1940 U.S. Federal Census of Skelton, Warrick, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Warrick County > 1940 Census of Skelton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbshireElena born about 1925
AbshireGeo born about 1901
AbshireHerman born about 1931
AbshireJames born about 1866
AbshireMarie born about 1904
AdamsEdward born about 1915
AdamsEthel born about 1882
AdamsRagsdale born about 1918
AddamsBilly Wborn about 1938
AddamsDelores Mborn about 1939
AddamsEthel Lborn about 1936
AddamsKatherine born about 1917
AddamsS Tomasborn about 1907
AldridgeCharles Eborn about 1896
AldridgeJame born about 1924
AldridgeJanet Gageborn about 1937
AldridgeLillian Mborn about 1905
AldridgeMary Louborn about 1928
AlshireDelbert born about 1921
AlshireEllie born about 1881
AlshireJohn born about 1885
AmbroseDolphis born about 1903
AmbroseIrma born about 1909
AndersonLyle Lborn about 1891
AshbyDorothy Jeanborn about 1929
AshbyGene born about 1937
AshbyJohnny Leeborn about 1939
AshbyLucille born about 1917
AshbyLula born about 1886
AshbyRosina born about 1871
AshbyRufus born about 1900
AshbyWm Hborn about 1882
AshleyIra born about 1877
AshleyMattie born about 1885
AustilAlberta born about 1916
AustilBetty born about 1933
AustilBilly born about 1932
AustilCaren Magineborn about 1940
AustilFloyd born about 1924
AustilGertha born about 1883
AustilHarel Dborn about 1880
AustilIra born about 1892
AustilIra born about 1908
AustilJerry Dallborn about 1934
AustilJerry Deanborn about 1938
AustilLarrie born about 1915
AustilMary Eborn about 1875
AustilMelvin born about 1922
AustilMorton born about 1867
AustilNancy born about 1900
AustilRosella Mborn about 1898
AustilRoy Jr born about 1929
AustilSylvester born about 1905
AustilVanda Galeborn about 1936
AustilW Sborn about 1857
AustilWalter born about 1928
AustilWm Jborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyDonald Aborn about 1934
BaileyEdgar born about 1929
BaileyEsther born about 1897
BaileyLester born about 1901
BaileyMary Leeborn about 1937
BakerB Wborn about 1857
BakerPine born about 1867
BakerRoy born about 1893
BaldwinJ born about 1850
BaldwinMahala born about 1860
BarchettAdam born about 1872
BarchettAddie born about 1907
BarchettAllie born about 1903
BarchettAnna born about 1879
BarchettChela born about 1936
BarchettClayton born about 1936
BarchettDonald Rayborn about 1934
BarchettGlenn Louborn about 1939
BarchettHenry born about 1913
BarchettKatheryn born about
BarchettMary Emilyborn about 1917
BarchettRoger born about 1939
BarchettZelfea born about 1912
BarkerLevi Bborn about 1872
BarkerPolly Aborn about 1873
BarlowCharmain born about 1929
BarlowHelen born about 1902
BarlowJean born about 1926
BarlowLeo born about 1896
BarrAlberta born about 1921
BarrDoyle Eborn about 1911
BarrIra Wborn about 1891
BarrNora born about 1891
BarrSylvia born about 1912
BartonAndrew born about 1900
BartonCarrie born about 1900
BartonEmma Cborn about 1932
BartonGeorge Hborn about 1939
BartonMary Eborn about 1938
BartonMary Fborn about 1927
BartonMildred Jborn about 1929
BatesBrady born about 1870
BatesSarah Aborn about 1876
BayneThomas born about 1890
BellRobert born about 1927
BendersWoodrow born about 1913
BixbyEarl born about 1905
BixbyLizzie born about 1870
BlachFaye Juneborn about 1926
BlachJames Rayborn about 1928
BlachLala born about 1899
BlachLloyd Chesterborn about 1933
BlachWm born about 1893
BlackJames born about 1869
BlackMandy born about 1870
BlackfordBetty born about 1936
BlackfordEffie born about 1884
BlackfordHarold born about 1924
BlackfordJoe born about 1880
BlackfordMabel born about 1925
BlackfordNorman born about 1919
BlackfordRilda born about 1877
BlackfordW Hborn about 1882
BonnJohn Shirleyborn about 1921
BonnLeroy born about 1895
BonnMattie born about 1896
BonnPaul Revereborn about 1926
BradleyDelmar born about 1908
BradleyElizabeth born about 1880
BradshawArgle born about 1913
BradshawRachel born about 1907
BradshawSarah Janeborn about 1932
BrashearsClara born about 1896
BrashearsEmma born about 1887
BrashearsFloyd born about 1912
BrashearsWm Sborn about 1886
BrittJerry born about 1938
BrittPearl born about 1913
BrittWilliam born about 1901
BrochersEthel born about 1891
BrochersJames Gborn about 1882
BrooksCurtis born about 1925
BrooksDelpha born about 1920
BrooksEldred born about 1876
BrooksElwood born about 1923
BrooksIda born about 1886
BrooksKern born about 1925
BrooksLonzo born about 1914
Broshears??? born about 1899
BroshearsChester born about 1848
BroshearsChester born about 1932
BroshearsGeneva born about 1910
BroshearsJames Maeborn about 1926
BroshearsJanet born about 1913
BroshearsLoren born about 1903
BroshearsMae Almaborn about 1898
BroshearsMargaret born about 1904
BroshearsMary born about 1859
BroshearsPatricia Leeborn about 1931
BroshearsPreston born about 1895
BroshearsVirginia Louborn about 1924
BrownMartha born about 1873
BrunerAnna Stellaborn about 1911
BrunerJesse born about 1907
BrunerLogan born about 1883
BrunerMaggie born about 1885
BryanBerta Mborn about 1876
BryanJesse born about 1899
BryanJohn Rborn about 1869
BufkinAlbert Jborn about 1922
BufkinBen born about 1895
BufkinBen Jr born about 1920
BufkinBonnie Jeanborn about 1932
BufkinCharles born about 1923
BufkinEmily Janeborn about 1929
BufkinHalma born about 1900
BufkinJerry Wborn about 1934
BufkinJoe born about 1931
BufkinMary Berniceborn about 1925
BufkinRobert born about 1927
BunnerHerman born about 1915
BunnerInez born about 1915
BunnerJames born about 1873
BunnerMaggie born about 1882
BunnerRobb Deanborn about 1940
BurkhartEdwin born about 1926
BurkhartJames Hborn about 1866
BurkhartLois Jeanborn about 1932
BurkhartOral born about 1900
BurkhartThelma born about 1903
BurleyEmma born about 1893
BurleyJohn born about 1889
BurleyJohn Mborn about 1920
BurleyOttis born about 1867
BurleyRachel born about 1868
BurtonAnna Belleborn about 1926
BurtonHunter born about 1886
BurtonMargaret born about 1922
BurtonMary born about 1887
ByersArch Uborn about 1890
ByersBess Mborn about 1905
ByersBetty Jaeborn about 1932
ByersBetty Jeanborn about 1930
ByersCharles Lborn about 1923
ByersChloe born about 1894
ByersDovie born about 1874
ByersEffie born about 1889
ByersEmma born about 1900
ByersGarland born about 1905
ByersGeorge Rborn about 1926
ByersGeorge Wborn about 1869
ByersGertha born about 1894
ByersJames Aborn about 1922
ByersMartha Janeborn about 1925
ByersMary Annborn about 1926
ByersMary Jborn about 1869
ByersOtterbein born about 1919
ByersPhyllis Jeanborn about 1926
ByersReithal born about 1924
ByersRobert Bborn about 1925
ByersRobert Clintonborn about 1924
ByersRobert Wborn about 1895
ByersThomas Charlesborn about 1923
ByersTrophy born about 1928
BynesIda Eborn about 1871
BynesLeora born about 1887
BynesTherman Eborn about 1889
BynesWm born about 1868

