1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Adams County, Adams, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Adams County > 1940 Census of Union in Adams County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllisonElmer born about 1915
AllisonKaren Sueborn about 1939
AllisonMildred born about 1914
AllisonStanley born about 1937
AndersonAda Lborn about 1886
AndersonAlbert Aborn about 1926
AndersonBetty Eborn about 1935
AndersonCora born about 1869
AndersonDavid born about 1923
AndersonFloyd Eborn about 1919
AndersonJohn Wborn about 1917
AndersonWilliam Cborn about 1889
AvalosJim born about 1924
AvalosJohn born about 1897
AvalosLupi born about 1930
AvalosMary born about 1905
AvalosMike born about 1921
AvalosMolly born about 1932
AvalosMoses born about 1934
AvalosSusie born about 1925
AvalosWaneta born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerAmelia born about 1871
BakerDaniel born about 1918
BakerDonald Dellborn about 1905
BakerDonald Jr born about 1934
BakerGene born about 1922
BakerJacob Hborn about 1864
BakerJoan born about 1936
BakerMary Louiseborn about 1928
BakerMazie born about 1905
BakerPatricia born about 1932
BakerPaul Edwardborn about 1929
BarkleyAlpha born about 1892
BarkleyBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
BarkleyByron born about 1934
BarkleyChalmer born about 1916
BarkleyDavid born about 1928
BarkleyDonald born about 1930
BarkleyElva Mborn about 1883
BarkleyEstella born about 1896
BarkleyEula Roseborn about 1931
BarkleyFlorence born about 1891
BarkleyFloyd born about 1904
BarkleyGladys born about 1907
BarkleyGlennis born about 1914
BarkleyHarold born about 1929
BarkleyIvan Vborn about 1904
BarkleyJacob Cborn about 1879
BarkleyLawrence Eborn about 1907
BarkleyLizzie born about 1887
BarkleyLoren born about 1931
BarkleyMarjorie born about 1915
BarkleyMax born about 1935
BarkleyMervin born about 1933
BarkleyNorma Jeanborn about 1923
BarkleyPatricia born about 1928
BarkleyRollie born about 1887
BarkleyRuth Marieborn about 1903
BarkleyRuth Maxineborn about 1922
BarkleyVerlon born about 1919
BarkleyVirgil born about 1893
BarkleyVirginia born about 1928
BasoreCarl born about 1923
BasoreCarol born about 1937
BasoreCharles born about 1900
BasoreFlorence born about 1902
BasoreJohn born about 1925
BaxterEmma Rborn about 1872
BaxterHorace Eborn about 1869
BeardAltha born about 1884
BeardWilliam Cborn about 1885
BellisGeorge born about 1886
BeltzVelma born about 1920
BeltzWilliam born about 1888
BienzAdam born about 1859
BienzChristina born about 1874
BienzEmilie born about 1904
BienzErwin born about 1901
BienzFlorence born about 1928
BienzFrederick born about 1935
BienzGilbert born about 1925
BienzKenneth born about 1926
BienzLeland born about 1939
BienzLeona born about 1914
BienzMartin born about 1906
BienzNorma born about 1915
BischoffArthur born about 1913
BischoffAugusta born about 1887
BischoffCarl born about 1918
BischoffClara born about 1891
BischoffEdward Aborn about 1887
BischoffMarie born about 1928
BischoffRichard born about 1883
BittnerCharles Homerborn about 1892
BittnerFrederick born about 1901
BittnerFrederick born about 1931
BittnerGaylie born about 1889
BittnerLucille born about 1906
BlakeyArthur born about 1881
BlakeyBeata born about 1883
BlakeyBertha born about 1889
BlakeyElaine Ruthborn about 1938
BlakeyHugo born about 1907
BlakeyJohn born about 1887
BlakeyRuth born about 1913
BlakeyWilbur born about 1915
BleckeAdele born about 1913
BleckeGeorge born about 1939
BleckeHerman born about 1902
BleckeJeannette born about 1935
BleckeVirginia born about 1938
BlukeAdelia born about 1906
BlukeBernadine born about 1934
BlukeDolores born about 1937
BlukeDonald born about 1934
BlukeEdward born about 1908
BlukeEileen born about 1924
BlukeEmelie born about 1883
BlukeEmma born about 1868
