1940 U.S. Federal Census of Perry in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Perry in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMarion born about 1940
AdamsMerrell Lborn about 1936
AdamsPaul born about 1910
AdamsRaymond Tborn about 1921
AdamsWaunnitta Pborn about 1915
AdkinsJane Sborn about 1933
AdkinsLevi Aborn about 1898
AdkinsLowena born about 1901
AlbrightAnna Eborn about 1856
AlbrightClaude Wborn about 1886
AlbrightElizabeth born about 1894
AlbrightFranklin Rborn about 1854
AlbrightJames Hborn about 1890
AlbrightLaura Vborn about 1870
AlbrightMillie born about 1886
AlbrightWilliam Aborn about 1862
AndersonDoris Rborn about 1925
AndersonKenneth born about 1888
AndersonLona Bborn about 1893
AndersonMarjory Fborn about 1932
ArmstrongAnna born about 1882
ArmstrongJoe Dborn about 1880
ArmstrongMary Fborn about 1880
AuldAnna born about 1868
AuldFloyd born about 1911

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B Surnames

BallingerAlla Iborn about 1907
BallingerAlva Dborn about 1932
BallingerAlva Eborn about 1902
BallingerCharlotte Dborn about 1928
BallingerDuane Eborn about 1926
BallingerPatricia Dborn about 1935
BallingerWanda Dborn about 1930
BarbeeBetty Jborn about 1926
BarbeeDora Lborn about 1924
BarnhartDavid Wborn about 1913
BarnhartRosemary born about 1918
BarrettAlma Cborn about 1913
BarrettCharles Lborn about 1937
BarrettChloe Gborn about 1931
BarrettClaude Cborn about 1910
BarrettGlenn Rborn about 1932
BarrettHester Oborn about 1899
BarrettJanet Jborn about 1938
BarrettJerry Wborn about 1931
BarrettLilian Lborn about 1905
BarrettRobert Wborn about 1928
BarrettWalter Gborn about 1898
BarrettWayne Wborn about 1904
BattlyHoward Hborn about 1880
BeanEffie Aborn about 1908
BeanFrank Hborn about 1905
BeanLeonard Eborn about 1939
BeanRuth Eborn about 1930
BennettAda born about 1888
BennettLeora Jborn about 1874
BennettMartha Iborn about 1919
BennettRay Lborn about 1882
BennettRobert Rborn about 1915
BernhardtLizzie Nborn about 1885
BernhardtLyle Wborn about 1888
BernhardtW Juanita Lborn about 1926
BessorIra born about 1882
BessorJosephine born about 1880
BloomfieldArtensie born about 1886
BloomfieldDonald Aborn about 1907
BloomfieldGeorge Eborn about 1878
BloomfieldHarold born about 1940
BloomfieldMary Jborn about 1935
BloomfieldTella Mborn about 1910
BloomfieldWilma Vborn about 1922
BoesGrechen Aborn about 1920
BoesHoward Jborn about 1917
BoesInfant born about 1939
BohannonCarl Lborn about 1902
BohannonDorothy Mborn about 1906
BohannonMaxine Lborn about 1927
BoyerInfant born about 1939
BoyerMary Eborn about 1919
BoyerMary Lborn about 1936
BoyerMelvin Lborn about 1916
BoyerRosali born about 1939
BrasillEdie Gborn about 1926
BrasillEdward Rborn about 1883
BrasillElizebeth Tborn about 1853
BrasillMadge Bborn about 1923
BrasillMila Eborn about 1883
BrillCharles Wborn about 1879
BrillJames Mborn about 1853
BrockCarl Sborn about 1907
BrockMarybell Lborn about 1912
BrownRuth born about 1916
BryntMyron Vborn about 1913
BuckCharles Wborn about 1878
BuckJohn Mborn about 1860
BullerdickDelorus Lborn about 1912
BullerdickDevis born about 1885
BullerdickEarl Eborn about 1919
BullerdickEthel Lborn about 1922
BullerdickGeorge Eborn about 1912
BullerdickHoward Iborn about 1928
BullerdickIoy Jborn about 1892
BullerdickWilmer Lborn about 1926
BurgerC Wborn about 1877
BurgerHubert Lborn about 1918
BurgerMargaret Eborn about 1879
ButtArthur Mborn about 1873
ButtGrace born about 1874
ButtHubert Cborn about 1913
ButtKenneth born about 1939
ButtThereda born about 1914
ButtoDella Lborn about 1887
ButtoWilford Lborn about 1882

