1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pigeon in Warrick County, Warrick, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Warrick County > 1940 Census of Pigeon in Warrick County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAlberta born about 1908
AllenBetty Louiseborn about 1933
AllenDoris Deanborn about 1939
AllenHilbert Sborn about 1877
AllenShirley Annborn about 1929
AmbroseGeorge born about 1931
AmbroseIrene born about 1922
AmbroseLeland born about 1900
AmbroseLeo born about 1924
AmbroseLois born about 1901
AskinsMary Eborn about 1929
AveryCarl born about 1925
AveryEarl born about 1925
AveryMatty born about 1890
AveryMildred born about 1918
AveryOtto Lborn about 1886

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B Surnames

BaconBillie born about 1939
BaconDaniel Vborn about 1870
BaconDorthey born about 1932
BaconEarl born about 1905
BaconEdna born about 1914
BaconJames born about 1922
BaconLouise born about 1936
BaconMary Lowborn about 1930
BaconNaomi Ruthborn about 1927
BaconNettie born about 1892
BaconPaul born about 1924
BaconPaul Marionborn about 1939
BaileyEmma born about 1875
BarrArvis born about 1896
BarrAutley born about 1901
BarrDaisy born about 1895
BarrDorthy Jeanborn about 1937
BarrGary Deanborn about 1939
BarrGlenn born about 1923
BarrJunior born about 1937
BarrLee born about 1917
BarrLetta born about 1904
BarrMary Leeborn about 1915
BarrettGorden born about 1893
BarrettMae born about 1894
BartonLola Maeborn about 1921
BartonNorma Jeanborn about 1939
BartonPerry born about 1904
BassClara Bellborn about 1928
BassEmma born about 1908
BassImogene born about 1938
BassIra Rborn about 1908
BassLoyd born about 1930
BeardClyde Jeromeborn about 1928
BeardGladys born about 1906
BeardLouis born about 1922
BeardLouise born about 1900
BeardPatsy Joeborn about 1933
BeardPeggy Jeanborn about 1934
BeardRobert born about 1932
BeardW Juneborn about 1925
BeardWanda Leeborn about 1926
BennettClearence born about 1871
BennettLeantha born about 1886
BeyersIra born about 1879
BeyersManford Cborn about 1885
BeyersMarjorie Ruthborn about 1926
BeyersPauline born about 1911
BlackElla born about 1921
BlackLee born about 1919
BoinNorman born about 1927
BolinOllie born about 1896
BorrElisha born about 1866
BorrElla born about 1873
BredholdEdna born about 1921
BredholdJohn born about 1892
BredholdLuda born about 1896
BrennerHenry born about 1916
BrennerRaymond born about 1897
BrightAbby born about 1884
BrightAlbert born about 1877
BrightBillie born about 1930
BrightDonavan born about 1911
BrightDuane born about 1921
BrightJone Vborn about 1924
BrokerEmma Louborn about 1930
BrokerGustave born about 1901
BrokerHenrietta born about 1933
BrokerOlinda born about 1904
BrokerRosina born about 1928
BrownLee born about 1899
BrownMary Eborn about 1859
BruceAda born about 1882
BruceDella Maeborn about 1887
BruceFern born about 1924
BruceGirtha born about 1907
BruceJohn born about 1855
BruceJohn Rborn about 1920
BruceMary Janeborn about 1933
BruceMarylin born about 1930
BruceNorma Jeanborn about 1937
BruceOra Eborn about 1878
BruceOval born about 1912
BruceParley Jborn about 1902
BruceRobert born about 1909
BruceWilliam born about 1890
BummCyprian born about 1879
BummMary Etlaborn about 1880
BummRoeland born about 1920
BummWalter born about 1911
BuseBetty Roseborn about 1933
BuseDorthy born about 1928
BuseEllie born about 1896
BuseElsie born about 1896
BuseEstel born about 1925
BuseHenry born about 1931
BuseMarjorie born about 1926
BuseWendel born about 1923

