1940 U.S. Federal Census of Washington in Boone County, Boone, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Boone County > 1940 Census of Washington in Boone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbittJames Aborn about 1878
AbbittMary Dborn about 1870
AbbittRaymond Bborn about 1910
AdkinsBilly Jborn about 1930
AdkinsBobby Rborn about 1936
AdkinsHarry Sborn about 1900
AdkinsMona Lborn about 1934
AdkinsWanda Sborn about 1911
AgairConsuelo born about 1906
AgairDelmar born about 1920
AgairNaomi Mborn about 1922
AgairWilliam born about 1898
AldrichMary Bborn about 1862
AllenClayton born about 1907
AllenDoris born about 1908
AllenOcie Oborn about 1883
AllenRaymond born about 1927
AllenSamuel Cborn about 1883
AndersonEdith Iborn about 1917
AndersonFloyd Gborn about 1911
AndersonGeorge Fborn about 1937

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B Surnames

BarkerHenry born about 1915
BarnettMadge Eborn about 1919
BarnettRalph C Jrborn about 1918
BattenBert born about 1874
BattenHenry Jborn about 1912
BattenMerlie born about 1872
BattenRobert Fborn about 1915
BattsLula Lborn about 1901
BattsOtis Vborn about 1902
BattsRayburn born about 1925
BattsRaygean born about 1923
BeaverAnna born about 1875
BeckArthur born about 1890
BeckBarbra Oborn about 1923
BeckBeatrice born about 1907
BeckBessa Aborn about 1889
BeckByron born about 1923
BeckChalmer Gborn about 1888
BeckJames Aborn about 1927
BeckLen born about 1890
BeckMargaret Bborn about 1917
BeckPearl Eborn about 1890
BeckWilliam Aborn about 1912
BeltEsther born about 1903
BeltGeorge born about 1895
BennettSilas Wborn about 1855
BlubaughBonnie Lborn about 1935
BlubaughByron Eborn about 1915
BlubaughChester Cborn about 1893
BlubaughDanny Rborn about 1938
BlubaughElmo born about 1923
BlubaughFloyd Rborn about 1913
BlubaughGustin Mborn about 1898
BlubaughHilda Fborn about 1916
BlubaughHiram born about 1920
BlubaughLaura Eborn about 1900
BlubaughLoreine Nborn about 1899
BlubaughMarjorie Fborn about 1916
BlubaughMary Jborn about 1938
BlubaughRobert Dborn about 1939
BortonJesse Wborn about 1896
BortonLalois born about 1910
BoudreawJoseph Cborn about 1895
BowerClara Iborn about 1898
BowerEdna born about 1927
BowerFrank Tborn about 1924
BowerHelen Rborn about 1934
BowerNina Jborn about 1931
BowerRay Aborn about 1893
BowerRay Jr born about 1923
BowlesArthur Hborn about 1884
BowlesFay Jborn about 1909
BowlesJanet born about 1935
BowlesLovena Dborn about 1884
BowlesPansy Vborn about 1916
BowlesTheodore born about 1934
BoydvellDelila born about 1863
BoylandCharles Otoborn about 1883
BoylandMilda born about 1878
BramblettEdward Dborn about 1931
BramblettEdward Lborn about 1902
BramblettGladys Iborn about 1903
BramblettJoan born about 1934
BramblettLois Iborn about 1929
BramblettVivian Lborn about 1927
BranblettAlta Mborn about 1905
BranblettJames born about 1861
BranblettNancy born about 1875
BranblettPaul born about 1904
BranblettRichard born about 1927
BrattonAlice Vborn about 1872
BrattonArthur Hborn about 1894
BrattonGan born about 1871
BrattonLucille Mborn about 1897
BristleyCharles Wborn about 1865
BristleyLena Cborn about 1869
BrocharG Robertborn about 1915
BrocharMary Fborn about 1881
BrownCora Mborn about 1875
BrownJohn Tborn about 1871
BrownJohn T Jrborn about 1919
BucherJesse Hborn about 1890
BurgessEthyl born about 1890
BurkettMartha Jborn about 1889
BurkettThomas Oborn about 1882

