1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sims, Grant, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Grant County > 1940 Census of Sims

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyAmanda born about 1874
AlbernathyJohn born about 1889
AlbernathyLe Roy born about 1919
AllenAdelia born about 1867
AllenCarol born about 1926
AllenCorda born about 1891
AllenEphrain born about 1866
AllenGerald born about 1921
AllenLeroy born about 1919
AllenLewis Allenborn about 1936
AllenNorma born about 1929
AllenSarah born about 1890
AmmonAnna Rborn about 1866
AmmonFern born about 1898
AmmonLouvina born about 1860
AmmonWilliam born about 1862
AndersonEmma Jeanborn about 1935
AndersonEmma Rborn about 1909
AndersonMargaret Ellenborn about 1937
AndersonRaymond born about 1907
AndersonRobert Bruceborn about 1939
ArmstrongAda Dborn about 1885
ArmstrongBerla born about 1882
ArmstrongColline born about 1925
ArrickBilly Richardborn about 1931
ArrickTheresa born about 1902
AsbornMary born about 1873
AwburyAda born about 1902
AwburyCarol born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbAmanda born about 1864
BabbErnest born about 1896
BabbEtta born about 1871
BabbEverett born about 1894
BabbJames born about 1850
BagwellJames Hborn about 1871
BagwellLou Evaborn about 1871
BaileyJesse born about 1877
BakerDorothy born about 1905
BakerElmer born about 1875
BakerRussell born about 1898
BarkerEverett born about 1885
BarkerVerdia born about 1889
BarleyGeorge born about 1879
BarleyIrene born about 1913
BatmanStella born about 1886
BechtelCharles born about 1937
BechtelEthel born about 1909
BechtelJune Annborn about 1934
BechtelSamuel born about 1911
BeedleCharles born about 1887
BehersAlbert born about 1890
BehersVerna born about 1898
BellEffie born about 1875
BensonAlbert born about 1881
BensonEthel born about 1883
BerryClarence born about 1888
BerryViolet born about 1920
BlombergCarolyn born about 1932
BlueCecil born about 1890
BlueClarence born about 1891
BlueH Hborn about 1861
BlueIda Belleborn about 1864
BobbGeorge born about 1851
BolesGay born about 1898
BolesWilliam Rborn about 1896
BowenChester Wborn about 1925
BowenMartha Jborn about 1900
BowenOscar Aborn about 1930
BowenRoy Rborn about 1919
BowenRoy Wborn about 1890
BowerGrace born about 1899
BowerJohn Rborn about 1924
BowerVernon Hborn about 1927
BowerWalter born about 1898
BraggEdna Marieborn about 1926
BraggHazel born about 1891
BraggJohn born about 1887
BraggLeslie born about 1918
BraggMell born about 1885
BraggRex born about 1930
BraggRichard born about 1922
BraggRobert born about 1924
BraggRuth born about 1928
BrilesDelbert born about 1876
BrilesGrace born about 1888
BrownFlorence born about 1898
BrownFrederick born about 1926
BrownJefferson born about 1863
BrownLyman born about 1899
BrownMaria born about 1875
BrownRichard born about 1921
BrownWashington born about 1868
BryantAlice born about 1874
BryantBenjamin Fborn about 1859
BryantClayton born about 1893
BryantEarl Cborn about 1892
BryantLaura born about 1867
BryantLena born about 1892
BryantWilliam born about 1917
BurfordMary born about 1910
BurkeJoe born about 1880
BurnsPaul born about 1905
BurokerMary born about 1858
BurokerRussel born about 1895
BurryBertha born about 1878
BurryJohn Wborn about 1871
ButzElta born about 1895
ButzGrover born about 1889
ButzHazel born about 1927
ButzHelen born about 1924
ButzLowell born about 1940
ButzRoba Leeborn about 1920
ButzWilliam born about 1894
ButzWillis born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CandillEmma Lborn about 1923
CandillOrville born about 1919
CandillPatricia Darleenborn about 1940
CardwellGeraldine born about 1919
CardwellLarry born about 1939
CasperElizabeth Annborn about 1929
CasperGladys born about 1890
CasperHans born about 1900
CasperNorman born about 1923
CatesClarence born about 1913
CatesThelma born about 1912
ChappelleAlice born about 1899
ChappelleKenneth born about 1897
ChismBetty born about 1929
ChismFerel born about 1904
ChismHazel born about 1909
ChismJimmy born about 1935
ChismRex Gborn about 1930
ChismWayne born about 1932
ChurchillLewis Bborn about 1872
ChurchillSadie born about 1882
ClairArthur born about 1893
ClairArthur Jr born about 1930
ClairBessie born about 1892
ClairDennis born about 1869
ClaninFrank born about 1885
ClaninLewis born about 1919
ClaninLora born about 1889
ClaninMary born about 1920
ClaninMerrill Rborn about 1939
ClaninOla born about 1895
ClaninPearl born about 1888
ClaninRobert born about 1919
ClaninRobert born about 1924
ClaninRonald born about 1940
ClanninArthur born about 1883
ClanninClara born about 1885
ClanninHarold born about 1915
ClanninHelen born about 1918
ClevengerAmos Bborn about 1927
ClevengerBetty Sueborn about 1939
ClevengerCharles born about 1914
ClevengerDon born about 1924
ClevengerDonna born about 1924
ClevengerEna born about 1890
ClevengerFred Gborn about 1884
ClevengerHazel Lborn about 1889
ClevengerJames born about 1922
ClevengerJanet born about 1935
ClevengerJerry born about 1937
ClevengerNancy born about 1915
ClevengerNaomi born about 1915
ClevengerRebecca born about 1853
ClevengerSamuel Gborn about 1922
ClevengerTheron born about 1936
ClevengerThomas Rborn about 1934
CochraneMary born about 1867
CollinsAgnes born about 1905
CollinsB Rborn about 1908
CollinsEdeward Leeborn about 1937
ComerAda born about 1927
ComerBen born about 1933
ComerBetty Janeborn about 1931
ComerJoe born about 1925
ComerJohn born about 1887
ComerJohn Aborn about 1918
ComerMargaret born about 1929
ComerMary Catherineborn about 1923
ComerMerrill Lborn about 1896
ComerOral born about 1886
ComerSylvia born about 1897
ConnerLester born about 1886
ConwayCharles born about 1877
CookGertrude born about 1917
CookHerbert born about 1938
CookJerry born about 1935
CookKenneth born about 1915
CookMabel born about 1898
CoonGertrude born about 1896
CoonOvid born about 1882
CoonShirley born about 1931
CorbinSamuel born about 1880
CossEdith born about 1880
CossRichard born about 1922
CourtneyLaura born about 1876
CovaltDavid born about 1877
CovaltMae born about 1896
CovaltMargaret born about 1853
CraigCarol Annborn about 1933
CraigLindal born about 1913
CraigWilma born about 1914
CristGertrude born about 1919
CristGordon born about 1913
CristReathel Jborn about 1940
CummingsEverett born about 1920
CummingsGrace born about 1887
CummingsMatilda born about 1861
CummingsVaughn born about 1924
CummingsWilliam born about 1888
CunninghamJames born about 1871
CunninghamKay born about 1932
CunninghamLottie born about 1870
CunninghamMattie born about 1898
CunninghamPhyllis born about 1929
CunninghamRobert born about 1922
CunninghamVirgil born about 1895
CunninghamVivian born about 1924
CunninghamWilma born about 1926
CurlessAnna born about 1871
CurlessMerle born about 1885
CurlessWilliam born about 1883

