1940 U.S. Federal Census of Washington in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Washington in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AddyLora Aborn about 1923
AddyNathan born about 1878
AddyOra Bborn about 1888
AkersMae Cborn about 1924
AkersZepthia Jborn about 1856
AlexanderRoss born about 1876
AllenClara born about 1868
AltonJoe born about 1865
AltonLydia born about 1856
AndersonCarl Vborn about 1904
AndersonCarol Sueborn about 1936
AndersonIrvin Eborn about 1894
AndersonJames Lborn about 1935
AndersonLinia Bborn about 1900
AndersonMadona Jborn about 1927
AndersonTina Aborn about 1910
AndersonWilliam born about 1929
ArneyEtta born about 1904
ArneyRex Cborn about 1924
ArneySkyler born about 1898
AveryMay born about 1879

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B Surnames

BalderRobert Hborn about 1911
BarnettBort born about 1869
BarnettJay born about 1866
BarnnettRudolf born about 1865
BeamanAlva Cborn about 1863
BeamerBarbara Aborn about 1866
BeamerWilliam born about 1858
BellErnest born about 1889
BellJulia Aborn about 1889
BellLeonard Oborn about 1922
BesinerLucile Nborn about 1895
BlairCharles Oborn about 1936
BlairM Fernborn about 1932
BlairNelda Kborn about 1933
BlairOlive born about 1895
BlairWalter born about 1891
BowmanIssac born about 1868
BoyceCurtis born about 1880
BoyceHenry Cborn about 1869
BoyceHerbert Gborn about 1915
BoyceLevi Hborn about 1873
BoyceLottie Oborn about 1883
BoyceWilma born about 1916
BoydBertha Aborn about 1918
BoydDonald Gborn about 1935
BoydGeraldine Lborn about 1938
BoydWalter Rborn about 1913
BoynCora Eborn about 1882
BoynHomer born about 1880
BoynPaul Cborn about 1921
BoynRose Mborn about 1921
BrandForrest Eborn about 1923
BrandFred Rborn about 1900
BrandLaura Aborn about 1900
BrandMax Eborn about 1927
BrantPhilmon born about 1916
BrantRuth Eborn about 1921
BrownEzra born about 1874
BrownFlay Aborn about 1911
BrownGail born about 1884
BrownGalie born about 1880
BrownGrace born about 1910
BrownHarvey Oborn about 1901
BrownJames Dborn about 1936
BrownLawrence born about 1907
BrownMaggie born about 1877
BrownMary Fannborn about 1922
BrownMax Lborn about 1918
BrownRedford Wborn about 1906
BrownRichard Aborn about 1927
BrownRuth Eborn about 1904
BrownTheodore Eborn about 1929
BrownWilliam Aborn about 1939
BrownWilliam Eborn about 1932
BrullIris born about 1885
BrullListon Fborn about 1916
BrullMarilyn Sueborn about 1923
BrullOtis Rborn about 1882
BuellEtta Aborn about 1887
BuellForrest Jborn about 1929
BuellFreida Vborn about 1920
BuellMax Mborn about 1922
BuellMurill Lborn about 1931
BuellRolland Hborn about 1918
BuellThelma Jborn about 1925
BuellWilmer born about 1880
ButlerKathryn born about 1860
ByronGlen Cborn about 1900
ByronMary Aborn about 1908

