1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oregon in Clark County, Clark, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clark County > 1940 Census of Oregon in Clark County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAlbert Tborn about 1879
AbbottAnna born about 1861
AdmasNellie Pborn about 1885
AlexandrieCleve born about 1865
AmichJohn Lborn about 1872
AmichLawrence Lborn about 1911
AmichMagiee Mborn about 1873
AmickAda born about 1886
AmickAndy born about 1920
AmickArchie born about 1895
AmickCharle Eborn about 1884
AmickCharlie Eborn about 1910
AmickCordie born about 1887
AmickCristal born about 1923
AmickDolores born about 1910
AmickDorothy Lborn about 1921
AmickDorthy born about 1917
AmickEarl Bborn about 1890
AmickErvin born about 1925
AmickFay born about 1911
AmickForest born about 1917
AmickFrank born about 1882
AmickHarry Bborn about 1888
AmickHazel born about 1928
AmickJettie born about 1887
AmickJoan born about 1939
AmickKenneth born about 1917
AmickMarie Gborn about 1897
AmickMartha Jborn about 1874
AmickMary Iborn about 1887
AmickMary Jborn about 1937
AmickMelvin born about 1921
AmickMinnie born about 1889
AmickNorma Gborn about 1933
AmickOra Pborn about 1891
AmickRoy born about 1880
AmickRussell born about 1891
AmickRuth Mborn about 1897
AmickSamuel Tborn about 1878
AmickWilliam born about 1881
AnickJesse Wborn about 1870
AnickMitta born about 1867

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B Surnames

BadgenAuthr Lborn about 1912
BadgenGrace born about 1907
BadgerDale born about 1922
BairdDee Rborn about 1925
BairdGeorge born about 1931
BairdGlen born about 1929
BairdLula Mborn about 1940
BairdMaggie Bborn about 1902
BairdMarriet born about 1934
BairdMary Fborn about 1926
BairdMelvin born about 1936
BairdMildred born about 1924
BairdRobert born about 1900
BairdVirginia born about 1928
BanblisphWilliam born about 1919
BauerFred born about 1881
BauerHerma born about 1919
BauerNellie born about 1891
BernettoAlma born about 1901
BernettoHarlan born about 1924
BernettoJosephine born about 1926
BernettoLrobble born about 1898
BlumeCharles Cborn about 1891
BlumeFlornce Cborn about 1864
BlumeVernora born about 1900
BoellardIsabell born about 1901
BoellardJudy born about 1892
BoellardKarthern Rborn about 1932
BoellardKeneth Iborn about 1934
BoellardMinnie born about 1928
BoellardRuth Aborn about 1939
BoellardSeira Eborn about 1927
BoellardWilliam Hborn about 1930
BonsetLuther born about 1918
BonsetMedaford born about 1915
BonsetWilliam born about 1864
BottoffElnor born about 1854
BottoffLamora born about 1872
BottoffMalvin Oborn about 1874
BowerBeryle Fborn about 1919
BowerBouina born about 1891
BowerBryan Eborn about 1919
BowerBryan Sborn about 1897
BowerCharles Lborn about 1940
BowerClaudie born about 1914
BowerClyde born about 1884
BowerGladys Iborn about 1899
BowerJohn Hborn about 1873
BowerMary born about 1916
BowerMary Geneborn about 1940
BowerMusie born about 1878
BowerRobert Lborn about 1922
BoyerJohn Leslieborn about 1917
BoylerMarry Eborn about 1922
BoylerRaymond born about 1916
BradyCecile born about 1926
BradyEulee born about 1901
BradyForest born about 1933
BradyGeorge born about 1901
BradyLeon born about 1922
BradyRichard born about 1931
BrandtClance Wborn about 1932
BrandtDorna Eborn about 1936
BrandtEthel born about 1906
BrandtHannah born about 1878
BrandtLota born about 1905
BrandtLouis born about 1870
BrandtWilber Lborn about 1903
BrandtWilmer Lborn about 1937
BrannChristiana born about 1882
BrannWilliam Cborn about 1876
BridgewaterCharles Lborn about 1931
BridgewaterDonald Lborn about 1934
BridgewaterEugne born about 1936
BridgewaterInez born about 1907
BridgewaterRaymond born about 1906
BridgewaterRobert Lborn about 1929
BridgewaterShirly Mborn about 1938
BrownJulia Eborn about 1876
BurnettDannah Eborn about 1916
BurnettHarold Gborn about 1938
BurnettRuby Jborn about 1915
BurnettSister born about 1911
BurtJobe born about 1872
BurtKatherin Fborn about 1915
BuskHellen born about 1928
BusseyAlma Mborn about 1928
BusseyArley Fborn about 1889
BusseyBerniece born about 1922
BusseyCarl Lborn about 1938
BusseyDella born about 1893
BusseyDennis born about 1939
BusseyElayne born about 1909
BusseyGorge born about 1921
BusseyJessie Mborn about 1890
BusseyKeneth born about 1927
BusseyMarjorie born about 1921
BusseyMarlyn born about 1930
BusseyMarvin born about 1909
BusseyMary Eborn about 1867
BusseyNettie born about 1889
BusseyNina Mborn about 1931
BusseyOscar born about 1891
BusseyPerry born about 1887
BusseyPhyllis Iborn about 1927

