1940 U.S. Federal Census of Turman, Sullivan, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Sullivan County > 1940 Census of Turman

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbellGene born about 1928
AbellHelena born about 1925
AbellLouise born about 1923
AbellMary Hborn about 1889
AbellMaude born about 1858
AbellRobert born about 1927
AbellRussel Jborn about 1888
AckersEli born about 1870
ActonAudrey born about 1921
ActonMark born about 1873
ActonRhea born about 1876
AdamsBonnie born about 1915
AdamsClay born about 1906
AdamsErnest born about 1904
AdamsHarry born about 1881
AdamsMarjorie born about 1919
AdamsNora Eborn about 1882
AdamsRobert Eborn about 1938
AlkireClyde Hborn about 1886
AlkireMaude born about 1875
AllisonSam Hborn about 1880
AllisonTracie Jborn about 1884
ArnettEdward Sborn about 1881
ArnettHomer Hborn about 1879
ArnettJudith born about 1887
ArnettRolla born about 1928
AveryJoe born about 1916

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B Surnames

BadgerAgro born about 1854
BadgerBluch born about 1891
BadgerEsther born about 1924
BadgerEunice born about 1925
BadgerFrank Hborn about 1886
BadgerHalcyon born about 1921
BadgerLowell born about 1928
BadgerMary Eborn about 1933
BadgerPhillip born about 1930
BaileyEdwin born about 1872
BaileyOda born about 1885
BakerBessie Fayeborn about 1938
BakerChloe born about 1896
BakerHallie born about 1905
BakerLester born about 1903
BakerLester Jr born about 1927
BakerSylvia born about 1925
BakerWilburn born about 1923
BantaClifford born about 1919
BantaEllen born about 1895
BantaHubert born about 1927
BantaJames born about 1916
BantaMrs Clifford born about 1921
BantaWilliam born about 1933
BasleyJohn Wborn about 1884
BasleyMay born about 1883
BellBarry born about 1892
BellBessie Idelborn about 1877
BellFlora born about 1873
BellForest Rborn about 1903
BellHarry Lborn about 1927
BellL Gborn about 1871
BellRoby Mayborn about 1905
BerryKeith born about 1931
BerryMary born about 1899
BerryPaul born about 1930
BicknellIrwin born about 1895
BicknellJudith born about 1866
BicknellLawrence born about 1890
BlacherElisa Annborn about 1890
BlacherWillie E Srborn about 1885
BlacherWillie Edward Jrborn about 1920
BlevinsChristina born about 1866
BlevinsJ Hborn about 1864
BluntClarence born about 1883
BluntIva Myrtleborn about 1887
BohnMercedes born about 1913
BohnWade born about 1910
BolesMarie Mborn about 1897
BolesWilliam Rborn about 1896
BollingerJerry Louborn about 1938
BollingerLucile born about 1914
BollingerMarcella born about 1939
BollingerMilford born about 1914
BondDonald born about 1938
BondGray born about 1935
BondJoe born about 1905
BondThelma born about 1912
BordersAchsa born about 1892
BordersGerald born about 1921
BordersJesse born about 1890
BordersJohn born about 1894
BordersKenneth born about 1932
BordersMaude Leeborn about 1869
BordersNorman born about 1923
BordersRuth born about 1899
BosstickAvarilla born about 1881
BosstickJohn Jborn about 1924
BosstickLeonard born about 1878
BottorffCharley born about 1873
BottorffMary born about 1881
BradburyEssa born about 1890
BradburyFaye born about 1915
BradburyJess born about 1887
BradleyEugene born about 1937
BradleyFern born about 1916
BradleyHerbie Leeborn about 1935
BradleyIvan born about 1913
BragdonJoe born about 1861
BragdonWilliam born about 1894
BrashierMalcolm Bborn about 1914
BrashierPatty Moynelleborn about 1938
BrashierWaldolane Eborn about 1915
BrentonEverett born about 1914
BrentonJoy born about 1920
BrownCharles born about 1863
BrownEdward born about 1860
BrownFern born about 1897
BrownHarry Mborn about 1870
BrownJohn born about 1897
BrownMary Eborn about 1855
BrownMyrtle born about 1874
BrownOra born about 1871
BrownRobert born about 1922
BrownRoberta Annborn about 1937
BrownRuth born about 1902
BrownSusanna born about 1916
BrownThruman born about 1928
BrownZenas born about 1896
BurkeAudrey born about 1905
BurkeBillie Allenborn about 1933
BurkeChloe Aborn about 1875
BurkeDorothy born about 1912
BurkeEloise born about 1927
BurkeEthel born about 1884
BurkeHarold born about 1903
BurkeMax born about 1906
BurkeOrren Kborn about 1872
BurkeRansom born about 1917
BurkeSharon Leeborn about 1937
BurkeWilliam Cborn about 1882
BurnettAnna Lborn about 1871
BurnettBilly Joeborn about 1930
BurnettC Eborn about 1877
BurnettIra born about 1894
BurnettJames born about 1910
BurnettJean born about 1935
BurnettJulia Cborn about 1903
BurnettLevi born about 1881
BurnettLucile born about 1914
BurnettMary Dborn about 1890
BurnettMary Eborn about 1873
BurnettMyrna born about 1936
BurnettSarah born about 1889
BurnettVigil born about 1888
BurnettW Aborn about 1891
BurnettWilliam Eborn about 1873
BurnettWilma born about 1939
BurtonAnna born about 1865
BurtonBertha born about 1884
BurtonBillie born about 1936
BurtonCarl born about 1890
BurtonCora born about 1902
BurtonDarrel born about 1933
BurtonDwight born about 1930
BurtonFlorence born about 1920
BurtonForest born about 1903
BurtonFrances born about 1892
BurtonGarland born about 1909
BurtonGeorge born about 1881
BurtonHerbert born about 1906
BurtonIsa born about 1911
BurtonJack Wborn about 1929
BurtonJay Michaelborn about 1940
BurtonJeanette born about 1927
BurtonJoe Rborn about 1931
BurtonMabel born about 1906
BurtonPearl born about 1889
BurtonRobert born about 1914
BurtonRobert Edwardborn about 1939
BurtonRose Maryborn about 1918
ButlerMittie born about 1883
ButlerRoscoe Eborn about 1883

