1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lost Creek, Vigo, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Vigo County > 1940 Census of Lost Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottEmma born about 1893
AbbottThomis born about 1887
AdamsAddie born about 1885
AdamsCynthia born about 1873
AdamsEdward born about 1880
AdamsEvelyn Mborn about 1925
AdamsJoanna born about 1938
AdamsKathleen born about 1912
AdamsMary Eborn about 1875
AdamsMorris born about 1911
AdamsNorma Erleneborn about 1931
AdamsRebecca born about 1935
AdamsRobert Eborn about 1927
AdamsWilson born about 1882
AdkinsonArchie Lborn about 1895
AdkinsonGertrude born about 1935
AdkinsonHalbert born about 1924
AdkinsonHazel born about 1900
AdmsNancie born about 1888
AdmsSantford born about 1886
AgnewAlice born about 1895
AgnewThomas born about 1881
AgnewThomas born about 1929
AllenHaddy born about 1880
AllenLeslie born about 1907
AllenLouanna born about 1896
AllenMarguerite born about 1912
AllenPark born about 1895
AllenPatricia Annborn about 1930
AllenWilbur born about 1932
AlvisAnna born about 1925
AndersonBeatrice born about 1925
AndersonClara born about 1921
AndersonErnest born about 1895
AndersonErnest Jr born about 1924
AndersonErnita born about 1924
AndersonHarold Jamesborn about 1936
AndersonHomer born about 1897
AndersonJames born about 1926
AndersonJean born about 1900
AndersonJuanita Jeanborn about 1927
AndersonLewis Hborn about 1901
AndersonLewis Hborn about 1928
AndersonOtto born about 1869
AndersonRevella born about 1922
AndersonRoberta born about 1897
AndersonRose Mayborn about 1928
AndersonWelton born about 1872
AnteitnerIda born about 1875
AnteitnerJames Jborn about 1913
AnteitnerLouis born about 1871
ArcherEdgar born about 1919
ArcherGeorge born about 1878
ArcherLennie born about 1885
ArcherMartha born about 1929
ArcherMaxine born about 1924
AshmoreCarl born about 1902
AshmoreDick born about 1911
AshmoreEssie born about 1880
AshmoreFrank Mborn about 1872
AshmoreMarie born about 1917
AttersonPauline born about 1927
AuldBetty Sueborn about 1939
AuldDixie Kayborn about 1938
AuldNoble Jborn about 1904
AuldVera born about 1913
AyersEliza Aborn about 1857
AyersMary Eborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbisAlbert born about 1902
BabbisJoseph born about 1870
BabbisMary born about 1870
BaileyJane Aborn about 1857
BakerAlice born about 1925
BakerBeatrice born about 1913
BakerBlanche born about 1885
BakerCarl Tborn about 1933
BakerHerschel born about 1911
BakerJoe born about 1928
BakerRay Aborn about 1892
BakerSarah born about 1863
BandyBoyd Wborn about 1895
BandyFrank born about 1896
BandyHelen born about 1895
BandyHellie born about 1919
BandyHoward born about 1926
BandyLulu born about 1892
BandyMorris born about 1921
BandyWarren born about 1921
BannonJohn Wborn about 1868
BarbeeJames born about 1928
BarnettCatherine born about 1916
BarnettCharles born about 1882
BarnettClyde born about 1939
BarnettCora Aborn about 1890
BarnettDortha born about 1916
BarnettEster born about 1925
BarnettFrank born about 1895
BarnettMartha born about 1884
BarnettMary born about 1897
BarnettRachel born about 1923
BarnettWilliam Dborn about 1887
BarnhartClara born about 1900
BarnhartLouise born about 1929
BarnhartMartin born about 1901
BarnhartOscar born about 1926
BarnhartStanley born about 1915
BarrellCharles born about 1888
BarrellEmma born about 1890
BarrellJesse born about 1912
BarrettAlice born about 1923
BarrettJack born about 1926
BartenBock Robertborn about 1905
BartenKathryn born about 1905
BartosAgnes Mborn about 1925
BartosAnna born about 1886
BartosMary Kborn about 1923
BartosSteven born about 1918
BasketClifford born about 1932
BasketJack Aborn about 1935
BasketJerry Leeborn about 1936
BassGeorge born about 1903
BassJobie born about 1906
BattonBobby Leeborn about 1937
BattonCassie born about 1921
BattonClyde born about 1917
BattonHarry born about 1890
BattonNellie born about 1886
BattonRebecca born about 1844
BaxterGertrude born about 1884
BaysEmma born about 1886
BaysRichard born about 1924
BaysRoy born about 1888
BealBetty born about 1925
BealCarl born about 1902
BealEarl born about 1905
BealEstella born about 1905
BealRalph born about 1910
BeddowEdna born about 1908
BeddowEloise born about 1926
BeddowEugene born about 1927
BeddowIra born about 1902
BeddowMary born about 1925
BeddowNorma born about 1928
BeddowOran born about 1920
BeddowVerner born about 1874
BeddowVirginia born about 1934
BedfordDavid born about 1924
BedfordGarland born about 1919
BedfordJessie born about 1886
BedfordRobert born about 1922
BedfordWilliam born about 1887
BenderClaude born about 1921
BennerElizabeth born about 1931
BennerFred born about 1903
BennerHarld born about 1928
BennerLowis born about 1930
BennerMartha born about 1939
BennerRauph born about 1926
BennerWaunetta born about 1906
BenserAlbert born about 1878
BenserCarl born about 1915
BenserMildred born about 1923
BenserSarah born about 1882
BerghermBeulah born about 1931
BerghermFloyd born about 1908
BerghermMary born about 1915
BerghermWilliam Eborn about 1928
BerryJohn Eborn about 1882
BerryLillian born about 1889
BerryMable Vborn about 1883
BettenbrockMabel born about 1905
BettenbrockMarvin born about 1928
BettenbrockRuolph born about 1902
BettenbrockRuth born about 1929
BextonIda born about 1890
BextonOthie Jborn about 1888
BextonRaymond Pborn about 1913
BiddleChester born about 1913
BiddleEllenor born about 1915
BiddleEthel born about 1891
BiddleEverett born about 1890
BiddleJudith Maeborn about 1940
BiddleRoberta Leeborn about 1935
BiddleShirley Annborn about 1934
BiddleWilliam Eborn about 1868
BiddleWilliam Eborn about 1937
BigginsHelen born about 1923
BigginsHettie born about 1899
BigginsWilliam born about 1896
BlackJesse born about 1893
BlackVerna born about 1909
BlaikieRuby born about 1902
BlaikieRussell Aborn about 1899
BlaineDelbert born about 1936
BlaineDenver born about 1898
BlaineDonald born about 1926
BlaineEffie born about 1900
BlaineHarlan born about 1936
BlaineHelen born about 1921
BlaineHerbert born about 1929
BlaineIla Maeborn about 1924
BlaineJimmie born about 1930
BlairDonald born about 1938
BlairDortha born about 1940
BlairGlen born about 1916
BlairPaulen born about 1918
BlandCecil born about 1896
BlandEloise born about 1923
BlandRoy Aborn about 1894
BodolaMaila born about 1927
BoehmerCharles born about 1890
BoehmerGertrude born about 1890
BoehmerJack born about 1925
BoemanCharley born about 1872
BoesGeorge born about 1880
BogranAntonio born about 1919
BolerjackMary born about 1910
BolerjackRay Cborn about 1910
BootheElizabeth born about 1886
BoringEliza born about 1866
BorzanEli born about 1889
BoseworthVinnie born about 1872
BottonCarl born about 1912
BottonCarl Jr born about 1935
BottonDelores born about 1939
BottonMarva born about 1937
BottonRuby born about 1915
BowmanElsie born about 1910
BowmanHomer born about 1908
BowmanPatsy born about 1929
BowmanPhillis born about 1937
BowmanSharon born about 1935
BoydMary Nborn about 1905
BoydRaymond born about 1907
BrentonBetty born about 1936
BrentonBilden born about 1896
BrentonCecil born about 1901
BrentonGertrude born about 1929
BrentonJohny born about 1931
BrentonLaura born about 1876
BrentonLester born about 1922
BrentonLorene born about 1926
BrentonMable born about 1924
BrentonPaulene born about 1933
BrewerAdle born about 1896
BrewerWilliam Sborn about 1896
BrightElizabeth born about 1875
BrightL Rborn about 1875
BroadherstJane Aborn about 1939
BroadherstJohn born about 1910
BroadherstMaxine born about 1916
BrockEthel born about 1925
BrockGeorge born about 1862
BrockMable born about 1898
BrockSusia born about 1865
BrockWilliam born about 1889
BrooksBen Tborn about 1882
BrooksJoseph born about 1882
BrooksMable born about 1886
BrooksMary born about 1865
BrownAnna Sborn about 1881
BrownBarbara born about 1916
BrownBilly Hborn about 1930
BrownCarl born about 1879
BrownCynthia born about 1920
BrownErre T Mborn about 1892
BrownEvelyn born about 1916
BrownFred Le Royborn about 1877
BrownFredric born about 1924
BrownGeorge Lborn about 1912
BrownHarry Jr born about 1903
BrownHarry Jr born about 1922
BrownHerbert Eborn about 1898
BrownHetty born about 1925
BrownImmogene Bborn about 1898
BrownJohn born about 1927
BrownJohn Eborn about 1939
BrownJoseph born about 1894
BrownJosephene born about 1928
BrownMary born about 1923
BrownMary Eborn about 1936
BrownNellie born about 1902
BrownOgarita Mborn about 1921
BrownOtis Eborn about 1885
BrownRalph Eborn about 1923
BrownRobert born about 1935
BrubeckDortha born about 1914
BrubeckFrank born about 1914
BrubeckLouise born about 1894
BrubeckLuther born about 1888
BruceDorothy born about 1911
BruceEffie born about 1877
BruceMonzelle born about 1912
BruceW Bborn about 1870
BruceWilma born about 1916
BryantDonald Uborn about 1940
BryantIrene born about 1911
BryantJimmy born about 1933
BryantRichard Rborn about 1936
BryantRoy born about 1907
BryantRoy Jr born about 1930
BrynGrace born about 1923
BrynJames born about 1882
BrynJohn born about 1909
BrynWilbert born about 1921
BuchanonArlie born about 1926
BuckallawBessie born about 1901
BuckallawFred born about 1897
BuckallawJames born about 1922
BuckallawPaul born about 1924
BuckallawRalph born about 1926
BurgitGeorge born about 1914
BurgitZola born about 1915
BurkBertha born about 1907
BurkBilly Rayborn about 1926
BurkBlanche born about 1900
BurkCalvin born about 1900
BurkCarolyn born about 1922
BurkDoan Joborn about 1930
BurkImogene born about 1919
BurkJack born about 1924
BurkJoseph born about 1907
BurkMary born about 1905
BurkMinnie born about 1877
BurkRaymond born about 1895
BurkTommy Jborn about 1938
BurnhamVictor born about 1903
BurnhamWynemah born about 1911
BurnsAnna born about 1893
BurnsNathaniel born about 1883
BurressCassel born about 1896
BurressDorthea born about 1911
BurressFloyd Daleborn about 1928
BurressNorma Lucilleborn about 1936
BurwenAnna born about 1890
BurwenDorothy born about 1928
