1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marion in Pike County, Pike, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Pike County > 1940 Census of Marion in Pike County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderAnna born about 1876
AlexanderCharles born about 1916
AlexanderEula born about 1917
AlexanderRandall Oborn about 1939
AndersonDella Annborn about 1939
AndersonEarl born about 1915
AndersonEarl Wborn about 1937
AndersonOpal born about 1920
ArnoldMarie born about 1908
ArnoldWilliam Gborn about 1905

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B Surnames

BallengerArla Dborn about 1889
BallengerHenry Fborn about 1880
BallingMack born about 1868
BarettBetty born about 1934
BarettDella born about 1911
BarettDonald born about 1931
BarrettBobby Darrelborn about 1936
BarrettDelores Fborn about 1932
BarrettDorothy Rborn about 1932
BarrettEverett born about 1900
BarrettJames born about 1930
BarrettJun born about 1868
BarrettLoa born about 1906
BarrettLydia born about 1882
BarrettRaymond born about 1908
BeadlesArthur born about 1914
BeadlesBernard born about 1912
BeadlesCharles born about 1937
BeadlesDella born about 1891
BeadlesDonetta born about 1937
BeadlesDorthy born about 1922
BeadlesErnest born about 1916
BeadlesFern born about 1927
BeadlesFrances born about 1922
BeadlesHarold born about 1927
BeadlesHelen born about 1927
BeadlesHope born about 1902
BeadlesIdean born about 1925
BeadlesIra Eborn about 1888
BeadlesJames born about 1923
BeadlesJosephene born about 1918
BeadlesLinda Lueborn about 1938
BeadlesMary born about 1904
BeadlesMary Louiseborn about 1930
BeadlesMay born about 1894
BeadlesMay born about 1916
BeadlesMelton born about 1910
BeadlesNellie born about 1905
BeadlesOtho Nborn about 1917
BeadlesRussell born about 1923
BeadlesSammie born about 1939
BeadlesVernon Jborn about 1930
BeadlesVirginia born about 1924
BeadlesW Gborn about 1891
BeadlesWilliam Bborn about 1933
BerryBonna Lueborn about 1939
BerryCarolyn Jeanborn about 1937
BerryMona Faeborn about 1917
BerryWm Curtisborn about 1916
BirdMargret born about 1864
BlackFlorence born about 1917
BlackLizzie born about 1890
BlackMartha born about 1930
BlairLaura Bellborn about 1873
BlairMaurice born about 1899
BlairRoxie born about 1903
BlairRufus Aborn about 1929
BlairWilliam Kborn about 1922
BlairWm Gborn about 1872
BoyceLeslie born about 1923
BrewsterBetty Juneborn about 1926
BrewsterNettie Nborn about 1887
BrewsterOttis born about 1885
BrittainAda born about 1892
BrittainAndrew born about 1899
BrittainEdith born about 1905
BrittainEugene Rborn about 1920
BrittainFlorence born about 1906
BrittainFrederick born about 1939
BrittainHobart born about 1898
BrittainImogean born about 1928
BrittainJames Eborn about 1909
BrittainJoan born about 1931
BrittainJoyce born about 1937
BrittainLucille born about 1918
BrittainRalph born about 1888
BrittainRobert born about 1935
BrittainWalda born about 1926
BrittaineDella born about 1873
BrittianAlva born about 1902
BrittianDorothy born about 1912
BrittianLila born about 1930
BroadwellTersa born about 1872
BrownDella Cborn about 1886
BrownDimple Pborn about 1924
BrownDoyle Lborn about 1928
BrownElena born about 1914
BrownHenry Mborn about 1889
BrownHomer born about 1913
BrownJ Bborn about 1930
BrownMahlon Hborn about 1852
BrownMarlin born about 1938
BrownMartha Annborn about 1936
BrownMillie born about 1899
BrownNelda Jayceborn about 1935
BrownOrvil born about 1901
BrownRobert born about 1920
BrownRobert Wborn about 1935
BrownRoy Fborn about 1932
BrownZola Pearlborn about 1925
BroylesClarence born about 1914
BroylesEd born about 1875
BroylesMary Jborn about 1880
BurchCharles Tborn about 1878
BurchEdgar born about 1871
BurchElizabeth born about 1878
BushIda born about 1876
BushJohn Elwoodborn about 1916
BushJohn Wborn about 1872

