1940 U.S. Federal Census of Miller, Lake, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Lake County > 1940 Census of Miller

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbdonSilas born about 1855
AckemonGeorge born about 1933
AckemonRichard born about 1909
AckemonSophia born about 1915
AhausAlice born about 1938
AhausAndrew born about 1901
AhausEdward born about 1874
AhausEdward Jr born about 1917
AhausFrank born about 1867
AhausFrank Jr born about 1935
AhausJane born about 1913
AhausJoseph born about 1914
AhausLizabeth born about 1916
AhausLonease born about 1921
AhausPatsie born about 1937
AkemonAlice born about 1917
AkemonEaster born about 1915
AkemonJames born about 1899
AkemonJoan born about 1935
AkemonPatty born about 1874
AkmonEdward born about 1929
AkmonGarrot born about 1903
AkmonLola born about 1910
AkmonOla Vborn about 1931
AkmonRay born about 1937
AndrewsDelmar born about 1926
AndrewsEldon born about 1919
AndrewsMary born about 1884
AndrewsWilford born about 1923
AshcraftClarence born about 1873
AshcraftInez born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaderGeorge born about 1880
BakerFrank Lborn about 1880
BakerInez Gborn about 1884
BarrowsDora Maeborn about 1936
BarrowsEljean born about 1938
BarrowsJohn Westleyborn about 1939
BarrowsKatherine born about 1912
BarrowsLa Wstly born about 1898
BarrowsThomas born about 1934
BeckerFletah born about 1908
BeckerJanice born about 1939
BeckerRussell born about 1911
BenchEdgar born about 1916
BenchWanda born about 1919
BentleAlfred born about 1899
BentleAlma born about 1928
BentleAnna Belleborn about 1930
BentleBobby born about 1933
BentleCecil born about 1920
BentleChloe born about 1891
BentleClayton born about 1926
BentleDonna born about 1937
BentleEdith born about 1913
BentleEdna born about 1898
BentleEdwin born about 1903
BentleElbert born about 1918
BentleGeorge born about 1891
BentleGerald born about 1925
BentleLaverne born about 1923
BentleLouise born about 1903
BentleWanda born about 1935
BentleWillis born about 1921
BentleWilma Jeanborn about 1928
BentleWilson born about 1916
BerginEdith born about 1893
BerginElleen born about 1930
BerginRobert born about 1894
BevisBetty Louborn about 1932
BevisCharles Edwardborn about 1934
BevisEdward Charlesborn about 1908
BevisHazel Marieborn about 1910
BevisJoyce Marieborn about 1938
BisseDollie born about 1907
BisseEvert born about 1902
BisseMelvin born about 1927
BisseNomia born about 1928
BlackAshael born about 1895
BlackBessie born about 1895
BlackDelores born about 1929
BlackMarjorie born about 1926
BlackWilliam born about 1928
BlantonCecil born about 1901
BlantonFloara born about 1905
BlantonGoldie born about 1939
BlantonLee born about 1931
BlantonMelvin born about 1934
BlantonVernon born about 1930
BlasdelCharles Dborn about 1884
BlasdelEllbert born about 1889
BlasdelElvin born about 1911
BlasdelEva born about 1889
BlasdelFlora born about 1886
BlasdelHarley born about 1921
BlasdelIra born about 1889
BlasdelIrvin born about 1891
BlasdelLester born about 1922
BlasdelLetha born about 1891
BlasdelLulu born about 1885
BlasdelPearl born about 1878
BlasdelQuincy born about 1880
BlasdelThelma born about 1918
BoggsF Eborn about 1909
BooneLeslie born about 1922
BoxterEmmit born about 1888
BoxterEvamae born about 1892
BoxterHarold born about 1931
BoxterJ Fborn about 1864
BoxterLoretta born about 1918
BoxterWilford born about 1915
BrawandAlfred Gborn about 1897
BrawandDoris born about 1929
BrawandEthyl born about 1894
BrawandJoan born about 1932
BrentonDaniel Rayborn about 1940
BrentonLucy born about 1918
BrentonWilliam born about 1938
BrentonWilliam Henryborn about 1915
BrightCharley born about 1937
BrightDelores born about 1933
BrightHarry born about 1897
BrightLillie born about 1906
BrownClyde born about 1928
BrownHarry born about 1926
BrownLelia born about 1905
BrowningJames Wilburborn about 1910