BurwenFrank born about 1921
BurwenGeorge born about 1923
BurwenHelen born about 1926
BurwenJohn born about 1908
BurwenJohn born about 1919
BurwenMary born about 1917
BustonFrank born about 1906
BustonMary born about 1914
ButlerHelen born about 1927
ButterMarcilla born about 1909
ButterRoberick born about 1905
ButtsFritz Hborn about 1922
ButtsHomer Hborn about 1891
ButtsJean Mborn about 1924
ButtsJohn Hborn about 1921
ButtsKathern born about 1896
ByrnesJames Aborn about 1891
ByrnesLawrence Lborn about 1887
ByrnesMargaret Aborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadeBetty Ileneborn about 1932
CadeEverett born about 1892
CadeThomas Leeborn about 1926
CadeViola born about 1902
CaldwellDan born about 1874
CaldwellSadie born about 1881
CampbellCarlton Jborn about 1909
CampbellCarol born about 1925
CampbellDavid born about 1888
CampbellEarl born about 1923
CampbellEarl Jborn about 1900
CampbellEdward born about 1927
CampbellEthel born about 1899
CampbellGertrude born about 1898
CampbellKatherine born about 1870
CampbellNorma born about 1929
CampbellRobert born about 1935
CampbellShirley born about 1931
CampbellVera Aborn about 1908
CampbellWilliam Jr born about 1926
CarmichalClyde Sborn about 1877
CarmichalSadie Eborn about 1871
CarpenterAlbert Eborn about 1870
CarterAlice born about 1922
CarterCharles Mborn about 1926
CarterCharles Wordallborn about 1928
CarterColeen born about 1928
CarterErnestine born about 1925
CarterLafe born about 1893
CarterRobert born about 1931
CasperCharles born about 1915
CasperInez Joeborn about 1917
CasperPriscilla born about 1875
CasperRay born about 1920
CaterlanMarjory born about 1910
CesingerAlford born about 1920
CesingerBetty born about 1922
CesingerFreda born about 1924
CesingerGearld born about 1930
CesingerIno born about 1895
CesingerJulia born about 1932
CesingerMathew born about 1893
CesingerMathew Jr born about 1934
CesingerPauline born about 1918
CesingerRoberta born about 1926
CesingerVergil born about 1913
ChamperBessie born about 1894
ChamperIda born about 1922
ChapmanHarry Dborn about 1931
ChapmanHelen born about 1933
ChapmanOzerta born about 1894
ChapmanWilliam Cborn about 1892
ChathamRowana born about 1928
CheekCharles born about 1880
CheekClyde Dborn about 1918
CheekClyde D Jrborn about 1939
CheekEmery Cborn about 1940
CheekMartha Eborn about 1876
CheekRuth Dborn about 1922
ChesserFrances born about 1912
ChesserHarley born about 1914
ChippAmanda born about 1871
ChippAnna born about 1853
ChippGeorg born about 1886
ChippHattie born about 1906
ChippJohn born about 1883
ChippMike born about 1891
ChippRobert born about 1925
ChippSteven born about 1893
ChristeyAlbert born about 1891
ChristeyAlberta born about 1927
ChristeyEthel born about 1892
ChristeyJoe born about 1930
ChristeyNettie Louborn about 1926
ChristianIrene born about 1906
ChristianMary born about 1926
ChristianPaul born about 1896
ChristianPaul Jr born about 1931
ChristianSteve born about 1927
ChristopherCarl born about 1900
ChristopherFaye born about 1905
ClarkJoseph born about 1859
ClarkLawrence Aborn about 1936
ClarkNila Joanborn about 1934
ClarkPhillip Rborn about 1938
ClarkSarah Bellborn about 1857
CoffmanAbbie born about 1894
CoffmanEllis Dborn about 1888
ColeGeorgianna born about 1881
ColeTheodore born about 1870
ColemanAllie born about 1900
ColemanArthur Eborn about 1923
ColemanCharles born about 1888
ColemanCharles Wborn about 1921
ColemanDavid Leeborn about 1935
ColemanElsie Eborn about 1927
ColemanElsie Maeborn about 1927
ColemanEmma born about 1891
ColemanGeorge Lborn about 1919
ColemanGertrude born about 1918
ColemanJames born about 1917
ColemanJohn born about 1880
ColemanLula born about 1901
ColemanRay Eborn about 1929
ColemanRosalie Dborn about 1925
CollierMalcolm born about 1924
CollierWarner born about 1927
CollinsEarl born about 1887
CollinsEffie born about 1892
ColtrinEmma born about 1871
ColtrinMary born about 1863
ColttarpAnna Lborn about 1914
ColttarpJean born about 1939
ColttarpWayne born about 1911
ConleyCarl born about 1939
ConleyCharles born about 1921
ConleyDora born about 1896
ConleyEdward born about 1913
ConleyEdward Leeborn about 1935
ConleyGlenn born about 1924
ConleyHoward born about 1888
ConleyJohn born about 1938
ConleyLeo born about 1926
ConleyPierce born about 1915
ConleyWalter born about 1929
ConleyWinifred born about 1918
ConnerPauline born about 1900
ConnerRose Bborn about 1885
ConnerZed born about 1872
CookCharley born about 1875
CookEli born about 1863
CookseyHarry born about 1878
CookseyLetha born about 1890
CooperBonnie born about 1932
CooperEdith born about 1930
CooperEliza born about 1881
CooperIdleleen born about 1923
CooperJohn born about 1894
CooperJohn Jr born about 1924
CooperRichard born about 1925
CooperRuby born about 1905
CooperTheodore born about 1922
CornettHarry born about 1917
CosbyLeaner born about 1887
CowellClara born about 1880
CowellWilliam born about 1879
CowellWilliam Jr born about 1919
CoxFrances born about 1890
CoxHilda born about 1925
CoxMildred born about 1914
CoxRaymond born about 1934
CoxWilliam born about 1891
CrabbAlva born about 1905
CrabbCarrie born about 1886
CrabbCharles born about 1914
CrabbWilliam F Srborn about 1884
CraffetsEdward born about 1926
CraffetsJoan born about 1934
CraffetsJohn born about 1929
CraffetsKatie born about 1873
CraffetsLucile born about 1905
CraffetsMary born about 1927
CraigBlanche born about 1927
CraigMerle born about 1907
CraigRoy Eborn about 1905
CraigRoy Jr born about 1928
CraigSanite born about 1937
CraigSharon born about 1933
CramerDonald Hborn about 1917
CramerEarl Rborn about 1892
CramerGenivvere Wborn about 1893
CramerRobert Eborn about 1915
CrawfordDarrell Sborn about 1928
CrawfordIretta Dborn about 1932
CrawfordLevellan Hborn about 1905
CrawfordLoretta Wborn about 1908
CressGene born about 1919
CressHomer born about 1898
CressViola born about 1898
CromwellCharles born about 1884
CromwellCharles Jr born about 1930
CromwellDonald born about 1923
CromwellGrace born about 1891
CromwellMadge born about 1925
CulticeHal born about 1928
CulticeIrma born about 1903
CulticeShirley born about 1929
CulticeWanda born about 1930
CurryCharles born about 1872
CurryMatty Lborn about 1872
CzomakAndrew born about 1877
CzomakElizabeth born about 1913
CzomakGeorge born about 1883
CzomakJohn born about 1911
CzomakMargaret born about 1884
CzomakMargaret born about 1917
CzomakSteve born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaileyCharles Bborn about 1903
DaileyReva born about 1917
DavisAmy born about 1891
DavisAsa Royborn about 1898
DavisClara born about 1866
DavisDona Royborn about 1925
DavisElizabeth born about 1901
DavisElmer born about 1936
DavisFloyd born about 1932
DavisIrene born about 1876
DavisJames Jborn about 1934
DavisJohn born about 1926
DavisLuella born about 1930
DavisMyron Eborn about 1928
DayAmanda born about 1854
DayhuffDob born about 1893
DayhuffFred born about 1894
DayhuffFred Jr born about 1920
DayhuffNorma Leeborn about 1925
DayhuffRobert Eborn about 1929
DeakinsAlbert born about 1907
DeakinsEmma born about 1885
DeakinsHazel born about 1910
DeakinsJames born about 1921
DeakinsMarilyn born about 1940
DeakinsMartha Janeborn about 1928
DeakinsMaxine born about 1921
DeakinsPaul born about 1918
DeakinsShirley Joborn about 1938
DealEmma born about 1863
DealGeorge Cborn about 1912
DeanJohn Tborn about 1918
DeanMargaret born about 1894
DeanMatthew Jborn about 1895
DeeterCharles Lborn about 1887
DehartElmer born about 1912
DehartRosemary born about 1917
DenderAlbert born about 1872
DenderAruna born about 1883
DenderKatherine born about 1912
DickersonAgnes born about 1901
DickersonAlice Annborn about 1933
DickersonAudrey born about 1901
DickersonBarbara Aborn about 1931
DickersonBendrd born about 1881
DickersonBertha born about 1910
DickersonBetty born about 1878
DickersonBillie born about 1925
DickersonDella born about 1879
DickersonDonald born about 1935
DickersonEunice Mborn about 1881
DickersonEverett born about 1899
DickersonHerschel born about 1900
DickersonJack born about 1922
DickersonJohn born about 1922
DickersonJoseph born about 1927
DickersonLucille born about 1912
DickersonMable born about 1903
DickersonMarfred born about 1905
DickersonMary Lborn about 1937
DickersonRaleigh born about 1874
DickersonSalla Rborn about 1934
DickersonSantford born about 1897
DickersonVirginia born about 1921
DickersonWayne born about 1910
DickersonWilliam born about 1870
DickersonWilliam born about 1925
DickisonMelinda born about 1866
DicksAleana born about 1920
DicksAmeral born about 1918
DicksAnna born about 1922
DicksJoe born about 1882
DicksJohn born about 1925
DicksSylvia born about 1894
DiggsMiram born about 1871
DillardHuston born about 1884
DillardLillie born about 1886
DodsonEmily Lborn about 1883
DodsonWalter Kborn about 1882
DonhamArcher born about 1893
DonhamElla born about 1893
DonhamRuby born about 1924
DonhamRuth born about 1922
DonnellyJohn born about 1891
DonnellyMary born about 1893
DorsettAlonzo born about 1882
DoughertyFrank born about 1900
DoughertyMary born about 1904
DoughertyPatricia born about 1932
DoughertyRobert born about 1930
DoughertyThomas born about 1933
DouglasAndy born about 1926
DouglasCatherine Roseborn about 1927
DouglasLynn born about 1928
DraganEllena born about 1885
DraganMichael born about 1877
DragonAnna Pborn about 1929
DragonMary Aborn about 1911
DragonMary Iborn about 1932
DragonMichael Jr Iiiborn about 1933
DragonMichael Jr born about 1905
DragonPatrick born about 1935
DrakeBurl born about 1931
DrakeEthel Marieborn about 1939
DrakeFrederick born about 1933
DrakeGeraldine born about 1929
DrakeJeannetta born about 1909
DrakeRalph born about 1936
DrakeWilliam born about 1903
DubbsEmma born about 1926
DubbsEster born about 1937
DubbsMary born about 1939
DubbsPearl born about 1901
DubbsWilliam Cborn about 1902
DuffyLottie Mborn about 1890
DukeBuell born about 1906
DunlapJesse born about 1891
DunlapKermit born about 1920