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C Surnames

CaldemeyerLon born about 1886
CaldemeyerPearl born about 1894
CarterAnna Maeborn about 1918
CarterEarl born about 1913
CarterJerry Richardborn about 1938
CarterRobbie Joeborn about 1934
CatoDonald born about 1933
CatoImat Geanborn about 1931
CatoPernenia born about 1912
CatoTravis born about 1901
CatoVyal Geanborn about 1929
CatoWonda Leeborn about 1935
ChadwickDan born about 1939
ChadwickVerna born about 1907
ChambersAlvah born about 1898
ChambersBetty Lborn about 1923
ChambersCarolyn Sueborn about 1935
ChambersClara born about 1898
ChambersEsther born about 1895
ChambersHobart born about 1896
ChambersIrene born about 1912
ChambersJames Wborn about 1927
ChambersMary Annborn about 1922
ChambersMary Ettaborn about 1868
ChambersNelda Jborn about 1925
ChambersOrval born about 1891
ChambersRobert Wborn about 1933
ChambersRonald Wborn about 1937
ChambersWilliam born about 1914
ChumblyAndy born about 1870
CokerJohn born about 1875
CooperAlpha born about 1906
CooperEvelyn born about 1925
CooperLola Maeborn about 1927
CooperMaudie Joyceborn about 1936
CooperWilma Jborn about 1930
CooperWm Madisonborn about 1904
CornBennett born about 1885
CornBetty born about 1923
CornDelta born about 1889
CornDewayne born about 1926
CornDonald Rborn about 1933
CornDorothy born about 1923
CornKennard Lborn about 1934
CornMinnie born about 1884
CornMyra born about 1912
CornRaymond born about 1910
CornRowena Maeborn about 1938
CornTurner born about 1889
CornTurner Bborn about 1927
CornWilford born about 1879
CoxZora born about 1880
CraigBessie born about 1899
CraigByrom Bborn about 1874
CraigHarold born about 1901
CraigIvan born about 1909
CraigKester born about 1899
CraigLuther born about 1912
CraigMargaret born about 1911
CraigMarian born about 1929
CraigMary Jborn about 1877
CraigNorma born about 1919
CraigPatsy Jeanborn about 1939
CraigVernecy born about 1869

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D Surnames

DavidsonCarol Roseborn about 1937
DavidsonGeorgia Leaborn about 1931
DavidsonJerry born about 1935
DavidsonLoral born about 1915
DavidsonMildred born about 1907
DavidsonW Tborn about 1865
DavidsonWaldo born about 1904
DavidsonWilber born about 1911
DavisonJ Wborn about 1865
DavisonJones Clarence Fborn about 1905
DavisonMildred born about 1915
DayFannie born about 1876
DayFrank born about 1871
DayWm Irvinborn about 1896
DearingDorothy Leeborn about 1928
DearingFlora born about 1882
DearingGrace born about 1907
DearingHopeel born about 1909
DearingHugo born about 1906
DearingJohn Wmborn about 1922
DearingMargie born about 1908
DearingOrval born about 1897
DearingRaymond born about 1916
DearingSam born about 1881
DearingTrema born about 1898
DemotteCharity born about 1894
DemotteEugene born about 1891
DemotteMildred born about 1914
DicksonDorothy Iborn about 1924
DicksonEffie Annborn about 1891
DicksonEliza Aborn about 1862
DicksonGettis Lborn about 1919
DicksonNorman Lborn about 1892
DicksonVirginia Aborn about 1927
DillonClara Bellborn about 1923
DillonHorace born about 1933
DillonHugh born about 1896
DillonJames born about 1936
DillonKester born about 1935
DillonMarjorie born about 1908
DillonRodger born about 1930
DillonSylvester Jr born about 1924
DillonTony Bborn about 1897
DixonJesse born about 1883
DixonVirginia Kborn about 1896
DorseyBarbara Leeborn about 1928
DorseyGary born about 1936
DorseyGordon born about 1908
DorseyThelma born about 1912
DozbelAlbert born about 1879
DrewArvel born about 1905
DrewEdith born about 1911
DrewEllweese born about 1937
DrewElva Eborn about 1935
DrewLaura Vborn about 1933