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C Surnames

CampbellClaude Aborn about 1888
CampbellEmil born about 1916
CampbellHelen born about 1919
CampbellRuby born about 1921
CampbellVerna born about 1883
CanaryAlfred born about 1914
CanaryBlanche born about 1889
CanaryCarol born about 1928
CanaryJesse Aborn about 1885
CanarySharon born about 1931
CarterAlva born about 1900
CarterBertha born about 1912
CatonGeorge Fborn about 1886
CatonLuna Oborn about 1889
ChambersRamona Roseborn about 1930
ChowningDoris born about 1908
ChowningJohn born about 1937
ChowningMichael born about 1938
ChowningOrval born about 1906
ChowningPatsy born about 1936
ChristyAlma Eborn about 1882
ChristyHerbert born about 1886
ClarkAncil born about 1911
ClarkAndrey born about 1925
ClarkDelores born about 1930
ClarkDonald born about 1926
ClarkFloyd born about 1935
ClarkGerald born about 1915
ClarkJessie born about 1904
ClarkMamie born about 1893
ClarkNora born about 1908
ClarkNorman born about 1928
ClarkRueben born about 1887
ClarkRuth Joanborn about 1937
ClarkViolet born about 1913
ClarkWanda Fayeborn about 1936
ClenchClifford born about 1883
ClenchManford born about 1906
ClenchMyrtle born about 1888
ClickElizabeth born about 1860
ClickJay born about 1897
CoffmanElsie born about 1906
CoffmanGeorge born about 1887
CoffmanJohn Leeborn about 1932
CollierMarjorie Florenceborn about 1894
CollierOtho Oborn about 1870
CollierRalphleeton born about 1898
CollierThomas Leeborn about 1927
ColvinCharles born about 1917
CooleyBonnie born about 1891
CooleyEdward born about 1925
CooleyHelen born about 1923
CooleyMary Janeborn about 1920
CooleyMax born about 1927
CooleyThomas Sborn about 1932
CooleyWilliam born about 1881
CoppageBruce born about 1898
CoppageFrances Eborn about 1920
CoppageHarold born about 1915
CoppageHazel born about 1916
CoppageHelen born about 1880
CoppageKeith Wborn about 1924
CoppageKimberly born about 1939
CoppagePearl born about 1898
CoppageSandra Gayleborn about 1936
CoppageWilliam born about 1860
CorbinCandace born about 1862
CorbinMaurie Eborn about 1883
CorbinWilliam Oborn about 1881
CorderDonald born about 1889
CorderElmer Leeborn about 1920
CorrellGeorge born about 1912
CorrellLowden born about 1913
CoxAnn Eborn about 1936
CoxAnna born about 1880
CoxBilly Leeborn about 1933
CoxCharles Tborn about 1878
CoxCora Mayborn about 1898
CoxDale born about 1930
CoxEdward born about 1938
CoxEmma Ruthborn about 1900
CoxEtta born about 1873
CoxGerald Deanborn about 1931
CoxGolden born about 1894
CoxHarold Rborn about 1922
CoxJack Wborn about 1939
CoxJackson born about 1865
CoxJohn born about 1876
CoxLeon Russellborn about 1922
CoxLeonard born about 1927
CoxLois born about 1915
CoxLoran La Vernborn about 1926
CoxMargaret born about 1906
CoxMay Alicborn about 1924
CoxMilo born about 1901
CoxMinnie born about 1887
CoxMona born about 1892
CoxNoel Rborn about 1898
CoxPaul born about 1911
CoxRamond Nborn about 1929
CoxRobert Dborn about 1927
CoxRussell born about 1895
CoxWilmer Mayborn about 1928
CrossEugene born about 1923
CrossWaneta born about 1928
CroweJacqueline born about 1930
CroweJames born about 1886
CroweMargaret born about 1926
CroweNora born about 1891
CroweRobert born about 1932
CroweRobert Cborn about 1932
CroweRobert Jr born about 1909
CroweRobert Sr born about 1868
CroweVivian born about 1912
CruseGlenn Bborn about 1889
CruseRobert Mborn about 1886
CummingsArty born about 1888
CummingsMabel born about 1901
CushmanAnna born about 1874
CushmanKenneth born about 1909

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D Surnames

DanielsBessie Eborn about 1888
DanielsWilliam Bborn about 1878
DanielsWilliam Dborn about 1875
DavisAlonzo born about 1859
DavisLawrence born about 1913
DavisMargaret born about 1914
DavisTonita born about 1939
DeckardJean born about 1933
DeckardMary Wborn about 1906
DeckardRalph born about 1906
DeckardRosetta born about 1929
DenneyMinnie Mborn about 1874
DennonLilly born about 1878
DennonPhillip born about 1866
DepriestMadyline born about 1889
DepriestOmer born about 1893
DitzenbergerEffie born about 1876
DohnGarfield born about 1882
DohnGertha born about 1883
DownsEli born about 1876
DownsMargaret born about 1879
DudleyBilly Jouniorborn about 1929
DudleyGilbert Rborn about 1937
DudleyIrene born about 1910
DudleyJames Fborn about 1931
DudleyMary Elsieborn about 1932
DudleyRobert Fborn about 1935
DudleyWilliam born about 1896
DufferE Lborn about 1863
DufferHosea born about 1889
DufferJoe born about 1910
DufferJoy born about 1913
DufferLila born about 1932
DufferMary Agnesborn about 1938
DufferPatty born about 1934
DurhamRuth born about 1894
DurhamThomas Mborn about 1885