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C Surnames

CampbellArthur Wborn about 1882
CampbellCartloyd Cborn about 1872
CampbellEdgar Eborn about 1872
CampbellElyzabeth born about 1859
CampbellEmma Rborn about 1871
CampbellForrest born about 1915
CampbellGertrude born about 1876
CampbellGuy Mborn about 1888
CampbellHarold born about 1912
CampbellHarry Aborn about 1869
CampbellJohn Tborn about 1883
CampbellLillian born about 1889
CampbellMargaret Bborn about 1887
CampbellPear Lborn about 1903
CampbellRobert born about 1873
CampbellRutherford Bborn about 1878
CampbellSara Mborn about 1875
CampbellWarren born about 1855
CashmanAhmad Fborn about 1882
CashmanBarbara Aborn about 1932
CashmanDaisy Lborn about 1885
CashmanLenord Tborn about 1934
ChambersAnna born about 1864
ChambersArgel Oborn about 1925
ChambersErie Mborn about 1928
ChambersF Ermaborn about 1900
ChambersFlorence Lborn about 1924
ChambersGrace Eborn about 1878
ChambersHester Eborn about 1926
ChambersJob Eborn about 1899
ChambersJohn Aborn about 1880
ChambersJoseph born about 1890
ChambersLouis Aborn about 1931
ChambersMarcella Mborn about 1936
ChambersNeva Aborn about 1899
ChambersReba Nborn about 1929
ChambersRobert Aborn about 1866
ChambersRobert Bborn about 1922
ClaraJohn Eborn about 1924
ClarkAda Lborn about 1916
ClarkBert Wborn about 1882
ClarkGilbert Gborn about 1929
ClarkJoan born about 1932
ClarkJohn born about 1892
ClarkOlive Zborn about 1897
ClarkOra Eborn about 1878
ClarkRay Eborn about 1921
ClarkRomona born about 1936
ClarkRosa Lborn about 1938
ClarkZelma born about 1924
ClingermanArthur born about 1902
ClingermanDonald Dborn about 1930
ClingermanDoolard born about 1904
ClingermanDorothy Iborn about 1936
ClingermanElmer born about 1873
ClingermanEmry Nborn about 1877
ClingermanGwendolyn born about 1910
ClingermanIrvin born about 1912
ClingermanMaclomt Aborn about 1926
ClingermanMae born about 1885
ClingermanMary Mborn about 1874
ClingermanMax Cborn about 1934
ClingermanVeyrl Lborn about 1928
ClingermanViola Pborn about 1904
ClingermanWilford Mborn about 1928
ClingermanWilma Iborn about 1939
ClingermanWilma Jeanborn about 1930
CooksieClaude Wborn about 1934
CooksieHelen Iborn about 1897
CooksieNorma Dborn about 1932
CooksiePatricia Eborn about 1930
CooksiePaul Fborn about 1916
CooksieViola Bborn about 1924
CornelisonEverett born about 1912
CornelisonHelen Pborn about 1913
CornelisonKeith Mborn about 1933
CoxAnnbelle Lborn about 1940
CoxBetty Lborn about 1932
CoxErnest born about 1903
CoxGeorge Wborn about 1928
CoxGladys Iborn about 1905
CoxJohn Rborn about 1927
CraftonCarole Aborn about 1936
CraftonHarry born about 1889
CraftonJoan Mborn about 1934
CraftonLela Maeborn about 1930
CraftonLloyd Oborn about 1932
CraftonLou born about 1926
CraftonTessie Jr born about 1925
CraftonVine born about 1894
CraverElnora born about 1928
CraverMarjorie born about 1906
CraverRoy born about 1900
CroverAda Jborn about 1888
CroverHarry Aborn about 1890
CroverMalvin Cborn about 1924
CroverOpal Lborn about 1928
CroxtonHorace born about 1865
CullenDit born about 1864
CullerFarrell born about 1916
CullerMary Lborn about 1919

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D Surnames

DayhuffMary Mborn about 1875
DayhuffSompson Gborn about 1873
DireAlice Lborn about 1859
DoltonBilly Louborn about 1938
DoltonClarence Rborn about 1916
DoltonDelbert Lborn about 1937
DoltonGladys Ireneborn about 1939
DoltonRachel Lborn about 1936
DoltonRichard Eborn about 1938
DoltonRuby Iborn about 1916
DoltonVerna Eborn about 1908
DoltonVirgil born about 1907
DoltonWilbur Dborn about 1939
DrakeEla Lborn about 1868
DrakeElizabeth born about 1875
DrakeEper Eberborn about 1894
DrakeOtis born about 1873

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E Surnames

EasterElmer born about 1873
EhrenhardtCecile Cborn about 1896
EhrenhardtMargaret Jborn about 1925
EhrenhardtVirginia Jborn about 1930
EhrenhardtWilliam Hborn about 1887
ElkinCarolyn Lborn about 1927
ElkinFrederica Aborn about 1862
ElkinHarry Lborn about 1893

