1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monroe in Jefferson County, Jefferson, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Monroe in Jefferson County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamFred Tborn about 1880
AdamWilliam born about 1864
AdamsAgnes Eborn about 1918
AdamsAlta Aborn about 1940
AdamsBetty Lborn about 1932
AdamsDale Dborn about 1937
AdamsEdward Eborn about 1928
AdamsElizabeth Kborn about 1937
AdamsGeorgia Annborn about 1903
AdamsGrover Aborn about 1925
AdamsJohn Rborn about 1930
AdamsLily Maeborn about 1939
AdamsManford Nborn about 1910
AdamsStella Mborn about 1934
AdamsVelma Zborn about 1926
AdamsWilliam Hborn about 1936
AichCharles born about 1923
AichFlorence born about 1895
AichStephen born about 1891
AldridgeFount born about 1894
AldridgeRose born about 1897
AndersonChloe born about 1888
AndersonGeorge born about 1917
AndersonGlanton born about 1886
AndersonJames Wborn about 1880
AndersonJoan born about 1935
AndersonMinnie born about 1882
AndersonRuth born about 1913
AndressBetty born about 1936
AndressJohn born about 1924
AndressPerry Eborn about 1891

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B Surnames

BaderJames Wborn about 1871
BaderSusan Rborn about 1877
BadgerWarren born about 1927
BakerClara born about 1865
BarberEmmie Fborn about 1880
BarberFred Gborn about 1880
BarberNorval Lborn about 1914
BareAneton born about 1886
BareCarl Aborn about 1885
BarnesJasper Juniorborn about 1931
BarnesJasper Wborn about 1879
BarnesL Harwoodborn about 1929
BarnesLolah Bborn about 1900
BarnesW Lamarborn about 1922
BarnesWauneta born about 1925
BatesSamantha born about 1856
BaylessG Albertborn about 1864
BaylessGeorge Bborn about 1929
BaylessGeorge Wborn about 1889
BaylessIda Mborn about 1872
BaylessKathryn born about 1896
BaylessRoberta born about 1923
BearBetty Jeanborn about 1929
BearEarl Mborn about 1907
BearHulda Sborn about 1920
BearJames Mborn about 1891
BearLeo Hborn about 1918
BearMary Fborn about 1861
BearRichard Cborn about 1937
BearRuth Mborn about 1906
BearSusan born about 1889
BeardLauery Iborn about 1923
BeardMartha Bborn about 1902
BeardN Maeborn about 1922
BellBessie born about 1888
BelserAgnes born about 1909
BelserCharles born about 1926
BelserFrank Rborn about 1888
BelserPearl Iborn about 1888
BelserRonald born about 1923
BenhamMaud born about 1876
BentleyCarroll Aborn about 1938
BentleyCharles Tborn about 1890
BentleyMary Rborn about 1891
BentleyMary Rborn about 1928
BentleyOpal Lborn about 1918
BentleyRay Tborn about 1926
BentleyRick born about 1915
BentzCecil Jborn about 1924
BentzCecile born about 1894
BentzDorothy Eborn about 1925
BentzHenry Wborn about 1918
BentzJ Walterborn about 1921
BentzJacob Wborn about 1891
BentzL Fredrickborn about 1923
BirleyMartha Sborn about 1915
BirleyOscar Eborn about 1909
BirleyThomas Jborn about 1938
BirleyValeria Dborn about 1933
BlatchMinnie born about 1871
BowmanEda Jborn about 1869
BowmanEthel born about 1893
BowmanHerman Eborn about 1889
BrawnerB Tborn about 1916
BrawnerFrank Eborn about 1922
BrawnerLonnie born about 1881
BrawnerLula Vborn about 1882
BrawnerMartha born about 1920
BrawnerMildred Vborn about 1920
BrawnerNannie Lborn about 1912
BrawnerPaul Jborn about 1939
BrinsonArlen Mborn about 1932
BrinsonBessie born about 1892
BrinsonEarl born about 1884
BrinsonEdwin born about 1917
BrinsonLoraine born about 1919
BrinsonMary Kborn about 1935
BrinsonReba Mborn about 1887
BrinsonWilliam Cborn about 1882
BrinsonWilliam Lborn about 1867
BrownAlmon born about 1892
BrownBessie Hborn about 1891
BrownDonna Mborn about 1933
BrownEmory Cborn about 1876
BrownIda born about 1877
BrownIda Bborn about 1886
BrownJoseph Cborn about 1886
BrownMartin born about 1878
BrownNorma Jeanborn about 1927
BrumerCarroll Lborn about 1933
BrumerClayton born about 1939
BrumerFlorence Fborn about 1908
BrumerLouise born about 1935
BrumerWilliam Tborn about 1904
BrumerWm Keathborn about 1931
BucchardClaude Edgarborn about 1919
BucchardMargret born about 1898
BucchardNick born about 1885
BucchardWilliam Cborn about 1922
BuchananEdith born about 1910
BuchananHarry born about 1881
BuchananMary born about 1855
BuchananRichard Eborn about 1884
BuchananSarah Eborn about 1872
BuchananWilson born about 1887
BurtonAllie born about 1886
BurtonGladis Mborn about 1927
BurtonIda Aborn about 1876
BurtonJ Williamborn about 1923
BurtonJonathan Mborn about 1877
BurtonThomas Pborn about 1868
BushBernard Fborn about 1886
BushCarl Bborn about 1936
BushCurtis born about 1882
BushDorothy born about 1903
BushWilliam Cborn about 1854
BusseJohn Aborn about 1872