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E Surnames

EasterEugene born about 1930
EasterGatis born about 1903
EasterJerd born about 1900
EatonEthel born about 1896
EatonJohn Rborn about 1891
EdwardsHoward born about 1905
EdwardsHubert born about 1889
EdwardsMary born about 1867
ElliottJulia born about 1886
ElliottRuth born about 1925
ElloittCalvin born about 1919
ElloittRuth born about 1925
EnoCora born about 1868
EnoE Cborn about 1868
EnoElizabeth Eborn about 1870
EnoGlenn born about 1889
EnoGuy born about 1906
EnoHarold born about 1901
EnoHerbert born about 1904
EnoJosie born about 1880
EpplineAda born about 1880
EpplineWillard born about 1873
EvansChancey born about 1890
EvansEmline born about 1858

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F Surnames

FerreeBernice born about 1895
FerreeC Edwardborn about 1930
FerreeCarl Eborn about 1898
FerreeCharmain born about 1925
FerreeFrances born about 1937
FerreeHerman Cborn about 1926
FerreeLyndall born about 1922
FerreeRaymond born about 1936
FerreeSarah Eborn about 1898
FerreeWilliam Tborn about 1937
FlathCletis born about 1925
FlathHarry Rborn about 1900
FlathMelba born about 1927
FlathStella born about 1905
FontzDurham Jr born about 1923
FontzDurham Sr born about 1893
FontzPearl born about 1897
FountainClaire born about 1887
FountainJ Tborn about 1880
FoutzByron born about 1887
FoutzDorthy born about 1921
FoutzFern born about 1897
FoutzFern Ellenborn about 1933
FoutzFlyura born about 1896
FoutzMary born about 1882
FoutzMary born about 1924
FoutzMelvin born about 1899
FoutzNellie Fayeborn about 1930
FoutzRuth born about 1922
FoutzStella Mayborn about 1930
FoutzWill born about 1890
FrakesArlena born about 1892
FrakesJeanette born about 1920
FrakesMurry born about 1918
FromeJeanette born about 1900
FromeWilliam born about 1892
FusonFlora born about 1881
FusonFrank born about 1874
FusonGladys born about 1902
FusonOasby born about 1900
FusonRobert born about 1922

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G Surnames

GettingerJohn Dborn about 1924
GettingerJulia Aveborn about 1927
GettingerLeone born about 1891
GettingerMartha Janeborn about 1923
GettingerMary Louborn about 1929
GilbreathCarl Eugeneborn about 1929
GilbreathClarence born about 1908
GilbreathFleda born about 1910
GilbreathMary Kborn about 1932
GilbreathSusan Mborn about 1867
GilbreathTommy Leeborn about 1936
GilbreathWilliam Hborn about 1930
GodfreyBocil born about 1905
GodfreyImogene born about 1928
GodfreyJunior born about 1919
GodfreyMay born about 1907
GoffEva Joanborn about 1935
GoffGrace Lborn about 1894
GoffKenneth Wborn about 1922
GoffWillard Rborn about 1888
GorhamBillie born about 1927
GorhamElla born about 1864
GorhamHarold Lborn about 1933
GorhamMabel born about 1906
GorhamRay born about 1892
GorhamRuth born about 1901
GorhamWilliam born about 1897
GrayAgnes born about 1925
GrayArthur born about 1917
GrayBen Hborn about 1890
GrayBertha born about 1879
GrayDorothy born about 1904
GrayElmer born about 1914
GrayFaye born about 1895
GrayUrbanus born about 1884
GrayWilliam Hborn about 1878
GreenJohn born about 1859
GrimesBilly Wayneborn about 1932
GrimesElla born about 1924
GrimesFelix born about 1884
GrimesFelix Jr born about 1927
GrimesGertude born about 1901
GrimesJack Eborn about 1928
GrimesNora Louiseborn about 1935

