1940 U.S. Federal Census of Springfield in LaGrange County, LaGrange, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > LaGrange County > 1940 Census of Springfield in LaGrange County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdelineC Rborn about 1902
AdelineMarjorie born about 1904
AdelinePatricia born about 1926
AdelineSharan Annborn about 1931
AkeElmer born about 1919
AldrichBeulah born about 1911
AldrichFreddie born about 1907
AldrichJeanethe born about 1937
AldrichJoan born about 1936
AldrickFord born about 1915
AldrickViola born about 1912
AlwardIda born about 1896
AlwardMary Estherborn about 1933
AmandusChristie Jayborn about 1930
AmandusLeater Royborn about 1929
AmandusLeroy born about 1926
AmandusLydia born about 1905
AmandusMiller born about 1900
AmandusRichard Leoborn about 1934
ApplemanCecil Gborn about 1889
ApplemanCenil Wborn about 1936
ApplemanEugene born about 1934
ApplemanJessie Wborn about 1901
ApplemanKeith born about 1898
ApplemanNan Mborn about 1901
ApplemanNanita Kayborn about 1938
ArcherIna born about 1910
ArcherJames born about 1907
ArcherMary Annborn about 1869
ArnoldJay born about 1919
ArnoldMary born about 1924
ArnoldsCarol Jeanborn about 1929
ArnoldsClyde born about 1916
ArnoldsDavid born about 1873
ArnoldsDouglas born about 1933
ArnoldsJohn born about 1923
ArnoldsKathrine born about 1925
ArnoldsRobert born about 1934
ArnoldsTyna born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BairaAgnes born about 1887
BairaOra born about 1885
BairaSamuel born about 1912
BassettJonnita born about 1935
BassettLloyd born about 1894
BassettLucille born about 1896
BassettOrlando born about 1868
BassettRosa born about 1869
BayStella Mrs born about 1878
BayStephen born about 1906
BellClarence born about 1920
BellHarold born about 1922
BellIda born about 1873
BellJohn born about 1865
BerincourtHarvery born about 1883
BerincourtWilliam born about 1914
BlanchardS Bborn about 1861
BlanchardSusan born about 1862
BloughLevone born about 1938
BloughMarlowe born about 1933
BloughPauline born about 1914
BloughWilliam Hborn about 1910
BoggsBurdette born about 1933
BoggsFrank born about 1890
BoggsIdonna born about 1929
BoggsMatilda born about 1895
BolleyFred Eborn about 1891
BolleyLillie born about 1879
BolleyWilliam Fborn about 1870
BollingerNettie born about 1865
BoothCharles born about 1928
BoothDonald born about 1929
BoothIda Louborn about 1923
BoothJohn Mborn about 1895
BoothJohn Jr born about 1918
BoothLeafa born about 1900
BoothLowell Tborn about 1939
BoothNona Leeborn about 1925
BoothRita Anneborn about 1932
BoothWilliam born about 1922
BorntragerA Dborn about 1926
BorntragerClarence Jborn about 1939
BorntragerDan born about 1906
BorntragerFannie born about 1906
BorntragerIrene Sborn about 1929
BorntragerLee Andyborn about 1928
BorntragerMaynard Dborn about 1932
BorntragerMillie Annborn about 1936
BorntragerRoscoe Rborn about 1935
BorntragerSusan Rborn about 1931
BowanMary born about 1888
BowanVelma born about 1923
BowanWarren born about 1888
BoydGloria born about 1939
BoydGreta born about 1936
BoydJessie born about 1918
BoydWenzel born about 1913
BoydWenzel Jr born about 1938
BrasonHomer born about 1871
BrasonNancy Lborn about 1874
BrownFreda Annborn about 1931
BrownHerman born about 1892
BrownJoe born about 1932
BrownOpal Iborn about 1894
BrownReva born about 1912
BrownSharon Louborn about 1936
BrownWilliam born about 1899
BuchananArthur born about 1934
BuchananMaude born about 1909
BuchananRalph born about 1911
BuchananSandrs born about 1936
BurgerGlenn born about 1916
BurgerKeith born about 1939
BurgerRuby born about 1919

