1940 U.S. Federal Census of Perry in Tippecanoe County, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Perry in Tippecanoe County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdeGeorge Wborn about 1908
AdeJosephine born about 1913
AmstutzBetty born about 1930
AmstutzDoris born about 1923
AmstutzEarl born about 1888
AmstutzElma born about 1890
AmstutzRuby born about 1928
AmstutzVernon born about 1921
AmstutzViolet born about 1925
ArihoodAlbert born about 1917
ArihoodAllan Rborn about 1939
ArihoodBernice born about 1889
ArihoodFred Rborn about 1914
ArihoodGeneva born about 1923
ArihoodLopuella born about 1914
ArihoodNathalie Jeanborn about 1938
ArihoodPearl born about 1886
ArihoodPhyllis born about 1927
ArihoodRobert born about 1911
ArihoodWilliam born about 1882
AshbyEleanor born about 1914
AshbyMarilyn born about 1931
AshbyWilliam born about 1901

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B Surnames

BakerCarl born about 1919
BakerDonald born about 1926
BakerEdgar born about 1893
BakerHelda born about 1893
BarnhartEmma born about 1894
BarnhartEvelyn born about 1925
BarnhartEverett born about 1898
BarnhartPhillys born about 1930
BarrickLewis born about 1920
BarrickRussell born about 1922
BeechyRomona born about 1931
BehringerAnsel born about 1874
BehringerHarry born about 1896
BehringerMary Cborn about 1876
BellWendel born about 1915
BerhringerClarence born about 1907
BerhringerEmma born about 1916
BerningerAnita born about 1940
BerningerBarbara born about 1940
BerningerBertha born about 1910
BerningerCharlene born about 1934
BerningerDouglas born about 1936
BerningerEverett born about 1910
BerningerGeorge born about 1939
BoganDonald born about 1930
BoganEdna born about 1910
BoganMary Louborn about 1934
BoganRichard born about 1936
BoganRussell born about 1908
BoganWilliam born about 1880
BolyardAlvis born about 1935
BolyardChelmer born about 1889
BolyardDoelah born about 1895
BolyardElgie born about 1892
BolyardFloyd Hborn about 1887
BolyardFloyd Jr born about 1925
BolyardJames Cborn about 1926
BolyardPhyillis born about 1929
BowenOliver born about 1866
BoydEdith born about 1919
BoydLawrence born about 1916
BoydMartin Eborn about 1887
BoydMary Loisborn about 1928
BoydVerna born about 1890
BoydWayne born about 1920
BratzElanor born about 1917
BratzElizabeth born about 1917
BratzGeneva born about 1938
BratzMary born about 1881
BratzRobert born about 1922
BratzWilbur born about 1914
BratzWilliam Mborn about 1878
BrentCora born about 1887
BrentRuth born about 1907
BrenzihoferGeorge born about 1899
BrenzihoferRuth born about 1914
BrettnacherLura born about 1903
BrettnacherPhillip born about 1893
BrettnacherPhillip Jr born about 1934
BrettnacherRuth Annborn about 1936
BricklerAlbert born about 1874
BricklerArthur born about 1919
BricklerCatherine born about 1879
BricklerGeorge born about 1917
BricklerLenord born about 1908
BrooksJames born about 1882
BrooksSelma born about 1883
BryantW Hborn about 1880
BuchErvy born about 1916
BuchJames born about 1910
BuchMarlene born about 1937
BuckJames Cborn about 1939
BullFrancis born about 1896
BullRobeson born about 1904
BullWilliam born about 1894
BurkleElida born about 1894
BurkleJohn born about 1894
BurkleRobert born about 1932
ButlerDonald born about 1916
ButlerGladys Jborn about 1940
ButlerRuth born about 1914
ByersAlice born about 1929
ByersHerchel Wborn about 1931
ByersHerschel born about 1897
ByersMary Eborn about 1905
ByersMary Mborn about 1927
ByersViolet born about 1936

