1940 U.S. Federal Census of Richland in Grant County, Grant, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Grant County > 1940 Census of Richland in Grant County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AchorHerbert Hborn about 1911
AchorJames Mborn about 1932
AchorPauline Mborn about 1909
AchorRoma Iborn about 1937
AchorRonald Pborn about 1939

B Surnames

BarkerFred Rborn about 1915
BarkerLeonard Aborn about 1935
BarkerMartha Mborn about 1910
BarnesCarl Aborn about 1887
BarnesGertrude born about 1868
BarnesJames Mborn about 1864
BaxterEllen Lborn about 1865
BaxterJames Aborn about 1852
BennerEd born about 1890
BennerLonna born about 1895
BennerWilliam born about 1924
BiggsBetty Jborn about 1939
BiggsDana Iborn about 1897
BiggsDonald Cborn about 1925
BiggsFredrick Gborn about 1932
BiggsGrace Hborn about 1902
BiggsHarvey Dborn about 1921
BiggsPaul Eborn about 1927
BiggsRichard Cborn about 1929
BiggsRobert Lborn about 1923
BoothAudra Jborn about 1928
BoothBasil Bborn about 1907
BoothDallas Eborn about 1925
BoothEvelyn Pborn about 1932
BoothLawrence Lborn about 1927
BoothLottie Mborn about 1905
BowmanBernice born about 1903
BowmanCarl Aborn about 1902
BowmanLeroy born about 1878
BowmanMary Jborn about 1939
BraggAlta Vborn about 1933
BraggBessie Lborn about 1904
BraggCarmon Lborn about 1930
BraggGale Dborn about 1926
BraggJeanette born about 1910
BraggPatsy Mborn about 1932
BraggPhyllis Fborn about 1937
BraggRalph Dborn about 1909
BraggVerlin Eborn about 1904
BraggWanda Zborn about 1939
BrightClaude Wborn about 1903
BrightLillian Jborn about 1928
BrightRonald Lborn about 1938
BrightSusie Rborn about 1909
BrinegarGeorge Bborn about 1880
BrinegarOllie Lborn about 1880
BrownAlta born about 1894
BrownBetty Jborn about 1927
BrownFrank Tborn about 1890
BrownMarth Lborn about 1931
BrownRobert Eborn about 1920
BrownWilma Dborn about 1918
BrumfielAlfred Oborn about 1916
BrumfielAlonzo Gborn about 1877
BrumfielAmy Fborn about 1886
BrumfielFred Hborn about 1889
BrumfielJuanita born about 1921
BrumfielMary Lborn about 1923
BrumfielMaude Iborn about 1879
BrumfielVernice Mborn about 1890
BrumfielWalter Bborn about 1885
BurdittChristina born about 1925
BurdittClyde Jborn about 1899
BurdittDonna Lborn about 1931
BurdittEthel Bborn about 1903
BurdittWendell Eborn about 1929
BurgenerAlbert Wborn about 1920
BurgenerAustin Rborn about 1893
BurgenerDonna Rborn about 1934
BurgenerHerbert Oborn about 1891
BurgenerLucille born about 1889
BurgenerPaul born about 1932
BurgenerRuth Aborn about 1897
BurkeGeorge Aborn about 1920
BurkeJuanita born about 1917
BurkeLawrence born about 1939
BurkeLowell Oborn about 1927
BurkeOlive Iborn about 1888
BurkePeggy Eborn about 1938
BurkeSheron born about 1884
BurkeWilliam Lborn about 1915
BurtonMary Hborn about 1918
BurtonWilliam Hborn about 1895

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C Surnames

CampbellJohn born about 1864
CarmackBetty Lborn about 1929
CarmackDarrell Fborn about 1933
CarmackDowaine Eborn about 1901
CarmackFanny Cborn about 1882
CarmackFred Wborn about 1880
CarmackHelen Mborn about 1908
CarmackMadeline Pborn about 1927
ClanninGeorgia Aborn about 1886
ClanninGorge Wborn about 1881
ClaybornDonna Hborn about 1936
ClaybornGeneva Mborn about 1934
ClaybornJohn Aborn about 1923
ClaybornLeonard Jborn about 1913
ClaybornRuby Dborn about 1913
CrandallDelores Aborn about 1912
CrandallJune born about 1937
CrandallPaul Hborn about 1911
CranorKeith born about 1931
CranorMode born about 1899
CranorRobert Eborn about 1933
CranorRuby Mborn about 1905

