1940 U.S. Federal Census of Liberty in Shelby County, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Liberty in Shelby County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcraEugene Bborn about 1878
AcraWilliam born about 1872
AdamsDoris born about 1919
AdamsMolly Janeborn about 1936
AdamsWalter born about 1918
AldridgeDorothy born about 1930
AldridgeElizabeth born about 1919
AldridgeHattie born about 1882
AldridgeIda Maybellborn about 1933
AldridgeLaurel born about 1937
AldridgeLeroy born about 1911
AldridgeLoretta born about 1897
AldridgeRobert born about 1927
AldridgeRose Maryborn about 1925
AldridgeThelma born about 1913
AldridgeWalter born about 1894
AldridgeWilliam born about 1880
AmsdenEleanzar Kborn about 1886
AmsdenFrancis born about 1918
AmsdenFreda Sborn about 1896
AmsdenMargaret born about 1916
AndersonIna born about 1873
AnnatroffClifford Gborn about 1890
AnspaughFredrick Thomasborn about 1940
AnspaughKathryn born about 1918
AnspaughKenneth born about 1917
AnspaughRobert Louisborn about 1939
AppleAmy born about 1898
AppleEva born about 1870
AppleGeorge Alfredborn about 1921
AppleGeorge Wborn about 1898
ArcheyCharles born about 1896
ArcheyFrank born about 1879
ArcheyMinnie born about 1900
ArcheyVada born about 1881
ArcheyWarren born about 1927
ArmstrongEunice Maeborn about 1908
ArmstrongMatilda born about 1868
ArmstrongPerry born about 1868
AshBeverly born about 1930
AshFreda born about 1906
AshJackqueline born about 1927
AshMaurice born about 1902
AustinRoy born about 1875
AveryDudley born about 1868
AveryGertrude born about 1872
AveyAlbert born about 1884
AveyCarrie born about 1878
AveyIsaac born about 1919
AyresGrace born about 1883

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B Surnames

BadzlyMattie born about 1880
BaileyElla born about 1877
BakerBlanche born about 1894
BakerClara born about 1892
BakerDara born about 1873
BakerDolphus born about 1905
BakerEarl born about 1894
BakerErma Lborn about 1907
BakerFlora Mayborn about 1870
BakerJessie Mborn about 1887
BakerJoseph born about 1862
BakerLaura born about 1890
BakerOrval born about 1894
BakerRobert born about 1889
BakerVirgie born about 1897
BakerWilliam Rborn about 1868
BalesAlbert Pborn about 1881
BalesJosephine born about 1889
BalesMabel born about 1890
BarnesEvelyn born about 1925
BarnesForest born about 1887
BarnesGaynell born about 1930
BarnesGladys born about 1920
BarnesJean born about 1926
BarnesJoel Gborn about 1903
BarnesLeota Lborn about 1890
BarnesLester born about 1889
BarnesLorene born about 1902
BarrettGeorgia born about 1872
BartonElmer born about 1861
BassettAlice Annborn about 1936
BassettDorothy born about 1910
BassettGale born about 1908
BenhamCharles Dborn about 1900
BensonThomas born about 1859
BerauerHelen born about 1901
BerauerJo Annborn about 1930
BerauerKatherine born about 1872
BerauerMary Janeborn about 1922
BerauerOmer born about 1902
BerauerWilbur born about 1897
BerauerWilbur Francisborn about 1921
BerauerWilma born about 1927
BerauerWray born about 1928
BeyerAnna born about 1921
BeyerBernard born about 1924
BeyerBertha born about 1900
BeyerBetty born about 1932
BeyerCatherine born about 1921
BeyerCharlene born about 1934
BeyerCharles born about 1927
BeyerClara born about 1924
BeyerDaniel born about 1929
BeyerFrank born about 1895
BeyerGertrude born about 1928
BeyerHelen born about 1922
BeyerJames born about 1925
BeyerJames Eugeneborn about 1939
BeyerJohn Jborn about 1890
BeyerJohn Jr born about 1922
BeyerJoseph born about 1864
BeyerJoseph Jr born about 1920
BeyerJustina born about 1891
BeyerLawrence born about 1918
BeyerLeo born about 1893
BeyerLeona born about 1926
BeyerLillian born about 1929
BeyerLucy born about 1905
BeyerMartin born about 1923
BeyerMary born about 1918
BeyerMaurice born about 1926
BeyerMax born about 1889
BeyerMildred born about 1937
BeyerNorma born about 1931
BeyerPaul Jborn about 1900
BeyerRita born about 1932
BeyerRobert born about 1923
BeyerRose born about 1904
BeyerTressa born about 1926
BeyerWalter born about 1926
BeyerWanda born about 1937
BeyerWilliam born about 1930
BlanfordAnna Maeborn about 1930
BlanfordArthur born about 1937
BlanfordDoris born about 1929
BlanfordElmer born about 1935
BlanfordGeorge born about 1902
BlanfordNorma Ruthborn about 1932
BlanfordOllie born about 1911
BogemannAnna born about 1876
BogemannDonald born about 1938
BogemannJohn Uborn about 1916
BogemannLawrence born about 1939
BogemannPhilomena born about 1919
BogemannWilliam Jborn about 1871
BogerGlen born about 1923
BowersEli born about 1862
BowersJosephine born about 1857
BoyceMaxine born about 1928
BrannagelCarol Sueborn about 1938
BrannagelCharles Bborn about 1906
BrannagelCharles Hughborn about 1939
BrannagelMary Francesborn about 1919
BranninEva born about 1881
BranninIreva born about 1924
BranninWillis born about 1873
BraunagelAnna Marieborn about 1939
BraunagelEdward born about 1901
BraunagelMary born about 1913
BraunagelRosemary born about 1937
BriggemanAnna born about 1881
BriggemanGeorge Fborn about 1878
BroklemeierDorothy born about 1911
BroklemeierRobert Leeborn about 1934
BroklemeierRolland born about 1908
BrownAlonzo born about 1869
BrownClyde Wborn about 1905
BrownElla born about 1878
BrownFloy born about 1882
BrownHelen Eborn about 1909
BrownLavonia Mayborn about 1870
BrownLucille born about 1898
BrownRoss Dborn about 1893
BrownRuth Annborn about 1938
BrownWilliam born about 1876
BrysonCora born about 1873
BrysonOscar born about 1870
BrysonRonald born about 1909
BrysonWaldo born about 1914

