1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Boone County, Boone, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Boone County > 1940 Census of Union in Boone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottChester Cborn about 1899
AbbottGeorge Sborn about 1869
AbbottMarion born about 1931
AbbottMary Aborn about 1900
AbbottMeredith born about 1936
AbbottOma born about 1879
AdamsClara born about 1869
AdamsRay born about 1905
AdamsTed Sborn about 1935
AndersonBobby Kborn about 1928
AndersonFloyd Mborn about 1897
AndersonFrances Lborn about 1920
AndersonMabel Mborn about 1894
AndersonTeddy Eborn about 1925
ArtmanFrancis Sborn about 1869
ArtmanFrank born about 1892
ArtmanJohn Wborn about 1920
ArtmanJoseph Fborn about 1923
ArtmanKenneth Aborn about 1909
ArtmanLina Pborn about 1895
ArtmanMary Mborn about 1921
ArtmanPearl Lborn about 1897
ArtmanRoy born about 1887
ArtmanRoy Jborn about 1918
ArtmanVassie Mborn about 1892
AtkinsBlanche born about 1893
AtkinsByron Lborn about 1925
AtkinsMarjorie born about 1923
AtkinsVern born about 1895
AtkinsWilliam Tborn about 1893

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B Surnames

BakerJake Tborn about 1887
BakerLester Cborn about 1899
BakerMildred Jborn about 1924
BakerOpal Pborn about 1903
BarrickGerald Eborn about 1909
BarrickHelen born about 1934
BarrickJoanne born about 1932
BarrickLillian Lborn about 1910
BarrickVirginia born about 1938
BarrickWilliam born about 1935
BartonClude Wborn about 1889
BartonGladys Hborn about 1889
BaseyC Maynardborn about 1892
BaseyHarold Eborn about 1923
BaseyHazel Gborn about 1904
BaseyMarjorie born about 1922
BaseyWesley Fborn about 1870
BeattyErvine born about 1914
BeattyLuella born about 1915
BohannonGladys Oborn about 1917
BohannonGolda Fborn about 1877
BohannonMary born about 1909
BohannonStewart born about 1903
BohannonThomas Wborn about 1876
BowerNora born about 1922
BowerPhillip Cborn about 1919
BoyerE Mabelborn about 1902
BoyerJuanita born about 1923
BoyerLawrence Cborn about 1900
BoyerLawrence Eborn about 1933
BradshawJohn Jborn about 1863
BradshawTom born about 1869
BrashaerCharlene born about 1926
BrashaerDoanld Wborn about 1922
BrashaerGoldie Mborn about 1889
BrashaerHershel Lborn about 1888
BrashaerHershel L Jrborn about 1930
BrashaerNorma Lborn about 1924
BrashaerSylvia Eborn about 1922
BrockAlbert Mborn about 1895
BrockFrancis born about 1895
BushEmma Aborn about 1869
BushMonroe born about 1864
ByrkettDyanthe Mborn about 1896
ByrkettNoah Oborn about 1897
ByrkettNoah O Jborn about 1933

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C Surnames

CaldwellDoris born about 1927
CarterRuby born about 1894
CarterWarren born about 1876
ClementsStanley Gborn about 1925
ClineJoanna Kborn about 1920
ClineL Cliveborn about 1888
ClineMary Hborn about 1893
CobbGoldie Mborn about 1881
CobbLewis Fborn about 1872
ConradBasil Eborn about 1903
ConradEdna Mborn about 1878
ConradMattie born about 1866
ConradOmer Sborn about 1880
ConradRose Pborn about 1880
ConradVictor Aborn about 1870
CopenhaverArizona Mborn about 1893
CopenhaverEarl born about 1891
CopenhaverRobert Fborn about 1930
CopenhaverVaughn Aborn about 1922
CourtneyEtta born about 1870
CoxCatherine Mborn about 1934
CoxDoris Vborn about 1936
CoxLeon Aborn about 1919
CoxPearl Mborn about 1899
CoxStacey Eborn about 1907
CragunCarl Bborn about 1905
CragunGeneva Mborn about 1918
CruseRichard born about 1933
CummingsBert Lborn about 1914
CummingsL Madlineborn about 1917
CummingsRonald Wborn about 1938
CurnuttJaunita born about 1925
CurnuttLelia born about 1896
CurnuttWilliam born about 1891
CuttsLaura Aborn about 1899
CuttsWilbur Iborn about 1890