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C Surnames

CaldwellJess born about 1889
CaldwellJesse born about 1882
CaldwellJohn born about 1892
CaldwellSamuel born about 1853
CamersonHugh born about 1885
CanfieldEula born about 1897
CanfieldIda Maeborn about 1933
CanfieldJames Aborn about 1882
CanfieldLee born about 1926
CanfieldLloyd born about 1932
CarpenterJames born about 1874
CarrAdolphus born about 1892
CasbyAura born about 1904
CaseEvelyn born about 1924
CaseFranklin born about 1927
ChristnerMenao* born about 1920
ClineCharles born about 1888
ClineFlorence born about 1926
ClineHubert Mborn about 1916
ClineKeith born about 1935
ClineLattie Eborn about 1894
ClineMary Mborn about 1889
ClineSamuel born about 1938
ClineVern born about 1893
CollierCharles born about 1936
CollierDickie born about 1938
CollierFay born about 1909
CollierMarian born about 1916
CollierVera born about 1934
CollierVivian born about 1939
ConeyBarbaea Eborn about 1937
ConeyBessie Iborn about 1927
ConeyBetty Jborn about 1923
ConeyBuelah born about 1899
ConeyBuelah Juneborn about 1923
ConeyCharles Rborn about 1915
ConeyDale Fborn about 1922
ConeyGeorge Leroyborn about 1934
ConeyHerbert born about 1896
ConeyJohn born about 1871
ConeyLee Wborn about 1920
ConeyRobert born about 1882
ConeyThomas born about 1884
CookerlyA Bborn about 1884
CookerlyMargaret born about 1928
CookerlyZella born about 1894
CordEdward born about 1915
CosbyGrace born about 1919
CosbyJesse Eborn about 1939
CosbyMillard Aborn about 1935
CosbyOmer born about 1910
CosbyWanita born about 1937

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D Surnames

DaughtEverett born about 1920
DaughtOllie born about 1875
DietrichByron born about 1911
DietrichEdward born about 1938
DietrichRuth born about 1913
DietsGrace born about 1882
DietsSam born about 1879
DonifinFrancis born about 1885
DunbarBertha born about 1890
DunbarEdger born about 1909
DunbarGail born about 1939
DunbarJacob born about 1899
DunbarLuella born about 1910
DunbarMary Annborn about 1937
DunbarRobert born about 1922
DuntenDonadd born about 1929
DuntenHildred born about 1905
DuntenRoy born about 1893

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E Surnames

EaglesonAudrey Mborn about 1903
EaglesonBelle born about 1879
EaglesonDonnabelle born about 1925
EaglesonDonovan born about 1923
EaglesonKathryn born about 1929
EaglesonMaxine born about 1927
EaglesonRichard born about 1932
EaglesonS Everettborn about 1905
EaglesonWayne born about 1931
EderJoseph born about 1920
EderMarie born about 1889
EderWillia born about 1888
EmrickGeorge Mborn about 1889
EmrickGrace Bborn about 1888
ErnAnna born about 1864
ErnBetty Maeborn about 1926
ErnRubin born about 1859
ErnsbergerCecil born about 1889
ErnsbergerKatie born about 1888

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F Surnames

FairAden Wayneborn about 1938
FairBessie Bborn about 1890
FairBetty Louborn about 1934
FairEmelia born about 1921
FairGeorge born about 1883
FairGlen born about 1919
FairJennie Louiseborn about 1928
FairKathryn born about 1907
FairKathryn Rborn about 1930
FairLucy Ellenborn about 1859
FairMabel Eborn about 1884
FairMary Eborn about 1878
FairMary Janeborn about 1918
FairMerlin born about 1917
FairMillard born about 1903
FairRobert W Jrborn about 1917
FairRobert W Srborn about 1867
FairRoy born about 1884
FairThomas Wborn about 1875
FairWilliam Rborn about 1939
FairWillodean born about 1912
FallsMyrtle born about 1887
FastElva born about 1873
FaustClara born about 1875
FaustDaniel born about 1871
FaustDawm born about 1926
FaustLawrence born about 1932
FaustMaynard born about 1905
FaustZeta born about 1907
FellerAlfred born about 1903
FellerDavid born about 1933
FellerFrank born about 1877
FellerHarry born about 1939
FellerHarvey born about 1905
FellerMaynard born about 1918
FellerMinnie born about 1881
FellerRoger born about 1936
FellerWilda born about 1916
FellerWillah born about 1913
FishBelle born about 1896
FishJohn born about 1899
FishLoura born about 1875
FishRollen born about 1903
FishWilma born about 1910
FisherAnn born about 1877
FisherArthur Gborn about 1870
FlissarJohn born about 1885
ForkerErnest born about 1884
ForkerJohn born about 1890
FraherHobert born about 1925
FraherRalph Aborn about 1898
FraherWava born about 1897
FuerMaude born about 1878
FushHilda born about 1911
FushJames born about 1930
FushLawrence born about 1905
FushLawrence Jr born about 1931
FushRichard born about 1933