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C Surnames

CarpenterEthel born about 1898
CarpenterFlorence Lavennieborn about 1927
CarpenterFrank Lowellborn about 1924
CarpenterJohn Rileyborn about 1931
CarpenterLaura Frankelineborn about 1936
CarpenterMary Louiseborn about 1919
CarpenterWilliam Thomasborn about 1933
ChrystyDaisy born about 1912
ChrystyJack born about 1901
ChumbleyCosby born about 1924
ChumbleyEvangeline born about 1928
ChumbleyJames born about 1902
ChumbleyMary Marthaborn about 1926
ChumbleyStella Mborn about 1903
ClappAda born about 1893
ClappBarbara born about 1934
ClappBetty Maxineborn about 1936
ClappCoy Rayborn about 1932
ClappJames Wborn about 1882
ClappJohn born about 1878
ClappLucile born about 1919
ClappMary Annborn about 1929
ClappMinnie born about 1885
ClappRoss born about 1927
ClappTroy Leeborn about 1932
ClappWilbur Rborn about 1915
ClayFlodell born about 1896
ClayOliver born about 1879
ClaytorDorothy born about 1939
ClaytorEthel born about 1901
ClaytorEva Maeborn about 1934
ClaytorGeorge Juniorborn about 1928
ClaytorGeorge Leeborn about 1901
ClaytorHenry Tborn about 1906
ClaytorLeila Geraldineborn about 1926
ClaytorMabel born about 1933
ClaytorMarjorie born about 1937
ClaytorMildred Iborn about 1913
ClaytorPatricia Ileneborn about 1931
ClaytorTheodore Texasborn about 1874
ClaytorVirginia born about 1907
ClaytorWilliam Aborn about 1899
ClaytorWilliam Jr born about 1928
CleaverElva born about 1892
CleaverEverette born about 1889
CoersDennis born about 1913
CoersFrank born about 1888
CoersFred Wborn about 1871
CoersGary Wayneborn about 1939
CoersJosephine born about 1874
CoersKirby born about 1907
CoersNorma born about 1891
CoersPhylis Dborn about 1932
CoersRuby born about 1910
CoersSharon Annborn about 1935
ComstockBlanche born about 1899
ComstockCarolyn born about 1924
ComstockFloyd born about 1894
ConnallyEliza born about 1876
ConnerAlva born about 1877
CooperDella born about 1898
CooperLemuel Lborn about 1894
CordAnna Mborn about 1867
CordAnna Marieborn about 1936
CordBernadette born about 1907
CordCharles Jborn about 1897
CordImelda born about 1938
CordJames Fborn about 1920
CortJohn Henryborn about 1872
CortSarah born about 1908
CortStanley born about 1904
CortWanda born about 1927
CottonHarry born about 1888
CoulsonHelen Gborn about 1909
CoulsonSamuell Bborn about 1879
CoulstonDonald born about 1924
CoulstonMarie born about 1895
CousinsAddie Florenceborn about 1901
CousinsBasil born about 1921
CousinsForrest born about 1926
CousinsJohn Lborn about 1900
CousinsJune born about 1939
CousinsKenneth born about 1928
CousinsMarvin born about 1925
CousinsMyrl born about 1930
CousinsVirginia born about 1931
CoxClinton Randallborn about 1937
CoxEarl born about 1929
CoxElla born about 1889
CoxFrank born about 1916
CoxMartha born about 1914
CoxMaxine born about 1922
CoxPauline born about 1927
CoxRobert born about 1920
CoxWilliam Davidborn about 1888
CoyBayless Lborn about 1873
CoyLulu Jborn about 1876
CraigJames born about 1916
CraigLucille born about 1916
CraigNora born about 1873
CraigWilliam Russellborn about 1937
CraigeJohn Hborn about 1873
CramerAnna born about 1898
CramerHarry born about 1895
CreedBass born about 1876
CreedBernard born about 1925
CreedBillie born about 1923
CreedEthel born about 1888
CreedHerman born about 1878
CreedLawrence born about 1902
CreedMary born about 1883
CreedNoles born about 1919
CreedNorve born about 1872
CreedPheba born about 1900
CrosbyCyrus born about 1868
CummingsDoris Jeanborn about 1936
CummingsHelen born about 1909
CummingsHelen Eileenborn about 1928
CummingsHerrell born about 1897
CummingsLoren Herrellborn about 1931
CunninghamAustin born about 1873
CunninghamCarrie born about 1874
CunninghamGertrude born about 1891
CunninghamJohn born about 1887
CunninghamNadine born about 1922
CunninghamWilbur born about 1914
CunninghamWilfred born about 1913
CunninghamWyborn born about 1919
CurtisIva Mborn about 1878
CurtisJames Cborn about 1879

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D Surnames

DashiellEthel born about 1888
DavisGerald born about 1917
DawsonCharles born about 1881
DawsonEdith born about 1901
DawsonHarold born about 1924
DawsonMary born about 1922
DawsonMildred born about 1924
DawsonMinnie born about 1881
DawsonStanley born about 1918
DawsonWalter born about 1901
DayLeslie Gborn about 1888
DayRetta Fborn about 1888
DeatonEunice born about 1904
DeatonPaul Edwardborn about 1925
DeatonRoland born about 1901
DebaunEliza Janeborn about 1870
DebaunWilliam Jr born about 1923
DesringerBonita born about 1922
DesringerChloa born about 1890
DickenEtta born about 1911
DickenLovell Geneborn about 1932
DickenPaul born about 1908
DickenPaul Howardborn about 1937
DickenPauline born about 1934
DickenRandall born about 1930
DickenReba born about 1927
DickenThelma Maeborn about 1939
DolesJean Marieborn about 1930
DolesLois born about 1910
DolesRobert born about 1936
DolesVirgil born about 1909
DorseyCecil born about 1898
DorseyRaymond born about 1895
DoveMary Winterborn about 1905
DoveRolland Leeborn about 1903
DoveRolland Lee Juniorborn about 1939
DrummondAlice Maeborn about 1862
DuncanPatricia Annborn about 1929

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E Surnames

EnsmingerJohn born about 1870
EnsmingerMaggie born about 1872
EnsmingerWilliam Hborn about 1849
EubankJohn Wborn about 1866
EubankLuella Mborn about 1871
EvansEunice born about 1898

