1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bowling, Perry, Kentucky

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kentucky > Perry County > 1940 Census of Bowling

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AbnerAdolph born about 1927
AbnerAlice born about 1928
AbnerAnderson born about 1899
AbnerBessie born about 1911
AbnerBritt born about 1915
AbnerCharlie born about 1934
AbnerClara born about 1919
AbnerClara born about 1919
AbnerCora born about 1897
AbnerDan born about 1922
AbnerDora born about 1925
AbnerDorothy born about 1936
AbnerDude born about 1931
AbnerEdward born about 1931
AbnerElbert born about 1914
AbnerEthel born about 1915
AbnerFay born about 1938
AbnerGertrude born about 1939
AbnerIda born about 1916
AbnerJesse born about 1891
AbnerJohn born about 1901
AbnerJohnnie born about 1923
AbnerLeathie born about 1903
AbnerLeonard born about 1923
AbnerLinton born about 1939
AbnerLizzie born about 1921
AbnerLois born about 1934
AbnerLottie born about 1938
AbnerLucy born about 1926
AbnerLuther born about 1937
AbnerMartha born about 1883
AbnerNancy Annborn about 1921
AbnerNancy Janeborn about 1924
AbnerNed born about 1896
AbnerSusie born about 1900
AbnerTaul born about 1903
AbnerTaulbee born about 1926
AbnerThomas born about 1933
AbnerWillis born about 1939
AbshearAmada born about 1889
AbshearZockry born about 1874
AdamsBessie born about 1937
AdamsDorothy born about 1937
AdamsFlossie born about 1916
AdamsHarlan born about 1899
AdamsJesse Leeborn about 1915
AdamsLee born about 1912
AdamsLee born about 1935
AdamsLouise born about 1905
AdamsMabel born about 1914
AdamsMary Ellenborn about 1935
AdamsMimia Maeborn about 1931
AdamsNadine born about 1935
AdamsVerda born about 1921
AdamsWiley born about 1918
AllenEly born about 1917
AllenLeo born about 1912
AllenLewis born about 1938
AllenLoren born about 1936
AllenMabel Carolynborn about 1939
AmisAlva born about 1911
AmisBetty Jeanborn about 1938
AmisBillie Royborn about 1939
AmisBob Tborn about 1927
AmisEd born about 1883
AmisEd born about 1933
AmisEverett born about 1905
AmisFlorence born about 1886
AmisFlorence born about 1936
AmisGeneva born about 1925
AmisIda born about 1899
AmisIris Jeanborn about 1931
AmisJohn Jborn about 1880
AmisJulia born about 1928
AmisLewis born about 1930
AmisLizzie born about 1910
AmisLula born about 1890
AmisLuther born about 1876
AmisMarjorie born about 1926
AmisMartha born about 1886
AmisMary Gborn about 1886
AmisOra born about 1921
AmisOscar Jborn about 1892
AmisPaul Vernonborn about 1933
AmisRalph Jr born about 1918
AmisRoland born about 1920
AmisSim born about 1929
AmisVirgie Leeborn about 1919
AmisYoung born about 1909
AndersonCurtis born about 1925
AndersonMartha born about 1887
AndersonMary Ellenborn about 1876
AndersonMary Lborn about 1858
AndersonOrvill Bborn about 1856
AndersonWill born about 1902
ArnettGeneva born about 1932
ArnettMay born about 1912
ArnettPearl born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyClarence born about 1912
BagleyLeo born about 1934
BagleyMargaret Jeanborn about 1936
BagleyOpal born about 1916
BaileyLeonard born about 1914
BaileyVirgie born about 1921
BakerBelle born about 1890
BakerBillie Geneborn about 1933
BakerCharles born about 1888
BakerChas Georgeborn about 1938
BakerClarence Rolandborn about 1931
BakerClaude born about 1913
BakerClyde born about 1925
BakerCuster born about 1919
BakerDosha born about 1916
BakerEdna Jeanborn about 1932
BakerFlorie born about 1921
BakerHenretta born about 1935
BakerJesse born about 1926
BakerLida Marieborn about 1929
BakerLuther born about 1935
BakerMary Helenborn about 1932
BakerMollie born about 1903
BakerNola born about 1928
BakerPauline born about 1923
BakerR Kborn about 1903
BakerRobert Leeborn about 1927
BakerRufus born about 1911
BakerRussell born about 1923
BakerWallace born about 1930
BardoucheGlayds Mborn about 1908
BargerAlbert born about 1936
BargerAlison born about 1939
BargerAlma born about 1921
BargerAlpha born about 1891
BargerAmbrose born about 1922
BargerAmerida born about 1931
BargerAmerida born about 1931
BargerAnce born about 1891
BargerAndrew born about 1933
BargerAnna Maeborn about 1939
BargerArlie born about 1935
BargerArthur born about 1913
BargerAsher born about 1915
BargerAustin born about 1933
BargerAvlton born about 1930
BargerBarbara born about 1923
BargerBarger born about 1938
BargerBertha born about 1896
BargerBertie born about 1921
BargerBilly born about 1927
BargerBlanche born about 1919
BargerBrown born about 1909
BargerBurley born about 1910
BargerBurley born about 1913
BargerBurley born about 1932
BargerBurley Jr born about 1939
BargerCarlie born about 1918
BargerCassie born about 1927
BargerCecil born about 1940
BargerCharley born about 1926
BargerCharley born about 1931
BargerChester born about 1916
BargerChester born about 1929
BargerChloe born about 1927
BargerChloe born about 1938
BargerCinderella born about 1938
BargerClara born about 1882
BargerClara born about 1915
BargerClaude born about 1928
BargerClay born about 1914
BargerClayton born about 1932
BargerCleo born about 1934
BargerCless born about 1920
BargerClyde born about 1925
BargerClyde born about 1930
BargerClyde born about 1939
BargerColonel born about 1933
BargerCorbett born about 1901
BargerCorla born about 1924
BargerCrafton born about 1934
BargerCurt born about 1934
BargerCurtis born about 1929
BargerDaisy born about 1932
BargerDaniel born about 1885
BargerDebbie born about 1926
BargerDella born about 1923
BargerDenver born about 1935
BargerDonald born about 1937
BargerDora born about 1900
BargerDora Christineborn about 1933
BargerDorothy born about 1913
BargerDorothy born about 1933
BargerE Cborn about 1931
BargerEdna born about 1920
BargerEdna born about 1921
BargerEdward born about 1934
BargerElla born about 1931
BargerEllar born about 1935
BargerEllen born about 1933
BargerEller born about 1909
BargerElmer born about 1917
BargerElmer born about 1917
BargerElmer born about 1940
BargerElmira born about 1886
BargerElsie Margaretborn about 1938
BargerElva born about 1936
BargerElva Leeborn about 1935
BargerElvira born about 1896
BargerElza born about 1914
BargerEstill born about 1929
BargerFarmer born about 1936
BargerFlorence born about 1909
BargerFloyd born about 1907
BargerFloyd born about 1935
BargerFord born about 1898
BargerFord born about 1925
BargerFord Jr born about 1929
BargerFranklin born about 1894
BargerFred born about 1922
BargerFred born about 1932
BargerGilbert born about 1938
BargerGladys born about 1926
BargerGranville born about 1926
BargerHannah born about 1887
BargerHazel born about 1924
BargerHershell born about 1932
BargerHiram born about 1927
BargerHomer born about 1920
BargerHoward born about 1935
BargerHubert born about 1916
BargerImogene born about 1936
BargerIra born about 1881
BargerIra born about 1914
BargerIra born about 1927
BargerIva Sborn about 1910
BargerJacob Astorborn about 1940
BargerJess born about 1891
BargerJessie born about 1906
BargerJewel born about 1939
BargerJoe born about 1912
BargerJoe Carloborn about 1940
BargerJohn Aborn about 1922
BargerJustis born about 1939
BargerKosh born about 1903
BargerLane Jr born about 1930
BargerLanie born about 1891
BargerLee born about 1904
BargerLevi born about 1929
BargerLinton born about 1934
BargerLizzie born about 1886
BargerLogan born about 1919
BargerLonie born about 1934
BargerLucille born about 1934
BargerLucy born about 1923
BargerMae born about 1915
BargerMaggie born about 1910
BargerMaggie born about 1918
BargerMalcom born about 1921
BargerMarie born about 1919
BargerMarie born about 1937
BargerMarjorie born about 1938
BargerMartha born about 1913
BargerMartha born about 1917
BargerMary born about 1890
BargerMary Elizabethborn about 1937
BargerMatt born about 1905
BargerMatthew born about 1932
BargerMilton born about 1926
BargerMinnie born about 1911
BargerMinter born about 1903
BargerMinter Jr born about 1932
BargerMontana born about 1925
BargerMyrtle born about 1933
BargerNancy born about 1871
BargerNancy born about 1932
BargerNelson born about 1887
BargerNettie born about 1925
BargerOapl born about 1936
BargerOba born about 1938
BargerOpsie born about 1913
BargerParalee born about 1899
BargerPauline born about 1923
BargerPauline born about 1937
BargerPearl born about 1917
BargerPharis born about 1939
BargerPleasie born about 1915
BargerPolly born about 1865
BargerPolly born about 1910
BargerRalph born about 1923
BargerRay born about 1912
