1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tarrfield, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Tarrfield

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertGeorge born about 1858
AlbertHatty born about 1892
AlbertJoseph born about 1912
ArmstongMary born about 1852
AsbargMarion born about 1874

B Surnames

BarbortDewey born about 1914
BarbortGlyde born about 1923
BarbortZella Annborn about 1939
BollerGeorge born about 1892
BollerKenneth born about 1938
BollerRobert born about 1934
BolserCharles born about 1906
BolserElsie born about 1907
BolsersLeroy Jamesborn about 1926
BolsersPauline born about 1936
BolsersRositz born about 1930
BolsersVelna Jeanborn about 1933
BowsherArelle Jborn about 1898
BowsherEmma born about 1925
BowsherLillian born about 1923
BrownArol born about 1907
BrownDixis born about 1939
BrownLillian born about 1917
BrownPattie born about 1937
BuidlerWilliam born about 1890
ByersElizabeth born about 1875
ByersWilliam born about 1896

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C Surnames

CaddeJames born about 1875
CaddeMay Mborn about 1867
ChesterNeedborn born about 1900
CochnowerWilhelmina born about 1873
CohenMary Aliceborn about 1907
CohenSiegmond born about 1905
CookA Maryborn about 1918
CookC Clydeborn about 1914
CookC Gborn about 1887
CookClolyne born about 1937
CookG Josephborn about 1916
CookH Maryborn about 1915
CookHarry born about 1908
CookJoseph Graceborn about 1939
CookPauline born about 1921
CookW Harneyborn about 1879
CoulterEdna Eborn about 1895
CoutterJames born about 1885

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D Surnames

DeaeyKickham born about 1900
DueGeorge Baytonborn about 1873
DyeAleice Annborn about 1932
DyeCharles Jr Iii born about 1929
DyeClarle born about 1900
DyeInez born about 1901
DyeJohn born about 1933
DyeNancy born about 1937
DyronSeib born about 1880
DysonNora born about 1898

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E Surnames

EllexB Ednaborn about 1877
EllinLaura born about 1894
EllixSamuel Jborn about 1876
EvansArathy* born about 1929
EvansCharles born about 1931
EvansCharlotte born about 1935
EvansElenora born about 1910
EvansElizabeth born about 1933
EvansHarry born about 1938
EvensCesil born about 1904

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F Surnames

FegerDonald Elwardborn about 1933
FegerMarlyn Joborn about 1939
FegerMary Josephineborn about 1908
FeyleRichard Stanleyborn about 1908
FlyanBelle born about 1875
FordAimie Mayborn about 1933
FordAnchor Philyborn about 1938
FordC Austeaborn about 1906
FordJany Annborn about 1934
FordNellie Christineborn about 1926
FordPauline born about 1928
FordRichard Deonborn about 1936
FordVola born about 1900
FosterFrederick Hborn about 1904
FosterGertrude Cborn about 1908
FosterPauline Ruthborn about 1933
FosterVirginia Lousborn about 1928
FunkEleanor born about 1914
FunkEugene born about 1932
FunkKenneth born about 1910
FunkMarjorie born about 1931
FunkNancy born about 1938
FunkRobert born about 1933
FunkRonald born about 1935
FunkWilliam born about 1936

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G Surnames

GaineySamuel born about 1900
GarongFred born about 1930
GarongHelen born about 1923
GarongJunior Pustonborn about 1926
GarongLavaen born about 1927
GarongMary Aliceborn about 1932
GeramonFred born about 1883
GriffigLoontine born about 1917
GriffigLowell born about 1940
GuffinA Lawanceborn about 1913
GuinayEdith born about 1921
GuisseyDorthy born about 1922
GulottOpal born about 1926
GulottViole Pborn about 1928
GunnyGoldin born about 1902

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H Surnames

HamiltonGordon born about 1931
HamiltonJessie Jr born about 1923
HamiltonJulia born about 1891
HamiltonMarjorie born about 1925
HamiltonMoser Mborn about 1887
HankinsAlice born about 1910
HankinsDeans* born about 1930
HankinsJ Aborn about 1909
HankinsJames born about 1932
HansonJanet Elenorborn about 1931
HeidsMary born about 1886
HeiksRobert born about 1923
HensonB Hazelborn about 1888
HensonM Georgeborn about 1876
HieksJohn born about 1920
HiskyGordon born about 1926
HiskyHerbert Franklinborn about 1930
HornBernard born about 1913
HornGlydia born about 1906