DunlapMack born about 1915
DunlapNellie born about 1896
DunlapWigonas born about 1917
DunnClaude born about 1891
DunnOllie born about 1880
DysonCecile born about 1903
DysonJames born about 1899
DzuricaJohn born about 1883
DzuricaJohnny born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlEthel born about 1891
EarlRoy born about 1886
EdwardsArtur Dborn about 1893
EdwardsFrieda born about 1921
EdwardsGlenn born about 1936
EdwardsSarah born about 1893
EffnerCaroline born about 1937
EffnerDorthy Jborn about 1927
EffnerEarman born about 1895
EffnerMarie born about 1896
EffnerMarie born about 1919
EffnerRichard born about 1938
EhlichGene born about 1920
EhrlichBarbara born about 1938
EhrlichJuanita born about 1911
EhrlichR Jborn about 1908
EichelbergerCharles Wborn about 1897
EichelbergerJames Rborn about 1935
EichelbergerVictoria born about 1902
EllingerFrederick Wborn about 1924
EllingerJames Vborn about 1927
ElliottEelerine born about 1920
ElliottJoe born about 1877
ElliottMary born about 1881
EllisAmanda born about 1885
EllisDodra Cborn about 1891
EllisEdward born about 1863
EllisEdward O Tborn about 1925
EllisFred born about 1890
EllisHelen born about 1912
EllisJohn born about 1910
EllisLeona Maeborn about 1936
EllisMary Aliceborn about 1871
EllisRosemary born about 1922
EllisWalter Aborn about 1887
ElmoreMartha born about 1866
EmeryCharles born about 1871
EmoryErma born about 1922
EmoryGrace born about 1923
EmoryMarie born about 1899
EmoryRalph born about 1895
EmreyArthur born about 1867
EmreyStella born about 1885
EngelheartGeorge born about 1865
EnglishDale born about 1915
EnglishMary born about 1918
ErvinAllen Daleborn about 1939
ErvinCurtis born about 1879
ErvinElloise born about 1921
ErvinHenry born about 1938
EubanksHelen born about 1915
EubanksLouie born about 1893
EubanksNellie born about 1927
EvansElza born about 1868
EvansHarvey born about 1907
EvansLester born about 1898
EversoleJerry born about 1931
EversoleJoseph born about 1908
EversoleNaomi born about 1909
EversoleRauph born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FabinyAndrew born about 1892
FabinyJohn born about 1885
FabinyMary born about 1926
FabinyRito born about 1929
FabinyTresa born about 1860
FabinyVeronica born about 1895
FaggAnna born about 1921
FaggBula born about 1923
FaggCecil Cborn about 1912
FaggCharles born about 1934
FaggDortha born about 1923
FaggEarl Wborn about 1885
FaggFlorence born about 1896
FaggGerald born about 1921
FaggGilbert born about 1916
FaggHarold born about 1926
FaggHenry born about 1922
FaggHerbert born about 1896
FaggHerschel born about 1915
FaggHubert born about 1927
FaggIda Eborn about 1858
FaggJames born about 1938
FaggJohn born about 1935
FaggKenneth born about 1919
FaggLeon born about 1926
FaggMargaret Eborn about 1913
FaggMinnie Mborn about 1888
FaggOtto Mborn about 1893
FaggPaul born about 1920
FaggSantford born about 1876
FaggysankyFlow born about 1887
FairInez born about 1866
FairMable Cborn about 1890
FairSantford born about 1910
FairbanksMary born about 1869
FarrBetty born about 1919
FarrEaman born about 1922
FarrEugene born about 1894
FarrFrank Wborn about 1901
FarrKathern born about 1892
FarrMargret born about 1900
FarrMarie born about 1896
FarrRobert born about 1925
FarrRoxie born about 1904
FarrWilliam born about 1924
FeildsArthur Rborn about 1899
FeildsHelen born about 1912
FeildsHenrey born about 1935
FeildsTom Aborn about 1932
FellBilly born about 1920
FellGrace born about 1893
FellHovey born about 1889
FellJane born about 1924
FellKenneth born about 1916
FellKenneth Jr born about 1936
FellMary born about 1918
FellMary Aborn about 1937
FellMay born about 1889
FellNorman born about 1939
FellRenos born about 1893
FellRichard born about 1923
FellRoscoe Fborn about 1884
FellRussell born about 1916
FellRuth born about 1894
FellTheadore born about 1920
FellingBessie born about 1939
FellingCarrlyn born about 1939
FellingCharles born about 1870
FellingClarence born about 1904
FellingCora born about 1868
FellingEdward born about 1915
FellingElizabeth born about 1930
FellingEllen born about 1864
FellingEmma born about 1897
FellingErnest born about 1889
FellingEthyl born about 1930
FellingForest Jr born about 1921
FellingForest Sr born about 1898
FellingFrankie born about 1934
FellingFredric born about 1857
FellingGeorge Mborn about 1894
FellingGlenn born about 1922
FellingHelen born about 1926
FellingHenry Cborn about 1913
FellingHenry Jborn about 1868
FellingHerbert born about 1919
FellingIrene born about 1898
FellingIsabell born about 1891
FellingLouis born about 1908
FellingLulu born about 1889
FellingMartha born about 1931
FellingMary born about 1936
FellingMary Rborn about 1917
FellingMolly Jborn about 1875
FellingMuriel born about 1907
FellingNora born about 1895
FellingRalph born about 1928
FellingRobert born about 1927
FellingRonald born about 1940
FellingRosa born about 1917
FellingSarah Iborn about 1877
FellingWalter Cborn about 1893
FellingWilliam Cborn about 1924
FergusonClara born about 1913
FergusonPaul born about 1909
FergusonRobert born about 1924
FileBettie born about 1880
FlemingCharles born about 1888
FosterBertha born about 1890
FosterWayne Oborn about 1866
FoxCharles born about 1875
FoxCharles Rborn about 1924
FoxFrances Aborn about 1897
FoxFrances Mborn about 1922
FoxMaud born about 1872
FoxNoble born about 1895
FoxworthyBruce born about 1934
FoxworthyFred Aborn about 1937
FoxworthyGene born about 1922
FoxworthyHelen born about 1926
FoxworthyJenette born about 1937
FoxworthyMargie born about 1922
FoxworthyMary born about 1908
FoxworthyMary born about 1916
FoxworthyMary Eborn about 1926
FoxworthyPorter born about 1899
FoxworthyRoss born about 1884
FoxworthyRuth born about 1905
FoxworthyShirley born about 1903
FoxworthyWilliam born about 1913
FranklinDoyne born about 1921
FranklinEva born about 1877
FranklinWalter Gborn about 1872
FroschauerFay born about 1900
FryDick born about 1930
FryEthel born about 1897
FryJack born about 1926
FryJohn born about 1900
FryMable born about 1903
FryMary Mborn about 1928
FryRoy born about 1902
FryWilliam born about 1923
FulkMary born about 1915
FulkMary Aborn about 1940
FulkRobert born about 1912
FulperCharles Jborn about 1877
FulperJames Cborn about 1936
FulperMildred Jborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaberEsser born about 1895
GaberForrest born about 1920
GaberMont Eborn about 1878
GaberRalph born about 1915
GaleyAgnes born about 1913
GaleyEverett born about 1891
GaleyHallie born about 1895
GaleyLeonard born about 1911
GaleyLouise born about 1913
GambillSarah born about 1871
GarbachHelen born about 1894
GarbachHelen born about 1920
GarbachJames born about 1924
GarbachThomas Wborn about 1931
GardCharles born about 1921
GardCyril born about 1899
GardLetho born about 1900
GardMona born about 1923
GardRaymond born about 1925
GarrettEddie born about 1937
GarrettElmar Jr born about 1929
GarrettPaul born about 1897
GarrettPaul Wborn about 1925
GarrettVerna born about 1916
GermanAbigal born about 1857
GermanWilliam born about 1879
GhardtJackie born about 1927
GharstDorothy born about 1930
GibbonsFannie Lborn about 1872
GibbonsJohn Hborn about 1866
GibsonPearl Wborn about 1887
GillespieLula born about 1869
GiovaniniDonald Lborn about 1940
GiovaniniMildred born about 1913
GiovaniniPete born about 1909
GipnerAnna Eborn about 1888
GipnerEmma Bborn about 1893
GipnerLenora Cborn about 1868
GittelCora born about 1885
GittelJohn born about 1885
GoodmanCarmen born about 1932
GoodmanDortha born about 1928
GoodmanMarven born about 1931
GoodmanMay born about 1906
GoodmanOrrin born about 1905
GoodmanRoberta born about 1927
GraffFred born about 1893
GrandidierCharlotte Eborn about 1897
GrandidierLorine born about 1911
GrandidierLouis born about 1911
GrandidierMartha Louborn about 1937
GrandidierMillard Aborn about 1921
GrandidierMillard Eborn about 1896
GrandidierRichard Eborn about 1924
GravesBillie Edwardborn about 1926
GravesEdith born about 1880
GravesEmma born about 1902
GravesFred born about 1895
GravesFred Franklinborn about 1923
GravesMorris Antoneborn about 1936
GravesNellie Katherineborn about 1931
GravesThelma Paulineborn about 1921
GreenDonaval born about 1926
GreenDoris Imogeneborn about 1925
GreerArchie born about 1895
GreerArchie Jr born about 1923
GreerJessie born about 1905
GriffinMary Margaretborn about 1932
GriffinNellie born about 1930
GriffithMary born about 1870
GrothClara born about 1919
GrothJoan born about 1938
GrothWilliam born about 1906
GuessFred born about 1886
GuessMattie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadleyMary born about 1906
HadleyRalph born about 1900
HagermanCarl born about 1924
HagermanEdger born about 1900
HagermanEdna born about 1901
HagermanRobert born about 1923
HaleLeonidus born about 1914
HaleRosellen born about 1938
HaleWinona born about 1919
HallRobert born about 1926
HallWarren born about 1922
HalsteadCharles born about 1937
HalsteadEunice born about 1901
HalsteadFred Jr born about 1924
HalsteadReubn born about 1923
HalterDavid born about 1903
HalterEssie born about 1905
HalterHelen born about 1920
HalterHuston born about 1923
HalterJuanita born about 1916
HalterRobert born about 1915
HalterSamuel born about 1890
HamGlen born about 1897
HamSylvia born about 1890
HamiltonFrances born about 1913
HamiltonLawrene born about 1910
HamiltonRaymond born about 1926
HamptonFrank born about 1872
HamptonLou born about 1876
HamptonWilma born about 1903
HanesGeorge born about 1880
HankerClara Cborn about 1887
HankerGeorge born about 1880
HankerHenry Rborn about 1923
HankerSarra born about 1880
HannannElisibeth Eborn about 1863
HansellAvard Jborn about 1937
HansellBessie Roseborn about 1930
HansellMarvin Eborn about 1906
HansellMary Ellenborn about 1935
HansellNancy Ruthborn about 1936
HansellPearl born about 1906
HardingMary Louieborn about 1874
HardingNorman born about 1872
HarknessCharley born about 1861
HarknessJohn Oborn about 1890
HarknessNina Aliceborn about 1888
