1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wolach, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Wolach

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAlice Mborn about 1858
AndrewsRobert Wborn about 1889
ArchibaldMary born about 1859

B Surnames

BarnesHugh Rborn about 1895
BarnesLeah Aborn about 1897
BarnesWarren Wborn about 1927
BaumanIrvin Cborn about 1883
BaumanLillian Eborn about 1897
BaumanMargaret Jborn about 1916
BaumanMiles Iborn about 1922
BaumanRussell Wborn about 1918
BeamFrank born about 1891
BeardMillard Eborn about 1898
BellAnna Bborn about 1876
BellCharles Eborn about 1883
BellCora Bborn about 1873
BestHarry Mborn about 1873
BestIowa Gborn about 1881
BestMary born about 1885
BiddleAlvis born about 1884
BlackZadah Cborn about 1872
BluBessie Dborn about 1881
BowdoinEmeline Bborn about 1875
BowdoinSimeon Tborn about 1877
BowerAda born about 1866
BowersSusie born about 1876
BowersWhitefield born about 1872
BradtmillerCarrie Eborn about 1878
BradtmillerHerman Wborn about 1878
BroughJohn Sborn about 1873
BruffJack born about 1889
BurrowsJack born about 1892

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C Surnames

CannamCordelia born about 1851
CarterOtto Dborn about 1888
ChambersMyrtle Eborn about 1880
ChristopherEthel Mborn about 1916
ClarkIda Eborn about 1864
ClevengerEdgar Hborn about 1866
ClevengerLula Eborn about 1889
CollinsDaniel born about 1872
CookEdward Cborn about 1874
CooperCecil Cborn about 1897
CoxGusta Sborn about 1860
CriswellVes born about 1884

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D Surnames

DalbyPercy born about 1892
DavisJennie born about 1860
DehartIda Mborn about 1859
DelongHarley Eborn about 1896
DoddEarl Cborn about 1896
DouglasMartha born about 1881
DouglassElizabeth Bborn about 1869
DreweryDavid Aborn about 1894
DreweryGoldie Mborn about 1894
DuddBessie born about 1883

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E Surnames

EdmondsFrancis born about 1905
ElderJohn Hborn about 1875
ElderMollie Aborn about 1888

F Surnames

FentersMaude Iborn about 1881
FinkAnna Mborn about 1891
FinkEleanor Mborn about 1913
FinkGeorge Rborn about 1887
FleetwoodElla born about 1853

G Surnames

GoineSarah Eborn about 1868
GordonJohn Jborn about 1896
GrahamEllen Eborn about 1854
GregoryJoseph J Fborn about 1867
GregoryMinnie born about 1869
GuldeCarl Eborn about 1899
GuldeHenrietta born about 1903

H Surnames

HallEdna Iborn about 1886
HarmonJ Paulborn about 1899
HarveyPaulina Aborn about 1860
HenryLaurence Jborn about 1855
HertCaroline Lborn about 1872
HobaughBetty born about 1878
HolmesMike born about 1892
HowellIsabelle born about 1912
HuffHarry Hborn about 1881
HuffMadge Bborn about 1884
HunneshagenMinnie Iborn about 1864
HustClara Eborn about 1863

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I Surnames

IvieAda Hborn about 1872
IvieJames Hborn about 1867

J Surnames

JacksonBonnie Bborn about 1894
JacksonMarietta born about 1881
JacksonRollie* Eborn about 1888
JohnsonLois Jborn about 1921
JonesPearl Sborn about 1884
JonesSherwood Hborn about 1888
JoyceRalph born about 1899
JulianStanley Fborn about 1896

K Surnames

KaufmanWilhelmina born about 1865
KellerAnna Tborn about 1868
KelseyKate Lborn about 1852
KendallAnna Lborn about 1881
KirkpatrickAnna Cborn about 1879
KlingermanManda born about 1864
KnowlandThomas Pborn about 1881

