1940 U.S. Federal Census of Waterloo in Fayette County, Fayette, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Waterloo in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

ArcheyDoris born about 1920
ArcheyOlive born about 1924
ArnoldWm born about 1881
AultCharles born about 1927
AultChester born about 1900
AultDora Janeborn about 1924
AultDoris Janeborn about 1925
AultMarjorie born about 1904

B Surnames

BehymerFrank born about 1872
BehymerJulia Aliceborn about 1869
BenningerAnna Mayborn about 1940
BenningerLillian born about 1919
BenningerRobert born about 1916
BishpEdward born about 1932
BordenCharles Edwinborn about 1932
BordenElizabeth born about 1893
BordenHarry born about 1889
BordenHelen Louiseborn about 1934
BordenJohn Harryborn about 1927
BordenLois Evelynborn about 1936
BordenRuth Evaborn about 1929
BrownCarl born about 1911
BrownIsabel born about 1909
BrownWalter born about 1880
BruinGlendola born about 1922
BrumfielOzro born about 1860
BunyardGayle born about 1911
BunyardGrace born about 1910
BurgdoerferClyde Mborn about 1910
BurgdoerferEunice Lborn about 1916
BurgdoerferG Otisborn about 1871
BurgdoerferIda Mborn about 1875
ByrdJohn born about 1887
ByrdRichard born about 1932
ByrdStella born about 1900

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C Surnames

CaldwellEva Mborn about 1890
CaldwellForrest Rborn about 1884
CaldwellMarguerite born about 1898
CaldwellMiriam Mborn about 1856
CaldwellPatricia born about 1921
CarmackLena born about 1884
CarmackRalph born about 1884
CarterAlta born about 1892
CarterH Adrianborn about 1890
CarterMarcelle born about 1920
CarterPaul born about 1913
CentersEldon born about 1886
CentersMamie born about 1926
CentersMartha born about 1895
CentersWesley born about 1921
ChambersEdward born about 1875
ChaneyEffie born about 1897
ChaneySina Jeanborn about 1928
ChrismanPerry born about 1898
ChrismanWayman born about 1905
ClarkBetty born about 1936
ClarkEdwin born about 1933
ClarkLeonard born about 1909
ClarkStella born about 1910
ClarkWanda born about 1930
CrawleyMelvin born about 1920
CregarBilly Jeanborn about 1938
CregarClara born about 1915
CregarRoger born about 1912
CregarShirley Annborn about 1936
CullinsMarshall born about 1870
CumbackMildred born about 1900
CumbackWm Lborn about 1885
CumbackWm L Jrborn about 1926
CunninghamJames born about 1900
CunninghamSarah born about 1904

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D Surnames

DavisDonna Mayborn about 1939
DavisEv Hanborn about 1917
DavisHazel born about 1920
DefossettArthur born about 1914
DefossettSuzanne born about 1908
DerrickDouglas born about 1919
DicksonEdith born about 1911
DicksonGertrude born about 1877
DicksonW A Sborn about 1859
DicksonWm Aborn about 1905
DouthittDoris Jeanborn about 1932
DouthittFlorence born about 1905
DouthittGlenn born about 1927
DouthittHerbert born about 1901
DouthittJames born about 1931
DucanWm Eborn about 1935
DuncanEarl Eugeneborn about 1940
DuncanLena Mborn about 1937
DuncanNelle born about 1921
DuncanRobert Eborn about 1935

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E Surnames

EasleyEllen Janeborn about 1888
EasleyGerald born about 1888
EasleyHarold born about 1923
EasleyLucretia born about 1918
EasleyPaul born about 1927

F Surnames

FenderClarence born about 1908
FenderErnestine born about 1905
FenderNorma Sueborn about 1936
FilbyMaude born about 1867
FrostDelbert born about 1890
FrostHoward born about 1917
FrostLouise born about 1919
FrostMelva born about 1893
FrostWm Cborn about 1884

