1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kirksville, Madison, Kentucky

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kentucky > Madison County > 1940 Census of Kirksville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbneyAndy born about 1900
AbneyAnnie born about 1905
AbneyCharles born about 1927
AbneyChristine born about 1923
AbneyIrene born about 1932
AbneyLouise born about 1934
AdamsDavid born about 1918
AdamsDavid Jr born about 1940
AdamsDorothy born about 1919
AdamsDorothy born about 1932
AdamsDosha born about 1912
AdamsEdgar born about 1928
AdamsElizabeth born about 1927
AdamsFrances born about 1907
AdamsIno Geneborn about 1937
AdamsJames born about 1876
AdamsJames Hborn about 1932
AdamsMary born about 1894
AdamsMary born about 1916
AdamsNancy Cborn about 1929
AdamsR Hborn about 1908
AdamsRobert born about 1900
AdamsRobert born about 1930
AdamsThomas Sborn about 1927
AdamsWilliam Eborn about 1934
AdamsWilliam Tborn about 1906
AgeeAgnes born about 1934
AgeeAlvis born about 1897
AgeeArnold born about 1931
AgeeBetsy Elizabethborn about 1932
AgeeBettee Joborn about 1938
AgeeBobby born about 1929
AgeeCecil born about 1929
AgeeCelta born about 1910
AgeeCharles born about 1921
AgeeCharles born about 1934
AgeeCharles Bborn about 1890
AgeeCharles Bborn about 1912
AgeeChristine born about 1910
AgeeChristine born about 1925
AgeeChristine born about 1927
AgeeClarence born about 1932
AgeeDelores Sborn about 1938
AgeeDonald Leeborn about 1937
AgeeDonald Mborn about 1939
AgeeDorothy born about 1929
AgeeEddie Bborn about 1905
AgeeFlorine born about 1936
AgeeGarrat born about 1931
AgeeGilbert born about 1903
AgeeGlenn born about 1929
AgeeHallie born about 1894
AgeeHerbert born about 1931
AgeeHobart born about 1907
AgeeIrvine born about 1891
AgeeJ Bborn about 1932
AgeeJack Gilbertborn about 1927
AgeeJosephine born about 1923
AgeeLeigh born about 1922
AgeeLila born about 1904
AgeeLouise born about 1933
AgeeLucille born about 1926
AgeeLula Fborn about 1915
AgeeMadrue Tborn about 1919
AgeeMary born about 1916
AgeeMary Elizabethborn about 1909
AgeeNannie Fborn about 1939
AgeeNell born about 1904
AgeeNorma Jeanborn about 1929
AgeeNorvaleen born about 1935
AgeeOllie Dborn about 1897
AgeePatsy born about 1939
AgeeRosetta born about 1893
AgeeSherman born about 1929
AgeeWalford born about 1887
AgeeWallace born about 1891
AgeeWilbert born about 1912
AgeeWilliam born about 1913
AlcornBetty Louborn about 1937
AlcornEugene born about 1930
AlcornJames Eborn about 1932
AlcornMargaret Lborn about 1935
AlcornMelva born about 1913
AlcornMose born about 1910
AlcornPallas born about 1931
AlcornRobert Leeborn about 1937
AllenAnnie born about 1880
AllenClinton born about 1924
AllenHarry born about 1870
AllenMargaret born about 1914
AllenPat born about 1899
AllenTommie born about 1908
AnglinEdd born about 1904
AnglinJames E Jrborn about 1927
AnglinMartha born about 1905
AnglinRussell Cborn about 1928
ApplegateAlma born about 1895
ApplegateCarlos born about 1904
ApplegateCharles born about 1928
ApplegateDorothy born about 1922
ApplegateEverette born about 1895
ApplegateFred born about 1896
ApplegateGene born about 1937
ApplegateJay born about 1921
ApplegateJohn born about 1928
ApplegateMartha born about 1906
ApplegateOpal born about 1931
ApplegateSallie Bborn about 1910
ApplegateWilliam Eborn about 1923
ArbuckleJoel born about 1898
ArbuckleM Bborn about 1890
ArbuckleSarah born about 1904
ArbuckleZelia born about 1866
ArcherLouise born about 1882
ArliuchleElizabeth born about 1917
ArliuchleMinnie born about 1876
ArliuchleW Aborn about 1878
ArliuchleWilliam Fborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachBarbara Louborn about 1935
BachJane Lborn about 1905
BailumBettie born about 1872
BakerBertha born about 1893
BakerCecil born about 1924
BakerColeman Jborn about 1917
BakerEarnest born about 1930
BakerGeraldine born about 1934
BakerJesse born about 1892
BakerLida Bborn about 1920
BakerNellie born about 1900
BaldwinCallie Sborn about 1892
BaldwinThomas Iiiborn about 1925
BaldwinThomas Jr born about 1891
BallardEdward Dborn about 1880
BallardEsther born about 1918
BallardEvelyn Caudborn about 1939
BallardGeorge Gborn about 1867
BallardJ Cborn about 1917
BallardSerene born about 1878
BallardThomas born about 1920
BarnesAlma born about 1876
BarnesBilly born about 1939
BarnesBradley born about 1919
BarnesClara born about 1917
BarnesEugene born about 1875
BarnesGene born about 1916
BarnesGladys born about 1918
BarnesIrene born about 1904
BarnesJames Eborn about 1921
BarnesLida born about 1916
BarnesMorris born about 1915
BarnesNonice born about 1919
BarnesSurelda born about 1887
BatesJim Miltonborn about 1900
BatesPriscilla born about 1904
BatesRobert born about 1937
BeasleyEarl born about 1926
BeasleyJames born about 1904
BeasleyLenora born about 1909
BegleyBen born about 1915
BellNannie born about 1872
BellerHenry born about 1897
BellerMartha born about 1903
BellerPreston born about 1921
BengeCarl born about 1924
BengeClarence born about 1902
BengeJ Curtisborn about 1887
BengeLula born about 1885
BennettEliga born about 1880
BennettGeorgia Bborn about 1921
BennettJohn Dborn about 1899
BennettSarah born about 1902
BerrymanHubert born about 1911
BerrymanSallie born about 1882
BerrymanWill born about 1868
BestBarbara Lonborn about 1936
BestEdith born about 1913
BestFlora Mborn about 1918
BestHenry Clayborn about 1916
BestIda Maeborn about 1932
BestJames born about 1885
BestLoraine Fborn about 1938
BestS Aborn about 1879
BethinClyde born about 1907
BethinFrances Annborn about 1933
BethinWilliam born about 1910
BlakemanBetty Dborn about 1875
BlakemanJesse Wborn about 1888
BlakemanMarine born about 1895
BlakemanMyrtle born about 1892
BlakemanRufus born about 1875
BleninsBetty born about 1904
BleninsDonald born about 1923
BleninsEarnest born about 1901
BleninsMargaret Lborn about 1928
BleninsRobert born about 1925
BlytheCharles born about 1861
BlytheCharles born about 1880
BlytheJennie born about 1888
BlytheMajor born about 1891
BlytheMary born about 1880
BlytheMattie born about 1871
BoggsJack born about 1917
BogieD T Jrborn about 1898
BogieDave Tborn about 1870
BogieFrank born about 1865
BogieJessie born about 1895
BogieLavinia born about 1893
BogieSusie born about 1871
BoltonMarshall born about 1912
BoltonRosa born about 1883
BowlinAlpha born about 1904
BowlinChester Mborn about 1926
BowlinEdward born about 1928
BowlinEldon Hborn about 1934
BowlinElizabeth born about 1929
BowlinEunice born about 1928
BowlinGladys born about 1912
BowlinGordon Rborn about 1937
BowlinJames born about 1931
BowlinJerome born about 1907
BowlinLuther born about 1901
BowlinMorris Cborn about 1932
BowlinOphelia born about 1916
BowlinR Cborn about 1924
BowlinRichard born about 1916
BowlinRichard Jr born about 1938
BowlinWilma born about 1936
BowmanAmada born about 1893
BowmanFontanie born about 1931
BowmanIva Jeanborn about 1926
BowmanN Sborn about 1899
BowmanNeal Jr born about 1924
BrandenbergEffie born about 1915
BrandenbergMartha born about 1875
BrandenbergMatt born about 1873
BrandenbergReva born about 1918
BrandenburgElias born about 1890
BrandenburgRoyella born about 1888
BrandonburgHargis born about 1873
BrandonburgLona Wborn about 1872
BreedloveHenry Cborn about 1931
BreedloveJosie born about 1911
BreedloveOscar born about 1892
Broaddus??? born about 1931
BroaddusCronley born about 1896
BroaddusJames Morisborn about 1936
BroaddusLee Davisborn about 1932
BroaddusLucian born about 1911
BroaddusMary born about 1894
BroaddusMaude born about 1887
BroaddusNellie born about 1911
BroaddusPlear born about 1910
BroaddusThompson born about 1888
BrooksAnna born about 1932
BrooksEarlie Dborn about 1925
BrooksEugene born about 1928
BrooksEva born about 1930
BrooksGeneve born about 1933
BrooksLillian born about 1930
BrooksLucille born about 1915
BrooksMary born about 1921
BrooksPearline born about 1929
BrooksWilliam born about 1900
BrownErnest born about 1920
BrownFrances born about 1914
BrownGranville born about 1898
BrownJames Rborn about 1882
BrownLouise born about 1925
BrownMary born about 1893
BrownRichard born about 1916
BrowningDonald Eborn about 1934
BrowningFrances born about 1932
BrowningHazel born about 1912
BrowningHazel Mborn about 1939
BrowningSlimp born about 1902
BrowningSylvia born about 1937
BumanDorthy born about 1898
BumanThompson Jr born about 1896
BumanThompson Jr born about 1931
BurchellBettie born about 1859
BurchellEmma born about 1890
BurchellJ Dborn about 1864
BurdetteJerell born about 1930
BurdetteLorene born about 1925
BurnamBetsy born about 1930
BurnamCurtis born about 1914
BurnamLogan born about 1898
BurnamMary Loganborn about 1933
BurnamRallin Fborn about 1904
BurnamSusan Loganborn about 1873
BurnamSylvia born about 1910
BurnamSylvia born about 1931
BurnsA Eborn about 1877
BurnsBelle born about 1878
BurrusA Bborn about 1890
BurrusBailey born about 1906
BurrusBessie born about 1908
BurrusEthel born about 1897
BurrusHilbert born about 1929
BurrusMadie born about 1932
BurrusNelson born about 1921
BurtonCarlyle born about 1879
BurtonStella born about 1875
ButnerEarnestine born about 1924
ButnerEmet born about 1885
ButnerMinnie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadeyElizabeth born about 1900
CadeyHarold born about 1932
CadeyMote born about 1896
CainAnna Bborn about 1916
CainEarl born about 1933
CainEdna born about 1925
CainElsie born about 1918
CainRosa Bborn about 1892
CainVirginia born about 1922
CainW Dborn about 1892
CaldwellAnnie Fborn about 1919
CaldwellDorothy born about 1915
CaldwellJohn born about 1912
CaldwellLewis born about 1908
CaldwellMrs A Fborn about 1878
CampbellAbongo* born about 1876
CampbellAndrey born about 1928
CampbellBen born about 1888
CampbellEdna Louisborn about 1906
CampbellElida born about 1885
CampbellElizabeth born about 1911
CampbellHarlan born about 1923
CampbellHazel born about 1920
CampbellHerman Eborn about 1933
CampbellHugh born about 1894
CampbellJames Hborn about 1867
CampbellLucian Bborn about 1935
CampbellM born about 1891
CampbellMarth born about 1856
CampbellMaurice Pborn about 1937
CampbellNannie born about 1880
CampbellRuth born about 1891
CampbellViolet born about 1859
CampbellWanda born about 1935
CampbellWarfield Bborn about 1906
CampbellWm Bartonborn about 1885
CampbellWm Earlborn about 1932
CarnesAlex born about 1939
CarrMaggie born about 1882
CarrierClarence born about 1933
CarrierLawrence born about 1931
CarrierLee born about 1905
CarrierMary born about 1903
CarrierMildred born about 1926
CarrierRussell born about 1938
CarrierShirley born about 1936
CarrierWillie Lborn about 1929
CaseyJennie born about 1886