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E Surnames

EdmisterHenry born about 1867
EilertEverett born about 1928
EilertLewis born about 1887
EilertSusa born about 1920
EilertViola born about 1892
ElderDeloris Annborn about 1935
ElderDorothy born about 1909
ElderRoscoe born about 1900
ElderidgeShirley Annborn about 1936
ElliottBarbara born about 1938
ErmestJune born about 1917
ErmestRonald Aborn about 1938
ErmestShirley Annborn about 1936
ErwinJohn born about 1871
ErwinJulia born about 1873
ErwinMerl born about 1897
EvansAlta Jborn about 1894
EvansClea born about 1925
EvansDorothy born about 1924
EvansGranvel born about 1931
EvansVeda born about 1929
EvansVivian born about 1927
EvansWanda born about 1934

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F Surnames

FarmerHerman born about 1908
FarmerJohn born about 1870
FosterEthel Faeborn about 1934
FosterHelen born about 1911
FosterNoble born about 1906
FosterShirley Jborn about 1930
FosterTommy Lborn about 1939
FowlerFlorence born about 1929
FowlerStella born about 1926
FriedmanGene born about 1925
FriedmanJoe born about 1927

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G Surnames

GainesMay born about 1883
GarlandBobby born about 1934
GarlandEliza born about 1894
GarlandFranklin born about 1937
GarlandFred born about 1885
GarlandJerry Rayborn about 1939
GarlandLawrence born about 1914
GarlandRalph born about 1925
GarlandRobert Lborn about 1921
GarrisAlbert born about 1936
GarrisAlice born about 1905
GarrisCharles born about 1932
GarrisChester born about 1900
GarrisDonald Raeborn about 1939
GarrisWilma Maborn about 1930
GreensOpha born about 1890

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H Surnames

HallenbertDinnie born about 1870
HallenbertRuth born about 1898
HamonEthel born about 1923
HamonFloyd born about 1922
HamonLester born about 1897
HamonYuonne born about 1940
HarrisEmma born about 1877
HatfieldAlma born about 1922
HatfieldWilliam born about 1917
HawardBobby Joeborn about 1927
HawardJames born about 1903
HawardMarie born about 1909
HayesEthel Francisborn about 1920
HayesEtta Eborn about 1882
HayesWillard born about 1872
HellmanCharles Wborn about 1928
HellmanGertrude born about 1909
HellmanHattie born about 1876
HellmanJohn born about 1872
HellmanMarlene born about 1934
HellmanWm born about 1908
HenningImgene born about 1934
HenningMary Annaborn about 1932
HenningRuth born about 1905
HensleyDonald born about 1930
HensleyEthel born about 1922
HensleyHazel born about 1919
HensleyJune born about 1934
HensleyLloyd born about 1927
HensleyMina born about 1898
HensleyRuth born about 1924
HensleyWm born about 1895
HensleyWm Jr born about 1938
HenzeEarl Lborn about 1927
HenzeViola Maeborn about 1931
HenzeWilliam Nborn about 1922
HewittCallie born about 1902
HewittClyde born about 1901
HilgemanFred born about 1875
HilgemanMargaret born about 1877
HollenbergClarence born about 1892
HollenbergEvelyn born about 1927
HollenbergGeorge born about 1903
HollenbergHerbert Gborn about 1887
HollenbergMargaret born about 1920
HollenbergNatalie born about 1893
HollenbergOwen born about 1913
HollenbergRebecca born about 1877
HollenbergSybel born about 1906
HollenbergWm born about 1879
HollonEmma born about 1863
HollonFred Mborn about 1909
HollonGeorge Wborn about 1875
HollonJanie Lborn about 1861
HollonLee Tborn about 1874
HollonOmer Lborn about 1875
HollonPhoeba Annborn about 1868
HoltBetty Jeanborn about 1931
HoltHenry Wborn about 1903
HoltMary Violaborn about 1908
HoltMorris Kborn about 1928
HowardAlma born about 1906
HowardCulmer born about 1906
HowardDewayne born about 1931
HowardEliott born about 1867
HowardEliza born about 1877
HowardEnda born about 1912
HowardEssie born about 1895
HowardG Bborn about 1873
HowardGary Leeborn about 1936
HowardJoseph Cludborn about 1887
HowardKenneth born about 1924
HowardLee born about 1860
HowardLeo born about 1898
HowardLeroy born about 1914
HowardLois born about 1907
HowardLoretta born about 1919
HowardMary Evelynborn about 1938
HowardMeridith born about 1920
HowardMollie born about 1866
HowardNoble born about 1906
HowardOdean born about 1923
HowardSampson born about 1916
HowardSamuel Pborn about 1866
HowardVirgie born about 1927
HowardWm Dborn about 1922
HuffmanEthel born about 1901
HuffmanIva Jeanborn about 1931
HuffmanIvan Hborn about 1886
HuffmanLe Roy born about 1938
HuffmanLuella born about 1925