F Surnames

FagelBernice born about 1917
FagelBobby born about 1929
FagelChester born about 1915
FagelEdward born about 1890
FagelFranklin Fborn about 1885
FagelKatie Bborn about 1890
FagelLoren born about 1926
FagelLoyde born about 1923
FagelMerideth born about 1920
FagelRoscoe born about 1913
FagelWilliam born about 1860
FarisElla Maeborn about 1931
FarisFreda born about 1910
FarisRobert born about 1908
FarisRobert Eugeneborn about 1935
FarrowHarry born about 1872
FarrowHattie born about 1882
FarrowRaymond born about 1906
FarrowSylvester born about 1915
FarrowVirginia born about 1926
FesslerAnnabelle born about 1926
FesslerDelores born about 1930
FesslerFaye born about 1893
FesslerGeorge born about 1900
FirsichDonald born about 1916
FirsichEdward Jborn about 1890
FirsichElinor born about 1934
FirsichHubert born about 1920
FirsichJuanita born about 1929
FirsichMary Kathrynborn about 1925
FirsichThecla born about 1894
FischerFred born about 1882
FischerHenry born about 1917
FischerJohn Hborn about 1884
FischerJohn H Jrborn about 1924
FischerLois Francisborn about 1934
FischerMarie born about 1889
FischerMary Catherineborn about 1919
FischerPearl Aborn about 1900
FischerRaymond Edwardborn about 1939
FischerRita Annborn about 1924
FischerRosemary born about 1921
FogartyMatilda born about 1888
FogartyThomas born about 1890
FogartyVirginia born about 1927
FordCora Lborn about 1880
FordErnest Lborn about 1879
FordLeonard Pborn about 1877
FoxAnnie Maeborn about 1886
FoxBlanche Iborn about 1894
FoxGeraldine born about 1920
FoxHarry born about 1891
FoxLarry born about 1915
FoxLeonard born about 1913
FoxOzra born about 1884
FoxworthyD Thomasborn about 1922
FoxworthyFrances born about 1932
FoxworthyJohn Paulborn about 1926
FoxworthyMargaret born about 1896
FoxworthyPaul born about 1895
FridayMargaret Fborn about 1873
FuchsBessie Fborn about 1897
FuchsElla Cborn about 1884
FuchsNorman born about 1926
FuchsRoy Eborn about 1895
FuchsScott born about 1888
FuchsVirginia born about 1920
FuchsWallace Wborn about 1922

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G Surnames

GahimerAddie Bborn about 1881
GahimerArthur Bernardborn about 1939
GahimerCharles born about 1871
GahimerDaniel born about 1910
GahimerDonald Eugeneborn about 1933
GahimerDonna Maeborn about 1939
GahimerDorothy Lborn about 1916
GahimerEulalia born about 1919
GahimerGeorge Robertborn about 1937
GahimerGertrude born about 1879
GahimerGirtha born about 1911
GahimerHoward Eborn about 1909
GahimerJane born about 1920
GahimerJohn born about 1861
GahimerLeonidas born about 1914
GahimerLove born about 1873
GahimerMaggie born about 1867
GahimerMarjorie Jeanborn about 1923
GahimerMarshall born about 1909
GahimerMary born about 1880
GahimerMary Kborn about 1901
GahimerRose Marieborn about 1936
GahimerThelma Jborn about 1919
GahimerVirgil born about 1901
GardnerCarey Fborn about 1874
GardnerMatilda born about 1877
GarrisonAlvin born about 1884
GibbonsGertrude born about 1875
GillHattie born about 1901
GillRaymond born about 1892
GillRichard born about 1924
GillesHerman born about 1917
GillesLeona born about 1918
GillespieHarley Cborn about 1891
GlaubBarbara born about 1859
GlaubEmma born about 1891
GlaubMary born about 1888
GloverGeorge born about 1886
GloverJack born about 1915
GregoryDelbert born about 1901
GregoryGlen born about 1924
GregoryHarry born about 1919
GregoryLena born about 1901
GunningGeorge born about 1900
GunningHelen born about 1906

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H Surnames

HaleyIvy born about 1897
HammerleEugene Edwardborn about 1933
HammerleMary Janeborn about 1926
HammondCecil born about 1916
HammondDaniel born about 1937
HammondFrank born about 1866
HammondMary born about 1872
HammondSamuel born about 1938
HammondViola born about 1916
HarlanGertrude Eborn about 1880
HarlanOliver born about 1877
HaseculterGlenn born about 1892
HaseculterJulius born about 1893
HaseculterMary born about 1922
HaymondAddie born about 1877
HaymondAnna Jborn about 1874
HaymondEarl born about 1883
HaymondEdward Rayborn about 1939
HaymondFern born about 1899
HaymondGeorge Bborn about 1863
HaymondHarriet born about 1895
HaymondHorace Hborn about 1871
HaymondIndia born about 1856
HaymondJoanne born about 1923
HaymondJohn Francisborn about 1923
HaymondMary Emmaborn about 1860
HaymondMary Kborn about 1886
HaymondMyrtie born about 1884
HaymondOmer born about 1888
HaymondPearl born about 1887
HaymondSheldon born about 1881
HaymondStella born about 1876
HaymondeRaymond Eborn about 1878
HeadleeCyril born about 1927
HeadleeElla born about 1887
HeckIda born about 1873
HendersonBlanche Maeborn about 1907
HendersonClifford born about 1919
HendersonCrystal born about 1919
HendersonEdith born about 1921
HendersonEthel born about 1890
HendersonFrances born about 1922
HendersonGrover born about 1885
HendersonLinnie born about 1888
HendersonNolan born about 1884
HendersonNolan Jr born about 1926
HendersonRobert Eugeneborn about 1932
HensonAbe born about 1871
HensonDora born about 1883
HensonRoy born about 1922
HewittAda born about 1884
HewittClarence born about 1894
HewittJack Sewellborn about 1933
HewittJames born about 1921
HewittLuella Strattonborn about 1873
HewittMary Janeborn about 1930
HewittRema born about 1899
HillMyrtle born about 1888
HillVernie Williamborn about 1883
HobonRosie born about 1882
HobonThomas born about 1882
HoffClara Mborn about 1889
HoffHarvy Eborn about 1882
HoffmanAmos born about 1915
HoffmanAnna born about 1895
HoffmanKenneth born about 1892
HoffmanNora Belleborn about 1933
HoffmanWilliam Davidborn about 1929
HolberookEdwin born about 1886
HolberookFannie Mborn about 1890
HolbrookElbert born about 1899
HolbrookEva Maeborn about 1862
HolbrookMadge born about 1906
HolbrookNelle born about 1900
HolbrookNina Charleneborn about 1938
HolbrookPaul born about 1913
HolbrookPauline born about 1918
HolbrookWray born about 1918
HollandEris born about 1924
HollandLucretia born about 1898
HollandWilliam born about 1896
HollandWilliam Frankborn about 1927
HowardEdward Sborn about 1862
HowardEthel born about 1885
HowardHerbert Mborn about 1860
HowardIona Vborn about 1872
HoweryWilliam Henryborn about 1910
HulsmanHannah Dborn about 1890
HulsmanLewis Fborn about 1888
HulsmanMary Margaretborn about 1915
HungerfordBetty Jeanborn about 1928
HungerfordEthel Mayborn about 1927
HungerfordRuth born about 1905

