1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marion in Boone County, Boone, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Boone County > 1940 Census of Marion in Boone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbittCharles Eborn about 1924
AbbittEleanor Jborn about 1927
AbbittElloise Dborn about 1930
AbbittLena Mborn about 1900
AbbittVirgil Aborn about 1900
AdamsAllen Lborn about 1939
AdamsBarbara Annborn about 1936
AdamsBetty Mborn about 1925
AdamsG Ileenborn about 1924
AdamsGracy Eborn about 1904
AdamsIrvin Cborn about 1927
AdamsOrville Cborn about 1905
AkardBertha Gborn about 1889
AkardCharles Rborn about 1939
AkardGeraldine Jborn about 1921
AkardH Kennethborn about 1911
AkardKathleen Eborn about 1919
AkardLulu Mborn about 1883
AkardPaul Lborn about 1913
AkardRobert Eborn about 1922
AkardT Wesleyborn about 1876
AkardWalter born about 1887
AlexanderAlbert Hborn about 1913
AlexanderEdith Mborn about 1912
AlexanderGladys Nborn about 1939
AlexanderJohn Cborn about 1923
AlexanderPeggy Eborn about 1937
AlexanderRobert Dborn about 1933
AlexanderRuth Eborn about 1929
AlexanderWilliam Jborn about 1935
AllenAlberta born about 1919
AllenAlvin Jborn about 1916
AllenBertha Oborn about 1874
AllenBetty Jeanborn about 1924
AllenDoris Aborn about 1911
AllenGuy born about 1892
AllenPatty Louborn about 1935
AllenPhyllis born about 1939
AllenRalph born about 1918
AllenThelma Mborn about 1917
AllenVerlie Eborn about 1897
AndersonNora born about 1888
ArtmanAlta Nborn about 1893
ArtmanAnna Nborn about 1895
ArtmanO Leonaborn about 1920
AtkinsBeulah Eborn about 1920
AtkinsCecil Rborn about 1896
AtkinsElsa Mborn about 1931
AtkinsNaeline born about 1897
AtkinsRoberta Kborn about 1922

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B Surnames

BaileyBenjamin Oborn about 1930
BaileyCharles Sborn about 1935
BaileyDorothy Eborn about 1903
BaileyFrances Aborn about 1909
BaileyImogene Hborn about 1926
BaileyIvan Kborn about 1935
BaileyIvan Sborn about 1903
BaileyJ Harveyborn about 1879
BaileyMarvin Eborn about 1922
BaileyMary Lborn about 1937
BaileyRaymond Sborn about 1906
BaileyRobert Mborn about 1926
BaileySamuel Bborn about 1858
BaileySarah Mborn about 1879
BaileyThomas Lborn about 1928
BairdAlbert Jborn about 1936
BairdAnna Jborn about 1918
BairdBetty Jeanborn about 1929
BairdCharles Hborn about 1872
BairdDorie Jeanborn about 1926
BairdFloyd born about 1918
BairdFloyd Dborn about 1939
BairdIno Cborn about 1938
BairdMartha Janeborn about 1931
BairdMary Jborn about 1882
BairdNorma born about 1934
BairdOla Eborn about 1902
BairdOra born about 1907
BairdRalph Dborn about 1936
BairdTheresa Eborn about 1907
BakerJ Raleighborn about 1882
BakerRaney Gborn about 1933
BannanArnola born about 1889
BannanBenjamin Rborn about 1882
BannanHenry Wborn about 1879
BannanKenneth Oborn about 1922
BannanMamie Rborn about 1923
BannanSylvia Oborn about 1886
BannanWilliam born about 1924
BarkerDaryl born about 1892
BarkerDonald Kborn about 1930
BarkerDoyle born about 1921
BarkerEdward born about 1891
BarkerEdwin Eborn about 1920
BarkerIvan Wborn about 1927
BarkerVivian Iborn about 1923
BarkleyDwight Lborn about 1910
BarricksAlberta born about 1916
BarricksLeon Eborn about 1913
BarricksMearl Lborn about 1886
BarricksOscar born about 1887
BashamRobert Wborn about 1896
BayerIrene Sborn about 1902
BayerJulian Cborn about 1902
BeanClarence Pborn about 1892
BellAnson Mborn about 1860
BellG Chesterborn about 1885
BellLaura born about 1862
BellLula born about 1884
BirdenJohn Hborn about 1919
BishopEstel Mborn about 1910
BishopJackie Lborn about 1932
BishopJanet Cborn about 1939
BishopMarian Jeanborn about 1928
BishopOrville Vborn about 1907
BlaineElisha Bborn about 1882
BlaineLydia Lborn about 1881
BlaineRuth Iborn about 1920
BoganEdith Jborn about 1904
BoganGeorge Aborn about 1934
BoganJames Rborn about 1930
BoganPatty Aborn about 1936
BoganRoy Cborn about 1903
BogansAlfred born about 1876
BogansStella born about 1882
BooneAnita Mborn about 1934
BooneDorothy Mborn about 1908
BooneEdna Gborn about 1906
BooneEliza Cborn about 1906
BooneKenneth Sborn about 1912
BooneLois Pborn about 1913
BooneLoretta Jborn about 1938
BowerMartha Annborn about 1922
BowerNora born about 1921
BowerPhilip Cborn about 1919
BowlesClara Cborn about 1903
BowlesMartha Jborn about 1926
BowlesOrville born about 1893
BowmanGullian Marionborn about 1856
BowmanHazel Mborn about 1895
BowmanThomas Wborn about 1894
BowmanVirginia Mborn about 1922
BoyerEva born about 1866
BoyerEverett Eborn about 1898
BoyerGeorgia Sborn about 1903
BoyerGladys born about 1902
BoyerHarvey Gborn about 1896
BoyerLavern Gborn about 1925
BoyerMary Iborn about 1931
BradleyBetty Mborn about 1932
BradleyEdith Fborn about 1939
BradleyFred Jr born about 1927
BradleyH Fredborn about 1906
BradleyMina Lborn about 1906
BradleyMina Lborn about 1929
BramkampClara Eborn about 1904
BramkampDarrell born about 1932
BramkampKenneth Wborn about 1904
BrandenbergEra Eborn about 1881
BrandenbergJ Homerborn about 1891
BrandenburgDonald Jborn about 1929
BrandenburgEarl born about 1901
BrandenburgGlennie Sborn about 1894
BrandenburgH Leonborn about 1937
BrandenburgHarry born about 1903
BrandenburgHelen Gborn about 1927
BrandenburgLawrence Eborn about 1925
BrandenburgMadonna Rborn about 1924
BrandenburgMuriel born about 1904
BrandenburgOleta Rborn about 1929
BrandenburgOrville Rborn about 1932
BrandenburgRichard Rborn about 1896
BrandenburgRuth Dborn about 1912
BrightWilliam born about 1885
BushCharles Wborn about 1919
BushDaniel Eborn about 1864
BushFlossie born about 1893
BushRaymond Eborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CaldwellJames born about 1882
CalvertLew born about 1883
CalvertZetta Oborn about 1886
CampbellBetty Lborn about 1931
CampbellDonna Jborn about 1923
CampbellElza Bborn about 1899
CampbellFlorence Kborn about 1884
CampbellLoyal Lborn about 1925
CampbellRuby Aborn about 1898
CampbellW Careyborn about 1872
CarneyBarbara Eborn about 1925
CarneyKathleen Jborn about 1924
CarneyRosetta born about 1870
CarneyRussell Kborn about 1900
CarneyWretha Eborn about 1902
CarothersElla Mborn about 1884
CarothersGale Fborn about 1897
CastetterClifford Bborn about 1903
CastetterElizabeth Gborn about 1902
ChastainAnnabelle born about 1921
ChastainEvelyn Lborn about 1917
ChastainLeona born about 1887
ChastainRobert Wborn about 1918
ChastainThomas Wborn about 1886
CherryDorothy Eborn about 1904
CherryEsther born about 1924
CherryHudson Bborn about 1902
CherryRobert Hborn about 1935
CherryWilliam Hborn about 1928
ChildersCecil Lborn about 1908
ChildersClark Lborn about 1909
ChildersE Mabelborn about 1891
ChildersElizabeth Aborn about 1939
ChildersF Ileneborn about 1918
ChildersJerry Aborn about 1937
ChildersJohn Mborn about 1915
ChildersKenneth Rborn about 1910
ChildersM Harveyborn about 1887
ChildersMargaret Hborn about 1910
ChildersMary Mborn about 1937
ChildersMay Aborn about 1922
ClantonDorothy Mborn about 1909
ClantonEdith Mborn about 1938
ClantonG Virginiaborn about 1925
ClantonHarold Lborn about 1932
ClantonRichard born about 1909
ClarkDella born about 1877
ClarkEliza Mborn about 1867
ClarkWilliam Tborn about 1873
CodyDoyle Rborn about 1915
CodyElizabeth Mborn about 1920
CodyGrace Lborn about 1887
CodyMarcus Jborn about 1857
CodyNancy Eborn about 1852
CodyPaul Rborn about 1918
CodyPaul Tborn about 1940
ColeEmmaline Iborn about 1927
ColeMary Lborn about 1934
ColeMildred Iborn about 1931
ColePearl Jborn about 1897
ColeT Maxineborn about 1923
ColeWilliam Hborn about 1892
CopelandDonald J Gborn about 1934
CopelandJames Rborn about 1930
CopelandMargaret Jborn about 1938
CopelandMary Mborn about 1911
CopelandMillard Fborn about 1910
CopelandRichard Dborn about 1934
CottinghamC Fletcherborn about 1891
CottinghamDrucella born about 1923
CottinghamFlorrie Fborn about 1891
CottinghamIra Aborn about 1882
CottinghamJulia Dborn about 1930
CottinghamLola Aborn about 1890
CottinghamRoberta Mborn about 1925
CoxCharles Rborn about 1934
CoxChristine born about 1938
CoxClaude Aborn about 1892
CoxDavid Oborn about 1938
CoxDonald Rborn about 1926
CoxElwood Jborn about 1924
CoxHildreth Aborn about 1932
CoxHomer born about 1913
CoxJames Rborn about 1926
CoxJosiah Nborn about 1881
CoxKathaleen born about 1923
CoxLester Lborn about 1933
CoxLila Mborn about 1903
CoxMable Mborn about 1912
CoxMary Fborn about 1900
CoxMary Kborn about 1924
CoxMillie Aborn about 1878
CoxMyrtle Cborn about 1883
CoxPearl born about 1885
CoxRaleigh Hborn about 1874
CoxVirgil Jborn about 1890
CoxVirgil Mayborn about 1940
CrassBenjamin Bborn about 1879
CrassMary Eborn about 1879
CrawfordAlvin Hborn about 1926
CrawfordChauncey Mborn about 1886
CrawfordElizabeth Bborn about 1888
CrawfordJ Albertborn about 1881
CrawfordMary Lborn about 1924