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C Surnames

CallawayArthur born about 1919
CallawayAudry born about 1927
CallawayBessie born about 1922
CallawayLillian born about 1924
CallawayWilliam born about 1895
CallawayWilliam Eborn about 1918
CarrCharlott born about 1923
CarrDella born about 1888
CarrEstelle born about 1929
CarrGeorge born about 1887
CarrGeorge Jr born about 1924
ChanceIson born about 1866
ChanceLucy born about 1867
CherryBurman born about 1940
CherryElwood born about 1937
CherryHarvey born about 1903
CherryHarvey born about 1918
CherryLulu born about 1877
CherryMary Ellenborn about 1938
CherryThelma born about 1916
CherryWilliam born about 1933
CookFloyd born about 1914
CookGoldie born about 1918
CormicanCharles born about 1881
CormicanDora born about 1888
CormicanElsie born about 1924
CormicanEsther born about 1922
CormicanRaul born about 1917
CormicanRoger born about 1914
CornettAnna born about 1895
CornettArthur born about 1888
CornettEdward born about 1928
CornettEvertt born about 1911
CornettJames born about 1882
CornettMinnie born about 1897
CornettRossina born about 1865
CornettRussell born about 1938
CornettSamuel born about 1931
CornettSarah born about 1928
CornettSusie born about 1915
CornettTaylor born about 1933
CornettTenions born about 1938
CottinghamCharley born about 1904
CottinghamEdna born about 1896
CottinghamHoward born about 1877
CottinghamLizabeth born about 1882
CoxHugh born about 1872
CraigDonald Glenborn about 1934
CraigDorthy Maeborn about 1930
CraigEveline Francisborn about 1939
CraigGlen Vborn about 1898
CraigIdamae born about 1909
CraigMary Ettaborn about 1935
CraigPaul Davidborn about 1938
CraigRobert Leeborn about 1932
CraigStanley Victorborn about 1936

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D Surnames

DarlingCharles Iborn about 1871
DarlingEmma born about 1878
DarlingFlorence Vborn about 1910
DarlingLeonard Wborn about 1917
DarlingLouisa Eborn about 1872
DarlingRalph Wborn about 1915
DarlingRuth born about 1918
DavisAlvin born about 1924
DavisHarry born about 1894
DavisLester born about 1926
DavisLuvina born about 1903
DavisVera born about 1931
DawsonClyde born about 1931
DawsonEarl born about 1929
DawsonGertrude born about 1897
DawsonHelen born about 1933
DawsonHenry Hborn about 1890
DawsonIrene born about 1904
DawsonLinda Louborn about 1938
DawsonLoyd born about 1902
DawsonPaul born about 1928
DawsonRoy born about 1926
DiefenbachEva Jameborn about 1871
DiefenbachNicholas born about 1867
DiefenbackBertha born about 1894
DiefenbackWilliam born about 1893
DixonDennis born about 1903
DixonDollie born about 1881
DixonGarnet born about 1917
DixonO Cborn about 1878
DoanEmily born about 1895
DoanWalter Cborn about 1885
DrautJoseph born about 1874
DrautMary Jborn about 1879
DrautOakey born about 1917
DrautRuth born about 1918
DunawayHelen born about 1917
DunawayLewis born about 1938
DunawayRebecca born about 1937
DunawayWillard Mborn about 1916