BargerRay Jr born about 1933
BargerRaymond born about 1919
BargerRebecca born about 1880
BargerRhoda born about 1898
BargerRhoda born about 1904
BargerRichard born about 1935
BargerRinda born about 1891
BargerRobert born about 1931
BargerRochel born about 1915
BargerRollan born about 1940
BargerRoy born about 1921
BargerRufus born about 1925
BargerRuth born about 1928
BargerSallie born about 1916
BargerSallie born about 1936
BargerSam born about 1916
BargerSamantha born about 1927
BargerSarah born about 1913
BargerShirley born about 1926
BargerSterling born about 1913
BargerTaylor born about 1922
BargerTaylor born about 1925
BargerTennessee born about 1882
BargerThelma born about 1934
BargerThelma born about 1935
BargerTilford born about 1928
BargerVaughn born about 1928
BargerViola born about 1938
BargerVirgie born about 1924
BargerVirgil born about 1928
BargerVirgil Leeborn about 1939
BargerVirginia born about 1931
BargerWalker born about 1916
BargerWalter born about 1922
BargerWanda born about 1940
BargerWilliam born about 1924
BargerWilliam born about 1939
BargerWonda born about 1935
BarrettBennie born about 1908
BarrettBillie Agnesborn about 1938
BarrettDoye born about 1933
BarrettFrank born about 1935
BarrettHomer born about 1931
BarrettJessie born about 1911
BarrettJohnnie Abnerborn about 1940
BarrettKathleen born about 1937
BarrettSara Ireneborn about 1928
BegleyA Dborn about 1929
BegleyAlex born about 1935
BegleyAudrey born about 1933
BegleyBetty Ruthborn about 1939
BegleyBrown born about 1888
BegleyBrown born about 1914
BegleyBuster born about 1926
BegleyCallie born about 1898
BegleyCharlie born about 1918
BegleyDenver born about 1933
BegleyDora born about 1924
BegleyDoye Wallsborn about 1932
BegleyEdna Maeborn about 1937
BegleyElisha born about 1924
BegleyEliyah born about 1894
BegleyElmer born about 1925
BegleyElsie born about 1922
BegleyEmery born about 1912
BegleyEsther born about 1938
BegleyFarmer born about 1887
BegleyFarmer Jr born about 1925
BegleyFlorence born about 1926
BegleyGeorge Cocttborn about 1939
BegleyGladys born about 1913
BegleyH Mborn about 1881
BegleyIra Jborn about 1931
BegleyIrene born about 1936
BegleyJackson born about 1919
BegleyJane born about 1873
BegleyJean born about 1920
BegleyJeanette born about 1927
BegleyJessiem born about 1864
BegleyJoel born about 1899
BegleyJohn Jborn about 1925
BegleyJohn Rborn about 1921
BegleyJustie born about 1924
BegleyKelly born about 1933
BegleyLaura born about 1893
BegleyLee born about 1926
BegleyLevi born about 1920
BegleyLewis born about 1884
BegleyLizzie born about 1875
BegleyLizzie born about 1890
BegleyLouise born about 1937
BegleyLucy Fayeborn about 1928
BegleyLuther born about 1927
BegleyM M Loganborn about 1935
BegleyMarinda born about 1869
BegleyMarma Dukeborn about 1933
BegleyMartha born about 1892
BegleyMary born about 1881
BegleyMary born about 1919
BegleyMary Jborn about 1863
BegleyMolly born about 1887
BegleyNancy Annborn about 1913
BegleyNancy Mborn about 1900
BegleyOma born about 1919
BegleyOpal born about 1922
BegleyOttis born about 1913
BegleyPauline born about 1922
BegleyRachel born about 1905
BegleyRalph born about 1918
BegleyRay born about 1924
BegleyRuth born about 1915
BegleyRuth born about 1928
BegleySam born about 1887
BegleyStella born about 1897
BegleyVernon born about 1928
BegleyVernon Maeborn about 1922
BegleyViola born about 1918
BegleyWallace born about 1903
BegleyWalter born about 1913
BegleyWilma Jeanborn about 1935
BegleyWoodrow born about 1921
BeyleyCurt born about 1924
BeyleyMildred born about 1926
BeyleyZonal born about 1928
BishopRay born about 1928
BolinJames born about 1848
BolinLottie born about 1876
BorlingBert born about 1932
BowlingAbraham born about 1921
BowlingAgnes born about 1939
BowlingAlaphair born about 1887
BowlingAleen born about 1927
BowlingAlice born about 1918
BowlingAmbrose born about 1915
BowlingAmbrose born about 1933
BowlingAnderson born about 1897
BowlingAnna Leeborn about 1932
BowlingArlie born about 1897
BowlingArnold born about 1906
BowlingAudrey born about 1931
BowlingB Pborn about 1877
BowlingBee born about 1930
BowlingBetty born about 1892
BowlingBetty born about 1918
BowlingBetty Katherineborn about 1932
BowlingBeverly Pborn about 1936
BowlingBill born about 1929
BowlingBob Bborn about 1905
BowlingBoyd born about 1902
BowlingBrown born about 1907
BowlingCarrie Eborn about 1930
BowlingCarter born about 1925
BowlingChamp born about 1940
BowlingChas Edwardborn about 1938
BowlingChas Monroeborn about 1939
BowlingCile born about 1936
BowlingCinda born about 1925
BowlingClare born about 1922
BowlingClarence Eborn about 1927
BowlingClyde born about 1925
BowlingConley born about 1917
BowlingDaisy Kborn about 1937
BowlingDamon born about 1934
BowlingDavid born about 1910
BowlingDavid Dborn about 1933
BowlingDelbert born about 1936
BowlingDemerce born about 1899
BowlingDoris Marjorieborn about 1926
BowlingDorothy Mborn about 1939
BowlingDosha born about 1886
BowlingDutch born about 1903
BowlingE Bborn about 1854
BowlingEarl born about 1912
BowlingEdmond born about 1901
BowlingEdra born about 1937
BowlingElbert born about 1906
BowlingElisha born about 1877
BowlingElisha born about 1940
BowlingEliyah born about 1881
BowlingEliyah born about 1932
BowlingEliyah Jr born about 1930
BowlingElizabeth born about 1933
BowlingElla born about 1906
BowlingElmira born about 1935
BowlingEmma born about 1928
BowlingEthel born about 1908
BowlingEthel born about 1913
BowlingEthel Aborn about 1909
BowlingEthel Cborn about 1926
BowlingEtna born about 1911
BowlingEttie born about 1906
BowlingEva born about 1937
BowlingEverett born about 1921
BowlingFaye born about 1938
BowlingFinley Fborn about 1882
BowlingFinley F Jrborn about 1925
BowlingFlossie born about 1907
BowlingFloyd born about 1901
BowlingFloyda born about 1924
BowlingFred born about 1919
BowlingFred born about 1926
BowlingGail born about 1940
BowlingGarrett Vborn about 1932
BowlingGeorge born about 1882
BowlingGilbert born about 1921
BowlingGrace born about 1915
BowlingHannah born about 1919
BowlingHarrison born about 1890
BowlingHazel born about 1927
BowlingHerman born about 1932
BowlingImolene born about 1936
BowlingJ Eborn about 1930
BowlingJ Tborn about 1936
BowlingJames born about 1915
BowlingJames born about 1936
BowlingJean born about 1924
BowlingJennifer born about 1936
BowlingJess Bborn about 1903
BowlingJoe born about 1919
BowlingJoel Lborn about 1877
BowlingJohn born about 1926
BowlingJonnie Marieborn about 1940
BowlingJuanita born about 1930
BowlingJudas born about 1930
BowlingJulia born about 1924
BowlingKatie born about 1902
BowlingKenneth born about 1939
BowlingLeathey born about 1917
BowlingLester born about 1922
BowlingLettie born about 1920
BowlingLevi born about 1899
BowlingLevie born about 1879
BowlingLillie born about 1876
BowlingLillie born about 1926
BowlingLillie born about 1938
BowlingLizzie Aborn about 1891
BowlingLonella born about 1937
BowlingLonza born about 1923
BowlingLouise born about 1927
BowlingLula born about 1906
BowlingMae born about 1926
BowlingMaggie born about 1918
BowlingMargaret born about 1923
BowlingMarine born about 1938
BowlingMarshall born about 1939
BowlingMartha born about 1892
BowlingMartha born about 1899
BowlingMartha born about 1899
BowlingMartha born about 1930
BowlingMary born about 1915
BowlingMary born about 1923
BowlingMary born about 1933
BowlingMilda born about 1902
BowlingMilda Pearlborn about 1932
BowlingMolly born about 1906
BowlingMona born about 1904
BowlingMonroe born about 1901
BowlingNancy born about 1900
BowlingNancy born about 1910
BowlingNancy born about 1931
BowlingNancy Annborn about 1926
BowlingNannie born about 1904
BowlingNannie Aborn about 1884
BowlingNelson born about 1927
BowlingOpal born about 1922
BowlingOpal born about 1924
BowlingOpha born about 1927
BowlingOrven born about 1931
BowlingPaul born about 1926
BowlingPete born about 1895
BowlingPete born about 1935
BowlingQuintin born about 1937
BowlingRaleigh born about 1922
BowlingRaymond born about 1934
BowlingRichard born about 1939
BowlingRoach Jr born about 1936
BowlingRobert Brownborn about 1934
BowlingRobert Sborn about 1891
BowlingRonald born about 1930
BowlingRosa born about 1900
BowlingRoscoe born about 1909
BowlingRuth Stellaborn about 1934
BowlingSadie born about 1919
BowlingSarah born about 1921
BowlingSilas born about 1926
BowlingSimeon born about 1930
BowlingSusan born about 1876
BowlingSusie born about 1917
BowlingSusie born about 1922