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C Surnames

CaldwellAaron born about 1903
CaldwellLee born about 1931
CaldwellPearl born about 1901
CaldwellRaymond born about 1933
CampbellDilores born about 1930
CampbellFrank born about 1884
CampbellNoneta born about 1922
CampbellPaul born about 1923
CampbellPearl born about 1887
CarrFrank born about 1883
CarrGeorgia born about 1885
Casad??? born about 1908
CasadBarbara Lborn about 1935
CasadJanet Eborn about 1939
CasadRobert Wborn about 1909
ChamberlinCharles born about 1915
ChamberlinFrances born about 1914
ChapmanDarrell Leeborn about 1940
ChapmanEdith born about 1914
ChapmanFloyd born about 1914
ClarkGrace born about 1876
ClarkJason Wborn about 1876
CleaverBertha born about 1883
CleaverFern born about 1911
CleaverJesse born about 1880
CleaverJesse Wborn about 1917
CleaverJohn Hborn about 1907
CleaverRay born about 1921
ClymersEdna born about 1914
ClymersFrancis born about 1912
ClymersSandra born about 1939
ColeClyde born about 1895
ColeGeorge Aborn about 1917
ColeGeorge Eborn about 1889
ColeJune born about 1922
ColeMary born about 1890
ColeRuth born about 1893
ColeWilliam Aborn about 1884
CombsCarl born about 1926
CombsDorothy born about 1926
CombsEdna born about 1906
CombsElizabeth born about 1923
CombsEugene born about 1922
CombsJacob Bborn about 1904
CombsJacob Hborn about 1864
CombsMary Ellisborn about 1929
CombsRosie Mborn about 1884
CooperMinnie Aborn about 1866
CooperOra born about 1908
CorbinBlanche Jborn about 1892
CorbinDohlen Lborn about 1900
CorbinDora Mborn about 1877
CorbinFred Jborn about 1877
CorbinJoseph born about 1913
CorbinRalph born about 1930
CorbinRobert Jborn about 1928
CornellGlen born about 1916
CornellGlen Jr born about 1936
CornellMargaret born about 1918
CottrellMary Eborn about 1866
CowgillBetty Annborn about 1865
CowgillFrank Bborn about 1904
CowgillMarie born about 1935
CowgillRachel born about 1904
CoxKenneth born about 1915
CoxViola born about 1920
CoxWilliam born about 1927
CrowfordFrank born about 1888
CrowfordFrank Jr born about 1931
CrowfordOllie born about 1892

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D Surnames

DauronDonald born about 1911
DauronMildred born about 1910
DavidsonFred born about 1905
DavidsonIrene born about 1906
DeboyCecilia born about 1904
DeboyCharles born about 1905
DeboyDarrell born about 1937
DeboyEarl Fborn about 1913
DeboyEdith Dborn about 1913
DeboyEugene born about 1927
DeboyFrank born about 1884
DeboyHarold Jborn about 1914
DeboyIda born about 1916
DeboyMadonna born about 1925
DeboyMarlene born about 1934
DeboyPredence born about 1880
DelongAgnes born about 1939
DelongArtie born about 1883
DelongCecila born about 1905
DelongJoseph born about 1883
DelongLydia born about 1861
DelongMargaret born about 1933
DelongMary born about 1934
DelongMonnow born about 1863
DiehlJack born about 1893
DrakeBertha born about 1917
DrakeFrancis born about 1902
DrakeFreddie born about 1935
DunbarHoward Oborn about 1889
DunbarJohn Orvalborn about 1920
DunbarJoseph born about 1931
DunbarKelta Cborn about 1897
DunbarMargorie born about 1923
DunbarMary born about 1928
DunkEarnest born about 1927
DunkEverett born about 1923
DunkFerl Gborn about 1922
DunkFreeman born about 1881
DunkGlenn born about 1900
DunkIva born about 1901
DunkKatherine born about 1882
DunkMargie born about 1936
DunkOrley born about 1875
DunkRachel born about 1873
DunkWilma born about 1939

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E Surnames

EhresmanEva born about 1899
EhresmanGerry born about 1935
EhresmanHelen born about 1917
EhresmanHenry born about 1865
EhresmanJacquelyn born about 1931
EhresmanRalph born about 1900
EhresmanWilliam Cborn about 1914
EhresmanWilliam Jborn about 1936
EtterElta born about 1876
EtterEmma born about 1878
EtterJohn born about 1871