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C Surnames

CampbellCrystal Lborn about 1908
CampbellMelvin Iborn about 1910
CarlisleArvin Nborn about 1890
CarlisleBetty Louborn about 1935
CarlisleGeorge Rborn about 1923
CarlisleGeorgia Mborn about 1903
CarlisleZimenier Lborn about 1927
CarrGeorge Hborn about 1885
CarrMyrtle Mborn about 1887
CavaultRichard Fborn about 1917
ChezenBertha Vborn about 1918
ChezenMaley Sborn about 1914
ChristyMartha born about 1857
ClarkDonna Mborn about 1938
CobelBurland born about 1900
CobelGuy Wborn about 1873
CobelJessie Dborn about 1894
CobelJon Pborn about 1936
CobelLucille born about 1882
CobelMeryl Lborn about 1906
CobelWilliam Eborn about 1888
CobleEmma born about 1858
CobleHervey Eborn about 1905
CobleLester Hborn about 1902
CobleMargaret Cborn about 1871
CobleMary Cborn about 1862
CobleRue Lborn about 1882
CobleZoe Bborn about 1886
ColclesserKatherine Rborn about 1867
CollinJohn Wborn about 1884
CollinJohn W Jrborn about 1924
CollinMary Fborn about 1890
CollinsFloy born about 1895
CollinsJennie Lborn about 1880
CollinsMollie Eborn about 1866
CollinsNorma Jborn about 1929
CollinsRussell Lborn about 1893
CongletonEdward Mborn about 1867
CongletonInfant born about 1939
CongletonJob Cborn about 1861
CongletonLouisa Eborn about 1916
CongletonNorman Rborn about 1936
CongletonRoy Lborn about 1911
CorazttoLenora born about 1901
CorazttoMartin born about 1900
CorbinArchie Bborn about 1876
CorbinDesta Dborn about 1892
CorbinDoris Aborn about 1931
CorbinErma Lborn about 1928
CorbinHerbert born about 1892
CorbinJoe Eborn about 1921
CorbinJohn Rborn about 1925
CorbinMarvin Eborn about 1919
CorbinRosemary born about 1926
CoxEmory born about 1875
CoxGeorge Bborn about 1865
CoxMinnie Fborn about 1873
CoxOlie born about 1873
CraftonAnna Mborn about 1871
CrawdellHelen Mborn about 1913
CrawdellKatherine Rborn about 1870
CrawdellWabur Iborn about 1910
CrawdellWilbur Kborn about 1939
CroussCornelius Wborn about 1893
CroussHerschel Cborn about 1930
CroussInfant born about 1939
CroussMildred born about 1914
CroussWillie Eborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DecterSarah Mborn about 1885
DecterWalter Aborn about 1882
DennisGoldie Bborn about 1904
DennisJohn Fborn about 1907
DeversFaluda born about 1889
DeversHattie born about 1891
DevoreAlfred Lborn about 1870
DevoreMinnie Aborn about 1873
DielAlbert Mborn about 1878
DielRuby Mborn about 1923
DielRuth Gborn about 1920
DielVerna Mborn about 1892
DildineHerbert Wborn about 1898
DomEffie Rborn about 1865
DomEtta Oborn about 1900
DomSinclair Mborn about 1859
DomWanda Lborn about 1922
DonhamFlorence Eborn about 1895
DonhamNettie born about 1903
DonhamRoy Sborn about 1896
DoudEvenens Aborn about 1894
DoudHazel Mborn about 1898

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E Surnames

EderAlbert Gborn about 1898
EderCarolyn Rborn about 1932
EderLena born about 1898
EderRonald Jborn about 1926
EllBertha born about 1887
EllHerschel Rborn about 1919
EllThelma Mborn about 1922
EllWilliam born about 1882
ElliottEmerson Eborn about 1892
ElliottJames Cborn about 1929
ElliottNettie Mborn about 1896
EllisArthur Jborn about 1928
EllisEvelyn Rborn about 1927
EllisOpal born about 1900
EllisRoy Hborn about 1898
ElmerckBessie Aborn about 1888
ElmerckHenry Fborn about 1875

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F Surnames

FaggEarl born about 1902
FaggEllen Sborn about 1902
FaggErmel Rborn about 1927
FaggEster Lborn about 1925
FaggEva Mborn about 1923
FaggMartha Ellenborn about 1935
FaggRobert Eborn about 1922
FaggRonald born about 1939
FagginHoward born about 1872
FaginKate born about 1867
FellHarvey Hborn about 1880
FellWarren Aborn about 1909
FellZetta born about 1884
FerselMouroe Cborn about 1884
FisherClifford Rborn about 1901
FisherEvelyn Rborn about 1929
FisherJoe Rborn about 1931
FisherViolet Mborn about 1902
FogelEdith Mborn about 1923
FogelEverett Aborn about 1917
FogelFay Mborn about 1900
FogelJohn Wborn about 1881
FogelMarcedere Mborn about 1919
FogelMargaret Fborn about 1927
FogelWilliam Hborn about 1894
FogelWilliam H Jrborn about 1924
FostermanDonald Cborn about 1928
FostermanHenry Jborn about 1903
FostermanNancy Lborn about 1904
FoulkeDudley Sborn about 1887
FoulkeMary born about 1887
FoulkeSarah born about 1853
FoustMelre Cborn about 1908
FoustRalph Eborn about 1901
FoxPaul Eborn about 1921
FrenchBarbara Rborn about 1934
FrenchHarlan Hborn about 1909
FrenchInfant born about 1939
FrenchJames Lborn about 1932
FrenchSabian Cborn about 1913
FrodermanBernice Eborn about 1901
FrodermanRoy Aborn about 1901
FuckerAnna Eborn about 1911
FuckerErnest Rborn about 1906
FuckerWillbur Rborn about 1930
FuguaCharles Hborn about 1920

