1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Shelby County, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Union in Shelby County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAda born about 1880
AdamsCharles born about 1877
AdamsRobert born about 1917
AllenderClaude born about 1915
AllenderGary born about 1938
AllenderGene born about 1916
AndersonIrvin born about 1904
AndersonLois born about 1934
AndersonMary born about 1925
AndersonMyrtle born about 1905
AndersonRichard born about 1936
AndersonRobert born about 1869
AndersonThelma born about 1932
AndersonVirginia born about 1927
AndersonWayne born about 1919
ArbuckleDicie born about 1875
ArbuckleWilliam born about 1868
AshJessie born about 1886
AshWilliam born about 1886
AshleyMaxine born about 1916
AshleyNewton born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyDavid born about 1893
BaileyMargurite born about 1897
BaileyNorma born about 1923
BaileyWarren born about 1928
BakerBilla born about 1887
BakerCarroll born about 1911
BakerCharles born about 1928
BakerClarence born about 1900
BakerElmer born about 1873
BakerEverett born about 1887
BakerEzra born about 1877
BakerGenevieve born about 1930
BakerJack born about 1922
BakerJohn born about 1924
BakerMarvel born about 1927
BakerMary born about 1866
BakerMaude born about 1906
BakerNettie born about 1894
BakerRogenia born about 1924
BalesDale born about 1925
BalesMax born about 1923
BallardMary born about 1867
BallardWilliam born about 1863
BenifielCharles born about 1869
BenifielClaude born about 1880
BenifielFrank born about 1881
BenifielMae born about 1889
BenifielMary Janeborn about 1887
BenifielOrville born about 1878
BenipilRuth born about 1910
BenipilVirgil born about 1907
BeyerValentine born about 1907
BillmanEdd born about 1883
BillmanMaude born about 1885
BlandEva born about 1861
BogueDarline Fborn about 1940
BogueDonald born about 1921
BogueJohn Rborn about 1937
BogueMaryln born about 1932
BogueNadine born about 1919
BransonEmma born about 1888
BransonLary born about 1862
BrownBessie born about 1896
BrownBlanche born about 1893
BrownCarrey born about 1898
BrownClaron Leeborn about 1932
BrownClaude born about 1891
BrownDella born about 1865
BrownDillie born about 1895
BrownEdith born about 1887
BrownEthel Bborn about 1890
BrownGlen born about 1916
BrownHarlan Keithborn about 1938
BrownIla born about 1899
BrownKathryn born about 1922
BrownLavanche born about 1895
BrownMaria born about 1863
BrownMarilyn born about 1924
BrownMarjorie born about 1920
BrownMinnie born about 1873
BrownMyrtle born about 1897
BrownRalph born about 1891
BrownRoy born about 1889
BrownScott born about 1885
BrownVirgil born about 1895
BrownWendell born about 1895
BuckleyAbe born about 1880
BuckleyAlta born about 1886
BuckleyDorothy born about 1926
BuckleyJames born about 1923
BussGertrude born about 1879
BussJohn Eborn about 1874

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C Surnames

CallahanAlbert born about 1877
CallahanMarie born about 1879
CampbellAlta born about 1898
CampbellJames born about 1924
CarewArthur born about 1928
CarewBetty Louborn about 1932
CarewBobby born about 1931
CarewEhtel born about 1893
CarewFrancis born about 1923
CarewHarley born about 1925
CarewHerbert born about 1922
CarewRichard born about 1934
CarewWilliam born about 1893
CarmonyArthur born about 1880
CarmonyBert born about 1881
CarmonyGerald born about 1919
CarmonyGoldie born about 1888
CarmonyHelen Gborn about 1919
CarmonyImmogene born about 1917
CarrEmma born about 1874
CarterFrank born about 1903
CarterMorris Wborn about 1931
CarterThelma born about 1910
CassadyIrvin born about 1925
CassadyRuby Dborn about 1905
CassadyThomas born about 1899
ChancyDelphia born about 1914
ChancyEarnest born about 1919
ChancyLarry born about 1939
ChaneyOther born about 1913
CoersBarbra Annborn about 1938
CoersBernard born about 1914
CoersEdward Earlborn about 1939
CoersFloyd born about 1905
CoersJoan born about 1931
CoersMargaret born about 1916
CoersStephen born about 1937
CoersSuzanna born about 1939
CoersThelma born about 1916
ConoverKenneth born about 1937
CraigAubrey born about 1880
CraigErma born about 1878
CraigPearl Cborn about 1878
CrimBobby born about 1929
CrimCharoletta born about 1893
CrimCyrenus born about 1884
CrimEarnest born about 1879
CrimErnest Eugeneborn about 1922
CrimFloyd born about 1907
CrimJack born about 1930
CrimJames born about 1933
CrimLarrie born about 1939
CrimLeota born about 1909
CrimRuth Aliceborn about 1930
CrimZela born about 1901

