1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smithfield, DeKalb, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > DeKalb County > 1940 Census of Smithfield

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEdward born about 1899
AlbrightAnna Fborn about 1914
AlbrightBrown born about 1869
AlbrightCharles Hborn about 1901
AlbrightDonnia born about 1872
AlbrightDouglass Aborn about 1940
AlbrightFaye Dborn about 1900
AlbrightFrank Eborn about 1873
AlbrightFrank E Jrborn about 1936
AlbrightHenry Jborn about 1938
AlbrightJola Jeanborn about 1930
AlbrightVernon born about 1922
AlbrightWayne born about 1904
AndersonJames Eborn about 1873
AndersonWayne Bborn about 1876
AnthonyAlice Mborn about 1936
AnthonyAlva Aborn about 1903
AnthonyBernice Eborn about 1915
AnthonyViola born about 1881
AnthonyWilliam born about 1873
AppAlbert Aborn about 1896
AppAloysius Hborn about 1921
AppDonald Aborn about 1934
AppJohn Lborn about 1924
AppLuetta Dborn about 1930
AppMargaret Jborn about 1899
AyersElizabeth Hborn about 1880
AyersFrancis Cborn about 1919
AyersWilliam Wborn about 1879
AyresAnn born about 1936
AyresCarol Oborn about 1903
AyresCarolyn Jborn about 1927
AyresClark Wborn about 1903
AyresCurtis Gborn about 1932
AyresGeorge born about 1890
AyresMartha Rborn about 1911
AyresMyrnalie born about 1936
AyresNaomi born about 1863
AyresPierce Pborn about 1911
AyresRoger Pborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BachtelIra Jborn about 1878
BachtelMina born about 1879
BartonBrodie Eborn about 1887
BartonFlossie Eborn about 1888
BatesCaroline Aborn about 1854
BatesEdna Vborn about 1881
BaughmanBenjamin Hborn about 1893
BaughmanElba born about 1871
BaughmanMyrtle Mborn about 1892
BeardKendell born about 1904
BeardViola born about 1866
BenjaminBessie Mborn about 1881
BenjaminEffie Jborn about 1894
BenjaminFrank Jborn about 1886
BenjaminMarion Jborn about 1880
BennettHazel Lborn about 1897
BerryA Jamesborn about 1916
BherensJohn Wborn about 1869
BherensMaggie Oborn about 1882
BickelLena born about 1861
BlairMaggie Mborn about 1885
BlairWilliam Cborn about 1880
BloomCharles Bborn about 1900
BloomFlorence Vborn about 1907
BloomGordon Cborn about 1935
BloomRetha Jborn about 1933
BloomekeGeorge born about 1920
BohlerElmer Eborn about 1892
BohlerEverett born about 1939
BohlerFloyd born about 1903
BohlerOpal Mborn about 1903
BohlerPhyllis Jborn about 1931
BohlerRobert born about 1938
BohlerThelma Mborn about 1927
BohlkeBarbara Jborn about 1925
BohlkeEugene Aborn about 1922
BohlkeHarold Mborn about 1898
BohlkeJessie Iborn about 1902
BohlkeMyron Eborn about 1932
BonbrakeLewis Wborn about 1877
BonbrakeMary Vborn about 1878
BooneRay born about 1910
BorenHershel Lborn about 1923
BowersCarl Hborn about 1924
BowersGeorge Dborn about 1890
BowersHelen Eborn about 1898
BowersOva Lborn about 1922
BowmanBarbara Lborn about 1939
BowmanClair Aborn about 1882
BowmanClara Fborn about 1918
BowmanDora Iborn about 1885
BowmanKenneth Rborn about 1914
BowmanKenneth Jr born about 1937
BowmanOpal Mborn about 1912
BowmanRobert Eborn about 1939
BowmanRobert Wborn about 1935
BowmanWayne Wborn about 1915
BoydGrover Cborn about 1892
BoydLois Mborn about 1930
BoydLouise Mborn about 1924
BoydMabel Mborn about 1903
BoydOthal born about 1919
BrandBarbara born about 1849
BrandDola born about 1873
BrandEllen Jborn about 1859
BrandHenry Cborn about 1873
BrecbillEmma born about 1872
BrecbillJoan Jborn about 1928
BrecbillMary Eborn about 1897
BrecbillSadonna Dborn about 1926
BrecbillVan E born about 1900
BrecbillWilliam Hborn about 1866
BrennemanAlice Bborn about 1885
BrennemanLoy Sborn about 1880
BridgeAnna Bborn about 1915
BridgeWalter Lborn about 1903
BrooksBertha Aborn about 1911
BrooksEvelyn Pborn about 1927
BrooksHugh Cborn about 1893
BrooksJack Dborn about 1937
BrooksLawrence born about 1908
BrooksLynn Dborn about 1929
BrooksRex born about 1925
BrooksRose Aborn about 1920
BrooksRuby Cborn about 1891
BrunnerRuth born about 1915
BuchoEdward Tborn about 1923
BuchoGerald Jborn about 1933
BuchoHarold Aborn about 1933
BuchoLeo Wborn about 1896
BuchoLeo W Jrborn about 1924
BuchoMatilda Mborn about 1901
BuchoPaul Vborn about 1928
BuchoPauline Mborn about 1928
BuchsAnthony Fborn about 1868
BuchsHerman Jborn about 1911

