrmanIrene born about 1927
OrmanJames born about 1933
OrmanLee born about 1937
OrmanLovel Thomasborn about 1938
OrmanMorton born about 1878
OrmanMuriel born about 1920
OrmanMyrtle Fayeborn about 1930
OrmanPaul born about 1923
OrmanRose Eborn about 1880
OrmanRose Marieborn about 1929
OrmanRoy born about 1885
OrmanRuth born about 1898
OrmanSadie born about 1897
OrmanSilas born about 1895
OrmanThelma born about 1924
OrmanWillard born about 1931
OrmanWoodie born about 1901
OwenArthur born about 1924
OwenEva born about 1887
OwenWilliam Hborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PareyEmily born about 1870
PareyJ Wborn about 1867
ParkerCharles Rolandborn about 1928
ParkerHarold Wayneborn about 1925
ParkerMelvin born about 1903
ParkerReva Maeborn about 1935
ParkerRomena born about 1904
ParsonRobert born about 1863
ParsonsGeorge born about 1895
ParterCharles born about 1925
ParterHomer born about 1880
ParterMaybelle born about 1885
PayneCline born about 1888
PayneEmma Almaborn about 1884
PaytonKatherine born about 1886
PaytonLora Leeborn about 1927
PaytonMargaret born about 1922
PaytonRichard born about 1926
PaytonRobert born about 1923
PeaveyEleanor born about 1919
PeaveyFrank born about 1886
PeaveyGeorge born about 1916
PeaveyGladys born about 1889
PeaveyRachel born about 1914
PerrigoldWinifred born about 1879
PerryFrederick born about 1915
PerryNettie born about 1884
PhagleyEstelle born about 1890
PhagleyRoscoe born about 1885
PhegleyClarence born about 1888
PhegleyDavid born about 1936
PhegleyFred Hborn about 1891
PhegleyHenry born about 1898
PhegleyMary born about 1895
PhegleySarah born about 1862
PhippsGaldie born about 1903
PhippsIra born about 1911
PhippsIris born about 1920
PhippsJohn born about 1869
PhippsMary born about 1929
PhippsMay born about 1874
PhippsNorman born about 1926
PhippsOpal born about 1906
PhippsOrbey born about 1905
PhippsOrbey Jr born about 1924
PilantBetty born about 1933
PilantDavid born about 1926
PilantEffie born about 1912
PilantJohn born about 1901
PilantJohn Jborn about 1924
PilantMartha born about 1869
PilantMilton born about 1867
PilantMyrtle born about 1904
PilantRaymond born about 1930
PilantWayne born about 1927
PointerAudrey born about 1922
PointerCalvin born about 1918
PointerLee born about 1915
PointerLola born about 1907
PointerW A Jrborn about 1924
PooleCarl Frederickborn about 1927
PooleHelen born about 1922
PooleHelen born about 1929
PooleHenry born about 1863
PooleHubert born about 1920
PooleJames born about 1921
PooleJames Hborn about 1940
PooleMaggie born about 1884
PooleMargaret born about 1924
PooleMax born about 1917
PooleRobert born about 1926
PooleRosie born about 1864
PooleUlman Pborn about 1885
PooleWilmer born about 1913
PritchardBetty Maxineborn about 1928
PritchardHarry born about 1926
PuckettCarl born about 1926
PuckettHarry born about 1860
PuckettHulman born about 1890
PuckettIra born about 1889
PuckettJimmy born about 1924
PuckettJoseph Eborn about 1919
PuckettLuther Donborn about 1923
PuckettMary Margaretborn about 1923
PuckettMax born about 1932
PuckettMaymie born about 1902
PuckettNancy born about 1859
PuckettNellie born about 1895
PuckettNorman born about 1928
PuckettOlive born about 1920
PuckettPaul born about 1924
PuckettRex born about 1929
PuckettRichard Eborn about 1886
PuckettRobert born about 1930
PuckettRonald born about 1916
PuckettStella born about 1892
PuckettWalter Eborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaileyAugusta born about 1934
RaileyClaude born about 1904
RaileyDan born about 1930
RaileyDorothy born about 1934
RaileyGaret born about 1898
RaileyLois born about 1930
RaileyMary born about 1915
RaileyMayne born about 1926
RaileyNora born about 1905