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D Surnames

DangerfieldCora Mborn about 1889
DangerfieldThomas born about 1891
DarbyCora Bborn about 1867
DarbyElsie born about 1890
DarbyMyron born about 1891
DawsonLydia Rborn about 1862
DentonDale Eborn about 1936
DentonEsther Mborn about 1908
DentonFrank Hborn about 1903
DentonJosephine Nborn about 1926
DentonRalph Dborn about 1935
DentonRichard Mborn about 1932
DentonVelma Hborn about 1928
DoanAllan Wayneborn about 1914
DobsonBettie Jborn about 1940
DobsonCharles Lborn about 1909
DobsonEathel Dborn about 1912
DobsonGertie Eborn about 1938
DobsonJoyce Iborn about 1931
DobsonMartha Lborn about 1936
DobsonMary Aborn about 1933
DouglasDavid Aborn about 1937
DouglasLouie Aborn about 1881
DouglasMilo Aborn about 1876
DouglasMyrtle Iborn about 1927
DouglasVelma Iborn about 1925
DrookGrant born about 1869
DrookHerbert Mborn about 1907
DrookIda Lborn about 1872
DrookMerle born about 1900

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E Surnames

EdwardsClara Bborn about 1880
EdwardsRoy Cborn about 1879
EllerBessie Mborn about 1899
EllerDale Lborn about 1928
EllerDonovan Mborn about 1925
EllerFern Lborn about 1923
EllerKenneth Mborn about 1898
EllerNorval Jborn about 1926
EllerRalph Wborn about 1930
EllerRuth Lborn about 1931
EllerVirginia Mborn about 1934

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F Surnames

FankbonerMaggie Aborn about 1869
FarthingVerlin Eborn about 1915
FenstermakerCharles Lborn about 1920
FenstermakerClark Cborn about 1882
FenstermakerDonna Lborn about 1920
FenstermakerMarjorie Nborn about 1935
FenstermakerNancy Tborn about 1891
FenstermakerRobert Pborn about 1927
FoltzCarrie Mborn about 1892
FoltzVernon Eborn about 1887
ForthofferRuth Vborn about 1915
ForthofferWilliam Bborn about 1915
FredricksonVernon Aborn about 1923

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G Surnames

GarrettCarol Lborn about 1936
GarrettDorothy Rborn about 1910
GarrettJames born about 1924
GarrettMarjorie Oborn about 1932
GarrettOliver born about 1904
GarrettRuth Eborn about 1937
GoersEarl Oborn about 1908
GoersRuth Hborn about 1912
GovingHarry born about 1924
GrahamDelmar born about 1919
GrahamElwin Lborn about 1921
GrahamGene Wborn about 1924
GrahamIra Bborn about 1890
GrahamMarilyn Iborn about 1929
GrahamMark Dborn about 1935
GrahamRose born about 1895
GreenAnna Dborn about 1899
GreenArmour Lborn about 1901
GreenBlanche Fborn about 1893
GreenEdna Gborn about 1903
GreenOra Eborn about 1889
GreenRose Qborn about 1873
GuerinBernice Hborn about 1917
GuerinGlenn Aborn about 1912