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H Surnames

HaddixBilly born about 1926
HaddixCharley born about 1932
HaddixMadeline born about 1905
HaddixRay born about 1900
HainesLa Verne born about 1922
HainesNellie born about 1898
HainesNorma Jeanborn about 1926
HainesOcie born about 1895
HainesRuth born about 1867
HaleBilly Joeborn about 1927
HamblinRobert born about 1928
HamiltonAlbert born about 1933
HamiltonAnn born about 1897
HamiltonDonald born about 1926
HamiltonEugene born about 1928
HamiltonFranklin born about 1940
HamiltonHelen born about 1923
HamiltonSamuel born about 1893
HardinCharles Hborn about 1871
HardinCharles Wborn about 1922
HardinClarkie born about 1880
HardinDalia Marieborn about 1919
HardyBarbara Jeanborn about 1934
HardyCharles born about 1904
HardyFloyd born about 1906
HardyKathrine born about 1914
HarrisAlma born about 1896
HarrisBetty Jeanborn about 1935
HarrisBillie born about 1935
HarrisCharles born about 1870
HarrisCharles born about 1877
HarrisCharles born about 1932
HarrisDorothy born about 1930
HarrisEarline born about 1925
HarrisElda born about 1890
HarrisEmma born about 1880
HarrisEmmerson born about 1912
HarrisEnid born about 1914
HarrisInez born about 1906
HarrisJesse born about 1888
HarrisJulia born about 1854
HarrisLenora born about 1927
HarrisMabel born about 1920
HarrisMarjorie born about 1928
HarrisMary Fborn about 1923
HarrisMaxine born about 1922
HarrisRalph born about 1905
HaydenBernice born about 1919
HaydenBertha born about 1902
HaydenBetty Janeborn about 1927
HaydenBilly Joeborn about 1938
HaydenErnest born about 1912
HaydenFloyd born about 1918
HaydenGeorge Dborn about 1899
HaydenGerald Leeborn about 1937
HaydenHarold born about 1923
HaydenJacob Eborn about 1923
HaydenJames Oborn about 1920
HaydenJohnathon born about 1940
HaydenLura born about 1890
HaydenMarjorie born about 1929
HaydenMary Louiseborn about 1929
HaydenMattie Mborn about 1902
HaydenOral born about 1894
HaydenPaul born about 1914
HaydenPauline born about 1928
HaydenRobert Dborn about 1938
HaydenUral born about 1885
HaydenVernon born about 1898
HeckElmer born about 1870
HopewellAlexandria born about 1906
HopewellDavid born about 1902
HopewellDavid Jr born about 1923
HopewellFloyd Albertborn about 1930
HopewellJohn Lborn about 1924
HopewellLloyd Alfredborn about 1930
HopewellPhylis Annborn about 1937
HornerBertha born about 1880
HornerForest born about 1912
HornerHarold born about 1921
HosemanCharles born about 1911
HouptCharles Wborn about 1878
HouptEdna born about 1880
HouptRose born about 1873
HowkGeorge born about 1895
HowkLelah born about 1899
HuffAgnes Aborn about 1899
HuffAlic Mayborn about 1882
HuffBertha Cborn about 1879
HuffCarl born about 1936
HuffCharles Wborn about 1890
HuffDavid Eborn about 1902
HuffDonald Rborn about 1936
HuffDonnie born about 1936
HuffDoris Jborn about 1930
HuffEdith born about 1926
HuffElipn Wborn about 1901
HuffErnestine born about 1933
HuffEugene born about 1928
HuffFrances born about 1921
HuffFrank born about 1919
HuffGlady Rborn about 1904
HuffGlen born about 1917
HuffHarold Lborn about 1919
HuffHelen born about 1922
HuffHelen Eborn about 1905
HuffHershel born about 1902
HuffJames born about 1911
HuffJames Wborn about 1879
HuffJoseph Aborn about 1902
HuffJoseph Cborn about 1926
HuffJune Cborn about 1892
HuffLailie born about 1921
HuffLaurence born about 1899
HuffLilly Fborn about 1875
HuffLink born about 1911
HuffLoris Mborn about 1922
HuffLouis born about 1924
HuffLoyde born about 1936
HuffLucile born about 1932
HuffMartha born about 1899
HuffMaxine born about 1922
HuffPaul Wborn about 1912
HuffPauline born about 1917
HuffPhillis Jborn about 1939
HuffRamond born about 1920
HuffRobert born about 1931
HuffRobert Rborn about 1932
HuffTheodosia born about 1874
HuffW Hborn about 1864
HuffWayne born about 1928
HuffWilliam born about 1872
HuffmanWilliam born about 1883
HumpherysH Fborn about 1900
HumpherysJessenia born about 1886
HumpherysPearl born about 1897

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I Surnames

IrvingAlta born about 1909
IrvingBobby born about 1934
IrvingCarol born about 1931
IrvingHarold born about 1907

J Surnames

JaredAlice born about 1925
JaredCarl born about 1904
JaredDennis born about 1938
JaredJames born about 1923
JaredNellie born about 1931
JaredRonald born about 1939
JaredThelma born about 1904
JeffriesNettie Jborn about 1869
JeffriesPercy Lborn about 1875
JohnsonAnna Bborn about 1873
JohnsonBetty Joeborn about 1930
JohnsonEdward born about 1912
JohnsonElizabeth born about
JohnsonMalinda born about 1888
JohnsonSant born about 1908
JohnsonSant Jr born about 1931
JohnsonSarah born about 1917
JohnsonThomas Wborn about 1868
JohnstonCarl born about 1880
JonesDelores born about 1918
JonesRobert Jr born about 1938
JonesRobert Sr born about 1916
JonesSharon born about 1939
JosephAmbrose born about 1880
JosephBilly born about 1928
JosephDennis born about 1937
JosephFredia born about 1924
JosephJohn born about 1876
JosephMarilyn Sueborn about 1938
JosephNaomi born about 1913
JosephPatricia born about 1925
JosephWilliam born about 1900

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K Surnames

KarnsAbbie born about 1884
KarnsHarris born about 1922
KarnsHarry born about 1887
KarnsRuth born about 1922
KasingerClay born about 1922
KasingerErnest born about 1927
KasingerHomer born about 1898
KasingerMary Elsiaborn about 1925
KasingerMelbourne born about 1918
KasingerNinas born about 1896
KelleyMinnie born about 1875
KellyHerbert born about 1882
KellyJohn Grayborn about 1919
KellyLee Royborn about 1890
KellyLucy born about 1888
KellyMaude born about 1883
KellyNellie born about 1888
KellyNellie born about 1891
KellyRoy born about 1888
KinnettBarbara born about 1937
KinnettDonna Raeborn about 1935
KinnettGladys born about 1911
KinnettGrace born about 1918
KinnettHarold born about 1908
KinnettJames born about 1912
KinnettJohn born about 1876
KinnettLa Vera born about 1911
KinnettLarry Geneborn about 1938
KinnettLeo born about 1906
KinnettO Eborn about 1875
KinnettPatricia Leeborn about 1933
KinnettRaymond Geneborn about 1937
KnewElma born about 1912
KnewLeona born about 1919
KnightLottie born about 1861
KnoxClarence born about 1921
KnoxGrace Jborn about 1881
KnoxHarry Rborn about 1875
KrauseGlenn born about 1891
KrauseJoe born about 1889