G Surnames

GarretInez born about 1903
GarretMargene born about 1937
GarretPaul born about 1897
GeisD Pborn about 1868
GiantEdna Aliceborn about 1879
GiantLaurence Emmetborn about 1884
GibsonHarold born about 1909
GibsonPaul born about 1914
GibsonRoy born about 1907
GibsonWalter born about 1872
GillilandCarroll Verneborn about 1934
GlissonEva born about 1910
GlissonHerbert born about 1909
GlissonHoward born about 1909
GlissonJoan born about 1929
GlissonPauline born about 1932
GlissonPhyllis born about 1935
GlissonRobert born about 1922
GlissonRuth born about 1909

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H Surnames

HallRonald born about 1927
HallWinona born about 1926
HamiltonSarah Eborn about 1864
HayesCatherine born about 1921
HelmCollie Roscoeborn about 1876
HenryAlbert born about 1867
HenryBetty Lonborn about 1935
HenryCharles Leeborn about 1926
HenryDonald Pierreborn about 1922
HenryEdwin Keithborn about 1934
HenryEstella born about 1877
HenryHelen born about 1901
HenryHerbert born about 1900
HenryHilda born about 1912
HenryHilton Bruceborn about 1937
HenryJanet Bruceborn about 1939
HenryJerrie born about 1937
HenryLeo born about 1906
HenryM S Stellaborn about 1876
HenryMadge born about 1895
HenryMarcile born about 1920
HenryMary Annborn about 1930
HenryPaul Edwinborn about 1939
HenryVeron born about 1888
HenryWilma born about 1922
HighfieldClay born about 1895
HighfieldOna born about 1895
HighfieldOna Mayborn about 1916
HolbertAlma Eileenborn about 1926
HolbertClarence born about 1895
HolbertDonald born about 1922
HolbertEva born about 1898
HolbertEzra born about 1897
HolbertFlorence born about 1906
HolmesAllen Keithborn about 1940
HolmesCarolyn born about 1927
HolmesDickie born about 1933
HolmesDonna born about 1931
HolmesHollis born about 1900
HolmesMargaret born about 1906
HolmesRobert Leeborn about 1925
HonakerAnna Leeborn about 1926
HonakerArlene born about 1935
HonakerBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
HonakerBessie born about 1899
HonakerCarl born about 1929
HonakerHelen born about 1931
HonakerJames Gborn about 1897
HonakerJanie born about 1939
HonakerPaul born about 1924
HonakerQuincy born about 1927
HonakerRaymond born about 1933
HubbelAlma born about 1923
HubbelBeulah born about 1891
HubbelClinton born about 1883
HubbelEdna born about 1925
HubbelEverett born about 1921
HubbelJohn Eborn about 1855
HubbelMary born about 1931
HubbellFlorence Myrtleborn about 1878
HubbellJohn Lborn about 1873
HumphreyDonald born about 1929
HumphreyDoris born about 1932
HumphreyEllen Juneborn about 1928
HumphreyMartha born about 1908
HumphreyTolmadge born about 1907
HurstInez born about 1888
HurstLouise born about 1919
HurstRobert born about 1921
HurstWalter born about 1884

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I Surnames

InspruckerJoseph born about 1883
InspruckerRachael born about 1885
IsaacaForrest born about 1915

J Surnames

JobeJames born about 1929
JobeKenneth born about 1904
JobeMabel born about 1905
JobeRobert born about 1927
JohnsonEsther born about 1895
JonesAlma born about 1907
JonesAnna born about 1911
JonesAnna Rebeccaborn about 1929
JonesBenson born about 1903
JonesBenson Reidborn about 1937
JonesCora born about 1867
JonesEarl Arthurborn about 1935
JonesEdman born about 1888
JonesElla Leeborn about 1927
JonesErna Maeborn about 1930
JonesErnie born about 1871
JonesGeorge Eborn about 1923
JonesGlayds born about 1894
JonesGordon Sborn about 1933
JonesHarold born about 1891
JonesJoanna born about 1929
JonesJohn born about 1908
JonesJuleyan born about 1932
JonesLouis born about 1932
JonesMarcus Gborn about 1930
JonesMarjorie born about 1904
JonesNancy Leeborn about 1937
JonesPrescilla born about 1933
JonesRobert born about 1927
JonesSonny born about 1929
JonesWm Jborn about 1925
JunkinsClaudia born about 1908
JunkinsFay born about 1910
JunkinsPhillip Fayborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KibbyJosephine born about 1877
KibbyWilliam Wborn about 1875
KlineOlive born about 1869
KlostermeyerIrvin born about 1908
KuhnEdith born about 1914
KuhnFlorence born about 1890
KuhnJohn born about 1886
KyleGeorge Aborn about 1902
KyleGlayds born about 1903