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C Surnames

CampbellM Oborn about 1864
CampbellMarjorie Eborn about 1928
CampbellMelford Eborn about 1918
CampbellMinta born about 1915
CampbellMyrtle Bborn about 1889
CampbellNorma Mborn about 1925
CampbellOtis born about 1925
CampbellWillie Eborn about 1883
CardinalDwight born about 1934
CardinalJohn Hborn about 1848
CardinalLeonard Lborn about 1907
CardinalLouis Cborn about 1932
CardinalVirginia Mborn about 1915
CarsonCordelia born about 1884
ChadwellCharles Hborn about 1887
ChadwellKathryn Lborn about 1882
ChadwellLillian Mborn about 1890
ChadwellTurner Dborn about 1863
ChadwellVivian Lborn about 1926
ChambersBertha born about 1894
ChambersCharles born about 1874
ChambersClara Bborn about 1883
ChambersDaniel born about 1891
ChambersFlora born about 1891
ChambersGeorge Lborn about 1886
ChambersGeorge Rborn about 1894
ChambersIra born about 1917
ChambersJames Aborn about 1884
ChambersJohn Mborn about 1878
ChambersLeroy born about 1922
ChambersLoyd born about 1930
ChambersMary born about 1926
ChambersMary Mborn about 1888
ChambersNellie born about 1895
ChambersPauline born about 1928
ChambersRobert born about 1925
ChandlerEstell born about 1920
ChandlerEva born about 1876
ChandlerWilma born about 1922
ChatmanThomas Gborn about 1887
ChesterfieldFlouia born about 1917
ChesterfieldRaymond born about 1916
CleekCharles Eborn about 1861
CleekClara born about 1880
ColeCarolin Lborn about 1939
ColeMarvin Aborn about 1938
ColeMarvin Dborn about 1905
ColeNaomi Eborn about 1921
ColenCatherine born about 1871
ConwayBen born about 1873
ConwayEliza Hborn about 1876
CooperDorothy Mborn about 1929
CooperLaurney born about 1926
CooperRobert Mborn about 1920
CooperRosie born about 1881
CooperWilliam Cborn about 1901
CooperWilliam Eborn about 1875
CopeAlpha Jborn about 1878
CopeDavid Tborn about 1853
CopeJames Wborn about 1884
CopeRaymond born about 1899
CopeRose born about 1882
CopelandBernice born about 1926
CopelandFrank Eborn about 1874
CopelandFrank Wborn about 1877
CopelandGrace born about 1914
CopelandGraham born about 1907
CopelandHerbert Mborn about 1898
CopelandIrene born about 1877
CopelandMyrtle born about 1899
CopelandPaul Wborn about 1913
CopelandPearl born about 1882
CopelandRebecca born about 1856
CopelandRuth Aleneborn about 1930
CottonDorothy born about 1926
CottonHolman Jborn about 1916
CottonLida Bborn about 1898
CottonRussell Hborn about 1922
CottonTheo born about 1894
CraigJames Hborn about 1882
CraigMaggie Jborn about 1883
CrawfordMinnie born about 1878
CrawfordThomas Eborn about 1881
CummiskeyEmma born about 1881
CummiskeyErnie born about 1883