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D Surnames

DavisDonald Eborn about 1928
DavisEsther Sborn about 1901
DavisGene Eborn about 1921
DavisHomer Wborn about 1866
DavisHomer W Jrborn about 1911
DavisJames Cborn about 1908
DavisMargaret Aborn about 1869
DavisNorman Aborn about 1930
DavisVern Mborn about 1895
DelanoAlbert Eborn about 1895
DelanoOrpha born about 1897
DewittFreda born about 1908
DewittH Scottborn about 1883
DewittMinerva born about 1883
DodsonBerlina Jborn about 1868
DoughertyHarry Eborn about 1884
DoughertyR Leroyborn about 1886
DoughertyR Leroyborn about 1919
DuganGeorge Aborn about 1881
DuganNellie born about 1885
DulinEmma born about 1880
DulinErma Vborn about 1910
DulinJohn Kborn about 1909
DulinRobert Cborn about 1937
DulinThomas Wborn about 1876
DunnerCharles Eborn about 1922
DurbinGerald born about 1935
DurbinMary Lborn about 1913
DurbinP Galeborn about 1934
DurbinThomas Iborn about 1911
DwigansEsther Fborn about 1895
DwigansIra Kborn about 1892
DyeArlie born about 1896
DyeDonald Eborn about 1929
DyeOakel born about 1900
DyeRobert Lborn about 1923

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E Surnames

EastBilly born about 1932
EastClara born about 1914
EastGeorge Eborn about 1882
EastHisel Gborn about 1910
EastMary Mborn about 1877
EberweinCarrie born about 1860
EberweinMartin Aborn about 1858
EdwardsEllis born about 1865
EdwardsMay Bborn about 1866
EngledowDora Mborn about 1873
EngledowMary Jborn about 1880
EngledowPerry Wborn about 1868
EngledowRosella born about 1875
EssexAnna Ruthborn about 1930
EssexCharles Wborn about 1925
EssexGeorge Aborn about 1898
EssexGeorge Eborn about 1923
EssexLester Lborn about 1927
EssexMartha Bborn about 1921
EssexMax Rborn about 1939
EssexNeilie Aborn about 1894
EssexNeva Lborn about 1898
EssexRussell Lborn about 1915
EssexRussell L Jrborn about 1939
EssexWilliam Eborn about 1890

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F Surnames

FergusonEva born about 1899
FergusonEverett born about 1897
FergusonGerald Lborn about 1915
FergusonLamar born about 1925
FergusonLena born about 1905
FergusonLester born about 1902
FrickFrene born about 1911
FrickNorval Fborn about 1909
FrickRichard Dborn about 1932
FrickWilliam Lborn about 1928