L Surnames

LanningElmer born about 1905
LanningHelen Annborn about 1939
LanningLois born about 1918
LanningLucille born about 1910
LeviCarl born about 1900
LeviMollie born about 1900
LitleMargaret born about 1875
LynchLois born about 1888
LyonsAlbert born about 1865
LyonsAlice born about 1901
LyonsArthur born about 1901
LyonsDavid Arthurborn about 1930
LyonsDora born about 1872
LyonsIra born about 1868
LyonsIsabelll born about 1920
LyonsJohn born about 1855
LyonsRonald Edwardborn about 1939
LyonsWillard born about 1913

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M Surnames

MarshallAlbert born about 1908
MarshallFrancis born about 1910
MarshallWm born about 1936
MartinFlorence born about 1896
MartinRuth born about 1923
MazeAlva born about 1869
MazeHarold born about 1923
MazeJohn born about 1900
MazeLetha born about 1901
MazeWm born about 1867
McClainSally born about 1867
McDanielAlta born about 1869
McDanielCharles born about 1886
McDanielThomas born about 1913
McDanielsHelen born about 1920
McDanielsRalph born about 1911
McDanielsRalph Montyborn about 1926
McFallDonald born about 1930
McFallEmmerson born about 1899
McFallEmmerson Jr born about 1926
McFallJames born about 1938
McFallOpal born about 1902
McFerrinGeorge born about 1889
McFerrinMila born about 1891
McGrawPhillip born about 1926
McGrawRussell born about 1899
McGrawThelma born about 1899
McLaryEileen born about 1917
McLaryWm born about 1912
MessangNick born about 1907
MillerMinnie Rborn about 1872
MillerW Pborn about 1870
MyersChas Elmerborn about 1925
MyersChas Sborn about 1899
MyersElnora born about 1921
MyersFrank born about 1910
MyersFrederica born about 1889
MyersLena born about 1893

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N Surnames

NallSarah born about 1860
NealLannie born about 1897
NealLetch born about 1892
NealWat born about 1888
NealWinters born about 1915
NollTom born about 1870

O Surnames

OldhamBessie Vborn about 1899

P Surnames

PetersonDale born about 1917
PetersonEdith born about 1895
PetersonJean born about 1923
PetersonMaxine born about 1921
PetersonWalter born about 1895
PetrsMary Elizabethborn about 1856
PflumAnna born about 1902
PflumCatherine Annborn about 1928
PflumEdwin born about 1912
PflumHelen born about 1887
PflumJames born about 1932
PflumJoseph born about 1902
PflumLawrence born about 1927
PflumLeo born about 1926
PflumLouis born about 1915
PflumLucille Mborn about 1930
PflumMargaret born about 1917
PflumMary Ritaborn about 1926
PflumSally born about 1939
PflumVirginia born about 1934

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R Surnames

RetherfordAlice born about 1858
RetherfordAnna born about 1898
RetherfordBessie Leonaborn about 1922
RetherfordDavid born about 1891
RetherfordEnola born about 1911
RetherfordJohn born about 1858
RetherfordLee born about 1905
RetherfordMary Aliceborn about 1921
RetherfordNannie born about 1872
RetherfordWalter born about 1893
RiddleMamie born about 1881
RiggsLewis born about 1874
RiggsMarie Mborn about 1902
RyanAdeline born about 1915
RyanAnna Bborn about 1854
RyanClarence born about 1871
RyanDella born about 1880
RyanPeter born about 1863
RyanRobert born about 1924
RyanVirgil born about 1904