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G Surnames

GageFred born about 1898
GageMarrianna born about 1929
GageMina born about 1927
GageMonroe born about 1924
GageRobert born about 1936
GageRuth born about 1901
GannonDonald born about 1936
GannonDorothy born about 1923
GannonHarvey Eborn about 1893
GannonLouis born about 1916
GarletsAllen born about 1933
GarletsBelle born about 1893
GarletsBlanche born about 1893
GarletsCharles born about 1871
GarletsClayton born about 1882
GarletsClyde born about 1889
GarletsDonovan born about 1939
GarletsEmma Jborn about 1930
GarletsEunice born about 1915
GarletsEvelyn born about 1919
GarletsGilbert born about 1935
GarletsHalciom born about 1918
GarletsHamilton born about 1858
GarletsHarry Lborn about 1895
GarletsHerbert born about 1895
GarletsJanice born about 1937
GarletsJohn born about 1919
GarletsKathryn born about 1926
GarletsKenneth born about 1939
GarletsMary born about 1877
GarletsMaurice born about 1900
GarletsMeda born about 1870
GarletsMilton born about 1939
GarletsMonroe born about 1917
GarletsNathen born about 1938
GarletsRachel born about 1909
GarletsRuby born about 1906
GarletsShirley Annborn about 1932
GarletsZera born about 1891
GayClara born about 1878
GayWilliam born about 1875
GilbertEvelyn born about 1919
GilbertMaggie Bborn about 1890
GilbertOwen Gborn about 1887
GillespieAlberta born about 1865
GillespieJennie born about 1869
GillotsonElla born about 1897
GillotsonHarlow born about 1881
GoodpasterBessie born about 1911
GoodpasterDaniel born about 1880
GoodpasterDonie born about 1881
GoodpasterMary Jeanborn about 1928
GoodpasterWilliam born about 1907
GoodsellAndrew born about 1917
GoodsellClara born about 1890
GoodsellClifford born about 1885
GoodsellEula born about 1923
GoodsellEvelyn born about 1918
GrateAlbert born about 1875
GrateDprothy born about 1940
GrateHarman born about 1916
GrateNora born about 1919
GravitBlanche born about 1892
GravitRalph born about 1893
GreemanByron born about 1871
GreenawaltDonald born about 1920
GreenawaltElvie born about 1889
GreenawaltIda born about 1889
GreenmanAbbie born about 1881
GreenswaltAgnes born about 1907
GreenswaltCathrine born about 1859
GreenswaltCletus born about 1904
GreenswaltGertrude born about 1918
GreenswaltHoward born about 1906
GrubaughPatricia born about 1918
GrubbNellie born about 1882