CummiskeyJohn Hborn about 1874
CurranJessie Lborn about 1891
CurranWalter born about 1875
CusterAldean born about 1919
CusterClorus born about 1922
CusterJesse Lborn about 1865
CusterJosie born about 1899
CusterLillard Fborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DannerAlta born about 1894
DannerJohn born about 1892
DaughertyMargaret Eborn about 1891
DaughertyWilliam Aborn about 1883
DayM Evelynonborn about 1917
DayMary Eborn about 1880
DayNorma Mborn about 1919
DayWalter Rborn about 1874
DemarceEunice born about 1864
DemarceJulin born about 1903
DemareeElzia born about 1898
DemareeLewis Rborn about 1905
DemareeRosetta born about 1914
DemareeRoss born about 1894
DennyAnna born about 1893
DennyCharles Gborn about 1904
DennyCharles Wborn about 1868
DennyCharles Wborn about 1931
DennyDelta Mborn about 1926
DennyEffa Lborn about 1858
DennyEtta born about 1869
DennyForrest Lborn about 1920
DennyHarriet Eborn about 1888
DennyHarvey Jborn about 1892
DennyLawrence Hborn about 1891
DennyLillian born about 1905
DennyMelvin Hborn about 1919
DennyNellie born about 1897
DennyVirginia Lborn about 1937
DennyWilliam Lborn about 1877
DierkesElsie Mborn about 1923
DierkesEmma Rborn about 1921
DierkesH Frankborn about 1918
DierkesHubert born about 1883
DierkesJohn Jborn about 1920
DierkesRobert Cborn about 1927
DilkClemens Oborn about 1895
DilkEarl Eborn about 1905
DilkFloyd Lborn about 1933
DilkHallie born about 1895
DilkHenry born about 1858
DilkJuanita born about 1928
DilkNellie Mborn about 1909
DowneyCharles Jborn about 1912
DowneyCharles Wayneborn about 1937
DowneyGeneva born about 1915
DowneyLa Verne Ruthborn about 1932
DrecktrahSophie Cborn about 1896
DrecktrahWilbert Hborn about 1918
DrecktrahWilliam Hborn about 1894

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E Surnames

EaglinEugene born about 1919
EaglinVirginia born about 1923
ElliotBeatrice born about 1896
ElliotCharles Mborn about 1897
ElliotHarriet Lborn about 1921
ElliotJames Aborn about 1884
ElliotKatheryn born about 1878
ElliotStella born about 1883
ElliottParker Cborn about 1861

F Surnames

FacemireAlbert Lborn about 1921
FacemireArminta born about 1884
FacemireC Lesterborn about 1913
FacemireCharles Fborn about 1938
FacemireElizabeth born about 1918
FacemireFrank Lborn about 1886
FacemireFrank Williamborn about 1919
FacemireH Floydborn about 1927
FacemireRichard Eborn about 1925
FacemireThelma Fborn about 1916
FergusonFloyd Bborn about 1925
FergusonHattie Mborn about 1884
FergusonL Herbertborn about 1933
FergusonLucille born about 1921
FergusonSilas Aborn about 1884
FurnishAda born about 1868
FurnishJohn born about 1865