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G Surnames

GabrielEleanor born about 1913
GabrielJohn Eborn about 1939
GabrielRobert born about 1910
GalvinBrant Lborn about 1892
GalvinLeslie Bborn about 1935
GalvinLloyd Oborn about 1926
GalvinMarjorie Jborn about 1931
GalvinMary Jborn about 1893
GalvinMary Rborn about 1917
GalvinMaude born about 1898
GalvinMorris Wborn about 1931
GalvinRalph Wborn about 1919
GalvinRobert Cborn about 1925
GalvinVerlin born about 1929
GardnerAlbert Nborn about 1880
GardnerBen Iborn about 1901
GardnerMalcolm Dborn about 1929
GardnerMary Lborn about 1878
GardnerMoncil Kborn about 1932
GardnerVelma born about 1902
GarnerEarl Nborn about 1913
GarnerFloy Aborn about 1909
GatesNettie born about 1877
GatesRollie Hborn about 1878
GaylordBonnie Yborn about 1886
GaylordJames Bborn about 1886
GaylordJames B Jrborn about 1925
GaylordPatricia born about 1924
GeorgeCloie Eborn about 1904
GeorgeMarl Cborn about 1900
GeorgeRobert Eborn about 1925
GrahamIna Mborn about 1905
GrahamJoan born about 1927
GrahamMarion Fborn about 1901
GrahamNorma Jborn about 1929
GriffithEtha born about 1883
GriffithIrene Nborn about 1911
GriffithJohn born about 1889
GriffithMeredith Fborn about 1912

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H Surnames

HamerinFred Jborn about 1896
HamerinMalfred Jborn about 1937
HamerinMary Dborn about 1901
HancockBetty Iborn about 1926
HancockEdith Mborn about 1883
HancockJohn Lborn about 1919
HancockLester Mborn about 1922
HancockLucille Jborn about 1917
HannaAlbert Cborn about 1870
HannaLottie born about 1883
HarkinGoldie Eborn about 1889
HarkinNeal born about 1886
HarlanIva Mborn about 1880
HarlanMeredith born about 1913
HarlanNew born about 1878
HarveyFrances Eborn about 1887
HarveyJohn Rborn about 1918
HarveyNancy Aborn about 1940
HarveyRay born about 1887
HarveyViolet Fborn about 1921
HeckmanJames Eborn about 1939
HeckmanPauline Mborn about 1921
HeckmanRobert Cborn about 1917
HedgeFrances born about 1874
HedgeRuby Cborn about 1908
HedgeRussell Nborn about 1918
HedgeVernie Rborn about 1901
HeimanBessie Iborn about 1886
HeimanJohn Pborn about 1877
HicksonClifford Kborn about 1894
HicksonMarvin Mborn about 1924
HicksonMary Mborn about 1856
HicksonMarzella born about 1866
HicksonNora Aborn about 1918
HicksonViola Aborn about 1895
HicksonWilliam Wborn about 1919
HillBarbara Eborn about 1912
HillCarl Hborn about 1910
HillCharles Mborn about 1879
HillRose Aborn about 1919
HillVirginia Aborn about 1921
HillWilliam Jborn about 1916
HillockClaud born about 1884
HillockRilla born about 1888
HineArmenius Eborn about 1865
HineDonald Eborn about 1915
HineFores Mborn about 1917
HineRhoda Mborn about 1868
HoganJohn Fborn about 1869
HoganMartha Aborn about 1870
HolserJames born about 1871
HolserNancy born about 1882
HooverBilly Lborn about 1938
HooverElsie born about 1916
HooverHerbert born about 1918
HopperBilly Gborn about 1937
HopperBobby Rborn about 1930
HopperCharles Eborn about 1906
HopperMarie born about 1910
HopperRuth Mborn about 1938
HopperSandra Lborn about 1939
HuckleberryAlva Bborn about 1883
HuckleberryLaura Mborn about 1927
HuckleberryNola born about 1886
HuckleberryStephen born about 1921
HughbanksDoris Lborn about 1914
HughbanksEffie Eborn about 1885
HughbanksFred Aborn about 1884
HughbanksJames Lborn about 1911
HughesJames Fborn about 1878
HughesMary Mborn about 1882
HuttonEmmet Sborn about 1880
HuttonGeorge Lborn about 1918
HuttonMargaret born about 1883
HuttonWilliam Cborn about 1912

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I Surnames

IsenhourC Edwinborn about 1918
IsenhourDulcie born about 1896
IsenhourIvor Dborn about 1893
IsenhourOlive Bborn about 1919
IsenhourRobert Lborn about 1923
IsenhourW Arbieborn about 1888

