1940 U.S. Federal Census of Van Buren in Shelby County, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Van Buren in Shelby County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlinore born about 1922
AdamsBobby born about 1937
AdamsEverett born about 1927
AdamsFoster born about 1934
AdamsLowell born about 1930
AdamsMeredith born about 1925
AdamsRay born about 1897
AdamsVera Nborn about 1898
AddisonJames Tborn about 1876
AddisonLois Eborn about 1906
AddisonMerle born about 1880
AllenAlta Lborn about 1924
AllenDuane born about 1922
AllenElsa Mborn about 1903
AllenEverett born about 1901
AmosClaud Eborn about 1882
AmosDaisy Ellenborn about 1879
AmosMary Janeborn about 1856
AndersonFlorence Mborn about 1890
AndersonJohn Hborn about 1879
AndersonMissouire born about 1876
AndersonVerne born about 1877
AndisFannie Mborn about 1865
AndisJohn Aborn about 1871
AndrewsCharles born about 1879
AndrewsMargaret born about 1880
ArcherJames born about 1874

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B Surnames

BassettBessie Bborn about 1884
BassettCharles born about 1881
BassettMaurice born about 1923
BennettAmy Lborn about 1915
BennettCharles Eborn about 1915
BennettEzra born about 1897
BennettJames Morrisborn about 1938
BeringBessie Bborn about 1894
BeringBurl born about 1890
BeringMarvin Edwarborn about 1923
BeringTabitha born about 1919
BettsBuelah Jborn about 1932
BettsEarl born about 1900
BettsHelen Mborn about 1926
BettsJames Dborn about 1924
BettsMabel Aborn about 1934
BettsMildred Iborn about 1938
BettsMyrtle Eborn about 1898
BillmanGeorge born about 1872
BillmanNannie Fborn about 1873
BlackfordClarence born about 1897
BlackfordEleanor Jeanborn about 1928
BlackfordFlorence born about 1900
BlackfordFrederick Lborn about 1891
BlackfordGeorge Cborn about 1911
BlackfordHubert Cborn about 1936
BlackfordMarilyn Louiseborn about 1932
BlackfordPaul Hborn about 1894
BlackfordRhoda Pborn about 1888
BlytheSylvester born about 1925
BoringAlberta Maeborn about 1921
BoringAra Aborn about 1895
BoringBernice born about 1918
BoringEugene born about 1917
BoringJerry Dwainborn about 1939
BoringLloyd born about 1923
BoringLowell born about 1921
BoringMinnie born about 1894
BoringPhillip Eborn about 1939
BowmanDoris Mborn about 1925
BowmanJack Eborn about 1928
BowmanLarue born about 1913
BowmanNora Aborn about 1887
BowmanRalph Eborn about 1919
BoyerAlbert Jborn about 1938
BoyerDarrell Wborn about 1936
BoyerFloyd Rborn about 1934
BoyerMildred Wborn about 1909
BoyerRalph Cborn about 1907
BradleyClema born about 1895
BradleyDonald born about 1896
BrownGerald born about 1924
BrownGeraldine born about 1933
BrownJohn Gborn about 1936
BrownJohn Wborn about 1899
BrownJosephine born about 1903
BrownLee born about 1901
BrownOrville Wborn about 1899
BrownRose Mborn about 1901
BrownRuby Mborn about 1901
BrownVirginia born about 1934
BuckFrances Lborn about 1919
BurkleerNancy Jborn about 1874