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D Surnames

DaleDelcena born about 1884
DaleDora born about 1858
DaleHenry Gborn about 1922
DaleMary Bborn about 1924
DaleWilliam Pborn about 1878
DavidsonAlbert born about 1875
DavisElmer Wborn about 1919
DavisMary Lborn about 1939
DavisRichard Eborn about 1913
DavisRuth born about 1912
DavisZela Gborn about 1918
DeakyneMay born about 1901
DeakynePaul Jborn about 1903
DelaheyAlvin Bborn about 1908
DelaheyMelvin Tborn about 1937
DelaheyOris Bborn about 1932
DelaheyPauline Aborn about 1914
DennisIda Jborn about 1875
DennisWilliam Hborn about 1855
DitzenbergerKenneth Kborn about 1922
DitzenbergerLew Aborn about 1858
DitzenbergerOtto Jborn about 1889
DitzenbergerRuthanna born about 1931
DitzenbergerVesta Mborn about 1894
DoddArthur born about 1899
DoddFlorence Mborn about 1902
DoddNaomi Eborn about 1926
DoddRoberta Nborn about 1934
DrivesWalter Aborn about 1865
DrivesWastella born about 1875
DullCharles born about 1872
DunhamWilliam Eborn about 1860
DyeEdith born about 1888
DyeJ Rayborn about 1886

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E Surnames

EdwardsGael Fborn about 1910
EdwardsGeorge Eborn about 1873
EdwardsMalinda Eborn about 1876
EdwardsSylvia Eborn about 1902
EubankC Hazelborn about 1897
EubankClavis Vborn about 1927
EubankG Frankborn about 1893
EubankRosalie born about 1921
EvansAnita Jborn about 1930
EvansBetty Mborn about 1925
EvansBilly Gborn about 1939
EvansDorsal Kborn about 1915
EvansHarry Jborn about 1937
EvansIda Bborn about 1882
EvansLinda Lawborn about 1938
EvansLoretta born about 1936
EvansLowell born about 1899
EvansMabel Eborn about 1915
EvansMadge Yborn about 1920
EvansMartha Janeborn about 1935
EvansMyrtle Lborn about 1934
EvansNille Eborn about 1906
EvansOllie born about 1876
EvansWilliam Hborn about 1913

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F Surnames

FairchildAddie Cborn about 1915
FairchildChester Fborn about 1916
FairchildCora born about 1892
FancherAlpha born about 1889
FancherBertha Eborn about 1877
FancherWilliam Lborn about 1887
FarwickMary Eborn about 1907
FarwickRussel born about 1923
FarwickTaylor Mborn about 1879
FarwickWilliam Rborn about 1877
FaussetBetty born about 1876
FaussetC Mansonborn about 1862
FaussetEdgar Cborn about 1903
FergusonAbraham born about 1899
FergusonDortha Keeborn about 1924
FergusonEffie Mborn about 1903
FergusonRobert Jborn about 1931
FisherLester born about 1900
FisherMartha Mborn about 1923
FisherMary Kborn about 1932
FisherPauline Cborn about 1904
FlaneryDouglas Bborn about 1916
FlaneryErnest Wborn about 1887
FlaneryFlora Wborn about 1884
FlaneryRobert Hborn about 1918
ForbushJohn Hborn about 1874
ForbushMartha Mborn about 1876
FreemanA Janeborn about 1865
FreemanEarl Aborn about 1892
FreemanEulalia Mborn about 1889
FrenchDora Aborn about 1878

