1940 U.S. Federal Census of New Garden, Wayne, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Wayne County > 1940 Census of New Garden

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

ActonJimmy born about 1936
AdamsonBeverly born about 1940
AdamsonEtta born about 1870
AdamsonMabel born about 1915
AdamsonRay born about 1909
AlexanderCarrie born about 1869
AlexanderClaude born about 1900
AlexanderMolly born about 1867
AlexanderSamuel born about 1870
AlkinsonLarkin born about 1868
AllenderBlanche born about 1906
AllenderCharles Wborn about 1892
AllenderNorman Daleborn about 1926
AllenderWanda Faeborn about 1932
AlveyDaryal born about 1936
AlveyMarjorie born about 1926
AlveyRichard born about 1930
AlveyRoy born about 1904
AlveyShirley Anneborn about 1938
AlveyThelma born about 1907
AndersCharlene born about 1874
AndersFrank born about 1877
AndersonLaura born about 1869
AndersonLemuel born about 1867
ArnettAlice born about 1884
ArnettBurley born about 1885
ArnettEtta born about 1864
ArnettMargaret born about 1926
ArnettSarah Elizabethborn about 1930
ArthurMargaret born about 1881
ArthurThomas born about 1890
AustermanArrethe born about 1912
AustermanDelores Jeanborn about 1939
AustermanJane Annborn about 1915
AustermanWilbur born about 1912
AustinAlice born about 1904
AustinBobby born about 1932
AustinRalph born about 1901
AustinRalph Jr born about 1926
AustinRuth born about 1923

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B Surnames

BadolletEllen born about 1918
BadolletEugene born about 1917
BakerBeverly born about 1932
BakerLucille born about 1902
BakerMary born about 1928
BakerRoscoe born about 1894
BarkerDavid born about 1938
BarkerDorothy born about 1935
BarkerMaria born about 1907
BarkerRobert born about 1905
BarkerRobert born about 1939
BarkerWilbur born about 1928
BarkerWilliam born about 1933
BarnerFrances born about 1901
BarnerHarold born about 1891
BartonBranson born about 1918
BartonDoris born about 1921
BartonEdward born about 1881
BartonJessie born about 1879
BeetleyDavid born about 1898
BeetleyDavid Jr born about 1920
BeetleyVauda born about 1901
BerryBruce born about 1920
BerryLoule born about 1922
BerryMaricia Annborn about 1938
BerryMyrtle born about 1882
BerryOmar born about 1879
BibbsAllen born about 1887
BibbsKatie born about 1886
BidbecdomCharles Aborn about 1920
BidbecdomTbelona born about 1922
BiddleAustin born about 1876
BleesingFrances born about 1896
BlessingGeorge Dborn about 1890
BlessingM Eborn about 1868
BlessingMartha Lotasborn about 1894
BlueBarbara born about 1929
BlueDonald born about 1940
BlueFranklin born about 1937
BlueJeanine born about 1935
BlueMyril born about 1896
BlueRichard born about 1925
BlueWilliam Eborn about 1888
BockhofferBonna Maeborn about 1932
BockhofferDoris Illeneborn about 1934
BockhofferEdward born about 1870
BockhofferFred born about 1866
BockhofferGrace born about 1904
BockhofferHoward born about 1902
BockhofferJohn Edwardborn about 1938
BockhofferMaud born about 1901
BockhofferWilliam Rborn about 1899
BockhofferWilliam Jr born about 1926
BondEdythe born about 1893
BondRebecca born about 1876
BondThomas born about 1858
BondWilliam born about 1892
BonnAnna born about 1872
BonnHenry Eborn about 1867
BonnRoscoe born about 1897
BordenPaul born about 1903
BorenGertrude born about 1891
BorenHettie born about 1871
BorenJohn Hborn about 1890
BorenRobert born about 1862
BowingEverett born about 1898
BowingFrank born about 1872
BowingMary born about 1906
BowingWilliam born about 1925
BradleyKenneth born about 1923
BradleyMarlow born about 1920
BradleyNellie born about 1890
BradleyNorman born about 1929
BradleySylvia born about 1921
BradyRetta born about 1895
BradySamuel born about 1893
BrinkleyC Aborn about 1895
BrinkleyLouise born about 1896
BrinklyAlta born about 1880
BrinklyT Herbertborn about 1887
BrittianNola born about 1889
BrooksLora born about 1869
BrooksWilliam born about 1866
BrouseAlta Mborn about 1879
BrouseWilliam Fborn about 1872
BrownAda born about 1875
BrownEthelmae born about 1922
BrownHelen born about 1906
BrownHerbert born about 1905
BrownLettie born about 1897
BrownMilo born about 1863
BrownRussell born about 1897
BrowseFrancis born about 1914
BrowseGeorge born about 1912
BrowseGeorge Jr born about 1938
BungerBetty born about 1926
BurdenAda born about 1916
BurdenIva born about 1895
BurdenJoesph born about 1921
BurdenKenneth born about 1914
BurdenToney born about 1884
BurdonLiza born about 1860
BurgErma Maeborn about 1908
BurgHarold born about 1908
BurgasAllene born about 1914
BurgasClarence born about 1898
BurgasJackie Royborn about 1938
BusbyDaisy born about 1879
BusbyEvelyn born about 1918
BusbyJames born about 1881
BusbyOtis born about 1911
BusbyOtis Jr born about 1939
BusenLewis Hborn about 1866
BusenMinnie Aborn about 1868