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D Surnames

DagerVirginia born about 1914
DaileyDwight Jborn about 1932
DaileyHarley born about 1900
DaileyMaxine born about 1924
DaileyMinnie born about 1903
DaileyMurle Dborn about 1929
DaleOrley born about 1888
DaleVerna born about 1890
DavidJohn Williamborn about 1939
DavidRichard Douglasborn about 1933
DavidRuella born about 1911
DavidVernon born about 1912
DavisAlbert born about 1903
DavisAlice born about 1885
DavisBilly born about 1931
DavisCaroline born about 1925
DavisCharles born about 1876
DavisDonald born about 1928
DavisEileen born about 1934
DavisHerbert born about 1902
DavisHuldah born about 1905
DavisIda Mborn about 1871
DavisLarry born about 1932
DavisNila born about 1863
DavisPauline born about 1920
DavisRichard born about 1923
DavisShirley born about 1927
DavisWalter born about 1907
DavisWilma born about 1911
DavisWilson born about 1898
DennyDorothy born about 1920
DevoreCourtland born about 1889
DevoreJames Eborn about 1861
DevoreMahala Mborn about 1864
DevoreNellie Mborn about 1890
DicusBurton born about 1930
DicusEmma born about 1866
DicusMardelle born about 1925
DicusMavelle born about 1901
DicusNathan born about 1871
DicusT Aborn about 1901
DillonCharles born about 1910
DillonDwayne born about 1936
DillonMildred born about 1915
DillonRosalie born about 1939
DoanArthur born about 1884
DoanIrene born about 1896
DokesLaura born about 1878
DonavichArthur born about 1928
DonavichDorothy born about 1904
DonavichGabe born about 1899
DugginsServetus born about 1865
DuncanBernard born about 1931
DuncanJames Woodrowborn about 1940
DuncanRussel born about 1935
DuncanThelma born about 1939
DuncanViolet born about 1914

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E Surnames

EakinAlice born about 1863
EastmanCharles Gborn about 1936
EastmanDavid Aborn about 1935
EastmanGladys Jborn about 1927
EastmanGladys Mborn about 1901
EastmanHiram Jborn about 1896
EastmanRobert Jborn about 1922
EchelbargerBertha born about 1889
EchelbargerElla born about 1859
EchelbargerRussell born about 1885
EdwardsHazel born about 1895
EdwardsRobert born about 1893
ElliottJohanna born about 1905
ElliottPaul Bborn about 1903
EllisClara Lborn about 1901
EllisCollie Dborn about 1939
EllisEthyl Louiseborn about 1937
EllisLewis Mborn about 1885
EllisLydia Eborn about 1864
EllisVivian Ruthborn about 1936
EllisWilliam born about 1909
EstilleAllie born about 1906
EstilleWilma born about 1915

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F Surnames

FarleyBetty born about 1919
FarleyDavid born about 1918
FarleyEarl Sborn about 1887
FarleyPearl born about 1890
FaulkCharles born about 1893
FaulkCharles Jr born about 1920
FaulkClifford Nborn about 1925
FaulkDarlene born about 1930
FaulkGwendolynn born about 1924
FaulkHilda born about 1898
FaulkMarie born about 1927
FaulkMarylin born about 1937
FaulkMildred born about 1935
FaulkRuth born about 1933
FaulkSandra born about 1940
FearnoceCharles born about 1889
FearnoceDoris born about 1894
FengusonAgnes born about 1926
FengusonAlma born about 1927
FengusonDaniel born about 1934
FengusonMabel born about 1903
FengusonRay Jr born about 1932
FengusonRoy born about 1901
FenstermakerBelle born about 1865
FisherDonna Joanborn about 1935
FisherHollis born about 1906
FisherNorma Jeanborn about 1930
FisherPatricia Annborn about 1933
FisherWanda Maeborn about 1932
FisherWinifred born about 1911
FislarGeorge born about 1877
FloraB Fborn about 1872
FloraMary born about 1872
FoltzCyrus born about 1870
FoltzElizabeth born about 1879
FoltzEmmet born about 1875
FoltzLucinda born about 1866
ForestJoe born about 1854
FoustNelson born about 1886
FoustRose born about 1884
FoxBertha born about 1880
FoxEdd born about 1876
FrantzBelle born about 1890
FrantzHarry born about 1887
FrantzHenrietta born about 1862
FriermoodAnna born about 1867
FriermoodCarl born about 1918
FriermoodMary born about 1882
FriermoodWilliam born about 1880
FritzEmil born about 1867
FryCarl born about 1884
FryEmily born about 1888

