1940 U.S. Federal Census of Posey in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Posey in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AcreeAlbert born about 1902
AcreeGary Lee Infantborn about 1940
AcreeMargaret born about 1908
AdamsBessie Cborn about 1899
AdamsBetty Jeanborn about 1930
AdamsEarl Mborn about 1926
AdamsGrover born about 1891
AdamsJack born about 1919
AdamsMary Bborn about 1877
AdamsSamuel Cborn about 1870
AdamsWilliam Tborn about 1894
AelingDennis born about 1873
AelingEmma born about 1880
AlbrightGuy born about 1894
AlbrightMamie born about 1890
AlbrightMargaret born about 1917
AlbrightRobert born about 1924
AlexanderArthur born about 1885
AlexanderRichard Fborn about 1890
AlexanderRichard Lborn about 1920
AlexanderRuth Eborn about 1899
AlexanderSarah born about 1879
AllenFloyd Mborn about 1909
AllenFranklin born about 1937
AllenWilhelma born about 1909
AndersonCharles Rborn about 1936
AndersonCurtis Lborn about 1875
AndersonGeorge Fborn about 1859
AndersonHelen born about 1894
AndersonJack born about 1938
AndersonJoseph born about 1867
AndersonLewis born about 1913
AndersonMargaret born about 1915
AndersonMary Jborn about 1846
AndersonMay born about 1866
AndersonNettie born about 1883
AndersonOlive born about 1867
AndersonRochelle born about 1937
ArcherGertie born about 1911
ArcherJohn born about 1906
ArcherJuanita born about 1930
ArcherLeon born about 1935
ArcherRuth born about 1937
AtkinsonCharles born about 1915
AtkinsonRuth born about 1910
AtteberryAllen born about 1877
AtteberryBessie born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BainShirley Aborn about 1933
BakerArabelle born about 1911
BakerEarnest born about 1914
BakerJennie Eborn about 1877
BakerJohn Eborn about 1871
BakerLillie born about 1884
BakerLouis born about 1916
BakerOttis born about 1876
BakerRichard born about 1924
BakerStella born about 1902
BakerWalter born about 1900
BardingFred born about 1900
BardingJames Bborn about 1875
BardingJames Sr born about 1850
BardingJennet born about 1886
BarkerBertha born about 1891
BarkerJohn born about 1877
BarkerLewis born about 1887
BarkerMary Janeborn about 1923
BarkerRuth born about 1922
BarnhartLilah born about 1901
BarnhartWilliam Bborn about 1924
BarnhartWilliam Cborn about 1892
BarrDavid Leeborn about 1938
BarrDoris Dborn about 1932
BarrMarie born about 1909
BarrThomas born about 1902
BarrThomas Jr born about 1930
BarrickAlfred born about 1901
BarrickAnna born about 1868
BarrickCharles born about 1889
BarrickCletus born about 1906
BarrickNorma born about 1904
BarrickNorma Leeborn about 1930
BarrickRobert born about 1923
BarrickRonald born about 1935
BarrickSarah born about 1886
BassKen born about 1918
BaumCarl born about 1921
BaumCorine born about 1896
BaumJoan born about 1931
BaumJohn born about 1865
BaumJohn born about 1889
BaumanFrances born about 1893
BaumanJosephine born about 1883
BaumanMathias born about 1857
BayerElizabeth Eborn about 1887
BaysingerBeulah born about 1924
BaysingerCarolyn Jborn about 1932
BaysingerDonald born about 1936
BaysingerFaye born about 1902
BaysingerFred Aborn about 1896
BaysingerFrederick Aborn about 1936
BaysingerHelen born about 1933
BaysingerJean Mborn about 1934
BaysingerJohn born about 1923
BaysingerMyrtle born about 1909
BaysingerThomas born about 1902
BaysingerThomas born about 1930
BedwellClarance born about 1919
BedwellClyde born about 1922
BedwellFlora born about 1900
BedwellHarold born about 1933
BedwellJohn born about 1890
BedwellLester born about 1920
BedwellMarjorie born about 1926
BedwellMary born about 1928
BedwellRobert born about 1925
BeggsCarolyn born about 1937
BeggsEverett born about 1934
BeggsOletta Mborn about 1912
BellBetty Jborn about 1927
BellLawrence born about 1904
BellRachel born about 1908
BellRobert born about 1928
BenfielCordelia born about 1855
BenfielIra born about 1886
BenfielIva born about 1896
BennettEnoch born about 1885
BennettFannie born about 1882
BennettRosetta born about 1887
BensonBertha born about 1882
BensonGretchen born about 1908
BiblusAndrew born about 1877
BiblusMary born about 1885
BidamanBeulah born about 1908
BidamanEarl born about 1923
BidamanW Eborn about 1892
BiggsJay born about 1903
BiggsJohn Hborn about 1912
BiggsKatherine born about 1906
BiggsKathleen Mborn about 1929
BiggsRuth Cborn about 1916
BilderbackAlice born about 1876
BillerConrad Eborn about 1867
BillerLou Fborn about 1873
BlairVirginia born about 1922
BoherHarry born about 1881
BoherNellie born about 1883
BohlerCecil born about 1914
BohlerVirginia born about 1919
BoocherAnne born about 1878
BoocherNelle Mborn about 1884
BoorStanley born about 1913
BooreAlaton Lborn about 1855
BooreMary Eborn about 1865
BoothHarriett born about 1889
BootsJack born about 1885
BosleyJohn born about 1891
BosseatMary born about 1912
BosseatWilliam born about 1917
BotnerAlice born about 1917
BotnerAlice Jborn about 1938
BotnerBarbara Infantborn about 1939
BotnerElbert born about 1884
BotnerLena born about 1881
BotnerOtis born about 1910
BowerChester born about 1886
BowersJennie born about 1882
BowersJess born about 1914
BowersJohn born about 1855
BowersNelson born about 1874
BowleBelle born about 1863
BowlesCharlotte born about 1922
BowlesGeorge born about 1893
BowlesIva born about 1892
BowlesJohn born about 1925
BoyceBarbara Jborn about 1932
BoyceCharlotte Lborn about 1933
BoyceRobert born about 1908
BoyceVivian born about 1910
BoydJohn born about 1880
BoydOlive born about 1876
BoylesAnna born about 1883
BoylesRobert born about 1923
BrandeauClarence born about 1868
BrandeauViola born about 1878
BrannIrene born about 1910
BrannRoy born about 1909
BrittonBertram born about 1925
BrockDewey born about 1900
BrockFlorence born about 1910
BrockGlen born about 1930
BrodhurstNelle born about 1889
BrodhurstRay born about 1894
BrounAlice born about 1888
BrounBetty born about 1925
BrounElizabeth born about 1904
BrounGeorge born about 1901
BrounIomgene born about 1924
BrounL Henryborn about 1890
BrounMargaret born about 1901
BrounMelvin born about 1918
BrounRalph born about 1920
BrownAlice born about 1936
BrownArthur born about 1899
BrownBetty born about 1934
BrownBill born about 1931
BrownCarl Mborn about 1895
BrownCathryn born about 1939
BrownClarence born about 1900
BrownEverett Sborn about 1924
BrownFaye born about 1901
BrownGeorge Eborn about 1920
BrownHelen born about 1922
BrownHelen born about 1927
BrownHenry Hborn about 1873
BrownJack born about 1930
BrownJess born about 1899
BrownJess Jr born about 1922
BrownMary Aborn about 1858
BrownRaymond born about 1939
BrownSophia born about 1876
BrusherMary Eborn about 1890
BrusherWilliam born about 1893
BryanCharles born about 1886
BryanEthel born about 1892
BryanPredia born about 1889
BryanRalph born about 1922
BuchholzGeorge Rborn about 1925
BuchholzJerry Rborn about 1935
BuchholzJuanita Nborn about 1930
BuchholzLola Jborn about 1899
BuchholzMarian Eborn about 1924
BuchholzMelvin Lborn about 1933
BuchholzRobert born about 1897
BuchholzVirgil Dborn about 1926
BuckholzMary born about 1906
BuckholzWilliam born about 1902
BuellCharles born about 1883
BuellJames born about 1915
BuellNettie born about 1885
BuellPauline born about 1914
BurkeLaurence born about 1912
BurkeLuthe born about 1878
BurkhartEverett born about 1901
BurkhartEverett Leeborn about 1931
BurkhartGeorge born about 1867
BurkhartIsabelle born about 1937
BurkhartLelia born about 1904
BurkhartSuzanne born about 1930
BurnsAlberta Infantborn about 1939
BurnsAlice born about 1914
BurnsArgyll born about 1936
BurnsClifford born about 1909
BurnsDavid born about 1939
BurnsFlorence born about 1915
BurnsKenneth born about 1913
BurnsMarjorie born about 1925
BurnsMinnie born about 1891
BurnsRoy born about 1890
BusckmannArdyn born about 1876
ButlerClarence born about 1885
ButlerSarah Annborn about 1861
ButtBilly born about 1932
ButtCaroline born about 1936
ButtClem born about 1900
ButtDavid born about 1939
ButtDonald born about 1935
ButtDoris born about 1904
ButtEdna born about 1905
ButtEleanor born about 1930
ButtElsie born about 1933
ButtEsther born about 1902
ButtEugene born about 1928
ButtEugene born about 1933
ButtEverett born about 1936
ButtF Charlesborn about 1880
ButtGene Rayborn about 1924
ButtGoldie born about 1910
ButtJohn born about 1878
ButtLloyd born about 1905
ButtLouise born about 1929
ButtMargaret born about 1930
ButtMax born about 1928
ButtMinnie born about 1882
ButtPaul born about 1903
ButtPhillip born about 1931
ButtRay Jborn about 1903
ButtReba Maeborn about 1938
ButtRose born about 1881
ButtRuth born about 1903
ButtRuth born about 1914
ButtVaughan born about 1923
ButtVerna born about 1909
ButtWanda born about 1930
ButtWilliam born about 1901
ButtermanCharles born about 1888
ButtermanEdith born about 1911