CaseyO'neil born about 1914
CaseyR Aborn about 1884
CatesEarl born about 1930
CatesElihue born about 1928
CatesFrank born about 1881
CatesHelen born about 1933
CatesJasper born about 1922
CatesJenny Cborn about 1920
CatesLeslie born about 1917
CatesMargaret born about 1916
CatesMary Eborn about 1926
CatesNannie Cborn about 1938
CatesVirginia Leeborn about 1923
CatesWilma Dborn about 1939
CatesWilson born about 1916
CattonElla born about 1883
CattonJ Sborn about 1884
CattonSallie Bborn about 1863
CenterE Mborn about 1896
CenterKate born about 1892
ChampAlfred born about 1878
ChampMrs James born about 1853
ChampThomas born about 1879
ChedwellArthur born about 1895
ChedwellCharles born about 1929
ChedwellRena born about 1900
ChedwellRena born about 1930
CheeckH Dborn about 1871
CheeckJennie born about 1876
CheekChestel born about 1911
CheekIda Helenborn about 1938
CheekLucelle born about 1936
CheekLyda Bborn about 1915
CheekNelson born about 1932
CheekNeville born about 1932
CheekWilliam Jborn about 1934
ClarkAnne born about 1939
ClarkCharles born about 1934
ClarkColeman born about 1909
ClarkDorothy born about 1925
ClarkDorothy born about 1929
ClarkEdna born about 1917
ClarkElizabeth born about 1931
ClarkIrene born about 1912
ClarkIrine born about 1918
ClarkJames born about 1914
ClarkJoel born about 1937
ClarkMary born about 1938
ClarkR Cborn about 1934
ClarkRoscoe born about 1909
ClarkThomas born about 1936
ClickBertha born about 1895
ClickHershall Lborn about 1915
ClickOran Eborn about 1894
ClickThurston born about 1919
CoffeyAnnie Ruthborn about 1933
CoffeyDavid born about 1894
CoffeyGeneva born about 1928
CoffeyGilbert born about 1884
CoffeyHuey born about 1911
CoffeyKittie born about 1913
CoffeyNettie born about 1892
CoffeyRobert Jeanborn about 1940
CoffeyViola born about 1922
CollinsAmanda born about 1882
CollinsJ Bborn about 1920
CollinsJesse born about 1890
CollinsJessie born about 1902
CollinsJimmie born about 1922
CollinsJohnnie born about 1890
CollinsMartha born about 1893
CollinsNora Leeborn about 1890
CollinsVannie born about 1922
CollinsVincent born about 1868
ComboyCull born about 1865
ComboyMatilda born about 1866
CombsAlbert Cborn about 1936
CombsCarley Cborn about 1902
CombsCharles born about 1928
CombsClayton born about 1907
CombsDonald born about 1931
CombsDorthy Helenborn about 1927
CombsEarl born about 1896
CombsEarl Jr born about 1926
CombsEdward born about 1925
CombsEthel born about 1904
CombsGladys born about 1923
CombsJ Jborn about 1860
CombsNannie born about 1869
CombsNorma Jeanborn about 1929
CombsRobert born about 1939
CombsRuby born about 1931
CombsRuth born about 1897
CombsThelma born about 1935
CongletonEdward born about 1916
CongletonFrank born about 1879
CongletonFrank Jr born about 1912
CongletonLena born about 1888
CongletonRuth born about 1921
ConsenMolly born about 1875
ConsinMolita born about 1937
CornelisonJames born about 1918
CornelisonJohn born about 1889
CornelisonJohn Jr born about 1920
CornelisonJulia born about 1884
CornelisonPattie born about 1859
CornelsonAllen born about 1913
CornelsonAnn Dateborn about 1936
CornelsonDorothy born about 1933
CornelsonKermit born about 1915
CornettJesse born about 1890
CornettTaulbeee born about 1887
CornettThomas born about 1910
CoseyWilliam born about 1877
CosleyFrances Cborn about 1912
CosleyJesse born about 1907
CosleyJesse Bborn about 1930
CottonBetty born about 1926
CottonC Shermanborn about 1866
CottonMinnie born about 1867
CouingtonRobert Lborn about 1927
CouingtonSarah born about 1891
CouingtonWilliam born about 1899
CouingtonWilliam Eborn about 1925
CousinCotney born about 1905
CousinRice born about 1869
CovingtonElizabeth born about 1881
CovingtonMary Qborn about 1890
CoyC Cborn about 1874
CoyDaniel Fborn about 1905
CoyEdith Bborn about 1896
CoyElizabeth born about 1909
CoyElizabeth born about 1917
CoyEllen Wborn about 1907
CoyGeorge born about 1914
CoyHallie born about 1896
CoyHarvey Wborn about 1862
CoyJ Bborn about 1889
CoyJ Mborn about 1881
CoyJames Mborn about 1927
CoyJames Tborn about 1867
CoyJames Jr born about 1910
CoyMary Eborn about 1860
CoyPauline born about 1872
CoyRussell born about 1900
CoyVeda Bborn about 1917
CreeckElzie born about 1935
CreeckJonie born about 1915
CreeckLoyd born about 1933
CreeckLuther born about 1913
CreeckRobert born about 1932
CrewsJasper born about 1922
CrewsJimmie born about 1887
CrewsMary born about 1890
CronDave born about 1862
CroucherE Gborn about 1888
CroucherPattie born about 1893
CrouckeDorothy born about 1916
CrouckeRussell born about 1911
CrouckeRussell Jr born about 1936
CrowD Lborn about 1864
CruseLucille born about 1916
CruseLucy born about 1892
CruseTheo born about 1915
CunchWilliam Eborn about 1877
CurlesJ Bborn about 1869
CurtisBetty born about 1905
CurtisBosley born about 1919
CurtisCharles born about 1937
CurtisElla born about 1877
CurtisHarietta born about 1938
CurtisJohn born about 1928
CurtisLouise born about 1915
CurtisLucille Hborn about 1919
CurtisLucy born about 1884
CurtisT Jborn about 1908
CutcherHarry born about 1903
CutcherHarry Jr born about 1932
CutcherSallie born about 1914
CutcherShirley born about 1934
CuyickGeorge born about 1909
CuyickMary born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavidsonAda born about 1905
DavidsonAlmos born about 1931
DavidsonBernice born about 1928
DavidsonClarence born about 1900
DavidsonDayne born about 1934
DavidsonGeorge born about 1911
DavidsonMallie born about 1936
DavidsonMarie born about 1931
DavidsonRay born about 1934
DavidsonRuth born about 1928
DavidsonViola born about 1914
DavidsonWillis born about 1934
DavidsonZelma born about 1931
DavisBessie born about 1883
DavisCecil born about 1926
DavisCurtis born about 1937
DavisDillard born about 1923
DavisDorothy born about 1925
DavisEdgar born about 1922
DavisEllen born about 1858
DavisElmer Lborn about 1905
DavisElsie born about 1892
DavisFairy born about 1928
DavisG Wborn about 1863
DavisHazel born about 1928
DavisIbbie born about 1872
DavisIrvine born about 1877
DavisJack born about 1881
DavisJennie born about 1917
DavisJohn born about 1890
DavisLaura born about 1917
DavisLeslia born about 1910
DavisMary born about 1895
DavisMyrtle born about 1931
DavisNora born about 1895
DavisS Mborn about 1867
DavisThomas Rborn about 1902
DavisVirgil born about 1927
DavisWilliam born about 1935
DawrondBruce born about 1935
DawrondJoan born about 1935
DawrondSylvia born about 1900
DawrondTom Cborn about 1893
DawsonJohn born about 1883
DawsonJohn Tborn about 1854
DawsonMildren born about 1905
DearerLawson born about 1882
DearerLena born about 1900
DeatherageDavid born about 1925
DeatherageDavid Lborn about 1925
DeatherageGeorge born about 1893
DeatherageGeorge born about 1898
DeatherageHarold born about 1928
DeatherageHarold Wborn about 1929
DeatherageLucy born about 1894
DeatherageMccard born about 1891
DeatherageOwen born about 1925
DeatherageSarah born about 1923
DeatherageSarah Eborn about 1923
DeatherageViola born about 1899
DeatherageViola born about 1900
DejarnetteAnne born about 1886
DejarnetteBeatrice born about 1915
DejarnetteBeulah born about 1884
DejarnetteEarl born about 1912
DejarnetteEloise born about 1924
DejarnetteEmma born about
DejarnetteGeorge born about 1882
DejarnetteJames born about 1872
DejarnetteJesse born about 1918
DejarnettePaul born about 1908
DejarnetteSamuel born about 1902
DejarnetteTravis born about 1920
DejarnetteVirgil born about 1888
DejarnetteWillie born about 1879
DennyBallard born about 1912
DennyBallard Jr born about 1932
DennyGladys born about 1934
DennyGrace born about 1914
DennyJohn Fborn about 1937
DennyRosalie born about 1935
DewireAnderson born about 1919
DewireAnnie Mborn about 1928
DewireColman born about 1923
DewireEdward born about 1921
DewireElizabeth born about 1861
DewireElizabeth born about 1925
DewireGilbert born about 1895
DewireMary born about 1901
DickersonBailey born about 1877
DickersonEdgar Pborn about 1936
DickersonLillie Mborn about 1931
DickersonMae born about 1913
DouglasBoyd born about 1881
DouglasDavid born about 1919
DouglasEstelle born about 1916
DouglasHarvey Lborn about 1936
DouglasLydd Maeborn about 1926
DouglasMargaret born about 1922
DouglasSallie born about 1883
DuersonArelia born about 1926
DuersonArthur born about 1891
DuersonArthur Jr born about 1923
DuersonBeulah born about 1882
DuersonElizabeth born about 1895
DuersonElizabeth born about 1900
DuersonFrances Annborn about 1921
DuersonFrances Mborn about 1921
DuersonGeorge born about 1907
DuersonGeorge born about 1932
DuersonGeorgia Mayborn about 1915
DuersonGeorgie Maeborn about 1915
DuersonGlenmore born about 1925
DuersonHansel born about 1913
DuersonHelen born about 1934
DuersonHelen Marieborn about 1934
DuersonHerodell born about 1909
DuersonJohn Iborn about 1928
DuersonJoy Lynnborn about 1934
DuersonLafe born about 1879
DuersonLafe Jr born about 1924
DuersonLeonard born about 1928
DuersonLewis born about 1895
DuersonLouise born about 1923
DuersonLovella born about 1895
DuersonMary Agnesborn about 1927
DuersonMary Wborn about 1867
DuersonNancy Cborn about 1911
DuersonOscar born about 1900
DuersonOscar Jr born about 1930
DuersonRalph born about 1908
DuersonWilliam born about 1927
DunnAnnie born about 1880
DunnCharlie born about 1902
DunnMason born about 1880
DurhamMinerva Cborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdgesonFlossie born about 1923
EdgesonGene born about 1934
EdgesonHarlan born about 1925
EdgesonHubert born about 1918
EdgesonJewell born about 1923
EdgesonMason born about 1927
EdgesonPearl born about 1898
EdgesonThomas born about 1894
EdgingtonJesse born about 1870
EdingtonElizabeth born about 1913
EdingtonJesse born about 1897
EdwardsAnna born about 1939
EdwardsGeneva born about 1914
EdwardsJames born about 1919
EdwardsJoe born about 1918
EdwardsLouise born about 1922
EdwardsMattie born about 1911
EdwardsMillard born about 1884
EdwardsRonald born about 1922
EdwardsVivan born about 1924
ElamDresel born about 1916
ElamMargaret born about 1919
ElamRichard born about 1939
ElswickAlma born about 1933
ElswickIrene born about 1920
ElswickIva born about 1914
ElswickJohn Pborn about 1914
ElswickLonnie Dborn about 1917
ElswickNortha born about 1908
ElswickNortha born about 1937
ElswickRussel born about 1935
ElswickThelma born about 1939
ElswickWilliam born about 1876
ElswickWilma born about 1932
EmbryHelen born about 1936
ErlicherAndrew born about 1898
ErlicherAndrew Jborn about 1922
ErlicherElizabeth born about 1898
ErlicherElla Mae Abborn about 1919
ErlicherEmma Eborn about 1930
ErlicherGeorge born about 1936
ErlicherIsabelle born about 1926
ErlicherJennie Cborn about 1924