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C Surnames

CallCarl born about 1901
CallEtta Mborn about 1874
CallJewell born about 1905
CallNola born about 1896
CavinsAdrian born about 1904
CavinsAnnis born about 1902
CavinsBetty Joneborn about 1933
CavinsElaine born about 1936
CavinsHilbert born about 1908
CavinsLucretia born about 1868
CavinsMary born about 1912
CavinsRobert Deanborn about 1939
ChinnMargret Lborn about 1880
ChinnWalter born about 1883
ChumbleyBeverly Leeborn about 1938
ChumbleyHildred born about 1919
ChumbleyLemuel born about 1913
ChumbleyRonald Jeanborn about 1940
CollKermit born about 1938
CooperDora born about 1879
CooperHarry born about 1876
CooperWilbert born about 1913

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D Surnames

DayCharles born about 1923
DellerAgnes born about 1923
DellerAlbert born about 1890
DellerEster born about 1891
DellerEugene born about 1916
DellerHelen born about 1929
DellerJames born about 1934
DellerLauretta born about 1901
DellerPaul born about 1888
DeweeseLeroy born about 1935
DeweeseMadge born about 1913
DeweeseValerie Joeborn about 1934
DeweeseWilliam Mborn about 1913
DoetkerAmos born about 1889
DoetkerAugust born about 1863
DoetkerDina born about 1862
DoetkerIrene born about 1912
DoetkerMatz born about 1898
DowdellArline born about 1881
DowdellEstle born about 1921
DowdellJohn Raymondborn about 1919
DowdellWilliam born about 1880
DuganCarl Rogerborn about 1939
DuganEmma born about 1882
DuganHarry born about 1916
DuganJessie born about 1921
DuganLuther born about 1881
DuganNoble born about 1913
DuganRuth born about 1918

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E Surnames

EasleyAbshire Mamieborn about 1892
EasleyBillie Rayborn about 1928
EasleyCassie Lborn about 1882
EasleyClyde born about 1885
EasleyEva born about 1885
EasleyJunior born about 1924
EasleyMyrtle born about 1890
EasleyPearl born about 1887
EasleyRoger born about 1889
ElliotJoe Danborn about 1929
EllisAlice born about 1928
EllisBetty born about 1931
EllisGeneva born about 1909
EllisHilbert born about 1905
EllisInez born about 1926
EllisJohn born about 1864
EngramDavid Eborn about 1876
EngramDoris Annborn about 1931
EngramLillian born about 1879
EvansDale born about 1925
EvansDella Mayborn about 1884
EvansElmo born about 1923
EvansEmmet born about 1905
EvansEthel Lavernborn about 1940
EvansIda born about 1914
EvansJack Theodoreborn about 1891
EvansJunior born about 1921
EvansLloyd born about 1937
EvansOscar Eborn about 1884
EvansRuby born about 1934
EyreDale born about 1921
EyreDessie Annaborn about 1925
EyreDora Maudborn about 1923
EyreEmma Wborn about 1890
EyreFelix born about 1852
EyreJohn born about 1886

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F Surnames

FisherBillie born about 1934
FisherJames born about 1898
FisherJessie born about 1911
FranklinTolbert born about 1904

G Surnames

GarberJohn born about 1875
GarrisonPauline born about 1921
GarrisonRobert born about 1923
GoodAlbert born about 1873

