1940 U.S. Federal Census of York in Elkhart County, Elkhart, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Elkhart County > 1940 Census of York in Elkhart County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AkeMary Ellenborn about 1924
AllmanAlice born about 1928
AllmanDon born about 1924
AnglemyerElizabeth born about 1910
AnglemyerHarold born about 1909
ArtleyGeorge Dborn about 1860
ArtleyMary Eborn about 1865

B Surnames

BaerMarilyn Jborn about 1938
BaerMaurice Lborn about 1936
BaerMiriam Jborn about 1920
BaerNina born about 1900
BaerWilliam born about 1897
BaerWilliam Lborn about 1924
BaileyGeorge Bborn about 1900
BaileyMae Aborn about 1918
BardoBrady born about 1898
BardoDorothy born about 1908
BardoJessie born about 1925
BardoNorma Janeborn about 1928
BardoSamuel born about 1932
BatesCarrie born about 1870
BaughFaye Aborn about 1909
BaughW Loie Tborn about 1871
BenderRosemary born about 1926
BerkeyCharles Fborn about 1884
BerkeyEva Mborn about 1887
BerkeyFranklin born about 1936
BerkeyGladys Fborn about 1921
BerkeyJesse Eborn about 1879
BerkeyLeslie born about 1913
BerkeyLizzie Mborn about 1883
BerkeyMaxine born about 1917
BerkeyRosemary born about 1925
BerkeyViola Fborn about 1929
BlaireFred born about 1922
BlakesleyDavid Edborn about 1896
BloodMargaret Annborn about 1930
BloodMichael Hborn about 1906
BloodSue Marieborn about 1931
BloodVera Mborn about 1908
BlossBertha born about 1892
BlossDewight born about 1893
BlossDorothy born about 1919
BlossDuane Dborn about 1923
BlossEldoretta Jborn about 1929
BlossGeorge born about 1884
BlossHershell born about 1913
BlossIda born about 1862
BlossJoe born about 1894
BlossLamar born about 1929
BlossLoanne born about 1937
BlossMargaret Annborn about 1939
BlossNeoda born about 1900
BlossNorma born about 1926
BlossRudy born about 1858
BlossSue Marieborn about 1939
BloughErnest born about 1919
BloughRobert born about 1922
BloughRuth born about 1897
BloughSamuel born about 1895
BockusFlorence born about 1911
BockusJohn Gborn about 1909
BontragerLeroy born about 1921
BostwickGeorge Aborn about 1871
BostwickHattie born about 1871
BowmanBernice born about 1936
BowmanDarell born about 1937
BowmanElsie born about 1913
BowmanErnest born about 1915
BowmanEsther born about 1925
BowmanEthel born about 1909
BowmanGalen Eborn about 1893
BowmanGeorge Cborn about 1869
BowmanJanice born about 1939
BowmanNoble born about 1900
BowmanNora born about 1878
BowmanRuth born about 1926
BowmanVelma born about 1896
BowmanWalter born about 1934
BowmanWilbur born about 1931
BowmanWilliam born about 1875
BrallierJohn born about 1921
BrallierKenneth born about 1895
BrallierMary born about 1899
BrandeberryDella Mayborn about 1881
BrandeberryJesse Cborn about 1882
BrandeberryJohn born about 1914
BrandeberryJulia born about 1939
BrandeberryLeona born about 1916
BroadworthBeverly Janeborn about 1935
BroadworthJosephine born about 1907
BroadworthMelvin born about 1904
BroadworthMelvin Elmerborn about 1927
BroadworthVivian Vborn about 1928
BruceRalph born about 1914
BurkeyJohn born about 1908
BurkeyMary born about 1884
BurkeyWilliam Hborn about 1878

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C Surnames

CalvinCharles Frankborn about 1867
CalvinGrace born about 1874
CarperBetty born about 1925
CarperBlanch born about 1899
CarperSamuel born about 1900
CarperVirginia born about 1932
ChuppMary born about 1930
ChuppMose born about 1892
ChuppPearl born about 1898
ClarkAda born about 1877
ClarkeRosabelle born about 1876
CooperElsie born about 1884
CooperHarvey Sborn about 1882
CooperLamar born about 1911
CorsonGeorge Aborn about 1894
CorsonMary Eborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DeckerEdgar Earlborn about 1911
DeckerMabel born about 1908
DoutlickAnna born about 1867
DoutlickDonna Maeborn about 1936
DoutlickJackie born about 1933
DoutlickMary born about 1898
DoutlickOtto born about 1896
DoutlickOtto Jr born about 1922
DoutlickRichard born about 1932
DraimeE Norwoodborn about 1930
DraimeNorma Joyceborn about 1925