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H Surnames

HaagBurdette born about 1930
HaagDavis born about 1922
HaagDean born about 1931
HaagDelbert born about 1925
HaagEdna born about 1896
HaagHerley Jr born about 1919
HaagJanet born about 1937
HaagJeanette born about 1937
HaagJoan born about 1928
HaagMargery born about 1923
HaagPhyllis born about 1934
HaagWilliam Hborn about 1889
HalfertyBonnie born about 1938
HalfertyDenton born about 1888
HalfertyDonald born about 1919
HalfertyFranklin born about 1922
HallArthur born about 1922
HallClara born about 1897
HallRaymond born about 1897
HarrisDorothy born about 1912
HarrisNeal born about 1908
HarrisRo Annborn about 1937
HarrisRuth born about 1939
HaskinsAlmon born about 1882
HaskinsBertha born about 1882
HaskinsElla born about 1881
HaskinsFred born about 1926
HaskinsGerald born about 1906
HaskinsHerbert born about 1920
HaskinsLena born about 1884
HaskinsLouis born about 1885
HaskinsMinnie Mborn about 1887
HaskinsWillis born about 1884
HawkJohn Lborn about 1865
HaywardClay born about 1885
HaywardMable born about 1886
HeltzelBeverly born about 1932
HeltzelDallas born about 1918
HeltzelDonnabelle born about 1925
HeltzelFoy born about 1932
HeltzelGertrude born about 1913
HeltzelGoytdel born about 1939
HeltzelLora Maeborn about 1935
HeltzelMilton born about 1888
HeltzelRalph born about 1909
HeltzelRobert born about 1937
HeltzelSylvia born about 1890
HeltzelVeda born about 1930
HentzellArthur born about 1883
HentzellArthur Jr born about 1922
HentzellCora born about 1894
HentzellMillard born about 1923
HiattBernice born about 1927
HiattBertha born about 1905
HiattHarry born about 1902
HiattMada born about 1931
HiattNadina born about 1865
HiattWilma born about 1933
HighClyde born about 1886
HighGladys born about 1886
HimesFerman born about 1913
HimesMadge born about 1912
HimesNed born about 1935
HitzEvan Wborn about 1883
HitzNellie Mborn about 1881
HitzWilliam born about 1881
HolsingerEllis born about 1895
HolsingerMarie born about 1896
HolsingerMary Marieborn about 1918
HoppClara born about 1880
HoppDavid born about 1912
HornerCharles born about 1905
HornerEarlene born about 1914
HostellerOrie born about 1911
HostellerRuby born about 1915
HouseBelle Wborn about 1872
HouseWilliam born about 1859
HoverterJohn Dborn about 1877
HoverterMelissa born about 1879
HoweAlbert born about 1890
HoweBetty Louborn about 1930
HoweNeva born about 1896
HowePhillis born about 1924
HoweRobert born about 1920
HuffC Daytonborn about 1916
HuffCharles Eborn about 1879
HuffHelen Rborn about 1913
HuffJohn born about 1939
HuffJohn Rborn about 1907
HuffMargaret born about 1880
HussEthel born about 1852
HussGlen born about 1884
HussOrva born about 1884
HussOrville born about 1879
HussStella born about 1885

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I Surnames

IddingsBarbara born about 1930
IddingsClara born about 1899
IddingsDonna Jeanborn about 1935
IddingsEleanor born about 1923
IddingsJoan born about 1927
IddingsJoyce born about 1928
IddingsOtie born about 1887
IddingsWarren born about 1898
IddingsWarren born about 1925
IddingsWilliam Jborn about 1875
ImmellFlay Louiseborn about 1929
ImmellGenevieve born about 1927
ImmellHazel born about 1904
ImmellMerlin born about 1902
IonyIrene born about 1902
IonyJohn born about 1894
IonyJohn Jr born about 1926

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J Surnames

JenningsBonnie born about 1934
JenningsElsie born about 1878
JenningsHenry Wborn about 1852
JenningsHomer born about 1877
JenningsLexie born about 1911
JenningsWalter born about 1911
JohnsonDema born about 1880

K Surnames

KahnCharles born about 1885
KahnDorothy born about 1924
KahnGeorge born about 1916
KahnIsabelle born about 1885
KahnRita born about 1918
KeagyAlice born about 1869
KeatingElva born about 1927
KeeferA Mborn about 1878
KeeferCarolyn born about 1924
KeeferCharles born about 1919
KeeferMary Annborn about 1856
KeeferNoma born about 1921
KeeferZola born about 1888
KellerLydia born about 1882
KellerSam born about 1872
KimballAvis Marieborn about 1927
KimballHarby Lborn about 1925
KimballHarry Rborn about 1923
KingCythia born about 1914
KingRalph born about 1909
KohnEsther born about 1922
KraushaarAgnes born about 1867
KraushaarAndrew born about 1864
KunceAmos born about 1905
KunceLeona born about 1903
KunceStanley born about 1931
KunceThomas born about 1939