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D Surnames

DanielsBertha born about 1883
DanielsGarnett born about 1916
DanielsLewis born about 1920
DanielsLillian born about 1925
DanielsMary Aborn about 1934
DavisCharles born about 1898
DavisFlorence born about 1870
DavisJ Aborn about 1879
DavisJ Eborn about 1875
DavisMary born about 1899
DavisPhobea born about 1880
DawsonDelphia born about 1906
DawsonDonald born about 1931
DawsonThurman born about 1904
DawsonThuron Jr born about 1930
DebaunArdie born about 1902
DebaunGrace born about 1902
DebaunLeonard born about 1924
DebaunWayne born about 1920
DewesterHarold born about 1924
DewesterJohn born about 1932
DewesterMary Annborn about 1928
DewesterOscar born about 1891
DewesterSarah born about 1895

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E Surnames

EdenAddie born about 1904
EdenLee born about 1926
EdenOral born about 1887
EdenVerbal born about 1924
ElkinsBetty born about 1932
ElkinsCarylon born about 1937
ElkinsClarence born about 1888
ElkinsEarl born about 1928
ElkinsElizabeth born about 1925
ElkinsGeneva born about 1931
ElkinsMargaret born about 1923
ElkinsSadie born about 1898
ElkinsVictor born about 1924
ElkinsVirgil born about 1929
EmilyRigsbee born about 1860
EvansEdna born about 1913
EvansJosephine born about 1922
EvansLeonard born about 1916
EvansRichard born about 1937
EverhartEmerald born about 1920
EverhartOlpha born about 1923

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F Surnames

FairMary born about
FarthingMartha born about 1855
FisherCharline born about 1936
FisherEarnest born about 1908
FisherGladys born about 1914
FisherIda born about 1871
FisherLincoln born about 1862
FisherRobert born about 1932
FordGeo Fborn about 1900
FordMarie born about 1897
FrageeEverett born about 1898
FrageeNaomi born about 1923
FrageeRoy born about 1928
FrageeRoy born about 1931
FrageeRuth born about 1898
FuchsDelbert born about 1923
FuchsElza born about 1898
FuchsFrank born about 1893
FuchsGeorge born about 1862
FuchsTessie born about 1895
FuchsVirginia born about 1927

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G Surnames

GahimerAnna Maeborn about 1931
GahimerCarl born about 1909
GahimerConrad born about 1883
GahimerFrederick Hughborn about 1934
GahimerJacob born about 1866
GahimerJohn born about 1861
GahimerMabel born about 1909
GahimerMartha Jeanborn about 1932
GahimerMary born about 1903
GahimerPauline born about 1874
GardnerAl born about 1877
GardnerMary born about 1881
GibsonArtie born about 1900
GibsonRichard born about 1923
GibsonRoscoe born about 1933
GobelBertha born about 1920
GobelCarol born about 1939
GobelGeorge born about 1916
GoodDale born about 1928
GoodLaura born about 1893
GoodMartha born about 1930
GoodMary Helenborn about 1925
GoodMyron born about 1923
GoodWilbur born about 1892
GoodrickElla born about 1868
GordonJohn Wborn about 1882
GosnellIrene born about 1906
GosnellMartha born about 1937
GosnellMax born about 1940
GosnellPaul born about 1901
GrayDora born about 1880
GreenwellEdgar born about 1879
GreenwellMaggie born about 1882
GroverLena Firnborn about 1894
GroverLouis born about 1893
GunningEarl born about 1916
GunningFlorence born about 1889
GunningFreda born about 1912
GunningHarold born about 1907
GunningHoward born about 1909
GunningJeannette born about 1911
GunningJohn born about 1859
GunningLouraine born about 1920
GunningVira born about 1860