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G Surnames

GardAnnabell born about 1890
GardCarolyn Gborn about 1914
GardDillon Dborn about 1912
GardFred Cborn about 1887
GardFred C Jrborn about 1927
GardMarvin Lborn about 1922
GardMary Mborn about 1925
GardWilliam Deaxborn about 1940
GardWilliam Sborn about 1867
GilbertBirchie Oborn about 1899
GilbertCoral Mborn about 1929
GilbertElva Mborn about 1898
GilbertErvin Wborn about 1895
GilbertWayne Lborn about 1920
GlaznerElois Tborn about 1918
GlaznerGrace Eborn about 1888
GlaznerKenneth born about 1927
GlaznerThomas Jborn about 1880
GreenGeorge born about 1938
GreenMary Kborn about 1917
GreenRobert born about 1914
GriffithArnold Pborn about 1891
GriffithBeatrice Lborn about 1910
GriffithClarence Oborn about 1914
GriffithFrank Rborn about 1931
GriffithHubert Aborn about 1917
GriffithJames Tborn about 1857
GriffithLaurence Oborn about 1912
GriffithSusan Vborn about 1894
GrissomDorothy Mborn about 1923
GrissomEdrie Eborn about 1905
GrissomMary Iborn about 1929
GrissomNancy Sborn about 1939
GrissomNorma R Jrborn about 1928
GrissomThomas Rborn about 1901
GrissomThomas R Jrborn about 1924
GuinterCornelius Gborn about 1888
GuinterElinor Mborn about 1885
GuinterMilton Zborn about 1922
GuldonEdna Eborn about 1905
GuldonPearl born about 1892
GuldonSheldon born about 1894
GummereBetty Jborn about 1929
GummereDale Rborn about 1938
GummereEdith Lborn about 1932
GummereEllen Iborn about 1926
GummereJohn Aborn about 1920
GummereJohn Eborn about 1895
GummereLaura Eborn about 1898
GummereMary Dborn about 1883
GummereSarah Cborn about 1864

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H Surnames

HaasGeorge Wborn about 1881
HaasMable born about 1891
HaleCharles Lborn about 1916
HaleLucille Bborn about 1912
HalstedHarry Rborn about 1880
HalstedOliva Kborn about 1879
HalstedRiley Sborn about 1919
HaltAlice Mborn about 1915
HaltErma Rborn about 1930
HaltFloyd Bborn about 1903
HaltHelen Mborn about 1925
HaltMaggie Mborn about 1876
HaltMelvina Rborn about 1865
HaltMoyn Lborn about 1904
HaltNorma Iborn about 1928
HaltOtto Eborn about 1873
HaltRita born about 1940
HaltVerth Oborn about 1914
HaltWilma Mborn about 1926
HamblenCarl born about 1910
HaneyErnest born about 1872
HaneyEverett Eborn about 1902
HaneyGrace Cborn about 1881
HaneyNellie Mborn about 1874
HaneyNora Gborn about 1926
HaneyPat Hborn about 1912
HaneySusie Eborn about 1914
HaneyTimothy Fborn about 1921
HaneyVay Iborn about 1914
HaneyVirginia Rborn about 1924
HardenClay Hborn about 1913
HardenElmer Rborn about 1910
HardenLela Lborn about 1917
HardenRuth Fborn about 1914
HargerJacob Bborn about 1878
HargerJessie Mborn about 1914
HargerSarah Lborn about 1882
HarrClaude Hborn about 1899
HarrJacon Hborn about 1882
HarrMarion Aborn about 1924
HarrNellie Mborn about 1893
HarrRuth born about 1894
HarronMary Cborn about 1867
HarronWhely Sborn about 1902
HeadyCharles Wborn about 1921
HeesAlca Mborn about 1928
HeesAnna born about 1887
HeesHenry Cborn about 1886
HeesWilliam Tborn about 1888
HillAnna born about 1887
HillFrederick Wborn about 1927
HillGeorge Lborn about 1885
HillJames Eborn about 1920
HoesHarold Rborn about 1928
HoesHattie Mborn about 1892
HoesMarion born about 1890
HoesVerlin Lborn about 1923
HoffmanAnna Vborn about 1855
HoffmanDixie Mborn about 1895
HoffmanElnor Bborn about 1927
HoffmanFrederick Mborn about 1929
HoffmanGladys Eborn about 1908
HoffmanJoy Cborn about 1922
HoffmanLeonard Mborn about 1895
HoffmanMax Nborn about 1926
HoffmanOral L Jrborn about 1932
HoffmanOrval Lborn about 1905
HoffmanRuth Eborn about 1935
HoffmanWilbur Rborn about 1919
HoffmannGeorge born about 1871
HoffmannSussie born about 1873
HofmannArthur born about 1940
HofmannBillie Nborn about 1938
HofmannDavid Rborn about 1936
HofmannDorothy Gborn about 1911
HofmannHerbert Vborn about 1907
HofmannMarjory Rborn about 1930
HofmannWarren Rborn about 1933
HolteGeorge Kborn about 1867
HuggBetty Jborn about 1933
HuggCarl Eborn about 1899
HuggDasie Lborn about 1903
HuggLester Sborn about 1926
HultsDale Aborn about 1931
HultsHobert Rborn about 1897
HultsMary Hborn about 1898
HyattHarry Cborn about 1890
HyattVivian Mborn about 1898

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I Surnames

IcenogelAlma Lborn about 1898
IcenogelClyde Wborn about 1894
IcenogelHarold Oborn about 1917
IcenogelShirley Aborn about 1923