ButtermanMae born about 1888
ButtsArthur born about 1874
ButtsElizabeth born about 1884
ButtsHarvey born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadeRalph born about 1909
CallClarence Rborn about 1892
CallJessie born about 1898
CammackElva born about 1898
CampbellAllen born about 1908
CampbellAlva born about 1890
CampbellDenita born about 1928
CampbellDorval born about 1925
CampbellEmery born about 1902
CampbellEmery Jr born about 1927
CampbellEthel born about 1890
CampbellLue born about 1906
CampbellRuth Bborn about 1912
CaricoHazel born about 1888
CaricoRichard born about 1922
CaricoSanford born about 1873
CarlishMazo born about 1891
CarlishWilliam born about 1890
CarmichaelAnna born about 1870
CarmichaelLeona born about 1892
CarpenterAlthea born about 1912
CarpenterClifford born about 1880
CarpenterEva born about 1882
CarpenterHarry Aborn about 1873
CarpenterMaria born about 1899
CarpenterSamuel born about 1909
CarpenterSamuel Jr born about 1938
CarpenterSarah born about 1856
CarsonAnnie born about 1884
CarsonDom Jr born about 1898
CarsonDominie born about 1872
CarsonJames born about 1899
CarsonJames Dborn about 1939
CarsonJess born about 1905
CarsonJustino born about 1909
CarsonKathleen born about 1911
CarsonMargaret born about 1872
CarsonMargaret Eborn about 1937
CarsonMary Annborn about 1934
CarterBarbara born about 1937
CarterBarbara Janborn about 1937
CarterBetty Lborn about 1934
CarterBobbie Jborn about 1937
CarterBobby Joeborn about 1937
CarterBurdellis born about 1933
CarterCharles born about 1896
CarterDolores born about 1915
CarterDosia born about 1897
CarterEdna Mborn about 1928
CarterFern born about 1892
CarterHenry born about 1893
CarterHerbert born about 1915
CarterJack born about 1938
CarterJacklyn born about 1938
CarterMabel born about 1916
CarterMable born about 1916
CarterPaul born about 1913
CarterRichard born about 1922
CarterVirginia Lborn about 1926
CarterWilliam born about 1930
CassidyIda Maryborn about 1936
CassidyJames born about 1902
CassidyJames Jr born about 1932
CassidyJohn Rborn about 1933
CassidyJulie Maeborn about 1933
CassidyLois Annborn about 1934
CassidyLottie Rborn about 1897
CassidyMayne born about 1905
CassidyOscar Fborn about 1893
CastorHelen Mborn about 1923
CastorM Ethelborn about 1925
CastorMinnie Mborn about 1898
CastorWilliam Hborn about 1906
CatterlinLucinda born about 1882
CatterlinMarvin born about 1907
CatterlinMcclain born about 1878
ChamnesLulu born about 1878
ChamnesRay born about 1915
ChapmanMartha born about 1859
CheckAbram born about 1871
CheckAddidaide born about 1869
CheckMable Gborn about 1900
CheckMarvin Aborn about 1903
CheesmanHarvey born about 1893
CheesmanImogene born about 1929
CheesmanJessie born about 1899
CheesmanRichard born about 1924
ClancyLena born about 1876
ClarkMartha born about 1887
ClarkOsa Mborn about 1872
ClaussDonna Jborn about 1933
ClaussEdna born about 1910
ClaussFarrell born about 1900
ClaussLinda Mborn about 1937
ClingermanGeorge born about 1886
ClingermanJohn born about 1924
ClingermanRoscoe born about 1905
ClingermanTina born about 1888
ClingermanWayne born about 1927
CobleyMyrtle born about 1893
CobleySamuel born about 1872
ColeAnna Catherineborn about 1920
ColeGrace born about 1889
ColeLewis born about 1916
ColeMarjorie born about 1917
ColeWilliam born about 1939
CollingsGladys born about 1894
CollingsIrene born about 1924
CollingsJohn Wborn about 1891
ColtharpJesse born about 1874
ColtharpStella born about 1876
CombsEva Mborn about 1914
CombsJames Rborn about 1899
CombsRobert Lborn about 1933
ConawayJess born about 1886
ConawayJohn born about 1915
ConawayMaude born about 1886
CookCharles Uborn about 1874
CookLucy born about 1878
CorbinJames born about 1874
CorbinKate born about 1872
CorbinLela born about 1898
CorbinNathan born about 1887
CoxL Robertborn about 1876
CoxOple born about 1899
CoxRhoda born about 1900
CoxStella born about 1876
CrabbBetty Roseborn about 1927
CrabbNina born about 1910
CrabbRaymond born about 1900
CrabbRobert Deanborn about 1929
CraigAlton born about 1873
CraigMaggie born about 1876
CromwellDe Witt born about 1865
CromwellLillian born about 1875
CroutHelen born about 1916
CroutHenry born about 1859
CroutMinnie born about 1872
CroutPhyllis Jborn about 1935
CroutVirgil born about 1915
CroutVirgil Jr born about 1933
CroutWilliam born about 1872
CumminghamCathryn born about 1923
CumminghamLius born about 1921
CundiffD Grantborn about 1873
CundiffNannie born about 1877

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D Surnames

DammannBlanche born about 1889
DanielsEdgar born about 1883
DanielsEnade born about 1892
DanielsEverett born about 1910
DavisBert Bborn about 1908
DavisCarl Fborn about 1905
DavisCharles born about 1868
DavisGeorge Wborn about 1875
DavisMayd Vborn about 1881
DeakinWilliam born about 1865
DeakinsBeth born about 1899
DeakinsBillie born about 1925
DeakinsDavid born about 1928
DeakinsDorothy born about 1926
DeakinsEverett born about 1929
DeakinsFay born about 1893
DeakinsGearold born about 1905
DeakinsHerschel born about 1901
DeakinsHerschel born about 1921
DeakinsJessica born about 1923
DeakinsJohn born about 1919
DeakinsMacie born about 1925
DeakinsRobert born about 1927
DeakinsRobert born about 1931
DeakinsZorale born about 1923
DealCharlotta born about 1917
DebruelerAlmer Wborn about 1877
DebruelerMargaret Cborn about 1881
DebrulerMyretle born about 1883
DebrulerWilliam Aborn about 1879
DecksonHarry born about 1890
DecksonKenneth born about 1922
DecksonVonnie born about 1897
DeeterFrank born about 1908
DeeterMary born about 1866
DelenaMary born about 1918
DelenaRobert born about 1936
DenggDoska born about 1893
DenggGeorge born about 1887
DeweyAmy born about 1888
DeweyEmmanuel born about 1887
DickersonAlma born about 1901
DickersonGrace born about 1876
DickersonHarlan born about 1930
DickersonMargaret born about 1924
DickersonMax born about 1928
DickersonRichard born about 1923
DickersonRuth born about 1923
DickersonT Rborn about 1898
DickersonThomas born about 1926
DickersonW Rborn about 1898
DickersonWilliam born about 1926
DickisonAbraham born about 1898
DickisonArthur born about 1921
DickisonBurthel born about 1924
DickisonDale born about 1933
DickisonDonald born about 1927
DickisonEthel born about 1901
DickisonLouis born about 1935
DickisonPaul born about 1922
DickisonPlummer born about 1928
DickisonSamuel born about 1930
DickisonVirginia born about 1925
DielElizabeth born about 1871
DielGertrude born about 1905
DielJoseph born about 1874
DobsonLois born about 1915
DobsonMary Eborn about 1939
DobsonWillford born about 1915
DomhamGordon born about 1872
DomhamNellie born about 1888
DomhamRalph born about 1888
DorseyLilie born about 1877
DowningDan born about 1866
DowningJosephine born about 1870
DrakeMary Fborn about 1877
DrumbAddie born about 1907
DrumbDavid born about 1901
DrumbElmer born about 1922
DrumbHarold born about 1924
DrumbMae born about 1926
DrussellFrank born about 1877
DrussellFrank born about 1908
DrussellGus born about 1906
DrussellMary born about 1886
DrwayAnna born about 1892
DrwayJoseph born about 1886
DurdoffMary born about 1887
DurdoffVirgil born about 1917
DurdoffWilliam born about 1885
DurdorffClara born about 1892
DurdorffPeter born about 1879
DyerBetty Janeborn about 1929
DyerFrank born about 1931
DyerMarrelle born about 1934
DyerWilliam born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasterClifford Pborn about 1892
EasterRose born about 1900
EberleCarol Jborn about 1928
EberleCharles Aborn about 1924
EberleJack Eborn about 1930
EberleJohn born about 1865
EberleJohn Jr born about 1898
EberleJoyce Rborn about 1925
EberleLulu born about 1888
EckardCarl born about 1891
EckardCecil born about 1906
EckardEdith born about 1926
EckardJohn born about 1922
EckardKenneth born about 1916
EckardLucille born about 1914
EckardLula born about 1892
EckardMichael born about 1939
EckardMorris born about 1918
EckardRosemary born about 1921
EderElizebeth born about 1851
EhrlichEmma born about 1884
EhrlickAnna born about 1876
EhrlickCharles born about 1882
EhrlickChester born about 1898
EhrlickEstena born about 1882
ElderGene born about 1914
ElderJoseph Hborn about 1873
ElderJoseph Jr born about 1922
ElderLeta born about 1883
ElkinC Bborn about 1873
ElkinNellie born about 1878
ElkinPhilpp born about 1906
EllAlyce born about 1938
EllGenavee born about 1911
EllHarry born about 1886
EllJacob born about 1864
EllJosephine born about 1909
EllLena born about 1886
EllPaul born about 1907
EllPaul Jr born about 1929
EllPhillip born about 1934
EllRaybern born about 1911
EllingtonJohn born about 1916
EllingtonMay born about 1878
ElwellBill born about 1922
ElwellClifford born about 1897
ElwellNell born about 1897
ElwellPatty Raeborn about 1931
ElwellT Rexborn about 1928