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I Surnames

InlowAlice born about 1877
InmanEdward Hborn about 1883
InmanMargaret Eborn about 1887
InmanPaul Hborn about 1919

J Surnames

JansenAnna born about 1867
JansenEd Fborn about 1873
JeffriesBernard born about 1905
JeffriesBernard Jr born about 1936
JeffriesIsabelle born about 1911
JeffriesThelma born about 1935
JeffriesVirginia born about 1932
JohnsonAnna born about 1914
JohnsonDorothy born about 1927
JohnsonEdgar born about 1903
JohnsonEva born about 1866
JohnsonGeorge Edwardborn about 1923
JohnsonGuy born about 1896
JohnsonHazel born about 1897
JohnsonHoward born about 1922
JohnsonJennie born about 1896
JohnsonOra born about 1892
JonesClaude born about 1890
JonesDorothy born about 1925
JonesEdward born about 1917
JonesForrest born about 1895
JonesHenry born about 1867
JonesJames Raymondborn about 1886
JonesJosie born about 1865
JonesMadge born about 1888
JonesMargaret born about 1908
JonesMildred born about 1923
JonesRalph born about 1919

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K Surnames

KappesBernard born about 1910
KappesFern born about 1912
KappesJohn born about 1874
KappesLawrence born about 1936
KappesMary Louise Jborn about 1940
KappesOtis Vborn about 1897
KappesVirgil born about 1922
KarmireBertha born about 1884
KarmireCaroline born about 1939
KarmireImogene born about 1918
KarmireJ Robertborn about 1919
KarmireKenneth Robertborn about
KarmireLarry born about 1938
KarmireMaud born about 1915
KarmireRosemary born about 1924
KarmireWilliam born about 1916
KeelingElizabeth Kayborn about 1934
KeelingFred born about 1900
KeelingJacqueline born about 1931
KeelingLois born about 1901
KeelingSuzanne born about 1928
KelleyAlbert born about 1882
KelleyAnnabelle born about 1924
KelleyBonnie Elizabethborn about 1936
KelleyDonald born about 1920
KelleyEupha born about 1884
KelleyJesse born about 1885
KelleyLois born about 1917
KelleyPaul born about 1924
KelleyReba born about 1928
KelleyRobert born about 1919
KelleyRobert born about 1929
KelleyValeria born about 1898
KelleyWilliam born about 1929
KelsoJack Livingstoneborn about 1939
KelsoSandra Annborn about 1938
KelsoVirginia born about 1918
KelsoWayne born about 1919
KeppalDorothy born about 1907
KeppalHarold born about 1899
KeppalJacob Dborn about 1873
KeppelCarrie Eborn about 1877
KeppelEdna born about 1923
KeppelEdward born about 1921
KeppelErvin born about 1927
KeppelGeorge born about 1876
KeppelGlenn born about 1917
KeppelJean born about 1929
KeppelJohn born about 1879
KeppelJohn Jr born about 1932
KeppelLara born about 1888
KeppelLena born about 1874
KeppelNeal born about 1931
KetnerRay born about 1900
KingJohn born about 1862
KiserClarence E Jrborn about 1888
KiserEdward born about 1917
KiserFredrick born about 1937
KiserGoldie Lueborn about 1896
KiserJancie born about 1932
KiserLa Vena born about 1927
KiserMaurice born about 1930
KneyBessie born about 1885
KneyEdward Hborn about 1883
KneyMinnie born about 1886
KoehneAgnes born about 1896
KolkmeierNannie born about 1881
KolkmeierRalph born about 1902
KolkmierEdward born about 1880
KolkmierFloyd born about 1916
KolkmierHelen born about 1888
KriegerClarence born about 1898
KriegerMary Mborn about 1868
KriegerWalter Fborn about 1892
KuhnArno born about 1878
KuhnArno Juniorborn about 1923
KuhnDelbert Lborn about 1914
KuhnDonald Lborn about 1938
KuhnEugene born about 1922
KuhnHerbert Cborn about 1892
KuhnJack born about 1931
KuhnJames Sborn about 1928
KuhnKareta Kayborn about 1940
KuhnM Margaretborn about 1913
KuhnMargaret born about 1906
KuhnMarilyn Jborn about 1932
KuhnMary born about 1896
KuhnMaud born about 1894
KuhnNora Lborn about 1898
KuhnPhylis Joanborn about 1929
KuhnRalph Eborn about 1926
KuhnRobert Jborn about 1869
KuhnRoscoe born about 1908
KuhnRussell born about 1925
KuntzCharles born about 1927
KuntzEugene born about 1931
KuntzFlorine born about 1896
KuntzFred born about 1893
KuntzFred Jr born about 1925
KuntzGarnet born about 1939
KuntzJohn born about 1937
KuntzKathryn born about 1920
KuntzMaurice born about 1936
KuntzMelvin born about 1917
KuntzPaul born about 1934
KuntzRuth born about 1926
KuntzShirley born about 1922

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L Surnames

LabarberaJoseph born about 1907
LabarberaMarlene born about 1937
LabarberaPauline born about 1908
LabarberaRose Annborn about 1928
LabarberaWilliam Jborn about 1933
LairdAaron Deloneborn about 1940
LairdCatherine born about 1877
LairdChester born about 1912
LairdDorothy born about 1918
LanhamIda Mborn about 1859
LaytonChester born about 1913
LaytonDonnie Larryborn about 1937
LaytonPearl born about 1911
LeeDillard Eborn about 1890
LeeEmerson born about 1914
LeeEthel born about 1891
LeeMary Ruthborn about 1916
LefflerDorothy Annborn about 1925
LefflerGertrude born about 1900
LefflerJames born about 1934
LefflerPaul born about 1927
LefflerRoy born about 1900
LemonsElmer born about 1886
LemonsZola born about 1884
LeppertBridget born about 1902
LeppertCharles Aborn about 1891
LeppertJosephine born about 1862
LewisEmma born about 1861
LewisIvy born about 1878
LewisMabel born about 1885
LewisMary born about 1881
LewisOra born about 1884
LinvilleAzalia born about 1894
LinvilleHerbert Wborn about 1889
LivelyLydia born about 1865
LoudenBen Jborn about 1862
LoudenLovira Aborn about 1872
LoweClarence Aborn about 1884
LoweRussell born about 1901
LoweS Gabrielborn about 1858
LoweV Luehie Laclaraborn about 1892
LuxBarbara Agnesborn about 1937
LuxLeo born about 1913
LuxLois Annborn about 1938
LuxStephen born about 1933
LuxSusan born about 1861
LuxVirginia born about 1919