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H Surnames

HaehlAlma born about 1906
HaehlAlta born about 1924
HaehlBeverly Jborn about 1940
HaehlChey born about 1920
HaehlDennis born about 1924
HaehlDorothy born about 1916
HaehlEdward Hborn about 1886
HaehlEthel born about 1889
HaehlFlorence born about 1894
HaehlFloyd born about 1923
HaehlGeorge born about 1888
HaehlHenry born about 1875
HaehlIna Fernborn about 1922
HaehlIrene born about 1893
HaehlJulia Kborn about 1912
HaehlLaura born about 1878
HaehlMarjorie born about 1916
HaehlMarjorie born about 1924
HaehlMary Lborn about 1920
HaehlNina Maeborn about 1930
HaehlNora born about 1884
HaehlOpal born about 1899
HaehlPhyllis Annborn about 1936
HaehlReba born about 1927
HaehlRhina born about 1880
HaehlRosemary born about 1926
HaehlWallace born about 1906
HaehlWalter born about 1896
HaehlWalter Eborn about 1895
HaehlWilbur born about 1914
HandleyClarence born about 1888
HandleyEthel Aborn about 1889
HandlyCarrie born about 1905
HandlyEdward born about 1936
HandlyHenry born about 1901
HaseausterLinda Louborn about 1937
HaseausterRobert born about 1912
HaseausterRuth born about 1916
HawkinsFlorence born about 1912
HawkinsGeo Eborn about 1863
HawkinsHarlan born about 1907
HawkinsSandra born about 1938
HensleyArthur born about 1925
HensleyDonald born about 1933
HensleyDorothy born about 1921
HensleyMinnie born about 1886
HensleyRosa born about 1912
HensleySam born about 1881
HensleyVun born about 1908
HesterBetty born about 1930
HesterCarey born about 1886
HesterDavid born about 1908
HesterHilda born about 1922
HesterJames born about 1934
HesterJasper born about 1917
HesterLola born about 1890
HesterLouise born about 1916
HesterMartha born about 1939
HesterMary born about 1913
HesterNorma born about 1888
HesterRalph born about 1886
HesterRaymond born about 1919
HesterRichard born about 1925
HesterRuth born about 1906
HesterVelva born about 1907
HesterWendell born about 1911
HillCaroline Sueborn about 1938
HillCharles born about 1929
HillElijah Fborn about 1922
HillJack born about 1931
HillJacqueline born about 1931
HillJohn Lborn about 1897
HillJuneata Maeborn about 1924
HillLois Annborn about 1936
HillOlive Lborn about 1902
HillPaul Eborn about 1926
HolbrookBetty Kborn about 1925
HolbrookBulah born about 1903
HolbrookCarey Dborn about 1892
HolbrookMaryln Joanborn about 1935
HoweryOra born about 1875

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J Surnames

JohnAlice born about 1876
JohnBeverly born about 1929
JohnBlanche born about 1904
JohnCarolyn Annborn about 1940
JohnCharlene born about 1921
JohnDavid born about 1939
JohnEda born about 1867
JohnFrank born about 1919
JohnFrederick born about 1927
JohnGarth born about 1937
JohnGeorge born about 1898
JohnGeraldine born about 1901
JohnHugh born about 1934
JohnJudith born about 1939
JohnLarrie born about 1939
JohnLowell born about 1908
JohnLowell born about 1932
JohnMargaret born about 1883
JohnMartha born about 1925
JohnNettie born about 1869
JohnPhyllis born about 1922
JohnRalph born about 1903
JohnRuth born about 1907
JohnRuth born about 1912
JohnWilliam born about 1911
JonesBetty Annborn about 1931
JonesFreda born about 1910
JonesGrace Gborn about 1885
JonesNell born about 1870
JonesPatty Sueborn about 1934
JonesPeggy Nellborn about 1929
JonesWilliam born about 1875
JunkinsNola Gborn about 1882
JunkinsOliver born about 1872