BlukeEsther born about 1934
BlukeEvelyn born about 1933
BlukeFlora born about 1921
BlukeFlorence born about 1907
BlukeFred Mborn about 1897
BlukeGerald born about 1939
BlukeGerhard born about 1904
BlukeGloa born about 1927
BlukeGrover born about 1907
BlukeHarry born about 1922
BlukeHedwig born about 1880
BlukeHulda born about 1887
BlukeJoseph born about 1894
BlukeKarl born about 1862
BlukeLouis born about 1920
BlukeLydia born about 1898
BlukeLydia Wborn about 1896
BlukeMargaret born about 1918
BlukeMarie born about 1928
BlukeMartha born about 1903
BlukeMildred born about 1911
BlukeMildred born about 1918
BlukeMorris born about 1908
BlukeNorbert born about 1929
BlukeOtto born about 1876
BlukePauline born about 1871
BlukePhyllis born about 1936
BlukeRaymond born about 1910
BlukeReinhold born about 1907
BlukeRichard born about 1894
BlukeRichard born about 1936
BlukeRonald born about 1938
BlukeRoy born about 1926
BlukeSimon born about 1890
BlukeTheodore born about 1870
BlukeTheodore Jr born about 1910
BlukeVernand born about 1933
BlukeVictor born about 1902
BlukeWalter born about 1897
BlukeWilliam born about 1889
BoganJames born about 1924
BowenAaron born about 1895
BowenBonita born about 1921
BowenChester born about 1920
BowenOpal born about 1926
BowenZelma born about 1894
BradenSaralyn Suborn about 1934
BrittsonBernice born about 1920
BrittsonRussell born about 1912
BrodbeckAnna Eborn about 1871
BrodbeckBernice born about 1903
BrodbeckChalmer born about 1899
BrodbeckFern born about 1897
BrodbeckMary Eborn about 1863
BrodbeckVernon born about 1897
BrownBlanche born about 1891
BrownCliff born about 1888
BrownCyrus born about 1873
BrownDonna born about 1935
BrownGerald born about 1927
BrownJames born about 1936
BrownJanet born about 1916
BrownJennie born about 1875
BrownJoyce born about 1940
BrownMarguriet born about 1910
BrownPhyllis born about 1938
BrownRobert born about 1933
BrownWaldo Eborn about 1910
BulmahnAmelia born about 1903
BulmahnDonald born about 1929
BulmahnEdward born about 1927
BulmahnEvelyn born about 1934
BulmahnKathryn born about 1931
BulmahnMartin born about 1901
BulmahnMartin born about 1937
BulmahnRobert born about 1924
BulmahnRuth Annborn about 1938
BurdgCharley Aborn about 1888
BurdgRachel born about 1892
BurgerAlva Kborn about 1879
BurgerAnnie born about 1933
BurgerBertha Aborn about 1891
BurgerBryce born about 1919
BurgerJohn born about 1925
BurgerLucrecia born about 1931
BurgerMary born about 1922
BurgerRobert born about 1927
BurgerRosa born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ClemEdgar born about 1923
ClemHoward born about 1927
ClemMinnie born about 1902
ClemWalter born about 1895
ClevengerDan born about 1873
ClevengerLouisa born about 1878
CornAllice born about 1868
CrozierCloyce born about 1912
CrozierDorothy born about 1922
CrozierIda Janeborn about 1890
CrozierJames Rollieborn about 1887
CrozierMelvin born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DagerPearl born about 1918
DagerWalter born about 1914
DanielsBerniece born about 1910
DanielsClarabelle born about 1931
DanielsDoyle born about 1910
DanielsFlorence born about 1933
DeboltChester born about 1913
DeboltMarvin Chesterborn about 1936
DeboltRichard born about 1937
DeboltRuth born about 1913
DeboltSharon Louiseborn about 1939
DehnerHenry Lborn about 1886
DehnerSusan born about 1919
DerschArlene born about 1933
DerschClarence born about 1899
DerschDorothy Mayborn about 1930
DerschElise born about 1903
DrakeBlanche born about 1893
DrakeDonnie born about 1937
DrakeFlorine born about 1925
DrakeLouis born about 1901
DrakeMax born about 1924
DrakeOra born about 1904
DrakeSharon born about 1939
DrakeShirley born about 1935
DrakeTheodore born about 1894
DrakeZelno born about 1920
DykemanLaura born about 1869
DykemanPalmer born about 1851