ElwellTeddy born about 1926
EmmetBernard born about 1903
EmmetUrsula born about 1908
EnglehartAlbert born about 1908
EnglehartAnna born about 1877
EnglehartDennis born about 1882
EnglehartRoxy born about 1883
EstepBernice born about 1921
EstepLee born about 1918
EvansRebecca born about 1921
EvansRenus born about 1917

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F Surnames

FaganHarlan born about 1919
FaganVerna born about 1898
FaganWade born about 1922
FaggAugusta born about 1894
FaggBetty born about 1934
FaggCaroline born about 1919
FaggCecil born about 1894
FaggChauncey born about 1921
FaggDonald born about 1924
FaggErnest born about 1913
FaggHershell born about 1915
FaggLeonard born about 1935
FaggPansie born about 1916
FaggVirgil born about 1923
FarrisRichard Jborn about 1925
FarrisSarah Eborn about 1861
FarrisTheodore born about 1859
FenkbienreAnabelle born about 1886
FergusonMargaret born about 1883
FergusonWallace born about 1912
FergusonWilliam born about 1882
FisherBetty Jeanborn about 1928
FisherCarl born about 1902
FisherCarl Wborn about 1931
FisherIrene born about 1918
FisherJames Rborn about 1939
FisherLarence born about 1887
FisherLouis born about 1915
FisherLucille born about 1909
FisherMargaret born about 1890
FitzpatrickElizabeth born about 1864
FitzpatrickJoseph born about 1901
FledderjohnClara Bborn about 1885
FledderjohnFrank born about 1881
FlockhartEssie born about 1878
FlockhartJane born about 1917
FlockhartJanet born about 1939
FlockhartJohn Cborn about 1917
FlockhartLinda born about 1937
FoltzBetty Louborn about 1931
FoltzDonald born about 1937
FoltzDorothy born about 1908
FoltzPatsy Jborn about 1935
ForrisArabelle born about 1923
ForrisBarbara born about 1931
ForrisBillie born about 1935
ForrisJerry born about 1938
ForrisStanley born about 1900
ForrisStanley Jr born about 1925
ForrisSusan born about 1939
ForrisVada born about 1907
FoulkeBertha born about 1889
FoulkeJohn Rborn about 1880
FoxElsie Mborn about 1891
FoxJackie Lborn about 1933
FoxJames Eborn about 1914
FoxOpal born about 1912
FoxRichard Kborn about 1891

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G Surnames

GabbertLester Rborn about 1905
GabbertMay born about 1885
GalbraithBertha born about 1886
GalbraithClaude born about 1880
GalbraithHerbert born about 1922
GalbreithA Reuelborn about 1918
GalbreithGlenn born about 1893
GalbreithHelen born about 1923
GalbreithIlla Jeanborn about 1927
GalbreithInez born about 1925
GalbreithIris Marieborn about 1920
GalbreithMarvin Iborn about 1916
GalbreithRex born about 1933
GalbreithRobert born about 1887
GalbreithRobert Gborn about 1930
GalbreithRuth born about 1937
GalbreithWayne born about 1932
GallianDorothy Lborn about 1928
GallianMary born about 1895
GallianMary Janeborn about 1930
GallianRobert Rborn about 1921
GallianRussell born about 1892
GelloGeorge born about 1881
GelloLucille born about 1887
GermanAnna born about 1905
GermanJohn Wborn about 1893
GermanJohn W Jrborn about 1918
GermanKathryn born about 1925
GermanPaul born about 1921
GiffelBernice born about 1890
GiffelClyde born about 1919
GiffelLouis born about 1891
GiffelRobert born about 1922
GilbertCephus born about 1875
GilbertEva Mborn about 1882
GilbertHarvey born about 1913
GilbreckCarson born about 1915
GilbreckFrances born about 1919
GilbreckJoan born about 1938
GilesAmy born about 1915
GilesHerman born about 1904
GilesVendivier born about 1868
GillespieElla born about 1855
GilliganBobbie born about 1936
GilliganFlossie born about 1916
GilliganRay born about 1911
GipsonDoris born about 1904
GipsonHenry born about 1901
GoodmanAmelia born about 1888
GoodmanJay born about 1884
GosbyCharles Infantborn about 1940
GosbyThelma born about 1913
GowyRobert born about 1910
GranthamBetty Jborn about 1929
GranthamNorma born about 1925
GravellHilda born about 1916
GravellRussel born about 1912
GrayHerbert Lborn about 1911
GrayPatricia born about 1938
GrayVirginia born about 1916
GreenBarbara born about 1934
GreenBertha born about 1912
GreenCatherine born about 1877
GreenJohn born about 1932
GreenMary Lborn about 1939
GreenPaul born about 1905
GreenWilma born about 1915
GreenWood born about 1876
GreggsFred born about 1875
GreggsIsadora born about 1881
GregoryCharles born about 1917
GregoryEdward born about 1875
GregoryHelen born about 1918
GregoryMary Eborn about 1886
GriderJohn born about 1868
GrinslandeFred born about 1890
GrinslandeGrace born about 1890
GrotheMary born about 1917
GrothePaul born about 1908
GroveBertha Louborn about 1928
GroveEmma born about 1864
GroveMarjorie born about 1923
GroveRalph born about 1886
GuiseHenry Lborn about 1878

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H Surnames

HaasBernard born about 1927
HaasCharles Oborn about 1872
HaasEmma born about 1881
HaasLaverne born about 1906
HaasVersa born about 1910
HaasWilma born about 1929
HaddonElizabeth born about 1928
HaddonHazel Aborn about 1907
HaddonRay Cborn about 1906
HaddonRoy Gagleborn about 1937
HadrickRay born about 1930
HaelberChristinia born about 1882
HaelberGeorge born about 1883
HaelberMable born about 1914
HaffFay Cborn about 1894
HaffLessie Mborn about 1891
HainBlanche born about 1878
HainWilliam Oborn about 1870
HallJane born about 1925
HallRuth born about 1929
HallSarah born about 1898
HallmarkCharles Eborn about 1918
HallmarkEdgar born about 1884
HallmarkEva born about 1889
HallmarkFlorence born about 1895
HallmarkGloria born about 1924
HallmarkGrace Mborn about 1917
HallmarkIva Maeborn about 1921
HallmarkLoretta born about 1934
HallmarkRobert born about 1878
HaltRuth born about 1908
HamiltonBetty born about 1922
HamiltonHilda born about 1888
HamiltonLee Renaborn about 1938
HamlitonKatie born about 1876
HamlitonWilliam born about 1875
HanselRoy born about 1889
HardmanJohn born about 1863
HardmanRose born about 1872
HarmonBesy born about 1884
HarmonGrace born about 1887
HarmonMary born about 1912
HarmonRose Anneborn about 1940
HarmonWinfield born about 1911
HarperAnna born about 1890
HarperGlenn born about 1918
HarperMartha born about 1920
HarperRoy born about 1884
HarpoldRussell born about 1885
HarpoldZepha born about 1889
HarrisonDelbert born about 1912
HarrisonDortha born about 1921
HarrisonLorine born about 1917
HarrisonMax born about 1915
HarrisonRen born about 1887
HarrisonStella born about 1889
HarshmanAlbert born about 1870
HassErnest born about 1887
HathawayKathryn born about 1914
HathawayLaura Aborn about 1876
HathawayWilliam Gborn about 1867
HayesBertha Lborn about 1913
HayesBertha Mborn about 1931
HayesCarl born about 1916
HayesClara born about 1889
HayesDallas born about 1917
HayesDarrell Lborn about 1939
HayesDonald Infantborn about 1939
HayesDorothy born about 1935
HayesEdward born about 1888
HayesEdward born about 1928
HayesElmer born about 1911
HayesEverett Rborn about 1931
HayesMargaret Aborn about 1925
HayesMelvin born about 1918
HayesNora Iborn about 1898
HayesPhebe born about 1886
HayesRobert born about 1911
HayesRobert Eborn about 1937
HayesViola born about 1911
HayesWilliam born about 1932
HaywardJames Aborn about 1882
HaywardNellie born about 1885
HeiseGlenn born about 1913
HensonJacqueline born about 1930
HensonJean Annborn about 1932
HensonLester born about 1897
HensonMargaret born about 1926
HensonWilma born about 1899
HermelingFleta born about 1901
HermelingFred born about 1899
HermelingPhillip born about 1933
HerronCharles born about 1875
HerronClifford born about 1913
HerronEdith Hborn about 1896
HerronElvira born about 1860
HerronFred born about 1887
HerronHilda born about 1888
HerronOra born about 1885
HershGene born about 1908
HerskbergerMargaret born about 1903
HescoxHarold born about 1918
HescoxIrma born about 1921
HescoxRobert Infantborn about 1940
HessingtonGeorge Aborn about 1871
HessingtonMae Jborn about 1872
HillCarrie born about 1896
HillCharles Aborn about 1884
HillEmma Kborn about 1921
HillHarriet Mborn about 1885
HillOtto born about 1886
HillWilliam Aborn about 1917
HoagJohn Bborn about 1867
HoagWilliam born about 1872
HoffmanDavid born about 1894
HoffmanDeanne born about 1938
HoffmanEssie born about 1894
HoffmanFaris born about 1894
HoffmanFrankie born about 1929
HoffmanJack born about 1919
HoffmanJean born about 1918
HoffmanKatherine born about 1920
HoffmanMerrell born about 1912
HoffmanRonald born about 1936
HoffmanSally Infantborn about 1939
HoffmanTeresa born about 1899
HoffmannAlice born about 1921
HoffmannAnna born about 1872
HoffmannLee born about 1916
HoffmannPeter born about 1866
HolmesIva born about 1879
HolmesOtto born about 1879
HookerJ Williamborn about 1865
HookerLaura born about 1866
HoopengamerClarence born about 1899
HoopengamerClarence Jr born about 1930
HoopengamerNorma born about 1927
HoopengamerRuth born about 1898
HoukGeorge Fborn about 1876