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G Surnames

GannDorothy Bborn about 1932
GassardMary Rborn about 1916
GassardMax Eborn about 1916
GassardMax E Jrborn about 1936
GibbsAngeline Mborn about 1899
GibbsDonald Lborn about 1924
GibbsEula Iborn about 1932
GibbsGrace Kborn about 1930
GibbsHarold Mborn about 1919
GibbsHelen Pborn about 1909
GibbsHershel Hborn about 1907
GibbsIva Gborn about 1931
GibbsJohn Hborn about 1898
GibbsKatie born about 1867
GibbsL Juneborn about 1923
GibbsLinda Louborn about 1940
GibbsLuella Jborn about 1928
GibbsRuby Lborn about 1892
GibbsVirginia Hborn about 1926
GibbsVirginia Mborn about 1928
GibbsWilliam Gborn about 1934
GibbsWilliam Jborn about 1923
GiffordCecil Eborn about 1898
GiffordDale Eborn about 1927
GiffordDan Hborn about 1923
GiffordDannie Rborn about 1933
GiffordDean Dborn about 1925
GiffordDiokie Lborn about 1932
GodbyAddie born about 1873
GodbyGale Eborn about 1938
GodbyHarold Eborn about 1913
GodbyLillie Eborn about 1889
GodbyMary Aliceborn about 1915
GodbyNeal Aborn about 1940
GodbyO Emmettborn about 1870
GodbySexton Dborn about 1886
GodbyVirgil Wborn about 1921
GodleyDale Lborn about 1933
GodleyLester Lborn about 1906
GodleyLois Mborn about 1913
GodleyWanda Mborn about 1938
GoodArthur born about 1873
GrahamDella born about 1882
GreenBetty Kborn about 1922
GreenH Wayneborn about 1911
GreenHelen Aborn about 1924
GreenJennie Gborn about 1891
GreenJohn Wborn about 1940
GreenLavena Fborn about 1915
GreenMary Lborn about 1912
GreenMaurice Lborn about 1888
GreggAnna born about 1882
GreggEber Cborn about 1877
GrimesBernice Aborn about 1917
GrimesBradley Bborn about 1915
GrimesCarolyn Gborn about 1937
GumeryC Edwardborn about 1883
GumeryStella born about 1883

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H Surnames

HackettByron Kborn about 1935
HackettDorothy Kborn about 1912
HackettEleanor Jborn about 1938
HackettRobert Jborn about 1937
HackettRoland Hborn about 1908
HallingsworthC Leonborn about 1912
HallingsworthDonald Leeborn about 1939
HallingsworthGeraldine Jborn about 1912
HamerCarl Vborn about 1889
HamerLloyd Wborn about 1933
HamerViolet Iborn about 1905
HamesMax Sborn about 1929
HarbushChloe Eborn about 1907
HarbushPaul Jborn about 1907
HarnDorothy Lborn about 1916
HarrisAvinell Lborn about 1909
HarrisRussell Lborn about 1910
HarrisWanda Leeborn about 1938
HarrisWinnie Lawborn about 1934
HarshmanWillard Mborn about 1922
HauserGlen Eborn about 1893
HauserRuth Eborn about 1889
HawkinsA Floydborn about 1905
HawkinsA Floyd Jrborn about 1939
HawkinsArlene Bborn about 1931
HawkinsBetty Joborn about 1925
HawkinsC Roeborn about 1898
HawkinsCarrie Mborn about 1884
HawkinsDorothy Aborn about 1914
HawkinsEarnest Bborn about 1877
HawkinsEdith Pborn about 1902
HawkinsEleanor born about 1907
HawkinsIshmael Lborn about 1922
HawkinsKufer Nborn about 1929
HawkinsMalcom Rborn about 1927
HawkinsRawena Iborn about 1924
HaysArnola Wborn about 1936
HaysDonald Mborn about 1939
HaysFloyd Aborn about 1910
HaysHarold Kborn about 1916
HaysMary Cborn about 1913
HaysVanda Cborn about 1937
HedgeBarbara Aborn about 1935
HedgeBetty Leeborn about 1924
HedgeDonna born about 1926
HedgeEffie Lborn about 1897
HedgeEugene Eborn about 1920
HedgeLois Bborn about 1928
HedgePatricia Jborn about 1930
HedgePaul Aborn about 1896
HedgePauline Eborn about 1930
HedgeRobert Lborn about 1923
HendricksEliza Aborn about 1864
HendricksJames born about 1893
HendricksMary Dborn about 1900
HendricksRuby Gborn about 1927
HendricksVirginia Rborn about 1925
HendricksWilliam Eborn about 1888
HerrinHarold Wborn about 1916
HerrinHollis Eborn about 1921
HerrinJohn Wborn about 1876
HerrinRosa Eborn about 1880
HiattAbbott Eborn about 1913
HiattJames Aborn about 1939
HiattLillian Dborn about 1916
HiattScott Mborn about 1937
HodsonE Calvinborn about 1925
HodsonEverett Bborn about 1900
HodsonJohn Sborn about 1931
HodsonMargaret Aborn about 1933
HodsonMartha Gborn about 1907
HodsonPhyllis Gborn about 1927
HodsonSandra Vborn about 1939
HollingsworthCarl born about 1901
HollingsworthCarrie Eborn about 1889
HollingsworthG Passborn about 1888
HollingsworthGeorge Rborn about 1923
HollingsworthJanie Vborn about 1927
HollingsworthLena Fborn about 1902
HollingsworthMarion Aborn about 1934
HoltzelawMae born about 1904
HoppDwight born about 1917
HoppHilda Fborn about 1918
HowardJulian Wborn about 1903
HubbarttA Blancheborn about 1892
HubbarttAlpha Hborn about 1888
HubbarttDaisey Kborn about 1922
HubbarttDoris Iborn about 1917
HubbarttRoseanna born about 1926
HubbarttThomas Aborn about 1861
HubbarttW Rileyborn about 1858
HuckleberryCrystal Lborn about 1916
HuckleberryDale Eborn about 1939
HuckleberryFrancis Eborn about 1936
HuckleberryPaul Lborn about 1935
HuckleberryRoscoe Aborn about 1910
HundleyEthel born about 1895
HundleyOtto Sborn about 1895
HundleyWilda born about 1926
HuntCharles Eborn about 1931
HuntErvin Jborn about 1904
HuntEvelyn Fborn about 1938
HuntLaura Aborn about 1866
HuntMarilyn born about 1936
HuntMaxine Iborn about 1915
HuntPhilip Eborn about 1933