ErlicherMadison Rborn about 1934
ErlicherMargaret born about 1928
ErlicherNannie Aborn about 1932
ErlicherYulan born about 1940
EstBessie born about 1895
EstElizabeth Jborn about 1924
EstJesse born about 1893
EstRoy Cborn about 1926
EstesCharles Dborn about 1929
EstesJ Dborn about 1900
EstesJoseph born about 1925
EstesMinnie born about 1900
EstesRichard Bborn about 1894
EstesStella born about 1900
EubankEmma born about 1871
EvansAddie Mborn about 1932
EvansEdward born about 1937
EvansHelen born about 1935
EvansNathan born about 1864
EvansPleas born about 1912
EvansSusie born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarleyBeatrice born about 1907
FarleyBetsy Jborn about 1927
FarleyJames Cborn about 1903
FarleyJennie Cborn about 1874
FarleyJohn Cborn about 1857
FarleyJohn Dborn about 1902
FarrieCharlotte born about 1936
FarrieJerry Fborn about 1933
FarrieKenneth born about 1935
FarrieMarjorie born about 1937
FarrieMary Lborn about 1916
FarrieMoss Gborn about 1912
FarrisLois born about 1929
FaulknerArch born about 1910
FaulknerEarl born about 1928
FaulknerEdyth born about 1928
FaulknerEverettes born about 1922
FaulknerLedford born about 1892
FaulknerLillie born about 1893
FaulknerSarah born about 1910
FieldsBerneda born about 1921
FieldsFrances born about 1924
FieldsKelly born about 1926
FieldsLeroy born about 1923
FieldsLouise born about 1928
FieldsMary Janeborn about 1932
FieldsMay born about 1902
FieldsR Bborn about 1901
FieldsRobert Bruceborn about 1930
FifeAlex born about 1868
FifeHarry born about 1895
FiggCharlotte born about 1931
FiggMae born about 1911
FiggRobert born about 1905
FiggThomas born about 1934
FinnellEmm born about 1870
FinneyElizabeth born about 1895
FinneyEvelyn born about 1924
FinneyForest born about 1891
FlenneryCreed born about 1901
FlenneryHarold Fborn about 1935
FlenneryHorrace Combsborn about 1933
FlenneryLouise Cborn about 1929
FlenneryMirondy* born about 1911
FletcherAmanda born about 1916
FletcherHelen born about 1926
FletcherLeroy born about 1921
FletcherMattie born about 1879
FletcherTillie born about 1919
FollharthHarvey born about 1875
FollharthMary Pborn about 1874
ForbesIke born about 1890
ForbesMargaret born about 1900
FoulerCurraleen born about 1935
FoulerKenneth born about 1937
FoulerMinvelle born about 1914
FoulerNona born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaileyJoe born about 1868
GaileyLaura born about 1871
GaldAlpha born about 1914
GaldRobert born about 1913
GaleyHugh born about 1864
GaleyNona born about 1870
GellenStella born about 1906
GellenWilliam born about 1882
GenteryBooker Tborn about 1915
GenteryEdward Leonborn about 1939
GenteryHenry Clayborn about 1928
GenteryLavell Jr born about 1930
GenteryMary Margaretborn about 1919
GenteryOphelia born about 1925
GenteryRobert Bborn about 1921
GenteryRoberta born about 1932
GenterySophia born about 1923
GenteryWillie Bborn about 1898
GentryJames born about 1900
GentryJohn born about 1882
GeorgeCarman born about 1926
GeorgeDonald Rayborn about 1939
GeorgeLillie Maeborn about 1919
GeorgePerry born about 1865
GeorgePerry Jr born about 1923
GeorgeWillard born about 1915
GibbsA Mborn about 1869
GibbsArmina born about 1939
GibbsClark born about 1870
GibbsCordia Mborn about 1938
GibbsHelen Mborn about 1934
GibbsMillard born about 1913
GibbsNancy born about 1875
GibbsNancy born about 1914
GibbsRobert born about 1921
GilliamFrances born about 1928
GilliamHarold born about 1921
GilliamIra born about 1899
GilliamKenneth born about 1938
GilliamLucille born about 1926
GilliamMary Janeborn about 1903
GilliamOpal born about 1932
GipsonCharles Jr born about 1928
GipsonCharles Sr born about 1900
GipsonEnna born about 1902
GockCorl Tborn about 1935
GockHarold born about 1932
GockLeouis born about 1910
GockLucy born about 1914
GoddDorothy born about 1915
GoddH Cborn about 1878
GoddMarion born about 1915
GoddOdessa Fayborn about 1939
GoddSarah born about 1875
GoochKethie Burnsborn about 1928
GoochMaggie born about 1903
GoochOtis born about 1902
GoodletDee born about 1902
GoodletElizabeth born about 1871
GoodletHez Kborn about 1868
GoodletNannie born about 1909
GoodloeBessie born about 1879
GoodloeGeorge born about 1880
GoodrickEsther born about 1871
GoreJunita born about 1924
GossettEmma born about 1904
GossettWilliam born about 1875
GrantBen born about 1911
GrantBen Jr born about 1940
GrantBessie born about 1887
GrantDouglas born about 1938
GrantEthel born about 1900
GrantGlenmore born about 1923
GrantGracie born about 1918
GrantHarold born about 1936
GrantHelen born about 1928
GrantJ Tborn about 1926
GrantMason born about 1935
GrantRobert born about 1932
GrantSeth born about 1889
GrantW Dborn about 1926
GrantWillie Bborn about 1919
GratBessie Maeborn about 1936
GratCecil born about 1932
GratChristine born about 1924
GratEllen born about 1901
GratFrances born about 1935
GratJesse born about 1902
GratJesse Jr born about 1927
GratRaymond born about 1930
GratViolet Marieborn about 1938
GratVirgil born about 1928
GrearOtis born about 1910
GreenEverette Rborn about 1882
GreenHelen born about 1910
GreenOllie born about 1882
GreenSusan Rborn about 1916
GriffinJewel born about 1927
GriffinLawrence born about 1913
GriffinLawrence Jr born about 1934
GriffinLois born about 1925
GriffinLucille born about 1915
GriffinNeulyn Rborn about 1938
GriffinOllie born about 1902
GriffinShirly Lymborn about 1939
GriffinVerna Bborn about 1936
GriffinWilliam born about 1903
GriggsBertha born about 1892
GriggsBurton born about 1910
GriggsElizabeth born about 1914
GriggsEvelyn born about 1920
GriggsG Bborn about 1912
GriggsGilmore born about 1923
GriggsHarriett born about 1901
GriggsJohnnie born about 1901
GriggsMabel born about 1914
GriggsMary born about 1886
GriggsMary Tborn about 1890
GriggsMason born about 1935
GriggsPatsy born about 1939
GriggsRobert Lborn about 1891
GriggsSarah Mborn about 1931
GriggsShelby born about 1938
GriggsT Jborn about 1912
GriggsW Tborn about 1933
GullettCora born about 1895
GullettVirginia born about 1924
GullettWalter born about 1922
GullettWillard born about 1888
GymJ Kborn about 1879
GymKate born about 1881
GymRobert born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HabbleHanrietta Pborn about 1920
HabbleLouis Cborn about 1915
HabbleRuth Sborn about 1940
HackleyRita born about 1892
HaganHattie born about 1891
HaganJoseph born about 1877
HaganMinnie Lborn about 1886
HaganOhna Leeborn about 1915
HaganWilliam born about 1885
HaleAlice born about 1905
HaleBurton born about 1905
HaleG Bborn about 1925
HaleLouise born about 1926
HaleRobert Donborn about 1934
HaleWebster born about 1929
HallCarl born about 1909
HallGeorge born about 1862
HallGeorge born about 1924
HallNannie born about 1888
HallSam born about 1874
HalmesOllie born about 1918
HamHubert born about 1889
HamHubert Wborn about 1930
HamJane born about 1921
HamLeota Dborn about 1897
HamMargaret Lborn about 1927
HamRay Nborn about 1924
HamVernon Cborn about 1918
HamiltonDavid born about 1925
HamiltonHarvey born about 1902
HamiltonJimmie born about 1934
HamiltonKate born about 1907
HamiltonMary born about 1927
HammockB Kborn about 1901
HammockDemos born about 1936
HammockE Gborn about 1881
HammockElizabeth born about 1900
HammockJacquelyn born about 1926
HammockLarry born about 1933
HammockTilliche born about 1879
HammockWanda born about 1938
HardinranElizabeth born about 1890
HarrisBernice born about 1940
HarrisBurton born about 1931
HarrisClara born about 1938
HarrisEarline born about 1928
HarrisHelen born about 1906
HarrisHelen Mborn about 1934
HarrisJohn born about 1892
HarrisJohn Dborn about 1893
HarrisLorene born about 1925
HarrisPaul born about 1930
HarrisVirgil born about 1922
HarrisWilliam born about 1922
HarrisWilliam Cborn about 1924
HarveyHarold born about 1916
HarveySereptha born about 1920
HarveyWanda born about 1938
HatfieldA Jborn about 1922
HatfieldAda born about 1906
HatfieldAlbert Jborn about 1925
HatfieldAlene born about 1928
HatfieldWilliam Mborn about 1923
HayesCalvin born about 1892
HayesClaude born about 1890
HayesGladys born about 1909
HayesSherman born about 1896
HeathmanMary Annborn about 1871
HeltonAnna Maeborn about 1910
HeltonElizabeth born about 1908
HeltonOra born about 1884
HeltonOscar born about 1873
HeltonTinsley born about 1915
HendrenArdith born about 1923
HendrenDock born about 1869
HendrenDonald born about 1926
HendrenDrexel born about 1920
HendrenEarl born about 1896
HendrenElizabeth born about 1923
HendrenEthel born about 1896
HendrenFannie born about 1895
HendrenHarold born about 1899
HendrenHarold Jr born about 1931
HendrenHattie Lborn about 1904
HendrenJane born about 1918
HendrenJasper born about 1896
HendrenJesse Wborn about 1933
HendrenJim born about 1866
HendrenLenora Bborn about 1922
HendrenMary Fborn about 1900
HendrenMary Wborn about 1904
HendrenRobert Eborn about 1932
HendrenRussell born about 1904
HendrenRuth Fborn about 1925
HendrenW Oborn about 1894
HendrenWillena born about 1919
HendrenWilliam Lborn about 1939
HendrenWilliam Nborn about 1929
HendricksArnold Jborn about 1923
HendricksElizabeth born about 1902
HendricksJames born about 1891
HendricksJewell born about 1925
HendricksMason Bborn about 1930
HendrixAda Bborn about 1936
HendrixBevely born about 1913
HendrixFannie born about 1911
HendrixMarie born about 1934
HendrixWilliam Kborn about 1938
HenleyAnna Mayborn about 1914
HenleyCharles Wborn about 1936
HenleyEarnest born about 1916
HenleyJames Rborn about 1938
HerdJohn Leeborn about 1913
HerdMarie born about 1907
HickamAlvie born about 1886
HicksDorsey born about 1910
HicksHolton born about 1907
HigginsNannie born about 1870
HillDonald born about 1939
HillJessie born about 1915
HillJohn born about 1908
HisleEva born about 1913
HisleTommy born about 1906
HockadayAmanda Mborn about 1916
HockadayAmerica born about 1881
HockadayCleoph born about 1913
HockadayLuvinia born about 1919
HockadayMaggie born about 1918
HockadaySam born about 1911
HoganCleone born about 1912
HoganEmma Coyborn about 1931
HoganGarnett born about 1906
HoganGarnett Lynnborn about 1933
HoganMargaret born about 1910
HoganMarion Collinborn about 1937
HoganMary Kborn about 1925
HoganRose born about 1927
HornAnderson born about 1906
HornChristine born about 1932
HornHazel born about 1911
HornLeonard born about 1938
HornNorine born about 1930
HornVirginia born about 1936
HornWilliam Lborn about 1933
HornsbyFrank born about 1932
HornsbyJane born about 1929
HornsbyJohn born about 1874
HornsbyJohn Jr born about 1928
HornsbySallie born about 1908
HortonBettie born about 1871
HowardCharles born about 1880
HowardDaniel born about 1925
HowardDavie born about 1886
HowardDorothy born about 1914