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C Surnames

CampAmanda Eborn about 1856
CampCatherine born about 1875
CampJesse Wborn about 1878
CampbellClark born about 1876
CampbellDora born about 1871
CampbellEdward Fborn about 1898
CampbellLaura born about 1874
CarpenterAgnes Gborn about 1893
CarpenterClair Iborn about 1891
CarpenterClair Jr born about 1926
CarpenterClaude Lborn about 1874
CarpenterFlorence Aborn about 1924
CarpenterFrampton Rborn about 1933
CarpenterJun Jborn about 1922
CarpenterLeone Oborn about 1884
ChapmanAlta Mborn about 1873
ChapmanLemuel Nborn about 1867
ChapmanWilliam Hborn about 1872
CheyneyFrancis Eborn about 1872
ChildsGeorgia Lborn about 1915
ChildsRalph Eborn about 1911
ChipmanBert Jborn about 1886
ChipmanGretcher Bborn about 1924
ChipmanGriestca Aborn about 1929
ChipmanJoseph Aborn about 1926
ChipmanMargaret born about 1888
ClayMinor Tborn about 1864
ClaySusan Mborn about 1864
ConradDorothy Mborn about 1900
ConradEffie Sborn about 1865
ConradJames born about 1893
ConradJames Rborn about 1931
ConradJohn born about 1862
ConradJohn Jr born about 1924
ConradMary Annborn about 1927
ConradMyranda Aborn about 1864
ConradWyane Lborn about 1921
CookJohn Eborn about 1869
CookMary Eborn about 1867
CorbinGeorge Dborn about 1860
CorbinMargaret born about 1869
CoyBeth Elaineborn about 1925
CoyGrace born about 1885
CoyHarry Hborn about 1892
CrigerAndrew Jborn about 1871
CrigerSyvlia Hborn about 1881
CurryCharles Sborn about 1890
CurryMaurice Hborn about 1923
CurryRuth Nborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DannerArnold Cborn about 1939
DannerConrad Sborn about 1904
DannerGrace Bborn about 1909
DannerMarcella Cborn about 1934
DannerRose Mary Tborn about 1930
DavisIsabelle born about 1912
DavisRichard Lborn about 1937
DavisRuth Aborn about 1939
DavisWinford Hborn about 1912
DaysAilene Bborn about 1940
DaysAlfred Eborn about 1929
DaysBarbara Aborn about 1933
DaysDorothy Oborn about 1927
DaysEdson Fborn about 1897
DaysGeorgia Eborn about 1924
DaysGlenda Jeanborn about 1938
DaysJacqueline Gborn about 1935
DaysJoan Cborn about 1931
DaysMabel Dborn about 1897
DaysMax Fborn about 1922
DaysRobert Fborn about 1920
DeitzClyde Cborn about 1902
DeitzMae Mborn about 1902
DelucenayEarl Fborn about 1928
DelucenayEdward Nborn about 1933
DelucenayEugene Nborn about 1893
DelucenayEugene Pborn about 1939
DelucenayHarold Eborn about 1919
DelucenayHerman Jborn about 1921
DelucenayMargaret Cborn about 1896
DelucenayRichard Eborn about 1918
DeyoungCarl Dborn about 1929
DilleyCarl Dborn about 1934
DilleyDavid Eborn about 1935
DilleyGeorge Lborn about 1909
DilleyGilbert Lborn about 1938
DilleyHilda Cborn about 1911
DilleyJohn Eborn about 1939
DilleyKathleen Aborn about 1937
DoleAda Eborn about 1897
DoleClyde Eborn about 1875
DoleMinna born about 1877
DoleRaymond Cborn about 1877
DoleRichard Fborn about 1930
DuncanAndrew Wborn about 1875
DuncanAnnette Mborn about 1875
DuncanBertha Mborn about 1905
DuncanFlorence Lborn about 1902
DuncanGeorge Bborn about 1877
DuncanGertrude Rborn about 1914
DuncanRobert Wborn about 1911
DuncanVern Gborn about 1902
DunnAlbert Jborn about 1912
DunnDavid Lborn about 1939
DunnElmer Eborn about 1885
DunnJohn born about 1854
DunnKathryn Mborn about 1915
DunnTruda Bborn about 1896
DwistAnna Lborn about 1882
DwistFred born about 1885

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E Surnames

EllertAmelia Eborn about 1884
EllertAndrew Bborn about 1884
EllertAnn Kborn about 1935
EllertBarbara Aborn about 1938
EllertBertha Gborn about 1929
EllertCarl Rborn about 1924
EllertClara Cborn about 1899
EllertClayton Wborn about 1920
EllertEsther born about 1907
EllertFrancis Aborn about 1934
EllertG Federickborn about 1919
EllertHelen Mborn about 1906
EllertIrene Mborn about 1930
EllertJames born about 1921
EllertJerome Wborn about 1934
EllertJoseph Hborn about 1891
EllertLeonard Eborn about 1927
EllertMary born about 1884
EllertMichael born about 1879
EllertPhillip Rborn about 1932
EllertRaymond born about 1907
EllertRita Jborn about 1931
EllertTheresa Hborn about 1935
EllisAlbert Mborn about 1860
EllisAlma Vborn about 1869
EnsleyElla born about 1853