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L Surnames

LadukeFlorence born about 1914
LadukeLeon born about 1914
LadukeNorman born about 1938
LardJohn Hborn about 1865
LardMary Fborn about 1871
LarrithersNora born about 1878
LaugharyCarol born about 1937
LaugharyDonald born about 1915
LaugharyDonald Le Rayborn about 1940
LaugharyDorothy born about 1920
LaugharyShirley born about 1936
LaughreyDaisy born about 1881
LaughreyEverett born about 1880
LawheadC Bborn about 1875
LawheadCarl Bborn about 1913
LawheadTressie Annborn about 1876
LaytonEva born about 1895
LaytonGrace Cborn about 1888
LaytonGrover Jr born about 1920
LesterJohn born about 1854
LesterMay born about 1886
LesterNancy Jborn about 1857
LesterObe born about 1877
LesterRalph born about 1922
LesterRess born about 1879
LundLauran Francesborn about 1917
LundLeah Rayborn about 1938
LundMary Joborn about 1924
LundRuby Jborn about 1894
LundWilliam Rayborn about 1890

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M Surnames

MaloneFrieda born about 1934
MaloneRandal born about 1932
MaloneViolet born about 1910
MaloneWilliam Mborn about 1909
MankKatherine born about 1925
MannThomas born about 1898
MartinCaroline Maeborn about 1932
MartinMae born about 1898
MartinMarilyn Leeborn about 1934
MartinRose Marieborn about 1929
MartinVernon born about 1896
McClineBerd born about 1892
McClineGlenora born about 1927
McClineMalcolm born about 1916
McClineRay Fborn about 1893
McClineRoss born about 1923
McCordEthel born about 1884
McCordJames Rev born about 1878
McCordJoe born about 1925
McCordKenneth born about 1921
McDonaldBurl born about 1923
McDonaldClaude born about 1893
McDonaldMary born about 1900
McElwainEarl born about 1908
McElwainJimmie born about 1937
McElwainMaryln Ruthborn about 1939
McElwainRuby born about 1916
McGraffClaude born about 1929
McGrewFliesley born about 1879
McKinleyClara born about 1880
McKinleyLucille born about 1917
McKinleyW Rborn about 1879
McKinleyW Tomborn about 1937
McKinleyWoodrow born about 1913
McKinneyMyrtle born about 1878
McNabbHarve Cborn about 1858
MeansCharles Hborn about 1892
MeansOpal born about 1897
MedskerAlice born about 1915
MedskerAllen born about 1939
MedskerBertha born about 1893
MedskerChristine born about 1912
MedskerEugene born about 1913
MedskerJesse born about 1869
MedskerJohanna born about 1880
MedskerLila born about 1886
MedskerRobert born about 1903
MedskerShan Dehartborn about 1936
MedskerThomas born about 1881
MeekCharolette born about 1929
MeekClay born about 1880
MeekDella born about 1888
MeekManlif born about 1924
MilamFrances born about 1917
MilamLee born about 1911
MonkCommodore born about 1886
MonkEarl born about 1905
MonkEsther born about 1885
MonkIrma born about 1906
MonkMary Edithborn about 1921
MonroeDarrel born about 1928
MonroeJames Rborn about 1890
MonroeJosephine born about 1916
MonroeJudith Ellanborn about 1940
MonroeLex born about 1914
MonroeMartha born about 1891
MonroePhyliss born about 1935
MonroeRichards Abnerborn about 1875
MonroeRobert born about 1922
MooreJordon Pborn about 1860
MooreMargaret born about 1859
MooreNellie born about 1898
MoreBille born about 1936
MorkFern born about 1901
MorkGolden born about 1896
MorkJohn Richardborn about 1928
MosesBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
MosesBetty born about 1929
MosesCambel born about 1911
MosesEdith born about 1911
MosesGeorge born about 1902
MosesMary born about 1908
MosesPhyllis born about 1933
MosesRuth born about 1930
MosesWilliam born about 1909
MosesZora born about 1905
MurdockClarence Wborn about 1889
MurdockHerbert Lynnborn about 1926
MurdockLaura Joyceborn about 1930
MurdockMary Katherineborn about 1903
MurphyMaureen born about 1924
MyersBen Fborn about 1865
MyersIvy born about 1896
MyersJacob born about 1867
MyersMinnie Aborn about 1870
MyersRoy born about 1891

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N Surnames

NealDavid Lborn about 1863
NealWalter born about 1899
NeesJerome born about 1868
NesmithManta born about 1871
NilsonDorothy born about 1906
NilsonFrances Eborn about 1937
NilsonHarold Eborn about 1929
NilsonJohn Jborn about 1904
NilsonRose Maryborn about 1933
NoahGlen born about 1895
NoahJohn born about 1939
NoahMax born about 1929
NoahNellie born about 1908
NowliaEmmett born about 1892
NowliaFern born about 1893
NowliaSteven Mborn about 1935
NowlinArchie Mborn about 1903
NowlinEssie born about 1888
NowlinLilly born about 1876
NowlinW Bborn about 1883