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E Surnames

EichenauerDavid Fborn about 1940
EichenauerDorothy born about 1910
EichenauerRaymond born about 1914
EichenauerRoger Arnoldborn about 1938

F Surnames

FastDonna born about 1939
FastDorothy born about 1937
FastFlorence born about 1913
FastHarold born about 1914
FastMarvin born about 1935
FisherHarold born about 1914
FisherKenneth born about 1940
FisherLucille born about 1919
FlemingEdna born about 1887
FlemingJohn Cborn about 1884
FrankGoldie Mayborn about 1906
FrankJohn Lewisborn about 1934
FrankMyron born about 1904
FrankSara Janeborn about 1939
FrisbieMyrtle born about 1887
FroschIda born about 1883
FroschLydia born about 1924
FroschMartin born about 1882
FuellingAlen Lynnborn about 1939
FuellingAlvina born about 1913
FuellingErwin Fborn about 1907
FuellingEugene Allenborn about 1937
FuellingMarie born about 1908
FuellingMarilyn born about 1935
FuellingOscar born about 1904

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G Surnames

GassAnn born about 1934
GassPatricia born about 1914
GassStephen born about 1936
GassWilliam born about 1912
GauntAlma born about 1905
GauntArthur born about 1900
GauntBilly born about 1930
GauntElnora born about 1935
GauntMary Louborn about 1939
GauntThomas born about 1933
GauntWayne born about 1905
GeimerAgnes born about 1931
GeimerAlice born about 1930
GeimerBertha born about 1892
GeimerCarl born about 1925
GeimerEileen born about 1934
GeimerEsther born about 1919
GeimerFlorian born about 1891
GeimerFrancis born about 1917
GeimerHelen born about 1929
GeimerHerman born about 1894
GeimerJohn born about 1859
GeimerMarcyle born about 1932
GeimerMary born about 1923
GeimerMatilda born about 1895
GeimerMildred born about 1929
GeimerNaomi born about 1924
GeimerRichard born about 1920
GeimerRobert born about 1922
GeimerVera born about 1936
GerkeArnold born about 1937
GerkeBenjamin Fborn about 1904
GerkeEvelyn born about 1931
GerkeLydia born about 1907
GlecklerBertha born about 1881
GlecklerFrank born about 1875
GraberEdna born about 1885
GraberElizabeth born about 1883
GraberJohn Hborn about 1890
GrenterRobert born about 1915
GroteAlfred born about 1900
GroteAllen born about 1934
GroteCharles born about 1871
GroteDonald born about 1925
GroteElla born about 1900
GroteGerald born about 1937
GroteIlo Jeanborn about 1928
GroteLouise Sborn about 1901
GroteMarvin born about 1937
GroteMildred born about 1938
GroteRalph born about 1922
GroteRoland born about 1894
GroteWilmer born about 1931

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H Surnames

HardenClyde born about 1897
HardenEdna born about 1894
HardenFrederick born about 1924
HardenPaul born about 1919
HardenRoss born about 1872
HardenWarren born about 1922
HarmonEarl born about 1914
HarmonElma born about 1912
HarmonEsther born about 1920
HarmonHarold born about 1918
HarmonMila born about 1887
HartDonald born about 1918
HartEliza born about 1859
HartEmanuel born about 1858
HartMaebelle born about 1923
HartPatsy Louborn about 1939
HaughEdwin born about 1909
HaughFrieda born about 1913
HaughLorraine born about 1939
HaughMartin born about 1883
HaughMinnie born about 1883
HeimannArthur born about 1924
HeimannDonald born about 1927
HeimannGeraldine born about 1922
HeimannHerman Lborn about 1903
HeimannJoseph Pborn about 1894
HeimannRobert born about 1925
HeimannVictoria born about 1901
HelmJimmy born about 1930
HelmJohn born about 1894
HelmLola born about 1891
HelmMary Helenborn about 1926
HelmRobert born about 1919
HindenlangGeorge born about 1861
HindenlangMyrtie born about 1882
HindenlangPaul born about 1919
HintonElias Mborn about 1863
HintonLinda born about 1864
HoaglandLeroy born about 1923
HoaglandMarlow born about 1917
HolthouseLewis born about 1883
HolthouseLewis Aborn about 1919
HolthouseMary Cborn about 1883
HunterEarl born about 1923