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F Surnames

FassnachtArthur born about 1926
FassnachtBarbara born about 1930
FassnachtBertha born about 1892
FassnachtCatherine born about 1924
FassnachtClennon born about 1881
FassnachtHelen born about 1921
FassnachtJohn born about 1917
FassnachtJoseph born about 1925
FassnachtLewis born about 1890
FassnachtMarguerite born about 1929
FassnachtMary born about 1919
FassnachtMary Lborn about 1893
FassnachtRobert born about 1918
FassnachtWalter born about 1933
FassnachtWilliam born about 1920
FeldbaumAugusta born about 1864
FeldbaumBertha born about 1873
FeldbaumFred born about 1875
FeldbaumMatilda born about 1910
FeldtEdwin Mborn about 1915
FeldtHarold Lborn about 1913
FeldtHarry Aborn about 1880
FeldtHelen born about 1919
FeldtKenneth born about 1911
FeldtMartha Eborn about 1889
FeldtNellie born about 1884
FeldtRalph Aborn about 1922
FeldtRobert Dborn about 1940
FeldtRussell Lborn about 1920
FeldtWilliam born about 1885
FelixBetty born about 1933
FelixBeverly born about 1935
FelixCarl born about 1891
FelixDarrell born about 1926
FelixDelton born about 1922
FelixDonna born about 1937
FelixEmma born about 1893
FelixEverett born about 1930
FelixKeith born about 1918
FelixLorine born about 1924
FelixRobert born about 1928
FenateronacherBertha Vborn about 1887
FenateronacherC Aborn about 1888
FenateronacherGean Rborn about 1939
FenateronacherMary Eborn about 1915
FenateronacherPaul Rborn about 1910
FergusonEugene born about 1923
FergusonIva born about 1895
FergusonThelma born about 1926
FidlerDonnie born about 1929
FidlerGoldie born about 1884
FidlerLawrence Cborn about 1883
FidlerNorman born about 1931
FidlerOtis born about 1906
FleenerEdna born about 1919
FleenerHarold born about 1920
FleenerViola born about 1939
FordCecil born about 1889
FordGursha born about 1889
FordMarey born about 1917
ForesmanJoy born about 1916
ForesmanLillian born about 1917
FrazerDaniel born about 1917
FrazerEsther born about 1924
FregnstFrances born about 1920
FregnstRalph born about 1920
FrlixEtta born about 1880
FrlixRalph born about 1910
FullLuther born about 1912
FullNaomioa born about 1914
FullTheodore born about 1934
FultzEverett born about 1911
FultzJerry born about 1939
FultzPhyllis born about 1937
FultzRose born about 1912
FultzWilliam Lborn about 1935

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G Surnames

GepsonGenevieve born about 1927
GepsonRachel born about 1928
GepsonViola born about 1926
GermanRobert Wborn about 1935
GershevaClayton born about 1876
GershevaJohn born about 1877
GingrichBetty born about 1921
GingrichFloyd born about 1894
GingrichMamie born about 1883
GingrichMary Lborn about 1922
GingrichMildred born about 1924
GingrichNydia born about 1896
GingrichTheodore born about 1882
GouldArchie born about 1932
GouldLeona born about 1881
GouldRomona born about 1930
GourleyClarence born about 1912
GourleyMay born about 1910
GourleyParry born about 1939
GourleyRussell born about 1940
GrubbLaura born about 1895
GrubbRobert born about 1889
GuinnHelen born about 1883
GuinnHenry Gborn about 1873
GuinnMax Pborn about 1910
GunhleEdward Gborn about 1868
GunkleIrene Fborn about 1877
GunkleJohn Lborn about 1870
GushaDave born about 1860