RaleyAlta born about 1903
RaleyEdna born about 1906
RaleyFloyd born about 1896
RaleyNellie born about 1902
RaleyPatsy Annborn about 1937
RaleyRoland Deanborn about 1932
RaleyRuth born about 1925
RaleyWanda Maeborn about 1930
RectorGeorge born about 1886
RectorL Cborn about 1864
RectorLeora born about 1886
RectorSherman born about 1873
ReedDella born about 1880
ReedDennis born about 1913
ReedEd Eborn about 1875
ReedEdward Dborn about 1916
ReedJewell Sborn about 1906
ReedJoanna Fayeborn about 1935
ReedKenneth born about 1913
ReedOpal born about 1913
ReedRuth born about 1919
ReedSarah Mborn about 1849
ReelRussel born about 1909
RehmelAnna Latitiaborn about 1868
RehmelBobby Leonborn about 1939
RehmelEdward Dborn about 1940
RehmelLadonna Lborn about 1937
RehmelRaymond Fborn about 1911
ReichartJohn born about 1883
ReichartMary born about 1883
ReichartMaxine born about 1918
RoeEarl born about 1892
RoeMabel born about 1895
RoePearl born about 1923
RooneyDan born about 1875
RossJohann Wborn about 1859
RossNellie born about 1879
RowCora Aborn about 1886
RowEugene born about 1882
RowLehman born about 1912
RoweFrank born about 1885
RoweNettie born about 1885
RoweWilburn born about 1915
RoyerAlto Eborn about 1918
RoyerDelmar born about 1923
RoyerDon Eborn about 1920
RoyerEdith Lborn about 1921
RoyerStella born about 1885
RusselCarl born about 1922
RusselEdith born about 1930
RusselEdward born about 1890
RusselGene born about 1936
RusselHubert born about 1925
RusselJames born about 1933
RusselMaude born about 1892
RusselOscar born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SammCharles Leeborn about 1940
SammCurtis born about 1912
SammEverett Deanborn about 1934
SammIrene born about 1915
SammLydia born about 1877
SammMargaret born about 1905
SammThomas Edwardborn about 1936
SammWalter Wayneborn about 1937
SammWilburn born about 1917
SammWilliam Eborn about 1874
SandersFrankie born about 1905
SandersGale born about 1927
SandersJanice Joanborn about 1929
SandersJohn Bborn about 1906
SandersLaura born about 1925
SandersOla born about 1880
SandersRalph born about 1910
SandersReba born about 1909
SandersWilliam born about 1918
ScottEverett born about 1914
ScottLilly Maeborn about 1923
ScottWalter born about 1875
SextonChas Eborn about 1871
SextonTena Aborn about 1872
ShankLillian born about 1909
ShankMary born about 1931
ShankNoah born about 1917
ShankNoraitta born about 1939
ShankPaul born about 1933
ShanklinEdna born about 1883
ShephardAustin Jborn about 1927
ShephardBernice born about 1908
ShephardCarmen Collenborn about 1935
ShephardMary Margaretborn about 1932
ShephardVictor born about 1909
ShidlerAnn born about 1932
ShidlerBetty born about 1930
ShidlerCarrie born about 1872
ShidlerClyde born about 1882
ShidlerCurt born about 1871
ShidlerEarl born about 1924
ShidlerEdith born about 1936
ShidlerEster born about 1921
ShidlerGilbert born about 1927
ShidlerGladys born about 1919
ShidlerHarriet born about 1883
ShidlerIrene born about 1896
ShidlerJonas born about 1937
ShidlerJune born about 1925
ShidlerLouise born about 1917
ShidlerLucille born about 1907
ShidlerMary born about 1848
ShidlerMerle born about 1916
ShidlerRaymond born about 1907
ShidlerRuth born about 1911
ShidlerRuth born about 1930
ShidlerVinela born about 1939
ShidlerWilliam born about 1878
ShieldsErma born about 1914
ShieldsGeo Jr born about 1914
ShieldsGeorge born about 1865
ShieldsGeorge born about 1938
ShieldsJames born about 1922
ShieldsLucretia born about 1862
ShieldsPhylis Cborn about 1937
ShieldsSheryll Lynnborn about 1935
ShilderEsta born about 1890
ShilderHarley born about 1886
ShildlerCarolyn Sueborn about 1935
ShildlerImogene born about 1915
ShildlerJackie Leonborn about 1939