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E Surnames

EdwardsAlice born about 1936
EdwardsClifford born about 1925
EdwardsEsther born about 1890
EdwardsHarry born about 1884
EdwardsHelen born about 1919
EdwardsJames born about 1919
EdwardsRaymond born about 1929
EdwardsWoodrow born about 1917
EmersonDolores born about 1898
EmersonJohn born about 1849
EmersonRalph born about 1895

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F Surnames

FeinbergArline born about 1920
FistelDave born about 1887
FistelJames born about 1915
FistelJerry born about 1912
FistelMary born about 1891
FistelRuth born about 1926
FondongArthur born about 1899
FondongClara born about 1895
FondongClarence born about 1920
FondongEdith born about 1929
FondongGeorge born about 1889
FondongHarry Tborn about 1891
FondongLuella born about 1924
FondongMyrtle born about 1898
FondongNorma Deanborn about 1931
FondongRuth Aborn about 1894
FondongWilma born about 1931
FoxAlbert born about 1892
FoxArthur born about 1923
FoxBernice born about 1921
FoxBonnie born about 1903
FoxClara Louborn about 1937
FoxClarence born about 1916
FoxElnora born about 1930
FoxFrances born about 1925
FoxFrank born about 1887
FoxHarry born about 1899
FoxIrene born about 1901
FoxLaurel Gborn about 1927
FoxLeslie born about 1930
FoxMargaret born about 1932
FoxNora born about 1891
FoxPaul born about 1925
FrimanBallard born about 1894
FrimanBertha born about 1895
FrimanClarence born about 1927
FrimanEmma Louborn about 1939
FrimanIrene born about 1923
FrimanJohn Stanleyborn about 1920
FrimanJunior born about 1934
FrimanLizann born about 1867
FrimanLovell born about 1932
FrimanTherman born about 1918
FrimanVernon Tborn about 1925
FrimanWanda Leeborn about 1929
FritchCarrie born about 1898
FritchEljean born about 1925
FritchFrank born about 1895
FritchFrank Juniorborn about 1923
FryerBen born about 1922
FryerCarl born about 1930
FryerClarence born about 1924
FryerDorthy born about 1928
FryerEdna Maeborn about 1920
FryerEmmet born about 1895
FryerLizzie born about 1900
FunschFrank born about 1880
FunschGeorge born about 1884

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G Surnames

GrimesS Eborn about 1868
GrimsleyErnest born about 1920
GrubbsAnna Maeborn about 1932
GrubbsBarbara born about 1936
GrubbsBessie born about 1913
GrubbsCharles Wayneborn about 1940
GrubbsCharley born about 1918
GrubbsClyde born about 1909
GrubbsDelmar born about 1916
GrubbsDonald born about 1938
GrubbsDorthy born about 1914
GrubbsEdna Maeborn about 1923
GrubbsElla born about 1886
GrubbsElnora Jeanborn about 1935
GrubbsEmery born about 1906
GrubbsEthyl born about 1914
GrubbsEvert born about 1889
GrubbsGeorge born about 1936
GrubbsGrace born about 1891
GrubbsGuy born about 1915
GrubbsHenry born about 1859
GrubbsJewell born about 1915
GrubbsJoseph born about 1914
GrubbsLarry born about 1940
GrubbsLucy born about 1882
GrubbsLucy born about 1922
GrubbsMarie born about 1911
GrubbsMarjorie born about 1938
GrubbsMary Aliceborn about 1932
GrubbsNora born about 1877
GrubbsNora Ettaborn about 1880
GrubbsOliver born about 1884
GrubbsOpal born about 1904
GrubbsOrville born about 1903
GrubbsRalph born about 1904
GrubbsRhoda born about 1883
GrubbsRichard born about 1933
GrubbsRoger born about 1922
GrubbsRuby born about 1926
GrubbsShirley Marieborn about 1936
GrubbsThelma Jeanborn about 1931
GrubbsVera born about 1933
GrubbsVera Maeborn about 1931
GrubbsWhitfield born about 1873
GuardDelmar born about 1934
GuardGeorge born about 1896
GuardLaverne born about 1939
GuardMarie born about 1898
GuardNaomi born about 1911
GuardPauline born about 1937
GuardRuth born about 1911
GuardTimothy born about 1864
GuardWilliam born about 1901
GuyBill born about 1910
GuyJack Richardborn about 1939
GuyLucy Pearlborn about 1938
GuyViola born about 1918
GuyWilliam born about 1936