HoukMay born about 1877
HowaldAnna Mborn about 1915
HowaldCharles Hborn about 1916
HowaldEdith born about 1910
HowaldEdna born about 1921
HowaldFlora born about 1908
HowaldHelen born about 1912
HowaldJacobe born about 1874
HowaldJohn Aborn about 1918
HowaldLella born about 1900
HowaldMarilyn born about 1934
HowaldMartin born about 1912
HowaldOlive born about 1904
HowaldPaul Eborn about 1921
HowaldRalph born about 1936
HowaldRichard born about 1911
HowaldRobert born about 1910
HowaldSarah born about 1883
HowaldSarah Mborn about 1873
HowaldWilliam born about 1866
HowardBeverly Kborn about 1938
HowardKathleen born about 1917
HowardLee born about 1916
HowardOlin Wayneborn about 1939
HowardWilliam Tborn about 1937
HudsonCharles born about 1872
HudsonThirza born about 1868
HuffCharlyne born about 1934
HuffEdith born about 1896
HuffEmma Jeanneborn about 1933
HuffHerbert Aborn about 1896
HuffMargaret born about 1919
HuffShirley Anneborn about 1931
HuffWilliam born about 1917
HuffmanBetty born about 1930
HuffmanBeverly born about 1937
HuffmanDorothy born about 1904
HuffmanFloyd born about 1926
HuffmanGladys born about 1928
HuffmanHenry born about 1925
HuffmanJack Jr born about 1923
HuffmanLucile born about 1934
HuffmanLulu born about 1902
HuffmanRaymond born about 1901
HuffmanReese born about 1900
HuffmanWilliam Aborn about 1927
HughesAlbert born about 1897
HughesBetty born about 1921
HughesGogle born about 1927
HughesGuy born about 1920
HughesRachel born about 1893
HuntHazel born about 1894
HuntJohn born about 1892
HuntRuth born about 1920
HuntStanley Rborn about 1932
HydeLee born about 1900
HydeMable born about 1902
HydeRobert Iborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InfieldClara Mborn about 1882
InfieldDenver born about 1884

J Surnames

JamesEva Gborn about 1872
JamesEvalyn Gborn about 1899
JamesJohn Eborn about 1872
JerryHallie born about 1897
JerryOla born about 1899
JohnsonClestah born about 1923
JohnsonErwin born about 1931
JohnsonHomer born about 1876
JohnsonHomer Jr born about 1927
JohnsonOleva born about 1924
JohnsonWalter born about 1921
JohnsonWanda born about 1928
JohnsonWilla born about 1928
JonesBarbara born about 1928
JonesCharles born about 1909
JonesCharles Oborn about 1927
JonesDine born about 1873
JonesDorothy born about 1907
JonesFrank born about 1900
JonesHarlen born about 1915
JonesInez born about 1912
JonesJames Rborn about 1934
JonesLaura Mborn about 1874
JonesLena Kborn about 1907
JonesLouis born about 1913
JonesMary born about 1917
JonesMary Eborn about 1907
JonesOtis born about 1904
JonesRebbecca born about 1862
JonesRichard born about 1929
JonesRobert born about 1904
JonesRonald born about 1935
JonesRoy Lborn about 1896
JonesRussell Jborn about 1898
JonesThomas born about 1867
JonesVerna born about 1908
JonesVirgil born about 1926
JonesWarren born about 1901
JonesWayne born about 1907
JonesWendell born about 1931
JonesWilliam born about 1871
JoynesAda born about 1893
JoynesKathryn born about 1916
JoynesLouis Gborn about 1880
JoynesMary born about 1925
JoynesVirginia born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaelberEllena born about 1918
KaneEarnest born about 1884
KatzorkeFrank born about 1888
KatzorkeIda born about 1875
KeeverDorsey born about 1905
KeeverJane born about 1928
KeeverSuzanne born about 1931
KeidleGeorge born about 1862
KeidleJohn born about 1876
KeiserAugust born about 1879
KeiserMerrl born about 1880
KeithEarl Vborn about 1913
KeithGary born about 1936
KeithJack born about 1938
KeithSarah born about 1917
KellarCarrie born about 1866
KellarEster born about 1888
KellarHazel born about 1903
KellarHugh born about 1891
KellarRussell born about 1899
KellerG Wborn about 1868
KellerGeorge Eborn about 1874
KellerHenry Rborn about 1912
KellerMary Aborn about 1876
KeltnerCharles born about 1892
KeltnerDorothy born about 1918
KeltnerEdgar born about 1894
KeltnerForest born about 1902
KeltnerMaxine born about 1922
KeltnerSary born about 1865
KempArthur born about 1880
KempCarrie born about 1912
KempIva born about 1886
KempfEverett born about 1882
KempfIra born about 1877
KempfMattie born about 1872
KempfPearl born about 1887
KennaleyEdward born about 1896
KennaleyGeorge born about 1919
KennaleyHazel born about 1895
KennaleyJohn born about 1916
KennaleyMary born about 1924
KennaleyStanley born about 1930
KennaleyVirginia born about 1934
KesterCharles born about 1874
KesterDora born about 1875
KesterGeorgia born about 1894
KesterRobert born about 1919
KesterVirginia Sueborn about 1929
KidwellD Helenborn about 1937
KidwellDoris born about 1921
KidwellGerald Dborn about 1937
KidwellLawrence born about 1908
KidwellLeo born about 1919
KidwellMadge Eborn about 1904
KidwellMax Dborn about 1933
Killion born about 1907
KillionD Aborn about 1868
KillionNathan born about 1878
KinkadeGoldie Pborn about 1892
KinkadeWalter Bborn about 1891
KirchnerCyril born about 1903
KirchnerCyril Rayborn about 1928
KirchnerDorothy born about 1920
KirchnerJackie Leeborn about 1931
KirchnerJasper born about 1877
KirchnerLulla born about 1879
KirchnerOrvil born about 1919
KirchnerRobert born about 1924
KirchnerThelma born about 1906
KirkmanAlice Mborn about 1936
KirkmanErma Rborn about 1938
KirkmanFred born about 1906
KirkmanGerald born about 1928
KirkmanHarold Lborn about 1934
KirkmanMary born about 1907
KirkmanWilma born about 1930
KirschBalcer born about 1875
KirschDonald born about 1932
KirschEdna born about 1910
KirschRobert born about 1928
KirschRonald born about 1907
KnappBetty Jborn about 1927
KnappConstance born about 1931
KnappDonald Iborn about 1933
KnappEverett born about 1919
KnappGloria K Infantborn about 1938
KnappKent Leeborn about 1937
KnappPatricia born about 1929
KnappRosebud born about 1899
KnappWillis born about 1893
KoelberFlorence born about 1908
KoelberJimmy born about 1940
KoelberRobert Jborn about 1930
KoelberUrba born about 1905
KoeleBetty Lborn about 1922
KoeleEva born about 1900
KoelePaul Bborn about 1896
KrackEmeal born about 1865
KrackIris born about 1893
KrackRay born about 1899
KretzerLewis born about 1914
KretzerMary born about 1904
KriderBetty born about 1925
KriderDale Aborn about 1932
KriderElva born about 1883
KriderEmma born about 1900
KriderFrank born about 1895
KriderFrank Jr born about 1922
KriderGeorge born about 1880
KriderJohn Hborn about 1886
KriderLovina born about 1903
KriderLuther born about 1923
KriderMary Mborn about 1926
KriderNora Lborn about 1888
KriderOra born about 1902
KriderOra Jr born about 1928
KriderPaul Hborn about 1930
KriderRosemary born about 1926
KriderRoy born about 1927
KriderRussell born about 1919
KriderThommy Rborn about 1938
KrytzerMerinda born about 1863
KuehlDonna Jborn about 1934
KuehlJohn born about 1904
KuehlMary born about 1911
KumpfAnna born about 1879
KumpfArthur born about 1922
KumpfCharles born about 1876
KumpfDurrant born about 1927
KumpfGlenn born about 1918
KumpfIrene born about 1898
KumpfJohn Eborn about 1928
KumpfLeslie Eborn about 1896
KumpfMary Lborn about 1923
KumpfMax Rborn about 1926
KumpfSamuel born about 1871
KumpfWilliam Eborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabierBertha Eborn about 1883
LabierGeorge Wborn about 1882
LabierGeorge W Jrborn about 1920
LabierInez Mborn about 1915
LambertAnna born about 1870
LambertDon born about 1915
LambertJunior Lborn about 1864
LambertMildred born about 1903
LaneMargaret born about 1904
LaneOrlo born about 1900
LarisonJames born about 1885
LarisonJames Jr born about 1920
LarisonJosie born about 1888
LashEdward Eborn about 1881
LashElpha born about 1885
LasselllHerman born about 1892
LasselllMary born about 1893
LateElizabeth born about 1874
LateJames born about 1909
LateMildred born about 1915
LateSharon Infantborn about 1939
LathanaElla born about 1874
LathanaGeorge born about 1870
LattierDave born about 1877
LattierHenry born about 1883
LaudenslagerAnna born about 1915
LaudenslagerBarbara born about 1939
LaudenslagerBetty Jborn about 1922
LaudenslagerCharles born about 1912
LaudenslagerEdith born about 1888
LaudenslagerEverett born about 1913
LaudenslagerGeneva born about 1915
LaudenslagerGeorge born about 1877
LaudenslagerJacob born about 1939
LaudenslagerMaxine Fborn about 1919
LaudenslagerPeggy born about 1938
LaughlinCharlie born about 1866
LaughlinCurtis born about 1896
LaughlinJennie born about 1898
Lautenschlager born about 1934
Lautenschlager born about 1937
LautenschlagerBillie born about 1939
LautenschlagerDoris born about 1911
LautenschlagerErnest born about 1899
LautenschlagerHarley born about 1914
LautenschlagerJeanne born about 1931
LautenschlagerSue Annaborn about 1935
LawrenceBonnie Jeanborn about 1928
LawrenceHerbert born about 1897
LawrenceJuanita born about 1921
LawrenceLarry born about 1939