BowlingThelma born about 1934
BowlingThomas born about 1871
BowlingTucker born about 1898
BowlingVina born about 1893
BowlingWalter Aborn about 1911
BowlingWilford born about 1922
BowlingWilgus born about 1928
BowlingWillie born about 1926
BowlingWoolery Dutch born about 1885
BowlingWooley Jr born about 1926
BowlingZola born about 1937
BowlingZona born about 1930
BucknerSara Lillieborn about 1920
BucknerSpencer born about 1916
BucknerZacky Sborn about 1939
BurnsAdan born about 1926
BurnsAlma Marieborn about 1908
BurnsAlpha born about 1929
BurnsBershal born about 1908
BurnsBobby born about 1937
BurnsCecil born about 1911
BurnsChester born about 1905
BurnsChester Wborn about 1891
BurnsChester Jr born about 1918
BurnsCleo born about 1935
BurnsColonel born about 1928
BurnsCora born about 1918
BurnsCrit born about 1937
BurnsDealie born about 1915
BurnsDelbert born about 1938
BurnsDonnie Willardborn about 1930
BurnsDora born about 1924
BurnsDoris Evelynborn about 1937
BurnsDorothy born about 1936
BurnsDouglas born about 1939
BurnsEdna born about 1914
BurnsElla born about 1887
BurnsEssie born about 1929
BurnsEthel born about 1937
BurnsFlorence born about 1915
BurnsGarfield born about 1883
BurnsGeorge born about 1927
BurnsHargis born about 1905
BurnsHolly Jborn about 1923
BurnsHubert born about 1935
BurnsJean born about 1929
BurnsJessi born about 1929
BurnsKelly born about 1913
BurnsKenneth Rayborn about 1936
BurnsLizzie born about 1892
BurnsLizzie born about 1935
BurnsLloyd born about 1936
BurnsMable born about 1939
BurnsMaggie born about 1926
BurnsMarie born about 1927
BurnsMary Janeborn about 1933
BurnsMildred born about 1881
BurnsNoah born about 1889
BurnsOllie born about 1935
BurnsPanl born about 1939
BurnsPete Jr born about 1940
BurnsRosalia born about 1899
BurnsRose Maryborn about 1939
BurnsSam born about 1932
BurnsSamuel Rayborn about 1907
BurnsSamuel Ray Jrborn about 1926
BurnsShiela born about 1934
BurnsSteve born about 1901
BurnsSteve born about 1936
BurnsSteve Jr born about 1934
BurnsWalker born about 1914
BurnsWillis born about 1923
BurnsWilson born about 1938
BurnsWinston born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadwalladerWynnie born about 1879
CampbellBlaine born about 1913
CampbellBlanche born about 1925
CampbellGrace Bborn about 1913
CampbellIda Bborn about 1912
CandillA Jborn about 1898
CandillAlice born about 1905
CandillBenjamin born about 1929
CandillChristie born about 1924
CandillCleophas born about 1931
CandillElisha Matthewborn about 1933
CandillOscar born about 1922
CandillPaul born about 1927
CandillRoy born about 1939
CandillShirley born about 1937
CarmackBessie born about 1939
CarmackHenry born about 1933
CarmackMary Janeborn about 1901
CarmackOda born about 1928
CarmackOpal born about 1931
CarmackSam born about 1901
CarmackSophia born about 1924
ChandlerJoanah born about 1928
ChisenhallElbert born about 1900
CollettEugene born about 1929
CollinsAlfred born about 1919
CollinsAnita Daunborn about 1926
CollinsAnna Paulineborn about 1928
CollinsCharley born about 1889
CollinsChristine born about 1932
CollinsDorothy born about 1934
CollinsFrank born about 1935
CollinsHarvey Shortborn about 1935
CollinsHulda born about 1897
CollinsLonza born about 1929
CollinsLula born about 1908
CollinsMagaline born about 1940
CollinsMary Marieborn about 1937
CollinsMonroe born about 1923
CollinsRachel born about 1875
CollinsSarah born about 1900
CollinsSusan born about 1900
CollinsTom born about 1873
CollinsVirgie born about 1927
CollinsWalter born about 1888
CollinsWoodrow born about 1925
CombsAlex born about 1906
CombsAnn born about 1934
CombsAudrey born about 1920
CombsBen born about 1895
CombsBert born about 1934
CombsBetha born about 1889
CombsBetty born about 1940
CombsBillie born about 1940
CombsBobbie Laneborn about 1939
CombsBonnie born about 1921
CombsBrack born about 1894
CombsBrown born about 1883
CombsCarl born about 1930
CombsCharlie born about 1927
CombsChester born about 1912
CombsClint born about 1875
CombsClint born about 1938
CombsClyde born about 1939
CombsColburn born about 1929
CombsDelbert born about 1913
CombsDolly born about 1932
CombsDon Carlurborn about 1940
CombsDora born about 1887
CombsEdna born about 1911
CombsElmer born about 1938
CombsEmma born about 1909
CombsEmma Louborn about 1937
CombsGene born about 1927
CombsGolden born about 1919
CombsGrace born about 1934
CombsHally born about 1926
CombsHargis born about 1914
CombsHattie Aborn about 1897
CombsHazel born about 1925
CombsHerbert born about 1940
CombsHobert born about 1924
CombsIvan born about 1938
CombsJames born about 1934
CombsJepp born about 1885
CombsKelly born about 1910
CombsLaura Belleborn about 1928
CombsLela Maeborn about 1936
CombsLillie Maeborn about 1933
CombsLinda Ellenborn about 1939
CombsLuther born about 1931
CombsMalinda born about 1880
CombsMannon born about 1921
CombsMargaret born about 1932
CombsMarjorie born about 1924
CombsMartha born about 1898
CombsMary Joborn about 1921
CombsMary Katherineborn about 1932
CombsMima born about 1939
CombsNannie born about 1936
CombsOma born about 1915
CombsPaul born about 1922
CombsPearly born about 1905
CombsPearly born about 1926
CombsRich born about 1895
CombsRichard born about 1900
CombsRobert born about 1910
CombsRobert born about 1935
CombsRoberta born about 1906
CombsRoscoe born about 1906
CombsRose born about 1935
CombsRose Leeborn about 1894
CombsRufus born about 1923
CombsThomas born about 1917
CombsTilda born about 1874
CombsTroy born about 1929
CombsWillie born about 1920
CombsWilma Jeanborn about 1939
CombsWilton Hargisborn about 1938
CombsWinona born about 1928
CorderPauline born about 1925
CouchAbner born about 1930
CouchAlice born about 1925
CouchAnna Jewellborn about 1933
CouchArkansas born about 1880
CouchBen born about 1939
CouchBill born about 1928
CouchBobby born about 1939
CouchBrownlow born about 1921
CouchCarlie born about 1915
CouchCassie born about 1893
CouchCharlie born about 1926
CouchEdison born about 1917
CouchEdna Jborn about 1915
CouchElton born about 1939
CouchEva born about 1928
CouchGearldene born about 1939
CouchHenry born about 1888
CouchJeanette born about 1940
CouchJoe born about 1891
CouchJohn born about 1939
CouchJuanita born about 1936
CouchKermit born about 1915
CouchKimber born about 1923
CouchL Cborn about 1938
CouchLeonard born about 1913
CouchLeslie born about 1918
CouchMae born about 1920
CouchMandie born about 1915
CouchManon born about 1919
CouchMary born about 1915
CouchMyrtle born about 1923
CouchNora born about 1936
CouchPeter born about 1910
CouchRetta born about 1912
CouchRobt Donaldborn about 1935
CouchRonald Geneborn about 1939
CouchWillie born about 1911
CouckAmanda born about 1881
CouckBillie born about 1880
CouckIra born about 1917
CouckWylie born about 1926
CrankDora born about 1894
CrankGladys born about 1928
CrankJames born about 1936
CrankJessie born about 1930
CrankMary Ellenborn about 1939
CrankRoscoe born about 1934
CrankSam born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielBarblee born about 1933
DanielBobbie Jeanborn about 1936
DanielCharles born about 1930
DanielGorden born about 1934
DanielIrvine born about 1929
DanielJames born about 1932
DanielLacie born about 1910
DanielSusie born about 1938
DatonAllene born about 1937
DatonBarnt born about 1869
DatonBud born about 1912
DatonC Bborn about 1939
DatonDicie born about 1914
DatonNancy born about 1933
DatonWilsons born about 1935
DavidsonGrace born about 1911
DavidsonKeen born about 1916
DeatonAlma Raeborn about 1938
DeatonBenton Paulborn about 1935
DeatonBessie born about 1936
DeatonBetty Sueborn about 1888
DeatonBill born about 1900
DeatonBill Jr born about 1937
DeatonBillie born about 1936
DeatonBlaine born about 1939
DeatonBobbie Jeanborn about 1930
DeatonBobby Jeanborn about 1934
DeatonBud born about 1934
DeatonBurckie born about 1918
DeatonCallie born about 1905
DeatonCarrie born about 1902
DeatonCharles born about 1934
DeatonCharline born about 1932
DeatonCharlotte born about 1933
DeatonChristine born about 1939
DeatonClarence born about 1924
DeatonClaude born about 1926
DeatonClifton born about 1913
DeatonDale born about 1923
DeatonDavid born about 1937
DeatonDavid Earlborn about 1936
DeatonDonald born about 1935
DeatonDoy born about 1928
DeatonDurwood born about 1940
DeatonEd born about 1909
DeatonEdna Maeborn about 1938
DeatonElizabeth born about 1875
DeatonElizabeth born about 1925
DeatonEthel born about 1932