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C Surnames

CarmonyEhtel Mborn about 1881
CarmonyJohn Wborn about 1877
CarriganNettie born about 1859
CarriganWilliam born about 1854
CarriganWilliam Henryborn about 1888
CassGladys Pborn about 1917
CassLeonard born about 1879
CassLydia Cborn about 1877
CassWilliam Cborn about 1911
CecilAnna Maeborn about 1887
CecilCharles Wayneborn about 1926
CecilEdna Maeborn about 1917
CecilJohn Adrianborn about 1893
CecilJoseph Melvinborn about 1922
CecilMary Athaborn about 1918
CecilWilliam Leonborn about 1923
ChadwickFrank Rborn about 1887
ChadwickHester born about 1922
ChadwickMary Almaborn about 1920
ChadwickNell born about 1889
ChapmanLuther Eborn about 1893
ChapmanRosanna born about 1889
CherryArvy Eborn about 1873
CherryFannie Mayborn about 1870
CherryJames Aborn about 1871
CherryNora Jborn about 1873
CherrySally Cborn about 1878
ClarkHama Eborn about 1911
ClarkHarry Cborn about 1910
ClarkRobert Geneborn about 1933
ColclazierAlbert born about 1888
ColclazierRoy born about 1892
ColeBelle born about 1886
ColeCarroll Jborn about 1918
ColeCena Mborn about 1924
ColeHarry Bborn about 1882
ColeJerome born about 1874
ColeLillian Nborn about 1878
ColeLucy Aborn about 1914
ColeMary Jborn about 1887
ColePaul Sborn about 1921
CollinsElmer born about 1894
CollinsEmogene born about 1922
CollinsLora Cborn about 1896
CollinsWilletta Lborn about 1919
CoppleBarbara Aborn about 1939
CoppleEnos Bborn about 1910
CoppleEugene born about 1918
CoppleHelen Mborn about 1920
CoppleIsaac Eborn about 1915
CoppleMaggie born about 1887
CoppleZiba born about 1888
CorkinElva Jborn about 1864
CorkinHenry born about 1857
CoryAletha Pborn about 1899
CoryArthur Wborn about 1896
CoryDenis Wborn about 1929
CoryForest Bborn about 1920
CoryJane Eborn about 1936
CoryLaura Nborn about 1923
CoryPhyllis Jborn about 1926
CoryShirley Mborn about 1925
CourtneyAudrey Fborn about 1894
CourtneyHerbert Jborn about 1892
CoxEvelyn born about 1908
CoxFlorence Eborn about 1896
CoxJanet Carolborn about 1940
CoxJohn Rborn about 1909
CoxLawrence Leeborn about 1937
CoxLynn Eugeneborn about 1935
CoxWalter Rborn about 1893
CoxWilliam Normanborn about 1929
CreekPorter born about 1924
CrislerEthel born about 1893
CrislerLucile born about 1923
CrislerR Earlborn about 1921
CrislerStanley Eborn about 1898
CurryIra born about 1890
CurryKatherine Eborn about 1897
CurryMary Francesborn about 1923
CurryRussell born about 1921

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D Surnames

DavenportDeloris born about 1933
DavenportEdward born about 1902
DavenportEmma born about 1909
DavisHerbert Eborn about 1874
DavisPearl born about 1883
DavisTammie born about 1851
DunaganKinchlo born about 1863
DunaganSusan born about 1875
DunaganWilliam Oborn about 1917

E Surnames

EllingtonFlossie Pearlborn about 1891
EllingtonSarah Ellenborn about 1872
ElliottErma Mborn about 1896
ElliottHarry born about 1893
ElliottMabel Mborn about 1899
ElliottRaymond Aborn about 1893
EnosRichard Dborn about 1927
EnsmingerEddie Mborn about 1873
EnsmingerEthel born about 1887
EnsmingerRoy born about 1889
EnsmingerThomas born about 1866
EstellAlfred Eborn about 1890
EstellEmma Fborn about 1891
EstellFrances born about 1924
EstellVirginia Mborn about 1922
EstellVivian Iborn about 1927
EverhartDean born about 1937
EverhartElisha Wborn about 1876
EverhartFloyd Fborn about 1905
EverhartHazel Mborn about 1911
EverhartMarlin born about 1939