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J Surnames

JacksonCarl born about 1918
JacksonGlen born about 1902
JacksonHarlan born about 1913
JacksonMaxine born about 1918
JacksonRosetta born about 1909
JaureguiAngela born about 1939
JaureguiAntonia born about 1911
JaureguiDelores born about 1926
JaureguiEmanuel born about 1906
JaureguiEula born about 1923
JaureguiJessie born about 1918
JaureguiJoan born about 1929
JaureguiJoe born about 1933
JaureguiJosephine born about 1928
JaureguiSalvador born about 1926

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K Surnames

KlenkFerdinand born about 1909
KlenkJames born about 1939
KlenkJosephine born about 1919
KlenkWilliam born about 1864
KnavelIda born about 1890
KnefelkampErnest born about 1906
KnefelkampHelen born about 1915
KnittleBetty Jeanborn about 1930
KnittleCarey Georgeborn about 1928
KnittleDonald born about 1918
KnittleDorothy born about 1908
KnittleEffie Aliceborn about 1893
KnittleFrank born about 1886
KnittleGaylord Maxborn about 1931
KnittleGlenn born about 1892
KnittleGoldie born about 1896
KnittleGregg born about 1900
KnittleLawrence born about 1927
KnittleLisle born about 1936
KnittleMart born about 1920
KnittleMyrtle born about 1926
KnittleOllie born about 1866
KnittleRosanna born about 1932
KnodleGene born about 1917
KnodlePhyllis born about 1919
KohneAletha born about 1913
KohneDavid born about 1938
KohneHelen born about 1939
KohneLeon Hborn about 1909
KohneMarilyn born about 1937
KoldeweyClara born about 1890
KoldeweyLewis born about 1922
KoldeweyLouis born about 1887
KreischerRichard born about 1931
KrickDaisy born about 1884
KrickDenison born about 1880
KrickElijah born about 1906
KrickTresea born about 1912
KrueckebergAlice born about 1939
KrueckebergAlvin born about 1929
KrueckebergArthur born about 1925
KrueckebergEdgar born about 1912
KrueckebergEdwin Jr born about 1934
KrueckebergEmma born about 1864
KrueckebergEmma born about 1871
KrueckebergGertrude born about 1929
KrueckebergGustave born about 1890
KrueckebergHelen born about 1930
KrueckebergIda born about 1899
KrueckebergIrene born about 1933
KrueckebergLeonora born about 1914
KrueckebergLouis born about 1921
KrueckebergMarcile born about 1926
KrueckebergMarie born about 1883
KrueckebergMarie born about 1897
KrueckebergMelvin born about 1935
KrueckebergMorris born about 1926
KrueckebergNorma born about 1924
KrueckebergPaul born about 1899
KrueckebergSelma born about 1896
KrueckebergTruman born about 1920
KrueckebergWilliam born about 1882
KukelhanHenry born about 1868