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C Surnames

CampellDella Rborn about 1884
CampellGerald born about 1919
CampellMildred born about 1921
CampellSera Eborn about 1862
CamptonBertha born about 1884
CamptonDan born about 1885
CanCharlie Lborn about 1872
CarothersThomas born about 1924
CarterMary Eborn about 1926
CarterMelvin born about 1929
CarterMick born about 1888
CarterNitte born about 1889
CarterSuaice born about 1887
CartnerAlozo Bborn about 1870
CartnerEbbie Mborn about 1873
CartnerEllie Bborn about 1873
CartnerFanny Bborn about 1905
CartnerHattie Mborn about 1874
CartnerJames born about 1933
CartnerJanet born about 1939
CartnerLester born about 1898
CartnerMargrett born about 1931
CartnerPaul born about 1936
CartnerSidney Gborn about 1880
CartnerZella Bborn about 1885
CartnerZyphi born about 1896
CartrightBueboef born about 1921
CartrightClara born about 1876
CartrightDavid born about 1918
CartrightEthel Mborn about 1896
CartrightGloria born about 1912
CartrightJames Sborn about 1895
CartrightMaregt Mborn about 1927
CartrightMarie born about 1921
CartrightMilder Eborn about 1935
CartrightRobert Dborn about 1931
CartrightSteve born about 1872
CartrightWesley born about 1916
ChildresClaudia born about 1888
ChildresJames born about 1885
ChildresJessalin born about 1924
ChildresSemuel born about 1926
CisselAnn Bborn about 1932
CisselElnora born about 1938
CisselMable born about 1912
CisselMadeline born about 1936
CisselMary born about 1934
CisselWillie born about 1908
ClappAlva Eborn about 1877
ClappAmoy Rborn about 1892
ClappAmoy Jr born about 1936
ClappBetty Jborn about 1932
ClappBina Aborn about 1879
ClappBulah born about 1921
ClappCifton born about 1913
ClappClyde Cborn about 1894
ClappDan Gborn about 1894
ClappDodal born about 1934
ClappDonald Eborn about 1938
ClappEmma Jborn about 1863
ClappEtta Rborn about 1902
ClappFlorence born about 1915
ClappFora Aborn about 1868
ClappFrances Eborn about 1907
ClappGayle born about 1928
ClappGorge Eborn about 1914
ClappGorge Rborn about 1939
ClappGrace born about 1915
ClappHagh Jborn about 1910
ClappIsaac Eborn about 1869
ClappJames born about 1939
ClappJames Wborn about 1929
ClappJaunita born about 1936
ClappKathern born about 1909
ClappMargie Eborn about 1888
ClappMary born about 1891
ClappMattie Rborn about 1855
ClappMayme born about 1895
ClappMelvin born about 1930
ClappNora born about 1884
ClappOrie Tborn about 1911
ClappOscar born about 1899
ClappPearl born about 1902
ClappPerry Gborn about 1891
ClappRaph Jborn about 1934
ClappRaymond born about 1909
ClappRobert Cborn about 1912
ClappVirginia born about 1925
ClappWilliam born about 1932
ClappWyena born about 1915
ClappZola Mborn about 1936
ClarkBess born about 1892
CochasonAllie born about 1912
CochasonCharlie born about 1907
CochasonDeavey born about 1927
CochasonPauline born about 1933
CochasonRuby born about 1935
CochasonVolit born about 1939
ColeClaude born about 1894
ColeHittia born about 1884
ColeHomer born about 1921
ColeJonnier Fborn about 1926
ColeMinnie born about 1899
ColeNina Graceborn about 1928
ColeRozellia born about 1861
CondreJoan born about 1921
CondreLuther Hborn about 1892
CondreMary born about 1893
CondreRichard born about 1923
ConnerySavia Jborn about 1880
ConwayClaudde Iborn about 1937
ConwayHughes born about 1889
ConwayInona born about 1914
ConwayLillian born about 1918
ConwayLively born about 1916
ConwayStella Mborn about 1886
CookGolda Mborn about 1914
CookL Frankborn about 1887
CoomsSusie born about 1885
CoomsWalter Aborn about 1886
CortnerCleo Eborn about 1905
CortnerHazel born about 1911
CoxBessie Eborn about 1902
CoxCharles born about 1892