HowardEarl Dborn about 1936
HowardEdith born about 1909
HowardEverett born about 1903
HowardFannie born about 1888
HowardGarnet born about 1902
HowardGene Bborn about 1933
HowardGeneva born about 1935
HowardGlendon born about 1926
HowardJennie born about 1888
HowardJohn born about 1883
HowardJohn born about 1929
HowardJulia born about 1927
HowardLinda born about 1871
HowardLogan born about 1925
HowardMartha born about 1923
HowardMcvey born about 1896
HowardOdeil born about 1931
HowardOwen born about 1931
HowardRaymond born about 1885
HowardShirley born about 1937
HowardVirginia born about 1922
HubbleElizabeth born about 1882
HubbleNancy Jborn about 1911
HubbleWilliam Bborn about 1882
HubbleWilliam Vborn about 1911
HubbleWilma Cborn about 1930
HudgensAnna Fborn about 1926
HuffmanDicy born about 1893
HuffmanGrover born about 1882
HumesAddie born about 1900
HumesBetty born about 1870
HumesH Wborn about 1870
HuntElmer born about 1910
HuntElmer Bborn about 1932
HuntJack Wborn about 1935
HuntJohnie born about 1938
HuntStella born about 1909
HurdeCordia born about 1904
HurdeO Eborn about 1917
HurtBernice born about 1914
HurtGustie born about 1913
HurtMary born about 1937
HurtaAlice born about 1869
HurtaHoward born about 1873
HurteElwood born about 1939
HutchensMary born about 1908
HutchensWilgus born about 1904
HutchingsAda born about 1932
HutchingsHarold born about 1929
HutchingsJohn born about 1867
HutchingsLouise born about 1926
HutchingsRichard born about 1934
HutchingsSallie born about 1910
HutchingsWilgus born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramGeneva Kborn about 1920
IngramJames born about 1898
IngramMyrtle born about 1897
IngramWilson born about 1922
IrvineRobert born about 1925
IsaacsAlice born about 1922
IsaacsAnna Maeborn about 1918
IsaacsCharles born about 1902
IsaacsCharles Eborn about 1938
IsaacsDoraleen born about 1932
IsaacsEllen born about 1890
IsaacsGeorge Mborn about 1916
IsaacsGeorge Jr born about 1935
IsaacsMargaret born about 1933
IsaacsNelly born about 1906
IsaacsOdis born about 1928
IsaacsSherman born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonBillie born about 1935
JacksonCarl born about 1925
JacksonDorothy Lborn about 1923
JacksonEdna Ruthborn about 1930
JacksonElizabeth Sborn about 1932
JacksonEluis born about 1918
JacksonJane Eborn about 1938
JacksonJo Annborn about 1940
JacksonLeon Wborn about 1916
JacksonLeonard born about 1891
JacksonMary Catherineborn about 1927
JacksonOra Dellborn about 1916
JacksonRebecca born about 1895
JacobsSusie born about 1902
JacobsVirgil born about 1903
JamesBrownie born about 1913
JamesJohn born about 1889
JamesLula born about 1924
JamesMinnie born about 1915
JamesPeggie born about 1938
JamesRobert born about 1935
JamesTommie born about 1928
JamesTonnie born about 1926
JenkinsCharles Hborn about 1913
JenkinsErnestine born about 1911
JenkinsLorina born about 1915
JenkinsMarry born about 1934
JenkinsMerle born about 1908
JenkinsNorma Dellborn about 1940
JohnsonAline born about 1928
JohnsonAllen born about 1938
JohnsonBen Jr born about 1927
JohnsonBen Sr born about 1895
JohnsonC Nborn about 1883
JohnsonCarrie born about 1867
JohnsonCecil born about 1906
JohnsonCora born about 1906
JohnsonElsie Mborn about 1922
JohnsonFoster born about 1866
JohnsonFoster Jr born about 1906
JohnsonFrances Cborn about 1930
JohnsonIrvine born about 1891
JohnsonJohn Rborn about 1935
JohnsonLawrence born about 1919
JohnsonLear born about 1918
JohnsonLorena born about 1908
JohnsonLucille born about 1925
JohnsonMaggie born about 1898
JohnsonMallie born about 1893
JohnsonMargaret Lborn about 1926
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1939
JohnsonMaude born about 1882
JohnsonMildred born about 1936
JohnsonNora born about 1920
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1938
JohnsonRoy born about 1919
JohnsonShelby Jeanborn about 1939
JohnsonThomsa Jr born about 1935
JohnsonTom Sr born about 1895
JohnsonVella born about 1921
JohnsonVinia born about 1936
JohnsonWalter born about 1929
JohnsonWillard born about 1917
JonesEarldine born about 1924
JonesEzeikid Pborn about 1860
JonesHelen Mborn about 1929
JonesJenny born about 1919
JonesJohn Bborn about 1885
JonesJohn Dborn about 1916
JonesKeith born about 1915
JonesMargaret born about 1921
JonesMargaret Cborn about 1927
JonesMary born about 1890
JonesMary Elizabethborn about 1924
JonesMary Pborn about 1919
JonesPearson born about 1912
JonesRaymond born about 1914
JonesReed born about 1894
JonesRobert born about 1922
JonesRussel born about 1911
JuasonGordan born about 1901
JuasonJames born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarteClifford Fborn about 1929
KarteFannie born about 1893
KarteFrank born about 1894
KarteFrank Jr born about 1925
KarteLynn Eloittborn about 1919
KarteNadie Bborn about 1927
KarteW Mborn about 1924
KearnsGarnet born about 1921
KearnsIva Janeborn about 1940
KearnsMargaret born about 1920
KeenGeneva born about 1928
KeenHardin born about 1926
KeenMinnie born about 1884
KeenSimp born about 1884
KelleyElla Louiseborn about 1939
KelleyHobert born about 1917
KelleyPhoeba born about 1919
KennedyAliya born about 1887
KennedyJohn born about 1886
KennedyMary Elizabethborn about 1924
KerrLee born about 1887
KerrS Cborn about 1877
KerrVirginia Roseborn about 1922
KiddC Bborn about 1894
KiddHettie born about 1895
KingBernice born about 1903
KingBillie born about 1923
KingC Bborn about 1934
KingC Cborn about 1934
KingCharles born about 1929
KingCora born about 1919
KingD Vborn about 1896
KingEdna born about 1911
KingEunice Cborn about 1903
KingEverett born about 1909
KingFrank born about 1917
KingGeorge born about 1913
KingGladys born about 1928
KingHarold born about 1927
KingHenry born about 1895
KingIde born about 1921
KingJames born about 1933
KingJeff born about 1923
KingJesse born about 1905
KingJesse Leeborn about 1914
KingLeon born about 1926
KingLorene born about 1923
KingLoretta born about 1939
KingLou born about 1893
KingMae born about 1912
KingMary born about 1925
KingMilt born about 1892
KingMollie born about 1921
KingMolly born about 1918
KingMyrtle born about 1915
KingNancy Cborn about 1939
KingRaymond born about 1900
KingRaymond Jr born about 1929
KingVergil born about 1928
KingWanda Leeborn about 1925
KingWayne born about 1925
KingWilliam born about 1918
KingWilliam Cborn about 1932
KingWilliam Nborn about 1868
KinnardClarance born about 1903
KinnardFayette born about 1873
KinnardFloyd born about 1906
KinnardMary Jborn about 1877
KinnoulCharles born about 1883
KinnoulMaggie born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LakerAmon born about 1917
LakerCharity Mborn about 1920
LakesEva Louborn about 1926
LakesJames born about 1929
LakesJohn born about 1897
LakesJohn Sborn about 1935
LakesRobert Hborn about 1931
LakesRosellen born about 1902
LakesRoy Cborn about 1938
LakesTim born about 1924
LambAlleen born about 1921
LambAnnie Mayborn about 1906
LambClarence born about 1890
LambEdwin born about 1921
LambHenrietta born about 1920
LambHenry Bborn about 1893
LambHenry B Jrborn about 1919
LambJoel born about 1869
LambKatherine born about 1921
LambLewis born about 1874
LambMary Eborn about 1923
LambMollie born about 1875
LambOna Maeborn about 1923
LambStella born about 1898
LambWilliam born about 1921
LandDaniel born about 1939
LandEdward born about 1920
LandJohn born about 1876
LandKatherine born about 1918
LandMurial born about 1915
LandRay born about 1934
LandRussell born about 1915
LandViola Nborn about 1918
LawsonBarbara born about 1931
LawsonClinton born about 1916
LawsonCris born about 1875
LawsonElmes born about 1914
LawsonForoncer born about 1931
LawsonGarneth born about 1927
LawsonHannah born about 1915
LawsonHarry born about 1924
LawsonHogan born about 1920
LawsonJames born about 1921
LawsonJohny born about 1910
LawsonJoyce born about 1935
LawsonJulia born about 1895
LawsonJulia Pogeborn about 1929
LawsonLorine born about 1920
LawsonPaulin born about 1885
LawsonRichard born about 1933
LawsonRobert born about 1893
LawsonRobert born about 1923
LawsonRobert Allenborn about 1938
LawsonRuben born about 1925
LawsonRuby born about 1931
LawsonThomas Eborn about 1927
LawsonWalter born about 1918
LaytonBessie born about 1895
LaytonCatherine born about 1927
LaytonMadel born about 1922
LeaterAnne Gborn about 1939
LeaterEdna born about 1918
LeaterGibson born about 1919
LeavellLuthur born about 1913
LeavellNancy born about 1909
LedfordCatherine born about 1909
LedfordHattie born about 1882
LedfordMary Janeborn about 1848
LedfordR Hborn about 1878
LedfordRuth born about 1925
LeeRussell born about 1926
LeeThomas born about 1904
LeerBilly Fborn about 1938
LeerDella born about 1902
LeerGeorge Wborn about 1940
LeerGreen Cleyborn about 1918
LeerHattie born about 1917
LeerIrene born about 1926
LeerJ Mborn about 1886
LeerJames Mborn about 1927
LeerMary Jborn about 1937
LeerMinnie Cborn about 1932
LevellBiggders* born about 1902
LevellOlles born about 1898
LewisBuck born about 1920
LewisClara born about 1932
LewisDolly born about 1919
LewisFrank born about 1930
LewisHenry born about 1900
LewisJames born about 1924
LewisLouise born about 1931
LewisMary Eborn about 1927
LewisMary Evelynborn about 1938
LewisMaudie born about 1939
LewisPattie born about 1902
LewisSam born about 1901
LewisSamuel born about 1928
LewisWilliam born about 1925
LockeElizabeth Elleborn about 1922
LockeMartha born about 1899
LongAdelia born about 1907
LongAlbert Lborn about 1936
LongAnna Bborn about 1937
LongAnna Mborn about 1929
LongAnnie born about 1869
LongAnnie born about 1897
LongDan born about 1918
LongDonald born about 1938
LongElmer born about 1905
LongEmanda born about 1874
LongEmma born about 1880
LongEmma born about 1912
LongFle??e born about 1932
LongGault born about 1886
LongGibson born about 1912
LongHerbert born about 1900
LongJane Ellenborn about 1925
LongJennie born about 1877
LongJohn born about 1925
LongLeslie born about 1939
LongLeslie Aborn about 1891
LongLillian born about 1916
LongLoraine born about 1918
LongLou Francisborn about 1927
LongLouise born about 1910
LongLouise born about 1919
LongLouise born about 1923
LongLucian born about 1916
LongMack born about 1906
LongMamie born about 1905
LongMary Jborn about 1906
LongMiley born about 1876
LongNathan born about 1918
LongOpal born about 1916
LongPerry born about 1881
LongRobert born about 1937
LongRoberta born about 1926
LongRussell born about 1898
LongSam Jborn about 1864
LongViola born about 1917
LongWalter born about 1901
LongWilliam born about 1902
LongWilliam Dborn about 1924
LongWilliam Tborn about 1922
LongWilma Cborn about 1938
LongWilma Rborn about 1932