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M Surnames

MahinBertha born about 1879
MahinGlenn born about 1915
MannChester Oborn about 1897
MannEarl born about 1925
MannEmerson born about 1922
MannEmma Louiseborn about 1919
MannJames Williamborn about 1915
MannMartha Eborn about 1900
MannNellie Maeborn about 1934
MannOla born about 1887
MannOris born about 1925
MannPaul Rexborn about 1939
MannRobert Daleborn about
MannWilliam Alvinborn about 1936
MarshBettie born about 1875
MarshBetty born about 1925
MarshIreva born about 1923
MarshallAvvie born about 1866
MarshallBeverly Lucilleborn about 1934
MarshallClarence born about 1889
MarshallDavid born about 1939
MarshallErastus Lborn about 1871
MarshallEverett Oborn about 1898
MarshallFern born about 1895
MarshallFern born about 1910
MarshallFrances born about 1908
MarshallJanet born about 1934
MarshallJudith Dianeborn about 1938
MarshallLarry Geneborn about 1939
MarshallLettie born about 1893
MarshallLorene born about 1915
MarshallMarilyn born about 1935
MarshallMaurice Wayneborn about 1921
MarshallNathan born about 1900
MarshallRalph Bborn about 1907
MarshallRichard born about 1930
MarshallRosamond born about 1911
MarshallThomas Jborn about 1861
MarshallWanda born about 1931
MarshallWilbur born about 1909
MartinEarl born about 1895
MartinJonita born about 1927
MartinLorna born about 1899
MartinRobert born about 1921
MasonDaniel Hborn about 1889
MasonDaniel Jr born about 1924
MasonWilliam born about 1924
MathersHattie Eborn about 1860
McAhrenBernice born about 1906
McAhrenDavid born about 1932
McAhrenDorothy born about 1934
McAhrenElecta born about 1927
McAhrenGeorge born about 1936
McAhrenGordon born about 1931
McAhrenJerry born about 1939
McAhrenLaurence born about 1923
McAhrenLewis born about 1902
McAhrenMarcile born about 1930
McAhrenMax born about 1928
McAhrenNellena born about 1925
McAhrenRena born about 1900
McAhrenRobert born about 1931
McAhrenRoy born about 1897
McAhrenVivian born about 1922
McBrideEva born about 1907
McCainCharles born about 1875
McCartyFrances born about 1907
McCartyGarnet born about 1900
McCauleyAlbert born about 1860
McClondLillie born about 1874
McColleyJohn born about 1907
McColleyMargaret born about 1857
McColleyMccolley born about 1888
McCrearyEugene born about 1914
McCrearyLetta born about 1876
McDanielAnna born about 1881
McDanielBertha born about 1889
McDanielForest born about 1919
McDanielLewis born about 1915
McDanielRoy born about 1878
McGilveryMargaret Dborn about 1882
McKeyerDonald born about 1928
McKeyerStella born about 1883
McLaughlinJohn born about 1861
McLaughlinMartha Mborn about 1869
McMichaelEdna Maeborn about 1921
McMichaelHoward Lborn about 1917
McMichaelJames Davidborn about 1939
McNeelyAnna Mborn about 1890
McNeelyGolda born about 1899
McNeelyGoldie Jborn about 1897
McNeelyIsaac Beulborn about 1892
McNeelyKathryn born about 1934
McNeelyMargaret born about 1922
McNeelyMarian born about 1921
McNeelyMorgan born about 1883
McNeelyNellie born about 1895
McNeelyOscar born about 1889
McNeelyRalph born about 1885
McNeelyRussell Eborn about 1921
McNeelyWilliam born about 1917
McVeyAlta born about 1897
McVeyCharles Rborn about 1920
McVeyMarjorie Jborn about 1926
McVeyMarshall born about 1884
McVeyMary Louiseborn about 1923
McVeyMaxine Iborn about 1928
McVeyMinnie Lborn about 1930
McVeyPaul Fborn about 1919
McVeyWillie Mborn about 1925
MedskerLeola born about 1919
MedskerMirl born about 1897
MedskerNorton born about 1898
MeekLeona Walbornborn about 1867
MelickAlice born about 1870
MeltzerBrady born about 1887
MeltzerCaroline born about 1860
MeltzerCora born about 1889
MeltzerDolph born about 1897
MeltzerElizabeth born about 1924
MeltzerFaye born about 1930
MeltzerLouise born about 1887
MeltzerMartha born about 1925
MeltzerMerle born about 1920
MeltzerPhilip born about 1927
MidkeffFlorence born about 1870
MidkiffHelena Fborn about 1877
MidkiffWilliam Rborn about 1876
MiersCharles born about 1880
MiersCharles Jr born about 1926
MiersEllen born about 1901
MileyClifford Sborn about 1904
MileyFrances born about 1916
MileyRobert Sr born about 1873
MillerAnna Mborn about 1876
MillerGeorge Hborn about 1873
MillerLarry Eborn about 1919
MillerMargaret Eborn about 1920
MillerMillie born about 1851
MillerSadie Bborn about 1890
MillerWiley Cborn about 1890
MitcehllDon Tborn about 1933
MitcehllJo Thomasborn about 1932
MitcehllJosephine Fborn about 1910
MitcehllLouis Eborn about 1908
MitcehllShirley Annborn about 1930
MitchellCharles Williamborn about 1916
MitchellElizabeth born about 1919
MitchellFrancis born about 1923
MitchellFrank born about 1889
MitchellGeorge born about 1878
MitchellJoseph born about 1908
MitchellMarjorie born about 1927
MitchellMilda born about 1889
MitchellPearl born about 1912
MitchellRuth Annborn about 1939
MitchellSara born about 1890
MitchellWilma born about 1917
MoffordFay Grantborn about 1916
MoffordJoe born about 1879
MoffordMaggie Mayborn about 1884
MoffordMarlin Wayneborn about 1920
MonroeElla born about 1875
MonroeMarion Zelmaborn about 1895
MonroePaul Eborn about 1915
MonroeRoy born about 1892
MontanyeCharlie Eborn about 1884
MontanyeGail born about 1885
MontgomeryBarbara Janeborn about 1930
MontgomeryClem born about 1897
MontgomeryClem Jr born about 1919
MontgomeryDonald born about 1925
MontgomeryGordon born about 1921
MontgomeryMary Louborn about 1932
MontgomeryRobert Leeborn about 1937
MontgomeryRoxie born about 1901
MontgomeryVincent born about 1922
MoodyBessie born about 1890
MoodyHarry Vborn about 1882
MorganDonald Fborn about 1927
MorganEarl born about 1900
MorganEzra born about 1878
MorganGeorge Carlborn about 1925
MorganIva born about 1888
MorganMary born about 1901
MorganMary Aliceborn about 1922
MorganRobert Fborn about 1926
MorningJames Fborn about 1910
MorningSarah born about 1920
MullEileen born about 1918
MullGrace born about 1881