DeatonFletcher born about 1901
DeatonFrank born about 1932
DeatonGrover born about 1905
DeatonHager born about 1908
DeatonHazel born about 1915
DeatonHazel Mborn about 1913
DeatonHelen born about 1926
DeatonIda born about 1911
DeatonJames Edwardborn about 1934
DeatonJessie born about 1907
DeatonJim born about 1878
DeatonJohn born about 1932
DeatonJohn Gborn about 1869
DeatonJohnnie born about 1905
DeatonJohnnie Jr born about 1929
DeatonJune born about 1912
DeatonLogan born about 1894
DeatonLogan Jr born about 1924
DeatonMarie born about 1934
DeatonMarjorie born about 1939
DeatonMary born about 1928
DeatonMary Ellenborn about 1894
DeatonMelvin born about 1918
DeatonMinnie born about 1906
DeatonNannie born about 1910
DeatonOma Jeanborn about 1931
DeatonThelma born about 1926
DeatonThelma born about 1939
DeatonTilda born about 1888
DeatonTom born about 1914
DeatonTucker born about 1930
DeatonVesta Jeanborn about 1937
DeatonWilford born about 1932
DeatonWilma Jeanborn about 1937
DeatonWilson born about 1924
DedmonRobert Owensborn about 1902
DixonAlice born about 1924
DixonCurt born about 1916
DixonEdith born about 1927
DixonEmmer born about 1897
DixonJames born about 1901
DixonJohn born about 1881
DixonJohn born about 1932
DixonLee born about 1913
DixonPolly born about 1929
DixonViolet born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsDaniel Booneborn about 1873
EdwardsDavid born about 1927
EdwardsDewey born about 1898
EdwardsDewey Jr born about 1922
EdwardsDora born about 1901
EdwardsJohn Wesleyborn about 1916
EdwardsMalvary born about 1875
EdwardsMarie born about 1924
EdwardsTaylor born about 1929
EllisGeorge born about 1911
EllisNancy born about 1909
EnglandOra born about 1921
EnglandThelma born about 1940
EsteppBuster born about 1926
EsteppDvd born about 1896
EsteppHiram born about 1935
EsteppIda born about 1921
EsteppJim born about 1906
EsteppJohnnie born about 1926
EsteppLucy Maeborn about 1936
EsteppLula born about 1939
EsteppMarion born about 1932
EsteppMary born about 1909
EsteppMary born about 1921
EsteppNella Maeborn about 1940
EsteppPolly born about 1928
EsteppRose born about 1929
EsteppSeldon born about 1920
EsteppWillie born about 1933
EversoleA Bborn about 1873
EversoleAbram born about 1924
EversoleAdna born about 1939
EversoleAlbert born about 1931
EversoleAlmira born about 1887
EversoleBessie born about 1884
EversoleBulah born about 1929
EversoleCinda born about 1896
EversoleClara born about 1905
EversoleCora born about 1928
EversoleDaniel born about 1930
EversoleElizabeth born about 1919
EversoleElla born about 1903
EversoleElmer born about 1928
EversoleElsie Maeborn about 1908
EversoleEmily born about 1932
EversoleEula Jeanborn about 1938
EversoleGeorgia born about 1924
EversoleGladys born about 1940
EversoleHarlan born about 1911
EversoleHayden born about 1927
EversoleHumphrey born about 1934
EversoleJames born about 1893
EversoleJames born about 1932
EversoleJerry born about 1926
EversoleJoe born about 1926
EversoleJohn born about 1933
EversoleKosh born about 1898
EversoleKosh Jr born about 1935
EversoleLettie born about 1922
EversoleLucy Laneborn about 1926
EversoleMalcom born about 1923
EversoleMary born about 1909
EversoleMary born about 1917
EversoleMelvin born about 1918
EversoleMiltie born about 1894
EversoleNaomi born about 1937
EversoleNathan Donborn about 1936
EversoleNettie born about 1908
EversolePaul Jborn about 1939
EversolePauline born about 1926
EversolePolly Marieborn about 1939
EversolePrice born about 1924
EversoleRay born about 1937
EversoleRobert born about 1931
EversoleRosmary born about 1938
EversoleSim born about 1898
EversoleVerden born about 1920
EversoleVirginia Thelmaborn about 1928
EversoleWilma Maeborn about 1937
EversoleWilma Sueborn about 1936
EversoleWilson born about 1884
EversoleWoolery born about 1866
EversoleWoolery born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FinleyCellie born about 1921
FosterOlive born about 1876
FoxHence born about 1885

G Surnames

GabbardBertie born about 1914
GabbardCharles born about 1900
GabbardConnard born about 1940
GabbardGeorgia Mborn about 1931
GabbardMargaret born about 1932
GabbordDonna Booneborn about 1918
GabbordDouglas born about 1907
GabbordElmer Eborn about 1891
GabbordElmer E Jrborn about 1917
GabbordJeanette Elizabethborn about 1939
GabbordMary Wardborn about 1920
GabbordMyrtle Wardborn about 1893
GabbordVesta born about 1910
GayAmanda born about 1899
GayAmerica born about 1920
GayAnnie born about 1931
GayBaley born about 1935
GayBarbara born about 1915
GayBertha born about 1911
GayBillie Geneborn about 1939
GayBobbie Jeanborn about 1931
GayBonnie born about 1937
GayBonnie Deanborn about 1936
GayBruce born about 1939
GayCarlo born about 1916
GayCarol born about 1938
GayCharles born about 1924
GayCharles Dborn about 1925
GayChester born about 1897
GayClaude born about 1925
GayColliver born about 1918
GayCreta Roseborn about 1937
GayDale born about 1919
GayDavid born about 1926
GayDavid born about 1931
GayDella born about 1906
GayDolly born about 1936
GayDoris Irvinborn about 1932
GayEarl born about 1934
GayEdith born about 1929
GayEdwards born about 1923
GayEdwina born about 1937
GayEileen born about 1938
GayElla Bborn about 1932
GayEllie Leeborn about 1934
GayEssie born about 1934
GayEtta born about 1915
GayEva born about 1897
GayEva born about 1906
GayFern born about 1914
GayFinley born about 1933
GayFrank born about 1907
GayFranklin Rborn about 1930
GayGeneral born about 1892
GayGentry born about 1929
GayGeorge born about 1900
GayGoldie born about 1935
GayHannah born about 1934
GayHargis born about 1906
GayHolt born about 1897
GayHomer born about 1930
GayJames born about 1906
GayJames Wborn about 1937
GayJeanette born about 1926
GayJeptha born about 1897
GayJoe born about 1904
GayJohn born about 1908
GayKelly Morrisborn about 1928
GayKermit Jr born about 1935
GayLee born about 1933
GayLena Roseborn about 1927
GayLeslie born about 1917
GayLuther born about 1896
GayMabel Eulaborn about 1933
GayMae born about 1907
GayMae born about 1923
GayMarena born about 1863
GayMargaret born about 1870
GayMary born about 1893
GayMary Aborn about 1934
GayMary Mborn about 1935
GayMilda born about 1908
GayMilton born about 1930
GayMona born about 1928
GayMyrtle Jewelborn about 1929
GayNora born about 1936
GayO Bborn about 1937
GayOla born about 1937
GayOrville Bborn about 1938
GayPaul born about 1920
GayRosetta Ettaborn about 1938
GayRoy born about 1912
GaySallie born about 1893
GaySallie Annborn about 1932
GaySara Janeborn about 1920
GayScofield born about 1935
GayScott born about 1910
GayScott Jr born about 1939
GayStella Maeborn about 1939
GayTimothy born about 1897
GayTom born about 1929
GayWallace born about 1922
GayWavie born about 1931
GayWeed born about 1891
GayWillard born about 1926
GayWooie born about 1929
GibsonAston born about 1922
GibsonBetty Jeanborn about 1934
GibsonBobbie Joborn about 1936
GibsonGrace born about 1930
GibsonHolt born about 1896
GibsonLouise born about 1928
GibsonMartha Dorisborn about 1932
GibsonMary Leeborn about 1924
GibsonMyrtle born about 1901
GibsonRuth born about 1938
GibsonSallie born about 1926
GilbertAlabam born about 1926
GilbertChester born about 1933
GilbertClora born about 1923
GilbertDelbert born about 1924
GilbertDentis born about 1928
GilbertDora born about 1930
GilbertDoshie born about 1895
GilbertEli born about 1908
GilbertEli Jr born about 1932
GilbertEmaline born about 1884
GilbertEva Mborn about 1900
GilbertFannie born about 1910
GilbertFeliz born about 1930
GilbertIsaac born about 1873
GilbertJohnnie born about 1893
GilbertJonah born about 1900
GilbertKennard born about 1909
GilbertMartha born about 1934
GilbertMary born about 1901
GilbertNoah born about 1871
GilbertPauline born about 1929
GilbertPharis born about 1907
GilbertRalph born about 1928
GilbertRay born about 1936
GilbertRay born about 1939
GilbertRoberta born about 1910
GilbertRufford born about 1935
GilbertRuth born about 1931
GilbertSamantha born about 1936
GilbertSarah Jborn about 1877
GoinsClinton born about 1923
GoinsThurman born about 1925
GrigsbyCorbett born about 1916
GrossAlice born about 1903
GrossAnna born about 1900
GrossBarbara Leeborn about 1932
GrossBetty Joborn about 1926
GrossBrown born about 1911
GrossC B Jrborn about 1933
GrossClarence Eborn about 1936
GrossDelora born about 1882
GrossDorothy born about 1922
GrossDorothy Aliceborn about 1924
GrossEthel born about 1908
GrossEugene born about 1926
GrossFloyd born about 1895