ShildlerOrval Kborn about 1914
ShonkW Aborn about 1880
ShortLeo born about 1899
ShortMargaret born about 1877
ShortWilliam born about 1864
ShucklettAllyn Bborn about 1936
ShucklettAlton born about 1905
ShucklettAlton Bborn about 1933
ShucklettMary Roselynborn about 1939
ShucklettOpal born about 1909
ShuderEarl born about 1894
ShuderFlora born about 1893
SiepmanCarrie Iborn about 1895
SiepmanHarry Aborn about 1895
SimpsonElza born about 1871
SindersChester born about 1915
SindersClaude born about 1910
SindersClea born about 1901
SindersGaldie born about 1911
SindersHersehel born about 1908
SindersJohn born about 1869
SindersJona born about 1880
SindersLela born about 1914
SindersLeon born about 1939
SindersLucille born about 1919
SindersNancy born about 1937
SindersRachel born about 1886
SindersShirley born about 1934
SindersVernilia born about 1921
SindersWilliam born about 1877
SkedmoreCora Bborn about 1876
SkedmoreHarvey Dborn about 1874
SlaterAlton Eugeneborn about 1934
SlaterConard born about 1910
SlaterJackie Leeborn about 1938
SlaterMarie born about 1913
SlaterPatricia Anneborn about 1936
SlaterRosetta Janeborn about 1939
SluderEugene born about 1920
SluderForest born about 1921
SluderHada born about 1899
SluderIra Wayneborn about 1922
SluderJacob Tborn about 1883
SluderKathryn born about 1930
SluderLester Iborn about 1913
SluderMargaret born about 1922
SluderNeal born about 1925
SluderNell Mborn about 1882
SluderNorman born about 1920
SluderRay born about 1890
SluderRuth born about 1931
SmithAelcie born about 1866
SmithBessie Mborn about 1898
SmithBetty Eborn about 1930
SmithCharles born about 1893
SmithCharles Raymondborn about 1895
SmithDale born about 1927
SmithDolores Ferreborn about 1935
SmithDonald born about 1930
SmithDortha born about 1922
SmithFannie born about 1901
SmithFlorence born about 1901
SmithFreeman born about 1929
SmithHarry born about 1921
SmithHerschel born about 1918
SmithJohn Hborn about 1895
SmithJuanita born about 1914
SmithJuanita born about 1934
SmithLaveda born about 1932
SmithLe Roy born about 1936
SmithLeon born about 1924
SmithLouise born about 1901
SmithOtis born about 1929
SmithRussel born about 1936
SmithWilliam born about 1893
SnedekerFrank born about 1858
SparksErma born about 1907
SparksEverett born about 1901
SparksRobert born about 1930
SparksWanda born about 1935
StaggsFrances born about 1889
StaggsHelen born about 1912
StaggsNorma born about 1925
StaggsPatty born about 1931
StaggsRay born about 1881
StaggsRaymond born about 1923
StarkBenjamin Jborn about 1879
StarkClyde born about 1881
StarkDaniel born about 1858
StarkEwell Lborn about 1896
StarkFlossie born about 1906
StarkFredland born about 1926
StarkGeorgia born about 1878
StarkJames Oborn about 1881
StarkJess born about 1902
StarkJulia Mborn about 1885
StarkMargaret born about 1896
StarkNora born about 1885
StarkOrris Hborn about 1917
StarkSamanie born about 1884
StarkZorada born about 1873
StawburnerJ Cborn about 1870
SteartJohn Mborn about 1862
StevensJohn Cborn about 1885
StevensMary Eborn about 1891
StevensMaynard born about 1925
StevensMelvin born about 1935
StevensWillard born about 1928
StevensonAnna born about 1934
StevensonCharles born about 1927
StevensonHarvey born about 1932
StevensonJames born about 1930
StevensonLeverna born about 1902
StevensonRobert born about 1928
StevensonSusan born about 1924
StevensonWilliam born about 1923
StevensonWillma born about 1938
StevensonWm Wborn about 1901
StewartSarah born about 1860
StjohnBesie born about 1896
StjohnCatherine born about 1927
StjohnCleopatra born about 1938
StjohnJames born about 1891
StjohnLexie born about 1923
StjohnPhoebe born about 1924
StjohnRalph born about 1927