MullHoward born about 1882
MullIrene born about 1909
MullJanet Sueborn about 1939
MullJudith Gayborn about 1937
MullRalph born about 1908
MullenElizabeth born about 1858
MullenGeorge born about 1886
MullenHarry born about 1897
MullenLulu born about 1884
MyersHelen born about 1913
MyersNancy born about 1937
MyersOrville born about 1893
MyersWilma born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeebAnn Louiseborn about 1929
NeebCharles born about 1931
NeebEdna born about 1914
NeebGale born about 1929
NeebHarold born about 1907
NeebHarold Jr born about 1937
NeebHerbert born about 1919
NeebJohn Cborn about 1870
NeebLinda born about 1939
NeebNancy born about 1935
NeebPete born about 1880
NeebRichard born about 1933
NeebStella born about 1877
NeibertDale born about 1924
NeibertEleanor born about 1927
NeibertNellie born about 1899
NeibertVictor born about 1923
NeibertWayne born about 1901
NewtonForest born about 1894
NewtonJennie born about 1890
NewtonRhoda born about 1863
NewtonRobert Glenborn about 1926
NewtonRose Ellenborn about 1922
NewtonWilliam Sborn about 1924
NicelyPearl born about 1882
NicelyThomas Jborn about 1873
NorrisAlta born about 1875
NorrisDelbert Hborn about 1872
NorrisDonald Leeborn about 1926
NorrisIva born about 1899
NorrisLaymon born about 1900
NorrisRichard Daleborn about 1930
NorvellMary born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OliverBetty born about 1930
OliverDoris born about 1932
OliverEdward born about 1915
OliverEllen born about 1889
OliverFloyd born about 1924
OliverGeorge born about 1879
OliverJames born about 1920
OliverJerry Eugeneborn about 1938
OliverLeila born about 1915
OliverManetta born about 1937
OwensMable born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaddockHarriet born about 1889
PaddockJames Hborn about 1884
PalmertonFrank born about 1881
PalmertonJeanne born about 1922
PalmertonMyrtle born about 1890
ParkerDella Aborn about 1881
ParkerEdna born about 1894
ParkerJunior born about 1919
ParkerLeland Vborn about 1900
ParkerLulu born about 1877
ParkerRobert born about 1873
ParkerRoy born about 1878
ParrishBernard born about 1928
ParrishDarlene born about 1933
ParrishEarl born about 1900
ParrishEleanor born about 1928
ParrishEstal born about 1907
ParrishEva born about 1905
ParrishVelma born about 1907
PearceCarrie born about 1882
PearceDavid Rayborn about 1936
PearceMabel born about 1910
PearceMarcia Jenaborn about 1936
PearceMiles Bborn about 1904
PearceRalph born about 1877
PearcyClyde born about 1915
PearcyCora born about 1919
PearsonAlberta born about 1902
PearsonDavid Leeborn about 1935
PearsonEmerson born about 1904
PeekAlta born about 1893
PeekBetty born about 1925
PeekEarl born about 1899
PeekEdward born about 1892
PeekFlora born about 1897
PeekJ Robertborn about 1888
PeekJohn born about 1917
PeekLouelma born about 1900
PeekMarie Tborn about 1893
PeekMary Ruthborn about 1915
PeekMaxine born about 1920
PeekRebecca born about 1921
PeekRichard born about 1921
PeraunagelAndrew Lborn about 1872
PetterRebecca born about 1926
PettesLove born about 1890
PettesVirginia born about 1921
PettyAlice born about 1934
PettyBernetta born about 1905
PettyInez born about 1930
PettyLouella born about 1928
PettyRussell born about 1903
PollmanCatherine born about 1878
PollmanDorothy born about 1911
PollmanJohn born about 1872
PollmanJohn Wborn about 1916
PollmanRuth born about 1914
PollockLeonard born about 1886
PollockMae born about 1885
PopeJackie born about 1932
PopeLou Annborn about 1936
PopeScott born about 1907
PopeStella born about 1907
PoszGeorge Jborn about 1872
PoszLewis born about 1878
PoszMay born about 1892
PoszNorman born about 1928
PoszOla Marieborn about 1899
PoszWilliam Cborn about 1893
PryorLaura born about 1865
PulseFlora Eborn about 1877
PulseFrank Mborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaheAdeline born about 1876
RaheEdwin born about 1905
RaheHenry Hborn about 1917
RamseyFranklin born about 1925
RamseyNema born about 1902
RathburnDelorma born about 1934
RathburnDonald born about 1936
RathburnDonna Janeborn about
RathburnEugene born about 1931
RathburnIrvin born about 1926
RathburnLeonard born about 1902
RathburnMary Gborn about 1908
RathburnRichard born about 1929
ReberWayne born about 1925
RedenbaughElbert born about 1866
ReedCarl born about 1928
ReedFaye born about 1895
ReedLeroy born about 1923
ReedMildred born about 1910
ReedWalter born about 1925
ReeseMaggie born about 1873
RicheyFreda born about 1900
RicheyMary Louiseborn about 1921
RicheyNorman born about 1923
RicheyRalph born about 1900
RickeyAnna born about 1882
RickeyHarry born about 1877
RobertsHazel born about 1893
RobertsVirgil born about 1894
RobisonBarney born about 1862
RobisonMaggie born about 1865
RosenfeldClara born about 1918
RosenfeldElizabeth born about 1879
RosenfeldElizabeth Gborn about 1872
RosenfeldEmma born about 1910
RosenfeldFlora Elllenborn about 1919
RosenfeldFrancis Gborn about 1912
RosenfeldHenry born about 1909
RosenfeldJanet born about 1939
RosenfeldJoseph Eborn about 1908
RosenfeldJoseph Jr born about 1874
RosenfeldLeo born about 1904
RosenfeldMargaret born about 1919
RosenfeldNorbert born about 1914
RosenfeldOtto born about 1907
RosenfeldVerlinda born about 1914
RosenfeldWilliam born about 1902
RossBetty Louborn about 1931
RossDolph born about 1883
RossEdward born about 1920
RossGene born about 1926
RossJames born about 1911
RossMarie born about 1919
RossWinnie born about 1897
RouseErlene born about 1914
RouseNorman born about 1934
RouseWalter born about 1913
RowletteDaniel Pborn about 1890
RowletteMary Lewborn about 1894
RuhlmanAlma born about 1911
RuhlmanClara Louiseborn about 1935
RuhlmanPatricia born about 1932
RuhlmanPaul Francisborn about 1939
RuhlmanWilliam born about 1900
RunnebohmClifford Gborn about 1930
RunnebohmDorothy born about 1908
RunnebohmEdward born about 1899
RunnebohmElizabeth born about 1876