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L Surnames

LancasterCara born about 1880
LancasterRalph born about 1890
LawerBetty Jeanborn about 1932
LawerCaralyn born about 1910
LawerClarabelle born about 1938
LawerDarthy Maeborn about 1929
LawerJanet born about 1936
LawerJustin born about 1909
LawerLee Donaldborn about 1939
LawerRuth Ireneborn about 1934
LawerVera Lborn about 1928
LawrenceJos born about 1916
LeasBertha Maeborn about 1908
LeasBetty Janeborn about 1929
LeasEarl Wborn about 1905
LeasKenneth born about 1936
LeasShirley Annborn about 1939
LeasWanda born about 1933
LevitzCarl born about 1927
LevitzEdith born about 1925
LevitzHerbert born about 1930
LevitzRosenia born about 1890
LewisBurton born about 1908
LewisCraig born about 1935
LewisDiane born about 1933
LewisHarvey Bborn about 1878
LewisKathryn born about 1908
LewisOlive Sborn about 1880
LewisSeneva Rborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MablyArchie born about 1936
MablyCharles born about 1929
MablyDenver born about 1932
MablyFrank born about 1914
MablyHarold born about 1928
MablyMarie born about 1935
MablyNellie born about 1902
MablyRachel born about 1939
MablyStella born about 1940
MablyVirgil born about 1930
MablyWilbur born about 1937
MagnusChester born about 1919
MartinJean born about 1918
MartinJudy born about 1938
MartinKeith born about 1916
MartinMarion born about 1910
MartinNancy born about 1937
MartinRobert born about 1906
MartinVesta born about 1890
MaugermanDale born about 1919
McCarkleHarry born about 1887
McCarklePearl born about 1890
McCormickCarl born about 1934
McElroyPhyllis born about 1925
McKenleyAbner born about 1876
McKenleySusie born about 1877
McKinleyClyde Cborn about 1890
McKinleyClyde Jr born about 1918
McKinleyElaine born about 1928
McKinleyEleanor born about 1928
McKinleyHattie born about 1892
McNettCharlene born about 1938
McNettJack born about 1933
McNettKathrine born about 1914
McNettMelvin born about 1913
McNobbBertha born about 1936
McNobbJames born about 1891
McNobbJames born about 1919
McNobbJosie born about 1894
McNobbMary Janeborn about 1929
McNobbMerl born about 1934
McNobbRobert born about 1932
McNobbWilliam born about 1925
MeckAlice born about 1865
MeckDwight born about 1870
MillemanHenry Aborn about 1910
MillemanHenry Jr born about 1931
MillemanMyrtle born about 1912
MillerAnna born about 1920
MillerAnna Maeborn about 1920
MillerArtur born about 1879
MillerBarbara born about 1918
MillerClara born about 1921
MillerCretta born about 1881
MillerDarlene born about 1929
MillerEdsel born about 1871
MillerElizabeth born about 1893
MillerElmeta Marieborn about 1938
MillerFreeman born about 1915
MillerGrace Eborn about 1939
MillerGuy born about 1925
MillerJohn Wborn about 1890
MillerPaul born about 1923
MillerRoy born about 1926
MillerRuby born about 1928
MillerSamuel Jborn about 1915
MitchelJimmy born about 1920
MonroeEdward born about 1887
MonroeLouise born about 1910
MooreBert born about 1878
MyersBen born about 1881
MyersDonald born about 1939
MyersKenneth born about 1915
MyersRaymond born about 1918
MyersRobert born about 1938
MyersVivian born about 1916
MynhierDorena born about 1929
MynhierHarold born about 1927
MynhierLaura born about 1896
MynhierMarvin born about 1921
MynhierMilbourn born about 1885
MynhierMildred born about 1925
MynhierOscar born about 1923
MynhierRobert born about 1933