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C Surnames

CalverAlbert Vborn about 1879
CalverLela Bborn about 1882
CampbellJoseph Aborn about 1865
CampbellMildred Eborn about 1912
CampbellRiffa born about 1868
CampbellSnyder Mborn about 1910
CarrNorman born about 1920
CarrOpal born about 1895
CarrRugg Rborn about 1894
CashFannie born about 1883
CasonCarrie born about 1872
CasonMarion born about 1911
CastellerBetty born about 1880
CastellerMoroe Mborn about 1877
CastetterJennie Cborn about 1908
CastetterOris Fborn about 1904
CatterlinCharles born about 1871
ClarkHazel Mborn about 1904
ClarkJohn Eborn about 1926
ClarkWillard Eborn about 1902
ClarkWillard Jr born about 1924
ClossinChas Mborn about 1881
ClossinEva Fborn about 1878
ClouserEugene Aborn about 1910
ClouserNaoma Jborn about 1910
ClouserPhillip born about 1939
CobbBertha born about 1882
CoheaLenora born about 1898
CoheaWillard born about 1894
CookBennie born about 1900
CoryAgnes Rborn about 1903
CoryAlvah Fborn about 1893
CoryBeulah born about 1891
CoryBeverly Dborn about 1930
CoryKenneth Lborn about 1922
CoryLawrence Nborn about 1901
CoryMaribell born about 1924
CoryPaul Wborn about 1921
CottinghamBetty Louborn about 1935
CottinghamDulcie Bborn about 1903
CottinghamWall Sborn about 1903
CougerGeorge Wborn about 1870
CoxBarbara Jborn about 1935
CoxCharles Nborn about 1936
CoxInfant born about 1940
CoxLawrence Kborn about 1906
CoxMarion Jborn about 1910
CoxMary Lborn about 1934
CoxRichard Kborn about 1932
CoxTom Lborn about 1938
CriderIda Fborn about 1870
CriderJohn Gborn about 1931
CriderLester Bborn about 1895
CriderNellie Eborn about 1896
CroseBobby Lborn about 1933
CroseDean Mborn about 1923
CroseDoyle Hborn about 1926
CroseDwight Hborn about 1895
CroseLarry Mborn about 1939
CroseLola Jborn about 1898
CroseRose Lborn about 1930
CrossEva Lborn about 1862
CrossGeorge Eborn about 1873
CrossIna Aborn about 1875
CrossJohn born about 1863
CulverFlossie Rborn about 1897
CulverGeorge Gborn about 1903
CurtsJerimiah Dborn about 1876
CurtsPheobe Sborn about 1874

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D Surnames

DaleCarl born about 1914
DaleFlossie Mborn about 1883
DaleGerald Wborn about 1923
DaleHelen born about 1917
DaleIris Mborn about 1918
DaleRonald born about 1936
DaleRussell born about 1915
DaleWillie Lborn about 1883
DavisAmmon Lborn about 1915
DavisArthur Cborn about 1895
DavisBasil Lborn about 1933
DavisCecil Hborn about 1919
DavisCletus Dborn about 1931
DavisFairy Mborn about 1890
DavisFlorence Mborn about 1895
DavisFrank Wborn about 1869
DavisGenevieve born about 1922
DavisGlavys Vborn about 1902
DavisJesse born about 1885
DavisLawrence born about 1925
DavisMarvin Lborn about 1923
DavisNoah Eborn about 1899
DavisRobert Eborn about 1938
DavisViola Bborn about 1873
DawneyJohn Wborn about 1908
DawneyVelma born about 1908
DeanLora Lborn about 1901
DeanMarilyn Jborn about 1931
DickersonAsa Oborn about 1875
DickersonMary Eborn about 1874
DicksRussel born about 1906
DicksSarah Lborn about 1876
DicksWillis Wborn about 1874
DohaneyAgnie Mborn about 1877
DohaneyCleo Lborn about 1910
DohaneyGeorge Eborn about 1874
DotyAnna Bborn about 1866
DoughtyAnna Pborn about 1890
DoughtyBeulah Mborn about 1916
DoughtyElsie Bborn about 1900
DoughtyHarold Dborn about 1912
DoughtyLeon Fborn about 1920
DoughtySam Cborn about 1887
DoughtySkilman born about 1893
DouglassCarl Rborn about 1917
DouglassMildred born about 1918
DurhamLileth Aborn about 1890
DurhamLorenzo Dborn about 1888

