Steuben County IN Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Indiana (49,218) > Steuben County (332)

Steuben County Records by City/Town

Angola Genealogy (70)
Ashley Genealogy (10)
Clear Lake Genealogy (6)
Fremont Genealogy (28)
Hamilton Genealogy (18)
Hudson Genealogy (9)

Jamestown Township Genealogy (5)
Metz Genealogy (6)
Orland Genealogy (21)
Pleasant Lake Genealogy (13)
Salem Center Genealogy (8)

Overview of Steuben County Records

  • Steuben County was created in 1835 from LaGrange County.
  • Copies of birth records for 1907 and later, as well as death records for 1900 and later can be obtained from the Indiana State Department of Health.
  • The Steuben County Health Department has birth records starting in 1907 and death records starting in 1900.
  • The Steuben County Clerk has marriage records starting in 1837, divorce records, probate records starting in 1837, and court records starting in 1837, and land records starting in the mid-1800s.
  • Online indexes and images of some of the above records can be found by using the links on this site.