LowreyBertie born about 1922
LowreyDora born about 1903
LowreyTillis born about 1902
LowreyWanda born about 1938
LowrigRoy born about 1932
LowryPaul born about 1930
LunsfordAlkie born about 1900
LunsfordDella born about 1928
LunsfordFannie born about 1923
LunsfordGoy born about 1897
LunsfordHarold born about 1930
LunsfordLuther born about 1924
LunsfordMamie born about 1926
LuskBilly Francesborn about 1930
LuskElizabeth born about 1906
LuskJennie Maeborn about 1938
LuskKathelane born about 1929
LuskRuth born about 1933
LuskRuth born about 1934
LuskVirgie born about 1935
LuskVirgin born about 1935
LusseyAnna born about 1940
LusseyAnna Mayborn about 1919
LusseyFrank Bborn about 1916
LusseyLige born about 1876
LusseyLige Jr born about 1921
LusseyLoge born about 1880
LusseyThomas Gborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarshallCarl Eborn about 1937
MarshallChristine born about 1914
MarshallDella born about 1912
MarshallDorthy born about 1931
MarshallDouglas born about 1907
MarshallMattie Sueborn about 1934
MarshallRobert born about 1910
MarshallViola born about 1928
MasonAnnie born about 1882
MasonEd born about 1874
MasonSamuel born about 1874
MastersAvery born about 1930
MastersBetty Jborn about 1937
MastersCrissa born about 1923
MastersDolly born about 1909
MastersElmer born about 1931
MastersEmma born about 1917
MastersEmma born about 1918
MastersGarnet born about 1931
MastersJames Rborn about 1929
MastersJesse born about 1909
MastersLore born about 1881
MastersMary Fborn about 1933
MastersMelvin born about 1920
MastersRobert born about 1907
MastersWesley Rborn about 1935
MastersWilana born about 1939
MaupinAnnie born about 1936
MaupinC Cborn about 1875
MaupinDorothy born about 1917
MaupinGeorge born about 1882
MaupinJane born about 1892
MaupinLawrence born about 1915
MaupinLewis born about 1938
MaupinMary Abreborn about 1889
MaupinSarah Edyeborn about 1925
MayChristine born about 1926
MaysIla Leeborn about 1916
MaysRobert Priceborn about 1938
McBrideElizabeth born about 1892
McBrideJohn born about 1888
McBrideKatherine born about 1901
McBrideMargaret born about 1857
McCardAnna born about 1882
McCardArsie born about 1916
McCardJake Hborn about 1916
McKayMildred born about 1928
McNallyAlbert born about 1934
McNallyArthur born about 1928
McNallyBertie Leeborn about 1924
McNallyCharles Royborn about 1939
McNallyHarrison born about 1931
McNallyIrwin born about 1886
McNallyNella Mborn about 1897
McNallyOtis born about 1922
McNallySally Bborn about 1936
McQuearyVirginia born about 1922
McWhorterIrene born about 1921
McWhorterNewland born about 1912
McWhorterVina born about 1873
MeeksEarl Fborn about 1921
MeeksGlenmore born about 1925
MeeksJackie born about 1930
MeeksMae born about 1927
MeeksMary born about 1902
MeeksPhilmore born about 1935
MeeksRussell born about 1940
MeeksSam born about 1891
MeeksSammie born about 1923
MenshouseAlbert born about 1906
MenshouseMaggie born about 1914
MiddletonJames born about 1916
Miller??? born about 1932
MillerAlvin born about 1912
MillerArch born about 1877
MillerBardella born about 1924
MillerBeatrice born about 1923
MillerBurnam born about 1907
MillerBurnam Jr born about 1928
MillerCatherine born about 1927
MillerCharles born about 1901
MillerChester born about 1929
MillerClark born about 1911
MillerClark Jr born about 1939
MillerDan born about 1858
MillerDavid Bborn about 1932
MillerDicie born about 1921
MillerEdna Maeborn about 1909
MillerElla born about 1895
MillerEunice born about 1928
MillerEva Nettieborn about 1928
MillerEvie born about 1916
MillerGarmet born about 1895
MillerGladys born about 1913
MillerHarshell born about 1932
MillerHedy born about 1915
MillerHerbert Cborn about 1933
MillerJack born about 1934
MillerJames born about 1926
MillerJesse born about 1910
MillerJohn Maeborn about 1888
MillerKatie born about 1892
MillerKenneth born about 1929
MillerLaura Fborn about 1935
MillerMary born about 1891
MillerMassie Wborn about 1902
MillerMerril born about 1935
MillerNannie Maeborn about 1927
MillerNelly born about 1919
MillerOlivia born about 1925
MillerPonnie born about 1935
MillerRalph Eborn about 1937
MillerRuth born about 1870
MillerRuth born about 1929
MillerSophia born about 1863
MillerTalton born about 1936
MillerVeradella born about 1930
MillerWayne Gborn about 1933
MillerWilliam Dborn about 1890
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1919
MillerWoman born about 1925
MillionAnnie born about 1889
MillionChristine born about 1914
MillionDoris born about 1916
MillionEdgar Hborn about 1888
MillionEloise born about 1888
MillionEvelyn born about 1918
MillionGeorge Cborn about 1930
MillionHugh born about 1886
MillionJo Annborn about 1936
MillionMaria born about 1882
MillionMark born about 1868
MillionNadine born about 1929
MillionPaul born about 1915
MillionSarah Aborn about 1914
MinkEthel born about 1901
MinkMary Allenborn about 1936
MinkTomas born about 1905
MiselIda born about 1917
MiselPatricia born about 1939
MiselWilliam born about 1918
MitchellEdd born about 1919
MitchellFranklin Hborn about 1917
MitchellLinda Franklinborn about 1940
MitchellNaomi born about 1919
MoberleyAlex born about 1894
MoberleyAllie born about 1895
MoberleyArthur born about 1923
MoberleyBonny born about 1934
MoberleyCharles born about 1915
MoberleyChristine born about 1916
MoberleyClarice born about 1935
MoberleyDale born about 1917
MoberleyDonald born about 1936
MoberleyDonald born about 1939
MoberleyGlenn born about 1922
MoberleyHanson born about 1890
MoberleyHelen born about 1926
MoberleyJuanita born about 1926
MoberleyLucy born about 1915
MoberleyNancy Carolborn about 1938
MoberleyNora born about 1894
MoberleyOnell born about 1916
MoberleyRobert born about 1929
MoberleyRobert Allenborn about 1934
MoberleyRussel born about 1918
MoberleyTommie born about 1931
MoberlyBen born about 1889
MoberlyBernice born about 1930
MoberlyBessie born about 1905
MoberlyBobby Tborn about 1940
MoberlyBurton born about 1888
MoberlyCalvin born about 1928
MoberlyCarlos born about 1938
MoberlyCatherine born about 1922
MoberlyCornie born about 1900
MoberlyDella Rborn about 1938
MoberlyDonald Mborn about 1932
MoberlyDorothy born about 1923
MoberlyEarl born about 1934
MoberlyEdith born about 1928
MoberlyElmer born about 1899
MoberlyFrank born about 1919
MoberlyGlenmore born about 1925
MoberlyHallie born about 1892
MoberlyIla Marieborn about 1930
MoberlyJennie born about 1900
MoberlyJessie born about 1928
MoberlyJohn Aborn about 1919
MoberlyJohn Jamesborn about 1923
MoberlyLeaford born about 1932
MoberlyMargaret born about 1913
MoberlyMarha born about 1878
MoberlyMarshall born about 1936
MoberlyMartha born about 1866
MoberlyMartha Maeborn about 1929
MoberlyMary Sborn about 1906
MoberlyMildred born about 1933
MoberlyOtto born about 1893
MoberlyPhil born about 1863
MoberlyPhil born about 1871
MoberlyPreston born about 1914
MoberlyRobert Earlborn about 1934
MoberlyRuby Cborn about 1936
MoberlyRussell Jborn about 1933
MoberlySterling born about 1925
MoberlyTaylor born about 1901
MoberlyVaughn born about 1906
MoberlyVirgie born about 1930
MoberlyWilliam Cborn about 1937
MoeshbonlaJames born about 1898
MoodyAnnie Leeborn about 1926
MoodyBetsy born about 1921
MoodyBetty Jeanborn about 1934
MoodyCarolyn born about 1935
MoodyCharles born about 1913
MoodyDorothy Evitaborn about 1937
MoodyElla Fborn about 1893
MoodyEvelyn Bborn about 1932
MoodyHenry born about 1909
MoodyIona born about 1925
MoodyJ Wborn about 1928
MoodyJohn born about 1907
MoodyJohn Jr born about 1930
MoodyLucian Dborn about 1913
MoodyLucille born about 1920
MoodyMargaret born about 1906
MoodyOrval born about 1936
MoodyRosella born about 1919
MoodyVirginia Pborn about 1927
MoodyW Fborn about 1888
MoodyZelma born about 1914
MooreAda born about 1895
MooreAllen Popeborn about 1927
MooreAlma born about 1928
MooreAnna Louseborn about 1925
MooreArzela born about 1864
MooreC Bborn about 1890
MooreCarlos born about 1885
MooreChina born about 1890
MooreClayton born about 1924
MooreDonnie born about 1933
MooreE Cborn about 1893
MooreEdward born about 1920
MooreElwood born about 1931
MooreErnest born about 1900
MooreEthel born about 1910
MooreEvelyn born about 1923
MooreFrances born about 1913
MooreIrene born about 1927
MooreJ Henryborn about 1904
MooreJames born about 1935
MooreJoan born about 1933
MooreJohn Wmborn about 1912
MooreMaida born about 1903
MooreMarietta born about 1921
MooreMarine born about 1933
MooreNancy born about 1889
MooreNathan born about 1902
MooreNellie born about 1898
MooreNelson born about 1923
MoorePauline born about 1926
MooreRussell born about 1916
MooreShirley born about 1935
MooreValeria born about 1908
MooreWilliam Hborn about 1914
MorganCharles born about 1940
MorganClyde born about 1890
MorganDaniel born about 1936
MorganDella born about 1920
MorganElizabeth born about 1892
MorganHarold born about 1934
MorganHelen Jborn about 1925
MorganMarie born about 1923
MulliganAnna Maeborn about 1903
MulliganCora born about 1872
MulliganEdd born about 1914
MulliganLou born about 1868
MulliganMillard born about 1904
MullinsDorothy born about 1927
MullinsFlora born about 1936
MullinsIda born about 1934
MullinsIrene born about 1928
MullinsJohn born about 1925
MullinsKatherine born about 1939
MullinsLeonard born about 1904
MullinsMary born about 1907
MullinsOra born about 1936
MurphyAgnes born about 1923
MurphyBetty Carolineborn about 1936
MurphyCharles Dborn about 1926
MurphyClarence Sborn about 1920
MurphyDorothy born about 1918
MurphyEdward Aborn about 1921
MurphyElbert born about 1890
MurphyGeneva born about 1890
MurphyJames Cborn about 1932
MurphyJohn born about 1859
MurphyJohn Wborn about 1919
MurphyLurlie Maeborn about 1902
MurphyMaggie born about 1870
MurphyMargaret born about 1921
MurphyMartha Mborn about 1922
MurphyMaude born about 1895
MurphyMelvin Cborn about 1893
MurphyMorris born about 1923
MurphyR Lborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeeleyColeman born about 1914
NeeleyJessie Maeborn about 1917
NeeleyMaud Cleenborn about 1935
NewlandCarl born about 1923
NewlandElizabeth born about 1921
NewlandEmma born about 1904
NewlandJ Bborn about 1900
NoelHallie born about 1890
NoelJasper born about 1890
NolandAnna Tborn about 1867
NolandArnold born about 1924
NolandCarlo born about 1890
NolandCarlo Jr born about 1930
NolandClay born about 1895
NolandDonald born about 1929
NolandEdward born about 1933
NolandFrances born about 1900
NolandHarold born about 1925
NolandJames born about 1894
NolandJane Dborn about 1875
NolandJennie Maeborn about 1892
NolandJerre Lborn about 1921
NolandMildred born about 1920
NolandPaul born about 1927
NolandPearl born about 1901