L Surnames

LabornMaggie Jborn about 1856
LafeverRenee born about 1893
LangDaisy Dborn about 1876
LangJoseph born about 1873
LewisMary Eborn about 1852
LloydCarrie Aborn about 1859
LongMary born about 1871
LongneckerKatherine born about 1854
LoudermilkSarah Aborn about 1846
LouisHanna Mborn about 1856

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M Surnames

ManuelJessie born about 1878
MasbaumEdward Lborn about 1891
MayersElizabeth born about 1858
McCullanMartha Eborn about 1852
McDonaldIrene Tborn about 1859
McKassonKatherine born about 1867
McKinleyEleanor born about 1889
McKinleyMilo born about 1888
McNealyShirley born about 1889
McNultyElizabeth Dborn about 1895
McNultyPatrick Jborn about 1887
MellingerAdela born about 1855
MendenhallNettie Pborn about 1850
MessersmithLuciel Mborn about 1913
MimsJohn born about 1888
MooreAquilla Aborn about 1870
MooreLuna Wborn about 1868
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1866
MortonFrank Hborn about 1884
MortonGeorgia Jborn about 1892
MurphyDane Aborn about 1885
MusselmanChester born about 1888

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N Surnames

NewmanEmma Hborn about 1866
NicholsEdith Rborn about 1894

O Surnames

OgbornJohnnie Wborn about 1887
OliverMay Eborn about 1869
OsburnMillard Iborn about 1888

P Surnames

ParksCharles Eborn about 1869
ParksJennie Mborn about 1878
ParrHelen born about 1857
ParshallChristine Sborn about 1861
PattersonJess Aborn about 1887
PeaseckiPeter born about 1893
PerkinsHardie born about 1881
PhilleyCharles Hborn about 1897
PhilleyMary Cborn about 1876
PletscherCarl Vborn about 1890
PletscherRandabell born about 1885
PriorAlameda born about 1851

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R Surnames

RandallMary born about 1877
RichardsonClaude Eborn about 1876
RobertsonAda Bborn about 1884
RobertsonJohn Sborn about 1880
RobertsonSarah Iborn about 1856
RobertsonWilliam born about 1891
RolandDella Mborn about 1879
RossCarrie Nborn about 1890
RowlandCalvin Lborn about 1872
RowlandGeraldine Rborn about 1918
RowlandLeon Hborn about 1900
RudClara born about 1881

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S Surnames

SchneiderMary Mborn about 1882
SchuhMary Kborn about 1908
ScottSarah Aborn about 1861
SegravesMabelle born about 1875
SlaytonBenjamin Hborn about 1890
SlaytonPearl born about 1892
SmeltzerJane Eborn about 1851
SmithUna Eborn about 1881
SmithVelma Mborn about 1903
SmithWalter Wborn about 1899
SniderWilliam born about 1856
SparksElizabeth Hborn about 1875
SprinkleChester Sborn about 1882
StarrettElizabeth born about 1879
StewartLaura born about 1872
StrumpferWilliam born about 1868
StuartEmma Fborn about 1860
SundayCora born about 1890
SundayWalter Oborn about 1886
SwainHelen Mborn about 1910

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T Surnames

TaylorKatherine Sborn about 1864
TinderSarah Mborn about 1857
TravioliaHarold Jborn about 1916
TravioliaMaxine Bborn about 1915
TremaineElisa Jborn about 1873
TuddWilliam Gborn about 1879

V Surnames

VarnerEdgar Jborn about 1907
VarnerWandaline Tborn about 1913
VollmerThomas Bborn about 1881
VollmerViolet born about 1890

W Surnames

WallKatherine Gborn about 1863
WallaceAda born about 1859
WaltersGerald born about 1897
WaltonSeth born about 1898
WeaverEmma born about 1849
WeistRobert Eborn about 1894
WestonEdna Rborn about 1884
WestonFrank Eborn about 1869
WilliamsonHenry Sborn about 1891
WillisAnna Mborn about 1855
WoodEmma Jborn about 1859

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