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K Surnames

KehrtClarence born about 1890
KehrtDelphia born about 1889
KehrtFrancis born about 1913
KehrtGeo born about 1885
KehrtMerle born about 1919
KehrtRita born about 1890
KelleyElizabeth born about 1915
KelleyFrank born about 1911
KemperHerbert born about 1894
KemperLois Nellborn about 1920
KemperMary Jeaneborn about 1928
KemperSophia born about 1898
KendellDale born about 1925
KendellFinnie born about 1910
KendellLucille born about 1900
KendellRoy born about 1910
KendellWarren born about 1930
KeppleJacob born about 1857
KeppleMaggie born about 1883
KillmanJack born about 1931
KillmanMae born about 1897
KillmanRussel born about 1897
KuhnAgnes born about 1918
KuhnAletha born about 1904
KuhnAllen Wayneborn about 1937
KuhnAndrew Wborn about 1843
KuhnBarbara born about 1939
KuhnBarbra born about 1874
KuhnBarbra born about 1890
KuhnBelle born about 1893
KuhnBernard Kborn about 1923
KuhnBetty Uborn about 1932
KuhnClarence Jborn about 1894
KuhnClaude born about 1899
KuhnClifford born about 1920
KuhnColman born about 1917
KuhnCynthia born about 1871
KuhnDennis born about 1923
KuhnEdna born about 1887
KuhnEdna Mborn about 1891
KuhnEdward Fborn about 1879
KuhnEthie born about 1896
KuhnFloyd born about 1923
KuhnFrank born about 1916
KuhnFred born about 1911
KuhnGeorge born about 1887
KuhnGlen born about 1919
KuhnGlen born about 1926
KuhnGrace born about 1894
KuhnHarry born about 1882
KuhnHazel Jborn about 1917
KuhnHelen born about 1914
KuhnHerman born about 1869
KuhnHilda born about 1919
KuhnJulius Vborn about 1901
KuhnKay Ireneborn about 1939
KuhnKert born about 1889
KuhnLawrence born about 1909
KuhnLee born about 1892
KuhnLloyd Maxborn about 1929
KuhnLouise born about 1913
KuhnMargaret born about 1899
KuhnMartha born about 1912
KuhnMary Eborn about 1888
KuhnMary Lborn about 1861
KuhnMaryellen born about 1917
KuhnMyrtle born about 1891
KuhnOral born about 1918
KuhnOtis Glenborn about 1914
KuhnOtto born about 1881
KuhnRhina born about 1885
KuhnRobert Dborn about 1888
KuhnRuse born about 1922
KuhnTodd Meloyborn about 1940
KuhnWilford Wborn about 1931
KuhnWillard born about 1909
KuntzThurman born about 1886

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L Surnames

LawAlbert born about 1887
LawChester born about 1921
LawClaude born about 1918
LawKenneth born about 1915
LawMary Kathrynborn about 1924
LawMildred born about 1914
LawRichard born about 1913
LawRobert born about 1916
LawSophia born about 1883
LeapMarilyn born about 1934
LeapMaurice Wayneborn about 1931
LeapThelma born about 1910
LevinskyJo Annborn about 1931
LevinskyMary born about 1912
LinvilleBerton born about 1880
LinvilleCatherine born about 1932
LinvilleDwain born about 1937
LinvilleEarl born about 1894
LinvilleEdna Mayborn about 1908
LinvilleHarold born about 1903
LinvilleHazel born about 1913
LinvilleJanice born about 1931
LinvilleJohn Mborn about 1926
LinvilleJoseph born about 1880
LinvilleJoseph Hborn about 1926
LinvilleLaura born about 1891
LinvilleLloyd born about 1930
LinvilleLotis born about 1918
LinvilleLuther born about 1891
LinvilleMae born about 1888
LinvilleMary born about 1925
LinvilleNola born about 1899
LinvillePauline born about 1902
LinvilleReba born about 1917
LinvilleSheron Eborn about 1921
LinvilleThomas born about 1892
LinvilleWilliam Rborn about 1929
LinvilleWilma Rborn about 1929
LownsElla born about 1879
LownsSylvester born about 1874