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H Surnames

HarbourDequennie Dborn about 1900
HarbourHoward Lborn about 1891
HardacreCharles Dborn about 1887
HardacreJessie Bborn about 1892
HardacreRebecca Jborn about 1924
HarreldCleon Cborn about 1904
HarreldEmanuel born about 1880
HarterDeloras Mborn about 1909
HarterEvans Mborn about 1869
HarterLois Eborn about 1930
HarterLowell Eborn about 1933
HarterVerlin Mborn about 1907
HaydenTed Aborn about 1933
HighleyDora Bborn about 1885
HighleyEverett Lborn about 1923
HighleyHelen Cborn about 1926
HighleyInez Sborn about 1885
HighleyMark Iborn about 1905
HighleyMark Tborn about 1928
HighleyMary Eborn about 1862
HighleyOlive Iborn about 1875
HighleyOra Lborn about 1883
HighleyOwar born about 1883
HighleyRobert Sborn about 1938
HighleyWilbur Fborn about 1884
HighleyWilla Mborn about 1907
HighleyWilliam Hborn about 1855
HindsLuther born about 1888
HobbsElbert Fborn about 1927
HobbsErby Eborn about 1895
HobbsJames Lborn about 1939
HobbsMary Bborn about 1929
HobbsNatalia Eborn about 1922
HobbsPauline Lborn about 1901
HughesCharles Pborn about 1926
HughesEverett Eborn about 1887
HughesFredrick Dborn about 1940
HughesOrville Dborn about 1918
HughesRaymond Eborn about 1928
HughesThelma Lborn about 1922
HughesVernice Mborn about 1891
HullingerHarvey Rborn about 1902
HullingerHarvey Rborn about 1929
HullingerNancy Cborn about 1935
HullingerNancy Eborn about 1899
HullingerNorma Jborn about 1933
HullingerRobert Dborn about 1938

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I Surnames

IsenhourArthur Wborn about 1901
IsenhourElizabeth Iborn about 1916
IsenhourRalph Lborn about 1939

J Surnames

JordonWilliam Fborn about 1875
JordonZoe born about 1881

K Surnames

KellyCharlotte Pborn about 1916
KellyConnie Aborn about 1940
KellyMaxine Fborn about 1935
KellyVerna Cborn about 1938
KellyVernon Dborn about 1910
KendallDonald Rborn about 1914
KendallHarvey Lborn about 1933
KendallJoseph Kborn about 1937
KendallJulia Aborn about 1874
KendallLawrence Eborn about 1930
KendallMabel born about 1906
KendallMartha Bborn about 1918
KendallRiley Mborn about 1873
KendallVictor Hborn about 1935
KendallWalter Sborn about 1905
KingHazel Dborn about 1906

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L Surnames

LakeBert Hborn about 1921
LakeCatherine Lborn about 1927
LakeCharles Hborn about 1888
LakeIzella Aborn about 1874
LakeLeonard Lborn about 1868
LakeLeota born about 1878
LakeMelvin Rborn about 1876
LakeRhoda Eborn about 1886
LavenskyHazel Eborn about 1913
LavenskyJames Jborn about 1916
LawsheAbe Lborn about 1890
LawsheLeota Cborn about 1889
LeiningerMartha Lborn about 1939
LouthanFred Gborn about 1878
LucasElizabeth born about 1878
LucasEvelyn Wborn about 1919
LucasJohn Mborn about 1873