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I Surnames

IrwinHelen Eborn about 1898
IrwinWarren Cborn about 1897
IvakinbushPeter Cborn about 1884

J Surnames

JarrettRobert Lborn about 1867
JohnNevada Jborn about 1869
JohnOrville Eborn about 1898
JohnsDonald Dborn about 1932
JohnsDonna Jborn about 1928
JohnsEdith Fborn about 1896
JohnsFlorence Mborn about 1913
JohnsGeneva Mborn about 1920
JohnsHenry Cborn about 1906
JohnsLeonard Cborn about 1892
JohnsMarjorie Aborn about 1921
JohnsMary Eborn about 1936
JohnsWilliam Gborn about 1911
JohnsonBuford born about 1904
JohnsonBuford Jr born about 1938
JohnsonClyde Cborn about 1916
JohnsonDanoise Iborn about 1908
JohnsonDonald Wborn about 1936
JohnsonEmma Janeborn about 1924
JohnsonGene Philipborn about 1934
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1931
JohnsonMary Ellenborn about 1940
JohnsonShirley Annborn about 1939
JohnsonSylvia Eborn about 1916
JohnsonThelma Rborn about 1918
JohnsonTheodore Kborn about 1907
JohnsonWilliam Hborn about 1927
JohnsonWilma Eborn about 1939
JonesDavid born about 1911
JonesF Thompsonborn about 1884
JonesGene born about 1924
JonesGrant W Lborn about 1928
JonesJ Iraborn about 1879
JonesM Oliveborn about 1909
JonesMark W Cborn about 1930
JonesMinnie Rborn about 1886
JonesNancy Maryborn about 1876
JonesNoel Eborn about 1920
JonesPearl Jborn about 1887
JonesWilbert born about 1886
JonesWilma Iborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KeelingCharles Lborn about 1894
KeelingEdith Wborn about 1896
KeelingHerbert Aborn about 1929
KeelingHobart Bborn about 1929
KeelingJohn Oborn about 1926
KeelingRichard Cborn about 1924
KeelingWilliam Lborn about 1922
KernCaryl Rborn about 1897
KernElizabeth Hborn about 1903
KernJoanna Rborn about 1920
KernRichard Cborn about 1913
KernRobert Oborn about 1926
KernVivian Jborn about 1920
KimbleFrank born about 1888
KincaidAnthony Lborn about 1900
KincaidAnthony Jr born about 1929
KincaidCharles Eborn about 1931
KincaidE Clarenceborn about 1879
KincaidHarold Kborn about 1924
KincaidMable Eborn about 1897
KincaidMary Hborn about 1903
KincaidMary Wborn about 1872
KincaidMeredith Mborn about 1936
KincaidNora Eborn about 1882
KincaidNora Nborn about 1897
KincaidOra Aborn about 1919
KincaidTheodocia born about 1881
KincaidWayne Hborn about 1927
KincaidWinford Cborn about 1922
King born about 1905
KingAnna Jborn about 1869
KingAustin born about 1881
KingBelle born about 1862
KingBert Eborn about 1885
KingDewey Rborn about 1902
KingEll Zborn about 1896
KingElvira born about 1857
KingEmery Rborn about 1894
KingEtta born about 1876
KingGeorge Hborn about 1887
KingHazel Fborn about 1896
KingHenry Bborn about 1893
KingHerman Eborn about 1921
KingJohn Mborn about 1895
KingJoseph Aborn about 1879
KingKenneth Fborn about 1933
KingL Williamborn about 1872
KingMailyn Jborn about 1935
KingMyrtle Mborn about 1896
KingPatricia Iborn about 1926
KingPauline Hborn about 1924
KingSylvia Lborn about 1891
KingThomas Dborn about 1859
KingWanda Bethborn about 1924
KingWilliam Nborn about 1921
KinkeadAnnabelle Mborn about 1915
KinkeadBilly born about 1930
KinkeadCharles Mborn about 1936
KinkeadClyde Wborn about 1890
KinkeadFrederick Wborn about 1936
KinkeadJames born about 1934
KinkeadMarcia Annborn about 1938
KinkeadMinnie Eborn about 1890
KinkeadRalph Eborn about 1915
KinkeadRay born about 1913
KinkeadRichard born about 1928
KinkeadWilbur Eborn about 1918
KinnickRome Eborn about 1879
KinnickSylvia born about 1903
KisrCarl born about 1890
KisrFannie Bborn about 1890
KisrWilliam Sborn about 1916
KisteJesse Rborn about 1890
KisteMary Eborn about 1920
KisteO Mayborn about 1897
KleinCharles born about 1877
KleinMartha born about 1872
KlinglerGeorge Wborn about 1865
KounsCecil born about 1914
KounsDanny Leeborn about 1938
KounsDavid born about 1935
KounsInez Mborn about 1894
KounsKathleen Jborn about 1923
KounsLaoma Rborn about 1914
KounsLena Hborn about 1893
KounsLinda Louborn about 1938
KounsMary Kborn about 1914
KounsPaul Eborn about 1935
KounsPaul Wborn about 1912

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L Surnames

LamasterClarence Rborn about 1926
LamasterDonald Jborn about 1922
LamasterElsie Fborn about 1899
LamasterGladys Eborn about 1917
LamasterNorma Jborn about 1928
LamasterRay born about 1895
LamaxKemp born about 1871
LambertArlie Sborn about 1880
LambertEthel born about 1883
LaneGrace Dborn about 1895
LaneHorace Fborn about 1896
LaneIssac Lborn about 1875
LaneMarie Mborn about 1896
LaneMyrtle born about 1875
LaneRaleigh Cborn about 1893
LangMargaret born about 1863
LanhamMary Bborn about 1877
LanningJames Wborn about 1885
LanningLula born about 1891
LaphamClifford born about 1890
LaphamHarold Eborn about 1915
LaphamPatricia Lborn about 1939
LaphamRoberta Jborn about 1921
LaphamRosa born about 1889
LewisWilliam Rborn about 1852
LintonEdgar Jborn about 1892
LintonFloye Fborn about 1893
LoseyJohn born about 1858
LouksDonald born about 1921
LouksEverett born about 1897
LouksMary Mborn about 1924
LouksMedia born about 1899
LouksRobert Wborn about 1929
LovettLydia Aborn about 1898
LovettRussell Mborn about 1898
LyonsEloize Mborn about 1907
LyonsForrest born about 1905
LyonsMyron Vborn about 1927
LyonsPortia Jborn about 1931