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G Surnames

GalbreathAnna born about 1917
GalbreathAnnabel born about 1930
GalbreathBetty born about 1928
GalbreathClaude born about 1904
GalbreathEileen born about 1916
GalbreathElsa born about 1883
GalbreathFredrick born about 1911
GalbreathJoseph born about 1881
GalbreathJoseph Martinborn about 1940
GalbreathLona born about 1861
GalbreathMary born about 1922
GalbreathPearl born about 1889
GalbreathRussel born about 1934
GalbreathZelma born about 1910
GallagherOrtez born about 1906
GallagherRosann born about 1937
GallagherWinifred born about 1909
GartinGlen born about 1889
GartinRowena born about 1894
GaunttAlveda born about 1884
GaunttArthur born about 1883
GentisPauline born about 1913
GentisWalter born about 1908
GerringerGeorge Wborn about 1867
GibsonBetty Louborn about 1939
GibsonEverett born about 1896
GibsonJackie born about 1936
GibsonMabel born about 1910
GibsonPatricia born about 1937
GibsonRichard born about 1931
GibsonRobert born about 1934
GibsonSarah Mborn about 1863
GibsonVera born about 1901
GilmoreEthel born about 1884
GilmoreGlendaline born about 1922
GilmoreWilliam born about 1868
GistisEsther born about 1921
GistisJoan born about 1925
GistisMabel born about 1911
GistisMinnie Bborn about 1884
GistisOscar Lborn about 1884
GlessnerAileen born about 1932
GlessnerBilly born about 1934
GlessnerClara born about 1880
GlessnerEva born about 1901
GlessnerGerald born about 1928
GlessnerJ Hborn about 1900
GlessnerMildred born about 1906
GlessnerMorris born about 1930
GlessnerPhillip born about 1932
GlessnerRonald born about 1933
GlessnerWilliam born about 1867
GobleClemet Iborn about 1870
GobleEmma Kborn about 1872
GobleLibby born about 1873
GobleWilliam born about 1867
GoffCarl born about 1911
GowinAda born about 1897
GowinAnnabell born about 1923
GowinJanice Leeborn about 1936
GowinLouise born about 1925
GowinMargaret born about 1865
GowinRoma Jeanborn about 1932
GowinVirgil born about 1890
GowinVivian born about 1918
GracastGrace born about 1882
GrafHomer born about 1894
GrafLeveda born about 1928
GrafMerle born about 1896
GrafWilda Mayborn about 1934
GreenDavid born about 1939
GreenIrma born about 1907
GreenMadge born about 1893
GreenMillie born about 1883
GreenPatricia born about 1930
GreenPaul born about 1907
GreenRex born about 1936
GreenRichard born about 1927
GreenRoberta born about 1938
GreenWaitstell born about 1915
GreenWalter born about 1887
GreenWilliam born about 1915
GrimJudith Kborn about 1939
GrimVirginia born about 1920
GrimWayne born about 1920
GrindleAnna born about 1868
GroverMary Ehteleenborn about 1939
GroverOmer born about 1914
GroverOro born about 1922
GuyerLouise born about 1919

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H Surnames

HaiensWilliam Lborn about 1866
HaleGerl born about 1896
HamblenZachariah born about 1860
HannahEmma Rborn about 1924
HannahEverett born about 1897
HannahFlora Bborn about 1878
HannahFrances born about 1922
HannahHarvey born about 1926
HannahJune born about 1926
HarperKenneth born about 1920
HarrisMary born about 1864
HarrisRuth born about 1905
HarrisSanford born about 1854
HatfieldDorald Maxborn about 1925
HatfieldDorothy born about 1910
HatfieldGretchen born about 1924
HatfieldLawrence born about 1892
HatfieldRobert born about 1916
HathawayCarol Annborn about 1940
HathawayJoseph born about 1921
HathawayMary born about 1922
HaupertLawrence born about 1892
HaupertMary born about 1897
HaupertPhyllis born about 1925
HaupertRichard born about 1924
HauseCharles born about 1898
HauseDoris born about 1926
HauseFlorence born about 1901
HawkinsArthur born about 1905
HawkinsBarbara Louborn about 1940
HawkinsPaula born about 1900
HawkinsPeggy born about 1931
HawkinsSherin Sueborn about 1939
HayesBurnadean born about 1929
HayesEdna Fernborn about 1892
HayesElmer born about 1890
HayesGeraldine born about 1924
HayesMaxine born about 1921
HayesWilda Marieborn about 1931
HaynesAdolph born about 1918
HaynesAmanda born about 1875
HaynesCarla Ruthborn about 1940
HaynesDelene born about 1918
HaynesDixie born about 1938
HaynesIrene born about 1910
HaynesJason born about 1910
HaynesJoyce Annborn about 1932
HaynesMildred born about 1909
HaynesOscar born about 1869
HaynesPatricia born about 1935
HaynesRalph born about 1905
HaynesRaymond born about 1937
HayresBarr born about 1902
HayresNancy born about 1912
HeckJ Irwinborn about 1917
HeckJaunita born about 1910
HeckMargaret born about 1917
HeckMilo born about 1913
HeckRoy Irwinborn about 1937
HecoxAnna born about 1912
HecoxHugh born about 1933
HendrenClifford born about 1911
HendrenJeanette born about 1922
HendrenJohn born about 1888
HendrenLeota born about 1893
HendrenWillis born about 1914
HennessCharles Loydborn about 1934
HennessDelores born about 1930
HennessHelen born about 1910
HennessLoyd born about 1908
HerbstGlenn born about 1909
HerbstNellie born about 1881
HerperGerald born about 1921
HerperIna born about 1883
HerperJames born about 1884
HerperRoy born about 1926
HiattAzel born about 1894
HiattCharles Eborn about 1919
HiattFredrick born about 1927
HiattLevi Wborn about 1870
HiattPauline born about 1899
HiattRichard born about 1922
HighleyAllena born about 1883
HighleyAsa born about 1877
HiserDaniel born about 1869
HiteGerald born about 1906
HoaglandDavid born about 1920
HoaglandDorothy born about 1920
HoaglandFrances born about 1920
HoaglandFrank born about 1898
HoaglandHelen born about 1899
HoaglandJohn born about 1918
HoaglandRoberta born about 1922
HoggatDean born about 1927
HoggatDutch born about 1887
HoggatEsta born about 1890
HoggatGeorge born about 1924
HoggattBurley born about 1889
HoggattDottie born about 1898
HoggattElijah born about 1871
HoggattJames born about 1916
HoggattJan born about 1939
HoggattLendall born about 1929
HoggattMattie born about 1888
HoggattPaul born about 1923
HoggattRuth born about 1917
HoggattVictoria born about 1875
HoggattWilliam born about 1887
HokeFlorence born about 1893
HokeHarry born about 1883
HokeMary Aborn about 1862
HokeMary Eborn about 1925
HollBetty born about 1925
HollKatherine born about 1932
HollMannie born about 1898
HollMary Aliceborn about 1928
HollWilbur born about 1901
HoodBert born about 1879
HoodCora Eborn about 1868
HoodHale born about 1898
HoodIda born about 1889
HoodMary born about 1901
HoodNancy born about 1878
HoodOscar born about 1868
HooverArthur born about 1886
HooverEllen born about 1891
HoppenrathElla born about 1860
HorineClarence born about 1902
HorineLendell born about 1919
HorineRuth born about 1907
HubbsAndrew born about 1893
HubbsAndrew Jr born about 1922
HubbsGathel born about 1898
HubbsMaxine born about 1920
HudsonDee born about 1914
HudsonJackie born about 1940
HudsonWilda born about 1916
HukEthyl born about 1884
HummelAnna born about 1867

