1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Albany, Clinton, Kentucky

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Kentucky > Clinton County > 1940 Census of North Albany

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AmonettBenton born about 1891
AmonettMartha Jborn about 1898

B Surnames

BoardDella born about 1923
BookerElma born about 1891
BookerElsie born about 1924
BookerMartin Lborn about 1882
BookerMildred born about 1919
BookerPorter born about 1883
BookerRoxie born about 1926
BookerToy born about 1922
BranhamBarnett Rborn about 1877
BranhamBarney Dborn about 1926
BranhamBeatrice born about 1925
BranhamDavid Lborn about 1930
BranhamDella Aborn about 1904
BranhamElizabeth Fborn about 1906
BranhamGeorge Lborn about 1904
BranhamLaurence Bborn about 1934
BranhamLula Cborn about 1920
BranhamMurkel Eborn about 1922
BranhamSallie Gborn about 1933
BranhamSarah Eborn about 1882
BranhamVirginia Rborn about 1930
BranhamWillie born about 1900
BraswellArnold Jborn about 1938
BraswellCharlie born about 1928
BraswellDelmer born about 1931
BraswellJohn born about 1922
BraswellLuther born about 1896
BraswellOrval born about 1926
BraswellPerry Aborn about 1919
BraswellRoxie Eborn about 1897
BruchettDana born about 1906
BruchettDiana born about 1930
BruchettInfant born about 1940
BruchettPeary born about 1908
BruchettSallie Aborn about 1939
BruchettUldean born about 1928
BruchettWilliam Iborn about 1937
BurchettAnna Wborn about 1921
BurchettCosby Eborn about 1880
BurchettFrank Aborn about 1883
BurchettFredric Bborn about 1923
BurchettJohn Bborn about 1917
BurchettLambert Fborn about 1925
BurchettLula Aborn about 1895
BurchettPearl born about 1933
BurchettWilladean born about 1932
ByrdDovie Cborn about 1916
ByrdElvin born about 1916
ByrdWilliam born about 1939

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C Surnames

CannonCharlie Nborn about 1883
CannonLula born about 1885
CarterAnna Sborn about 1935
CarterEaster born about 1890
CarterGlenn born about 1931
CarterMary Eborn about 1865
CarterVock born about 1921
CatronAbbie Jborn about 1868
CatronDoshia Dborn about 1900
CatronJerry born about 1873
CatronOtha Bborn about 1902
CavyJames born about 1923
CookseyJames Pborn about 1939
CookseyMildred born about 1919
CookseyWillard born about 1916
CraftAlice born about 1876
CraftBeulah born about 1917
CraftEugunia born about 1936
CraftWilliam Cborn about 1860
CraftWilliam Fborn about 1907
CrawfordGodert born about 1900
CrawfordLola Mborn about 1931
CrawfordPearl born about 1899
CrossJanice Eborn about 1916
CrossRobert Eborn about 1916

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D Surnames

DaltonEmma born about 1905
DaltonErman born about 1917
DaltonErman Lborn about 1929
DaltonGlenn Hborn about 1930
DaltonHaskell born about 1904
DaltonIsac born about 1939
DaltonIsac Pborn about 1933
DaltonLena Mborn about 1925
DaltonLewis born about 1916
DaltonNannie Lborn about 1936
DaltonOtha Fborn about 1923
DaltonOwal born about 1934
DaltonPearl born about 1912
DaltonRay born about 1911
DaltonWilliam Hborn about 1928
DaltonWilma born about 1927
DanialCecil born about 1928
DanialElizabeth born about 1897
DanialHomer Jborn about 1925
DanialJohn born about 1888
DyerNorman Fborn about 1913
DyerSallie Mborn about 1908

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E Surnames

EpleyEvans born about 1908
EpleyReba Lborn about 1914
EwingAllie Aborn about 1909
EwingJohn Bborn about 1902
EwingMargaret born about 1932

F Surnames

FairchildLetha born about 1919
FairchildRobert Dborn about 1939
FelkinsJoe Dborn about 1936
FelkinsLucille born about 1917
FelkinsMary Eborn about 1938
FelkinsWillie Sborn about 1912
FlowersAleen born about 1928
FlowersAlva born about 1924
FlowersBryson born about 1898
FlowersCarl born about 1932
FlowersDan born about 1937
FlowersEvlyn born about 1932
FlowersGladys born about 1904
FlowersIrene born about 1925
FlowersLora born about 1923
FlowersSam born about 1924
FlowersSherman born about 1891
FlowersVictoia born about 1891
FlowersWillie born about 1920

