1940 U.S. Federal Census of Locke, Elkhart, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Elkhart County > 1940 Census of Locke

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbellAlice born about 1906
AbellJ Aborn about 1879
AbellLula Bborn about 1882
AbellThelma born about 1908
AdamsCatherine born about 1914
AdamsCharles born about 1904
AlingerCara born about 1878
AlingerWillis born about 1874
AnglemeyerDella Aborn about 1896
AnglemeyerKeith born about 1934
AnglemeyerSilvester born about 1892
AnglinBessie born about 1892
AnglinBessie born about 1897
AnglinHarry born about 1891
AnglinM Grantborn about 1866
AnglinsSudiah born about 1866
AnglinsWarren born about 1904
ArchBetty born about 1917
ArchFarrell born about 1908
ArchJim born about 1877
ArchMaud born about 1885
ArchPeggy born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyDoris born about 1916
BaileyRussell born about 1912
BakcockDenzil born about 1904
BakcockGertrude born about 1913
BakcockVivian born about 1931
BallmanCarrie born about 1882
BallmanCharlene born about 1935
BallmanHarvey born about 1884
BallmanKenneth born about 1932
BallmanMable born about 1910
BallmanRay Aborn about 1910
BalsleyDoris Ellenborn about 1938
BalsleyMary born about 1910
BalsleyNorris born about 1936
BalsleyPauline born about 1931
BalsleyWilbert born about 1910
BardonEdgar Lborn about 1915
BardonHeneretta born about 1919
BardonMargaret Aborn about 1885
BardonMichial Eborn about 1878
BarnhartJennie born about 1867
BarnhartRobert born about 1874
BartholomewMary Annborn about 1932
BartholomewMildred born about 1910
BartholomewMilo born about 1895
BartlettNina Lborn about 1858
BartmanAllie born about 1881
BartmanE Egotborn about 1885
BaugherBlanche born about 1901
BaugherCarl born about 1923
BaugherElsie born about 1925
BaugherVirgil born about 1902
BaumanBert born about 1868
BaumanDarrell born about 1908
BaumanDavid born about 1932
BaumanMadge born about 1936
BaumanNorma born about 1934
BaumanSarah born about 1908
BeachyMarvin Rborn about 1939
BeachyNoah Eborn about 1920
BeachySarah born about 1919
BeckMyrtle born about 1880
BecknellJohn Wborn about 1877
BecknellSusan Aborn about 1874
BeeryBobby born about 1935
BeeryCharles born about 1904
BeeryHarold born about 1938
BeeryJames born about 1939
BeeryKenneth born about 1928
BeeryLeah born about 1904
BeeryPaul born about 1926
BeeryRichard born about 1924
BeerySimon born about 1886
BeichGrabriel born about 1868
BeichRuth born about 1884
BenderLizzie born about 1867
BeranBetty Louborn about 1935
BeranViola born about 1894
BeranWalter born about 1892
BerlinFrancis Eborn about 1859
BerlinL Magdolenaborn about 1869
BestCloyd born about 1891
BestDaisy born about 1887
BestMable born about 1908
BestNorma born about 1925
BestWade Lborn about 1933
BiglerEvelyn Lborn about 1921
BiglerGerald Eborn about 1926
BiglerGreta Jborn about 1936
BiglerHarry born about 1899
BiglerJane Lborn about 1930
BiglerJoann born about 1931
BiglerMarilyn Aborn about 1924
BiglerMax Lborn about 1928
BiglerThelma born about 1901
BillerJune born about 1920
BillerRalph born about 1910
BilterLyle born about 1929
BinkleyFrank Cborn about 1873
BinkleyMargurite born about 1877
BlasserAmanda born about 1868
BleileAda born about 1890
BleileGeorge born about 1863
BleileGeorge born about 1864
BleileJesse born about 1882
BleileLee born about 1892
BleilePaul born about 1907
BleilieHarold born about 1909
BleilieLewis born about 1879
BleilieOlive born about 1879
BllileNorma Joanborn about 1930
BllileVerna born about 1911
BollmanBeulah born about 1925
BollmanGeorge Wborn about 1894
BollmanHarold born about 1934
BollmanLucile born about 1930
BollmanMabel Fborn about 1897
BollmanRuth Annborn about 1937
BollmanVirgil born about 1922
BollmanWilbur born about 1924
BonifaciusElmer Kborn about 1911
BonifaciusLois Ettaborn about 1920
BonifaciusRobert Lborn about 1939
BorderHarvey born about 1873
BorderIsaac Mborn about 1900
BoresepBlanch born about 1896
BorkholderAda born about 1932
BorkholderAnnie Lborn about 1933
BorkholderDaniel Cborn about 1934
BorkholderElizabeth born about 1935
BorkholderJacob born about 1901
BorkholderKatie Annborn about 1932
BorkholderKaty born about 1932
BorkholderLavina born about 1936
BorkholderLizzie Annborn about 1904
BorkholderLloyd born about 1930
BorkholderLydia born about 1937
BorkholderMartha born about 1929
BorkholderMaryann born about 1931
BorkholderPeter born about 1903
BorkholderRosa born about 1940
BorkholderSylvia born about 1908
BowmanMargurite born about 1907
BowmanMilton born about 1899
BowmanVirginia born about 1939
BradleyBill born about 1881
BringhoffCora born about 1875
BringhoffHerman born about 1867
BringhoffMarie born about 1912
BrownAddie born about 1868
BrownJohn born about 1934
BrownMariam born about 1930
BrownRosmary born about 1926
BrumbaughCloyd born about 1882
BrumbaughDennis born about 1934
BrumbaughLula born about 1885
BurkeyEmma born about 1872
BurkeyGrace born about 1931
BurkeyJerome born about 1869
BurkeyJohn born about 1929
BurkeyLauretta born about 1935
BurkeyMartha born about 1906
BurkeyMary born about 1900
BurkholderAlvin born about 1923
BurkholderAnnabelle born about 1928
BurkholderEdna born about 1918
BurkholderEli born about 1900
BurkholderElizabeth born about 1899
BurkholderElmer Rayborn about 1930
BurkholderFloyd born about 1925
BurkholderLiddie Maeborn about 1929
BurkholderMable born about 1932
BurkholderMelinda born about 1922
BurkholderMelvin born about 1910
BurkholderRosie born about 1927
BurkholderSue born about 1913
BurkholderWalter Eborn about 1916
BuscheDorothy born about 1917
BuscheHenry born about 1915
BussBilly born about 1934
BussBobby born about 1939
BussCarlysle born about 1931
BussFern born about 1907
BussGeorge born about 1906
BussHarvey born about 1878
BussHelen born about 1916
BussJames born about 1930
BussJunior born about 1927
BussLizzie born about 1880
BussMary Janeborn about 1937
BussRussell born about 1912
BussTreva born about 1908
BussWard born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainAugust born about 1881
CainMaud born about 1886
CallanderBetty born about 1922
CallanderDillman born about 1893
CallanderEdith born about 1898
CallanderJames born about 1926
CallanderPhyllis born about 1918
CallanderRichard born about 1931
CambsDoris born about 1913
CambsMelville Lborn about 1914
CampbellLydia Aborn about 1879
CampbellRussell born about 1923
CampbellWilliam born about 1861
CarlBonnie Lborn about 1937
CarlGeorge born about 1864
CarlIsabell born about 1915
CarlMartha Lborn about 1932
CarlPatsy Janborn about 1939
CarlRosa born about 1873
CarlWard born about 1901
CarpenterAvadle born about 1913
CarpenterDavid born about 1913
CarpenterDavid Eborn about 1939
CarpenterNancy Jr born about 1936
CarpenterSuzanne born about 1938
ChamberlianCharles Eborn about 1916
ChamberlianJoseph Hborn about 1874
ChamberlianJoseph Hborn about 1911
ChamberlianMartha born about 1920
ChamberlianMary Eborn about 1909
ChamberlianSarah Rborn about 1913
ChambersOrpha Bborn about 1892
ChambersPatricia born about 1931
ChambersRoy born about 1887
ChristnerDale born about 1917
ChristnerEvelyn born about 1919
ChristnerLeona born about 1889
ChristnerOrange born about 1889
ChuppAmanda born about 1894
ChuppAmanda born about 1936
ChuppAnna born about 1923
ChuppBarbara born about 1932
ChuppEli born about 1915
ChuppEmanuel born about 1918
ChuppJacob born about 1926
ChuppJohn born about 1921
ChuppLevi born about 1934
ChuppLizzie born about 1930
ChuppSamuel Cborn about 1883
ChuppVernie born about 1928
ClauseFloyd born about 1891
ClauseFrankie born about 1891
ClauseHannah born about 1867
ClauseLucinda born about 1890
ClauseMerl born about 1919
ClausePaul born about 1925
ClauseWilliam born about 1880
ClevelandDonald born about 1920
ClevelandWave born about 1920
ClindanelDan born about 1904
ClindanelEvadean born about 1928
ClindanelValera born about 1906
ClouseDaniel born about 1873
ClouseEdna born about 1894
ClouseEva born about 1889
ClouseHoward Jborn about 1914
ClouseJeanette born about 1928
ClouseJohn born about 1886
ClouseJudson born about 1869
ClouseLarry born about 1939
ClouseLewis born about 1877
ClouseMaxwell born about 1914
ClouseMiriam born about 1916
ClouseSarah born about 1865
ClouseWalter born about 1895
ClouseWendell born about 1935
CollinsAlfred born about 1918
CollinsDorothy born about 1918
CollinsJohn born about 1937
CollinsRichard born about 1939
CombsEdward Melvilleborn about 1940