J Surnames

JacksonAra Aborn about 1884
JacksonAra Eborn about 1889
JacksonBillie Rborn about 1928
JacksonCarrol Lborn about 1931
JacksonClarence Dborn about 1899
JacksonCleyl Hborn about 1901
JacksonClifford Rborn about 1907
JacksonDavid Wborn about 1919
JacksonDella Fborn about 1921
JacksonDonald Tborn about 1915
JacksonDoris Mborn about 1932
JacksonDudley Wborn about 1927
JacksonEdith Dborn about 1909
JacksonElizabeth Hborn about 1890
JacksonErmel born about 1902
JacksonErnest Lborn about 1938
JacksonEsta Mborn about 1924
JacksonEthel Gborn about 1895
JacksonEva Lborn about 1901
JacksonEvert Rborn about 1922
JacksonFloyd Wborn about 1909
JacksonFred Vborn about 1923
JacksonFred Wborn about 1886
JacksonGladis Vborn about 1892
JacksonGordon Jborn about 1916
JacksonGrace Aborn about 1882
JacksonGreta Mborn about 1939
JacksonHarold Jborn about 1926
JacksonHerbert Jborn about 1898
JacksonHoward Eborn about 1872
JacksonJames Wborn about 1927
JacksonJessie Aborn about 1935
JacksonJoana Fborn about 1932
JacksonJohn Hborn about 1880
JacksonJohn Wborn about 1876
JacksonLonzo born about 1885
JacksonLsaac born about 1892
JacksonLuther L Mborn about 1886
JacksonMargaret Lborn about 1908
JacksonMarion Lborn about 1932
JacksonMartha Jborn about 1901
JacksonMarvin Dborn about 1939
JacksonNavada Aborn about 1877
JacksonNellie Hborn about 1914
JacksonNorma Lborn about 1930
JacksonParl Vborn about 1896
JacksonRobert Lborn about 1920
JacksonRubie Mborn about 1906
JacksonRuth Jborn about 1923
JacksonSamuel Jborn about 1923
JacksonSamuel Tborn about 1875
JacksonThomas Gborn about 1917
JacksonViola Bborn about 1902
JacksonWayne Rborn about 1926
JeffersAndrew Jborn about 1889
JeffersAudro Gborn about 1896
JeffersCarl Eborn about 1891
JeffersCyril born about 1904
JeffersDavid Cborn about 1896
JeffersDoris Mborn about 1938
JeffersEdna Jborn about 1873
JeffersElsie Mborn about 1915
JeffersElva Aborn about 1862
JeffersErastus Fborn about 1858
JeffersErma Kborn about 1913
JeffersEthel Jborn about 1895
JeffersGeorge Wborn about 1872
JeffersGladis born about 1906
JeffersHelen Yborn about 1927
JeffersHobert Cborn about 1898
JeffersIda Mborn about 1899
JeffersOrval Vborn about 1884
JeffersOscar Cborn about 1914
JeffersPaul Eborn about 1914
JeffersRuby Oborn about 1921
JeffersRuth Eborn about 1893
JeffersSarah Eborn about 1889
JeffersThomas Eborn about 1868
JonesBarbara Jborn about 1931
JonesBetty Rborn about 1924
JonesGordon Aborn about 1899
JonesHarold Rborn about 1935
JonesHerchel Rborn about 1921
JonesJames Aborn about 1938
JonesRuth Mborn about 1900
JonesVirginia Mborn about 1923
JoslinLester Cborn about 1916
JoslinRuth Pborn about 1919
JoslinSusie Vborn about 1883
JoslinWilliam Fborn about 1885
JoslinWilliam Nborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KesterAlimon born about 1875
KesterEtta Eborn about 1892
KesterLeo Zborn about 1872
KesterSarah Eborn about 1875
KiefnerHazel Fborn about 1900
KiefnerJames Wborn about 1885
KiefnerLena Lborn about 1895
KiefnerRichard Hborn about 1918
KiefnerWanita Mborn about 1926
KiefnerWilliam Kborn about 1897
KlarutLouise Cborn about 1879
KlarutMarie Lborn about 1907
KnustArnold Tborn about 1878
KnustArnold T Jrborn about 1909
KnustBetty Kborn about 1903
KnustCharles Tborn about 1932
KnustElizabeth Lborn about 1884
KnustEmerson born about 1918
KnustEmma born about 1881
KnustFlorence Lborn about 1916
KnustInfant born about 1932
KnustJoseph born about 1876
KoskoClara born about 1885
KoskoJohn born about 1887
KoskoLewis born about 1925
KoskoVirginia born about 1926
KunstJack Dborn about 1932
KunstKenneth Kborn about 1924
KunstMary Lborn about 1929
KunstMax Rborn about 1926
KunstRevis Sborn about 1917
KunstRuth Pborn about 1891
KunstTois Iborn about 1921
KunstWysses Gborn about 1888
KuykendallEdwin born about 1888
KuykendallHazel Rborn about 1893