LawrenceRalph born about 1930
LawrenceZelphia born about 1898
LawsonAlbert born about 1906
LawsonAlbert Lborn about 1937
LawsonClifford born about 1923
LawsonEva born about 1906
LawsonIrene born about 1901
LawsonIsabel born about 1922
LawsonJanet born about 1924
LawsonJerry Gborn about 1939
LawsonJohn Dborn about 1898
LawsonLarry Rborn about 1933
LawsonLois Juneborn about 1928
LawsonMable born about 1913
LawsonMary Eborn about 1887
LawsonMogne born about 1926
LawsonMyrtle born about 1888
LawsonReed born about 1901
LawsonRosalene born about 1926
LawsonViolet born about 1934
LawsonWade born about 1899
LawsonWilliam born about 1886
LaxenEdna born about 1889
LaxenGale born about 1924
LaxenGerald born about 1926
LaxenNewton born about 1881
LaymonCarl born about 1912
LaymonJoseph born about 1939
LaymonNora Belleborn about 1921
LaymondBert Sr born about 1887
LaymondRose Eborn about 1886
LeachEva born about 1890
LeachTina born about 1889
LeachmanAnna born about 1878
LeachmanHarlan born about 1921
LeachmanJulia born about 1868
LeachmanL Johnborn about 1885
LeachmanThomas Oborn about 1861
LearAda Aborn about 1895
LearNorma Jeanborn about 1927
LearVivian born about 1919
LearWilliam Hborn about 1896
LebererEthyl born about 1890
LebererLloyd born about 1888
LehnerCharles born about 1873
LehnerFlora born about 1872
LehnerJosephine born about 1893
LehnerRussell Wborn about 1893
LeneomonaBruce born about 1939
LeneomonaHilda born about 1917
LeneomonaSheila born about 1937
LeneomonaShiell born about 1911
LeonardDorothy born about 1889
LeonardFoster born about 1876
LeslieAudry born about 1918
LeslieLindy Luborn about 1939
LeslieWayne born about 1914
LewisAlbert born about 1892
LewisClara born about 1892
LiechtyArlene born about 1939
LiechtyDoris born about 1935
LiechtyJesse born about 1879
LiechtyLora born about 1913
LiechtyOlive born about 1913
LiechtyPaul born about 1910
LillybladeCharles Hborn about 1927
LillybladeMaggie Kborn about 1903
LillybladeRussell born about 1901
LillybladeRussell Jr born about 1925
ListerCharles born about 1934
ListerDonald born about 1931
ListerHester born about 1912
LittleGoldie born about 1887
LordJesse Lborn about 1890
LordMartha Eborn about 1925
LordMary Louiseborn about 1895
LouderbackChauncey born about 1878
LouderbackNaomi born about 1863
LouderbackNellie born about 1905
LouderbackThelma born about 1926
LoudermilkDorthy born about 1927
LoudermilkEssie born about 1919
LoudermilkNellie born about 1895
LoudermilkOris born about 1894
LoudermilkOris Jr born about 1922
LoudermilkVernon born about 1930
LoweJoe born about 1913
LoweMinnie born about 1884
LucasAnna born about 1907
LucasEdwin born about 1934
LucasEverett born about 1932
LucasIsaac born about 1851
LucasKenneth born about 1911
LucasLeon born about 1937
LucasMelvin born about 1927
LucasNaomi born about 1913
LucasRoy born about 1901
LucasRuby born about 1925
LucnsDoris born about 1914
LucnsMarilyn Rborn about 1937
LucnsMelvin Rborn about 1939
LucnsMelvin Wborn about 1912
LundgenHenry born about 1876
LundgenNona born about 1889
LutherClifford born about 1907
LutherEstel born about 1906
LutherJohn Rborn about 1926
LutherPriscilla born about 1928
LutherVolah Mborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaceEthel born about 1883
MaceGerald born about 1917
MaceMarguerite born about 1904
MaeschBarbara Jborn about 1939
MaeschHarry born about 1911
MaeschHelen born about 1920
MaeschPaul born about 1919
MaesckCharles Hborn about 1899
MaesckCharles Rborn about 1924
MaesckJuanita born about 1922
MaesckSallie born about 1906
MaiseyHarry born about 1898
MaiseyNewton born about 1867
MalackHarold Eborn about 1931
MalackPeachie born about 1900
MalackRuth Annborn about 1929
MalackThelma born about 1922
MalackWilliam born about 1897
MathasGail born about 1934
MathasParke born about 1895
MathasRuth born about 1902
MaurerAlbert born about 1879
MaurerBertha born about 1880
MaurerClarice born about 1910
MaurerRoss born about 1908
MaureyDavid born about 1909
MaureyRuth born about 1909
MaxeyAnna born about 1881
MaxeyCarl born about 1906
MaxeyCharles born about 1916
MaxeyHarry Rborn about 1881
MaxeyIda born about 1865
MaxeyJames Cborn about 1878
MaxeyJane born about 1937
MaxeyLizzie born about 1882
MaxeyLou born about 1869
MaxeyMyrtle born about 1907
MaxeyPearl born about 1883
MaxeyShirley born about 1918
MaxeyThomas Eborn about 1880
MayfieldFaye born about 1905
MayfieldRoy born about 1903
MayroseJack born about 1925
MayroseLewis born about 1884
MayroseVallie born about 1887
MayroseWynemak born about 1912
McCarryHenry born about 1876
McCarryMary born about 1877
McCulloughAnna Cborn about 1927
McCulloughD Warrenborn about 1938
McCulloughDovie born about 1893
McCulloughElbert born about 1883
McCulloughFlorence born about 1876
McCulloughFrieda born about 1920
McCulloughHarry Lborn about 1908
McCulloughJ Rileyborn about 1873
McCulloughJoseph Eborn about 1873
McCulloughLetha born about 1916
McCulloughMack Lborn about 1926
McCulloughMartha born about 1880
McCulloughMorris Gborn about 1920
McCulloughRaddie born about 1872
McCulloughRussell Kborn about 1916
McCulloughThomas born about 1939
McKenzieElsie Dborn about 1924
McKenzieGilbert born about 1901
McKenzieHerbert born about 1895
McKenzieJean Roseborn about 1924
McKenzieLanzel born about 1903
McKenzieMadonna Fborn about 1927
McKenzieOlive Maeborn about 1922
McKenziePhyllis Bborn about 1930
McKenzieRosalee born about 1922
McKenzieRuby born about 1904
McKinneyCorlee born about 1879
McKinneyJames Eborn about 1872
McKinnyBirchie born about 1918
McKinnyJacob born about 1878
McKinnyMelvin born about 1916
McKinseyGerard born about 1930
McKinseyLeo born about 1926
McKinseyMarcella born about 1932
McKinseyMarylin born about 1937
McKinseyRobert born about 1904
McKinseyRobert Jr born about 1928
McKinseySelma born about 1902
McLanahanAlbert Kborn about 1910
McLanahanMarie born about 1913
McLanahanShirley Annborn about 1935
McMahonAnna born about 1880
McMahonC Rborn about 1869
McMahonHattie born about 1914
McMahonJames born about 1920
McMurrayViolo born about 1890
McMurrayWilliam born about 1886
McQueenCarol Aborn about 1934
McQueenElinor born about 1912
McQueenSamuel born about 1910
MeadeHelen born about 1924
MeadeIra Cborn about 1897
MeadeLaurence born about 1925
MeakinHezekiak born about 1881
MeakinMerle born about 1892
MeakinNellie born about 1884
MeakinNonna born about 1895
MeakinWall Lborn about 1892
MeansAlice born about 1922
MeansAlice born about 1923
MeansEva born about 1921
MeansJohn born about 1882
MeansJohn Rborn about 1932
MeansPatty Janeborn about 1929
MeansRose born about 1890
MeckstrothEdgar born about 1925
MeckstrothMargaret born about 1912
MeckstrothVera born about 1884
MeckstrothVictor born about 1907
MerchonGrace born about 1878
MerchonJohn Bborn about 1872
MeskinEloweis born about 1929
MeskinHazel born about 1901
MeskinJohn born about 1882
MeskinJohn Fborn about 1926
MichaelGrace born about 1918
MichaelHerschel born about 1912
MichaelLindy Luborn about 1938
MichaelLouis born about 1940
MichaelShirely born about 1936
MienharttCharles born about 1930
MienharttClyde born about 1927
MienharttGeorge born about 1931
MienharttPearl born about 1905
MienharttShirley born about 1938
MillerAudrey born about 1898
MillerBen born about 1900
MillerBetty born about 1905
MillerBetty Rborn about 1926
MillerBilly Mborn about 1932
MillerCatherine born about 1912
MillerCharles born about 1903
MillerChristena born about 1912
MillerCora Bborn about 1894
MillerDonald born about 1929
MillerEarl born about 1896
MillerEdward Oborn about 1882
MillerElizabeth born about 1876
MillerElva Lucanborn about 1873
MillerFred born about 1879
MillerFred born about 1880
MillerFreeman born about 1910
MillerG Geneborn about 1875
MillerGeorge born about 1890
MillerGrover born about 1886
MillerJames Aborn about 1887
MillerJohn Fborn about 1903
MillerLela born about 1886
MillerLida born about 1881
MillerMartha born about 1869
MillerMary Eborn about 1887
MillerMary Jborn about 1933
MillerMerle Mborn about 1920
MillerMinnie born about 1888
MillerOlive born about 1886
MillerOscar born about 1881
MillerVernon born about 1909
MillerWilliam born about 1864
MillsByron Dborn about 1934
MillsHenry K Jrborn about 1926
MillsLois Kborn about 1930
MillsLois Mborn about 1893
MillsMarjorie born about 1920
MillsRichard Nborn about 1928
MillsRuth born about 1924
MinnickMary born about 1901
MinnickRex born about 1896
MitchaelArthur born about 1922
MitchaelJohn born about 1878
MitchaelJohn born about 1919
MitchaelMaggie born about 1875
MitchellCharles born about 1935
MitchellMartha born about 1939
MitchellNellie born about 1912
MitchellRoland born about 1902
ModesittElva born about 1892
ModesittEverett born about 1893
ModesittLeon born about 1887
ModesittMark born about 1890