RunnebohmFrank Aborn about 1907
RunnebohmFrank Ray Jrborn about 1939
RunnebohmKathryn born about 1929
RunnebohmMatilda born about 1900
RunnebohmPatricia Louiseborn about 1934
RunnebohmPaul born about 1928
RunnebohmRaymond born about 1935
RunnebohmRuth born about 1924
RunnebohmThelma born about 1931
RutherfordCloyd born about 1905
RutherfordDarius born about 1878
RutherfordEva born about 1889
RutherfordFloyd born about 1917
RutherfordForest Deaneborn about 1925
RutherfordJune born about 1920
RutherfordMarie born about 1902
RutherfordMary Maudeborn about 1880
RutherfordWarren born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchooleyFrances born about 1862
SchottEmil Bborn about 1890
SchottJake Mborn about 1894
SchottJosephine born about 1884
SchreinerEd born about 1879
SchreinerMinnie born about 1880
SchwallMargaret born about 1865
SchwartzEmma born about 1879
SchwartzFrank Gborn about 1873
SchwartzMildred born about 1909
SchwartzRalph born about 1904
SconnDelphia born about 1893
ScudderForest born about 1901
ScudderFrances born about 1899
ScudderMarilyn born about 1925
ScudderRobert born about 1923
SettlesAllen born about 1939
SettlesBernard born about 1907
SettlesMatilda born about 1905
SettlesOscar born about 1928
SettlesVirgil born about 1931
Sever??? Lborn about 1884
SeverBetty Janeborn about 1921
SeverClem Zborn about 1882
SeverEva born about 1890
SeverFlora Mborn about 1889
SeverGarnet born about 1918
SeverKenneth born about 1915
SeverPauline born about 1916
SeverStephen Grantborn about
SharpJames born about 1915
SharpLeona born about 1913
SharpNancy born about 1938
ShawCordelia Annborn about 1937
ShawIsaac Rayborn about 1913
ShawLeroy born about 1917
ShawMarcella Marieborn about 1939
ShawMary Ettaborn about 1921
ShawSarah born about 1916
SheltonChester born about 1925
SheltonEvelyn Ireneborn about 1934
SheltonHazel born about 1897
SheltonHerbert born about 1920
SheltonMary Louiseborn about 1927
SheltonNealie born about 1888
SheltonPeggy Louborn about 1929
SheltonRobert Mborn about 1915
SheppleGeorge Wborn about 1879
SheppleIrven born about 1901
ShockleyEarl born about 1895
ShockleyEdna born about 1902
ShroutLee Wborn about 1869
SipesEvelyn Marieborn about 1925
SisterHerbert born about 1888
SisterMartha born about 1883
SisterMericia born about 1893
SisterVerona born about 1874
SligerNettie born about 1864
SlinkerFred born about 1907
SlinkerJerry born about 1939
SlinkerViolet born about 1921
SmithAustin born about 1890
SmithBonnie born about 1901
SmithDelorma born about 1925
SmithEarl born about 1903
SmithHarry born about 1908
SmithIreva born about 1927
SmithKeith born about 1930
SmithLillian born about
SmithLillie born about 1881
SmithLula born about 1895
SmithNorman born about 1922
SmithThurman born about 1922
SmithWilliam born about 1925
SosbeClaire Dianeborn about 1929
SosbeGarnet born about 1902
SosbeLena born about 1899
SosbeMervyn Jborn about 1931
SosbeShella Joanborn about 1927
SpearBetty born about 1927
SpearGerald born about 1924
SpearGladys born about 1898
SpearHoward Lborn about 1901
SpearJames born about 1938
SpearJoan born about 1932
SpearMary born about 1930
SpearNancy born about 1922
SpearPatricia Janeborn about 1934
SpellmanArnold born about 1893
SpellmanBessie born about 1893
SpellmanDavid Cborn about 1865
SpellmanGloria Jeanborn about 1925
SpellmanMary born about 1918
SpellmanMinnie born about 1877
SpencerHenry Miltonborn about 1906
SpurlingAnna born about 1915
SpurlingBetty Jeanborn about 1932
SpurlingIsaac born about 1875
SpurlingRay born about 1911
SpurlingRobert Rayborn about 1935
SpurlingRuby Marieborn about 1862
StaderKenneth born about 1917
StaderMary Leeborn about 1922
StaderPaul born about 1920
StaggeAmbrose born about 1912
StaggeTheresa born about 1870
StansiferEdward born about 1873
StansiferLucy Aborn about 1846
StansiferMargaret born about 1874
SteinfortGeorge born about 1884
SteinfortMary born about 1883
StephensConnley Bborn about 1896
StephensCora born about 1898
StephensGrace born about 1926
StephensMarie born about 1922
StephensMary Jr born about 1937
StewartDola born about 1878
StewartManford born about 1879
StickfordCarol Nellborn about 1926
StickfordFredrick born about 1878
StickfordGrace born about 1886
StickfordJohn Fredrick Juniorborn about 1923
StickfordKeith born about 1924
StickfordLyle born about 1928
StierClara born about 1909
StierEthel Eborn about 1886
StierGerald born about 1909
StierJoseph Gborn about 1884
StubbsOssie Dellaborn about 1884
StubbsRoy born about 1888
StubbsWilma Janiceborn about 1919
StuckerCortez Allanborn about 1888
StuckerFern born about 1905
StuckerLarry Wrayborn about 1939
StuckerRussell Daleborn about 1928
SumpterJohn Wborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TandyThomas born about 1928
ThiboEdward born about 1927
ThiboEthel born about 1891
ThiboJohn Glenborn about 1913
ThiboLowell born about 1924
ThiboMarjorie born about 1929
ThiboMaurice born about 1922
ThiboWilma born about
ThomanAnna born about 1906
ThomanElizabeth born about 1880
ThomanHenry born about 1904
ThomanLoren Williamborn about 1938
ThomanNorbert born about 1929
ThomanTheodore born about 1873
ThomasDouglas born about 1919
ThomasLewis Henryborn about 1870
ThompsonBonita born about 1922
ThompsonElla Maeborn about 1923
ThompsonJesse born about 1868
ThompsonMinnie born about 1887
ThompsonNellie born about 1875
ThompsonWilliam born about 1893
ThorpeGeorge Gborn about 1864
ThorpeMatilda born about 1863
ThurstonWilliam born about 1921
TinsleySamantha born about 1863
TitusLucille born about 1912
TitusPatricia Janeborn about 1932
TitusRussell Wborn about 1910
ToothmanEdna born about 1873
TrappHenry Aborn about 1894
TrotterFlorence Annborn about 1903
TrotterJesse Mauriceborn about 1901
TuckerLucy born about 1880
TuckerOpal Maeborn about 1924
TuckerSybil born about 1905
TuckerWellbourne born about 1872

