1940 U.S. Federal Census of Randolph in Tippecanoe County, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Randolph in Tippecanoe County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenCatherine born about 1937
AllenFrances born about 1915
AllenHarleigh born about 1910
AllenHogan born about 1900
AllenNorma Jeanborn about 1939
AllenRichard born about 1936
AndersonAnn born about 1912
AndersonJ Eborn about 1909
AndrewsFloyd born about 1888
AndrewsMargaret born about 1899
AndrewsWilbur born about 1899
AndrewsWilliam Blairborn about 1923
AnillElla born about 1864
ArayDewey born about 1900

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B Surnames

BaileyWarren born about 1919
BairCalvin born about 1922
BargerEarl born about 1892
BargerEdna born about 1891
BarkerAnna Rborn about 1907
BarkerBarbara born about 1934
BarkerDonald born about 1933
BarkerDorothy born about 1932
BarkerEdward Leeborn about 1927
BarkerFrank born about 1901
BarkerGaronett Louiseborn about 1930
BarkerGrace born about 1896
BarkerGrover born about 1922
BarkerJohn born about 1892
BarkerJohn Jr born about 1925
BarkerMartha born about 1926
BarkerPaul Leroyborn about 1934
BarkerPhyllis born about 1925
BarkerRaymond born about 1896
BarkerRuth born about 1918
BarnhartCharles born about 1881
BarnhartWilliam born about 1888
BartlettIrving born about 1901
BartlettMary born about 1905
BartlettMary Janeborn about 1930
BennettCharles born about 1881
BennettCharles Jr born about 1907
BennettClara born about 1884
BennettDonald born about 1916
BennettEdith born about 1916
BennettMorris born about 1905
BennettRobert Leeborn about 1937
BennettRoy born about 1923
BennettWilliam born about 1920
BessCamilla Cborn about 1917
BessDavid Eugeneborn about 1937
BessKenneth Loydborn about 1936
BirgeMaude born about 1894
BirgeSam born about 1906
BitzerAndrew born about 1870
BitzerJohn born about 1862
BookerAlice born about 1919
BookerHelen born about 1921
BookerPaul born about 1921
BookerRobert born about 1917
BorkerReba born about 1923
BougherGlen born about 1902
BougherMartin born about 1937
BougherPhyllis born about 1934
BougherRuby born about 1909
BrayBeatrice born about 1922
BrayCecil born about 1924
BrayDale born about 1915
BrayFlorence born about 1913
BrayGlen born about 1907
BrayHarmon born about 1882
BrayHerman born about 1910
BrayLaur born about 1883
BrayMargaret born about 1929
BrayMarie born about 1922
BrayRoy born about 1927
BrowellJohn born about 1877
BruntonAlberta born about 1928
BruntonBernard born about 1925
BruntonBernice born about 1925
BruntonJunior born about 1926
BruntonKenneth born about 1923
BruntonMorris born about 1922
BruntonSarah born about 1888
BruntonWilbur born about 1875
BufordJohn born about 1870
BufordMartha born about 1874
BushongCharles born about 1923
BushongFlosse born about 1892
BushongGerald born about 1928
BushongLeslie born about 1917
BushongOscar born about 1887
BushongSammy born about 1915