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C Surnames

CainDalhart born about 1928
CainFrances born about 1918
CainGeorge born about 1905
CainMina born about 1886
CainOnieta born about 1932
CainPauline born about 1908
CainRobert born about 1919
CainThomas born about 1881
CallinsFrances Marjorieborn about 1936
CallinsMartha Fernborn about 1933
CampbellDondena born about 1918
CampbellHarry born about 1931
CampbellHattie born about 1894
CampbellJames born about 1920
CampbellJames born about 1938
CampbellNorval born about 1915
CampbellRichard born about 1924
CarveyBilly born about 1932
CarveyIrene born about 1911
CharlesElma born about 1866
CharlesEva born about 1873
ChenewethAllen Eborn about 1869
ChenewethDorothy born about 1902
ChenewethRodena born about 1874
ClarkBarbara born about 1860
ClarkBetty born about 1890
ClarkBoyd born about 1927
ClarkElla born about 1913
ClarkJames born about 1851
ClarkJennie born about 1865
ClarkJoyce born about 1928
ClarkLois born about 1901
ClarkMarilyn Jeanborn about 1933
ClarkMurlin born about 1933
ClarkOliver born about 1857
ClarkOrville born about 1879
ClarkTilbert born about 1902
ClarkWilliam born about 1875
ClarkWillie born about 1910
ClarkWillie Hborn about 1937
ClauseArthur born about 1922
ClemensEdgar born about 1872
ClemensEdith born about 1904
ClemensJames born about 1928
ClemensPhillip born about 1938
ClemensPresley born about 1901
ClementsKenneth born about 1927
ClementsNelle born about 1888
CloppCecil born about 1891
CloppLe Roy born about 1934
CloppNina born about 1897
CloppPhylis born about 1926
CloppRibea born about 1922
ClorebaughBilly born about 1926
ClorebaughBlanche born about 1887
ClorebaughClarence born about 1886
ClorebaughFrances born about 1924
ClorebaughJimmy born about 1927
CobineJames born about 1878
CobineJane born about 1877
CobinsCyril born about 1911
CobinsLona born about 1917
CoffinEllen born about 1867
CogshallBlanche born about 1883
CogshallCarl born about 1879
CogshallFlorence born about 1926
CogshallGeorge born about 1924
CollinsRolla born about 1858
CommerJosephine born about 1929
CommerLorena born about 1912
ConnerFrancis born about 1926
ConnerJoan born about 1927
ConnerRussel born about 1900
ConnerThelma born about 1907
ConwayFred born about 1902
ConwayHarry born about 1904
ConwayJames Fborn about 1933
ConwayJohn Eborn about 1940
ConwayMae born about 1877
ConwayMargaret Annborn about 1933
ConwayRalph born about 1899
ConwayRichard born about 1871
ConwayRussell Warpaborn about 1935
ConwayThelma born about 1907
ConwayThomas Eborn about 1938
ConwayWilliam Rborn about 1936
CooperWilliam born about 1866
CoryFrank born about 1924
CotterJean born about 1918
CotterMichael born about 1914
CoulterCatherine born about 1899
CoxBeverly born about 1931
CoxJuanita born about 1901
CoxLeon born about 1901
CoxRobert born about 1929
CraigFrancis born about 1925
CraigRobert born about 1928
CranorNelle born about 1905
CranorWilliam born about 1903
CroweElizabeth born about 1863
CumminsEarle Raymondborn about 1924
CumminsFrank born about 1899
CumminsJoane Lucilleborn about 1939
CumminsMadge born about 1900
CumminsMary Eleneborn about 1929
CumminsNellie Anneborn about 1925

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D Surnames

DalbyMaggie born about 1861
DanhamEdward born about 1878
DanhamJennie born about 1877
DaughteryDavid born about 1917
DaughteryHoward born about 1914
DavisEverett born about 1886
DavisMildred born about 1893
DayHarry Eborn about 1897
DayIdris born about 1893
DealLeona Dborn about 1881
DealWilliam Eborn about 1883
DearmondDora born about 1877
DearmondMildred born about 1913
DilleonZona born about 1894
DouglasFrances born about 1921
DoyAlbert born about 1923
DoySally born about 1927
DoySarah born about 1926
DrakeF Bborn about 1863
DrakeMargaret born about 1885
DunhamAnna born about 1927
DunhamBarbara born about 1936
DunhamFloyd born about 1895
DunhamJohn Dborn about 1934
DunhamMary Ellenborn about 1939
DunhamMyrtle born about 1903
DunhamNorma born about 1925
DunhamThomas born about 1875
DurkettEdna born about 1902
DurkettKathryn born about 1932
DurkettRussell born about 1890
DurkettRussell Jr born about 1920
DuvallClarence born about 1922
DwbinDorothy born about 1913
DwbinVernon born about 1915
DwigguisLaura born about 1871