F Surnames

FainardEmma born about 1888
FamardRobert born about 1883
FenthersonArthur born about 1898
FenthersonArthur Eborn about 1931
FenthersonDonald Lborn about 1935
FenthersonFloy Jborn about 1898
FenthersonMable Eborn about 1925
FenthersonPhyllis Gborn about 1933
FergusonAlice born about 1866
FescherInez born about 1895
FescherJohn Wborn about 1892
FischerCharlotte Nborn about 1913
FischerElizabeth Wborn about 1872
FischerGeorgie Aborn about 1882
FischerMarjorie Pborn about 1910
FischerNell Jborn about 1910
FleddejohnAlbert Oborn about 1884
FleddejohnAugust Fborn about 1876
FleddejohnSophie Eborn about 1869
FranceMilburn born about 1922
FrancisFlora Iborn about 1886
FrancisNathan Iborn about 1882
FrankCleo Dborn about 1931
FrankGarold Eborn about 1927
FrankHerman Aborn about 1902
FrankKatie born about 1868
FrankLevera Kborn about 1928
FrankMerle Pborn about 1934
FrankOpal Mborn about 1910
FrankRobert Lborn about 1939
FrasserMary born about 1873
FrumpGladys born about 1889
FrumpKenneth born about 1884
FunkAda Lborn about 1879
FunkAllen born about 1879
FunkAretha born about 1920
FunkBeatrice born about 1908
FunkChristina Mborn about 1923
FunkDon born about 1937
FunkEsther Mborn about 1906
FunkEvertt Leeborn about 1928
FunkGeneva Fayeborn about 1930
FunkHerman Aborn about 1910
FunkJoy born about 1916
FunkLewis Rborn about 1889
FunkMary Annborn about 1939
FunkOlive Rborn about 1893
FunkRichard born about 1931
FunkRoy Wborn about 1903
FunkVon Eborn about 1923
FunkWilbur Eborn about 1925

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G Surnames

GeffnerJohn Lborn about 1875
GeffnerLizzie Mborn about 1881
GeffnerMelva born about 1919
GerberDavid born about 1877
GibbonsCora Eborn about 1890
GibbonsEdgar Rborn about 1925
GibbonsHarvey Eborn about 1886
GickaEugene Oborn about 1866
GickaJane Nborn about 1878
GickaJohn Aborn about 1906
GielhartHenry born about 1865
GiltyEdna born about 1888
GiltyWilliam Aborn about 1883
GodfreyEdith Wborn about 1905
GodfreyGilberta Lborn about 1883
GodfreyJames Mborn about 1875
GodfreyJay Mborn about 1926
GodfreyJohn Cborn about 1862
GodfreyMarjorie Jborn about 1928
GodfreyMax Aborn about 1924
GodfreyVirgil Mborn about 1905
GoffaMarjorie born about 1925
GoffaMildred Lborn about 1915
GoffaMinnie Cborn about 1893
GoffaRay Dborn about 1893
GolfhillBips Ruthborn about 1930
GolfhillByron Mborn about 1935
GolfhillCarl born about 1900
GolfhillClyde Wborn about 1937
GolfhillFlorence born about 1904
GolfhillJean Ernestborn about 1928
GolfhillLinda Kayborn about 1940
GolfhillLucilla Wborn about 1926
GolfhillLucinda born about 1860
GolfhillMax Dborn about 1923
GolfhillW Morrisborn about 1932
GoneyMary born about 1861
GordiaWelsey born about 1900
GowardAda born about 1888
GriffithBessie born about 1880
GriffithClifford born about 1918
GriffithEthel born about 1884
GriffithFred born about 1874
GriffithIssac born about 1879
GriffithLucia born about 1876
GrofVida born about 1927