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H Surnames

HalsemaEva born about 1866
HalsemaEvelyn born about 1928
HalsemaFrancis born about 1915
HalsemaJohn born about 1891
HalsemaJohn Jr born about 1917
HalsemaJoseph born about 1914
HalsemaLorretta born about 1923
HalsemaRose born about 1890
HalsemaRosemary born about 1920
HalsteadAlvin Vborn about 1933
HalsteadArthur born about 1898
HalsteadBessie Eborn about 1896
HalsteadMabel Lborn about 1925
HalsteadMary Fborn about 1930
HandersonCalvin Eborn about 1924
HandersonHarry born about 1899
HandersonLois born about 1900
HandersonLois Mildredborn about 1922
HandersonLola Jborn about 1930
HangshtMinnie born about 1889
HangshtRoss born about 1883
HarveyElva born about 1907
HarveyGeorge born about 1904
HendersonEffie born about 1873
HendersonMarcus born about 1868
HendricksDavid born about 1937
HendricksDr George born about 1909
HendricksJanice born about 1906
HengstRaymond born about 1906
HersheyHarry born about 1880
HillDonald born about 1914
HillNorma Leeborn about 1939
HillRonald born about 1936
HillVelma born about 1914
HirshClyde born about 1886
HirshMaude born about 1886
HoffnerEllen born about 1870
HoffnerMichael born about 1909
HoldenFrancis born about 1895
HoldenSusie born about 1887
HollidayMattie born about 1878
HordGeorge born about 1875
HordLille born about 1885
HornerNellie born about 1908
HosterCharles Dborn about 1932
HosterDonald Eborn about 1923
HosterMattie born about 1899
HosterOrval born about 1886
HosterWilliam Eborn about 1922
HoumardLoura born about 1901
HoumardNorma born about 1932
HoumardRobert born about 1935
HoumardRoy born about 1930
HoumardRoy Oborn about 1901
HoumardRuby born about 1939
HoumardRuth born about 1939
HoumardWilliam born about 1937
HubertzAmelia born about 1886
HubertzJoseph born about 1876
HuffmanAlberta born about 1927
HuffmanJ Aborn about 1899
HuffmanMarie born about 1900
HughesBert born about 1876

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I Surnames

IllsClaude born about 1895
IllsHelen born about 1925
IllsJoseph born about 1928
IllsMary born about 1904
IllsMildred born about 1937
IllsWalter born about 1923
IsleyJ Cborn about 1881
IsleyMary born about 1889

J Surnames

JansenBernadine born about 1927
JansenElizabeth born about 1930
JansenEva born about 1895
JansenJohn Fborn about 1898
JansenMarie born about 1925
JewittAudrey born about 1925
JewittHale born about 1918
JewittKathleen born about 1917
JewittLois born about 1920
JewittMary born about 1927
JewittMichael born about 1923
JewittNancy born about 1936
JewittOlive born about 1897
JewittRobert born about 1898
JewittRuth born about 1921
JohnsonWilliam born about 1893

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K Surnames

KeachBessie born about 1870
KennellCharles Hborn about 1872
KerkhoffJoseph born about 1898
KerkhoffMary born about 1898
KerkhoffQuinton born about 1926
KerkhoffReed born about 1923
KerkhoveCarry born about 1893
KerkhoveEdward born about 1915
KerkhoveElizabeth born about 1900
KerkhoveMala born about 1866
KerkhovePeter born about 1865
KerkhoveVictor born about 1878
KernAaron born about 1853
KernEldon born about 1921
KernElmer born about 1889
KernElsie born about 1920
KernEthel born about 1896
KesslerDelores Annborn about 1937
KesslerLeroy born about 1934
KillianGertrude born about 1885
KillianJames born about 1924
KillianJoe born about 1878
KillianKatherine born about 1922
KillianMary born about 1927
KrummreichCharlie born about 1880
KrummreichIda born about 1886
KulfDonald born about 1932
KulfJohn born about 1890
KulfMary born about 1893
KullJohn born about 1901
KullKarl Jborn about 1933
KullMary Bborn about 1901
KullRosemary born about 1929

