1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morgan in Morgan County, Morgan, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Morgan in Morgan County

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AllenDonald Wborn about 1933
AllenFlorence Rborn about 1905
AllenFlossie born about 1906
AllenH Daleborn about 1935
AllenHorace Hborn about 1904
AllenRay Iborn about 1902
AllenRichard born about 1938
AllenWinifred Lborn about 1926
AllenWm Fborn about 1924

B Surnames

BaileyAsel Rborn about 1883
BaileyGrace born about 1885
BangeAnna born about 1864
BangeLouis born about 1892
BlunkHarrison Gborn about 1888
BlunkHazel born about 1922
BlunkJames born about 1932
BlunkMay born about 1898
BradyDavid Dborn about 1939
BradyJune born about 1913
BradyKenneth born about 1910
BradyMary Dborn about 1935
BrayAdah Lborn about 1892
BrayBlanche Tborn about 1898
BrayDora Aborn about 1868
BrayHerman Aborn about 1890
BrayJack Lborn about 1935
BrayJeanne born about 1929
BrayJuanita born about 1915
BrayOscar born about 1862
BrayRalph born about 1893
BrayRalph Eborn about 1884
BrayRaymond Cborn about 1896
BrayRobert born about 1917
BrayRowland Hborn about 1925
BrewerElsie Vborn about 1903
BrewerHarry born about 1868
BrewerJulia Sborn about 1869
BrewerOtho Lborn about 1900
BriggsGladys born about 1901
BriggsHarry born about 1894
BunyardJames born about 1928

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C Surnames

CainAlbert Gborn about 1876
CainDorothy Eborn about 1907
CainJames Uborn about 1875
CainMargaret Eborn about 1884
ClarkIda born about 1898

D Surnames

DillonGrace Mborn about 1915
DillonHarold Oborn about 1914
DillonJerusha born about 1900
DillonJulius born about 1924
DillonRobert Oborn about 1933
DillonRoy Eborn about 1898
DoephersEdna Lborn about 1872
DulinAugusta Mborn about 1888
DulinJesse Cborn about 1873

F Surnames

FergusonAnna Mborn about 1916
FergusonDaniel Rborn about 1937
FergusonDavid Kborn about 1938
FergusonHerman Nborn about 1915
FergusonJanice Lborn about 1935
FergusonLaura Mborn about 1916
FergusonMargaret born about 1886
FergusonMargaret Aborn about 1921
FergusonOral born about 1911
FergusonSamuel born about 1909
FergusonSue Cborn about 1939
FergusonWalter Rborn about 1936
FisherBertha born about 1884
FisherWilliam Aborn about 1878
FrielChester born about 1915
FrielDorothy born about 1919

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G Surnames

GarvinBetty Jborn about 1925
GibbonsAda Fborn about 1884
GibbonsCecil born about 1906
GibbonsEugene born about 1924
GibbonsHarold born about 1920
GibbonsLowell born about 1932
GibbonsLucile born about 1923
GibbonsVirginia born about 1929
GibbonsWalter born about 1880
GoodpasterAndrew Jborn about 1877
GoodpasterIla Mayborn about 1922
GoodpasterTheresa born about 1889
GunnellWilliam born about 1905

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H Surnames

HadleyMaye born about 1888
HadleyRobbins born about 1884
HadleySarah Ellenborn about 1869
HadleyWm Hborn about 1867
HageeIna born about 1880
HageeMildred born about 1908
HarveyAnnah Sborn about 1858
HockettFrank born about 1885
HockettHallie born about 1888
HoldenFred born about 1920
HoldenGladys born about 1927
HoldenJohn born about 1895
HoldenLaura Aborn about 1898
HornadayOra born about 1860
HortonAlpha Eborn about 1916
HortonCatherine born about 1881
HortonJoseph Wborn about 1870
HortonJoseph W Jrborn about 1923
HortonPauline born about 1906
HowellCarolyn Aborn about 1940
HowellMarilyn Jborn about 1937
HowellRuby born about 1922

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J Surnames

JohnsonDoris born about 1907
JohnsonElizabeth Jborn about 1926
JohnsonHarriet Lborn about 1928
JohnsonHarry born about 1903
JohnsonMax born about 1938
JonesI Lindleyborn about 1873
JonesMary Eborn about 1874
JudsonEmma born about 1891
JudsonHenry Mcmborn about 1925
JudsonJacyntha Vborn about 1922
JudsonRobert Mborn about 1927
JudsonStanley Eborn about 1920
JudsonStanley Mcmborn about 1887