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F Surnames

FeaglerElmer Jborn about 1870
FederickPeter born about 1869
FeeRile born about 1860
FilipowMike born about 1921
FirestoneDoren Wborn about 1890
FirestoneOrvil born about 1922
FirestoneWava born about 1928
FiskFrances Aborn about 1869
FiskHarry Sborn about 1902
FiskJohn Hborn about 1867
FiskNanna Mborn about 1881
FiskSeymour born about 1864
FoltarzWalter born about 1908
ForrestClark Wborn about 1914
ForrestEarl Wborn about 1880
ForrestGlenn Wborn about 1916
ForrestIrene born about 1896
ForrestJoan born about 1927
ForrestLewis Aborn about 1873
ForrestMarjorie Vborn about 1919
ForrestMyrtle born about 1880
ForrestRobert Dborn about 1922
ForrestSheila Jborn about 1936
ForrestWilla Gborn about 1914
FosterCharles Aborn about 1889
FosterWinona born about 1889
FranklinJames Nborn about 1917
FranklinWilbur Fborn about 1915
FrederickEva born about 1890
FrederickHoward born about 1887
FreedCharles Rborn about 1928
FreedDoris Jborn about 1926
FreedDorothy Mborn about 1940
FreedEverett Lborn about 1930
FreedHarold Rborn about 1902
FreedMary born about 1869
FreedMinnie Pborn about 1879
FreedRiley Fborn about 1881
FreedRuth Eborn about 1904
FrickDaniel born about 1849
FrickLizzie born about 1881
FullerAlta Mborn about 1888
FullerFern Fborn about 1879
FunkBernita Jborn about 1930
FunkChristian Mborn about 1870
FunkCora Eborn about 1901
FunkDayton Dborn about 1933
FunkEffie Aborn about 1869
FunkFlossie Bborn about 1898
FunkLola Lborn about 1926
FunkLorin Hborn about 1903
FunkMary Aborn about 1863
FunkOrville Eborn about 1928
FunkPaul Dborn about 1901
FunkRobert Lborn about 1930
FunkSavana Aborn about 1903

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G Surnames

GaetzGeorge Nborn about 1886
GaetzLawra Eborn about 1867
GageAmanda born about 1864
GageBessie Lborn about 1888
GageToy Eborn about 1888
GarberTerry Mborn about 1875
GartzJoseph Bborn about 1901
GettysCecil Tborn about 1914
GettysMildred born about 1918
GettysNellie Lborn about 1894
GettysThomas Rborn about 1892
GfellerAgnes Mborn about 1936
GfellerAnna Mborn about 1876
GfellerCornelia Mborn about 1909
GfellerEvelyn Cborn about 1939
GfellerFrank Wborn about 1878
GfellerFrederick Jborn about 1874
GfellerFrederick Pborn about 1936
GfellerJoseph Aborn about 1907
GfellerLoreta Rborn about 1901
GfellerMarianne born about 1934
GfellerMathew Jborn about 1900
GfellerRaymond Mborn about 1912
GlantMary Bborn about 1931
GlantThomas born about 1933
GoffCarloss born about 1919
GoffEarl Cborn about 1917
GoffEleanor Jborn about 1933
GoffHelen Mborn about 1932
GoffJessie Fborn about 1881
GoffJohn Aborn about 1938
GoffMary Lborn about 1916
GoffOliver Hborn about 1882
GoffPerry Jborn about 1935
GoffPerry Oborn about 1912
GonserJohn Jborn about 1875
GonserLucinda born about 1850
GonserMargaret Gborn about 1877
GoodwinChester born about 1924
GoodwinDale Aborn about 1925
GoodwinFairy Mborn about 1899
GoodwinJosephine born about 1933
GoodwinRay Aborn about 1892
GoodwinWanita Afborn about 1928
GraceRichard born about 1925
GramblingMerle Eborn about 1894
GramblingPatricia Iborn about 1936
GramblingRollin Sborn about 1884
GramblingRoss Aborn about 1917
GramlingBessie Fborn about 1896
GramlingCarl Aborn about 1891
GramlingCora Eborn about 1877
GramlingHenry Wborn about 1873
GramlingL Dborn about 1919
GrateEmma Lborn about 1897
GrateGene Wborn about 1929
GrateHarry Rborn about 1894
GrateJune Eborn about 1920
GrateZizania born about 1865
GrearAda Aborn about 1887
GrearEllsworth Sborn about 1927
GrearEvlyn Rborn about 1925
GrearJay born about 1884
GrearPaul Gborn about 1919
GrearRichard Fborn about 1922
GrearRobert born about 1920
GrillGerald born about 1923
GurtnerDavid born about 1874
GurtnerEldon Lborn about 1939
GurtnerJohn Hborn about 1906
GurtnerTalitha Eborn about 1912

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H Surnames

HammanAlvin Dborn about 1928
HammanBrooks Hborn about 1938
HammanByran Hborn about 1936
HammanCecilia Eborn about 1891
HammanCharles born about 1925
HammanDannie Fborn about 1937
HammanDavid Aborn about 1877
HammanDavid Bborn about 1937
HammanDonald Rborn about 1935
HammanDoris Oborn about 1898
HammanDorothy Aborn about 1903
HammanGenevieve Iborn about 1924
HammanHoward Lborn about 1905
HammanHugh Lborn about 1893
HammanJean Aborn about 1915
HammanJohn Dborn about 1874
HammanLester Eborn about 1901
HammanMarcella Aborn about 1931
HammanMary Cborn about 1870
HammanMax Wborn about 1926
HammanNoah Rborn about 1912
HammanRalph Jborn about 1898
HammanRaymond Aborn about 1925
HammanRobert born about 1924
HammanRoma Mborn about 1923
HammanSadie Aborn about 1878
HammanSurunda Cborn about 1880
HammanThomas born about 1867
HammanViola born about 1903
HammanWayne Lborn about 1921
HartAlvin born about 1887
HartDonna Rborn about 1920
HartHarold Gborn about 1935
HartHoward Lborn about 1939
HartJulia born about 1889
HartLucile Fborn about 1926
HartVerll Rborn about 1918
HartVirginia Lborn about 1920
HartmanEzra Eborn about 1870
HartmanGlenn Lborn about 1937
HartmanLouise Fborn about 1909
HartmanVerl Lborn about 1912
HartmanWayne Lborn about 1939
HechtAgnes Mborn about 1907
HechtEdwin Cborn about 1902
HendersonAlvin Eborn about 1923
HendersonCurtis Rborn about 1898
HendersonDale Jborn about 1921
HendersonFayette born about 1885
HendersonFlora Mborn about 1902
HendersonGerald Cborn about 1924
HendersonGlenn Lborn about 1928
HendersonPhyllis Mborn about 1934
HendersonRichard Kborn about 1913
HendersonWilliam Cborn about 1876
HessCelesta born about 1861
HoffAlbert Mborn about 1921
HoffChristian born about 1878
HoffLouise Mborn about 1886
HoffelderAnna born about 1896
HoffelderCarl Fborn about 1921
HoffelderCatherine born about 1889
HoffelderDorothy born about 1911
HoffelderFrank Cborn about 1874
HoffelderJohn born about 1909
HoffelderJohn Hborn about 1878
HoffelderJoseph Rborn about 1926
HoffelderMary born about 1853
HoffelderMonica Mborn about 1923
HoffelderPeter Hborn about 1888
HoffelderRose Maryborn about 1924
HoffelderRuth Annborn about 1932
HohlAnnabelle Mborn about 1929
HohlCatherine Hborn about 1924
HohlErma Mborn about 1916
HohlFrancis Jborn about 1922
HohlGretcher Aborn about 1923
HohlHenry Jborn about 1910
HohlHerman Jborn about 1918
HohlRalph Jborn about 1936
HohlRobert Eborn about 1938
HoodJacob born about 1859
HooseFrank Lborn about 1869
HooseNellie Eborn about 1882
HooverEugene Bborn about 1915
HooverFlorence Lborn about 1915
HooverJames Eborn about 1938
HooverJanet Sborn about 1939
HovarterCarrie born about 1893
HovarterElenora Eborn about 1925
HovarterMaurice Rborn about 1919
HovarterMaynard Oborn about 1916
HovarterNancy Cborn about 1933
HovarterOtto Tborn about 1887