HarperLillin born about 1912
HarperRoss born about 1915
HarringtonEvelyn born about 1923
HarrisDock born about 1870
HarrisFrances Eborn about 1917
HarrisFred Eborn about 1918
HarrisIra born about 1918
HarrisSimon born about 1876
HarrisonHarld Fborn about 1899
HarrisonMildred born about 1902
HarrisonRudy born about 1930
HartleyEdith born about 1873
HartleyJames born about 1872
HartmannCarroll born about 1936
HartmannHenry born about 1905
HartmannReva born about 1908
HaskinsFlorence born about 1889
HaskinsGail born about 1895
HauckAnna born about 1891
HauckDavid born about 1935
HauckFrank Wborn about 1918
HauckJoseph born about 1927
HauckRoy born about 1890
HauckWilliam born about 1920
HavensAnna Dborn about 1891
HavensFerdinand Rborn about 1887
HaxtonJohn born about 1891
HaxtonPeggie born about 1881
HeckelsbergClara Fborn about 1892
HeckelsbergHenry Pborn about 1876
HeckelsbergMary Aborn about 1922
HeinAudrey born about 1906
HeinCharles born about 1895
HeinCharles Lborn about 1928
HeinEdward Jborn about 1883
HeinGeorge Wborn about 1926
HeinSussie born about 1897
HeinWilliam born about 1891
HendersonBillie Donborn about 1929
HendersonDavid Jackborn about 1933
HendersonJames born about 1902
HendersonJames Jr born about 1927
HendersonMargaret born about 1907
HendrixElizabeth born about 1884
HendrixJohn Eborn about 1881
HendrixPaul Eborn about 1919
HenryDora Mborn about 1894
HenryE Rborn about 1892
HermanAmelia born about 1907
HermanEmma born about 1876
HighamBlanche born about 1904
HighamBruce born about 1922
HighamCarol born about 1936
HighamCharity born about 1931
HighamFaith born about 1927
HighamHope born about 1924
HighamJames born about 1898
HighamJames Jr born about 1923
HighamRobert born about 1901
HighamRobert born about 1928
HighamThelma born about 1903
HighamThelma born about 1937
HighamTruth born about 1940
HighamWinifred Aborn about 1930
HillFrank born about 1881
HiresLeona born about 1923
HiresWalter born about 1928
HockettGrace born about 1909
HockettJohn born about 1936
HockettPaul born about 1937
HockettSarah born about 1939
HockettWilliam born about 1906
HoffmanWilliam born about 1873
HoggateAndrew born about 1909
HoggateElden born about 1934
HoggateGearld born about 1938
HoggateMary born about 1905
HoggateRosemary born about 1932
HogleLeroy born about 1923
HogueAlbert born about 1929
HogueArchie born about 1927
HogueCharles born about 1928
HogueCharles Fborn about 1876
HogueEdward born about 1935
HogueEliza born about 1876
HogueFred born about 1907
HogueHazel born about 1906
HogueJames born about 1892
HogueMartha born about 1940
HogueRoy born about 1938
HogueVirginia born about 1933
HolbertCharles born about 1869
HolbertLillie born about 1891
HolcombLouise born about 1896
HolcombWalter born about 1891
HoldomMary born about 1912
HoldomRoy born about 1892
HollandIra born about 1870
HollandLorette Mborn about 1870
HollandLyda born about 1895
HollandThad born about 1887
HollidayVictor Rborn about 1938
HolmanWilla born about 1926
HontGertrude born about 1890
HoodGeorge Iborn about 1927
HoodMary born about 1926
HoodRonald Eborn about 1931
HoskinsAlbert born about 1912
HoskinsEnola born about 1916
HoskinsGail Fborn about 1918
HoskinsJohn Eborn about 1893
HoskinsMable Dborn about 1896
HoskinsPatsy Leeborn about 1929
HoulstonElsie born about 1895
HoulstonEric born about 1894
HoulstonFlorence born about 1922
HoulstonJessie born about 1920
HubbardEmma Jborn about 1868
HubbardJohn Sborn about 1865
HubingerLeatha born about 1887
HudsonClaud Mborn about 1894
HudsonElva born about 1892
HuffmanAretha born about 1930
HuffmanHerschel born about 1894
HuffmanImogene born about 1925
HuffmanMargrett born about 1920
HuffmanMarjory Maeborn about 1926
HuffmanMax born about 1929
HuffmanRuth born about 1900
HugginsAnnabelle born about 1934
HugginsCharles born about 1921
HugginsClaude born about 1896
HugginsDavid born about 1919
HugginsMartha born about 1932
HugginsMildred born about 1900
HugginsRichard born about 1930
HugginsRobert born about 1923
HugginsTheodore born about 1925
HugginsVirginia born about 1928
HughesGeorge Wborn about 1884
HughesHazel born about 1925
HughesJosephine born about 1889
HughesRobert born about 1886
HummelCleo born about 1907
HummelRuth Annborn about 1917
HumphreyCharles Eborn about 1845
HutnerBenard born about 1876
HydeArthur born about 1871
HydeAustin born about 1922
HydeBella born about 1894
HydeBertha born about 1936
HydeDelbert born about 1925
HydeDenson born about 1880
HydeDortha born about 1932
HydeElisabeth born about 1873
HydeEthyl born about 1913
HydeFrancis born about 1911
HydeFreeman born about 1893
HydeFreeman Jr born about 1932
HydeHazil born about 1926
HydeHenery born about 1891
HydeHorace born about 1875
HydeImogene born about 1927
HydeJanet born about 1932
HydeJeff born about 1869
HydeLlna born about 1939
HydeMalhilde Oborn about 1879
HydeManford born about 1911
HydeMay born about 1877
HydeMerde born about 1896
HydeMildred born about 1930
HydeRichard born about 1924
HydeRosa born about 1875
HydeViolet born about 1898
HydeWayne born about 1915
HylmanDona Leeborn about 1932
HylmanHoward born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonCarl Wborn about 1897
JacksonFrancis Aborn about 1868
JacksonHelen Mborn about 1937
JacksonLeonard born about 1886
JacksonMargeret born about 1864
JacksonMargrett born about 1905
JacksonMyrtle Lborn about 1919
JacksonPearl born about 1897
JacksonVergil born about 1905
JacksonVersia Vborn about 1921
JacobsDaisy born about 1897
JacobsEdwin Mborn about 1897
JacobsLee born about 1926
JeffersGene born about 1930
JeffersJack born about 1933
JeffersKenneth born about 1936
JeffersLorena born about 1906
JeffersMargie Rborn about 1927
JeffersMary Janeborn about 1864
JeffersPaul born about 1935
JeffersRobert born about 1929
JeffersTheodore born about 1901
JeffersTheodore Jr born about 1924
JenkinsBarbara born about 1926
JenkinsBeula born about 1897
JenkinsDavid born about 1873
JenkinsLela born about 1895
JenkinsLewis born about 1894
JohnsonClay born about 1900
JohnsonDelsephine born about 1931
JohnsonGene born about 1923
JohnsonIrene born about 1927
JohnsonLevi born about 1904
JohnsonMamie born about 1908
JohnsonMarie born about 1920
JohnsonOlivine born about 1926
JohnsonRosalie born about 1938
JohnsonZola born about 1901
JonesAlfred born about 1898
JonesAnna born about 1909
JonesBonny Jborn about 1929
JonesClarance Fborn about 1898
JonesClem born about 1872
JonesDan born about 1884
JonesElla Tuckerborn about 1866
JonesEva born about 1879
JonesFlorence born about 1909
JonesFred born about 1882
JonesFred born about 1926
JonesFred Cborn about 1908
JonesGlenn Rborn about 1915
JonesGranville born about 1863
JonesJudith Leeborn about 1938
JonesJune born about 1887
JonesKitty born about 1875
JonesLeonard born about 1904
JonesMadge born about 1900
JonesMargret born about 1913
JonesMary Eborn about 1899
JonesMax born about 1927
JonesNaomi born about 1918
JonesPaul born about 1899
JonesRachel born about 1886
JonesStanley born about 1917
JonesWilliam born about 1921
JordanDonald born about 1924
JosephIra born about 1882
JosephMargaret born about 1889
JulianLeo born about 1900
JunkinsGeorge born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KalenCarl Jborn about 1887
KalenMinnie Eborn about 1884
KarbinosRose Marieborn about 1923
KarbinosSteve born about 1876
KarbinosSteve Jr born about 1911
KarbinosTresa born about 1913
KarbinosTresa born about 1914
KarbinosVerna born about 1877
KarrickJesse born about 1886
KautsDarl born about 1921
KayserHerman born about 1862
KearnsHarold born about 1931
KearnsHerman born about 1912
KearnsMildred born about 1913
KearnsNorma Jborn about 1939
KearnschnerEldon Leeborn about 1893
KearschnerEthel born about 1902
KearschnerFred born about 1887
KearschnerGeorge Uborn about 1895
KearschnerLeroy born about 1925
KearschnerNellie born about 1897
KearschnerNorma Leeborn about 1927
KearschnerWalter Geneborn about 1929
KeepNina Coltrinborn about 1873
KehoMildred born about 1893
KehoThomas born about 1890
KellerEmery born about 1891
KellerEsker Fborn about 1924
KellerFlossie born about 1902
KellerFred born about 1899
KellerHarold born about 1933
KellerNorman Eborn about 1926
KellerPauline born about 1921
KellerRuby born about 1927
KellerRuie born about 1871
KellerRula born about 1905
KendallCutis born about 1903
KendallMarjorie born about 1916
KenderAnna Wborn about 1903
KenderEverett born about 1876
KeonDora born about 1892
KeonSophia born about 1867
KernsDortha born about 1928
KernsHarvey born about 1903
KernsMary born about 1911
KernsRalph born about 1935
KeslingFrank born about 1884
KiefnerMary born about 1924
KilburneBeulah born about 1916
KilburneJames Rborn about 1914
KilburneStella born about 1875
KillabrewGloria born about 1931
KillabrewHarlan born about 1933
KillabrewRobert born about 1928
KillabrewRudolph born about 1930
KillionLena born about 1895
KillionRuby born about 1931
KimmerieVirginia born about 1923
KindredDora born about 1894
KindredHarold born about 1921
KindredRaymond born about 1890
KingBen born about 1880
KingBen born about 1910
KingDella born about 1888
KingEmma born about 1881
KingFred born about 1888
KingFred born about 1914
KingGeorge born about 1916
KingJoe born about 1920
KingJohn Edwardborn about 1921
KingMargeret born about 1911
KingMarian born about 1916
KingRobert born about 1912
KingTillie born about 1897
KingTommy born about 1939
KingsPete born about 1874
KirklingGeorge born about 1898
KirschAnita Mborn about 1936
KirschDeveraux Hborn about 1900
KirschMary Eborn about 1907
KirschWilliam Eborn about 1924
KixmillerBetty born about 1905
KixmillerFred born about 1888
KlambJessie born about 1913
KlatteGeorge born about 1897
KlatteNelson born about 1932
KlatteThelma born about 1898
KleptzEmma Marieborn about 1916
KleptzFrances born about 1918
KleptzFrank born about 1881
KlineHelen born about 1906
KlineJohn born about 1925
KlinePaul born about 1901
KneuverCharles born about 1884