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E Surnames

EashAlta born about 1903
EashAlvera born about 1937
EashErnest born about 1903
EashErnest Eborn about 1924
EashForrest born about 1926
EashIona born about 1920
EashJohn born about 1923
EashMary born about 1925
EashMaurine born about 1933
EashMaxine born about 1926
EashNoah born about 1887
EashRaymond Eborn about 1896
EashRuth born about 1939
EashSamuel born about 1918
EberlyGordon born about 1919
EberlyMargarie born about 1919
EbyDoris born about 1933
EbyFrank born about 1898
EbyHarry born about 1906
EbyHelen born about 1936
EbyInez born about 1903
EbyViola born about 1922
EvansHerbert born about 1924
EvansJoseph born about 1929
EvansRalph born about 1902
EvansRilla born about 1895

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F Surnames

FranksChester born about 1912
FranksDorothy born about 1919
FranksLester born about 1912
FranksLester born about 1913
FranksNaomi born about 1894
FranksRobert born about 1888
FreshourClarence born about 1905
FreshourFrances born about 1912
FreshourGene born about 1933
FreshourLarry born about 1938
FreshourVirgil born about 1927
FryeBurton Eborn about 1868

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G Surnames

GatesAlice born about 1925
GatesCatherine born about 1855
GatesHenry born about 1889
GatesLila born about 1926
GatesNed born about 1935
GatesPauline born about 1902
GeeClyde Wborn about 1884
GeeLeona Maeborn about 1889
GibsonPhoebe born about 1881
GibsonWalter born about 1879
GillespieArthur Lborn about 1892
GillespieLouisa born about 1892
GraberAnna born about 1939
GraberBarbara born about 1933
GraberEmme born about 1917
GraberHenry born about 1915
GraberJoseph born about 1937
GraberJosephine born about 1923
GraberMarlin born about 1936
GraberMartha born about 1931
GraberMary born about 1901
GraberSarah born about 1921
GraberSimon Sborn about 1896
GraberVerna born about 1928
GraberVictor born about 1924
GrantDarlene born about 1937
GrantGeorge born about 1892
GrantMyrtle born about 1900
GreenAlice born about 1923
GreenAltha born about 1905
GreenClifford born about 1927
GreenElemor Jeanborn about 1930
GreenMary born about 1926
GreenMerill Doytborn about 1934
GreenOsborn born about 1904
GreenSarah Annborn about 1936
GreensideAnna Marieborn about 1898
GreensideHarry Lborn about 1892
GreensideHoward Jborn about 1922
GreensideJosephine born about 1912
GreensideMelvin Eborn about 1929
GreensideWilliam born about 1897
GrossJohn Fborn about 1892
GrossLyman born about 1922
GrossMargorie born about 1897
GrosseEdgar born about 1931
GrosseLottie born about 1909
GrosseMary Francesborn about 1934
GrossePerry Dborn about 1909
GrosseThelma Juneborn about 1933
GroveAlvin born about 1893
GroveCarolyn Eborn about 1925
GroveDelorse born about 1936
GroveJames born about 1938
GroveKadrie Dborn about 1918
GroveKathryn born about 1891
GroveRobert born about 1915
GroveRonald Aborn about 1915
GroveWilma born about 1915
GuthrieLuther Oborn about 1897
GuthrieMary Jborn about 1903

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H Surnames

HassCarrie born about 1890
HassMelvin Hborn about 1860
HassNella born about 1862
HassRaymond born about 1886
HassVivian born about 1919
HassWayne born about 1921
HerschbergerEli Bborn about 1907
HerschbergerEsther born about 1934
HerschbergerFannie born about 1936
HerschbergerHenry born about 1938
HerschbergerKatie born about 1907
HershbergerBertha Mborn about 1880
HershbergerCalvin born about 1914
HershbergerCarlton Wborn about 1932
HershbergerClaudett born about 1906
HershbergerDonald born about 1924
HershbergerDoneta born about 1924
HershbergerFreed born about 1889
HershbergerHarold Cborn about 1904
HershbergerJacob born about 1878
HershbergerJanet Wborn about 1937
HershbergerJunior born about 1920
HershbergerNina born about 1890
HillAdam Vborn about 1872
HillGeorge Mborn about 1865
HillMary born about 1883
HochstetlerAlice born about 1933
HochstetlerDaniel born about 1930
HochstetlerEli born about 1923
HochstetlerElizabeth born about 1927
HochstetlerFannie born about 1924
HochstetlerHenry Jborn about 1898
HochstetlerMary born about 1929
HochstetlerSamuel born about 1937
HochstetlerSovilla born about 1902
HochstetlerSusie born about 1935
HolawayShirley born about 1917
HoldreadEllen born about 1873
HoldreadWilliam born about 1872
HoutFrank born about 1898
HoutRose born about 1864
HumbelAlbin born about 1870
HunsbergerViolet Sborn about 1929