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N Surnames

NelsonEldora born about 1878
NelsonJames Gborn about 1886
NelsonSamuel born about 1911
NettletonHiram born about 1884
NevelsDayton born about 1857
NevelsDoan born about 1901
NicodemusElsie born about 1915
NoffsingerJ Mborn about 1894
NoffsingerOpal born about 1898
NorthupClyde born about 1894
NorthupEvelyn born about 1919
NorthupFloyde born about 1939
NorthupGerald born about 1915
NorthupJuanita born about 1912
NorthupKathryn born about 1928
NorthupKenneth born about 1932
NorthupPaul born about 1939
NorthupRoger born about 1926
NotestineAnna born about 1874
NotestineCarl born about 1901
NotestineCharles born about 1912
NotestineEvangaline born about 1911
NotestineGordon born about 1932
NotestineHarold born about 1907
NotestineHelen born about 1915
NotestineHerman born about 1914
NotestineHildon born about 1927
NotestineJack born about 1934
NotestineKeith born about 1937
NotestineMabel born about 1905
NotestineMay born about 1878
NotestinePansy born about 1901
NotestineRobert born about 1915
NotestineStephen Rayborn about 1939
NotestineVirginia born about 1919
NotestineWayne born about 1902

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O Surnames

OlinghouseBert Bborn about 1861

P Surnames

PalineBurtice born about 1900
PalineCarol born about 1931
PalineClaude born about 1897
PalineClaude Jr born about 1925
PalineDonald born about 1920
PalineJune born about 1923
PalineRomana born about 1933
PantAlberta born about 1904
PantEvelyn born about 1926
PantHubert born about 1931
PantJoe born about 1904
PantRaymond born about 1928
PantRichard born about 1933
PantVivian born about 1925
ParkerBraceye born about 1923
ParkerBurdette born about 1921
ParkerDaniel Aborn about 1877
ParkerDeloyce born about 1920
ParkerHartence born about 1922
ParkerInez born about 1892
ParkerWillia born about 1933
ParrLelah born about 1895
ParrLloyd Eborn about 1894
ParterClarence born about 1915
ParterGeneva born about 1922
PaulusCecil born about 1931
PaulusClarence born about 1910
PaulusHilton born about 1933
PaulusIsabell born about 1910
PaulusSally Joanborn about 1937
PeiceLeonard born about 1884
PeiceMax born about 1916
PeiceNettie born about 1891
PeppersJames Oborn about 1894
PeppersJune born about 1926
PeppersNell born about 1897
PerkinsHoward Bborn about 1868
PerkinsLillian born about 1909
PerkinsLinda Leeborn about 1939
PerkinsMary born about 1871
PerkinsRoger born about 1903
PhillipsAnnie born about 1872
PhillipsDelbert born about 1869
PhillipsFrank Aborn about 1881
PhillipsMax born about 1915
PhillipsMyrtle born about 1883
PlaceJohn Hborn about 1860
PonteusClara born about 1895
PonteusLedger born about 1889
PonteusLedger Jr born about 1924
PonteusLester born about 1932
PonteusRobert born about 1929
PonteusVernoe born about 1926
PontiusBetty born about 1939
PontiusClaud born about 1934
PontiusPatty born about 1936
PowersAddis born about 1875
PowersMilo born about 1875
PrattBetty Lauborn about 1930
PrattFred Gborn about 1898
PrattGerald Fborn about 1939
PrattMary Janeborn about 1927
PrattMatie born about 1902
ProvancherFred born about 1880
ProvancherIda born about 1881
ProvancherMargaret born about 1920