KneuverCharles Jr born about 1928
KneuverHelen born about 1933
KneuverJune born about 1924
KneuverMary Kborn about 1925
KneuverMildred born about 1901
KnightJoan born about 1935
KnightJohn born about 1906
KnightMable born about 1908
KnightNorma born about 1930
KnightPatricia Louborn about 1931
KoeknerDorthea born about 1916
KoeknerHerman Aborn about 1939
KoeknerRobert Aborn about 1911
KoileArgie born about 1894
KoileHattie born about 1865
KoileMary born about 1892
KoileNorma Jeanborn about 1929
KoileOran born about 1900
KoileRobert born about 1925
KoileWilma born about 1927
KratzerDavid born about 1921
KratzerGeorge born about 1913
KratzerMary Lborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaclaveBertha born about 1856
LaclaveHelen born about 1910
LaclaveHelen born about 1928
LaclaveJohn born about 1933
LaclaveJoseph born about 1936
LaclaveThomas born about 1908
LaclaveTommy born about 1930
LaddAnna born about 1922
LaddKenneth born about 1913
LambEvlyn Cborn about 1904
LambFrank Hborn about 1905
LambPhylis Aborn about 1934
LangmanWayne born about 1918
LarimerCarolyn Sueborn about 1938
LarimerDavid Earlborn about 1933
LarimerDonald Eborn about 1925
LarimerEarl Eborn about 1895
LarimerEveretta born about 1932
LarimerJosie Maeborn about 1928
LarimerMary Francisborn about 1927
LarimerMyrtle Jborn about 1899
LarimerRuth Mborn about 1921
LarkinsAmanda born about 1893
LarkinsOtto born about 1891
LashbrookElmer born about 1884
LashbrookJack born about 1917
LashbrookMartha born about 1886
LattaCharlet born about 1868
LattaClifford born about 1887
LattaDennis born about 1916
LattaMarie born about 1899
LattaMarjorie born about 1920
LattaMary Aborn about 1909
LattaRose born about 1894
LattaRuth born about 1903
LattaWilliam Cborn about 1884
LawsMargaret Annborn about 1924
LawsonCharles born about 1874
LawsonFloyd born about 1891
LawsonFrieda Maeborn about 1927
LawsonGoldie born about 1889
LawsonHelen born about 1924
LawsonLottie Eborn about 1901
LawsonLula Oborn about 1891
LawsonMargaret born about 1920
LawsonMartha born about 1872
LawsonMartha Roseborn about 1932
LawsonOtto born about 1890
LaycockCassie born about 1895
LaycockLeona born about 1904
LaycockMary born about 1934
LaycockMuriel born about 1932
LeachAnna Gborn about 1924
LeachBarbara Jeanborn about 1937
LeachBeverly Annborn about 1937
LeachDorothy born about 1912
LeachErnest born about 1903
LeachErwin born about 1905
LeachHoward born about 1875
LeachHoward Joeborn about 1935
LeachHubert born about 1923
LeachJosephine born about 1905
LeachKathryn born about 1924
LeachLaurence Williamborn about 1939
LeachLawrence born about 1914
LeachMarguerite born about 1921
LeachMarshall born about 1919
LeachZella born about 1881
LecocgGladys born about 1907
LecocgHerbert born about 1909
LeeGlenna born about 1896
LeesAdam born about 1891
LeidingerBell born about 1907
LeidingerMartin born about 1906
LemingerHerman born about 1900
LemingerMatilda born about 1898
LemmondA Jborn about 1865
LewisEunice born about 1916
LewisOra born about 1890
LewisSeymour Sborn about 1926
LidsterFlavilla born about 1899
LidsterRaymond born about 1899
LidsterWilliam born about 1930
LingleFaye born about 1903
LingleMarjory Mborn about 1922
LinglePierce Eborn about 1888
LiscoWillie Mayborn about 1929
LitleFrea Mborn about 1919
LittleRoberta born about 1895
LittleThomas born about 1892
LittleTommy born about 1925
LottaDelbert born about 1912
LottaDortha born about 1919
LottaElizabeth born about 1887
LottaOrestus born about 1878
LoudermilkFlora born about 1871
LoudermilkJohn Gborn about 1867
LoudermilkJohn Vborn about 1931
LougnerHenry Jborn about 1880
LougnerIda born about 1882
LougnerLouise born about 1916
LougnerRebecca born about 1848
LouksStella Gborn about 1890
LoweBethley born about 1920
LoweDoris born about 1919
LoweDortha born about 1896
LoweErnest born about 1868
LoweJames Wborn about 1934
LoweKenneth born about 1913
LoweLawrence born about 1895
LoweLorraine born about 1921
LowePatricia Annborn about 1937
LoweRella born about 1895
LoweRonnie born about 1939
LoweRuth born about 1915
LoweVergiana born about 1923
LoweWarren born about 1917
LoweWayne Lborn about 1896
LoweWilliam born about 1919
LowisEffie born about 1878
LowisMurry born about 1876
LutesMalinda born about 1874
LutesWilliam Hborn about 1881
LutopeAugust born about 1905
LutopeClyde born about 1937
LutopeMabel born about 1903
LutsJennie born about 1895
LynnFred Dborn about 1890
LynnHarry born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaceBerniece born about 1913
MaceLester Cborn about 1911
MaceMary Nborn about 1882
MageeCharles Aborn about 1915
MageeCharles Wborn about 1892
MageeFrances born about 1894
MalloryCharles born about 1898
MalloryCharlet Rborn about 1938
MalloryMarie born about 1901
MalloryNorma Jborn about 1939
MaloneLindsey born about 1910
MaloneMarguerite born about 1912
MaloneMarilyn born about 1939
ManuelErmel born about 1909
ManuelJames born about 1907
MarcinkoAmelia born about 1900
MarcinkoAmelia born about 1930
MarcinkoEthel born about 1907
MarcinkoFrank born about 1919
MarcinkoHelen born about 1920
MarcinkoJoseph born about 1924
MarcinkoJoseph Jr born about 1900
MarcinkoJoseph Sr born about 1868
MarcinkoJuanita born about 1923
MarcinkoMildred born about 1926
MarcinkoSteve born about 1886
MarcinkoVeronika born about 1876
MareyBertha born about 1903
MareyEdith Dborn about 1930
MareyGeorge born about 1899
MareyJames born about 1926
MareyJune born about 1924
MarkelNora born about 1884
MarkinBetty Aborn about 1934
MarkinBetty Mborn about 1901
MarkinHebert born about 1889
MarkinHester born about 1868
MarkinJohn born about 1926
MartinEllen born about 1866
MartinFred Sborn about 1865
MasonAlbert born about 1872
MasonEdith born about 1879
MathesIda born about 1867
MathisAndrew born about 1863
MattienMilton Jborn about 1887
MattienRuth Lborn about 1896
MaxwellAlford born about 1884
MaxwellBetty born about 1926
MaxwellCatherine born about 1924
MaxwellCharles born about 1923
MaxwellEdith born about 1934
MaxwellFlora born about 1937
MaxwellFloyd born about 1921
MaxwellFred born about 1897
MaxwellMargeret born about 1907
MaxwellMary born about 1894
MaxwellMary Kborn about 1930
MaxwellThelma born about 1928
MaxwellWilliam born about 1928
MayerAntoinette Bborn about 1880
MayerBertha born about 1883
MaynardCalvin born about 1918
MaynardEarl Eborn about 1915
MaynardFrank Tborn about 1881
MaynardGertrude Lborn about 1923
MaynardMary Dborn about 1887
McCammonLafayette born about 1926
McCammonLeroy born about 1925
McCannCarol born about 1936
McCannDon born about 1915
McCannFern born about 1928
McCannGoldie born about 1895
McCannLola born about 1917
McCannMary born about 1924
McCannNaomi born about 1890
McCannOren born about 1891
McCannOtis born about 1887
McCannPaul born about 1922
McCartyCharles born about 1870
McCartyHelen born about 1877
McCartyRoy Wborn about 1903
McClainClifford born about 1891
McClainNellie born about 1893
McClintockDonald born about 1931
McClintockGeorge born about 1891
McClintockHelen born about 1924
McClintockJack born about 1926
McClintockJoan born about 1934
McClintockMyrtle born about 1897
McConnellDorothy born about 1884
McConnellFloyd born about 1898
McCormickCor Amborn about 1876
McCormickGeorge born about 1868
McCrackenEva born about 1905
McCrackenJack born about 1932
McCrackenJames born about 1938
McCrackenSam born about 1901
McDanielEverett born about 1914
McDanielGeorge born about 1861
McDanielMabel born about 1918
McDanielRonald Dborn about 1940
McLaughlinCharles born about 1906
McLaughlinGrace born about 1875
McLaughlinHarriett born about 1913
McLintockFroney born about 1890
McLintockIvah born about 1884
McNaryWilliam Aborn about 1875
McPheetersCory born about 1870
McPheetersEdward born about 1900
McPhersonDonald born about 1897
McPhersonJames born about 1899
McPhersonLila born about 1880
McPhersonLoy born about 1880
McPhersonMable born about 1910
McPhersonRaymond Eborn about 1894
McPhersonRodgers born about 1927
McPhersonVirgian Bborn about 1901
MeadowsArthur Eborn about 1928
MeadowsBilly Rborn about 1930
MehokMary born about 1878
MehokSteve born about 1876
MeneelayDallas born about 1918
MeneelayLilian born about 1917
MeneelayMary Ireneborn about 1940
MerrillAllen born about 1895
MerrillAllen Jr born about 1916
MerrillEileen Kborn about 1934
MerrillGertrude born about 1907
MerrillNichol born about 1940
MetzEthyl born about 1890
MetzRobert Lborn about 1930
MetzWilliam born about 1888
MichaelBobby born about 1925
MichaelJerry born about 1938
MichaelJimmy born about 1934
MichaelJohn Jr born about 1901
MichaelJohnny born about 1929
MichaelMargaret born about 1902
MichaelMoody born about 1936
MilburnLou Kborn about 1884
MilburnLou K Jrborn about 1922
MilburnNora Bborn about 1891
MilburnWilliam Pborn about 1919
MillenerAnna Mborn about 1927
MillenerBillie Jborn about 1932
MillenerCarrian born about 1939
MillenerCora born about 1937
MillenerDoris born about 1936
MillenerLeona born about 1901
MillenerLidia born about 1901
MillenerMary born about 1899
MillenerMary Janeborn about 1936
MillenerMary Kborn about 1938
MillenerRobert born about 1897
MillenerVirginia born about 1934
MillenerWalter born about 1931
MillerArletta born about 1923
MillerBilly born about 1928
MillerBivian born about 1920
MillerCaterine born about 1927
MillerChas Nborn about 1858
MillerClarance Eborn about 1896
MillerClarance E Jrborn about 1925
MillerFern born about 1898
MillerGertrude born about 1899
MillerJames Hborn about 1884
MillerJohn born about 1899
MillerJohn Jr born about 1923
MillerLouvenier born about 1906
MillerMildred born about 1909
MillerRay Lborn about 1904
MillerShirley Eborn about 1939
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1935
MilnerBetty born about 1928
MilnerCharles born about 1902
MilnerCharles Williamborn about 1937
MilnerDonald Lborn about 1929
MilnerDortha born about 1908
MilnerEdward born about 1893
MilnerEthel born about 1904
MilnerFrank born about 1898