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K Surnames

KeefeJames Cborn about 1875
KirkendollJohn born about 1880
KirkendollMarguerite born about 1888
KirkendollRaymond born about 1919
KirkpatrickFreeman born about 1926

L Surnames

LattaMary Annborn about 1850
LattaMay born about 1892
LeonardPrince born about 1874
LumpkinGrace Pborn about 1893
LumpkinRalph born about 1919
LumpkinRaymond born about 1923
LumpkinRichard born about 1925
LumpkinRuth born about 1927

M Surnames

MarleyCharles Hborn about 1865
MarleyMahala Aborn about 1865
MarleyOra Eborn about 1892
MarleyRuth Mborn about 1905
MarleyThelma Mborn about 1924
MartinCarol Louborn about 1933
MartinJulian born about 1935
MartinPeggy Aborn about 1937
MathiasAlice born about 1896
MathiasJohn Oborn about 1880
MaxwellEdward Jborn about 1873
MaxwellEliza born about 1875
MaxwellPaul born about 1916
McClellandSusan born about 1873
McClellandWm Aborn about 1873
McCloudGeorge born about 1880
McCloudMinnie born about 1885
McCoyLuther born about 1914
McCrackenAlma Jborn about 1922
McCrackenColin Wborn about 1926
McCrackenLola Aborn about 1885
McKinneyGeorge Eborn about 1914
McPhersonBessie born about 1897
McPhersonChester Aborn about 1891
MoonCaroline Jborn about 1935
MoonEsther born about 1897
MoonRay Sborn about 1900
MoonWm Rborn about 1924
MorganPleasant Pborn about 1872

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P Surnames

PageAlice Mborn about 1883
PageEvelyn born about 1918
PageWalter Hborn about 1911
PageWilliam Wborn about 1878
PhieferDawson born about 1911
PhieferJudith born about 1938
PhieferLucille born about 1914
PotterHenry born about 1917
PrayBertha born about 1873
PrayWallace Gborn about 1870

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R Surnames

ReckelCharles born about 1917
ReckelClara born about 1919
ReckelFred born about 1921
ReckelJohn born about 1889
ReckelLouis born about 1928
ReckelRobert born about 1924
ReckelRuth born about 1892
ReedEva born about 1918
RinksHarry born about 1873

S Surnames

ShaneAgnes born about 1919
ShaneRichard born about 1938
ShaneRobert born about 1915
ShieldsClair born about 1898
ShieldsFloy Mborn about 1896
ShieldsGeorge Eborn about 1929
ShieldsJane born about 1928
ShieldsMartha Aborn about 1935
ShieldsPaul Cborn about 1926
ShieldsRuth born about 1901
ShieldsWm Dborn about 1939
ShurlockWalter Vborn about 1889
SimpsonGeorge Wborn about 1921
SimpsonIva Cborn about 1891
StilesBeatrice born about 1909
StilesRonald Fborn about 1936
StilesTheobald Pborn about 1908
StilesWinona Rborn about 1933
SummersLela born about 1898
SummersMarion Mborn about 1923
SummersRaymond born about 1889

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T Surnames

TanseyDora Eborn about 1871
TanseyEdward Jborn about 1871
TerrellCleo born about 1917
TerrellElizabeth born about 1871
TerrellFlorence born about 1905
TerrellHarold Iborn about 1923
TerrellNorma Jeanborn about 1927
TerrellO Jborn about 1901
ThomasBertha born about 1895
ThomasEdward Lborn about 1871
ThomasWilliam born about 1867
ToonRachel Eborn about 1866
TurleyCarolyn Jborn about 1936
TurleyRussell Nborn about 1916
TurleyVivian born about 1917

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W Surnames

WalkerBurt born about 1893
WalkerHazel born about 1914
WalkerHelen Wborn about 1904
WalkerJanet Aborn about 1935
WalkerManson Jborn about 1915
WalkerMarvin Gborn about 1933
WalkerRoss Dborn about 1939
WannerEdith Eborn about 1879
WannerPeter Fborn about 1866
WatsonDavid born about 1933
WatsonFlo born about 1904
WatsonGeorge born about 1930
WatsonLee born about 1934
WatsonRoyston Tborn about 1903
WhiteDorothy born about 1904
WhiteFrank born about 1906
WhiteJerry born about 1934
WisehartJames Aborn about 1921
WisehartMarcia Rborn about 1924
WisehartMary Fborn about 1890
WisehartPaul Fborn about 1929
WisehartRoy Pborn about 1887

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Y Surnames

YoungBetty Annborn about 1870
YoungW Mborn about 1860

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