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H Surnames

HaasClarence born about 1912
HaasHenry born about 1877
HaasNettie born about 1888
HaasVera born about 1917
HaasZelma born about 1921
HansellAmy born about 1895
HansellFrancis Marieborn about 1929
HansellFrank born about 1890
HansellKatie born about 1897
HansellLester born about 1917
HansellMary born about 1896
HansellStanley Eugeneborn about 1935
HansellSusie born about 1872
HansellWayne born about 1921
HarmeyerErvin Hborn about 1921
HarmeyerLuella Aborn about 1894
HarmeyerRaymond Gborn about 1917
HarmeyerWilliam Jborn about 1889
HarnessCalvin born about 1925
HarnessElmer born about 1923
HarnessJames born about 1910
HarnessMartha born about 1922
HarnessNoak born about 1886
HarnessRitta Maeborn about 1927
HarperAsa born about 1888
HarperElsworth born about 1926
HarperLeonard Cborn about 1876
HarperLucile born about 1922
HarperMable born about 1888
HarperOllie born about 1877
HarperRobert born about 1921
HarperRowena born about 1918
HarpethDoris born about 1930
HarpethGurth born about 1888
HarpethHubert born about 1922
HarpethInez born about 1891
HarteAlta Maeborn about 1912
HarteKeith born about 1913
HarteMelvin born about 1909
HarteRuby born about 1915
HelmsWaneta born about 1917
HendersonAlbert born about 1876
HendersonAlbert Rayborn about 1913
HendersonAmanda born about 1877
HendersonCharles born about 1880
HendersonClara born about 1879
HenkeBernard Jr born about 1916
HenkeErma born about 1917
HensleyCharley born about 1926
HensleyDorthy Maeborn about 1922
HensleyEllis born about 1924
HensleyFanny born about 1889
HensleyJames born about 1887
HensleyJessie born about 1928
HeyLouise born about 1858
HieskellCharles born about 1894
HieskellMatilda born about 1864
HietkampElizabeth born about 1877
HietkampWilliam born about 1873
HinsonBertha born about 1895
HinsonRobert born about 1920
HinsonRoy Edwardborn about 1920
HinsonRoy Leeborn about 1893
HinsonWillie born about 1922
HoldenJohn Wborn about 1885
HollandLizie born about 1882
HollandWest born about 1881
HubankLoebo Jborn about 1880
HuppertJohn born about 1878
HurleyBessie Nborn about 1893
HurleyElma Jeanborn about 1928
HurleyGuy born about 1892

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I Surnames

IsonViola born about 1905

J Surnames

JacksonEd Wborn about 1859
JacksonFloyd born about 1881
JacksonJenny born about 1876
JacksonLewis born about 1897
JacksonLewis Oakleyborn about 1934
JacksonLowell born about 1924
JacksonMattie born about 1896
JacksonNora Eborn about 1881
JacksonSilas Sborn about 1874
JacksonSusie born about 1890
JenkinsKelly born about 1885
JenkinsMaude born about 1886
JohnsonLouise born about 1885
JohnsonLouise born about 1929
JohnsonMartin born about 1881
JohnsonMelvin Leroyborn about 1937
JohnsonMildred born about 1918
JohnsonWanda Leeborn about 1936
JohnsonWayne born about 1914
JohnsonWilbur born about 1924
JollyBilly Joeborn about 1932
JollyErnest born about 1896
JollyErnestine born about 1924
JollyFranklin born about 1934
JollyMarie born about 1901
JonesCarl born about 1928
JonesDaniel born about 1938
JonesHelen born about 1930
JonesOliver born about 1893
JonesPaul born about 1936
JonesSusie born about 1905
JonesWilliam born about 1898