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L Surnames

LambertIdella born about 1918
LambertMary born about 1935
LambertOdell born about 1911
LambertStock born about 1877
LanderCatherine born about 1862
LanderFern born about 1890
LanderWilbart born about 1884
LandesCoyla born about 1928
LandesElbise born about 1930
LandesElwood born about 1908
LandesFannie born about 1878
LandesFred born about 1875
LandesMildred born about 1900
LandesOakley born about 1894
LandesOpal born about 1905
LandesPaul born about 1927
LaneMinnie born about 1888
LaneSylvester born about 1883
LarsenJohn born about 1870
LeabCharles Eborn about 1922
LeabElmer born about 1887
LeabMyrtle Bborn about 1892
LeffertCatherine born about 1888
LeffertChris born about 1886
LeffertChris Jr born about 1923
LeffertJohn born about 1918
LeffertLeo born about 1928
LeffertRosemary born about 1926
LerchHarriet born about 1936
LerchHarry born about 1898
LerchLillian born about 1895
LerchLorretta Mborn about 1876
LerchRussell Jborn about 1929
LesleyByrell born about 1916
LesleyEmmia born about 1885
LesleyFlossie born about 1890
LesleyFreeman born about 1886
LesleyIrvin born about 1888
LesleyMuriel born about 1895
LesleyOliver Aborn about 1894
LesleyShirley born about 1936
LesleyWaneta born about 1922
LeslieHarold born about 1906
LeslieMargaret born about 1909
LeslieWanda Lborn about 1931
LesterCharles born about 1920
LesterRuth born about 1920
LeveanRaymond born about 1913
LeveanReta born about 1916
LewisAda born about 1881
LewisAgnes born about 1924
LewisBetty born about 1926
LewisDe Vonneborn about 1932
LewisEva born about 1892
LewisEvan born about 1913
LewisHollie Cborn about 1879
LewisJean born about 1929
LewisJoyce born about 1937
LongSam born about 1884
LorsenCharlene born about 1928
LorsenCharles Wborn about 1879
LorsenGertrude born about 1894
LorsenJohn Wborn about 1931
LorsenRobert born about 1933
LoweryJohn born about 1918

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M Surnames

MaceyAudrey born about 1892
MaceyCharles born about 1889
MaceyDale born about 1929
MaceyMary born about 1857
MaceyPaul born about 1926
MartinMartha born about 1860
MartzAnna born about 1873
MartzElba born about 1908
MartzElsey born about 1892
MartzErnest born about 1900
MathewsdAmil born about 1890
MathewsdCarolyn born about 1916
MathewsdCecilia born about 1892
MathewsdJohn born about 1918
MattixJohn Jborn about 1874
MattonJames Fborn about 1858
MattonMinnie born about 1871
McCartyElizabeth born about 1871
McCartyStacy born about 1865
McClintochAnn Rborn about 1890
McClintochJames Aborn about 1890
McClintochJean Annborn about 1922
McClintochThomas Rborn about 1928
McCombsLura born about 1898
McCombsMalina born about 1864
McCombsWilliam born about 1863
McCormackHenry born about 1886
McCormackMary born about 1892
McCoyDwight Alrentborn about 1912
McCoyLydia born about 1878
McCoyRussell Alrentborn about 1914
McKinnisClara born about 1880
McKinnisGeorge born about 1872
MellingerAuranda born about 1883
MellingerJohn born about 1871
MellingerLevi born about 1885
MellingerLydia Cborn about 1877
MerphyAlpheus born about 1861
MerphyLena born about 1869
MetzgerCharles born about 1933
MetzgerDonald born about 1928
MetzgerEmmerson born about 1893
MetzgerHarold born about 1930
MetzgerLeo born about 1921
MetzgerLeona born about 1923
MetzgerMinnie born about 1925
MetzgerNellie born about 1896
MetzgerPaul born about 1935
MillerAlice Bborn about 1888
MillerArthur born about 1901
MillerCecil born about 1895
MillerCharles born about 1879
MillerClyde Gborn about 1904
MillerDavid born about 1936
MillerDorothy born about 1933
MillerGladys born about 1925
MillerGlenn Cborn about 1892
MillerHazel born about 1901
MillerIva born about 1926
MillerJames born about 1916
MillerJames born about 1930
MillerJean born about 1928
MillerLeola born about 1908
MillerMalcolm born about 1928
MillerMargaret born about 1905
MillerMarion born about 1901
MillerNellie born about 1894
MillerPaul born about 1934
MillerRalph born about 1936
MillerRuby born about 1932
MillerSylvia born about 1876
MillerWilliam born about 1927
MionerAnna born about 1885
MionerElizabeth born about 1881
MionerRobert born about 1915
MooreBlanche born about 1905
MooreGerry Rayborn about 1939
MooreJohn born about 1894
MooreMax Mborn about 1928
MooreOrval Bborn about 1905
MorbertDorsey born about 1883
MullendoreEmma born about 1890
MurphyClark born about 1858
MurphyEldo born about 1893
MurphyLoraine born about 1911
MurphyMary born about 1895
MurphyMoralyn born about 1935
MurphyOmer born about 1910
MyersC Aborn about 1868
MyersLaura born about 1877