H Surnames

HalbertEdgar born about 1914
HalbertFlorian born about 1875
HalbertMinnie born about 1880
HandschieglAlbert born about 1887
HandschieglElberta born about 1925
HandschieglElizabeth born about 1922
HandschieglJ Bborn about 1881
HandschieglNora born about 1891
HandschieglRobert born about 1918
HandschieglWilma born about 1929
HapperEva born about 1890
HarperAlma Jeneborn about 1931
HarperBonnie Roseborn about 1935
HarperClarence born about 1887
HarperEdgar born about 1901
HarperEdna born about 1903
HarperEdwin born about 1922
HarperEugene born about 1930
HarperJames born about 1921
HarperKenneth born about 1927
HarperLeonard born about 1924
HarperLloyd Rayborn about 1929
HarperMaggie born about 1908
HarperMallie born about 1936
HarperMarvin born about 1929
HarperMaud born about 1899
HarperOwen born about 1926
HarperPauline born about 1937
HarperRalph born about 1939
HarperRay born about 1938
HarperRichard born about 1908
HarperRuby born about 1939
HarperVera born about 1933
HarrisAlbert born about 1903
HarrisCurtis born about 1931
HarrisJames born about 1939
HarrisLillian born about 1899
HarrisMariana born about 1935
HartElija born about 1888
HartGuy born about 1884
HartRoger Galeborn about 1932
HartleyEugene born about 1877
HartleyKatheryn born about 1911
HartleyLola Bborn about 1875
HartleyVere born about 1900
HeadyGilbert born about 1916
HeadyMary born about 1918
HearnLina born about 1860
HeckelGale Darvinborn about 1934
HeckelHerbert born about 1914
HeckelRuby born about 1915
HeimCarl born about 1927
HemmerEmma born about 1880
HoefnagelBernard born about 1906
HoefnagelEugene born about 1937
HoefnagelIda born about 1918
HoefnagelMabel born about 1939
HopkinsColleen born about 1930
HopkinsDenby born about 1898
HopkinsDuane born about 1934
HopkinsForest born about 1909
HopkinsLona born about 1910
HopkinsOcie born about 1899
HudsonRobert born about 1879
HullCharles born about 1886
HuntChester born about 1907
HuntElvia born about 1914
HuntLalan born about 1910
HuntLorene born about 1922
HuntLoyd born about 1914
HuntMae born about 1910
HuntNettie Fayborn about 1939
HuntPaul Royceborn about 1935

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I Surnames

IngramBarney born about 1887
IngramLauretta born about 1922
IngramLetha Rayborn about 1939

J Surnames

JohnsonJohn Rborn about 1875
JonesBurless born about 1900
JonesCora born about 1879
JonesEdgar born about 1886
JonesEdgar born about 1906
JonesFlorence born about 1900
JonesLoraine born about 1923
JonesMabel born about 1906
JonesThomas born about 1871
JonesUlis born about 1925
JonesVirgil born about 1912
JonesWallace born about 1930

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K Surnames

KamanDorthy born about 1922
KamanEllen born about 1924
KamanElnora born about 1885
KamanFrank born about 1880
KamanLauretta born about 1918
KashanEugene born about 1924
KashanGeneva born about 1933
KashanJohn born about 1883
KashanJohn Hborn about 1919
KashanMary Suaieborn about 1896
KashanRaymond born about 1939
KashanRobert born about 1936
KashanStella born about 1930
KashanViola Maeborn about 1928
KastnerEmma born about 1875
KastnerLouis born about 1867
KellyCharles born about 1923
KellyEva born about 1897
KellyHy born about 1898
KinkadJames Eborn about 1920
KisselCharles born about 1926
KisselDonnie born about 1932
KisselGrace born about 1905
KisselRay Geraldborn about 1930
KisselRoscoe Carlborn about 1928
KitchensAndrew born about 1853
KitchensBeard Hatselborn about 1897
KitchensDennie born about 1876
KitchensElla born about 1873
KitchensLara born about 1873

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L Surnames

LamanArthur born about 1897
LamanAttie born about 1883
LamanByron born about 1922
LamanEvert Pborn about 1887
LamanLloyd born about 1926
LamanMarjorie born about 1934
LamanMax born about 1928
LamanMelvin born about 1888
LamanSilva born about 1899
LamarGeorge born about 1881
LambDonna born about 1937
LambJohn born about 1902
LambLucille born about 1907
LamerManford Aborn about 1888
LamerMay born about 1903
LaneAnnis born about 1908
LaneWilliam born about 1903
LauderdaleAlpha born about 1891
LauderdaleAtia born about 1896
LauderdaleCarl born about 1900
LauderdaleCarl Stevtonborn about 1938
LauderdaleDavid Leeborn about 1938
LauderdaleDennis born about 1865
LauderdaleEarl born about 1900
LauderdaleElla born about 1872
LauderdaleEmma born about 1911
LauderdaleErma Joneborn about 1930
LauderdaleGeneva born about 1904
LauderdaleGeneva born about 1935
LauderdaleGeorge born about 1915
LauderdaleGirtie* born about 1924
LauderdaleGoldie born about 1893
LauderdaleGrace born about 1918
LauderdaleIda Maeborn about 1920
LauderdaleInez born about 1902
LauderdaleJames born about 1886
LauderdaleLeslie born about 1897
LauderdaleMabel born about 1919
LauderdaleMarie born about 1919
LauderdaleMary born about 1917
LauderdaleMayme Jeanborn about 1933
LauderdaleNorman born about 1932
LauderdalePaul born about 1927
LauderdaleWilliam born about 1885
LeonardAlic born about 1866
LeonardMary born about 1872
LindseyAlma born about 1895
LindseyFannie born about 1876
LindseyHomer born about 1895
LindseyJames born about 1871
LindseyRay born about 1918
LuckAlmeda born about 1874
LuckDelia born about 1913
LuckJames born about 1859
LuckLouis born about 1912
LuckWillie born about 1902
LuckadoCora born about 1878
LuckadoRoe born about 1873
LuttrellCharles Rayborn about 1939
LuttrellDello born about 1912
LuttrellDelma Mayborn about 1935
LuttrellVerlice born about 1914