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I Surnames

IrelanAlbert born about 1901
IrelanHazel born about 1904
IrelanJames born about 1928
IrelanRichard born about 1931
IrelanRobert born about 1927
IvinsAllen Cborn about 1908
IvinsMaude Jborn about 1880
IvinsRalph Eborn about 1872

J Surnames

JewellEdna born about 1899
JewellGeraldine born about 1920
JewellHarold born about 1924
JewellVirgil born about 1922
JonesLydia born about 1861
JudayPearl Mborn about 1910
JudayRussell Tborn about 1899

K Surnames

KauffmanCarol born about 1934
KauffmanDavid born about 1919
KauffmanEd born about 1890
KauffmanH Eddborn about 1871
KauffmanIra Eborn about 1904
KauffmanIra Jr born about 1937
KauffmanKatie born about 1911
KauffmanLaura born about 1871
KauffmanMary born about 1888
KauffmanRobert born about 1931
KauffmanVelma born about 1925
KazwellAnna born about 1896
KazwellBruno born about 1916
KazwellDominie born about 1926
KazwellHelen born about 1923
KazwellJohn born about 1921
KazwellMichael born about 1915
KazwellMike born about 1880
KelseyMabel born about 1884
KieferLeonard Oborn about 1885
KieferLowell born about 1923
KieferVirginia born about 1929
KindigDavid born about 1933
KindigDessie born about 1935
KindigHarry born about 1907
KindigJames born about 1938
KindigMildred born about 1931
KindigVeldene born about 1911
KindyFlorence born about 1898
KindyGlenn born about 1919
KindyNorma Jeanborn about 1926
KindyRay Hborn about 1897
KindyRoger born about 1934
KindyWayne born about 1918
KlicknerChester Cborn about 1902
KlicknerDavid Cborn about 1936
KlicknerJames Cborn about 1927
KlicknerLaura Mayborn about 1909
KlicknerNorman Hborn about 1929
KlicknerPatricia Aborn about 1931
KlicknerRonald Lborn about 1939
KlicknerThelma Fborn about 1933
KlicknerWilliam Cborn about 1935
KlineAnna born about 1880
KlineCharles Sborn about 1872
KlineDuane born about 1924
KlineLuella born about 1900
KlineMargarie Eborn about 1911
KlineThelma born about 1925
KneibehlerFrank born about 1899
KurtzBetty Jeanborn about 1923
KurtzGrace born about 1892
KurtzVernon born about 1883

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L Surnames

LeeAlbin born about 1881
LeerElvin Hborn about 1886
LeerFrances born about 1926
LeerMacy born about 1889
LeerRichard born about 1930
LeerStanley born about 1923
LongGerald born about 1936
LongKenneth born about 1910
LongVivian born about 1911
LovejoyEzra Dborn about 1879
LovejoyGlenn born about 1917
LovejoyMilton born about 1907
LovejoyTillie born about 1877
LowellBertha Lborn about 1878
LowellClinton born about 1912
LowellLarry born about 1940
LowellLyman Tborn about 1878
LowellSylvia born about 1918