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O Surnames

OgleCharles Cborn about 1923
OgleJames Cborn about 1922
OgleLucy Cborn about 1940
OgleMarion born about 1924
OgleOliver born about 1895
OrmistonArthur born about 1901
OrmistonCharles born about 1912
OrmistonFred Lborn about 1875
OrmistonJessie born about 1914
OrmistonJosephine born about 1938
OrmistonLeon born about 1917
OrmistonLouis born about 1898
OrmistonLyman born about 1896
OrmistonMargaret born about 1921
OrmistonPeggy born about 1881
OrmistonRodger born about 1934
OsburnBarbara Annborn about 1933
OsburnBessie born about 1914
OsburnBetty Sueborn about 1938
OsburnCharles Eborn about 1899
OsburnClarence born about 1895
OsburnEuna Tborn about 1866
OsburnEvelyn Annborn about 1930
OsburnFrank Pborn about 1897
OsburnGoldie Eborn about 1898
OsburnHazel born about 1907
OsburnHelen Gborn about 1906
OsburnJames Eborn about 1922
OsburnJuie born about 1879
OsburnMary Helenborn about 1927
OsburnMaurice born about 1906
OsburnMinnie born about 1881
OsburnPauline Aborn about 1901
OsburnW Fredborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettBeverly Joeborn about 1939
PadgettCaleb born about 1880
PadgettHubert born about 1925
PadgettMargaret born about 1907
PadgettMaude born about 1906
PadgettNorma Deanborn about 1928
PadgettOtto born about 1902
PadgettVirginia born about 1924
ParrGirtha Mborn about 1894
ParrJohn Eborn about 1884
ParrRoss Aborn about 1914
ParrousAbbie Louiseborn about 1925
ParrousAlvine born about 1861
ParrousDorthy Elizabethborn about 1922
ParrousFranklin Jborn about 1934
ParrousGilbert born about 1898
ParrousJeanette born about 1896
ParrousMary Fborn about 1928
ParrousRay Dborn about 1932
ParrousThomas Cborn about 1929
ParrousWilbur born about 1926
PattersonJunior born about 1924
PattonAnna Loisborn about 1928
PattonAnnie born about 1870
PattonBernice born about 1900
PattonClarence born about 1881
PattonFrank born about 1889
PattonJennie Ireneborn about 1886
PattonJohn Freemanborn about 1937
PattonJulia born about 1867
PattonLe Nora born about 1905
PattonMargaret born about 1860
PattonOren born about 1898
PattonRussell born about 1904
PattonTressa born about 1895
PayneAlva Eborn about 1897
PayneAlva Wayneborn about 1923
PayneElsie Mborn about 1927
PayneEthel Marieborn about 1919
PayneJoe Earlborn about 1925
PayneMarjorie Ellenborn about 1933
PayneMyrtle Elsieborn about 1894
PeakElmer Cborn about 1898
PeakRuby Lborn about 1902
PenningtonAlonza born about 1861
PhillipJames born about 1899
PhillipsCharlottee born about 1931
PhillipsClaude born about 1868
PhillipsClint born about 1864
PhillipsDale born about 1935
PhillipsEtta born about 1874
PhillipsFred born about 1875
PhillipsHelen born about 1901
PhillipsJenny born about 1867
PhillipsLeo born about 1902
PhillipsMarshall born about 1911
PhillipsPauline born about 1917
PhillipsPhillis born about 1937
PhillipsRobert born about 1934
PiersonW Fborn about 1871
PietyKathern born about 1861
PiggsClinton Eborn about 1878
PiggsEmma born about 1878
PiggsJulia Mayborn about 1880
PiggsLou born about 1872
PiggsMarian born about 1903
PinkstonAlice born about 1936
PinkstonBeverly Roseborn about 1938
PinkstonFlossie born about 1902
PinkstonGene Wilsonborn about 1934
PinkstonJackie Leeborn about 1936
PinkstonJeneva born about 1912
PinkstonLorene born about 1918
PinkstonLoretta born about 1933
PinkstonMalcom born about 1921
PinkstonMarie born about 1910
PinkstonMiles Eborn about 1912
PinkstonPatricia born about 1934
PinkstonPaul born about 1911
PinkstonRay born about 1897
PinkstonRobert born about 1927
PinkstonRollie born about 1898
PlewArther born about 1886
PlewGeorgia born about 1888
PlewHolford born about 1918
PoeAlbert Aborn about 1884
PoeClaude born about 1885
PoeEdgar born about 1912
PoeEvelyn born about 1934
PoeFlora Iborn about 1883
PoeJessie born about 1886
PoeMadge born about 1893
PoeNorma Louborn about 1932
PoePhyllis born about 1937
PoeRichard Allenborn about 1939
PoeRosella born about 1915
PoundEdna born about 1896
PoundHalcyon born about 1897
PoundIrma born about 1892
PoundW Hborn about 1865
PoundsClaude born about 1895
PoundsFrank born about 1932
PoundsHilda born about 1921
PoundsLeora born about 1897
PoundsVern born about 1918
PrinceLevy born about 1886
PrinceLina born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RainesC Conwayborn about 1915
RainesJoe Claudeborn about 1882
RainesMargaret born about 1882
RainesMary Ellenborn about 1905
RankinDavis born about 1879
RankinFlemen born about 1871
RankinJames born about 1904
RankinKathleen born about 1922
RansfordAlsanah born about 1871
RansfordCommodore born about 1873
RansfordEmery Leoborn about 1928
RansfordEmma born about 1867
RansfordEmma born about 1869
RansfordEva born about 1905
RansfordHarry born about 1917
RansfordJohn Williamborn about 1930
RansfordMildred born about 1919
RansfordRobert born about 1939
RansfordRoss born about 1904
RansfordW Aborn about 1858
RansfordWanda Louborn about 1935
ReynaldsDonald Rayborn about 1939
ReynaldsEarnest Eborn about 1908
ReynaldsLoreta born about 1917
ReynoldsElizabeth born about 1856
RichardsonFloyd born about 1899
RichardsonGeorge Cborn about 1876
RichardsonJewell born about 1910
RichardsonMary Janeborn about 1888
RidgewayCharley Oborn about 1890
RidgewayHelen born about 1894
RidgewayHervey born about 1897
RidgewayJerusha born about 1866
RidgewayLilly Eborn about 1890
RidgewayNora Aborn about 1880
RidgewaySam Dborn about 1858
RiggsIra Eborn about 1899
RiggsMary Fborn about 1880
RiggsRuby born about 1899