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N Surnames

NalleyAda Leeborn about 1877
NapierEdwin born about 1922
NapierMary born about 1899
NapierWilliam born about 1893
NeatJames Aborn about 1885
NeatMyrtie born about 1890
NeklEdith born about 1918
NeklFloyd born about 1917
NewellBirdie born about 1902
NewellLoris born about 1930
NewellMargaret born about 1925
NewellMildred born about 1927
NewellNellie born about 1903
NewellRosemary born about 1935
NewellRueben born about 1928

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O Surnames

OhlCleo born about 1899
OhlDorthy born about 1917
OhlGarnet born about 1914
OhlGordon born about 1908
OhlMaude born about 1900
OhlMorris born about 1906
OhlOlida born about 1873
OrrJames born about 1926
OrrJohn born about 1896
OrrWaneta born about 1896
OyerEdwin born about 1928
OyerEli Jborn about 1888
OyerMinnie born about 1884
OyerNaomia born about 1920

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P Surnames

PartonElsie born about 1882
PartonEthel born about 1887
PatterCharles born about 1923
PatterMargaret born about 1921
PatterRosa born about 1884
PatterVirginia born about 1916
PatterWilliam born about 1882
PatterWilliam Fborn about 1914
PattonBessie born about 1887
PattonJoseph born about 1920
PattonMary born about 1924
PattonPaul born about 1889
PayneBenjaman born about 1889
PayneBernice born about 1926
PayneOlivia born about 1890
PayneRalph born about 1919
PearsonBlanche born about 1884
PearsonDale born about 1922
PearsonEli born about 1883
PearsonEva born about 1909
PearsonFern born about 1925
PearsonHelen born about 1919
PerryCharles born about 1890
PetersHattie born about 1887
PetersIrvin born about 1856
PetersMatilda born about 1885
PetersMaude born about 1868
PetersWaldo born about 1881
PetersWilson born about 1880
PhebePhebe born about 1868
PiersoinEdna born about 1891
PiersoinVictor born about 1886
PowellAlberta born about 1928
PowellGilbert born about 1874
PowellKenneth born about 1921
PowellLula born about 1883
PowellOrval Dborn about 1907
PowellRowland born about 1881
PrimerGrace born about 1891
PrimerMary born about 1932
PrimerWilliam born about 1886

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R Surnames

RayburnDelbert born about 1927
RayburnFlorence born about 1924
RayburnMarie born about 1899
RayburnRobert born about 1919
RayburnSamuel born about 1892
ReddingAnna born about 1906
ReddingCharles born about 1897
ReddingVernon born about 1926
ReiffAnna born about 1873
RemalHufford born about 1883
RemalMelva born about 1921
RemalRobert born about 1879
RemalyBelva Aborn about 1924
RemalyBonnie born about 1940
RemalyCarl born about 1909
RemalyCharles born about 1917
RemalyChester born about 1909
RemalyDonna Bellborn about 1939
RemalyEarnest born about 1926
RemalyEdna born about 1924
RemalyElsie born about 1909
RemalyEva born about 1910
RemalyFrancis Aborn about 1881
RemalyGrace Mborn about 1882
RemalyHarold born about 1922
RemalyJames born about 1915
RemalyJohn Robertborn about 1936
RemalyJune born about 1912
RemalyLeora born about 1918
RemalyPaul born about 1928
RemalyPearl Fborn about 1886
RemalyRalph born about 1905
RemalyRichard born about 1939
RemalyRuby born about 1904
RemalySharon Lborn about 1939
RemalyWilbur born about 1906
RemalyWilliam born about 1883
ReynoldsElsie born about 1902
ReynoldsGeorge born about 1900
ReynoldsVirginia born about 1928
ReynoldsWilma born about 1932
RiceMilton born about 1927
RichardsonCarrie born about 1874
RileyAlberta born about 1911
RileyClaude born about 1912
RileyMary Lborn about 1938
RitcheyDora Lborn about 1878
RitcheyEli Cborn about 1880
RobinsonElla born about 1881
RobinsonElston born about 1879
RodocherCletus born about 1897
RodocherJoseph born about 1937
RodocherMildred born about 1906
RogersAnnie born about 1881
RogersBeverly born about 1930
RogersElmer born about 1899
RogersFvernia born about 1899
RogersJ Gborn about 1876
RogersRobert born about 1925
RogersVernas born about 1923
RogersWaneta born about 1932
RoofJohn born about 1875
RoofLula born about 1883
RoseArthur born about 1889
RoseBeverly born about 1926
RoseCharlotte born about 1923
RoseDaniel born about 1884
RoseEmily born about 1928
RoseJean born about 1922
RoseMetah born about 1909
RoseWilliam born about 1920
RoudebushHarold born about 1928
RoudebushLee born about 1888
RoudebushLena born about 1889
RoyerFrank born about 1908
RoyerJosephine born about 1912
RuchCharlotte Aborn about 1934
RuchElna born about 1910
RuchMary Gborn about 1937
RuchNilles Hborn about 1907
RuhlanderEarnest born about 1914
RuhlanderHans Fborn about 1902
RuhlanderHelen born about 1913
RuhlanderKenneth born about 1939
RuhlanderRobert born about 1932
RuhlanderShirley Aborn about 1936
RuhlanderVirginia born about 1914
RullArthur born about 1933
RullDavid born about 1938
RullEsther born about 1935
RullFreida born about 1897
RullMatt born about 1894
RuskWilliam born about 1867