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C Surnames

CampArthur born about 1912
CampGlenn Rborn about 1939
CampHelen Lborn about 1915
CampbellArthur born about 1905
CampbellGeneva born about 1916
CampbellJohn Gborn about 1939
CampbellKenneth Jborn about 1936
CampbellLora born about 1905
CampbellMarion born about 1895
CampbellMartha Dborn about 1934
CampbellRosa born about 1893
CannerAlexander born about 1865
CareyBertha born about 1881
CareyRaymond born about 1913
CareyRobert born about 1915
ChinnVarissa born about 1847
ChumleyEmma born about 1890
ChumleyHenry born about 1891
ClarkCharles born about 1885
ClarkCornelies born about 1915
ClarkElla Vborn about 1884
ClarkMary Francesborn about 1919
ClarkOllie Aborn about 1874
ClementSarah born about 1863
CliffordCarl born about 1923
CliffordDixie Jeanborn about 1937
CliffordEmma Lborn about 1918
CliffordMay Rborn about 1920
CliffordNaetta born about 1928
CliffordTom born about 1925
CohoonFrank born about 1873
CohoonLaura born about 1857
CollinsMillard born about 1890
CollinsOffie born about 1897
CondictEllen born about 1919
CondictForrest born about 1905
ConnerBessie born about 1889
ConnerWalter born about 1876
CookBasil R Vborn about 1938
CookEtta Dborn about 1909
CookEvelyn Lborn about 1936
CookIvan Jborn about 1910
CooperPorter born about 1899
CooperSue born about 1903
CopelandGertrude born about 1889
CopelandHugh Fborn about 1891
CritserMary Dborn about 1856
CronChas born about 1916
CronGerald Rborn about 1940
CronJuanita born about 1917
CronLaverne born about 1918
CronMargaret born about 1882
CronSam born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarseyDaniel Cborn about 1875
DarseyJune born about 1925
DarseyLouise born about 1921
DarseyVernie born about 1886
DavisDavid Vborn about 1888
DavisGeo Hborn about 1925
DavisH Aborn about 1873
DavisMary Annborn about 1935
DavisOla born about 1905
DavisOtto Fborn about 1920
DavisPaul Hborn about 1930
DavisRosalie born about 1939
DavisRuby Mborn about 1897
DavisRuth Iborn about 1922
DeckerChas born about 1919
DeckerErvin born about 1927
DeckerFrank born about 1892
DeckerHarold born about 1929
DeckerLaura born about 1891
DeckerRussell born about 1925
DeckerViola born about 1922
DendingerEmma born about 1862
DendingerJacob born about 1861
DeweseLilly born about 1892
DeweseWm born about 1874
DimmettAgnes born about 1871
DimmettAlf Wborn about 1876
DimmettBilly born about 1939
DimmettCarrol Sueborn about 1939
DimmettChas Kborn about 1911
DimmettChas K Jrborn about 1935
DimmettIrene born about 1915
DimmettJoe born about 1914
DimmettLarry born about 1939
DimmettLuna Vborn about 1883
DimmettPauline born about 1914
DimmettRobt Tborn about 1869
DimmettRonald born about 1937
DimmettVirginia Dborn about 1933
DorseyJane born about 1866
DorseyRobert born about 1864
DowdellJerry Eborn about 1939
DowdellOval born about 1919
DowdellRufus born about 1906
DuckworthJohn Wborn about 1862
DuckworthSamuel born about 1871
DuckworthSarah Eborn about 1879