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I Surnames

ImmelC Gborn about 1887
ImmelFlorence Iborn about 1893

J Surnames

JacksonEverett Tborn about 1912
JacksonIola Mborn about 1914
JenksBruce Aborn about 1929
JohnsonGertrude born about 1879
JohnsonLorraine born about 1924
JohnsonMarion Eborn about 1874
JonesLorinda born about 1868
JudsonMabel Cborn about 1885

K Surnames

KalbMargaret Oborn about 1917
KalbWilbur Lborn about 1916
KelleyAlfred Eborn about 1905
KelleyCharles born about 1905
KelleyDaisy Jborn about 1931
KelleyEsther born about 1908
KelleyJean born about 1934
KelleyKathryn Dborn about 1904
KempfDorotha Dborn about 1926
KempfLois Hborn about 1864
KempfMarie Bborn about 1894
KempfOtis Dborn about 1892
KempfPhyllis Mborn about 1924
KempfVirginia Mborn about 1920
KempfWilliam Hborn about 1866
KennedyDorothy Jborn about 1924
KennedyEstel Lborn about 1919
KesslerBetty Janeborn about 1924
KesslerEldon Jborn about 1922
KesslerErna Cborn about 1896
KesslerMollie Cborn about 1867
KesslerWilliam Hborn about 1866
KesterAnna Eborn about 1886
KesterEmblen Gborn about 1884
KesterWayne Eborn about 1924
KetelMabel born about 1910
KetelPaul born about 1904
KetelRuth Nborn about 1939
KingArlo Eborn about 1918
KingClarence Aborn about 1882
KingDaniel Lborn about 1939
KingDavid Eborn about 1937
KingDonna Belleborn about 1933
KingEdna Aborn about 1912
KingHester Nborn about 1886
KingIletta Lborn about 1923
KingJohn Wborn about 1909
KingMarlene Rborn about 1939
KingMaydie Dborn about 1896
KingPauline Hborn about 1914
KingRiley Vborn about 1890
KingRita Dborn about 1934
KingRoy Eborn about 1914
KingigGeorge Eborn about 1888
KiplingerMargaret born about 1861
KlinkelGrover Bborn about 1885
KlinkelLeah Bborn about 1891
KlinkelMax born about 1920
KlugBernice born about 1885
KrehlBlanche Gramblingborn about 1879
KreischerIsaac Lborn about 1864
KriescherAda Mborn about 1885
KriescherWilliam Hborn about 1874
KrumHarley born about 1894

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L Surnames

LaddClaude Cborn about 1907
LaddDwight Kborn about 1924
LaddElias Wborn about 1892
LaddErnest Lborn about 1934
LaddGerald Dborn about 1930
LaddGorgia Rborn about 1906
LaddTena Eborn about 1891
LaddWortha born about 1910
LasalleJohn Sborn about 1860
LatierClay born about 1885
LatierMary Aborn about 1887
LatierRichard Wborn about 1917
LautzentiserNeva born about 1870
LeasH Rexborn about 1922
LeasLeola Mborn about 1886
LeasPhyllis Eborn about 1924
LeasR Danceborn about 1928
LeasRobert Kborn about 1917
LeasWarren Eborn about 1884
LepleyBetty Eborn about 1919
LepleyJanet Lborn about 1940
LepleyJudith Aborn about 1940
LepleyWinford Wborn about 1916
LindseyClyde Aborn about 1897
LindseyDee born about 1894
LinkBenjamin Aborn about 1882
LinkIcy Eborn about 1880
LittleRocelia Aborn about 1876
LittlefieldRay Wborn about 1920
LockhartBarbara born about 1938
LockhartHazel born about 1898
LockhartRalph Rborn about 1897
LockhartRichard born about 1923
LockwoodMark Vborn about 1878
LockwoodMina Mborn about 1886
LoganSarah Fborn about 1870
LyonsFlorence Aborn about 1894
LyonsRaymond Eborn about 1922