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M Surnames

MapleBessie born about 1881
MapleCora Bborn about 1874
MapleLeslie born about 1879
MapleWilliam born about 1869
MarkAnna Dborn about 1929
MarkEdwin born about 1915
MarkFannie born about 1898
MarkFranklin Dborn about 1935
MarkGeogeanna born about 1925
MarkGeorge Wborn about 1887
MarkJames Bborn about 1890
MarkJames Bborn about 1928
MarkMarcella Jborn about 1932
MarshallCharles Oborn about 1921
McCrackenBeverly Aborn about 1936
McCrackenCharles Hborn about 1900
McCrackenDaisy Eborn about 1925
McCrackenGrace Eborn about 1901
McCrackenHerbert Fborn about 1894
McCrackenLee Wborn about 1923
McCrackenMary Lborn about 1935
McCrackenOcie Fborn about 1904
McCrackenRoss Cborn about 1926
McCrackenRoy Eborn about 1927
McElfreshJohn born about 1870
McElfreshLizzie born about 1881
McManamaClaude born about 1911
McManamaDora Rborn about 1916
McManamaJohn Eborn about 1935
MerkertCharles Wborn about 1891
MerkertLalie Dborn about 1890
MerkertRobert Lborn about 1922
MerkertWilliam Sborn about 1921
MiddlesworthKenneth Dborn about 1913
MiddlesworthLois Hborn about 1915
MiddlesworthNed Mborn about 1938
MilerKathleen born about 1922
MilerOren born about 1882
MilerRachel born about 1887
MillerClayton Zborn about 1934
MillerDonal Aborn about 1938
MillerGeorge Cborn about 1907
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1888
MillerGeorge Wborn about 1925
MillerGladys Mborn about 1893
MillerHannah Mborn about 1889
MillerLou born about 1875
MillerLouis Eborn about 1930
MillerMadonna Lborn about 1927
MillerMargart Dborn about 1923
MillerMerideth Mborn about 1923
MillerPearl Mborn about 1879
MillerRobert Vborn about 1930
MillerSarah Eborn about 1872
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1871
MillerWinnie Aborn about 1891
MinnickAlvin born about 1874
MinnickEdna Mborn about 1881
MinnickEleanor Iborn about 1920
MinnickPaul born about 1892
MinnickSadie Iborn about 1892
MoodyAnna Eborn about 1853
MooreBarbara Aborn about 1927
MooreFlora Rborn about 1884
MooreFloyd Eborn about 1897
MooreGeorge Eborn about 1871
MooreInda Eborn about 1900
MooreMorris Eborn about 1924
MoormanHelen Mborn about 1910
MoormanJames Vborn about 1907
MorganBarbara Lborn about 1926
MorganElizabeth Aborn about 1929
MorganWarren Wborn about 1891
MorganWinifred Iborn about 1895
MorrisKay Wborn about 1940
MorrisMary Aborn about 1913
MorrisWesley Aborn about 1914
MorrowEmma Lborn about 1876
MorrowJohn Iborn about 1872
MorrowNellie Lborn about 1912

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N Surnames

NestelroadAnna Mborn about 1924
NestelroadJames Mborn about 1890
NestelroadNellie Mborn about 1903
NewlonBetty Jborn about 1923
NewlonFern Lborn about 1897
NewlonFloyd Gborn about 1895
NiccumDewey born about 1898

O Surnames

OganBarney born about 1860
OlingerBeatrice Bborn about 1914
OlingerDonna Mborn about 1936
OlingerJerry Lborn about 1940
OlingerRobert Lborn about 1933
OlingerRobert Pborn about 1911
OlyerJennie Mborn about 1870
OlyerJohn Pborn about 1902
OlyerMarguerite born about 1907
OylerChristina Hborn about 1893
OylerLewis Rborn about 1922
OylerLowell Eborn about 1923
OylerMaurice Eborn about 1929
OylerMyron Eborn about 1924
OylerPaul Mborn about 1936
OylerReed Nborn about 1895

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P Surnames

PalmerSarah Mborn about 1860
PattisonAnnis Rborn about 1930
PattisonBetty Lborn about 1925
PattisonCharles Aborn about 1928
PattisonGolda born about 1897
PattisonHubert born about 1917
PattisonMary Aborn about 1938
PattisonMax Rborn about 1922
PattisonPhillip Lborn about 1935
PattisonRaymond Oborn about 1914
PattisonWilbur born about 1894
PenceCharles Fborn about 1877
PenceDale Nborn about 1932
PenceEdna Fborn about 1890
PenceHomer Fborn about 1888
PenceLouella Wborn about 1934
PettersonCarolyn Jborn about 1935
PettersonEsther Jborn about 1898
PettersonEvangaline born about 1930
PettersonJohn Cborn about 1895
PettersonKathlene born about 1930
PettersonMadonna born about 1933
PettersonMelba Wborn about 1921
PettersonRobert Lborn about 1932
PettersonWanda Dborn about 1926
PhillipsCarrie Mborn about 1863
PhillipsJames Fborn about 1859
PolingFrancis born about 1918
PontiusGlenn born about 1887
PowellCharles Lborn about 1884
PowellMary Eborn about 1884
PresserAnna Mborn about 1929
PresserCharles Lborn about 1922
PresserHelen Gborn about 1919
PresserLeon born about 1893
PresserMarie born about 1894
PresserRichard Sborn about 1926
PropsJoseph Mborn about 1871
PropsOretta Bborn about 1877