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G Surnames

GabbardGladious born about 1923
GabbardVernon born about 1928
GeislerCarroll Iborn about 1937
GeislerCharles Lborn about 1903
GeislerCharles L Jrborn about 1931
GeislerDale born about 1909
GeislerEleanor Rborn about 1931
GeislerFalva born about 1878
GeislerFreddie born about 1903
GeislerGenevie born about 1914
GeislerGoldie born about 1907
GeislerHelen Rborn about 1903
GeislerMartha born about 1884
GeislerMartha Jborn about 1933
GeislerRaymond born about 1928
GeislerStella Lborn about 1935
GeorgeMinnie born about 1863
GeymanAlbert born about 1867
GeymanCora born about 1865
GiddingsFred Wborn about 1914
GiddingsGeorge born about 1917
GiddingsMary Annborn about 1939
GiddingsRosella born about 1915
GiddingsRuth born about 1921
GiltnerEline born about 1936
GiltnerElinor born about 1935
GiltnerShela born about 1903
GrayBenson born about 1860
GrayHarvey Bborn about 1898
GrayHelen Nadineborn about 1938
GrayIda Bborn about 1863
GrayJosephine born about 1903
GrayL Paulborn about 1924
GrayM Lucilleborn about 1921
GrayMable born about 1898
GrayPearl Mborn about 1882
GrayRolph Dborn about 1919
GrayShirley Cborn about 1916
GurleyCharles Eborn about 1871
GurleyRoberta born about 1875

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H Surnames

HandFanie Bborn about 1884
HandJohn Aborn about 1880
HandVergil Dborn about 1905
HanlonFred born about 1881
HanlonOllie born about 1884
HarlowAlma born about 1896
HarlowAnna born about 1849
HarlowLouis born about 1887
HarmonClaudy born about 1933
HarmonEthel Fborn about 1926
HarmonHarry born about 1882
HarmonThelma Eborn about 1930
HarmonViola born about 1891
HarmonWillard Cborn about 1928
HarrellAlta Lborn about 1914
HarrellIota Bborn about 1880
HarrellJoseph born about 1884
HarrellMary Eborn about 1920
HarsinAgnes Bborn about 1896
HarsinElmer Leeborn about 1916
HarsinGeorge born about 1891
HarsinGeorge Juniorborn about 1923
HarsinHarold Sborn about 1938
HarsinLeroy Eborn about 1923
HarsinLorraine Fborn about 1921
HarsinOscar Wborn about 1920
HarsinShirley Rborn about 1895
HearneBessie born about 1888
HearneBetty Louborn about 1935
HearneDale born about 1924
HearneEdgar born about 1913
HearneFloyd born about 1929
HearneJames Wborn about 1887
HearneLouis Bborn about 1915
HearneMary born about 1895
HearneMary Dborn about 1933
HearneNaomi born about 1921
HearneR Georgeanaborn about 1920
HearneRay born about 1923
HearneRichard Tborn about 1919
HearneRoy born about 1917
HeathJ Fredborn about 1907
HeathO Maeborn about 1910
HedrickGarnie born about 1897
HedrickJoseph born about 1884
HeitzAlfrieda born about 1895
HeitzLorena born about 1878
HeitzMichael Gborn about 1896
HeitzRalph Mborn about 1928
HeitzWilliam Rborn about 1874
HendricksonBernice Lborn about 1927
HendricksonEtta Fborn about 1894
HendricksonMarcelle Fborn about 1923
HendricksonMary Mborn about 1920
HendricksonNorma Geanborn about 1930
HendricksonWalter born about 1892
HigbieHoward born about 1887
HigbieJohn Lborn about 1858
HigbieMay Rborn about 1892
HigbiePaul Fborn about 1926
HigginsWilliam born about 1876
HousefieldArthur born about 1882
HousefieldGrace born about 1929
HousefieldJohn Bborn about 1863
HousefieldLula born about 1894
HousefieldNancy Annborn about 1854
HousefieldSophie born about 1865
HousmanElizabeth born about 1869
HousmanFred born about 1883
HumphreyJames Howardborn about 1883
HumphreyWilliam Hborn about 1881
HuntonGrace born about 1881
HyattCharles Rborn about 1923
HyattCharles Tborn about 1885
HyattMargret born about 1920
HyattSarah born about 1849

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I Surnames

IrwinAnna born about 1866
IrwinArthur Eborn about 1872
IrwinCora Eborn about 1884
IrwinEvelyn born about 1907
IrwinIsaiah born about 1918
IrwinRichard born about 1928
IrwinRonald born about 1933
IrwinRuth born about 1930
IrwinStevin Aborn about 1910
IrwinVawter born about 1905
IrwinWilson born about 1922