StockJoan born about 1932
StockJohn Raymontborn about 1934
StockLouise born about 1913
StockRaymond Jackborn about 1914
StoopsBetty Roseborn about 1932
StoopsEdna Marieborn about 1927
StoopsEthel born about 1897
StoopsHarvey born about 1887
StoopsIda Belleborn about 1920
StoopsRobert Bborn about 1889
StoopsVina born about 1887
StoutAlma born about 1903
StoutBert born about 1880
StoutDonald Leeborn about 1928
StoutSarah Prudenceborn about 1937
StoutVena born about 1897
StrahleBobby born about 1922
StrahleHazel born about 1898
StrahleJohn Wborn about 1891
StrahleyArthur born about 1929
StrahleyBernard born about 1926
StrahleyFlossie born about 1902
StrahleyJohn born about 1930
StrahleyLila born about 1932
StrahleyRobert born about 1923
StrahleyRolland born about 1902
StraleyDell born about 1880
StraleyFrank born about 1921
StraleyHersehel born about 1909
StraleyJames born about 1915
StraleyMelvin born about 1885
StraleyMelvin Rayborn about 1936
StraleyPaul Elwoodborn about 1930
StraleyPearl born about 1879
StraleySarah Eborn about 1888
StraleySerna born about 1907
StraleySherman born about 1931
StraleyViolet Mayborn about 1915
StraleyWanita born about 1922
StrongInez born about 1899
StrongWalter born about 1911
StwalleyCharley born about 1924
StwalleyMary born about 1886
StwalleyMary born about 1918
StwalleyOtis born about 1884
SummerEverett born about 1901
SummerHazel born about 1904
SwarbrickHenry born about 1879
SwarbrickJohn born about 1874
SwarbrickLeora born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TapeyLester born about 1899
TapeyLola born about 1896
TargattEtha born about 1918
TargattEverett born about 1933
TargattMaurice born about 1894
TennisClarence born about 1890
TennisDella born about 1896
TennisDora born about 1873
TennisGuy born about 1893
TennisHelen born about 1923
TennisJohn born about 1872
TennisMay Joeborn about 1931
TennisWalter born about 1921
TennisWenona born about 1920
TennisWinnie born about 1893
ThoberanGraham born about 1877
ThoberanPearl born about 1881
ThomasEdna born about 1912
ThomasEleanor born about 1931
ThomasElmer born about 1907
ThomasJames born about 1928
ThomasKarline Kayborn about 1939
ThomasNorma born about 1926
ThomasPatty born about 1932
ThomasRobert Eborn about 1933
ThompsonD Rborn about 1873
ThompsonMally born about 1885
TodaySavannah born about 1875
TodayWillard Wakefieldborn about 1867
ToddDella born about 1884
ToddJames born about 1880
TonerAnna born about 1855
TuckerNorma born about 1922
TuckerWilliam born about 1889
TurleyHerman born about 1904
TurleyLurene born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanhornAnna Eborn about 1885
VanhornCarmen born about 1937
VanhornEarl born about 1885
VanhornFrederick Fborn about 1918
VanhornGerald Mauriceborn about 1940
VanhornIra Loreneborn about 1920
VanhornLetha born about 1917
VanhornLewis Hborn about 1915
VanhornMary Francisborn about 1938
VanhornRoberta born about 1939
VanhornRoy Dwaineborn about 1940
VansantBarbara born about 1937
VansantDorence Lborn about 1916
VansantDoris born about 1919
VansantGeneva born about 1910
VansantJames Lborn about 1939
VansantJohn born about 1883
VansantNora born about 1885
VansantRevelle born about 1908
VeachMary Eborn about 1884
VeachWilliam Eborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltersEdward born about 1870
WaltersLucy Annieborn about 1870
WaltersRay born about 1892
WaltersRuby born about 1912
WardAlice born about 1899
WardHarry born about 1875
WardLeonard born about 1901
WardLota born about 1877
WarnerArtie born about 1898
WarnerBessie born about 1927
WarnerDavid born about 1920
WarnerJess born about 1937
WarnerJohn born about 1893
WarnerKenneth born about 1933