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M Surnames

MaisnerBillie Jborn about 1939
MaisnerCarl born about 1886
MaisnerCarl born about 1914
MaisnerClara born about 1891
MaisnerDorthey born about 1930
MaisnerEdward born about 1912
MaisnerGeorge born about 1928
MaisnerKatheryn born about 1926
MaisnerMarylee born about 1920
MaisnerNorman Leeborn about 1917
MaisnerRussel born about 1920
MarrisBonnie Maxineborn about 1933
MarrisDenby born about 1911
MarrisHenry born about 1879
MarrisMargaret Annborn about 1871
MarrisVerena born about 1918
MarrisWilliam born about 1906
MarshallArthur Dborn about 1906
MarshallBessie born about 1900
MarshallBlanch born about 1901
MarshallClinton born about 1925
MarshallCora Aborn about 1868
MarshallEdwin born about 1897
MarshallElmer born about 1896
MarshallEmmett born about 1894
MarshallGerald Aborn about 1933
MarshallHarold born about 1929
MarshallHazel Vborn about 1906
MarshallJames Hborn about 1932
MarshallLaura born about 1899
MarshallLeroy born about 1922
MarshallMarilou born about 1929
MarshallMarlyn born about 1931
MarshallRalph born about 1930
MarshallRay born about 1930
MarshallShirley born about 1935
MarshallThomas Rborn about 1937
MatleyDora born about 1869
MatleyJames Hborn about 1872
MaxineJohn born about 1863
MaxineWilliam born about 1930
McCartyDella born about 1894
McCartyHarold born about 1928
McCartyLloyd born about 1893
McCoyDessie born about 1867
MelcherJohn born about 1872
MelcherMatilda born about 1873
MeyerAaron born about 1885
MeyerEthel born about 1901
MeyerJ Fredborn about 1880
MeyerKatheryn born about 1890
MeyerLeola born about 1930
MeyerMary born about 1889
MeyerNorman Fborn about 1900
MichelArlina born about 1925
MichelErnest born about 1903
MichelErnest Jr born about 1927
MichelZelma born about 1904
MickelBeulah born about 1918
MickelBeverly born about 1937
MickelCelia born about 1882
MickelClayton born about 1906
MickelClayton Wyngardborn about 1939
MickelEveret born about 1909
MickelGoldie born about 1910
MickelKelley born about 1924
MickelNewton born about 1912
MickelOliver Eborn about 1880
MickelPhyliss born about 1938
MickelStanley Rayborn about 1940
MiesnerHenry born about 1893
MiesnerMarjorie born about 1929
MiesnerRichard born about 1927
MiesnerRoland born about 1924
MiesnerRuby born about 1904
MileyBetty Joeborn about 1928
MileyClaud born about 1922
MileyEllen born about 1935
MileyElsie Maeborn about 1933
MileyEvert Rayborn about 1939
MileyHarry born about 1898
MileyHarry Jr born about 1931
MileyHelen born about 1935
MileyJenelle born about 1926
MileyLula born about 1898
MileyRuth born about 1923
MileyWoodrow born about 1918
MillerBobbie born about 1932
MillerCarnelia born about 1882
MillerCarolin Ruthborn about 1937
MillerEricus* born about 1900
MillerFern born about 1912
MillerHarold born about 1902
MillerJessie born about 1924
MillerMarietta born about 1925
MillerMarjedene born about 1927
MillerMary Fborn about 1867
MillerPaulina born about 1926
MillerSmith born about 1872
MillerStella born about 1903
MillerWandal born about 1919
MillerWayne born about 1905
MillsDavid Sborn about 1870
MooreGeorge born about 1925
MooreLester born about 1914
MooreOpal born about 1915
MooreOrphia born about 1922
MorganHelena born about 1898
MorganLoren born about 1887
MorrisAtta born about 1907
MorrisBernie born about 1924
MorrisCharles Haroldborn about 1938
MorrisFrank born about 1907
MorrisGeorge born about 1914
MorrisIvan born about 1929
MorrisIvan born about 1934
MorrisJim born about 1900
MorrisJohn Franklinborn about 1936
MorrisLela born about 1918
MorrisMabel born about 1927
MorrisRetta born about 1900
MorrisThelma Jeanborn about 1936
MotleyAlberta born about 1925
MotleyAnsel born about 1914
MotleyAudrey born about 1922
MotleyGladys born about 1915
MotleyHita born about 1892
MotleyIvan born about 1894
MotleyLarry Stanfordborn about 1938
MotleyLois Jeanborn about 1932
MulhollandC Mborn about 1895
MulhollandEmily Cborn about 1898
MulhollandKeith born about 1928
MullerMante born about 1925