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E Surnames

EllisLafe born about 1878
EllisPattie born about 1882
EndresCharles Jborn about 1918
EndresHarold Dborn about 1916
EndresHarry Wborn about 1925
EndresLyle Pborn about 1914
EndresMabel Eborn about 1890
EndresWilliam Aborn about 1884
EndriasLeo Vborn about 1901
EndriesEffie born about 1898
EndriesFrank born about 1898
EndriesIsabelle Eborn about 1924
EndriesJohn Aborn about 1896
EndriesMartha Rborn about 1928
EndriesMary Estherborn about 1897
EngleClaudia Aborn about 1886
EngleEdward Gborn about 1887
EtterHarleigh born about 1905
EtterMarjory born about 1910
EvansElizabeth born about 1919
EvansKathleen born about 1921
EvansKenneth Lborn about 1917
EvansLeota born about 1890
EvansLon born about 1885
EvansRoy born about 1884
EvansVira Lborn about 1889

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F Surnames

FallAlice born about 1862
FallCecil Gborn about 1886
FallMabel Eborn about 1887
FellmyIda Lborn about 1921
FellmyLouise Tborn about 1891
FellmyMarie Cborn about 1922
FergusonEugene born about 1925
FergusonJanice born about 1930
FergusonOrpha Maeborn about 1926
FergusonVernon Iborn about 1905
FergusonViolet born about 1904
FindlingRuth Bborn about 1890
FisherEllen born about 1864
FisherJohn Sborn about 1866
FisherSarahy Sborn about 1873
FolkEdna Iborn about 1894
FolkHomer Cborn about 1889
FredrickArletha Fborn about 1916
FredrickRosa Zborn about 1875
FrenchAthel Jborn about 1919
FrenchAudry Jborn about 1918
FrenchEdna born about 1894
FrenchSmiley born about 1889
FurgesonAmeret Lborn about 1868

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G Surnames

GalvinMary Annaborn about 1921
GalvinPhilip Eborn about 1917
GarrettBenjamin Fborn about 1891
GarrettCharley Hborn about 1929
GarrettClark born about 1917
GarrettClaude Mborn about 1920
GarrettJewel Vborn about 1927
GarrettLavona born about 1915
GarrettLizzie Fborn about 1898
GarrettMyrtie Vborn about 1925
GarrettNina Mborn about 1923
GarrettOpal born about 1893
GarrettRaymond born about 1931
GarrettRuby Lborn about 1922
GentryElvah Mborn about 1910
GentryEmily F Tborn about 1880
GentryFrank born about 1876
GentryJoseph Mborn about 1914
GentryStella Mborn about 1912
GeorgeWalter Pborn about 1878
GinnAddie Mborn about 1886
GinnDorothy Fborn about 1914
GinnEarl Dborn about 1884
GinnHarold Lborn about 1909
GinnJoyce Aborn about 1939
GinnKenneth Pborn about 1919
GinnMarvin Lborn about 1934
GinnRobert Mborn about 1924
GinnWinfred Eborn about 1922
GladdenLoretta Mborn about 1934
GladdenMollie Cborn about 1913
GladdenRalph Eborn about 1928
GladdenRaymond Oborn about 1910
GordonGrace born about 1887
GordonJohn S Oborn about 1885
GordonLyle born about 1928
GordonRay Keithborn about 1930
GrahamBetty Rborn about 1930
GrahamCharlie Fborn about 1882
GrahamGladys born about 1897
GrahamIva Lborn about 1884
GrahamJoe born about 1878
GrahamMary Kborn about 1920
GrahamT Fernborn about 1896
GullionAnna born about 1875
GullionLon born about 1877
GullionWilliam Eborn about 1911