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M Surnames

ManrowFlossie born about 1888
ManrowLester born about 1888
MatsonAlonzo Lborn about 1885
MatsonRosa Gborn about 1888
MayEdward Hborn about 1920
MayGeorge born about 1854
MayJohn Mborn about 1882
MayKatherine born about 1883
MayMary Aborn about 1886
MayMary Tborn about 1887
MayNorbert Jborn about 1922
MayOtto Mborn about 1927
McClenanBertha Aborn about 1914
McClenanCarol Aborn about 1936
McClenanDallas Eborn about 1933
McClenanMyrna Lborn about 1938
McClenanTerry Hborn about 1911
McClishElmer born about 1873
McClishEtta Mborn about 1875
McClishEva born about 1877
McClishEvelyn Rborn about 1921
McClishFred born about 1895
McClishWillard Gborn about 1915
McCoombsEdna Fborn about 1902
McCoombsHoward Eborn about 1893
McCoombsLe Roy born about 1893
McEntarferRobert born about 1922
McKeeUlysius Eborn about 1865
McNuttLily born about 1874
McNuttWilliam Hborn about 1854
MeloyHerman Vborn about 1875
MeloyOlive Bborn about 1877
MettertDonald Hborn about 1926
MettertJames Pborn about 1867
MettertJunior Jborn about 1925
MetzgerCharles Lborn about 1879
MetzgerMyrtle Cborn about 1884
MetzlerEtta born about 1855
MetzlerJoseph born about 1869
MilksGeorge Aborn about 1896
MilksHadey Mborn about 1897
MilksMildred Mborn about 1923
MillerAgnes Pborn about 1907
MillerAlbert Forrestborn about 1876
MillerAloysius Fborn about 1919
MillerAmbrose Jborn about 1926
MillerAnn Mborn about 1926
MillerAnthony Pborn about 1922
MillerBernard Iborn about 1911
MillerCarl Aborn about 1883
MillerCarl Bborn about 1909
MillerCatherine Jborn about 1896
MillerCatherine Mborn about 1900
MillerClara Aborn about 1903
MillerClem Jborn about 1901
MillerDonald Jborn about 1936
MillerEldon Fborn about 1920
MillerElva Tborn about 1888
MillerEsther Lborn about 1912
MillerEva Hborn about 1882
MillerFrank Aborn about 1873
MillerFrank Pborn about 1933
MillerFrank Sborn about 1885
MillerFred Bborn about 1894
MillerGeneva born about 1921
MillerGeorgia Aborn about 1859
MillerGermain Hborn about 1924
MillerGladys born about 1890
MillerHerbert Aborn about 1930
MillerHerman Mborn about 1899
MillerJane Fborn about 1938
MillerJoan Pborn about 1933
MillerJohn Aborn about 1911
MillerJohn Bborn about 1879
MillerJohn Oborn about 1932
MillerJoseph Bborn about 1891
MillerJosephine Cborn about 1924
MillerJulia Mborn about 1900
MillerKenneth Jborn about 1930
MillerLawrence Jborn about 1917
MillerLeonard Vborn about 1922
MillerLouis Jborn about 1935
MillerMargaret Mborn about 1883
MillerMarie Aborn about 1884
MillerMarlin Joanborn about 1932
MillerMary Cborn about 1927
MillerNicholas Lborn about 1897
MillerPaul Pborn about 1909
MillerPhyllis Aborn about 1934
MillerRaymond Fborn about 1902
MillerRose Mary Aborn about 1936
MillerTheressa Mborn about 1929
MillerVirginia Eborn about 1918
MillerWilford Hborn about 1928
MillerZalla Annborn about 1936
MooreMary born about 1907
MortoffJennie born about 1877
MortoffTerry Wborn about 1872
MortorffBlanche born about 1874
MortorffDell born about 1872
MortorffGrace born about 1919
MortorffPaul Eborn about 1937
MortorffRobert Wborn about 1915
MortorffRuth Aborn about 1939
MurphyLois born about 1901
MuttigBoyard Mborn about 1911
MuttigPeronette born about 1871
MyersDaniel Sborn about 1882
MyersDeliliah born about 1858
MyersDoretha Jborn about 1924
MyersEffie Eborn about 1891
MyersGlenn Mborn about 1910
MyersHarold Aborn about 1924
MyersHarriete Eborn about 1923
MyersLloyd Hborn about 1892
MyersMary Annaborn about 1922
MyersMary Bborn about 1884
MyersMayme Lborn about 1911
MyersMildred Juneborn about 1928
MyersMyra Aborn about 1894
MyersRaymond born about 1915
MyersRichard Wborn about 1938
MyersRodney Mborn about 1933
MyersS Edwardborn about 1887
MyersWanda Mborn about 1918

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N Surnames

NelsonMary Aborn about 1860
NewcomerArthur Wborn about 1907
NewcomerCharles Hborn about 1929
NewcomerDale Eborn about 1938
NewcomerDoris Lborn about 1935
NewcomerHelen Mborn about 1932
NewcomerJerry Oborn about 1937
NewcomerLucy Fborn about 1906
NewcomerLyle Dborn about 1939
NewcomerMax Lborn about 1933
NewcomerRichard Aborn about 1928
NewmanEllen born about 1896
NewmanUrban born about 1884
NibrotCharles born about 1860
NicholsKenton Lborn about 1938
NicholsNorman Rborn about 1939
NicholsRuth Lborn about 1917
NicholsWilliam Hborn about 1916
NodineFred Jborn about 1907
NodineHenry born about 1876
NodineOllie born about 1877

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O Surnames

ObendorfJacob Eborn about 1862
OberlinFrank Bborn about 1876
OberlinNancy Mborn about 1876
OsbunCora Mborn about 1871
OsbunGeorge Fborn about 1871
OttingerElizabeth born about 1870
OttingerSilas born about 1870