NolandRuth born about 1924
NolandSarah Jborn about 1900
NolandThomas Tborn about 1919
NolandTurley born about 1897
NolandWayne born about 1937
NolandWilliam born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaksBertha born about 1908
OaksElizabeth born about 1926
OaksEvelyn born about 1930
OaksGlenmore born about 1931
OaksJasper born about 1901
OaksJasper Jr born about 1928
OaksLloyd born about 1935
OdennellGeorge born about 1912
OdennellJean born about 1934
OdennellLucille born about 1917
OdonnellGertrude born about 1920
OdonnellVirgil born about 1911
OdonnellVirgil Willardborn about 1939
OggJames born about 1857
OwensCharles Rborn about 1929
OwensEdna Mborn about 1925
OwensMary Loganborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkAnne born about 1890
ParkBettie Louborn about 1929
ParkBruce born about 1902
ParkEarl Sborn about 1890
ParkElenor born about 1866
ParkElizabeth born about 1904
ParkElvera Dborn about 1912
ParkForniss born about 1924
ParkGladys born about 1920
ParkHolton born about 1901
ParkKarl Sborn about 1926
ParkLouise born about 1936
ParkMartha Sborn about 1934
ParkWade born about 1937
ParkWilliam born about 1902
ParkWilliam Hborn about 1930
ParksConnie born about 1859
ParksMary Tborn about 1930
ParrishFrancis born about 1913
ParrishJerre Wborn about 1884
ParrishLinda born about 1881
ParrishLula born about 1887
ParrishNancy born about 1913
ParrishTeldon born about 1877
ParsonGeldine born about 1919
ParsonMartha born about 1854
ParsonMaude born about 1896
ParsonSeth born about 1891
PerkinsArthur born about 1904
PerkinsBessie born about 1899
PerkinsCharles born about 1926
PerkinsElmer born about 1903
PerkinsGuss born about 1920
PerkinsJessie Rborn about 1923
PerkinsWeldon Gborn about 1930
PerkinsZora born about 1907
PerrsonBailey Pborn about 1939
PerrsonBurt Rborn about 1920
PerrsonHelen born about 1921
PeytonBailey born about 1904
PeytonFlossie born about 1903
PeytonJames Rborn about 1918
PeytonRena Lborn about 1915
PeytonRoberta born about 1939
PeytonShirley born about 1938
PhelpsAnn born about 1932
PhelpsJack born about 1893
PhelpsJosephine born about 1902
PhilpsJones Jennis Pborn about 1873
PhilpsMary born about 1870
PhilpsR Mborn about 1895
PhilpsS Mborn about 1862
PierattHenry Fborn about 1864
PierattSarah born about 1872
PollardDona born about 1889
PollardVilma Fborn about 1920
PollardW Mborn about 1877
PopeDella born about 1890
PopeHenry Cborn about 1883
PratherAlene born about 1918
PratherAnna Mayborn about 1925
PratherBecky born about 1874
PratherBertha Mayborn about 1923
PratherBurnam born about 1921
PratherBurnam born about 1927
PratherClyde born about 1918
PratherDonald Dborn about 1933
PratherEunice born about 1923
PratherGeorge born about 1918
PratherHattie born about 1884
PratherIrene born about 1923
PratherLeslle born about 1904
PratherLige born about 1874
PratherLucy born about 1920
PratherLucy born about 1921
PratherNathan born about 1920
PratherRuby Jborn about 1935
PratherTaylor born about 1887
PrewittAllen born about 1931
PrewittCatherine born about 1920
PrewittCora Mayborn about 1934
PrewittEmma born about 1917
PrewittEthel born about 1924
PrewittFlossie Mayborn about 1938
PrewittFred born about 1916
PrewittGeneva born about 1918
PrewittHenry born about 1888
PrewittJ Tborn about 1932
PrewittJohn born about 1914
PrewittJohn Wborn about 1916
PrewittJohn Wborn about 1939
PrewittKenneth born about 1935
PrewittLaura born about 1887
PrewittLeland born about 1908
PrewittLossie Bborn about 1909
PrewittLouise born about 1918
PrewittLoyd born about 1930
PrewittMarion born about 1887
PrewittMartha Leeborn about 1937
PrewittMary Jborn about 1896
PrewittN Eborn about 1896
PrewittNathan born about 1921
PrewittNathaniel born about 1921
PrewittRoberta born about 1928
PrewittRussel born about 1928
PrewittVaughn born about 1928
PriceAllie born about 1901
PriceJohn born about 1901
PriceJohn Brodlyborn about 1933
ProctorEthel born about 1919
ProctorFrancis born about 1916
ProctorJ Bborn about 1925
ProctorMinnie born about 1888
ProctorNancy born about 1939
ProctorReed born about 1886
ProctorThomas born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QunnMary born about 1900
QunnW Hborn about 1890

R Surnames

RalstonAnna Maryborn about 1902
RalstonAnnie born about 1871
RalstonMorgan Annborn about 1931
RalstonR Aborn about 1863
RalstonWilliam born about 1898
RayFrancis born about 1934
RayburnMarshall born about 1892
RayburnRose Leeborn about 1925
RayburnSamuel born about 1923
ReamsNelia born about 1879
ReberGeorge born about 1864
ReedSidney born about 1919
ReenesLula born about 1895
ReenesMinerva born about 1921
ReenesRichard born about 1910
ReenesWilliam born about 1888
ReevesBobbie born about 1891
ReevesOnah born about 1917
RenfroBen born about 1927
RenfroBessie born about 1925
RenfroChester born about 1912
RenfroElizabeth born about 1885
RenfroMary born about 1919
RenfroRufus born about 1885
RenfroTommie born about 1917
ReytonCraven born about 1900
ReytonFannie born about 1925
ReytonMaxine born about 1924
ReytonMildred born about 1928
ReytonOneda born about 1923
ReytonOra born about 1898
RhodusA Cborn about 1869
RhodusAddie born about 1925
RhodusAddie Fborn about 1937
RhodusAgnes Maeborn about 1938
RhodusAllie born about 1899
RhodusAngeline born about 1925
RhodusBessie born about 1918
RhodusBunem born about 1894
RhodusCarl born about 1925
RhodusCatherine born about 1931
RhodusCecil born about 1914
RhodusChester born about 1917
RhodusChorlas born about 1921
RhodusChristine born about 1923
RhodusCrissa born about 1905
RhodusDare Ettaborn about 1936
RhodusDonald Jeanborn about 1939
RhodusDulcie born about 1904
RhodusEarl born about 1934
RhodusEdd born about 1891
RhodusEffie born about 1895
RhodusElizabeth born about 1914
RhodusEugene born about 1898
RhodusEugene born about 1937
RhodusFannie born about 1913
RhodusFrank born about 1873
RhodusFrank born about 1890
RhodusGeneva born about 1923
RhodusGeorge born about 1881
RhodusHollan born about 1930
RhodusHugh born about 1894
RhodusHugh Sborn about 1926
RhodusIda born about 1900
RhodusIda Maeborn about 1929
RhodusJ Cborn about 1873
RhodusJacklyn born about 1938
RhodusJesse Prrieborn about 1931
RhodusJessie born about 1902
RhodusJohn born about 1874
RhodusJohn Dborn about 1924
RhodusLaverne born about 1922
RhodusLena Maeborn about 1912
RhodusLucille born about 1916
RhodusLucille born about 1923
RhodusLucy born about 1877
RhodusMae Lborn about 1921
RhodusMaggie born about 1872
RhodusMaggie born about 1875
RhodusMaggie born about 1889
RhodusMargaret born about 1922
RhodusMary Lynnborn about 1926
RhodusNannie Maeborn about 1928
RhodusPhylis Janeborn about 1939
RhodusRichard born about 1886
RhodusRollins born about 1913
RhodusRollins Kborn about 1936
RhodusRonald Deanborn about 1939
RhodusRose born about 1918
RhodusRoy Kborn about 1932
RhodusSarah born about 1866
RhodusSarah Lborn about 1934
RhodusStanley born about 1912
RhodusSudie born about 1882
RhodusTerrill born about 1919
RhodusThelma born about 1921
RhodusThomprie born about 1901
RhodusTommy born about 1909
RhodusVirginia born about 1929
RhodusW Gborn about 1889
RhodusWalter born about 1914
RhodusWanda Lborn about 1940
RhodusWilliam born about 1868
RhodusWilliam born about 1911
RhodusWilliam Cborn about 1909
RhodusWillie born about 1897
RichardsonAmelia born about 1887
RichardsonBessie born about 1920
RichardsonBonnie born about 1918
RichardsonChristine born about 1925
RichardsonClyde born about 1902
RichardsonDolie born about 1890
RichardsonEdward born about 1934
RichardsonElla born about 1887
RichardsonFannie born about 1932
RichardsonFlorata born about 1909
RichardsonFranklin born about 1937
RichardsonGibson born about 1900
RichardsonGordon born about 1925
RichardsonHarlan born about 1883
RichardsonJ Bborn about 1921
RichardsonJohn born about 1931
RichardsonJohn Cborn about 1927
RichardsonLuther Cborn about 1911
RichardsonMargaret born about 1935
RichardsonOwen born about 1908
RichardsonPaul born about 1928
RichardsonRobert born about 1880
RichardsonRoberta born about 1935
RichardsonRussell Lborn about 1930
RichardsonShirell born about 1908
RichardsonVernice born about 1911
RichardsonVirginia born about 1911
RichardsonWallace born about 1928
RiddelAddie born about 1939
RiddelBilly born about 1932
RiddelJulian born about 1915
RiddelLucy born about 1913
RiddelSuda born about 1934
RiddellEarl born about 1912
RiddellMargie born about 1923
RivelElizabeth born about 1912
RivelSarah born about 1939
RivelThomas born about 1914
RivelThomas born about 1932
RivelWanda born about 1936
RobertsAnnie born about 1897
RobertsBessie born about 1896
RobertsBill Francisborn about 1927
RobertsClarkie born about 1864
RobertsCleavie born about 1926
RobertsDock born about 1898
RobertsDonald born about 1922
RobertsDonald born about 1931
RobertsDoris born about 1924
RobertsEdward born about 1894
RobertsErnest born about 1921
RobertsGlenn born about 1919
RobertsHazel Gborn about 1918
RobertsKenneth born about 1933
RobertsLee born about 1926
RobertsLevert born about 1882
RobertsNannie born about 1888
RobertsTom born about 1923
RobinsonBurton born about 1930
RobinsonEthel born about 1919
RobinsonFloyd born about 1918
Rogers??? born about 1888
RogersAnna Leeborn about 1935
RogersAnnie born about 1883
RogersArgelia born about 1910
RogersBallard born about 1907
RogersBetsy Annborn about 1930
RogersChristine born about 1925
RogersEdgar born about 1900
RogersElizabeth born about 1928
RogersEllie born about 1919
RogersG Wborn about 1879
RogersHarold Deanborn about 1927
RogersJennie born about 1922
RogersJessie born about 1898
RogersJohn Jborn about 1917
RogersJohnetta born about 1938
RogersMildred born about 1924
RogersMildred born about 1936
RogersNeale Bborn about 1938
RogersRonald Pborn about 1939
RogersRoyce born about 1929
RogersRuth born about 1934
RogersSion Pborn about 1903
RogersStella born about 1900
RollinsAlene born about 1938
RollinsFloyd born about 1930
RollinsHelen Mborn about 1933
RollinsJames born about 1905
RollinsJoel born about 1922
RollinsLeona born about 1913
RollinsNelson born about 1935
RoopC Bborn about 1887
RoopC Lborn about 1888
RoopCora born about 1888
RoseBoyd born about 1916
RoseEva Delorisborn about 1934
RoseGillie born about 1913
RoseLeonard born about 1888
RoseLydia born about 1892
RosePaul Wayneborn about 1936
RoseRaymond born about 1913
RoseWyoma born about 1934
RossA Dborn about 1882
RossAlex born about 1922
RossAlice born about 1860
RossBessie born about 1933
RossBetty Jborn about 1931
RossBlanch Cborn about 1914
RossDora Rborn about 1870
RossElla Mayborn about 1935
RossEmma Mborn about 1927
RossEthel born about 1920