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M Surnames

MastAlvin born about 1924
MastDaniel born about 1926
MastElmer born about 1933
MastFannie born about 1901
MastIra Wborn about 1902
MastJohn Iraborn about 1932
MastLeroy born about 1937
MastMelvin born about 1930
MastMilo born about 1939
MastOra born about 1929
MastWilliam born about 1927
MauckCarl Rborn about 1937
MauckCarol Jeanborn about 1939
MauckFrank Wborn about 1899
MauckHarold Rborn about 1928
MauckJoseph born about 1913
MauckKathryn Rborn about 1934
MauckMyrtle Hborn about 1902
MauckNellie Lborn about 1897
MauckRay Aborn about 1896
MauckRobert Dborn about 1931
MauckSamuel Sborn about 1862
MaurerAugusta born about 1866
MaurerJacob Pborn about 1865
McCrearyCharlene born about 1927
McCrearyDallas born about 1933
McCrearyEthel born about 1929
McCrearyHarlan born about 1935
McCrearyKathryn born about 1906
McCrearyLloyd born about 1903
McCrearyLloyd Jr born about 1925
MichaelEldora born about 1878
MillerAlbert born about 1930
MillerElizabeth born about 1916
MillerHenry born about 1923
MillerIda Maeborn about 1939
MillerKatie born about 1931
MillerLizzie born about 1922
MillerLloyd born about 1937
MillerMartha born about 1917
MillerMattie born about 1893
MillerMattie Marieborn about 1928
MillerPerry born about 1913
MillerSamuel Hborn about 1895
MillerTobe Jborn about 1913
MishlerElma born about 1910
MishlerRoy Fborn about 1902
MishlerRussell born about 1934
MishlerWilliam born about 1936
MoritzEdward born about 1869
MoritzKittie born about 1871
MusserEarl Hborn about 1912
MusserFlora Maeborn about 1921

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N Surnames

NiblockChett born about 1900
NiblockEsther born about 1902
NiblockJunior born about 1930
NihartCalvin Eugeneborn about 1928
NihartDaniel Eborn about 1865
NihartDolores Jeaneborn about 1931
NihartHerbert Dborn about 1930
NihartJ Allenborn about 1926
NihartJ Edwardborn about 1896
NihartJennie Bborn about 1868
NihartMaggie born about 1905

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O Surnames

OnkesClifford born about 1910
OnkesMary Eborn about 1880
OnkesOtto born about 1876

P Surnames

PackardAdeline born about 1929
PackardCalvin born about 1925
PackardEffie born about 1903
PackardFloyd born about 1882
PackardRoy born about 1896
PelzClara born about 1891
PelzEleanor born about 1917
PelzLouise born about 1916
PelzVictor born about 1919
PelzWilliam Jr born about 1915
PelzWilliam Sr born about 1889
PhillipsIrene Lborn about 1901
PhillipsJames Eborn about 1930
PhillipsJohn Aborn about 1901
PlatzCarl born about 1904
PlatzFay Mborn about 1930
PlatzGeorge born about 1894
PlatzGeorge Jr born about 1923
PlatzJames born about 1928
PlatzKayola born about 1939
PlatzLenny born about 1895
PlatzMae born about 1898
PlatzMary born about 1924
PlatzMaynard born about 1921

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R Surnames

RaifsnyderWilliam born about 1871
RickettsHortense born about 1880
RineVera born about 1919
RinkBlanche born about 1923
RinkClara Cborn about 1886
RinkGeorge Eborn about 1888
RinkGeraldine born about 1920
RinkLamar born about 1932
RinkMaxine born about 1926
RinkPaul born about 1924
RoderickEd born about 1871
RoderickEmma born about 1871
RoderickGertrude born about 1914
RoderickJohn born about 1910
RoderickMargie Marieborn about 1935

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S Surnames

SappBert born about 1884
SappMaude born about 1887
ScharrerDavid Chesterborn about 1893
ScharrerHazel born about 1896
ScharrerVernon born about 1918
SchmuckerJonas born about 1877
SchrockAnna Bellborn about 1930
SchrockArchie Fborn about 1917
SchrockClyde born about 1918
SchrockFlorence Bborn about 1889
SchrockHarry Nborn about 1889
SchrockJackie born about 1933
SchrockJames Eborn about 1891
SchrockNona born about 1893
SchrockRemo born about 1909
SchrockTheodore born about 1932
SchrockVictor born about 1935
SchrockWilma born about 1911
SchumacherDonna born about 1917
SchumacherMargaret born about 1884
SchumacherMath born about 1879
SchumacherMathew born about 1915
SchumacherMathew Jr born about 1940
SchumacherPatricia born about 1939
SchumacherPaul born about 1938
SchumacherThomas born about 1917
ScroghamFred Eborn about 1906
ScroghamHelen born about 1909
ShamoryAudrey Louiseborn about 1928
ShamoryEarl born about 1891
ShamoryEva Mborn about 1891
ShartsFred born about 1869
ShartsJennie born about 1870
ShrockClara born about 1897
ShrockDarlene born about 1937
ShrockGaylord born about 1933
ShrockJanice Nadineborn about 1936
ShrockJerry Pborn about 1894
ShrockLeland born about 1906
ShrockLeroy born about 1920
ShrockMaynard born about 1926
ShrockVera born about 1911
SiegelHugh born about 1913
SiegelWilda born about 1884
SlabachErvin born about 1920
SlabachFannie born about 1887
SlabachFred born about 1922
SlabachJoseph Jborn about 1882
SlabachMary Annborn about 1918
SmithCarol born about 1922
SmithFremont born about 1891
SmithHattie born about 1867
SnyderAlice born about 1903
SnyderBarbara Eborn about 1869
SnyderBethel Lborn about 1938
SnyderClarence born about 1894
SnyderClifford Jborn about 1895
SnyderDoris born about 1926
SnyderJames born about 1928
SnyderM Bethelborn about 1898
SnyderRobert born about 1923
SnyderRussell born about 1934
SnyderSharon born about 1937
SnyderVera born about 1931
SnyderWarren born about 1936
SochBen Fborn about 1899
SommersDavid born about 1878
SommersDolores born about 1932
SommersIna born about 1909
SommersLamando born about 1875
SommersRalph born about 1913
SommersRaymond born about 1937
SommersRichard born about 1935
SpeicherRichard born about 1920
StenzelAdolph born about 1879
StenzelLouisa born about 1879
StenzelWaldemar born about 1925
SteuryAlbert born about 1867
SwinehartHelen born about 1923