P Surnames

PapeJames Eborn about 1921
ParkerCecil Hborn about 1909
ParkerFloyd Bborn about 1939
ParkerKenneth Eborn about 1936
ParkerNorma Eborn about 1913
ParkerRoland Lborn about 1934
ParnellBetty Jborn about 1936
ParnellClair Mborn about 1915
ParnellClyde born about 1913
ParnellJerry Lborn about 1937
ParnellMartha born about 1918
ParsellAnna born about 1856
PasmannFrederick Jborn about 1915
PasmannIrene Aborn about 1918
PerdueDelia Mborn about 1901
PerdueForrest Eborn about 1899
PerdueMartha Jborn about 1930
PerkinsAlice Mborn about 1869
PerkinsSamuel Hborn about 1873
PfefferkornAelred Aborn about 1923
PfefferkornAndrew born about 1887
PfefferkornAndrew Jr born about 1930
PfefferkornCarl Hborn about 1918
PfefferkornJames born about 1879
PfefferkornLeo Jborn about 1934
PfefferkornLouise Mborn about 1894
PfefferkornMary born about 1893
PfefferkornMildred Mborn about 1927
PfefferkornNorbert Lborn about 1925
PfefferkornRalph Jborn about 1920
PfefferkornRaymond born about 1924
PfefferkornRosalle born about 1926
PfefferkornSusan Cborn about 1937
PhillipsDorothy Cborn about 1916
PhillipsNancy Eborn about 1939
PhillipsWiley Jborn about 1916
PierceJohn Wborn about 1919
PierceMarilyn Eborn about 1922
PiersonEarl Aborn about 1911
PiersonHelen Mborn about 1938
PiersonMary Mborn about 1914
PiersonWalter Eborn about 1935
PisulaLeo Pborn about 1900
PorterMyrtle Cborn about 1875
PorterSherman Jborn about 1876
PresslerJudith Eborn about 1940
PresslerMarlo born about 1920
PresslerSylvia Kborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RakestrawDale Mborn about 1914
RakestrawEdna Lborn about 1914
RansburgBlaine born about 1884
RansburgVernola born about 1888
ReecerEdith Mborn about 1922
ReecerEvlyn Jborn about 1931
ReecerJames Rborn about 1939
ReecerJean born about 1933
ReecerMarjorie Aborn about 1936
ReecerOpal born about 1923
ReecerOva born about 1899
ReecerW Haroldborn about 1930
ReedDelbert born about 1877
RefnerBetty Jborn about 1924
RefnerDonnabelle born about 1930
RefnerDorothy Mborn about 1905
RefnerFloyd Dborn about 1897
RefnerRobert Gborn about 1925
ReinhartEffie born about 1891
ReinigEmma Bborn about 1879
ReinigFred Cborn about 1876
ReinigGertrude Cborn about 1876
ReinigMarie Eborn about 1911
ReinigMichael born about 1874
ReinoehlAlice born about 1929
ReinoehlCharles born about 1875
ReinoehlEverett born about 1936
ReinoehlHubert born about 1925
ReinoehlMary Mborn about 1892
ReinoehlMinnie born about 1923
ReinoehlNina born about 1934
ReinschlBarbara Jborn about 1940
ReinschlGene Rborn about 1917
ReinschlMildred Jborn about 1918
RempisAnna Mborn about 1891
RempisBarbara Lborn about 1930
RempisLester Lborn about 1891
RempisMarguerite born about 1921
RempisWilliam Cborn about 1923
RenefisCharles Jborn about 1919
RennerAddie born about 1869
RennerHenry Dborn about 1869
ReslerEva Cborn about 1895
ReslerJames Lborn about 1917
ReslerLewis Rborn about 1894
ReslerSylvia Kborn about 1923
RichterCarrie born about 1883
RichterJoseph Sborn about 1890
RichterLaurence Vborn about 1881
RichterLewis born about 1873
RichterTheresa Lborn about 1928
RichterWalter Jborn about 1921
RiggleJohn Wborn about 1902
RogerCloy Dborn about 1892
RogerJessie born about 1900
RogerLamar Gborn about 1923
RogerLeoone Sborn about 1921
RogerLeslie Rborn about 1891
RogerNancy Jborn about 1869
RogerOrlis Oborn about 1922
RogerPauline Jborn about 1931
RohmFlorence Aborn about 1902
RohmLeonard Mborn about 1899
RohmLoraine born about 1922
RohmMarion Lborn about 1919
RolandAlva Cborn about 1933
RolandBonnie Jborn about 1928
RolandDawn Lborn about 1924
RolandDiana Lborn about 1937
RolandFairy Lborn about 1928
RolandGloria Dborn about 1926
RolandLena Cborn about 1904
RolandRalph Lborn about 1904
RolandRalph Rborn about 1935
RoseElla born about 1874
RoseFreddie born about 1932
RoseLincoln Aborn about 1907
RoseMary Bborn about 1910
RoseNorman born about 1936
RoweDewey Lborn about 1928
RoweL Dborn about 1931
RoweMax born about 1933
RoweVesta born about 1909
RoweWilbur Dborn about 1907
RoyalAdam born about 1871
RoyalEmma born about 1874
RoyalGeorge born about 1897
RuppertCatherine Pborn about 1883
RuppertFrancis Bborn about 1916
RuppertJoseph Cborn about 1884
RuppertRosa Sborn about 1913
RuppertVincent Jborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SautterEsta born about 1899
SchenckBenjamin born about 1857
SchenckElla Mborn about 1866
SchenckFrank Bborn about 1900
SchenckJohn Dborn about 1905
SchenckMary Aborn about 1909
SchiffliAnna Bborn about 1885
SchiffliAugust born about 1878