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M Surnames

MaceBeatrice Eborn about 1923
MaceBetty Janeborn about 1929
MaceBonetha Fborn about 1927
MaceCarl Oborn about 1897
MaceCleotio born about 1922
MaceDiana born about 1940
MaceGail Vborn about 1900
MaceJackie Dborn about 1939
MaceJeanetta Lborn about 1924
MaceJesse Oborn about 1895
MaceLois Dborn about 1875
MaceMildred Lborn about 1918
MacePhyllis born about 1924
MaceRosalind Jborn about 1931
MaceRussell Dborn about 1913
MaceRuth Mborn about 1898
MaceWilladean Mborn about 1926
MannDora Bborn about 1872
MannOliver Hborn about 1864
MantoothClaborn Aborn about 1872
MantoothFlora born about 1877
MantoothLeroy born about 1905
MarloweCharles Lborn about 1886
MarloweM Emalineborn about 1919
MarloweMary Eborn about 1887
MarloweMildred born about 1926
MarloweWilliam Lborn about 1922
MazeIlena Gborn about 1907
MazeJohn Wborn about 1885
MazeNila born about 1914
MazeStella Lborn about 1884
McCannMyrtle Mborn about 1886
McCannOrin Jborn about 1886
McCardleJohn Jborn about 1933
McCardleRuth Bborn about 1893
McCoyIda born about 1888
McCoyRoy Eborn about 1888
McGauheyAarow Cborn about 1872
McGauheyAlbert Gborn about 1882
McGauheyCharles Nborn about 1876
McGauheyCharles Oborn about 1917
McGauheyLillian Iborn about 1887
McGauheyLyle Eborn about 1923
McKiernanCharles Eborn about 1929
McKiernanFrank born about 1887
McKiernanGeneva Mborn about 1932
McKiernanHelen Iborn about 1924
McKiernanJames Wborn about 1922
McKiernanOpal Lborn about 1918
McKiernanSylvia Oborn about 1898
McRobertsCecil Kborn about 1891
McRobertsGeorge Oborn about 1882
McVeyMary Lborn about 1859
MelletteJonathan Kborn about 1921
MelletteKathryn Eborn about 1918
MelletteNancy Sborn about 1882
MendenhallBetty Jborn about 1939
MendenhallHoward S Wborn about 1918
MendenhallM Lonaborn about 1917
MerrillAnna Kborn about 1929
MerrillArtie Oborn about 1890
MerrillMary born about 1893
MerrillMeredith Jborn about 1923
MerrillOmy Eborn about 1920
MerrillVernon Aborn about 1921
MerrillWilliam Mborn about 1918
MillerAlva Lborn about 1891
MillerCarrie Eborn about 1883
MillerJames born about 1881
MillerLloyd Wborn about 1920
MillikanAnnabelle born about 1931
MillikanEdna Gborn about 1889
MillikanHarriet Lborn about 1923
MillikanJennie born about 1901
MillikanMarian Vborn about 1928
MillikanMyrna Kayborn about 1936
MillikanOrpha Aborn about 1925
MillikanOrville Wborn about 1896
MillikanPatty Lowborn about 1930
MillikanRoy born about 1902
MillikanShubal Aborn about 1859
MooreElmer Eborn about 1881
MooreHerman born about 1891
MooreHerman Jr born about 1928
MooreIrene Aborn about 1875
MooreJoan born about 1925
MooreKeith born about 1924
MooreMarion born about 1930
MooreMax born about 1920
MooreNell born about 1892
MoorePaul Sborn about 1916
MoorePhil born about 1918
MooreSamuel Eborn about 1875
MorelandHarold Eborn about 1910
MorelandMona Gborn about 1935
MorelandPauline born about 1911
MorelandWilma born about 1914
MuellerArlena Hborn about 1860
MutchlerJohn born about 1874
MutchlerMay Eborn about 1872
MyersCloyd born about 1905
MyersDavid Hborn about 1873
MyersDonald Mborn about 1936
MyersDortha Pborn about 1931
MyersEdith Mborn about 1896
MyersElias Mborn about 1864
MyersElsie Lborn about 1907
MyersFloyd Mborn about 1931
MyersIda Mborn about 1870
MyersIda Mborn about 1877
MyersJ Rufusborn about 1860
MyersJohn Wborn about 1925
MyersLowell Wborn about 1898
MyersMalissa Mborn about 1865
MyersMargaret Jborn about 1868
MyersMartha Iborn about 1929
MyersMax born about 1922
MyersMeredith Lborn about 1924
MyersMildred Wborn about 1921
MyersNorma Iborn about 1926
MyersSamuel Hborn about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealAlbert Nborn about 1886
NealAnna Eborn about 1887
NealBertha born about 1867
NealCharles Vborn about 1869
NealEarl born about 1887
NealEthel Lborn about 1888
NealFredrick Wborn about 1923
NealOliver Mborn about 1865
NealRuth Maryborn about 1928
NesbittAnna Dborn about 1901
NesbittCharles Lborn about 1931
NesbittEarl born about 1889
NesbittEarl Jr born about 1928
NesbittEdith Mborn about 1908
NesbittFrank Lborn about 1938
NesbittHarold Mborn about 1926
NesbittHershel born about 1893
NesbittJames Dborn about 1923
NesbittJohn Wborn about 1924
NesbittRosana Mborn about 1932
NesbittVaughn Lborn about 1935
NewbyJohn Lborn about 1894
NewbyLily Mborn about 1868
NewbyPresley born about 1858
NewcomerNellie born about 1877
NewerBruce Fborn about 1866
NewmanCharles Oborn about 1888
NewmanDella born about 1891
NewmanEva Fborn about 1889
NewmanGeorge born about 1887
NewmanHarve Dborn about 1892
NewmanJohn Wborn about 1906
NewmanMartha Bborn about 1935
NewmanPhyllis Jborn about 1939
NewmanRobert Mborn about 1925
NewmanRuth Aborn about 1912
NewmanWilliam Hborn about 1884
NicholsonDorothy Mborn about 1913
NicholsonJackie Lborn about 1930
NicholsonLeonard Fborn about 1912
NicholsonMyrtle Gborn about 1883
NicholsonSue Cborn about 1937
NicklesDonna Sueborn about 1937
NicklesGeorgia Iborn about 1936
NicklesHelen Lborn about 1916
NicklesHelen Lborn about 1938
NicklesJames Aborn about 1940
NicklesSamuel Eborn about 1937
NicklesSamuel Fborn about 1914
NoeEffie Bborn about 1890
NoeJewel born about 1921
NoeLavern Kborn about 1922
NoeRay born about 1885
NolanRichard Nborn about 1924
NolteAnabelle born about 1911
NolteAndra Lborn about 1900
NolteEmma Sborn about 1873
NolteFerdinand Gborn about 1895
NolteGeorge Fborn about 1864
NolteGlenda Lborn about 1931
NolteMartin Wborn about 1907
NolteThelma Mborn about 1921
NunnallyEileen born about 1922
NunnallyLawrence Hborn about 1895
NunnallyLawrence W Jrborn about 1920
NunnallyLyle Bborn about 1935
NunnallyMargaret Nborn about 1897
NunnallyWilliam Rborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OgleChester born about 1905
OgleClark Cborn about 1914
OgleDale Eborn about 1938
OgleEdell Mborn about 1917
OgleEmma born about 1872
OgleGeorge Eborn about 1910
OgleJoseph Mborn about 1860
OgleLaura Bborn about 1885
OgleMadge Mborn about 1905
OgleMary Annborn about 1923
OgleMary Jborn about 1920
OgleRobert Hborn about 1914
OgleRosalie born about 1918
OgleSpencer Aborn about 1882
OgleWilmer Wborn about 1900
OsbornJames Hborn about 1891
OsbornRua Aborn about 1890
OsborneClara Aborn about 1867
OsborneGeorge Sborn about 1867
OttingerGerald Oborn about 1906
OttingerMary Mborn about 1884
OttingerSamuel Lborn about 1877
OverstreetCharles Wborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaddackCharles Eborn about 1865
PaddackClark born about 1891
PaddackEmma born about 1871
PaddackStella Mborn about 1895
PaddackVeva Gaelborn about 1922
PadettAlma Dborn about 1877
PadettCharline Lborn about 1935
PadettChiquita Mborn about 1933
PadettDorcas Lborn about 1914
PadettPerry Aborn about 1910
PadgethZ Josephineborn about 1915
PadgettAddie born about 1883
PadgettAlta Maeborn about 1924
PadgettAnta Fborn about 1881
PadgettBeulah Hborn about 1905
PadgettBilly Mborn about 1935
PadgettCelia Kborn about 1887
PadgettDorothy Fborn about 1905
PadgettEdward Jborn about 1874
PadgettElla born about
PadgettEsther Lborn about 1918
PadgettFlora Hborn about 1922
PadgettGilbert Gborn about 1880
PadgettIlo born about 1932
PadgettImogene born about 1934
PadgettIvan born about 1919
PadgettJ Landisborn about 1906
PadgettJames Wborn about 1937
PadgettJoel Kborn about 1887
PadgettJohn Hborn about 1910
PadgettJulia Fborn about 1920
PadgettLora Dborn about 1893
PadgettLucille born about 1918
PadgettMadonna Iborn about 1925
PadgettMandaville born about 1920
PadgettMary Fborn about 1927
PadgettMaurice Jborn about 1917
PadgettOral Cborn about 1904
PadgettPearl Mborn about 1881
PadgettPhoebe Iborn about 1857
PadgettRuth Aborn about 1921
PadgettSandra Mborn about 1939
PadgettSonja Lborn about 1938
PadgettThomas Oborn about 1888
PadgettViola born about 1884
PadgettWillard Eborn about 1899
PangburnAnna Pborn about 1936
PangburnBonnie Eborn about 1934
PangburnHoward Sborn about 1901
PangburnMable Lborn about 1911
ParishArrilla born about 1872
ParrEd born about 1871
ParrJohn Hborn about 1883
ParrMary Oborn about 1875
ParrNelson Jborn about 1870
ParrOcie born about 1892
ParrOval Vborn about 1885
PaughGrace Pborn about 1883
PaughLonnie Aborn about 1882
PearsonDreama Bborn about 1913
PearsonRoscoe Jborn about 1884
PerigoGoldie Eborn about 1886
PerigoLouiza Cborn about 1872
PerigoOscar Tborn about 1875
PerryJack born about 1889
PerryLois born about 1902
PerryMax Eborn about 1933
PerryWalter Gborn about 1906
PetersErnest Iborn about 1888
PetersRayburn Eborn about 1921
PetersTrudie Gborn about 1891
PickardBernard Eborn about 1895
PickardCleo Lborn about 1925
PickardFloyd Vborn about 1921
PickardGrace born about 1898
PickardMary Eborn about 1931
PickardWilma Jeanborn about 1928
PickettEthelinda born about 1919
PickettNoel Eborn about 1918
PierceEdward born about 1883
PierceFern born about 1901
PiercePatricia Annborn about 1938
PoerBetty Iborn about 1925
PoerEthel Iborn about 1901
PoerGlendora Nborn about 1935
PoerJ Erminborn about 1899
PoerPhyllis Iborn about 1933
PoerVonda Mborn about 1923
PoerWilliam Aborn about 1856
PressleyBetty Jborn about 1931
PressleyNaomi Gborn about 1927
PressleyNewton born about 1901
PressleyRobert Eborn about 1928
PressleyThelma born about 1901
PressleyV Virginiaborn about 1925
PriceCharles Aborn about 1911
PriceCharles A Jrborn about 1938
PriceGeneva Mborn about 1919
PrileyDella Eborn about 1869
PurdyDaisy Aborn about 1890
PurdyDonald Jborn about 1931
PurdyMargaret Nborn about 1915
PurdyMarine Wborn about 1911
PurdyRobert Eborn about 1925
PurvisErnest born about 1892
PurvisErnest Jr born about 1922
PurvisIda Eborn about 1895
PurvisRichard Bborn about 1931
PurvisVictor Eborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickCarie Oborn about 1895
QuickCharles Aborn about 1861
QuickCharles Nborn about 1926
QuickDonna Kborn about 1919
QuickFontanell born about 1898
QuickHelen Eborn about 1921
QuickJames Eborn about 1870
QuickJesse Nborn about 1929
QuickJohn Wborn about 1936
QuickKate born about 1876
QuickLewis Mborn about 1933
QuickMarie born about 1897
QuickOrval Lborn about 1892
QuickWillard Eborn about 1919