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I Surnames

IhrigFrank born about 1883
IsenbarserLaura born about 1865

J Surnames

JacksonAlbert born about 1882
JacksonBernice born about 1906
JacksonElsa born about 1881
JacksonJoe born about 1920
JacksonMary Lborn about 1911
JacksonWilliam Aborn about 1909
JacobAlbert born about 1900
JacobVerna born about 1901
JacobsCharles born about 1921
JacobsLora born about 1886
JacobsMary born about 1887
JacobsMax born about 1919
JarrisDarnett born about 1923
JarrisDoneta born about 1928
JarrisEdith born about 1904
JarrisRalph born about 1938
JarrisVictor born about 1902
JarvesEdna Mborn about 1883
JarvesHarold Gborn about 1915
JarvesJoe Wborn about 1884
JohnAlma born about 1893
JohnCarl born about 1886
JohnHazel born about 1890
JohnMargaret born about 1916
JohnPhillip born about 1921
JohnRalph born about 1891
JohnsonErnest Sborn about 1883
JohnsonGeorge Mborn about 1921
JohnsonHoward born about 1932
JohnsonJohn born about 1889
JohnsonMartha born about 1860
JohnsonMary Fborn about 1900
JohnsonMinerva born about 1866
JohnsonNobel born about 1922
JohnsonThurman Cborn about 1889
JohnsonZelma born about 1924
JonesArthur born about 1890
JonesGoldie born about 1894
JonesHarold Eborn about 1915
JonesJames born about 1867
JonesJulia Lborn about 1918
JonesKenneth born about 1929
JonesLena born about 1884
JonesLester born about 1927
JonesM born about 1868
JonesRosalie born about 1921
JonesSarah born about 1868
JonesSpencer born about 1872
JulianNathan born about 1881
JullianClyde Tborn about 1886
JullianVera Eborn about 1903

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K Surnames

KayesMaggie born about 1867
KeeverHarson born about 1882
KemmerCelesta born about 1883
KemmerOtto born about 1876
KeyBernard born about 1921
KeyErnest born about 1883
KeyIla born about 1905
KeyJohn Wborn about 1853
KeyKathryn born about 1935
KeyKenneth born about 1905
KeyMabel born about 1884
KeyMary Ellenborn about 1927
KeyMax born about 1928
KeyPhyllis born about 1933
KeyRoann born about 1853
KeyRobert born about 1924
KilgoreEthel born about 1904
KilgoreGene born about 1921
KilgoreJoan born about 1925
KilgoreMable born about 1881
KilgoreMax born about 1923
KilgoreWaldo born about 1903
KingArthur Dborn about 1928
KingClara born about 1864
KingEmma born about 1895
KingEmory Cborn about 1861
KingIan born about 1940
KingJane Cborn about 1930
KingPeter Cborn about 1899
KingThomas born about 1882
KingTuner Aborn about 1902
KingWilliam Jborn about 1935
KnullDavid born about 1864
KnullRose born about 1868

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L Surnames

LachelClifford Bborn about 1927
LaddAnna born about 1883
LaddDonald born about 1934
LaddFrank Jborn about 1869
LaddFranklin born about 1905
LaddIna born about 1909
LaddJanet born about 1939
LaddMary Leeborn about 1923
LaddMildred born about 1927
LainJess born about 1878
LangleyMarvin born about 1871
LavengoodBonalyn born about 1898
LavengoodClarence Cborn about 1900
LavengoodWalter born about 1894
LawsheCharles born about 1884
LawsheJames Eborn about 1885
LawsheMary born about 1884
LawsheRachel born about 1886
LawsheWilson born about 1917
LeisureClyde born about 1883
LeisureMary born about 1858
LeisureVerna born about 1889
LemingBessie born about 1902
LemingFremont born about 1899
LemingSarah born about 1866
LewarkBernice born about 1917
LewarkDora born about 1892
LewarkFlossie born about 1898
LewarkHarley born about 1921
LewarkMabel born about 1888
LewarkRobert born about 1915
LewisEdna born about 1893
LewisMariel born about 1927
LewisVirgil born about 1894
LockridgeCornelis Fborn about 1873
LockridgeDavid Lborn about 1939
LockridgeRobert Pborn about 1911
LoerJohn born about 1871
LoerJohn Charlesborn about 1924
LoerMargaret born about 1874
LoerOrpha born about 1895
LoerRussel born about 1896
LongJed born about 1920
LongKathryn born about 1912
LongMinnie born about 1869
LongTressa born about 1890
LottridgeDonald born about 1931
LoyCharles born about 1876
LoyVera born about 1879
LuellenFlorence born about 1903
LuellenVirgil born about 1902
LunchDewey born about 1898
LunchMary Louborn about 1928
LunchNancy Janeborn about 1859
LynchEthel born about 1904
LynchLida born about 1871
LynchRoy born about 1892
LynchWanda born about 1925
LynchWilliam born about 1869
LyonaE Oborn about 1910
LyonaRuby born about 1907
LyonaSandra born about 1938