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L Surnames

LakenAnna Marieborn about 1925
LakenAnthony born about 1934
LakenBerniece born about 1923
LakenDoris born about 1939
LakenEleanor born about 1933
LakenRose born about 1906
LakenValentine born about 1895
LehrmanAlbert born about 1872
LehrmanBetty born about 1933
LehrmanCarl born about 1937
LehrmanClara born about 1890
LehrmanDaniel born about 1910
LehrmanFlorence born about 1928
LehrmanFrances born about 1902
LehrmanGladys born about 1910
LehrmanGlenn born about 1931
LehrmanGodfrey born about 1866
LehrmanHarry Cborn about 1904
LehrmanHenry born about 1936
LehrmanLois born about 1926
LehrmanOscar born about 1905
LehrmanRobert born about 1932
LehrmanRoy born about 1921
LehrmanRuth Eborn about 1909
LehrmanSimon Aborn about 1898
LehrmanWalter Johnborn about 1935
LengerichAmelia Cborn about 1905
LengerichCarl born about 1933
LengerichDaniel born about 1934
LengerichHerman born about 1902
LengerichJohn born about 1938
LengerichMary Ellenborn about 1930
LengerichRuth Annborn about 1939
LengerichTheodore born about 1936
LengerichWilliam born about 1928

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M Surnames

MarbachAdolph born about 1889
MarbachEdith born about 1927
MarbachEdna born about 1929
MarbachEdward born about 1933
MarbachFlorence born about 1921
MarbachFred born about 1898
MarbachHerbert born about 1930
MarbachMarie born about 1903
MarbachMerritt born about 1928
MarbachMonte born about 1930
MarbachRichard born about 1937
MarbachViola born about 1896
MaullerEva born about 1887
McClureBetty Louborn about 1926
McClureMary born about 1910
McClurePhyllis Jeanborn about 1929
McClureWilliam born about 1905
McGillEffie born about 1893
McGonagleCharles born about 1889
McIntoshEsther born about 1909
McIntoshFrank born about 1875
McIntoshHerald born about 1914
McIntoshMarshall born about 1909
McIntoshNellie born about 1873
McIntoshVarell born about 1936
McIntoshVaughn born about 1929
McIntoshVivin born about 1939
McKownCharles born about 1893
McKownFrances born about 1893
McKownHelen born about 1925
McKownNellie born about 1923
McKownNorma born about 1927
MillerArdella born about 1926
MillerBelva Deloresborn about 1938
MillerDeloris born about 1919
MillerHarlow born about 1917
MillerHelen born about 1916
MillerJudith Annborn about 1940
MillerLewis Curtisborn about 1891
MillerMarcella born about 1930
MillerMarian born about 1922
MillerMary Eborn about 1887
MillerNira Shirleyborn about 1935
MillerOrland born about 1912
MillerPhoebe born about 1896
MillerRichard born about 1921
MillerRichard born about 1939
MillerRosella born about 1920
MillerWendell born about 1924
MillerWinona Marieborn about 1935
MishlerJeanne born about 1923
MishlerLloyd born about 1896
MishlerPearl born about 1896
MitchEstella born about 1874
MitchPage born about 1910
MorrisGeorge Fborn about 1901
MorrisGeorgia Eborn about 1898
MosesEdgar Sborn about 1857
MosesMargaret born about 1860
MyersCarolyn born about 1932
MyersFloyd born about 1937
MyersHarry born about 1935
MyersHugh born about 1909
MyersLaura born about 1912
MyersPatricia born about 1930

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P Surnames

PattersonAddie born about 1882
PattersonAlexander born about 1869
PattersonElizabeth born about 1921
PlumleyChalmer born about 1932
PlumleyDean born about 1930
PlumleyDewey born about 1899
PlumleyEsther born about 1907
PlumleyHarold born about 1927
PlumleyRobert born about 1929
PlumleyRussell born about 1936
PriceNellie born about 1906
PriceRonald born about 1934

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R Surnames

RailingAlva born about 1897
RailingAnna born about 1875
RailingHelen born about 1928
RailingRobert born about 1923
RailingThelma born about 1901
RamseyElla born about 1886
RamseyKenneth born about 1917
RamseyMarion born about 1921
RamseyPaul born about 1924
RamseyRussell born about 1915
ReinkingAlice born about 1922
ReinkingEdwin born about 1913
ReinkingGerhard born about 1881
ReinkingKarl born about 1916
ReinkingLillie born about 1884
ReinkingLuetta born about 1917
ReinkingMarilyn Annborn about 1940
RichleAlbert born about 1914
RichleEdith born about 1904
RossFlorence born about 1905
RossFranklin born about 1925
RossMildred born about 1930
RossRoland born about 1900
RothDaisy born about 1912
RothHelen born about 1938
RothIvan born about 1907
RothKenneth born about 1886
RothMarcella born about 1937
RothPauline born about 1935
RothTheodore born about 1885
RubleAnn born about 1939
RubleRomey born about 1907
RubleRoxy born about 1936
RubleTom born about 1934
RubleTreva born about 1916