GrossFloyd Jr born about 1917
GrossFred born about 1926
GrossHomer born about 1930
GrossJames born about 1925
GrossJames born about 1933
GrossJean born about 1924
GrossJohn born about 1899
GrossJohn born about 1920
GrossLacy born about 1906
GrossLeila Maeborn about 1923
GrossMaggie born about 1912
GrossMary born about 1871
GrossMary Ellenborn about 1937
GrossMilda born about 1895
GrossNed born about 1883
GrossPete born about 1921
GrossPete born about 1929
GrossPete Williamborn about 1935
GrossPolly born about 1897
GrossPolly Marieborn about 1922
GrossRobert born about 1891
GrossSam born about 1882
GrossSam born about 1938
GrossVirginia born about 1928
GrossWilliam born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackerDelbert born about 1928
HackerEdna born about 1925
HackerElizabeth born about 1896
HackerFloyd born about 1921
HackerHarlan born about 1892
HackerLouise born about 1904
HackerLula born about 1921
HackerLuther born about 1897
HackerLuther Jr born about 1923
HackerPatter born about 1919
HackerPleas Jr born about 1923
HallIrene born about 1925
HardLaura born about 1922
HayesCarnie born about 1920
HayesKelly born about 1918
HaysEarl born about 1927
HaysEttie born about 1934
HaysJohn Hborn about 1931
HaysLillie born about 1899
HaysMarie born about 1929
HaysMattie born about 1920
HaysOla born about 1922
HaysTaylor born about 1893
HeltonArthur born about 1932
HeltonBetty Jeanborn about 1933
HeltonChadwick born about 1929
HeltonClarence Adrainborn about 1936
HeltonClarence Bborn about 1919
HeltonClifford Eborn about 1925
HeltonCora born about 1895
HeltonCurtis born about 1933
HeltonDarney Jr born about 1938
HeltonDewey born about 1900
HeltonEcil born about 1935
HeltonEdna born about 1935
HeltonElisha born about 1939
HeltonEmory Hborn about 1921
HeltonEugene born about 1931
HeltonForrest Eborn about 1923
HeltonFrank born about 1911
HeltonGeorge Lborn about 1933
HeltonGladys born about 1938
HeltonHayes born about 1922
HeltonHazel born about 1919
HeltonHazel Beatriceborn about 1932
HeltonHenry born about 1938
HeltonJackson born about 1924
HeltonJames born about 1882
HeltonJohn born about 1936
HeltonJohn Lborn about 1895
HeltonJohn Lborn about 1940
HeltonKenneth born about 1939
HeltonLillie born about 1931
HeltonLola born about 1911
HeltonMacy born about 1913
HeltonMarie born about 1936
HeltonMarjorie born about 1939
HeltonNancy born about 1930
HeltonNellie born about 1904
HeltonNellie Omegaborn about 1933
HeltonNettie born about 1928
HeltonNettie Rborn about 1901
HeltonOakley born about 1934
HeltonOra born about 1935
HeltonPaul born about 1923
HeltonRaymond born about 1931
HeltonRebecca born about 1881
HeltonRuthaven born about 1927
HeltonWick born about 1905
HicksTaylor born about 1906
HollidayA Bborn about 1934
HollidayJune born about 1926
HollidayJunita born about 1930
HollidayMay Gborn about 1903
HollidayRobert born about 1921
HorneDorothy born about 1923
HorneSarah born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramBarbara Ellborn about 1938
IngramBonnie Fayborn about 1935
IngramBradley born about 1939
IngramBulah born about 1924
IngramCarol born about 1935
IngramCharles born about 1893
IngramCharles born about 1916
IngramCharles Jr born about 1937
IngramDenver Hborn about 1926
IngramDolly born about 1925
IngramDora born about 1903
IngramDovie born about 1923
IngramEdgar born about 1915
IngramElizabeth born about 1921
IngramElizah born about 1894
IngramFoyster born about 1916
IngramGarrett born about 1885
IngramGaynell born about 1919
IngramGolie born about 1916
IngramJacqueline born about
IngramJohn born about 1881
IngramJohn born about 1932
IngramLayton born about 1913
IngramLester born about 1912
IngramLester born about 1940
IngramLizzie born about 1890
IngramLuther born about 1937
IngramMara Bethborn about 1922
IngramMargaret Jeanborn about 1932
IngramMartha born about 1917
IngramMartha born about 1927
IngramMary born about 1928
IngramMary Ethelborn about 1928
IngramMose born about 1865
IngramNancy born about 1928
IngramOrlena born about 1896
IngramReva born about 1926
IngramReynolds born about 1912
IngramRhoda born about 1883
IngramThelma born about 1931
IngramVirgie born about 1923
IngramVirginia born about 1920
IngramWalker born about 1919
IngramWilfred born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JentJohn born about 1936
JentJuanita born about 1930
JentLaura born about 1888
JentMarie born about 1923
JettDella born about 1909
JettDewey born about 1900
JettElizabeth born about 1940
JettFord born about 1906
JettJune born about 1927
JettLymand born about 1888
JettPierce born about 1930
JettSim born about 1873
JettSophia born about 1929
JettTebitha born about 1922
JohnsonA Bborn about 1929
JohnsonA Cborn about 1864
JohnsonAda born about 1922
JohnsonAileen born about 1926
JohnsonAlta born about 1915
JohnsonAston Mborn about 1907
JohnsonBeedine born about 1921
JohnsonBessie born about 1924
JohnsonBob Tborn about 1872
JohnsonBobby born about 1932
JohnsonC Bborn about 1882
JohnsonCannie born about 1905
JohnsonCinda born about 1877
JohnsonColliver born about 1911
JohnsonEdith born about 1914
JohnsonEdward born about 1921
JohnsonEhtel born about 1931
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1863
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1868
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1887
JohnsonEllen born about 1899
JohnsonElmer born about 1924
JohnsonElmer born about 1939
JohnsonEssie born about 1921
JohnsonFilmore Jr born about 1939
JohnsonFloyd born about 1900
JohnsonFloyd born about 1934
JohnsonFrank born about 1916
JohnsonFrank born about 1934
JohnsonFred born about 1923
JohnsonFred born about 1937
JohnsonGrace born about 1937
JohnsonGreen Berryborn about 1925
JohnsonHelen born about 1929
JohnsonIda born about 1924
JohnsonJ Cborn about 1930
JohnsonJack born about 1927
JohnsonJanice born about 1939
JohnsonJoe born about 1939
JohnsonJohn born about 1920
JohnsonJoseph Fborn about 1867
JohnsonJoseph Hborn about 1878
JohnsonLoretta born about 1879
JohnsonLuther born about 1913
JohnsonLuther Aborn about 1878
JohnsonLuther Rayborn about 1936
JohnsonLuther Jr born about 1936
JohnsonLydia Annborn about 1918
JohnsonManuel born about 1930
JohnsonMarie born about 1933
JohnsonMarinda born about 1939
JohnsonMartha born about 1895
JohnsonMartha born about 1916
JohnsonMartha Fayborn about 1936
JohnsonMary born about 1918
JohnsonMary Roseborn about 1931
JohnsonNella Maeborn about 1939
JohnsonOakey born about 1910
JohnsonPauline born about 1934
JohnsonPearl born about 1918
JohnsonPolly born about 1923
JohnsonR Aborn about 1936
JohnsonR Eborn about 1892
JohnsonReed born about 1893
JohnsonRetta born about 1909
JohnsonRhoda born about 1898
JohnsonScott born about 1900
JohnsonStanley born about 1905
JohnsonThelma born about 1936
JohnsonVernon Eugeneborn about 1935
JohnsonWill born about 1870
JonesAlma born about 1893
JonesBalland born about 1900
JonesHelen born about 1926
JonesHerbert born about 1935
JonesIda born about 1923
JonesLouise born about 1940
JonesLydia Marieborn about 1931
JonesMyrtle born about 1939
JonesNora born about 1902
JonesPaul born about 1936
JonesPearl born about 1933
JonesRuby born about 1924
JonesRuth born about 1936
JonesSallie born about 1925
JonesSteavie born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeenCrit born about 1892
KeenEdwin born about 1927
KeenJean born about 1925
KeenLeon born about 1922
KeenOsha born about 1895
KeenQuentin born about 1919
KeenRobert born about 1929
KirleyAgnes Gborn about 1915
KnucklesCleo born about 1883
KnucklesClinton born about 1924
KnucklesVernon born about 1919
KnucklesW Lborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LayMayr Ellenborn about 1923
LeeCora Mborn about 1907
LeeMarjorie born about 1894
LeeRichard born about 1901

M Surnames

MaggardClarence born about 1909
ManyKatherine Jborn about 1898
MaryEugene born about 1909
MayAmadda born about 1902
MayBetty Jeanborn about 1933
MayCharles born about 1925
MayDorothy born about 1927
MayElmer Eborn about 1936
MayHazel born about 1922
MayW Bborn about 1897
McDanielCinda born about 1873
McDanielEdna born about 1922
McDanielHarry born about 1896
McDanielLillie born about 1897
McDanielThelma born about 1924
McIntoshAbitha Mborn about 1933
McIntoshAda born about 1936
McIntoshAddie born about 1888
McIntoshAddie born about 1899
McIntoshAlbert born about 1876
McIntoshAlbert born about 1919
McIntoshAlice born about 1884
McIntoshAlice born about 1917