RossGeneva born about 1927
RossHelen Mborn about 1925
RossIda born about 1905
RossJacquline born about 1938
RossJuanita born about 1929
RossLoretta born about 1919
RossLouis born about 1920
RossLucy born about 1865
RossMary born about 1887
RossRaymond Jr born about 1917
RossShannon born about 1906
RossShirley Annborn about 1940
RossSylvia born about 1906
RossW Morrisborn about 1868
RossWilliam born about 1887
RossWilma Fayborn about 1939
RothellRuth born about 1882
RoupJae born about 1920
RoupJames born about 1939
RoupMargaret born about 1919
RowletteJoe born about 1878
RowletteMaggie born about 1885
RowletteOna born about 1912
RoyJames Rborn about 1935
RoyMargaret born about 1929
RoyMarie born about 1931
RoyMorris born about 1936
RoyMory Lborn about 1939
RoyNella Ruthborn about 1934
RoyRussell born about 1905
RoyRuth born about 1911
RoySam born about 1938
RoyVirginia born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamsAnice born about 1900
SamsAnna Jeanborn about 1933
SamsAudley born about 1918
SamsC Sborn about 1894
SamsClayton born about 1923
SamsEvelyn born about 1927
SamsJulia born about 1883
SamsMackie Cborn about 1938
SamsRufus born about 1877
SamsRufus Jr born about 1912
SamsThelma born about 1921
SamsWilliam born about 1925
SandersLon Fborn about 1870
SandersWillis born about 1865
SchastonAda born about 1930
SchastonBallard Jr born about 1932
SchastonBessie born about 1927
SchastonCharles born about 1922
SchastonMary born about 1924
SchoolerG Bborn about 1896
SchoolerLina Jborn about 1893
SchoolerMary Lborn about 1869
SchoolerN Aborn about 1887
SchoolerThelma born about 1901
ScottCharles Eborn about 1939
ScottJohn Louisborn about 1927
ScottLuemma born about 1912
ScottMelvin born about 1911
SebastianDonald born about 1926
SebastianJasper born about 1899
SebastianLucratia born about 1866
SebastianMabel born about 1902
SebastianMaxine born about 1927
SebastianRoy Wborn about 1924
SebastinAlice born about 1883
SebastinLillian born about 1925
SebastinRobert born about 1903
SebastinWylie born about 1873
SerwierAlita born about 1914
SerwierBallard born about 1892
SerwierEunice Wborn about 1896
SerwierHeber Tborn about 1927
SerwierHelton born about 1916
SerwierJewell born about 1919
SerwierKenneth Dborn about 1923
ShearerAlice born about 1870
ShearerClay born about 1921
ShearerGrant born about 1864
ShearerLawson born about 1900
ShellElsie born about 1927
ShepherdLydia born about 1881
ShepperdDonald born about 1940
ShepperdEdwin born about 1916
ShepperdJessie born about 1915
ShepperdWanda born about 1939
ShockleyDorthy born about 1916
ShockleyEdd born about 1919
ShockleyNancy Janeborn about 1940
ShortCarl born about 1933
ShortCecil born about 1926
ShortClarence born about 1895
ShortClarence Jr born about 1923
ShortJ Wesleyborn about 1932
ShortJames born about 1921
ShortLouis born about 1924
ShortMelia born about 1895
ShortNeville born about 1914
ShortVirginia born about 1914
ShrewsburyFrank born about 1873
ShrewsburyHettie born about 1871
SickelsBetty born about 1932
SickelsLillian Mborn about 1911
SickelsRobert born about 1930
SickelsThomas born about 1912
SickelsVirginia born about 1935
SimpsonAlberta born about 1932
SimpsonAlene born about 1928
SimpsonAnne Elizabethborn about 1898
SimpsonArchie born about 1931
SimpsonBessie born about 1892
SimpsonBessie born about 1899
SimpsonChristine born about 1912
SimpsonClinton born about 1937
SimpsonDaniel born about 1912
SimpsonDaniel born about 1921
SimpsonDavid born about 1924
SimpsonDock born about 1926
SimpsonEmetine born about 1920
SimpsonHattie Bborn about 1924
SimpsonHenna Wborn about 1930
SimpsonJewell Denaborn about 1933
SimpsonJohn born about 1898
SimpsonJohnnie born about 1891
SimpsonJoseph Gborn about 1921
SimpsonJosephine born about 1871
SimpsonLouise born about 1933
SimpsonLula born about 1908
SimpsonMarvin born about 1931
SimpsonMary born about 1928
SimpsonMildred Jborn about 1939
SimpsonRonald born about 1930
SimpsonSarah born about 1920
SimpsonWilliam born about 1914
SimpsonWilliam Aborn about 1895
SimpsonWilliam E Jrborn about 1926
SimpsonWillie born about 1902
SimpsonWillie Ruthborn about 1926
SimpsonZekie born about 1907
SingerElizabeth born about 1918
SingerGeneva born about 1916
SingerGeorge born about 1890
SingerLoraine born about 1920
SingerMaggie born about 1892
SloneCarlista born about 1873
SloneEdward born about 1876
SloneEdward born about 1884
SloneJennie born about 1938
SloneJohn born about 1928
SloneMary Fborn about 1920
SloneMary Wborn about 1919
SlonePaul Jborn about 1912
SlonePaul Jborn about 1916
SloneSarah born about 1881
SloneSarah Dborn about 1890
SloneShelby Jeanborn about 1937
SloneViola born about 1925
SmithA Mborn about 1868
SmithAlfred born about 1901
SmithBennie born about 1925
SmithC Bborn about 1901
SmithCarrie born about 1912
SmithCecil born about 1934
SmithCharles Bborn about 1935
SmithCharlie Bborn about 1917
SmithClyde born about 1931
SmithD F Hborn about 1884
SmithDonald born about 1936
SmithEarl born about 1894
SmithEdna born about 1930
SmithEdward born about 1925
SmithElizabeth born about 1939
SmithEna born about 1936
SmithFannie born about 1900
SmithFrances born about 1924
SmithFrances born about 1938
SmithGilbert born about 1920
SmithJ Eborn about 1921
SmithJames born about 1898
SmithJames Dborn about 1927
SmithJohnie Mborn about 1930
SmithLillian Cborn about 1924
SmithLucien born about 1928
SmithLucy born about 1906
SmithMary Eborn about 1924
SmithMarylin born about 1882
SmithMaude born about 1887
SmithMildred born about 1891
SmithMose born about 1904
SmithMyrtle born about 1906
SmithNooma born about 1935
SmithPark born about 1938
SmithRobert born about 1923
SmithRobert Lborn about 1923
SmithRose born about 1910
SmithRoy born about 1915
SmithRoy born about 1927
SmithRuth born about 1932
SmithSam born about 1886
SmithThomas Jborn about 1904
SmithVina born about 1874
SmithVirginia born about 1920
SmithW Fborn about 1888
SmithWilliam born about 1910
SmithWilliam Wborn about 1939
SmithWillie Jborn about 1920
SmithWillie Maeborn about 1922
SmithZelma born about 1915
Snyder??? born about 1916
SnyderBeatrice born about 1900
SnyderBert born about 1907
SnyderBetty Cborn about 1938
SnyderCharlotte born about 1896
SnyderClemence born about 1894
SnyderClemence Jr born about 1938
SnyderClement born about 1902
SnyderDonald Rayborn about 1934
SnyderFloyd born about 1892
SnyderFloyd Jr born about 1924
SnyderGelenmore* born about 1926
SnyderJeweldean born about 1925
SnyderLena born about 1922
SnyderLouise born about 1930
SnyderMadison Oborn about 1928
SnyderMaude born about 1928
SnyderMinnie Leeborn about 1935
SnyderOpal born about 1939
SnyderVirginia born about 1915
SnyderWilma born about 1931
SomersAnna born about 1893
SomersEleanor Jborn about 1935
SomersEugene Thborn about 1926
SomersR Lborn about 1897
SowersArzela born about 1902
SowersBettie Maeborn about 1936
SowersEmma born about 1882
SowersFloyd Tborn about 1933
SowersJohnnie Hborn about 1939
SowersRaymond born about 1889
SowersRichard Cborn about 1927
SowersStamp Joelborn about 1930
SperginJoyce born about 1925
SperginLeney born about 1928
SpillmanClaude born about 1886
SpillmanJean born about 1930
SpillmanMargarete born about 1893
SpillmanRobert born about 1926
SpurlockEugene born about 1892
SpurlockEugene Wborn about 1925
SpurlockMary Lborn about 1894
StevensonFrank born about 1896
StevensonFrity born about 1858
StevensonHelen Vborn about 1896
StewartC Wborn about 1850
StewartEdna born about 1888
StewartJ Wborn about 1889
StewertBerniece born about 1939
StewertClara born about 1920
StewertE Pborn about 1919
StierMargaret born about 1903
StocherE Aborn about 1882
StocherEstelle born about 1921
StocherNannie Bborn about 1885
StockerAlma born about 1880
StockerElbert born about 1912
StockerGene born about 1909
StockerGreen Cborn about 1868
StockerLandon born about 1936
StockerMayme born about 1911
StockerMossie born about 1907
StockerWilliam born about 1921
StoneArvella born about 1924
StoneBessie born about 1907
StoneBilly Rayborn about 1935
StoneGene born about 1932
StoneGrant born about 1900
StoneHenrietta born about 1912
StoneJohn born about 1912
StoneJohn Jr born about 1936
StoneJosephine born about 1931
StoneMarrie born about 1929
StoneMdeline born about 1935
StoneMinnie born about 1902
StonePrice born about 1899
StoneVirginia born about 1927
StoneWilliam born about 1937
StoryAleen born about 1929
StoryBoo born about 1922
StoryBuelah born about 1910
StoryCorbin born about 1934
StoryEmma born about 1920
StoryFrank born about 1925
StoryJames Hborn about 1908
StoryJames Jtborn about 1934
StoryJesse born about 1887
StoryJesse Jr born about 1932
StoryLena born about 1890
StoryShort born about 1927
StrunkF Gborn about 1906
StrunkSheila born about 1932
StrunkTheda born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackettAngie Mayborn about 1936
TackettDulcie born about 1906
TackettEllue* born about 1905
TackettEugene born about 1933
TackettGlenmore born about 1935
TackettHarold born about 1930
TackettHelen born about 1928
TackettLeslie born about 1926
TaylorArnett born about 1904
TaylorCordelia born about 1924
TaylorDarnel born about 1927
TaylorDe born about 1887
TaylorDella born about 1886
TaylorDennis born about 1884
TaylorDennis Jr born about 1920
TaylorDorothy born about 1925
TaylorEdward born about 1915
TaylorEtta born about 1922
TaylorEtta Fayborn about 1917
TaylorFlorence born about 1894
TaylorFlossie born about 1930
TaylorFrank born about 1924
TaylorGertrude born about 1896
TaylorGlenmore born about 1920
TaylorGordon Rborn about 1919
TaylorHarold born about 1922
TaylorJimmie born about 1925
TaylorJohn Lborn about 1922
TaylorLeslie born about 1876
TaylorMabel Tborn about 1923
TaylorMalinda born about 1862
TaylorPearl born about 1883
TaylorRobert born about 1921
TeaterBetty born about 1902
TeaterEdwina born about 1937
TeaterHelen born about 1923
TeaterKyle born about 1897
TeaterLucille born about 1914
TeaterMargie born about 1932
TernerRosie born about 1919
TevisHenry born about 1878
TevisJerre born about 1908
TevisMary born about 1879
TevisViolina born about 1910
ThomasAaron born about 1909
ThomasAaron Jr born about 1939
ThomasBettie Louborn about 1937
ThomasBilly born about 1931
ThomasCharles born about 1933
ThomasDavid born about 1928
ThomasEdward born about 1872
ThomasErnest born about 1935
ThomasGeorgia born about 1914
ThomasHarold born about 1936
ThomasJ Cborn about 1929
ThomasKenneth born about 1932
ThomasPaul born about 1930
ThomasSherman born about 1910
ThomasStanley born about 1912
ThomasWade born about 1939
ToddCarl born about 1914
ToddElwood born about 1912
ToddHolman born about 1884
ToddMary born about 1892