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L Surnames

LaforceSamuel born about 1919
LahtamAnna Eborn about 1904
LahtamBilly Jborn about 1938
LahtamCharles Dborn about 1931
LahtamClifford born about 1904
LahtamMartha Kborn about 1939
LahtamPhyllis Lborn about 1934
LaswelDelbert Aborn about 1896
LaswelEdward Eborn about 1924
LaswelFay Nborn about 1902
LaswelJack Rborn about 1932
LaswelJohn Fborn about 1927
LattaCharles born about 1864
LattaEvangeline Iborn about 1916
LattaEverett born about 1911
LattaIrene Rborn about 1922
LattaLester born about 1915
LaudenslagerCharlotte Eborn about 1905
LaudenslagerJacob Mborn about 1881
LaudenslagerSophia born about 1881
LawrenceDorothy born about 1904
LawrenceFay Mborn about 1925
LawrenceJohn born about 1900
LawsonHelen Eborn about 1914
LawsonHelen Gborn about 1910
LawsonLeonard Hborn about 1913
LawsonRichard Cborn about 1904
LawsonRobert Lborn about 1933
LeeAileen Mborn about 1922
LeeKenneth Dborn about 1925
LeeLoid Zborn about 1897
LeeRuby Mborn about 1897
LewisDavid born about 1886
LewisEdith Mborn about 1926
LewisEva Aborn about 1922
LewisLeltha Dborn about 1886
LiechtyDora Gborn about 1894
LiechtyHarry Aborn about 1892
LiechtyMarjory Cborn about 1922
LiechtyVirginia Wborn about 1917
LintzAda Aborn about 1913
LintzBetty Mborn about 1939
LintzCharles Eborn about 1912
LintzJoseph Wborn about 1934
LintzNorman Rborn about 1932
LintzRoy Dborn about 1935
LogadonConnie Cborn about 1938
LogadonDora Mborn about 1890
LogadonEarl Tborn about 1914
LogadonHerman Wborn about 1928
LogadonJane Annborn about 1940
LogadonRuth Lborn about 1916
LogadonWilliam Lborn about 1888
LogadonWilma Eborn about 1923
LohrmanHelen Mborn about 1917
LohrmanLeslie Cborn about 1917
LohrmanRonald Cborn about 1939
LongAlva born about 1853
LongCarrie Oborn about 1901
LongJesse born about 1899
LoudermilkDale born about 1930
LoveallJohn Aborn about 1923
LoveallMary Bborn about 1904
LoveallWilliam Aborn about 1901

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M Surnames

MadisettHenry Mborn about 1876
MadisettJess Mborn about 1883
MadisettMargaret Nborn about 1888
MadisettRosemary born about 1923
MaroneClaira Mborn about 1896
MaroneWilliam Mborn about 1894
McCulloughAlgie Aborn about 1871
McCulloughBetty Mborn about 1926
McCulloughBillie Rborn about 1926
McCulloughDoris Mborn about 1921
McCulloughEdna Iborn about 1902
McCulloughEmory born about 1899
McCulloughHattie Oborn about 1895
McCulloughJack Dborn about 1935
McCulloughJean Mborn about 1933
McCulloughJessie Lborn about 1921
McCulloughKathryn Lborn about 1920
McCulloughLeth born about 1882
McCulloughLetha born about 1873
McCulloughMack born about 1891
McCulloughNorna born about 1892
McCulloughRobert Mborn about 1917
McGinesMae born about 1870
McIntoshHarold Lborn about 1916
McIntoshJoud Dborn about 1938
McIntoshKatherine Mborn about 1917
McIntoshNancy Jborn about 1936
McIntoshWilbert born about 1921
McIntoshWilliam Iborn about 1872
McKenzieEillen Mborn about 1922
McKenzieFlossie Iborn about 1901
McKenzieHerman Eborn about 1931
McKenzieLoula Bborn about 1935
McKenzieMelvin Rborn about 1894
McKenzieWanita Fborn about 1925
MearsBessie Mborn about 1902
MearsCharles Lborn about 1904
MearsElizabeth Aborn about 1922
MearsSarah Fborn about 1928
MearsVera Jborn about 1925
MercerGeorge Lborn about 1898
MercerHalford Kborn about 1925
MercerHarry born about 1865
MercerMina Lborn about 1900
MercerWayne born about 1921
MillerAnna Cborn about 1872
MillerBertha Sborn about 1890
MillerClifford Oborn about 1901
MillerCriss born about 1871
MillerDonna born about 1938
MillerDorothy Eborn about 1906
MillerElenora Mborn about 1927
MillerEmory Nborn about 1875
MillerHarold Lborn about 1929
MillerHerbert Cborn about 1884
MillerHoward Sborn about 1911
MillerJacob born about 1870
MillerLaura born about 1893
MillerLester Eborn about 1903
MillerLois Eborn about 1918
MillerLucy Aborn about 1901
MillerMollie Aborn about 1872
MillerNorman Eborn about 1926
MillerPatricia Aborn about 1937
MillerWilliam Lborn about 1927
MillsErnest Hborn about 1910
MillsMioland Aborn about 1870
ModesittAlex born about 1865
ModesittAnnie Mborn about 1886
ModesittDonald Rborn about 1938
ModesittEdith Aborn about 1879
ModesittJosephine born about 1916
ModesittRay Lborn about 1911
ModesittRobert Ellborn about 1921
ModesittRuth Lborn about 1893
ModisBurland born about 1915
ModisethAnna Hborn about 1866
ModisethGuy Jborn about 1885
ModisethPaul Gborn about 1920
ModisettCarl born about 1895
ModisettChester Dborn about 1917
ModisettElmer Lborn about 1882
ModisettErnest Lborn about 1911
ModisettEverett Cborn about 1906
ModisettFrancis born about 1912
ModisettGladys Lborn about 1920
ModisettGrace Eborn about 1883
ModisettJane Lborn about 1922
ModisettLola Fborn about 1885
ModisettMaree Fborn about 1882
ModisettMaree F Jrborn about 1924
ModisettMargaret Mborn about 1912
ModisettMarie Nborn about 1897
ModisettMary Mborn about 1864
ModisettMildred Pborn about 1914
ModisettWanda Lborn about 1939
ModisettWayne Lborn about 1937
MooreN Rborn about 1885
MooreWilliam born about 1882
MooreWilliam Sborn about 1885
MorganCarrie Eborn about 1891
MorganDale Bborn about 1913
MorganDoris Mborn about 1913
MorganMary Cborn about 1909
MorganMary Iborn about 1939
MorganPaul Aborn about 1911
MorganPerry born about 1859
MorganRay Eborn about 1889
MorrisJohn Aborn about 1881
MorrisLouisa born about 1870
MorrisRichard Kborn about 1908
MossGerald Jborn about 1934
MossGledon Dborn about 1936
MossHazel Eborn about 1913
MossJames Vborn about 1932
MossLautie Rborn about 1900
MossLinden Lborn about 1929
MossWanda Mborn about 1930
MurphyOlas born about 1888
MurphyOra Mborn about 1893
MusgravBert born about 1882
MusgravCarrie Fborn about 1924
MusgravDorothy Mborn about 1922
MusgravMarvin Fborn about 1929
MusgravMary Fborn about 1927
MusgravRalph Wborn about 1921
MusgravRay Eborn about 1935
MusgravRobert Lborn about 1932
MusgravTheresa Eborn about 1892
MyersAncil Eborn about 1928
MyersFred Lborn about 1886
MyersHarley Eborn about 1919
MyersHenry born about 1873
MyersLaura Rborn about 1883
MyersSarah Fborn about 1876