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H Surnames

HaleMary born about 1876
HamillArthur Pborn about 1878
HamillBurchell Nborn about 1910
HamillDorothy born about 1912
HamillGrace Lucilleborn about 1937
HamillJames Arthurborn about 1939
HamonBetty Annborn about 1927
HamonEdgar born about 1922
HamonH Fayborn about 1897
HamonIona Leeborn about 1929
HamonMary Eborn about 1869
HamonMary Eborn about 1918
HardestyAlban born about 1901
HardestyFaye born about 1905
HardestyGeneva Mborn about 1914
HardestyOrpah born about 1878
HardyMattie Cborn about 1880
HardyThomas Gborn about 1882
HarlessBetty born about 1931
HarlessFloyd Lborn about 1929
HarlessGlen Lborn about 1915
HarlessJames Eborn about 1925
HarlessMarvin Aborn about 1923
HarlessMary Aborn about 1896
HarlessMary Fborn about 1921
HarlessVirgil Fborn about 1892
HartJames Leeborn about 1929
HartJoseph Hborn about 1919
HartMary Janeborn about 1915
HartWalter born about 1911
HartWilliam Leeborn about 1938
HathawayIsaac Hborn about 1864
HaydenHarry Bborn about 1896
HaydenLeota Mborn about 1912
HaydenRetha Fborn about 1936
HaydenWilliam Hborn about 1940
HendersonAnna Lborn about 1867
HendersonCharles Fborn about 1866
HendersonEdtih Aborn about 1901
HendersonFrank Pborn about 1896
HendrixThomas Aborn about 1886
HendrixThomas Jr born about 1922
HendrixUrsula born about 1881
HillArlowein born about 1911
HillHerschel Mborn about 1904
HillLewis Mborn about 1935
HillRobert Cborn about 1932
HintonElsie born about 1900
HintonRussell born about 1896
HodgeJames Eborn about 1870
HodgenBobby Bborn about 1930
HodgenBruce Pborn about 1908
HodgenGeorgia born about 1889
HodgenJack Lborn about 1912
HodgenJanet Jborn about 1931
HodgenJimmy Lborn about 1928
HodgenLeila Mborn about 1911
HodgenNoble Fborn about 1922
HoffmanBertha born about 1881
HoffmanIra born about 1866
HornbeckerRalph Tborn about 1920
HortonHarry born about 1887
HortonLottie born about 1888
HortonSallie born about 1864
HoustonClaude born about 1885
HoustonGeorge born about 1860
HoweBarbra Jborn about 1932
HoweBernis born about 1907
HoweBobby Jborn about 1935
HoweDickie Lborn about 1937
HoweMary Lborn about 1911
HoweThomas Wborn about 1929
HufferRobert born about 1914
HughesLawrence born about 1912
HunleyAlva Aborn about 1887
HunleyElvin Eborn about 1910
HunleyGeneva born about 1925
HunleyOrval Eborn about 1920
HutchinsonHazel Eborn about 1906
HutchinsonJohn Carlborn about 1927
HutchinsonWilber born about 1871
HutchinsonWilliam Aborn about 1904

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J Surnames

JaquesClyde born about 1879
JaquesJoseph Hborn about 1872
JaquesLucille born about 1894
JaquesPearl Vborn about 1882
JohnsonChas Edwardborn about 1866
JohnsonEthel born about 1890
JohnsonJames born about 1914
JohnsonKatherin born about 1921
JohnsonMary Cborn about 1863
JohnsonRobert born about 1884
JohnsonThomas born about 1917
JonesAda Oborn about 1888
JonesCharles Sborn about 1872
JonesHoward Eborn about 1922

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K Surnames

KellamAlonzo born about 1873
KellamMyrtle Eborn about 1880
KellyFred born about 1871
KellyOta born about 1877
KingBetty Louborn about 1932
KingLois born about 1924
KingOtis born about 1884
KingVeniola born about 1916
KinkaidBeverly Sborn about 1938
KinkaidMary Fborn about 1914
KinkaidRobert Hborn about 1915
KintnerStephen Wborn about 1903
KounsSylvia born about 1892
KruseMabel born about 1875
KruseWilliam Hborn about 1877

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L Surnames

LaytonCleo Bborn about 1875
LaytonDaisy Lborn about 1892
LaytonLawrence Eborn about 1894
LaytonThomas Pborn about 1873
LeathermanIva Rborn about 1884
LeathermanRobert Bborn about 1920
LeathermanWillie Eborn about 1884
LewallenClara Jborn about 1877
LewallenJames Pborn about 1875
LintonClyde Rborn about 1935
LintonDarwin Lborn about 1910
LintonGretchen Mborn about 1914
LintonJewel Lborn about 1939
LintonKarl Lborn about 1934
LongAlice Cborn about 1872
LongJames Eborn about 1869
LoveVirgil Mborn about 1906
LucasByrl born about 1905
LucasCharles Cborn about 1864
LucasLafayette born about 1860
LuckeyLina born about 1870
LytleElsie born about 1891
LytleGus born about 1891