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J Surnames

JanesElmer born about 1887
JanesMervin born about 1924
JanesMyrtle born about 1891
JessupFreda Rborn about 1900
JessupHerman Lborn about 1902
JessupMarjorie Leeborn about 1923
JessupNency Nborn about 1936
JessupNorman Dborn about 1926
JessupRichard Nborn about 1924
JessupRobert Bborn about 1873
JessupSarah Iborn about 1871
JinesBonetta born about 1933
JinesFred Jborn about 1911
JinesGeorge Dborn about 1935
JinesHunter Sborn about 1884
JinesIda born about 1879
JinesJuanita Mborn about 1917
JinesNewton Jborn about 1874
JinesSadie Jborn about 1895
JinesWaunetta born about 1916
JonesCharles Aborn about 1890
JonesElizabeth Pborn about 1894
JonesGleen born about 1921
JonesWayne born about 1933
JonesZella Fborn about 1919
JordanAnna Eborn about 1870
JordanAvery born about 1871
JordanLouise born about 1883

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K Surnames

KellerDelia born about 1884
KellerElizabeth Mborn about 1911
KellerHarry Cborn about 1903
KellerJesse Wborn about 1882
KellerRobert Cborn about 1935
KellerWilliam Cborn about 1938
KiddJohnnie Eborn about 1936
KiddJuanita born about 1928
KindollAlice born about 1860
KissFredddie Rborn about 1938
KissLaura Ruthborn about 1924
KissRobert born about 1900
KissTressie born about 1903

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L Surnames

LambAlbert Dborn about 1868
LambE Albertborn about 1861
LambEmma Tborn about 1874
LamsonAnna Sborn about 1867
LawrenceGladious born about 1908
LawrenceJene born about 1933
LawrenceJohn Tborn about 1929
LawrenceLaura born about 1874
LawrenceNicholas born about 1902
LawrenceRoy Gborn about 1939
LawrenceVirginia Maeborn about 1927
LeeBuelah Nborn about 1897
LeeHoward Dborn about 1900
LeeJesse born about 1890
LeeLaula born about 1867
LeeLester Cborn about 1925
LeeLucille born about 1865
LeeMargaret born about 1860
LeeRobert Tborn about 1882
LewellCharles born about 1879
LewellViola born about 1880
LigonGladious born about 1894
LigonJohn Jborn about 1870
LigonKeith born about 1932
LigonMattie born about 1873
LigonMaxine born about 1925
LigonMaydella born about 1935
LigonRufus Vborn about 1884
LindsayDasie born about 1879
LindsayHarry Wborn about 1882
LindsayMadison Vborn about 1869
LindsayStella born about 1883
LittleCharles Cborn about 1929
LittleEllie born about 1898
LittleHarley born about 1894
LittleMary Alliceborn about 1920
LoringElsie born about 1896
LyonGeorge born about 1873
LyonNettie born about 1877

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M Surnames

MargisonMinnie born about 1908
MartinBessie born about 1895
MartinWilliam born about 1893
McClureCharles Dborn about 1932
McClureGleen Aborn about 1930
McClureJames Cborn about 1922
McClureJames Eborn about 1870
McClureOrpha Mborn about 1895
McHenryEdward Oborn about 1875
McHenryHerbert born about 1900
McIntireAlouys born about 1905
McIntireBertha born about 1906
McIntireCarol born about 1936
MilesBernard born about 1898
MilesFlorence Mborn about 1870
MilesJames Eborn about 1874
MilesMinnie Aborn about 1879
MillerCharlotte Eborn about 1856
MillerFrancis Lborn about 1852
MillerGarld Wborn about 1913
MillerJames Aborn about 1856
MillerLillie Bborn about 1882
MillerThomas Wborn about 1881
MonroeFredric born about 1921
MonroeSilas Bborn about 1861
MorelandAlberta born about 1916
MorelandEdward born about 1878
MorelandLilly Fborn about 1885
MorganLucy born about 1878
MorganRowen Rborn about 1878
MunierElizabeth born about 1878
MunierGlada Kborn about 1903
MurpheyAnna born about 1879
MurpheyChester Pborn about 1884
MurpheyFletcher Sborn about 1878
MurpheyMargaret born about 1881
MuthAgnes Eborn about 1883
MuthWilliam born about 1883