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C Surnames

CampbellHarry Wborn about 1890
CampbellJohn born about 1917
CampbellMabel Eborn about 1898
CampbellRichard born about 1918
CampbellWalter born about 1928
CarnahanAlfred Sborn about 1884
CarnahanAlfred Jr born about 1919
CarnahanHarold born about 1924
CarnahanHoward born about 1929
CarnahanRuby born about 1892
ChanceJohn Charlesborn about 1922
ChapmanAmanda born about 1871
ChapmanAmanda born about 1927
ChapmanBennie born about 1904
ChapmanClyde born about 1916
ChapmanEdmonia born about 1911
ChapmanEdward born about 1912
ChapmanElizah born about 1867
ChapmanFrances born about 1911
ChapmanJohn born about 1921
ChapmanLeana born about 1888
ChapmanLogan born about 1903
ChapmanLoren born about 1923
ChapmanMajorie born about 1920
ChapmanMaren born about 1914
ChapmanRichard born about 1938
ChapmanVirgil born about 1888
ChapmanVirginia born about 1922
ChapmanVivan born about 1903
ChapmanYvonne born about 1927
ChaseEllen born about 1923
ChaseEmery Rborn about 1895
ChaseKatie born about 1900
ChaseMarion born about 1928
ConarroeDelores born about 1937
ConarroeDonala born about 1912
ConarroeDonald born about 1925
ConarroeLee born about 1910
ConarroeRalph born about 1889
ConarroeShirley born about 1935
ConradThomas born about 1870
CurryBetty born about 1927
CurryHelen born about 1907
CurryJackie born about 1936
CurryMabel born about 1929
CurryWilliam Jborn about 1904
CurryWilliam Jr born about 1930

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D Surnames

DavaultEd born about 1878
DavaultMaggie born about 1870
DavisAda born about 1903
DeplantyJoseph born about 1888
DeplantyJoseph Easperborn about 1936
DeplantyMary born about 1890
DettyJoe born about 1889
DieterleCharles born about 1912
DieterleEmma born about 1934
DieterleJohn born about 1876

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E Surnames

EaveyBertie Louborn about 1926
EaveyHoker born about 1899
EaveyMay born about 1900
EssexHarold born about 1906
EssexOpal born about 1905

F Surnames

FarmerChristine born about 1924
FarmerWalter born about 1881
FayeDouglas born about 1930
FayeEuncie born about 1936
FayeFlorence born about 1912
FayeGlen born about 1906
FieferFrancis born about 1914
FieferIrwin born about 1911
FieferRichard born about 1935
FieferWayne born about 1940
FiferBarbara born about 1933
FiferCarol born about 1929
FiferDavid born about 1877
FiferDavid born about 1938
FiferGordon born about 1931
FiferHelen born about 1907
FiferLuella born about 1906
FiferMargaret born about 1933
FiferMargaret born about 1934
FiferRay born about 1903
FiferWalter born about 1903
FiferWilliam born about 1859
FillerArthur born about 1876
FitzmanLilly Mayborn about 1928
FitzmanMaryln born about 1932
FitzmanNewton born about 1894
FitzmanNewton Kborn about 1935
FitzmanRobert Fborn about 1925
FitzmanRuth born about 1896
FoyeBernetta born about 1914
FoyeBetty born about 1940
FoyeDavid born about 1937
FoyeGregg born about 1938
FoyeHelen born about 1913
FoyeJames born about 1939
FoyeLucius born about 1904
FoyeNancy born about 1934
FoyeNeal born about 1936
FoyeWayne born about 1914
FrancisClint born about 1887
FrancisDale born about 1923
FrancisMildred born about 1882
FreyAlva born about 1890
FreyAlverna born about 1938
FreyDorthy Elenborn about 1924
FreyFlorence born about 1898
FreyFrancis born about 1922

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G Surnames

GaitherSarah born about 1855
GeigerAlice born about 1916
GeigerFloyd born about 1918
GeigerIda born about 1883
GeigerOra born about 1883
GeigerOrville born about 1922
GeigerRoy born about 1907
GoodeCharles born about 1931
GoodeFrank Thomasborn about 1933
GoodeLawrence born about 1906
GoodeMildred born about 1907
GoodeNina Jeanborn about 1926
GrayBetty born about 1933
GrayDiwey born about 1924
GrayFlorence born about 1936
GrayMarian born about 1902
GrayMartha born about 1938
GrayMary Evelynborn about 1920
GrayMrion born about 1929
GrayPhyllis born about 1921
GuerinAndrew born about 1876
GuerinEstella born about 1888
GuerinGilbert born about 1928
GuerinHobart born about 1923
GuillMartha Fborn about 1874
GuillMary born about 1865
GuillMichael Mborn about 1866