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E Surnames

EasleyDudley born about 1875
EasleyIvy born about 1880
EasthamArnold born about 1899
EasthamBernice born about 1932
EasthamCharles born about 1925
EasthamEffie born about 1900
EasthamG Annborn about 1938
EasthamGlenda born about 1940
EasthamJack born about 1934
EasthamLucille born about 1928
EasthamRevis born about 1927
EdwardsCarl born about 1927
EdwardsDelilah born about 1910
EdwardsDonald born about 1938
EdwardsElza born about 1903
EdwardsEva born about 1887
EdwardsEva born about 1929
EdwardsIva born about 1933
EdwardsKenneth born about 1928
EdwardsNorma born about 1930
EdwardsWilburn Jborn about 1882
EdwardsWilliam Fborn about 1853
EhretEdwin born about 1878
EhretEdwin Jr born about 1923
EhretNorma born about 1884
EifflerLouise born about 1885
EllisonCarrie born about 1889
EllisonJames Pborn about 1891
EllisonJune born about 1932
EllisonLillian born about 1902
EllisonNoble born about 1897
EllisonWilliam born about 1920
EllisonWm Mborn about 1889
EmeryVirginia born about 1932
EvertonAnn born about 1939
EvertonAugusta born about 1904
EvertonHendricks born about 1931
EvertonJames born about 1937
EvertonMartin born about 1904
EvertonSylvia born about 1926

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F Surnames

FariesSarah born about 1883
FarleyAmanda born about 1873
FarleyFen born about 1867
FarmanAnna ???born about 1933
FarmanCecil born about 1905
FarmanGeorgia born about 1909
FarmanRobert born about 1930
FarmerSavannah Lborn about 1873
FarmerThurman born about 1910
FeagleyHenry Wborn about 1874
FeagleyNora born about 1884
FeldburschL Hborn about 1864
FeldburschSarah Kborn about 1865
FerrisChas born about 1879
FerrisChas Leeborn about 1935
FerrisDelphus born about 1906
FerrisHurshey born about 1912
FerrisJon Rborn about 1938
FerrisJoy born about 1915
FerrisMartha born about 1873
FerrisMary born about 1917
FerrisMildred born about 1910
FoleyHarry born about 1883
FoleyHaydee born about 1881
FolsomDan born about 1903
FolsomHannah born about 1939
FolsomOcie born about 1914
FolsonArvel Fborn about 1911
FolsonB Fborn about 1855
FolsonGladys Mborn about 1911
FolsonInez Mborn about 1874
FolsonJerry Leeborn about 1936
FolsonJohn Fborn about 1894
ForstonCleo born about 1900
ForstonDelton born about 1923
ForstonJerome born about 1931
ForstonMelba born about 1924
ForstonNellie born about 1882
ForstonPaul Cborn about 1858
ForstonRay born about 1919
ForstonRobert born about 1877
FranceCharles born about 1937
FranceDonald born about 1939
FranceElizabeth born about 1919
FranceGladys born about 1917
FranceJudith Annborn about 1939
FranceRalph born about 1911
FranceRaymond born about 1911
FranzGeneva born about 1935
FranzGladys born about 1918
FranzJo Annborn about 1933
FranzJoe Wborn about 1910
FranzLeonard born about 1898
FranzLeonard born about 1928
FranzLouis born about 1938
FranzMary born about 1910
FranzNorma Ruthborn about 1934
FrayChas Burtonborn about 1935
FrayEdward born about 1928
FrayGeo Dborn about 1933
FrayIrene born about 1931
FrayRalph born about 1899
FrayRuby Annborn about 1938