SchiffliCatherine Aborn about 1915
SchiffliEdward Jborn about 1916
SchiffliEmil born about 1876
SchiffliFrances born about 1882
SchiffliFrancis born about 1926
SchiffliHerbert Jborn about 1907
SchiffliJulius Gborn about 1921
SchiffliKathryn Mborn about 1884
SchiffliLenora Mborn about 1912
SchiffliLeo Fborn about 1917
SchiffliLucile born about 1922
SchiffliMagdalen Mborn about 1874
SchiffliMonica Mborn about 1917
SchiffliRita Hborn about 1922
SchiffliStanislaus born about 1920
SchiffliWilfred Mborn about 1913
SchlosserAugustine born about 1918
SchlosserBernard born about 1914
SchlosserChristine Mborn about 1915
SchlosserDorothy born about 1922
SchlosserFrank born about 1874
SchlosserJennie born about 1878
SchlosserJohn born about 1886
SchlosserLeo Aborn about 1909
SchlosserMichael born about 1878
SchlosserPaul Aborn about 1913
SchlosserTheresa born about 1889
SchlosserTyronnis born about 1915
SchullerCatherine born about 1918
SchullerEdd born about 1888
SchullerEdward born about 1922
SchullerKaty born about 1887
SchusterElla born about 1862
SchusterGeorge born about 1859
SchusterRalph Aborn about 1897
SchusterWilliam Mborn about 1898
SchweiterAlice Hborn about 1910
SchweiterJean Fborn about 1934
SchweiterLloyd Gborn about 1914
SchweiterWilson Wborn about 1908
SchweitzerCharles Hborn about 1904
SchweitzerEdith Lborn about 1884
SchweitzerEdwin Wborn about 1879
SchweitzerHazel Eborn about 1921
SchweitzerRaymond born about 1911
SchweitzerRobert Eborn about 1933
SchweitzerRowena Pborn about 1905
SeaglyGerald Jborn about 1900
SeaglyWannetta Bborn about 1897
ShadyFlorence Mborn about 1931
ShadyHarley Tborn about 1899
ShadyJanet Lborn about 1937
ShadyMae Fborn about 1898
ShaffstahlElizabeth born about 1876
ShawLida born about 1866
ShepardClark Cborn about 1899
ShepardGrace Hborn about 1910
ShepardSamuel Gborn about 1940
SherwoodAlice Vborn about 1903
SherwoodAnn Cborn about 1904
SherwoodBernice born about 1888
SherwoodBeverly Dborn about 1926
SherwoodDorothy Aborn about 1928
SherwoodElijah Pborn about 1871
SherwoodGeorge Eborn about 1896
SherwoodShirley Aborn about 1932
ShoemakerJames Rborn about 1917
ShoemakerJames Rborn about 1939
ShoemakerLucile Vborn about 1918
ShoemakerMahala born about 1861
ShoemakerMarie born about 1896
ShoemakerRussel born about 1896
ShoreDorothy born about 1904
ShoreDorothy Kayborn about 1939
ShoreJack born about 1924
ShoreJohn Mborn about 1902
ShoreJudith born about 1935
ShoreQuentin born about 1926
ShoudelCarl Jborn about 1914
ShoudelCeceila Kborn about 1908
ShoudelFrank Jborn about 1897
ShoudelFrank Mborn about 1894
ShoudelGenevieve born about 1909
ShoudelIda Eborn about 1887
ShoudelJohanna born about 1871
ShoudelJohn Mborn about 1885
ShoudelJoseph Lborn about 1892
ShoudelLena Cborn about 1885
ShoudelMartha Jborn about 1891
ShoudelMichael born about 1879
ShoudelRosena Fborn about 1919
ShullBeverly Aborn about 1935
ShullEdna Rborn about 1910
ShullEdwin Mborn about 1938
ShullFlorence Aborn about 1875
ShullGloria Dborn about 1934
ShullKenneth Cborn about 1911
ShullShirley Aborn about 1939
ShullThomas Wborn about 1873
ShumakerCharles Eborn about 1866
ShumakerCharles Fernborn about 1929
ShumakerDonald Eborn about 1925
ShumakerDonna Mborn about 1937
ShumakerMadolyn born about 1901
ShumakerRussell Hborn about 1921
ShumakerSeth born about 1897
ShumakerSeth Maxborn about 1927
ShumakerWayne Fborn about 1922
ShumanElmer Rborn about 1918
ShumanGrace Mborn about 1889
ShumanRoy Lborn about 1883
SkellyHarold Rborn about 1928
SkellyL Irisborn about 1923
SkellyRay Gborn about 1891
SkellyRebah Mborn about 1892
SlickElsa Mborn about 1892
SlickRobert Wborn about 1889
SmartLizzie born about 1881
SmithAlvin Lborn about 1888
SmithClarence born about 1878
SmithMarie Lborn about 1924
SmithMarilyn Jborn about 1939
SmithMartha Fborn about 1898
SmithPaul Mborn about 1898
SmithPauline Aborn about 1919
SmithRicky born about 1892
SmithVirgil Fborn about 1911
SmithW Delossborn about 1870
SmithWilliam born about 1921
SnyderEstella Cborn about 1879
SnyderJacob Frankborn about 1862
SparksPearle born about 1892
SparksVern Lborn about 1891
SpeiceCharles Eborn about 1870
SpeiceMary Cborn about 1876
StingleRobert Mborn about 1890
StingleVera Lborn about 1892
StommBeverly Jborn about 1934
StommCecil Rborn about 1896
StommGeraldine Mborn about 1924
StommHelen Mborn about 1927
StommHomer Wborn about 1904
StommRuth Eborn about 1899
StommZola born about 1903
StoyDean Aborn about 1932
StoyHope Eborn about 1910
StoyJane Eborn about 1934
StoyLydia born about 1867