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G Surnames

GarmerEdna born about 1901
GarmerGoldia born about 1929
GarmerPerry born about 1926
GriderArlee born about 1909
GriderDolly born about 1918
GriderEdgar Lborn about 1931
GriderEleanor born about 1937
GriderFrank born about 1902
GriderFrank Dborn about 1933
GriderJames born about 1939
GriderJerone Sborn about 1938
GriderJohn Gborn about 1930
GriderMattie Lborn about 1935
GriffinCharles Jr born about 1937
GriffinCharlie Mborn about 1909
GriffinJames Aborn about 1935
GriffinLeah Aborn about 1918
GuffeyDella born about 1891
GuffeyJessie Lborn about 1915
GuffeyJohn Pborn about 1914
GuffeyJohn Wborn about 1881
GuffeyLexie Dborn about 1911
GuffeyWanda Jborn about 1938
GuthrieBilly Rborn about 1938
GuthrieEdgar Lborn about 1925
GuthrieGeorgia Lborn about 1908
GuthrieNoah Fborn about 1906
GuthrieRaymond born about 1931
GwinnAllie Mborn about 1881
GwinnGeorge Aborn about 1869

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H Surnames

HancockBertha Jborn about 1939
HancockEdyth born about 1916
HancockJames Hborn about 1913
HancockJoyce Lborn about 1935
HancockVirginia Rborn about 1937
HarlonAda Eborn about 1886
HarlonEdna Aborn about 1912
HarlonElsie born about 1926
HarlonJohn Tborn about 1883
HarlonMary Dborn about 1912
HarlonNora Mborn about 1922
HarlonWalter born about 1907
HarrisFloyd born about 1916
HindsArthur Aborn about 1919
HindsJames Hborn about 1888
HindsLeona born about 1889
HootsAnna born about 1914
HootsRonnel Hborn about 1911
HopkinsHerbert Lborn about 1893
HopkinsSara Eborn about 1933
HuffDelmer born about 1899
HuffGayron born about 1923
HuffJohn Cborn about 1912
HuffLewis Cborn about 1874
HuffLillian Pborn about 1900
HysoEvadean born about 1931
HysoHubert born about 1897
HysoMary Oborn about 1911

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J Surnames

JarvisEdgar Lborn about 1912
JarvisGennivive born about 1932
JarvisGlenn Hborn about 1934
JarvisHoward born about 1924
JarvisJames Gborn about 1896
JarvisJames Hborn about 1930
JarvisJesse Eborn about 1927
JarvisL Otisborn about 1922
JarvisLola Vborn about 1901
JarvisLoretta Aborn about 1872
JarvisM Joyceborn about 1938
JarvisMary Eborn about 1926
JarvisSarah Aborn about 1938
JarvisSarah Nborn about 1913
JarvisSherrod Lborn about 1875
JollyBetty born about 1938
JollyBilly born about 1938
JollyGeraldine born about 1925
JollyGwinn born about 1927
JollyHarold born about 1935
JollyHugh born about 1935
JollyMock born about 1900
JollyNannie Eborn about 1906
JonesDois Jborn about 1935
JonesDonald Rborn about 1921
JonesDora Mborn about 1897
JonesEverette Cborn about 1892
JonesIvan born about 1931
JonesJosephine born about 1923
JonesPauline born about 1925
JonesRonnel born about 1929

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L Surnames

LathamBetty Sborn about 1938
LathamSam Lborn about 1936
LeeBerty born about 1932
LeeEdna Iborn about 1899
LeeJohn Wborn about 1921
LeeLillie born about 1904
LeeMattie Jborn about 1913
LeeRuth Ellenborn about 1864
LeeWesely Eborn about 1890
LoharnJohn born about 1890

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M Surnames

MassingaleDelmer born about 1915
MassingalePauline born about 1920
MathewsDora Lborn about 1938
MathewsFred born about 1913
MathewsMarion Pborn about 1939
MathewsRuby Eborn about 1920
MillerEdgar born about 1916
MillerHester Aborn about 1900
MillerMartin Jborn about 1881

N Surnames

NorrisHazel born about 1939
NorrisHurley Aborn about 1879
NorrisJoe Bborn about 1913
NorrisMildred born about 1920

O Surnames

OwensNorine Tborn about 1924
OwensOva Eborn about 1903
OwensWillie Sborn about 1926