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G Surnames

GalbreathGene born about 1924
GammonAnna Jeanborn about 1930
GammonsHoward born about 1918
GammonsMae born about 1923
GammonsShirley born about 1895
GardnerCarrie born about 1882
GardnerClaude born about 1885
GarrisonAnnizene born about 1922
GarrisonArthur born about 1875
GarrisonBeatrice born about 1920
GarrisonBetty born about 1931
GarrisonBilly born about 1927
GarrisonChas Rayborn about 1936
GarrisonDorothy born about 1925
GarrisonEdna born about 1904
GarrisonElizabeth Iborn about 1939
GarrisonEllen Jborn about 1936
GarrisonGeorgia Pborn about 1930
GarrisonHarold born about 1917
GarrisonHelen Dborn about 1911
GarrisonHoward born about 1905
GarrisonJoe Fborn about 1893
GarrisonJohn born about 1891
GarrisonJohn born about 1913
GarrisonJohn Chasborn about 1937
GarrisonJosie Mborn about 1877
GarrisonLloyd born about 1917
GarrisonLouis Jeanborn about 1927
GarrisonLula born about 1900
GarrisonMargaret born about 1922
GarrisonMary Jborn about 1859
GarrisonMinnie born about 1880
GarrisonOscar Hborn about 1876
GarrisonRuth born about 1920
GarrisonSamuel Lborn about 1932
GarrisonThos Fborn about 1933
GarrisonVirginia born about 1933
GarrisonWm born about 1890
GasawayArchie born about 1875
GasawayDewight born about 1916
GasawayElwood born about 1913
GasawayJanet born about 1891
GasawayLydin Maeborn about 1924
GasawayMcclellan born about 1866
GasawayMelvin born about 1871
GasawayNancy Rborn about 1866
GasawayPearl born about 1876
GasawayRegina Maeborn about 1940
GasawayRichard born about 1919
GasawayRobert born about 1928
GathmanAnna born about 1912
GathmanCharles born about 1933
GathmanClara born about 1888
GathmanPaul born about 1922
GathmanRaymond born about 1914
GentryArgle born about 1905
GentryArgyle Jborn about 1930
GentryArlinnie born about 1878
GentryArthur Cborn about 1932
GentryChas Eborn about 1872
GentryClarence born about 1895
GentryDelores born about 1924
GentryEarl born about 1896
GentryEliza born about 1902
GentryEthel born about 1922
GentryGertie born about 1900
GentryGlen born about 1912
GentryHerman born about 1902
GentryJohnny born about 1937
GentryLillie Bborn about 1876
GentryLuddie born about 1907
GentryLydia born about 1891
GentryMelvin born about 1920
GentryMinnie Mborn about 1937
GentryPauline born about 1925
GentryRay born about 1927
GentryRosseau born about 1867
GentryRuby born about 1917
GentryRufus Sborn about 1935
GesserChas born about 1917
GilhamJohn born about 1867
GillLouis born about 1906
GordonJaney born about 1870
GowerBurless born about 1922
GrimesAre born about 1906
GrimesCarl born about 1902
GrimesGlen Dborn about 1931
GrimesJeanette born about 1911
GrimesJerry Loneborn about 1938
GrimesMildred born about 1911
GrimesSharon Cborn about 1936

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H Surnames

HaasAlice born about 1876
HaasAndy born about 1880
HaasAnna born about 1898
HaasAugust born about 1874
HaasBettye Joborn about 1929
HaasClifford born about 1903
HaasEmil born about 1899
HaasGladys Mayborn about 1906
HaasGoldie born about 1885
HaasHelen born about 1902
HaasHoward born about 1921
HaasJames Wborn about 1894
HaasJoyce Anborn about 1933
HaasLala born about 1875
HaasLena born about 1881
HaasLeroy born about 1911
HaasLilly born about 1884
HaasMarion born about 1916
HaasMary born about 1872
HaasPhillip born about 1875
HaasVan Carl born about 1936
HabbsGrace born about 1919
HabbsHarold born about 1917
HabbsLoran born about 1875
HabbsLydia Mayborn about 1920
HabbsTory born about 1925
HachmeisterEdgar born about 1885
HachmeisterElsie born about 1901
HachmeisterLuella born about 1922
HachmeisterPaul born about 1930
HachmeisterVirginia born about 1937
HalderPearl born about 1889
HalderWilliams born about 1923
HalderWm born about 1884
HallCarl born about 1911
HallDixie Leeborn about 1930
HallGoldie born about 1913
HarperAlbert born about 1926
HarperAnice Lborn about 1923
HarperCecil born about 1929
HarperClemmer born about 1923
HarperEthel born about 1903
HarperIva born about 1904
HarperLaverne born about 1925
HarperLee born about 1900
HarperMiney born about 1902
HarperRobert born about 1934
HarperRussell born about 1925
HarperRuth born about 1928
HartAda born about 1880
HartArnold born about 1914
HartBernice born about 1904
HartCharlotte Mborn about 1929
HartHarold born about 1928
HartI Tborn about 1879
HenningJohn Hborn about 1882
HersonScott born about 1873
HessonArnold born about 1897
HessonCharles born about 1873
HessonEdith born about 1915
HessonEva born about 1897
HessonJames born about 1906
HessonJames born about 1933
HessonJoyce born about 1937
HessonMargaret born about 1932
HessonNancy born about 1939
HessonNora born about 1880
HessonRobert born about 1935
HeuerLouis born about 1867
HeverCarl born about 1900
HeverEdna born about 1898
HeverJohn Lborn about 1932
HeverLa Vere born about 1930
HeverLance born about 1929
HiggensAllie born about 1893
HillDelta Aborn about 1883
HillFloyd Raymondborn about 1911
HillJohn Gborn about 1884
HochreuterAug born about 1865
HochreuterMary born about 1869
HoffmanDonald Jborn about 1938
HoffmanHarold Rborn about 1940
HoffmanRobb Lborn about 1909
HoffmanRobb Lborn about 1936
HoffmanWilhelma born about 1910
HoffmanWm Lborn about 1935
HoltEthel born about 1904
HoltGladys Lborn about 1929
HoltHarper born about 1902
HoltJames Hborn about 1932
HoltJos Wborn about 1892
HoltLenzo Wborn about 1932
HoltMack Aborn about 1938
HoltMinie Iborn about 1894
HoltNorma Fborn about 1931
HoltWm Watsonborn about 1940
HomerElisha born about 1900
HomerEmma born about 1902
HomerEugene born about 1924
HomerGeorge born about 1926
HomerHollis born about 1921
HomerJoann born about 1936
HomerLucille born about 1934
HomerViola born about 1929
HooleyEthel born about 1897
HooleyEugene born about 1924
HooleyGeneva Lborn about 1928
HooleyGifford Hborn about 1888
HooleyGifford Jr born about 1926
HooleyMary Aborn about 1930
HoskinsonChas Jborn about 1929
HoskinsonGerald born about 1921
HoskinsonIva born about 1894
HoskinsonMary Eborn about 1915
HoskinsonNorman born about 1892
HoskinsonVirginia Leeborn about 1927
HoskinsonWm Aborn about 1866
HowesChas Hborn about 1875
HowesDan born about 1878
HuegelAnna Mborn about 1874
HuegelJohn Aksleyborn about 1869
HughesAnnie born about 1875
HullGarnet Lborn about 1914
HullNarvel born about 1926
HullOphie born about 1893
HullWalter born about 1892
Hunt born about 1883
HuntCarlyn Annborn about 1938
HuntCaroline born about 1875
HuntDewey born about 1906
HuntEsther born about 1912
HuntGerald born about 1920
HuntJarold born about 1920
HuntJohn born about 1894
HuntLema born about 1899
HuntLouie born about 1899
HuntMaude born about 1886
HuntMyrtle born about 1895
HuntThelma Iborn about 1928
HuntWillis born about 1893