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M Surnames

MartinDonna Dborn about 1940
MartinIva Eborn about 1875
MartinJacob Lborn about 1939
MartinLucille Aborn about 1917
MartinMarvin Lborn about 1919
MartinRobert Pborn about 1874
MartinRupert Mborn about 1916
MastersDorthy born about 1905
MastersLewis Wborn about 1864
MastersLuella Mborn about 1861
McBrideOscar Jborn about 1898
McBrideZella Fborn about 1901
McClaineElizabeth born about 1939
McClaineFrances born about 1937
McClaineLooris born about 1903
McClaineMartha born about 1938
McClaineViolet born about 1918
McDairmidBlanche Lborn about 1877
McDairmidWarren Lborn about 1868
McDonaldEdgar born about 1905
McDonaldEsther born about 1907
McDonaldJosephine born about 1876
McDonaldMamie Gborn about 1902
McDonaldPeggy Louiseborn about 1939
McDonaldWilliam Cborn about 1894
McGuireThomas born about 1894
McKernAura born about 1865
McKernWallace Oborn about 1862
McKinseyGrace born about 1892
McKinseyJ Wborn about 1921
McKinseyMartha Jujneborn about 1925
McKinseyWiel born about 1890
McKinzieBertha born about 1879
McKinzieFrancis Mborn about 1913
McKinzieLee Wborn about 1880
McLauglinErmina Bborn about 1903
McLauglinGuy Oborn about 1897
McLauglinRobert Lborn about 1923
McMathAvay born about 1895
McMathFrances Lborn about 1914
McMathGlen born about 1885
MillerAnna Belleborn about 1934
MillerArthur Lborn about 1936
MillerHazel Pborn about 1909
MillerLyle born about 1905
MillerLyle Lborn about 1939
MofittAnna Lborn about 1917
MofittOrvile Jborn about 1904
MooreAlma Hborn about 1884
MooreCharles born about 1857
MooreElla born about 1886
MooreFrancis Murrayborn about 1920
MooreFrank Hborn about 1875
MooreJ Trumanborn about 1906
MooreMurray Eborn about 1884
MooreNellie Ervilborn about 1885
MooreW Rborn about 1884
MortonCharles Wborn about 1869
MortonMary Aborn about 1871
MurtonH Fernborn about 1893
MurtonMartha Elizabetsborn about 1924
MurtonPearl Nborn about 1878

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N Surnames

NanceLula Gborn about 1898
NanceWardie Hborn about 1892
NelsonFranklin born about 1870
NelsonMary Jborn about 1925
NelsonPearl born about 1880
NewmanCharles Rborn about 1918
NewmanMarilyn Eborn about 1931
NewmanMarion Eborn about 1929
NewmanPearl Mborn about 1892
NewmanRobert Eborn about 1939
NewmanWilliam Jborn about 1897
NobleFlossie Mborn about 1887
NobleJoseph Eborn about 1886
NobleWilma Lborn about 1920
NolandAmos born about 1921
NolandEd born about 1899
NolandFrances born about 1899

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O Surnames

OdellBessie Mborn about 1902
OdellFreddie born about 1926
OdellWalter Jborn about 1902
OttingerJanice Iborn about 1938
OttingerMadge Pborn about 1913
OttingerOscar Bborn about 1909