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M Surnames

MarshallOpal born about 1905
MarshallRichard born about 1931
MarshallStanley born about 1904
MartinBetty born about 1932
McClinticEdna born about 1883
McClinticRobert born about 1884
McClinticWilley born about 1904
McDanielCarmony born about 1921
McDanielOra born about 1879
McMichaelBernice born about 1915
McMichaelFrances born about 1895
McMichaelLloyd born about 1924
McMichaelLowell born about 1928
McMichaelOra born about 1890
MeltzerBoneta born about 1916
MeltzerGracie born about 1889
MeltzerJ W Pborn about 1883
MeltzerJulia Annborn about 1891
MeltzerMary Francesborn about 1918
MeltzerPaul Rborn about 1939
MeltzerRichard born about 1907
MeltzerRobert born about 1916
MeltzerUrsie born about 1907
MeltzerWalter born about 1894
MessmoreStella born about 1878
MessmoreWilliam born about 1871
MetzerJacob Dborn about 1876
MetzerMary Justinaborn about 1876
MillerLewis born about 1934
MillerMyron born about 1935
MillerVirgiline born about 1915
MohnElenor born about 1924
MohnLe Roy born about 1897
MohnRuth born about 1898
MontanyeBernard born about 1904
MontanyeLova born about 1904
MontanyeRoseice born about 1923
MooreBlanche born about 1901
MooreBulah Maeborn about 1936
MooreDelva Maeborn about 1936
MooreEugene born about 1934
MooreHilda Jeanborn about 1933
MooreJames born about 1931
MooreLawrence born about 1898
MooreLucile born about 1920
MooreMarjorie born about 1920
MooreMila Fernborn about 1923
MooreNellie born about 1913
MoorePearly born about 1876
MooreWalter born about 1909
MyerBob born about 1927
MyerCarl born about 1915
MyerClarence born about 1888
MyerDurward born about 1910
MyerFred born about 1924
MyerGladys born about 1920
MyerGlen born about 1891
MyerHarry born about 1929
MyerIda born about 1896
MyerJachof born about 1931
MyerMabel born about 1923
MyerMarjorie born about 1932
MyerMary born about 1889
MyerMary born about 1930
MyerRandolph born about 1915
MyerRobert born about 1917
MyerRonald born about 1920
MyerThelma born about 1926

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N Surnames

NeebEmma born about 1876
NeebJ Walterborn about 1921
NeebJachob born about 1881
NeebKenneth born about 1918
NeebLewis born about 1911
NeebLizzie born about 1868
NeebNellie born about 1890
NeebNorma born about 1923
NeebViola born about 1914
NeebWilliam born about 1877

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O Surnames

OswaldAlbert born about 1889
OswaldGladys born about 1893
OswaldWilliam born about 1924

P Surnames

ParesHelen born about 1918
ParesKenneth born about 1910
ParesLaura born about 1861
ParesSarah born about 1876
ParkerBilly Leeborn about 1936
ParkerMary born about 1899
ParkerRoy born about 1896
ParkersonBetty Jeanborn about 1931
ParkersonEarl born about 1898
ParkersonIdilla born about 1896
ParkersonJoe born about 1935
ParkersonMary Fborn about 1921
ParkersonMaurice born about 1924
PharesAllie born about 1876
PharesAlonzo born about 1868
PharesBarbra born about 1903
PharesBuleh born about 1912
PharesCarrie born about 1879
PharesHelen born about 1910
PharesJames Oborn about 1877
PharesLeora born about 1863
PharesLesta born about 1872
PharesLorel born about 1903
PharesMathew Hborn about 1852
PharesMildred born about 1906
PharesRuth born about 1909
PharesSamuel born about 1873
PittsCaroll Jr born about 1924
PittsCarroll born about 1890
PittsLois born about 1883
PittsMarie born about 1891
PittsRussel born about 1888
PittsUedie born about 1890
PittsWendell born about 1885
PooleAnna born about 1886
PooleDaniel Eborn about 1928
PooleRobert born about 1925