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K Surnames

KaiserCarl born about 1919
KaiserHenry born about 1895
KaiserSophia born about 1895
KennedyEarl born about 1892
KennedyLorina born about 1899
KennedyMary Juneborn about 1917
KennedyRobert born about 1922
KeyesAmos born about 1926
KeyesEsther born about 1888
KeyesHarry born about 1887
KeyesLucy Aborn about 1864
KidwellForest born about 1919
KidwellGeorge Wborn about 1873
KidwellHolton born about 1911
KidwellLucy born about 1923
KidwellRoxie born about 1882
KidwellSusie born about 1925
KidwellWalter born about 1917

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L Surnames

LandrumDorthy born about 1926
LandrumLaura born about 1890
LandrumLouie born about 1919
LandrumWilliam born about 1888
LiddellEmory born about 1884
LiddellHoward born about 1922
LiddellLa Valla born about 1889
LiddleFern born about 1914
LiddleHarold born about 1920
LiddleJohn born about 1885
LiddleMable born about 1891
LiggettColumbus born about 1880
LiggettEthyl Jeanborn about 1938
LiggettGarland born about 1906
LiggettHelen born about 1940
LiggettMartha born about 1919
LoneBelle born about 1913
LoneBilly Joeborn about 1939
LoneClara Maeborn about 1936
LoneElbert born about 1908
LoneLois born about 1931
LouringLester born about 1936
LoweBilly born about 1932
LoweCarl born about 1898
LoweDonald born about 1935
LoweFrances born about 1927
LoweGuilford born about 1898
LoweLucinda born about 1896
LoweMable born about 1906
LoweNorma born about 1929
LutzElizabeth born about 1875

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M Surnames

MaeDavid born about 1934
MaeDonnie Rayborn about 1938
MaeHarry Leeborn about 1936
MaeLeona born about 1915
MaeMillard born about 1896
MarklandBobby born about 1928
MarklandHarold born about 1919
MarxberryChristinia born about 1882
McCainDaphne born about 1895
McCainEdward born about 1889
McKinleyEsther born about 1918
McKinleyIvan born about 1915
McMurrayBertha born about 1910
McMurrayEdward born about 1905
McMurrayEugene born about 1930
McMurrayFrank born about 1880
McMurraySusan born about 1885
McMurrayVerna born about 1932
MedeckeViolet Maeborn about 1938
MendellGrace born about 1883
MendellJoan born about 1930
MericleAlice born about 1881
MericleFloyd born about 1918
MericleLayman born about 1913
MericleRobert born about 1877
MerrillSherwood born about 1920
MeyerDonald born about 1919
MeyerRuth born about 1921
MillerA Lborn about 1893
MillerBeatrice Gborn about 1892
MillerBernice born about 1925
MillerBessie born about 1904
MillerClifford born about 1893
MillerDewey born about 1899
MillerJessie born about 1891
MillerMable born about 1906
MillerOpal born about 1904
MillerSamuel born about 1925
MillerWilbur born about 1922
MintonClara born about 1881
MintonOther born about 1873
MorrisClifford born about 1930
MorrisEdwin born about 1927
MorrisMable Cborn about 1902
MorrisStanley born about 1898

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N Surnames

NixonEarl born about 1902
NixonFaye born about 1911
NoelBetty born about 1937
NoelClifford born about 1930
NoelEllanora born about 1928
NoelEmmadora born about 1928
NoelJoe born about 1899
NoelNettie born about 1906
NowlinCaroline Eborn about 1867
NowlinCharles Whitfieldborn about 1856
NowlinDale born about 1926
NowlinDewitt born about 1914
NowlinFerdie born about 1891
NowlinGoldie born about 1918
NowlinJohntie born about 1888
NowlinLena born about 1912
NowlinRobert born about 1892
NowlinRobert Jborn about 1866
NowlinRobert Lborn about 1893
NowlinRobert Mborn about 1921
NowlinRobert Sborn about 1867
NowlinVirginia born about 1919
NowlinsMae born about 1872