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H Surnames

HaffnerJennie Mborn about 1906
HaffnerJoe Aborn about 1936
HaffnerJune Nborn about 1933
HaffnerMelvin Aborn about 1907
HaffnerRay Mborn about 1931
HamerslyEdward Eborn about 1867
HamerslyEmma born about 1865
HandaMarjorie born about 1910
HandaWalter Kborn about 1893
HankArgle born about 1904
HansaKenneth Lborn about 1938
HansaM Louiseborn about 1911
HansaRobert Lborn about 1904
HansonElizabeth Dborn about 1903
HansonGlenoria Jborn about 1927
HansonJohn Hborn about 1888
HansonLinda Kborn about 1939
HansonMary Jborn about 1931
HansonRosalind Jborn about 1926
HavilandDoris Mborn about 1934
HavilandJohn Lborn about 1937
HavilandMildred Rborn about 1912
HavilandRobert Pborn about 1939
HavilandWilla Rborn about 1935
HavilandWilliam Cborn about 1911
HazeltonCharles Dborn about 1909
HazeltonCharles Jr born about 1930
HazeltonD Carlborn about 1927
HazeltonNancy Jborn about 1939
HazeltonOpal Jborn about 1905
HazeltonPaul Fborn about 1939
HazeltonWalter Oborn about 1932
HelperLoretta Rborn about 1936
HemphillJames Dborn about 1887
HemphillNancy Cborn about 1866
HeplerMartha Eborn about 1918
HeplerRachael Lborn about 1875
HeplerWalter Rborn about 1904
HicksManetta born about 1919
HicksMauda born about 1861
HochstellerGilbert Mborn about 1916
HochstellerZelma Lborn about 1919
HoechstetterHoward born about 1884
HoechstetterMae Mborn about 1895
HoffaArthur Rborn about 1887
HoffaCharles Mborn about 1917
HoffaClifford Gborn about 1884
HoffaDelorias Aborn about 1887
HoffaEthel Jborn about 1896
HoffaFrank Mborn about 1862
HoffaGrace Eborn about 1889
HoffaJohn Fborn about 1888
HoffaMarian Eborn about 1915
HoffaMartha Iborn about 1936
HoffaMcnary Mborn about 1916
HoffaNellie born about 1877
HoffeCarolyn born about 1876
HoffeClifford born about 1884
HoffeDelories Aborn about 1887
HoffeHarry born about 1875
HoffeMcnary Mborn about 1916
HolhenburgEmma Mborn about 1879
HolhenburgHenry Wborn about 1877
HonkDorothy Dborn about 1921
HonkElmyra born about 1894
HonkJesse Rborn about 1895
HoukArgel born about 1904
HoukLydia born about 1864
HuberBetty Jeanborn about 1926
HuberCecil Pborn about 1926
HuberEliza Jborn about 1866
HuberElizabeth born about 1904
HuberElizabeth born about 1913
HuberElizabeth Kborn about 1913
HuberFrest born about 1908
HuberIda Eborn about 1895
HuberJames Cborn about 1883
HuberJennie Bborn about 1881
HuberJohn Lborn about 1933
HuberLarry Mborn about 1887
HuberLena born about 1884
HuberLinder Eborn about 1901
HuberLouise Cborn about 1886
HuberMillard born about 1879
HuberOrval Eborn about 1877
HuberPerry Cborn about 1890
HuberRoss born about 1887
HuberViola born about 1888
HuntleDoloris Maeborn about 1939
HuntleDonald Aborn about 1933
HuntleLoretta Jeanborn about 1938
HuntleMarsue Aborn about 1914
HuntleMarsue Jr born about 1936
HuntleNorma born about 1915

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J Surnames

JamesBenoney Oborn about 1872
JamesGeorge Williamborn about 1908
JamesGladys born about 1877
JamesHazel Aborn about 1916
JamesLucy born about 1872
JamesLula born about 1875
JamesMae born about 1882
JamesMyrna Iborn about 1938
JamesOwen Lborn about 1917
JenksArvad Aborn about 1895
JenksBlanche Mborn about 1896
JenksDonald Rborn about 1936
JenksDorothy Mborn about 1924
JonesAnnitta Cborn about 1890
JonesCharles Fborn about 1888
JonesHarland born about 1925
JordanAlbert born about 1902
JordanAldis born about 1911
JordanBetty Lborn about 1930
JordanDean born about 1930
JordanIra Eborn about 1908
JordanJackie Lborn about 1936
JordanJunio Royborn about 1933
JordanLola born about 1911
JordanMarcella born about 1929
JordanMelvin born about 1931
JordanRobert Lborn about 1931