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H Surnames

HadleyWalter Jborn about 1874
HakleClarence born about 1909
HakleJerry Joeborn about 1936
HakleMary Elborn about 1914
HaltonRuth born about 1918
HammGeorge born about 1924
HammHubert born about 1919
HammMarion born about 1914
HammOlive born about 1894
HammerBarbara Fborn about 1928
HammerJ Gladipborn about 1893
HammerJean Eborn about 1922
HammerJoseph born about 1895
HammerMargaret Annborn about 1917
HammerPatsy Jr born about 1934
HammerPhyllis Lborn about 1924
HanserAda born about 1869
HanserR Pborn about 1863
HarveyLoyd born about 1901
HarveyMargaret born about 1907
HendrickAlger born about 1920
HendrickJoyce born about 1940
HendrickPatricia born about 1937
HendrickPatrie born about 1920
HiltAldine born about 1909
HiltDonald born about 1932
HiltEdward born about 1936
HiltFrancis born about 1939
HiltNancy born about 1938
HiltRaymond Eborn about 1905
HobbsCharles born about 1913
HobbsGene Raymondborn about 1937
HobbsVeva born about 1916
HooperFlora Aborn about 1885
HooperForrest born about 1921
HoskinsBeatrice Annborn about 1937
HoskinsRebecca born about 1918
HoskinsRowland Rayborn about 1939
HouchensWilsie born about 1916
HouserDorthy born about 1925
HouserEverett born about 1902
HouserIsa Doraborn about 1861
HouserJoycelyn born about 1903
HouserKenneth born about 1935
HouserLois born about 1930
HouserRobert born about 1929
HoweCharles born about 1878
HoweDorthy born about 1931
HoweLee born about 1920
HoweLela born about 1885
HoweSarah Ellenborn about 1917
HoweWilbur born about 1909
HoweWilliam born about 1924
HudsonBoyd born about 1924
HudsonLoyd born about 1924
HudsonRaymond born about 1893

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I Surnames

InskeepClinor born about 1876
InskeepFlosse born about 1892
InskeepFurman born about 1883
InskeepGeorge born about 1888
InskeepJoan born about 1919
InskeepKeith born about 1920
InskeepMabel born about 1891
InskeepMargareta born about 1915
InskeepMark born about 1895
InskeepMildred born about 1923
InskeepPearl born about 1898
InskeepVirginia born about 1921

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J Surnames

JeffersAbraham born about 1890
JeffersDayle born about 1914
JeffersDonald born about 1921
JeffersMary born about 1920
JeffersPearl born about 1892
JeffersSandra born about 1940
JimisonLoura born about 1875
JimisonWilliam born about 1871
JohnsAllie born about 1896
JohnsJennie born about 1869
JohnsJohn born about 1922
JohnsRoy born about 1893
JonesEillen born about 1934
JonesHelen born about 1936
JonesKatherine born about 1926
JonesMae Eborn about 1906
JonesMary Louiseborn about 1938
JonesWalter born about 1899
JonesWayne born about 1928

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K Surnames

KellermanAnna Stewardborn about 1866
KellermanJames Sborn about 1902
KellermanMillark Fillmoreborn about 1854
KennedyFred born about 1887
KennedyJohn born about 1921
KennedyLuella born about 1895
KennedyRobert born about 1923
KerkhoffFred born about 1885
KerkhoffLottie born about 1889
KerkhoffRobert born about 1911
KerkhoffRosemary born about 1919
KessingerDan born about 1886
KessingerEthel born about 1885
KessingerGeorge born about 1874
KessingerMarie born about 1890
KessingerWilliam born about 1878
KeysCharles born about 1889
KirkpatrickCharlotte born about 1877
KirkpatrickSamuel born about 1863
KrummreichElinor born about 1892
KrummreichEverett born about 1892
KrummreichJames born about 1926
KrummreichRichard born about 1929
KrummreichRobert born about 1923