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D Surnames

DaesClamae Wborn about 1898
DaesLamart Eborn about 1923
DaesLorane Bborn about 1902
DailyJohnn Gborn about 1890
DailyMinnie Aborn about 1899
DaseAdam born about 1875
DaseMammie born about 1915
DeanNorma born about 1928
DeweeseSherman born about 1924
DickeyAndy born about 1908
DickeyDanald born about 1937
DickeyElmer born about 1878
DickeyEver Bborn about 1885
DickeyJean born about 1934
DickeyJennie born about 1871
DickeyJohnas born about 1869
DickeyLeroy born about 1932
DickeyRaymon born about 1912
DickeyThelma born about 1912
DieterlenClara Mborn about 1896
DieterlenElizbth born about 1918
DieterlenLana born about 1915
DieterlenLeon Rborn about 1935
DieterlenLinnie born about 1877
DieterlenLulda born about 1925
DieterlenMarvin Lborn about 1935
DieterlenMary Lborn about 1927
DieterlenMoris born about 1939
DieterlenOliver born about 1922
DieterlenPauline born about 1937
DieterlenRalph Iborn about 1895
DieterlenRobert born about 1873
DieterlenWalter born about 1912
DrakeGuy Wborn about 1885

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E Surnames

EarlyAnna Mborn about 1932
EarlyBettug Jborn about 1928
EarlyBulah born about 1904
EarlyEdward born about 1901
EarlyEthel Lborn about 1931
EarlyHarold born about 1935
EarlyWilmea born about 1938
EckenKathern born about 1881
EllisJohn born about 1888
EllisMinnie born about 1875
EmeroyCharles Cborn about 1872
EmeroyLillie born about 1875
ErvinGrant born about 1914
ErvinShelby born about 1921
ErvinSusie born about 1910
EstersIlla born about 1912
EstersLetter born about 1936
EstersLucin born about 1911

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F Surnames

FellowsBessie born about 1905
FellowsDorise Lborn about 1934
FellowsEd Tborn about 1894
FellowsHelen born about 1925
FellowsJames Eborn about 1928
FergusonJohn Rborn about 1870
FergusonTrudy born about 1872
FillipsDavid Mborn about 1859
FillipsLida born about 1872
ForsaDavid Cborn about 1938
ForsaHope born about 1908
ForsaJoan born about 1933
ForsaJoseph Dborn about 1908
ForsaMelvin born about 1931
ForsaRobert Dborn about 1928
FryHenery born about 1872
FryMinnie Vborn about 1875