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E Surnames

EarlyEmma born about 1884
EarlyL Cborn about 1881
EiobankEunice born about 1877
ElkinsClifford born about 1929
ElkinsEsther born about 1909
ElkinsGloria born about 1934
ElkinsMarvin born about 1931
ElkinsRobert born about 1909
ElkinsRobert born about 1928
EllemanJaspher Eltonborn about 1872
EllemanRosa born about 1869
EllisAnna born about 1887
ElmerEmory Renborn about 1915
ElmerMargaret Annborn about 1940
ElmerVirginia born about 1918
EloffBetty Leeborn about 1919
EloffCarl born about 1917
EloffDonald born about 1926
EloffJune born about 1931
EloffPauline born about 1896
EvansCarroll Lborn about 1895
EvansCharles Eugeneborn about 1928
EvansEva Lborn about 1895
EvansFred born about 1872
EvansHubert Dborn about 1932
EvansKizzie born about 1878
EvansMary Ethelborn about 1916
EvansMildred Lborn about 1923
EvansWanda Mborn about 1926
EwingHarvey born about 1874
EwingJennie Mborn about 1886

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F Surnames

FayWarren born about 1874
FennemoreElla born about 1865
FerrisRobert born about 1912
FerrisRuth born about 1915
FisherFrances born about 1929
FisherGertrude born about 1896
FisherHershel born about 1926
FisherLloyd born about 1889
FisherLuther born about 1887
FisherMary born about 1922
FisherPhyllis born about 1933
FisherVirginia born about 1920
FisherZula born about 1888
FlatterAda born about 1902
FlatterBertha Eborn about 1889
FlatterForest Jborn about 1887
FlatterRussell born about 1898
FlatterVirginia born about 1924
ForemanAlbert Jborn about 1885
ForemanEmma Ruthborn about 1892
ForemanHenrietta born about 1862
ForemanLum born about 1858
ForenLouis born about 1877
ForenMax born about 1919
ForenPauline born about 1890
FruitHannah Jborn about 1860
FruitW Nborn about 1862
FulgumDaisy born about 1876

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G Surnames

GeiseBetty Juneborn about 1940
GeiseEugene born about 1932
GeiseJuanita born about 1936
GeiseMary born about 1913
GeiseMary Louborn about 1939
GeisePaul born about 1913
GeisePhyliss born about 1934
GeiseVirginia Leaborn about 1937
GentryEdith born about 1911
GettingerViola born about 1872
GiffordCharles born about 1874
GiffordRuica born about 1873
GreenBenjamin Bborn about 1935
GreenDissie born about 1907
GreerIrene born about 1921
GreerRobert born about 1912
GreerRoland born about 1939
GrifferEva born about 1877
GroyEsley born about 1877
GroyRussell born about 1896
GuetterLenard Hborn about 1916
GuettnerPerry born about 1912