McIntoshAllene born about 1914
McIntoshAmanda born about 1906
McIntoshAnce born about 1892
McIntoshAnce Jr born about 1927
McIntoshAncy born about 1925
McIntoshAsbury born about 1877
McIntoshBarbara Leeborn about 1937
McIntoshBeatrice born about 1916
McIntoshBessie born about 1927
McIntoshBillie Margaretborn about 1931
McIntoshCarl born about 1934
McIntoshCharlie born about 1910
McIntoshChester born about 1937
McIntoshClarence born about 1936
McIntoshCora Eborn about 1888
McIntoshDan born about 1915
McIntoshDarkis born about 1889
McIntoshDelbert born about 1913
McIntoshDonna Maeborn about 1939
McIntoshDora born about 1893
McIntoshDora born about 1914
McIntoshDwight born about 1939
McIntoshEarl born about 1938
McIntoshEdgar born about 1916
McIntoshEdna Roseborn about 1937
McIntoshEdwin born about 1920
McIntoshElla born about 1927
McIntoshElvira born about 1882
McIntoshEmma born about 1928
McIntoshEthel born about 1924
McIntoshFarris Geneborn about 1934
McIntoshFlorence born about 1925
McIntoshGeorge born about 1884
McIntoshGerald born about 1939
McIntoshHallie born about 1921
McIntoshHarrison born about 1889
McIntoshHarvey born about 1904
McIntoshHerbert born about 1922
McIntoshIda born about 1935
McIntoshIra born about 1889
McIntoshIsaac born about 1861
McIntoshIsaac born about 1938
McIntoshJames born about 1936
McIntoshJane born about 1939
McIntoshJean born about 1937
McIntoshJerry born about 1927
McIntoshJessie born about 1913
McIntoshJoe born about 1933
McIntoshJoe born about 1937
McIntoshJohn C Bborn about 1928
McIntoshJohn C Jrborn about 1929
McIntoshJohn Jborn about 1886
McIntoshJohnny Aborn about 1939
McIntoshJuanita born about 1924
McIntoshJulia Maeborn about 1929
McIntoshJune born about 1925
McIntoshKatie born about 1890
McIntoshL Cborn about 1882
McIntoshLewis born about 1879
McIntoshLewis born about 1889
McIntoshLilie born about 1917
McIntoshLillie born about 1905
McIntoshLinda Maeborn about 1940
McIntoshLucy born about 1930
McIntoshLuther born about 1930
McIntoshMadlin born about 1917
McIntoshMae born about 1917
McIntoshMargaret born about 1926
McIntoshMarie born about 1922
McIntoshMartha Eborn about 1901
McIntoshMary born about 1931
McIntoshMary Ethelborn about 1923
McIntoshMary Lborn about 1874
McIntoshMaud born about 1903
McIntoshMckinley born about 1897
McIntoshMilda born about 1888
McIntoshMildred born about 1894
McIntoshNancy born about 1919
McIntoshNettie born about 1935
McIntoshOpal born about 1927
McIntoshPaul born about 1938
McIntoshPearl born about 1921
McIntoshPolly Annborn about 1866
McIntoshPolly Annborn about 1939
McIntoshPrice born about 1874
McIntoshRay born about 1915
McIntoshRay born about 1931
McIntoshRaymond born about 1933
McIntoshRellie born about 1929
McIntoshRobert born about 1864
McIntoshRobert born about 1938
McIntoshRuth born about 1923
McIntoshSallie born about 1883
McIntoshSam born about 1914
McIntoshSam born about 1920
McIntoshSam born about 1936
McIntoshSam Gborn about 1907
McIntoshSam G Jrborn about 1933
McIntoshShafter born about 1936
McIntoshSophia born about 1932
McIntoshSpicy born about 1896
McIntoshStanley born about 1915
McIntoshSusie born about 1893
McIntoshThelma born about 1938
McIntoshTheta Roseborn about 1920
McIntoshTom born about 1861
McIntoshVernon born about 1932
McIntoshViola born about 1916
McIntoshWilgus Fborn about 1935
McIntoshWill born about 1902
McIntoshWilliam born about 1923
McIntoshWilliam born about 1930
McIntoshZola born about 1925
McKnightElizabeth born about 1938
McKnightGeneva born about 1933
McKnightGeorgia Maeborn about 1922
McKnightJeanette born about 1935
McKnightJohn born about 1918
McKnightJoseph born about 1940
McKnightLuanda born about 1926
McKnightMarjorie born about 1923
McKnightMartha born about 1870
McKnightMary born about 1902
McKnightPreston born about 1865
McKnightVirginia born about 1920
McKnightWalter born about 1895
McKnightWalter Jr born about 1924
MooreAmy born about 1925
MooreBelle born about 1926
MooreCharles born about 1938
MooreElmer born about 1935
MooreFloyd born about 1930
MooreLetcher Jr born about 1929
MooreLydia Annborn about 1932
MooreStella born about 1903
MooreStella born about 1927
MorganBland born about 1933
MorganCordelia born about 1928
MorganMary Helenborn about 1931
MorganSadie born about 1926
MorrisAmerica born about 1887
MorrisBeatrice born about 1929
MorrisBen born about 1937
MorrisBillie Aleenborn about 1933
MorrisCharlie born about 1913
MorrisCora born about 1922
MorrisDella born about 1897
MorrisDora born about 1923
MorrisDosha born about 1934
MorrisEdith born about 1918
MorrisElmer born about 1928
MorrisEmaline born about 1880
MorrisEthel born about 1915
MorrisGeorge born about 1921
MorrisGranville born about 1930
MorrisHarlan born about 1902
MorrisHarlan born about 1938
MorrisHenry born about 1938
MorrisHiram born about 1884
MorrisJack born about 1935
MorrisJasper born about 1889
MorrisJerry born about 1877
MorrisJessie Georgiaborn about 1939
MorrisJoanah born about 1888
MorrisJoe born about 1934
MorrisJunior born about 1892
MorrisLillie born about 1931
MorrisLou Marieborn about 1922
MorrisLucy born about 1932
MorrisMae born about 1918
MorrisMahala born about 1923
MorrisMary born about 1882
MorrisMary born about 1905
MorrisMary Leeborn about 1937
MorrisMary Lillieborn about 1936
MorrisMyrtle Agnesborn about 1934
MorrisNancy born about 1891
MorrisNancy Annborn about 1925
MorrisNary born about 1920
MorrisOllie born about 1917
MorrisPryer born about 1914
MorrisSammie born about 1934
MorrisSamuel born about 1880
MorrisSamuel Jborn about 1926
MorrisSteve born about 1927
MorrisZack born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NapierAmerica born about 1914
NapierAmerida born about 1926
NapierArron born about 1938
NapierBilly Franklinborn about 1938
NapierBlanche born about 1917
NapierBruce born about 1937
NapierCassie born about 1937
NapierClarence Mborn about 1933
NapierClark born about 1888
NapierConley Brownborn about 1939
NapierDavid born about 1924
NapierDella born about 1913
NapierDewey born about 1928
NapierDexter born about 1940
NapierEdmond born about 1910
NapierEdmond Jr born about 1938
NapierEldern born about 1915
NapierEverett born about 1915
NapierFannie born about 1939
NapierFarmer born about 1896
NapierFelda born about 1927
NapierFlorence born about 1925
NapierFloyd born about 1900
NapierFolley Bborn about 1922
NapierFred born about 1937
NapierGeorge Denverborn about 1929
NapierGerald born about 1938
NapierGustella born about 1936
NapierHannah born about 1888
NapierHelen born about 1922
NapierHenry born about 1896
NapierJohn Williamborn about 1913
NapierLandrum born about 1936
NapierLillie born about 1896
NapierLois Dellaborn about 1937
NapierLonnie Mackborn about 1939
NapierMalvery born about 1928
NapierMary born about 1880
NapierMary born about 1913
NapierMaurice born about 1934
NapierMurphy born about 1913
NapierNorma Jeanborn about 1936
NapierOba Bborn about 1915
NapierOllie Rborn about 1919
NapierOrpha born about 1920
NapierOwen born about 1930
NapierOwens born about 1911
NapierParis born about 1930
NapierRenetta born about 1937
NapierRiley born about 1925
NapierRufus born about 1930
NapierSamantha born about 1894
NapierSophia born about 1933
NapierThurman born about 1911
NapierVersie born about 1917
NapierVesta born about 1924
NapierWillet born about 1931
NapierWillie born about 1927
NeaseAlpha born about 1914
NeaseAlpha born about 1931
NeaseAmrica born about 1886
NeaseBula born about 1936
NeaseCinda born about 1940
NeaseDan born about 1913
NeaseGordan born about 1908
NeaseHarlan born about 1921
NeaseJake born about 1874
NeaseJeanette born about 1934
NeaseJuanita born about 1918
NeaseLacie born about 1917
NeaseLetcher born about 1917
NeaseLina born about 1938
NeaseLucy born about 1915
NeaseLucy born about 1916
NeasePatricia born about 1937
NeasePatty Sueborn about 1939
NeaseRoscoe born about 1919
NeaseSam born about 1925
NeaseSarah born about 1919
NeaseWilson born about 1927
NeaseZack born about 1916
NicksSherman born about 1923
NobleBucker born about 1939
NobleJames born about 1927
NobleRosa born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlliverIva Leeborn about 1929
OlliverMilda born about 1903

P Surnames

ParkerFelix born about 1917
ParkerRellie Gborn about 1920
PaulineBonnie born about 1924
PriceAnna Leeborn about 1932
PriceElmira born about 1899
PriceFlanklin Dborn about 1934
PriceGeraldine born about 1938
PriceJebb born about 1898
PriceMary Elizabethborn about 1924

R Surnames