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K Surnames

KanbleDanny born about 1875
KeiserAlbert Eborn about 1882
KeiserBurl Eborn about 1936
KeiserClyde Eborn about 1907
KeiserDorothy Lborn about 1913
KeiserFred Rborn about 1885
KeiserGlenden Sborn about 1907
KeiserMarilyn Jeanborn about 1927
KeiserMary Fborn about 1906
KeiserMaurice Hborn about 1910
KeiserMuriel Aborn about 1887
KeiserNorma Leeborn about 1932
KeiserOscar Lborn about 1876
KeiserStella Wborn about 1880
KeiserWilliam Hborn about 1916
KellorCarl Eborn about 1939
KellorLawrence born about 1937
KellorMable Mborn about 1909
KellorRichard Lborn about 1931
KellorWayne Fborn about 1909
KellsonCarolyn Sborn about 1935
KellsonGertrude Mborn about 1909
KellsonKenneth Hborn about 1904
KellsonLida Bborn about 1877
KellsonMarion Fborn about 1928
KellumFrances Lborn about 1904
KellumGeorge Wborn about 1888
KellumGeorge Jr born about 1927
KellumHerbert Claytonborn about 1933
KellumJoe Charlesborn about 1929
KellumLittie Mborn about 1885
KellumMildred Marieborn about 1926
KellumShirley Sueborn about 1939
KenworthyImogene born about 1879
KernoThomas born about 1880
KernsLizzie born about 1881
KillinEverett Cborn about 1926
KillinHerschel Wborn about 1932
KillinIva Iborn about 1902
KillinRex Gborn about 1899
KillionBetty Aborn about 1928
KillionDale Rborn about 1934
KillionDennis Hborn about 1904
KillionEdward Aborn about 1930
KillionEdward Cborn about 1902
KillionEvelyn born about 1911
KillionHerbert Mborn about 1899
KillionJoanna born about 1935
KillionLina Alanborn about 1939
KillionMargaret Hborn about 1902
KillionMary Iborn about 1929
KillionNorma Ruthborn about 1940
KillionRuth Pborn about 1908
KirkCurtis Wborn about 1903
KirkSylvia Rborn about 1907
KirkhamJohn born about 1867
KitchGrace Eborn about 1893
KitchHerman Dborn about 1895
KitchNancy Aborn about 1858
KnoxIva Aborn about 1906
KnoxMary Janeborn about 1928
KnoxMathias Rborn about 1898
KnoxRussel Fborn about 1937
KnoxRuth Anborn about 1939
KnoxThelma Gborn about 1930
KnoxThomas Rborn about 1902
KnoxViolet Lborn about 1920
KordRuth Rborn about 1893
KordWalter Rborn about 1891
KosselClifford born about 1884
KosselMyrtle born about 1885
KrackTheresa born about 1877
KreasGlenn Wborn about 1917
KreasKatherine Rborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LampkinsEdward Eborn about 1897
LampkinsJr Ralph born about 1928
LampkinsMina Mborn about 1902
LawsonBlanche Bborn about 1883
LawsonWhit Pborn about 1883
LewisJohn Wborn about 1872
LewisZetta Bborn about 1881
LiachtyCarl born about 1894
LiachtyEra Nborn about 1898
LiachtyJames Aborn about 1931
LiachtyRex born about 1922
LiachtyRichard Mborn about 1922
LiachtyThelma Lborn about 1924
LietzmanGeorge Hborn about 1869
LietzmanHallie Fborn about 1884
LintsEdward born about 1930
LintsIsaac Fborn about 1903
LintsLaymond Kayborn about 1940
LintsLe Roy born about 1937
LintsOzeata Lborn about 1913
LobyLona born about 1901
LobyRalph born about 1902
LongAda born about 1872
LongWilliam Hborn about 1865
LoshSarah born about 1886
LoshWilliam Hborn about 1872

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M Surnames

MaceDara born about 1870
MartinAlta Jborn about 1885
MartinDelbert Eborn about 1924
MartinRussell Sborn about 1917
MartinSamuel Mborn about 1877
MaurerDorothea Eborn about 1921
MaurerLola Eborn about 1885
MaurerSamuel born about 1877
McCannSamuel born about 1865
McCombsEvelyn Eborn about 1908
McCombsGeorge Hborn about 1931
McCombsHomer Rborn about 1901
McCombsMairiam born about 1929
McCuloughFloyd Hborn about 1897
McCuloughJessie Fborn about 1898
McCuloughRosella born about 1922
McKinneyBessie Nborn about 1902
McKinneyBetty Juneborn about 1930
McKinneyCharles born about 1902
McKinneyEdna Pborn about 1909
McKinneyRobert Eborn about 1927
McKinneyRussell Hborn about 1895
MeltonMary Eborn about 1867
MeyerArthur born about 1903
MeyerCharles born about 1926
MeyerDoris Maeborn about 1937
MeyerElsie born about 1904
MeyerEster born about 1898
MeyerFlossie born about 1900
MeyerFrancelkas Mborn about 1931
MeyerFrancis Eborn about 1905
MeyerGene Eborn about 1926
MeyerHarry Fborn about 1901
MeyerIda Eborn about 1883
MeyerMadene born about 1931
MeyerNorma Rborn about 1934
MeyerOscar Fborn about 1893
MeyerPaul Eborn about 1929
MeyerRaty Rborn about 1930
MeyerRobert Rborn about 1926
MeyerWalter born about 1895
MeyersAndren born about 1913
MikolitinsMary born about 1922
MilesCarrie born about 1872
MillerAmos Wborn about 1868
MillerAmos Wborn about 1869
MillerAnn Maeborn about 1939
MillerEmma born about 1874
MillerEnos born about 1872
MillerHarrison born about 1918
MillerJohn born about 1882
MillerJunita Lborn about 1939
MillerMary Eborn about 1862
MillerMaude Lborn about 1876
MillerMerle Lborn about 1875
MillerRuth Nborn about 1920
MischlerHearty born about 1886
MischlerRossella born about 1883
MontsUretha born about 1857
MoonBertha Aborn about 1887
MoonClara Eborn about 1894
MoonClaude Bborn about 1887
MoonClayton born about 1925
MoonCynthia born about 1920
MoonEdward born about 1872
MoonEmery born about 1876
MoonFlora born about 1879
MoonGerald Eborn about 1925
MoonLitta born about 1877
MoonLydia Cborn about 1879
MoonMarshall Mborn about 1880
MoonNellie born about 1886
MoonRay Aborn about 1894
MoonRichard born about 1919
MooreGertrude born about 1900
MoxenHarvey born about 1923
MuehlerOscar born about 1865
MurbargerDella born about 1869
MurbargerJacob Eborn about 1908
MustardElla Sborn about 1886
MustardJames Gborn about 1848
MustardMabel Rborn about 1921
MustardMax Nborn about 1925
MustardR Bruceborn about 1881