RileyEdna born about 1899
RileyRoy born about 1901
RobertsRichard born about 1920
RobertsonGrover Eborn about 1889
RobertsonLola born about 1892
RobertsonMelba born about 1922
RobertsonNorman born about 1917
RobertsonNorman Tborn about 1939
RobertsonRay Rborn about 1914
RobertsonVirginia born about 1922
RumpleAmy born about 1901
RumpleArthur born about 1921
RumpleClayton born about 1897
RumpleLester born about 1927
RylandBertha born about 1878
RylandEddy born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SelfNaomi born about 1900
SelfOren born about 1892
SetzerFannie born about 1881
SetzerHarold born about 1900
SetzerJohn born about 1872
SetzerMabel born about 1900
SharpCora Eborn about 1896
SharpFloyd Nborn about 1916
SharpFranklin Delusborn about 1934
SharpHugh Wborn about 1893
SharpWilliam Fborn about 1923
SheperdBruce born about 1935
SheperdDonald born about 1938
SheperdForest born about 1914
SheperdSusan born about 1934
SheperdWanda born about 1914
ShepherdDelbert born about 1904
ShepherdDorothy born about 1920
ShepherdEthel born about 1889
ShepherdFloyd born about 1883
ShepherdLois Louborn about 1921
ShepherdMary Louborn about 1921
ShepherdMerle born about 1917
ShepherdNorma Jeanborn about 1925
ShepherdZella Maeborn about 1929
ShewBarbara born about 1918
ShieldsClyde born about 1877
ShieldsElnora born about 1921
ShieldsLois born about 1908
ShieldsMaria born about 1882
ShyrockCommodore born about 1920
ShyrockEverett born about 1894
ShyrockHelen Janeborn about 1928
ShyrockJohn Cborn about 1921
ShyrockLoren Rayborn about 1927
ShyrockMary Lauborn about 1930
ShyrockRobert Leeborn about 1924
ShyrockSarah Janeborn about 1893
SimmonsJoe born about 1882
SinclairBessie born about 1889
SinclairHerbert born about 1886
SluderAda Aliceborn about 1893
SluderCharles Lborn about 1893
SluderDonald Deanborn about 1924
SluderLee Otisborn about 1933
SmedesCarlson Sueborn about 1935
SmedesDonald Dborn about 1937
SmedesFred born about 1897
SmedesThavia born about 1913
SouthsmithCarol born about 1935
SouthsmithDavid born about 1930
SouthsmithDorothy born about 1903
SouthsmithGeorge born about 1927
SouthsmithJoe Sborn about 1862
SouthsmithMarjorie born about 1924
SouthsmithPerry born about 1898
SouthsmithRobert born about 1925
StanleyBetty born about 1922
StanleyErnest Lborn about 1896
StanleyEthel Iborn about 1896
StanleyFlorence born about 1893
StanleyFred Oborn about 1891
StanleyGilbert Eborn about 1923
StanleyMarjorie Oborn about 1939
StanleyRichard born about 1927
StanleyRodman Eborn about 1926
SteeleHelen born about 1919
SteeleRaymond born about 1920
StelleDolly Wborn about 1935
StelleJ Eborn about 1882
SterleMax born about 1917
SterlePatricia born about 1931
SterleVera born about 1891
SterleWalter Eborn about 1890
StewartC Eborn about 1874
StewartHarold Rayborn about 1936
StewartHubert born about 1920
StewartJames born about 1914
StewartLida born about 1915
StewartMarilyn Aborn about 1938
StewartRichard Eborn about 1934
StewartVernah born about 1910
StrainHattie born about 1872
StreetEvelyn born about 1928
StreetGarland born about 1909
StreetJohn Chesterborn about 1886
StreetLarraine born about 1927
StreetLola Maeborn about 1887
StreetNancy Carolborn about 1938
StreetSarah Fborn about 1918
SwisherCarl born about 1909
SwisherCaroline born about 1934
SwisherOpal born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TagueEugene born about 1930
TagueHelen Mborn about 1907
TaguePeggy Leeborn about 1929
TagueRay Eborn about 1904
TagueRoy Edward Jrborn about 1936
TagueShirley Anneborn about 1937
TaylorCassius born about 1905
TaylorGilbert born about 1933
TaylorLe Roy born about 1932
TaylorMadeline born about 1914
TaylorW Tborn about 1862
TewellHazel born about 1898
TewellLousia born about 1872
TewellW Bborn about 1865
ThalmanAlfred born about 1911
ThalmanMarian born about 1919
ThomasEdward born about 1876
ThomasLillie born about 1879
ThomasSarah born about 1861
ThompsonCarl born about 1928
ThompsonCharles Jborn about 1924
ThompsonElizabeth Annborn about 1939
ThompsonHarold Lborn about 1926
ThompsonHurbert Eborn about 1921
ThompsonIda born about 1883
ThompsonJessie Eborn about 1921
ThompsonLee born about 1926
ThompsonLilly Fernborn about 1925
ThompsonRay born about 1939
ThomsonGertrude Jborn about 1880
ThomsonJannes Rayborn about 1921
ThomsonRuben Jborn about 1878
ThornberryEdward born about 1937
ThornberryErnest born about 1897
ThornberryGladys born about 1900
ThornberryIrene born about 1926
ThornberryJoseph born about 1920
ThornberryPaul born about 1922
ThorneRichard born about 1923
TolbertAda Cborn about 1907
TolbertAlbert born about 1875
TolbertEllmira born about 1882
TriplettCaroline born about 1932
TriplettGerald born about 1928
TriplettHerbert born about 1903
TriplettMarie born about 1908
TriplettRomona born about 1930
TurmanRoss J Jrborn about 1921
TurmanRuth born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UngerChoral born about 1930
UngerClifford born about 1938
UngerDonald born about 1933
UngerEdna born about 1902
UngerEsther born about 1929
UngerEthel born about 1900
UngerFrank born about 1885
UngerHelen born about 1923
UngerIvan born about 1901
UngerJames born about 1924
UngerJohn born about 1928
UngerLois born about 1927
UngerRachael born about 1904
UngerWayne born about 1922
UngerWilliam born about 1883
UngerWilma born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VailSarah Glenborn about 1881
VailWilliam Aborn about 1872
VanoverJohn born about 1876
VestClifford born about 1919
VestThelma born about 1923