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M Surnames

MackeyAnna born about 1881
MaeksMinnie born about 1879
MaeksWilliam Aborn about 1883
MalottFlossie born about 1907
MalottHoskett born about 1910
MalstonElizabeth born about 1906
MalstonJoe Prentissborn about 1929
ManningElizabeth born about 1917
ManningJoyce born about 1938
ManningRaymond born about 1915
ManningRobert born about 1936
MapleFrancis Bborn about 1875
MapleIva born about 1908
MapleJerry Leeborn about 1932
MapleNancy Louborn about 1936
MapleNora Mborn about 1884
MapleWalter Cborn about 1906
MarineAsa born about 1894
MarineCharles born about 1910
MarineJohn born about 1933
MarineJudith born about 1940
MarineMary born about 1910
MarkCarleton born about 1889
MarkFlorence born about 1891
MarkHarrison born about 1865
MarkHarry Davidborn about 1916
MarkMaurice Leeborn about 1922
MarkMelissa born about 1863
MarkMose born about 1854
MarleyDella born about 1888
MarleyOra born about 1880
MarshallBetty born about 1912
MarshallCharles born about 1887
MarshallFrances born about 1917
MarshallGlendel born about 1917
MarshallHenry born about 1876
MarshallJesse born about 1870
MarshallKay born about 1936
MarshallMarjorie born about 1938
MarshallMaude born about 1885
MarshallMax born about 1914
MarshallRosa born about 1872
MartinBarbara born about 1926
MartinClifford born about 1927
MartinDoris born about 1904
MartinElizabeth born about 1903
MartinEverett born about 1910
MartinMajor born about 1901
MartinMary born about 1925
MartinMinnie born about 1869
MartinOtto born about 1901
MartinRobert born about 1929
MartinSarah born about 1863
MartinVivian born about 1924
MartinWanda born about 1923
MartinWayne born about 1929
MartinWayne Jborn about 1897
MartinWilma born about 1938
MartonFloyd born about 1894
MartonOpal born about 1897
MartonWilliam born about 1918
MastVera born about 1888
MatchettAda born about 1903
MatchettJames Wborn about 1936
MatchettJohn born about 1933
MatchettJone Annborn about 1930
MatchettSusan born about 1931
MatchettWalter born about 1903
MatchetteAlva born about 1886
MatchetteEmma Bborn about 1871
MatchetteJohn born about 1866
MatchetteS Aliceborn about 1884
MatthewsMadge born about 1890
McCannEdna born about 1916
McCannMary born about 1887
McCannThomas born about 1927
McClainCharles born about 1882
McClainFranklin born about 1925
McClainNaomi born about 1923
McCordJames born about 1910
McCordTreva born about 1911
McDonaldLeland born about 1890
McDonaldRoss born about 1886
McGibbenCarolyn Annborn about 1932
McGibbenCharles born about 1927
McGibbenDora born about 1895
McGibbenFaye born about 1902
McGibbenFord born about 1896
McGibbenHomer born about 1925
McGibbenJoe Bobborn about 1929
McGibbenLoren born about 1898
McGibbenMargaret born about 1923
McGibbenPhyllis born about 1927
McGibbonAgnes born about 1872
McGibbonJanet born about 1912
McGibbonJoan born about 1930
McGibbonMerrit born about 1916
McGibbonRaymond born about 1901
McGibbonRobert born about 1866
McGibbonRobert born about 1932
McGibbonShirlene born about 1934
McGriffLucy born about 1872
McLainArl born about 1904
McLainArlene born about 1933
McLainBetty born about 1931
McLainBilly Joeborn about 1938
McLainDonald born about 1927
McLainEarl Cborn about 1885
McLainEdith born about 1903
McLainGlenn born about 1920
McLainGuild born about 1916
McLainMary born about 1896
McLainMax born about 1926
McLainRichard Gborn about 1939
McLainRobert born about 1924
McLainSarah Ellenborn about 1919
McLlainMildred born about 1904
McLlainRoy Wborn about 1895
McMahanGlen born about 1912
McMahanMary born about 1914
McMastersEdith born about 1900
McMastersGuernie born about 1892
MeekAllen Fborn about 1875
MeekGlenn Cborn about 1911
MeekIda Pborn about 1876
MeltonGertrude born about 1871
MeltonOscar born about 1872
MencerJane born about 1904
MencerOdetta born about 1876
MillerAda born about 1877
MillerBlanche born about 1885
MillerElizabeth born about 1917
MillerErnest born about 1887
MillerSarah born about 1862
MillsDick born about 1860
MillsFrancina born about 1859
MilnesWilliam born about 1863
MilroyAugusta born about 1893
MilroyErnestine born about 1925
MilroyFrank born about 1894
MilroyFranklin born about 1926
MilroyJacqueline born about 1930
MilroyVella Blanchborn about 1921
MitchellBryce born about 1930
MitchellDonald born about 1933
MitchellJoyce born about 1930
MitchellMyrna born about 1939
MitchellOthas born about 1904
MitchellOthel born about 1903
MoonAnna born about 1904
MoonJohn born about 1900
MoonPatricia born about 1937
MoonRoger born about 1939
MooreBerenita born about 1935
MooreIva born about 1898
MooreJuanita born about 1935
MooreOtto born about 1894
MooreVirgil born about 1919
MoormanAlice born about 1928
MoormanDwaine born about 1932
MoormanEarl born about 1904
MoormanFred born about 1910
MoormanHenrietta born about 1877
MoormanJohn born about 1874
MoormanMarcella born about 1914
MoormanMargaret born about 1940
MoormanMartha born about 1904
MoormanMary born about 1930
MoormanMerril born about 1921
MoormanPauline born about 1934
MoormanRosana born about 1938
MoormanRuth Annborn about 1937
MorganCletta born about 1886
MorganClyde born about 1886
MorganLewis born about 1916
MorganNadene born about 1912
MorganOrpha born about 1884
MorganRuth born about 1918
MorrisFay born about 1901
MorrisonClaire born about 1882
MorrisonEva born about 1867
MorrisonEva Belleborn about 1925
MorrisonFern born about 1886
MorrisonLoyd born about 1898
MowrerAlmon born about 1887
MowrerBessie Maeborn about 1927
MowrerEthel born about 1890
MowrerHelen Mayborn about 1930
MowrerMelvada born about 1910
MowrerWilliam born about 1921
MullinsNettie born about 1872
MullinsOla born about 1875
MullinsPrentiss born about 1875
MullinsSelby Pborn about 1868
MurphyClara born about 1895
MurphyEdna born about 1918
MurphyElmer born about 1893
MurphyLouise born about 1922
MurphyRoy born about 1915
MurphyTanpie Lborn about 1863
MurphyWilliam Lborn about 1864
MurrayEdward born about 1903
MurrayMildred born about 1904
MurrayS Eugeneborn about 1932
MyerAtha born about 1911
MyerDelbert born about 1910
MyerJeanette Lborn about 1923
MyerLona born about 1889
MyerRolla Edwardborn about 1884
MyersJohn Wborn about 1900
MyersJosephine born about 1876
MyersOrville born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NailEsther born about 1930
NailHarry born about 1888
NailHoward born about 1892
NailRuth born about 1893
NesbittJohn born about 1869
NesbittRana born about 1870
NewtonMary born about 1850