P Surnames

PerdueJohn Hborn about 1935
PhillipsWalter born about 1887
PickinsBobby Jborn about 1936
PickinsBruce Nborn about 1934
PickinsEdwin Jborn about 1907
PickinsEffie Gborn about 1911
PickinsJackie born about 1939
PierceHomer Gborn about 1926
PierceJ Henryborn about 1899
PierceJenny Mborn about 1901
PierceWilliam Hborn about 1933
PryorErman Vborn about 1916
PryorHomer born about 1906
PryorInez Sborn about 1933
PryorLizzie Dborn about 1936
PryorWilliam Cborn about 1939

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R Surnames

ReaderJohn Gborn about 1899
ReaderJulia Bborn about 1903
ReaderMartha Eborn about 1938
ReaderMary Mborn about 1925
ReaderMyrtle Cborn about 1927
ReaderWillie Aborn about 1932
RiddleAllie Mborn about 1920
RiddleGordon Rborn about 1938
RiddleJesse born about 1919
RiddleLeslie born about 1915
RiddleMada born about 1923
RiddleRalph Fborn about 1940
RobertsElizabeth Iborn about 1932
RobertsElla Mborn about 1908
RobertsEster Mborn about 1888
RobertsEthel Fborn about 1927
RobertsJames Eborn about 1937
RobertsWilliam Jborn about 1930

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S Surnames

ShoopmanAudry born about 1927
ShoopmanEula Mborn about 1929
ShoopmanFred born about 1924
ShoopmanLinnie born about 1905
ShoopmanRobert born about 1939
ShoopmanSam born about 1887
SmithBillie born about 1937
SmithBucker born about 1926
SmithCarson Cborn about 1918
SmithEdd Gborn about 1913
SmithEulis born about 1908
SmithExie Aborn about 1924
SmithFlora Gborn about 1914
SmithFrank born about 1911
SmithFred born about 1922
SmithGeorge Rborn about 1936
SmithJohn Wborn about 1909
SmithLeonard Rborn about 1932
SmithLola Jborn about 1939
SmithLucy Eborn about 1928
SmithMarie Hborn about 1921
SmithMinnie born about 1889
SmithMinnie Eborn about 1895
SmithNita Eborn about 1909
SmithRobert Lborn about 1873
SmithRuby Aborn about 1926
SmithTroy Eborn about 1935
SmithVester Nborn about 1922
SmithVinnie born about 1910
SmithWilliam born about 1916
SmithWillie Hborn about 1893
SmithWilma Oborn about 1938
SmithZola Jborn about 1933
SmithersCharlie born about 1892
SmithersDella born about 1909
StaileyEtter Mborn about 1932
StocktonClaris Pborn about 1919
StocktonColumbus born about 1925
StocktonDorothy born about 1921
StocktonHalton born about 1929
StocktonJames Eborn about 1915
StocktonJohn Aborn about 1907
StocktonMollie born about 1885

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T Surnames

ThrasherBilly Gborn about 1933
ThrasherBobby Wborn about 1934
ThrasherEdgar born about 1908
ThrasherEdwin born about 1918
ThrasherEva born about 1918
ThrasherMary Rborn about 1939
ThrasherOren Dborn about 1915
ThrasherOtha Eborn about 1937
ThrasherReba born about 1919
ThrasherRuby Aborn about 1918
TompsonBill born about 1921
TompsonCalvin born about 1891
TompsonFrank Eborn about 1932
TompsonJames Rborn about 1923
TompsonJohn Rborn about 1928
TompsonLena Mborn about 1930
TompsonLouise born about 1924
TompsonNancy born about 1894
TompsonOpal born about 1917
TuggleIra Wborn about 1939
TuggleJames Oborn about 1910
TuggleMildred born about 1921

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U Surnames

UpchurchClarence born about 1925
UpchurchKnox Aborn about 1916
UpchurchMary Eborn about 1928
UpchurchObie Cborn about 1892
UpchurchVelma Iborn about 1897
UpchurchWendell born about 1916

W Surnames

WheelerJoel Ehborn about 1885
WheelerRosetta born about 1895
WrightAnna Mborn about 1937
WrightBertha born about 1915
WrightBertha Eborn about 1910
WrightBetty Lborn about 1937
WrightCharlie Rborn about 1917
WrightElizabeth born about 1929
WrightFlora Mborn about 1911
WrightFredric Kborn about 1940
WrightIda Jborn about 1934
WrightJoe Dborn about 1939
WrightMary Dborn about 1934
WrightMary Eborn about 1937
WrightMollie Lborn about 1914
WrightOda Sborn about 1913
WrightPearl Sborn about 1939
WrightVergil Mborn about 1905

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