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S Surnames

SchamerlohAdolph born about 1887
SchamerlohAnna born about 1873
SchamerlohCarl born about 1921
SchamerlohEdwin born about 1894
SchamerlohFrederick born about 1922
SchamerlohHarold born about 1923
SchamerlohMargaret born about 1919
SchamerlohMartha born about 1887
SchamerlohSophia born about 1894
SchearerEdward born about 1917
SchearerFrederick born about 1884
SchearerLucile born about 1921
SchearerMinnie born about 1886
SchlemmerAnna Marieborn about 1940
SchlemmerCharles born about 1936
SchlemmerFrederick born about 1938
SchlemmerIrene born about 1901
SchlemmerRudolph born about 1903
SchneppFloyd born about 1894
SchneppLetitia born about 1869
SchneppMyla born about 1890
SchneppVal born about 1885
SchultzBernard born about 1891
SchultzElmer born about 1917
SchultzFlorence born about 1922
SchultzFlorence Eborn about 1894
ShafferAlice born about 1866
ShafferKathryn born about 1925
ShafferMargie born about 1901
SheetsAddie born about 1894
SheetsBetty Janeborn about 1935
SheetsChalmer born about 1902
SheetsDelsie born about 1924
SheetsDolores born about 1931
SheetsEsther born about 1938
SheetsFay Annborn about 1933
SheetsGerald born about 1913
SheetsJay Allenborn about 1939
SheetsJosephine born about 1932
SheetsJosiah born about 1893
SheetsLeo born about 1933
SheetsLester born about 1938
SheetsLewis born about 1929
SheetsLloyd born about 1915
SheetsMary Louiseborn about 1936
SheetsMax born about 1937
SheetsMelvena born about 1911
SheetsNaomi born about 1939
SheetsReba born about 1913
SmitleyAlva born about 1929
SmitleyCarl Wayneborn about 1932
SmitleyClarence born about 1901
SmitleyDorothy Marieborn about 1927
SmitleyLouis Edwardborn about 1924
SmitleyLula born about 1902
SmitleyMary Maxineborn about 1923
SmitleyMelvin born about 1902
SmitleyRobert born about 1927
SmitleyRuth born about 1906
SmitleyVernon born about 1926
SprungerCora born about 1893
SprungerEdward born about 1925
SprungerMartin born about 1897
SprungerMarvin born about 1927
SprungerRobert born about 1931
SpullerDallas born about 1879
SpullerFlossie born about 1885
StaubBernard born about 1906
StaubLouis born about 1916
StaubRose born about 1883
StaubSylvester born about 1876
SteeleR Georgeborn about 1884
StetlerGladys born about 1929
StetlerLaverne born about 1923
StetlerLawrence born about 1884
StetlerViolet born about 1888
StevensClinton born about 1890
StevensKatherine born about 1931
StevensMary born about 1904
StoppenhagenLorna born about 1922
SwygartDonald born about 1938
SwygartHenry born about 1916
SwygartJoan born about 1937
SwygartLulabelle born about 1939
SwygartMildred born about 1920