NewtonMinnie born about 1873
NiccumAngie born about 1883
NiccumDavid born about 1938
NiccumEdith Mborn about 1902
NiccumElmer born about 1874
NiccumMartha born about 1854
NiccumMurl born about 1915
NiccumRobert born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdenAlice born about 1920
OdenDonald born about 1916
OdenDoris Ireneborn about 1926
OdenFred born about 1892
OdenGladys born about 1897
OdleRussel born about 1928
OdleRuth born about 1903
OsbornCarl born about 1909
OsbornDwaine born about 1934
OsbornRuby born about 1913
OverholtzHelen born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParishFlorence born about 1874
ParishJoseph born about 1875
ParishRobert born about 1882
ParksIsabel born about 1846
ParrichGene born about 1924
ParrichNorma born about 1925
ParrichWanda born about 1929
ParsonJesse born about 1886
PatchEmma born about 1872
PatchJames born about 1866
PattersonJean born about 1874
PattisonElmer born about 1888
PattisonEmma born about 1870
PattisonHazel born about 1891
PattisonLowell Semborn about 1923
PaveyAlice born about 1930
PaveyClaude Eborn about 1903
PaveyGladys born about 1906
PaveyIris born about 1934
PaveyKatherine born about 1932
PayneAgnes born about 1907
PayneJannice born about 1938
PayneWilliam Wborn about 1902
PenceAcker born about 1896
PenceAda born about 1891
PenceAnna born about 1890
PenceBasil born about 1889
PenceBenjamin Fborn about 1861
PenceCasmer born about 1855
PenceDavid Sborn about 1929
PenceDonald born about 1892
PenceDora Aborn about 1877
PenceEdwin born about 1887
PenceElla born about 1868
PenceErnest born about 1876
PenceEva Aliceborn about 1908
PenceFranklin born about 1907
PenceHarold born about 1916
PenceHazel born about 1886
PenceJesse born about 1883
PenceLota born about 1889
PenceLula born about 1881
PenceMargaret born about 1920
PenceMark born about 1927
PenceMelinda born about 1853
PenceMildred born about 1914
PenceOva born about 1883
PencePatricia Bborn about 1931
PencePearl born about 1880
PenceRex born about 1920
PenceRose Pborn about 1934
PenceRoss born about 1880
PenceSusan Eborn about 1864
PenceViola born about 1899
PenningtonHenrietta born about 1868
PenningtonMyrtle born about 1877
PerkiinsAda born about 1913
PerkiinsIvan Nborn about 1907
PerkinsDaniel born about 1929
PerkinsEthyl born about 1898
PerkinsEverett born about 1894
PerkinsHelena born about 1910
PerkinsLee Edwardborn about 1928
PerkinsVirginia Annborn about 1935
PerkinsWilliam Hborn about 1905
PerkinsWilma Delborn about 1930
PetroBessie born about 1910
PetroIva born about 1876
PetroJoseph born about 1857
PetroMargaret born about 1856
PetroMary Kathrynborn about 1935
PetroVirginia Jborn about 1932
PetroWayne Eborn about 1906
PhillipsCarlyle born about 1919
PhillipsCharles born about 1877
PhillipsDwayne Tborn about 1916
PhillipsMyrtle born about 1879
PhippsSarah born about 1875
PhippsThomas born about 1876
PitneyAmos born about 1902
PitneyAnnie born about 1927
PitneyEverett born about 1930
PitneyPauline born about 1899
PlanckHarley born about 1887
PlanckWinnie born about 1887
PorterPhoeba born about 1912
PorterRobert born about 1906
PorterSallie Mborn about 1938
PowellDickie Leeborn about 1928
PrattGene Allenborn about 1939
PrattGlendora born about 1919
PrattRichard born about 1915
PrattRobert Leeborn about 1938
PrattTommie Rborn about 1935
PyleBernard born about 1901
PyleBert Fborn about 1877
PyleCarolin born about 1937
PyleEssa born about 1911
PyleKeith born about 1930
PyleLester born about 1909
PyleMary born about 1909
PylePatricia born about 1931
PyleRoger born about 1933
PyleRose born about 1889
PyleVance born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaganEmma born about 1882
RaganHerman born about 1881
RayFanna born about 1886
RaylEarl born about 1912
RaylMildred born about 1915
RaylSara Anneborn about 1939
RaynoldsBlanche born about 1889
ReasonerEarl born about 1887
ReasonerEarl Jr born about 1927
ReasonerEloise born about 1917
ReasonerIda born about 1888
ReasonerKeith born about 1913
ReasonerWilliam born about 1865
ReedCharles born about 1920
ReedEarl born about 1898
ReedFredrick born about 1925
ReedOpal born about 1897
ReeseCharles born about 1883
ReiboltCrystal born about 1914
ReiboltJune born about 1938
RenbargerOva born about 1893
RenbargerPauline born about 1897
ReynoldsD Dborn about 1909
ReynoldsLucille born about 1909
ReynoldsMadeline born about 1914
RichardsCatherine born about 1924
RichcreekBernard born about 1911
RichcreekChristine born about 1915
RichcreekIsobel born about 1910
RichcreekLowell Randallborn about 1940
RichcreekMax born about 1915
RickeringMax born about 1927
RileyEmma Jborn about 1860
RileyWarner Aborn about 1855
RobardsGeorge born about 1873
RobertsJames Fborn about 1893
RobertsLydia born about 1898
RobertsWilliam born about 1924
RobinsonEleanor born about 1920
RobinsonH Mborn about 1887
RobinsonJoseph Eborn about 1881
RobinsonMabel born about 1891
RobinsonNorma born about 1927
RobinsonRose born about 1881
RogersArmond born about 1914
RogersKay born about 1939
RogersMargaret born about 1915
RogersNorman born about 1936
RolfeKatie born about 1875
RumpleDorothy born about 1915
RumpleElizabeth Ellenborn about 1937
RumpleErnest born about 1912
RumpleFrank born about 1906
RumpleJimmy Deanborn about 1935
RumpleNaomi born about 1913
RumpleRichard born about 1938
RustElva born about 1888
RustHenry Fborn about 1877
RyboltAvaline born about 1901
RyboltJane Annborn about 1917
RyboltJerry born about 1926
RyboltKenneth born about 1901
RyboltMaurice born about 1914
RyboltNora Janeborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SacharCatherine born about 1866
SacharVirginia born about 1920
SacharWilliam born about 1865
SachsePhilip born about 1905
SachseVelma born about 1921
SailorsBruce Vincentborn about 1923
SailorsEdna Vborn about 1894
SailorsJune Annborn about 1930
SailorsRichard Tborn about 1921
SailorsRoger born about 1926
SailorsRoy Tborn about 1900
SamsenGeorgia born about 1893
SamsenPhyllis born about 1923
SandersCharles Sborn about 1875
SandersJosephine born about 1879
SaylorsDora born about 1878
SaylorsEtta born about 1878
SchwabEvelyn born about 1909
SchwabJohn born about 1936
SchwabShirley Annborn about 1932
SeipMae born about 1875
ShafferAlmeda born about 1881
ShafferEdwin Mborn about 1879
ShafferFredrick born about 1926
ShanahanHettie born about 1882
ShanahanS Sborn about 1879
ShanksBetty Jborn about 1926
SharpAngelina born about 1863
SharpEdwin born about 1925
SharpElery born about 1885
SharpElnora born about 1922