ModesittMax born about 1918
ModesittPearl born about 1904
ModesittRebecca Jborn about 1887
ModesittRobert born about 1921
MoodeEdith born about 1903
MoodeJames Mborn about 1923
MoodePatty Raeborn about 1937
MoodeReed born about 1897
MooreAnnabelle Jborn about 1924
MooreArthur Jborn about 1901
MooreCharles born about 1873
MooreCharles born about 1877
MooreDorothy born about 1908
MooreEna Rborn about 1902
MooreGelbert born about 1907
MooreGenus born about 1889
MooreGerald born about 1932
MooreGrace born about 1916
MooreHenry born about 1857
MooreJames Eborn about 1934
MooreLarry T Infantborn about 1940
MooreLillian born about 1879
MooreLily born about 1877
MooreMerle born about 1884
MooreNancy Kborn about 1938
MooreOpal born about 1905
MooreRobert Jborn about 1926
MooreRoy born about 1902
MooreRoy Jr born about 1923
MooreWalter born about 1912
MoorisGeorge born about 1940
MoorisMargaret born about 1922
MoorisMaybelle born about 1937
MoorisWayne born about 1914
MorganFrank Lborn about 1899
MorganGene born about 1882
MorganGertie born about 1900
MorganGrace born about 1883
MorganJane born about 1927
MorganWella Richardborn about 1904
MorganWilma born about 1921
MorlanNoah born about 1863
MorlanOna born about 1870
MormansEileen born about 1924
MormansHarry born about 1928
MormansImogene born about 1931
MormansPearl born about 1901
MorrisAllie born about 1901
MorrisAlonzo born about 1882
MorrisCarl born about 1904
MorrisEdith born about 1907
MorrisEileen born about 1925
MorrisF Herschelborn about 1906
MorrisFlossie born about 1893
MorrisGrace born about 1907
MorrisHarlan born about 1923
MorrisHarry born about 1890
MorrisHerschel born about 1896
MorrisHoward born about 1931
MorrisHubert Rborn about 1930
MorrisJohn born about 1927
MorrisKenneth born about 1922
MorrisLarry Infantborn about 1940
MorrisLester Eborn about 1912
MorrisLuetta born about 1919
MorrisMargaret born about 1929
MorrisMargaret born about 1938
MorrisMax born about 1933
MorrisMinnie born about 1910
MorrisMinnie Bborn about 1887
MorrisNeddie born about 1931
MorrisOtto born about 1891
MorrisRaymond born about 1931
MorrisRobert born about 1912
MorrisRussell born about 1902
MorrisViola born about 1923
MorrisVivien born about 1895
MorrisWilliam born about 1875
MuirJosie born about 1864
MuncieAnna Eborn about 1878
MuncieGarold Hborn about 1924
MuncieGretchen born about 1937
MuncieHenry Lborn about 1880
MuncieJames born about 1917
MuncieJames Jr born about 1936
MuncieVenita born about 1917
MurrayEmma born about 1869
MurrayThomas born about 1868
MyersElizabeth born about 1894
MyersJulia Annborn about 1939
MyersKarl born about 1888
MyersLillard born about 1916
MyersMarguerite born about 1916
MyersRuth born about 1923
MyersVirginia born about 1919
MyersWesley born about 1918
MyersWilliam born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaghDelores born about 1929
NaghFlorence born about 1908
NanceElizabeth born about 1883
NanceHarold born about 1921
NelsonBetty Iborn about 1922
NelsonDavid born about 1920
NelsonEldon Dborn about 1930
NelsonEstelle born about 1895
NelsonHenry born about 1890
NelsonJames Cborn about 1857
NelsonJohn Eborn about 1859
NelsonJosephine Eborn about 1916
NelsonLouis born about 1899
NelsonMignon Aborn about 1919
NelsonZelma Eborn about 1891
NewnumJames born about 1908
NewnumWilliam born about 1857
NewtonBillie Bborn about 1927
NewtonCurtis Leeborn about 1937
NewtonDella born about 1873
NewtonEva Maeborn about 1932
NewtonHarvey born about 1870
NewtonIvan born about 1902
NewtonJohn born about 1887
NewtonJohn born about 1919
NewtonMinnie born about 1883
NewtonOlive born about 1921
NewtonStella born about 1909
NickeyCarl born about 1897
NickeyCarl Fborn about 1934
NickeyKatherine born about 1939
NickeySusan born about 1907
NolteJoseph born about 1883
NolteMarjorie born about 1921
NolteMelvin born about 1924
NolteRose born about 1886
NooschJohn born about 1922
NorleyAndrew born about 1889
NorleyEthyl born about 1897
NorleyHenry born about 1919
NorleyMadge born about 1923
NusselMargaret born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OeffingerJennie born about 1867
OglesdElla born about 1887
OglesdHelen Jborn about 1925
OglesdRichard born about 1921
OhaverMarcella born about 1921
OliverJohn born about 1861
OnealArletta born about 1886
OnealJames born about 1878
OrmanAnna born about 1902
OrmanBilly born about 1932
OrmanHarold born about 1927
OrmanKayle born about 1901
OswaltMinnie born about 1859

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkinsChauncey born about 1885
ParkinsConsuelo born about 1889
ParkinsMarian Sueborn about 1932
ParkinsMarvin born about 1928
ParkinsWayne born about 1930
PatrickHelen born about 1906
PatrickRoy born about 1901
PaulkClaude born about 1879
PayneAllen born about 1886
PayneBeatrice born about 1882
PayneMartha born about 1929
PearsonCarl born about 1896
PearsonJoan born about 1928
PearsonJohn born about 1933
PearsonSigne born about 1908
PedenbargerAnne Maeborn about 1938
PedenbargerMyrna born about 1920
PedenbargerWalter born about 1911
PellBen born about 1887
PellRosie born about 1888
PenggClara born about 1881
PenggMarjorie born about 1922
PenryHerschel born about 1913
PenryJohn W Infantborn about 1939
PenryVivien born about 1915
PensingerLarry born about 1933
PenzCharles born about 1916
PenzClyde born about 1921
PenzDelpha born about 1887
PenzFred born about 1889
PettyCharles born about 1902
PettyDonnie born about 1939
PettyJune born about 1928
PettyOveal born about 1907
PettyWilbur born about 1929
PhillipsAddie born about 1877
PhillipsBenjaman born about 1911
PhillipsBetty born about 1932
PhillipsBonnie born about 1934
PhillipsCebie born about 1890
PhillipsEarnest born about 1924
PhillipsEdward born about 1867
PhillipsElsie Maeborn about 1888
PhillipsJoan born about 1930
PhillipsJohn born about 1920
PhillipsJudith born about 1849
PhillipsLester born about 1922
PhillipsMont born about 1889
PhillipsOmer born about 1896
PhillipsRobert born about 1920
PhillipsThomas born about 1916
PhillipsVade born about 1873
PhillipsValentine born about 1909
PhillipsWendell born about 1888
PickettAgnes born about 1917
PickettDavid born about 1876
PickettGrace born about 1913
PickettJohn born about 1911
PickettJohn Jr born about 1938
PickettWilliam born about 1913
PierceCleno Mborn about 1867
PierceEarl Mborn about 1903
PierceHarriet born about 1899
PierceIda born about 1872
PlumberCatherine born about 1877
PlumberMargaret born about 1904
PlunkettJohn born about 1870
PolandDaisy born about 1878
PolandJoseph born about 1875
PooleAbbie born about 1889
PooleEarl born about 1924
PooleJ Dborn about 1889
PotterFrank born about 1870
PotterKatie Fernborn about 1888
PowersHerbert born about 1901
PowersMary Annborn about 1872
PowersPearl Bborn about 1899
PowersRodger born about 1865
PrillBeulah born about 1915
PrillMargaret born about 1937
PrucellBen born about 1911
PrucellJean born about 1935
PrucellJoan born about 1931
PrucellRuby born about 1911
PruottDonald born about 1934
PruottPhyllis born about 1914
PruottVergil born about 1910
PurcellCecile born about 1905
PurcellJerry born about 1937
PurcellPaul born about 1926
PurcellRaymond born about 1905
PurcellRaymond born about 1925
PurcellRuby born about 1928
PurdyCharles born about 1860
PurdyElizabeth born about 1862
PurdyLester born about 1904
PurdyRoss born about 1887
PursellAnna born about 1873
PwnellBen born about 1882
PwnellRella born about 1884
PyrakCharles born about 1874
PyrakViola born about 1873
PyrakWayne born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RanbuckCurtiss born about 1918
RanbuckEugene born about 1923
RanbuckGertie born about 1891
RanbuckJack born about 1927
RanbuckRobert born about 1920
RandolphDoris Eborn about 1911
RandolphPaul Eborn about 1938
RandolphWilliam born about 1909
RectorDell Aborn about 1874
RectorIola born about 1898
RectorJohn born about 1871
RedenbacterJulia born about 1875
RedenbargerAnna Maryborn about 1915
RedenbargerHenry born about 1914
RediferBeulah born about 1933
RediferFlora born about 1895
RediferJeanene born about 1931
RediferJess Wborn about 1894
RediferJess Jr born about 1922
RediferMarjorie born about 1935
RediferNorma born about 1927
ReedArthur Lborn about 1925
ReedBetty Roseborn about 1923
ReedEarnest born about 1902
ReedEarnest Eborn about 1932
ReedEdna born about 1904
ReedMary Lborn about 1929
ReelCecil born about 1912
ReevesMary Eborn about 1863
ReffettClyde born about 1913
ReffettDorothy born about 1920
ReisStacy born about 1873
ResherBeulah born about 1883
ResherDavid born about 1921
ResherJames born about 1915
ResherMarvin born about 1882
ReynoldsCarrie born about 1883
ReynoldsCharles born about 1879
RichardsBen Rborn about 1860
RileyCatherine born about 1934
RileyPaul born about 1912