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R Surnames

RaganCora Aborn about 1870
RamseyE Pearlborn about 1881
RamseyEdward born about 1889
ReddickAlonzo born about 1933
ReddickCarrol Lborn about 1938
ReddickClarence Bborn about 1901
ReddickDonald Gborn about 1928
ReddickEdith Gborn about 1902
ReddickEdna Mborn about 1906
ReddickEllen Jborn about 1867
ReddickGeorge Mborn about 1865
ReddickLinda Lborn about 1940
ReddickMarcella Nborn about 1934
ReddickMarie born about 1906
ReddickMary Rborn about 1933
ReddickNancy Sborn about 1939
ReddickOrval Jborn about 1900
ReddickPhyllis Jborn about 1925
ReddickVirginia Rborn about 1923
RhoadesDonald Oborn about 1929
RichardsonClaude born about 1878
RichardsonDonna Lborn about 1939
RichardsonF Paulineborn about 1909
RichardsonHoward Tborn about 1868
RichardsonKatherine born about 1869
RichardsonOwen Fborn about 1907
RichardsonZula Mborn about 1880
RobertsC Glenborn about 1926
RobertsEmery Eborn about 1874
RobertsHazel Fborn about 1898
RobertsIvy Jborn about 1875
RobertsJesse Pborn about 1896
RobertsMary Mborn about 1928
RobinsonDeloris Pborn about 1921
RobinsonPatricia Jborn about 1936
RobisonBessie born about 1890
RobisonOra Sborn about 1886
RogersCurtis Cborn about 1921
RogersGertrude born about 1922
RohnI Raymondborn about 1899
RohnJulia Aborn about 1930
RohnMary Jborn about 1900
RohrerCharles Wborn about 1923
RohrerRena born about 1897
RohrerWayne Eborn about 1897
RootsJohn Bborn about 1885