P Surnames

PaddackEmma Hborn about 1911
PaddackHarry Eborn about 1906
PaddackNancy Janeborn about 1939
PaddackRichard Lborn about 1932
PaddackRobert Vborn about 1928
ParishAlbert born about 1866
ParkFrank Aborn about 1899
ParkOmerga Mborn about 1903
ParkRichard Jborn about 1929
ParkeShirley born about 1939
ParkeThural Oborn about 1904
ParkeVirginia born about 1919
PattonDorothy Mborn about 1921
PaveyMary Jborn about 1922
PenningtonFred born about 1912
PenningtonT Gborn about 1878
PeperMary Lborn about 1933
PeperOliver Lborn about 1926
PeperOwen Oborn about 1891
PeperRuby Bborn about 1895
PeperUye Dborn about 1930
PeperWayne Lborn about 1932
PeperWilliam Lborn about 1925
PerkinsFern born about 1899
PerkinsLloyd Rborn about 1921
PerkinsPearl born about 1895
PersonHazel born about 1892
PersonHelen born about 1918
PersonJohn Edwardborn about 1924
PersonMartha Mayborn about 1922
PersonVincent born about 1893
PetersonBertha Aborn about 1885
PetersonGlen Rborn about 1884
PhillipJoe born about 1875
PhillipLena born about 1877
PhillipsKirk born about 1875
PhillipsLeonard Vborn about 1922
PhillipsMargaret Iborn about 1938
PhillipsMartha Eborn about 1911
PhillipsMelvina Jborn about 1880
PhillipsRoss born about 1911
PhillipsVirginia born about 1935
PhillipsVivian Bborn about 1925
PittengerJames Aborn about 1880
PollardCarmen Mborn about 1933
PollardClella Sborn about 1902
PollardElmer Oborn about 1897
PollardMary Pborn about 1928
PollardMaxine Eborn about 1924
PollardMerle Jborn about 1921
PollardMorris Dborn about 1923
PottsJohn Bborn about 1861
PottsMary Eborn about 1865
PylesClaude Jborn about 1892
PylesEdna Mborn about 1901
PylesLeonard Lborn about 1927

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Q Surnames

QuickA Pborn about 1899
QuickBetty Jborn about 1924
QuickLavona Eborn about 1900
QuickVenitia Cborn about 1922

R Surnames

RamseyBonnie Mborn about 1927
RamseyClay Aborn about 1897
RamseyHerbert Mborn about 1919
RamseyJoe Wborn about 1933
RamseyKatherin Jborn about 1937
RamseyLillian born about 1899
RamseyMartha Aborn about 1924
RamseyMary Aborn about 1929
RamseyOrpha Mborn about 1932
RamseyRichard Sborn about 1925
RamseyRussell Rborn about 1892
RamseySamuel Cborn about 1939
RamseySusy Cborn about 1895
RamseyThomas Aborn about 1924
RamseyWilber Cborn about 1920
ReaganCharley born about 1869
ReaganClarence born about 1873
ReaganClaudia Pborn about 1874
ReaganCorenne born about 1905
ReaganDonald Eborn about 1920
ReaganGlen born about 1901
ReaganJosephine born about 1875
ReaganLorenzo Cborn about 1862
ReaganMary Bborn about 1923
ReaganMary Gborn about 1910
ReaganNorma Geneborn about 1936
ReaganRalph Wborn about 1895
ReaganRuth born about 1896
ReaganVerdie Lborn about 1913
ReaganWainiford Cborn about 1910
ReaganWilber Cborn about 1909
ReathFrank born about 1868
ReathIda born about 1870
ReeseAlice Aborn about 1934
ReeseBonnie Bborn about 1931
ReeseDolores Iborn about 1930
ReeseEarl born about 1907
ReeseEsther born about 1907
ReeseLenora Lborn about 1926
ReeseLois Mborn about 1928
RenningtonEtta Pborn about 1893
RenningtonLoyd Rborn about 1893
RiceClarence Eborn about 1899
RiceHelen born about 1900
RichardsonCarrie born about 1878
RichardsonOda born about 1877
RicheyCora Aborn about 1880
RicheyWalter Mborn about 1880
RichmanKenneth Jborn about 1904
RichmanMadge born about 1909
RichmanRichard Waltonborn about 1933
RiggensDorothy born about 1911
RiggensJudith Annborn about 1931
RiggensLarry Kborn about 1936
RiggensVane Sborn about 1903
RileyThomas Jborn about 1852
RobertsAden Cborn about 1893
RobertsBeatrice born about 1900
RobertsMinnie Bborn about 1890
RobertsPaul Cborn about 1900
RobertsRaymond Eborn about 1922
RobertsRuby Cborn about 1903
RobertsSherl Lborn about 1917
RobertsWalter born about 1881
RobertsWalter Jr born about 1928
RobisonAnn born about 1860
RobisonGrace born about 1880
RobisonJuanita born about 1884
RobisonLon born about 1878
RodgersLinn born about 1919
RodgersLoren born about 1916
RogersCoramae born about 1930
RogersEverett Cborn about 1889
RogersJohn born about 1933
RogersMax born about 1927
RogersRebecca born about 1925
RogersVivian born about 1896
RoudebushPearl born about 1898
RoudebushRobert Fborn about 1928
RushDaisy Pborn about 1888
RushEvelyn born about 1919
RushLee Lborn about 1886
RushtonClarence Mborn about 1912
RushtonGary Gborn about 1936
RushtonHugh Hborn about 1904