MilnerGeorge born about 1934
MilnerHarriet Estherborn about 1860
MilnerHelen born about 1931
MilnerLolla Annborn about 1912
MilnerMary Annborn about 1933
MilnerNancy born about 1887
MilnerNellie born about 1869
MilnerOrrel born about 1898
MilnerRichard born about 1925
MilnerRose Maeborn about 1935
MilnerRuben born about 1902
MilnerRuth born about 1934
MingerAgnes born about 1912
MingerGarnett born about 1908
MinorJohn born about 1883
MinorMary born about 1858
MitchelAnna born about 1875
MitchelMike born about 1876
MitchelSteiny born about 1912
MitchellAnna born about 1907
MitchellBetty born about 1931
MitchellEzekiel born about 1904
MitchellHarvey born about 1906
MitchellJohn born about 1895
MitchellLala born about 1896
MitchellLily Bellborn about 1923
MitchellLuther born about 1926
MitchellMay born about 1930
MitchellVertnere born about 1928
MitchellVictoria born about 1867
MitchellWinona born about 1924
ModesittGolden born about 1922
ModesittMelvin born about 1913
ModesittTressie born about 1886
MontgomeryOkler born about 1919
MooreBert born about 1878
MooreCharles born about 1915
MooreClifford born about 1898
MooreDane Rayborn about 1936
MooreDave Olinborn about 1938
MooreDora born about 1904
MooreEssie born about 1884
MooreFay born about 1892
MooreImogene born about 1924
MooreLetoa born about 1880
MooreMarion born about 1855
MooreMildred born about 1919
MooreOlin born about 1886
MoorePhyllis born about 1937
MooreRaymond born about 1933
MooreRoy Lborn about 1883
MooreRuby born about 1898
MooreRuth born about 1924
MoorheadMartha Eborn about 1893
MoorheadRobert Cborn about 1889
MorrisBert born about 1910
MorrisCharles Hborn about 1878
MorrisFrances born about 1920
MorrisHattie Lborn about 1887
MorrisJames born about 1936
MorrisLarry Allenborn about 1940
MorrisLewis born about 1864
MorrisLillie born about 1913
MorrisLuther Hborn about 1919
MorrisMartha born about 1915
MorrisShirley Annborn about 1931
MorrisWillis born about 1916
MorrowsJosephine born about 1878
MorrowsLewis born about 1877
MortonIda born about 1918
MortonRoscoe Dickborn about 1896
MortonRuth born about 1900
MosesLeah born about 1919
MosesLee Williamborn about 1940
MosesWilliam Cborn about 1916
MossAnna Pborn about 1929
MossEdith born about 1935
MossJohn born about 1900
MossMary born about 1898
MoyRichard born about 1886
MuellerJoseph Sr born about 1875
MullinsDoris Deanborn about 1932
MullinsElizabeth born about 1865
MullinsEthel born about 1898
MullinsFred born about 1895
MullinsHarley born about 1887
MullinsJewel born about 1906
MullinsMary Eborn about 1877
MullinsRichard Aborn about 1919
MullinsWilliam born about 1897
MyersGertrude born about 1886
MyersJohn born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAndrew Wborn about 1873
NelsonBessie born about 1884
NelsonBetty Rborn about 1924
NelsonClairie Mborn about
NelsonDavid born about 1920
NelsonEvelyn Mborn about 1914
NelsonGraham Hborn about 1906
NelsonJames born about 1924
NelsonJoan Mborn about 1936
NelsonMarjorie Mborn about 1931
NelsonRobert born about 1930
NelsonRuby born about 1895
NelsonRuth born about 1932
NewlanEmma born about 1866
NewportEmily Carolineborn about 1855
NewportEthel born about 1909
NewportLewis born about 1879
NewtonAlbert born about 1888
NewtonBertha born about 1889
NewtonJohn Rborn about 1914
NewtonVirginia Mborn about 1919
NicholsJames born about 1877
NicholsonArthur Jborn about 1905
NicholsonEddie born about 1928
NicholsonGrace born about 1911
NicholsonJames born about 1931
NokesAnna born about 1912
NokesDonna born about 1933
NokesJoana born about 1930
NokesLindia born about 1940
NokesPaul born about 1909
NolanFlorence Iborn about 1916
NolanTheodore Fborn about 1912
NorknerCrella born about 1894
NorknerFannie born about 1882
NorknerO Cborn about 1902
NormanElice born about 1907
NormanJ Cborn about 1883
NormanRonald born about 1934
NortonGuss born about 1881
NovotneyAlbert born about 1918
NovotneyAnna born about 1885
NovotneyPaul born about 1882
NovotneyPaul Jr born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OldhamSam born about 1877
OldmanBessie born about 1901
OldmanEdith born about 1920
OldmanHebert born about 1901
OldmanHebert Jr born about 1923
OlearyRosemary born about 1928
OliverJean born about 1936
OliverJune born about 1936
OliverMartha Dellborn about 1937
OrnduffHazel born about 1918
OrnduffJames Leeborn about 1939
OrnduffJohn born about 1917
OrrBetty born about 1903
OrrElwood born about 1906
OrtonMarie Rborn about 1893
OsbornEster Jborn about 1902
OsbornEster Mborn about 1927
OsbornRobert Wborn about 1924
OsbornWilliam Rborn about 1903
OwenMerrell born about 1932
OwenMerritt born about 1933
OwensDoris Jeanborn about 1939
OwensGeorge born about 1906
OwensLula born about 1909
OwensPatty Louborn about 1934
OwensRobert Eborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAlice born about 1891
PalmerAnna born about 1882
PalmerAsker Mborn about 1905
PalmerBerlin born about 1910
PalmerCarl born about 1916
PalmerDorothy born about 1918
PalmerEnel born about 1905
PalmerEva Mborn about 1905
PalmerEvyln Jborn about 1927
PalmerFrank born about 1877
PalmerHortence born about 1872
PalmerIva born about 1908
PalmerJames born about 1931
PalmerJohn born about 1886
PalmerLuther born about 1929
PalmerMarvin born about 1939
PalmerMary Rborn about 1926
PalmerNellie born about 1910
PalmerNeoma Rborn about 1938
PalmerPheba born about 1885
PalmerRamond born about 1902
PalmerRobert Lborn about 1930
PalmerRobert Rborn about 1933
PalmerRuby born about 1925
PalmerVelva Jborn about 1926
PalmerWalter Jborn about 1927
PalmerWilliam born about 1874
PalmerWilliam Cborn about 1936
PalmerWilliam Fborn about 1929
ParkerEllesborn born about 1879
ParkerWilliam born about 1873
PeaseWilliam born about 1862
PegseArmeda born about 1868
PenchArrilla born about 1891
PerishowArtelia born about 1881
PetersBerry Jborn about 1923
PetersJames Eborn about 1921
PetersLoyd born about 1902
PetersLoyd Jr born about 1925
PetersMargret born about 1901
PetersRobert Lborn about 1938
PettifordArthur born about 1863
PettifordHenrietta born about 1863
PetzoldGertrude born about 1893
PetzoldLewis born about 1888
PhillipsCecil born about 1901
PhillipsClifford born about 1933
PhillipsEugene born about 1919
PhillipsJohn Dborn about 1899
PhillipsLeo born about 1923
PhillipsMaxine born about 1921
PhillipsShirley born about 1939
PiesCecilia born about 1906
PiesJohn Rborn about 1917
PiesMollie Mborn about 1884
PiesPaul Fborn about 1907
PiesTheresa born about 1935
PikerBarbra Louborn about 1935
PikerDessa born about 1907
PikerEarl born about 1894
PikerIrma born about 1901
PikerJoseph Eborn about 1921
PikerLuveda Mborn about 1930
PikerRobert born about 1906
PikerRobert Fborn about 1939
PikerRobert Lborn about 1924
PinsonDorothy born about 1939
PinsonEdna born about 1917
PlasterGladys born about 1899
PlasterGus born about 1891
PlasterJoy born about 1930
PoeNettie born about 1876
PoeWilliam born about 1880
PorterEmily born about 1891
PorterGladys born about 1926
PorterKatherine born about 1918
PorterPauline born about 1929
PorterW Lborn about 1882
PoshkaBetty Roseborn about 1906
PoshkaCassie born about 1882
PoshkaThomas Wborn about 1904
PraggKester Eborn about 1919
PraggVerna Bborn about 1883
PraggWalter born about 1879
PrattGrace born about 1899
PrattLester born about 1895
PresnellElsie Mborn about 1875
PresnellJeannette born about 1918
PresnellPaul born about 1914
PrestonFred born about 1885
PriceClarance born about 1912
PriceDortha born about 1928
PriceEthyl born about 1892
PriceFrances born about 1862
PriceFred Bborn about 1869
PriceFredo born about 1929
PriceHarlen Pborn about 1872
PriceJohn Hborn about 1887
PriceLarance born about 1920
PriceLester born about 1913
PriceLila born about 1936
PriceMamie born about 1892
PriceMary born about 1923
PriceRosa born about 1874
PrichardEdna born about 1911
PrichardLewis born about 1910
PrintwillJoseph Jborn about 1868
PritchardBernard born about 1914
PritchardDelpha born about 1872
PritchardDorothy born about 1915
PritchardJames born about 1877
PughClyde born about 1908
PughColletta born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandlesLucy born about 1912
RandolphR Lborn about 1901
RandolphReba born about 1908
RankinL Buelborn about 1881
RankinMyra Mborn about 1883
RapierChristine Eborn about 1934
RapierGeorgia Leeborn about 1930
RapierHelen Jborn about 1931
RapierJessie Bborn about 1936
RapierMaria Annborn about 1929
RapierPaul Newmanborn about 1927
RectorCharles born about 1902
RectorGertrude born about 1893
RectorGertrude Mborn about 1886
RectorHarld born about 1917
RectorHelen born about 1924
RectorLela born about 1922
RectorMarvin born about 1920
RectorNoble born about 1928
RectorRobert born about 1931
RectorRussell born about 1889
RectorThomas born about 1886
RediferLelia born about 1901
RediferRay born about 1892
ReedHazel born about 1914
ReedMary Joborn about 1928
ReedVolva born about 1909
ReidCloe born about 1890
ReidHugh born about 1874
ReidThomas Mborn about 1918
ReidWilliam born about 1887
ReimanHenrietta born about 1872
ReimanMona Leeborn about 1933
ReimanOscar Eborn about 1866
ResseEdward Mborn about 1891
ResseMae Eborn about 1899
ResseMarjorie born about 1919
ResseRobert born about 1922
RichmanAlbert born about 1905
RichmanDeloris born about 1933
RichmanRichard born about 1935
RichmanRuth born about 1910
RiggsAlbert Pborn about 1898
RiggsBertha born about 1892
RiggsDortha born about 1924
RiggsEdward Lborn about 1937
RiggsEmma Mborn about 1939
RiggsErnest born about 1917
RiggsFrank born about 1890
RiggsJohn born about 1912
RiggsJohn Jr born about 1939
RiggsMarie born about 1912
RiggsMary born about 1899
RiggsMildred born about 1922
RiggsNorma Jborn about 1917
RiggsPhylis born about 1910
RiggsRhoda born about 1902
RiggsWilliam Hborn about 1901
RiggsWilliam H Jrborn about 1927
RingoBilly Joeborn about 1929
RingoMark born about 1879
RingoMildred born about 1904
RingoNellie born about 1876
RingoPaul born about 1901
RingoRalph born about 1901