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H Surnames

HagesmanDonald born about 1929
HagesmanDorothy born about 1935
HagesmanHarold born about 1933
HagesmanJimmy born about 1939
HagesmanMabel born about 1911
HagesmanWillard born about 1907
HaileyJohn born about 1869
HaileyMary born about 1867
HaimiltonRuth born about 1913
HallingsworthCyrus born about 1903
HallingsworthMax Eldonborn about 1926
HallingsworthMyria born about 1903
HallingsworthRuth Ellenborn about 1932
HallingsworthThomas Edgarborn about 1925
HallowayHannah born about 1871
HallowayHubert Aborn about 1907
HallowayValeta born about 1908
HalthonceBen born about 1874
HamptonBertha born about 1866
HamptonHilda born about 1897
HamptonLillian born about 1909
HarrironAda born about 1896
HarrisEugene born about 1890
HarrisHzel Madonnaborn about 1931
HarrisJennie born about 1868
HarrisJohn born about 1923
HarrisLaura born about 1898
HarrisLeslie born about 1888
HarrisMaggie born about 1918
HarrisMary Ettaborn about 1925
HarrisVada Fonborn about 1935
HarrisWilliam Hborn about 1927
HarrisonLawrence Jr born about 1925
HarrisonMarguerite born about 1902
HarrisonMary born about 1860
HarrisonNelson born about 1939
HarrisonWyvonna born about 1924
HartkyEmma Wborn about 1859
HawkinsClara born about 1909
HawkinsClarence born about 1894
HayJane born about 1911
HelmaDeborah born about 1930
HelmaFrances born about 1927
HelmaHerbert born about 1929
HelmaKeith born about 1925
HelmaMurray born about 1903
HelmaOlive born about 1900
HensleyEdna born about 1900
HensleyLloyd born about 1893
HickmanH Gborn about 1883
HickmanMary born about 1881
HiggondAllen Jborn about 1931
HiggondCharles Eborn about 1925
HiggondElenor Aborn about 1931
HiggondEsley Bborn about 1909
HiggondHerman Mborn about 1901
HiggondMary Annaborn about 1929
HillBetty born about 1918
HillDenver born about 1916
HillElmer Eborn about 1899
HillFred born about 1890
HillGeorge Williamborn about 1937
HillGuy Francesborn about 1919
HillIda born about 1891
HillIrene born about 1915
HillJanice born about 1940
HillJemmy born about 1930
HillJerry born about 1937
HillLaverne born about 1935
HillMaria born about 1898
HillOpal born about 1918
HillRbea Anneborn about 1932
HillWalter born about 1912
HimelickBilly born about 1938
HimelickDavid born about 1934
HimelickEarnest born about 1890
HimelickLatia born about 1889
HimelickLloyd born about 1914
HimelickReba born about 1914
HinshawClyde born about 1910
HinshawJoyce born about 1928
HinshawLena Beasborn about 1914
HinshawMabel born about 1896
HinshawMichiael Anthonyborn about 1939
HinshawRodney Clarkeborn about 1936
HinshawT Rborn about 1893
HinshonIdris Elizabethborn about 1908
HinshonMargareta Fborn about 1871
HodginBert born about 1876
HodginElmer born about 1882
HodginMary born about 1878
HodginMary born about 1912
HodginMinnie born about 1883
HogattEva Nborn about 1870
HogattHarace born about 1912
HogattHelen born about 1912
HolfieldCharles born about 1877
HolfieldDaisy born about 1876
HornerEllen Charleneborn about 1926
HornerEva Lucilleborn about 1923
HornerMary born about 1898
HornerMary Loisborn about 1897
HornerNina Mariaborn about 1931
HorwellIrene born about 1902
HorwellLewis born about 1891
HorwellMarjorie born about 1923
HoughMary Jborn about 1864
HoworthDonald Eborn about 1925
HoworthHarry Dborn about 1881
HoworthIva Mborn about 1883
HuggRoswell born about 1895
HullEmma born about 1852
HullWilliam born about 1858
HulsCharles born about 1859
HuntAlice born about 1867
HuntBarbara born about 1937
HuntCleona born about 1906
HuntEarnest Iborn about 1877
HuntEdna born about 1890
HuntEmily born about 1898
HuntEmma born about 1864
HuntErnest Gborn about 1911
HuntHarry born about 1895
HuntHoward born about 1905
HuntJearld born about 1925
HuntLeonard born about 1929
HuntMary Eborn about 1921
HuntOrla Eborn about 1898
HuntPatcy born about 1935
HuntViola Mborn about 1895
HustedMyrtle born about 1890
HustedPerry born about 1901
HyreClarence Aborn about 1883
HyreDuane born about 1935
HyreJoe born about 1937
HyreLeon born about 1907
HyreLeon Jr born about 1931
HyreMary born about 1930
HyreMildred born about 1907
HyreRose born about 1888
HyreSusie born about 1939

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I Surnames

ImelCatherine born about 1867
IngleCatherine Jborn about 1860

J Surnames

JacksonFrank born about 1889
JacksonGay born about 1892
JacksonHarold born about 1923
JacksonWillard Aborn about 1909
JarretJ Eborn about 1903
JarretMary born about 1893
JenkinsRuth born about 1921
JessugElla born about 1856
JohnsonEverett born about 1916
JohnsonGeorge born about 1921
JohnsonMary Pborn about 1886
JohnsonMorris born about 1884
JohnstonBilly born about 1930
JohnstonJames born about 1939
JohnstonMillard born about 1903
JohnstonRaymond born about 1928
JohnstonThelma born about 1903
JonesAtta born about 1874
JonesRocy born about 1868

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K Surnames

KeifferPaul born about 1904
KeifferVirginia born about 1905
KeneworthyJessie born about 1891
KeneworthyRobert born about 1924
KeneworthyWilliam born about 1887
KennedyHelen born about 1912
KennedyMarilyn born about 1936
KennedyMarion born about 1905
KennedyNorma born about 1933
KitchellDanna Jeanborn about 1933
KitchellJerry born about 1935
KitchellLulu born about 1897
KitchellRobert born about 1898
KitchellVerline born about 1929
KlineBeatrice born about 1905
KlineHarold Gborn about 1904
KnallDona born about 1911
KnallMyrvil born about 1908
KnallThomas born about 1934
KnightBetty born about 1927
KnightClayton born about 1892
KnightIma born about 1894
KnightVirginia born about 1922
KulhmanFrank Hborn about 1872
KulhmanLeona born about 1900