J Surnames

JessupClarence Cborn about 1902
JessupHelen Mborn about 1901
JessupMary born about 1927
JessupPina born about 1925
JohnsonBrandy born about 1871
JonesBuren Jborn about 1910
JonesChester born about 1891
JonesFlorence Eborn about 1908
JonesHazel Iborn about 1902
JonesJohn Fborn about 1877
JonesRaymond Cborn about 1899

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K Surnames

KeerightDovie Cborn about 1872
KeerightJames Pborn about 1863
KelseyDella Eborn about 1915
KelseyOttis Aborn about 1910
KelseyWilliam Eborn about 1935
KendallHomer born about 1885
KendallIva born about 1888
KendallJames Mborn about 1920
KettreyGeorge Wborn about 1931
KettreyHerbert Aborn about 1888
KettreyLeroy Eborn about 1927
KettreyMarjorie Jborn about 1928
KettreyRonald Dborn about 1939
KettreyRuth Mborn about 1909
KincaidBessie Mborn about 1900
KincaidDonald Wborn about 1935
KincaidHenry born about 1934
KincaidHenry Gborn about 1873
KincaidMarilyn Jborn about 1934
KincaidNoel born about 1900
KincaidNorma Jborn about 1936
KincaidOlive born about 1907
KincaidPhyllis Aborn about 1938
KincaidWilliam Cborn about 1908
KingDayton Cborn about 1867
KinnamanSeymore born about 1870
KlinglerEthel Dborn about 1898
KlinglerMorton born about 1868
KlinglerOtis Dborn about 1888
KlinglerSarah Mborn about 1858
KlinglerWayne Eborn about 1922
KolbAlfred Rborn about 1860
KolbOrpha Eborn about 1890
KounsAddie Lborn about 1864
KounsAlice born about 1931
KounsBeryl Aborn about 1932
KounsBessie born about 1893
KounsBeverly born about 1933
KounsByron Aborn about 1920
KounsDonald born about 1920
KounsDorthy Mborn about 1936
KounsElizabeth Eborn about 1888
KounsEmery Dborn about 1885
KounsEthel born about 1897
KounsEugene born about 1915
KounsHarold E Jrborn about 1935
KounsHarold Jborn about 1904
KounsHarry born about 1923
KounsJacob Cborn about 1862
KounsJake born about 1890
KounsKarl born about 1894
KounsMary Aborn about 1934
KounsRalph born about 1919
KounsRichard Aborn about 1935
KounsRobert Lborn about 1929
KounsThelma born about 1929
KounsViola born about 1914
KounsWilliam Mborn about 1918

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L Surnames

LamarCarlton Hborn about 1940
LamarClifford Cborn about 1909
LamarRuth Eborn about 1910
LanhamEverett Gborn about 1926
LanhamGeorge Nborn about 1901
LanhamHarry Rborn about 1925
LanhamHelen Vborn about 1928
LanhamMabel born about 1900
LanhamMary Jborn about 1931
LanhamMelvin Eborn about 1931
LaudigAlbertine born about 1879
LaudigDavid Hborn about 1872
LaudigEdith born about 1904
LauthnerRose born about 1863
LeachFrances Eborn about 1909
LeachJoseph Aborn about 1906
LeachVirginia Mborn about 1929
LewisErnest Lborn about 1918
LewisHarold Eborn about 1920
LewisLloyd Eborn about 1892
LewisMartha Hborn about 1915
LewisNellie Cborn about 1894
LinglerAdrian Eborn about 1917
LinglerMary Kborn about 1922
LyonsClarice Aborn about 1902
LyonsJohn Aborn about 1893