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R Surnames

RandalAlbert born about 1900
RandalAmos born about 1931
RandalBetty Louborn about 1932
RandalEarl born about 1925
RandalFay born about 1924
RandalGeorge Hborn about 1891
RandalHarold born about 1920
RandalHuldah born about 1892
RandalKatherine born about 1929
RandalKathleen born about 1924
RandalMarcella Joanborn about 1935
RandalMarguerite born about 1927
RandalMary born about 1906
RandalMaude Mrs born about 1899
RandalMay born about 1924
RandalNancy born about 1927
RandalRaymond born about 1934
RandalThelma born about 1908
RandalWilliam born about 1864
RandalZopher born about 1890
RandalZopher Jr born about 1929
RansbottomLillie born about 1880
RawlesClinton born about 1862
RawlesMary Cborn about 1867
ReedJohn born about 1914
ReeseLeonard born about 1901
ReeseLillian Roseborn about 1935
ReeseMarhee born about 1910
ReeseRobert born about 1934
RichleCharles born about 1877
RichleRose Mborn about 1889
RileyNelson born about 1859
RinehartDavid born about 1890
RinehartGerald born about 1926
RinehartWava born about 1903
RobbinsElla born about 1868
RobbinsJames Mborn about 1860
RodmanMartha born about 1922
RodmanRay born about 1914
RodmanWalter born about 1937
RogersIda born about 1855
RoseArno born about 1909
RoseRichard born about 1939
RoseSylvia born about 1913
RosendaulMargaret born about 1933
RosendaulOtto Rborn about 1891
RosendaulRichard born about 1931
RosendaulThelma born about 1910
RyanDorothy born about 1912
RyanJohn Lborn about 1877
RyanL Dborn about 1882
RyanLamara born about 1874
RyanLeonard born about 1911
RyanNancy Jr born about 1937