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L Surnames

LaceyForest born about 1893
LaceyForest Jr born about 1917
LaceyMarie born about 1893
LaeeyGenieve born about 1924
LaeeyKatheleen born about 1926
LaeeyPauline born about 1906
LaeeyRussell Hborn about 1901
LaneBessie Iborn about 1889
LaneCharles Cborn about 1886
LaneEugene born about 1922
LaneLester born about 1899
LaneMary born about 1897
LaughlinJohn born about 1881
LaughlinRoxie born about 1888
LawerenceCamlia Janeborn about 1936
LawerenceD Victoriaborn about 1902
LawerenceDelbert born about 1906
LawerencePatricia Annborn about 1932
LeavellF Eborn about 1865
LeceyClifford born about 1912
LeceyIrene born about 1913
LeceyIrene born about 1923
LeceyReed Allenborn about 1936
LeceyRetta Bellborn about 1939
LeceyRichard Earleborn about 1934
LeiboldAnna born about 1879
LeiboldLuther born about 1878
LeiboldRuby born about 1905
LeonardNora born about 1878
LeonardS born about 1879
LethaDonna Faeborn about 1940
LethaMae born about 1937
LewisAda born about 1900
LewisBetty born about 1930
LewisBobby born about 1926
LewisChristine born about 1920
LewisHarry born about 1887
LewisHarry Jr born about 1938
LewisKatie Mayborn about 1872
LewisTitus born about 1867
LillyLaura born about 1901
LillyLois born about 1932
LongHoward Dborn about 1890
LongfellowFrank born about 1881
LongfellowMary Eborn about 1882
LongfillowEverett born about 1908
LontzCarrie born about 1882
LontzFrancis born about 1924
LontzJohn born about 1882
LontzSusie Belleborn about 1859
LoveEldon born about 1913
LoveEstella born about 1912
LoveHoward born about 1914
LoveJudith Elaineborn about 1936
LoveReba born about 1920
LoveVernon born about 1933
LoveVirgil born about 1940
LovinEva born about 1885
LovinJames born about 1877

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M Surnames

MacyBernice born about 1887
MacyJoseph born about 1860
MacyRoss born about 1887
MakeeAnita Foyeborn about 1938
MakeeHazel born about 1907
MakeePaul Hborn about 1906
MakeeRichard Dborn about 1935
MakeeRonald Gborn about 1937
ManuelMary born about 1892
ManuelRoy born about 1890
MarshallBarbara Lowborn about 1931
MarshallElizabeth born about 1911
MarshallElizabeth Janeborn about 1937
MarshallMiariam Hborn about 1909
MartinBurgess born about 1914
MartinCatherine born about 1876
MartinClarence Jborn about 1875
MartinClarence J Jrborn about 1916
MartinDavid born about 1930
MartinGeorgia born about 1910
MartinKeith born about 1908
MartinMargaret Louiseborn about 1937
MartinRussell born about 1939
MartinSarah Louiseborn about 1903
MartinShirley born about 1936
MartinVada born about 1915
MaryHenry born about 1900
MaryRena born about 1883
MaryReubenn born about 1889
MaryRuth born about 1902
McClishEdward Gborn about 1893
McClishJanice born about 1902
McGrawMargaret born about 1874
McIntireRobert Lelandborn about 1902
McIntreBetty born about 1923
McIntreJunior born about 1924
McIntreMarjorie born about 1902
McIntrePhylis born about 1926
McMattNettie born about 1873
McNuttGarnet born about 1898
McNuttJoan born about 1930
McNuttJoyce born about 1933
McNuttVern born about 1893
McPhersonKathryn Maeborn about 1934
McPhersonMarley born about 1897
McPhersonVera born about 1906
McQuistonAnn Bellborn about 1866
McQuistonClara born about 1929
McQuistonClyde born about 1926
McQuistonRay born about 1891
McQuistonRobert born about 1863
MellingJohn born about 1878
MendenhallDessie born about 1892
MendenhallEarl born about 1880
MeyersAnne born about 1872
MeyersFlossie born about 1895
MeyersHelen born about 1933
MeyersHoward born about 1901
MeyersMary born about 1927
MeyersPerry born about 1939
MeyersRena born about 1902
MeyersRussell born about 1895
MeyersWillard born about 1924
MikesellCecil born about 1903
MikesellJoanna born about 1934
MikesellTalata born about 1904
MilleLucella born about 1865
MillerAlice born about 1924
MillerAnna Maeborn about 1875
MillerCharles born about 1884
MillerElla born about 1884
MillerElmer born about 1874
MillerFrances Bborn about 1915
MillerFredrick born about 1939
MillerHelen born about 1889
MillerJosphine born about 1917
MillerNiles born about 1935
MillerRobert Fborn about 1912
MillsBell born about 1894
MillsE Dborn about 1893
MillsEdward J Rborn about 1929
MitchellBlanche born about 1889
MitchellFreda born about 1891
MitchellJuanita born about 1923
MitchellMaria born about 1896
MitchellMary born about 1855
MitchellPaul Rborn about 1897
MitchellRalph born about 1920
MitchellRobert born about 1927
MoormanFrank born about 1859
MoormanJessie born about 1875
MorrowHarry born about 1901
MorrowHarry Jr born about 1936
MorrowHelen born about 1907
MorrowRichmond born about 1934
MucerTinnes born about 1865
MurphyLawerence born about 1920
MurphyNellie born about 1918
MurrayGilbert born about 1903
MurrayOlive born about 1904
MurrayRobert born about 1926