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R Surnames

RamseyAlbert born about 1873
RamseyAlfred born about 1882
RamseyBuford born about 1925
RamseyDale born about 1923
RamseyEmagene born about 1921
RamseyJessie born about 1885
RamseyJosie born about 1886
RamseyRalph born about 1923
RamseyWesley born about 1864
RamseyWilliam born about 1885
RanseyClarence born about 1911
RanseyHazel born about 1904
RappDoris born about 1924
RappEdward born about 1881
RappInez born about 1912
RappIrma born about 1889
RappKenneth born about 1921
RappMary Lborn about 1858
RappWilimine born about 1876
RayJessie born about 1899
RayNorma born about 1931
RayRuby born about 1930
RayRussell born about 1900
RayWilliam born about 1924
ReinhardtMaude born about 1895
ReinhardtPeter born about 1863
ReinhardtRuben born about 1891
ReinhardtThelma born about 1917
RhodesAlbert born about 1856
RhodesClarence born about 1892
RhodesRachel Wborn about 1870
RiceEnnis born about 1887
RiceJessie born about 1886
RiceJoseph born about 1914
RiceRuth born about 1915
RigsbeeCarolyn Janeborn about 1936
RigsbeeEmerson born about 1899
RigsbeeMildred born about 1902
RigsbeeRuth Annborn about 1934
RigsbeeVirginia born about 1924
RigsbeeWilliam Eborn about 1925
RoanBob born about 1931
RoanOra born about 1902
RoanRuth born about 1902
RobinsonClaren Joyborn about 1931
RobinsonEston born about 1894
RobinsonGwain born about 1935
RobinsonLucy born about 1901
RobinsonRosemary born about 1922
RobinsonRuth Janiceborn about 1925
RossBetty born about 1938
RossCarter born about 1911
RossDale born about 1908
RossDavid born about 1939
RossDorothy born about 1915
RossFern born about 1916
RossHoward born about 1908
RossIrene born about 1910
RossJudy born about 1937
RossPhilip born about 1939
RugensteinEdwin born about 1932
RunnebaumCarl born about 1913
RunnebaumRuth born about 1911

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S Surnames

SanderfurHarley born about 1903
SanderfurIrene born about 1939
SanderfurKenneth born about 1937
SanderfurMargaret born about 1909
ShawAnnie born about 1868
SheppleClaude born about 1891
SheppleInis born about 1892
SheppleJoan born about 1930
SheppleMinnie born about 1909
SheppleNorman born about 1926
SheppleVirgil born about 1905
ShinoltUrsie born about 1888
ShinoltVitula born about 1909
SmithCurtis born about 1915
SmithDorothy born about 1898
SmithEugene born about 1927
SmithJames born about 1917
SmithJossie born about 1887
SmithLois Ruthborn about 1936
SmithLoucindy born about 1926
SmithPatricia born about 1940
SmithRose Annaborn about 1917
SmithWilliam born about 1885
SpohnDessie born about 1885
SpohnLore Vaneborn about 1881
SpohnMonnie born about 1879
SpringerA Jborn about 1852
StevensElmer born about 1877
StoutJohn born about 1902
StoutOpal born about 1908
StugelmeyerGertrude born about 1880
StugelmeyerWm born about 1866