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L Surnames

LamkinEvelyn born about 1918
LamkinWade born about 1910
LamkinsWilliam born about 1911
LaytonDaisy born about 1880
LaytonDonald born about 1934
LaytonFred born about 1906
LaytonJohn born about 1881
LaytonLaura born about 1908
LaytonRobert born about 1931
LeamingFlorida born about 1890
LeamingHarry born about 1862
LesmingBetty born about 1923
LesmingCurwen born about 1895
LesmingRuth born about 1896
LineolnRoger born about 1918
LoftWilliam born about 1886
LongHarry born about 1906
LongMildred born about 1909
LongNancy Kayborn about 1938
LostChrist Jopherborn about 1878
LostJulia born about 1890

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M Surnames

MalsbaryAnn born about 1913
MalsbaryDale born about 1912
MalsbaryMary born about 1872
MalsbaryMary Janeborn about 1935
MalsbarySam born about 1937
MartinDaisy born about 1902
MartinFrank born about 1890
MartinIvas born about 1886
MartinLeah born about 1893
MartinLydia born about 1892
MartinMartha born about 1899
MartinMary born about 1919
MartinRaymond born about 1900
MartinRichard born about 1915
MartinWalter born about 1886
MartinWilliam born about 1880
MatsonHelen born about 1903
MatsonJulea Geanborn about 1930
MatsonLouise born about 1927
MatsonRoy Eborn about 1893
McCayDr O L born about 1880
McCayJean born about 1925
McCayMildred born about 1899
McCobeJohn born about 1874
McCobeMargaret born about 1875
MeadorsAddie born about 1907
MeadorsClara Nellborn about 1933
MeadorsDorthy born about 1931
MeadorsEllis born about 1905
MeadorsHenry born about 1926
MeadorsMary Leneborn about 1928
MerletteChapple born about 1918
MillerDolly born about 1900
MillerFrank born about 1892
MillerMaude born about 1888
MillerMaurice born about 1915
MillerPatricia Elborn about 1939
MitchellDr E J born about 1880
MitchellLee born about 1887
MooreAlden born about 1915
MooreAllison born about 1919
MullendoreA Richardborn about 1928
MullendoreAndrew born about 1906
MullendoreCorrie born about 1880
MullendoreRuth born about 1909

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N Surnames

NealElden born about 1911
NealFrank born about 1882
NealJeanette born about 1910
NealLola born about 1871
NealTrunie born about 1882
NealWayne born about 1919
NewtonEula born about 1891
NewtonFloyd born about 1906
NewtonGus born about 1890
NewtonHoward born about 1908
NewtonLucille born about 1906
NewtonMarietta born about 1932
NewtonNorma Deanborn about 1924
NewtonPatricia Janeborn about 1927
NewtonRuth born about 1907

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O Surnames

OsbornTommy born about 1920
OwensEugene born about 1920
OwensFred born about 1890
OwensIrvin born about 1893
OwensIrvin Jr born about 1930
OwensMary born about 1896
OwensOlga born about 1884
OwensWilliam born about 1922
OwensWilmer born about 1884