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F Surnames

FairFlorence born about 1885
FairScott Wborn about 1879
FairWada Hborn about 1905
FerrisBeulah Eborn about 1915
FerrisBonita Juneborn about 1935
FerrisCora Aborn about 1875
FerrisFreda Fayeborn about 1934
FerrisGeorge Mborn about 1865
FerrisGustus Cborn about 1877
FerrisHarry Jborn about 1919
FerrisKarol Kborn about 1911
FerrisKarol Kennethborn about 1938
FerrisOttis Rborn about 1872
FerrisRhoda Aborn about 1866
FerrisRoy Dewayneborn about 1936
ForemanBenjamin born about 1888
ForemanDonald Oborn about 1938
ForemanFlorence Mborn about 1911
ForemanOscar Dborn about 1912
ForemanWarren Jborn about 1934
FoutEllen Eborn about 1884
FoutJohn Eborn about 1869
FoutLola Aborn about 1916
FoutWilliam Eborn about 1928
FoutWilliam Hborn about 1879
FouttyEphraim born about 1873
FoxChancy Vborn about 1890
FoxCharles Eborn about 1933
FoxIda Fborn about 1892
FoxLee born about 1924
FoxLena Belleborn about 1886
FoxLester Lborn about 1936
FoxMaurice born about 1922
FoxPerry Kborn about 1878
FoxRoy Eborn about 1926
FoxRoy Oborn about 1930
FoxStella born about 1879
FoxVerlie Oborn about 1886
FoxViola Mborn about 1866
FulkersonIda Mborn about 1874
FulkersonWalter Eborn about 1867

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G Surnames

GatewoodJames Eborn about 1868
GebhartAlbertis born about 1901
GebhartAlpha Aborn about 1903
GebhartBetty Louborn about 1928
GebhartDaisy Tborn about 1925
GebhartElizabeth Nborn about 1896
GebhartJohn Jr born about 1923
GebhartKermit Wborn about 1938
GebhartMarcia Jborn about 1923
GebhartMary Belleborn about 1926
GoodwinBilly Wayneborn about 1931
GoodwinEarl Dborn about 1895
GoodwinJewell born about 1902
GoodwinMary Eborn about 1928
GoodwinMorris Wborn about 1939
GrayMildred Eborn about 1872
GreshamEva born about 1906
GreshamLee born about 1901

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H Surnames

HailEvelyn Jborn about 1929
HailLavon Mborn about 1911
HailLee Dborn about 1912
HallAmos Eborn about 1877
HallLydia Hborn about 1882
HardyOlive born about 1909
HardyRebecca born about 1912
HardyRuby born about 1902
HarisonStella Pborn about 1876
HarisonWinfield Hborn about 1875
HarperClara Lborn about 1927
HarperClifford Leeborn about 1932
HarperClifford Wborn about 1904
HarperLowell Gborn about 1934
HarperLynn Wborn about 1929
HarperMarjorie Aborn about 1906
HarrisonClara Gborn about 1908
HarrisonEloise born about 1920
HarrisonFreda Rborn about 1920
HarrisonHerman Gborn about 1920
HarrisonHomer Gborn about 1898
HarrisonIna born about 1891
HarrisonSandra Annborn about 1939
HarrisonSharon Dborn about 1940
HarrisonWilliam Rborn about 1914
HawkinsAda Eborn about 1883
HawkinsCarl Eborn about 1928
HawkinsLavaughn Fborn about 1916
HawkinsSmith born about 1878
HeadleeNellie Aborn about 1877
HeadleeWalter born about 1883
HendrixAnna Lborn about 1913
HendrixMorris born about 1917
HennisEllen born about 1908
HennisRichard born about 1922
HennisRoy born about 1905
HerrisCora born about 1909
HerrisHarold Eborn about 1907
HessongBlanche born about 1907
HessongEdgar Williamborn about 1933
HessongEmma Janeborn about 1862
HessongLuther born about 1903
HewittDelores Annborn about 1935
HewittJames Jborn about 1915
HewittLarry Geneborn about 1938
HewittMary Rborn about 1893
HewittNorma Rborn about 1918
HewittWilliam Wborn about 1892
HillClarabelle born about 1923
HillDorothy Fborn about 1922
HillJanet Louborn about 1939
HillLeanor born about 1919
HillOlen Aborn about 1919
HillOrville Aborn about 1891
HillPauline born about 1895
HinerVirgil born about 1899
HoardEllen Janeborn about 1927
HoardEmogene born about 1924
HoardOzzo born about 1901
HoardThelma Lborn about 1906
HollingsworthCarrie Mborn about 1882
HollingsworthJames born about 1882
HookGene born about 1932
HounshellElmer Nborn about 1887
HounshellMyrtle Mborn about 1895
HouseCorda Eborn about 1873
HouseLoretta born about 1877
HouseOrtis born about 1878
HowardFlora Lborn about 1892
HowardGlenn Aborn about 1891
HowreyEdgar born about 1875
HowreyFlora Maudborn about 1925
HowreyGarnet Leoneborn about 1930
HowreyGertrude Eborn about 1891
HowreyMary Ruthborn about 1928
HowreyPaul Henryborn about 1932
HungateBeryl born about 1899
HungateBlanche born about 1893
HungateCharlotte born about 1911
HungateDorothy Louborn about 1920
HungateHerbert Cborn about 1886
HungateLora born about 1889
HungateNancy Carolineborn about 1921
HungateRobert Boyrlborn about 1925
HungateWilliam Jayborn about 1924