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S Surnames

SagorEleanor Mborn about 1905
SagorInfant born about 1940
SagorNoble born about 1909
SallerArthur born about 1910
SallerBarbara Eborn about 1936
SallerHelen Iborn about 1912
SampleJ Rborn about 1899
SampleMax Wborn about 1927
SampleRuth born about 1901
SampleWilliam Aborn about 1919
SandersFlorence born about 1872
SandersJoseph Hborn about 1873
SceringL Aborn about 1878
SceringL Albertaborn about 1880
ScottLula Bborn about 1873
ServiesRussell born about 1908
ShanklinCarol Eborn about 1929
ShanklinEdith Iborn about 1931
ShanklinJanet Rborn about 1939
ShanklinJohn Wborn about 1937
ShanklinMildred born about 1904
ShanklinPleasant Oborn about 1898
SheetsBetty Jborn about 1930
SheetsFred Aborn about 1917
SheetsGilbert born about 1921
SheetsHavey Aborn about 1885
SheetsOmer Hborn about 1919
SheetsRobert Lborn about 1926
SheetsSally Jborn about 1885
ShepherdDelmar born about 1919
ShirleyClarence Tborn about 1897
ShirleyDarrell Mborn about 1911
ShirleyEmma born about 1883
ShirleyMyrl Oborn about 1889
ShirleyZoro born about 1883
ShoreCurtis Mborn about 1867
ShoreLucy Fborn about 1869
ShroutMary Jborn about 1925
SloanBlanche Pborn about 1896
SloanC Loganborn about 1898
SloanJohn born about 1859
SloanLuella born about 1862
SloanRalph Eborn about 1885
SloanRolena Jborn about 1921
SloanVera born about 1884
SloorEffie born about 1886
SloorJewel born about 1924
SloorNorman Wborn about 1920
SloorWilliam Bborn about 1875
SmithDonald Vborn about 1925
SmithEliza born about 1887
SmithEstice born about 1890
SmithGeorge Rborn about 1869
SmithKenneth Wborn about 1924
SmithMable Gborn about 1901
SmithMardella Lborn about 1929
SmithMaude Dborn about 1882
SmithMurl Mborn about 1898
SmithNelle Mborn about 1893
SmithOva Thorntborn about 1880
SorrellCharles Wborn about 1862
SorrellFlossie Fborn about 1880
SpriggleSarah born about 1861
SpriggleWilliam Hborn about 1860
SquireGraham Squireborn about 1871
SquireJennie born about 1877
StatonJohn Cborn about 1877
SteenAnna Bborn about 1883
StephensonOwen born about 1871
StoutAlbert W Jrborn about 1926
SumpterClay born about 1888
SumpterDixon born about 1930
SumpterDorothy born about 1925
SumpterLeo born about 1912
SumpterMartha born about 1923
SumpterPansy born about 1891
SuttonMargaret Fborn about 1857
SwinfordElven born about 1929
SwinfordFloyd born about 1899
SwinfordJames Aborn about 1925
SwinfordLaverne born about 1935
SwinfordLottie Pborn about 1899
SwinfordMarvin Jborn about 1923
SwinfordRobert Mborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThistlethwaiteBeulah Pborn about 1904
ThistlethwaiteJames Wborn about 1921
ThistlethwaiteLowell born about 1903
ThistlethwaitePhyllis Lborn about 1932
ThompsonFlorence Mborn about 1911
ThompsonHarry Oborn about 1883
ThompsonJessie born about 1886
ThompsonLinley Cborn about 1907
ThompsonPatricia Aborn about 1930
ThrineMartha Eborn about 1920
ThrinePaul Pborn about 1916
TitusAlonzo Medilnborn about 1918
TitusEdith Oborn about 1887
TitusHerbert born about 1885
TitusJames Robertborn about 1931
TomlinClyde Mborn about 1903
TomlinMildred Oborn about 1908
TrotterLucille born about 1903
TurnerArthur Bborn about 1873
TurnerEva Dborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannuysEdward born about 1931
VannuysJane born about 1899
VannuysJohn born about 1860
VannuysMary Louborn about 1924
VoylesEthel Lborn about 1895