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O Surnames

OnealBilly Williamborn about 1932
OnealHarold born about 1931
OnealJames born about 1903
OnealLaura born about 1898
OnealRobert born about 1935

P Surnames

PelsorAda born about 1877
PelsorJames born about 1873
PenningEdith born about 1872
PenningHarry born about 1874
PenningtonDorthy born about 1928
PenningtonElmer born about 1921
PenningtonHerman born about 1923
PenningtonIsaiah born about 1919
PenningtonMack born about 1898
PenningtonMarie born about 1926
PenningtonRalph born about 1930
PenningtonRoy born about 1933
PenningtonStella born about 1901
PerkinsBenjamin born about 1887
PerkinsBerdie born about 1890
PettyRobert born about 1918
PewisChester born about 1919
PewisClaude born about 1918
PewisDorthy born about 1923
PewisHazel born about 1927
PewisJames born about 1870
PewisLurinda born about 1884
PhillipsBilly born about 1914
PhillipsClyde born about 1920
PhillipsEarl born about 1906
PhillipsEmma born about 1890
PhillipsGladys born about 1918
PhillipsThurman born about 1890
PierceLezzie born about 1899
PierceWalter born about 1884
PopeDale born about 1932
PopeElizah born about 1908
PopeKathleen born about 1930
PopeMilburn born about 1929
PopeRoberta born about 1910
PriestAlice born about 1883
PriestDavid born about 1871
PriestGeorge born about 1916

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R Surnames

RaisorJune born about 1890
RaisorSocttie born about 1893
RatliffCharley born about 1891
RatliffIsac Harmborn about 1927
RatliffLisabeth born about 1891
RatliffLouis Annborn about 1928
RatliffMary born about 1924
RatliffRosevelt born about 1918
RavenkraftAlvie born about 1903
RechenbachHenry born about 1878
RechenbachStella born about 1882
RenchMargaret born about 1917
RenchMichael born about 1913
RisseCurtis born about 1905
RisseElwood born about 1912
RobertsTillie Janeborn about 1869
RogersDonald Charlesborn about 1926
RogersHoward born about 1898
RogersHoward Hborn about 1921
RogersIrma born about 1903
RogersMarjorie Ruthborn about 1931
RogersNancy Sarahborn about 1937
RogersPaul Eugeneborn about 1923
RossAgnes born about 1904
RossRobert born about 1911
RuppCarl born about 1930
RuppMabel born about 1904
RuppWilliam born about 1886