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J Surnames

JamesGrace born about 1882
JamesRiley Bborn about 1882
JarrellPhyllis born about 1926
JeffriesCarlos Nborn about 1906
JeffriesLeonard born about 1914
JeffriesLortta Jborn about 1938
JeffriesMarion born about 1916
JeffriesMary Mborn about 1908
JeffriesNorma Jborn about 1936
JeffriesOlive Rborn about 1871
JohnsonAlta Eborn about 1899
JohnsonGuy born about 1895
JohnsonHarry born about 1892
JonasAlice Jeanborn about 1937
JonasDorothy Oborn about 1916
JonasLewis born about 1912
JustusDonna Ruthborn about 1937
JustusFannie Jborn about 1922
JustusFlorence born about 1884
JustusJesse E Jrborn about 1924
JustusJesse Lborn about 1899
JustusMinnie Eborn about 1898
JustusOtis Eborn about 1911
JustusPearl Mborn about 1916
JustusRobert Fborn about 1920
JustusVerl born about 1887

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K Surnames

KelsoFred born about 1893
KelsoJessie born about 1893
KelsoLewis Kborn about 1916
KelsoMax Eborn about 1917
KendallCarl born about 1922
KendallLeroy born about 1926
KendallMary Fborn about 1924
KendallThelma Rborn about 1928
KennedyVivian Hborn about 1918
KilgoreBarbara Louiseborn about 1939
KilgoreClarence Willisborn about 1929
KilgoreDonald born about 1936
KilgoreElmer born about 1897
KilgoreJoan born about 1930
KilgoreJulia Maudeborn about 1925
KilgoreKenneth Odellborn about 1934
KilgoreLucy Eborn about 1901
KilgoreMartha Jeanborn about 1937
KilgoreMary Ellenborn about 1938
KilgoreWalter Phillipborn about 1932
KingMay born about 1893
KingWillie born about 1887
KinganJoseph born about 1915
KinganMary Kborn about 1922
KinganMax Tborn about 1939
KrammesMyrtle Mborn about 1889
KrammesSamuel Eborn about 1893

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L Surnames

LambJosiah born about 1875
LandwerlenBen born about 1871
LandwerlenEliza born about 1872
LeeOmar Jr born about 1891
LennonAlta Cborn about 1894
LennonRoy born about 1896
LewisAnn Bowmanborn about 1917
LewisFlossie Lborn about 1886
LewisMargaret Annborn about 1940
LewisRobert born about 1880
LewisRobert Rborn about 1915
LoganBetty born about 1890
LoganHarry Jborn about 1887
LoganMary Louiseborn about 1920
LogganDonald Pborn about 1938
LogganDorothy Jborn about 1921
LogganPaul Bborn about 1916
LogganRichard Eborn about 1939
LowdenMartha J Mrsborn about 1861
LoweGwendolyn Lborn about 1922
LoweJanice Aborn about 1939
LoweJohn Hborn about 1863
LoweMildred Eborn about 1898
LoweWarren Eborn about 1920
LynerGenevieve born about 1922
LynerHazel born about 1886
LynerOley born about 1883