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I Surnames

IngramGlen born about 1939
IngramJack born about 1920
IngramJack Lborn about 1938
IngramPauline born about 1920
IrwinBetty Louborn about 1937
IrwinCharles born about 1935
IrwinDonald Rayborn about 1939
IrwinEthel born about 1916
IrwinThomas born about 1902
IsaacBetty born about 1932
IsaacCharles born about 1916
IsaacClinton born about 1924
IsaacDorthy born about 1922
IsaacEthel born about 1887
IsaacJohn Williamborn about 1919
IsaacJunius born about 1938
IsaacMarion born about 1928
IsaacRoy born about 1885
IsaacShirley born about 1939

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J Surnames

JamesCharlotte born about 1924
JamesChas born about 1926
JamesDonald Rborn about 1934
JamisonAlbert Frankborn about 1895
JamisonCharles born about 1923
JamisonClusta born about 1900
JeffBettye Sueborn about 1936
JeffEdward Eborn about 1926
JeffLucy born about 1903
JeffTed Davidborn about 1940
JeffTheo born about 1899
JeffWm Oborn about 1929
JohnsonChas born about 1919
JohnsonEdna Paulineborn about 1927
JohnsonElvin Eborn about 1885
JohnsonFreda Jborn about 1894
JohnsonGeo Wborn about 1857
JohnsonRay born about 1894
JohnsonSusan Mborn about 1865
JoinesMarie born about 1876
JoinesNoah born about 1869

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K Surnames

KelleyEllen born about 1882
KellyBetty born about 1934
KellyBobbie born about 1930
KellyDorthy born about 1922
KellyJimmie born about 1925
KellyLula born about 1892
KellyOrphus born about 1924
KellyStephen Oborn about 1891
KepierBetty born about 1925
KepierJohn born about 1887
KepierJulia born about 1896
KetchamAnnie Bborn about 1865
KingReba born about 1899
KingRobert born about 1924
KitcherDara born about 1861
KleinJohn born about 1867
KleinJohn Kennethborn about 1939
KleinKenneth Rborn about 1904
KleinMaetta born about 1914
KleinRilda born about 1866
KnepperLinda born about 1906
KnepperOsman born about 1931
KnepperRalph born about 1903
KnepperVelda born about 1934
KrautzDonald born about 1924
KrautzHarvey born about 1902
KrautzHelen born about 1904
KrautzWilliam born about 1922
KuhnHenry Wborn about 1872

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L Surnames

LamarrChas Cborn about 1869
LamarrNancy Jborn about 1873
LampingAlta born about 1908
LampingChas born about 1911
LampingNorma Jeanborn about 1930
LampingRichard Eborn about 1938
LawsonLawrence born about 1915
LawsonWm born about 1913
LeeVirginia born about 1931
LennLouisa born about 1862
LeonardBarbara born about 1930
LeonardDorothy born about 1926
LeonardJerry born about 1936
LeonardLeroy born about 1924
LeonardLouise born about 1928
LeonardNora born about 1899
LeonardRoy born about 1899
LeslieBenj born about 1864
LittleMary Eborn about 1871
LongIra Dborn about 1889
LongLloyd born about 1912
LuickClarence born about 1918
LuickFrank born about 1890
LuickGeorgia Belleborn about 1922
LuickHarry born about 1884
LuickWilla Bborn about 1918
LuickWm Harryborn about 1940
LutermanDick born about 1884
LutzAdam born about 1881
LutzBobby born about 1931
LutzEdward Hborn about 1884
LutzFranklin born about 1924
LutzGerald born about 1939
LutzJames Eborn about 1919
LutzJames E Jrborn about 1938
LutzKatherine born about 1918
LutzLyida born about 1888
LutzMabel born about 1927
LutzMarie born about 1921
LutzMaude born about 1891
LutzSamuel Adamborn about 1922
LutzThomas Eborn about 1940
LutzVernon born about 1922
LutzWalter born about 1915