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T Surnames

TroyerAlbert Jayborn about 1937
TroyerAnna Maeborn about 1932
TroyerDaniel Jborn about 1910
TroyerDavid born about 1910
TroyerDavid Jr born about 1938
TroyerFannie Maeborn about 1936
TroyerLeroy born about 1935
TroyerLydia Marieborn about 1930
TroyerPollie born about 1913
TroyerSarah Lillieborn about 1939
TroyerSusie born about 1911

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V Surnames

VincentCarl Joanborn about 1936
VincentGrace born about 1902
VincentHelen Ruthborn about 1926
VincentLenora Maeborn about 1927
VincentLoise Juneborn about 1934
VincentOra Hborn about 1903
VincentStanley Earlborn about 1929
VincentWalter Leeborn about 1931
VincentWayne Allenborn about 1938

W Surnames

WagnerCharles born about 1886
WagnerElta born about 1889
WagnerThelma born about 1923
WalkerFrank Aborn about 1866
WalkerRosmand born about 1902
WatsonBonnie born about 1924
WatsonDarrow born about 1925
WatsonDollie born about 1933
WatsonHulet born about 1900
WatsonIlene born about 1930
WatsonJames born about 1928
WatsonLizzie born about 1906
WeaverBen Mborn about 1884
WeaverClara born about 1921
WeaverLester born about 1923
WeaverRalph born about 1926
WeaverRebecca born about 1889
WebsterHarley born about 1897
WebsterHazel born about 1908
WebsterMarvella born about 1928
WebsterMax born about 1925
WebsterOrville born about 1903
WebsterRichard born about 1929
WeirichAnna born about 1905
WeirichAnna born about 1939
WeirichBarbara born about 1937
WeirichHelen born about 1931
WeirichIda born about 1936
WeirichJoni born about 1899
WeirichKatie born about 1932
WeirichMary born about 1925
WeirichWilliam born about 1934
WeltzAugust born about 1878
WeltzGrace born about 1888
WeltzRaymond born about 1925
WhetstoneAmelia born about 1909
WhetstoneJoseph born about 1904
WhetstoneKatie born about 1935
WhetstonePerry born about 1938
WhetstonePolly born about 1933
WilesRalph born about 1907
WrightAudry Arleneborn about 1930
WrightDella Mborn about 1915
WrightGiles Jborn about 1909
WrightKenneth Jeanborn about 1932
WrightLeston Lborn about 1875
WrightMargaret born about 1923
WrightMary Eborn about 1880
WrightMerrilyn Ellenborn about 1928

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Y Surnames

YoderAnna born about 1926
YoderDora Belleborn about 1874
YoderEdna Maeborn about 1933
YoderEli Sborn about 1879
YoderErvin born about 1922
YoderHarold Leroyborn about 1937
YoderJoe born about 1916
YoderJohn Henryborn about 1939
YoderLouise born about 1912
YoderManas born about 1906
YoderMelvin Jooborn about 1940
YoderMilo Jborn about 1873
YoderMilo J Kborn about 1891
YoderPolly born about 1891
YoderSamuel born about 1931
YoderSovilla born about 1883

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Z Surnames

ZookCatherine born about 1870

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