RitterCarmen born about 1908
RitterNorma born about 1928
RitterRaymond Rborn about 1906
RobertsCornelia born about 1869
RobertsElsie born about 1902
RobertsErma Iborn about 1926
RobertsEva born about 1902
RobertsEverett born about 1907
RobertsEzra born about 1871
RobertsFloyd born about 1895
RobertsFred Pborn about 1893
RobertsFremont born about 1856
RobertsGeorge born about 1918
RobertsGordon born about 1924
RobertsHarld Jborn about 1919
RobertsJimmy born about 1929
RobertsJohn Paulborn about 1925
RobertsMarjorie Bborn about 1920
RobertsMartha Bellborn about 1923
RobertsMary born about 1884
RobertsMary born about 1932
RobertsMary Cborn about 1867
RobertsMary Jborn about 1936
RobertsNaomi born about 1888
RobertsNorma born about 1912
RobertsOpal born about 1902
RobertsRichard Eborn about 1938
RobertsRose born about 1883
RobertsRuth Annborn about 1933
RobertsWyne Eborn about 1925
RobinsonJames Aborn about 1877
RobinsonMable born about 1886
RockliffAlex born about 1897
RockliffAndrew born about 1862
RockliffEthel born about 1921
RockliffIona born about 1921
RockliffMary born about 1869
RockwoodHarlen born about 1922
RockwoodJoanna born about 1926
RockwoodJosephine born about 1927
RockwoodLeroy born about 1884
RockwoodMargret born about 1921
RockwoodMary born about 1891
RockwoodMary Aborn about 1919
RogersAndrew Bborn about 1897
RogersDon born about 1921
RogersPaul born about 1924
RollingsDorothy born about 1922
RollingsDoyne born about 1926
RollingsMary Edithborn about 1920
RollingsStella born about 1893
RollingsW Mborn about 1890
RooneyBessie born about 1898
RooneyBetty Lborn about 1935
RooneyLowell Rborn about 1925
RooneyNorma Lborn about 1929
RooneyOllie born about 1891
RooneyWilma Mborn about 1932
RossBarbara Jborn about 1928
RossBert born about 1904
RossCarl born about 1898
RossClyde born about 1894
RossDorothy Leeborn about 1923
RossDorothy Maeborn about 1923
RossEma born about 1904
RossErnestine born about 1923
RossFrank born about 1872
RossGeneva born about 1928
RossKatherine born about 1922
RossLouise born about 1876
RossNorman born about 1931
RossOmey born about 1910
RossRebecca Janeborn about 1874
RossViola born about 1905
RossVirgil born about 1937
RossWalter born about 1904
RumpleEsther born about 1903
RumpleOra Eborn about 1901
RushingCharles Aborn about 1940
RushingJohana Mborn about 1932
RushingJohn born about 1905
RushingJohn Wborn about 1938
RushingLois Jborn about 1931
RushingViolamae born about 1906
RusmiserWilliam born about 1890
RussellElla born about 1871
RussellEsther Marieborn about 1938
RussellJames born about 1917
RussellJames Jr born about 1936
RussellMary born about 1918
RutterWilliam born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachsPearl Lynnborn about 1900
SagravesAnnabell born about 1930
SagravesBetty born about 1925
SagravesBonnie born about 1925
SagravesBuell born about 1896
SagravesBuell Eborn about 1938
SagravesCatherine born about 1861
SagravesGlen born about 1928
SagravesTishie born about 1903
SalesMarealu born about 1922
SampsonEsther born about 1916
SampsonLester born about 1915
SampsonLester Rborn about 1939
SamsBetty born about 1923
SamsGeneva born about 1929
SamsLucille born about 1903
SamsO Neilborn about 1927
SamsRhoda born about 1931
SamsWilliam Dborn about 1922
SamsWilliam Rborn about 1885
SandbergBlanche born about 1893
SandbergEugene born about 1922
SandbergHenry born about 1880
SandbergNorma born about 1925
SandersDorothy Marieborn about 1925
SandersViola born about 1927
SandfordDoris Maxineborn about 1931
SandfordMildred Lborn about 1927
SankeyDelia Mborn about 1866
SankeyHelen Eborn about 1892
SankyGeorge Fborn about 1921
SarchettBert born about 1889
SarchettNora Eborn about 1931
SchalburgJames Fborn about 1933
SchalburgJerry Leeborn about 1939
SchalburgKenneth born about 1913
SchalburgOpal born about 1915
ScharfDorothy born about 1919
ScharfGeorge Hyborn about 1893
ScharfHerman born about 1921
ScharfPearl born about 1897
SchoemelAnna born about 1904
SchoemelHenry born about 1926
SchoemelJohnny born about 1929
SchreechIsabelle born about 1919
SchwartzCarl born about 1928
SchwartzDoris Maeborn about 1923
SchwartzHelen Marieborn about 1922
SchwartzJohn born about 1877
SchwartzLloyd born about 1885
SchwartzMinnie born about 1895
SchwartzNettie born about 1898
SeddenCharley born about 1891
SeddenJohn born about 1893
SenecalFleming born about 1886
SenecalTommy born about 1886
SennetEarl born about 1913
SennetGladys born about 1916
SennetJames born about 1932
SennetLoradie born about 1939
SennetRichard born about 1930
SerrariCharley born about 1913
SerrariLassimo born about 1878
SerrariMinne born about 1885
SerrariTressia born about 1923
SewartAlma born about 1897
ShafferCharles born about 1886
ShafferHerman born about 1932
ShafferMinnie born about 1878
SharpAgnes Mborn about 1925
ShepardAnna Mborn about 1882
ShepardFelix Cborn about 1922
ShepardGeorg Fborn about 1878
ShepardGeorge Rborn about 1921
ShepardJames Ottoborn about 1916
ShepardLaverne born about 1936
ShepardMaynard born about 1905
ShepardMerle born about 1909
ShepardNola Janeborn about 1919
ShepardReba born about 1925
ShidlerCharles born about 1932
ShidlerGlen born about 1904
ShidlerMary Lborn about 1929
ShidlerNellie born about 1906
ShidlerSharon born about 1936
ShipleyMinnie born about 1891
ShipleySam born about 1879
ShortJackie born about 1932
ShortJimmie born about 1934
ShortMable born about 1910
ShortShirman born about 1904
ShueyLucy born about 1914
ShullSarrah born about 1863
ShultsGladase born about 1887
ShultsMinda born about 1856
ShultsWalter born about 1884
ShumakerErnest born about 1895
ShumakerErnest Jr born about 1937
ShumakerMildred born about 1932
ShumakerOpal born about 1901
ShuttsKenneth Rborn about 1876
ShuttsOla born about 1882
SillsEdward born about 1892
SillsEnice born about 1894
SimpsonEbert born about 1898
SimpsonElva born about 1901
SimpsonJohn born about 1921
SimpsonMarjorie born about 1924
SimpsonMary born about 1875
SimsCarl born about 1921
SimsCharles Tomborn about 1930
SimsNorma Jeanborn about 1932
SkaggsAlena Maeborn about 1940
SkaggsAlvin born about 1906
SkaggsBetty Louborn about 1938
SkaggsCatherine born about 1884
SkaggsCecil born about 1908
SkaggsDorothy born about 1919
SkaggsRudolph born about 1912
SkaggsWilliam born about 1928
SkeltonCharles born about 1873
SkeltonGeorge born about 1872
SkeltonHelen born about 1905
SkeltonLaura born about 1886
SkeltonLillie born about 1875
SlaterHarry Gborn about 1861
SlaughterCarrie born about 1924
SloverAaron born about 1899
SloverMoyne born about 1912
SmithAgnes born about 1929
SmithAmanda born about 1856
SmithAndrew Dborn about 1885
SmithAnna born about 1904
SmithBernadine born about 1918
SmithBetty born about 1926
SmithBob born about 1874
SmithCarrie born about 1884
SmithCatherine born about 1935
SmithCharlotte Jeanborn about 1926
SmithCleo born about 1912
SmithClyde Aborn about 1879
SmithCurtis born about 1936
SmithDaisy born about 1923
SmithDavid born about 1924
SmithEdna Cborn about 1884
SmithEffa Mborn about 1882
SmithElva born about 1888
SmithEmma born about 1884
SmithErnest Dborn about 1922
SmithEvan Oborn about 1907
SmithFrank born about 1899
SmithFranklin born about 1924
SmithGarett born about 1873
SmithHarld Fborn about 1915
SmithHarley born about 1927
SmithHarry born about 1910
SmithHoward born about 1925
SmithIrene born about 1903
SmithJ L Cborn about 1895
SmithJames Rborn about 1930
SmithJeannette born about 1933
SmithJohn born about 1887
SmithJohn Nborn about 1919
SmithJoseph Richardborn about 1923
SmithJoseph Wborn about 1858
SmithKatherine born about 1907
SmithLawrence Hborn about 1870
SmithLeotia born about 1877
SmithLola Mborn about 1921
SmithLoretta Maeborn about 1935
SmithMary born about 1889
SmithMary Eborn about 1900
SmithMaude Eborn about 1883
SmithMay born about 1937
SmithNorman Paulborn about 1930
SmithPaul born about 1925
SmithPriscilla born about 1927
SmithRalph born about 1899
SmithRalph Jr born about 1925
SmithRay Pborn about 1899
SmithRaymond born about 1939
SmithReba born about 1892
SmithRobert Fborn about 1889
SmithRobert Gborn about 1919
SmithRobert Wborn about 1893
SmithRosetta Eborn about 1861
SmithRosie born about 1907
SmithRubin Aborn about 1878
SmithRuby born about 1929
SmithStanley born about 1919
SmithVernard born about 1917
SmithW Aborn about 1886
SmithWilma born about 1940
SnowAlbert born about 1925
SnowVirginia born about 1923
SnyderDonald born about 1933
SnyderJean born about 1929
SnyderLucille born about 1911
SnyderRuth born about 1931
SnyderTheador born about 1920
SodoraDolores born about 1929
SodoraHazel born about 1897
SodoraJack born about 1925
SodoraJake born about 1928
SodoraMarie born about 1927
SodoraSam born about 1896
SoulesCharles born about 1867
SoulesCharles Jr born about 1920
SoulesLelia born about 1875
SoulesMary born about 1913
SoulesOsker born about 1914
SoulesPansy born about 1916
SoulesRandaph born about 1895
SoulesRobert Eborn about 1923
SoulesWarren born about 1875
SoulesWilliam born about 1928
SowersEdith Gborn about 1888
SowersEleanor born about 1928
SowersIna born about 1912
SowersMary Ruthborn about 1932
SowersRaleigh born about 1922
SowersWally born about 1907
SowersWalter Rborn about 1882
SparksAnna born about 1915
SparksDorothy Aborn about 1924
SparksFanny Aborn about 1925
SparksGeorge Muzettaborn about 1927
SpearsClarence born about 1899
SpearsWilliam born about 1872
StanettGertrude Eborn about 1876
StearlingAlice Cborn about 1884
StearlingBarbara Jeanborn about 1930
StearlingFred born about 1881
StenceDaisy born about 1883
SterchieRobert Hborn about 1926
SterchieVera Maxineborn about 1924
SterrettMaggie born about 1871
StevensAlta born about 1913
StevensCristen born about 1898
StevensDonald born about 1936
StevensEdna Lborn about 1927
StevensElsie born about 1903
StevensEvylen Rborn about 1929
StevensHerman born about 1896
StevensMary Aborn about 1921
StevensPearl born about 1893
StevensRichard born about 1914