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N Surnames

NetzelRose born about 1864
NewtonEdward born about 1940
NewtonFaye born about 1916
NewtonJames born about 1939
NewtonShelby born about 1935
NewtonVirginia born about 1936
NewtonWoodrow born about 1915
NightOra born about 1880
NightZelphia born about 1883
NileyHallie born about 1917
NileyJane born about 1938
NileyLowell born about 1916
NormanIva Reoborn about 1884
NusbawgMary Rborn about 1889
NusbawgVernon Lborn about 1878
NwtonBaker born about 1911
NwtonMary Lborn about 1918

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O Surnames

OakleyBlanche born about 1896
OakleyJames born about 1897
OakleyJames Jr born about 1932
OakleyJohn born about 1935
OakleyLloyd born about 1930
OakleyMargaret born about 1933
OzbunEdward born about 1895
OzbunIvan born about 1927
OzbunMaggie born about 1896

P Surnames

PaienLaura born about 1878
PaienWill born about 1875
PallardEva Mborn about 1876
PalmerFred born about 1895
PalmerMarie born about 1895
ParrichCleo born about 1912
ParrichFlorence born about 1914
ParrishFlorence born about 1882
ParrishJasphie born about 1875
PearsonBelle born about 1886
PearsonCarlyle born about 1926
PearsonElla born about 1871
PearsonZene born about 1923
PenlandClarence born about 1893
PenlandLida Aborn about 1861
PennyDale born about 1937
PennyFlorence born about 1906
PennyGeorge born about 1903
PennyJames born about 1925
PennyRichard born about 1928
PennyVada born about 1930
PennyVivian born about 1935
PennyWilliam born about 1932
PerkinsDaisy born about 1892
PerkinsJames born about 1893
PetersDale Richardborn about 1924
PetersEdna Mborn about 1900
PetersFrank Lborn about 1902
PetersGlenn Leonborn about 1933
PetersKeith Lborn about 1927
PettsGladys born about 1915
PettsGrace born about 1913
PettsIsaac born about 1857
PettsMartha born about 1856
PettsMurray born about 1911
PettyDaisy born about 1881
PettyMary Cborn about 1859
PickettElizabeth born about 1931
PickettEsther born about 1898
PickettHerschal born about 1900
PickettLeland born about 1935
PikeAddie Eborn about 1875
PikeLerilley Murrayborn about 1874
PittsGrace Aborn about 1886
PittsHenry born about 1884
PittsSarah born about 1860
PotterA Lborn about 1859
PotterElla born about 1864
PretzmanAnna Leeborn about 1935