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J Surnames

JampRalph Sborn about 1902
JamsWilliam born about 1926
JanyWanda born about 1903
JohnsonGoldie born about 1888
JohnsonRose born about 1876
JohnsonWarren born about 1921
JohnsonWeston born about 1875
JohnstonBetty Jeanborn about 1929
JohnstonDolly Mayborn about 1932
JohnstonDoris Maxineborn about 1931
JohnstonEdith born about 1907
JohnstonJohn Ellenborn about 1928
JohnstonJohn Hborn about 1906
JohnstonMary born about 1926

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K Surnames

KafordS Earlborn about 1895
KedottBeulah born about 1922
KedottLucile born about 1924
KerlattIsabelle born about 1902
KitterCharles born about 1871
KitterMary born about 1879
KnsaidEmily born about 1904
KnsaidHilda born about 1916
KnsaidRaymond born about 1908
KnsaidRaymond born about 1936
KnsaidShelby born about 1939
KulottRobert born about 1933
KuntzNellie born about 1890

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L Surnames

LaidWalter born about 1922
LairtdFrank born about 1880
LarrtdJohn born about 1890
LauderbackClarence Wborn about 1926
LauderbackGlenn Wborn about 1922
LeibySarah born about 1881
LewsonHarry born about 1857
LewsonPhela born about 1863
LouderbackAlma Fborn about 1896
LouderbackPaul Fborn about 1917
LynorDonald born about 1919
LynorMilldred born about 1922

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M Surnames

MasioralJohn born about 1872
McKinnyRalph born about 1919
McMillenArthur born about 1917
McMillenEthel born about 1893
McMillenM Arthurborn about 1888
MellideLouis born about 1917
MontgomeryAlbert born about 1893
MontgomeryBillie born about 1930
MontgomeryEmma born about 1894

N Surnames

NeedhosnChester born about 1922
NeedhosnE Robertborn about 1925
NeedhosnMabel born about 1905
NicholsonGyuice born about 1883
NicholsonJohn Haroldborn about 1925
NicholsonLee Rayborn about 1920
NicholsonMary born about 1890
NicholsonPhilis Joneborn about 1930
NickelsonKenneth born about 1913
NickelsonKenneth Deanborn about 1935
NickelsonLucile born about 1915
NickelsonMajorie Fnerborn about 1937
NickelsonNancy Louborn about 1939
NickolsonErnest born about 1912
NickolsonMary born about 1915
NorthripIras born about 1890
NorthripMary born about 1883
NorthsupAudrey born about 1904
NorthsupMary born about 1924

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O Surnames

OplieAda Annborn about 1865

P Surnames

PruittPaul Camaranborn about 1873

R Surnames

ReadCatherine born about 1920
RollerGeorge Jborn about 1926
RosenthelB Merttyborn about 1921
RosenthelBeck Bborn about 1892
RosenthelHenry born about 1919
RosenthelM Jborn about 1880
RoyeA Williamsborn about 1916
RoyeBetty born about 1920

S Surnames

SchaltzBarbara Jeanborn about 1927
SchaltzFrank Bborn about 1929
SchaltzHarry Pborn about 1895
SchaltzJohn Cborn about 1931
SchaltzLillian born about 1897
ShearAnn born about 1883
ShermonBertha born about 1892
ShermonFouet Loustborn about 1933
ShermonFred Rborn about 1890
ShermonFred Jr born about 1917
ShermonHarry Paulborn about 1929
ShermonMartha Lowisborn about 1927
SheruOuen born about 1880
ShilderLeotz born about 1888
ShogerWalter Eborn about 1870
StingleRussell Cborn about 1893
SwansonEster born about 1926
SwansonHelen born about 1922
SwansonLorene born about 1927
SwansonMinford born about 1921
SwansonMonela born about 1887

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T Surnames

TeyordDorthy born about 1904
TeyordJ Tomasborn about 1934
TomanAnn born about 1919
TomanChristine born about 1924
TomanErnest born about 1914
TomanErnest Jr born about 1939
TomanImagene born about 1937
TomanMary Eborn about 1877
TomanMary Eborn about 1938
TomsonWilliam Fborn about 1877
ToryiseGeorge born about 1894
ToryiseStiele born about 1881
TynerR Johnborn about 1875

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V Surnames

VanderweenJohn born about 1880
VanderweenSamuel born about 1882
VanderweenWilliam born about 1923

W Surnames

WalterJames born about 1883
WhitaMary Pus??born about 1910
WhiteBashara Mayborn about 1932
WhiteDisjing Frankborn about 1935
WhiteJoan Marieborn about 1939
WhiteMary Aliceborn about 1931
WhitePatrricia Lousleborn about 1937
WilherpAlice born about 1865
WilliamW Georgeborn about 1881
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1881
WinorignHarold born about 1911

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Y Surnames

YeagerDenny born about 1933
YeagerDonna born about 1935
YeagerEdward born about 1906
YeagerVera born about 1909

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