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J Surnames

JohnsonBell born about 1867
JohnsonBernice born about 1927
JohnsonEmil born about 1895
JohnsonGeneva born about 1923
JohnsonGeorge born about 1874
JohnsonMiller born about 1894
JohnsonOleva born about 1923
JonesAllie Eborn about 1889
JonesBilly born about 1926
JonesClatie born about 1883
JonesCora born about 1915
JonesEarl born about 1919
JonesEloise born about 1939
JonesEttie born about 1882
JonesEverett born about 1923
JonesGeorge Eborn about 1888
JonesHarold Kborn about 1913
JonesHelen born about 1918
JonesHelen Eborn about 1896
JonesHenry born about 1889
JonesJohn Lborn about 1872
JonesKenneth born about 1934
JonesLee born about 1868
JonesLillie born about 1877
JonesLouise born about 1939
JonesMary born about 1875
JonesMelvin born about 1928
JonesOneal born about 1937
JonesPaskel Jborn about 1909
JonesPauline born about 1917
JonesRoberts born about 1881

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K Surnames

KamplainCarl born about 1922
KamplainCharles born about 1927
KamplainClaud born about 1890
KamplainConvers born about 1925
KamplainFlossie born about 1893
KamplainFloyd born about 1930
KamplainMarvin born about 1933
KamplainRay born about 1928
KaysAlberta Dborn about 1939
KaysBertha born about 1911
KaysEvelyn born about 1866
KaysLenord born about 1909
KaysRosa Cborn about 1931
KaysWilma Jborn about 1933
KempClaud born about 1904
KempDavid born about 1939
KempJerry born about 1930
KempLois born about 1908
KieffnerDorothy Aborn about 1925
KieffnerEleanora Cborn about 1920
KieffnerFrank Jborn about 1893
KieffnerMabel Cborn about 1895
KieffnerMarcella Aborn about 1922
KieffnerRitta Maeborn about 1929
KinmanElizabeth born about 1891
KinmanFerlin born about 1916
KinmanGordon born about 1920
KinmanImogene born about 1923
KinmanLucille born about 1920
KinmanOscar born about 1885