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G Surnames

GeorgeMaggie born about 1876
GeorgeVictor Cborn about 1869
GilbertCornen born about 1916
GilbertDouglas born about 1920
GilbertKatherin born about 1918
GilbertMadison born about 1886
GilbertMittie Eborn about 1892
GilbertRebleck born about 1922
GilbertRichard born about 1926
GilbertVayola born about 1928
GobenDonald Kborn about 1931
GobenGorge born about 1899
GobenKarrie Eborn about 1867
GobenNellie born about 1897
GobenNorman Gborn about 1929
GofusthCarrion born about 1913
GofusthElizabeth born about 1934
GofusthIda Pborn about 1931
GofusthRoy born about 1932
GofusthThomas born about 1912
GofusthViolet born about 1936
GoldekerEdward Hborn about 1914
GoldekerGadice born about 1935
GoldekerLoretta born about 1916
GoldekerPatrica born about 1939
GollmanMurtel Eborn about 1878
GollmanPillip born about 1873
GoodrineNettie Lborn about 1901
GoodrinePaull born about 1921
GoodrineRobert born about 1899
GoreGertrude born about 1878
GoreLynn Cborn about 1867
GrahamEmly born about 1857
GraiesDewitt born about 1882
GraiesHadley born about 1916
GraiesMay born about 1892
GrayBertha born about 1901
GrayClaude Vborn about 1896
GrayMarie Eborn about 1924
GrayMarvin born about 1927
GriffinAnnie Vborn about 1931
GriffinJuanita born about 1928
GriffinMillie born about 1927
GriffinSylvia born about 1905
GrimersenGus born about 1896
GrimersenMary born about 1890
GroskentEva born about 1868
GroskentFloyd born about 1916
GroskentGeorge born about 1859
GroskentJoy Mborn about 1886
GroskerdErnst born about 1905
GroskerdFrances born about 1910
GroskerdLowad Louisborn about 1931
GroskerdRoslie Lborn about 1935
GrosketCarl Bborn about 1899
GrosketEva born about 1926
GrosketMaude born about 1896
GrosketMillard born about 1923
GuernseyRobert born about 1939
GuernseyRussell Eborn about 1914
GuernseySwe born about 1918

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H Surnames

HaleyEdward born about 1937
HaleyIrving born about 1925
HantsFred born about 1894
HantsGorge born about 1854
HapwoodEllabay born about 1927
HapwoodFlorence Lborn about 1889
HapwoodJess born about 1888
HapwoodRamond born about 1914
HarmaeKarrie Eborn about 1877
HarmaeMilton Eborn about 1875
HarmonEmery Fborn about 1871
HarmonEvalena born about 1878
HarmonHamilton born about 1869
HarmonMaggie Mborn about 1872
HarmonMary born about 1893
HarmonMary Jborn about 1869
HarmonSherman born about 1867
HarstmanBertha Jborn about 1878
HarstmanElla Mborn about 1919
HarstmanWilliam born about 1880
HartmanGorge born about 1908
HartmanVirgie Eborn about 1902
HeilmanAlice born about 1922
HeilmanAnne born about 1926
HeilmanCarl born about 1895
HeilmanCarl Jr born about 1935
HeilmanElsie Mborn about 1902
HeilmanMargett born about 1924
HeilmanMartha born about 1939
HeilmanMillard born about 1933
HeilmanPaul born about 1930
HeilmanShirley born about 1937
HeilmanThema born about 1928
HelzerEthel born about 1914
HelzerEugene born about 1883
HelzerEvertt born about 1926
HelzerIvan born about 1915
HelzerJohn Jr born about 1881
HelzerMaurice born about 1917
HendersonGlenna Louborn about 1912
HendersonHarley born about 1880
HendersonLeora Mborn about 1878
HendersonNorena Bborn about 1912
HendersonRoy Gborn about 1911
HendersonThomas Wborn about 1909
HeneryDose born about 1926
HeneryGoudlin born about 1925
HeneryJay born about 1871
HermanDavid born about 1920
HermanElsie born about 1896
HermanHelen born about 1928
HermanJames Wborn about 1922
HermanMarget born about 1933
HermanMary born about 1929
HermanSusie born about 1931
HermanWilliam Cborn about 1897
HermonLillian born about 1872
HestonBert born about 1879
HicksDavid Oborn about 1875
HicksKathern Aborn about 1876
HollowayLarvene Rborn about 1907
HollowaySamuel Lborn about 1902
HolmanLouis born about 1884
HolmanNorma Leeborn about 1929
HolmanPearl born about 1903
HolmanSherman born about 1923
HumphryOra Mborn about 1866