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S Surnames

SampleCecil Fborn about 1895
SampleMary Eborn about 1894
SchaekelMartha born about 1906
SchaekelWilliam born about 1895
ScottBertha Aborn about 1882
ScottMadge Mborn about 1911
ScottOra Jborn about 1875
ShaeCharles Sborn about 1898
ShaeElla born about 1862
ShaeMartha Eborn about 1905
ShafrerEsther Nborn about 1914
ShafrerJerry Lborn about 1940
ShafrerLeonard Gborn about 1911
ShafrerNancy Lborn about 1936
ShafrerVictor Aborn about 1939
ShapleyNettie Fborn about 1882
ShapleyWilliam Dborn about 1875
SharpCarl Tborn about 1897
SharpCharles Rborn about 1927
SharpElizabeth born about 1890
SharpMay born about 1902
SheetsArthur Bborn about 1880
SheetsArthur B Jrborn about 1906
SheetsElla Mborn about 1877
ShelburnCharles Wborn about 1870
ShelburnMay Vborn about 1873
ShoeRosemary born about 1924
ShookAmy Mborn about 1885
ShookCharlotte Eborn about 1926
ShookG Gaylardborn about 1923
ShookH Fredborn about 1883
SimmsHazel Iborn about 1899
SimmsRetta Maeborn about 1928
SimmsRussell Rborn about 1924
SimmsW Robertborn about 1899
SimsIda Mborn about 1868
SimsIrene Rborn about 1904
SimsJames Tborn about 1902
SimsJohn Tborn about 1866
SimsMax born about 1900
SimsNaomi born about 1893
Singleton born about 1871
SingletonAlice Rborn about 1862
SingletonEvelyn Eborn about 1904
SingletonFletcher Hborn about 1865
SingletonFrances Iborn about 1871
SingletonGlen Oborn about 1902
SingletonMaye Lborn about 1897
SingletonRosanna Rborn about 1935
SingletonSteve born about 1850
SingletonT Shermanborn about 1866
SingletonVirgil born about 1898
SingletonWilliam Hborn about 1900
SipeDora Bborn about 1881
SipeMinnie Aborn about 1886
SmethersWilliam Nborn about 1867
SmileyC Vermonborn about 1878
SmileyI Mayborn about 1884
SmithBernard born about 1934
SmithCatherine born about 1895
SmithHortense Lborn about 1915
SmithLylia Aborn about 1888
SmithMarcel born about 1922
SmithRoy Eborn about 1893
SnowEarl Oborn about 1903
SnowFairy Pborn about 1901
SnowHelen Iborn about 1928
SnowLeman Aborn about 1884
SnowMarie Aborn about 1905
SnowRaymond Cborn about 1923
SnowRoy Jborn about 1901
SnowSophia Mborn about 1886
SnyderBarbara Jborn about 1925
SnyderCarolyn Hborn about 1933
SnyderClarence Iborn about 1924
SnyderFrancis born about 1891
SnyderLloyd Eborn about 1890
SpencerAddison Bborn about 1859
SpencerArthur Vborn about 1867
SpencerBertha Mborn about 1871
SpencerC Mavaureneborn about 1914
SpencerCarl born about 1907
SpencerCharles born about 1905
SpencerCharles Eborn about 1934
SpencerDolly Jborn about 1873
SpencerF Daleborn about 1908
SpencerJanet Cborn about 1939
SpencerJudith Annborn about 1938
SpencerLevern Lborn about 1917
SpencerWillena born about 1914
SriteJames Hborn about 1854
SriteLaura born about 1861
StaffordWilliam Hborn about 1853
StarbuckCharles Yborn about 1882
StarbuckEmma born about 1883
StatlerAnna born about 1872
StatlerRoah Leroyborn about 1870
StatonIra born about 1870
StatonStella Lborn about 1871
StephensonAlphe born about 1863
StephensonBenjamin Jborn about 1927
StephensonBetty Jborn about 1926
StephensonDaniel Jborn about 1860
StephensonDoris Eborn about 1934
StephensonE Janeborn about 1858
StephensonEdgar Rborn about 1880
StephensonHarry Bborn about 1874
StephensonHelen Gborn about 1923
StephensonIloe born about 1911
StephensonLester born about 1909
StephensonLily Eborn about 1886
StephensonLizzie Rborn about 1876
StephensonNora Eborn about 1876
StoakeyArron Sborn about 1933
StoakeyCharles Aborn about 1939
StoakeyDelmer born about 1909
StoakeyMary Aborn about 1937
StoakeyRoberta Dborn about 1916
StohlJ Fredborn about 1887
StohlNevada Mborn about 1889
StokerCharles Bborn about 1879
StokerEdna Iborn about 1871
StokerJames Fborn about 1878
StokerKatherine born about 1885
StooksChalmer Cborn about 1908
StooksGerald Fborn about 1927
StooksMartha Eborn about 1873
StooksSylvia Bborn about 1909
StowersD Wayneborn about 1924
StowersDavid Jborn about 1866
StowersDora born about 1876
StowersEmmons born about 1894
StowersErnest born about 1906
StowersEthel Wborn about 1906
StowersEva Aborn about 1905
StowersOthello Mborn about 1892
StowersPhil Kborn about 1939
StowersRebecca born about 1906
StowersRichard Lborn about 1863
StowersSamuel born about 1874
StowersTracie born about 1901
StowersValley Eborn about 1883
StowersWesley born about 1891
StrawnGloria Gborn about 1938
StrawnJoyce Lborn about 1917
StrawnNorman Rborn about 1939
StrawnRalph Vborn about 1915
StumpNellye Mborn about 1892
StumpWine born about 1873
SwopeAmelia Aborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateGloid Gborn about 1886
TateMary born about 1895
ThomosonAlbert Sborn about 1881
ThomosonLaura Mborn about 1874
ThomosonMarian Dborn about 1915
ThompsomDow Kborn about 1940
ThompsomWaneta Dborn about 1921
ThompsonAlbert Cborn about 1893
ThompsonAllie Lborn about 1862
ThompsonArnold Dborn about 1933
ThompsonBernard N Avborn about 1920
ThompsonCarrie born about 1892
ThompsonCharlene Louborn about 1939
ThompsonCharles Fborn about 1908
ThompsonDale Wborn about 1937
ThompsonDortha Hborn about 1911
ThompsonDuane born about 1891
ThompsonEdith born about 1895
ThompsonElizabeth born about 1867
ThompsonFred Sborn about 1890
ThompsonGeneva born about 1916
ThompsonGrace Kborn about 1894
ThompsonHarold Dborn about 1927
ThompsonHoward Nborn about 1908
ThompsonJulia Aborn about 1936
ThompsonKatheryn born about 1918
ThompsonKeith Jborn about 1939
ThompsonKeith Mborn about 1922
ThompsonLaure Hborn about 1917
ThompsonLauren Mborn about 1917
ThompsonMarie born about 1916
ThompsonPaul Aborn about 1935
ThompsonRay Zborn about 1887
ThompsonRobert Cborn about 1923
TimmonsGrace Eborn about 1867
TimmonsW Edwardborn about 1872
TompsonGolda born about 1892
TweedyBessie Mborn about 1902
TweedyE Frankborn about 1885
TweedyGeorge Gborn about 1865
TweedyLocie Dborn about 1878
TweedyLorran born about 1900
TweedyWilliam Eborn about 1860