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N Surnames

NationWilliam Oborn about 1870
NeesBurlon born about 1899
NeesCaroline Mborn about 1922
NeesEda Lborn about 1925
NeesEdith Cborn about 1886
NeesEffie Iborn about 1905
NeesErnest Cborn about 1917
NeesGarold Lborn about 1938
NeesHarvey Rborn about 1886
NeesHenry Bborn about 1911
NeesJohn Rborn about 1934
NeesLela Mborn about 1932
NeesNeoma Fborn about 1928
NeesPhillis Iborn about 1916
NeesRuth Mborn about 1924
NicosonCyril Bborn about 1920
NicosonEdith born about 1916
NicosonFlorence born about 1874
NicosonFrancis born about 1912
NicosonGeorge Wborn about 1915
NicosonGifford born about 1913
NicosonMary Eborn about 1887
NicosonMary Lborn about 1926
NicosonNorma Jborn about 1929
NicosonPaul Fborn about 1913
NicosonRay Oborn about 1895
NoltingCharles Sborn about 1909
NugerCharles Dborn about 1937
NugerClarence Lborn about 1909
NugerDale Eborn about 1931
NugerLe Roy Eborn about 1928
NugerMargaret Eborn about 1933
NugerMildred Aborn about 1912

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O Surnames

OrmanDavid born about 1876
OrmanDavid E Jrborn about 1926
OrmanEdna Mborn about 1905
OrmanEdna Mborn about 1924
OrmanMarilyn Jborn about 1930
OrmanRoy Eborn about 1904

P Surnames

PalmerHarry Dborn about 1910
PalmerVilgae Mborn about 1916
PateLee Hborn about 1885
PateMary Lborn about 1935
PateMary Mborn about 1917
PealFanny Aborn about 1876
PeennonC Wborn about 1903
PeennonDrucilla Aborn about 1933
PeennonElizabeth Jborn about 1908
PeennonNorma Jborn about 1929
PeennonSusan Pborn about 1935
PhilippiAnnie born about 1889
PhilippiArthur Aborn about 1902
PhilippiHelen Iborn about 1897
PhilippiMathis born about 1857
PhillippiAdolf Cborn about 1902
PhillippiAdolf C Jrborn about 1930
PhillippiDorothy Sborn about 1926
PhillippiHelen Lborn about 1924
PhillippiJohn Aborn about 1937
PhillippiKarl Oborn about 1934
PhillippiLucy born about 1903
PoolePaul born about 1899
PorterAlice Lborn about 1922
PriceDorothy Rborn about 1908
PriceLouise born about 1886
PriceRussel Hborn about 1905