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R Surnames

RailsbackEvelyn born about 1930
RailsbackJean born about 1922
RailsbackJoan born about 1923
RailsbackJohn born about 1927
RailsbackMarjorie born about 1901
RailsbackMartha born about 1925
RailsbackRobert born about 1937
RailsbackVern born about 1895
RailsbackVivian born about 1934
RandolphDoris born about 1914
RandolphJohn born about 1914
RaynoldsHarold born about 1900
RaynoldsJacqueline born about 1939
RaynoldsNancy born about 1937
RaynoldsOscar born about 1881
RaynoldsUral born about 1894
RaynoldsVirginia born about 1915
RecceHarry Mborn about 1893
ReeceDella born about 1871
ReeceEdna born about 1887
ReeceEdwin born about 1873
ReeceOmar born about 1886
ReeceWilliam Iborn about 1919
ReeverGertrude born about 1896
ReeverHorton born about 1875
ReynoldsAlma born about 1897
ReynoldsAnne born about 1885
ReynoldsArlie born about 1876
ReynoldsCarl born about 1877
ReynoldsEdna born about 1907
ReynoldsEthel born about 1885
ReynoldsFloyd born about 1916
ReynoldsHarold born about 1880
ReynoldsIva born about 1883
ReynoldsJohn born about 1910
ReynoldsMargaret born about 1916
ReynoldsMattie born about 1867
ReynoldsPearl born about 1889
ReynoldsRaymond born about 1924
ReynoldsWallace born about 1896
ReynoldsWilbur born about 1914
ReysConnie born about 1929
RhoderEmma Houghborn about 1862
RhoderOscar Mborn about 1863
RichardsLois born about 1935
RichardsonDorisann born about 1931
RichardsonEdwin born about 1928
RichardsonGracie born about 1922
RichardsonRuth born about 1890
RichardsonWalter born about 1887
RileyLeta born about 1902
RileyRobert born about 1905
RinerClarence born about 1885
RinerMannie born about 1886
RobbinsAnne Maeborn about 1902
RobbinsBarbara born about 1935
RobbinsDale Edwardborn about 1937
RobbinsGenieve born about 1903
RobbinsLeo Jborn about 1908
RossDaisy born about 1902
RossEthel born about 1890
RossHarkel born about 1895
RossImogene born about 1927
RossJessie born about 1891
RossMadonna born about 1924
RossRichard born about 1925
RothermalGeorge born about 1923
RothermalWilhelmina born about 1873
RupeBilly born about 1932
RupeDow born about 1903
RupeDow Jr born about 1926
RupeGarnet born about 1902
RupeNancy born about 1936
RupeNorma born about 1930
RustChalmer born about 1925
RustCharles born about 1887
RustHoward born about 1920
RustMamie born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaleDonald born about 1923
SanderaAllen born about 1895
SanderaAllen Jr born about 1924
SanderaEleen born about 1927
SanderaJames born about 1934
SanderaJohn born about 1937
SanderaPatricia born about 1931
SanderaVirginia born about 1896
SanderaWilliam born about 1929
ScantlandCora Mborn about 1871
ScantlandOliver Hborn about 1872
ScarceFred born about 1888
Schnieder??? born about 1918
SchniederLaverne born about 1919
SchroederDonnabelle born about 1921
SchroederMabel born about 1899
SchroederNorma born about 1927
SchroederWalter born about 1900
SchroederrLunetta born about 1873
ScottAnna Hborn about 1878
ScottBessie born about 1886
ScottD Wborn about 1866
ScottPaul born about 1914
SheardBilly born about 1925
SheardGeorge born about 1903
SheardGoldie born about 1904
SheardJo Annborn about 1930
ShinnSarah born about 1871
ShinnWill born about 1873
ShoemakerMerle born about 1915
ShortBerdena born about 1918
ShortDelores born about 1939
ShortShirley born about 1937
ShortWilliam born about 1911
ShowalterCarl born about 1906
ShowalterCatherine born about 1918
ShowalterCharles born about 1881
ShowalterDonald born about 1911
ShowalterEmily born about 1910
ShowalterJames born about 1929
ShowalterMaurice born about 1916
ShowalterMax born about 1933
ShowalterPhyllis born about 1935
ShowalterRalph born about 1934
ShowalterRichard born about 1927
ShowalterRobert born about 1936
ShowalterVida born about 1884
ShuteMattie Eborn about 1875
SipeMay born about 1887
SmithAlice Louiseborn about 1881
SmithDelbert born about 1911
SmithEarl born about 1876
SmithEmma born about 1879
SmithJosephine born about 1912
SmithLeveston born about 1905
SmithLorene born about 1912
SmithMary born about 1904
SmithRobert Tborn about 1877
SnarrDaisy Pborn about 1882
SnarrJohn Lborn about 1923
SnarrJulia Mborn about 1918
SnarrMarvin Oborn about 1882
SnarrPaul Wborn about 1921
SnulleyEmma born about 1867
SpencerCharles born about 1875
SpencerEffie born about 1878
SpencerMaria born about 1898
SpencerVirgil born about 1901
StantonEtta born about 1859
StarbuckKate born about 1882
StarbuckMary born about 1918
StarbuckRodger born about 1915
StevensDaniel Cborn about 1872
StevensMary Eborn about 1876
StidhamCarrie born about 1900
StidhamLouise born about 1925
StidhamRoy born about 1894
StidhamRuby born about 1927
StidhamWilliam born about 1928
StrongFrank born about 1910
StrongLorene born about 1917
StrongLucy born about 1889
StrongMary born about 1936
StrongShirley born about 1937
StrongWalter born about 1886
StudyAlva born about 1870
StudyWinifred born about 1887
StultsCharline born about 1924
StultsDarryl born about 1926
StultsMax Eborn about 1921
StultsMiriam born about 1930
StultsRoger Wborn about 1900
StultsRuby Eborn about 1901
SwainAlbert born about 1864
SwainBetty Janeborn about 1939
SwainJessie born about 1891
SwainLouis born about 1914
SwainMartha Louiseborn about 1930
SwainOnda Fayeborn about 1923
SwainOpal born about 1915
SwainRay Gborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaschlogCarl Bborn about 1894
TaschlogIrene born about 1922
TaschlogKenneth born about 1926
TaschlogLillian born about 1901
TaschlogLorin born about 1936
TaschlogMildred born about 1923
TaschlogThelona born about 1929
TaschlogVerlin born about 1937
TaylorAudrey born about 1892
TaylorEverett born about 1891
TaylorFrank born about 1878
TaylorMyrtle born about 1882
TennisLester born about 1895
TennisRose born about 1907
ThallsCatherine born about 1915
ThallsDonald born about 1938
ThallsJoyce born about 1936
ThallsVictor born about 1913
ThomasAurita Mborn about 1884
ThomasCarrie born about 1864
ThomasClara born about 1877
ThomasDavid born about 1929
ThomasFaye born about 1904
ThomasHazel born about 1893
ThomasHerman born about 1894
ThomasHoward born about 1920
ThomasMartha born about 1914
ThomasReid born about 1905
ThomasRobert born about 1900
ThomasRobert Jr born about 1924
ThomasRoger born about 1916
ThomasStuart born about 1937
ThompFrances Tborn about 1917
ThompIva Aborn about 1904
ThompJames Mborn about 1883
ThompsonCharlie born about 1875
ThornboughCreed born about 1919
ThornboughFlorence born about 1892
ThornboughFrank born about 1884
ThornboughJohn born about 1924
ThornboughJudith born about 1926
ThorntonArchie born about 1900
ThorntonIrene born about 1899
ThorntonJoan born about 1930
ThorntonJune born about 1930
ThorntonMarifuances born about 1921
ThorntonRobert born about 1925
ThorontonAdella born about 1876
ThorontonWillis Cborn about 1873
TunnerEdith born about 1899
TunnerHerman born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanettnClara born about 1890
VanettnHerbert born about 1883
VotowCatherine born about 1865
VotowClarence born about 1854