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S Surnames

SchniebLe Royborn about 1930
SchniebLewis born about 1934
SchniebNancy born about 1939
SchniebNeoma born about 1908
SchniebWalter born about 1896
SchutzAlbert born about 1883
SchutzCatherine born about 1858
SchutzHazel born about 1901
SchutzKay born about 1939
SchutzKenneth born about 1901
SchutzRobert born about 1934
SchutzWanda born about 1930
SenseLillie Fborn about 1857
SensenbaughJacob born about 1850
ShawFlossie Vborn about 1883
ShawMargaret born about 1923
ShawOliver Dborn about 1877
ShawOlivia Wborn about 1909
ShawRalph Vborn about 1918
ShawRaymond born about 1916
ShoupDaniel born about 1873
SigmanJohn born about 1909
SmithAbe born about 1864
SmithAnna born about 1897
SmithBert born about 1900
SmithBetty born about 1934
SmithCarrie born about 1880
SmithEarl born about 1884
SmithHarlan born about 1921
SmithMary born about 1924
SmithMay born about 1893
SmithRoake born about 1894
SmithSadie born about 1861
SnowbargerMary born about 1855
SnyderBlanche born about 1884
SnyderS Oborn about 1882
SnyderSam Jr born about 1924
SowersHarold born about 1913
SowersPearl born about 1914
SpidelElmer born about 1882
SpidelLyle born about 1919
SpidelMeredith born about 1916
SpidelVerna born about 1883
SpitznagleAnna Mayborn about 1925
SpitznagleArlene born about 1930
SpitznagleBernard born about 1920
SpitznagleCatherine born about 1894
SpitznagleCharles born about 1927
SpitznagleDan born about 1936
SpitznagleDorothy born about 1922
SpitznagleEarl born about 1932
SpitznagleEdward born about 1886
SpitznagleGertrude born about 1923
SpitznagleJames born about 1928
SpitznagleJoan born about 1939
SpitznagleJoseph born about 1882
SpitznagleLenord born about 1917
SpitznagleLoretta born about 1887
SpitznagleMargie born about 1933
SpitznagleMyrle born about 1933
SpitznaglePatarica born about 1928
SpitznagleRobert born about 1913
SpitznagleShirley born about 1934
SpitznagleThelma born about 1916
SpitznagleWilliam born about 1931
StairAlberta born about 1917
StairBessie born about 1890
StairPatricia Aborn about 1934
StairRoss Dborn about 1886
StaleyEmma born about 1871
StaleyN Hborn about 1864
StarkRichard born about 1919
SteeleClair born about 1893
SteeleDanny born about 1936
SteeleDorrell born about 1920
SteeleFred born about 1896
SteeleLarry born about 1927
SteeleLowell born about 1915
SteeleRobert born about 1926
SteeleRobert Lborn about 1883
SteeleThelma born about 1904
StichterBetty born about 1922
StichterDonald born about 1933
StichterDorothy born about 1924
StichterEarl born about 1923
StichterJames born about 1936
StichterLorene born about 1921
StichterShirley Aborn about 1939
StichterSusie born about 1899
StingleyArthur born about 1937
StingleyCatherine born about 1932
StingleyEllen born about 1931
StingleyGrace born about 1928
StingleyJames born about 1935
StingleyLaura born about 1939
StingleyLaurabell born about 1906
StingleyMary Mborn about 1933
StingleyWilliam born about 1905
StingleyWilliam Jr born about 1926
StrantzAnna born about 1876
StrantzBertha born about 1881
StrantzHanna born about 1872
StrantzMinne born about 1883
StrantzRudolp born about 1886
StrubleGeorge born about 1891
StrubleRuth born about 1896
SummerJoy Eborn about 1933
SummerSampson Hborn about 1854
SutherlandBertram born about 1902
SutherlandEvadna born about 1904
SutherlandLa Verne born about 1924
SutherlandRobert born about 1926
SutterDavid born about 1910
SutterMary born about 1876
SuttonJoseph born about 1909
SuttonMargaret born about 1917
SwisherAlbert born about 1900
SwisherCatherine born about 1914
SwisherDonna born about 1936
SwisherJohn born about 1938
SwisherJoseph born about 1939
SwisherPhyllis born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggertBruce born about 1874
TaggertMinnie born about 1879
TaylorJane born about 1922
TaylorLouise born about 1891
TaylorRollie born about 1878