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J Surnames

JibbonsJames born about 1919
JibbonsNancie born about 1866
JimmermanAnnie Mborn about 1929
JimmermanFlorese born about 1910
JimmermanRaymond born about 1907
JimmermanRichard born about 1934
JimmermanRobert born about 1931
JohnsonJames Wborn about 1874
JohnsonNettie Lborn about 1870

K Surnames

KahlAlline born about 1914
KahlBlanche born about 1888
KahlGorge born about 1898
KahlGorge Wborn about 1935
KahlJohn Iborn about 1878
KahlLorse Aborn about 1938
KahlMelvin born about 1931
KenodAllen born about 1908
KenodDonnie Jeanborn about 1934
KenodElmer born about 1904
KenodMary Lborn about 1938
KernDella born about 1881
KingAlma born about 1937
KingBonie born about 1936
KingPauline born about 1919
KingRobert Cborn about 1906
KingRobert Gborn about 1938
KirkIrma Lborn about 1898
KirkJoyce Mborn about 1937
KoermerCharlie born about 1875
KoermerJohn born about 1872
KoermerKarrie born about 1883
KoermerLena born about 1869
KoermerMable born about 1908
KorteHerman born about 1898
KorteHerman born about 1933
KorteLawrence born about 1930
KorteWillie born about 1907
KursnerEroff Bborn about 1887
KursnerJohn Pborn about 1883
KursnerWilburn Jborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LandBertha Eborn about 1879
LandWilliam Tborn about 1870
LaswellBeulah Rborn about 1901
LaswellGeneva born about 1917
LaswellJohn Eborn about 1895
LaswellJohn Mborn about 1926
LaswellLouis born about 1939
LaswellMary Jborn about 1924
LaswellNorma Jborn about 1932
LaswellPhyllis Lborn about 1935
LaswellSam born about 1917
LavonElizebeth born about 1901
LavonEveline born about 1932
LavonJack Rborn about 1924
LavonRaymond born about 1902
LawsoBarbara Jborn about 1940
LawsonBubbard born about 1929
LawsonClifford born about 1914
LawsonClyde born about 1931
LawsonElsie born about 1933
LawsonEmily born about 1897
LawsonFlossie born about 1916
LawsonLaverne born about 1940
LawsonLuciele born about 1926
LawsonMinnie Fborn about 1939
LawsonRoda born about 1924
LawsonRoxie born about 1918
LawsonRoy Dborn about 1896
LawsonWilliam Lborn about 1938
LersmasterEdda born about 1893
LersmasterEdward born about 1868
LersmasterHulda born about 1865
LersmasterTonny born about 1906
LesterAlva born about 1908
LindenmayerDavid born about 1938
LindenmayerEman Janeborn about 1932
LindenmayerEmma born about 1874
LindenmayerFrances born about 1908
LindenmayerFrances Jborn about 1934
LindenmayerJohn born about 1869
LindenmayerLouis born about 1920
LindenmayerMary born about 1936
LindenmayerVola born about 1912
LongPauline born about 1919
LongReid Rborn about 1893
LongRuth born about 1898
LouisElna born about 1924
LowellDaisy Mborn about 1882
LowellDillerd Pborn about 1882
LowenJohn C Bborn about 1870
LowenLoyd born about 1929
LowenStella born about 1878