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N Surnames

NeesAlverta Jborn about 1878
NeeseDennis Cborn about 1895
NeeseDonald Aborn about 1929
NeeseEvelyn Jborn about 1921
NeeseFreda Fborn about 1929
NeeseGrace Fborn about 1910
NeeseHerschel Hborn about 1919
NeeseLola Aborn about 1898
NeeseRichard Hborn about 1937
NeeseRoy Wborn about 1925
NeeseRussel Hborn about 1902
NeeseTheron Dborn about 1937
NeeseWanda Lborn about 1930
NeeseWilliam Lborn about 1933
NelsonGuphey born about 1892
NelsonIda born about 1872
NewportGoldie Jborn about 1914
NewportM Daleborn about 1936
NewportMarcella Mborn about 1934
NewportRalph Eborn about 1911
NewportThomas born about 1862
NewtonPeter Fborn about 1873
NicholsonJoe Rborn about 1885
NicosonArda born about 1925
NicosonDonald born about 1928
NicosonEverett Aborn about 1897
NicosonMyron born about 1930
NicosonWarren born about 1926
NormanClara Eborn about 1885
NormanClarence Eborn about 1886
NormanForest Jborn about 1924
NormanGeraldine Rborn about 1926
NormanLemorine born about 1922
NormanNoah born about 1898
NormanOlive born about 1898
NusselGeorge born about 1886
NusselMary born about 1885

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O Surnames

OgbornAlbert Tborn about 1888
OgbornAlma Maeborn about 1895
OgbornBenyard Jborn about 1929
OgbornCharles Wborn about 1934
OgbornClarence Eborn about 1927
OgbornGrace Aborn about 1936
OgbornJohn Hborn about 1930
OgbornLlyde Lborn about 1939
OgbornLucy Maeborn about 1932
OgbornSamuel Aborn about 1926
OrmanEly born about 1877
OrmanGrace born about 1879

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P Surnames

PenrodEdna Mborn about 1911
PenrodFrank Hborn about 1908
PenrodGus Bborn about 1935
PenrodLillian Mborn about 1940
PorterWilliam born about 1885
PowellClara Wborn about 1906
PowellErie Dborn about 1880
PowellJanet Eborn about 1939
PowellRonald Kborn about 1936
PowellWillis Eborn about 1907
PriceAnna born about 1862

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R Surnames

RandrollClarence Aborn about 1908
RectorBurlin Rborn about 1905
RectorJames Rborn about 1940
RectorL Carettaborn about 1918
ReddellDicke Eborn about 1934
ReddellJoe Pborn about 1931
ReddellRebecca Aborn about 1933
ReddellW Marthaborn about 1939
ReddellWilhelmina born about 1908
RhodesOsa Eborn about 1897
RhodesPatricia Aborn about 1935
RhodesRalph born about 1897
RodenbergerLucastia born about 1880
RodenbergerNellie Eborn about 1905
RodenbergerPaul Mborn about 1904
RousselJules born about 1871
RoyerAron Lborn about 1934
RoyerElmer born about 1872
RoyerLeon born about 1931
RoyerLeroy born about 1933
RoyerLoarraine born about 1930
RoyerMadona born about 1935
RoyerMary Lborn about 1937
RoyerNellie Pborn about 1858
RoyerRose Wborn about 1876
RoyerVirgil Hborn about 1906
RusonHoward Rborn about 1906
RusonHowld Nborn about 1938
RusonLeona Mborn about 1908