RileyVirginia born about 1915
RingoAda born about 1882
RingoAlma born about 1904
RingoClara born about 1909
RingoElenora born about 1874
RingoErnest born about 1891
RingoGrafton Cborn about 1877
RingoHarvey Wborn about 1900
RingoJames Wborn about 1933
RingoJohn Wborn about 1905
RingoMary born about 1890
RingoStanley born about 1905
RingosClaude born about 1902
RingosGrace born about 1900
RingosWayne born about 1933
RippleAlvin born about 1939
RippleCarl born about 1911
RippleG Phillipborn about 1919
RippleGenevieve born about 1913
RippleGeorge Cborn about 1875
RippleKathryn born about 1917
RippleMary Lborn about 1878
RippleRalph Eborn about 1922
RippleRobert born about 1916
RippleSidney born about 1914
RippleWilliam born about 1860
RippleWilma born about 1916
RobbinsFred Eborn about 1886
RobbinsMae born about 1887
RobbinsMax born about 1936
RobertsCary born about 1876
RobertsCharles born about 1931
RobertsClifford born about 1921
RobertsEthel born about 1890
RobertsFrancis born about 1907
RobertsGeorge born about 1899
RobertsIra born about 1884
RobertsJames born about 1927
RobertsJoe born about 1929
RobertsMartha Infantborn about 1939
RobertsMary Janeborn about 1921
RobertsMinnie born about 1901
RobertsNellie born about 1892
RobertsNora born about 1881
RobertsRoy born about 1896
RobisonAndrew born about 1874
RobisonEdith born about 1886
RobisonInez born about 1910
RobisonJackie born about 1931
RobisonJane born about 1937
RobisonJoan born about 1932
RobisonJohn born about 1846
RobisonLetha born about 1882
RobisonMartha Hborn about 1877
RobisonTheodore born about 1875
RobisonWayne born about 1906
RocckerFlorence born about 1920
RocckerPhyllis Infantborn about 1940
RocckerUrwin born about 1918
RoeschleinAlice born about 1932
RoeschleinAnna Kathrynborn about 1925
RoeschleinCharles born about 1891
RoeschleinEarl born about 1899
RoeschleinElsie born about 1897
RoeschleinEugene born about 1926
RoeschleinFred born about 1891
RoeschleinHarlan born about 1900
RoeschleinHarold born about 1922
RoeschleinHarriette born about 1903
RoeschleinHelen born about 1929
RoeschleinHerschel born about 1918
RoeschleinLoretta born about 1925
RoeschleinMary born about 1922
RoeschleinMichael born about 1869
RoeschleinMollie born about 1878
RoeschleinNellie born about 1893
RoeschleinNina born about 1930
RoeschleinSeddona born about 1897
RoeschleinWilleta born about 1924
RoeschleinWilliam Eborn about 1923
RogersBarbara born about 1935
RogersBetty Mborn about 1930
RogersDolores Fborn about 1938
RogersEdith born about 1908
RogersErnest born about 1905
RogersErnest born about 1929
RogersJane born about 1909
RogersMary Hborn about 1936
RogersVernard born about 1920
RogersWilliam born about 1907
RogersWilliam Eborn about 1932
RolisonAgnes born about 1890
RolisonBlanche born about 1896
RolisonHarrison Cborn about 1886
RolisonJames born about 1882
RolisonJames born about 1922
RolisonJohn born about 1923
RolisonVirginia Hborn about 1922
RollinsEthel born about 1912
RollinsRetha born about 1927
RollinsWilliam born about 1905
RotenClara born about 1904
RotenDurward born about 1927
RotenPleas born about 1904
RubeckBucker Eborn about 1876
RubeckMargaret born about 1891
RubeckMax Gborn about 1927
RubeckRussell born about 1922
RubeckVirgil born about 1919
RuddellDavid born about 1894
RuddellElla Lborn about 1894
RuddellGeorge born about 1889
RuddellHarry born about 1882
RuddellHarry Wborn about 1921
RuddellJessie born about 1888
RuddellKatheryn Mborn about 1925
RukesBable born about 1873
RukesEmma born about 1877
RussellGeorge born about 1883
RussellGrace born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamsBlanche born about 1892
SamsClarence born about 1924
SandersCatherine born about 1904
SandersJohn born about 1929
SandersLaurence born about 1904
SandersPauline born about 1932
SandersWilbur born about 1927
SandersonBetty Maeborn about 1932
SandersonE Lenaborn about 1888
SandersonElizabeth Eborn about 1923
SandersonEva Marieborn about 1915
SandersonSarah Bborn about 1918
ScheidCatherine Jr born about 1936
ScheidHerman born about 1902
ScheidJohn Pborn about 1866
ScheidLetha born about 1898
ScheidRosa born about 1867
ScherbAnna born about 1882
ScherbCaroline born about 1886
ScherbCecelia born about 1904
ScherbHenry born about 1861
ScherbHenry Vborn about 1923
ScherbLaura born about 1877
ScherbPearl born about 1880
SchlegelDonald born about 1923
SchlegelEarl born about 1893
SchlegelMary Mborn about 1896
SchlegelRobert born about 1920
SchnerGeorge born about 1864
SchnerHattie born about 1867
SchonefeldDorothy born about 1924
SchonefeldStella born about 1900
SchoonoverCora Fborn about 1870
SchoonoverJames born about 1910
ScofieldEmma born about 1881
SeepmanClara born about 1886
SeepmanWilliam born about 1879
SeidelmanFrank Wborn about 1886
SeidelmanLucinda born about 1913
SextonClint Cborn about 1888
SextonDedia Mborn about 1892
ShafferDona born about 1913
ShafferGary born about 1933
ShafferMax born about 1936
ShafferRobert born about 1938
ShafferWayne born about 1909
ShattuckBertha Rborn about 1882
ShattuckCurt born about 1884
ShattuckFranklin Jborn about 1912
ShattuckLaveda born about 1911
ShattuckRichard Wborn about 1917
ShawCarmen born about 1913
ShawHenry born about 1875
ShawMauda born about 1878
SheeseEmory born about 1892
SheeseJames Eborn about 1923
SheeseMyrtie born about 1890
SheridanDorena born about 1903
SheridanGlenn born about 1900
SherrillEverett born about 1893
SherrillMae born about 1887
ShultzCrystal Jborn about 1930
ShultzGladdys Eborn about 1896
ShultzJames born about 1928
ShultzRobert born about 1928
ShultzVerna born about 1894
ShumakerEugene born about 1917
ShumakerHerschel born about 1918
ShumakerMary born about 1869
ShumakerNomi born about 1897
SigelinJames Gborn about 1934
SigelinKatherine born about 1910
SigelinMadonna Jborn about 1936
SigelinMelvin born about 1910
SigelinWilliam Rborn about 1930
SlackAmanda born about 1884
SlackElizabeth Mborn about 1896
SlackJohn born about 1887
SlackLorena born about 1889
SlaterChenie born about 1898
SlaterThomas born about 1896
SlavenBetty born about 1923
SlavenCharles Sborn about 1898
SlavenMayme born about 1903
SlavensBetty born about 1925
SlavensCalvin born about 1917
SlavensGary born about 1923
SlavensLois born about 1898
SlavensSanford born about 1928
SmithBernard Cborn about 1905
SmithDavid born about 1938
SmithEdna born about 1884
SmithEva born about 1888
SmithEverett born about 1901
SmithFloy Eborn about 1886
SmithFloyd born about 1925
SmithHarley born about 1902
SmithHarvey born about 1889
SmithHelen born about 1922
SmithHubert born about 1916
SmithIcey Lebaborn about 1910
SmithLeroy born about 1939
SmithLois born about 1930
SmithLoreighn born about 1912
SmithMary Jborn about 1922
SmithMcdonald born about 1872
SmithMyrtle born about 1905
SmithPeachie born about 1918
SmithRalph born about 1912
SmithRuben born about 1925
SmithRuby born about 1921
SmithSamuel born about 1939
SmithThela born about 1929
SmithW Albertborn about 1882
SmithZetta born about 1876
SnyderAlay Mborn about 1883
SnyderDavid born about 1880
SnyderEdward born about 1861
SnyderGeorge born about 1896
SnyderHallie born about 1875
SnyderJames born about 1919
SnyderJunior born about 1924
SnyderLois born about 1928
SnyderMardell born about 1915
SnyderRalph born about 1916
SnyderReatha born about 1901
SpearAlonzo born about 1858
SpearMurta born about 1875
SpeckerEugene born about 1916
SpeckerLouise born about 1915
StadlerArthur born about 1919
StadlerEthel born about 1890
StadlerLawrence born about 1922
StadlerOrlando born about 1885
StansberryJessiew born about 1886
StansberrySheldon born about 1884
SteinsbergerGeorge born about 1875
StinsonForest born about 1921
StinsonKenneth born about 1909
StinsonLois born about 1924
StinsonMarjorie born about 1927
StinsonMattie born about 1889
StinsonPorter born about 1883
StinsonRobertr born about 1933
StinsonRomie born about 1885
StinsonTracy born about 1884
StitgleJames born about 1896
StitgleMaud born about 1896
StonebertAlbert Fborn about 1909
StonebertEstella Wborn about 1879
StonebertGeorge Vborn about 1878
StoughDonald born about 1927
StoughHarry born about 1915
StoughLana born about 1887
StoughMinnie born about 1861
StoughRalph born about 1885
StoughWalter born about 1884
StowChristina born about 1913
StowJoseph born about 1911
StreetMargaret born about 1862
SupmanCatherin born about 1884
SupmanHenry Wborn about 1876
SuttonGertrude born about 1883
SuttonHubert born about 1882
SwearingenAnna Maeborn about 1922
SwearingenClara born about 1896
SwearingenDonald born about 1938
SwearingenDorothy born about 1920
SwearingenFrederick born about 1932
SwearingenHallie born about 1894
SwearingenHarold born about 1919
SwearingenJohn born about 1923
SwearingenLloyd born about 1925