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N Surnames

NancyDora born about 1881
NancyEvelyn born about 1917
NancyFloyd born about 1920
NancyJames born about 1916
NancyKenton born about 1880
NixElvin born about 1910
NixEva born about 1912

O Surnames

OsborneBenton Vborn about 1874
OsborneFloyd born about 1931
OsborneFrank born about 1860
OsborneIra Mayborn about 1939
OsborneMary Jborn about 1909
OsborneOpal born about 1925
OsborneVirgil Leeborn about 1927
OsborneWanda Vborn about 1936
OskinsAgnes born about 1873
OsmannRose Maryborn about 1939
OxleyDennis born about 1879
OxleyHeman born about 1919
OxleyJohn Lborn about 1871
OxleyRana born about 1880

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P Surnames

PekinpaughViola born about 1873
PerigoElwood born about 1922
PerigoEverett born about 1893
PerigoFlora born about 1890
PerigoJ Charlesborn about 1872
PerigoPhyllis born about 1927
PerigoSarah Annborn about 1870
PetersFrank Jborn about 1894
PetersMary born about 1904
PhelpsIvy born about 1893
PhelpsTeresa born about 1902
PhillipsAline born about 1903
PhillipsAlonzo born about 1886
PhillipsAnna Maeborn about 1925
PhillipsBobbie born about 1927
PhillipsCarl born about 1893
PhillipsChristpher Cborn about 1862
PhillipsDorles born about 1936
PhillipsEarl born about 1930
PhillipsElnora Sborn about 1893
PhillipsEthel Jeanborn about 1931
PhillipsEva born about 1910
PhillipsHoward Lborn about 1872
PhillipsJessie born about 1923
PhillipsJunior born about 1934
PhillipsLafe born about 1861
PhillipsLeland born about 1927
PhillipsLouis Wborn about 1896
PhillipsMary Cborn about 1862
PhillipsMary Eborn about 1860
PhillipsMary Ettaborn about 1869
PhillipsMeredith born about 1898
PhillipsMildred born about 1922
PhillipsMyrtle born about 1898
PhillipsOtilla born about 1897
PhillipsRebecca born about 1889
PhillipsRevis born about 1892
PhillipsRichard born about 1906
PhillipsRosalie born about 1934
PhillipsRoscoe born about 1900
PhillipsVirginia Leeborn about 1929
PopeElisha born about 1872
PopeMinnie born about 1875
PowellBrenda Seaborn about 1936
PowellEmma born about 1881
PowellHarold born about 1921
PowellLoyd born about 1914
PowellMildred born about 1923
PowellMona Maeborn about 1924
PowellPauline born about 1915
PowellSharon Anneborn about 1938
PowersAlma born about 1911
PowersAnna Marieborn about 1939
PowersBetty Jeanborn about 1935
PowersCelia born about 1890
PowersDotty Lonborn about 1936
PowersEd born about 1864
PowersEmma Cborn about 1871
PowersErnest born about 1908
PowersJames born about 1919
PowersLenora born about 1876
PowersLenore Katherineborn about 1940
PowersLoise Jeanborn about
PowersLouis born about 1890
PowersMildred born about 1915
PowersWalter born about 1915
PowersWalter Wendelborn about 1938
PowersWilliam Rborn about 1868