WarnerNorma born about 1930
WarnerWarren born about 1928
WarnerWilbur born about 1936
WatsonHazel born about 1893
WatsonMary born about 1916
WatsonRay born about 1891
WatsonSusie born about 1892
WattsKirby born about 1893
WestAlbert born about 1917
WestBilly born about 1930
WestCharles born about 1885
WestDonald born about 1921
WestDonnie born about 1936
WestEmerson born about 1922
WestErma born about 1922
WestEstel born about 1919
WestFlossie born about 1908
WestFrank born about 1926
WestFred born about 1888
WestGerala born about 1879
WestGertrude born about 1900
WestHarry born about 1896
WestHelen born about 1895
WestHerman born about 1926
WestHeston born about 1928
WestIra Lborn about 1901
WestJack born about 1924
WestJoanne born about 1919
WestJr Belle born about 1925
WestJune born about 1930
WestLester born about 1923
WestMary born about 1900
WestOrval born about 1899
WestPhylis born about 1934
WestReuben born about 1878
WestReuben Jr born about 1915
WestRonnie born about 1936
WestRoy born about 1903
WestShirley born about 1938
WestTommy born about 1932
WestVerle born about 1926
WestWalter born about 1930
WestWoodrow born about 1929
WhitalkerEarhmal born about 1930
WhitalkerFern born about 1909
WhitalkerJoice born about 1929
WhitalkerJoice Hborn about 1898
WhitalkerWarren born about 1937
WhiteHabart born about 1900
WhitepooleCharlotte born about 1893
WhitepooleFrank born about 1891
WierCharles Eborn about 1922
WierEmma born about 1888
WierGeorge Cborn about 1886
WierGeorge Jr born about 1917
WierHarry born about 1924
WierJesse Willardborn about 1931
WierJohn Hborn about 1922
WierLa Veda born about 1924
WierRobert Eborn about 1926
WilkensEarl born about 1938
WilkensEmma born about 1904
WilkensFrances born about 1922
WilkensFrancis born about 1887
WilkensGlenn born about 1918
WilkensJack born about 1927
WilkensJessie born about 1939
WilkensKatheline born about 1924
WilkensMerle born about 1938
WilliamsEvan born about 1880
WillieDaisy born about 1886
WillieOscar born about 1883
WillieRuth born about 1924
WillieVenre Laborn about 1919
WilsonAgnes born about 1878
WilsonJames Lborn about 1913
WilsonJames Leeborn about 1939
WilsonOlethad born about 1916
WilsonWilliam Gborn about 1868
WinkleplickIra born about 1869
WinkleplickMargaret born about 1892
WireAlvey Jborn about 1911
WireEthel Louiseborn about 1938
WireMartha Lucilleborn about 1936
WireReva Maeborn about 1914
WiseJosie born about 1912
WiseMax born about 1908
WiseRuth Adaborn about 1937
WnaleyJoseph born about 1875
WolfeAlma born about 1890
WolfeJohn Hborn about 1881
WolfeLevene born about 1919
WoodronBlanch born about 1883
WoodrowWalter born about 1878
WorthBetty Jeanborn about 1933
WorthClarence Aborn about 1885
WorthClarence Hborn about 1912
WorthDonnal Leeborn about 1936
WorthEmma Louborn about 1940
WorthMyrtle Mborn about 1891
WorthPerlina born about 1912
WorthThomas Wborn about 1938
WrightEddie Leeborn about 1931
WrightEffie born about 1881
WrightIswald born about 1916
WrightJack Eldonborn about 1926
WrightOgra born about 1880
WrightOliver Patborn about 1905
WrightRalpha born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeryarAda born about 1922
YeryarBud born about 1887
YeryarClint born about 1884
YeryarDonald born about 1936
YeryarElla born about 1881
YeryarHarold born about 1925
YeryarHenry born about 1882
YeryarHilda born about 1921
YeryarMarjorie born about 1922
YeryarRuby born about 1902
YeryarVera born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanArchie born about 1861
ZimmermanClifford born about 1917
ZimmermanClifford Jr born about 1939
ZimmermanJane born about 1866
ZimmermanVirginia born about 1918

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