ConnerAmos born about 1907
ConnerFrankie Tborn about 1938
ConnerGladys Iborn about 1911
ConnerMary Eborn about 1935
ConradCarl born about 1918
ConradCarol born about 1939
ConradCharles Mborn about 1885
ConradDolores born about 1933
ConradDonald born about 1935
ConradFern born about 1917
ConradGlen Rborn about 1915
ConradHarold born about 1905
ConradJessie born about 1915
ConradLaura born about 1894
ConradLois born about 1922
ConradViola born about 1907
ConradWilliam born about 1940
CopenhaverDonald born about 1930
CopenhaverFrank born about 1890
CopenhaverGolda born about 1907
CopenhaverHarvey born about 1877
CopenhaverHarvey Jborn about 1926
CopenhaverShirley born about 1932
CopenhaverWilma born about 1938
CorwinAletha Mborn about 1912
CorwinBetty born about 1935
CorwinEarnest Hborn about 1917
CorwinHerbert Aborn about 1877
CorwinJulia born about 1882
CorwinMarjorie born about 1922
CorwinPatricia born about 1930
CorwinRichard born about 1933
CorwinShannon born about 1924
CorwinWilliam born about 1910
CountsAnna born about 1895
CountsFrank born about 1890
CountsFranklin born about 1912
CountsMary born about 1912
CountsRichard born about 1925
CraftonCaroline Kborn about 1938
CraftonHarold Kborn about 1913
CraftonMarion born about 1916
CripeJuniata born about 1916
CripeWillis born about 1915
CulpAnna Eborn about 1918
CulpAnna Mborn about 1874
CulpAnthony born about 1864
CulpBarbra Eborn about 1879
CulpElnora Eborn about 1878
CulpHattie born about 1871
CulpJacob Dborn about 1877
CulpJohn Hborn about 1875
CulpJohn Mborn about 1879
CulpLois born about 1904
CulpMelvin born about 1887
CulpNora born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisBetty born about 1928
DavisDorothy born about 1909
DavisElsie born about 1933
DavisEugene born about 1895
DavisGlen born about 1926
DavisHelen born about 1929
DavisLura born about 1895
DavisRex born about 1932
DavisSamuel Oborn about 1895
DavisShirley born about 1931
DavisVelma born about 1922
DeardorffBennett born about 1876
DeardorffDorothy born about 1893
DeardorffRichard born about 1927
DebowGeorge Jayborn about 1936
DebowJohn Wborn about 1914
DebowMary Madelineborn about 1913
DebowRichard Johnborn about 1939
DefieereBetty born about 1925
DefieereElizabeth born about 1886
DefieereSamuel born about 1878
DefreesHenry Jborn about 1862
DefreesMaggie Mborn about 1866
DefreeseDavid born about 1876
DeitchLevi born about 1864
DellingerFred born about 1891
DennisonAmanda born about 1842
DennisonFerman born about 1884
DennisonJesse born about 1875
DerachCara born about 1878
DerachJacob born about 1875
DickCharollete born about 1914
DickClarence born about 1890
DickPearl born about 1889
DillabaughDudleay born about 1931
DillabaughEvelyn born about 1907
DillabaughMerton born about 1925
DillabaughRoy born about 1900
DomeGenevia born about 1923
DumphFoster Lborn about 1890
DumphVelma born about 1911
DumphVelma Iborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EckertMargaret born about 1904
EimanJean born about 1920
EnglelEdward Wborn about 1884
EnglelEssie born about 1892
EnglelHarold born about 1921
EnglelMelvin born about 1929
EnglelOscar born about 1926
EppleyDewey born about 1930
EppleyJay born about 1893
EppleyRuth Jborn about 1917
EppleyWaldo Rborn about 1888
EstepJacqulin born about 1930
EstepNellie born about 1913
EstepPaul born about 1907
EvansElva born about 1915
EvansGertrude born about 1917
EvansJesse born about 1881
EvansKenneth born about 1914
EvansMaggie born about 1890
EvansMargaret born about 1938
EvansRichard born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarmwaldEmma born about 1889
FarmwaldKathryn born about 1931
FarmwaldLeroy born about 1935
FarmwaldLevi born about 1904
FarmwaldLizzie born about 1908
FarmwaldMartha born about 1934
FarmwaldMary born about 1913
FarmwaldMelvin born about 1939
FarmwaldMervin born about 1916
FarnaldLon born about 1877
FarnaldVersa born about 1881
FasterCharles born about 1917
FasterEddie born about 1938
FasterJosephine born about 1922
FazelHarriet born about 1923
FazelHerman born about 1900
FazelHilda born about 1882
FeldmanCharles born about 1934
FeldmanDouglas born about 1936
FeldmanEleanora born about 1870
FeldmanLloyd born about 1912
FeldmanMildred born about 1915
FeldmanTheodore born about 1933
FeldmanWilliam born about 1859
FeltsRoy born about 1910
FeltsThelma born about 1937
FeltsVirginia born about 1919
FieldElnora born about 1917
FieldGlen born about 1915
FieldHoward born about 1912
FieldMiriam Sborn about 1919
FieldSue Ellenborn about 1939
FieldsHarvey born about 1890
FieldsMarie born about 1892
FieldsMary born about 1923
FieldsMyrtle born about 1918
FieldsRoe Ellenborn about 1931
FinkGeraldine born about 1920
FinkRalph born about 1915
FinkRalph Dborn about 1939
FisherAlva Eborn about 1872
FisherBernice born about 1918
FisherDonald born about 1909
FisherDonna Rborn about 1939
FisherEcho born about 1911
FisherElias Eborn about 1869
FisherGertrude born about 1892
FisherGrace born about 1885
FisherJasper born about 1890
FisherJohn born about 1923
FisherJoseph born about 1879
FisherJoseph Jr born about 1917
FisherLoren born about 1938
FisherRobert born about 1923
FisherRose Marieborn about 1935
FisherRuby born about 1914
FisherRuby Wborn about 1926
FisherWendell born about 1932
FleetwoodCleo born about 1904
FleetwoodPhillip born about 1934
FleetwoodRaymond born about 1903
FloryAnna born about 1882
FloryHenry born about 1882
FloryMary born about 1926
FoudyDoris born about 1924
FoudyGladys born about 1904
FoudyLawrence born about 1904
FoudyThelma born about 1929
FoulkeEsther born about 1904
FoulkeHomer born about 1890
FoulkeMarianne born about 1935
FowlerCarroll born about 1894
FowlerKeith born about 1928
FowlerRobert born about 1926
FoxPhillip born about 1934
FreedMillie born about 1873
FreetCreda born about 1899
FreetDale born about 1925
FreetJean Ellenborn about 1932
FreetRobert born about 1927
FreetWilliam born about 1894
FrengerHarold born about 1916
FrengerMary born about 1920
FrevertEffie born about 1861
FrevertMatilda born about 1873
FrevertSamuel born about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaceTheodore born about 1907
GaceViolet born about 1907
GallClaud born about 1908
GallDallan born about 1931
GallDavid born about 1937
GallGennie Leeborn about 1933
GallJames Eborn about 1881
GallLula born about 1910
GallRichard born about 1929
GallSally born about 1933
GallTheodore Hrborn about 1935
GangerEarl born about 1918
GangerElizabeth born about 1880
GangerMilo born about 1870
GanserElizebeth born about 1920
GanserManda born about 1858
GanserPrinta Mborn about 1887
GanserWarren born about 1881
GanserWilliam born about 1856
GardnerDalla born about 1928
GardnerDonald born about 1933
GardnerJasper born about 1895
GardnerLowell born about 1925
GardnerMelba born about 1908
GardnerRichard born about 1931
GaudermanAnna Louborn about 1930
GaudermanHarold Dborn about 1907
GaudermanMary born about 1906
GautDale born about 1928
GautDashia born about 1892
GautOra born about 1891
GautWilbur born about 1924
GearhartMargurita born about 1932
GearhartRosena born about 1931
GearhartWonda born about 1935
GeatzFrank born about 1879
GeatzMaud born about 1878
GentzhornAlzina born about 1873
GentzhornCarolyn born about 1924
GentzhornCharles born about 1870
GentzhornLester born about 1895
GentzhornRuth born about 1900
GeorgeAileen born about 1916
GeorgeDonnie born about 1938
GeorgeHilda born about 1919
GeorgeKenneth born about 1932
GeorgeWyman born about 1911
GessingerIsabell born about 1910
GessingerRaymond born about 1907
GessingerRichard born about 1934
GessingerRobert born about 1934
GeyerBlanche born about 1901
GeyerGlen born about 1901
GeyerJoe Billborn about 1931
GeyerRobert born about 1925
GibbleThelma born about 1902
GingerichGlennis born about 1921
GingerichMary born about 1888
GingerichNoah born about 1888
GoldenAugusta born about 1865
GoldenEdward born about 1861
GongwerDale born about 1932
GongwerGrace born about 1927
GongwerIvan born about 1925
GongwerMaurice born about 1892
GongwerOlive born about 1896
GonserErma born about 1911
GonserHarry born about 1879
GonserManie born about 1880
GonserWilliam Jborn about 1923
GordonDelbert born about 1892
GordonEstella Mborn about 1891
GordonFloyd Eborn about 1886
GordonGerald born about 1923
GordonLeo born about 1915
GordonLloyd born about 1917
GordonRosa born about 1861
GordonSarah born about 1892
GossAlice Pborn about 1937