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L Surnames

LemonAlan Rborn about 1938
LemonDorothy Eborn about 1918
LemonJessie Rborn about 1918
LemonJudith Gborn about 1937
LemondAnna born about 1896
LemondBuddy born about 1937
LemondChas born about 1905
LemondDianna Maeborn about 1940
LemondDollie Onealborn about 1935
LemondEdd born about 1902
LemondFrank born about 1889
LemondKenneth born about 1922
LemondLaurel born about 1914
LemondLeon born about 1928
LemondLilly born about 1903
LemondMabel born about 1909
LemondMaggie Jborn about 1930
LemondNina Lborn about 1932
LemondRachel born about 1931
LemondRaymond born about 1914
LemondRaymond Jr born about 1935
LemondRichard Wborn about 1939
LemondRonald born about 1929
LemondRosalee born about 1922
LemondRuby born about 1927
LemondSammie born about 1926
LemondSarah Francesborn about 1922
LemondVonda Jborn about 1939
LichlyterArdella born about 1924
LichlyterEtta born about 1885
LichlyterJames Fborn about 1877
LindseyAlfred Rborn about 1926
LindseyClifford born about 1921
LindseyDavid born about 1932
LindseyEdith born about 1876
LindseyEdith Aborn about 1903
LindseyIvan born about 1934
LindseyJoyce Rborn about 1930
LindseyLeontis born about 1900
LindseyMaurice Fborn about 1876
LindseyPhillip born about 1936
LindseyWilliam Lborn about 1920
LuttrellEverett born about 1904
LuttrellKelsie born about 1906
LuttrellNathaniel born about 1880
LuttrullCatherine born about 1914
LuttrullEvelyn born about 1934
LuttrullJimmy Dborn about 1936
LuttrullLourene born about 1911
LuttrullMamie Louborn about 1933
LuttrullMaudie born about 1890
LuttrullOtis born about 1908
LuttrullOttis T Cborn about 1908
LuttrullPaul born about 1930
LuttrullRoxie Bborn about 1876
LuttrullWanda born about 1939
LuttrullWilliam Otisborn about 1932
LymanEstel born about 1897
LymanGeorge born about 1895
LymanLawrence born about 1916
LymanPearl born about 1919
LymanStella born about 1928
LynchMary Eborn about 1863

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M Surnames

MasonEarl Dborn about 1937
MasonElden Dborn about 1939
MasonLoral Eborn about 1913
McCormickHenry born about 1849
McCormickNettie born about 1891
McGillemFloyd born about 1919
McGillemJaneva born about 1920
McIlreeLawrence born about 1927
McLaughlinAlbert born about 1893
McLaughlinDorothy born about 1928
McLaughlinGertrude born about 1888
McLaughlinJames born about 1939
McLaughlinJoyce born about 1933
McLaughlinLillian born about 1930
McLaughlinMarie born about 1936
McLaughlinWm born about 1887
McLaughlinZelpha born about 1901
MeltonGeorgia born about 1920
MillerAline born about 1919
MillerAquilla born about 1880
MillerBelva born about 1900
MillerCharles born about 1917
MillerClaud born about 1888
MillerClevona born about 1890
MillerDole Geneborn about 1923
MillerEliza born about 1914
MillerElmer born about 1911
MillerElmer Jr born about 1934
MillerEmon born about 1880
MillerFestus born about 1902
MillerGary Leeborn about 1939
MillerHazel born about 1935
MillerIrma born about 1898
MillerJohn born about 1887
MillerLouise born about 1921
MillerNin born about 1874
MillerPaul born about 1921
MillerSarah born about 1862
MinorBen Fborn about 1887
MorganH Tborn about 1863
MorganMargaret born about 1926
MorganVirginia Leeborn about 1930
MorganZada born about 1896

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N Surnames

NelsonArvin born about 1885
NelsonCarl born about 1932
NelsonDelores born about 1931
NelsonDon born about 1911
NelsonDonald Lborn about 1935
NelsonDonald Leeborn about 1935
NelsonDorman born about 1903
NelsonErnest Daoyleborn about 1926
NelsonFlorence born about 1918
NelsonFrancis Iborn about 1924
NelsonGayle Ireneborn about 1937
NelsonHazel born about 1913
NelsonHenry Wadeborn about 1930
NelsonJessie Oborn about 1935
NelsonJoe Bethelborn about 1920
NelsonJohn Wborn about 1856
NelsonJosephene born about 1913
NelsonLeona born about 1904
NelsonLona born about 1912
NelsonMartha born about 1864
NelsonMarvin Dborn about 1937
NelsonMelvin born about 1912
NelsonPaul Lborn about 1903
NelsonRobert born about 1938
NelsonRoy Lborn about 1923
NelsonRussel born about 1936
NelsonStanley Otesborn about 1932
NelsonWayne Lborn about 1935
NeukamAlfrieda born about 1909
NeukamGeorge born about 1901
NeukamJoan born about 1938
NeukamMelvin born about 1932
NeukamOtis born about 1934
NewtonElla born about 1865
NorrickCharles born about 1926
NorrickCurtis born about 1897
NorrickMartha born about 1932
NorrickRuthie born about 1935
NorrickTommy born about 1929
NorrickWilliam born about 1923