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R Surnames

RatfieldJoseph Tborn about 1891
RatfieldMabelle Cborn about 1890
ReedGertrude Eborn about 1878
RenbargerAlice Eborn about 1933
RenbargerAnna born about 1900
RenbargerBuryl born about 1914
RenbargerCarol Jborn about 1924
RenbargerCleo born about 1890
RenbargerElbert Pborn about 1904
RenbargerGlen born about 1888
RenbargerJames Hborn about 1935
RenbargerLena Mborn about 1900
RenbargerLoree born about 1914
RenbargerMarietta Eborn about 1922
RenbargerMerril Dborn about 1927
RenbargerOtto Hborn about 1890
RenbargerPhillip Hborn about 1923
RenbargerPhyllis Jborn about 1931
RenbargerWilliam Gborn about 1923
RennakerCleveland born about 1890
RennakerEdna Pborn about 1891
RennakerJohn Pborn about 1919
RennakerNorma Jborn about 1926
ReslerCharles Hborn about 1919
ReslerKenneth Pborn about 1917
ReslerWilliam Cborn about 1874
RetzBlaine Cborn about 1885
RetzDaisy Cborn about 1893
RetzGlenn Mborn about 1936
RetzIra born about 1901
RetzMartha Jborn about 1875
RetzMichael born about 1903
RetzNaoma Dborn about 1913
RetzReva Eborn about 1907
ReynoldsAlbert Hborn about 1873
RobinsonEdna Rborn about 1884
RobinsonFrank Gborn about 1884
RogersBobbie Eborn about 1935
RogersBonnie Gborn about 1930
RogersEarl Aborn about 1929
RogersElizabeth born about 1902
RogersJames Fborn about 1932
RogersJohn Hborn about 1880
RoserCarrie Aborn about 1886
RoserEarl Oborn about 1884

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S Surnames

ShaferFrancis Eborn about 1919
ShaferGrace Eborn about 1883
ShaferHalcie Jborn about 1920
ShaferIra Oborn about 1916
ShaferMarguerite Mborn about 1908
ShaferOtto Wborn about 1883
ShaferWarren Eborn about 1922
ShaferWilliam Hborn about 1928
ShawClarence Jborn about 1904
ShawJohn born about 1869
ShawMinnie born about 1873
ShuffieldElla Sborn about 1900
ShuffieldThomas Cborn about 1893
ShullCora Mborn about 1880
ShullLem born about 1874
SkinnerClifford Fborn about 1893
SkinnerErseal Rborn about 1893
SkinnerJames Cborn about 1919
SlusserTeodosia Eborn about 1873
SlusserWilliam Rborn about 1868
SmithFelta Bborn about 1935
SmithGwendolyn Oborn about 1910
SmithHarold Eborn about 1909
SmithHelen Dborn about 1916
SmithJames Fborn about 1903
SmithJohn Lborn about 1937
SmithLinda Kborn about 1939
SmithRobert Eborn about 1931
SmithThomas Eborn about 1933
SnyderWilliam born about 1888
SpencerBenjamin Jborn about 1894
SpencerBertie Aborn about 1875
SpencerDonald Bborn about 1919
SpencerRabough born about 1872
StairEarl born about 1907
StairOneal born about 1867
StambaughAlice Fborn about 1916
StambaughCecil Gborn about 1915
StambaughDoris Jborn about 1938
StambaughKaren Sborn about 1940
StambaughShirley Aborn about 1936
StanleyBurl Lborn about 1918
StanleyDonald Gborn about 1934
StanleyDonald Rborn about 1928
StanleyEthel Dborn about 1915
StanleyFloyd born about 1893
StanleyFreda Iborn about 1931
StanleyGlen Wborn about 1923
StanleyJoyce Aborn about 1934
StanleyLura born about 1899
StanleyMildred Aborn about 1921
StanleyNorman Nborn about 1940
StanleyOmar Fborn about 1909
StaufferLeonard born about 1882
StaufferLucratia born about 1882
StaufferMary Lborn about 1913
StaufferThompson Rborn about 1911
StevensHerman born about 1888
StevensLavonne born about 1894
StoutBurvie born about 1900
StoutEmily Lborn about 1905
StoutGordon Kborn about 1925
StoutNorma Eborn about 1923
StriclerFloyd Cborn about 1895
StriclerJames born about 1867
StriclerMerritt Bborn about 1898
StriclerNorman Kborn about 1935
StriclerRuth Dborn about 1899
StriclerViola Gborn about 1868
StriclerYruman Jborn about 1931
StroughEmaline born about 1869
StuartBarbara Lborn about 1929
StuartEvelyn Gborn about 1926