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M Surnames

MardisBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MardisLawrence born about 1927
MardisLena Jborn about 1906
MardisMargaret Jewelborn about 1933
MardisMary Francesborn about 1931
MardisWalter Gborn about 1903
MartinHelen Sborn about 1911
MartinJudith Maeborn about 1939
MartinWalter born about 1912
McClureBillie Daleborn about 1939
McClureEdgar born about 1911
McClureEileen Mborn about 1920
McClureEvelyn Mborn about 1923
McClureIra Claytonborn about 1914
McClureJoseph Eborn about 1875
McClureJoyce Annborn about 1940
McClureStella Jborn about 1878
McCordPearl Aborn about 1876
McKinneyMamie born about 1884
McKinneyOra born about 1878
McNamaraCarrie Eborn about 1906
McNamaraClyde born about 1895
McNamaraDale Emersonborn about 1937
McNamaraDelbert Calvinborn about 1939
McNamaraMaurice born about 1873
MessmoreBernard born about 1917
MessmoreVirginia born about 1919
MilburnKate born about 1875
MillerAda Tborn about 1887
MillerBertha Hborn about 1872
MillerCharles Edwardborn about 1934
MillerCharles Jborn about 1910
MillerClara Jborn about 1893
MillerDoris Lborn about 1922
MillerDr Ephriam Bborn about 1866
MillerEdgar Jborn about 1887
MillerHarry Aborn about 1889
MillerHelene Maeborn about 1927
MillerIra Cborn about 1870
MillerJean born about 1909
MillerNannie Eborn about 1873
MillerOtis Rborn about 1892
MillerRuth born about 1919
MillerSandra Kayborn about 1939
MoffettGeorge Mborn about 1924
MooreAlice Lborn about 1926
MooreCharles Nborn about 1904
MooreDocia born about 1858
MooreEllsha Oborn about 1896
MooreFrances Mborn about 1906
MooreGeorgia Rborn about 1898
MooreIrene born about 1906
MooreJohn Bborn about 1862
MooreNettie Jborn about 1871
MoserElizabeth born about 1886
MoserJohn Cborn about 1877
MurnanCharles born about 1875
MurnanClara Eborn about 1877
MurphyMary Vborn about 1861
MurranDoris Kborn about 1938
MurranErnest Tborn about 1906
MurranInez Fborn about 1914
MurranNorman Galeborn about 1934
MurrayBertha Mborn about 1890
MurrayCharles Eborn about 1890
MussmanAlice Loeraineborn about 1925
MussmanEvelyn Juneborn about 1922
MussmanGloria Maudeborn about 1928
MussmanLouis Virgilborn about 1901
MussmanLova Belleborn about 1898
MussmanShirley Jeanborn about 1936
MussmanWilliam Virgilborn about 1924

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N Surnames

NaveAdrian Galeborn about 1916
NaveDr Harry Eborn about 1878
NaveLettie Maudeborn about 1879
NaveOwen Wborn about 1908
NeebDonna Maeborn about 1933
NeebEdwin Robertborn about 1932
NeebJohn Clementborn about 1936
NeebMarie Jeanborn about 1930
NeebPaul Lborn about 1908
NeebRosalie Annborn about 1938
NeebValeska Aborn about 1909
NelsonArthur born about 1900
NelsonArthur Leeborn about 1925
NelsonCharles Mborn about 1927
NelsonMary Evelynborn about 1938
NelsonRoslyn Annborn about 1931
NelsonRosy Jborn about 1900
NighGeorgia Aborn about 1882
NighHelen Eborn about 1927
NighMildred Mborn about 1929
NighMinnie Cborn about 1903
NighOtis Rborn about 1902
NighRobert Lborn about 1932
NighVerly Mborn about 1879