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M Surnames

MaceOrlando Fborn about 1872
MadisonAlice Kborn about 1894
MadisonClyde Cborn about 1885
MarshalHenry born about 1885
MarshalMary born about 1860
MarshallGloria born about 1879
MashinoPaul born about 1874
MashinoWinifred born about 1884
MasseyEstelle born about 1897
MasseyLester Dborn about 1897
MasseyPaul born about 1921
McClureBecky Lborn about 1939
McClureDorothy Lborn about 1915
McClureGerald Lborn about 1937
McClureLarry Dborn about 1936
McClureSparlene Cborn about 1934
McClureWendell Aborn about 1912
McIntyreHoward born about 1885
MennenhallDavid born about 1940
MennenhallElizabeth Lborn about 1912
MennenhallEllen Aborn about 1938
MennenhallFay Hborn about 1909
MennenhallJames Aborn about 1933
MennenhallRichard born about 1936
MitchellElmer Fborn about 1913
MitchellIrene born about 1914
MontgomeryCharles born about 1871
MontgomeryElizabeth born about 1869
MoorhouseRuth Eborn about 1898
MoorhouseRuth Nborn about 1877
MyersLou born about 1869

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N Surnames

NeeseBilly Leeborn about 1936
NeeseBlanche Mborn about 1895
NeeseCharles Lborn about 1923
NeeseDoris Aborn about 1937
NeeseDorothy Aborn about 1931
NeeseEdith Eborn about 1917
NeeseEugene born about 1930
NeeseJames Dborn about 1940
NeeseJohn Hborn about 1896
NeeseJohn H Jrborn about 1927
NeeseKenneth Hborn about 1917
NeeseLoren Fborn about 1921
NeeseLottie Aborn about 1877
NeeseMary Mborn about 1925
NeeseMary Roseborn about 1922
NeeseOvid born about 1900
NeesePansy Bborn about 1901
NeeseRichard Lborn about 1917
NeeseStella Lborn about 1873
NeeseT Joanborn about 1937
NeeseVirginia Mborn about 1929
NeeseWilliam Aborn about 1867
NeeseWilliam Eborn about 1930
NeidlingerGeorge Mborn about 1884
NeidlingerLulu Bborn about 1882
NeidlingerPercy Gborn about 1919
NestAmos born about 1871
NestCora Mborn about 1878
NestEdward Qborn about 1870
NewJames Pborn about 1875
NewLaatta Oborn about 1878
NewVanora Lborn about 1866
NewcomerAmma born about 1882
NewcomerEtta born about 1883
NewcomerOra born about 1876
NewcomerWalter Jborn about 1883
NewmanEverett born about 1940
NewmanLavere born about 1916
NewmanMary Jborn about 1918
NewmanRosalie born about 1937
NickolsAnnis born about 1886
NickolsGeorge Sborn about 1873

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O Surnames

OdenDonald Gborn about 1929
OdenDonovan born about 1902
OdenErnest born about 1938
OdenFrances Eborn about 1928
OdenKeith born about 1931
OdenMargaret Lborn about 1908
OdenMarjorie Lborn about 1933
OdenRussell Wborn about 1936
OrtweinArley born about 1896
OrtweinDollie born about 1874
OrtweinVerl born about 1900
OwensDorwin Mborn about 1935