ToleyAnna Mayborn about 1901
ToleyAugust Eborn about 1935
ToleyEdward born about 1927
ToleyGrace Vborn about 1928
ToleyHiole Eborn about 1925
ToleyJames Rborn about 1932
ToleyOscar born about 1891
ToleyOwen Mborn about 1939
ToleyW Jborn about 1923
TonlyLucille born about 1918
TonlyRobert Jeanborn about 1937
TreadwayElina born about 1874
TreadwayG Mborn about 1862
TruettBrack born about 1898
TruettClua born about 1925
TruettEmma born about 1897
TruettLester born about 1927
TruettRebecca born about 1859
TudorBetty born about 1936
TudorBilly born about 1917
TudorDelores born about 1935
TudorDenna Cborn about 1940
TudorDonna Jeanborn about 1938
TudorDoris Cborn about 1937
TudorDorthyi born about 1918
TudorGeorge born about 1923
TudorJames born about 1898
TudorJames born about 1933
TudorLevi Pborn about 1887
TudorMalinda born about 1932
TudorMarie born about 1899
TudorMary Iborn about 1926
TudorRobert Lborn about 1909
TudorRobert Wborn about 1939
TudorWilbert Jborn about 1914
TurnerAllen born about 1880
TurnerAnnie born about 1880
TurnerBenny Earlborn about 1939
TurnerBessie born about 1900
TurnerBessie born about 1900
TurnerBetty Jborn about 1940
TurnerCarter born about 1906
TurnerCharles born about 1924
TurnerCharlie born about 1917
TurnerClara born about 1934
TurnerCleo born about 1895
TurnerCurtis born about 1939
TurnerDavid Bborn about 1927
TurnerDelbert born about 1929
TurnerEddie born about 1880
TurnerEdith born about 1916
TurnerEdmond born about 1890
TurnerElizabeth born about 1938
TurnerEmma born about 1916
TurnerEthel Mayborn about 1904
TurnerEtta born about 1884
TurnerFlossie born about 1926
TurnerGarner born about 1922
TurnerHanry born about 1915
TurnerJohn born about 1855
TurnerJohn born about 1890
TurnerJohn born about 1931
TurnerJohnson born about 1916
TurnerLewis born about 1900
TurnerLucille born about 1927
TurnerLucy born about 1867
TurnerLula born about 1895
TurnerMae Lillianborn about 1927
TurnerMandy born about 1882
TurnerMason born about 1936
TurnerMattie born about 1860
TurnerPearl born about 1895
TurnerPearlena born about 1891
TurnerPual Sborn about 1937
TurnerRaymond born about 1899
TurnerRey born about 1907
TurnerRichard born about 1873
TurnerRobert born about 1940
TurnerRonald born about 1909
TurnerRoy born about 1900
TurnerRussell born about 1938
TurnerRuth born about 1903
TurnerSavannah born about 1930
TurnerSidney born about 1910
TurnerT Jborn about 1929
TurnerW Bborn about 1876
TurnerWilliam born about 1886
TurnerWilliam born about 1922
TurnerWm born about 1869
TurpinBabara Lborn about 1937
TurpinBert Royborn about 1935
TurpinBettee Puceborn about 1937
TurpinCecil born about 1913
TurpinJosie Fborn about 1913
TurpinMattie born about 1935
TurpinMoss born about 1910
TurpinTalitha born about 1910
TurpinWanda Leeborn about 1940
TusseyAgnes Rborn about 1934
TusseyAlvin born about 1911
TusseyAnna Mayborn about 1902
TusseyBoxley born about 1908
TusseyColeman born about 1920
TusseyDally born about 1868
TusseyDavid born about 1906
TusseyEarnest Cborn about 1898
TusseyEdgar born about 1918
TusseyEdith born about 1923
TusseyElmer born about 1923
TusseyEtta born about 1937
TusseyFlorence born about 1908
TusseyGarnett born about 1930
TusseyIona born about 1930
TusseyIva born about 1881
TusseyJames Aborn about 1929
TusseyJasper born about 1931
TusseyJoe born about 1887
TusseyLeslie Wborn about 1923
TusseyLida Maeborn about 1927
TusseyLouise born about 1893
TusseyLucy born about 1889
TusseyMat born about 1874
TusseyMorgan born about 1926
TusseyMyrtle born about 1916
TusseyStella born about 1911
TusseyThomas born about 1889
TusseyTo Cborn about 1921
TwineAnnie Bborn about 1927
TwineCleo born about 1904
TwineCurrlean born about 1908
TwineElla Jborn about 1930
TwineGladys born about 1932
TwineMattie Cborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodGertrude born about 1892
UnderwoodJames born about 1885

V Surnames

VanarsdaleClift born about 1868
VaughnAnnie Mayborn about 1919
VaughnGeneva born about 1933
VaughnGeorgia born about 1902
VaughnGeorgia born about 1926
VaughnLouise born about 1921
VaughnMary born about 1930
VaughnSyrtis born about 1904
VaughnThomas born about 1869
VaughnWilliam born about 1900
VernonBessie born about 1911
VernonGeorge Cborn about 1938
VickersClifford born about 1931
VickersJohn born about 1879
VickersMinerva born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerOllie born about 1901
WallaceEdna born about 1890
WallsJames born about 1912
WallsSusie born about 1912
WallsWalley born about 1921
WaltonBrillan born about 1933
WaltonElizabeth born about 1916
WaltonIva Deanborn about 1938
WaltonThomas born about 1914
WardBetty born about 1924
WardCarl born about 1921
WardJ Tborn about 1918
WardLewis born about 1906
WardMilton born about 1931
WardRebecca born about 1926
WardRobert born about 1894
WardSusie born about 1895
WardWilliam Nborn about 1934
WardWillie Mborn about 1910
WarmouthHenry Lborn about 1861
WarmouthKate born about 1895
WarmuthAnna Aborn about 1923
WarmuthBessie born about 1897
WarmuthBessie born about 1926
WarmuthCharles born about 1887
WarmuthClayton born about 1919
WarmuthIna Bborn about 1921
WarmuthJames born about 1916
WarmuthJohn born about 1924
WarmuthLucien born about 1919
WarmuthMary Eborn about 1894
WarmuthRobert born about 1889
WarnerLewis born about 1910
WarnerMazena born about 1915
WarrenDarthmoth born about 1931
WarrenJoan born about 1936
WarrenJohn Jr born about 1904
WarrenMinnie born about 1906
WarrenOpal born about 1929
WarrenOrville born about 1923
WatsonCharles Rborn about 1877
WatsonEnda born about 1888
WatsonIda born about 1884
WatsonJames born about 1908
WatsonJoe born about 1930
WatsonRoy Rborn about 1908
WattsGeorge Vborn about 1886
WattsGeorge Jr born about 1901
WattsMarion born about 1897
WebbDaisy born about 1878
WebbEdgar born about 1878
WebbGilbert born about 1863
WebbLuther born about 1919
WellsAlbert born about 1932
WellsAurila born about 1900
WellsBeckham born about 1904
WellsBertha born about 1904
WellsI Nborn about 1863
WheelerAlma Cborn about 1905
WheelerAnita born about 1939
WheelerJane born about 1936
WheelerSamuel Cborn about 1905
WhickerDock born about 1887
WhickerIna born about 1916
WhickerIrvine born about 1918
WhickerPansy born about 1891
WhickerRobert born about 1911
WhitakerBetty Sueborn about 1939
WhitakerC Wborn about 1895
WhitakerFranklin born about 1925
WhitakerHenly born about 1881
WhitakerJamie born about 1918
WhitakerMabel born about 1900
WhitakerMildred born about 1931
WhitakerNeale Bborn about 1921
WhitakerNellie born about 1914
WhitakerNelson born about 1927
WhitakerRobert born about 1932
WhitakerRussell born about 1910
WhitakerStanley Bborn about 1940
WhiteAnna Lborn about 1921
WhiteDaisy born about 1890
WhiteEdna born about 1933
WhiteEdwina born about 1905
WhiteElizabeth born about 1898
WhiteFile born about 1898
WhiteHazel born about 1916
WhiteJerre born about 1913
WhiteJohn born about 1873
WhiteLeigh born about 1881
WhiteLizzie born about 1888
WhiteMartha born about 1883
WhiteMary born about 1846
WhiteMattie born about 1876
WhiteNora born about 1892
WhiteStewart born about 1888
WhitemoreAlice born about 1887
WhitemoreBaley born about 1932
WhitemoreFrancis born about 1934
WhitemoreHarold born about 1926
WhitemoreHarrison born about 1926
WhitemoreRuth born about 1929
WhitemoreWilliam born about 1886
WhitlockAlice born about 1860
WhitlockCharles Bborn about 1920
WhitlockFred Wborn about 1926
WhitlockGene born about 1919
WhitlockHelen born about 1925
WhitlockJo Marieborn about 1932
WhitlockJohn born about 1893
WhitlockJosie born about 1858
WhitlockMabel born about 1898
WhitlockMargie born about 1876
WhitlockMinnie born about 1902
WhitlockOrrin born about 1922
WhitlockPete born about 1900
WhitlockThelma born about 1912
WhitlockZeda born about 1907
WhittakerBernice born about 1917
WhittakerBeulah born about 1910
WhittakerBuford born about 1918
WhittakerBuford Jr born about 1938
WhittakerCarnell born about 1933
WhittakerCecil born about 1905
WhittakerClyde born about 1913
WhittakerDean born about 1918
WhittakerDock born about 1894
WhittakerDorothy born about 1914
WhittakerElla born about 1873
WhittakerEugene born about 1936
WhittakerFreda born about 1906
WhittakerGarnett born about 1909
WhittakerGene born about 1936
WhittakerGeneva born about 1922
WhittakerGeorge Mborn about 1911
WhittakerGilbert born about 1921
WhittakerHallie born about 1914
WhittakerHarold born about 1916
WhittakerHazel born about 1922
WhittakerHenderson born about 1896
WhittakerHenderson Jr born about 1925
WhittakerJ Bborn about 1924
WhittakerJames born about 1917
WhittakerJoan born about 1936
WhittakerKatherine born about 1920
WhittakerLemuel born about 1876
WhittakerLeona born about 1926
WhittakerLinda born about 1899
WhittakerLucille born about 1914
WhittakerLutler born about 1910
WhittakerMarie born about 1922
WhittakerMary born about 1924
WhittakerMattie born about 1877
WhittakerMerle born about 1929
WhittakerMildred born about 1930
WhittakerNathinal born about 1878
WhittakerNellie born about 1898
WhittakerOra Nayborn about 1934
WhittakerOwen born about 1927
WhittakerPendlton born about 1877
WhittakerRay born about 1935
WhittakerReva born about 1923
WhittakerSallie born about 1939
WhittakerStanley born about 1926
WhittakerSusie born about 1886
WillesMatthew born about 1920
WillesRichard born about 1916
WillesT Kborn about 1918
WillesWilliam born about 1889
WilliamsAllford born about 1892
WilliamsBurchel born about 1860
WilliamsCharles born about 1882
WilliamsElsie born about 1900
WilliamsMcgrath born about 1856
WilliamsNanie born about 1899
WilliamsSam Pborn about 1922
WillisCelia born about 1886
WillisGrant born about 1867
WillisIda born about 1906
WillisMat born about 1888
WillisNancy born about 1937
WilsonAron born about 1908
WilsonHume Wborn about 1911
WilsonJ Aborn about 1890
WilsonLucille born about 1921
WilsonMargie Jborn about 1934
WilsonMarie Wborn about 1915
WilsonMontie born about 1921
WilsonStanley born about 1917
WilsonWanda born about 1936
WilsonWoodroe born about 1924
WinstedAnna Belleborn about 1904
WinstedBillie born about 1932
WinstedEarl born about 1923
WinstedJuanita born about 1925
WinstedWillie born about 1901
WoodMargaret born about 1921
WoodRichard Leeborn about 1935
WoodWalter born about 1903
WoodsBessie born about 1919
WoodsJ Mborn about 1919
WoodsRobert Haroldborn about 1939
WrenA Aborn about 1866
WrenRasa born about 1872
WylieAngie born about 1888
WylieIda Cborn about 1926
WylieScotty born about 1924
WylieStaley born about 1918
WylieWaleta born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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