SwearingenMarjorie born about 1919
SwearingenMildred born about 1924
SwearingenReuben born about 1896
SwearingenRobert born about 1928
SwearingenRoss born about 1891
SwinehartCaroline born about 1939
SwinehartEarl born about 1906
SwinehartElizabeth born about 1910
SwineheartMary Cborn about 1883
SwineheartThomas born about 1879
SysterJames born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TargettEdith born about 1894
TargettFlorence born about 1919
TargettHelen born about 1915
TargettPaul born about 1936
TargettRobert born about 1925
TargettSarah Mborn about 1927
TargettWalter born about 1929
TargettWarren born about 1917
TarvinAlice born about 1914
TarvinJohn Wborn about 1882
TarvinMyra born about 1888
TarvinNicholas born about 1916
TarvinRebecca born about 1887
TarvinWilliam Pborn about 1887
TatlockJohn born about 1894
TatlockJulia born about 1895
TatlockMaxine born about 1919
TaylorElsie born about 1937
TaylorGary born about 1939
TaylorJosephine born about 1920
TaylorLarry born about 1938
TeefelAlvina born about 1893
TeefelAnna born about 1900
TeefelEthel Maeborn about 1915
TeefelFred born about 1863
TeefelNancy Bborn about 1884
TeefelNorma born about 1920
TeefelSarah born about 1863
TeefelWalter born about 1905
TembermanGayle born about 1926
TembermanHugh born about 1900
TembermanHugo Jr born about 1924
TembermanJames Rborn about 1922
TembermanVera born about 1901
ThomasCharles born about 1921
ThomasCoy born about 1910
ThomasEverett born about 1910
ThomasGrace born about 1910
ThomasHildred born about 1901
ThomasJackie born about 1932
ThomasJay born about 1873
ThomasJessie born about 1881
ThomasLenus born about 1904
ThomasWilbur born about 1923
TibbettsHanna Leeborn about 1915
TibbettsNettie born about 1893
TibbettsRoss Jborn about 1891
TibbettsWilliam born about 1889
TiefelBetty born about 1930
TiefelCarl born about 1898
TiefelElizabeth born about 1915
TiefelGladys born about 1912
TiefelJuanita born about 1914
TiefelLillian born about 1923
TiefelMarion born about 1925
TiefelMary Mborn about 1874
TiefelSarah Aborn about 1888
TiefelTheodore born about 1896
TiefelViolet born about 1900
TiefelWilliam Pborn about 1877
TilleyDonald born about 1929
TilleyElmer born about 1900
TilleyRobert born about 1923
TilleyWilliam born about 1926
TiptonBetty Lborn about 1925
TiptonEarl born about 1909
TiptonElvera born about 1910
TiptonGerald Infantborn about 1939
TiptonMax Earlborn about 1938
TiptonRay born about 1895
TiptonRoy born about 1920
TiptonZelda born about 1897
ToddClara born about 1914
ToddDelia born about 1882
ToddLee born about 1882
ToddPaul born about 1911
TribbleKathryn born about 1889
TribbleLeonard born about 1909
TribbleWilson born about 1879
TroutBertha Mborn about 1938
TroutCarson born about 1930
TroutClarence born about 1894
TroutEdgar born about 1902
TroutEtta born about 1871
TroutFlorence born about 1904
TroutJune Eborn about 1929
TroutLawrence Rborn about 1936
TroutMartha Eborn about 1926
TroutRoy born about 1893
TroutSylvia born about 1894
TroutWinifred born about 1907
TuckerJackie born about 1936
TuckerJames born about 1930
TuckerLarry born about 1940
TuckerMary born about 1907
TuckerOrville born about 1905
TuckerRex born about 1932
TurnerAnna born about 1879
TurnerDiana born about 1937
TurnerG Albertborn about 1873
TurnerMae born about 1915
TurnerMargaret born about 1931
TurnerMary Iborn about 1913
TurnerMelvin born about 1912
TurnerMelvin Tborn about 1936
TurnerMyra Mborn about 1936
TurnerNellie born about 1878
TurnerSamuel born about 1869
TurnerWilmer born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandevenerPhoebe born about 1874
VandevenerRoy born about 1897
VannessAlfred born about 1875
VannessAnna Kborn about 1918
VannessCharles born about 1915
VannessClifford born about 1881
VannessForest born about 1902
VannessJesse born about 1886
VannessJimmie born about 1938
VannessKen born about 1908
VannessTimmie born about 1930
VeachElmer Cborn about 1895
VeachPatricia born about 1933
VeachRuth born about 1903
VermillionFloyd born about 1910
VermillionNancy Leeborn about 1937
VermillionPauline born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagleGeneva born about 1918
WagleThoedore born about 1939
WagleThomas born about 1936
WagleWilliam born about 1912
WagonerLilly born about 1879
WakefieldBarbara born about 1937
WakefieldDennis born about 1898
WakefieldVelma born about 1900
WakefieldWarren born about 1922
WallaceNellie born about 1920
WallacePearl born about 1882
WallaceRella born about 1898
WallaceRose born about 1924
WallaceThelma born about 1922
WaltersKen born about 1917
WaltzerJames born about 1891
WaltzerJames Jr born about 1926
WaltzerNora born about 1893
WardMalinda born about 1862
WardNannie born about 1884
WarrenStella born about 1892
WarrenVelma born about 1921
WarrenViva born about 1922
WarrenWilliam Fborn about 1889
WattsJames Hborn about 1905
WattsJames Markborn about 1935
WattsLois born about 1910
WattsLouise born about 1910
WattsMary born about 1872
WattsRaymond born about 1913
WaymireErnest born about 1907
WaymireErnest born about 1930
WaymireJulia born about 1932
WaymireNorma born about 1928
WaymireViolet born about 1909
WeaverAgnes Mborn about 1906
WeaverBarbara born about 1933
WeaverCharles born about 1874
WeaverHilma born about 1908
WeaverJohn Hborn about 1908
WeaverKathryn born about 1855
WeaverLucy born about 1875
WeaverMary born about 1915
WeaverMinda born about 1889
WeaverRobert born about 1907
WeaverRoscoe born about 1915
WeaverRussel born about 1921
WeaverTimothy born about 1871
WeberGeorge born about 1925
WeberGeorge Hborn about 1888
WeberJohn Wborn about 1859
WeberJohn W Jrborn about 1899
WeberMary Vborn about 1863
WebesterBetty born about 1937
WebesterEmilie born about 1896
WebesterGlenn born about 1928
WebesterHelen born about 1930
WebesterMarjorie born about 1934
WebesterMartha born about 1932
WebesterRalph born about 1884
WedelEarnest born about 1900
WedelErrol born about 1920
WedelJoan born about 1926
WedelR Sharonborn about 1938
WedelRalph born about 1922
WedelRobert born about 1928
WedelRuth born about 1900
WellsArthur born about 1915
WellsArvil born about 1898
WellsBerry born about 1891
WellsClyo born about 1891
WellsDelbert born about 1930
WellsDonald born about 1931
WellsDorothy born about 1908
WellsEarnest born about 1913
WellsHerbert born about 1911
WellsJohn Bborn about 1865
WellsShirley born about 1928
WenkepleckA Elmerborn about 1885
WenkepleckChristine born about 1889
WenkepleckJohn born about 1917
WesleyGeorge born about 1874
WesleyMary born about 1881
WestCathern born about 1915
WestElmer born about 1917
WestJessie Rborn about 1938
WestRosie born about 1881
WestfallBetty Janeborn about 1938
WestfallBeverley born about 1937
WestfallLucille born about 1919
WestfallRalph born about 1907
WhallonLovina born about 1870
WheelerBlanche born about 1885
WheelerDorothy born about 1925
WheelerElla born about 1927
WheelerThomas born about 1880
WheelerWilliam born about 1923
WhiteAlta born about 1896
WhiteAnna Mborn about 1922
WhiteCharles born about 1864
WhiteCharles Eborn about 1924
WhiteHerschel born about 1917
WhiteHerschel Lborn about 1896
WhiteJack born about 1927
WhiteJames born about 1939
WhiteJeral born about 1934
WhiteLester born about 1905
WhiteMarjorie born about 1929
WhiteMary born about 1872
WhiteMary born about 1918
WhiteMell born about 1885
WhiteNorma Mborn about 1926
WhitePearl born about 1904
WhiteRaymond born about 1915
WhittingtonEdgar born about 1890
WhittingtonEffie born about 1890
WilbseyEarnest born about 1895
WilliamsArthur born about 1916
WilliamsCarrie Eborn about 1869
WilliamsClarence born about 1880
WilliamsHelen born about 1917
WilliamsJohn born about 1867
WilliamsRuby born about 1882
WilsonCarl born about 1884
WilsonElla born about 1887
WinnEthel born about 1901
WinnMeyrtle born about 1878
WinnSamuel born about 1879
WinnSamuel Eborn about 1915
WirghtJames Tborn about 1869
WittEmma born about 1907
WittLloyd born about 1927
WittOpha Lborn about 1905
WollDorothy born about 1902
WollEverett born about 1892
WollEverett Lborn about 1928
WollLou Annborn about 1931
WolvertonRobert Wborn about 1918
WolvertonVirginia born about 1919
WoodArthur born about 1920
WoodElza Royborn about 1892
WoodEva Mborn about 1929
WoodLewis Mborn about 1862
WoodLilly born about 1889
WoodMary Janeborn about 1893
WoodPaul Rborn about 1925
WoodRobert born about 1923
WoodSarah born about 1861
WoolsIva born about 1884
WoolsMary Eborn about 1855
WoolsWilliam Aborn about 1915
WrightBertha born about 1888
WrightDennis born about 1895
WrightElizabeth born about 1884
WrightLinus Cborn about 1876
WyattMary born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YocomSussanna born about 1872

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