P Surnames

PalmoreRoyce born about 1895
PalmoreRuth born about 1897
ParkeArthur born about 1913
ParkeCarolyn born about 1939
ParkeFlorence born about 1894
ParkeHelen born about 1920
ParkeHenriette born about 1874
ParkeMarcus born about 1892
ParkeVernon born about 1914
ParvisAlma born about 1902
ParvisJean Annborn about 1924
ParvisOrville born about 1901
PawlerEdna Gborn about 1883
PayerBiely born about 1919
PayerDwight born about 1938
PayerVivan born about 1921
PayneEllen born about 1886
PayneFred born about 1891
PayneHenlin born about 1896
PayneMery Elizabethborn about 1896
PeaseFrancis born about 1931
PeaseJean born about 1927
PeaseLeona born about 1899
PeaseRussell born about 1902
PellAcho born about 1891
PellBilly born about 1924
PellEarl born about 1922
PellElbert born about 1890
PellRosemary born about 1927
PendeltonDorthy Ellenborn about 1932
PepperdinsElla born about 1877
PerkinsBetty Joanborn about 1936
PerkinsCurtis born about 1910
PerkinsDavid born about 1923
PerkinsFlorence born about 1890
PerkinsFrank born about 1886
PerkinsJames born about 1912
PerkinsThelma born about 1912
PlasterJohn Sborn about 1863
PlasterKathryn born about 1922
PlasterLee born about 1889
PlasterLouise born about 1894
PlasterRobert born about 1917
PowellJohn born about 1884

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R Surnames

RadmondLillie born about 1863
RauchGeorge born about 1881
RauchLeland born about 1911
RauchM Lettaborn about 1877
RauchOlive born about 1908
RauckFurman born about 1877
RauckMary born about 1879
RayleBill born about 1926
RayleClyde born about 1905
RayleMaude born about 1907
RedmondMary born about 1899
RedmondMerle born about 1898
RhinehartAlma born about 1921
RhinehartEarl born about 1917
RhinehartJoe Jr born about 1923
RhinehartJoseph born about 1887
RhinehartOra Leeborn about 1929
RhinehartParker born about 1927
RhinehartRichard born about 1926
RhinehartRuby born about 1896
RichardsonByrd born about 1887
RichardsonClyde born about 1920
RichardsonDover born about 1923
RichardsonElla born about 1887
RichardsonElwood born about 1900
RichardsonJunior born about 1930
RichardsonKathryn born about 1926
RichardsonLee born about 1918
RichardsonMary born about 1927
RichardsonVergil born about 1887
RichardsonVernie born about 1883
RitchieClyde born about 1888
RitchieEloise born about 1919
RitchieEugene born about 1937
RitchieFrancis born about 1939
RitchieHelena born about 1887
RitchieKenneth born about 1938
RitchieMerle born about 1920
RitchieRaymond born about 1916
RobergAlbert born about 1930
RobergArthur Richardborn about 1936
RobergBert born about 1906
RobergMary born about 1908
RobergPatricia born about 1937
RogerJames Wborn about 1879
RogerJennie born about 1883
RohwedderAlbert born about 1919
RohwedderAugusta born about 1886
RohwedderJacob born about 1878
RohwedderOtto born about 1911
RohwedderWalter born about 1915
RouchChristine born about 1901
RouchHenry born about 1872
RoyerFrank born about 1909
RoyerJames born about 1939
RoyerJan born about 1937
RoyerLucille born about 1910
RoyerRoyle born about 1933
RuchRobert born about 1911