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T Surnames

TandyHiram Kborn about 1870
ThiemeAdele born about 1906
ThiemeAlfred born about 1925
ThiemeAmelia born about 1895
ThiemeAmos born about 1897
ThiemeAnton F Wborn about 1893
ThiemeArnold born about 1920
ThiemeArthur born about 1923
ThiemeBernita born about 1933
ThiemeBetty born about 1926
ThiemeCarl born about 1933
ThiemeCaroline born about 1871
ThiemeCharles born about 1895
ThiemeDelmer born about 1928
ThiemeDeloris born about 1933
ThiemeDorothy born about 1926
ThiemeEdgar born about 1916
ThiemeEdmund born about 1933
ThiemeEdwin born about 1898
ThiemeEileen born about 1929
ThiemeElsie born about 1917
ThiemeEmma born about 1898
ThiemeEmma Dborn about 1888
ThiemeErnst born about 1899
ThiemeErvin born about 1921
ThiemeEsther born about 1923
ThiemeEvelyn born about 1925
ThiemeFlora born about 1901
ThiemeFrederick born about 1899
ThiemeGilbert born about 1917
ThiemeGretchen born about 1937
ThiemeHerman born about 1918
ThiemeHilbert born about 1929
ThiemeHugo born about 1891
ThiemeIrene born about 1933
ThiemeKaroline born about 1900
ThiemeLa Verne born about 1939
ThiemeLawrence born about 1922
ThiemeLeo born about 1931
ThiemeLeona born about 1931
ThiemeLester born about 1927
ThiemeLois born about 1931
ThiemeLouise born about 1895
ThiemeLouise born about 1905
ThiemeMarcella born about 1936
ThiemeMargaret born about 1929
ThiemeMarilyn born about 1935
ThiemeMarlene born about 1939
ThiemeMartin born about 1889
ThiemeMax Fborn about 1901
ThiemeMay born about 1901
ThiemeMelvin born about 1926
ThiemeMilton born about 1940
ThiemeNorma born about 1921
ThiemeNorvin born about 1936
ThiemeOlga born about 1933
ThiemeOtto born about 1928
ThiemePaula born about 1895
ThiemePaula born about 1922
ThiemeRaymond born about 1928
ThiemeRegina born about 1926
ThiemeRichard born about 1891
ThiemeRuben born about 1934
ThiemeSimon born about 1904
ThiemeSophia born about 1863
ThiemeSophia born about 1890
ThiemeThekla born about 1931
ThiemeTheodore born about 1868
ThiemeVelma born about 1909
ThiemeVernon born about 1935
ThiemeWalter born about 1892
ThiemeWilbert born about 1929

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U Surnames

UlmanAlice born about 1938
UlmanAnna born about 1882
UlmanCatherine born about 1913
UlmanCatherine born about 1933
UlmanFrances born about 1908
UlmanFrances born about 1916
UlmanFred born about 1905
UlmanHelen born about 1918
UlmanHerman born about 1908
UlmanJames born about 1930
UlmanMargaret born about 1939
UlmanMary Annborn about 1934
UlmanRheta born about 1937
UlmanRobert born about 1921
UlmanThomas born about 1929
UlmanVictor born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanbuskirkJohn Mborn about 1878
VanbuskirkVera born about 1911
VanbuskirkZelda Mborn about 1884
VenisDonna Fayeborn about 1939
VenisNorma Louborn about 1934
VenisPhyllis Annborn about 1927
VenisRay born about 1893
VenisRaymond born about 1923
VenisVerona born about 1904
VenisVirginia born about 1925

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W Surnames

WaltersAmos born about 1877
WaltersBetty Joanborn about 1930
WaltersForrest born about 1898
WaltersInez born about 1883
WaltersJohn Vborn about 1901
WaltersKariffa born about 1902
WaltersLeroy Forrestborn about 1934
WaltersMarcella Maeborn about 1931
WaltersOliver born about 1874
WaltersRuth born about 1905
WassAda Louiseborn about 1937
WassEmerson born about 1915
WassShirley Annborn about 1939
WassValera born about 1915
WeilandHelen born about 1915
WeilandLoretta born about 1918
WeilandMarie born about 1891
WeilandRobert Allenborn about 1939
WeilandRudolph born about 1888
WeilandWilson born about 1914
WherryOlive Aborn about 1899
WherryWarren Aborn about 1880
WhittenbargerEva born about 1883
WhittenbargerFannie born about 1876
WhittenbargerHarold born about 1916
WhittenbargerOpal born about 1907
WhittenbargerWalter born about 1873
WiegmannCarolyn Jeanborn about 1939
WiegmannHerbert born about 1908
WiegmannMabel born about 1910
WiegmannRuth Annborn about 1937

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Z Surnames

ZizelmanAria born about 1905
ZizelmanJack born about 1922
ZizelmanJohn born about 1896

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