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M Surnames

MaierDaisy born about 1900
MaierJohn born about 1898
MannHenry born about 1881
MannRuby born about 1893
ManweilerCarl Jborn about 1902
ManweilerChas born about 1929
ManweilerHerdis born about 1904
ManweilerMary Fborn about 1935
ManweilerNata born about 1926
ManweilerRuby born about 1923
MarrisEdward Nborn about 1880
MarrisMinnie Mborn about 1882
MarshallAmanda born about 1852
MarshallArtis born about 1902
MarshallDelores Jeanborn about 1925
MarshallErnest born about 1891
MarshallEunice born about 1879
MarshallLota Maeborn about 1907
MarshallPhylis Joanborn about 1932
MarshallRobert Aborn about 1928
MarshallWillis born about 1876
MartinAlice born about 1918
MartinArnold born about 1913
MartinElizabeth born about 1873
MartinMalcolm born about 1913
MartinMaude Mborn about 1881
MartinSharon born about 1938
MartinWilliam Wborn about 1880
MaurerEliza born about 1886
MaurerLouis born about 1879
MayerKathleen Eborn about 1902
MayerO Bborn about 1905
McClaryBertha born about 1882
McClaryEla born about 1899
McClaryFrank born about 1900
McClaryHarold born about 1905
McClaryHarold Rborn about 1931
McClaryLolan born about 1904
McClaryLucille born about 1923
McClaryRufus born about 1870
McClarySchrilda born about 1858
McCoyChas born about 1917
McCoyEliza Cborn about 1858
McCoyEmma born about 1921
McCoyRebecca born about 1869
McDanielAlbert Pborn about 1883
McDanielEarl born about 1913
McDanielFrankie born about 1892
McDavidBert born about 1917
McDavidEloise born about 1921
McDavidVirginia Leeborn about
MedcalfAnny Leeborn about 1931
MedcalfEarl born about 1900
MedcalfIda born about 1932
MedcalfLucille born about 1928
MedcalfMacie born about 1904
MedcalfMary born about 1935
MedcalfOpal Mborn about 1924
MeyerHarold born about 1893
MeyerJoan born about 1927
MeyerMarie born about 1930
MeyerMartha born about 1903
MillerBilly born about 1925
MillerJohn Jr born about 1891
MillerJohn Jr born about 1934
MillerPaul born about 1937
MillerRuby born about 1904
MiltonAnnazine born about 1921
MiltonIda born about 1884
MiltonThomas born about 1884
MontgomeryAnna Lborn about 1932
MontgomeryWm Bborn about 1936
MorrisFrank born about 1928
MorrisKenneth born about 1923
MorrisLeroy born about 1925
MorrisMattie born about 1894
MorrisRichard born about 1921
MorrisRoy born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NancyGeorge born about 1888
NeidigArvilla born about 1887
NewbyDavid born about 1904
NewbyEloise born about 1908
NickensCletus born about 1922
NickensEmma born about 1893
NickensJohn born about 1887
NickensRussell born about 1919
NonweilerC Mborn about 1866
NonweilerKata Aborn about 1868
Nuriel??? born about 1916
NurielIda Rborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OstCarrie Fborn about 1866
OvertonJames born about 1922

P Surnames

PatmoreChas born about 1888
PatmoreMyrtle born about 1892
PerigoAnnazine born about 1924
PerigoBessie born about 1881
PerigoIsham Cborn about 1881
PhillipsAnna born about 1866
PhillipsCaroll Annborn about 1934
PhillipsCharles born about 1924
PhillipsDonald born about 1936
PhillipsDonald Lowellborn about 1938
PhillipsEva born about 1905
PhillipsFrank born about 1875
PhillipsJacquline Sborn about 1939
PhillipsKatherine born about 1929
PhillipsLatia born about 1909
PhillipsLouise Eborn about 1901
PhillipsLowell Tborn about 1911
PhillipsLucille born about 1919
PhillipsMartha Eborn about 1872
PhillipsMinnie born about 1880
PhillipsNolan born about 1915
PhillipsRuth born about 1930
PhillipsThelma born about 1929
PhillipsWillard Rborn about 1935
PierseCordia born about 1891
PierseGurley born about 1883
PierseJames born about 1925
PierseLouie born about 1917
PierseLouis born about 1915
PierseNaomi born about 1930
PierseWyman born about 1921
PlutaEmma born about 1896
PlutaGeorge born about 1920
PlutaMike born about 1918
PolkDenna born about 1882
PolkHielman born about 1872
PolkLouise Elzabethborn about 1933
PolkRachel born about 1881
PolkReba born about 1909
PolkWayne born about 1890
PolkWilliam Mborn about 1876
PorterfieldLois Jborn about 1928
PoseyFrances born about 1876
PowersMartin Tborn about 1877
PowersNancy born about 1868
PriceElaine Iborn about 1932
PriceElberta Mborn about 1928
PriceElsie Cborn about 1910
PriceEugene Dborn about 1930
PriceJames Eborn about 1906
PriceJames Eborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuistIra Gborn about 1873