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P Surnames

PaughAllic Dborn about 1875
PaughCarl Jborn about 1879
PaughFrances born about 1908
PaughFrank Hborn about 1871
PaughHenry Bborn about 1907
PaughRussell born about 1930
PaughViola Gborn about 1879
PeakArchie born about 1878
PeakLuvina born about 1860
PeakNannie Lborn about 1868
PeakNeal born about 1875
PearmanDella Fborn about 1880
PearmanJesse Rborn about 1876
PearmanNathan born about 1919
PendletonCynthia Aborn about 1919
PendletonLaura Leeborn about 1929
PendletonLeo Danielborn about 1925
PendletonRobert Hborn about 1882
PendletonSarah Eborn about 1888
PhillipsJames Cborn about 1850
PorterFrances born about 1867
PorterNellie Sborn about 1860
PowellFloyd Rborn about 1911
PowellKathryn born about 1911
PowellMarie Kborn about 1939
PowellRalph Rborn about 1937
PrenattEdw Mborn about 1867
PrenattMary born about 1889
PrichardRuby born about 1917
PulliamMary born about 1874

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R Surnames

RaeAlan Dborn about 1937
RaeCliola born about 1881
RaeGerald born about 1905
RaeGerold Juniorborn about 1934
RaeMarion born about 1876
RaeMartha born about 1918
RaeRaymond born about 1939
RawlettJohn Tborn about 1910
RawlettJoseph Jborn about 1866
RawlettMargaret Jborn about 1873
RaybornRay born about 1872
RaymondLeonard born about 1910
ReedCarl born about 1890
ReedEffie born about 1894
ReedHelen Mborn about 1918
RiceRosella born about 1927
RichardsonEvert Dborn about 1883
RingwaldBernard Hborn about 1913
RingwaldCharles Eborn about 1880
RingwaldChristine Rborn about 1888
RingwaldJohn Nborn about 1921
RingwaldJosephine Mborn about 1877
RingwaldWilfred Aborn about 1917
RiskAda Aborn about 1888
RiskJames Cborn about 1885
RobbinsAda Louiseborn about 1931
RobbinsEdgard Leeborn about 1922
RobbinsEdith Maeborn about 1934
RobbinsFranklin Dborn about 1938
RobbinsGeorge Bborn about 1936
RobbinsJack born about 1893
RobbinsJosephine born about 1911
RobbinsLeroy born about 1933
RobbinsLola Jeanborn about 1932
RobbinsM Leroyborn about 1928
RobbinsNellie Mborn about 1905
RobbinsRobert born about 1906
RobbinsW Rogersborn about 1927
RobertsLuther born about 1874
RobertsSarah Aborn about 1873
RogersNora Aborn about 1887
RogersRobert Wborn about 1881
RoseBlanche Lborn about 1909
RoseDavid Bborn about 1939
RoseDorothy Lborn about 1928
RoseHarriet Lborn about 1877
RoseHelen Fborn about 1922
RoseJ Claudeborn about 1900
RoseLois Mborn about 1917
RoseMae Fborn about 1912
RoseMarjorie Annborn about 1935
RosePaul Gborn about 1904
RoseRaymond Bborn about 1910
RoyceHallie born about 1882