GossCharles Eborn about 1900
GossCharles Jr born about 1927
GossHulda born about 1874
GossJohn born about 1902
GossMelvin Dborn about 1939
GossNaomi Rborn about 1935
GossNora born about 1901
GossNora born about 1918
GossVirginia born about 1924
GossWillard Lborn about 1931
GossWilliam born about 1898
GraberAaron born about 1930
GraberAgnes born about 1924
GraberAlbert born about 1923
GraberCaroline born about 1926
GraberEdward born about 1928
GraberHenry born about 1896
GraberHerman born about 1921
GraberMary born about 1932
GraberSuzanna born about 1892
GraszFloyd born about 1886
GraszHazel born about 1889
GreyDona born about 1934
GreyDorothy born about 1898
GreyEdgar born about 1929
GreyHarold born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackartHue born about 1893
HackartJeffery born about 1928
HackartRuth born about 1893
HackstetlerFannie born about 1912
HackstetlerMoses Jborn about 1907
HackstetlerPaul born about 1919
HahnBeverly born about 1932
HahnCarol born about 1925
HahnIrene born about 1897
HahnLois born about 1923
HahnMargaret born about 1921
HahnMelvin born about 1894
HahnThelma born about 1922
HainesCecil born about 1905
HainesEdgar born about 1935
HainesEmma Mborn about 1906
HainesGeorge born about 1891
HainesJohn born about 1933
HainesJune born about 1930
HainesLaurel Eborn about 1902
HainesLaurine born about 1933
HainesLewella born about 1905
HainesMabel born about 1914
HainesMaxine born about 1928
HainesRobert Pborn about
HainesSarah born about 1874
HainesYvonne born about 1933
HaldermanCharles born about 1920
HaldermanDaniel born about 1877
HaldermanElsie born about 1883
HaldermanFrancis born about 1860
HaldermanGlen born about 1914
HaldermanLillie born about 1878
HaldermanLydia Kborn about 1865
HallDevon Rborn about 1923
HallDewey born about 1925
HallDoris born about 1927
HallEarman born about 1928
HallGuy Lborn about 1900
HallLyle Wborn about 1936
HallMary Aliceborn about 1931
HallSusan Mborn about 1901
HallarAnnabelle born about 1913
HallarGuy born about 1909
HallarPatricia Annaborn about 1933
HallowayC Jayborn about 1927
HallowayCarrol born about 1933
HallowayClarence born about 1893
HallowayDoris born about 1930
HallowayElla born about 1894
HallowayElta born about 1919
HallowayHarold born about 1923
HallowayShirley born about 1917
HallowayVirginia born about 1925
HamanLouise born about 1916
HamanRalph born about 1914
HammondFred born about 1895
HammondMary born about 1897
HamsherDorothy born about 1917
HamsherHarold born about 1914
HamsherJoe born about 1862
HamsherSusanna Gborn about 1867
HamsherTerry Ammborn about 1936
HaneyAlonso born about 1918
HaneyEthel born about 1909
HaneyLeota born about 1939
HaneyWalter born about 1905
HareDixie Leeborn about 1940
HareGrace born about 1901
HareLewis born about 1925
HareNora Lborn about 1923
HarePatsy born about 1931
HarePeggy born about 1933
HareRaymond born about 1900
HareRichard born about 1921
HartmanAlpheus born about 1918
HartmanAmos born about 1879
HartmanArnald born about 1918
HartmanBarbra born about 1931
HartmanClarence born about 1907
HartmanCleo born about 1918
HartmanCornelius born about 1875
HartmanDorothy born about 1912
HartmanEstella born about 1908
HartmanFreeman born about 1920
HartmanGeorge born about 1877
HartmanGerald born about 1921
HartmanGerald born about 1928
HartmanHubert born about 1905
HartmanJames born about 1937
HartmanJean Aliceborn about 1937
HartmanJoy born about 1917
HartmanLois Jeanborn about 1933
HartmanLydia born about 1883
HartmanMamie born about 1905
HartmanMarjory born about 1934
HartmanRobert born about 1930
HartmanSusan born about 1876
HartmansLoyd Merlborn about 1921
HartterAlvin born about 1903
HartterDianne born about 1938
HartterMarie born about 1908
HartterVivian born about 1934
HartzlerEdith born about 1921
HartzlerElmer born about 1917
HasslerCardelia born about 1870
HasslerConnie Eborn about 1939
HasslerEvelyn born about 1910
HasslerHarrison Jborn about 1910
HattmanLowell born about 1911
HeckamanAleda born about 1913
HeckamanBerdine born about 1936
HeckamanCarl born about 1934
HeckamanDorothy born about 1934
HeckamanEllen born about 1893
HeckamanJeanette born about 1932
HeckamanJohn born about 1912
HeckamanJunior born about 1930
HeckamanLamar born about 1935
HeckamanOscar born about 1911
HeckamanRoland born about 1933
HeckamanRuth born about 1913
HeckamanShirley born about 1936
HeckamanWillard born about 1872
HeckemanAgnes born about 1878
HeckemanJohn Aborn about 1871
HelmuthAnna born about 1908
HelmuthChrist born about 1916
HelmuthChristy born about 1938
HelmuthEli born about 1911
HelmuthEli born about 1935
HelmuthFlorence Eborn about 1931
HelmuthFreda born about 1916
HelmuthFrieda born about 1937
HelmuthHomer born about 1936
HelmuthJoseph born about 1934
HelmuthLamar born about 1939
HelmuthLaura born about 1933
HelmuthLevi born about 1903
HelmuthMary born about 1939
HelmuthRobert Wborn about 1939
HelmuthWilma born about 1917
HenleyAlvin born about 1889
HenleyBilly born about 1925
HenleyBurton born about 1916
HenleyHelen born about 1918
HenleyJane born about 1893
HenleyJohn Burtonborn about 1939
HenleyPatricia born about 1935
HenleyShirley born about 1938
HeplerDaniel born about 1867
HeplerDella born about 1885
HeplerElva born about 1879
HeplerEmma born about 1874
HeplerGeorge born about 1869
HeplerGrover born about 1884
HeplerHenry Rborn about 1876
HeplerKatie born about 1871
HeplerMatrana born about 1884
HeplerOtt born about 1877
HeplerSimon born about 1852
HeplerSusan born about 1867
HerrFrancis born about 1921
HerrLaurabelle born about 1925
HerrMaggie born about 1896
HerrMartha born about 1884
HerrOscar born about 1878
HerrRoy born about 1896
HershbergerDale born about 1929
HershbergerHarold born about 1931
HershbergerKenneth born about 1927
HershbergerRaymond born about 1905
HershbergerSylvia born about 1907
HershbergerWalter born about 1935
HershergerLeander born about 1889
HershergerLowell born about 1915
HershergerMaxine born about 1925
HershergerWilma born about 1891
HicksmanCarol born about 1933
HicksmanClaude born about 1908
HicksmanIne born about 1915
HicksmanMona Louborn about 1916
HicksmanStella born about 1912
HighArlo born about 1929
HighEdgar born about 1889
HighFern born about 1898
HighLeota born about 1934
HighWillodean born about 1926
HinelySoloma born about 1885
HinkleNannie Bborn about 1866
HochstetlerAmanda born about 1928
HochstetlerAndrew born about 1899
HochstetlerAnna born about 1913
HochstetlerAnna born about 1923
HochstetlerBarbara born about 1922
HochstetlerBarbara born about 1932
HochstetlerBetty Louborn about 1936
HochstetlerCelesta born about 1918
HochstetlerChancey born about 1893
HochstetlerCornelius born about 1858
HochstetlerEdna born about 1896
HochstetlerEdna born about 1933
HochstetlerEli born about 1931
HochstetlerEli born about 1935
HochstetlerErnest born about 1940
HochstetlerHarvey born about 1925
HochstetlerJoe born about 1925
HochstetlerJohn Cborn about 1887
HochstetlerJoseph born about 1895
HochstetlerKathryn born about 1910
HochstetlerLeroy Rborn about 1938
HochstetlerLevi born about 1875
HochstetlerLevi born about 1919
HochstetlerLevi born about 1933
HochstetlerLizzie born about 1883
HochstetlerLizzie born about 1926
HochstetlerLloyd born about 1937
HochstetlerMalinda born about 1875
HochstetlerMary born about 1894
HochstetlerMary born about 1905
HochstetlerMenno born about 1928
HochstetlerMilo born about 1910
HochstetlerMoses born about 1931
HochstetlerOra born about 1907
HochstetlerRoland born about 1913
HochstetlerRudy born about 1913
HochstetlerSamuel born about 1927
HochstetlerSarah born about 1865
HochstetlerSarah born about 1890
HochstetlerSarah born about 1930
HochstetlerValentine born about 1879
HochstetlerVernon born about 1932
HochstetlerWilliam Rborn about 1936
HochstetlerWillis born about 1940
HochstetterEdward born about 1914
HochstetterHenry Cborn about 1885
HochstetterMary born about 1887
HofferGerald born about 1913
HofferLaura born about 1915
HofferPaul Jborn about 1939
HoldermanAlva Rborn about 1935
HoldermanHazel Mborn about 1896
HoldermanJoyce Eborn about 1937
HollowayRay born about 1893
HollowayRuby born about 1925
HollowayRuth born about 1903
HolmesKenneth born about 1921
HomanEleanore born about 1872
HomanWillard born about 1869
HoodBetty Jborn about 1931
HoodDorothy Eborn about 1913
HoodDorothy Mborn about 1928
HoodHarry born about 1908
HoodJack Lborn about 1934
HoodWilliam Wborn about 1932
HoogeboomBaker Dborn about 1862