W Surnames

WadeCharles born about 1932
WadeGertude born about 1898
WadeGlenora born about 1922
WadeWilbur born about 1927
WadeWilliam born about 1897
WagnerBetty Louborn about 1933
WagnerDorothy born about 1907
WagnerLouis born about 1902
WagnerLoura born about 1897
WagnerRichard born about 1928
WalkerRoy born about 1907
WalkerRuth born about 1909
WallsCharles born about 1938
WallsDavid born about 1864
WallsGlethel Mborn about 1915
WallsQuincy Lborn about 1909
WallsRobert born about 1934
WalterAllen born about 1935
WalterCatherine born about 1859
WalterJerry Leroyborn about 1938
WaltersCarrie born about 1898
WaltersClarence born about 1893
WaltersCurie born about 1895
WaltersFrances born about 1923
WaltersSylvia Allenborn about 1927
WaltersVernice born about 1897
WanerEsther born about 1876
WanerJames born about 1876
WardEmma born about 1867
WardMorris born about 1865
WatsonAllie Pborn about 1865
WatsonCarlos born about 1914
WatsonCharles E Srborn about 1889
WatsonEugene born about 1923
WatsonGeorge Rborn about 1895
WatsonJack Rborn about 1922
WatsonJoe Wborn about 1924
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1916
WatsonJosephine born about 1918
WatsonMaude born about 1883
WatsonMinnie born about 1892
WatsonWilliam born about 1884
WeirEdward born about 1873
WeirIda Mayborn about 1876
WeisnerClem born about 1894
WeisnerHallie born about 1897
WestRachael born about 1866
WhiteAgnes born about 1911
WhiteAlic born about 1909
WhiteJames Aborn about 1938
WhiteLloyd born about 1909
WhiteMary born about 1940
WhiteMelford born about 1939
WhitmanHelen born about 1904
WhitmanHenry born about 1871
WhitmanJohn Dborn about 1879
WhitmanLaurel born about 1921
WhitmanLeabell born about 1894
WhitmanMartha Eborn about 1867
WhitmanMaude born about 1902
WhitmanMax born about 1933
WhitmanRay born about 1900
WhitmanSarah Aborn about 1873
WhitmanVelma Ruthborn about 1925
WhitmanVirgel Tborn about 1924
WhitmanWalter Tborn about 1902
WhitmanWarren Jborn about 1927
WibleAva born about 1916
WibleCharles Lborn about 1870
WibleEugene born about 1914
WibleMary born about 1900
WiblePaul born about 1897
WiblePaul Geneborn about 1928
WibleViola born about 1873
WilkeyAbe born about 1886
WilkeyAlice Fayeborn about 1939
WilkeyAllie born about 1888
WilkeyArnold Eborn about 1921
WilkeyBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
WilkeyCecil Wayneborn about 1928
WilkeyCharlotte Oborn about 1924
WilkeyDorlyn born about 1919
WilkeyDrexal born about 1923
WilkeyElenora born about 1926
WilkeyElmer born about 1881
WilkeyEnid born about 1919
WilkeyErvin Daleborn about 1932
WilkeyHarriet Nellborn about 1927
WilkeyHarry Aborn about 1924
WilkeyHerbert born about 1904
WilkeyIda Mayborn about 1898
WilkeyJames Aborn about 1935
WilkeyJames Wborn about 1883
WilkeyMargaret born about 1893
WilkeyMargie Lborn about 1927
WilkeyMary Clestaborn about 1930
WilkeyMax born about 1923
WilkeyMimie Eborn about 1885
WilkeyNora Bborn about 1905
WilkeyNorman born about 1916
WilkeyPaul Cborn about 1895
WilkeyPaul Jr born about 1932
WilkeyRose Marieborn about 1934
WilkeyThomas born about 1893
WilliamLa Donna born about 1939
WilliamLois Virginiaborn about 1920
WilliamRalph born about 1918
WilliamRuby Yvonneborn about 1937
WilliamsGerald born about 1919
WilliamsGerald Jr born about 1939
WilliamsMary Estherborn about 1940
WilliamsRosalea born about 1922
WilliamsonLaura born about 1886
WilliamsonWilliam born about 1884
WillisCordia Mborn about 1867
WillisHelen born about 1901
WilsonFloyd born about 1890
WilsonHelen born about 1905
WilsonImogene born about 1929
WolfeBert born about 1881
WolfeElsie Mborn about 1883
WolfeHomer Oborn about 1871
WolfeMaude born about 1880
WondersDaisy born about 1897
WondersJ Eborn about 1893
WondersWayne born about 1917
WoodGertrude born about 1902
WoodJoe born about 1897
WoodLawrence born about 1876
WoodandCarol born about 1936
WoodandLena born about 1913
WoodandMax born about 1914
WoodardAmis born about 1913
WoodardEugene born about 1905
WoodardJames born about 1878
WoodardZylena born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerJoe Edborn about 1927

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