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S Surnames

SargentCharlotte born about 1908
SargentFinley born about 1895
SargentHerman Fborn about 1928
SargentHoward Rborn about 1934
SargentKathryn Rborn about 1931
SargentMary Louiseborn about 1926
SarverEva born about 1854
SarverWilliam Lborn about 1857
SchlickGeorge Aborn about 1927
SchwartzFlorence born about 1889
SchwartzFredia Lborn about 1916
SchwartzMichael born about 1890
SchwartzRolph Eborn about 1918
ScottArthur Leeborn about 1921
ScottCatherine Annaborn about 1938
ScottCatherine Tborn about 1902
ScottJohn Lborn about 1932
ScottLee born about 1891
SedamErnest born about 1912
SedamKenneth Eborn about 1937
SedamNeva Bborn about 1917
SheperdJames Cborn about 1935
SheperdKatherine born about 1911
SheperdKenneth Dborn about 1937
SheperdMartin Tborn about 1910
SheperdMarvin Lborn about 1931
SheperdNorman Tborn about 1932
SheperdWilliam Jborn about 1939
ShutsDena born about 1876
ShutsMichael Jborn about 1875
SmartFern Mayborn about 1929
SmartGeorge Tborn about 1898
SmartMary Hborn about 1900
SmartRussell Wborn about 1924
SmithAllen born about 1912
SmithAlma born about 1916
SmithCarl Lborn about 1928
SmithClaudia born about 1894
SmithClyde born about 1897
SmithClyde Leroyborn about 1933
SmithColleen Iborn about 1934
SmithCyrus Sborn about 1909
SmithDaisy Mborn about 1895
SmithDawson born about 1886
SmithEthel Hborn about 1915
SmithGail born about 1922
SmithGeorge Oborn about 1880
SmithGertrude born about 1891
SmithHelen Jborn about 1929
SmithJohn Gborn about 1894
SmithJohn Sborn about 1890
SmithLaura born about 1848
SmithLeonard Dborn about 1916
SmithLeslie Dborn about 1917
SmithLillian Mborn about 1908
SmithLucille born about 1920
SmithMelvin Lborn about 1921
SmithMyrtie born about 1888
SmithNancy Hborn about 1884
SmithOrville Dborn about 1928
SmithRaymond Hborn about 1933
SmithRobert Lborn about 1926
SmithRoy born about 1899
SmithSallie born about 1900
SmithW Marshallborn about 1914
SmithWalter Bborn about 1873
SmithWalton Gborn about 1917
SmithWayne born about 1917
SmithWilliam Daleborn about 1940
SmithWillis born about 1916
SmithWm Arthurborn about 1912
SommerBernard born about 1922
SommerGustav Cborn about 1916
SommerGustav Vborn about 1875
SommerHerman Jborn about 1917
SommerMary Elizabethborn about 1924
SommerNorma Hborn about 1917
SommerPauline born about 1927
SommerRayomd Jborn about 1920
SommerRita Francesborn about 1939
SommerRosie Aborn about 1885
SpurginDavid born about 1869
SpurginGrace Vborn about 1888
SpurginLeo Cborn about 1919
SpurginMary Ettieborn about 1870
SpurginRoy Aborn about 1893
SpurginSadie born about 1916
StearnsDavid born about 1867
StethemClaude Hborn about 1901
StethemSara Eborn about 1900
StevensonEnoch born about 1871
StevesonEvelyn Gborn about 1925
StevesonJoseph Gborn about 1896
StorieLawrence born about 1916
StorieMary Louiseborn about 1925

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T Surnames

TagueCarolyn born about 1921
TagueDorothy born about 1922
TagueLilliand born about 1899
TagueNellie born about 1930
TagueRuth Eborn about 1925
TagueWalter born about 1880
TellasWilliam Tborn about 1883
ThackeryEzra born about 1862
ThomasCharles born about 1901
ThomasMarchal born about 1926
ThomasMillie born about 1908
ThompsonWilliam Aborn about 1914
TrinbleJ Fredricborn about 1888
TrinbleNellie born about 1887
TurnerLouis Aborn about 1870

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V Surnames

VallileeLina Mborn about 1869
VawterElizabeth born about 1853
VayhingerAlbert Dborn about 1880
VayhingerTannie Mborn about 1885
VestalBernard Wborn about 1927
VestalByron Lborn about 1905
VestalFrances born about 1898
VestalLillian born about 1926
VestalMerl Wborn about 1904
VestalMyrtie Bborn about 1880
VestalOwen Hborn about 1902
VestalPryor born about 1878
VestalRuth Cborn about 1907
VestalWilliam Hborn about 1877
VestalZepha born about 1882