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O Surnames

OffillCharles born about 1885

P Surnames

PadgettJohn born about 1885
PadgettJohn Oborn about 1908
PadgettLouise born about 1915
PadgettOwen Leonborn about 1937
PadgettWm Albertborn about 1935
PancakeCora born about 1890
PancakeFred born about 1896
PawellAnna born about 1906
PawellBilly Jaeborn about 1927
PawellDan born about 1903
PawellKenneth born about 1930
PawellRay Leonborn about 1937
PeltCharles born about 1871
PeltDella born about 1879
PetersonJr Clarence Aborn about 1925
PetersonMargary born about 1902
PhillipyCurtis born about 1884
PhillipyRosa born about 1889
PitcherRoyal Noahborn about 1927
PitchersJewell born about 1905

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R Surnames

RandolphCarl born about 1915
RandolphMary born about 1921
RandolphNorman born about 1919
ResenbeckMinnie born about 1862
RichardsonAnabell born about 1925
RichardsonBeatrice born about 1911
RichardsonBernice born about 1901
RichardsonBonnie Jeanborn about 1922
RichardsonChas born about 1898
RichardsonDorothy Jeanborn about 1927
RichardsonEdw Bborn about 1878
RichardsonEstella born about 1897
RichardsonEugenia born about 1909
RichardsonEverett born about 1892
RichardsonFawntella born about 1929
RichardsonGeorge Cborn about 1884
RichardsonHarley born about 1896
RichardsonHobart born about 1927
RichardsonJack born about 1929
RichardsonJerald born about 1919
RichardsonJoe Dborn about 1934
RichardsonLouise born about 1917
RichardsonLuther born about 1930
RichardsonMinnie born about 1895
RichardsonMyrtle born about 1883
RichardsonNyle Gayleborn about 1934
RichardsonPrentice born about 1917
RichardsonQuitman born about 1931
RichardsonRaymond born about 1914
RichardsonRichard born about 1859
RichardsonRobert born about 1933
RichardsonRobert Aborn about 1906
RichardsonRonald Carlborn about 1935
RichardsonTommy born about 1938
RichardsonViola born about 1866
RichardsonVirgil born about 1912
RichardsonVivian born about 1910
RichardsonW Lborn about 1870
RichardsonWilliam born about 1892
RidgeEliza Eborn about 1860
RidgeHarley born about 1892
RiesenbeckBarbara born about 1938
RiesenbeckDonald Dborn about 1932
RiesenbeckLocellie born about 1899
RiesenbeckMary Rborn about 1930
RiesenbeckRoy born about 1899
RiesenbeckRoy Jborn about 1935
RiesenbeckWm Hborn about 1924
RisleyDannie Jborn about 1938
RisleyHattie Jborn about 1874
RisleyJames born about 1888
RisleyJames Wborn about 1930
RisleyLaura Maeborn about 1921
RisleyLee born about 1884
RisleyLula born about 1891
RisleyMary born about 1884
RisleyMary Hborn about 1914
RisleyMolly born about 1853
RisleyRosalea born about 1926
RisleyRosettie Mborn about 1936
RisleyWm F Jrborn about 1914
RisleyWm F Srborn about 1867
RobinsonAlnora born about 1863
RobinsonHarriet Eborn about 1867
RobinsonJohn Wborn about 1865
RodimelElizah born about 1854
RossAgnes Juneborn about 1937
RossAndrew born about 1900
RossEloise born about 1918
RossJosephene born about 1916
RossMary Loisborn about 1936