R Surnames

RaefClara born about 1895
RaefHarold born about 1886
RathElizabeth born about 1881
RathWilliam Cborn about 1876
RectorAllie Mayborn about 1922
RectorCarrie born about 1894
RectorD Cborn about 1891
RectorDorris born about 1929
RectorEugene Dborn about 1925
RectorJenilee born about 1931
RectorJohn Robertborn about 1927
RectorMildred Lucileborn about 1939
ReedMabel born about 1885
ReedNoble born about 1919
ReedOrvil born about 1883
RhodesArgle Bborn about 1885
RhodesBetty Jeanborn about 1927
RhodesDonald Lborn about 1932
RhodesLois Gborn about 1924
RhodesSarah Vborn about 1890
RhoodsEliza born about 1882
RhoodsW Danielborn about 1876
RichartCarl Vborn about 1924
RitterAugust born about 1922
RitterHenry Hborn about 1919
RitterHenry Oborn about 1886
RitterLouise Cborn about 1887
RobertsJohn Aborn about 1934
RobertsonClara born about 1903
RobertsonEdw born about 1893
RobertsonEdw Jr born about 1939
RobinsonLoise born about 1910
RobinsonLucinda born about 1874
RobinsonRay born about 1907
RobinsonRuth Jborn about 1928
RobinsonWalter Rborn about 1926
RollerBeene born about 1864
RollerHarvey born about 1892
RothOscar born about 1885
RusherBelle born about 1885
RusherWm born about 1878
RussellAllen born about 1910
RussellDessie born about 1919
RussellLeona born about 1938
RussellMary born about 1935
RussellRichard Leoborn about 1940
RussellRobert born about 1934
RuthAren born about 1909
RuthMagdalene born about 1907
RuthWm Rborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaltzmanA Jborn about 1886
SaltzmanBessie born about 1881
SaltzmanChas born about 1937
SaltzmanChas Lborn about 1910
SaltzmanClaude born about 1903
SaltzmanHarold born about 1918
SaltzmanJulia born about 1911
SaltzmanLloyd born about 1909
SaltzmanPhillip born about 1874
SaltzmanReba born about 1910
SaltzmanRussell born about 1928
SaltzmanShirley born about 1929
SaltzmanThelma born about 1915
SargentAllen born about 1925
SargentAmelia born about 1892
SargentGilbert born about 1888
SargentJimmy born about 1921
SargentLaverne born about 1931
SaundersCeyland born about 1928
SaundersJessie born about 1934
SaundersMather born about 1922
SchmidtHerman born about 1876
SchmidtMinnie born about 1878
SchoemakerFlorence born about 1915
SchreckerAugust Jborn about 1885
SchreckerNannie Aborn about 1881
SealesJohn Wborn about 1875
SealesLaura Bborn about 1879
SheelerBonnie Lborn about 1928
SheelerGlenn Cborn about 1932
SheelerRaymond Wborn about 1930
SheltonAmelia born about 1901
SheltonBarbara Annborn about 1935
SheltonBirdia born about 1892
SheltonChas Mborn about 1877
SheltonEathel born about 1903
SheltonEleanor born about 1930
SheltonEli Lborn about 1880
SheltonElla Lborn about 1883
SheltonEloise born about 1919
SheltonEmery born about 1874
SheltonEugene born about 1904
SheltonEugene born about 1930
SheltonGene born about 1872
SheltonGeneva born about 1914
SheltonGlenda Sueborn about 1939
SheltonGolda born about 1876
SheltonJohn Lborn about 1868
SheltonJohn Mborn about 1865
SheltonKathryn born about 1925
SheltonLillian born about 1908
SheltonLillian Mborn about 1885
SheltonLloyd born about 1906
SheltonNolan born about 1900
SheltonNorman born about 1919
SheltonPaul born about 1909
SheltonPerlina Bborn about 1879
SheltonRay born about 1922
SheltonRobert born about 1882
SheltonRussel born about 1916
SheltonTennie born about 1876
SheltonThurman born about 1889
SheltonWillis born about 1901
SheltonWillis Jr born about 1927
SheltonZelpha born about 1905
ShoptaughAndrew Vborn about 1868
ShoptaughMaggie Jborn about 1876
ShouldersOtto born about 1888
ShoultzClara born about 1893
ShoultzGerald born about 1920
ShoultzR Fborn about 1893
ShoultzRuth born about 1921
ShrevesB Annborn about 1935
ShrevesBonnie Sborn about 1939
ShrewsberryH Wmborn about 1928
SibrelA Amandaborn about 1868
SimmonsJames born about 1864
SimmonsLuticia born about 1857
SimpsonEthel born about 1893
SimpsonRoy born about 1889
SimpsonWoodson born about 1914
SkeltonLarae born about 1902
SkeltonLolan born about 1905
SkeltonRobert born about 1933
SkeltonSadie born about 1877
SkeltonSarah Eborn about 1895
SkeltonVirgil born about 1893
SkeltonWm born about 1873
SmithBernard Kborn about 1939
SmithBurchal born about 1900
SmithCarl Fborn about 1936
SmithEiel born about 1892
SmithElla born about 1875
SmithFlora born about 1919
SmithFredrick Aborn about 1930
SmithHallie Leeborn about 1933
SmithHazel born about 1899
SmithHorace born about 1877
SmithHulda born about 1865
SmithJames born about 1903
SmithJoe Eborn about 1933
SmithJohn born about 1891
SmithJohn Jborn about 1936
SmithJohn Lborn about 1932
SmithKenneth born about 1911
SmithLarry Dborn about 1934
SmithMargaret born about 1914
SmithMary Cborn about 1859
SmithMinnie born about 1892
SmithOliver Dborn about 1923
SmithOrphus born about 1898
SmithOrphus Jr born about 1919
SmithPearl born about 1895
SmithRachel Eborn about 1899
SmithRobert Aborn about 1926
SmithRobin born about 1908
SmithRufus born about 1939
SnyderAndrew Leviborn about 1922
SnyderAnna Myrtleborn about 1926
SnyderGlenn Calairborn about 1924
SnyderLouis born about 1870
SnyderMinnie Bellborn about 1926
SnyderMyron Felixborn about 1929
SnyderMyrtle born about 1890
SpringstonC Eborn about 1872
SpringstonInez born about 1910
SpringstonLucinda Eborn about 1870
StantonBert born about 1900
StantonJack born about 1922
StantonLena born about 1900
StantonMary Janeborn about 1928
StrahlBertha born about 1897
StrahlW Jborn about 1895
SwiftCollins born about 1875
SwiftMary Janeborn about 1882
SwiftPark Bborn about 1868
SwitzerD Clayborn about 1925
SwitzerRuth born about 1922
SwopeJ Fborn about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorWm born about 1880
TennysonCarl born about 1902
TennysonLogan Eborn about 1887
TennysonSally born about 1907
TennysonWillard Fborn about 1889
ThelpsCara born about 1895
ToddMary Virginiaborn about 1900
ToddNellie born about 1885
TungateBilly Rayborn about 1939
TungateRay born about 1913
TungateReba born about 1920
TungateSonja ???born about