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W Surnames

WagognerAlfred Wborn about 1868
WagognerLorena born about 1879
WagognerStanley born about 1921
WalhmanCarrie born about 1890
WalhmanDollie born about 1898
WalhmanDorothy Mborn about 1911
WalhmanFred born about 1882
WalhmanHarold Jborn about 1906
WalhmanJessie born about 1892
WalhmanMarshall Wborn about 1923
WalhmanMorris Eborn about 1922
WalhmanWilliam born about 1862
WalhmanWilliam born about 1894
WaltzDonald Mborn about 1930
WaltzElyouise born about 1902
WaltzGeorge Gborn about 1928
WaltzGeorge Hborn about 1876
WaltzGleen born about 1903
WaltzJoseph Bborn about 1880
WaltzJoseph Mborn about 1926
WaltzLouis born about 1905
WaltzMarjorie Jborn about 1927
WaltzMary Aliceborn about 1889
WaltzRay Juniorborn about 1929
WaltzRay Mborn about 1905
WaltzRichard Hborn about 1934
WaltzVerle Wborn about 1917
WaltzWilliam Cborn about 1877
WarfieldElizabeth born about 1860
WatersGriffin Aborn about 1911
WatersInez Lborn about 1910
WatersJohn born about 1882
WeathfordAlma Mborn about 1887
WeathfordChester Cborn about 1888
WeberCharles Wborn about 1889
WeberGeorge born about 1891
WebsterIrene born about 1922
WelchElmer Leeborn about 1925
WhithamCecil born about 1904
WhithamFrank born about 1912
WhithamGleen born about 1924
WhithamHoward Cborn about 1934
WhithamLeana born about 1914
WhithamLily Mayborn about 1938
WhithamRuby born about 1921
WhithamWilson born about 1918
WhitthamBetty Janeborn about 1936
WhitthamLois born about 1917
WhitthamLois Marrieborn about 1938
WhitthamRoy Eborn about 1912
WikleBenjamin Kborn about 1864
WilburCarl born about 1915
WilchBen Jborn about 1887
WilchBernard Dborn about 1928
WilchClifford Hborn about 1921
WilchJophaine born about 1890
WilchMildred Lborn about 1924
WilderWinie born about 1868
WilliamBillie born about 1936
WilliamDella born about 1906
WilliamJohn Bborn about 1931
WilliamJohn Mborn about 1904
WilliamLouise born about 1929
WilliamMartin born about 1933
WilliamMitchell Vborn about 1939
WilliamNellie Janeborn about 1937
WilliamsMildred born about 1911
WilloughbyGeorge Pborn about 1863
WilsonCelia Mborn about 1895
WilsonClaude Hborn about 1893
WilsonEster Mayborn about 1934
WilsonF Vivianborn about 1916
WilsonFlora Roseborn about 1922
WilsonFoster Bborn about 1916
WilsonFrancis born about 1925
WilsonHarold born about 1911
WilsonHarvey Tborn about 1938
WilsonJanice Lborn about 1937
WilsonLoyd born about 1932
WilsonMarlin Kborn about 1940
WilsonN Nadineborn about 1931
WilsonRoscoe Fborn about 1888
WilsonRose Lborn about 1888
WilsonRuth Eborn about 1875
WilsonVirginia born about 1914
WolfBernard Dborn about 1920
WolfCharles Mborn about 1924
WolfClarence Bborn about 1926
WolfClarence Mborn about 1898
WolfFloyd Wborn about 1922
WolfHarold Eborn about 1929
WolfJaems Lborn about 1928
WolfMineva Eborn about 1898
WolfNorma Eborn about 1931
WrightGracie Jborn about 1892
WrightMary Eborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YagerBilly Leeborn about 1938
YagerDarmon Mborn about 1905
YagerJohn Eborn about 1876
YagerK Kathrynborn about 1880
YagerLelia Bborn about 1905
YagerPaul Lborn about 1927
YagerRamona Jborn about 1940
YancyFrancis born about 1918
YancyHarold born about 1918
YostCleve born about 1871
YostJane born about 1869
YostJohn born about 1871
YostRosetta born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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