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O Surnames

ObarcionJessie born about 1913
ObarcionPhyllis Nadineborn about 1939
ObarcionRaymond Rborn about 1911

P Surnames

ParkerEllsworth born about 1862
ParkerFloyd Rborn about 1887
ParkerMattie Cborn about 1889
ParrBeaulah born about 1894
ParrCyril born about 1894
PattersonBeatrice born about 1901
PattersonBetty born about 1925
PattersonGrace born about 1907
PattersonJames Aborn about 1876
PattersonMary Ellenborn about 1936
PattersonMaurice Aborn about 1902
PattersonMyrtle born about 1926
PattersonStella Eborn about 1880
PenceEva Pearlborn about 1896
PenceJohn Wborn about 1906
PenceOrville Jborn about 1892
PittsEmma born about 1908
PittsVirgil Nborn about 1900
PoeCharlotte born about 1881
PoeJerry Eborn about 1872
PorterMary Rborn about 1914
PorterVirgil born about 1905
PowellEldora born about 1858
PyleEarl Jborn about 1904
PyleEdith Eborn about 1907
PyleGene born about 1932
PyleMartha Mborn about 1925

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R Surnames

RaemoreCarrie Eborn about 1875
RaffertyCarl born about 1902
RaffertyCharles Murrayborn about 1875
RaffertyClara born about 1878
RaffertyMarshall born about 1877
RaffertyVolnablle born about 1905
RaffertyZelda Lborn about 1877
RathburnMary Lborn about 1873
ReasonerHarold Eborn about 1934
ReasonerJoseph Eborn about 1906
ReasonerMarjorie Bborn about 1938
ReasonerVivian Eborn about 1911
ReuterElizabeth born about 1920
ReuterFrancis Mborn about 1874
ReuterHenry born about 1866
ReuterJustin Dborn about 1919
ReuterRaphael Nborn about 1908
RhoadesElizabeth born about 1914
RhoadesElsie Mborn about 1887
RhoadesLottie born about 1918
RhoadesWalter Lborn about 1886
RidlenEdgar Dborn about 1893
RidlenLottie Mborn about 1892
RobertsLessie Pborn about 1886
RobertsWilliam born about 1881
RobertsonGeorge Fborn about 1882
RobertsonMinnie Bellborn about 1876
RobinsonD Paulborn about 1894
RobinsonMarie born about 1900
RohmB Marieborn about 1897
RohmFrank born about 1868
RohmLora Mborn about 1895
RohmPaul born about 1897
RohnJohn Mborn about 1921
RossEdna born about 1890
RossWilliam Cborn about 1851
RothLaura Mborn about 1869