StevensRobert born about 1926
StevensVirgal born about 1916
StewardChandos born about 1936
StewardGay Lilahborn about 1937
StewartBurnice born about 1901
StewartCassie born about 1879
StewartChauncey born about 1894
StewartChlora born about 1906
StewartChlora Rebeccaborn about 1928
StewartElsie Marieborn about 1925
StewartEtta born about 1923
StewartLuther born about 1876
StewartMary Ellenborn about 1935
StewartMary Sborn about 1902
StewartMyrtle born about 1898
StewartOttis born about 1899
StewartOttis Jr born about 1927
StewartRowena born about 1925
StewartSphronia born about 1937
StickelsAnna Mayborn about 1922
StickelsGeorge Eborn about 1924
StjohnAnna born about 1867
StjohnWilliam born about 1871
StoreyFlorence Lborn about 1890
StoreyJohn Eborn about 1886
StrainClarence born about 1902
StrainLottie born about 1907
StrainPatsy Ruthborn about 1929
StrainVirginia Bellborn about 1932
StringerAlberta born about 1921
StringerGrover born about 1885
StringerHarold born about 1922
StringerHelen born about 1917
StringerHelen Mborn about 1911
StringerMary born about 1916
StringerMaxine born about 1919
StringerOpal born about 1899
StringerW Tborn about 1909
StrongDora born about 1920
StrongFrank Wborn about 1892
StrongMinnie born about 1891
StrongWarren born about 1924
SummersBessie born about 1899
SummersDonald born about 1929
SummersFouist born about 1888
SummersJack born about 1920
SummersKeith born about 1927
SummersLewis born about 1911
SummersLloyd born about 1897
SummersMary Annborn about 1930
SummersMorkorie born about 1921
SummersOla born about 1911
SuppMay born about 1870
SuppWilliam born about 1871
SwallsArthur born about 1939
SwallsBerniece born about 1910
SwallsBertha born about 1936
SwallsBeulah born about 1908
SwallsColonel born about 1905
SwallsDaniel born about 1938
SwallsDavid born about 1935
SwallsEdith Mborn about 1930
SwallsHerman born about 1904
SwallsNorma Rborn about 1931
SwallsOphelia born about 1933
SwallsOtto born about 1886
SwallsPauline born about 1915
SwallsPhyllis born about 1933
SwallsVern born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaberBarbara Jeanborn about 1926
TaberDorothy Janeborn about 1923
TaberEvelyn Louiseborn about 1928
TaberHazel born about 1901
TaberSarah born about 1868
TannierZella born about 1895
TaylerIra born about 1922
TaylerSarah born about 1893
TaylorCharles born about 1883
TaylorGertrude born about 1919
TaylorGrace born about 1907
TaylorJane born about 1932
TaylorJanet born about 1939
TaylorJoan born about 1927
TaylorL Cborn about 1913
TaylorOlen born about 1860
TaylorRella born about 1916
TaylorRobert Jborn about 1907
TaylorStella born about 1884
ThomasCatherine Bborn about 1924
ThomasElizabeth Aborn about 1877
ThomasJohn Eborn about 1866
ThomasJohn Joelborn about 1920
ThomasJohn Rborn about 1881
ThomasMarie Cborn about 1885
ThorpJames Eborn about 1930
ThorpVirgil born about 1924
TriplettAnna born about 1874
TuckerBetty born about 1920
TurnerBilly Jamesborn about 1931
TurnerHattie born about 1906
TurnerWilliam born about 1904
TurpinAlma Fayborn about 1909
TurpinElmo Rborn about 1903
TwiggAlta born about 1884
TwiggBengiman born about 1925
TwiggWillard Jr born about 1922
TwiggWillard Sr born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtterbackMary Aliceborn about 1922

V Surnames

VanceEmma born about 1863
VarihyMary born about 1885
VeickmierClyde born about 1872
VeickmierLouise born about 1874
VestAnabell born about 1873
ViceCharles Rborn about 1870
ViceMary Wborn about 1861

W Surnames

WagleDonald Rayborn about 1934
WagleHarry born about 1906
WagleHerschel born about 1926
WagleMerle born about 1910
WaldenGlenford born about 1931
WaldonIowan born about 1905
WaldronHelen born about 1912
WaldronPearl born about 1912
WaldronRoy born about 1935
WaleskiAnna born about 1894
WaleskiB Leonardborn about 1916
WaleskiStanley born about 1909
WallaceDouglas born about 1857
WaltersFrank Pborn about 1896
WaltersMary Francesborn about 1923
WaltersNettiereid born about 1898
WaltonCriss born about 1893
WaltonDonald Rborn about 1930
WaltonHelen born about 1904
WaltonJerry Dborn about 1936
WaltonJohn born about 1896
WaltonJohn Rborn about 1926
WaltonLeona born about 1934
WaltonLouise Iborn about 1935
WaltonNorval born about 1915
WaltonSilvia born about 1896
WaltonValona born about 1921
WaughFoncie born about 1875
WaughIsom born about 1902
WaughJack born about 1911
WaughNora Bborn about 1876
WayttHallie born about 1886
WayttJohn born about 1928
WayttVane born about 1879
WeaverClayburn Tborn about 1902
WeaverCleo born about 1926
WeaverFontella born about 1934
WeaverHazel Vborn about 1925
WeaverLilas Jborn about 1904
WeaverThomas Eborn about 1931
WeeseElmira born about 1873
WeeseJames Rborn about 1867
Weisbach born about 1887
WeisbachGeorge Eborn about 1888
WelchEdward born about 1877
WelchLotty born about 1883
WellsBetty Jborn about 1922
WellsCharles Jborn about 1917
WellsDolores born about 1918
WellsEvertt born about 1892
WellsLenore born about 1895
WelsJosephine born about 1925
WhaltonClara born about 1891
WhaltonEthle born about 1893
WhaltonMargaret born about 1898
WhartonBartlet born about 1895
WhartonLaura Bborn about 1893
WhartonOttis born about 1921
WhitakerMildred born about 1889
WhitakerPreyo born about 1915
WhitakerWilliam born about 1863
WhiteAgatha born about 1926
WhiteAlbert born about 1904
WhiteAngeline born about 1907
WhiteBetty Laverneborn about 1933
WhiteBillie Joborn about 1923
WhiteFrank born about 1909
WhiteFrank Eborn about 1939
WhiteGladys born about 1911
WhiteJoseph born about 1901
WhiteLewis Aborn about 1864
WhiteLewis Aborn about 1932
WhiteRita born about 1931
WhiteRosemary born about 1931
WhiteUneeta Lucilleborn about 1937
WhitecottenBelva born about 1896
WhitecottenBerry Rborn about 1935
WhitecottenDuane born about 1939
WhitecottenElizabeth born about 1913
WhitecottenGlenn born about 1938
WhitecottenJohn born about 1909
WhitecottenKenneth born about 1937
WhitecottenLaura born about 1916
WhitecottenLawarence born about 1936
WhitecottenLucile born about 1901
WhitecottenViola born about 1872
WhitecottenVirgil born about 1913
WhitedJesse born about 1875
WilkinsonJames Eborn about 1891
WilkinsonMary Annborn about 1894
WillanArthur Lborn about 1896
WillanBarbara Jborn about 1934
WillanBobie Dborn about 1934
WillanCharles born about 1924
WillanLena born about 1900
WillanPauline born about 1928
WilleyHazel born about 1916
WilliamsClaud Aborn about 1875
WilliamsCora born about 1881
WilliamsDorothy Rborn about 1923
WilliamsElla born about 1896
WilliamsFrank born about 1903
WilliamsGoldie born about 1903
WilliamsJoe born about 1890
WilliamsJohn born about 1894
WilliamsJohn Rborn about 1921
WilliamsLarry Rborn about 1937
WillisMarylyn born about 1935
WillisNellie born about 1911
WillisOllie born about 1880
WillisRussell born about 1903
WillsHildred born about 1910
WillsHoward born about 1908
WillsMary born about 1939
WillsNancy born about 1939
WilsonAnna Ruthborn about 1923
WilsonGretchyen born about 1911
WilsonJessie born about 1877
WilsonJohnny born about 1922
WilsonMyron Eborn about 1902
WimmerDora Jborn about 1939
WimmerEddie born about 1899
WimmerJenny born about 1870
WimmerKatheryn Aborn about 1935
WimmerKowena born about 1913
WinemillerHerman Hborn about 1888
WinemillerMary Louborn about 1928
WinemillerStella born about 1889
WinnJessie born about 1913
WinnJohn Wborn about 1905
WinnLewis Howardborn about 1929
WinnNellie Marieborn about 1923
WinnPaul born about 1924
WithemClyde Fborn about 1904
WithemHelen Mborn about 1929
WithemRichard born about 1932
WithemThelma born about 1908
WithersDelbert born about 1909
WithersDonald born about 1937
WithersJackie born about 1933
WithersJuanita born about 1910
WithersNorma born about 1931
WittCalla born about 1888
WittJacob born about 1916
WittManual born about 1874
WittRuth born about 1915
WollFred Sr born about 1869
WollMargeret born about 1866
WoltonDor born about 1882
WoltonWilliam born about 1869
WoodCharlotte born about 1881
WoodClaude born about 1896
WoodKathie born about 1899
WoodMabel born about 1923
WoodMeredith born about 1885
WoodPauline born about 1926
WoodVirginia born about 1921
WoodsGlen Mborn about 1928
WoodsJoseph Wborn about 1905
WoodsOlive Fborn about 1906
WoodsRobert Aborn about 1929
WoolseyCora born about 1875
WrightAlbert born about 1890
WrightAlbert Jr born about 1921
WrightAnnabell born about 1906
WrightCarrie born about 1883
WrightCecil born about 1892
WrightEdith born about 1911
WrightEmery born about 1905
WrightGeorge born about 1887
WrightHelen born about 1910
WrightHelen born about 1934
WrightJack born about 1920
WrightJames Eborn about 1918
WrightJennie born about 1898
WrightLewis Hborn about 1932
WrightMarilyn Juneborn about 1938
WrightRobert Kborn about 1928
WrightVirgil born about 1909
WrightVirgil Kborn about 1906
WrightVirginia born about 1931
WrightWilliam born about 1927
WrightWilliam Mborn about 1865
WrightWilliam M Jrborn about 1894
WunkerHarry Fborn about 1903
WunkerHarry F Jrborn about 1928
WunkerSusanna born about 1907
WyattDana born about 1870
WyattDelphine born about 1932
WyattDorothea born about 1918
WyattGeorge born about 1894
WyattHope born about 1904
WyattJames born about 1854
WyattLee born about 1908
WyattMargaret born about 1930
WyattMayme born about 1907
WyattNorman born about 1927
WyattPaddy born about 1930
WyattRobert born about 1911
WyattRobert born about 1932
WyattSharondian born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAnna Pborn about 1905
YoungBetty Aborn about 1923
YoungRichard born about 1899
YoungRichard Jborn about 1934

Z Surnames

ZimmermanCharles born about 1929
ZimmermanJames born about 1924
ZimmermanJoanna born about 1921
ZimmermanJohn born about 1893
ZimmermanJohn born about 1926
ZimmermanMable born about 1894
ZomackCatherine born about 1896
ZomackHelen born about 1929
ZomackJohn Sr born about 1891
ZomackMartha born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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