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S Surnames

SailorsRalph born about 1922
SandersonFrank born about 1914
SandersonLeona born about 1915
SchoenauerDale born about 1929
SchultxChauncey born about 1873
SchultxLewis born about 1921
SchultxPhyllis born about 1924
SchultxVivian born about 1919
SchwormMargaret born about 1883
SchwormWilliam born about 1879
ScofieldDean born about 1935
ScofieldJoyce born about 1933
ScofieldKathleen born about 1913
SeabrunEsrher born about 1872
ShaferArnold born about 1927
ShaferDale born about 1924
ShaferLloyd born about 1900
ShaferLloyd Jr born about 1926
ShaferMabel born about 1903
ShaferMarjorie born about 1929
ShaferMartha born about 1931
ShaferVivian born about 1925
ShaffstallChauncey Nborn about 1874
SheidlerMary Mesborn about 1854
ShellhaasConrad born about 1868
ShellhaasGoldie born about 1926
ShellhaasLottie born about 1869
ShipeBelle born about 1880
ShipeCurtis born about 1874
ShipeLa Von born about 1934
ShipeLeola born about 1907
ShipeRussell born about 1899
SidenerAlice Rborn about 1921
SidenerBasil Dborn about 1931
SidenerClark Pborn about 1918
SidenerElizabeth born about 1894
SidenerMary Janeborn about 1935
SidenerPaul Jborn about 1919
SidenerRay born about 1887
SmithBernard born about 1924
SmithBessie born about 1938
SmithCarton born about 1937
SmithCharles Wborn about 1899
SmithDaisy born about 1896
SmithDon Wborn about 1931
SmithElsie Maeborn about 1934
SmithElva born about 1910
SmithFrank born about 1895
SmithFranklin born about 1922
SmithIrene born about 1928
SmithLa Von Elsonborn about 1931
SmithMary Mborn about 1912
SmithRollie born about 1935
SmithWebster born about 1874
SmithWenson born about 1901
SnowballEdward born about 1869
SnowballRachel born about 1855
SnyderJohn born about 1866
SowersFlorence Rborn about 1872
SowersJay Aborn about 1868
SpearErma Lborn about 1925
SpearMaude born about 1885
SpearRobert Dborn about 1883
SpearRobert Jborn about 1915
SpearowClifford born about 1896
SpearowEthel born about 1899
SpearowFlorence born about 1879
SpearowHarry born about 1912
SpearowJames Hborn about 1859
SpearowLuther born about 1919
SpearowRollin Eborn about 1876
SpearowWendell born about 1910
SpearsEffie born about 1874
SpearsGlova born about 1919
SpearsHenry born about 1877
SpearsWade born about 1915
SpersBarbara born about 1920
SpersEva born about 1891
SpersFrany born about 1918
SpersGuy born about 1893
SpiceRuth Mrs born about 1895
SteffeDarllas born about 1925
SteffeFrank born about 1866
SteffeFranklin born about 1927
SteffeGeorge born about 1857
SteffeMartha born about 1866
SteffeMyrtle born about 1887
SteinleyDavid born about 1882
StraupeClarence born about 1912
StraupeJerry born about 1935
StraupeLarry born about 1934
StraupeNancy born about 1939
StraupeRichard born about 1938
StraupeRose Aborn about 1913
StraupeShirley born about 1936
SturpsThelma born about 1898
SturpsW Bborn about 1904
StynerAlbert born about 1914
StynerDessie born about 1918
StynerJudith born about 1939
StynerNathan born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalmageAllen born about 1938
TalmageCarolyn born about 1929
TalmageCharlette born about 1933
TalmageDorothea born about 1910
TalmageErnest born about 1904
TalmageEvelyn born about 1925
TalmageMary born about 1934
TalmageNancy born about 1939
TalmageNellie born about 1904
TalmageNorma born about 1936
TalmageRussell Bborn about 1901
TenantGeorge born about 1879
TenantMartha born about 1882
TenantSherman born about 1923
TestersRay born about 1888
TestersSabrina born about 1889
ThomasEarl born about 1884
ThomasGeorge Wborn about 1868
TinglyCarl born about 1905
TinglyJune born about 1918
TroppBernice born about 1904
TroppFrank born about 1926
TroppMary Janeborn about 1936
TroppPerry born about 1884
TroppPerry Jr born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VailSally Annborn about 1936
VaughnAda Mborn about 1880
VaughnCharles born about 1875
VaughnClinton born about 1900
VaughnEmmitt born about 1904
VaughnJohn Dborn about 1929
VaughnKatherine Janeborn about 1931
VaughnMarilyn born about 1927
VaughnMary born about 1908
VaughnVeva born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeAnn born about 1931
WadeErwinh born about 1885
WadePansy born about 1902
WalheterAgnes born about 1907
WalheterWillis born about 1885
WeaverBertha born about 1897
WeaverLillie Mborn about 1880
WeaverMilo Hborn about 1877
WeaverPhilip born about 1929
WeaverRalph born about 1895
WeaverWillard born about 1926
WeibleHolland born about 1886
WeibleOscar born about 1863
WeibleRuth born about 1885
WeidleBetty Maxineborn about 1940
WeidleLucille born about 1914
WeidleRichard born about 1937
WeidleWalter born about 1914
WeidleWayne born about 1933
WeissAlvin born about 1896
WeissArlene born about 1924
WeissEva born about 1899
WeissJoyce born about 1889
WeissLeon born about 1919
WeissMaynard born about 1927
WeissSam born about 1887
WeissSam Eborn about 1921
WellhouserAlbert born about 1912
WherleyJoseph born about 1859
WherleyVinnie born about 1872
WildonElaine born about 1937
WildonGlen Cborn about 1897
WildonGlen Le Royborn about 1930
WildonHelen born about 1909
WildonLaraine born about 1937
WildonMerle born about 1927
WildonNorman born about 1933
WildonRalph born about 1939
WilsonAgusta born about 1882
WilsonAllie born about 1873
WilsonBedford born about 1917
WilsonClay born about 1876
WilsonClayton born about 1908
WilsonDelbert born about 1924
WilsonDon born about 1918
WilsonEarl born about 1897
WilsonEvelyn Maeborn about 1918
WilsonKathrine born about 1858
WilsonKathryn Janeborn about 1931
WilsonLois Marieborn about 1927
WilsonLydia Nevaborn about 1896
WilsonMurlin born about 1921
WilsonRobert born about 1879
WilsonRobert born about 1923
WilsonRoy Mborn about 1896
WilsonWalter born about 1910
WilsonWoodrow born about 1926
WissBernard born about 1939
WissBess born about 1885
WissDorothiy born about 1923
WissJohn born about 1884
WissJohn Jacobborn about 1920
WithamHarold born about 1911
WithamMillie born about 1902
WoodEleonor born about 1923
WoodHugh born about 1928
WoodJohn Rborn about 1890
WoodMargaret born about 1899
WoodsBill born about 1859
WormanGarlin born about 1897
WrbsterJack born about 1936
WundersBetty Louborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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