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R Surnames

RebberHelen born about 1927
RebberHenry Wborn about 1884
RebberMinnie born about 1883
RhoadesAlbert born about 1880
RhoadesBert born about 1919
RhoadesClara born about 1908
RhoadesEva born about 1885
RiceBarbara born about 1933
RiceBetty Joborn about 1932
RiceBillie Rayborn about 1930
RiceCarry born about 1900
RiceDonald Leeborn about 1935
RiceEmalow* born about 1926
RiceRay born about 1903
RiggleRaymond born about 1920
RingNorman born about 1910
RoachEllsworth born about 1915
RoachEllsworth Jr born about
RoachFannie born about 1877
RoachLevi born about 1864
RoachLouise born about 1922
RobertsCharles born about 1908
RobertsFlora born about 1878
RobertsHarvey born about 1901
RobertsJoe born about 1876
RobertsMildred born about 1910
RobertsonJohn born about 1877
RobertsonLaura born about 1878
RobinsonAnna Bellborn about 1927
RobinsonDoris born about 1933
RobinsonFlora born about 1875
RobinsonHallie born about 1900
RobinsonJames born about 1923
RobinsonJohn born about 1866
RobinsonLewis Wborn about 1870
RobinsonMartha Mborn about 1876
RobinsonOtis born about 1895
RobinsonRobert born about 1930
RoedelBilly born about 1921
RoedelGeorge born about 1880
RoedelGottlieb Eborn about 1901
RoedelHelen born about 1903
RoedelJosie born about 1926
RosemeyerEmil born about 1904
RosemeyerHermand Wborn about 1863
RothOswald born about 1907
RuthMildred born about 1914
RuthWalter born about 1904
RuthWilma Joiceborn about 1938