HoogeboomMary Eborn about 1909
HooverCara born about 1900
HooverDorothy born about 1922
HooverHoward born about 1927
HooverJohn Eborn about 1899
HooverMaggie born about 1886
HooverNed Lborn about 1938
HooverRussell born about 1904
HooverSara Bborn about 1907
HooverThomas born about 1881
HooverWilbert born about 1939
HooverWillard born about 1925
HostetlerAlvin born about 1926
HostetlerBarbara born about 1890
HostetlerDaniel born about 1891
HostetlerEdward born about 1928
HostetlerGlen born about 1917
HostetlerIvan born about 1921
HostetlerKaty born about 1922
HostetlerLeroy born about 1932
HostetlerLiddie Mborn about 1919
HostetlerManass born about 1884
HostetlerMargaret born about 1920
HostetlerMilo born about 1924
HostetterElenor born about 1900
HostetterMint born about 1892
HousourAnnabelle born about 1927
HousourAnson born about 1897
HousourBennie born about 1930
HousourBetty born about 1929
HousourChester born about 1899
HousourClyde Wilsonborn about 1901
HousourDale born about 1937
HousourDewey Eborn about 1926
HousourDon born about 1932
HousourElinor born about 1924
HousourElla born about 1882
HousourJames born about 1928
HousourNellie born about 1900
HousourOpal born about 1904
HousourPearl born about 1905
HousourThomas born about 1923
HowensteinJoy Bborn about 1893
HowensteinNoel born about 1919
HowensteinSally born about 1930
HowensteinWarren born about 1893
HuesMinnie born about 1873
HuffDevoe born about 1929
HuffEdith born about 1897
HuffEsther born about 1925
HuffLloyd born about 1931
HuffMartha born about 1938
HuffOliver born about 1897
HuffRussell born about 1920
HuffStanley born about 1935
HuffWayne born about 1927
Huffman born about 1902
HuffmanDonnabell born about 1926
HuffmanFrances born about 1875
HuffmanGeorge Jr born about 1918
HuffmanGrace born about 1892
HuffmanGrover born about 1888
HuffmanIda Mborn about 1921
HuffmanJohn born about 1902
HuffmanMarjorie Bborn about 1938
HuffmanPaul Wborn about 1925
HummelCurtis born about 1883
HummelDouglas born about 1931
HummelMartha born about 1861
HummelMaud born about 1888
HunsbergerAlma born about 1884
HunsbergerCarlysle born about 1923
HunsbergerClem Kennethborn about 1905
HunsbergerFrances born about 1879
HunsbergerHarley born about 1880
HunsbergerJohn Mborn about 1878
HunsbergerMary Lucilleborn about 1910
HurfordCleo born about 1895
HurfordEarnest born about 1898
HusbandEarl Lborn about 1919
HusbandElgie born about 1897
HusbandEsther born about 1918
HusbandEthel born about 1896
HusbandEvelyn born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JensenEugene born about 1926
JensenFredrick born about 1922
JensenIra Sborn about 1900
JensenLucille born about 1927
JensenMaxine born about 1924
JensenNina Peralborn about 1905
JensenRobert born about 1935
JervisAlvin born about 1876
JervisBertha born about 1876
JohnsonCharles born about 1869
JohnsonChristian Wborn about 1860
JohnsonHobart born about 1924
JohnsonIone born about 1875
JohnsonLucy born about 1886
JohnsonMargaret born about 1863
JohnsonSara Annborn about 1868
JohnsonWaneta born about 1921
JonesElla born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahlerCurtis born about 1881
KahlerEugene born about 1923
KahlerForrest born about 1912
KahlerGrace born about 1884
KaiferBetty Louborn about 1936
KaiferDorothy born about 1908
KaiferEleanor born about 1929
KaiferGeraldine born about 1933
KaiferKenneth born about 1923
KaiferLevaun Eborn about 1927
KaiferVirgie born about 1931
KaiferWilladine born about 1933
KaiferWilliam born about 1902
KaiferWilliam Jborn about 1939
KantzFlora Eborn about 1860
KantzJacob born about 1858
KauffmanFloyd born about 1908
KauffmanJennie born about 1916
KaufmanEloise born about 1927
KaufmanEsther born about 1934
KaufmanFanny born about 1904
KaufmanHenry born about 1895
KaufmanNoah born about 1904
KaufmanRoy born about 1931
KaufmanWillis born about 1923
KeckEloise born about 1921
KehrEdward born about 1890
KehrMary Eborn about 1858
KeiferBurdette born about 1906
KeiferBurdette Jborn about 1934
KeiferGerald born about 1937
KeiferLois born about 1930
KeiferPaul born about 1925
KeiferRichard born about 1927
KeiferRuby born about 1909
KellerSylvester born about 1880
KellyLeah Kborn about 1921
KentBetty born about 1936
KentElenor born about 1934
KentGeorge Wborn about 1852
KentIrman born about 1913
KentMabel born about 1908
KentRobert born about 1911
KentRuth born about 1909
KentVelina born about 1884
KernBernatha born about 1902
KernLester born about 1903
KernRaymond born about 1924
KieslingSylvia born about 1871
KieslingWilliam born about 1875
KightWinfred born about 1918
KingEula born about 1896
KingEvelyn born about 1919
KingHelen born about 1923
KingLynn Wborn about 1897
KingMary born about 1921
KingTilson born about 1922
KinseyAudrey born about 1890
KinseyHazel born about 1897
KinseyRobert born about 1925
KirkwoodFern born about 1905
KirkwoodRonald born about 1931
KlineCharles born about 1878
KlineEstella born about 1881
KlingermanDaniel born about 1879
KlotzFred born about 1873
KlotzLucy born about 1870
KlotzMartha born about 1873
KohlhorstJean Cborn about 1925
KohlhorstMinnie Cborn about 1883
KohlhorstWalter Cborn about 1879
KouphmanAbe born about 1890
KovachFrank born about 1915
KringBertha born about 1899
KringHarold Lborn about 1919
KronkFloyd born about 1904
KronkJesse born about 1875
KronkLucinda born about 1877
KuhnsElizabeth born about 1873
KuhnsManass Tborn about 1870
KuhnsMary born about 1898
KulpBernice born about 1919
KulpJimmie born about 1939
KulpNoah born about 1912
KunsFannie born about 1893
KuppelElizabeth born about 1890
KuppelFrederick born about 1922
KuppelJoseph born about 1886
KurtzAlice born about 1924
KuvachAnna born about 1938
KuvachFlora born about 1912
KuvachPeter born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LahmanAlberta born about 1891
LahmanAlpheus born about 1883
LangfieldBetty born about 1926
LangfieldMarilie born about 1930
LangfieldOpal born about 1909
LangfieldRoy born about 1898
LangfieldShirley Jborn about 1936
LangfieldWalter born about 1933
LappAlberta born about 1914
LappFred born about 1915
LappVance born about 1939
LaseeAndrew born about 1911
LaseeFlossie born about 1918
LaseeShirley Annborn about 1936
LavendarDavie born about 1866
LechlitnerEmma born about 1868
LechlitnerJoseph born about 1866
LehmanArlene born about 1935
LehmanCalvin born about 1888
LehmanDella born about 1894
LehmanDillard born about 1912
LehmanMaryland born about 1939
LehmanPaul born about 1928
LehmanPearl born about 1908
LehmanWilbur born about 1906
LemasterEbben born about 1901
LemnaCarl born about 1931
LemnaFrank born about 1901
LemnaLois born about 1936
LemnaOwen born about 1929
LemnaVirdie born about 1903
LemsterRoma born about 1911
LesleyLula born about 1877
LeslieCalvin born about 1857
LeslieEtta born about 1870
LingafelterLydia Aborn about 1865
LingafelterRobert Bborn about 1866
LinnBeatrice born about 1926
LinnDora born about 1922
LinnHelen born about 1923
LinnJohn born about 1894
LinnJohn Jr born about 1924
LinnJune born about 1928
LinnMiner born about 1859
LinnMona Cborn about 1896
LinnRichard born about 1930
LockwoodAlvina born about 1872
LockwoodEdgar born about 1911
LockwoodSamuel born about 1873
LongCharles born about 1928
LongEthel born about 1900
LongKenneth born about 1933
LongMabel born about 1899
LongMary Aliceborn about 1927
LongMaurice born about 1904
LongRaymond born about 1903
LongSharon born about 1939
LongWilliam Rborn about 1926
LoppMary born about 1876
LoppPauline born about 1910
LoucksAnna born about 1897
LoucksJimmie born about 1938
LoucksKathryn born about 1928
LoucksLamar born about 1919
LoucksLowell born about 1921
LoucksOliver born about 1895
LoucksRuth born about 1926
LoughMartha born about 1865
LutesBerline born about 1910
LutesCharles born about 1936
LutesHerman born about 1911
LutesJames born about 1940
LutesLoren Wborn about 1906
LutesPatty born about 1935
LutesRobert born about 1935
LutesViolet born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MahlerCatherine born about 1864
MahlerFreida born about 1896
MallingerClifton born about 1913
MallingerMadelyn born about 1915
MangoldSimon born about 1863
ManningBernard born about 1927
ManningCarl Cborn about 1901
ManningDurwod born about 1930
ManningMaud born about 1901
MarconettAmanda born about 1874
MarconettAndrew born about 1863
MarguisJanet born about 1871
MarkBurrell born about 1900
MarkMyrtle born about 1907