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T Surnames

TaylorMary born about 1862
TemplinFloyd Mborn about 1903
TemplinLouise born about 1905
ThomasCarita Lborn about 1929
ThomasElsie Lborn about 1904
ThomasEvangeline Eborn about 1935
ThomasJohn Dborn about 1939
ThomasKathryn Rborn about 1933
ThomasWalter Lborn about 1904
TilmanMary Aborn about 1866
TimmonsRetta born about 1879
TimmonsRobert Rborn about 1876
ToppinAgnes Lborn about 1900
ToppinBoyd born about 1897
ToppinRichard Dborn about 1937
TorreBernard Sborn about 1922
TorreFlorence Hborn about 1930
TorreGeorge born about 1884
TorreGeorge born about 1935
TorreGerald Pborn about 1922
TorreJosephine born about 1927
TorreMinnie born about 1894
TroyerAlvah Fborn about 1894
TroyerAlvah Fborn about 1930
TroyerLottie Eborn about 1894
TroyerMarguerite born about 1921
TrussAlice born about 1869
TuckerEloise Yborn about 1916
TuckerGlennis born about 1923
TuckerKenneth born about 1913
TuckerLuella Mborn about 1886
TuckerOrange Mborn about 1886
TuckerRobert Kborn about 1938
TuckerWilliam Wborn about 1884
TuckerWilma born about 1918

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W Surnames

WardLeslie Lborn about 1889
WardMarguerette Lborn about 1919
WardNellie Fborn about 1890
WarnellRoscoe born about 1919
WarrenAnna Zborn about 1873
WarrenTheodore born about 1916
WarrenWilliam Aborn about 1879
WarrenWilliam Iborn about 1910
WaymanGeorge Eborn about 1937
WaymanIrene Wborn about 1902
WaymanJames Rborn about 1937
WaymanJohn Wborn about 1887
WeesnerChalmers Dborn about 1872
WessnerLena Aborn about 1905
WessnerLynn Aborn about 1910
WessnerMarilyn Mborn about 1934
WessnerNova Eborn about 1940
WessnerShirley Sborn about 1936
WhartonMonroe Mborn about 1868
WhitlockEarl Sborn about 1910
WhitlockPhyllis Aborn about 1933
WhitlockSelma Cborn about 1911
WimmerBlaine Aborn about 1939
WimmerDorothy Eborn about 1913
WimmerEmma born about 1863
WimmerJoyce Eborn about 1938
WimmerRaymond born about 1883
WimmerSmith Dborn about 1862
WingerEvelyn born about 1934
WingerGladys born about 1897
WingerHarold Sborn about 1919
WingerHelen Nborn about 1921
WingerIda Vborn about 1866
WingerLewis Dborn about 1895
WingerWayne Dborn about 1924
WingerWilliam Pborn about 1869
WireAlpheus Vborn about 1879
WireNina Lborn about 1881
WitlockAlbert Sborn about 1873
WitlockMartha born about 1873
WolfeDale Rborn about 1938
WolfeHelen Eborn about 1911
WolfeRobert Fborn about 1908
WoodmanseEldon Dborn about 1907
WoodmanseJames Mborn about 1937
WoodmanseVelma Vborn about 1910
WoodmanseeJohn Jborn about 1876
WoodmanseeOlive Rborn about 1877
WorkmanJohn Wborn about 1883
WrightDonald Eborn about 1937
WrightFloyd Eborn about 1905
WrightPauline Aborn about 1907

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