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M Surnames

MahanAbert Jborn about 1878
MahanAlma Eborn about 1880
MahanChester Aborn about 1923
MahanHolmer Wborn about 1888
MahanMyrtle born about 1921
MahanViolia Lborn about 1892
MartersCarrie born about 1902
MartersMarjorie born about 1928
MartersNoel Cborn about 1904
MartinAnna Tborn about 1908
MartinEtolay born about 1931
MartinFlorence born about 1907
MartinGoldie born about 1906
MartinIrvin born about 1908
MartinJohn Jr born about 1932
MartinMarlin born about 1930
MartinShirley Leeborn about 1937
MayMay born about 1901
MayRobert born about 1899
McCuneHarry Mborn about 1908
McCuneJanet Jborn about 1931
McCuneMinerva born about 1905
McDanielEdward born about 1871
McDanielRobert born about 1924
McDavidDavid born about 1915
McDavidDonal born about 1937
McDavidErvin born about 1936
McDavidKarrel born about 1939
McDavidTheodor born about 1908
MeatousMable born about 1916
MeatousThomas born about 1905
MickelsonCharles born about 1884
MickelsonConnie born about 1896
MickelsonMax born about 1929
MickelsonVolia Mborn about 1926
MoeAda Mayborn about 1894
MoeHenry Hborn about 1889
MoeNille Gborn about 1891
MontgomeryRay Lborn about 1902
MooreEarnest Eborn about 1908
MooreElla Mborn about 1881
MooreFrank Aborn about 1910
MooreJoseph born about 1877
MurphyClifler Vborn about 1875
MurrahCecil born about 1894

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N Surnames

NashJames Hborn about 1898
NashJames Kborn about 1934
NashPaulin Jborn about 1939
NashSarra Jborn about 1897
NeubyAllie born about 1915
NeubyRussell born about 1936
NeubyRuth born about 1938
NeubyVincent born about 1909
NewbyArchie Mborn about 1920
NewbyDona Jborn about 1940
NewbyDorthy born about 1913
NewbyIrvin born about 1913
NewbyJesse born about 1882
NewbyKenneth Lborn about 1917
NewbyLouise Eborn about 1924
NewbyMette Lborn about 1886
NewbyPaul Iborn about 1926
NewbyWanda Leeborn about 1939
NickelsonCora Dborn about 1881

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O Surnames

ObrienDarie born about 1885
ObrienKnox born about 1879
OliverEugene born about 1905
OliverHelen born about 1902
OrnalloAda Mborn about 1910
OrnalloHarrold born about 1904
OrnalloMargett Mborn about 1929
OsbornMilla born about 1895
OsbornRobert born about 1885
OwensAnna Jborn about 1863

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P Surnames

PageMolly born about 1892
ParksAndre Bborn about 1883
ParksClyde born about 1884
ParksGrace Eborn about 1891
ParksMyrtel born about 1883
PetersAmbie Vborn about 1914
PetersCarolyn Lborn about 1891
PetersHarry Eborn about 1885
PetersHattie born about 1883
PetersHattie Gborn about 1855
PetersJeroma Hborn about 1921
PetersJoeph born about 1882
PetersKathleen born about 1926
PetersOralee born about 1924
PetersPearl Aborn about 1895
PetersRuy Aborn about 1887
PettitFannie born about 1876
PettitFrances Mborn about 1927
PettitFreda Mborn about 1926
PettitGorge Nborn about 1870
PettitJ Rborn about 1900
PettitJames Rborn about 1929
PettitOra Rborn about 1925
PoeCeceil Hborn about 1906
PowersClifford born about 1911
PowersJames born about 1939
PowersNavada born about 1917
PowersVgeyine born about 1940

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Q Surnames

QuallsLida born about 1881

R Surnames

ReidEvert born about 1938
ReidFoster Fborn about 1909
ReidInez born about 1911
ReidMildred born about 1939
ReisEdward Tborn about 1906
ReisGorge Aborn about 1880
ReisLilla Fborn about 1903
ReisStella Mborn about 1882
RhotonClarice born about 1919
RhotonEvertt Lborn about 1939
RhotonWilliam Jborn about 1913
RobbertsEarnest born about 1922
RobinsonIrena born about 1910
RobinsonWilmer born about 1907
RobisonSalle Rborn about 1859
RossJames Wborn about 1935
RossJanie born about 1915
RossMarry Lborn about 1938
RossWilliam born about 1908
RoushMattie Sborn about 1854
RowlettDaisy Dborn about 1882
RowlettJophis Bborn about 1879
RowlettLynn Pborn about 1902
RowlettRuth born about 1912
RuossJesse born about 1925
RuossRobert born about 1926
RushFlosie born about 1911
RushJohn born about 1939
RushLexey born about 1918