MarkRay born about 1923
MarksLois born about 1918
MarksLowell born about 1917
MarrisonCharlotte Lborn about 1879
MarrisonLee born about 1871
MartinAaron born about 1910
MartinAnna born about 1913
MartinEdger born about 1905
MartinElenor born about 1936
MartinJuanita born about 1926
MartinMelba born about 1938
MartinMildred born about 1906
MartinPhyllis born about 1924
MartinTreva born about 1939
MasonRuth born about 1891
MasonThelma born about 1918
MastAbe Lborn about 1917
MastAnna Mayborn about 1931
MastBarbara born about 1937
MastEarl born about 1935
MastEli born about 1901
MastFrieda born about 1929
MastGeorge born about 1938
MastGladys born about 1909
MastGlen born about 1906
MastHarold born about 1926
MastHenry born about 1910
MastJoy born about 1911
MastK Donborn about 1939
MastLiddie Annborn about 1902
MastLinda born about 1936
MastMarvin born about 1911
MastMary Annborn about 1939
MastRuby born about 1920
MastSammy born about 1933
MastSusan born about 1900
MasterEmma born about 1874
MasterThomas Wborn about 1875
MatternCharles born about 1892
MatternJohn born about 1918
MatternRichard born about 1922
MatternRuby born about 1896
MatternThomas born about 1930
MaustFreda born about 1921
MaustJohn born about 1928
MaustMary born about 1899
MaustNelson Bborn about 1874
MaustRalph Cborn about 1898
MaustRosemary born about 1922
MaustSusan born about 1865
MayBetty Aborn about 1933
MayMarcelene Pborn about 1929
MayMarvin born about 1904
MayViola Mborn about 1910
MayerFlorence born about 1911
MayerIona Mayborn about 1894
MayerLaurence Jborn about 1894
MayerMearl born about 1911
MayerOlive Mborn about 1924
MayerPaul Lborn about 1922
McAndrewIda born about 1884
McAndrewPatrick Hborn about 1868
McAndrewRobert born about 1913
McAninchRichard born about 1911
McBethDavid Pborn about 1932
McBethEsther born about 1907
McBethJoseph Wborn about 1938
McBethPaul Wborn about 1910
McBethRachel Eborn about 1934
McCanKarl born about 1913
McCuenChester born about 1911
McCuenLois Jeanborn about 1915
McDonaldBarbra born about 1937
McDonaldIdah born about 1892
McDonaldJames Eborn about 1888
McDonaldOllie born about 1896
McDonellAlbert born about 1913
McDonellArlene born about 1913
McGowenHarvey born about 1886
McGowenRhoda Aborn about 1887
McGowenRobert born about 1925
McGowenThelma born about 1923
MeckBernice born about 1900
MeckHarley born about 1894
MeckHoward Dborn about 1923
MeckKathryn Mborn about 1921
MellingerCathrine born about 1916
MellingerDelbert born about 1923
MellingerElsie born about 1881
MellingerMarcia Kborn about 1939
MellingerMary born about 1909
MellingerPaul born about 1922
MellingerThad born about 1878
MellingerVera born about 1904
MessnerAndrew born about 1871
MessnerAnna Cborn about 1870
MessnerDaniel born about 1908
MessnerEarl born about 1907
MessnerFausta born about 1907
MessnerHelen born about 1930
MessnerJames born about 1934
MessnerRobert born about 1933
MessnerVirgie born about 1894
MetzlerBertha born about 1906
MetzlerBetty Janeborn about 1927
MetzlerBill born about 1926
MetzlerCarrie Lborn about 1906
MetzlerDaniel born about 1903
MetzlerDevon Rborn about 1932
MetzlerDonald Lborn about 1928
MetzlerEarl Deanborn about 1927
MetzlerEthel born about 1900
MetzlerFern born about 1924
MetzlerFloyd born about 1910
MetzlerForest born about 1897
MetzlerGoldie born about 1898
MetzlerInez born about 1890
MetzlerJames born about 1927
MetzlerLillie born about 1912
MetzlerLucnda born about 1863
MetzlerManford born about 1907
MetzlerNorman born about 1923
MetzlerPhyllis born about 1923
MetzlerRalph born about 1891
MetzlerRay born about 1893
MetzlerRen born about 1895
MetzlerThomas born about 1865
MetzlerVesta born about 1921
MetzlerWendell born about 1931
MetzlerWilbur born about 1929
MickleCharles born about 1865
MickleSusana born about 1863
MiddaughAnna Mayborn about 1930
MiddaughBlanche born about 1907
MiddaughClarence born about 1927
MiddaughFloyd born about 1907
MiddaughKenneth born about 1928
MiddaughMarjorie born about 1933
MiddaughMary Ellenborn about 1929
MiddaughNoble born about 1905
MiddaughRichard born about 1932
MiddaughRuth born about 1909
MiddletonAlbert Rborn about 1882
MiddletonDon Alwinborn about 1928
MiddletonGenara Aborn about 1903
MiddletonHarry Rborn about 1924
MiddoughEmma born about 1886
MiddoughThomas born about 1880
MilerJessie born about 1869
MillerA Williamborn about 1865
MillerAda born about 1933
MillerAdam born about 1885
MillerAlbert born about 1917
MillerAlice Jborn about 1930
MillerAmanda born about 1930
MillerArthur born about 1900
MillerBarbra born about 1874
MillerBetty born about 1925
MillerCarl Eborn about 1909
MillerCarol Annborn about 1936
MillerCarol Mborn about 1935
MillerCathrine born about 1926
MillerClara born about 1934
MillerD Haroldborn about 1918
MillerDanial born about 1868
MillerDavid born about 1919
MillerDelbert born about 1919
MillerDevere born about 1914
MillerDonald Cborn about 1917
MillerDoris born about 1923
MillerDorothy born about 1903
MillerEdgar born about 1921
MillerEdna born about 1905
MillerEdna born about 1925
MillerEdward born about 1907
MillerEdward Rborn about 1925
MillerEldon born about 1938
MillerEli born about 1915
MillerElmer born about 1924
MillerElnora born about 1938
MillerEmanuel born about 1902
MillerEmma born about 1894
MillerEmma born about 1921
MillerEmma born about 1924
MillerEmma born about 1933
MillerEsther born about 1935
MillerFanny born about 1897
MillerFanny born about 1919
MillerFerril born about 1912
MillerFreed born about 1893
MillerGertrude born about 1890
MillerGlada born about 1899
MillerGrace born about 1880
MillerHarvey born about 1923
MillerHelen Jborn about 1920
MillerHerman born about 1924
MillerIda Maeborn about 1889
MillerIsaac born about 1889
MillerIsabell born about 1927
MillerJames born about 1923
MillerJames born about 1934
MillerJeremiah born about 1851
MillerJesse Hborn about 1884
MillerJohn born about 1923
MillerKatie born about 1902
MillerKatie Iborn about 1929
MillerLamar born about 1918
MillerLaura born about 1928
MillerLaura born about 1932
MillerLizzie born about 1913
MillerLydia born about 1908
MillerManas born about 1873
MillerMaralyn born about 1932
MillerMarjorie born about 1907
MillerMarvin born about 1918
MillerMarvin Dborn about 1933
MillerMary born about 1928
MillerMattie born about 1900
MillerMelvin born about 1927
MillerMildred born about 1909
MillerMildred born about 1934
MillerMose born about 1905
MillerMyrtle born about 1884
MillerNettie Aborn about 1881
MillerNoble born about 1896
MillerOpal born about 1918
MillerOwen born about 1921
MillerRichard born about 1929
MillerRoman Eborn about 1895
MillerRosa born about 1929
MillerRoy Mborn about 1906
MillerRuth Eborn about 1908
MillerSara born about 1939
MillerSarah born about 1921
MillerSusanna born about 1862
MillerSusie born about 1939
MillerSuvilla born about 1888
MillerSylvia born about 1932
MillerVera born about 1921
MillerVernon born about 1937
MillerVernon Eborn about 1873
MillerVictor born about 1937
MillerViolet born about 1912
MillerWalter born about 1900
MillerWillard born about 1919
MillerWillard born about 1922
MillerWilliam born about 1855
MillerWilma born about 1901
MillettCarolyn born about 1916
MillettJohn Wborn about 1921
MillettJosephine born about 1924
MillettLevi Vborn about 1885
MillettMary born about 1892
MillettMary Eborn about 1917
MinardMax born about 1917
MinardSara born about 1913
MinerClaud born about 1893
MinerHazel born about 1895
MinerIda Aborn about 1867
MinerMary born about 1916
MinerMon Louborn about 1927
MinerSharon Annborn about 1938
MitchelenMargaret born about 1870
MitschelenAllen born about 1939
MitschelenGeorge born about 1894
MitschelenGeorge Irvinborn about 1935
MitschelenKathryn born about 1866
MitschelenLouis born about 1936
MitschelenOpal born about 1908
MitschelenWilyard born about 1918
MitschlenBetty Sborn about 1939
MitschlenEvelyn born about 1916
MitschlenJacob Hborn about 1909
MitschlenLaurel Iborn about 1936
MitschlenMary Eborn about 1934
MitterlingBert Aborn about 1899
MitterlingJames born about 1934
MitterlingKenneth born about 1936
MitterlingMary born about 1913
MitterlingVirginia born about 1931
MoneyhefferCora Aborn about 1876
MoneyhefferMary born about 1916
MoneyhefferWilliam born about 1864
MooreAlbert born about 1902
MooreDora born about 1878
MooreIsabell born about 1920
MooreRalph born about 1912
MoyerPauline born about 1877
MoyerSylvester Gborn about
MullerGarlene born about 1938