W Surnames

WaggnerAlice Eborn about 1905
WaggnerEmalou born about 1927
WaggnerFrancis Jamesborn about 1922
WaggnerFrank Jborn about 1900
WalkerAlva born about 1906
WalkerArtie born about 1915
WalkerCharles born about 1919
WalkerDevaren born about 1928
WalkerFrances Eborn about 1922
WalkerMary Eborn about 1887
WalkerMaxine born about 1926
WallaceLeon born about 1923
WarburtonCharles Wborn about 1934
WarburtonJoe Rborn about 1907
WarburtonMartha Hborn about 1913
WardJune born about 1925
WardRovene born about 1893
WardWalter born about 1893
WarrenAlfred Rborn about 1883
WarrenAsa Cborn about 1889
WarrenAsa C Jrborn about 1922
WarrenBarbra Jborn about 1921
WarrenCarolyn Sborn about 1932
WarrenClaude born about 1898
WarrenDella Eborn about 1894
WarrenDonald Gborn about 1933
WarrenEmily Mborn about 1894
WarrenGalen born about 1912
WarrenGlen Hborn about 1912
WarrenGretchen born about 1924
WarrenLenore born about 1891
WarrenLina Gborn about 1887
WarrenMargaret Lborn about 1921
WarrenMildred Iborn about 1923
WarrenMildred Mborn about 1918
WarrenOrpha Pborn about 1893
WarrenRoss Cborn about 1915
WarrenSarah born about 1863
WarrenWilbur Wmborn about 1881
WarrenWilliam Jborn about 1931
WathJohn Rborn about 1912
WathMildred Eborn about 1917
WatsonChester Wborn about 1882
WatsonChloe Mborn about 1887
WeeseMary Pborn about 1910
WeesePatrick Jborn about 1933
WeeseWilard Gborn about 1926
WeeseWillard Fborn about 1907
WellsLeola Jborn about 1881
WellsOrlando Wborn about 1875
WhiteEleanor Rborn about 1926
WhiteElizabeth Jborn about 1923
WhiteEvelyn Lborn about 1933
WhiteJoseph Cborn about 1924
WhiteMarilyn Rborn about 1935
WhiteOcie Aborn about 1892
WhiteWilliam Eborn about 1888
WhiteWilliam Hborn about 1920
WhiteleyPaul Hborn about 1894
WhiteleyRuth Eborn about 1894
WilliamCharles Sborn about 1865
WilliamJohn Eborn about 1939
WilliamJoseph Aborn about 1935
WilliamMary Lborn about 1909
WilliamWilliam Lborn about 1927
WilliamZenes born about 1904
WilliamsCleone born about 1895
WilliamsElton Kborn about 1923
WilliamsEmory Cborn about 1921
WilliamsIvan Rborn about 1893
WilliamsLetha Eborn about 1932
WilliamsRoger Lborn about 1927
WillsHal born about 1879
WillsNora born about 1889
WillsRoberta born about 1914
WilsonClara Eborn about 1868
WilsonEdward A Jborn about 1873
WilsonJohns born about 1868
WilsonNina Fborn about 1873
WithrowByron Hborn about 1887
WithrowFlo born about 1892
WoodyArt born about 1874
WoodyDella Sborn about 1901
WoodyDevon Kborn about 1930
WoodyJon Lborn about 1933
WoodyLeonard Nborn about 1892
WoodyLouie born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungCharles Rborn about 1939
YoungEdgar Kborn about 1916
YoungElsie Jborn about 1918
YoungGoldia Bborn about 1897
YoungM Clenborn about 1897
YoungRobert Cborn about 1917
YountJames Bborn about 1883
YountRachel Mborn about 1890

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