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S Surnames

SamsEthel born about 1910
SamsJohn born about 1906
SandersRuth born about 1925
ShieldsMary Janeborn about 1869
ShultzGeorge Artherborn about 1928
ShultzJerry born about 1933
ShumateBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
ShumateBertha born about 1901
ShumateDan born about 1907
ShumateIdda born about 1895
ShumateJanise Elaineborn about 1938
ShumateJunior born about 1927
ShumateStrother born about 1896
ShumateViolet born about 1921
SimisonCecil born about 1900
SimisonCharles born about 1865
SimisonCharles born about 1928
SimisonCharles Aborn about 1908
SimisonFrank born about 1892
SimisonLois born about 1897
SimisonMary born about 1865
SimisonMary Lborn about 1891
SimisonPatricia born about 1925
SimisonRobert born about 1911
SimisonRowland born about 1923
SimisonThelma born about 1910
SingletonDarrell born about 1937
SingletonDayne born about 1939
SingletonGeorge born about 1911
SingletonLawrence born about 1916
SingletonRena born about 1922
SmithAlbert born about 1910
SmithCora Janeborn about 1880
SmithDon Albertborn about 1938
SmithFairy born about 1914
SmithJohn Jborn about 1870
SmithRichard born about 1871
SmithRichard Jr born about 1922
SmithRoscoe born about 1913
SniderClarence born about 1907
SniderFreda Mayborn about 1938
SniderHarry Leeborn about 1936
SniderJessie born about 1916
SpenceRachel born about 1930
StjohnR Stanelyborn about 1905
StjohnRuby born about 1907
StormsAlbert born about 1913
StormsFrank born about 1935
StormsLeota born about 1916
StormsMelvin Joeborn about 1936
StormsMinnie born about 1889
StormsOsborne born about 1885
StormsPorter born about 1887
StormsVernon born about 1925
StrawmWilliam born about 1916
SummersMabel born about 1880
SummersMartin born about 1902
SummersThomas born about 1876
SummervilleElla born about 1869
SwansonEverett born about 1912
SwickCharles born about 1928
SwickDonald born about 1931
SwickEd born about 1877
SwickEdward born about 1923
SwickGladys born about 1890
SwickJohn born about 1916
SwickLulu born about 1882
SwickMajorie born about 1926
SwickMary born about 1918
SwickRaymond born about 1892
SwickRobert born about 1933

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T Surnames

TerrellMary born about 1898
TerrellOral born about 1894
ThoyerCalvin born about 1926
ThoyerCarl born about 1922
ThoyerDavid born about 1930
ThoyerDonald born about 1925
ThoyerDorthy born about 1931
ThoyerJohn born about 1937
ThoyerKenneth born about 1919
ThoyerLona born about 1897
ThoyerOtis Lborn about 1890
ThoyerOtis Jr born about 1916
ThoyerRichard born about 1917
ThoyerRobert born about 1920
ToddBertha born about 1903
ToddDora born about 1873
ToddEthel born about 1895
ToddJean born about 1920
ToddMary born about 1918
ToddOrville born about 1915
ToddRalph born about 1891

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V Surnames

VerplankMaude born about 1882
VerplankMerle born about 1898
VessAlzons born about 1919
VessCharles Ernestborn about 1884
VessMajorie born about 1922
VessRuby Fayeborn about 1910
VessSarah Cborn about 1856
VlietAlva born about 1889
VlietEdith born about 1891

W Surnames

WadsworthLela born about 1876
WagnerEdith born about 1922
WardClara born about 1891
WardElizah born about 1887
WardGeorgia born about 1922
WardHelen born about 1923
WardHerman born about 1915
WardIda Pearlborn about 1917
WardJerry Leeborn about 1939
WardPatricia Kayborn about 1938
WardRussell born about 1909
WarrenBilly born about 1923
WelchApolonia born about 1904
WelchCarlus born about 1920
WelchDonald born about 1934
WelchDorthy born about 1929
WelchJoseph born about 1900
WelchRobert born about 1938
WhislerHattie born about 1857
WhislerWilliam born about 1860
WhiteAddena born about 1917
WhiteKinnard born about 1938
WhitePaul born about 1910
WiliamsFrank born about 1863
WiliamsKate born about 1858
WisleyBetty born about 1926
WisleyEarl born about 1919
WisleyEllen Dborn about 1882
WisleyErnest born about 1913
WisleyJack born about 1916
WisleyRalph born about 1903
WisleySilas Eborn about 1874
WolfBilly born about 1936
WolfByron born about 1930
WolfDavid born about 1939
WolfHanna born about 1871
WolfHarold born about 1917
WolfLavonne born about 1934
WolfMarion born about 1906
WolfMaxine born about 1917
WolfMinnie born about 1914
WolfRichard Williamborn about 1940

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Z Surnames

ZollaraBetty born about 1923
ZollaraLarry Leonborn about 1940
ZollaraPaul born about 1920

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