MulletEmma born about 1886
MulletJunior born about 1924
MullettAnna Eborn about 1883
MullettAnna Rborn about 1923
MullettDaniel born about 1914
MullettEmma born about 1888
MullettEmma born about 1910
MullettEzra Sborn about 1883
MullettGene Aborn about 1939
MullettGlenn born about 1938
MullettJ Laurelborn about 1920
MullettLaura born about 1937
MullettLowell born about 1914
MullettMart born about 1888
MullettVerba born about 1935
MultlettAnna born about 1872
MurrayGrace born about 1885
MyasJohn Wborn about 1859
MyersBetty Lborn about 1928
MyersCalvin born about 1915
MyersCharles born about 1876
MyersHattie born about 1885
MyersJames born about 1924
MyersJunior born about 1921
MyersSherman born about 1900
MyersWilliam Hborn about 1862
MyersWilma born about 1902
MysserBarbra born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaylarDeltha born about 1906
NaylarStanley Fborn about 1933
NaylarWilbur Jborn about 1905
NettroBetty Janeborn about 1939
NettroCleo born about 1914
NettroJean born about 1919
NettrourAlfred born about 1917
NettrourCathrine born about 1920
NettrourCharles Jborn about 1854
NettrourErdine born about 1920
NettrourGlen born about 1919
NettrourHarry born about 1891
NettrourMary born about 1927
NettrourSandra Louborn about 1938
NettrourVelvia Mborn about 1895
NettrourWilma born about 1924
NewcomerBertha born about 1921
NewcomerCoral Sborn about 1937
NewcomerEdgar born about 1911
NewcomerManford born about 1909
NewcomerMary Ellenborn about 1909
NewcomerMaxine born about 1920
NewcomerReed born about 1915
NewcomerRichard Aborn about 1938
NineDaniel Eborn about 1936
NineDorothy born about 1918
NineDouglas Wborn about 1938
NineMorris born about 1914
NineNorma Jeanborn about 1935
NislyMattie born about 1912
NislyWilliam born about 1915
NissleyAbraham born about 1867
NissleyCarol born about 1931
NissleyEmma born about 1881
NissleyLe Roy born about 1927
NissleyMottie born about 1892
NunemakerBetty born about 1928
NunemakerEarl born about 1900
NunemakerGrace born about 1904
NunmakerJoan born about 1927
NunmakerLeander born about 1901
NunmakerMyrtle born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgleEliene born about 1932
OgleHerbert born about 1910
OgleIda born about 1890
OgleVandella born about 1908
OrnCaroline born about 1918
OrnMable born about 1884
OrnMeslie born about 1907
OrnRobert born about 1931
OsbornClayton born about 1902
OsbornJames born about 1923
OsbornTreva born about 1906
OsterBeatrice born about 1910
OsterClifford born about 1908
OsterLula born about 1887
OswaldDora born about 1890
OswaldEdward born about 1883
OswaldElsie Sborn about 1921
OswaldLinda Louborn about 1939
OswaldMan Louborn about 1930
OswaldPaul born about 1920
OswaldPhyllis born about 1926
OswaltGary born about 1934
OswaltGlen born about 1912
OswaltJanice Rborn about 1937
OswaltJoan Cborn about 1938
OswaltRuth Bborn about 1915
OttoAlta born about 1939
OttoDaniel Jborn about 1902
OttoMagdelina born about 1934
OttoSylvia born about 1902
OverholserAdelia born about 1879
OverholserClarence born about 1913
OverholserElsie born about 1904
OverholserElwood born about 1900
OverholserMonroe born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParcellEvelyn born about 1935
ParcellFrank born about 1879
ParcellJoan born about 1936
ParcellJoseph born about 1909
ParcellMartha born about 1907
ParcellMartha born about 1909
ParcellNellie born about 1882
ParcellRebecca born about 1938
ParcellRoonie born about 1888
ParcellVera Maeborn about 1932
PenroseJesse born about 1876
PetersonDavid born about 1928
PetersonL Mborn about 1889
PfeifferElva Jborn about 1925
PfeifferGordon born about 1935
PfeifferHenry born about 1919
PfeifferHilda born about 1923
PfeifferJohn born about 1934
PfeifferNellie born about 1900
PfeifferRachael born about 1931
PfeifferRoy born about 1927
PfeifferWade born about 1937
PfeifferWilliam born about 1900
PhendBetty born about 1923
PhendClara born about 1874
PhendEleanore born about 1925
PhendGuy born about 1899
PhendJudith Annaborn about 1939
PhendLola born about 1901
PhendMarilyn born about 1934
PhendRobert born about 1929
PhendWilliam born about 1869
PippengerDora born about 1891
PippengerDorothy born about 1913
PippengerEdgar Jborn about 1880
PippengerEvelyn born about 1925
PippengerGuy born about 1908
PippengerIda born about 1889
PippengerJesse born about 1886
PippengerLewis Cborn about 1902
PippengerMariland born about 1924
PippengerMary Fborn about 1881
PippengerMaurice born about 1890
PippengerRay born about 1922
PippengerRoy born about 1921
PittmanJames born about 1933
PittmanLoyd born about 1904
PittmanLoyd Jr born about 1939
PittmanLucille born about 1910
PittmanMary Janeborn about 1935
PittmanShirley born about 1929
PlayneNellie born about 1883
PletcherCharles born about 1892
PletcherClayton born about 1893
PletcherElizabeth born about 1926
PletcherEmma born about 1886
PletcherJunior born about 1922
PletcherKathryn Mborn about 1904
PletcherKathryn Mborn about 1917
PriceGwendolyn born about 1912
PriceMary Mborn about 1897
PriceMichael born about 1939
PriceTheodore Lborn about 1910
PriserFlossie born about 1895
PriserLeasley born about 1923
PriserRussell born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RappJohn Dborn about 1862
RappRebecca born about 1863
RasseEdward born about 1879
RasseEffie born about 1883
RasseEllen born about 1912
RasseKenneth born about 1922
RasseLeslie born about 1916
RaymerBernice born about 1917
ReedCara Lborn about 1926
ReedCharles Eborn about 1911
ReedDora Iborn about 1878
ReedDorothy Fborn about 1904
ReedDorothy Lborn about 1921
ReedEarl born about 1886
ReedEdna born about 1908
ReedFlorence born about 1922
ReedForrest Gborn about 1933
ReedFred Cborn about 1912
ReedGeorge Mborn about 1902
ReedGeorge Jr born about 1930
ReedGlenice born about 1935
ReedJames born about 1937
ReedJane born about 1935
ReedJeane born about 1919
ReedJerry Allenborn about 1939
ReedLaura Mayborn about 1916
ReedLe Mar born about 1915
ReedLester born about 1914
ReedLois born about 1927
ReedLouis born about 1923
ReedMaggie born about 1892
ReedMary Aneborn about 1935
ReedMerl born about 1921
ReedNancy born about 1902
ReedOscar born about 1888
ReedPatsy born about 1932
ReedWalter born about 1925
ReedWillis born about 1877
ReichertHarold born about 1909
ReichertHelen born about 1911
ReichertLamar born about 1934
RensbergerArlene Bborn about 1927
RensbergerCarlyle born about 1910
RensbergerCathrine born about 1929
RensbergerCharles born about 1930
RensbergerDouglas born about 1938
RensbergerElizebeth born about 1900
RensbergerElzina born about 1878
RensbergerEmma Jeanborn about 1932
RensbergerFerrne born about 1913
RensbergerIsabella born about 1924
RensbergerJean born about 1926
RensbergerJohn Lborn about 1900
RensbergerMyrtle born about 1925
RensbergerRichard born about 1935
RensbergerRozella born about 1877
RensbergerThomas born about 1873
RensbergerWilson born about 1876
RensbergerWilson born about 1937
ReprogleErnest born about 1887
ReprogleMary born about 1890
RhinehartAnna born about 1877
RhinehartRuth born about 1900
RhodesEarl born about 1901
RhodesFlorence born about 1904
RhodesFlorence Aborn about 1932
RiceFreddie born about 1933
RiceFredonna born about 1923
RiceLeslie Hborn about 1899
RiceLoreta born about 1902
RichmondAddie born about 1882
RichmondDevon born about 1905
RichmondHarry born about 1882
RichmondHazel born about 1905
RichmondMabel born about 1883
RichmondNorma Jeanborn about 1927
RichmondPatricia Annborn about 1935
RichmondSamuel born about 1927
RivesAlice born about 1871
RivesHenry Cborn about 1861
RobinsonJoan born about 1937
RobinsonJoseph born about 1859
RobinsonKerby born about 1902
RobinsonLewis born about 1880
RobinsonLucie Aborn about 1867
RobinsonRosa born about 1877
RobinsonZelpha born about 1917
RobisonCarl born about 1920
RobisonRoy born about 1893
RobisonWilma born about 1923
RockstrohCleta born about 1899
RockstrohMary born about 1935
RogersAlvin born about 1906
RogersJohn born about 1864
RogersLevi born about 1896
RogersMartha born about 1864
RolstonBeverly born about 1933
RolstonEthel born about 1912
RolstonNorma born about 1930
RolstonOrvikke born about 1909
RolstonRoy born about 1932
RoodCarlos born about 1887
RoodEllsworth born about 1910
RoodHallet born about 1878
RoodMary born about 1912
RoodRose born about 1882
RooseFern born about 1890
RooseRussell born about 1909
RooseWilliam born about 1883
RuckmanLillian born about 1892