SharpEmery born about 1927
SharpZona born about 1899
ShellenBeatrice born about 1908
ShellenIona Maeborn about 1927
ShellenJames Wborn about 1930
ShellenPendil born about 1905
ShepherdLonzo born about 1916
ShepherdMaurine born about 1922
ShepherdPauline born about 1921
ShepherdSarah born about 1900
ShepherdWillard born about 1919
ShieldsClara born about 1869
ShinnEffie born about 1877
ShinnFlorence born about 1920
ShinnFred Mborn about 1900
ShinnMargaret born about 1902
ShinnPhyllis born about 1931
ShinnRobert born about 1936
ShinnRuben born about 1933
ShinnWilliam born about 1936
ShockleyEdith born about 1890
ShockleyWilliam born about 1875
ShockleyWilliam Jr born about 1932
ShugartJanet born about 1917
SimonsAlbert Jborn about 1873
SimonsEmma born about 1875
SimpsonErnest born about 1925
SimpsonEsther born about 1884
SimpsonHomer born about 1914
SimpsonJames Le Royborn about 1937
SimpsonJesse born about 1881
SimpsonVernus born about 1925
SimsMargaret born about 1892
SimsWilliam born about 1886
SinkDorothy Bborn about 1907
SinkMelvin born about 1893
SitesBeverly born about 1934
SitesDoyne born about 1931
SitesJames born about 1904
SitesJames born about 1930
SitesMerle born about 1933
SitesVera born about 1906
SloderbeckGeorge Dborn about 1873
SloderbeckMatilda Jborn about 1873
SmallAda Pborn about 1882
SmallClara born about 1891
SmallClorinda born about 1869
SmallDudley born about 1892
SmallOlive born about 1901
SmallSamuel born about 1870
SmallSuzanne born about 1926
SmalleyDora born about 1872
SmalleyNelson born about 1870
SmithAda born about 1874
SmithAlta born about 1909
SmithAnnabell born about 1925
SmithArch born about 1881
SmithBenjamin Fborn about 1877
SmithBtty Joanborn about 1927
SmithCharles born about 1926
SmithCharles Eborn about 1869
SmithCharles Wborn about 1872
SmithDavid born about 1938
SmithDelores born about 1907
SmithDonald born about 1921
SmithDoris born about 1904
SmithEdna born about 1923
SmithElizabeth born about 1904
SmithElla born about 1874
SmithFrances born about 1890
SmithGeorge born about 1915
SmithHarley born about 1886
SmithHarriet born about 1915
SmithHazel born about 1929
SmithJack born about 1896
SmithJames born about 1933
SmithJohn born about 1861
SmithKorah born about 1875
SmithMarguerite born about 1903
SmithMary Louborn about 1921
SmithMay born about 1876
SmithMinnie born about 1867
SmithMinnie born about 1903
SmithNoble born about 1923
SmithOllie Vborn about 1898
SmithPaul born about 1901
SmithReid born about 1903
SmithRobert born about 1932
SmithWand Jaenborn about 1883
SmithWanda born about 1925
SmithWendell born about 1937
SmithWillamae born about 1928
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1926
SovernJames born about 1917
SparksCharles born about 1922
SparksPaul born about 1900
SparksSylvia born about 1901
SpauldingGeorge born about 1873
SpauldingRhoda born about 1865
SpearsDavid born about 1862
SpencerEugene born about 1924
SpencerHarriett born about 1897
SpencerJ Cborn about 1922
SpencerJames Rborn about 1920
SpencerM P Jrborn about 1927
SpencerPaul born about 1897
SpikerAshton born about 1922
SpikerCharles born about 1857
SpikerChester born about 1922
SpikerLawrence born about 1904
SpikerMarcelle born about 1924
SpikerMarshal born about 1883
SpikerRobert born about 1920
SpikerRuth born about 1897
SpikerVirginia born about 1924
SpringerCarl born about 1911
SpringerJanet born about 1936
SpringerLeah born about 1909
SpringerMarilyn born about 1933
SpringerWayne born about 1935
SprinkleAlta Bborn about 1892
SprinkleMadeline born about 1924
SprinkleR Edwardborn about 1884
SprinkleRoy Daleborn about 1927
StaffordJohn born about 1916
StaffordRuby born about 1918
StarbuckEarcelle born about 1899
StarbuckJennie born about 1879
StarbuckLewis born about 1874
StarbuckRuth born about 1897
StarbuckVirginia born about 1927
StevensAlfred born about 1934
StevensBernard born about 1929
StevensElveda born about 1926
StevensNorma born about 1932
StevensOtto born about 1894
StilwellLucy born about 1887
StilwellWilliam born about 1890
StoverFranklin born about 1907
StoverMabbadine born about 1914
StoverRonald Pborn about 1938
StranburgAlice born about 1855
StreetElizabeth born about 1864
StreetJohn born about 1861
StroupDorothy born about 1917
StroupNorman born about 1872
SwopeGarnet born about 1913
SwopeShirley born about 1911
SyonsBonnie Bborn about 1918
SyonsDee born about 1884
SyonsLeo born about 1912
SyonsMaude born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalyorBetty born about 1923
TambraggJean born about 1934
TambraggPatsy Louborn about 1920
TambraggRobert born about 1923
TambraggTheodore born about 1932
TambraggThomas born about 1921
TambraggViola born about 1900
TambraggWilbur born about 1926
TaylorDale born about 1920
TaylorFlorence born about 1896
TaylorGuy born about 1892
ThiryRex born about 1924
ThomasEmma born about 1872
ThompsonAnita Sueborn about 1937
ThompsonDaniel born about 1924
ThompsonDonna Kayborn about 1936
ThompsonJean Byronborn about 1910
ThompsonKeith born about 1931
ThompsonLeah born about 1894
ThompsonMary Janeborn about 1933
ThompsonSarry Lborn about 1937
ThompsonThilda born about 1856
ThompsonThomas born about 1882
ThompsonTommy born about 1939
ThompsonWynema born about 1913
ThorpeBonnie Louborn about 1931
ThorpeC F Oborn about 1878
ThorpeDonald born about 1907
ThorpeDonna Maeborn about 1926
ThorpeGladys born about 1907
ThorpeJerry born about 1928
ThorpeJessie born about 1884
ThorpeRosalie born about 1929
ThrailkillBeth born about 1920
ThrailkillClaude born about 1921
ThrailkillMerceda born about 1899
ThrailkillOvid born about 1918
TibbetsBernice born about 1903
TibbetsDarrell born about 1930
TibbetsMax born about 1935
TibbetsMerrill born about 1937
TibbetsReno born about 1900
TibbetsRex born about 1926
TibbetsShirley born about 1933
TibbetsWilmadean born about 1923
TildenWalter Rborn about 1928
TolleBlanche born about 1886
TolleDonna born about 1920
TolleHarold born about 1917
TolleJohn born about 1876
TolleJudith born about 1936
TomlinsonClifford born about 1919
TomlinsonErnestine born about 1921
TrunkBessie born about 1892
TrunkCharles Cborn about 1875
TudorCharles born about 1915
TudorDora born about 1895
TurnerAda born about 1935
TurnerEdna born about 1907
TurnerEugene born about 1928
TurnerGerald born about 1930
TurnerMerle born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanceRobert born about 1922
ViceAlbert born about 1880
VinnedgeE Kborn about 1872
VinnedgeNora born about 1874