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S Surnames

ScalesAgnes born about 1875
ScalesBeverly Annborn about 1934
ScalesCecil born about 1897
ScalesEmma born about 1897
ScalesFrancis born about 1906
ScalesGarland born about 1910
ScalesHarl born about 1912
ScalesHarold born about 1896
ScalesJames born about 1927
ScalesJamie born about 1939
ScalesJunior born about 1930
ScalesLorene born about 1911
ScalesNellie born about 1907
ScalesNorma Roseborn about 1933
ScalesOttis born about 1907
ScalesRobert born about 1937
ScalesSandra Joyceborn about 1935
ScalesTena born about 1876
ScalesThomas born about 1871
ScalesW Hborn about 1872
SchatzEveret born about 1890
SchatzJohn born about 1896
SchatzLela born about 1886
SchatzPiney born about 1894
SchwinnCharles born about 1884
SchwinnLela born about 1895
SchwinnMarvin born about 1932
SchwinnWilliam born about 1891
SegerMarena born about 1919
SegerRaymond born about 1913
SheltonAnna Iborn about 1877
ShirbyI??ettis born about 1869
ShirbyOliver Pborn about 1856
ShrodeClyde born about 1885
ShrodeGrace born about 1888
SiegbertAlbert born about 1935
SiegbertEdward born about 1897
SiegbertLydia born about 1895
SiegbertThelma born about 1928
SimpsonAlton born about 1906
SimpsonBarbarba Sueborn about 1933
SimpsonCommodore born about 1897
SimpsonDonald Leeborn about 1930
SimpsonDorthy Ellenborn about 1938
SimpsonEarl born about 1921
SimpsonEdith Maeborn about 1938
SimpsonElsie Mayborn about 1929
SimpsonErnest born about 1923
SimpsonFlora born about 1896
SimpsonHarold born about 1924
SimpsonHilda Juneborn about 1932
SimpsonJames Hillisborn about 1928
SimpsonLetta born about 1856
SimpsonLillian Maeborn about 1929
SimpsonLorene born about 1939
SimpsonLuella born about 1935
SimpsonLyda born about 1891
SimpsonMary Aliceborn about 1937
SimpsonNolan born about 1931
SimpsonPaul born about 1926
SimpsonRaymond born about 1895
SimpsonReba born about 1931
SimpsonRevis born about 1890
SimpsonRoland born about 1936
SimpsonRome born about 1891
SimpsonRuby born about 1924
SimpsonRussel born about 1919
SimpsonRuth born about 1925
SimpsonSarah born about 1869
SimpsonStella born about 1905
SimpsonTillie born about 1908
SimpsonWanda Leeborn about 1927
SimpsonWilma Janeborn about 1936
SkeltonAllinson born about 1883
SkeltonEster born about 1895
SkeltonGarland born about 1910
SkeltonShirley born about 1885
SkeltonWinnie born about 1890
SpencerAllen born about 1918
SpencerBessie born about 1920
SpencerCharles born about 1932
SpencerDonald Rayborn about 1937
SpencerElmer born about 1923
SpencerErnest Richardborn about 1928
SpencerHomer born about 1879
SpencerMay born about 1895
SpencerZola Aborn about 1897
SpradleySirena born about 1857
SpradleyThomas Jborn about 1867
SpradlinAlice born about 1890
SpradlinDarleen born about 1928
SpradlinGerlad Leeborn about 1925
SpradlynDorthey born about 1925
SpradlynGordon born about 1923
SpradlynHazel born about 1898
SpradlynL Owenborn about 1896
SpradlynOlia?? Hborn about 1859
SpradlynRobert born about 1926
SpradlynWanda Leeborn about 1931
SpringstonArline born about 1902
SpringstonCharles born about 1916
SpringstonDarryl born about 1939
SpringstonDortha Jeanborn about 1923
SpringstonEtta born about 1878
SpringstonGeorge born about 1875
SpringstonGrenade born about 1927
SpringstonHelen born about 1920
SpringstonJanice Rayborn about 1939
SpringstonJesse born about 1881
SpringstonLois Mayborn about 1932
SpringstonMary Jborn about 1901
SpringstonMary Lorraineborn about 1935
SpringstonRay born about 1898
SpringstonRupert Daleborn about 1926
SpringstonWanda Geraldineborn about 1929
SpringstonWarren born about 1930
SpurlockClell born about 1909
SpurlockEllwood born about 1936
SpurlockGella born about 1882
SpurlockJames born about 1931
SpurlockJohn born about 1878
SpurlockJohn Jr born about 1918
SpurlockLeroy born about 1939
SpurlockLoran born about 1934
SpurlockMadge born about 1922
SpurlockMae born about 1928
SpurlockMary born about 1914
StallmannBertha born about 1892
StallmannJacob born about 1886
StclairEdward born about 1873
StephensFloyd born about 1900
StephensFloyd Louisborn about 1935
StephensLouise born about 1907
StephensMildred born about 1907
StephensMildred Florenceborn about 1928
StepphensJames born about 1873
StepphensMaggie born about 1873
StevensAndrey born about 1939
StevensAnna born about 1913
StevensClarence born about 1911
StevensLouis born about 1862
StevensMary Belleborn about 1935
StevensSeward born about 1876
StevensWilliam born about 1933
StewartCharles born about 1880
StewartGeorgia born about 1913
StewartGerald born about 1922
StewartJerry born about 1936
StewartMary Jeanborn about 1925
StewartNancy Joborn about 1940
StewartSarah born about 1884
StewartSherron Annborn about 1938
StewartWalter born about 1911
StoneEmma born about 1873
StoneHobert born about 1897
StoneLaura born about 1911
StoneMary Leeborn about 1940
StoneNarl born about 1913
StoneOral born about 1911
StoneValeda Joneyborn about 1934
SuhrkampCarl born about 1900
SuhrkampDelmer Leeborn about 1938
SuhrkampEarl born about 1908
SuhrkampHenry born about 1866
SuhrkampMatilda born about 1877
SuhrkampPearl born about 1903
SuhrkampWilma Maeborn about 1936
SwartzMinnie born about 1896
SwartzWilliam Qborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarleyEnna born about 1891
TarleyEsther Annborn about 1930
TarleyHarl born about 1925
TarleyJackson born about 1865
TarleyLoyd born about 1891
TarleyOrien born about 1927
TatlockHarold born about 1928
TaylorAlice born about 1913
TaylorDarwin born about 1935
TaylorDolie born about 1877
TaylorDorthy born about 1923
TaylorEvelyn born about 1915
TaylorForest Cborn about 1929
TaylorFreda born about 1932
TaylorHerbert born about 1889
TaylorHubert born about 1896
TaylorJ Dolphborn about 1872
TaylorJane born about 1875
TaylorJerry born about 1937
TaylorJoan born about 1939
TaylorLouisa born about 1904
TaylorMarie born about 1908
TaylorMarylin born about 1938
TaylorMinnie born about 1901
TaylorRalph born about 1915
TaylorRay born about 1895
TaylorRaymond born about 1910
TaylorRevis born about 1909
TaylorRussel born about 1908
TaylorVernon Leeborn about 1928
TaylorVirgil born about 1884
TaylorVirginia born about 1927
ThompsonCarl born about 1919
ThompsonEdward born about 1923
ThompsonHazel born about 1901
ThompsonKelley born about 1900
ThompsonRobert born about 1929
ThyngMary Eborn about 1870
ThyngRalph born about 1904
ThyngSamuel Lborn about 1866
ToaleGalen born about 1913
ToaleIma Loisborn about 1918
ToaleSula born about 1890
ToaleVernie born about 1908
TooleAline born about 1916
TooleBernice born about 1909
TooleDonald Geneborn about 1934
TooleMarilyn born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanwinkleWilliam born about 1877