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T Surnames

TalbertAlonzo born about 1879
TalbertCharles born about 1886
TalbertEdna born about 1884
TalbertEsta born about 1888
TalbertLottie born about 1885
TalbertMable born about 1893
TalbertRuby born about 1916
TaylorPaul born about 1925
TheobaldBilly born about 1928
TheobaldBobby born about 1927
TheobaldBobby born about 1930
TheobaldCarrie Fayeborn about 1932
TheobaldDarline born about 1940
TheobaldDeward born about 1911
TheobaldDoris born about 1918
TheobaldEarl born about 1895
TheobaldEarl Jr born about 1925
TheobaldElizabeth born about 1871
TheobaldEsta born about 1896
TheobaldFaye born about 1901
TheobaldFaye born about 1907
TheobaldFreda born about 1899
TheobaldGeo born about 1864
TheobaldHarry born about 1898
TheobaldJoe born about 1923
TheobaldJulius Eborn about 1865
TheobaldLeo born about 1892
TheobaldLeola born about 1895
TheobaldLowell born about 1921
TheobaldLucile born about 1901
TheobaldMarilyn born about 1927
TheobaldMarjorie born about 1924
TheobaldMary born about 1897
TheobaldMary Fborn about 1929
TheobaldMyrtle born about 1896
TheobaldNorman born about 1924
TheobaldNorman Geneborn about 1925
TheobaldRichard born about 1938
TheobaldRosetta born about 1869
TheobaldRussel born about 1901
TheobaldSarah born about 1902
TheobaldSusie born about 1868
TheobaldT Rborn about 1868
TheobaldWillard born about 1901
TheobaldWillard Jr born about 1924
ThomasAda born about 1888
ThomasDoyle born about 1922
ThomasErnest born about 1912
ThomasFrank born about 1885
ThomasHallie born about 1892
ThomasMargaret born about 1916
ThomasNora born about 1869
ThomasSylvester born about 1888
ThurstonDillard born about 1898
ThurstonLarry born about 1931
ThurstonLowell born about 1927
ThurstonMary born about 1902
ThurstonRandy born about 1939
ThurstonRichard born about 1934
TinsleyFernetta born about 1940
TinsleyGilbert born about 1914
TinsleyJuneata born about 1916
TinsleyMarie born about 1938
TownsAlbert born about 1874
TownsCarey born about 1871
TownsFlossie born about 1886
TownsIda born about 1874
TownsLettie born about 1875
TownsScott born about 1881

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U Surnames

UpdikeClay born about 1889
UpdikeMary born about 1894

V Surnames

VaughtBernard born about 1923
VaughtFlora born about 1894
VaughtHarry born about 1894
VaughtWilma born about 1928

W Surnames

WaltersEllender born about 1872
WatersClarence born about 1880
WatersDenie born about 1898
WeingarthEmma born about 1877
WeingarthMaurice born about 1912
WeingarthWilma born about 1915
WhiteDeborah born about 1908
WhiteHenry born about 1903
WhiteLee born about 1930
WhiteMary Nellborn about 1933
WhiteThomas born about 1927
WhitlockAlbert born about 1894
WhitlockCarol born about 1932
WhitlockCharles born about 1916
WhitlockJean born about 1930
WhitlockRosa born about 1899
WickerCarroll born about 1906
WickerCyrus born about 1876
WickerDoris Maeborn about 1935
WickerEmma born about 1868
WickerErma Leeborn about 1930
WickerEvelyn born about 1926
WickerMabel born about 1887
WickerMable born about 1910
WickerOlan born about 1902
WickerOlan born about 1924
WickerSue Annborn about 1936
WickerVelma born about 1928
WickerVera born about 1929
WickesAlbert born about 1869
WickesClara born about 1871
WickesFrances born about 1929
WickesHarold born about 1932
WickesJohn born about 1927
WickesKenneth born about 1934
WickesLouise born about 1906
WickesLowell born about 1915
WickesMuriel born about 1897
WickesPhoebe Aliceborn about 1920
WilliamsArthur born about 1882
WilliamsCarl born about 1902
WilliamsIvy born about 1903
WilliamsLowell born about 1929
WilliamsNellie born about 1891
WilsonCecil born about 1904
WilsonHoward born about 1929
WilsonMarjorie born about 1931
WilsonRalph born about 1898
WitzCarolyn born about 1925
WitzEda born about 1884
WitzEdna born about 1893
WitzEmma born about 1886
WitzH Lborn about 1890
WitzHenry Jr born about 1921
WitzPauline born about 1889
WitzSarah born about 1895
WitzVirginia born about 1919
WitzWilfred born about 1923
WomblesLee born about 1917
WoodandJoe born about 1878
WoodandMaggie Fborn about 1879
WoodroofIda born about 1876
WoodroofWilliam born about 1871
WoolardAlonzo born about 1890
WoolardAlonzo Jr born about 1921
WoolardMattie born about 1894
WorlandGeorge born about 1868

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Y Surnames

YorkElizabeth born about 1892
YorkJames Pborn about 1888

Z Surnames

ZikeLidia born about 1856

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