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S Surnames

SandsJohn Rborn about 1892
SandsKermit born about 1921
SandsLeatha born about 1893
SausherInas born about 1870
SchopmeyerBarbara Jborn about 1934
SchopmeyerBeatrice Gborn about 1919
SchopmeyerCarl Gborn about 1882
SchopmeyerClarence born about 1890
SchopmeyerClayborn born about 1909
SchopmeyerDora Lborn about 1890
SchopmeyerEatha Gborn about 1897
SchopmeyerEdward Jborn about 1886
SchopmeyerHollie Eborn about 1895
SchopmeyerJohn Lborn about 1924
SchopmeyerJustin born about 1919
SchopmeyerKychus born about 1924
SchopmeyerMarvin Lborn about 1932
SchopmeyerMary Eborn about 1900
SchopmeyerMinnie born about 1914
SchopmeyerNoral Lborn about 1918
SchopmeyerOral born about 1899
SchopmeyerRalph Eborn about 1894
SchopmeyerRex Eborn about 1922
SchopmeyerRobert Eborn about 1936
SchopmeyerRoy Lborn about 1897
SchopmeyerVirgil Wborn about 1913
SchraerEsther Aborn about 1909
SchraerJohn Eborn about 1932
SchraerRalph Hborn about 1910
SchroerElmer born about 1894
SchroerElsie Cborn about 1885
SchroerEmma Bborn about 1884
SchroerHerbert born about 1923
SchroerJames Aborn about 1931
SchroerJean Cborn about 1925
SchroerJohn Cborn about 1883
SchroerJohn Fborn about 1880
SchroerLawrence Rborn about 1898
SchroerLois Hborn about 1898
SchroerRobert Kborn about 1937
SchroerRuel Lborn about 1927
SchroerRuth Gborn about 1901
SchronerDennis Aborn about 1892
SchronerEdith Aborn about 1892
SchronerJoan Rborn about 1928
SchronerMary Jborn about 1867
SchronerMax Rborn about 1923
ScottMaxine born about 1920
SilneyRosa born about 1878
SiplesBertha Aborn about 1903
SiplesDelbert Luborn about 1940
SiplesHarold Eborn about 1900
SiplesWanda Rborn about 1936
SkeltonArnold born about 1896
SkeltonEdward Gborn about 1927
SkeltonElsie Lborn about 1932
SkeltonEsther Lborn about 1929
SkeltonEva Rborn about 1902
SkeltonFloyd Wborn about 1904
SkeltonJames Hborn about 1937
SkeltonJoseph Aborn about 1923
SkeltonJune Hborn about 1937
SkeltonLeila Mborn about 1934
SkeltonLizetta born about 1866
SkeltonOna Lborn about 1904
SkeltonPaul Dborn about 1925
SkeltonWilliam Aborn about 1859
SmithAlbert Cborn about 1929
SmithArthur born about 1905
SmithClara Iborn about 1922
SmithCora Aborn about 1906
SmithCorry Mborn about 1871
SmithDoris Mborn about 1887
SmithErnest Cborn about 1925
SmithFrances Oborn about 1903
SmithGeorge Mborn about 1860
SmithGilbert Lborn about 1932
SmithIla Aborn about 1875
SmithJack Aborn about 1926
SmithJames Eborn about 1931
SmithJesse born about 1887
SmithLawrence born about 1912
SmithMary Eborn about 1888
SmithReuben Eborn about 1880
SmithWalter Cborn about 1901
SmithWalter C Jrborn about 1927
SpeathAnna born about 1881
SpeathEdward born about 1886
SpelbringWalter Eborn about 1885
SpillingDora Eborn about 1894
SpillingHerschel Eborn about 1914
SpillingIrwin Lborn about 1894
SpillingLucy Rborn about 1917
SpillingRobert Mborn about 1921
SpillingSheldon Dborn about 1938
StaleyDonald Jborn about 1934
StaleyDonald Rborn about 1910
StaleyEurtice Oborn about 1919
StaleyGibbert Mborn about 1919
StaleyLeaman born about 1931
StaleyRuth born about 1911
StearleyAlberta Lborn about 1923
StearleyBertha born about 1897
StearleyCharles born about 1887
StearleyGeorge Hborn about 1921
StearleyGerma born about 1904
StearleyJohn born about 1892
StearleyLeltha Mborn about 1899
StearleyLucille Aborn about 1918
StearleyMable Rborn about 1916
StearleyRuth Dborn about 1921