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R Surnames

RayFred Cborn about 1902
RayHope Sborn about 1904
RayRena Dborn about 1937
ReaginAlmyra Lborn about 1926
ReaginAnna Mborn about 1936
ReaginArthur Lborn about 1927
ReaginCarrie Lborn about 1898
ReaginCharles Pborn about 1920
ReaginDavid Wborn about 1934
ReaginEvelyn Jr born about 1935
ReaginHarold Eborn about 1928
ReaginJames Eborn about 1933
ReaginJohn Pborn about 1924
ReaginKenneth Wborn about 1930
ReaginMary Eborn about 1931
ReaginThelma Jborn about 1922
ReaginThomas Aborn about 1895
RectorC Rborn about 1875
RectorCora Iborn about 1880
RectorEffie Hborn about 1919
RectorElsie born about 1877
RectorFlora Nborn about 1887
RectorJohn Oborn about 1876
RectorLaura born about 1879
RectorMarjory Jborn about 1924
RectorRoy Sborn about 1917
RectorWarren Oborn about 1879
RediferBetty Jborn about 1923
RediferDaisy Mborn about 1921
RediferHelen Lborn about 1918
RediferJacqueline born about 1938
RediferJohn Lborn about 1895
RediferLela born about 1898
ReeceArmilda Bborn about 1897
ReeceJames Sborn about 1882
ReeseBlanche Mborn about 1881
ReeseJohn born about 1873
ResterBillie Jborn about 1929
ResterGarold born about 1918
ResterGoldie born about 1890
ResterHarold born about 1918
ResterJackie Lborn about 1923
ResterJoanna Fborn about 1925
ResterKermit Jborn about 1916
ResterRudolph Bborn about 1880
RhodesAnna born about 1879
RichmondDaisy Cborn about 1882
RichmondOpal Lborn about 1914
RobertsonBernice Eborn about 1906
RobertsonBilly Hborn about 1927
RobertsonElisha Aborn about 1875
RobertsonHugh born about 1891
RobertsonJohn Eborn about 1867
RobertsonMargaret Aborn about 1875
RobertsonQueenie born about 1879
RoeschleinAda Fborn about 1913
RoeschleinCarl Fborn about 1896
RoeschleinCatherine born about 1872
RoeschleinCora Aborn about 1878
RoeschleinDale Eborn about 1935
RoeschleinEldon Rborn about 1939
RoeschleinEmory Rborn about 1910
RoeschleinErnest Pborn about 1898
RoeschleinGeorge Pborn about 1874
RoeschleinJackie Dborn about 1934
RoeschleinJohn Hborn about 1917
RoeschleinLena Eborn about 1903
RoeschleinLester born about 1908
RoeschleinNellie Gborn about 1911
RoeschleinRoy Cborn about 1906
RoeschleinWalter Hborn about 1908
RoeschleinWilliam Eborn about 1893
RogerMartha born about 1867
RogersElmer Aborn about 1873
RogersElmer Kborn about 1906
RogersMelvin Gborn about 1937
RogersNancy Jborn about 1873
RogersTressia Mborn about 1912
RogersVirginia Iborn about 1933
RomasBenjamin Tborn about 1922
RomasBetty Lborn about 1925
RomasBurley Jborn about 1930
RomasEmma Sborn about 1893
RomasHarry Wborn about 1893
RomasRobert Rborn about 1934
RossHarry born about 1887
RossJean born about 1893
RowlHarvey Dborn about 1917
RowlPauline Eborn about 1919
RoyerAnna Mborn about 1922
RoyerCarrie Aborn about 1902
RoyerGilbert Lborn about 1924
RoyerJimmie Hborn about 1927
RoyerMartha Rborn about 1938
RoyerWayne Sborn about 1902

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S Surnames

SawyerEdna Mborn about 1903
SawyerRobert Cborn about 1900
SaymourAudrey Rborn about 1893
SaymourGeorge Eborn about 1890
SaymourHelen Lborn about 1929
SaymourImogene born about 1932
SaymourJames Gborn about 1923
SaymourMary Jborn about 1935
SaymourVerial Dborn about 1925
SchopmeyerEllen Iborn about 1920
SchopmeyerLarence Aborn about 1916
SchopmeyerMary Lborn about 1922
SchopmeyerMichael Lborn about 1940
SchopmeyerPaul Eborn about 1922
SchopmeyerVirnes Cborn about 1915
SchopmeyerWayne Lborn about 1927
SchultzDorothy Sborn about 1932
SchultzEdward Bborn about 1929
SchultzEdwin Bborn about 1929
SchultzHenry Rborn about 1904
SchultzRoberta Fborn about 1924
SchultzRuth Rborn about 1934
SchultzSarah Oborn about 1905
SchultzStanley Lborn about 1937
SchultzThomas Rborn about 1926
ScottHarrison Dborn about 1874
ScurlockBerman Lborn about 1926
ScurlockCharles Jborn about 1936
ScurlockDonald Rborn about 1928
ScurlockJack Eborn about 1932
ScurlockJoyce Pborn about 1935
ScurlockOscar Aborn about 1901
ScurlockRosemary Eborn about 1939
ScurlockWyele Eborn about 1904
SereyLester born about 1909
ShafferCarl Mborn about 1924
ShafferElsie Lborn about 1899
ShafferRuth Mborn about 1924
ShafferWarren Eborn about 1899
ShawMadge Mborn about 1894
ShawOtho born about 1894
SheetsGertrude Mborn about 1874
SlackMartha Eborn about 1893
SlackMary Janeborn about 1917
SlackRay Gborn about 1892
SlackTed Sborn about 1932
SlackWilliam Pborn about 1921
SmithBetty Lborn about 1921
SmithBetty Lborn about 1931
SmithBilly Rborn about 1927
SmithCharles Rborn about 1892
SmithEdwin Cborn about 1922
SmithFloy born about 1900
SmithHarvey Jborn about 1917
SmithHerbert Lborn about 1925
SmithRuth Kborn about 1925
SmithSarah Eborn about 1900
SparksBetty Jborn about 1935
SparksCarl born about 1903
SparksDonna Mborn about 1881
SparksElla born about 1873
SparksGeorge Mborn about 1874
SparksHiram born about 1865
SparksKatherine Gborn about 1908
SparksMarvel born about 1902
SparksMerle born about 1903
SpearGrace Cborn about 1885
StaggsAlvan Dborn about 1925
StaggsAlvin born about 1925
StaggsCharles born about 1900
StaggsDixie Bborn about 1900
StevensonDonald Lborn about 1930
StevensonErnest Lborn about 1894
StevensonErnestine Eborn about 1923
StevensonEstel Iborn about 1914
StevensonRobert Gborn about 1926
StevensonSarah Mborn about 1899
StevensonWayne Iborn about 1916
SteverwaltDora Mborn about 1891
SteverwaltErma Mborn about 1931
SteverwaltErnest Pborn about 1863
SteverwaltHenry Jborn about 1918
SteverwaltLois Jborn about 1927
SteverwaltMarvin Eborn about 1924
SteverwaltRosemary born about 1922
SteverwaltWayne Aborn about 1913
StewartDonald Wborn about 1934
StewartEdith Aborn about 1902
StewartEstel Mborn about 1929
StewartHarley Wborn about 1896
StewartJean Wborn about 1925
StewartNorma Jborn about 1931
StewartRoy born about 1923
StewartRoy Eborn about 1922
StherbCarl Aborn about 1898
StherbEunice born about 1895
StoopsCharles Rborn about 1907
StoopsCharles R Jrborn about 1935
StoopsEvelyn Mborn about 1917
StoopsFred born about 1904
StoopsLoraina Mborn about 1937
StoopsMary Oborn about 1912
StoopsMay Oborn about 1933
StoopsOra Mborn about 1881
StoopsR Eborn about 1867
StoopsRay Sborn about 1938
StroubJohn Wborn about 1875
StroubKate born about 1875
SwankRoy Rborn about 1904
SwearingenWilliam Hborn about 1868