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V Surnames

VanarsdallAlta born about 1885
VanarsdallCarl Edwardborn about 1921
VanarsdallDale born about 1923
VanarsdallLeroy born about 1882
VanarsdallRuth born about 1928
VanscoyBertha Mborn about 1883
VanscoyTimothy Fborn about 1872

W Surnames

WagnerHerbert born about 1895
WagnerPearl Dborn about 1894
WagnerRuth Annborn about 1928
WagonerAuda born about 1877
WagonerCharlotte Joyborn about 1931
WagonerConstance born about 1891
WagonerEbert born about 1899
WagonerEthel born about 1898
WagonerFloyd Eborn about 1901
WagonerHanagon born about 1860
WagonerJessie born about 1897
WagonerKarl Mitchellborn about 1934
WagonerMildred born about 1904
WagonerNannie Rborn about 1875
WagonerNeal born about 1924
WagonerOtto born about 1872
WagonerPatricia Sueborn about 1930
WagonerSonna Joborn about 1938
WagonerVivian Estherborn about 1912
WainscottAnna born about 1922
WainscottJanet born about 1939
WainscottMelvin born about 1916
WarfieldEdward born about 1899
WarlandAlice Maeborn about 1915
WashburnFred born about 1879
WashburnHarry Aborn about 1874
WashburnMinnie Dborn about 1875
WashburnMinnie Eborn about 1882
WashurnIna born about 1874
WashurnOtis Aborn about 1869
WatsonElva Ireneborn about 1882
WatsonFrancis Wborn about 1878
WatsonJames born about 1901
WatsonKatie born about 1871
WeaverAnna born about 1896
WeaverEugene born about 1922
WeaverFrank Sborn about 1900
WeaverMargaret born about 1926
WeaverRolland born about 1918
WeintrautAlbert born about 1893
WeintrautAmanda born about 1902
WeintrautBenjamin born about 1893
WeintrautBernard born about 1918
WeintrautBerneice born about 1920
WeintrautCharles born about 1886
WeintrautCharles born about 1917
WeintrautCleopha born about 1921
WeintrautCrescentia Mborn about 1878
WeintrautDorine born about 1934
WeintrautFrances born about 1908
WeintrautFrank Jborn about 1874
WeintrautGeorge born about 1926
WeintrautGeorge Fborn about 1869
WeintrautGoldie born about 1896
WeintrautIra Jborn about 1906
WeintrautIrene born about 1935
WeintrautKathryn born about 1936
WeintrautMagdalene born about 1871
WeintrautMark born about 1932
WeintrautMary born about 1911
WeintrautMary Mborn about 1857
WeintrautOlive born about 1924
WeintrautOmer born about 1929
WeintrautPauline born about 1934
WeintrautPearl born about 1897
WeintrautRuth born about 1927
WeintrautRuth born about 1938
WeintrautTheresia born about 1893
WendlingCelia born about 1910
WendlingEdward born about 1870
WendlingFloy born about 1888
WendlingGladys Eborn about 1925
WendlingMarie born about 1892
WendlingMorris born about 1905
WendlingNancy Janeborn about 1873
WhismanMary Hateborn about 1859
WhitingerBernard Tborn about 1916
WhitingerBert born about 1886
WhitingerEileen born about 1925
WhitingerMabel born about 1888
WickerBlaine born about 1885
WickerElsie born about 1888
WickerKenmore born about 1915
WickliffEddie Vborn about 1871
WilderJohn born about 1858
WinklerAlfreda born about 1919
WinklerEmerson born about 1913
WinklerHarry Rborn about 1887
WinklerKenneth born about 1921
WinklerMary Lborn about 1892
WinklerNorman born about 1922
WinklerRosella born about 1924
WitzCarol born about 1924
WitzLois born about 1922
WitzMaud born about 1883
WoodsGail Sborn about 1896
WoodsOthor born about 1880
WorlandJames born about 1871
WorlandNannie born about 1876
WrightAlbert born about 1862
WrightBernard born about 1912
WrightErnest born about 1882
WrightFlorence born about 1890
WrightFlossie born about 1888
WrightJoe born about 1887
WrightMaude Aborn about 1885
WrightRuth born about 1928
WrightSarah Jborn about 1877
WrightWalter born about 1879
WrightWayne born about 1919
WrightWillard Wborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarlingMarlene born about 1916
YarlingMichael Hborn about 1909
YarlingMichael Jr born about 1934
YarlingNellie born about 1883
YarlingRaymond Mborn about 1939
YarlingRaymond Tborn about 1883
YarlingYantis Annborn about 1937
YeagerBetty born about 1929
YeagerCharles born about 1882
YeagerEva Iborn about 1872
YeagerHarley Cborn about 1874
YeagerMaxine born about 1916
YeagerNellie born about 1887
YoungMaurice born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimarJohn Francisborn about 1914
ZimarJohn Jborn about 1880
ZimarJosephine Eborn about 1876
ZinserAnna Maeborn about 1913
ZinserFredrick Hborn about 1910
ZobelEva born about 1879
ZobelHenry born about 1864
ZobelJacob born about 1870

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