W Surnames

WahlAndrew born about 1932
WahlBernard born about 1925
WahlBernhard born about 1883
WahlBerta born about 1894
WahlCarl born about 1922
WahlLeo born about 1936
WahlMildred born about 1929
WahlRussel born about 1939
WallaceAda born about 1898
WallaceJames Bborn about 1882
WallaceNeal born about 1905
WallaceNorman born about 1931
WallacePhylis Sueborn about 1939
WallacePresilla born about 1934
WallaceRoss born about 1927
WallaceUnis born about 1924
WardAlbert born about 1901
WardGeorge Albertborn about 1937
WardNancy Annborn about 1938
WardOlive born about 1908
WardPatricia Louiseborn about 1939
WelchAbraham born about 1868
WelchDaisy born about 1881
WelchVictor born about 1919
WendelAgnes Tborn about 1878
WendelGeorge Iborn about 1873
WendelGordon Mborn about 1920
WendelJoan Annaborn about 1935
WendelMarion Annborn about 1933
WendelRosalia born about 1914
WendelRussel born about 1909
WendelWilliam Hborn about 1869
WendelnAnna born about 1880
WoodMildred born about 1909
WoodsLetta born about 1877
WoodsMack Mborn about 1933
WoodsMorunt* born about 1879
WoodsRoy born about 1895
WoodsWavah* born about 1899
WoolseyArrata born about 1874
WoolseyCarmin born about 1915
WoolseyHelen born about 1895
WoolseyHerman born about 1923
WoolseyLulu Ellenborn about 1929
WoolseyOral born about 1893
WoolseyRosie born about 1875
WorsickWilliam born about 1871
WorsickWilson born about 1896
WrightIda born about 1890
WrightJohn Rborn about 1859
WrightMary Eborn about 1859
WrightWayne born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesAdrian born about 1921
YatesClifford born about 1911
YatesImogene born about 1932
YatesSusie born about 1914
YoungAnnabelle born about 1916
YoungArlan Levaneborn about 1936
YoungArlie born about 1891
YoungBlanche born about 1903
YoungDoris Annborn about 1938
YoungElizabeth born about 1873
YoungFannie born about 1874
YoungJacob Lborn about 1866
YoungMamie born about 1901
YoungMarilyn Sueborn about 1934
YoungPosie born about 1901
YoungRussel Eborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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