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V Surnames

VeeckEloise born about 1921
VeeckHerbert born about 1886
VeeckMargaret born about 1896
VeeckPete born about 1858
VeeckWanda Leeborn about 1923

W Surnames

WardBurlis born about 1923
WardDora born about 1878
WardDoris born about 1896
WardEthel born about 1900
WardJone born about 1927
WardPervis Wborn about 1869
WarthanElvin born about 1909
WarthanLenard born about 1908
WatsonEliza Aborn about 1880
WatsonJames Hborn about 1873
WatsonMabel born about 1913
WatsonNorman Rborn about 1905
WearstlerJanet born about 1903
WearstlerMilton Jborn about 1897
WeatherholtLouis born about 1889
WeatherholtPearl born about 1889
WebbDavid born about 1939
WebbEarl born about 1902
WebbJames born about 1934
WebbMildred born about 1907
WebbThomas born about 1936
WelsbacherAugust born about 1884
WelsbacherMay born about 1886
WesleyDonna Fborn about 1940
WesleyJune Lborn about 1937
WestElizabeth born about 1877
WeybacherClaude born about 1927
WeybacherDoris Jeanborn about 1930
WeybacherGilbert Leonborn about 1917
WeybacherLona born about 1892
WeybacherRuby born about 1929
WeybacherWilliam born about 1881
WheltonOllie born about 1887
WheltonWm born about 1856
WhiteEli Eborn about 1877
WhiteLucy Cborn about 1870
WhiteRosa Aborn about 1881
WhiteSamuel Lborn about 1882
WholeyFrank born about 1905
WholeyJewel born about 1913
WilkeDarrel Rayborn about 1937
WilkeDonald born about 1933
WilkeLillie Maeborn about 1908
WilkeRalph born about 1901
WilliamsChas born about 1890
WilliamsChas Jr born about 1925
WilliamsElga born about 1890
WilliamsElla born about 1879
WilliamsEva Rborn about 1892
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1918
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1936
WilliamsFenton born about 1909
WilliamsGeorge Wborn about 1879
WilliamsGerald born about 1935
WilliamsJames born about 1927
WilliamsJenine born about 1937
WilliamsMarie born about 1901
WilliamsMary Louborn about 1934
WilliamsNorman born about 1934
WilliamsRobert Pborn about 1928
WilliamsRomana born about 1929
WilliamsSarah born about 1855
WilliamsVelma born about 1923
WilliamsVirgie born about 1919
WilliamsWilma born about 1937
WilsonC Mborn about 1874
WilsonCelia born about 1879
WilsonElizabeth born about 1913
WilsonFrank born about 1879
WilsonGoldie Jborn about 1940
WilsonStella born about 1872
WilsonWm born about 1892
WinsettEsther born about 1897
WinsettGurley born about 1873
WinsettHarold born about 1900
WinsettLula born about 1873
WinsettMary Louborn about 1929
WireTillie Mborn about 1883
WireWayne born about 1885
WoodClarissa Bborn about 1903
WoodCornella Doph??born about 1934
WoodTemyel born about 1926
WoolseyAlice born about 1868
WoolseyGreenberry born about 1862
WoolseyInez born about 1905
WoolseyLittie Annborn about 1858
WoolseyLydia born about 1874
WoolseyThos born about 1874
WoolseyWillard born about 1901
WrightCarl born about 1892
WrightElsie Mborn about 1896
WrightEtta born about 1885
WrightFaye born about 1903
WrightJaney born about 1854
WrightJohn born about 1936
WrightKenneth born about 1902
WrightMandina born about 1869
WrightNathan born about 1874
WrightNellie born about 1875
WrightW Tborn about 1867
WrightWayne born about 1882
WurtsRussell Aborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerMazal Hborn about 1915
YeagerMerlyn born about 1937
YeagerRobert born about 1911
YoungCarl Delbertborn about 1940
YoungDonald Richardborn about 1938
YoungEdith born about 1904
YoungGeorge Jr born about 1931
YoungGilbert Dborn about 1893
YoungLeon born about 1924
YoungLeona born about 1883
YoungOtto born about 1889
YoungPaul Davidborn about 1934
YoungPearl born about 1899
YoungRobert born about 1921
YoungRobert Jasperborn about 1932
YoungSamuel Rayborn about 1937
YoungThomas born about 1919
YoungVelma Mayborn about 1933
YoungWarren born about 1926
YoungbloodRuth born about 1903
YoungbloodWallace born about 1935

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Z Surnames

ZimitMartha born about 1875
ZimitWm Pborn about 1872

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