RuckmanRoy born about 1893
RuleHannah born about 1862
RupertIcy Eborn about 1865
RuseCharles born about 1868
RuskChester born about 1891
RuskEdna Fborn about 1893
RuskMildred Mborn about 1919
RuskRaymond born about 1914
RussiElisabeth Jborn about 1931
RussiLester Lborn about 1904
RussiLois Elaineborn about 1932
RussiNeoma Gborn about 1906
RuthCora born about 1910
RuthDeloris born about 1930
RuthHarold born about 1909
RuthPatricia Annaborn about 1938
RuthPhyllis born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SarberElias born about 1914
SarberLaura born about 1917
ScheetzCharles Aborn about 1889
ScheetzDessie born about 1895
ScheimantJunita born about 1907
SchieberDean born about 1933
SchieberDevon born about 1917
SchieberLaurence born about 1891
SchieberMarie born about 1913
SchieberNellie born about 1892
SchieberPaul born about 1920
SchieberWalter born about 1918
SchmuckerClara born about 1938
SchmuckerDaniel born about 1878
SchmuckerDaniel born about 1939
SchmuckerDavid born about 1934
SchmuckerDeana born about 1882
SchmuckerEdna Mborn about 1932
SchmuckerEli born about 1881
SchmuckerElma born about 1918
SchmuckerEmma born about 1876
SchmuckerEmma born about 1935
SchmuckerEmmon born about 1902
SchmuckerEmmon born about 1930
SchmuckerFanny born about 1910
SchmuckerFreeman born about 1926
SchmuckerFrieda born about 1936
SchmuckerHarvey born about 1928
SchmuckerHomer born about 1939
SchmuckerIrvin born about 1923
SchmuckerKate born about 1914
SchmuckerKaty born about 1931
SchmuckerLevi born about 1934
SchmuckerMarvin born about 1936
SchmuckerMary born about 1917
SchmuckerMary born about 1937
SchmuckerMelinda born about 1939
SchmuckerMilo born about 1910
SchmuckerOscar born about 1913
SchmuckerPerry born about 1933
SchmuckerSalina born about 1905
SchmuckerSimon born about 1917
SchmuckerWilliam born about 1907
ScottCharles Mborn about 1912
ScottThelma born about 1909
SechristBertha born about 1903
SechristClara born about 1899
SechristDavid born about 1870
SechristEdith born about 1904
SechristEster Mborn about 1924
SechristFrancis born about 1937
SechristFrank born about 1876
SechristHarold born about 1907
SechristJean born about 1929
SechristJessie born about 1906
SechristJohn born about 1927
SechristLillian born about 1878
SechristLillian Jborn about 1923
SechristLois Annborn about 1937
SechristLucetta born about 1876
SechristMargaret born about 1926
SechristMarion born about 1908
SechristNancy Joborn about 1933
SechristNorma Jborn about 1925
SechristPaul born about 1936
SechristRalph born about 1899
SechristRosa born about 1869
SechristRuth born about 1905
SechristWalter Sborn about 1897
SechristWillard born about 1903
SechristWilma born about 1907
SeitzEdmund born about 1864
SeneffOwen born about 1917
ShankBeatrice born about 1924
SharpArthur Dborn about 1921
SharpBarbra Eborn about 1934
SharpChloe Mborn about 1897
SharpRobert born about 1920
SharpSamuel born about 1893
ShaumBetty born about 1929
ShaumCarabelle born about 1923
ShaumCharlotte born about 1925
ShaumCora born about 1879
ShaumGladys born about 1904
ShaumNancy born about 1932
ShaumRoy born about 1903
SheetsAlma born about 1904
SheetsDonabell born about 1922
SheetsDonald born about 1931
SheetsJay Wborn about 1900
SheetsJean Ellenborn about 1926
SheetsKeith born about 1934
SheetsKenneth born about 1905
SheetsLulu born about 1902
SheetsMary born about 1908
SheetsMax born about 1928
SheetsPaul born about 1904
SheetsRobert born about 1925
SheleyIda Kborn about 1898
SheleyMelvina born about 1922
SheleyRuby born about 1926
SheleyUriah Eborn about 1909
SheltonMarcella born about 1920
SheltonPaul born about 1910
SheltonPaul Eborn about 1923
ShippyBetty born about 1936
ShippyEmmett born about 1911
ShippyJonis born about 1935
ShippyMildred born about 1911
ShippyPatricia born about 1939
ShippyStuart born about 1933
ShivelyHelen born about 1917
ShivelyNora born about 1881
ShivelyRobert Eborn about 1919
ShivelyUlery born about 1877
ShrockEdna born about 1908
ShrockEldon born about 1902
ShrockSarita born about 1937
ShumakerIrene born about 1901
SimisonHoward born about 1909
SimisonIrene born about 1914
SimisonMarcille born about 1939
SkinnerEdward born about 1888
SkinnerFrank born about 1878
SkinnerSolomon born about 1885
SlabaughBarbara born about 1938
SlabaughBernell born about 1934
SlabaughBryce born about 1938
SlabaughDelilia born about 1879
SlabaughEugene born about 1932
SlabaughFlorence born about 1904
SlabaughHomer born about 1930
SlabaughJancy born about 1875
SlabaughJohn Hborn about 1939
SlabaughJohn Jborn about 1881
SlabaughLaters born about 1902
SlabaughMartha born about 1922
SlabaughMartha born about 1936
SlabaughMary born about 1932
SlabaughMatilda born about 1923
SlabaughRhoda born about 1881
SlabaughSamuel born about 1909
SlabaughSusie born about 1911
SlabaughVerne born about 1935
SmeltzerDoris born about 1895
SmeltzerEcho born about 1928
SmeltzerFirm born about 1921
SmeltzerGuy born about 1896
SmeltzerIvan born about 1926
SmeltzerJasieth born about 1857
SmeltzerKeith born about
SmeltzerMarie born about 1901
SmeltzerMina born about 1868
SmeltzerOhlan born about 1890
SmeltzerVance born about 1932
SmeltzerVera born about 1926
SmeltzerWard born about 1938
SmithAlice born about 1880
SmithFlossie born about 1911
SmithGordon born about 1935
SmithLandon born about 1907
SmithLyle born about 1929
SmithRussell born about 1938
SmokerMelvin born about 1921
SniderGeorge born about 1886
SniderJohn born about 1864
SniderRobert born about 1924
SniderSadie born about 1893
SnyderAmanda born about 1875
SnyderFrieda born about 1907
SnyderHarold Mborn about 1892
SnyderHenry born about 1928
SnyderIsabell born about 1911
SnyderKaren Sueborn about 1939
SnyderMarjorie born about 1930
SnyderMillard born about 1900
SnyderPatricia born about 1938
SnyderRoy born about 1932
SnyderRussel Dborn about 1912
SnyderSally Eborn about 1935
SnyderStella born about 1935
SnyderWilma born about 1913
SoalesGladys born about 1902
SoalesIsaac born about 1878
SpicherBetty Juneborn about 1937
SpicherBlanch born about 1912
SpicherHubert born about 1916
SpicherMax born about 1939
SpickerDelbert born about 1914
SpickerEva born about 1911
StahleyHarvey born about 1884
StahleyIrvin born about 1886
StahleyNellie born about 1882
StahleyOlive born about 1886
StevensonFred born about 1912
SthneckCarl born about 1917
SthneckEvelyn born about 1918
StillsonArnold born about 1920
StillsonClara Aborn about 1867
StillsonElmer born about 1861
StillsonFlorence born about 1907
StillsonGeorgia Aborn about 1898
StillsonGlen born about 1895
StillsonGlen Jborn about 1923
StillsonJames Eborn about 1927
StillsonJoe born about 1931
StillsonLeo born about 1905
StillsonMarjorie born about 1922
StillsonRial Bborn about 1901
StillsonRobert born about 1929
StillsonTrilla born about 1932
StillsonWade Lborn about 1928
StillsonWilliam born about 1934
StillsonWilma born about 1906
StoddardLucious born about 1868
StouderDoris Mborn about 1916
StouderJoseph born about 1916
StouderKay Fborn about 1939
StouderSally Eborn about 1938
StoutBessie born about 1885
StoutClaude born about 1909
StoutElenor born about 1929
StoutGladys born about 1910
StoutHelen born about 1919
StoutJeanne born about 1937
StoutLeonard born about 1933
StoutLester born about 1917
StoutOra born about 1924
StoutOtto Sborn about 1880
StoutRichard born about 1938
StrangBetty born about 1930
StrangBilly born about 1935
StrangFrederick born about 1904
StrangHilda born about 1908
StrangLeland born about 1917
StrangRobert born about 1932
StrangWilda born about 1879
StreckHelen born about 1925
StreckNellie born about 1862
StreckOtto born about 1889
StuckmanAnie Louborn about 1923
StuckmanCora Aborn about 1882
StuckmanJessie Mborn about 1876
StuckmanMargaret born about 1883
StuckmanMervin born about 1878
StumpAnna Eborn about 1876
StumpCarol born about 1920
StumpCharles born about 1927
StumpDavid born about 1917
StumpDorohty born about 1902
StumpHelen born about 1926
StumpMaud born about 1883
StumpRobert born about 1924
StumpVernon born about 1888
StumpVirgil born about 1918
StutzmanBarbara born about 1879
StutzmanDaniel born about 1880
StutzmanJoseph born about 1916
StutzmanRuby born about 1919
StutzmanVerda born about 1939
StutzmanWilliam born about 1918
StutzmanWilliam born about 1920
SwartzIrvin born about 1917
SwartzLyda Mayborn about 1921
SwartzMaxine born about 1914
SwartzlanderDonald born about 1931
SwartzlanderEdge born about 1892