V Surnames

VanderholkJohn born about 1881
VanderholkMargaret born about 1882
VerkwitzEdwin born about 1933
VerkwitzFrederick born about 1924
VerkwitzRobert born about 1937
VerkwitzWilliam born about 1931
VesterFred born about 1876
VesterKatherine born about 1877
VesterMarion born about 1910
VinardHelena born about 1887
VinardJames Cborn about 1917
VinardJames Pborn about 1880
VirginStanley born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerAlma born about 1922
WagnerHarry born about 1897
WagnerLydia born about 1900
WagonerEvelyn born about 1934
WagonerKeith born about 1930
WagonerMorris born about 1906
WagonerNora born about 1907
WalkerKenneth Rborn about 1919
WalkerLaura born about 1892
WalkerR Oborn about 1859
WalkerRoy Pborn about 1895
WalkerRuth born about 1924
WarwichIva Jborn about 1890
WarwichMerlin Rborn about 1892
WarwichMerlon Oborn about 1920
WeaverLa Roy J Roy Jborn about 1921
WehrleDave Rborn about 1930
WehrleEdward Wborn about 1935
WehrleElsie born about 1902
WehrleJames Eborn about 1939
WehrleJoe born about 1892
WehrleJoseph Lborn about 1926
WelchBetty Joeborn about 1934
WelchMarjorie born about 1908
WelchRoy born about 1908
WelkEdna born about 1917
WelkMarlin born about 1918
WhitlockAnna born about 1931
WhitlockBen born about 1901
WhitlockEffie born about 1901
WhitlockJames born about 1928
WhitlockMaxine born about 1924
WidenerJerry born about 1939
WidenerLois born about 1918
WidenerRobert born about 1916
WidnerF Mborn about 1858
WidnerIva born about 1871
WiegandEugene born about 1927
WiegandHarold born about 1930
WiegandLucille born about 1908
WiegandTheodore born about 1933
WiegandWilliam born about 1907
WilliamsNathaniel born about 1857
WiseEdward born about 1907
WiseJoseph born about 1873
WiseMerle born about 1913
WittemanEdward born about 1900
WohnAddie born about 1872
WohnHenry born about 1869
WolfBarbara born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YostAllen A Srborn about 1858
YostAllen Jr born about 1903
YostChristine born about 1916
YostIda Mayborn about 1864
YostSusie Bellborn about 1907
YuillEdna born about 1925
YuillJames Rborn about 1892
YuillMary born about 1930
YuillOlive Bborn about 1891
YundtHarry born about 1880
YundtHazel Lborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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