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S Surnames

SchloesserGerald born about 1903
SchloesserMargaret Eborn about 1912
SchollBen born about 1887
SchollOlive Mborn about 1886
ScudderRex Aborn about 1916
ScudderRosa Eborn about 1881
ScudderWilbur born about 1882
SettlesAgnes Paulineborn about 1923
SettlesAnna Aborn about 1882
SettlesEdward born about 1917
SettlesFlorence born about 1899
SettlesFrances Jborn about 1916
SettlesJoe Tomborn about 1874
SettlesRoy Tborn about 1900
SettlesWilliam Owenborn about 1921
ShankWilliam Aborn about 1878
ShawEsther Aborn about 1918
ShawHazel Cborn about 1921
ShawWalter Wborn about 1889
ShearerBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
ShearerCharles born about 1909
ShearerJohn born about 1871
ShearerJohn Edwardborn about 1939
ShearerJosephine born about 1913
ShearerSharon Janeborn about 1938
ShortBlanche Bborn about 1883
SkeltonHenry born about 1876
SkeltonOllie Mborn about 1883
SkeltonWilliam born about 1910
SleethMaurice Oborn about 1881
SliferFrances Mborn about 1902
SliferJohn Dborn about 1873
SliferJohn Jborn about 1928
SliferLillian Fborn about 1924
SliferLillian Lborn about 1883
SliferRobert Eborn about 1926
SmithAlan Leeborn about 1937
SmithAustin Hborn about 1913
SmithCaryl Vborn about 1901
SmithCharlotte born about 1915
SmithFernando born about 1864
SmithHarold born about 1908
SmithHarold Aborn about 1926
SmithHarold Jr born about 1930
SmithHarriett Jborn about 1872
SmithInez Josephineborn about 1921
SmithIra born about 1886
SmithJessie Lewisborn about 1917
SmithKatherine born about 1915
SmithLelia Mborn about 1901
SmithLewis Eugeneborn about 1940
SmithMargaret Hborn about 1867
SmithMildred born about 1913
SmithOris born about 1909
SmithPaul Hborn about 1907
SmithSharla Maeborn about 1930
SmithVerna Cborn about 1882
SmithVilan born about 1908
SmithWilbur born about 1919
SmithWilliam Harveyborn about 1873
SnadgrassAgusta Maeborn about 1883
SnadgrassClarence Eborn about 1883
SniderAnna born about 1883
SniderFrank Eborn about 1884
SniderJ Harveyborn about 1886
SniderJennie Mborn about 1897
SniderJune Jborn about 1923
SniderNell Mborn about 1888
SniderOtto Sborn about 1881
SniderRalph Cborn about 1893
SniderSally born about 1879
SniderSue Vborn about 1928
SniderVirgil Nborn about 1894
SnyderGoldie Vborn about 1898
SnyderSamuel Oborn about 1896
SosbeCharles Eborn about 1932
SosbeEdna Maeborn about 1923
SosbeElinore born about 1924
SosbeHenry Wborn about 1926
SosbeIda Mborn about 1935
SosbeNellie born about 1893
SosbeRichard Mborn about 1929
SosbeWalter born about 1890
SosbeWalter Jr born about 1921
StickfordHarry Hborn about 1883
StickfordMary Dborn about 1884
StrengFrederick Sborn about 1866
StrengNellie Rborn about 1867
StrickfordClaude Wborn about 1917
StrickfordLeon Lborn about 1921
StrickfordLewis Bborn about 1885
StringerJulia Fborn about 1899
StringerNancy born about 1924
StringerVirgil Rborn about 1898
SwainBessie Mborn about 1903
SwainElizabeth Jborn about 1870
SwainGurney Jborn about 1892
SwainMargaret Lborn about 1924
SwainVirginia Dborn about 1926
SwainWilliam Nborn about 1867

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T Surnames

TaylorBetty Mborn about 1925
TaylorEmma born about 1883
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1886
TaylorMargaret born about 1900
TaylorSarah Eborn about 1861
ThurstonClerence Cborn about 1891
ThurstonGladys Mborn about 1911
ThurstonIra Jborn about 1884
ThurstonMaurice Eborn about 1921
ThurstonRobert Oborn about 1926
ToutGrace Lborn about 1879
ToutJacob Fborn about 1876
TracyCharles Wborn about 1875
TracyGrace Vborn about 1884
TracyJames Mborn about 1915
TracyNora Rborn about 1875
TrimbleHattie Bborn about 1874
TrimbleJohn Fborn about 1893
TrimbleLevi born about 1870
TrimbleRobert Wborn about 1924
TrimbleRollie born about 1901
TrimbleRuby born about 1901
TrimbleVera Nborn about 1927

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V Surnames

ValentineGrace Eborn about 1883
ValentineWilliam Donaldborn about 1906
ValentineWilliam Hborn about 1871
ViceLandon Hborn about 1937
VicePleasant Wborn about 1911
ViseEdna Nborn about 1939
ViseKenneth Eborn about 1939
ViseKenneth Lborn about 1911
ViseWilletta born about 1915