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S Surnames

SackettDoris born about 1921
SackettFloyd born about 1924
SackettIona born about 1888
SackettLoren born about 1910
SackettTheodore born about 1887
SallersAndrey born about 1913
SallersJames born about 1904
SallersJames Jr born about 1939
SallersPatsy born about 1934
SandersNellie born about 1919
SchmeltzerCarrie born about 1880
SchmeltzerClarence born about 1907
SchmeltzerDonald born about 1927
SchmeltzerGeorge born about 1931
SchmeltzerGeorge Lborn about 1902
SchmeltzerLoren born about 1936
SchmeltzerMarion born about 1933
SchmeltzerMary Gborn about 1904
SchmeltzerRalph born about 1926
SchmeltzerRuth born about 1929
SelersAnna Eborn about 1886
SelersJohn Dborn about 1865
SellersLouisa Bborn about 1870
ShanksHarry born about 1888
ShanksMyrtle born about 1887
ShanksRuth Fayeborn about 1927
ShinkleLorein born about 1919
ShinkleRobert Samuelborn about 1916
ShinkleRoland Keithborn about 1940
SloneI Dborn about 1908
SmallHargess born about 1913
SmithAlice born about 1861
SmithAnnie Lborn about 1871
SmithCarra born about 1905
SmithCarry born about 1869
SmithCollin born about 1929
SmithCyrus born about 1866
SmithDale born about 1935
SmithEdna born about 1920
SmithErnest Cborn about 1896
SmithFannie born about 1887
SmithFredia born about 1927
SmithGertrude born about 1892
SmithGoldie born about 1908
SmithGrace born about 1912
SmithHarriet born about 1880
SmithHerman born about 1917
SmithIra Cborn about 1871
SmithJessie born about 1928
SmithLois born about 1925
SmithLowell Lborn about 1924
SmithLoyd born about 1931
SmithMary born about 1875
SmithMary Francesborn about 1930
SmithPaul born about 1906
SmithRobert born about 1928
SmithRoy born about 1886
SmithRuby born about 1924
SmithRussell born about 1911
SmithRuth born about 1924
SmithSarah Leeborn about 1932
SmithScott born about 1869
SmithSusie Eborn about 1860
SmithWilbur born about 1920
StallingsEugene Mborn about 1898
StallingsJohn born about 1863
StallingsJohn Paulborn about 1930
StallingsKatherine born about 1899
StevensonEdith born about 1894
StevensonSamuel Dborn about 1890
SumserAgnes born about 1919
SumserAlbert born about 1881
SumserClara born about 1876
SumserOra born about 1923
SuttonDale born about 1939
SuttonFlorence born about 1908
SuttonGarfield born about 1908
SuttonJames Gborn about 1936
SwabsDonald born about 1912
SwabsFrances born about 1912
SwabsMartha Annborn about 1938
SwalesAdele born about 1931
SwalesAlbert Louisborn about 1929
SwalesClara Maeborn about 1924
SwalesJoann born about 1933
SwalesJohn Leeborn about 1901
SwalesJohn Lee Jrborn about 1927
SwalesMary born about 1905
SwalesMildred born about 1925
SwalesRaymond born about 1937
SwalesRobert Leeborn about 1922
SwangoTersa born about 1905
SwangoWalter born about 1899
SybesRobert born about 1906
SybesRuth born about 1909

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V Surnames

VanwinkleDoris born about 1926
VanwinkleGerald born about 1930
VanwinkleJames born about 1900
VanwinkleJames Jr born about 1924
VanwinkleMarion born about 1927
VanwinkleNorma born about 1899

W Surnames

WadeClifford born about 1880
WadeFrank born about 1914
WadeMary Eborn about 1883
WallaceFrancis born about 1924
WeaverRobert Eborn about 1926
WeinmanAnna born about 1875
WeinmanMildred born about 1910
WeinmanV Eborn about 1873
WestrickAnbel born about 1893
WestrickCharles born about 1929
WestrickFrank born about 1930
WestrickGeorge born about 1922
WestrickMike born about 1887
WestrickMike Jr born about 1925
WestrickMilburn born about 1918
WestrickRobert born about 1919
WestrickWalter born about 1927
WhiteJohn Edwardborn about 1880
WhiteTalitha Eborn about 1880
WilliamsonCharley born about 1869
WilliamsonEllamarie born about 1906
WilliamsonGrace born about 1882
WilliamsonHubert born about 1939
WilliamsonJennie born about 1909
WilliamsonLouise born about 1871
WilliamsonOra born about 1910
WilliamsonRichard born about 1874
WillisEmily born about 1919
WillisLewis born about 1909
WiseChristopher born about 1859
WurzelbacherMartin born about 1898

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Z Surnames

ZieglerBernice born about 1935
ZieglerCardell born about 1895
ZieglerClifford born about 1926
ZieglerDonald born about 1938
ZieglerEugene born about 1929
ZieglerHenrietta born about 1924
ZieglerHenry born about 1892
ZieglerLoren Henryborn about 1939
ZieglerNellie born about 1918
ZieglerRosella born about 1931

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