SwartzlanderRhoda born about 1893
SwyhartLowell born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeetersJames born about 1930
TeetersMary born about 1908
TeetersOrville born about 1906
TeterAlva Rborn about 1874
TeterMargaret Jborn about 1880
TheurerLewis Cborn about 1856
TheurerStella Hborn about 1868
ThomasDana born about 1926
ThomasJames born about 1929
ThomasMary Dborn about 1920
ThomasNettie born about 1903
ThomasRay Fborn about 1902
ThomasRaymond born about 1936
ThwaitsFlorence born about 1925
TobiasCaryle born about 1923
TobiasDonald born about 1896
TobiasEdith born about 1899
TobiasElizabeth born about 1926
TobiasEloise born about 1923
TobiasGarnet born about 1916
TobiasHarry born about 1911
TobiasJesse born about 1871
TobiasJoan born about 1927
TobiasJohn born about 1868
TobiasJune born about 1927
TobiasKenneth born about 1898
TobiasMarily born about 1929
TobiasMollie Joeborn about 1937
TobiasRuth born about 1899
TroupAnna born about 1869
TroupCecil born about 1887
TroupFirm born about 1887
TroupLevi born about 1862
TroyerFrancis born about 1905
TroyerJohn Eborn about 1886
TruexAlva born about 1931
TruexBernice born about 1927
TruexCharles born about 1898
TruexClayton born about 1936
TruexDevon born about 1926
TruexEdna born about 1906
TruexEthel born about 1907
TruexFrankie born about 1927
TruexGeorge born about 1939
TruexGilford born about 1931
TruexHarvey born about 1904
TruexOlive Oborn about 1872
TruexRichard born about 1935
TruexRonald born about 1929
TruexThomas born about 1868
TylerBernard born about 1928
TylerFred born about 1919
TylerGoldia born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UleryDorothy Annborn about 1940
UleryIone born about 1908
UleryJack born about 1937
UleryWalter born about 1908
UlineBurton born about 1888
UlineKatharine born about 1898
UmbaughJ Lanasborn about 1879
UmbaughLizzie born about 1879

W Surnames

WagnerAda born about 1891
WagnerAllan born about 1935
WagnerCarol Dborn about 1939
WagnerEdward born about 1887
WagnerElizabeth born about 1858
WagnerEthel born about 1893
WagnerFrancis born about 1919
WagnerFrank Jborn about 1887
WagnerGilbert born about 1925
WagnerMardella born about 1938
WagnerMaxine born about 1918
WagnerWilliam born about 1860
WallaceDelbert born about 1934
WallaceEthel born about 1917
WaltersBelle born about 1888
WaltersBessie born about 1892
WaltersChle born about 1898
WaltersFrieda born about 1934
WaltersMary Helenborn about 1929
WaltersMelvin born about 1876
WaltersMinnie born about 1880
WaltersOscar born about 1882
WaltersPeter Warrenborn about 1897
WaltersVern born about 1887
WarrenEli born about 1885
WarrenElva born about 1889
WarrenEthel born about 1916
WarrenJimmie born about 1936
WarrenLamar born about 1922
WarrenLula born about 1911
WarrenLuther born about 1917
WarrenMargaret born about 1934
WarrenRalph born about 1914
WarrenRussell born about 1909
WarrenVirginia born about 1930
WeaverBetty Louborn about 1929
WeaverCharles born about 1912
WeaverCharles born about 1934
WeaverClara born about 1881
WeaverDevon born about 1940
WeaverDolorous born about 1935
WeaverDonald Eborn about 1938
WeaverDorothy born about 1928
WeaverElenora born about 1932
WeaverElizabeth born about 1874
WeaverElmer born about 1897
WeaverErma born about 1935
WeaverFern born about 1887
WeaverFlorence born about 1929
WeaverFrances born about 1939
WeaverHarley born about 1910
WeaverHarley Jborn about 1920
WeaverHenry Sborn about 1875
WeaverJennie born about 1907
WeaverJoseph Aborn about 1905
WeaverLotia born about 1905
WeaverMable born about 1907
WeaverMax born about 1924
WeaverMaxine born about 1925
WeaverNellie born about 1877
WeaverNorman born about 1904
WeaverOscar born about 1925
WeaverPhyllis born about 1932
WeaverRenny born about 1866
WeaverRomaine born about 1910
WeaverVirginia born about 1919
WeberFrank born about 1876
WeberHazel born about 1893
WeberLester Rborn about 1888
WeberLydia born about 1877
WebsterDonald born about 1922
WebsterLorrain born about 1899
WebsterMargaret Lborn about 1905
WebsterWilliam Iborn about 1925
WeldyAddie born about 1898
WeldyAlma born about 1926
WeldyArthur born about 1897
WeldyCarol born about 1940
WeldyCora Aborn about 1882
WeldyCornelius Sborn about 1894
WeldyDwight born about 1918
WeldyElmer born about 1888
WeldyGoldie born about 1896
WeldyHarold born about 1920
WeldyJacob Iborn about 1872
WeldyJames born about 1939
WeldyJohn Cborn about 1881
WeldyKenneth born about 1914
WeldyLois born about 1937
WeldyMartha born about 1900
WeldyMax born about 1936
WeldyMearl born about 1922
WeldyMinnie born about 1889
WeldyOrin Jborn about 1894
WeldyRhoda born about 1876
WeldyRosa born about 1889
WeldySara born about 1915
WeldyStahly born about 1913
WeldyVerna born about 1927
WeldyVirginia born about 1917
WeldyWayne born about 1933
WeltyWilliam born about 1878
WeygandHarold Mborn about 1888
WeygandHerbert born about 1882
WeygandMaud born about 1883
WeygandMaud Mborn about 1886
WhislerHoward born about 1925
WhislerRobert born about 1924
WhiteLawrence born about 1901
WhiteSara born about 1903
WickeyEdward born about 1890
WickeyEdward Jborn about 1890
WidmayerBernard born about 1905
WidmayerDavid born about 1931
WidmayerIsabel born about 1905
WillerMartha born about 1869
WilsonIda born about 1877
WilsonPerry Wborn about 1875
WiltAllen born about 1938
WiltEliza Bborn about 1852
WiltFred born about 1935
WiltHelen born about 1906
WiltLyle born about 1906
WinnerDolly born about 1882
WinnerOra Dborn about 1876
WiseEdward born about 1888
WiseIrvin born about 1885
WiseMartha born about 1887
WiseMary born about 1899
WiseNaomi born about 1927
WiseRaymond born about 1920
WiseRoseline born about 1930
WiseWilfred born about 1924
WisemanBeatrice born about 1904
WisemanJesse born about 1896
WisemanLynn born about 1920
WislerEdward born about 1869
WislerKate born about 1879
WislerMary Aborn about 1857
WistmanMaureen born about 1922
WithersCharles born about 1868
WithersJane born about 1885
WoodburyJane born about 1867
WoodburyWilliam Hborn about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarianEugene born about 1919
YarianFrank born about 1923
YarianHazel born about 1889
YarianRobert born about 1924
YennaGlenn born about 1890
YennaMabel Aborn about 1893
YennaReva Aborn about 1912
YoderAlma born about 1917
YoderAlvin Jborn about 1887
YoderAmanda born about 1878
YoderAmos Bborn about 1889
YoderAmos Eborn about 1865
YoderBarbara born about 1869
YoderBarbra Jborn about 1938
YoderCatherine born about 1930
YoderClara born about 1881
YoderClarence born about 1918
YoderDaniel Wborn about 1898
YoderDorothy born about 1937
YoderEdna born about 1909
YoderEdward born about 1912
YoderEldon born about 1930
YoderEldon Tborn about 1928
YoderEli Jborn about 1906
YoderEli Jborn about 1939
YoderElizabeth born about 1900
YoderElizabeth born about 1909
YoderEster born about 1909
YoderEsther born about 1926
YoderEsther Jborn about 1938
YoderFannie Mayborn about 1933
YoderFloyd born about 1928
YoderGilbert Rborn about 1937
YoderHelen born about 1909
YoderJimmie Leeborn about 1939
YoderJohn born about 1938
YoderKatie born about 1930
YoderLaura Jborn about 1929
YoderLaura Mborn about 1934
YoderLawrence born about 1917
YoderLeonard born about 1921
YoderLiddie born about 1906
YoderLiddie Annborn about 1899
YoderLinda born about 1908
YoderMares born about 1881
YoderMarjorie born about 1934
YoderMary born about 1874
YoderMary Eborn about 1932
YoderMary Ellenborn about 1935
YoderMilo Vborn about 1905
YoderNoah Cborn about 1901
YoderNora Jborn about 1938
YoderOmar born about 1929
YoderPaul Lborn about 1930
YoderRuby born about 1932
YoderRuth Iborn about 1900
YoderRuth Nborn about 1890
YoderSara born about 1859
YoderSimon Jborn about 1897
YoderSue Ettaborn about 1938
YoderSylvia born about 1932
YoderThomas born about 1907
YoderTobias Jborn about 1904
YoderTreva born about 1936
YoderVelma Jborn about 1927
YoderWillis Rborn about 1933
YoderWilma born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZentzClaude born about 1907
ZentzDonald born about 1936
ZentzEdward born about 1917
ZentzEva born about 1909
ZentzGeraldine born about 1910
ZentzJacob born about 1877
ZentzLarry born about 1939
ZentzLaura born about 1877
ZentzMelisa born about 1862
ZentzRaymond born about 1931
ZentzRichard born about 1929
ZentzRussell born about 1933
ZentzWayne born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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