StoyOtis Jborn about 1910
StrillBessie Bborn about 1897
StrillHarlin Iborn about 1934
StrillIra Hborn about 1891
StrillMona Jborn about 1932
StrillOro Jborn about 1920
StrillSusan Eborn about 1926
SwankCarl Jborn about 1891
SwankMargaret Eborn about 1918
SwankMyrtle Mborn about 1897
SwankRobert Eborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEva Mborn about 1900
TaylorRoscoe Cborn about 1921
TeegardenPetrie born about 1906
TetevesHenry born about 1866
ThomasMildred Iborn about 1928
ThomasOlvia born about 1868
ThompsonCarl Rborn about 1878
ThompsonElva Eborn about 1897
ThompsonFrancis born about 1922
ThompsonGlenn Sborn about 1922
ThompsonMary Eborn about 1884
ThompsonRoger Eborn about 1918
ThompsonWilliam Mborn about 1893
ThorpBud Vborn about 1934
ThorpDonald Lborn about 1938
ThorpMabel Lborn about 1915
ThorpNorma Aborn about 1936
ThorpVon Hborn about 1915
TrappFrederick Jborn about 1927
TrappLawrence Aborn about 1922
TrappMagdalina born about 1889
TroyerCloyd Dborn about 1884
TroyerDelano Cborn about 1934
TroyerJames Mborn about 1859
TroyerLetha born about 1916
TroyerMyrtle Lborn about 1890
TroyerVirgil Lborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanpeltLucy born about 1863
VanwestDonna Jeanborn about 1938
VanwestIda Gborn about 1905
VanwestWillard Aborn about 1905
VaughnClyde born about 1887
VaughnMyrtle Mborn about 1887
VaughnR A Montgomeryborn about 1910
VestalEmery Aborn about 1897
VestalWilliam Bborn about 1901
VianBeatrice born about 1898
VianEvangeline born about 1928
VianLetitia born about 1933
VianMartha Mborn about 1924
VianNaomi born about 1938
VianOscar Bborn about 1889
VianRiley born about 1931
VosburgBlen Tborn about 1887
VosburgFred Lborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerHenry born about 1877
WagnerJohn Lborn about 1880
WagnerMary Aborn about 1883
WagnerNorbert Pborn about 1919
WagnerRobert Iborn about 1919
WagonerDale Eborn about 1912
WagonerMary Eborn about 1877
WagonerSummer Bborn about 1873
WalkerBetty Jborn about 1938
WalkerCarl Lborn about 1909
WalkerClair Wborn about 1911
WalkerDonajean born about 1934
WalkerDora born about 1881
WalkerEarl Jborn about 1928
WalkerElizabeth Mborn about 1916
WalkerFrank born about 1877
WalkerHelen Nborn about 1906
WalkerKatherine Mborn about 1910
WalkerLynn Mborn about 1939
WalkerMarvin Rborn about 1929
WalkerMaud Lborn about 1880
WalkerPatricia Aborn about 1937
WalkerRussell born about 1905
WalkerWilliam born about 1877
WansdorferGeorge Aborn about 1866
WarstlerAda Mborn about 1911
WarstlerCleota Mborn about 1940
WarstlerClyde Aborn about 1936
WarstlerEarl Wborn about 1934
WarstlerGlenn Cborn about 1908
WarstlerMartha Jborn about 1929
WeidlerTerry Mborn about 1883
WernerDavid Lborn about 1905
WernerEugenia born about 1877
WernerJacob born about 1870
WernerPaul Aborn about 1914
WernerVirgillia Gborn about 1920
WernerWilford Mborn about 1922
WhitteyGeorge Eborn about 1910
WhitteyLenora Fborn about 1933
WhitteyRuth Aborn about 1934
WhitteyTheresa Aborn about 1915
WhysongDora Iborn about 1881
WhysongFred born about 1878
WilesCharles Lborn about 1901
WilesCharles Wborn about 1937
WilesJoyce Eborn about 1928
WilesLaverne born about 1930
WilesLuella Eborn about 1904
WilhelmEdith Mborn about 1902
WilhelmEdward Jborn about 1891
WilhelmHarold Rborn about 1928
WilhelmJohn Eborn about 1932
WilhelmLena born about 1861
WilhelmO Wayneborn about 1922
WilksBarbara Aborn about 1937
WilsonAlta Aborn about 1903
WilsonCharles Lborn about 1940
WilsonErva Mborn about 1923
WilsonFord born about 1901
WilsonMariene Eborn about 1921
WilsonMary Eloiseborn about 1926
WinesAnna born about 1878
WiseGertrude Cborn about 1882
WiseLee Rborn about 1884
WiseLeone born about 1887
WiseVern La born about 1886
WittigClarence Gborn about 1890
WittigJean Cborn about 1922
WittigNellie born about 1894
WolfeJohn Eborn about 1913
WolfeJulia Iborn about 1880
WolfeMary Aborn about 1909

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Y Surnames

YopstWilldred born about 1912
YostLewis Cborn about 1883
YostMary Mborn about 1884

Z Surnames

ZehrAlma Rborn about 1900
ZehrBenjamin Lborn about 1895
ZellJacob Hborn about 1880
ZellMary Eborn about 1884
ZiebelleWanda born about 1900
ZimmermanImo Eborn about 1907
ZimmermanJames Wborn about 1906
ZinnermanLevis born about 1865
ZircherAndrew born about 1871
ZircherMagdalen born about 1881
ZircherMichael born about 1908
ZurburgCarrie born about 1878
ZurburgWilliam Fborn about 1871

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