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S Surnames

SchenkelClarence born about 1898
SchenkelEva born about 1900
SchollBetty Janeborn about 1935
SchollCora born about 1871
SchollDavid born about 1918
SchollEdith born about 1918
SchollJohn born about 1913
SchollLouis Royborn about 1939
SchufferburgerWm born about 1854
SchutterLucille born about 1912
SchutterWilma Jeanborn about 1931
SchutterWm born about 1911
SeffrinGayle born about 1922
SeffrinGeorge born about 1889
SeffrinGertrude born about 1892
SheleyAnna born about 1866
SheleyGeorge born about 1891
SheleyOscar born about 1897
SheleyWm born about 1856
SheplerCliff born about 1887
SheplerEmma born about 1863
SheplerWm born about 1860
SherryCaroline born about 1905
SherryElsie born about 1895
SherryEverett born about 1903
SherryLuther born about 1886
SmalleyRolla born about 1875
SmalleyStella born about 1887
SparksBessie born about 1896
SparksJudith Annborn about 1940
SparksLillie born about 1917
SparksRaymond born about 1909
SparksT Jborn about 1865
SparksWinvil born about 1916
SparksZada born about 1882
SpinksElsie born about 1928
SpinksOtis born about 1900
SpinksThelma born about 1922
SpinksZelda born about 1904
SquiresClyde born about 1898
SquiresDonald born about 1924
SquiresIlla born about 1904
SquiresJohn Eborn about 1847
StamCharles Dborn about 1880
StamMargaret Annaborn about 1875
StammRussell born about 1920
SweetwoodDonald Wayneborn about 1939
SweetwoodHattie born about 1917
SweetwoodLyell born about 1915
SweetwoodRonald Eugeneborn about 1938

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T Surnames

TalbottGlayds born about 1899
TalbottJoanne born about 1925
TempletonJuanita born about 1924
TempletonRuth born about 1931
TharpHazel born about 1926
ThomasBetty Arleneborn about 1934
ThomasEddie born about 1904
ThomasFreda born about 1905
TowlerBerdie Lonborn about 1940
TowlerCarl born about 1914
TowlerMargaret born about 1919
TowlerOscar born about 1875
TowlerShirley born about 1936
TraegerJean born about 1916
TroxallCourt born about 1865
TroxallMary Belleborn about 1872

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V Surnames

VanansdallHarvey born about 1901
VanansdallNell born about 1910
VermillionMartha born about 1895
VermillionWm born about 1881

W Surnames

WallEmmett born about 1880
WallMartha born about 1880
WampoleMary Ownes Bborn about 1899
WamsleyClaybourne born about 1925
WamsleyDonald born about 1930
WamsleyEileen born about 1927
WamsleyLawrence born about 1923
WamsleyMarilynn born about 1934
WamsleyPhyllis born about 1929
WamsleyRuby born about 1905
WamsleyWm born about 1900
WentzEmma born about 1880
WentzWm Eborn about 1870
WestCarrie Carrollborn about 1905
WestLeland Loyborn about 1904
WhalenAddie born about 1903
WhalenRobert born about 1899
WhiteVerna born about 1918
WhittmanCharles born about 1919
WildridgeCarl born about 1906
WildridgeGeneva born about 1903
WildridgeRalph Edwardborn about 1938
WilliamsClara born about 1924
WilliamsDudley born about 1939
WilliamsKeith born about 1931
WilliamsLeslie born about 1927
WilliamsOpal born about 1936
WilliamsRex born about 1937
WilliamsVirginia born about 1899
WilliamsonCarrie born about 1872
WilliamsonEverett born about 1890
WilliamsonGrace born about 1892
WilliamsonHarold born about 1925
WilliamsonNorman born about 1933
WilliamsonWanda born about 1929
WilsonAlice Lborn about 1858
WilsonAnna born about 1895
WilsonClarence born about 1885
WilsonDale born about 1928
WilsonHenry born about 1897
WilsonKatherine born about 1886
WilsonLowell Rborn about 1924
WilsonPauline born about 1914
WissiClara born about 1904
WissiMickel born about 1886

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Y Surnames

YorkGeorge Wborn about 1872
YorkMarguerite born about 1871

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