W Surnames

WaddellCarrie born about 1878
WaddellNoah born about 1873
WakefieldC Loyodborn about 1876
WakefieldFoye born about 1924
WakefieldMae born about 1887
WakefieldMerle born about 1907
WangerAmanda born about 1864
WardJohn born about 1875
WardMary born about 1876
WardPaul born about 1916
WardReba born about 1917
WellerBen born about 1903
WellerDavid Augustborn about 1937
WellerIrene born about 1903
WellerRichard born about 1928
WellerRosealle Jeanborn about 1931
WheelerLuther born about 1879
WickershamClaude born about 1889
WilliamsCharles Oborn about 1924
WilliamsDaniel Wborn about 1876
WilliamsDenzil Eborn about 1933
WilliamsDonald Rborn about 1932
WilliamsEdna born about 1905
WilliamsErthur born about 1906
WilliamsFrank Bborn about 1862
WilliamsFrank Cborn about 1862
WilliamsGertrude born about 1875
WilliamsHarry Cborn about 1899
WilliamsIsaac Sr born about 1878
WilliamsJoyce born about 1931
WilliamsJudith born about 1940
WilliamsKeith born about 1911
WilliamsKenneth born about 1929
WilliamsLarry born about 1936
WilliamsLeslie born about 1938
WilliamsLulu born about 1871
WilliamsOtis born about 1903
WilliamsPerry Cborn about 1906
WilliamsPhyllis born about 1930
WilliamsRobert born about 1926
WilliamsRoy born about 1926
WilliamsRuby born about 1908
WilliamsSarah Eborn about 1869
WilliamsSophronia born about 1867
WilliamsWilliam born about 1914
WilliamsonRosa born about 1881
WiseLucille born about 1913
WiseWillard born about 1904
WoodDe Main born about 1861
WoodElla born about 1861
WoodardHenry born about 1860
WoodardMary born about 1856
WoodruffC Elmerborn about 1905
WoodruffElmer Iraborn about 1934
WoodruffMary Francesborn about 1928
WoodruffPearl Ednaborn about 1908
WootersFlorence born about 1873
WootersHarry born about 1874
WrightBen born about 1865
WrightCatherine born about 1871
WrightDonna Faeborn about 1933
WrightDorothy born about 1901
WrightEarl born about 1896
WrightElmer born about 1928
WrightJack born about 1931
WrightJohn born about 1894
WrightLawerence born about 1924
WrightMartha born about 1921
WrightMary Catherineborn about 1929
WrightMozella born about 1925
WrightMyrle born about 1905
WrightNellie born about 1871
WrightRuth born about 1897
WrightVerl born about 1927
WrightWilliam born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerCharles Wborn about 1903
YeagerInez born about 1910
YeagerMarilyn born about 1932
YeagerWilliam Rborn about 1874
YoungMinnie born about 1884
YoungOmer born about 1882
YoungRuby born about 1885
YoungW Oborn about 1882

Z Surnames

ZurwellBabbie Leeborn about 1930
ZurwellFlorence born about 1858
ZurwellJerry Joeborn about 1937
ZurwellRobert born about 1903

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