StearleyWilliam Cborn about 1893
StephenMary Eborn about 1882
StephenSherman born about 1882
StephensMerle born about 1922
StevensJames Mborn about 1853
SticklesSamuel born about 1869
StiglerEdith born about 1902
StiglerHerbert born about 1877
StiglerMyrtle born about 1932
StillwagonFannie born about 1861
StoelingAubra Lborn about 1936
StoelingBetty Jborn about 1939
StoelingStanley Lborn about 1915
StoelingStanley Mborn about 1934
StoelingWilma born about 1914
StoughGeorge born about 1886
StrunkArlene Mborn about 1934
StrunkHomer Aborn about 1933
StrunkRoss Wborn about 1905
StwalleyBennie Rborn about 1934
StwalleyDole Mborn about 1908
StwalleyHarold Cborn about 1908
StwalleyHazel Jborn about 1909
StwalleyJoan Annborn about 1938
StwalleyLucille Cborn about 1910
StwalleyMarcella Rborn about 1929
StwalleyRoy Kborn about 1936
SummerlotGrace Cborn about 1879
SummerlotOliver Dborn about 1882
SwalleyL Belleborn about 1876
SwalleyNathan Dborn about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbotBillie born about 1928
TalbotGeorge born about 1903
TalbotJuanita born about 1908
TalbotNita Mborn about 1935
TelegemeyerElsie Mborn about 1885
TelegemeyerHarry Fborn about 1882
TelegemeyerHerber Oborn about 1914
TelegemeyerVirgil Rborn about 1908
ThomasBeatrice Oborn about 1891
ThomasClayton Walborn about 1922
ThomasDonald Lborn about 1931
ThomasElla Eborn about 1872
ThomasEllen Mborn about 1934
ThomasHannah Nborn about 1872
ThomasHarry Hborn about 1871
ThomasHerbert Fborn about 1892
ThomasL Lucilleborn about 1911
ThomasLeslie Lborn about 1897
ThomasLouis born about 1863
ThomasLouis Fborn about 1938
ThomasMary Aborn about 1900
ThomasRobert Kborn about 1922
ThomasSamuel born about 1909
ThomasSamuel Rborn about 1931
ThomasSerbert Dborn about 1925
ThomasSrada born about 1871
ThompsonAdda born about 1887
ThompsonAnna Jborn about 1921
ThompsonAubrey born about 1890
ThompsonBessie Iborn about 1891
ThompsonBeth Kborn about 1924
ThompsonBeverly Lborn about 1926
ThompsonDona Eborn about 1932
ThompsonKeith born about 1927
ThompsonMarcella Sborn about 1934
ThompsonNoral Eborn about 1919
ThompsonWard born about 1929
ThuseErnest Dborn about 1924
ThuseSalas Eborn about 1877
TilleyGordon Lborn about 1939
TilleyRalph Iborn about 1906
TilleyRuth Lborn about 1908
TilleySharon Rborn about 1936
TurnerNancy Rborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanburnFrank born about 1854

W Surnames

WagnerCarolyn Bborn about 1875
WaldronLollie born about 1895
WaldronWorth born about 1892
WalkerIda Mborn about 1866
WalkerJames Mborn about 1858
WaltersCharles born about 1927
WaltersRobert born about 1928
WeberCarl Lborn about 1896
WeberJames Eborn about 1926
WeberOlga Vborn about 1899
WeberWilliam Hborn about 1920
WilkinsonEvelyn born about 1912
WilkinsonIsaac born about 1905
WilliamsEverett born about 1900
WilliamsGoldie Bborn about 1889
WilliamsJacqueline born about 1940
WilliamsJohn Cborn about 1877
WilliamsKatie Rborn about 1926
WilliamsMarjorie Iborn about 1914
WilliamsMason Cborn about 1912
WinekieEdgar born about 1903
WoodburnEmmet born about 1919
WoodburnHacold Jborn about 1924
WoodburnHoward born about 1883
WoodburnJohn Eborn about 1893
WoodburnNancy Eborn about 1881
WoodburnNaomi Dborn about 1922
WoodburnPaul Eborn about 1918
WoodsBillie born about 1920
WoodsCharles Wborn about 1892
WoodsOlive born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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