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S Surnames

SandtlerCora Iborn about 1933
SandtlerDaise Jborn about 1931
SandtlerHarmon born about 1924
SandtlerJacky born about 1936
SandtlerJames born about 1913
SandtlerJeme Jr born about 1938
SandtlerJessie born about 1911
SandtlerMary Elenorborn about 1934
SandtlerWalter Lborn about 1940
SchaferCharlie Mborn about 1890
SchaferEb born about 1895
SchaferErvin born about 1928
SchaferGeorge Wborn about 1894
SchaferHarold R Sborn about 1930
SchaferLaura Bborn about 1894
SchlichterOpal born about 1910
SchlichterRussell born about 1910
SchlichterWilliam Mborn about 1874
SetonEvert born about 1921
SheltonAnna born about 1910
SheltonBessie born about 1900
SheltonDora Mborn about 1866
SheltonOpaal Iborn about 1924
SheperdCharlie born about 1929
SheperdElsie born about 1905
SheperdHarry born about 1925
SmitherClarice born about 1907
SmitherGeorge Mborn about 1877
SmitherIra Vborn about 1879
SmitherRubby born about 1918
SnodgressLydia born about 1891
SpencerBissie Fborn about 1882
SpencerFerd born about 1883
SpenerCharles born about 1878
SpenerCloyd Lborn about 1911
SpenerHelen Lborn about 1912
SpenerJuanitta Mborn about 1928
SpenerViva born about 1886
StangerLota born about 1876
StationLarneu born about 1878
StitesCharles born about 1926
StitesEthel Sborn about 1928
StrengeThelma born about 1904
StrengeWilliam born about 1896
StrickerAgnes born about 1926
StrickerArimic Cborn about 1870
StrickerBissie Bborn about 1898
StrickerClarice Bborn about 1934
StrickerDorthy Leeborn about 1934
StrickerEarnest born about 1891
StrickerFrieda Iborn about 1937
StrickerGrace Mborn about 1929
StrickerHarry Mborn about 1926
StrickerIrma Lborn about 1924
StrickerJanet Rborn about 1927
StrickerJeneva born about 1906
StrickerJophine born about 1936
StrickerJoyce Mborn about 1932
StrickerRoy Aborn about 1928
StrickerThos Jborn about 1902
StrookLenard born about 1870
SweanyRosco Cborn about 1916
SwiftEarnest Eborn about 1888
SwiftEnva born about 1890
SwiftJames Wborn about 1923
SwiftMargett Mborn about 1935
SwiftMelder Rborn about 1927
SwiftMuad Cborn about 1938

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T Surnames

TaflingerJohn Aborn about 1871
TaflingerMyrtle Pborn about 1876
TaflingerPlema Dborn about 1872
TaflingerSamuel Wborn about 1869
ThompsonFrancis born about 1880
ThompsonFrancis Pborn about 1932
ThompsonLeola Aborn about 1929
ThompsonMargtte Mborn about 1930
ThompsonMartha Mborn about 1927
ThompsonMary Bborn about 1906
ThompsonMary Tborn about 1926
TrappMarreta Bborn about 1903
TrappWillard born about 1893
TurnerDorthy born about 1922
TurnerEtherze born about 1866
TurnerNyle born about 1924
TurnerRuth born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VarbalEarnest born about 1909
VarbalEdward born about 1870

W Surnames

WatersGeorge Fborn about 1861
WellhalfElisebth born about 1863
WellhalfJohn born about 1863
WilliamsFrank born about 1905
WilliamsLou born about 1889
WilsonAnna born about 1867
WilsonWilliam born about 1867
WiyattJohn born about 1929

Y Surnames

YountCharles born about 1938
YountIrean born about 1911
YountLuther born about 1909
YountMartha born about 1936
YountMary Lborn about 1934
YountRobert born about 1930
YountThelma born about 1940
YountWilliam born about 1932

Z Surnames

ZimmermanDale born about 1910
ZimmermanEllen born about 1909
ZimmermanGrace Mborn about 1879
ZimmermanIgnatius born about 1877
ZimmermanJohn born about 1868
ZimmermanLillian born about 1915
ZimmermanMary born about 1861
ZimmermanNorman born about 1933
ZimmermanPaul Fborn about 1904
ZimmermanRodney born about 1938
ZimmermanWalker born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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