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T Surnames

TaggartBernice Iborn about 1915
TaggartCarl Wborn about 1901
TaggartClaude Eborn about 1911
TaggartElizabeth Sborn about 1880
TaggartHilda Iborn about 1900
TaggartMary Kborn about 1933
TaggartWilliam Aborn about 1873
TatlockAletha born about 1903
TatlockAnna Mborn about 1932
TatlockEarl born about 1901
ThomasAlfred Wborn about 1896
ThomasCharles Jborn about 1929
ThomasGeneva Cborn about 1898
ThomasJane Rborn about 1937
ThomasJoyce Eborn about 1926
ThomasLydia born about 1866
ThomasMarion born about 1867
ThornellWilliam born about 1913
ThornoFred Wborn about 1876
TiefelAlbert Eborn about 1903
TiefelCleo Mborn about 1906
TiefelHenry Jborn about 1870
TiefelMartha Jborn about 1870
TiefelMary Hborn about 1935
TiefelThomas Wborn about 1933
ToseyMarjory Aborn about 1926
TothMichael born about 1893
TuckerDeloris Iborn about 1924
TuckerEugene Hborn about 1928
TuckerGrace Lborn about 1899
TuckerIvy Fborn about 1873
TuckerJacob Vborn about 1898
TuckerJacob Wborn about 1938
TuckerJames Lborn about 1872
TuckerMarjory Mborn about 1922
TuckerMartha Eborn about 1930
TuckerMinnie Hborn about 1869
TuckerNorma Eborn about 1932
TuckerRussell Eborn about 1897
TurnerCora Eborn about 1875
TurnerCurtis Rborn about 1885
TurnerDaisy born about 1850
TurnerEmory Eborn about 1875
TurnerFloy born about 1884
TurnerFrank Hborn about 1919
TurnerMargaret Eborn about 1854
TurnerMay Fborn about 1882
TurnerSamuel Hborn about 1878

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U Surnames

UlterWilliam Cborn about 1880
UngerLewis Mborn about 1875
UngerMargaret Lborn about 1879
UtterClora Gborn about 1919
UtterGrover Cborn about 1886
UtterSusie Pborn about 1923
UtterViola Bborn about 1888

V Surnames

VanderenFay Bborn about 1906
VanderenJoe Cborn about 1903
VanderenJorita born about 1934
VanderenMariln born about 1931

W Surnames

WarkenHarvey Aborn about 1916
WarkenMary Cborn about 1919
WarkinsHarlen Eborn about 1905
WarkinsJosephine Aborn about 1905
WarkinsMarjory Aborn about 1931
WarkinsMarvin Fborn about 1934
WestFanny Lborn about 1861
WestMary Eborn about 1885
WestRosemary born about 1920
WestfallCharles Lborn about 1920
WestfallDewey Eborn about 1901
WestfallGerald Lborn about 1937
WestfallLaura Eborn about 1900
WestfallMargaret Vborn about 1922
WestfallPaul Eborn about 1935
WestfallRubie Aborn about 1931
WestfallRuth Lborn about 1927
WeyAgnes Aborn about 1916
WeyBetty Lborn about 1928
WeyClifton Cborn about 1925
WeyEvelyn Mborn about 1919
WeyHarry Rborn about 1887
WeyLeslie Eborn about 1924
WeyRuth Eborn about 1887
WeyWilson Wborn about 1917
WeyWoodrow Uborn about 1917
WhaldeyAmanda born about 1854
WhaldeyIvy Gborn about 1878
WiffonAnna Lborn about 1864
WiffonIra born about 1888
WiffonSarah Mborn about 1898
WyattAnna born about 1903
WyattAretta Dborn about 1891
WyattDale Hborn about 1861
WyattEbbie Gborn about 1866
WyattInfant born about 1940
WyattJohn Tborn about 1885
WyattMarjory Lborn about 1920
WyattRichard Cborn about 1914

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