ReynoldsCaster born about 1915
ReynoldsDora Bborn about 1891
ReynoldsElihu born about 1887
ReynoldsGrace born about 1935
ReynoldsJack born about 1931
ReynoldsJerry born about 1922
ReynoldsLarue born about 1927
ReynoldsMargaret born about 1920
ReynoldsMildred born about 1917
ReynoldsMorgan born about 1924
ReynoldsNora born about 1903
ReynoldsR Bborn about 1907
ReynoldsThomas Kborn about 1934
RiceAlberta born about 1922
RiceAmbrose born about 1900
RiceAnna born about 1939
RiceBill born about 1932
RiceBonnie born about 1940
RiceClifton born about 1914
RiceCreamy born about 1928
RiceDavid Frankborn about 1939
RiceDonald born about 1939
RiceEllen born about 1934
RiceElmer Gborn about 1920
RiceErnest born about 1926
RiceEsta Maeborn about 1915
RiceEstima born about 1940
RiceFay born about 1940
RiceGracie born about 1924
RiceGranville born about 1888
RiceHannah born about 1894
RiceHannah born about 1934
RiceHazel born about 1914
RiceHerman born about 1934
RiceHobert born about 1937
RiceHomer born about 1920
RiceIda born about 1920
RiceIra born about 1901
RiceIra Gborn about 1911
RiceIra Jr born about 1938
RiceIree born about 1930
RiceJ Tborn about 1934
RiceJanie born about 1932
RiceJasper born about 1895
RiceJasper Leeborn about 1937
RiceJerry born about 1886
RiceJerry Jr born about 1928
RiceJimmie born about 1924
RiceL Cborn about 1930
RiceLeona born about 1930
RiceLester born about 1931
RiceLillie born about 1936
RiceLuther born about 1925
RiceMandie born about 1904
RiceMarion born about 1933
RiceMartha born about 1934
RiceMary born about 1914
RiceMary Kborn about 1936
RiceMilda born about 1894
RiceMillard born about 1926
RiceMilt born about 1872
RiceMinnie born about 1893
RiceMitchell born about 1926
RiceNancy born about 1877
RiceNancy born about 1930
RiceNellie born about 1940
RiceNellie Maeborn about 1929
RiceNettie born about 1920
RiceOcar born about 1907
RiceOma born about 1907
RicePaul born about 1933
RicePearlee Gayborn about 1887
RicePolly born about 1899
RiceRobert born about 1923
RiceRoberta born about 1937
RiceRosa Bborn about 1912
RiceRoy born about 1919
RiceRuth born about 1931
RiceRutha born about 1922
RiceSallie born about 1928
RiceSam born about 1891
RiceSarah born about 1899
RiceSiller born about 1928
RiceSimon born about 1924
RiceThomas born about 1889
RiceThomas Jr born about 1928
RiceTolbert born about 1933
RiceVirgie born about 1919
RiceVirgie born about 1926
RiceWalter born about 1933
RiceWilliam born about 1922
RiceWilliam born about 1922
RiceWilson born about 1914
RiceWilson Jrborn about 1935
RileyA Dborn about 1928
RileyA Jborn about 1898
RileyAbitha born about 1927
RileyAlfred born about 1926
RileyAlice born about 1922
RileyAllen born about 1895
RileyAllen Jr born about 1930
RileyAlma Estherborn about 1936
RileyAnna Ruthborn about 1939
RileyArkansas born about 1902
RileyArkansas Jr born about 1931
RileyBert born about 1936
RileyBige born about 1930
RileyBitha born about 1915
RileyBobby born about 1939
RileyCaburn born about 1920
RileyCarrie born about 1900
RileyCharles born about 1893
RileyCharles born about 1918
RileyCharles Eborn about 1933
RileyClifton born about 1907
RileyDelors born about 1906
RileyDolores Jeanborn about 1938
RileyDon born about 1935
RileyDonald born about 1925
RileyDosbie born about 1915
RileyEdgar born about 1919
RileyElden born about 1883
RileyElizabeth born about 1884
RileyElizabeth Lborn about 1898
RileyElla born about 1885
RileyElla born about 1924
RileyElmer born about 1938
RileyElva born about 1934
RileyEthel born about 1905
RileyEvelyn born about 1905
RileyFay born about 1921
RileyFern born about 1924
RileyFred born about 1922
RileyGeneva born about 1923
RileyGeneva born about 1934
RileyGeneva Doanborn about 1940
RileyGrace born about 1935
RileyGravina Fayeborn about 1928
RileyHarvey born about 1889
RileyHazel Pearlborn about 1939
RileyIsabella born about 1877
RileyIsabelle Mborn about 1911
RileyJames born about 1860
RileyJeanette born about 1927
RileyJeff born about 1923
RileyJimmie born about 1917
RileyJohn Eborn about 1925
RileyJohn Jborn about 1891
RileyJohn Rborn about 1894
RileyLaura born about 1902
RileyLaura born about 1904
RileyLena Maeborn about 1936
RileyLucy born about 1912
RileyLuther born about 1881
RileyManuel born about 1937
RileyMarhta born about 1926
RileyMonroe born about 1938
RileyMurdoch born about 1903
RileyNancy born about 1930
RileyNettie born about 1886
RileyO Bborn about 1874
RileyOma born about 1920
RileyOma born about 1927
RileyOrpha born about 1916
RileyPaul born about 1919
RileyPaul born about 1940
RileyPearl born about 1908
RileyPeter born about 1902
RileyRay born about 1926
RileyRay born about 1927
RileyRobert born about 1907
RileyRobert Leeborn about 1929
RileyRobin born about 1906
RileyRoosevelt born about 1903
RileyRoy born about 1926
RileyRuby born about 1932
RileySadie born about 1912
RileySadie born about 1920
RileySamie Bborn about 1895
RileySamuel born about 1925
RileySol born about 1882
RileySquire Eborn about 1884
RileySusan born about 1871
RileyVernis Jeanborn about 1930
RileyViola born about 1921
RileyWarren Gborn about 1922
RileyZack born about 1933
RileyZack Mborn about 1904
RommeArthur born about 1918
RommeEva born about 1901
RommeLizzie born about 1924
RommeMarion born about 1896
RommeRhoda born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SallisburyArch born about 1927
SallisburyGordon Mayborn about 1931
SallisburyHerbert Hooverborn about 1929
SallisburyLloyd Jr born about 1933
SallisburyVernon born about 1924
SallisburyZillah born about 1907
SandlinAndy born about 1922
SandlinAnna born about 1903
SandlinAsbury born about 1885
SandlinBelle born about 1898
SandlinBertha Maeborn about 1924
SandlinBillie born about 1924
SandlinCharlie Donborn about 1933
SandlinClayton born about 1917
SandlinCulley born about 1916
SandlinDaniel Borneborn about 1928
SandlinDavid born about 1939
SandlinDena Wardborn about 1939
SandlinDollie Maeborn about 1927
SandlinDorothy born about 1938
SandlinEarnest born about 1920
SandlinEffie born about 1915
SandlinElisha born about 1880
SandlinElla born about 1895
SandlinEllen born about 1916
SandlinElmer born about 1912
SandlinEmma born about 1932
SandlinEstill born about 1903
SandlinEstill Jr born about 1927
SandlinEva born about 1931
SandlinEva Margaretborn about 1939
SandlinEverett born about 1909
SandlinFlorence born about 1917
SandlinFlossie born about 1930
SandlinFloyd born about 1895
SandlinFranklin D Rborn about 1937
SandlinFrannie born about 1911
SandlinGeorgia born about 1933
SandlinIra born about 1878
SandlinJ Bborn about 1930
SandlinJackie born about 1937
SandlinJames Bborn about 1881
SandlinJane born about 1875
SandlinJane born about 1885
SandlinJessie born about 1937
SandlinJohn Cborn about 1906
SandlinJohn C Bborn about 1934
SandlinJoseph born about 1940
SandlinJunior Royborn about 1939
SandlinKathleen born about 1936
SandlinLeighton born about 1920
SandlinLetty born about 1919
SandlinLiddie Annborn about 1884
SandlinLloyd born about 1902
SandlinLula Belleborn about 1938
SandlinLuther born about 1902
SandlinMabel Roseborn about 1926
SandlinMable Roseborn about 1929
SandlinMargaret born about 1890
SandlinMargaret Fayborn about 1927
SandlinMary Janeborn about 1939
SandlinMickey born about 1934
SandlinMinta born about 1913
SandlinMinta born about 1915
SandlinNannie born about 1908
SandlinNellwyn born about 1930
SandlinOllie born about 1903
SandlinOpal born about 1923
SandlinPaul born about 1935
SandlinPeter born about 1894
SandlinRaymond born about 1908
SandlinRaymond Jr born about 1935
SandlinRobert born about 1884
SandlinRobin Lborn about 1867
SandlinRose Aborn about 1923
SandlinRoy born about 1910
SandlinS Gborn about 1884
SandlinS G Jrborn about 1928
SandlinSarah born about 1900
SandlinShirley born about 1936
SandlinStella born about 1918
SandlinVirginia Tokaborn about 1886
SandlinZ Mborn about 1940
SandlinZackary born about 1933
SmithAlex born about 1916
SmithBertha Jamesborn about 1930
SmithBradley born about 1889
SmithBradley Jr born about 1937
SmithCoonie born about 1924
SmithDaily born about 1926
SmithDelbert born about 1928
SmithDella Maeborn about 1922
SmithDella Roseborn about 1940
SmithDora Leeborn about 1893
SmithEarl born about 1917
SmithElizabeth born about 1877
SmithElizabeth born about 1924
SmithEllen born about 1888
SmithElva born about 1908
SmithEthel born about 1917
SmithFloyd born about 1892
SmithFloyd Jr born about 1933
SmithFred born about 1932
SmithGranville born about 1926