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V Surnames

VancleaseCarl born about 1912
VanmeterClayton Lborn about 1915
VanmeterDale Lborn about 1937
VanmeterMildred born about 1917
VaughnDallas Eborn about 1922
VaughnGertrude born about 1901
VaughnHosea born about 1895
ViachArthur born about 1894
ViachEffie Eborn about 1895
ViachLois Eborn about 1926

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W Surnames

WadeEleanor Mborn about 1870
WadeUlyses Gborn about 1869
WagnerDelorice born about 1915
WagnerEdward born about 1898
WagnerWilliam Jborn about 1913
WaithGlennie Vborn about 1893
WaithHomer Sborn about 1889
WaittEtta Iborn about 1884
WaittFerd Mborn about 1885
WaittGrace Eborn about 1895
WaittIlo Pborn about 1904
WaittJ Edwinborn about 1922
WaittJames Gborn about 1894
WaittMargaret Jborn about 1922
WaittMildred Dborn about 1921
WaittNoble Bborn about 1903
WaittPaul Mborn about 1930
WaittPauline Vborn about 1919
WaittWalter Pborn about 1934
WaittWarren Eborn about 1923
WaittWinifred born about 1929
WalkerClark born about 1910
WalkerDorothy born about 1906
WalkerElsie Fernborn about 1924
WalkerGene Eborn about 1913
WalkerJewel born about 1913
WalkerLean born about 1916
WalkerMaude Eborn about 1900
WalkerMinnie Mborn about 1874
WalkerRuth Annaborn about 1921
WalkerWiley Aborn about 1896
WalkerWilma Jeanborn about 1922
WallaceAudrey born about 1891
WallaceC Geneborn about 1926
WallaceCharles Jborn about 1862
WallaceChester Fborn about 1911
WallaceClifford born about 1904
WallaceDonald Kborn about 1928
WallaceDortha Leeborn about 1926
WallaceE Wesleyborn about 1871
WallaceGertrude born about 1916
WallaceHazel Jborn about 1905
WallaceMary Nborn about 1856
WallaceRobert Dborn about 1929
WallaceRoberta Jborn about 1932
WallaceRoland Kborn about 1935
WallaceRussell Lborn about 1909
WallaceShannon Aborn about 1866
WallaceSharan Kayborn about 1939
WallaceVannela Fborn about 1890
WattRichard Lborn about 1893
WattRobert Oborn about 1925
WattRuth Eborn about 1894
WebsterGrace Gborn about 1887
WebsterLeslie born about 1893
WeekerFrank born about 1882
WeekerNora born about 1886
WeeksCharles Cborn about 1900
WeeksClinton born about 1923
WeeksHattie Kborn about 1902
WellmanCharles born about 1870
WellmanNora Lborn about 1889
WellmanThomas Jborn about 1874
WestAurelia Bborn about 1883
WestCecil Eborn about 1910
WestD Judsonborn about 1876
WestEdgar Sborn about 1880
WestEffie Mborn about 1907
WestErnest Eborn about 1911
WestGeorge Bborn about 1934
WestHarold Kborn about 1930
WestL Lowellborn about 1910
WestLawrence Rborn about 1905
WestLena Kborn about 1913
WestLloyd Eborn about 1923
WestM Ileanborn about 1926
WestMargaret Annborn about 1937
WestMarion Dborn about 1934
WestOrpha Aborn about 1912
WestRichard Lborn about 1936
WestSamuel Jborn about 1878
WestVera Eborn about 1904
WestWilda Eborn about 1883
WestWilma Kborn about 1938
WethoiteBonnie Mborn about 1931
WethoiteElizabeth Jborn about 1934
WethoiteFay Eborn about 1905
WethoiteJohn Aborn about 1937
WethoiteMarion Eborn about 1929
WethoiteRuby Eborn about 1909
WhaleyGeorge Eborn about 1874
WhaleyMinnie Aborn about 1875
WhiteheadBen Wborn about 1881
WhiteheadCora Fborn about 1877
WhiteheadL Ovalborn about 1897
WiggsAlbert Cborn about 1869
WiggsAlta Fernborn about 1908
WiggsRalph born about 1904
WiggsRalph Mborn about 1931
WiggsWanda Leeborn about 1927
WilesFrieda Lborn about 1923
WilesLester Aborn about 1921
WilesOtho Lborn about 1893
WillsEdith Mborn about 1903
WillsFloyd Rborn about 1909
WillsJames Rborn about 1930
WillsLawrence Mborn about 1889
WillsMarguerite Lborn about 1912
WillsMarilyn Jborn about 1932
WillsNorman Lborn about 1937
WillsRobert Kborn about 1934
WireClifford Mborn about 1898
WireEdith Eborn about 1887
WireErma Mborn about 1903
WireIda Bborn about 1866
WireMarian Kborn about 1929
WireW Harveyborn about 1872
WirghtChester Aborn about 1905
WirghtDella born about 1873
WirghtDonzel born about 1939
WirghtIdella born about 1933
WirghtJohn Wborn about 1873
WirghtJohn Wborn about 1930
WirghtMarda Fborn about 1925
WirghtOrpha born about 1928
WirghtStella born about 1906
WirghtThomas born about 1919
WoodAura Mborn about 1882
WoodDonald Jborn about 1929
WoodEugene Oborn about 1924
WoodGeorge Mborn about 1906
WoodJohn Dborn about 1939
WoodPearl Sborn about 1884
WoodRuth Lborn about 1910
WoodShirley Annborn about 1935
WoodT Clarkborn about 1912
WoodViolet Lborn about 1919
WoodWalter born about 1880
WoodWilliam Aborn about 1879
WoodWilliam Wborn about 1912
WoodallRina Jborn about 1873
WoodallWilliam Hborn about 1868
WrightBernard Lborn about 1914
WrightDale Fborn about 1931
WrightEdith Fborn about 1893
WrightElizabeth born about 1919
WrightEva Eborn about 1910
WrightHomer Gborn about 1913
WrightJesse Eborn about 1864
WrightLeroy born about 1892
WrightM Helenborn about 1936
WrightMarcia Lborn about 1939
WrightMary Eborn about 1866
WrightMildred Pborn about 1916
WrightOrville born about 1912
WrightWayne Kborn about 1938

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