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P Surnames

PaddackCecelia born about 1919
PaddackClement Jborn about 1892
PaddackErrol Lborn about 1915
PaddackKenneth Lborn about 1920
PaddackKermit Eborn about 1932
PaddackNorman born about 1939
PaddackOpal Mborn about 1892
PadgettAlfred Lborn about 1885
PadgettBuren born about 1911
PadgettDonna Jborn about 1937
PadgettElva Eborn about 1888
PadgettGlen Mborn about 1907
PadgettPaul born about 1914
PadgettRuby born about 1914
ParksAlbert Sborn about 1910
ParksBeryl Eborn about 1919
ParksCaroline born about 1938
ParksDaniel Aborn about 1939
ParksEmma born about 1894
ParksHortense born about 1911
ParksKeith Wborn about 1915
ParksMary born about 1913
ParksWalter Gborn about 1896
PerkinsDell Hborn about 1894
PerkinsFairy Rborn about 1922
PerkinsOliver Pborn about 1892
PetersBelle born about 1865
PetersBeryl Fborn about 1907
PetersEstella Eborn about 1873
PetersGary Bborn about 1937
PetersWarren born about 1907
PfaffStella Cborn about 1893
PhillipsCarl Fborn about 1874
PhillipsRuby Bborn about 1894
PierceChester Rborn about 1912
PiercePauline born about 1913
PiercePearl Mborn about 1879
PierceThomas Mborn about 1873
PittsElsie Mborn about 1893
PittsErnest born about 1890
PittsErnest Jr born about 1915
PorterAndrew Wborn about 1868
PorterVirginia Aborn about 1868

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Q Surnames

QuleviderJulia Kborn about 1913
QuleviderJulius Juborn about 1910

R Surnames

ReedCatherine born about 1872
RegerBert Bborn about 1884
RegerBetty Jborn about 1932
RegerDale Eborn about 1935
RegerFlossie Pborn about 1894
RegerMyrtle Eborn about 1924
RegerVern Cborn about 1928
RegerWaneta Aborn about 1925
RouthAnna born about 1875
RouthGrant Fborn about 1868

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S Surnames

SandersAlva Hborn about 1874
SandersBeulah Bborn about 1916
SandersCarl Eborn about 1927
SandersClyde Dborn about 1896
SandersCora Aborn about 1873
SandersGerald born about 1935
SandersHarris Hborn about 1918
SandersHazel Mborn about 1898
SandersKenneth Cborn about 1925
SandersMildred born about 1932
SandersPatricia Aborn about 1936
SandersRuby Eborn about 1929
ScheinderRuth Eborn about 1918
SchleicherAlbert Fborn about 1873
SchleicherLaura born about 1879
ScottMary born about 1871
ScottMaxine born about 1902
ScottNelson born about 1871
ShoemakerBetty Roseborn about 1933
ShoemakerChester Eborn about 1906
ShoemakerClark Mborn about 1893
ShoemakerClark M Jrborn about 1925
ShoemakerDessie Rborn about 1895
ShoemakerDorthy Mborn about 1933
ShoemakerFairy Eborn about 1920
ShoemakerFern Bborn about 1902
ShoemakerHarold Jborn about 1932
ShoemakerJ Burenborn about 1896
ShoemakerJames Rborn about 1922
ShoemakerJanet Kborn about 1939
ShoemakerJoe Aborn about 1933
ShoemakerJohn Aborn about 1936
ShoemakerLeona Lborn about 1939
ShoemakerMartha Eborn about 1928
ShoemakerMary Lborn about 1915
ShoemakerMelba Iborn about 1939
ShoemakerMildred Eborn about 1923
ShoemakerRilla Mborn about 1874
ShoemakerRussell Eborn about 1897
ShoemakerRuth Dborn about 1897
ShoemakerRuth Lborn about 1899
ShoemakerVirgie Lborn about 1901
ShoemakerWilliam Eborn about 1927
SlinkerAnnell born about 1938
SlinkerDallas born about 1929
SlinkerDonald born about 1935
SlinkerLavon born about 1933
SlinkerLouie born about 1912
SlinkerNorma Jborn about 1931
SlinkerSpurgeon born about 1910
SlipherElmer Pborn about 1880
SlipherJennie Eborn about 1884
SmallHoward Vborn about 1915
SmallLois Iborn about 1915
SmallMartha born about 1933
SmileyCharles Nborn about 1907
SmileyLarry Leeborn about 1937
SmileyRuth Eborn about 1912
SmileySally Louborn about 1939
SmilyDon Cborn about 1927
SmilyHester Cborn about 1898
SmilyPaul Eborn about 1901
SmithAllen Rborn about 1937
SmithEdith Lborn about 1907
SmithFloyd Hborn about 1905
SmithHenry Eborn about 1879
SmithIva born about 1880
SmithJuanita born about 1919
SmithLeo Hborn about 1909
SmithLulu Hborn about 1909
SmithMarjorie born about 1936
SmithMarvin born about 1929
SmithNorma Jborn about 1930
SmithOlin Eborn about 1918
SmithPaul Eborn about 1928
SmithVirginia Rborn about 1939
SprongClara Hborn about 1890
SprongMartha born about 1922
SprongStephen Hborn about 1887
StarkMaggie Eborn about 1875
StatonArlie born about 1879
StatonIva born about 1886
StevensonAda Mborn about 1871
StevensonAlbert born about 1865
StewartFrieda born about 1895
StewartGuy Aborn about 1898
StewartIrma born about 1927
StultzLucy born about 1869
SutphinBuren born about 1901
SutphinDovie born about 1902
SutphinGrace Dborn about 1885
SutphinHoward Aborn about 1908
SutphinIva Mborn about 1880
SutphinJake Nborn about 1884
SutphinThelma Eborn about 1913