SmithHenry born about 1870
SmithHershel born about 1928
SmithHershell born about 1930
SmithIda born about 1934
SmithJ Cborn about 1931
SmithJames Cliftonborn about 1935
SmithJames Eborn about 1887
SmithJimmie born about 1905
SmithJimmie Jr born about 1937
SmithJohn Aborn about 1868
SmithJohn Jr born about 1934
SmithJuanita born about 1932
SmithKatherine Leeborn about 1935
SmithLaura born about 1893
SmithLeighton born about 1912
SmithLetcher born about 1922
SmithLouetta born about 1931
SmithMardie born about 1925
SmithMargaret born about 1932
SmithMargaret Gborn about 1939
SmithMary Maudborn about 1930
SmithMat born about 1925
SmithMina born about 1873
SmithMitchell born about 1935
SmithMona Leeborn about 1930
SmithMonroe born about 1915
SmithNellie born about 1921
SmithNellie born about 1926
SmithNelson born about 1887
SmithOla born about 1918
SmithPairlee born about 1904
SmithPairlee born about 1929
SmithPaul born about 1921
SmithPolly born about 1855
SmithRandolph born about 1932
SmithRay born about 1921
SmithReoda born about 1930
SmithRevah born about 1921
SmithRoscoe born about 1920
SmithRosevelt born about 1927
SmithSammie born about 1898
SmithSammie born about 1934
SmithSarah born about 1897
SmithShade born about 1924
SmithSteve born about 1931
SmithTaylor born about 1928
SmithTroy born about 1922
SmithVenna Rayborn about 1927
SmithVirgie born about 1930
SmithWillie born about 1923
SouthRay born about 1928
SouthRobert born about 1926
SparksH C Jrborn about 1937
SparksHensley Cborn about 1906
SparksMabel born about 1910
SparksRose Carolynborn about 1930
SpicerAdeline born about 1875
SpicerAdeline born about 1930
SpicerAstor born about 1919
SpicerBeadle born about 1934
SpicerBernice Rayborn about 1932
SpicerBulah Belleborn about 1934
SpicerBulah Janeborn about 1931
SpicerCharlie born about 1917
SpicerCharlie born about 1939
SpicerCleva born about 1937
SpicerDella born about 1910
SpicerDemey born about 1903
SpicerDewey born about 1921
SpicerDock born about 1916
SpicerEddie Francisborn about 1936
SpicerEstill born about 1916
SpicerFranklin Dborn about 1940
SpicerGran born about 1891
SpicerHarlan born about 1920
SpicerHayden born about 1939
SpicerIda Maeborn about 1927
SpicerJack born about 1897
SpicerJack born about 1928
SpicerJames born about 1926
SpicerJane born about 1936
SpicerJane Maireborn about 1936
SpicerJunior born about 1937
SpicerLester born about 1921
SpicerLillie born about 1890
SpicerLillie Roseborn about 1934
SpicerLizzie born about 1912
SpicerMargaret born about 1898
SpicerMarjorie born about 1938
SpicerMartha born about 1922
SpicerMiles born about 1907
SpicerMiles born about 1924
SpicerNacy born about 1929
SpicerOla born about 1929
SpicerPaul born about 1923
SpicerPearly born about 1939
SpicerRosa born about 1902
SpicerRosa born about 1923
SpicerSam born about 1874
SpicerSamuel born about 1924
SpicerStella Maeborn about 1935
SpicerSusan born about 1921
SpicerSusan Jeanborn about 1939
SpicerVirgie born about 1934
SpicerVirgil born about 1921
SpicerWillie born about 1924
SpurlockBert born about 1930
SpurlockBurley born about 1926
SpurlockFord born about 1903
SpurlockGeneva born about 1927
SpurlockIda born about 1908
SpurlockJ Mborn about 1882
SpurlockJuanita born about 1932
SpurlockMary Eborn about 1891
SpurlockNaomi born about 1934
SpurlockRuth born about 1938
StacyCleo born about 1934
StacyGoldie born about 1915
StacyKelly born about 1912
StacyLouise Geneborn about 1936
StamperBrown born about 1923
StamperFay born about 1931
StamperFrankie born about 1930
StamperGlenn born about 1936
StamperHarlan born about 1905
StamperHelen born about 1933
StamperJerry born about 1898
StamperMae born about 1909
StamperMinta born about 1903
StamperNancy Leeborn about 1929
StidhamJohn Tborn about 1930
StidhamKelly born about 1909
StidhamLottie Pearlborn about 1937
StidhamMaggie born about 1911
StidhamMalvery born about 1924
StidhamRuby Loisborn about 1940
StidhamSytha Wandaborn about 1935
StidhamWalker born about 1932
StoutFlora born about 1925
StoutMary born about 1922
StrongBuddy born about 1932
StrongCurt born about 1925
StrongElsie Annborn about 1935
StrongFay born about 1928
StrongGreen born about 1922
StrongHobert born about 1926
StrongJack born about 1936
StrongJames born about 1898
StrongJimmie born about 1931
StrongLettie born about 1902
StrongLillie born about 1899
StrongLillie Jeanborn about 1939
StrongLois Jeanborn about 1930
StrongLuther born about 1891
StrongPricilla born about 1928
StrongRena Marieborn about 1923
StrongRoy Bborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalyorFrances born about 1921
TalyorHarold born about 1927
TalyorOscar born about 1923
TaylorLucy born about 1898
TerryBobbie Ganeborn about 1939
TerryDorthy born about 1929
TerryMartha born about 1907
TerryMary Ellenborn about 1934
TerryPaul Henryborn about 1936
TerryThelma Jeanborn about 1939
TerryTroy born about 1931
TerryWillie born about 1903
ThackerBeatrice born about 1926
ThompsonAsbury born about 1882
ThompsonAsbury Jr born about 1927
ThompsonBrown born about 1919
ThompsonKash born about 1924
ThompsonMartha born about 1889
ThompsonStella born about 1922
TurnerChristine born about 1928
TurnerDelora born about 1940
TurnerEarl Kborn about 1910
TurnerEli born about 1887
TurnerElizabeth born about 1898
TurnerElliott born about 1900
TurnerElsie born about 1933
TurnerErron born about 1909
TurnerEsther Maeborn about 1922
TurnerFannie born about 1917
TurnerG Jborn about 1926
TurnerHelen born about 1929
TurnerHester born about 1922
TurnerJulia born about 1931
TurnerLottie born about 1884
TurnerLucy born about 1901
TurnerMary Leeborn about 1913
TurnerMentz born about 1928
TurnerMin born about 1923
TurnerPatricia Annborn about 1940
TurnerPhil born about 1889
TurnerRobert born about 1927
TurnerShirley born about 1936
TurnerSteve born about 1924
TurnerVesta Annborn about 1931
TurnerVirgie Marieborn about 1928
TurnerWhit born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagersElihn* born about 1914
WagersMarjorie born about 1916
WagersNeil born about 1938
WaldenMack born about 1878
WaldenMaxine born about 1891
WarnBarry born about 1937
WarnBernadette born about 1915
WarnH Fborn about 1913
WestAbitha born about 1873
WestEarl born about 1911
WestElza born about 1914
WestEmmie born about 1916
WestEsma born about 1934
WestJacob born about 1868
WestJuanita Dawnborn about 1929
WestL Jborn about 1937
WestSammie born about 1910
WestTennie born about 1914
WestTennie born about 1932
WestWillie born about 1906
WestWillie born about 1934
WestZona born about 1939
WhittakerDalna born about 1914
WilliamsFreddie born about 1931
WilliamsJames Cborn about 1936
WilliamsJasper born about 1929
WilliamsMaggie born about 1893
WilloughbyBen born about 1912
WilloughbyCora Leeborn about 1934
WilloughbyElla born about 1913
WilloughbyKenneth Jr born about 1937
WilloughbyMary Janeborn about 1940
WittRoy born about 1924
WoodsAmerica born about 1911
WoodsChester born about 1930
WoodsClay born about 1912
WoodsDan born about 1932
WoodsEsther born about 1939
WoodsFelix born about 1928
WoodsGeneva born about 1937
WoodsHarlan born about 1914
WoodsHattie born about 1917
WoodsHelen Marieborn about 1936
WoodsJohn born about 1905
WoodsJosie born about 1914
WoodsLavena born about 1937
WoodsMershel born about 1936
WoodsOrpha born about 1939
WoodsPaul born about 1940
WoodsViolet born about 1934
WootonAlice Louiseborn about 1926
WootonClifton Earlborn about 1939
WootonD Yborn about 1934
WootonDonnie born about 1933
WootonEdgar born about 1929
WootonElizabeth born about 1924
WootonEllar born about 1898
WootonHulda born about 1903
WootonJohn born about 1897
WootonMabel born about 1924
WootonManuel born about 1922
WootonMelda born about 1887
WootonPeralie born about 1927
WootonWilliam born about 1870
WrightJasper Jr born about 1929
WrightNora born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkAnce Jr born about 1906
YorkAnderson Dborn about 1872
YorkDudley born about 1907
YorkEdgar born about 1926
YorkGeogria Maeborn about 1921
YorkLaura born about 1878
YorkLester born about 1924
YorkMary Janeborn about 1900
YorkMaxeline born about 1874
YorkOakley born about 1940
YorkPaul Jr born about 1940
YorkRachel born about 1938
YorkRobert Leeborn about 1938
YorkSallie born about 1918
YorkVince born about 1901
YorkWhitelow born about 1897
YorkWillie born about 1918
YoungLutishia born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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