W Surnames

WalkerDora born about 1899
WalkerJackie born about 1928
WalkerLouise born about 1923
WalkerVinnie born about 1895
WalkerZelma born about 1902
WarnockAnnajean born about 1930
WarnockBonnie Jeanborn about 1931
WarnockDeah born about 1895
WarnockErnest born about 1901
WarnockEva born about 1907
WarnockHerbert born about 1922
WarnockRay born about 1891
WassonHomer born about 1885
WattsJohn Fborn about 1904
WattsMary Tborn about 1909
WeaverAlcondo born about 1880
WeaverBetty born about 1922
WeaverBetty Charlieborn about 1940
WeaverCharles born about 1923
WeemerEvaline born about 1890
WeemerEvertt born about 1918
WellerElizabeth born about 1883
WellerEvelyn born about 1920
WellerHarry born about 1881
WellerHarry born about 1922
WellerRonald Leeborn about 1940
WestLenore born about 1893
WhiteFrank born about 1884
WhiteHallie born about 1884
WhiteLucretia born about 1876
WhiteOllie born about 1865
WhittleLillian born about 1926
WhittleRobert born about 1929
WhybrewA Eborn about 1891
WhybrewRobert born about 1919
WhybrewZanta born about 1895
WibleHorace born about 1871
WibleIda born about 1874
WiegantGrace born about 1875
WiegantHarold born about 1904
WiegantJune born about 1928
WilesEdward born about 1870
WillhoitMarguerite born about 1906
WillhoitWilliam born about 1900
WilsonAntonia born about 1890
WilsonBenjamin born about 1891
WilsonCurtis born about 1884
WilsonHubert born about 1898
WilsonMarie born about 1904
WilsonMary born about 1912
WilsonNellie born about 1890
WimmerDavid born about 1857
WimmerMary born about 1853
WimmesClarence Mborn about 1877
WimmesMary Aborn about 1880
WindfieldJoe born about 1875
WireErle born about 1887
WireMarguerite born about 1922
WireMary Ellenborn about 1928
WireTheodore born about 1886
WittkamperFlorence born about 1906
WittkamperPaul born about 1900
WoodBlanche born about 1900
WoodDonald born about 1896
WoodyErnest born about 1888
WoodyGlenn born about 1900
WoodyJean born about 1929
WoodyJessie born about 1902
WoodyJoan born about 1927
WoodyLotta born about 1911
WoodyLouise Allenborn about 1933
WoosonColumbus Rborn about 1880
WoosonGerild born about 1912
Wright born about 1917
WrightElmer born about 1877
WrightMabel born about 1879
WrightOrville born about 1914
WychoffClara born about 1857
WyckoffDollie born about 1881
WyckoffPerry born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YounaClay born about 1890
YounaElvadean born about 1925
YounaJean born about 1925
YounaLouella born about 1889
YounaMarita born about 1923
YoungBenjamin Hborn about 1874
YoungEugene born about 1930
YoungEva born about 1874
YoungFloyd born about 1924
YoungHardin born about 1894
YoungKeith Vborn about 1922
YoungLila born about 1895
YoungLouis born about 1916
YoungLouis Richardborn about 1937
YoungMarcia Annborn about 1939
YoungMary born about 1918
YoungWarren born about 1926
YoungWilmaiden born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiekleIrvin born about 1877
ZiekleZoma born about 1879
ZirkleAmanda born about 1871
ZirkleHelen born about 1919
ZirkleLena born about 1892
ZirkleRolla born about 1889
ZirkleWilliam born about 1925

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