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T Surnames

TaylorCharles Aborn about 1879
TaylorElla Nborn about 1876
ThomasMary Aborn about 1929
ThompsonJohn Eborn about 1919
ThompsonMartha Aborn about 1915
TolleyJon Leeborn about 1937
TolleyLawrence Lborn about 1908
TolleyLawrence Jr born about 1932
TolleyRosellen born about 1930
TolleyVeva Fborn about 1908
TuckerJack Eborn about 1930
TudorBilly Jborn about 1929
TudorLydia Lborn about 1899
TudorRosemary born about 1921
TudorVirgil Aborn about 1898
TudorWendarin born about 1919

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V Surnames

VanceBertha Nborn about 1876
VanceJames Cborn about 1876
VogesBlanche Jborn about 1930
VogesMartha Jborn about 1928

W Surnames

WagnerCharles born about 1922
WagnerFred born about 1892
WagnerFred born about 1924
WagnerNettie born about 1892
WagnerZelda born about 1916
WahleyCora Lborn about 1934
WahleyDonald Eborn about 1935
WahleyJohn Hborn about 1933
WahleyPeggy Sborn about 1940
WahleyTogo Oborn about 1906
WahleyVirginia Hborn about 1913
WahleyWilliam Hborn about 1940
WalkerBeecher Bborn about 1893
WalkerEd Zborn about 1874
WalkerEsther Mborn about 1895
WalkerFlora Nborn about 1863
WalkerFrank born about 1915
WalkerGeneva Sborn about 1897
WalkerJohn Pborn about 1928
WalkerMargurite born about 1919
WalkerSoctt Aborn about 1892
WallaceCalvin Mborn about 1937
WallaceCarl Lborn about 1913
WallaceJanie Aborn about 1935
WallaceMary Aborn about 1914
WallaceRonald Wborn about 1939
WarburtonCharles Wborn about 1915
WarburtonHelen Mborn about 1922
WarburtonNellie born about 1893
WestCharles Oborn about 1895
WestLora Wborn about 1895
WhitusEugene born about 1920
WileyDoris Lborn about 1916
WileyLouis Dborn about 1918
WileyMilo Jborn about 1887
WileyMyrtle Eborn about 1892
WilliamsDoris Iborn about 1938
WilliamsDoris Oborn about 1903
WilliamsGrace Aborn about 1934
WilliamsIda Eborn about 1939
WilliamsKeith Hborn about 1911
WilliamsOliver Mborn about 1936
WillsDorothy born about 1918
WillsJames born about 1926
WillsLola born about 1901
WillsLulu born about 1883
WillsNoble born about 1902
WilsonAnna born about 1888
WilsonGuy born about 1889
WilsonMary Jborn about 1928

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