W Surnames

WadeAnna Bborn about 1883
WadeSilas Lborn about 1872
WaltonBeatrice born about 1906
WaltonDenzil Oborn about 1927
WaltonDorcil Lborn about 1938
WaltonHerbert Aborn about 1904
WaltonJoan Gborn about 1930
WaltonJune Jborn about 1930
WarrellMelvin born about 1895
WatsonHarry Bborn about 1890
WatsonHarry B Jrborn about 1912
WatsonLula Eborn about 1887
WeaverEliza Annborn about 1880
WeaverOmer born about 1877
WeaverOra born about 1921
WhiteCharles Oborn about 1870
WhiteMargaret born about 1876
WhittingtonAlice Nborn about 1929
WhittingtonBenjamin Hborn about 1872
WhittingtonDella Maeborn about 1897
WhittingtonEverett born about 1900
WhittingtonJames Bborn about 1934
WhittingtonJohn Gilbertborn about 1936
WhittingtonMarilyn Marieborn about 1931
WhittingtonMary Elizabethborn about 1939
WhittingtonPaul Edwardborn about 1932
WhittingtonRobert Eborn about 1924
WhittingtonVirginia Maeborn about 1930
WickerAlta Mborn about 1887
WickerBessie Lborn about 1902
WickerBill Iborn about 1929
WickerGeorge Fborn about 1885
WickerJasper Hborn about 1876
WickerMamie Vborn about 1881
WickerMary Roseborn about 1933
WickerMinnie Mrs M born about 1878
WickerSarah Eborn about 1878
WickerWayne Mborn about 1898
WickerWilliam Tborn about 1874
WickliffFlorence Eborn about 1901
WickliffLloyd born about 1884
WickliffMatilda Mborn about 1862
WickliffNorman Rborn about 1936
WickliffRussell born about 1903
WickliffVirginia Maeborn about 1924
WilhelmCessil Rborn about 1930
WilhelmRalph born about 1907
WilhelmRuth born about 1908
WilkesEdward born about 1882
WilkesLula born about 1889
WilkesWilliam born about 1913
WilkinsBarbara Leeborn about 1933
WilkinsFlora Eborn about 1880
WilkinsFrederick Dborn about 1937
WilkinsGerald Rborn about 1939
WilkinsHarve Eborn about 1879
WilkinsHelen Lborn about 1913
WilkinsIrene Pborn about 1911
WilkinsLewis born about 1907
WilkinsRobert Jborn about 1913
WilkinsonDella Fborn about 1865
WilkinsonMinnie Cborn about 1892
WillardAnna Lborn about 1928
WillardCharles Wborn about 1880
WillardCora Aborn about 1871
WillardCortland Sborn about 1894
WillardDorothy Juneborn about 1938
WillardElbert Vborn about 1872
WillardEthelklore born about 1907
WillardFlorence Eborn about 1921
WillardFrankie Eborn about 1938
WillardFranklin born about 1935
WillardGeraldine born about 1931
WillardGrace Eborn about 1897
WillardHerbert Oborn about 1906
WillardJames Eborn about 1935
WillardJess Kborn about 1918
WillardLavina born about 1933
WillardOla Iborn about 1923
WillardPaul Eborn about 1920
WillardTreva Mborn about 1925
WilsonAlbert Wborn about 1890
WilsonFlorence Aborn about 1928
WilsonFlorence Jborn about 1863
WilsonFrank Mborn about 1864
WilsonJames Aborn about 1926
WilsonNondas Oborn about 1898
WintonBenjamin born about 1869
WintonEmma born about 1867
WoodCarroll Eborn about 1908
WoodEdgar born about 1872
WoodEileen Cborn about 1914
WoodEthel born about 1879
WoodHarold Rborn about 1911
WoodHarold Wayneborn about 1930
WoodIris Hborn about 1911
WoodJohn Eborn about 1931
WoodKeith Dborn about 1935
WoodLarry Oborn about 1936
WoodMarvin Cborn about 1928
WoodsMorris Jborn about 1897
WoodsSalla born about 1871
WoodsVelma Gborn about 1895
WrightCollista Lborn about 1889
WrightRussell Lborn about 1891

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Y Surnames

YoungCora born about 1883
YoungJames Eborn about 1884

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