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S Surnames

SarguisJacob Wborn about 1887
SarguisJohn born about 1894
SarguisOlas born about 1899
ScanlandM Mborn about 1909
ScanlandMildred born about 1914
ScanlandPrentice born about 1933
SchmittAnthony born about 1912
SchmittKenneth Lborn about 1939
SchmittLaurina born about 1919
SchmittRobert Jborn about 1938
SchultzBlanch born about 1886
ScottJohn born about 1890
ShawFletcher born about 1865
ShermanPaul born about 1924
SmithAbbie Cborn about 1880
SmithAubrey born about 1925
SmithCharles Fborn about 1878
SmithChas Robertborn about 1924
SmithFay born about 1898
SmithGlen born about 1902
SmithHarley born about 1885
SmithMaxie born about 1883
SmithRoscoe born about 1898
SmithVanice born about 1922
SpawBeverly born about 1870
SpawCharles born about 1939
SpawDorothy born about 1916
SpawJames born about 1911
SpawSandra Kborn about 1936
StallFlora born about 1888
StallH Wborn about 1880
StarkeyBetty born about 1931
StarkeyBeverly born about 1938
StarkeyFrederick born about 1910
StarkeyHoward born about 1873
StarkeyLuise born about 1876
StarkeyOpal born about 1910
StoutCarrie born about 1872
SturgeonNorma Jeanborn about 1925
SullivanBernice born about 1900
SullivanBrose born about 1884
SullivanCarol Jeanborn about 1938
SullivanChas Mborn about 1891
SullivanEdith born about 1888
SullivanEthel born about 1895
SullivanEverett born about 1890
SullivanFrank born about 1888
SullivanIda Aborn about 1887
SullivanJerry born about 1937
SullivanKatherine born about 1912
SullivanLaura Bellborn about 1850
SullivanRosemary born about 1932
SullivanRoy born about 1921
SullivanVacil born about 1916
SullivanWade born about 1878
SummerAustin born about 1892
SummerHarmon Fborn about 1914
SummerMaggie Lborn about 1878
SummerSampson born about 1876
SumnerBasil born about 1903
SumnerCecil born about 1896
SumnerFrederick born about 1924
SumnerJeneva born about 1906
SurvantEloise Cborn about 1911
SurvantFlorilla born about 1878
SurvantGuy Greenborn about 1913

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T Surnames

TaylorAnna Bellborn about 1932
TaylorBenjamin born about 1869
TaylorDr D Eborn about 1869
TaylorEvelyn Jeanborn about 1923
TaylorFlora Bborn about 1871
TaylorJaunita born about 1929
TaylorJohn born about 1896
TaylorJoseph born about 1867
TaylorLula born about 1874
TaylorMary born about 1900
TaylorMattie born about 1884
TaylorMildred born about 1927
TaylorMyrtle born about 1905
TaylorOris born about 1904
TaylorRobbie Joeborn about 1928
TaylorRoscoe born about 1895
TaylorTaylor born about 1910
ThomasEtolie born about 1907
ThomasHarry Aborn about 1904
ThomasJohn Harrisonborn about 1936
TisdalAddis born about 1909
TisdalConstance born about 1935
TisdalDonald born about 1931
TisdalJanet born about 1939
TisdalLillian born about 1902
TisdalLindsey born about 1932
TisdalNorma born about 1912
TisdalOpal born about 1915
TisdalShelby born about 1938
TisdalShirley born about 1938
TooleAmanda born about 1859
TownsendAngelina born about 1861
TownsendGuy born about 1887

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U Surnames

UppencampElmer born about 1919
UppencampJohn born about 1872
UppencampLiza born about 1873

V Surnames

VaughnBeulah born about 1895
VaughnBuddy born about 1940
VaughnCharley born about 1885
VaughnDonna Bellborn about 1938
VaughnHeber Pborn about 1917
VaughnHomer born about 1916
VaughnIna Maeborn about 1921
VaughnLeon born about 1930
VaughnMarie born about 1919

W Surnames

WardCharles E Srborn about 1878
WardJohn Dborn about 1916
WardMamie Bborn about 1879
WeroDora born about 1915
WeroJohn born about 1905
WillisGeorge born about 1885
WillisGertie born about 1892
WillisMaxie born about 1915
WillisWardell born about 1917
WiroJoe born about 1865
WiroLena born about 1883
WoodAda born about 1892
WoodEmma Jborn about 1870
WoodEmma Maeborn about 1917
WoodJames Wborn about 1868
WoodfordDorothy born about 1919
WoodfordGeorge born about 1919
WyattLorinda born about 1859
WyattManuel born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungCharley Mborn about 1888
YoungMargaret born about 1851

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